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User Interview We doing the work on project of

Tour Management for the information of Tour Management we Visit to Manmandir travels which is the one of the famous Travel Agency in Aurangabad and which located at Krantichawk. Even it is also popular in near by Aurangabad city. This travel agency have also branch in Puna city. This task begins with understanding the whole functioning of Manmandir Travels . A servey was made yup to several people were consulted the informration needed is available through large; number ;of customers. It took around ten days for studying problem; I visited at manmandir office for; five days and saw all the procedure takes place. I observed the entire manual work very keenly which helped me in knowing whole procedure in deep The data gathering was difficult task for me. It took five six says for gathering the whole data. A simple design was determine which easy to make understand yet took elegant to design the forms as per the managers requirement and it took 3 days. They require such types of forms in which they want to display all tour packages information in details with picture. For gathering the data we must have to know the management of their office. They manage their agency manually using the file records. They have two person in their office and one coach on here for marriages tour Agency management . They payed 2000 to 5000 per months salary to each employee. But for a huge amount of file records they have face a problem to where the store the data so they have such type of software which will accuracy and result which will save their time. The manager and their employee are have computer in their office but have some basic knowledge about computer. They have always manage a tour packages for hill stations or the ;packages for; international; tours. They always provide a food facility from them to all their customers by fixing particular hotels in city which their packages are available. With the desirable rates. They manages a price of the tour packages as per as the how many kilometers it haves They provide a discount to their old customer or petant customers at 20% as per as price ans for new customers they allow them to give a consetion as per the package. In travel Agency management Bill printing system is useful in bills they added information of customers packages, prices, and the customers name, & etc.

Current System In this project we are development the project on travel management.
manaamandir travels. In this Agency the work are completely on computerised . They use windows Xp oprating system And Mircrosoft office excel for storing the all information. Firstly they store the information about customer then store the date about their packages which they choose and then make bill as per their amounts. They also store the data about daily report as well as monthly report. There supplier record is written manually and buying details are written on receipt in traditional manner. To maintain this data required lot of time, also it is very difficult to update data manully way by day. But all this process have a lot of time and very lenghty process. Excel is very difficult and conjested for understanding and working. Hence they want advance such type of software system in which the work is done by easily and in less time. We are visited to the

Proposed system
The Agency we visited, Manmandir travels . Currently over whether the system is totally computerized but their system have required some more advance facility to save the data. In our project we are include the forms of displying information about tour packages and passanger information. Record, inf of about packages then printing of receipt details etc. By using aour software system evreyone can handle the system and save their time as well as money and no of manpower.

Problem Defination
The operator in that Agency information in Excel about the customers details which includes the Passanger s name, phone no., purpose of visit etc. And also they store details of worker But in all this process they face many problems and it takes large time of operator, because MS-excel is somewhat difficult to use and access. They also use the register for some tasks & record. To

maintain this data they waste their lot of time. And it is very difficult to update all data which is stored in register. But in our project, we are including different forms for storing different type of information. Means one separate form for passangers details then separate for check in, separate for check out, and separate for details, separate for tariff, separate for billing. We are making different forms for each task by which they can easily operate, store & update their all data. After making designing forms we will make connection of VB to MS-Access by ADODC which results as, when we want to store the data it automatically store in the backend that is in the tables which are created in Microsoft Access.

Feasibility study

It includes two main types, which are 1. Client feasibility: This also includes two types of feasibility y Behavioral feasibility y Economical feasibility 2. Technical feasibility: This also includes two types of feasibility y y Hardware feasibility Software feasibility

Behavioral Feasibility: Front office is one of the main section in Manmandir Travels. In this front the operator which using the computer is computer literate and he access computer very well. After completion of our project we will give training of two or three days to the operator. Then he will able to operate the project in visual basic.

Economical Feasibility: The owner of the Agencyl is economically rich. He is ready to take our project in visual basic. He will pay the cost of 2000 to 3000 Rs/-

Hardware Feasibility: In front office of hotel, they use a computer which having the hardware s as follows Hardware 1. Monitor (56v) 2. Printer (Dot-matrix) 3. Mouse 4. UPS 5. Key Board Hard Disk (40GB) RAM(256MB) All the Hardware s in this Hotel are assembled. Company SAMTRON MICROTEK SONY INTEX INTEX

Software Feasibility:

The operator in the front office is mainly uses the store the data. The software used by them are as follows: They use operating system Windows-XP. They use MS-Excel to keep records.

MS- Excel to

Project Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Task User Interview Current system Proposed system Problem Definition Feasibility study Normalization DFD ER Diagram Data Dictionary Screen Layout Sample Reports Implementation Details Limitations Conclusion Bibliography Form Designing Coding

Start Date 17-09-09 20-09-09 21-09-09 24-09-09 26-09-09 2-10-09 4-11-09 10-11-09 18-11-09 2-12-09 3-12-09 2-12-09 5-12-09 1-12-09 1-12-09 23-09-09 23-09-09

End Date 17-09-09 20-09-09 23-09-09 25-09-09 30-09-09 8-10-09 8-11-09 15-11-09 24-11-09 2-12-09 5-12-19 2-12-09 5-12-09 1-12-09 1-12-09 29-11-09 29-11-09


Front to Back end Connectivity



Third Normal Form 1st NF
Pasanger_ name Tour _Type Selected_package Journey_Date Places Tot-Amt Tour_name Total_Charges Total_Seats Guide-Charges Receipt-number

First Normal Form 2nd NF Best of Goa

Passanger _Name Selected Package Price Journey Date Guide Charges Total Seats Place Tour Name

Best o f Kashmir
Pasanger Name Selected Package Guide Charges Tour Name Journey Date Total Seats Total Amount Places

Best of Kerala
Passanger name

selected package price Guide Charges Totalseats Place

Magical Malesia
Passanger Name Tour Type Special Charges Journey Date Total Seats Food Available Places Total Charges

Wonderful Singapore
Passanger Name Selected Package Special price Tour Type Total seats Food Available Journey Date Total Amount

Booking receipt

Passanger Name Receipt Number Tour Type Name of Tour Package Type Journey Date Amount

Cancellation Receipt
Receipt Number Passanger Name Name of Tour Package type Tour Type Joueney Date Number of Passanger Reserve Charges

Hotel Management
Passanger Name Tour Type Tour Name Hotel Charges Staying Duration

Third Normal Form 3rd NF

Best of Goa

Third Normal Form 3rd NF



Package Tour name Journey Date Return


Tour Name Registration No.







Data Dictionary

TABLE: Best of Goa

Sr.No. 1.

Field Name Passanger Name Selected Package Price Journey Date

Data Type Text

Size 50

Constraints Primary Key

Description For the Name of the passanger For the Name of the customer For the price of the tour For the date of the passanger For the guide chagrges of the Passanger For the Total Seats of the Passanger For the places For the Tour name of the Passanger





3. 4.

number Memo

25 10



Guide Charges Total Seats


Long Integer 50





7. 8.

Place Tour Name

Text Text

30 20


y Software Requirement
Operating system: Windows 98 & above.

Application used:
1. Visual Basic 6.0 2. Microsoft Access

y Hardware Requirement
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pentium II processor 40MB RAM 4.2 GB Hard disk CGA/VGA/MGA Monitor CD-ROM.

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