My Creed

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My Personal Creed

By Jasmine(AJ) Labastida
Creed Values
Life to me is about hard work, kindness and above everything love. These values
have been a constant presence in my life, always pushing me towards
self-reflection, compassion and accountability. They have become the basic
foundation for who I am and I carry these values with me everyday, everywhere
I go.

● Hard work
● Kindness
● Love
Major Influences
● My Dad
○ He has been an example of hard work
and resilience for my family and I. He
came to the US when he was 16
escaping poverty and violence. He’s
worked hard to provide us with
opportunities he never had.
○ He is my biggest supporter and most of
my interests have been influenced by
■ music, cello
■ reading
■ volunteering
○ Above everything he is kind and
considerate of the people around him,
always putting others before him.
○ Jose Angel = Angeles Jasmine
● My experience living in Mexico
○ Mexico has always felt like home to me
more than any other place.
○ My parents have lived there since I was
And lived here for a good portion of my
childhood before coming back to the US
○ The years I spent here made me feel so
integrated into the community. It’s
something not even distance can take
away from me.I don’t get to go home often
but when I do it always feels special and it
makes me value my time there more.
Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the

● Revolutionary thought
○ How we can become critical thinkers to
become engaged citizens
● Engaging in conversations through active
listening and self-reflection
○ education as a form of love
“If I do not love the world if I do not love
life if I do not love people I cannot enter
into dialogue.”

- Paulo Freire
Qualities I want to develop

Dependable Outspoken
I want to be someone my I am a pretty quiet person and
family and friends can rely on it takes a lot out of me to share
and as well as someone I can what I have to say. I always
rely on. have a lot to say so I want to
practice verbalizing my
thoughts .
How I want to make a difference in 10 years

● I am not sure what I want to do

yet but I would like to teach
media literacy similarly to how
Professor Holt here at ucsb
teaches her media criticism
course. I want to make sure that
people know how to access
information with care and
engage critically with the
information they are exposed to
in a time where digital media is
so huge.
● I want to keep volunteering

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