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Chapter 1 THESIS STATEMENT: The researcher aimed to address the following research questions: A. What are the different trends of technology in the tourism industry of the Philippines? B. How do these technologies affect the tourism economy of the country? C. What are the different project involving technologies used by the government to boost the tourism industry? D. What are the different trends and technology that affects the tourism industry? E. What are the different user- friendly or accommodating technologies that entice people to travel? F. How do people see the tourism in the Philippines?

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The researcher would like to understand the following objectives: A. To determine different technologies available and being used in promoting tourism in the Philippines. B. To know how technology affects the tourism in the Philippines. C. To know the different technological factors that people attracts people to travel. D. To know the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies implemented by the government in the tourism industry.

Introduction: Tourism is one of the major industries for many Asian countries, attracting sometimes much-needed foreign exchange, and stimulating economic development in industries from hospitality, construction, property development, transportation, and retail, to a mass of spin-off small business areas such as currency exchange, restaurants and bars, and tour operations. Philippines as a tropical country is in many ways attractive for tourists. On the other hand tourists are attractive for a country as the Philippines. For the national government tourists are welcome, because they bring money to the country. Some of that money will go as tax to the national government. Many Philippine businesses, small or big, offer their services to the tourists. So, a lot of strategies to boost the tourism industry are being implemented to attract tourists. But to stimulate the tourism, investments are needed in the promotion of different tourist destination, marketing and advertising that can reach different countries, within reach booking agencies and most especially infrastructure. Especially facilities are needed in the ports where the arrivals of the tourists are. In the specific

tourist locations the water and electricity supply should be sufficient. Of course the accommodations in the places where the tourists want to stay, have to be adjusted to the wishes of the different tourists. All these factors and facilities should be developed in a sufficient way. Here technology makes a lot of help, from websites that promotes beautiful sights in the Philippines, development of e-commerce and business that offers various affordable travel and hotel booking packages spanning in several destinations, that cuts all the hassles. Up to the extent of creating different means of transportation that theoretically, makes traveling possible and more comfortable. Which on the other hand, increases value and synergies both to the customer and economy.

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