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HCA – MWF/3:00-4:00

OCTOBER 05, 2022

THC 109


Chapter 5 Formative Assessment: Research about ten (10) product or services innovation in
the hospitality industry. Provide a comprehensive discussion on paper.

1. Facial Recognition - Instead of having to wait in line at the front desk to check in, some hotels
are moving to facial recognition scans to get guests in their rooms. Guests simply approach a
kiosk, scan their face to verify their identity and scan their ID to get their room key.

2. Voice-Controlled Rooms - Many hotels are rolling out smart rooms, which combine AI and voice
recognition technology to integrate virtual assistants into the room. The rooms allow guests to
use voice control technology and speak naturally to get personalized assistance for both
business and personal travel.
3. Robots - Robots can play a number of roles in hotels, from cleaning rooms to staffing the front
4. RFID Wristbands - More hotels are moving away from traditional room keys to leverage RFID
technology through guest wristbands. Instead of having to carry a room key and their wallets,
guests are given a wristband loaded with their room information, credit card and tickets, which
can be scanned to gain access to their rooms and other areas and to make payments. The
simplified wristband makes it easy for guests to have everything with them and keep their hands
5. Chabot’s - Chabot’s give guests instant access to information without having to wait for the front
6. Mobile Room Keys - Combining the ideas in self check-in and simpler room keys, a number of
hotels are moving to mobile room keys. Guests simply check in using the hotel’s app and are
notified when their room is ready. Instead of waiting in line at the front desk, guests can go
straight to their rooms and use their smart phones or smart watches to unlock the door. Hilton
Hotels has introduced mobile check in for rewards guests to seamlessly check in, choose their
room and unlock the door through an app.
7. Smart Amenities - Smart amenities throughout the room allow guests to completely customize
their experience and make the room as comfortable as possible.
8. Virtual Reality - Imagine being able to step into a hotel room on the other side of the world to
see the exact layout, views and amenities. Virtual reality allows guests to tour a hotel, choose a
room and book it seamlessly online. They can also experience local attractions and feel
confident in their travel choices before they arrive.
9. Located-Based Services - Modern hotels can locate guests and employees, which allows them
to offer more personalized service. If a guest is in the hotel bar, they could receive a push
notification about a deal on drinks. Hotel staff could be alerted to guests’ preferences based on
where they spend their time. Hilton uses location-based services at some of its resorts to alert
guests to events and activities that might interest them based on where they are on the
10. Augmented Reality - The ability to overlay information onto guests’ surroundings has opened
new doors for hotels. AR can be used to take guests on a tour of the hotel, showcase the
property’s amenities and share information about the area. When guests point a smartphone at
the map, they can learn about local attractions and get recommendations for the best things to
do and see.
Chapter 5 Summative Assessment: Explain the relationship between creativity and innovation

- Creativity and innovation are two different terms and cannot be used interchangeably. Yet,
they have been used interchangeably in several areas or walks of life, including business and
management as well as technology. In this way the main distinction between creativity and
innovation, being the originality has been ignored and as the line between creativity and
innovation is thin, it becomes even more difficult to distinguish between these terminologies.
Innovation is an important aspect of growth and development of individuals, organizations,
cultures and societies. Innovation and creativity refer to bringing in new ideas to life.
Innovation can be achieved strategically through a process of creativity. This helps bring in a
lot many new ideas in the firm and also develop a platform for breakthrough innovations.

Blake Morgan (Feb. 20, 2020)

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