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FT/SC/1019B 13/06/2019

FIRST TERM EXAM (2019-2020)

Subject: GENERAL SCIENCE Max. Marks: 80
Grade: X Time: 3 Hrs
Name: Section: Roll No:
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises of three sections – A, B and C. You are to attempt all the sections.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Internal choice is given in all three sections.
(iv) Question numbers 1-10 in Section- A are MCQs. Question numbers 11-20 are 1 mark questions.
They are to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
(v) Question numbers 21-30 in Section- B are 3 mark questions. They are to be answered in about 50
words each.
(vi) Question numbers 31-36 in Section- C are 5 mark questions. They are to be answered in about 70
words each.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The light sensitive cell present on retina and is sensitive to the intensity of light is:
a. Cones b. Rods
c. Both rods and cones d. Retinal ganglion cells
2. For the refraction of a ray of light through a glass prism, the path of a ray of light is shown below

The angle of incidence, the angle of emergence and the angle of deviation respectively have been
represented by
a. Y, N, Z b. X, Z, M
c. X, N, Z d. X, M, Z
3. In the given figure, MN represents the lateral displacement of a ray of light emerging out from a
rectangular glass slab of thickness AB. If the thickness of the glass slab is increased to AC, the

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lateral displacement will be

a. the same b. less than MN

c. more than MN d. zero as the ray emerges out
4. A student while heating solid lead nitrate taken in a test tube would observe

a. White residue of PbO b. Green residue of NO2

c. Yellow residue of PbO d. Brown residue of NO2
5. Which one of the following procedure is correct to detect the acidic nature of SO2 gas?
a. Insert wet red litmus paper in a gas jar filled b. Insert dry red litmus paper in a gas jar
with SO2 gas. filled with SO2 gas.
c. Insert wet blue litmus paper in a gas jar filled d. Insert dry blue litmus paper in a gas jar
with SO2 gas. filled with SO2 gas.
6. Choose a non-metal which is lustrous
a. Iodine b. Copper
c. Diamond d. Gold
7. Choose a metal that can be easily cut with a knife
a. Pb b. Ag
c. K d. Cu
8. In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside the body
and absorbed?
a. Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba b. Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
c. Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta d. Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm
9. Which of the following statements is correct about receptors?
a. Both gustatory and olfactory receptors detect b. Auditory receptors detect smell and
smell olfactory receptors detect taste
c. Auditory receptors detect smell and olfactory d. Gustatory receptors detect taste while

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receptors detect taste olfactory receptors detect smell
10. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true about heart?
(i) Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from different parts of body while right atrium receives
deoxygenated blood from lungs
(ii) Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different body parts while right ventricle pumps
deoxygenated blood to lungs
(iii) Left atrium transfers oxygenated blood to right ventricle which sends it to different body parts
(iv) Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body while left ventricle
pumps oxygenated blood to different parts of the body
a. (i) b. (ii)
c. (ii) and (iv) d. (i) and (iii)
VSA 1m
11. When will a ray of light pass from air into glass with no change in its path? 1
12. Why do stars twinkle at night? 1
Why are danger signal lights red in color?
13. The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut. State its reason. 1
14. An old person is unable to see clearly nearby objects as well as distant objects: 1
a) What defect of vision is he suffering from?
b) What kind of lens will be required to see nearby as well as far off objects clearly?
15. Give reason for the following 1
-School bells are made up of metals and not wood.
16. 1

Name the property of metals shown by the activity in the above figure.
17. A white powder used in white washing reacts vigorously with water. Write the chemical 1
equation involved.
Write two observations when you mix iron filings in copper sulphate solution?
18. What will happen to a plant if its xylem is removed? 1
19. Why do leaves of touch me not plant droop when we touch it? 1

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20. Mention any two points of difference between Pepsin and Trypsin. 1
Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this
plant remain healthy for long? Give two reasons for your answer.
21. The near point of a hypermetropic eye is at 75 cm from the eye. What is the power of the 3
lens required to enable him to read clearly a book held at 25 cm from the eye? What kind
of lens will be used to correct this defect of vision?
A student with defective eye-sight can see clearly nothing that is farther from his eye than
50 cm. What is the focal length and power of the correcting lens that will enable him to see
easily and clearly distant objects? What kind of lens will be used to correct this defect of
22. A student has three concave mirrors A, B and C of focal lengths 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm 3
respectively. For each concave mirror he performs the experiment of image formation for
three values of object distance of 30 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm. Giving reason answer the
a) For the three object distances, identify the mirror which will form an image equal in size
to that of object.
b) Out of the three mirrors, identify the mirror which would be preferred to be used for
shaving purpose
23. a) State Snell’s law of refraction 3
b) The refractive index of water is 4/3 and speed of light in air is 3x10 8 m/s. Find the speed of light
in water.
c) Name a liquid whose mass density is less than that of water but it is optically denser
than water.
24. Five solutions A, B, C, D and E when tested with universal indicator shows colour change 3
as green, red, purple, yellow and blue respectively. Which solution is
a) Strongly alkaline
b) Weakly alkaline
c) Weakly acidic
d) Neutral
Arrange the solutions in the decreasing order of hydrogen ion concentration.
Doctors to support fractured bones use a white colored powder.
a) Write the chemical name of this powder.
b) Why do they store it in airtight containers?
c) Write balanced chemical equation to support your answer in part b.
25. Explain the action of dilute hydrochloric acid on the following with chemical equation. 3
a) Zinc granules
b) Sodium hydroxide
c) Crushed egg shells
26. The following diagram displays a chemical reaction. Observe carefully and answer the 3
questions given below

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a) Identify the type of chemical reaction that will take place and state one observation you
make during the reaction.
b) Write the chemical equation of the reaction.
c) Mention one commercial use of this salt.
27. a) “The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process” 3
Justify this statement.
b) Why do the walls of trachea not collapse when there is less air in it?
c) How would the digestion of food be affected if the bile duct is completely blocked?
28. Write three types of blood vessels. Give one important feature of each. 3
29. What constitutes the central and peripheral nervous systems? How are the components of 3
central nervous system protected?
30.  Name the parts labelled A, B and C in the diagram given below. Write one function of 3
each part.

A man becomes unconscious due to head injury. A pin is pricked on his foot, he withdraws
his foot. Why? Explain.
31. A person uses convex lens spectacles. 5
a) What vision defect does he have?
b) What are the two causes of this defect in vision?

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c) Draw a ray diagram to show the correction of this defect with the lens.
32. a) What is the nature of the image formed by a concave mirror if the magnification 5
produced by the mirror is +3?
b) An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a concave mirror. The image formed is
real and four times larger than the object. Calculate the distance of the image from the
c) Name the type of mirrors used in designing solar furnaces. Explain how, high
temperature is achieved by this device.
a) For which position of the object does a convex lens form a virtual and erect image?
What is the size of the image formed? Explain with the help of a ray diagram.
b) An object is placed at a distance of 30cm from a concave lens of focal length 15cm.
List two characteristics of the image formed by the lens
33. a) The pH of soil A is 7.5 while that of soil B is 4.5. 5
Which of the two soils A or B should be treated with powdered chalk and why?
b) Name the chemical, which is injected into the skin of a person during an ant’s sting.
How can this effect be neutralized?
c) Why should curd not be kept in copper or brass vessels?
d) During summer season, a milkman adds a small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.
e) Salt solution conducts electricity whereas sugar solution does not. Why?
a) A yellowish white compound X is used for disinfecting drinking water. Write its
chemical name. How is it manufactured? Write the chemical equation for the reaction
involved. List other two uses of this compound.
b) Write the balanced equation of chlor- alkali process.
34. Look at the figure and answer the following questions. 5


a) Name the electrode on which we obtain gas A and the gas B

b) Why the amount of gas A is double the amount of gas B?
c) Why do we add a few drops of acid in water?
d) Write the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
e) How will you test Gas A?

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35. a) Why is the flow of signals in a synapse from axonal end of one neuron to dendritic end 5
of another neuron but not the reverse?
b) Draw the structure of neuron and label the following parts:
i) where information is acquired
ii) through which information travels as an electrical impulse.
36. a) Draw a neat & labeled diagram of the human Excretory System. 5
b) Name the procedure used in working of artificial kidneys.
c) How is urine produced in human body? Briefly explain.
a) Draw the structure of a nephron and label the following on it:
Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Renal artery, Collecting duct

b) What happens to glucose that enters nephron along with filtrate?

c) Name two excretory products other than O2 and CO2 in plants.

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