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Things to consider before we start our day:

1) Task awareness – When you start your day make sure you are aware of the assigned
tasks for the day.

2) Creating checklist/defining priority – Make a checklist of all action items planned for
the day. Also, assign priority so that you can get started with priority items.

3) Setting target – Once you are aware of the planned tasks, set a target which can be
achieved by EOD.

4) Time allocation – Roughly do a time allocation for each of your tasks and ensure it can
be completed within your working day so you don’t need to stretch your day. Low priority
tasks can be carried forward and completed on the next working day.

5) Work Timings – Demands on the strict work timings are changing these days, and what
is mostly required these days is flexibility. Sometimes you may be required to attend calls
with your client or onsite team at nights. It doesn’t always have to be that you need to be in
the office from 9 to 5. It is important that you adjust your work timings according to the
needs of the project.

If you are required to work later in the night, you can start your day late. But make sure your
work timings are communicated in the team. Even if you are away for few hours, that should
be informed.

Tester’s Day

● Most of the testers just do what they are asked to. Hence, we will wait for their test
leads to assign task to them.
● It’s always good to have a word with the team lead on the assigned task to make
sure that both are on the same page.
● So start the day by discussing the tasks and if you
● It is also important to raise concern if during the day you come across any obstacles
and it needs immediate attention. Such matters should be discussed and sorted out
at the earliest.
● The testers should be flexible. There can be instances where during the test case
review, the testers have to present their test cases. For important test reviews, it may
be the case that testers need to stay back after office hours.
● Before they end their day, a tester should ensure assigned tasks for the day are
completed. There can be instances where not every assigned task can be
completed on the same day, in such situation it is better to just drop a note or
discuss and update the test lead about the progress.
● Nothing holds value if not reported on time and with proper data. A tester has to
ensure before they wind up their day, they should send a complete status report on
the assigned tasks. They can include details on other challenges faced or details on
any pending work in the same email. This depends on the project protocol also.
Many projects require tracker updates and many require data to be sent via emails.

Challenges Faced By Testers

Problem #1 – Tester reaches office before the test lead, but need to wait to start the work
as there is no task assigned.

Solution: If for some reason the test lead is not available when testers reach the office, it
becomes the responsibility of the test lead to either call-up and inform testers about their
task or email the prior night on allocated tasks for the team. If test lead is on a planned
leave, the task allocation should be taken care by the replacement, but in no way, the tester
should be made to wait without knowing what they are expected to do.

Problem #2 – The Tester approaches test lead for technical assistance but he/she is not
able to help.

Solution: Good Test leads should always have functional knowledge of the application
since they should be able to help each of their team members. It may be possible that the
lead may not be able to answer immediately but it’s his\her responsibility to clarify tester’s
problem within a couple of hours. If testers aren’t happy with the test lead’s response, they
should discuss it with him/her or on a frequent note, approach their managers and discuss
the problem.

Problem #3 – Too much work assignment to one tester and lack of opportunity to the other.

Solution: This is a very common problem where test lead ends up assigning all high visible
tasks to few key resources and other team members don’t get any opportunity. If the team
ever faces such issue on lack of opportunity, they should first discuss the problem with the
lead and if the lead is not able to solve the problem, they should approach the next level
manager. A team should run in an equal opportunity manner.
What is the daily work of a automation tester like?
1. Get the requirements from team leader - manual tester
2. Write code/scripts to automate the flows/scenarios.
3. Go and take a cup of coffee.
4. Run them and while it is executing in the second monitor, take a deep nap.
5. Obviously it will fail and then debug.
6. Add waits wherever necessary.
7. Still failing.
8. Go and play ping pong or carom board.
9. Put a Thread.Sleep for a maximum value.
10. Now it gets passed.
11. Check in the code and raise the pull request for code/test review.
12. Close the ticket or move it to "Ready for Review" status.
13. Go for lunch.
14. Start automate the next flow.
15. Go and take a cup of coffee.
16. In between, during code review, they will find out that you have used a
constant Thread.Sleep and it will be in your review comments.
17. Work on that and use some dynamic waits.
18. Again send it for review and resume the next workflow.
19. If needed, do some changes/maintenance in the automation framework.
20. Once you are done with development of bunch of workflows, integrate it
with any Continuous integration system and run it from there.

21. Update the status and produce the test report it in your daily status

What do software testers do on a daily basis? What tools do they use? What is the typical work
day of a software quality analyst? - Quora

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