Unit 9 Ielts

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Flora and fauna, agriculture

Words Meaning Synonyms Collocation Example
Adj + agriculture
70 percent of the country's population
modern | efficient | intensive | organic |
Cultivation practices subsistence agriculture.
Agriculture (n): sustainable | traditional | peasant |
the science or practice of Culture
nông nghiệp subsistence
farming Horticulture Most people in the country, and almost
/ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)/ Verb + agriculture
Husbandry all the poorest, depend on smallholder
be employed in, be engaged in, work in |
agriculture for their livelihoods.
depend on
I burrowed through the clothes in the
Adv + burrow
drawer looking for a clean pair of
Den deep | away, down
Burrow (n): hang to make a hole or a socks.
Lair Prep
(cầy, thỏ) tunnel in the ground by
Shelter beneath/under | into | through
/ˈbʌrəʊ/ digging He switched off the bedside lamp and
Tunnel Phrases
burrowed down beneath the
burrow your way
Adj + climate The Mediterranean climate is good
hot, warm | cold, cool | mild | extreme, for growing citrus fruits and grapes.
harsh, inhospitable, severe | damp,
humid, wet | arid, dry | equatorial, I don't think we should expand our
Mediterranean, subtropical, temperate, business in the current economic
Climate (n): khí the regular pattern of Temperature
tropical | northern, southern | global climate.
hậu weather conditions of a Altitude
Verb + climate
/ˈklaɪmət/ particular place Conditions
have Climate change refers to a list of
Climate + noun things that are changing with the
change earth's climate.
in a/the ~ The city has a warm climate.
Crop (n): vụ mùa, a plant that is grown in Produce Adj + crop Wheat is a staple crop for millions of
cây trồng large quantities, Product agricultural | cash, commercial, export | people across the world.
/krɒp/ especially as food Yield fodder, food, forage | subsistence | staple |
Byproduct traditional | spring, winter | standing | The judges will select the best from
Gathering arable, cereal, fruit, root, vegetable this year's crop of first novels.
Gleaning Verb + crop
grow, produce | plant, sow | bring in, Plant a cover crop to areas of bare
gather, harvest, reap | damage, destroy | dirt until you're ready to plant it with
rotate | spray grass, flowers, or shrubs.
Crop + verb
Isolated communities were extremely
Crop + noun
vulnerable if crops failed.
rotation | damage, failure | production,
yield | spraying
After three crop failures in a row, the
people face starvation.
~ of
Adj + decline Orders for new ships are rising, after
catastrophic, considerable, dramatic, several years of steady decline.
drastic, massive, marked, precipitate,
precipitous, rapid, serious, sharp, She seemed to be recovering and then
significant, steep, substantial | gentle, she went into a decline.
gradual, modest, slight, slow | continuing,
Downturn progressive, steady | general, long-term, Wheat showed a marked decline in
Drop overall | absolute, inevitable, inexorable, most years from 1893 to 1904.
Decline (n): giảm to become smaller, Fall irreversible, terminal | economic,
/dɪˈklaɪn/ fewer, weaker, etc. Recession industrial, moral, political, urban | Little was being done to reverse the
Slump national decline in the town's tourist economy.
Weakening Verb + decline
fall into, go into, suffer | cause, lead to | In the absence of this, the town is
arrest, halt, stop | prevent | accelerate | see rapidly on the decline.
in ~ | on the ~ | ~ in | ~ of In the third place, it was marked by
Phrases a decline of good government in
the decline and fall of sth Rome.
Disaster (n): thảm an unexpected event, Calamity Adj + disaster Any one of these nuclear plants may be
hoạ such as a very bad Catastrophe awful, big, dreadful, great, major, terrible a disaster waiting to happen.
/dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ accident, a flood, or a Collapse | imminent, impending | potential | global,
fire, that kills a lot of Crash national | natural, earthquakes | man- Flooding is the major and most
people or causes a lot of Emergency made | air, ecological, environmental, frequently recurring natural disaster
damage Holocaust flood, military, mining, nuclear, rail | in Britain.
Hazard business, economic, financial | personal
Verb + disaster Everything was going smoothly until
bring, cause, lead to, spell | avert, avoid, suddenly disaster struck.
prevent, save, stave off | predict,
prophesy | court, invite | suffer | survive | The implication is that Kyoto is a good
end in coin and if put into effect can actually
Disaster + verb prevent an ecological disaster.
happen, occur, strike | befall sb/sth, hit
sb/sth, strike sb/sth | loom, threaten Disaster mitigation is another area
Disaster + noun where watershed protection is crucial.
area, zone | relief | victim
in a/the ~
Over the years, the Red Cross has
become a leader in disaster recovery.
a disaster waiting to happen is a recipe
for disaster | a victim of a disaster
Adj + ecology The oil spill caused terrible damage to
the relation of plants and
fragile | animal, human, marine, plant the fragile ecology of the coast.
Ecology (n): sinh living creatures to each
Conservation Verb + ecology
thái other and their
Preservation damage, disrupt The ecology movement seems
/iˈkɒlədʒi/ environment; the study
Ecology + noun particularly adept in its innovative
of this
movement approach to venues.
Religious traditionalists objected to
Adj + evolution
theories of evolution being taught in
gradual | rapid | continuous | natural |
peaceful | biological, cultural, historical,
political, social, technological | animal,
As CEO he has overseen the
the slow steady Change human | Darwinian
company’s evolution from a small
development of plants, Enlargement
Evolution (n): tiến agency into a top-rated global firm.
animals, etc. during the Expansion Verb + evolution
history of the earth, as Growth trace
/ˌiːvəˈluːʃn/ It aims to trace the evolution of urban
they adapt to changes in Progression Evolution + verb
society from the expansion of the
their environment Transformation occur, proceed, take place
twelfth century to the uncertainty of
the fifteenth.
~ from … to … | ~ towards
This difference becomes apparent after
the theory of evolution
a long period of biological evolution.
Adj + extinction
Many species of plants and animals are
mass, total, widespread | near, virtual |
Annihilation in danger of extinction
Extinction (n): a situation in which a imminent, impending
tuyệt chủng plant, an animal, a way Verb + extinction
Elimination Such an event might unleash a mass
/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/ of life, etc. stops existing cause, lead to | be doomed to, be in
Obsolescence extinction not seen in the last 200
danger of, be on the brink/edge/verge of,
million years.
be threatened with, face | be saved from
Some programs include coursework in
the scientific study of the Adj + genetics
Biology human genetics.
Genetics (n): ways in which different evolutionary | molecular | medical |
ngành di truyền học characteristics are passed human, plant | population | Mendelian
Diagnosis Comparative evolutionary genetics of
/dʒəˈnetɪks/ from each generation of Phrases
Dissection spontaneous mutations affecting fitness
living things to the next the science of genetics
in rhabditis nematodes.
Adj + insect
Beetle This oil generally acts as an excellent
flying, winged | aquatic | beneficial |
any small creature with Cockroach preventive against this and other insect
harmful, poisonous | social
six legs and a body Fruit fly attacks.
Insect (n): côn Insect + verb
divided into three Ladybug Peas in large areas are grown free from
trùng buzz | fly | crawl | swarm | bore | bite,
parts. Insects usually also Mite serious trouble with insect pests.
/ˈɪnsekt/ sting
have wings. Ants, bees, Mosquito
Insect + noun
and flies are all insects. Pest Sadly, pesticides kill off beneficial
attack | bite | eggs, larva | pests | repellent,
Termite insects as well as harmful ones.
spray | species | world
Adj + habitat The many different habitats support a
native, natural | important | endangered, wide variety of birds.
fragile, threatened | coastal, forest,
wetland, wildlife, woodland Habitat destruction is a leading cause
Verb + habitat of animal distinction.
provide | conserve, protect | damage,
the place where a Dwelling
Habitat (n): môi destroy, disrupt Consequently, there has been some
particular type of animal Environment
trường sống Habitat + verb partial reversion to wildlife habitats.
or plant is normally Haven
/ˈhæbɪtæt/ support sth
found Terrain
Habitat + noun In its native habitat, it is covered with
destruction, loss dry snow during that period.
in a/the ~ | ~ for The forest provides a habitat for
Phrases hundreds of species of plants and
loss of habitat animals.
Adj + pesticide
Already some transgenic crops have
chemical | dangerous, hazardous |
the potential to reduce chemical
approved | banned, unapproved
Pesticide (n): thuốc a chemical used for Defoliant pesticide and fertilizer use.
Pesticide + noun
trừ sâu killing pests, especially Fungicide
use | levels | residues | contamination,
/ˈpestɪsaɪd/ insects Insecticide Pesticide use is not the only health-
pollution | poisoning | spray
related problem associated with
environmental problems.
the use of pesticide
Prey (n): con mồi an animal, a bird, etc. Adj + prey Children are seen as easy prey for this
/preɪ/ that is hunted, killed and easy | ideal type of advertising.
eaten by another Verb + prey
chase, hunt for, look for, pursue, stalk | The bank seems likely to fall prey to a
capture, pounce on | kill bigger organization.
~ for | ~ to After Miu's death, his empire
Phrases disappeared, and Servia fell prey to
a beast/bird of prey, be/fall prey to sth
They are extremely tenacious, often
chasing their prey to the end.
Any decrease in tourism could have
Adj + repercussion
serious repercussions for the local
considerable, important, major, serious,
significant | wide/widespread |
international | economic, political, social
an indirect and usually Chain reaction The national winter of discontent had
Repercussion (n):
bad result of an action or Effect repercussions in school.
tác động Verb + repercussion
event that may happen Influence
/ˌriːpəˈkʌʃn/ have
some time afterward Reaction The repercussions of the policy
Repercussion + verb
Side effect change will be felt throughout Europe.
be felt
The pay cuts are likely to have serious
~ for | ~ on
repercussions on productivity.
Adj + scent A derivative of ambergris is used in the
heady, heavy, pungent, rich, sharp, strong perfumery industry as a fixative for
Aura | delicate, faint | sweet | beautiful, lovely | delicate scents.
Scent (n): mùi Bouquet fresh | warm | musky | exotic
the pleasant smell that
thơm Odor Verb + scent Maybe the man owns a dog himself
something has
/sent/ Perfume have | be filled with | give off, release | and Bumpus smelled the scent on him.
Spice smell
Scent + verb Taran's masculine, virile scent
come, drift | fill sth | linger lingered in her clothes, on her skin.
Adj + species
living | extinct | common | rare | different, Over a hundred species of insect are
distinct | related | native | alien | wild | found in this area.
a group into which dominant | endangered, threatened |
animals, plants, etc. that Breed protected | animal, bird, fish, insect, For homework I want you to write an
can have sex with each Category mammalian, plant, tree | human essay on endangered species.
Species (n): giống
other and produce Group Species + verb
healthy young are Nature be found, grow, live, occur | be Allied to the pine-grosbeak are a
divided, smaller than Sort threatened with extinction, die out | number of species of smaller size, but
a genus, and identified Type survive it equals the beauty of plumage.
by a Latin name Prep
~ of The two living species are
Phrases distinguishable at a glance.
a member of a species
Soil (n): đất trồng the top layer of the earth Clay Adj + soil Climate and fertile soil have been
deep | shallow, thin | fertile, good, rich | important elements in this growth.
barren, infertile, poor | light | heavy |
loose | dry | damp, moist, waterlogged, The process resulting in the formation
wet | acid/acidic, alkaline | contaminated | of nitrates in the soil is spoken of as
top | chalky, peaty, sandy, stony | alluvial, nitrification.
desert, forest, garden, polar, volcanic
Verb + soil Some live in settled communities and
in which plants, trees, Ground
/sɔɪl/ cultivate | dig, till, turn, work | fertilize | roughly cultivate the soil.
etc. grow Land
drain | loosen
Soil + noun For soils with higher soil fertility
conservation | degradation, erosion | levels, no potash is required.
conditions, fertility, quality | type |
surface The whole group is abundantly
Prep watered, and the igneous soil is
in (the) ~ marvelously fertile.
They are now overgrown with
Adj + vegetation
luxuriant vegetation.
green | dense, lush, luxuriant, thick |
Flora scrub, scrubby, sparse | decaying,
Covered in luxuriant vegetation, it is
Greenery decomposing, rotten, rotting | natural |
plants in general, ringed by a fine sand beach.
Vegetation (n): cây Crops aquatic, woodland, sub-tropical, tropical
especially the plants that
cối Flowers Verb + vegetation
are found in a particular Tall tussock grassland provides the
/ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/ Plants be covered in/with
area or environment tallest vegetation cover on the island,
Saplings Vegetation + verb
there being no trees or tall shrubs.
Shrubs grow
Vegetation + noun
It is now beautiful with semi-tropic
Simply stating ' shooting vermin ' or '
wild animals or birds that Animal
Vermin (n): ký Verb + vermin shooting deer ' is not sufficient.
destroy plants or food, or Bugs
sinh regard sth as | catch, control, deal with,
attack farm animals and Insects
/ˈvɜːmɪn/ shoot Owls helped to keep vermin away
birds Pests
from the corn.
Weed (n): cỏ dại  a wild plant growing Flower Adj + weed Some weed control is therefore
/wiːd/ where it is not wanted, Grass annual, perennial | aquatic, pond, water usually necessary to promote healthy
especially among crops Herb tree growth.
or garden plants Seedling Verb + weed
Shrub kill | clear, pull up, remove | control, keep Routine maintenance of the garden
Tree down, keep under control | grow, spread | consists of keeping weeds under
Vine push up, spring up control.
Weed + noun Aquatic weed growth can impede
control | killer (also weedkiller) | growth | navigation, clog boats' propellers, and
seed, seedling can also physically impede water flow.

The loss of the championship was

Verb + catastrophic
Calamitous catastrophic to the dedicated team
be, prove
Catastrophic (adj): Cataclysmic members.
causing many people to Adv + catastrophic
thảm khốc Disastrous
suffer absolutely, quite | potentially
/ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ Ruinous Any such changes could be
Tragic catastrophic for world enmity, a
presidential aide told us.
Verb + disastrous The attempts once more to create
be, prove | become meaningful national states out of ethnic
Disastrous (adj): Cataclysmic
very bad, harmful, or Adv + disastrous palimpsests have proven disastrous.
tai hoạ Catastrophic
unsuccessful absolutely, quite, utterly | fairly, pretty |
/dɪˈzɑːstrəs/ Destructive
potentially | ecologically, electorally, The policy was absolutely disastrous
financially for the economy.
Since they had their baby they've both
Verb + domesticated
become quite domesticated.
Domesticated be, seem | become
 used to living with or Tamed
(adj): thuần hoá
working for humans Trained Indigenous animals are not well-suited
/dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd/ Adv + domesticated
to be domesticated and assist in
fully | partly, very | thoroughly | quite
Adv + endanger I don't want to lose her and there's no
greatly, seriously way I'll endanger what we're doing.
to put somebody/ Expose
Endanger (v): đe
something in a situation Imperil Verb + endanger They are accused of causing an
in which they could be Menace be likely to explosion likely to endanger life.
harmed or damaged Threaten
Phrases Taking these drugs could seriously
highly endangered endanger your health.
The present work is a reminder that the
Verb + extinct
art of bestiary is not completely
Archaic be | become, go | presume sth, think sth
Extinct (adj): tuyệt extinct.
chủng no longer in existence
Defunct Adv + extinct
/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ A population may also become extinct
Disappeared completely, all but, almost, nearly,
due to exceptionally high mortality
practically, virtually
Natural (adj): tự existing in nature; not Common Verb + natural "Hi, how are you?" he asked, trying to
nhiên made or caused by Instinctive be, feel, look, seem, sound sound natural.
Ordinary Adv + natural
/ˈnætʃrəl/ humans It's quite natural to experience a few
Usual only, perfectly, quite | fairly, completely
doubts just before you get married.
Verb + resistant However, these strains are not
be | become resistant to natural quinine.
Antagonistic Adv + resistant
Resistant (adj):  not affected by
Opposing extraordinarily, extremely, highly, Many teens will be resistant, which
sức đề kháng something; able to resist
Rebellious particularly, remarkably, very | quite, can make treatment impossible.
/rɪˈzɪstənt/ something
Unyielding relatively
Prep This makes bamboo towels naturally
to resistant to odor.
Adv + modify
These ideas are still used today, though
considerably, drastically, greatly, heavily,
in a slightly modified form.
Adapt profoundly, significantly, substantially | a
to change something Adjust little, partially, slightly | gradually |
Their spatial patterns are significantly
Modify (v): điều slightly, especially in Customize constantly | appropriately, suitably |
modified by the presence of the
chỉnh order to make it more Repair accordingly | chemically, genetically
positron component.
/ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/ suitable for a particular Reshape Verb + modify
purpose Rework have to, need to
If you have a ' Wire Biter ' with a
Tweak Phrases
scabby mouth you will have to modify
highly modified, in a modified form | a
his housing.
modified version
Verb + wild He was a bit wild at times, but a good
be, look, grow, live | go, run | drive sb, kid.
living or growing in make sb
Wild (adj): hoang Lush
natural conditions; not Adv + wild The date palm grows wild, as has been
dã Native
kept in a house or on a really, very | absolutely, truly | a bit, a already related, in Jerba.
/waɪld/ Natural
farm little, pretty, rather
Prep Wild phlox filled the air with a
with heavenly scent that rivaled lilacs.
Vulnerable (adj): weak and easily hurt Accessible Verb + vulnerable Older people are especially
dễ tổn thương physically or emotionally Defenseless appear, be, feel, look, seem | become | vulnerable to cold temperatures even
/ˈvʌlnərəbl/ Liable remain | leave sb/sth, make sb/sth inside their homes.
Sensitive Adv + vulnerable
Susceptible acutely, especially, extremely, highly, Tourists are more vulnerable to attack
intensely, particularly, very | completely, because they do not know which areas
totally, utterly | increasingly | quite, rather of the city to avoid.
| potentially | peculiarly, uniquely | oddly,
strangely | somehow | economically, She drew her legs up, feeling
militarily, politically vulnerable and scared in the strange
Adv + adapt
We need to assess the new situation
well | quickly | easily, readily |
and adapt accordingly.
Verb + adapt
to change your behavior Acclimate To remain competitive the company
Adapt (v): thích be able/unable to, can/cannot | have to,
in order to deal more Accommodate has to be able to adapt to the
nghi must | need to
successfully with a new Comply changing marketplace.
/əˈdæpt/ Prep
situation Confirm
We have to adapt the existing
structures to ensure we get the best out
the ability to adapt | find it difficult/hard
of the NHS reforms.
to adapt
The film explores the combat between
Adj + combat
good and evil.
fierce, mortal | armed, unarmed | close,
hand-to-hand | open | single | aerial
In her fighter cockpit or unarmed
Verb + combat
Conflict combat, she's forced to be reckoned
be engaged in, be locked in, engage in |
Contest with.
Combat (v): chống fighting or a fight, send sb into
lại especially during a time
Skirmish Troops then leaped onto the enemy
/ˈkɒmbæt/ of war Combat + noun
Struggle ship and engaged in fierce hand-to-
mission | zone | force, troops, unit |
Warfare hand combat.
aircraft, vehicle | boots, fatigues, gear,
jacket, kit, suit, uniform
Even then new conscripts would be
very unlikely to be posted to a combat
in ~ | in ~ with | ~ against | ~ between
Some live in settled communities and
Cultivate (v): to prepare and use the Adv + cultivate roughly cultivate the soil.
trồng trọt land for growing plants intensively, successfully | actively,
/ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ or crops assiduously, carefully, deliberately They are very easy to cultivate and do
not require lifting.
Eradicate (v): diệt to destroy or get rid of Abolish Adv + eradicate The disease has now been successfully
trừ something completely, Annihilate completely, entirely, totally | successfully eradicated from the world.
/ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ especially something bad Eliminate Verb + eradicate
Erase try to | help (to) | be difficult to, be Malignant tumors are often difficult to
Exterminate impossible to eradicate because they can spread
Prep uncontrollably.
Phrases We have set two dozen traps in an
attempt to eradicate the mice from
an attempt/effort to eradicate sth
our house.
Adv + evolve Over the past three years, he has
gradually, slowly | rapidly | eventually | evolved into one of America's most
constantly, continually | naturally | successful restaurant owners.
to develop gradually, Derive
independently, separately
Evolve (v): tiến especially from a simple Emerge
Verb + evolve The demands placed upon the police
hoá to a more complicated Expand
continue to service continually evolve.
/ɪˈvɒlv/ form; to develop Grow
something in this way Mature
from | into The company continues to evolve and
Phrases every new product they offer is in high
fully/highly evolved demand.
Set your computer to go into
Adj + hibernation
hibernation mode if it has been idle
long | winter
Hibernation (n): a state like deep sleep in for a specified period.
Verb + hibernation
sự ngủ đông which some animals
go into | emerge from
/ˌhaɪbəˈneɪʃn/ spend the winter It was the time of year when
rattlesnakes emerge from winter
in ~
Adv + tolerate
As a man of fashion, I'm afraid I won't
Abide barely | grudgingly | officially | no longer
Tolerate (v): chịu to allow somebody to do be able to tolerate this clothing long.
Accept Verb + tolerate
đựng something that you do
Countenance be unable to, (not) be prepared to, (not)
/ˈtɒləreɪt/ not agree with or like The government is not prepared to
Endure be willing to, cannot/could not, find sth
tolerate this situation any longer.
difficult to, will/would not
Adj + branch Later he removed to New York City to
top | low, overhanging | bare, local, dead, establish a branch of the firm.
a part of a tree that grows
central, high street, overseas, regional
Branch (n): nhánh out from the
Verb + branch Contact your local branch to arrange
cây main stem and on which
establish, open, set up | close (down) an appointment with a consultant.
/brɑːntʃ/ leaves, flowers, and fruit
Branch + noun
chairman, manager, member, office, The company operates in 18 states and
representative, secretary has 45 branch offices.
Adj + twig
Anything in nature - a bare twig
dry | bare | dead | birch, willow
a small, very thin branch Branch against the sky - can lighten my mood.
Twig (n): cành non Verb + twig
that grows out of a larger Offshoot
/twɪɡ/ break (off), snap (off)
branch on a bush or tree Scion He broke off a twig from a willow
Twig + verb
tree and used it to shoo the flies away.
break, snap
Root (n): rễ cây the part of a plant that Essence Adj + root Grow the bulbs in a transparent plastic
deep, shallow | gnarled box, so the children can see the roots
Root + verb growing.
grows under the ground Foundation
develop, grow | put down, take I'll do new potatoes and roasted root
and takes in water and Origin
/ruːt/ Root + noun vegetables.
minerals that it sends to Seed
system | crops, vegetables
the rest of the plant Source
Prep Plants with shallow roots are well
by its/the ~s suited to containers that are not deep.
She squeezed the steering wheel and
Adj + coat then reached into her coat pocket for
long | short | three-quarter-length | heavy | her cell phone.
light | winter | waterproof | fur-trimmed |
double-breasted, single-breasted | belted | He was wearing his long coat with
a piece of outdoor Fur
Coat (n): áo duffle, frock, morning, tail, trench three stars on his breast.
clothing that is worn over Leather
choàng Verb + coat
other clothes to keep Skin
/kəʊt/ pull on, shrug (yourself) into, shrug on, Is a native of South America, similar to
warm or dry.  Wool
throw on | pull off, shrug off | button (up) a lion in the habits and color of its
| unbutton | hang (up) coat.
Coat + noun
collar, pocket, sleeve, tail | hook However, you don't need to pack your
winter coat.
Adj + beak She also has a long yellow beak that
Beak (n): mỏ the hard pointed or short, small | large, long | curved, hooked, hardly ever stops talking!
(chim) curved outer part of a Snout pointed, sharp | powerful | black, yellow
/biːk/ bird’s mouth Verb + beak He has a sharp hooked beak, colored
open | close dark blue.
The biggest obstacle in our way was a
Trunk (n): thân the thick main stem of a Stalk Adj + trunk tree trunk on the road.
cây tree, that the branches Stem thick | gnarled | fallen | rotting | tree 2
/trʌŋk/ grow from Torso trunks | bathing, swimming I always keep a blanket and a toolkit in
the trunk for emergencies.
Adj + fur The animal's thick fur provides very
thick | soft | real | artificial, fake, good insulation against the arctic cold.
imitation, synthetic | matted | fox, rabbit
Verb + fur There's herring, too, pickled or
the soft thick mass of Jacket
Fur (n): lông mao be wrapped in, wear | be lined with, be prepared as selyodka pod scuba - in a
hair that grows on the Pelt
/fɜː(r)/ trimmed with fur coat.
body of some animals Skin
Fur + noun
trade | farm The fur trade, the horse, the gun,
Prep disturbed the sedentary habit of
in a/sb's ~ | of ~ American tribes.
Adj + scales
It relies on more factors than just your
the relation between the weighing | bathroom, kitchen
bathroom scales.
actual size of something Flake Verb + scales
Scales (n): vảy
and its size on a map, Lamina put sth on/onto, weigh sth on | get
/skeɪl/ There are likewise maps on smaller
diagram, or model that Layer on/onto, stand on, step on/onto | tip
scales, which undergo frequent
represents it Prep
on the ~
Adj + feather Caged birds sometimes pluck out their
breast, neck, tail | ostrich, peacock | breast feathers.
Feather (n): lông one of the many soft Verb + feather Non-feather duvets & non-feather
vũ light parts covering a preen | fluff (out/up) | ruffle | pluck pillows, a shower mat & a bath mat are
/ˈfeðə(r)/ bird’s body Feather + noun provided.
duster, pillow
Phrases She was light as a feather and moved
as light as a feather freely with him.
Adj + claw Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on
sharp | powerful, strong the legs of the dining table.
Verb + claw
Claw (n): móng one of the sharp curved Fingernail sharpen | dig, sink | show | retract A variety of tracks and claw marks
vuốt nails on the end of an Paw have been discovered which are
/klɔː/ animal’s or a bird’s foot Tentacle Claw + noun claimed to belong to the creature.
Prep The forepaws have five digits, each
in sb's ~s armed with a strong, curved claw.
a hard pointed part that Other great features of this frame are
Adj + horn
grows, usually in pairs, the adjustable nose pads and buffalo
buffalo, bull's, cow's, rhino | curled,
Horn (n): sừng on the heads of some horn design.
curved | sharp
/hɔːn/ animals, such as sheep
and cows. Horns are The bull lowered its horns and
on a/the ~
often curved. charged straight at him.
Solution (n): giải a way of solving a Explanation Adj + solution Education is seen as a solution to the
pháp problem or dealing with Result complete, comprehensive | effective, state's economic and employment
/səˈluːʃn/ a difficult situation Clarification good, happy, ideal, optimal, perfect | problems.
Elucidation acceptable | satisfactory, workable |
Explication obvious, simple | possible | feasible, As an immediate solution, consumers
realistic, viable | creative, imaginative, need access to affordable, unbiased
ingenious | early, immediate, instant, advice.
speedy | final, long-term, permanent,
ultimate | short-term, temporary | In no case did these methods and
proposed | pragmatic | compromise,
negotiated | diplomatic, political | military efforts secure a long-term solution to
| technical poverty.
Verb + solution
look for, seek, work towards | achieve, Jelly cabinets can provide a great
agree (on), arrive at, come up with, find, solution for your storage needs.
produce, reach, work out | propose, put
forward, suggest | adopt | offer, provide Do your research and find the pay-
Prep down solution that works for you.
~ for | ~ to
Fixed-rate mortgage loans have higher
Verb + constant
Ceaseless interest rates but the rates remain
be | remain, stay | hold sth, keep sth
Continual constant.
Adv + constant
Constant (adj): Incessant
happening all the time or remarkably | absolutely | almost, nearly,
liên tục Persistent This percentage appears to be constant
repeatedly virtually | fairly, reasonably, relatively |
/ˈkɒnstənt/ Relentless across racial and ethnic groups.
more or less, roughly
Stable Mr. Towers’ experiments were carried
out at nearly constant temperature.
Verb + destructive
Rats and mice, especially the
Calamitous be, seem | become
guayabera, an extremely destructive
Cataclysmic Adv + destructive
Destructive (adj): rodent, are very abundant.
causing destruction or Catastrophic extremely, highly, very | downright,
huỷ diệt
damage Detrimental wholly | quite | potentially |
/dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ Several of the elaterid larvae, however,
Disastrous environmentally
gnaw roots and are highly destructive
Harmful Prep
to farm crops.
of | to
Verb + dangerous
be, look, prove, seem, sound | become, It's dangerous to take more than the
Alarming get | remain | make sth | consider sth, recommended dose.
Deadly regard
Dangerous (adj): likely to injure or harm Perilous Adv + dangerous This disease is more accidental than
nguy hiểm somebody, or to damage Precarious exceedingly, extremely, highly, really, contagious and rarely takes very
/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ or destroy something Terrible incredibly, terribly, very | a little, slightly dangerous proportions.
Unsafe | increasingly | possibly, potentially |
Unstable positively | notoriously | politically It is becoming dangerous to speak
Prep French in the streets.
for | to
Creature (n): sinh a living thing, real or Animal Adj + creature But not a trace could they find of the
vật imaginary, that can move Critter living | primitive, simple | complex | tiny creature they sought.
intelligent | wild | social | solitary | night,
nocturnal | aquatic, marine, sea, water |
around, such as an Living thing woodland | ape-like, bat-like | little,
/ˈkriːtʃə(r)/ The front cover is graced by a group of
animal Fellow small, tiny | dangerous | furry |
indisputably bird-like creatures.
magnificent | exotic, strange | mythical |
Adj + animal
dead, living | higher, lower | dumb | Surveys show that animal welfare has
stuffed | dangerous | endangered, rare | recently become a major concern for
extinct | social, solitary | feral, stray, wild many schoolchildren.
| caged, trapped, wounded | domestic,
laboratory | forest, land, marine | draught, She is that rare animal, a brilliant
Beast pack scientist who can communicate her
Animal (n): động a creature that is not a
Creature Verb + animal ideas to ordinary people.
vật bird, a fish, a reptile, an
Pet have, keep | breed, raise, rear | tame, train
/ˈænɪml/ insect, or a human
Critter | hunt, trap | butcher, slaughter The universal reliance on animal life
Animal + noun stimulated the study of the animal
life, species | behavior, instinct | lover | kingdom.
husbandry | experiments, testing/tests |
rights, welfare | fat, products This animal can be trained to follow
Phrases simple orders.
the animal kingdom/world
Adj + chemical Organic chemicals are used in the
pure | organic | inorganic, synthetic | manufacture of plastics, fibers,
dangerous, harmful, hazardous, solvents, and paints.
poisonous, toxic | agricultural, household,
produced by or using Actinic
Chemical (n): ∈ industrial The chemical industry produces such
processes that involve Alchemical
hoá học Verb + chemical things as petrochemicals, drugs, and
changes Enzymatic
/ˈkemɪkl/ manufacture, produce | discharge, dump | rubber.
to atoms, or molecules Synthesized
be exposed to
Chemical + noun Chlorine can produce chemical
factory, plant, work | business, company | byproducts that have been linked to
industry, manufacturing cancer.
Spill (v): tràn ra to flow over the edge of a Discharge Adv + spill They flattened the breasts and made
/spɪl/ container by accident; to Overflow almost | accidentally | out, over them spill over the tops.
make liquid do this Splash
Spray Verb + spill He opened the curtains, letting the
Stream try not to | let sth morning light spill into the room.

Prep When you slice into the head, its brain

down, from, into, onto, out of, over will spill out all over the table.
Adv + destroy
The accident seemed to have totally
completely, entirely, totally, utterly | all
destroyed his confidence.
Damage but, almost, effectively, practically,
Dismantle virtually | largely | systematically | by fire
Destroy (v): phá to damage something so A long time ago, there was a battle so
Eradicate Verb + destroy
huỷ badly that it no longer horrible it threatened to destroy the
Sabotage can/could | threaten to
/dɪˈstrɔɪ/ exists, works, etc. whole universe.
Shatter Phrases
Smash an attempt to destroy sth | be capable of
She seemed intent on destroying
destroying sth | be intent on destroying
everything they had built up together.
Adj + prisoner
Two security guards were taken
virtual | political | life, life-sentence,
prisoner during the robbery.
long-term | short-term | remand |
a person who is kept in Captive condemned, convicted, sentenced |
Prisoner (n): tù The former prisoner of conscience
prison as a punishment, Convict escaped | model
nhân was elected president of the new
or while they are waiting Detainee Verb + prisoner
/ˈprɪznə(r)/ democracy.
for trial Hostage capture, take | hold, keep | free, release
Without a wheelchair, she is a virtual
a prisoner of conscience | a prisoner of
prisoner in her own home.
Any pattern for a baby toy can become
Verb + organic
Biological an organic toy by using organic
Organic (adj): chất produced or practiced be | become, go
Essential materials.
hữu cơ without using artificial
/ɔːˈɡænɪk/ chemicals Adv + organic
Necessary The whole process was totally organic
fully, totally
and not preconceived at all.
Adj + desert
She gave a hair-raising account of her
arid, barren, dry | vast | inhospitable |
escape through the desert.
Arctic, polar | cultural
Verb + desert
There is a barren desert in the north,
a large area of land that Wilderness become, turn into/to | cross
but rich in nitrate, copper, and other
has very little water and Barren Desert + verb
Desert (n): sa mạc minerals, and with a sea rich in fish.
very few plants growing Flats stretch
on it. Many deserts are Solitude Desert + noun
But it would be hot as hell crossing
covered by sand. Wilds area, country, land, landscape, region |
the desert in Utah and Nevada.
conditions | heat | sand, soil | floor,
surface | plain | animal, plant
It is situated in a malarious, almost
desert plain, 9 m.
across/through the ~ | in the ~ | into the ~
Adj + method
Traveling by train is still one of the
efficient, good, practical, reliable | simple
safest methods of transport.
| conventional, principal, traditional,
usual | alternative, other | different,
Arrangement We used different methods of
various | unorthodox, unusual | farming,
Design calculation, but we both got the same
Method (n): cách research, scientific, teaching, working ~s
a particular way of doing Mechanism result.
thức Verb + method
something Process
/ˈmeθəd/ adopt, employ, follow, use | develop,
Program New teaching methods encourage
devise, work out | change, improve
Recipe children to think for themselves.
Method + verb
involve sth | work
This method involves cutting a very
thin slice from the object.
~ for | ~ of
It is the most serious pest of cotton in
Adj + pest
the West Indies.
Blight common | serious | agricultural, crop,
Bug garden, plant | insect | sex
Pest (n): loài gây These birds provide a useful function
an insect or animal that Epidemic Verb + pest
hại in controlling insect pests.
destroys plants, food, etc. Plague control, eradicate
Scourge Pest + noun
Integrated pest management also
Virus control, controller, management |
addresses the timing of pesticide
Situation (n): tình all the circumstances and Case Adj + situation The airline did a good job of dealing
huống things that are happening Condition general, overall, total | current, with a very difficult situation.
/ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn/ at a particular time and in Place immediate, present | international, local,
a particular place Plight national, world | actual, concrete | The tree shrews were tested in a
Position favorable, happy, ideal, privileged | similar situation and rewarded with
Scene satisfactory, stable | delicate, difficult, banana baby food.
stressful, vulnerable | dangerous, | crisis,
emergency | critical, desperate, grave, I calmed down enough to explain the
intolerable, serious, terrible, tragic | situation before ending the
absurd, extraordinary, ludicrous, unique, conversation.
unusual | complex, complicated | simple |
strategic | domestic | economic, financial, Nevertheless, I forewarned Molly and
military, political she accepted the situation bravely.
Verb + situation
bring about, create, lead to, result in | be He knew in a situation like this fear
faced with, face, find yourself in, get into and panic were their worse enemies.
| avoid | take in, understand | consider,
discuss, examine, judge, look at, review, Fortunately, there was no opportunity
think about | describe, explain, outline |
to discuss the situation with the
accept, face up to | address, cope with,
children present.
respond to, take control of | to exacerbate
Situation + verb
Seeing no other way out of the
arise, develop | improve | change |
situation, Julian gave a mental shrug
deteriorate, worsen
and pulled the trigger.
in a/the ~
The actual situation was more
complicated and certainly more
the gravity/seriousness of the situation | a
way out of the situation
Adj + attempt
successful | abortive, botched, failed, He accepted the food well enough but
fruitless, futile, ill-fated, unsuccessful, made no attempt to feed himself.
vain | conscious, deliberate | brave, bold,
concerted, determined, serious, valiant | They closed the road in an attempt to
blatant | feeble, half-hearted, weak | reduce traffic in the city.
clumsy, crude | desperate, frantic |
an act of trying to do Endeavor
Attempt (n): nỗ repeated | assassination, rescue, suicide The doctors made one last desperate
something, especially Experiment
lực Verb + attempt attempt to save the boy's life.
something difficult, often Pursuit
/əˈtempt/ make | succeed in | abandon, fail in, give
with no success Struggle
up | foil, thwart Rashleigh, who has become an
Attempt + verb informer, is killed by Rob Roy during
succeed | fail an attempt on Frank's life.
in an/the ~ | ~ at | ~ by Every attempt to make it do so must
Phrases inevitably fail.
an attempt on sb's life
Having only a prepaid debit card can
Adv + eliminate
help to eliminate these problems.
Cancel altogether, completely, entirely, totally |
Dispose of virtually | largely | effectively
Eliminate (v): loại The virus can never be entirely
to remove or get rid of Eradicate Verb + eliminate
trừ eliminated from the body.
something Exclude seek to, take steps to, try to | help (to) | be
Get rid of designed to | be impossible to
There are more ways to eliminate
Phase out Prep
sugar from your diet without
compromising taste.
Spread (n): độ phủ to affect or make Advance Adj + spread Iggy found a temporary solution to
/spred/ something affect, be Advancement good, great, wide | rapid | gradual, slow | stop the spread, and I sealed the area
known by, or be used by Dissemination geographical, global around the town.
Verb + spread
Such unhygienic conditions encourage
encourage | halt, prevent, stop | control,
Escalation the spread of disease.
more and more people limit, reduce
The current survey will have a wider
~ of
geographical spread.
Adj + mammal Every mammal craves affection, and
large, small | higher, lower | common | your cat is no different.
any animal that gives endangered, rare | wild | aquatic, marine,
birth to live young, not sea | land, terrestrial | carnivorous, Bats are among the most susceptible
Mammal (n): động Beast
eggs, and feeds its young grazing, herbivorous | nocturnal | hoofed | mammal species to habitat
vật có vú Creature
on milk. Cows, humans, warm-blooded fragmentation.
/ˈmæml/ Vertebrate
and whales are Mammal + noun
all mammals. species | prey Aquatic mammal manatees sun
Prep alligators even fan a Chinese of the
among ~s hair.
Adj + approach I've just read an interesting book that
conventional, orthodox, traditional | has a new approach to Shakespeare.
alternative, different, fresh, new, novel |
cautious, conservative | creative, Botanical facial products offer an
innovative | flexible | direct, no-nonsense, alternative approach to skin care.
a way of dealing with positive, practical, pragmatic, problem-
Approach (n): tiếp somebody/ something; a solving, rational, useful | indirect | right | We are also aiming to develop a
cận way of doing or thinking wrong | analytical, scientific, structured, positive approach to diversity within
/əˈprəʊtʃ/ about something such as systematic, theoretical | holistic, the staff team.
a problem or a task integrated | basic, general | simplistic
Verb + approach She felt comfortable enough now to
have | adopt, develop, take, try, use | approach that intimate conversation.
favor, prefer
Prep Her plan was to approach the building
~ to from the back parking lot.
The significance of learner repair
Verb + controversial
Contentious following recasts also remains
Controversial causing a lot of angry be, prove | become | remain
Disputed controversial.
(adj): gây tranh cãi public discussion Adv + controversial
/ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl/ and disagreement extremely, highly, very | rather,
Questionable The environmental impact is highly
somewhat | politically
Regard (n): sự  to think about View Adj + regard We employ people without regard to
quan tâm somebody/ something in Care due, full, proper | scant | particular, their political or sexual orientation.
/rɪˈɡɑːd/ a particular way Carefulness specific
He does them now with no regard for
Verb + regard the lives of innocents.
have | pay, show
A feral being with scant regard for the
Prep feelings of others, he has hardened
in/with ~ to | without ~ for/to | ~ for himself against any feelings of
Phrases compassion.
in that/this regard | a lack of regard |
little/no regard for/to sb/sth Still feeling the sobering effects of that
cool regard, she forced a smile.
Adj + control She doesn't have any control over that
absolute, complete, full, total | effective, child - it's embarrassing.
proper | close, strict | direct | government,
parental, political, state The car skidded and went out of
Verb + control control, crashing into an oncoming
have | assume, establish, gain, get, take, truck.
the power to make Discipline
Control (n): quyền win | keep, maintain, retain | lose,
decisions about how a Domination
lực relinquish | wrest | get out of, go out of | Weeds should be kept under strict
country, an area, an Government
/kənˈtrəʊl/ re-establish, regain | give sb/sth | control.
organization, etc. is run Jurisdiction
exercise, exert | bring/get sth under
Prep The event has been canceled due to
beyond/outside your ~ | in ~ (of) | out of circumstances beyond our control.
~ | under (sb's) ~ | ~ over
Phrases Dictators may think they can control
circumstances beyond sb's control information access and technology.
Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat
Adj + poison
poison were discovered in the kitchen.
Bacteria strong, virulent | deadly | nerve, rat
Poison (n): chất a substance that causes Contamination Verb + poison
Arsenic is a deadly poison that takes
độc death or harm if it gets Germ administer, give sb | lace sth with, put
immediate effect.
/ˈpɔɪzn/ into the body Toxin in/on | put down | swallow, take
Venom Poison + noun
But put an extra condiment into your
gas, pill | arrow
dish, and it will poison you.
Harmful (adj): có causing damage or injury Adverse Verb + harmful This group of chemicals is known to be
hại to somebody/ something, Catastrophic be | become | consider sth harmful to people with asthma.
/ˈhɑːmfl/ especially to a person’s Detrimental Adv + harmful
health or to the Disastrous extremely, particularly, positively, very | These effects of water hardness are
environment Noxious quite | possibly, potentially | allegedly | not harmful to health.
Unsafe necessarily | intrinsically |
environmentally, socially However, the sun's rays also can be
potentially harmful.
Much of the local plant life has been
Adj + plant
destroyed by the chemicals.
attractive | delicate | wild | rare | garden,
house, indoor, potted | exotic, tropical |
This plant grows quickly and provides
medicinal | food | crop | poisonous |
excellent ground cover.
perennial | aquatic, desert, marsh |
a living thing that grows bedding, climbing, flowering, ornamental
Grass It's becoming more popular to grow
in the earth and usually | herbaceous, leguminous | strawberry,
Herb plants organically.
Plant (n): thực vật has a stem, leaves, and tomato
Seedling It is a very poisonous plant, and must
/plɑːnt/ roots, especially one that Verb + plant
Shrub not be brought much into gardens.
is smaller than a tree or cultivate, grow | water
bush Plant + verb
Vine Current research is focused mainly on
develop, grow | flourish | die | absorb sth,
molecular plant science and molecular
consume sth
Plant + noun
roots | growth | life | species, variety |
If she left Ashley, she would arrive in
material, matter, tissue | pot | science
time to plant a garden at the ranch.
Adj + spray All the wedding guests wore sprays of
fine, light | salt, sea carnations.
very small drops of a Verb + spray
Spray (n): bình xịt, Aerosol
liquid that are sent send (up), throw (up) Slightly dampen the fabric item using a
nhành hoa Sprayer
through the air, for Spray + verb fine water spray.
/spreɪ/ Sprinkler
example by the wind fly (up)
Prep Finish with a light mist of hair spray
~ of to keep flyaways in place.
Many chemicals used in fuels and
Verb + toxic
industrial processes are toxic to
be, stay | become | remain
Deadly animals and plants.
Adv + toxic
Toxic (adj): độc hại containing poison; Lethal Over the years, many harsh and highly
extremely, highly, very | quite |
/ˈtɒksɪk/ poisonous Noxious toxic chemicals have built up in the
Pernicious environment.
Another life-threatening condition is
toxic megacolon.

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