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• Job analysis identifies the
duties and human
requirements for each of the
company’s job.
• Next is to decide which of
these jobs you need to fill, to
recruit and select employees
for the jobs.
• Recruitment refers to organizational activities
that influence the number and types of
applicants who apply for a job and whether
the applicants would accept jobs that are
offered (Dessler, 2009).
• As a process, recruitment also entails
discovering potential applicants for
anticipated vacancies (Rebore, 2004)
Mengapa aktiviti pengambilan itu penting?

• Kekurangan pekerja yang memiliki kemahiran dan

kebolehan tertentu.
• Mengisi kekosongan jawatan disebabkan oleh:
– persaraan
– perpindahan
– kenaikan pangkat
– pewujudan jawatan baru
– berhenti/pemberhentian
– pengembangan organisasi
Perkara yang mempengaruhi pengambilan

• Hasil daripada ramalan atau unjuran

• Berapa ramai yang hendak diambil? Juga
bergantung kepada size organisasi.
• Di mana lokasi jawatan itu ditawarkan?
• Apakah keadaan tempat bekerja?
• Tahap gaji?
• Kemudahan?
• Adakah memiliki kemahiran tertentu?
Workforce/Personnel Planning and Forecasting

• It is the process of deciding what positions the

firm will have to fill, and how to fill them.
• Personnel plans require some forecasts and
estimates on 3 things:
a) Personnel needs (labor demand)
b) Supply of inside candidates
c) Supply of outside candidates
a) Forecasting personnel needs (labor demand)

• Basic workforce planning process is to forecast

employer’s demand for labor and supply of
labor. Then, identify supply-demand gaps and
develop action plans to fill the projected gaps.
• Start with estimating what demand will be for
your products or services: daily, weekly,
seasonal forecasts.
• Forecast revenue, turnover, financial
• Several tools for forecasting personnel needs:
– Trend analysis
– Ratio analysis
– The scatter plot
– Markov analysis
b) Forecasting the supply of inside candidates

• Most firm start with inside candidate to fill the

• Have to determine which current employees
might be competent with skills and
qualification for the projected openings – refer
to qualifications (or skills) inventories
• Then managers determine which employees
are suitable for promotion or transfer.
Methods use:
• Manual systems and
replacement charts –
personnel inventory and
development record form
• Computerized skills
• Privacy
c) Forecasting the supply of outside candidates

• Talent management and predictive

workforce monitoring
• Action planning for labor supply and
• The recruiting yield pyramid
Kaedah Pengambilan

Dalaman Sumber
Internal Source of Candidates
• current employees or “hiring from within”—is often the
best source of candidates.
• Some advantages of internal recruiting:
 Current employees may be more committed
 Morale may go up since other employees will know
about your policy
 Current employees may require less orientation and
training than new hires.
• The disadvantages:
 employees may become discontented if they apply
for jobs and do not get them. There also is a potential
for inbreeding – maintaining the status quo – to
Internal Recruitment Methods

1. Human resource databases

2. Job posting
3. Job bidding
4. Rehiring
5. Succession planning
Human resource database (1/5)
• The database may reveal persons who have
potential for further training or who have the
right background for the open job.
Job Posting and Job Bidding (2&3/5)

• Job posting: Procedure to

inform employees of existing
job openings
• Job bidding: Procedure that
permits individuals in
organization to apply for
posted job – suit to job’s
attributes, qualification, skills
Rehiring (4/5)
• Should you rehire someone who had left the
company? – depends
• Advantages – former employees are familiar
with the tasks (save time and money)
• Risk – employees may return with negative
Succession Planning (5/5)
• It is the ongoing process of systematically
identifying, assessing, and developing
organizational leadership to enhance
• To profile the competencies purposely to
formulate an integrated development / appraisal
/ selection package for potential candidates.
• 3 steps: identify key needs, develop inside
candidates, and assess and choose those
Outside Source of Candidates
Why external
recruitment is needed?
 Fill entry-level jobs
 Acquire skills not
possessed by current
 Obtain employees with
different backgrounds to
provide diversity of idea
External Recruitment Methods
• Internet
• Advertising
• Employment agencies
• Outsourcing – having outside vendors supply services e.g.,
market research, manufacturing
• Offshoring – having outside vendors supply services that
the company’s own employees previously did in-house.
• Executive recruiters – special employment agencies seek
top management talent for their clients.
• College recruiting
• Referrals and walk-in
• Selection is the process by which an
organization chooses from a list of applicants,
the person or persons who best meet the
criteria for the position available (Dessler,
• The objective of the selection process is to
hire individuals who will be successful on the
job (Rebore, 2004)
Selection Criteria
–Formal Education
–Experience & Past Performance
–Physical Characteristics
–Personal Characteristics & Personality
Steps in the Hiring decision

Selection Medical exam/drug test

Supervisor/team interview

Preliminary selection in HR

Background investigation

Employment testing
(aptitude, achievement)

Initial interview in
HR department Note: Steps may vary. An
applicant may be rejected after
Completion of application any step in the process.
Dalam membuat proses pemilihan kriteria ini
hendaklah dipenuhi:
• Kebolehpercayaan – tahap pengukuran bebas dari
• Kesahan pengukuran – prestasi yang diukur mempunyai
perkaitan dengan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan
• Kesahan maklumat – maklumat yang diberi mempunyai
tahap kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi
• Perundangan – memenuhi tuntutan perundangan, dasar
dan peraturan organisasi

Dua konsep perlu dingat:

– Ujian itu sahih – boleh mengukur apa yang
hendak diukur misalnya menguji kebolehan
untuk melaksanakan sesuatu kerja
– Ujian itu boleh dipercayai – ujian yang boleh
mendapatkan hasil-hasil yang konsisten jika
diulang atau jika penguji-penguji yang
berlainan digunakan
a) Ujian Pencapaian

Tujuannya ialah untuk melihat kebolehan

tertentu yang dimiliki oleh calon seperti ujian
memandu, ujian menaip, ujian bahasa, ujian
penggunaan komputer dan ujian penggunaan
mesin. Ujian ini paling berguna untuk pekerja
yang terlatih dan berpengalaman.

b) Ujian Kecerdasan
Bertujuan mencari kelebihan dan kebolehan
seseorang calon. Jika seseorang itu mempunyai
kecenderungan kecerdasan semulajadi maka
diandaikan bahawa dengan latihan yang betul dia
dapat membentuk satu kemahiran dalam bidang
tertentu. Kerja yang berbeza memerlukan
kecenderungan kecerdasan yang berbeza
misalnya akauntan memerlukan kecenderungan
kecerdasan berhubung dengan angka, jurutera
dan arkitek dengan ruang.

PENDIDIK dengan …..

c) Ujian Perwatakan

Ada spesifikasi kerja yang memerlukan seseorang

mempunyai perwatakan tertentu seperti
peramah, tegas, berani, bersemangat, boleh
bekerja dalam pasukan.

Perwatakan PENDIDIK?
Variables in the Employment Interview
• Purpose of the
Applicant • Law and regulations
• Economic issues
• Education • Physical settings
• Experience • Interview structure
• Interests
• Perceptions
• Nonverbal cues Interviewer(s)
• Age, sex, race, etc. • Experience/training (Hiring Decision)
• Age, sex, race, etc.
• Perceptions
• Nonverbal cues
• Goals
• Terlalu cepat membuat kesimpulan terhadap calon sama ada
stereotyping (meletakkan sifat orang lain berdasarkan
keahlian orang tersebut dalam sesuatu kumpulan sosial atau
demografi) atau halo effect (membuat generalisasi tentang
beberapa sifat berdasarkan salah satu sifat yang dimiliki oleh
orang tersebut).
• Pengetahuan yang cetek terhadap tugas yang ditawarkan.
• Membuat perbandingan antara calon dalam pemberian
• Penemuduga telah mempunyai satu gambaran awal tentang
calon yang paling sesuai seperti bangsa, jantina atau status
“Can-Do”and “Will-Do”Factors
in Selection Decisions
“Can Do”
• Knowledge
• Skills
• Abilities
Job Performance

“Will Do”
• Personality
• Values
• Motivation
The 5 steps in the recruitment and
selection process

Decide what positions to Build a pool of candidates Have candidates complete

fill, through for these jobs, by application forms and
workforce/personnel recruiting internal or perhaps undergo initial
planning and forecasting external candidates screening interviews

Decide who to make an Use selection tools like

offer to, by having the tests, background
supervisor and perhaps investigations, and
others interview the physical exams to identify
candidates viable candidates
As a conclusion: what do you think?
• A selection decision may result in four possible outcomes: two
are correct decisions and two are errors.
• The correct decisions occur when the individual hired proves
to be successful on the job or when a rejected applicant
would have performed inadequately if hired. In both instances
the selection process has met the objective of hiring the most
appropriate candidate.
• The process has failed when a rejected candidate could have
performed successfully on the job or when the individual
hired performs inadequately (Robbins, Stephen P in Rebore,
2004, pp. 117)

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