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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Module 3 Test Results for Tong Ai Linh

Score for this attempt: 10 out of 10
Submitted Nov 15 at 9:30pm
This attempt took 9 minutes.

1 / 1 pts
Question 1

Assume a processing system with three separate queues (one in

front of each of three resources). Under which of the following
conditions would pooling these three separate queues into one
queue reap the HIGHEST benefit?

When the setup times per batch are zero

When utilization is relatively high to begin with (e.g., higher than 90%)

When there is absolutely no variability in arrivals or processing times

When utilization is relatively low to begin with (e.g., less than 50%)

1 / 1 pts
Question 2

In a system without any variability and a utilization of 99% we pool

three queues into one queue. What is the result?

Utilization drops to 99%/3 = 33%

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

(Implied) utilization increase to 3*99% = 297%


Waiting times stay the same and utilization remains the same as well

Waiting times reduce, but utilization remains the same

1 / 1 pts
Question 3

By how much, on average, would the waiting time decrease if two

servers were pooled in the following setting (note: all answers are
rounded to whole minutes):

1) Two servers each with their own queue.

2) Arrival rate of 10 customers per hour, arriving randomly and

picking one of the two lines randomly.

3) Processing time of 10 minutes per customer, with a standard

deviation of 5 minutes.

Before pooling: 50 minutes, after pooling: 23 minutes, so decrease of

27 minutes

Before pooling: 60 minutes, after pooling: 33 minutes, so decrease of

27 minutes

Before pooling: 31 minutes, after pooling: 14 minutes, so decrease of
17 minutes

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Before pooling: 41 minutes, after pooling: 24 minutes, so decrease of

17 minutes

1 / 1 pts
Question 4

In the figure below, what happens if the cost of capacity goes down?
Assume variability remains unchanged.

The optimal “x-value” goes down and the optimal “y-value” goes

The optimal “x-value” goes up and the optimal “y-value” remains


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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

The optimal “x-value” remains unchanged and the optimal “y-value”

goes down.

The optimal “x-value” goes up and the optimal “y-value” goes down.

1 / 1 pts
Question 5

Consider the graph below in answering the following OM Triangle

question. We are currently located at an average inventory in the
queue of (almost) 7 due to a variability of 2 and a utilization of 0.8. If
we want to leave this position in the Inventory corner, and we want to
make our way to the Information corner, then by how much should
we reduce the variability to achieve an average inventory in the
queue of approximately 1? Assume utilization remains unchanged.
As always, look at all the answers and choose the best!

To a variability factor of approximately 0.1.

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Correct! To a variability factor of approximately 0.25.

To a variability factor of approximately 0.5

To a variability factor of approximately 0.01

1 / 1 pts
Question 6

By how much, on average, would the time spent in the system

decrease if three servers were pooled in the following setting (note:
all answers are rounded to whole minutes):

1) Three servers each with their own queue.

2) Arrival rate of 15 customers per hour, arriving randomly and

picking one of the three lines randomly.

3) Processing time of 10 minutes per customer, with a standard

deviation of 5 minutes.

Before pooling: 50 minutes, after pooling: 14 minutes, so a decrease

of 36 minutes

Before pooling: 60 minutes, after pooling: 24 minutes, so a decrease

of 36 minutes

Before pooling: 41 minutes, after pooling: 19 minutes, so a decrease
of 22 minutes

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Before pooling: 31 minutes, after pooling: 9 minutes, so a decrease of

22 minutes

1 / 1 pts
Question 7

Consider the graph below in answering the following OM Triangle

question. We are currently located at an average inventory in the
queue of (almost) 7 due to a variability of 2 and a utilization of 0.8. If
we want to leave this position in the Inventory corner, and we want to
make our way to the Information corner, then by how much should
we reduce the variability to achieve an average inventory in the
queue of approximately 1.5? Assume utilization remains unchanged.
As always, look at all the answers and choose the best!

Approximately 50%


Approximately 95%

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Correct! Approximately 75%

1 / 1 pts
Question 8

Consider the graph below in answering the following OM Triangle

question. We are currently located at an average inventory in the
queue of 7 due to a variability factor of 2 and a utilization of 0.8. If we
want to leave this position in the Inventory corner, and we want to
make our way to the Capacity corner, then how many more servers
do we need to get to an average inventory in the queue of
approximately 0.2? Assume variability remains unchanged.

Correct! We need to quadruple the number of servers

We can reduce the number of servers.

We need to double the number of servers

We need to reduce the variability to 0.1

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

1 / 1 pts
Question 9

By how much, on average, would the total number of customers (the

sum of those in all queues plus those in all servers) change if two
servers were pooled in the following setting:

1) Before pooling, there are two servers each with their own queue.

2) Each server has an arrival rate of 5 customers per hour, arriving


3) Each server has a processing time of 10 minutes per customer,

with a standard deviation of 10 minutes.

Remember, the question is asking about the TOTAL number of

customers in all queue(s) plus those in all servers.

Before pooling: 4.2 customers, after pooling: 3.8 customers, so

decrease of 0.4 customers

Before pooling: 10 customers, after pooling: 5.5 customers, so
decrease of 4.5 customers

Before pooling: 5.2 customers, after pooling: 2.4 customers, so

decrease of 2.8 customers

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Tong Ai Linh's Quiz History: Module 3 Test 01#32, 21/11/2022

Before pooling: 8.3 customers, after pooling: 3.8 customers, so

decrease of 4.5 customers

1 / 1 pts
Question 10

Which of the following statements about the curse of variability is


A reduction in variability can lead to a reduction in satisfactied


A reduction in variability can lead to a reduction in capacity

A reduction in variability can lead to a reduction in utilization

Correct! A reduction in variability can lead to a reduction in inventory

Quiz Score: 10 out of 10

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