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#mania, phobia logy

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1. Agromania to be alone or out in the open
2. Anthomania Floweres
3. Biblomania Book collection
4. Cynomania Dogs
5. Demoomania crowed
6. Dipsomania alcohol
7. Eantheomania travelling
8. Ergomania Work
9. Hedomania horses
10. Hippomania Pleasure
11. Kleptomania stealing things
12. Logomania talking
13. Megalomania controlling other ‘s like
14. Melomania Music
15. Mythomania telling lies
16. Nostomania Home
17. Plutoomania wealth
18. Pyromania set things on fire
19. Sitomania eating
20. Verbomania talking
21. Xenomania foreigners \foreign things
22. Acousticophobiea sounds
23. Agoraphobia air
24. Aichmophobia knives
25. Ailurophobia/gatophobia ...cats
26. Algophobia/Dynophobia Pain
27. Androphobia males
28. Anemophobia wind
29. Aracheophobia bees
30. Asthenophobia weakness
31. Astrophobia lightning
32. Autophobia/Monophobia Solitude
33. Basiphobia walking
34. Batophobia depths
35. Batrachophobia frogs
36. Belonophobia needles
37. Bibliophobia books
38. Botanophobia plants
39. Brontophobia thunder
40. Cacaphobia ugliness
41. Callophobia Beauty
42. Cheimophobia cold
43. Chionophobia snow
44. Chirophibia hands
45. Chronophobia time
46. Chromophobia colours
47. Cibophobia food
48. Claustrophobia closed places
49. Climacophobia sexual intercourse
50. Coitophobia faces
51. Cremnphobia height
52. Cynophobia dogs
53. Demophobia people
54. Dermatophbia skin
55. Dipsophobia wine,thirst
56. Dromophobia streets
57. Emetophobia vomiting
58. Entomophobia stillness
59. Erythrophobia red
60. Eremiophobia work
61. Gamophobia marriage
62. Genophobia sea
63. Geraphobia old age
64. Gerontophobia old man
65. Geumophobia taste
66. Graphophobia writing
67. Gynaephobia women
68. Haematophobia blood
69. Harpaxophobia robbers

70. Hedonophobia pleasure

71. Heliopobia sun light

72. Hippophobia horses

73. Hodophobia travel
74. Homichlophobia fog
75. Hydrophobia water
76. Hypnophobia sleep
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77. Lchthyophobia fish

78. Kenophobia emptiness
79. Kinesophobia motion
80. Kleptophobia thieves
81. Lalophobia speaking
82. Logophobi words
83. Lophobia poison
84. Lygophbia darkness
85. Lyssophobia getting mad
86. Megalophobia large things
87. Melissophobia bees
88. Musophobia/Icophobia mice
89. Necrophobia dead bodies or corpses
90. Nosophobia illness/disease
91. Nyctophobiea night
92. Ombrophobia mobs
93. Ombrophobia rain
94. Ophidiophobia snakes
95. Ornithophobia birds
96. Orophobia Mountains
97. Paedophobia/Ardophobia children
98. Pantophobial/Panophobia everything
99. Pathophobia disease
100. Peccatophobia sinning
101. Peniophobia poverty
102. Phagophobia eating
103. Phasmophobia ghosts
104. Phemophobia voices
105. Phonophobia speaking aloud
106. Phorophobia light
107. Plutophobia wealth
108. Pnigerophobia smothering
109. Poinophobia punishment
110. Potamophobia rivers
111. Psychrophobia cold
112. Pterophobia flying
113. Pyrophobia fire
114. Renophobia emptiness
115. Ruphophobia dust
116. Scelerophobia burglars
117. Scotophobia darkness
118. Siderodromophobia trains
119. Siderophobia stars
120. Spectrophobia mirrors
121. Stygiophobia hell
122. Tacophobia speed
123. Thalassophobia oceans
124. Thanatophobia death ,dying
125. Themophobia heat
126. Tonitrophobia thunder
127. Toxicophobia poison
128. Trichophobia injury
129. Trichophobia hair
130. Xenophobia strangers
131. Xerophobia foreigners
132. Zoophobia animals
133. Actiology study of diseases
134. Anemology wind
135. Angiology blood vessels
136. Anthropology man
137. Cardiology heart
138. Carpology fruits and seeds
139. Chronology dates
140. Cosmology universe
141. Craniology skulls
142. Cryptology codes
143. Cytology cells
144. Dectylology finger prints
145. Dendrology trees
146. Dermatology skin
147. Ecology environment
148. Endocrinology glands
149. Entomology insects
150. Epistemology knowledge
151. Eschatology culture
152. Ethnology human races
153. Ethology animal behaviour
154. Genealogy ancestry
155. Gerontology old age
156. Glottochronology history of language
157. Gynaecology women’s diseases
158. Haematology blood
159. Helminthology worms
160. Hirology clock making
161. Histology plant tissues
162. Hydrology water
163. Ichthyology fish
164. Myrmecology ants
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165. Nosology classification of diseases

166. Odontology teeth
167. Oenology wines
168. Oncology tumours
169. Oneirology dreams
170. Ontology existence
171. Oology eggs
172. Ophilogy snakes
173. Ophthalmology eyes
174. Ornithology birds
175. Orology mountains
176. Osreology bones
177. Paedology children
178. Palaeontology fossils
179. Pathology diseases
180. Pedology soil
181. Petrology rocks
182. Philology languages
183. Phrenology character
184. Phylology plants
185. Physiology physical function of
living things
186. Polemology wars
187. Pomology fruits and seeds
188. Potamology rivers
189. Psephology elections
190. Scatology vulgar language
191. Seismology earthquakes
192. Selanology moon
193. Speleology caves
194. Stomatology mouth diseases
195. Texillology flags
196. Topology shapes and surface
197. Tribology friction
198. Trichology hair
199. Ufology flying saucers
200. Cartography map making
201. Choreography dancing
202. Choreography mapping of a region
203. Demography Population
204. Epigraphy ancient inscriptions
205. Lexicography dictionary
206. Palaeography ancient manuscripts
207. Topography surface features of a
208. Apiarist bee keeping
209. Cardiologist heart diseases
210. Chiropodist hand/feet diseases
211. Cosmetologist beauty problems
212. Dermatologist skin diseases
213. Entomologist insects
214. Eugenist Betterment of human
215. Exorcist evil spirits
216. Geologist earth ‘s crust
217. Gerontologist old age problems
218. Graphologist hand writing
219. Gynaecologist women ‘s diseases
220. Haematologist blood
221. Horticulturist gardens
222. Ichthyologist history of fishes
223. Lepidopterist butterflies
224. Meteorologist atmosphere
225. Neurologist nervous system
226. Numismatist coins
227. Oculist eyes
228. Ophthalmologist eyes
229. Optometrist eyes power and
230. Ornithologist birds
231. Orthodontist teeth disorders
232. Paediatrician diseases of children
233. Pathologist cause of diseases
234. Periodontist gum
235. Philatelist stamp collection
236. Psychiatrist mental disorders
237. Psychologist human mind
238. Semanticist meaning of words
239. Activism Vigorous action (esp.
in politics)
240. Altruism selflessness
241. Animatism seeing life in
inanimate objects
242. Antagonism opposition
243. Anthromorphism giving human form to god
244. Antitheism opposition to existence of
245. Antivivisectionism opposition to experiment
with animals
246. Aphorism short,meaningful saying
247. Archaism retaining the old fashioned
248. Atavism resembelance to remote
249. Atheism disbelief in god
250. Catachism teaching by question
251. Dadaism going against tradition
252. Euphemism saying the harsh in a
milder way
253. Euphuism artificial writing
254. Fatalism fate ruling supreme
255. Hedonism pleasure being the last aim
256. Humanism devotion to human good
257. Individualism giving importance only to
258. Meliorism world ‘s betterment by
human efforts
259. Monotheism one god
260. Narcissism self-worship
261. Nepotism favouring unduly one
262. Non-conformism not obeying any traditional
263. Objectivism impartial assessment
264. Pacifism abolishing war
265. Parochialism narrow views
266. Plagiarism using other ideas without
267. Pragiarism actuality matter of
268. Stoicism doing virtue being the only
aim of man
269. Transcendentalism reality being beyond
human experience
270. Astigmatism structural defect in eyes
271. Daltonism colour blindness
272. Neologism coining/using new words
273. Parachronism chronological error
274. Aristocracy a privileged wealthy small
275. Diarchy two persons bodies rulers
276. Geromtocracy elderly men
277. Heirocracy/ Theocracy clergy class
278. Matriarachy only women
279. Meritocracy meritorious People
280. Ochlocracy mob
281. Oligarchy a small group
282. Pantisocracy rule of all equally
283. Patriarchy only men
284. Plutocracy/Timocracy the rich people
285. Stratoctacy the army
286. Acupuncture by puncturing inserting
needles in body
287. Aromatherapy fragrant oils
288. Chiropractie manipulating spine
289. Herbotherapy using plants and herbs
290. Hydrotherapy using hypnosis
291. Naturopathy using natural things
292. Osteopathy manipulating bones
293. Phototherapy using light ultraviolet etc.
294. Physiotherapy using exercise massage
295. Zone therapy using foot massage
296. Bibliophile books
297. Bibliologist knowledge
298. Carnivore meat
299. Cannibal human meat
300. Connoisseur human meat
301. Dendrophile trees
302. Gourmet good food
303. Globe –trotter travelling
304. Hippophile horses
305. Megalomaniac grandeur
306. Mercenary money
307. Materialist material things
308. Nomad unsettled life
309. Narcissist self
310. Paedophile children
311. Philologist words
312. Pacifist peace
313. Philanthropist mankind
314. Theist god
315. Warmonger war
316. Zoophile animals
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