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Brysis-wraith -her coffin is all in a sun design

4 Spectors- Ara (alter), Circina (compass), Eridana (river), Lacerta (lizard)-each of their coffins
have symbols reflecting their name the compass has the four directions and the centre sun.

Faerzress in the whole building so cast a spell roll for wild surge.

Place: Netheril a mageocrocy of floating cities kept up by magic until the war resulted in the
death of Mystryl goddess of magic sacrificing herself to save the world ending all magic for a
time and bringing the city crashing to the ground and that day was Karsus’ Folly.

Brysis fought in the war but died and was entombed. Then the magic died and the tomb fell.
ALL the way to the Underdark and Silken Paths where it crashed just as the other places did all
around the world.

The tomb is damaged from the fall, the door is cracked and there’s an opening one can slip
through to get inside.

The entry space is also damaged and they have to crouch to get to the stairs. There are broken
slabs of embossed metal and carved stone that show scenes of the mage wars, of great powers
blotting out the sun. Of floating cities brilliant buildings and the majesty of a flourishing and
privileged society ever warmed by the sun. broken inscriptions run along the bottom of the

They can tread carefully and with help to get down the stairs and into the second level that
seems in a slightly better state. The images here show a prominent figure of a woman with four
female followers all performing powerful magic, dispatching foes, and holding back enemies.
Then standing triumphant with a raised sword that seems to shine like the sun. inscriptions
again line the bottom of the images.

They see before them a 3x3 space of squares each with an orb (touch and they light). The top
middle one is a candle instead. There is a pattern on the door to the spector’s room that shows
all the lights lit in a 3x3 pattern a similar on is on the door to the tomb but with only the outline lit.

They hear a light whisper in their mind:

The life I lead is mere hours or less,

I serve all my time by being consumed.
I am quickest when thin, slowest when fat,
And wind is the bane of the gift that I bring.

[they must light the Candle in the puzzle]

(red is the solution pattern)

Floor tiles corresponding with room map and the key above red solved will open the
sarcophagus room, green solved will open the false tomb.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
Lights light/extinguish in a perpendicular pattern for 2,4,6,8 and in a right angle pattern for
5 lights/extinguishes 4,2,6,8,5
Another voice speaks when they are in the specter room and they see the spectors now:
They come to witness the night Without being called,
A sailor's guide and a poet's tears.
They are lost to sight each day Without the hand of a thief.
Coffin designs are clockwise: altar, river, compass, dragon. Ara (alter), Eridana (river), Circina
(compass), Lacerta (lizard)-each of their coffins have symbols reflecting their name the
compass has the four directions and the centre sun.
The coffin hiding the real tomb has five stars compass upon it.
The spectres are armoured women ready for war. One with a shield that bears the compass,
one a book that bears an altar on the cover, one a bow which seems to flow like water in her
hands, and the last with two blades that look like fangs and a dragon design upon her armor
and the hilts which are at her side.
Riddle in Brysis’ tomb

I am the beginning of everything,

The end of every place,
I’m the beginning of eternity, and the end of all time.
(Death. spoken will open the coffin. If the letter ‘e’ then a warmth fills the room and light
illuminates the space as you hear the hearty laugh of Brysis at her last joke and she will appear)

Otherwise she waits below and Dawnbringer will only call if they are seeming to leave.if they
wake Brysis first she will tell them of her true resting place. She will speak archaically but jovially
with a touch of sadness about the taint, the fall of her people, the end of her world. She asks to
be put to rest, wishing only that her coterie be allowed the rest they have fought for. A sadness
there. That they stayed with her to the end and died because of it. She was wakened by the
stirring in the dark and is saddened by the loss of her world, the time that has passed, and the
darkness of the underdark and the demons rising. She fear a rising such as this will lead to
another end like that of her people’s. She wishes them luck, can tell them little as this is not her
home by any means but she can feel the stirring of undead and demons and has kept herself
and her coterie from turning with the bit of magic left to her. The anti-magic of the lower tomb is
for their protection to keep them from being turned. To free them they need to take Dawnbringer
and using her activated blade stab it into Brysis’ ‘heart’ thus freeing her and by extension those
bound to her by loyalty and love.

If they achieve all this and don’t engage in combat they each receive the use of Searing light for
one time only.

Dawnbringer is sad and a little crazy from being in the deep for so long and Brysis does mention
and ask they be kind and patient with her as she has been awake in the dark this whole time a
cruel fate for one of the light.

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