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Madeleine Leininger WEEK# 7

NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Date (11/10/2022) | Ms. Mate

● Leininger undertook an ethnographic

OUTLINE: and enthnonursing study while living
I. Credentials and Background with the Gadsup people in Papua New
of the Theorist Guinea for 2 years
II. Theoretical sources ● She observed the unique culture of the
III. Use of Empirical Evidences people noting a number of differences
IV. Major Concepts and between western and non-western
Definitions ● Her theory is focused on transcultural
V. Major Assumptions nursing, meaning the nurse must know
VI. Logical Form the culture of the patient. To provide
1) The Observation- holistic care, the nurse must have an
Participation- idea what culture the patient has.
2) Reflection Enabler Domain ● Very futuristic
of Inquiry Enabler ● Back in the 1950s, anthropology was
3) Semi-structure Inquiry
not popular but she saw its potential to
Guide Enabler to Assess
be applicable in nursing.
Culture Care and Health
● From being a psychiatrist nurse, she
4) Acculturation Health
shifted to transcultural nursing.
Assessment Enabler for
Cultural Patterns in (Why the sudden shift?
Traditional or Non- - She discovered/realized that
traditional Lifeways psychoanalytical are not effective at all
VII. Acceptance by the NUrsing especially to children)
Community ● Anthropology - study of society
VIII. Critique of the Work ● She immersed herself in the Gadsup
IX. Abbreviations culture and observed the differences
X. References between their culture and the Western
XI. Appendix culture.
Black for Powerpoint red for audio blue THEORETICAL SOURCES
for book
● Leininger described transcultural
nursing as a major area of nursing
DIVERSITY AND UNIVERSALITY focused on the comparative study and
CREDENTIALS AND BACKGROUND OF analysis of diverse cultures and
THE THEORIST subcultures worldwide with respect to
● The founder of transcultural nursing
their caring values, expressions and
and a leader in transcultural nursing
health illness belief and patterns of
and human care theory.
● She was the first professional nurse
with graduate preparation in nursing to
o To discover human care
hold a PhD in cultural and social
diversities universalities in
relation to worldview, cultural
● She served as an instructor, staff nurse,
and social-cultural dimension
and head nurse on a medical surgical
o To discover ways to provide
unit and opened a new psychiatry unit
culturally congruent care for
while director of the nursing service at
people of different or similar
St. Joseph's Hospital in Omaha,
cultures to maintain their health
or wellbeing or to face death
● In 1954, Leininger obtained her
o Congruent care - the same care
master's degree in psychiatric nursing
that the healthcare professional
from the Catholic University of America
in Washington DC
● While working at a child guidance home
in the Cincinatti, Leininger discovered GOAL
that the staff lacked understanding of o To Improve and to provide
cultural factors influencing the behavior culturally congruent care to
of children people that is beneficial and will
● During the 1950's and 1960's fit with and useful to the client,
Leininger identified common areas of family or cultural group.
theory interests and research foci
between the disciplines of nursing and ● Leininger distinguished between
anthropology transcultural nursing and cross- cultural
● She found anthropology so fascinating nursing.
that she believes that it should be an ● Transcultural nursing is where
area of focus for all nurses. nurses are prepared and committed to


Madeleine Leininger WEEK# 7
NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Date (11/10/2022) | Ms. Mate

develop knowledge and practice ● Culture

transcultural nursing o Refers to learned, shared, and
transmitted values, beliefs,
● Cross cultural nursing refers to
norms, and lifeways of a
nurses who used applied or medical
particular culture that guide
anthropological concepts instead of
thinking, decisions, and actions
developing transcultural theory and
in patterned ways.
research based practices
● Culture care
● Leininger developed her theory of o Refers to the synthesis of the
culture care diversity and universality two major constructs, care and
based on the belief that people of culture, that guide researcher to
different cultures can inform and are discover, explain, and account
capable of guiding professionals to for health, well-being, care
receive the kind of care they desire or expression, and other human
need from others conditions.
● Culturally congruent care
● According to Leininger, the theory of o Refers to culturally based are
culture care diversity and universality knowledge, acts, and decisions
has several distinct features, different used in sensitive, creative, and
from those other nursing theories meaningful ways to
appropriately fit the cultural
● She believes that if the patient is active
values, beliefs, and lifeways of
in its plan of care, the nursing
clients for their health and
professional will be effective.
well-being, or to prevent or face
● Difference between goal and purpose; illness disabilities, or death.
Goal - more specific than purpose and ● Culture care diversity
is somehow related to purpose o Refers to the variabilities or
Purpose - broader and deeper differences in culture care
beliefs, meanings, patterns,
lifeways,symbols, and other
● Leininger held that care was the
features among human beings
essence of nursing and the dominant,
related to providing beneficial
distinctive and unifying feature of
care for clients from a
designated culture.
● Care is complex, elusive, and often
● Culture care universality
embedded in social structure and other
o Refers to commonly shared or
aspects of the culture.
similar culture care phenomena
● The first reason for studying the culture
features of human beings pr
care theory is that the construct of care
group with recurrent meanings,
has been critical to the growth,
patterns, values, symbols, or
development and survival of human
lifeways that serve as a guide
for caregivers to provide
assistive, support facilitative, or
enabling people care for healthy
● Care and Caring outcomes.
o Care refers to the abstract and ● Worldview
manifest phenomenon with o Refers to the way people tend to
expressions of assistive, look out on their world or
supportive, enabling, and universe to form a picture or
facilitation ways toward or about value stance about life or the
self or others. world around them.
● Generic Care ● Cultural and Social Structures
o It refers to the learned and Dimension
transmitted lay, indigenous, o refers to the dynamic, holistic,
traditional or local folk and interrelated patterns of
knowledge and practices to structured features of a culture.
provide assistance, supportive, ● Environmental Context
enabling, and facilitative acts for o refers to the totality of an event,
situation, or particular
● Professional Care experience that gives meanings
o It refers to formal and explicit to people’s expressions,
cognitively learned professional interpretations, and social
care knowledge and practices interactions.
obtained generally through ● Ethnohistory
educational institutions.


Madeleine Leininger WEEK# 7
NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Date (11/10/2022) | Ms. Mate

o The sequence of past facts, here were derived from Leininger’s

events, instances, or definitive works on the theory and
experiences of human beings, subsequent evolutionary changes:
groups, cultures, or institutions ○ Care is the essence and the central
over time in particular contexts dominant, distinct,and unifying focus of
that help explain past and nursing.
current lifeways about culture ○ Humanistic and scientific care is
care influencers affecting the essential for human growth, well-being,
health and well-being, disability, health, survival, and to face death and
or death of people. disabilities.
● Emic ○ Care (caring) is essential to curing or
o refers to local, indigenous, or healing for there can be no curing
the insider cultural knowledge without caring (this assumption was held
and views about specific to have profound relevance worldwide).
phenomena ○ change, or modify their lifeways for
● Etic beneficial healthcare patterns, practices,
o refers to the outsider or stranger or outcomes (McFarland & Wander
views or institutional/system Alamah, 20156, p. 161.
knowledge and interpreted ○ Culture care is the synthesis of two
values about cultural major constructs (culture and care) that
phenomena guide the researcher to discover,
● Health explain, and account for health,
o a state of restorative well-being well-being, care expres-sions, and other
that is culturally constituted, human conditions.
defined, valued, and practiced ○ Culture care expressions, meanings,
by individuals or groups that patterns, processes, and structural
enables them to perform their forms are diverse, but some
daily lives. commonalities (universalities) exist
● Culture Care Preservation and/or among and between cultures.
Maintenance ○ Culture care values, beliefs, and
o refers to those assistive, practices are influenced by and
supportive, facilitative, or embedded in the worldview, social
enabling professional actions structure factors (e.g., religion,
and decisions that help people of philosophy of life, kinship, politics,
a particular culture to retain, economics, education, technology, and
preserve, or maintain cultural values) and the ethnohistorical
meaningful care beliefs and and environmental contexts.
values for their well-being, to ○ • Every culture has generic lay, folk,
recover from illness, or to deal naturalistic; mainly emic) and usually
with handicaps or dying. some professional (etic) care to be
● Culture Care Accommodation and/or discovered and used for culturally
Negotiation congruent care practices.
o refers to those assistive, ○ Culturally congruent and therapeutic
accommodating, facilitative, or care occurs when culture care values,
enabling creative professional beliefs, expressions, and patterns are
care actions and decisions that explicitly known and used appropriately,
help people of a designated sensitively, and meaningfully with people
culture to adapt to or negotiate of diverse or similar cultures.
with others for culturally ○ Leininger's three theoretical models of
congruent, safe, effective care care offer new, creative, and different
for meaningful, and beneficial therapeutic ways to help people of
health outcomes. diverse cultures.
● Culture Care Repatterning and ○ The ethnonursing research method and
Restructuring other qualitative research paradigmatic
o refers to the assistive, methods offer important means to
supportive facilitative, or discover largely embedded, covert,
enabling professional actions epistemic, and ontological culture care
and decisions that help clients knowledge and practices.
reorder, change, or modify their ○ Transcultural nursing is a discipline with
lifeways for beneficial healthcare a body of knowledge and practices to
patterns, practices, or attain and maintain the goal of culturally
outcomes. congruent care for health and
● Major assumptions of the theory of culture NCE
car diversity and universality presented LOGICAL FORM


Madeleine Leininger WEEK# 7
NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Date (11/10/2022) | Ms. Mate

● Leininger also developed several other ➔ It is essential when studying

enablers to assist nurse researchers in cultures to assess the extent of
their use of the ethnonursing method: the informant's acculturation,
o The Observation- Participation- whether they are more or less
o Reflection Enabler Domain of traditionally or nontraditionally
Inquiry Enabler oriented to their values, beliefs
o Semi-structure Inquiry Guide and general lifeways
Enabler to Assess Culture Care
and Health
o Acculturation Health Assessment
Enabler for Cultural Patterns in
● Practice
Traditional or Non- traditional
o Leininger identified several
o factors associated with
● Used 2 methods/enablers to define her
reluctance by nursing to
theory recognize and value
● Developed in 1970s and refined in 2006 transcultural nursing
▪ Many nurses weren’t familiar
● THE OBSERVATION- with anthropology in 1960s
PARTICIPATION-REFLECTION ▪ Many clients were reluctant to
ENABLER demand in meeting their
➔ used to facilitate the researcher cultural needs from their HC
to enter and remain with providers
informants in their familiar and ▪ Until the 1990s the journals
natural context during the about transcultural nursing
study were often rejected because
➔ From being an observer, they editors didn’t know the value
transition gradually to become of it
a participant. o In the 21st century, transcultural
● STRANGER TO TRUSTED FRIEND nursing education became more
ENABLER imperative for all nurses
➔ The nurse researcher is able to
● Education
learn much about themselves
o After the world’s first master’s
and the people and culture
and doctoral program in
being studied.
transcultural nursing were
➔ The goal with this guide is to
approved and implemented in
move from a distrusted
1977 at the University of Utah.
stranger to become a trusted
Many nurses have become
specifically prepared for
transcultural nursing.
o With the heightened public
➔ Is a statement made by nurse awareness of health care costs,
researchers when guided by the diverse cultures and human
culture care theory and using rights worldwide, there is a
the ethnonursing method to much greater demand to provide
clearly focus his or her are of holistic, high quality and
study comprehensive care.
➔ It comprises questions or ideas ● Research
related to the focus, purpose o Nurses worldwide use this
and goals of the study culture care theory in practice,
● SEMI-STRUCTURED INQUIRY research, education and
CULTURE CARE AND HEALTH o This theory is the only one in
nursing focused specifically on
➔ Developed with open-ended culture care and has specific
questions to assist the nurse In methods to study culture and
discovering and understanding care practices
the different cultural ICAL EVIDENCES
● Clarity
o The culture care theory has a
broad, holistic, comprehensive
perspective of individuals,
families, cultures and
communities and population


Madeleine Leininger WEEK# 7
NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Date (11/10/2022) | Ms. Mate

● Simplicity APPENDIX
o We need to decipher the
problem we are facing. Then we
can solve problems and quickly Figure: Leininger’s Sunrise Enabler
generate as many new ideas as
● Generality
o It demonstrates the criterion on
generality because it is a
qualitative oriented theory that
is broad, comprehensive and
worldwide in scope
● Importance
o Providing culture-specific,
culturally congruent care is a
vital, necessary and established
goal in contemporary nursing



● Nursing Theorists and Their

Work 9th ed
● Nursing Theorists and Their
Works 10th ed


Abbrev – abbreviation
TFN – Theoretical Foundations of


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