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Ontology vs Epistemology

● The main difference between Ontology and Epistemology is that Ontology is associated
with the nature of reality, whereas Epistemology is associated with the general basis of
nature of reality, including different methods of gaining knowledge.
● The ontology generally asks questions about like “What is existence?” or “What is the
purpose of existence?”; on the contrary, the epistemology usually asks questions about
like “What do you know?” or “How do you know it?”

● is the theory and methodology of interpretation,especially the interpretation of biblical
texts, wisdom literature, and philosophical texts.
● Hermeneutics is more than interpretative principles or methods used when immediate
comprehension fails and includes the art of understanding and communication.
● Modern hermeneutics includes both verbal and non-verbal communication as well as
semiotics, presuppositions, and pre-understandings. Hermeneutics has been broadly
applied in the humanities, especially in law, history and theology.

● Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the
first- person point of view.
● It Is the study of our experience - how we experience. It is an approach to
understandings people's everyday life experiences
● It is the lived experience that gives meaning to each individual's perception of a
particular phenomenon.The purpose of phenomenology is to describe particular
phenomena, or the appearance of things, as lived experience.

Signifier vs Signified
● Signifier and signified are two words that are commonly used in semiotics. The Swiss
linguist Ferdinand de Saussure was one of the founders of semiotics. According to
Saussure theory of signs, signifier and signified make up of signs. A sign is composed of
both a material form and a mental concept. The signifier is the material form, i.e.,
something that can be heard, seen, smelled, touched or tasted, whereas the signified is
the mental concept associated with it. This the key difference between signifier and

The Referent VS the Reference

● The referent is the actual thing in the world
● The reference is the language expression that refers to that thing in the world

Langue vs parole
● Langue- the language system shared by a community of speakers
● Parole--- the concrete act of speaking in actual situations by an individual speaker.
● Langue (French, meaning "language") and parole (meaning "speech") are linguistic
terms used by Ferdinand de Saussure. Langue describes the social, impersonal
phenomenon of language as a system of signs, while parole describes the individual,
personal phenomenon of language as a series of speech acts* made by a linguistic
● The extension of speech acts is commonly taken to include such acts as promising,
ordering, greeting, warning, inviting someone and congratulating.

Paradigmatic vs Syntagmatic
● Paradigmatic: A paradigmatic relationship is one where an individual item may be
replaced by another. Paradigmatic - reflect semantic choices available (within a lexical
field): a bottle of_(milk/juice/beer, etc)
● Syntagmatic: A syntagmatic relationship is one where signs occur in sequence or
parallel and operate together to create meaning. It's the relation between linguistic items
in a sentence.
● john ate octopus
● octopus ate John
Both are same in words but different in meaning.

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