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large intestine is a part of the digestive tract specialized in absorbing water from the
residual digested food coming from the small intestines, while forming and storing feces until
defecation occurs.
The large intestine or colon begins at the ileocecal junction, where it is continuous with the
ileum, which is the final part of the small intestine.
There are three main features that distinguish the large intestine from the small intestine -
besides the fact that the large intestine has a, well, larger caliber!
First, the large intestine has omental appendices, which present as fatty outgrowths covered
by visceral peritoneum.
Second, there are the teniae coli, which are three strips of smooth muscle that run lengthwise
from the base of the appendix through the colon and merge at the rectosigmoid junction to
form a longitudinal layer around the rectum.
The third and final differentiating feature is that the large intestine has haustra, which are
pouch-like bulges of the intestinal wall that form between the teniae when they contract.
The large intestine has several major components: the cecum, appendix, ascending, transverse
and descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal.
The cecum is the first part of the large intestine and it receives the terminal ileum, which
invaginates into the medial side of the cecum. The cecum lies in the right iliac fossa in the
right lower quadrant of the abdomen, and it looks a bit like an intestinal pouch.
it is intraperitoneal, mobile, and doesn’t have its own mesentery. On its posteromedial wall,
inferior to the ileocecal junction, the cecum has a blind-ended organ called the appendix,
which can vary in length up to and over 10cm.
The appendix is usually retrocecal, meaning behind the cecum, but its position can vary a bit
as well. It’s full of lymphoid tissue and its proximal part has attachment to the cecum by a
small mesentery called the mesoappendix.

The small intestine is a part of the digestive tract specialized in absorbing nutrients

and minerals from the food we eat.
It’s located in the abdominopelvic cavity, and it begins at the pylorus of the stomach and it
ends at the ileocecal junction, where it continues with the large intestine.
It has three major components: the duodenum, which can be divided into four parts, the
jejunum and the ileum.

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