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This first edition was written for Lua 5.0.

While still largely relevant for later versions, there are

some differences.
The fourth edition
targets Lua 5.3 and is available at Amazon and other bookstores.
By buying the book, you also help to support the Lua project.

Programming in Lua
Part I. The Language
Chapter 5. Functions

5.1 – Multiple Results

An unconventional, but quite convenient feature of Lua
is that functions may
return multiple results.
Several predefined functions in Lua return multiple
An example is the string.find function,
which locates a pattern in a
It returns two indices:
the index of the character where the pattern
match starts
and the one where it ends (or nil if it cannot find the pattern).
multiple assignment allows the program to get both results:

s, e = string.find("hello Lua users", "Lua")

print(s, e) --> 7 9

Functions written in Lua also can return multiple results,

by listing them all
after the return keyword.
For instance, a function to find the maximum
element in an array
can return both the maximum value and its location:

function maximum (a)

local mi = 1 -- maximum index

local m = a[mi] -- maximum value

for i,val in ipairs(a) do

if val > m then

mi = i

m = val



return m, mi


print(maximum({8,10,23,12,5})) --> 23 3

Lua always adjusts the number of results from a function to

the circumstances
of the call.
When we call a function as a statement,
Lua discards all of its
When we use a call as an expression,
Lua keeps only the first result.
We get all results
only when the call is the last (or the only) expression in
a list
of expressions.
These lists appear in four constructions in Lua:
assignment, arguments to function calls,
table constructors, and return
To illustrate all these uses,
we will assume the following
for the next examples:

function foo0 () end -- returns no results

function foo1 () return 'a' end -- returns 1 result

function foo2 () return 'a','b' end -- returns 2 results

In a multiple assignment, a function call as the last (or only)

produces as many results as needed to match the

x,y = foo2() -- x='a', y='b'

x = foo2() -- x='a', 'b' is discarded

x,y,z = 10,foo2() -- x=10, y='a', z='b'

If a function has no results, or not as many results as we need,

Lua produces

x,y = foo0() -- x=nil, y=nil

x,y = foo1() -- x='a', y=nil

x,y,z = foo2() -- x='a', y='b', z=nil

A function call that is not the last element in the list

always produces one

x,y = foo2(), 20 -- x='a', y=20

x,y = foo0(), 20, 30 -- x=nil, y=20, 30 is discarded

When a function call is the last (or the only) argument to another call,
results from the first call go as arguments.
We have seen examples of this
construction already,
with print:

print(foo0()) -->

print(foo1()) --> a

print(foo2()) --> a b

print(foo2(), 1) --> a 1

print(foo2() .. "x") --> ax (see below)

When the call to foo2 appears inside an expression,

Lua adjusts the number
of results to one;
so, in the last line, only the "a" is used in the concatenation.

The print function

may receive a variable number of arguments.
(In the next
section we will see how to write functions with
variable number of
If we write f(g())
and f has a fixed number of arguments,
adjusts the number of results of g to the number
of parameters of f,
as we saw

A constructor also collects all results from a call,

without any adjustments:

a = {foo0()} -- a = {} (an empty table)

a = {foo1()} -- a = {'a'}

a = {foo2()} -- a = {'a', 'b'}

As always, this behavior happens only when the call is

the last in the list;
otherwise, any call produces exactly one result:

a = {foo0(), foo2(), 4} -- a[1] = nil, a[2] = 'a', a[3] = 4

Finally, a statement like return f() returns all values

returned by f:

function foo (i)

if i == 0 then return foo0()

elseif i == 1 then return foo1()

elseif i == 2 then return foo2()



print(foo(1)) --> a

print(foo(2)) --> a b

print(foo(0)) -- (no results)

print(foo(3)) -- (no results)

You can force a call to return exactly one result by

enclosing it in an extra pair
of parentheses:

print((foo0())) --> nil

print((foo1())) --> a

print((foo2())) --> a

Beware that a return statement does not need parentheses around

returned value,
so any pair of parentheses placed there counts as an extra
That is,
a statement like return (f()) always returns one single value,
no matter how many values f returns.
Maybe this is what you want, maybe

A special function with multiple returns is unpack.

It receives an array
returns as results all elements from the array,
starting from index 1:

print(unpack{10,20,30}) --> 10 20 30

a,b = unpack{10,20,30} -- a=10, b=20, 30 is discarded

An important use for unpack is in a generic call mechanism.

A generic call
mechanism allows you to call any function,
with any arguments, dynamically.
In ANSI C, for instance, there is no way to do that.
You can declare a function
that receives a variable number of arguments (with stdarg.h)
and you can
call a variable function, using pointers to functions.
However, you cannot call
a function with a variable number of arguments:
Each call you write in C has
a fixed number of arguments
and each argument has a fixed type.
In Lua, if
you want to call a variable function f
with variable arguments in an array a,
you simply write

The call to unpack returns all values in a,

which become the arguments to f.
For instance, if we execute

f = string.find

a = {"hello", "ll"}

then the call f(unpack(a)) returns 3 and 4,

exactly the same as the static call
string.find("hello", "ll").

Although the predefined unpack is written in C,

we could write it also in Lua,
using recursion:

function unpack (t, i)

i = i or 1

if t[i] ~= nil then

return t[i], unpack(t, i + 1)



The first time we call it,

with a single argument, i gets 1.
Then the function
returns t[1]
followed by all results from unpack(t, 2),
which in turn returns
followed by all results from unpack(t, 3),
and so on, until the last non-
nil element.

Copyright © 2003–2004 Roberto Ierusalimschy. All rights reserved.

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