English Test November 2nd

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English Test November 2nd

1. How old ______ you? I am 27 / I am 27 years old

A. are
B. age
C. have

2. The woman _________ sold me those flowers spent twenty minutes wrapping them.
A. what
B. that
C. which

What is your name?

What : lo que I don’t understand what you are saying

The car , which I bought is a Ford

3. A: I’ve just seen Mark.

B: You _________ have seen him. He’s on holiday at the moment.
A. can’t
B. shouldn’t no deberia
C. needn’t no necesitas you don’t need to

4. She takes the bus to work _________ day.

A. early temprano soon: pronto
B. many
C. every

Daughter / son

5. I’ll call you when I ________ home.

A. get
B. will get
C. getting

Que tenga / haga / pueda = presente simple

I was cooking when the phone rang

6. We ate dinner and _________ we watched a film.

A. then ( after)
B. since
C. so ( asi que / entonces)

From……. To …..

7. We’re ________ in a beautiful holiday home at the moment.

A. stay
B. staying
C. stayed

To be + verbo ing : futur I am celebrating my birthday next Saturday

8. When I got home, Jenny _______ on the phone.
A. was speaking
B. speaking
C. speak

9. Coffee ______ to be much cheaper a few years ago.

A. would
B. has
C. used

A lot cheaper

10. I’m not sure about my future. __________ I will start a business.
A. Perhaps / maybe (quizas)
B. Shall
C. Might

Shall I /we….?

I might start

Perhaps / maybe + persona + will /won’t

11. They ate their lunch while they ______ coming home from school.
A. were
B. was
C. are

I got home FROM work at 6:00

12. She bought it herself / , __________ she?

A. hasn’t
B. didn’t
C. shouldn’t

Herself / on her own

13. The dress _________ expensive that she didn’t buy it.
A. was so (tan………que )
B. wasn’t too
C. was

The dress was expensive.

14. I ___________ a great book this morning – I really want to finish it.
A. was reading
B. read
C. have read
15. Excuse me? Can I try _____ this jacket to make sure it fits? ( quedar bien)
A. under
B. with
C. on

16. I saw Paco this morning and he __________ if you were (would) free tomorrow.
A. told
B. asked
C. said

17. When I go to university, I may ________ History.

A. study
B. to study
C. studying

May / might / could / can /should / must/ needn’t /will/ shall / ( sin TO)

Ought to
Need to
Have to

18. It ________ be meat free – it tastes like beef!

A. could
B. can
C. can’t

Sugar free / fat free /

19. It was a dark night when the traveller ________ at the hotel.
A. arrived
B. was arriving
C. had arrived

I was cooking when

20. If I ____________ out last night, I ________be so tired now. 2 nd conditional

A. didn’t be / won’t
B. wasn’t going / would not
C. didn’t go / wouldn’t

Was / wasn’t

21. I _________ like vegetables , but I can’t stop eating them now.
A. would
B. didn’t use to
C. couldn’t
22. The newspaper China Today ________ published for over 60 years.
A. is being
B. has been
C. was being

23. they ________ studying for ages.

A. will have
B. are
C. have been

24. My father, _________ is a dentist, told me not to drink sugary drinks.

A. who
B. which
C. that

25. In those days, my father _______ eat dinner after eight o’clock.
A. didn’t used to
B. will
C. used to

26. He _______ finished cooking when we arrived.

A. have
B. had
C. has

27. If you were a better cook, you _______ need to eat out all the time.
A. won’t
B. wouldn’t
C. hadn’t

If I were ……. , would

28. The passenger was given a _________ because he didn’t have the right ticket.
A. fine
B. bill factura
C. note billete

Speed ticket

29. There were _______ than fifty people in the audience last night.
A. fewer + sustantivo
B. lesser

More + adjetivo
Less + adjetivo

Fewer + sustantivo

30. I’m _______ happy with my new car. It’s brilliant!

A. so
B. quiet quite : bastante
C. a bit un poco
31. Please, ________ the street if the light is red.
A. cross not
B. not cross
C. do not cross

please .speak louder/ don’t speak louder

she makes me do my homework

she told me not to make so much noise

32. Why _______ you apply for the job, you’ve got the experience.
A. are
B. don’t
C. not

Why don’t you learn English ?

33. I _______ London but it’s expensive.

A. likes
B. like
C. liking

34. We _______ through France during the summer. During / for / since
A. was travelling
B. travelling
C. travelled

35. John: I love riding bikes.

Paul: _______? Me too!
A. Really
B. Right alright ( de acuerdo)
C. Anyway ( de todos modos)

I really like food

36. I’m really not sure what to do at work. I need _______ advice.
A. the
B. piece of
C. some + advice / furniture / information / news / luggage / knowledge

37. I think, in the future, space travel _______ as common as plane travel is now.
A. will become
B. has become
C. is becoming

38. San Francisco is the most beautiful city I _______ visited.

A. ever
B. have
C. had
I have ever visited
39. I’m sorry to let you_______, but I can’t come to your party.
A. down
B. on
C. under

40. You missed a great party on Saturday night. You _______ have come.
A. must
B. ought
C. should

At all times : en todo momento

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