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What Are the Main Reasons of Discrimination? Is There Any Way to Conquer It?

Discrimination is the ethically and legally improper treatment of a person or group

toward another person for one or more of the following primary grounds, including but not

limited to sex, race, age, and disability (Altman 2011).

Sex or gender differences are the primary cause of discrimination against individuals.

Persons or organizations who are overbearing frequently exhibit domineering behavior toward

people of a different gender, such as a male boss who abuses his female employee

("Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace"). He could consider her to be of inferior

rank, leading him to look down on her (such as, in some male-dominated societies).

The second main cause of discrimination against some people is due to their race. Due to

their unique physical characteristics (such as their complexion, height, cultural heritage, etc.),

some people feel superior to people of other races and are prejudiced towards them (United


Ageism is the third most common basis on which people or groups are discriminated

against. They may be treated carelessly, regardless of their age, since someone else views them

with scorn and disgust (Tomlin 78).

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Last but not least, a handicap issue is a significant factor in why someone is the target of

discrimination by others. Some people are unfairly labeled as having inferior human traits since

they were simply born with differing abilities.

Given the primary reasons stated above, how can we possible overcome discrimination?

Without a doubt, through taking individual and collective action. You, me, or us can

convey to a discriminating individual or group that his/her/their behavior is not only offensive,

but also endangers your/my/our personhood/humanity. Similarly, preserving evidence of

discriminatory acts committed against you, me, or us by another individual or organization can

assist you, me, or us in taking legal action against any type of prejudice. In a word, the eternal

call to action is that we never, ever allow anybody to be discriminated against since any sort,

shape, or degree of discrimination is against the very essence of humankind itself.

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Work Cited

Altman, Andrew. “Discrimination (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).”, 2011,

“Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace.”, 2021,

Tomlin, Bianca. The Keep What’ S Their Expiration Date? Age Discrimination in the


United Nations. “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | United

Nations.” United Nations, United Nations, 2021,

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