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Both the reading and the lecture discuss whether ________.

The Former argues that this practice is

disadvantageous for three reasons, but the lecture contradicts each of these points.
First of all, the author contends that _________________, thus ______. In contrast, the lecturer
argues that ____________________. He/she states that _________.
Second of all, the reading asserts that ________________. However, the professor rebuts that
_______. Furthermore, he argues that, _______.
Finally, the text claims that ____________, thus ____________. On the other hand, the listening
counters that ___________________. He/she says that____________.

Some people claim that _________ because _____________. In my opinion, I personally believe that
___________ for the following three reason.
First of all, ______________. For instance, _______________. (Explain why your example is helping
your opinion).
Secondly, ______________. For example, _______________. (Explain why your example is helping
your opinion).
Finally, ______________. For example, _______________. (Explain why your example is helping your
In conclusion, ___________ the above three reasons clearly (your opinion).

First of all, The Passage states that However, The Lecturer argues
Second of all The reading Asserts that In contrast The Lecture rebuts
Third, finally The Text claims On the Other hand, The Professor contends
Moreover The Author claims But The Listening counters
Furthermore The Reading passage Nevertheless
In addition, The Writer claims

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