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Title: Presenting Data Analysis results effectively

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Dr. Siebert Irving Strayer created Strategic Education, Inc. in 1892, and the main office is in

Herndon, Virginia. Strategic Education, Inc. (STRA). (STRA) Stock Major SEI is made up of

three companies: Strayer University, Capella University, and Non-Degree programs. Bachelor's

degree programs are available at Strayer University. Criminal justice, education, business

administration, health services administration, accounting, public administration, and

information technology are among the programs offered at Strayer. According to its core

mission, SEI is "committed to supporting financial independence via knowledge." We assist

working undergrads in advancing their professions and improving their lives via a variety of

innovative programs and services.

Interpret the scatter plot:

Over the last five years, the graph demonstrates the link between the highest stock prices (in US

dollars) on the y-axis and time (in days) on the x-axis. The stock price surged in the opening of

2019, as seen in the graph, before briefly falling. It began to rise over time, but after a certain

period of time, it began to fall. After looking at the graph, it's clear that the statistics are

unaffected by the actions of others. There seems to be no assurance that the stock price would

keep on rising or fall as time passes. However, this graph shows a positive linear trend by the end

of 2019 (the rising price of stock over time).

The graph shows the link between the y-axis (lowest stock prices in US dollars) and the x-axis

(time in days). The stock price surged in the starting of 2019, as shown in the graph, before

briefly falling. It began to rise over time, but after a certain period of time, it began to fall. After

looking at the graph, it's clear that the data are unaffected by the actions of others. There seems
to be no assurance that the stock price would keep on rising or fall as time passes. The scatter

plot, meanwhile, takes on a positive linear shape with a small slope by the end of 2019, showing

little volatility in the lowest stock prices.

Interpret the Histogram:

The number of instances of prices falling inside the ranges of adjusted closing stock prices is

noted on the y-axis, while the limits of adjusted closing stock prices are indicated on the x-axis.

A random distribution appears to be represented by this graph. There are several peaks in a

random distribution, and there is no discernable pattern. Meanwhile, the Histogram is almost

symmetrical, and the mean and median are about identical, indicating that the adjusted closing

stock price of Strategic education Inc. in the market is not volatile.


The following are some key patterns that managers should be aware of:

• The lowest and highest stock prices gradually rose and fell in the second and third

quarters, the fourth quarter is marked by mild losses and recoveries in the lowest and

highest stock prices.

• A daily traded stock volume volatility of 54.4 percent suggests that the rate of exchange

of Strategic Education Inc's stock is very unpredictable.

Consciousness of stock price trends may aid management in deciding to launch plans or

upgrade offerings in the early and late parts of the year, which may generate buzz and drive

sales during these times. The histogram for adjusted closing stock prices reveals that a lot of

data values lie inside the upper range of 105 and 133 U.S. dollars. The scatter plots for the
top and lowest daily stock prices show how the stock price rises and falls over time. The

histograms show that, while the median for adjusted closing stock prices was in the higher

range of the data set.

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