Moodle Assignment 1

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Development is the process of structural societal change or historical change.

Development would mean a societal change, for example from agriculture bases
society to industrial based society. Change from traditional to modern society. The
concept of development worldwide have explained by various approaches with
different suggestions of development stages that most society might have passed
through, these approaches can be applied to examine effects of poverty ,
unemployment and governance in African nations as follows;
Political conflicts (instability), this is seen in several African countries such as DR
Congo, Sudan, Nigeria among others, this is supported by globalization and
modernization approach of development where concept such as multiparty introduced
which bring unrest especially when some leaders or political parties still need to
remain in power while their time have passed as what happened in Uganda and
Diseases and poor health facilities; mainly caused by poverty ,from maxist
approach in a stage of socialism where social services offered by government ,these
services became poorly as overwhelmed by large number of people in need.
Emergency of puppet leadership; this is under case of governance where some
African leaders are not patriotic tend to serve the needs of core nations, as supported
by globalization and modernization theories where political unification by formation
of various embassies result to creation of puppet leadership in Africa.
High illiteracy rate in rural areas; mainly caused by poverty, although development
approaches such as globalization have simplified the spread of knowledge but still
rural areas are lagging back because they are poor economically and hence cannot fit
well with terms of globalization.
Poor industrialization and investment; as referred to dependency theory of
development Africans played a role of raw materials and manual labor supply, up to
date these nations are less industrialized because of division of labor made before and
still depend on sophisticated technology from abroad.
Selfishness economy; Marxist approach in capitalism stage portray the concept of
privatization of economy , although lead to increase of quality of good and services
but selfishness is a great enemy of development in Africa because people even
engage in bureaucracy and illegal trades for enriching minority while majority
Destruction of African culture, as referred to globalization and modernization
theories the issues of civilization have spread all over the world where African culture
have been ignored where now youth are copying foreign culture and abandon their
African culture , mainly caused by poor governance policy we have on protecting and
perpetuating our culture.
Poverty to creates poor infrastructure, a society with poor infrastructure means
there’s no good or standard transport, buildings in that particular society, it’s not open
to activities which stimulates or creates income that increases the national gross
profit, as it is in tourism infrastructure is the part that brings comfort ability to
tourists, this means the availability of comfortable means of transport can be road,
railway or airways and amenities. A big reason or result of poor infrastructure is poor
or low level of technology that allows new innovation into the nation.
The economic level of the society or country determines what level of development is
that country, when the economy is not on a good level it means.
In relation to the approaches or theories that were created example the theory of
Nurkse’s theory believed that if the society is poor it will continue to be poor and
will be poor forever “this theory only believes that in order for a third world country
to develop they must have receive push from the developed countries, this statement
might be true because most of the third world countries societies do receive push so as
to complete some projects that influence the development however this theory of
Nurker’s failed to tell us the root that causes underdevelopment, because push from
the developed countries comes with price example of the SAP’s came with
conditionality that resulted to devaluation of local currency, cost sharing health and
education, privatization etc. which undermines the third world countries.
Generally in nutshell, issue of poverty, unemployment and poor governance has
many effects on African development as supported by various approaches of
development, hence great measures must be taken by the current African generations
to fight against poverty and unemployment problem mainly by investing more in
advancing their level of science and technology for example by industrial spoilage
and teaching or schools abroad so that they can grasp new technology for sake of our

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