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1. Why is it virtually impossible to live without computers

- computers are used in al fields of life
- used for storing data, word processing, keeping records,
invoicing, managin production and ordering goods
- the operation of all kinds of modern equipment cannot
be carried out without computer technology
- computer based electronic devices in homes

2. What are the most frequent uses of computers at home?

- acces the Internet (as an endless source of all kinds of
- keep in contact with friends and relatives
- applications
- downloading music or movies
- swapping files
- playing computer games
- help with learning

3. What problems can excessive use of the computer cause?

- spending too much time in front of the screen can cause
physical and mental problems
- eye strain
- sitting in front of the computer causes backache and
muslce tension, there is a risk of obesity as well
- an extreme amount of time spent by the computer can
cause insomnia, mood swings, anxiety and depression

4. How can computer related health problems be reduced?

- it is crucial to set limits for how much time you can
spend in front of the computer
- get away from the computer at least every 30 minutes
- stand up and stretch
- in order to prevent eye strain, it is advisable to take the
eyes off the computer from time to time since focusing
ont he the computer screen ruins your eyesight

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a

- powerful desktop can be cheaper than a laptop
- you can also upgrade a desktop more easily and to a
greater extent because you can add a better video card,
a memory card
- getting a desktop repaired is much simpler and cheapter
than fixing a laptop
- the disadvantage of a desktop include that they are not
portable and take up space

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a laptop?

- the main benefits of a laptop are its portability and size
- these features allow you to take a laptop with you
anywhere and use it while travelling, during meetings,
and on holiday
- your applications and documents are always available
- Disadvantage: due to their size, laptops require smaller
and more intricate (bonyolult) components, and this
makes their repair more complicated and expensive
The battery may run down quite quickly and if the
monitor is small, it strains the eyes

7. How reliable is the information on the Internet?

- evaluating the reliablity and quality of information found
ont he Internet is one of the biggest problems that
Internet users face nowadays
- everyone can write and design nice-looking websites
with unreliable information
- information ont he internet doesn’t have a guarantee of
authenticity, so it must be carefully evaluated
- google is a common way to find information, but it is
extremely unreliable
8. How does the Internet violate copyright?

9. What is the difference between the Internet and the World

Wide Web?
10. What characterises chat programs?
11. What public facilities are available for computer
12. What are the main characteristics of a web page?
13. What is the difference etween hackers and crackers?
14. What are phishing and pharming?
15. What is a hoax in the computerised world?
16. How is the style of an e-mail different from the style of
a traditional letter?
17. What are emoticons and smileys?
18. What is Netiquette?
19. Why is virus protection important?
20. Why do people like computer games?
21. What is cyberculture?
22. What is spam?
23. What makes it possible to access the Internet in
public places?
24. What is the most popular form of social networking in
today’s modern digitised society?
25. What can explain the rocketing popularity of Twitter
comparad to other social networking sites?
26. What is the role of Internet in commerce?
27. What does telecommunications mean?
28. How does a mobile phone operate?
29. What are the most common functions of a mobile
30. What is roaing?
31. What are some recent features of mobile phones?
32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
mobile phones compared to ordinary phones?
33. Why do people like texting?
34. What are the most common mobile phone styles
35. What is smishing?

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