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Statistics Report


Dr. Jagdish Bhagwat

Chinmay Kekre
1 Executive Summary

2 Introduction

3 Objective of Study

4 Methodology

5 Limitation of Study

6 Concept and Formula

7 Analysis & Interpretation and Conclusion

8 Conclusion

9 Visual Summary
Executive Summary
The process of studying data sets in order to detect trends and draw conclusions
about the data we collect is known as data analytics. In this project, I ran several
tests on saloon data, which comprises running numerous tests on a given data and
evaluating the data depending on the results of the tests. I collect data from
various saloon items. The goal of this report is to use Excel to determine the
sales of various products throughout a bakery day. In Excel, I utilized various
formulas and data tools to determine descriptive statistics, frequency,
probability, and ANOVA (in my data, I used three salon products: L'Oréal
Shampoo, L'Oréal Conditioner, and Aura Face Wash). I use the ANOVA test
because I have more than two data products and want to see whether there is a
difference in significance between the three products where I receive the value
of alpha and different values of P for products. With this study, we attempted to
comprehend how we could obtain statistical data from a bakery and analyze it
using various statistical methods.
I take the Looks Maker Saloon sales data. Vijay Thakur founded and ran this
Indore saloon. In 2013, he opens this Saloon. He owns two outlets in Indore. This
Saloon provides a wide range of services and products to their consumers. I
choose this saloon because my friend owns it, it's easy to receive information
from it, and it offers a wide range of services and products. For this assignment, I
gathered information on three saloon products that are commonly utilized by the
general public. For example, every time I get a haircut, I always ask them to
shampoo and condition my hair, and they give free shampoo with every haircut,
so practically every customer gets a shampoo.
Objective of Study
The study's goal is to identify the factors influencing the company's overall
monthly sales and to identify the best product preferred by customers in the
market. So that we can make the best decisions for the company.
I collect the data by visiting the Looks Maker Saloon and talking with owner (Vijay
Thakur) of the Saloon about the products which are most preferred by the
customers. He gives me the data of three products L'Oréal Shampoo, L'Oréal
Conditioner and Aura Face Wash. First, I arrange my data in proper way and
arrange it day wise. After that I solve the data by the help of statistical tools.
Limitations of the study
 Study is done only on one business no other businesses was included.
 Data collected was of short duration
Concept and Formula Used
 Descriptive statistics and t-test paired for mean was used to analyze the
Analysis & Interpretation and Conclusion
Descriptive Analysis
Applied descriptive analysis of product unit sold over the period got the following

L’Oréal Shampoo

Mean 2
Standard 0.51089
Error 5
Median 6
Mode 7
Deviation 3.99022
Sample 15.9218
Variance 6
Kurtosis 0.37053
Skewness 1
Range 15
Minimum 0
Maximum 15
Sum 381
Count 61

Here we can say that

Mean (6.245902) < Mode (7)
The distribution is negative skewed
L’Oréal Conditioner

Mean 3
Standard Error 2
Median 7
Mode 8
Standard 3.32148
Deviation 2
Sample 11.0322
Variance 4
Kurtosis 0.89416
Skewness 0.18758
Range 13
Minimum 0
Maximum 13
Sum 364
Count 61

Here we can say that

Mean (5.967213) < Mode (8)
The distribution is negative skewed

Aroma Face Wash

Mean 6
Standard 0.51745
Error 5
Median 6
Mode 2
Standard 4.04145
Deviation 2
Sample 16.3333
Variance 3
Kurtosis 0.35249
Skewness 5
Range 15
Minimum 0
Maximum 15
Sum 366
Count 61

Here we can say that

Mean (6) < Mode (2)
The distribution is positive skewed

ANOVA: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Shampoo 61 381 6.245901639 15.92185792
Conditioner 61 364 5.967213115 11.03224044
Aroma Face
Wash 61 366 6 16.33333333

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 2.8306010 0.0980862 0.9066191 3.0461479
Groups 93 2 1.415300546 45 35 39
Within 2597.2459
Groups 02 180 14.4291439

Total 03 182

H0:µ(s) = µ(c) = µ(f), null hypothesis

H1:µ(s) ≠ µ(c) ≠ µ(f), Alternative hypothesis

α = 0.05
since, sample are more than two we use ANOVA TEST

since P (0.906619135 ) > α (0.05)

H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected

Therefore, there is no significant difference between the selling of products in 2

months ( i.e. august and September).
Here we conclude that after going through the selling data of the Looks Maker’s
data and reviewing it we say that there’s no significant difference between sales
of all three products.
Shop Name – Looks Maker
Owner Name – Vijay thakur and Priyanshu Thakur
Contact - 91111 79444

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