Js Fsu Lesson Plan Math

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Ferris State University

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information

Name: Date:
Luisa’s Under Pressure
Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s):
Math First
Time/ Period: Materials: Pencils, white board and markers, computer, slide
45 minutes show on smartboard, manipulatives (donkeys, rocks, pianos etc.
from Encanto), worksheet, math journals, highlighters
Community and Classroom profile: (demographics- such as age, race, gender identification, religious
preferences, SES, disabilities, etc.) One student is formally diagnosed ADHD-the parents do not medicate.
One student has a strong lack of participating.
The classroom is made up of 28 students. There is a good split of boy to girl ratio. There are multiple
races in this room. Including Mexican, African American, Caucasian, and there are two Indian (from
India) students. All of these students use English as their first language.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both Appropriate

ABCD with teacher Assessment(s)
language and “I (formative and/or
Can” with student summative)
Content Standards: The students will be 1. Formative assessment:
1. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1 able to solve 5 word walk around the room
.OA.A.1Use addition and problems, with an and exam how the
subtraction within 20 to unknown in any groups are representing
solve word problems position by using their word problems
objects or drawings with the manipulatives.
involving situations of
that include the
adding to, taking from, language adding to,
putting together, taking taking from, putting
apart, and comparing, together, taking apart,
with unknowns in all or comparing.
positions, e.g., by using
objects, drawings, and
equations with a symbol
for the unknown number
to represent the problem.

Technology Standards MiTecs/ISTE 1. 1.

SEL Competencies 1. 1.

Lesson Procedures
Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of
previous day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)
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Ask the class “can anyone here lift a car? I certainly can't, but Luisa
can. I wonder how much pressure that will put on her?” “Yesterday we discussed how we can read a
word problem and find key words in the problem to create either an addition or subtraction problem.
You all were fast to find the key words to figure out what kind of math problem it was.” “Does anyone
want to remind the class of what some of those key words were?” Students share. ”Thank you….”
“Today we are going to work on some story problems that will have Luisa from Encanto in them! Luisa
is strong and can lift super heavy items, I am excited to explore these word problems today! If anyone
needs refreshers, I will be here to help and you can always ask your group mates, also don’t forget the
awesome notes we took yesterday in your math journals!”

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be
doing and what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL
competencies utilized)

1. Gather student’s attention with: “Kids, kids!” they know to respond with: “Yes, yes!” “I’m glad I
have your ears for this fun lesson! To begin this lesson, we have to put all of our stuff away and
clear our desks. I’ll give you 2 minutes to make sure it’s clear. When you’re done place your
hands on your head to show me, you’re ready.” “When you’re ready, we are going to split up
into groups of four. I have the groups picked out already. Two minutes starts now!”
2. Students show they are ready by placing hands on their heads. “Great work friends, super
speedy today! It’s time to be placed in groups.” Teacher places students into groups of four.
“Now that we are in our groups, I want to spend a few minutes going over a couple of word
problems on the smart board. Please take out your math journals and a pencil to take notes if
you missed anything yesterday. This will be helpful for recognizing key words to look for in
today’s word problems.” “I’ll give you one minute to get out your materials and when you’re
ready, show me with hands on your head.”
3. Students get out math journals and pencils. “Fantastic friends, you remembered to stay at a
zero while getting out your work tools! You all rock!” Pull up slides on the smartboard. “Here
are some slides we will work on together to get your math brains warmed up.” Go over slides
and when reading the problems, emphasize the key words with a different tone in voice. Have
some students up to the board to circle the key word they find. Pick the students using the
popsicle sticks in a cup. This should take no longer than 10 minutes total.
4. “Awesome work dissecting the word problems to find the solutions using the key words! Kiss
your big brains!” Kids kiss their own hands and smack the top of their heads. “Now we are
going to pull out the NEW Encanto themed manipulatives to create these word problems with.
You are the first class to use these, how exciting!” Kids get excited. “I know, it’s exciting, I need
you all to get to a zero and hands on head to show me you’re ready, please.” Students settle.
“Okay, I know it’s exciting to be the first ones to use these, so I need you to make sure you are
gentle and kind with them. They do not like to fly or be chewed on. I need you to all tell me you
will treat these with respect. Can we do that? All at once, shout back to me “I can do that!” on
the count of three, ONE, TWO, THREE” Students shout.
5. “Thank you, class! I know you can do it, too! Let’s get these handed out. I have for each group a
bag with the manipulatives in it. I’m going to pick a student to help pass them out. I also need
help passing out the worksheets I created to go with this.” Chosen students help pass out papers
and manipulatives. As the two students pass out the materials, I will start to go over the
process of what I expect them to do once they receive them. “Alright, as our friends pass out the
materials, I am going to help you figure out how we are going to use them. FIRST WRITE
YOUR NAME IN THE NAME SPOT. When you all have the materials, I want you to read the
first word problem to yourself, then as a group. You can choose one person from your group to
read it out loud while the rest of you follow along.” “When you’re done reading, I want you to
discuss where you think the key words are and highlight them. After you’ve done this, as a
group, I want to see you use the Encanto manipulatives to show the word problem. You should
have two papers with two big boxes on them, one will have a minus, or subtraction sign and the
other will have a plus, or an addition sign on it. It is up to you to decide which one you will be
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using from reading the story problems and finding the key words. Once you figure out which
mathematical sign you’ll be using, I want you to turn the word problem into a visual
mathematical equation using the manipulatives.” Give students one to two minutes to work on
the first problem.
6. After the one to two minutes, make sure all the groups came up with a solution. Use the camera
to show the students on the smart board what their papers should look like. Talk through the
word problem and process of how the information was found to get the correct set up and
answer. Then, remind them they will be writing this in number form with the answer on the
paper with the story problems. “When we are done setting up the equation with our
manipulatives, I want each of you to write the answer in number form on your word problem
work sheet, don’t forget to write the answer.”
7. “There are four more word problems on your paper, I want you to work on these in your groups
and don’t forget to use your resources (group mates, math journals, teacher) if you get stuck.
I’m going to give you 14 minutes to work on this, I’ll set a timer on the smartboard. When it
goes off, I want everyone to stop where they are and place your hands on your head to show me,
you’re ready for the next instructions. If you and your group finish early, you may put your
materials away, turn in your paper, MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT and place it in the
basket and get on prodigy, make sure to finish up anything you need to on it.”

Extension Activities:
When students finish early, they may get on chromebooks and work on prodigy math.

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.
“Today was a great wrap up of our story problems unit. I am really proud of the perseverance you
showed in dissecting the word problem to find the key words and know how to properly use them.
Today’s focus was on addition and subtraction in story problems and we will continue to see this
language as we continue in our math content. Keep up the awesome work my big brains! Kiss your
brains! You earned it!”

Whole group Individual
Differentiation Accommodati Modificati
ons ons (if
Instruction Student Student with
Content/Activity/Product/ Readiness/Interest/Learn ADHD will be
Environment; ing Profile/Affect the one chosen
to hand out the
Instead of using manipulatives, I could Instead of using handheld manipulatives.
let the students have a healthy struggle manipulatives, we could,
with just the word problems as a together as a class, use Student who is
formative assessment to see where they our bodies as lacking in
stand with this standard. manipulatives. participation

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will be helping
hand out the
papers. They
will also get the
opportunity to
help other
students with
lesson sheet.
Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the
lesson to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local
and/or global cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

Integration of Select the appropriate ISTE For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for Educator role(s) you used to description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing design digital experiences:
and/or 1. Learner
delivering the 2. Leader
Lesson 3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate ISTE For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology Student role(s) students will use: description explaining when/how the students will be in
experiences 1. Empowered Learner this role(s).
during the 2. Digital Citizen
lesson 3. Knowledge Constructor
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational Thinker
6. Creative Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

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