Seun Can't Sleep

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Seun Can’t Sleep

By: Dabi Ojuri

“Hello Mommy” said Seun, as he walked into the kitchen where his Mom was
“Good afternoon Seun,” greeted his mother, “ How was school today?”
“It was good,” he answered.
“Now go wash your hands and do your homework,” his Mother ordered.
Seun went upstairs , washed his hands and sat down to start his homework.

At 6:00, His mother called him down for dinner.

“ Seun, come down and eat” she called.
“I’m coming Mommy,” Seun answered.
After finishing his meal of rice and beans, Seun went to the living room to go watch his
favorite cartoon on the television.
“ Seun, it’s time to go to bed,” his mother told him at 7:00.
“Mommy, please give me 10 more minutes, the show is almost done” he pleaded.
Mrs. Sarimal stated, “You have till 7:30 Seun and you better be in bed before Daddy
comes home.”
“Yes, Mommy and thank you” Seun agreed distractedly.

At the time Daddy came home, Seun was still watching TV. His Mom had gone to
take her bath and she wasn’t happy when she saw Seun still in the living room. Because
his bedtime was 8:00. Thankfully, his dad wanted to watch TV, so he allowed Seun to
stay and eat some chips he had bought for him. At 9:44, Daddy turned off the television
and tucked Seun into bed.
“Goodnight Seun,” he said
“Goodnight Daddy” Seun replied.

When Daddy left, Seun couldn’t fall asleep. He tossed and turned all over the bed. He
didn’t feel sleepy and tomorrow was a school day. He quietly put on his slippers and
headed to his parents’ room.
“Mommy, I can’t go to sleep” he called.
His Mother woke up and sat Seun on her lap and said “ Seun that is what happens when
you stay up past your bedtime which is 8:00.”
Seun whispered, ”But I am not sleepy.”
“It is because you ate chips before going to bed,” she replied, “Now go I will let you
sleep with me tonight, but you will go back to your room tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Mommy.” Suen said and slept in the bed.
The next day, which was Tuesday, despite his Mothers warning, Seun went to bed at
8:00, but started playing video games later. So, in the morning his eyes were red and
“Seun what happened to your eyes?” his Dad asked at breakfast.
“Some dust just got in it” Seun replied sheepishly.
“Okay,” Mr. Sarimal nodded, “ the school bus is here, Bye.”
“Bye” he replied.

On Wednesday, he snuck up some sweets and got a headache. Seun couldn’t sleep
until 2:00 am and he still woke up at 6:00 am.
“Seun wake up,” his Mom shouted, “ It is almost time for school.”
“Okay Mommy,” groaned Seun. He dragged himself out of bed and went to take a bath.

When Thursday came, Seun drank Milo(Hot chocolate) then went to bed. Like
yesterday, he couldn’t sleep. He was awake till 2:41 am. When he was packing his bag,
Seun almost forgot his homework.
“Seun!” his Mother yelled, as he was about to walk into the bus, “You forgot your
Seun, embarrassed, ran back to the house and said, “Thank you Mommy.”

On Friday, the worst came. Seun watched football with his Dad till 10:00 while eating
pizza. He couldn’t sleep till 4:00 am. At 12:27 pm, his parents were wondering where he
was. His mom went to check on him and found Seun still in bed.
“My son,” his mother exclaimed, “ What has happened to you?”
Seun slowly opened his eyes and lazily replied, “ Mommy, I haven’t been going to bed
early this week.”
“Meet Daddy and I in the living room, okay?” she stated
“Yes” Seun agreed.

In the living room, when the whole family was seated, they started the conversation.
“Seun, is it true you have not been getting to bed early?” his father asked.
“Yes Daddy,” he replied.
“Well, what have you been doing and eating after dinner?” his Mrs. Sarimal
“I played games and sweets and Milo.” Seun answered.
His dad noted, “ Seun, you have been suffering from lack of sleep.”
“Sleep is especially important for the body,” Mrs. Sarimal added, “ It gives us energy for
the day.”
“It also helps us concentrate better in school,” his daddy stated, “Without sleep, we will
die in 10 days.”
“So, I need sleep for school and energy, right?” Seun confirmed.
“Yes, so will you always go to bed at the right time?” agreed his Mother.
“Yes, I will Mommy,” Seun replied grinning.
“Good boy,” said his dad.
 Sleep is very important for thebody.
 It provides more energy than food.
 It helps us concentrate more in class.

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