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This work is set to discuss and agree with the notion that says "Rehearsals in Theater
Performance could be linked to a Construction site".


Rehearsal is the quality time that is spent in practicing a play, dance or a piece of music before
presenting it to the audience. In Theatre Performance rehearsal means the preparation made
by the crew and cast groups, through repetition and constant practice of a drama or play, for a
successful performance on its presentation. Just like in "The Construction Site" There is a
process in which rehearsals is carried out, these process is non as the "Rehearsals Process".

A rehearsal process, particularly in theatre, can be wonderful, terrifying, challenging, highly

emotional, unbelievably funny and can push us way out of our comfort zones.


There are different types of rehearsals that the director arrange in his schedule.

1. Reading rehearsals: Once the play is casted the first rehearsal session is usually the script
reading. All actors will read out their lines aloud and the whole team goes through the
manuscript from page one to the last.

2. Blocking (Movement): Directors will then work with actors to identify the ‘actor’s blocking’ or
actor’s movements on stage at different scenes as it is in the play and how he sees fit.

3.Technical Rehearsal: Rehearsal moves into the performance space and technical aspects
(lighting, sound, etc.) are added. Often the technical crew will have an opportunity to work
through cues, scene changes, etc. before the performers are added

4.Dress Rehearsals: Actors will rehearse in their full costume, which includes make-up. This is as
close as possible to the actual performance.

5. Run-Through Rehearsal: This rehearsal is carried out un- interrupted from the beginning of
the play to the very end with all technical aspects of the play it is carried out probably a day
before the production.

The director arranges the Run-Through Rehearsals to see if the play is ready to be produce.


A construction site refers to land where all physical construction activities related to a proposed
structure take place. Many people typically use the term building site is to refer to a
construction site. However, the term building site refers to a site where only housing projects
occur, whereas a construction site is an umbrella term for all kinds of construction.

The landscape properties such as soil and vegetation are modified to provide a suitable
environment for professionals to continue their fieldwork. A piece of land turns to a
construction site when land is handed over to a contractor to commence construction works.

A construction site does not imply radical changes in a built-in environment. Even small
projects with minimal changes qualify as construction sites. Construction sites need to comply
with the relevant building regulations as these regulations govern the extent of a construction

Just like the Theatre Rehearsals The construction site goes through a series of preparations to
ready the construction which is the main aim of the construction site.


1. Planning: The planning phase is one of the most important aspect of construction, The
planning team outlines the objectives and goals of the project. Decisions made at this stage
include how large the building will be, how much space will be used, and how many rooms will
be needed.

2. The Pre-Construction: At this stage, a project team prepares the construction site before the
work begins. The site must be ready for construction, which might mean dealing with
environmental issues, such as soil testing. When the site examination is complete, all plans and
findings will be reviewed by the city authorities.

Once the strategic plan has been created, and the budget, design, and timeline are finalized,
the project team begins to gather the labor and resources required for construction.

3. The Procurement phase: During this phase, the project team orders, purchases, or rents all
the materials, tools, and services necessary to complete the project.

This stage of the construction project can be more or less challenging depending on the scope
of the project, the resources availability, and the start date.

4.This is the project execution phase where all the planning will pay off. Before any construction
begins, the project manager, design, and engineering teams have already put a lot of effort to
make a project successful.

5. The Post-Construction: This is the last step in the long process of designing and completing a
construction project. Now that all the work on the job site has been completed, the project will
come to a close.

Although they both (Rehearsals in Theatre Performance and Construction site) go through
different ways of preparations, the aim is to have a unified whole.

They are both structured in a way.

They both has an individual who guides and direct activities. The director for Theatre
Rehearsals and The constructor for Construction site.

They both require so much commitment concentration.

I have come to the conclusion that even though Rehearsals in Theatre Performance and
Construction site are from different field they can surely be linked.

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