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Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542

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Emergy synthesis of a combined food and energy production system compared to

a conventional wheat (Triticum aestivum) production system
Bhim Bahadur Ghaley ∗ , John Roy Porter
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Højbakkegård Allé 30, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is a major challenge to produce food and energy sustainably for the ever increasing world popula-
Received 26 December 2011 tion as today’s conventional food production and energy needs are met by the fossil based resources,
Received in revised form 8 August 2012 causing enormous environmental load. A novel, combined food and energy (CFE) agro-ecosystem, was
Accepted 9 August 2012
designed for sustainable production of food, fodder and energy without chemical inputs (fertiliser, herbi-
cide and fungicide). The objective was an emergy synthesis of the CFE system compared to a conventional
wheat (Triticum aestivum) production system to assess resource use efficiency. The emergy indices, used
Solar transformity
to assess the environmental performance and sustainability, exhibited contrasting differences between
Environmental loading ratio
Emergy yield ratio
the two production systems in terms of outputs (Y), total emergy use, solar transformity, relative use
Total emergy use of local renewable resources, environmental loading ratio (ELR), emergy yield ratio (EYR) and emergy
Biomass sustainability index (ESI). The Y in the CFE consisted of grain, straw, fodder and woodchip production
Emergy indices of 4020, 3580, 6100 and 10,000 kg/ha/yr respectively whereas Y in the conventional wheat consisted of
7250 and 3770 kg grain and straw/ha/yr respectively. The Y in the CFE was 81% (2.80E+11 J/ha/yr) higher
with 13.5 times (6.40E+03 seJ/J) lower solar transformity compared to the Y (1.54E+11 J/ha/yr) and solar
transformity (8.63E+04 seJ/J) in the conventional wheat, exhibiting highly resource intensive production
in conventional wheat. The local renewables constituted 19.2% and 2.6% of the total emergy input in the
CFE and the conventional wheat respectively with a corresponding lower ELR (4.21) and 22.5% higher EYR
(1.26) in CFE compared to conventional wheat. CFE was more reliant on local renewable emergy flows
and compatible with the local environment with higher ESI (0.30) compared to conventional wheat
(0.03), where 64.5% of the total emergy input constituted chemical inputs. The study demonstrated that
the innovative agro-ecosystem, exemplified by CFE, is considerably less resource demanding and more
amenable to sustainable production, whether defined in terms of outputs, solar transformity, relative use
of local renewable resources, EYR, ELR or ESI.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction development (Rydberg and Haden, 2006). With agro-ecosystems

practised over 37% of the earth’s surface (Porter et al., 2009), it
Humans depend on the fossil based resources for production is also the single biggest contributor to the worsening environ-
of food, feed and energy (Porter et al., 2009). However, the differ- mental impacts both by the natural land converted to food and
ent natural and human ‘engineered’ ecosystems, augmented with fodder production and the practice of conventional farming. Tra-
fossil based resources, has resulted in accelerating pressure on the ditionally, agricultural research focussed on increasing crop yields
ecosystems with adverse environmental impacts due to massive and enhancing the economic efficiency of different production sys-
use of fossil based inputs (Odum and Odum, 2000), reducing the tems, which helped in boosting the production and bringing down
capacity of the ecosystems for provision of food, feed and energy the price of food (Rydberg and Haden, 2006). However, the ecolog-
(MEA, 2005; UKNEA, 2011). The worsening states of many ecosys- ical costs are not sufficiently been taken into account, which have
tems have awakened the realization to the grave consequences a significant bearing on the long-term sustainability of agriculture.
for continued sustenance of food and energy production, neces- Hence, there is a need for more integrated accounting procedures
sitating a renewed perspective towards a sustainable trajectory of to account for both economic and ecological costs in evaluating
production systems, to provide a balanced view on the compar-
ative resource use. In this context, emergy synthesis (Brown and
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 35 33 35 70; fax: +45 35 33 34 88. Ulgiati, 2004; Odum, 1988, 1996) is an accounting tool which takes
E-mail address: (B.B. Ghaley). into account both the environment and the economic inputs into

1470-160X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542 535

a production system, based on the principles of thermodynamics. For the emergy synthesis of the conventional wheat produc-
This tool has been widely used to analyze agro-ecosystems and tion system, 11.1 ha of wheat field (same acreage as CFE system)
energy production options under different contexts (Buonocore was identified at the same experimental site in Taastrup in 2011
et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2006; Coppola et al., 2009; Franzese et al., and demarcated as the trial site. The conventional wheat field was
2009; Häyhä et al., 2011; Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003; Li et al., 2011; located adjacent to the CFE and the field was cropped with win-
Lu and Campbell, 2009; Marchettini et al., 2003; Ulgiati et al., ter wheat and conventional practice of fertiliser, herbicide and
2011a,b). pesticide inputs (Table 1) were applied according to the standard
With the world population increasing at 57 million per year (UN, practice in Denmark and the site had been cultivated with annual
2012), increasing food and energy production without deteriorat- grain crops for the last 15–20 years.
ing the health of the ecosystems, is a major challenge. There is an
increasing lobby not only to produce food and fodder sustainably 2.2. Emergy defined
but also to integrate bio-energy production on-farm to mitigate
the adverse effects of fossil based resources on the environment. Emergy is the sum total of energy used up in the creation of
With EU target to produce 25% of total biofuel consumption in a certain service or product and is sometimes referred as ‘energy
2030 from the existing 2% (EC, 2011), integrated agro-ecosystems memory’ of a product and hence the emergy value of a product
for co-production of food and energy need to be designed. Given is the energy used up in the creation of the product (Brown and
this challenge, a novel combined food and energy agro-ecosystem Ulgiati, 1999; Odum, 1996). Production in ecosystems and eco-
(CFE) was designed for sustainable production of food, fodder and nomic systems requires inputs of different types like sunlight, fuel,
energy on-farm without chemical inputs of fertiliser, herbicide and machinery, human labour and economic services, etc. and all the
fungicide, on an experimental basis in Denmark. Given the poten- inputs can be converted into a common unit of solar emjoules or
tial of the CFE system, there is a need to assess the sustainability of solar equivalent joules (seJ) (Brown et al., 2004; Hau and Bakshi,
the production system compared to a conventional wheat produc- 2004; Odum and Odum, 2003). Emergy analysis is a valuation
tion with chemical inputs. Hence, the objective of the study was tool, which takes into account the inputs from the nature and the
an emergy synthesis of the CFE system designed for production of economy on an equal footing using emergy as a common basis of
food, fodder and energy needs to assess the resource use efficiency measure (Costanza, 2000; Odum and Odum, 2000). A higher emergy
compared to a conventional wheat (Triticum aestivum) production value is associated with greater use of energy, materials and time in
system in Denmark. its creation or alternatively, if more energy is dissipated in its cre-
ation, higher is a product’s emergy value (Brown and Ulgiati, 1999,
2010; Odum, 1996; Chen et al., 2006). Emergy synthesis provides
2. Materials and methods an integrated evaluation of resource use efficiency in a produc-
tion activity or process and the extent of emergy use from external
2.1. Description of combined food and energy (CFE) and sources and the environmental loading accruing due to the pro-
conventional wheat production system cess in question (Jorgensen et al., 2004; Odum et al., 2000b; Odum,
The CFE site is located at the experimental farm in Taastrup
(55◦ 40 N, 12◦ 18 E) under Department of Plant and Environmental 2.3. Emergy synthesis
Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
The trial site was established in 1995 and located at 130 m above For emergy synthesis, the system boundary is defined to assess
sea level. The CFE system consists of 10.1 ha of barley (Hordeum the inputs and outputs of the system under study. The inputs and
vulgare), wheat and clover/ryegrass sward (fodder) and ca. 1 ha outputs crossing the boundary of analysis were inventoried. Inputs
of biofuels (biomass belts) consisting of four belts of short rota- were classified as local renewables (R), local non-renewables (N)
tion woody crops (SRWC) (Fig. 1). Each biomass belt is 11 m wide and purchased (F) and the sum total of R + N + F = U is total emergy
and consists of 5 double rows of SRWC. Of 5 double rows, 3 mid- use of the production system. We defined local renewables as
dle double rows consist of three willow clones (one double row those inputs which can be replaced at a faster rate than its use.
each) of (Salix viminalis (L.) “Jor”, Salix dasycladus Wimmer and Local renewable inputs consisted of sun, wind and rain and local
Salix triandra × cinerea (L.) bordered by one double row of com- non-renewables consisted of topsoil loss and purchased resources
mon hazel (Corylus avellana (L.) on one side and one double row consisted of machinery, fertiliser, labour, fuel, seed input, herbi-
of alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner) on the other side. Alder cide, fungicide, services, etc. (Tables 1 and 2; Appendices A and
fixes nitrogen and the common hazel is attractive to predatory B). Labour input constituted the different costs from land prepa-
insects. The trees were planted at within-row spacing of 0.5 m ration to harvest and service input comprised the total input cost
and between-row spacing of 0.7 m. Each double row is 1.3 m apart, for buying the purchased resources (input items 5–13 in Table 1
with a planting density of 20,000 trees/ha. The biomass belts were and 5–9 in Table 2) except labour to avoid double counting. The
established at varying distances of 50, 100 and 200 m to assess different units given in joules, grams and dollars, depending on the
the spatial effects of distance. The biomass belts are harvested and nature of inputs, were then multiplied by the solar transformity
chipped every 4 years and the woodchips taken to a nearby heat coefficients to transform the diversity of inputs into emergy units
and power station for the production of heat and electricity. The (seJ) (Tables 1 and 2). The solar transformity values are based on
food and fodder crops grown between the biomass belts are har- the updated global emergy flow of 15.83E24 seJ/yr. For compari-
vested annually. The crop rotation is one field of barley under-sown son with other production systems, seJ/ha/yr (Tables 1 and 2) is
with clover/ryegrass, two fields of clover/ryegrass and one field of reported. The inputs consisted of both economic and natural inputs
wheat, thus constituting the acreage division of the CFE system as for production on-farm including harvesting but do not include the
45:45:10 (fodder:food:tree biomass). The CFE system has been in resources for transport.
such rotations since 2000; previously oats and fodder beets were
produced from 1995 to 2000. The CFE system is managed organ- 2.4. Emergy indices
ically, without the use of fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides and
with the nutrient sources mainly derived from biological nitrogen Emergy indices can be used to compare different systems
fixation and the application of animal manure. in terms of ecological and economic efficiencies as indices of
536 B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542

Table 1
Emergy inputs of local renewable (R), local non-renewable and purchased (F) resources and outputs in the conventional wheat production system during the year 2011, at
the experimental site located in Taastrup in Denmark.

Input category Inputs Units Inputs Emergy per unit Emergy Emergy %

Local renewable (R) unit seJ/unit seJ/ha/yr

1 Sunlight J/yr 2.90E+13 1.00E+00 2.61E+12 0.0
2 Wind J/yr 5.01E+10 2.45E+03 1.11E+13 0.1
3 Rain J/yr 1.26E+10 3.02E+04 3.43E+14 2.6

Total local renewable 3.43E+14

Local non-renewable (N)
4 Top soil loss J/yr 4.97E+09 1.24E+05 5.55E+13 0.4

Total local non-renewable 5.55E+13

Purchased (F)
5 Diesel J/yr 3.13E+10 1.11E+05 3.13E+14 2.4
6 Machinery g/yr 1.03E+05 1.12E+10 1.04E+14 0.8
7 Seeds g/yr 1.89E+06 1.20E+09 2.04E+14 1.5
8 Herbicide g/yr 1.11E+04 2.52E+10 2.52E+13 0.2
9 Fungicide g/yr 4.44E+03 2.52E+10 1.01E+13 0.1
10 Nitrogen g/yr 2.11E+06 4.05E+10 7.70E+15 57.8
11 Phosphorus g/yr 2.22E+05 3.70E+10 7.40E+14 5.6
12 Potassium g/yr 6.66E+05 1.85E+09 1.11E+14 0.8
13 Manure g/yr 4.88E+05 2.13E+08 9.36E+12 0.1
14 Labour $/yr 3.12E+03 3.12E+12 8.77E+14 6.6
15 Services $/yr 1.00E+04 3.12E+12 2.82E+15 21.2

Total purchased 1.29E+16

Total emergy use (U) 1.33E+16

Outputs (Y)
16 Wheat (grain) kg/yr 8.05E+04 1.84E+12 7250 kg/ha
J/yr 1.13E+12 1.32E+05 1.02E+11 J/ha
17 Wheat (Straw) kg/yr 4.18E+04 3.53E+12 3770 kg/ha
J/yr 5.86E+11 2.52E+05 5.28E+10 J/ha

Details on inputs/yr for 11.1 ha (column 4) are provided in Appendix A (Table 1 calculations). Transformity values are based on updated global emergy value of 15.83 E24 seJ/yr.
Transformity for each row were gleaned from different sources: row 1, 2, and 3 (Odum, 1996; Odum et al., 2000a); row 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Brandt-Williams, 2002); row
7 (Coppola et al., 2009); row 13 (Bastianoni et al., 2001); row 14, 15 (Franzese et al., 2009) row 17 energy content (Coppola et al., 2009).

Table 2
Emergy inputs of local renewable (R), local non-renewable and purchased (F) resources and outputs in the combined food and energy system during the year 2011, at the
experimental site in Taastrup in Denmark.

Input category Inputs Units Inputs Emergy per unit Emergy Emergy %

Local renewable (R) unit seJ/unit seJ/ha/yr

1 Sunlight J/yr 2.90E+13 1.00E+00 2.61E+12 0.1
2 Wind J/yr 5.01E+10 2.45E+03 1.11E+13 0.6
3 Rain J/yr 1.26E+10 3.02E+04 3.43E+14 19.2

Total local renewable 3.43E+14

Local non-renewable (N)
4 Top soil loss J/yr 2.45E+09 1.24E+05 3.00E+13 1.7

Total local non-renewable 3.00E+13

Purchased (F)
5 Diesel J/yr 1.69E+10 1.11E+05 1.69E+14 9.4
6 Machinery g/yr 3.40E+04 1.12E+10 3.43E+13 1.9
7 biomass belt planting material J/yr 3.92E+08 1.58E+04 6.19E+12 0.3
8 Seeds g/yr 9.09E+05 1.45E+09 1.31E+14 7.3
9 Manure g/yr 2.22E+05 2.13E+08 4.26E+12 0.2
10 Labour $/yr 1.04E+03 3.12E+12 2.92E+14 16.3
11 Services $/yr 2.78E+03 3.12E+12 7.80E+14 43.6

Total purchased 1.42E+15

Total emergy use (U) 1.79E+15

Outputs (Y)
12 Wheat/barley kg/yr 2.03E+04 4.45E+11 4.02E+03 kg/ha
(grain) J/yr 2.84E+11 3.18E+04 5.62E+10 J/ha
13 Wheat/barley kg/yr 1.81E+04 5.00E+11 3.58E+03 kg/ha
(Straw) J/yr 2.53E+11 3.57E+04 5.01E+10 J/ha
14 Fodder kg/yr 3.08E+04 2.93E+11 6.10E+03 kg/ha
J/yr 1.18E+11 7.68E+04 2.33E+10 J/ha
15 Woodchip yield kg/yr 1.00E+04 1.79E+11 1.00E+04 kg/ha
J/yr 1.50E+11 1.19E+04 1.50E+11 J/ha

Details on inputs/yr for 11.1 ha (column 4) are provided in Appendix A (Table 2 calculations). Transformity values are based on updated global emergy value of 15.83 E24 seJ/yr.
Transformity for each row were gleaned from different sources: row 1, 2, and 3 (Odum, 1996; Odum et al., 2000a); row 4, 5, 6 (Brandt-Williams, 2002); row 7, 10, 11 (Franzese
et al., 2009); row 8 (Coppola et al., 2009); row 9 (Bastianoni et al., 2001); row 12, 13 energy content (Coppola et al., 2009); row 14, 15 energy content (Haden, 2003).
B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542 537

Fig. 1. Field layout of the combined food and energy production system (CFE) located in Taastrup in Denmark.

sustainability (Brown and Buranakarn, 2003; Chen et al., 2009, is calculated as U/F (Table 3) and is defined as the total emergy
2006). Emergy-based indices calculated in this study are: output input per purchased resources and indicates the efficiency of the
(Y), total emergy use (U), solar transformity (U/Y), fraction of local system in using the purchased inputs and its contribution to the
renewable resource use, emergy yield ratio (EYR), environmental wider economy. The value of EYR can be one or higher; higher EYR
loading ratio (ELR), and emergy sustainability index (ESI). indicates higher yields per purchased inputs and is beneficial for the
The output (Y) of the production system is the sum of harvests wider economy whereas low EYR indicates inefficiency. The envi-
(Table 3) in kg and joules, derived by adding up total yields from the ronmental loading ratio [(F + N)]/R) (Table 3) is the ratio of sum of
harvested produce. Solar transformity, calculated as U/Y (Table 3), purchased and local non-renewables to local renewable inputs in
is defined as the ratio between the total emergy inputs used in a production process. Higher ELR values indicate higher environ-
the creation of a product and the energy available in the product, mental stress and lower sustainability in the production process.
expressed as solar emjoules per joule (seJ/J) (Brown and Ulgiati, The emergy sustainability index (EYR/ELR) (Table 3) is an integrated
2004; Cavalett et al., 2006). Solar transformity provides a mea- measure of economic and ecological sustainability of a production
sure of energy quality and as more energy transformations are process or activity (Brown and Ulgiati, 1997). Higher ESI values
required for a product’s formation, higher is a product’s energy indicates more compatible production process in the long-run.
quality (Jorgensen et al., 2004; Rydberg and Haden, 2006). Solar
transformation coefficients have been worked out for a wide range 3. Results
of natural and economic inputs, which is used for conversion of
material and human labour inputs into a common seJ unit (Brown 3.1. Renewable resources
et al., 2004; Odum, 1988). Total emergy use (U) (Tables 1 and 2)
is the sum total of local renewables, local non-renewables and the The rain input of 3.43E+14 seJ/ha/yr (Table 1) constituted the
purchased inputs in a production system. A common criterion of bulk of the renewable emergy flow and was considered as the total
sustainability is a high level of local renewable resource usage. climatological renewable flows (sunlight, wind and rain emergy)
The higher use of local renewable inputs indicates that a system into the system (Tables 1 and 2). As the sunlight, wind and rain
is locally based with less strain on local non-renewables and pur- are co-products of coupled processes (Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003);
chased resources external to the system and vice versa. The fraction only the highest emergy flow was taken into account as the renew-
of local renewables is calculated as R/[(R + N + F)]. Emergy yield ratio able resource input to avoid double counting (Cavalett et al., 2006).
In our study, CFE and the conventional wheat trial plots had same
Table 3 acreage and located in the same experimental farm and hence the
Comparative emergy indices for conventional wheat and the combined food and input of renewable emergy (rain emergy) was similar for both pro-
energy production system in Taastrup in Denmark. duction systems. However, due to the differences in total emergy
Emergy indices Parameters Wheat CFE input in the two production systems, the rain emergy constituted
only 2.6% (Table 1) of the total emergy input in conventional wheat
Output (J/ha/yr) Y 1.54E+11 2.80E+11
Solar transformity (seJ/J) U/Y 8.63E+04 6.40E+03
whereas in CFE, rain emergy constituted 19.2% (Table 2) of the total
Emergy yield ratio (EYR) U/F 1.03 1.26 emergy input, indicating that the rain emergy flow is of significant
Environmental loading ratio (ELR) (F + N)/R 37.77 4.21 importance, providing almost one-fifth of the total emergy input
Emergy sustainability index (ESI) EYR/ELR 0.03 0.30 for production of food, fodder and energy in the CFE.
538 B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542

3.2. Non-renewable resources input per unit of output (J) produced compared to CFE system of
Soil erosion was taken as the non-renewable resource because The CFE system of production had lower ELR (4.21) compared
the quantity of soil lost during the annual cropping cycles cannot to 9 times higher ELR (37.77) in conventional wheat (Table 3).
be renewed within a cultivation year and has a turnover period of EYR in CFE was significantly higher by 22.5% (1.26) compared to
decades before the soil is replaced. The soil erosion rate depends on conventional wheat (1.03) which demonstrated that CFE sys-
the type of vegetation cover and its effects on mitigating soil ero- tem had higher net contribution to the economy beyond its
sion. Higher erosion rates are prevalent in annual row crops like own operations compared to conventional wheat. ESI in CFE
conventional wheat production systems, in which repeated field (0.30) was 10 times higher compared to conventional wheat
operations and soil exposure makes it conducive for erosion to (0.03) (Table 3) indicating that CFE system was more ecolog-
take place in comparison to the CFE system where integration of ically and economically compatible compared to conventional
annual crops, trees and clover/ryegrass ley provides better ground wheat.
cover and need for relatively few field operations, reducing the soil
exposure for erosion to take place. Hence, emergy input due to
soil erosion in the conventional wheat was higher (4.97E+09 J/yr) 4. Discussion
(Table 1) compared to CFE (2.45E+09 J/yr) (Table 2) which trans-
lated into 85% higher emergy input of 5.55E+13 seJ/ha/yr (Table 1) 4.1. Comparison of the conventional wheat and CFE production
in the conventional wheat compared to 3.00E+13 seJ/ha/yr in CFE system
(Table 2). Less erosion rates in CFE is attributed to clover/ryegrass
ley component covering 45% of the field and 10% coverage with CFE system is a self-sustaining system with synergistic effects
biomass belts. The soil erosion in the biomass belts were con- of one component (crop, fodder and biofuel) supporting other
sidered negligible due to dense vegetative cover and a thick components in the production system. Cereal components were
layer of detritus formed by the shedded leaves, covering the soil under-sown with nitrogen-fixing clover/ryegrass mixture and the
surface. cereal components benefited from wider nutrient depletion zone
available due to clover fixing its own requirement of nitrogen as
high as 57 kg nitrogen/ha (own calculations). On removal of the
3.3. Purchased resources cereal components, clover/rye component was beneficial in terms
of covering the soil surface, reducing the soil erosion, adding sub-
Of the total emergy input, purchased resources consti- stantial amounts of organic matter due to shedding of leaves and
tuted the bulk of the emergy input in conventional wheat exploiting the available residual nitrogen in the soil, which if not
(1.29E+16 seJ/ha/yr) (Table 1) and CFE (1.42E+15 seJ/ha/yr) taken up, can be lost beyond the reach of roots. The alder trees in
(Table 2) systems equivalent to 97% and 79% of the total the biomass belts fixed 152 kg nitrogen/ha (own calculations) and
emergy input respectively. In CFE, service emergy input supplemented nitrogen requirement of other tree components in
(7.80E+14 seJ/ha/yr) was the highest constituting 43.6% of the the biomass belts (willow and hazelnut trees) and hazelnut pro-
total emergy input followed by labour (16.3%), diesel (9.4%) and vided refuge to the predatory insects, an ecosystem service required
seed (7.3%) (Table 2) inputs, whereas in conventional wheat, nitro- to regulate the pest population in the cereal production system.
gen (7.70E+15 seJ/ha/yr) was the highest emergy input equivalent Hence, there was a ‘complementarity’ of synergistic effects of one
to 57.8% of the total emergy input followed by services (21.2%), component on other components and vice versa in contrast to con-
labour (6.6%) and phosphorus (5.6%) inputs (Table 1). The chemical ventional wheat, where such mechanisms did not exist and the
inputs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilisers, herbicide nutrient needs and crop output was dependent on the external
and fungicide constituted 64.5% of the total emergy input in the inputs of fertilisers and herbicides, a major share of the emergy
conventional wheat, demonstrating the extent of dependence on costs in production.
non-renewable resources. In the CFE system, the production risks were negligible due to
less dependence on the external inputs in contrast to conventional
3.4. Emergy indices for evaluation of agro-ecosystems wheat, where the risks were high due to dependence on the exter-
nal inputs, exposing the farmers to the fluctuation in market prices
The emergy indices, used for sustainability evaluation, exhib- of purchased resources. The CFE system of production can be com-
ited contrasting differences between the two production systems pared to the agro-forestry system practised by an indigenous tribe
in terms of U, Y, solar transformity, ELR, EYR and ESI. In conven- (Lancandon Maya) from Chiapas in Mexico (Diemont et al., 2006;
tional wheat, U was 7.4 times higher (1.33E+16 seJ/ha/yr) than Martin et al., 2006), where natural succession of crop, shrubs and
in CFE system (1.79E+15 seJ/ha/yr) (Tables 1 and 2) indicating trees were effectively utilised to regenerate soil fertility for pro-
intensive resource use in conventional wheat. The CFE Y was 81% duction of multiple food crops. The agro-forestry system did not
(2.80E+11 J/ha/yr) higher with 13.5 times (6.40E+03 seJ/J) lower use any external inputs like fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides and
solar transformity compared to the Y (1.54E+11 J/ha/yr) and solar the practice has been maintained for centuries by the indigenous
transformity (8.63E+04 seJ/J) in the conventional wheat, exhibit- community. Similarly, an alley cropping system with lupin/wheat
ing high resource use efficiency in CFE (Table 3). The Y from CFE rotation between the trees in Australia (Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003),
constituted multiple yield components of grain, straw, fodder and was found to be more efficient in utilisation of renewable resources
woodchip production of 4020, 3580, 6100 and 10,000 kg/ha/yr for production of crops compared to only lupin/wheat rotation
respectively (Table 2) whereas Y components in the conventional without trees. The co-production of multiple outputs, exemplified
wheat consisted of 7250 kg grain and 3770 kg straw/ha/yr (Table 1). by CFE are reported to be more efficient with less environmental
The solar transformity for component outputs from conventional load compared to independent production of outputs (Bastianoni
wheat was one-order higher (Table 1) compared to CFE (Table 2). and Marchettini, 2000). This demonstrated that use of natural eco-
The lower solar transformity in CFE is both due to multiple output logical processes to maintain natural complexity by combining
products and non-use of chemical inputs of fertilisers, herbicide and annual crops with semi-perennials and perennials can effectively
pesticide. Hence, U, Y and solar transformity values demonstrated decrease the need for external inputs for sustainable production of
that the conventional wheat production required more emergy food, fodder and energy.
B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542 539

4.2. Significance of fertiliser inputs and its emergy contribution can increase the outputs and enhance the sustainability of the CFE
Denmark stands at 20th position of the 138 countries using max-
imum quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertiliser/ha 4.4. Solar transformity
of crop land, with mean fertiliser use of 159.9 kg nutrients/ha of
arable land (FAOStat, 2007). In Denmark, nitrogen, phosphorus Solar transformity in terms of emergy required to produce 1 J
and potassium fertiliser use in wheat is 150:17:40 kg nutrients/ha of output was 13.5 times higher in conventional wheat which
and the total consumption in wheat production is estimated at demonstrated that the production system was less efficient and
95,000:10,000:25,000 tons respectively (FAOStat, 2007), indicating used more emergy input per J of output produced compared
the extent of dependence on fertilisers for wheat production. The to CFE. The solar transformity reported in our study in the
trend was reflected in our emergy synthesis of conventional wheat conventional wheat was similar to another conventional wheat
production, where nitrogen input was the highest emergy cost con- production study in Denmark (Coppola et al., 2009). However,
stituting 57.8% (Table 1) of the total emergy input. The trend was solar transformity was lower for Danish agricultural crops for
in similarity to emergy synthesis of conventional corn production the year 1936 (2.88E+04 seJ/J) and 1999 (3.40E+04 seJ/J) (Haden,
in Kansas in USA, in which 47% of the purchased inputs constituted 2003) and the increasing trend of solar transformity values from
emergy attributed to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers (Martin 1936 to 1999 to 2011 indicated the increasing input for pro-
et al., 2006) and emergy synthesis of annual lupin/wheat rota- duction of agricultural produce. Our findings corresponded well
tion in Australia, in which 46% of the purchased inputs (Lefroy and with emergy synthesis of three cropping systems in Australia
Rydberg, 2003) constituted phosphorus fertiliser. Emergy synthe- (Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003), in which solar transformity was
sis of conventional wheat crop production, conducted in Risø in lower in alley cropping (9.27E+4 seJ/J) compared to conventional
Denmark (Coppola et al., 2009), reported more than 50% of the lupin/wheat rotation (11.70E+4 seJ/kg). Hence, solar transformity
emergy flow from purchased non-renewable fossil based fertilisers, values indicated the efficiency of the production system under
which supported our findings. investigation.
As nutrients are one of the main limiting factors for crop pro-
duction, the intensive use of fertilisers have created dependence 4.5. Emergy yield ratio (EYR)
on non-renewable resources increasing the ELR and decreasing the
ESI as reflected in our conventional wheat production system. The Renewable resources like sun, wind and rainfall are distributed
non-use of fertiliser inputs in CFE decreased ELR and increased over large areas and have low energy quality. Hence, high qual-
ESI demonstrating that the CFE system was more amenable to the ity emergy inputs are imported into the agricultural production
local environment and used higher percentage of local renewable system to concentrate low quality energy into crop outputs. CFE
resources. The reduction of fertiliser inputs can be achieved by exhibited higher (EYR = 1.26) ability to exploit local resources per
CFE-like system or by enhancing the fertiliser use efficiency by unit of imported (non-local) resources compared to the conven-
exploiting the genetic differences in cultivars in nutrient uptake tional wheat production system (1.03). In conformity to our results,
and by matching the fertiliser application with crop demand. Apart EYR reported for Danish agricultural system in the year 1936, 1970
from the on-site benefits of reduction of fertiliser inputs, off- and 1999 were 1.14, 1.08 and 1.17 respectively (Haden, 2003). The
site benefits can be reaped due to reduced fertiliser loss to the higher EYR value of CFE was a clear indicator of its net contribution
surrounding environment reducing contamination of our natural to the wider economy compared to the conventional wheat pro-
resources. duction system (Odum, 1996). Lower EYR of conventional wheat
is similar to the traditional energy analyses in agricultural produc-
4.3. Renewable fraction in CFE and conventional wheat tion system. However, the basis for energy and emergy synthesis
are very different because emergy synthesis is based on conversion
The two production systems provided a stark example of differ- of all inputs into a common unit of seJ, whereas energy analysis is
ences in use of natural processes and the purchased resources to performed by dividing the total energy output by energy input of
produce outputs. With both systems of production located in the purchased resources (Franzese et al., 2009). In similarity to emergy
same experimental farm, the quantity of local renewable resources synthesis, energy analysis has demonstrated that the net bene-
received by both the systems were the same and the fraction of fits from agro-ecosystems have decreased on shifting from bullock
local renewable resource use was a function of the extent of local driven to mechanised agriculture due to high energy input and low
non-renewables and purchased resources used. The high percent- energy efficiency in today’s industrial agriculture (Diemont et al.,
age of local renewable fraction (19.2%) in CFE (Table 2) and alley 2006).
cropping (30%) (Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003) indicated that CFE was
more dependent on the ecological processes of natural diversity 4.6. Environmental loading ratio (ELR)
and used minimum purchased resources. Our findings were in line
with emergy synthesis of conventional corn and blackberry produc- The increase in quantity of purchased resources increases the
tion in USA and Lacandon polycultural rotation system in Mexico ELR due to its adverse effects on environment in terms of emergy
(Martin et al., 2006) where, local renewable fraction increased in use in extraction, processing and transport to the point of consump-
the order; conventional corn production (5%) < blackberry produc- tion. ELR values for Danish agriculture in 1936, 1970 and 1999 were
tion (31%) < Lacandon polycultural rotation (91%), which explicitly reported as 7.39, 13.13 and 9.67 respectively (Haden, 2003) and the
demonstrated that local renewable fraction decreased as we move lower values can be due to less use of emergy inputs in those years
away from the natural diversity. As the agro-ecosystems shift to and/or because the values reported were average for the whole
monoculture systems to produce high yields, additional fertiliser agricultural system in Denmark. In line with our findings, emergy
inputs are required to meet the increasing crop demands for nutri- evaluation of the conventional corn production system in Australia
ents, drawing heavily on the non-renewable resources, typical of reported ELR values of 18.83 whereas the less intensive blackberry
our conventional wheat production system. Although cereal yields production had ELR values of 2.23 (Martin et al., 2006). In similar-
were lower in CFE, proportionately less inputs were used and use ity, CFE system of production had lower environmental loading as
of cultivars with high production potential, adapted to the lower indicated by low ELR due to less purchased resources. Hence, CFE-
fertility levels with high nutrient uptake and utilization efficiency, like agro-ecosystem which use minimum resources would help
540 B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542

maintain ecological integrity for sustainable production of food, Appendix A.

fodder and energy in the long run.
Table 1 Calculations
4.7. Emergy sustainability index 1. Solar energy
Area cultivated = 1.11E+04 m2
Insolation = 3.73E+09 J/m2 /yr (DMI, 2011)
In CFE, higher ESI (0.30) indicated higher ecological and Albedo = 0.3 (Haden, 2003)
economic sustainability of the production process relative to con- Solar energy = (land area) (insolation) (1-albedo)
ventional wheat (0.03). ESI values can range from 0 to ∞ and our (Brandt-Williams, 2002)
= 1.11E+04 m2 )(3.73E+09 J/m2 /yr) (1 − 0.3)
ESI values of less than one is characteristic of consumer products
= 2.90E+13 J/yr
(Brown and Ulgiati, 1997) in similarity to ESI value of 0.45 for corn
2. Wind energy
production in Italy (Ulgiati et al., 1993). In comparison to the ESI Area cultivated = 1.11E+04 m2
values reported for the Danish Agriculture for the year 1936, 1970 Density of wind = 1.3 kg/m3 (Coppola et al.,
and 1999 as 0.15, 0.08 and 0.12 respectively (Haden, 2003), the 2009)
Drag coefficient = 1.00E−03
ESI value for CFE was higher in contrast to conventional wheat.
Wind velocity = 4.80E+00 (DMI, 2011)
In similarity to our study, conventional corn production system
Wind energy = (land area) (density of wind) (drag
in USA reported ESI of 0.06 whilst the indigenous polyculture ESI coefficient) (wind velocity)3 × (time) (Odum
was 115.98 (Martin et al., 2006), much higher than ESI values for et al., 2000a)
CFE. Hence, ESI can be used as an indicator of the sustainability of = (1.11E+04 m2 )(1.3 kg/m3 ) (1.00E−03)
the agro-ecosystem, which can help in identifying agro-ecosystems (4.8E+00 m/s)3 (3.14E+7 s/yr)
= 5.01E+10 J/yr
which are less demanding on environment and largely dependent
3. Rain,
on the local renewable resource for production. evapotranspiration
Area cultivated = 1.11E+04 m2
5. Conclusions Precipitation average = 0.726 m/yr (record from weather station at
the experimental site)
Run-off coefficient = (1 − 0.683) (Hansen and Nielsen, 1995)
By assessing the inputs in the two production systems and Gibbs free energy = 4.94E+00 J/g
converting the inputs into a common currency of seJ, it was Conversion = 1.00E+06 g/m3
possible to compare the emergy inputs in the two production Rain energy = (land area) (precipitation average) (run-off
systems on an equal footing. Such comparisons are useful to coefficient) (Gibbs free energy)
(Brandt-Williams, 2002)
assess emergy intensive inputs to improve the resource use effi-
= (1.11E+04 m2 )(0.726 m/yr)(0.317)(4.94E+00 J/g)
ciency of the production systems. For example, nitrogen was the (1.00E+06)
highest emergy input in conventional wheat and strategies can = 1.26E+10 J/yr
be devised to reduce the nitrogen input by improving the use 4. Loss of topsoil in
efficiency by management and exploiting cultivar differences in conventional wheat
Area cultivated = 11.1E+00 ha
nutrient uptake. Similarly, service input was the highest emergy
Erosion rate in = 7.62E+05 g/ha/yr (Hansen and Nielsen, 1995)
input in the CFE and ways to reduce the service emergy can cereals/wheat
be investigated by combining more field operations and thereof % Organic matter in soil = 0.026 (Sibbesen, 1995; Schjønning, 1995)
reducing the machinery use. Based on the quantity of local Energy content/g = 5.40 kcal/g
renewables, local non-renewables and purchased resources in the
Energy content = 4186 J/kcal
two production systems, purchased resources (chemical inputs) Energy of top soil loss = (farmed area) (erosion rate)(% organic in
formed the bulk of the emergy input in conventional wheat. soil)(5.40 kcal/g)(4186 J/kcal)
As chemical inputs are non-renewables and emergy intensive, = (11.1E+00 ha) (7.62E+05 g/ha/yr)
they deplete the finite environmental resources available. Hence, (0.026)(5.40 kcal/g)(4186 J/kcal)
= 4.97E+09 J/yr
there is a need for alternative production method like CFE. As
5. Diesel
CFE is characterised by relatively high fraction of local renew- Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
able resource use, such agro-ecosystems can be potential way Quantity = 76.39 l/ha = 6.49E+04 g/ha/yr (record from
forward for sustained production of food, fodder and energy but trial site)
the adoption would hinge upon economic viability and favourable Energy content = 4.34E+04 J/g
Energy = (area cultivated) (quantity) (energy content)
agriculture policies to encourage environment-friendly farming
= (11.1 ha) (6.49E+04 g/ha/y) (4.34E+04 J/g)
practices. = 3.13E+10 J/yr
6. Machinery
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
Quantity = 9.31E+03 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
The financial support provided by the project ‘Fuel for Life’ = (11.1 ha) (9.31E+03 g/ha/yr)
for collection of data in the combined food and energy pro- = 1.03E+05 g/yr
duction and in the conventional wheat production trial site is 7. Seeds
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
highly appreciated. The help of Mr. Manuel Montesino San Martin,
Quantity = 1.70E+05 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
for incorporating some reviewer comments, is highly appreci- Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
ated. The support provided by Mr. Anders Kristian Nørgaard, = (11.1 ha) (1.70E+05 g/ha/yr)
Research Technician, in providing information on the differ- = 1.89E+06 g/yr
ent inputs used at the trial sites were extremely useful. We 8. Herbicide
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
like to thank the manuscript reviewers for the detailed com-
Quantity = 1.00E+03 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
ments and their suggestions for improvements, which constituted Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
a significant input for improving the scientific content of the = (11.1 ha) (1.00E+03 g/h/y)
paper. = 1.11E+04 g/yr
B.B. Ghaley, J.R. Porter / Ecological Indicators 24 (2013) 534–542 541

9. Fungicide 5. Diesel
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
Quantity = 4.00E+02 g/ha/yr (record from trial site) Quantity = 41.15 l/ha = 3.50E+04 g/ha/y (record from trial
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity) site)
= (11.1 ha) (4.00E+02 g/ha/y) Energy content = 4.34E+04 J/g
= 4.44E+03 g/yr Energy = (area cultivated) (quantity) (energy content)
10. Nitrogen = (11.1 ha)(3.50E+04 g/ha/y) (4.34E+04 J/g)
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha = 1.69E+10 J/yr
Quantity = 1.90E+05 g/ha/y (record from trial site) 6. Machinery
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity) Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
= (11.1 ha) (1.90E+05 g/ha/yr) Quantity = 3.06E+03 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
= 2.11E+06 g/yr Total cost = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
11. Phosphorus = (11.1 ha) (3.06E+03 g/ha/yr)
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha = 3.40E+04 g/yr
Quantity = 2.00E+04 g/ha/yr (record from trial site) 7. Biomass belt
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity) planting material
= (11.1 ha) (2.00E+04 g/ha/y) Area cultivated = 1 ha
= 2.22E+05 g/yr Wood equivalent = 3.92E+08 J (Franzese et al., 2009)
12. Potassium energy/ha
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha 8. Seeds
Quantity = 6.00E+04 g/ha/yr (record from trial site) Area cultivated = 10.1 ha
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity) Quantity = 9.00E+04 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
= (11.1 ha) (6.00E+04 g/ha/yr) Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
= 6.66E+05 g/yr = (10.1 ha) (9.00E+04 g/ha/yr)
13. Manure = 9.09E+05 g/yr
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha 9. Manure
Quantity = 4.40E+04 g/ha/yr (record from trial site) Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity) Quantity = 2.00E+04 g/ha/yr (record from trial site)
= (11.1 ha) 4.40E+04 g/ha/yr) Total use = (area cultivated) × (quantity)
= 4.88E+05 g/yr = (11.1 ha) (2.00E+04 g/ha/yr)
14. Labour = 2.22E+05 g/yr
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha 10. Labour
Cost = 281.3 $/ha/yr (cost of labour from land Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
preparation to harvest) Cost = 9.37E+01 $/ha/yr (cost of labour from land
Total use = (area cultivated) × (cost) preparation to harvest)
= (11.1 ha) (281.3 $/ha/yr) Total use = (area cultivated) × (cost)
= 3.12E+03 $/yr = (11.1 ha) (9.37E+01 $/ha/yr)
15. Services = 1.04E+03 $/yr
Area cultivated = 11.1 ha 11. Services
Cost = 9.04E+02 $/ha/yr (cost of inputs 5–13 in Area cultivated = 11.1 ha
Table 1) Cost = 2.50E+02 $/ha/yr (cost of inputs 5–9 in
Total cost = (area cultivated) × (cost) Table 2)
= (11.1 ha) (9.04E+02 $/ha/yr) Total cost = (area cultivated) × (cost)
= 1.00E+04 $/yr = (11.1 ha) (2.50E+02 $/ha/yr)
= 2.78E+03 $/yr

Appendix B.
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Energy content = 4186 J/kcal
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= (farmed area) (erosion rate)(% organic in Brown, M.T., Ulgiati, S., 2010. Updated evaluation of exergy and emergy driving the
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(0.026)(5.40 kcal/g)(4186 J/kcal) Brown, M.T., Odum, H.T., Jorgensen, S.E., 2004. Energy hierarchy and transformity
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(0.026)(5.40 kcal/g)(4186 J/kcal)
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= 1.85E+08 J/yr
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