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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel | Basic Education Department

LESSON 3: Developmental Tasks and Challenges in

Middle and Late Adolescents
Name and Section:


Directions: Converse with some people who are significant to you. Ask them of their
expectations and thoughts about you. Reflect on their answers and evaluate what you
feel towards their answers. Be guided with the following questions and write your answer
on the space provided.

What are the expectations of the significant people towards


They expect for you to be independent and to be matured

enough to take life and your responsibilities to be.

How do you feel about their answers? What are your thoughts
about that?

I felt surprise because I myself didn’t expect that I will be

that person soon enough

How can their expectations help you as a person?

Their expectation can help me as a person by accepting

my flaws, and that I deeply understand myself for I can
make a decision for myself

Based on your conversation and reflection, how can a person

become a lovable and capable teenager?

We need to love our self-first because through this we can

appreciate things and do anything that we want. We don’t
demand love and that we matter as a human and as

Lesson 3 | Personal Development | First Quarter Page | 1

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