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AIM: To verify the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between

thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Burette(3Nos), Beakers (250m), 0.1M NazS2Og solution,
0.1M HCl solution, distilled water, White paper and stopwatch.
THEORY: The chemical reaction between Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric
acid is given by the equation
NaS20s (agp + 2HCl ai)D - 2 NaCl acg) + SO21 H20 +S
The rate of the chemical reaction increases as the concentration of anyone of the two
reactants increases. The rate gets doubled with the increase of the concentration of
NazS203 or HCL

According to molecular collision theory, the increase in concentration of Na2S,03

or HCl increases the number of thio ions (S203) or H ions in a given volume. Thus
the number of effective collisions results in a higher rate of reaction.

Take 3 burettes and label them as A, B and C.
Fill the burette A with 0.1M Na2S203, burette B with distilled water and
burette C with 0.1M HCl solution.
Take Sml of 0.1M NaS,03 solution in a from burette A by opening the
stopcock. Add 25ml of distilled water from burette B.
Put a cross mark *' with black ink in a white paper. Add 5ml of 0.1M HCI
solution from burette C to the beaker and start the stopwatch. Shake the solution
gentlt and place it on the cross mark till it becomes invisible due to the formation
of colloidal sulphur. Record the time in the observation table.
Take a clean beaker and withdraw 10ml of 0.1M NazS203 solution from the
burette A. Add 20ml of distilled water from burette B. Add 5ml of 0.1M HCI
solution. Immediatelystart the stopwatch. Shake the reacting mixture and place
it on the cross mark. Note the time taken for the *' mark to become invisible.
Repeat the observation by taking 15ml of 0.1M Na:S203 solution and 15ml of
distilled water. Similarly take the next reading by increasing the volume
of Na2S203 Solution to 20ml.
Now take 25ml of Na:S203 solution in a beaker.Take a test tube and
withdraw Sml of HCl from burette C and 5ml of water from burette B. Mix
thesolutions and take the reading. Note the observation in observation
Repeat the experiment by taking 25ml of Na,S203 solution and add Sml
HCl and 5nml distilled water. Note down the observation.

RESULT: According the observation, it is concluded that

Rate of chemical reaction] a [Concentration of reactants]

Use a white paper containing X'mark and do not change the paper.
Clean the beakersS.


S No. Vol of Vol of Vol of Time taken for

Sodium distilled HCI X' mark to
thiosulphate water (ml) disappear
(ml) (ml) (min&sec)
10 20
15 15
20 10
25 5

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