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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... ii

LESSON PLAN.................................................................................................................................. iii

PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................... iv

SESSION ONE : INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

SESSION TWO : COMMUNICATING ON THE PHONE ....................................................................... 2

SESSION THREE : WRITING SENTENCES .......................................................................................... 4

SESSION FOUR : USING WILL AND GOING TO ................................................................................. 8

SESSION FIVE : CAUSE-EFFECT SENTENCES ................................................................................... 10

SESSION SIX : READING ................................................................................................................. 12

SESSION SEVEN : WRITING A PERSONAL PROFILE ........................................................................ 15

SESSION EIGHT : JOB INTERVIEW .................................................................................................. 18

SESSION NINE : LEARNING CUSTOM OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ...................................... 22

SESSION TEN : READING................................................................................................................ 24

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 26



1 Introduction Listening, speaking

Listening, speaking, reading,

2 Communicating On The Phone
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
3 Writing Sentences
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
4 Cause- Effect Sentences
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
5 Using Will And Going To
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
6 Reading
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
7 Writing A Personal Profile
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
8 Job Interview
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
9 Learning Custom Of People Around The World
and writing
Listening, speaking, reading,
10 Reading
and writing


English competence is important to master. By having English competence, one can take
many advantages in this global era because English is regarded as a means of international
communication. Also for students of Diploma three program in Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta, English
competence needs to be mastered to support their academic and future career. English
competence may help students access information and survive in an English-speaking
environment later. This module is created for students of Diploma III program in rubber and
plastic manufacture. It aims to assist them in developing their English competence.
The module provides students the four English language skills including listening,
speaking, reading and writing. It comprises of 10 sessions. In each session, there are various
activities that the students can do individually or with other students. These activities aim to
explore the students’ creativity in using the language. The students are expected to be skillful at
doing the exercises, acting out the dialogues, constructing sentences or texts and the other
activities that facilitate them in using English in communication both in the forms of oral and
Last but not least, the writers are very grateful to all people who have helped and given
their input, support and encouragement. Hopefully, this module will help the students of
Diploma III program in Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta to learn English and achieve good English

The writer



Introduce yourself Introduce people
• My name is ... • Dan, please meet Jim.
• I'm .... • Dan, have you met Jim?
• Nice to meet you; I'm ... • I'd like you to meet Cindy.
• Pleased to meet you; I'm ... • I'd like to introduce you to Ben.
• Let me introduce myself; I'm ... • Anna, this is Tom. Tom this is Anna.
• I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...
Useful responses when introducing yourself or Introduce people in dialogue:
other people:
• Nice to meet you. • John: Audience, please meet Mr Steve
• Pleased to meet you. Lynch, my assistant
• Happy to meet you. • Jerry:How do you do?
• How do you do? • Grace:How do you do?

❖ Practice to make simple introduction with your friend!

❖ Working with a partner, make a list of five types of arrangement you would make on the phone.
Example: Dinner plans
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
Listen to and read the following dialogues, and then match the people to the places.

Dave Jane Robert Eric

Tips handling the phone:

Opening Body Closing
• Show positive response • Listen carefully • Repeat the “action” you
• Smile before you say a enthusiastically agreed to take
word • Use the caller’s name • Close the call by saying
• Answer the third ring • Response the caller’s “thank you” for their
• Greet the caller identity request calling
and yourself. • Ask the customer/caller to • Say “good-bye” instead of
• Offer to help hold “bye-bye”
• Avoid blind transfer*. • Wait until the caller ends
the call first.

❖ Listen the dialogue and answer the questions below. (Listening U1-T05)
1. Is this a business or personal call?
2. Why is Trevor calling Becky?
3. Where is the head office?
4. What time will they meet?
5. What is The Golden Palace?
❖ Read the following article. Circle any words that you don’t understand.


When talking on the phone, it is useful to know some stock phrases. These can help the conversation
flow. Read the following sentences with a partner. Circle any words you do



Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit,
a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a
person often forgets or usually does not do.

Positive Negative
S+V1 (s/es) /TOBE +Complement (Adj./Adv./N) S+ do/does/TOBE not + V1 +Complement
1. You speak English. Example:
2. The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. 1. You do not speak English.
3. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. 2. The train does not leave every morning at 8
3. Jakarta is not the capital of Indonesia.
Interrogatives WH-Question and Interrogatives
Do/does/TOBE +S+ V1 +Complement WH+ do/does/TOBE +S+ V1 +Complement
(Adj./Adv./N) (Adj./Adv./N)

Example: Example:
1. Do you speak English? 1. What language do you speak?
2. Does the train leave every morning at 8 AM? 2. What time does the train leave every
3. Is Jakarta the capital of Indonesia? morning?
3. What is the capital of Indonesia?


Every day Setiap hari
Every week Setiap minggu
Every month Setiap bulan
Every year Setiap tahun
Every morning Setiap pagi
Every Sunday (name of the day) Setiap hari Minggu (nama hari)
On Friday Pada hari Jumat


Always Selalu
generally Biasanya
Never Tidak pernah
Often, frequently Sering kali
Seldom Jarang
Sometimes Kadang-kadang
Usually, normally Biasanya

Simple Present - Test

Which sentences/questions are correct?

1) Which sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He can a bike ride.
b) He can ride a bike.
c) He can rides a bike.
d) He cans ride a bike.

2) Which sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He has read a book.
b) He is reading a book.
c) He read a book.
d) He reads a book.
e) He will read a book.

3) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He do not reads a book.
b) He does not read a book.
c) He is not reading a book.
d) He not read a book.

4) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) We do'nt work in a bank.
b) We does not work in a bank.
c) We don't work in a bank.

5) Which question is in the Simple Present?

a) Do she work in an office?
b) Do she works in an office?
c) Does she work in an office?
d) Work she in an office?
e) Works she in an office?

6) Which question is in the Simple Present?

a) From where do you come?
b) Where do you come from?
c) Where does you come from?
d) Where dos you come from?

7) In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?

a) Carol clean the bathroom.
b) Carol cleans the bathroom.

8) In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?

a) Andrew wash the dishes.
b) Andrew washes the dishes.

c) Andrew washs the dishes.

C - Form questions in the Simple Present.

1) Frank / to read / comics ______________________________________

2) what / they / to eat / for breakfast ______________________________________
3) when / his mum / to come / home ______________________________________
4) to be / Peter / from Austria ______________________________________
5) Marie and Joe / to like / homework ______________________________________
6) you / to walk / to school ______________________________________
7) where / she / to live ______________________________________
8) why / you / to ride / your bike ______________________________________
9) how / Linda / to go / to the park ______________________________________
10) can / Ron / to speak / English ______________________________________

D - Negate the sentences.

1) Kevin plays basketball. ______________________________________

2) Steve can make breakfast. ______________________________________
3) I run to school. ______________________________________
4) The kite flies into the air. ______________________________________
5) He is from Spain. ______________________________________
6) Mr Smith teaches French. ______________________________________
7) Sandy washes her hair. ______________________________________
8) The children know the answer. ______________________________________
9) She sits on a chair. ______________________________________
10) Anne and Sue carry a box. ______________________________________

E - Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps.

1) Jill ____________________ two children. (to have)

2) The pupils ____________________ songs in the classroom. (to sing)
3) Andy's brother ____________________ in an office. (to work)
4) She ____________________ my sister. (to be)
5) ____________________ you ____________________ English? (to speak)
6) The boys ____________________ computer games. (not/to play)
7) I often ____________________ to the cinema. (to go)
8) ____________________ she ____________________ stamps? (to collect)
9) Peter ____________________ e-mails. (not/to write)
10) She ____________________ to Menorca every summer. (to fly)

F - Which answers are correct?

1) Which verb forms are used in the Simple Present? 4) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple
a) Infinitiv Present?
b) Infinitiv + -ed a) He's 15.
c) Infinitiv + -ing b) Do you speak Spanish?
d) Infinitiv + s c) I'm in room 201.
e) have + Infinitiv + -ed d) She didn't help her mother.
e) She doesn't like milk.
2) Which verb forms are correct? f) We are reading a book.
a) she are g) She drives a car.
b) she has
c) she hase 5) What are typical signal words for the Simple
d) she is Present?
e) she plays a) always
f) she plaies b) at the moment
c) every day
3) Which verb forms are correct? d) now
a) he flies e) often
b) he flys f) sometimes
c) he lives g) yesterday
d) he livees
e) he workes 6) Which verbs/auxiliaries can be negated by adding
f) he works >not<?
a) am
b) read
c) can
d) is
e) play
f) are
g) speak


❖ Read at the following telephone conversation between two friends. Fill in the missing blanks with
be + going to or will/won’t. Then practice the dialogue with a partner. There may be more than
one correct answer.
A: Hey, you finally answered your phone! What are you (1) ___________ do tonight?
B: I’m sorry. I was studying before. I have a test tomorrow, so I (2) ____________ probably stay
home and study.
A: Are you kidding? It’s Friday. A group of us (3) _______________ go out for dinner and drinks.
Everyone (4) _____________ be there. You should come!
B: What time are you going to meet everyone?
A: We (5) ______________ meet at the station at 9 p.m.
B: Hmm, OK. Maybe I (6) _____________ study until
8:30, and then (7) _____________ come to meet you.
A: Great! We (8) _____________ wait for you in the bookstore beside the station. The station
(9) ________________ be busy!
B: OK. I (10) ______________ see you in the bookstore at 9 p.m.

❖ Complete the list of activities and excuses in the table below. Then, with a partner, practice making
and declining invitations. Don’t forget to give a good excuse.
Q: Would you like to go to a movie this weekend?
A: Sorry, I already have plans. I’m going to be out of town then
Activities Excuses
go to a movie this weekend have dinner with friends
go to dinner tonight walk my dog at that time
go to KTV after class study then
go for coffee tomorrow night be out of town then
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________

Write and practice making and declining invitation in dialogue, see example above!


There are many ways to express a causal relationship:

• Because /bɪˈkəz/ : it is a conjunction which means ‘for the reason that’

To form a cause-effect sentence, ‘because’ should be followed by a clause.

For example: We cannot go to Julia’s party because we are going away that weekend.

• Because of / bɪˈkəz ɒv/ : it is a preposition which means ‘as a result of’

To form a cause-effect sentence, ‘because of’ should be followed by a noun phrase.

For example: The train was delayed because of bad weather.

In addition to because and because of, we can also use so........that........and


• So..........that........

So is paired with that + a clause to express emphasis.

For example: The meteor storm was so beautiful that we watched it all night.

• Such........that........

Such is part of an adjective phrase [such + (determiner) + adjective] + a noun.

For example: It was such a beautiful meteor storm that we watched it all night.

❖ Do the exercises below on the use of BECAUSE and BECAUSE OF

1. I came here _________I want to talk to you.

2. Sorry! I am late __________the traffic.
3. She got the best grades ___________she had worked hard.
4. Paul had a terrible accident _________ he was driving fast.
5. He couldn't run __________ his old age.
6. Leila left early _________she was tired.
7. The meeting was postponed__________ the bad weather.
8. They were looking for a Japanese restaurant __________ they wanted to eat sushi for dinner.
9. Their new product didn't sell well __________ its poor quality.
10. I couldn't attend the meeting ____________ I was very ill.
11. We postponed our trip__________the bad driving conditions.
12. Sue’s eyes were red____________she had been swimming in a chlorinated pool.

13. We can’t visit the museum tomorrow____________it isn’t open.
14. Jim had to give up jogging______________his sprained ankle.
15. ____________heavy fog at the airport, we had to stay in London an extra day.

❖ Use either SO.....THAT....or SUCH.....THAT..... in these sentences as appropriate.

1. The sun shone.............brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was..............a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
3. There were....................few students registered that the class was cancelled.
4. We had.............wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
5. We had............a good time at the party that we hated to leave.
6. The benefit was.................a great success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
7. It was.................a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
8. Jane looked...........sick that the nurse told her to go home.
9. Those were...................difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
10. The book looked..............interesting that he decided to read it.



An email request for help
Read an email asking for help from another department to practise and improve your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).
Vocabulary Definitions
1. …… to clear something with somebody the material used to protect goods and present
them to the customer
2. …… to talk through something the process of producing or improving a product
to suit customers’ needs
3. …… product design to introduce a product to the customers for the
first time
4. …… to launch a product to be good at noticing the smaller but important
parts of things
5. …… to have a good eye for detail to discuss something carefully and in detail
6. …… packaging to get approval or permission from somebody to
do something

Reading text: An email request for help

To: James Forrester
Date: 6 November
Subject: Possible help with product design
Dear James,
As you know, we have been working on the new perfume that we are launching in April and we are
unsure about some of the packaging details. We have seen some of your creative work in the sales
department and we think you have a very good eye for detail.
Do you have some time before close of business this Friday to sit down with us and talk through some of
our designs? We would truly appreciate your advice on this. It shouldn’t take longer than two hours of
your time and we would be happy to clear it with Patricia, your department head, if necessary.
Best regards,
Sarah Ford
Head of Department
Product Design

Task 1
Circle the best answer.

1. What department does James work for?

a. Marketing
b. Product Design
c. Sales
d. Research and Development
2. Which department is working on the new perfume?
a. Marketing
b. Product Design
c. Sales
d. Research and Development
3. What is happening in April?
a. The company will introduce the new perfume to the public.
b. The product design department will finish their design of the new perfume.
c. The sales department will stop selling perfumes.
d. The marketing department will design advertisements for the new perfume.
4. What is Sarah requesting?
a. For James to design the perfume.
b. For James to have a meeting with the product design department to help them with the
packaging of the perfume.
c. For James to ask Patricia for permission to sell the perfume.
d. For James to move to the product design department.
5. Who is the head of the sales department?
a. James
b. Sarah
c. April
d. Patricia
6. When would Sarah like to sit down with James?
a. Today
b. Some time next week
c. Any time between today and the end of Friday
d. This weekend

Task 2
Write a number (1–6) to put the events in the order they are mentioned.

James has a meeting with Sarah and her team.

The product design department starts work on the design of the new perfume.

Sarah asks Patricia for permission to use James.

The product design department introduces the new perfume to the public.

Sarah and her team finalise the details of the packaging for the new perfume.

Sarah writes an email to James asking for help.

What should you include in an email asking for help?

A Simple C.V.
When applying for a job, it is important that you have a good C.V. (curriculum vitae) or résumé. Place
the following information into the correct places on the C.V. below.

Jeff Packard English Oxford Biology 2010

2006 September 2010 – Single Beverly High
Salesperson American German Stanton Industries

❖ Now create your own C.V. using the above as an example.

The Future Using will, Modals of Ability

❖ Where will you be? Use the following phrases to make questions to ask your partner. Then write
down their answers to complete the table.
Example: Q: Where will you be at 10 tonight?
A: I’ll probably be at home watching TV.

Phrase Question Partner’s Answer
at 10 tonight Where will you be at 10 I will probably be at home.
in 12 hours
next Monday at 1 p.m.
in 3 years
on New Year’s Eve
on your next birthday
in 2020
after you retire



❖ Working with a partner, list three things you should do and three things you should never do in an

❖ With your partner, discuss one item from each column above. Why is it important to do or not to
do that thing? Write your answers in the space provided blow.
Example: You should not _________________________________
You should ____________________________________________
because ______________________________________________
You should not _________________________________________
because ______________________________________________

Job Skills
❖ Match the following job skills to the pictures of jobs below.
a. Running meetings and organizing a team
b. Drawing diagrams of buildings and structures
c. Caring for people and making sure they are healthy
d. Speaking in public and solving legal problems
e. Answering calls and welcoming guests
f. Listening to people and taking their orders

Job Skills
❖ Complete the sentences below using the words in the box.
advising people speaking to the public budgeting expenses
screen telephone calls raising funds listening to others
makes decisions selling products

1. Financial analysts must be good at _________________ how to invest their money.

2. Salespeople spend all of their time _________________.
3. ____________________ is normally done by accountants.
4. ___________________ is important in meetings.
5. Secretaries often _____________________ for their bosses.
6. The company spokesman is _____________________ later today.
7. New companies must be good at _________________ so that they can grow.

❖ Listen to the dialogue, and then answer the following questions. (U4-T15)
1. Where are the speakers going?
2. Does the woman enjoy her job?
3. How long has the man worked in sales?
4. Does the man want to keep working in sales?
5. Does the man do extra work?

Job Interviews
❖ In small groups, make a list of the job skills required to do the following jobs.
Secretary take messages, change appointments
Computer technician
Fashion designer
English teacher

❖ Read the article below.

Everyone knows that job interviews can be scary, but they don’t have to be. Here are some tips
from our experts.
Be Prepared: Before you go to your interview, make sure you are ready for it. Read about the
company and its products. Learn more about the position that is being offered; do you have any
questions that you would like to ask in the interview? Also, make sure to review your own
experience so that you can answer questions easily.
Be Poised: During the interview, make sure that you sit up straight; this will show that you are
disciplined. You should maintain eye contact with the interviewer; this will make you appear

Be Positive: Try to smile and act positively. Nobody wants to work with someone who has a bad
attitude. Try not to say anything negative about previous employers.
Be on time: This is so important that it needs to be said again. Be on time. If you are late for your
interview, you are showing that the job is not important to you. If you aren’t on time when
applying for the job, will you be on time if you get the job?
Be relevant: Try to relate your answers to the interviewer and his or her company. Focus on
achievements relevant to the position.
If you take their advice, you are sure to get the job of your dreams.

❖ Study the column above and then choose the BEST ending to the following statements.
1. Before the interview, you should ___________________.
a. read about the company and its products b. read about your own company
c. read the newspaper d. read about the interviewer
2. To appear confident, you should ___________________.
a. arrive late for the interview
b. arrive on time for the interview
c. maintain eye contact with the interviewer
d. sit up straight
3. You should try to be ___________________.
a. negative about previous employers
b. positive about previous employers
c. relevant to the latest news
d. really loud
4. Employers expect you to be ___________________.
a. relaxed b. scared c. on time d. late

❖ Read the dialogue with a partner and choose the BEST responses to Ms. Smith’s questions.
Interviewer: Good morning. I am Ms. Smith.
1. Interviewee:
a. Pleased to meet you, Ms. Smith. I am Marcus Anderson.
b. I am Marcus Anderson.
c. Are you interviewing me?

Interviewer: Nice to meet you, too. Now you are here to apply for a job on one of our sales teams, is
that correct?
2. Interviewee:
a. Yes, it is.
b. I want a job.
c. Yes, it is. When I saw the ad, I was very excited to work for your company.

Interviewer: I am certainly pleased to hear that. Can you tell me why?

3. Interviewee:
a. I am 27 years old and have been working in sales for the last 3 years.
b. I’m not really sure.
c. Sorry, I don’t like to talk about myself.

Interviewer: According to your C.V., you left your previous job last month. Why did you do that?
4. Interviewee:
a. I enjoyed working there but wanted to try something new.
b. I didn’t like my boss.
c. I found the work too difficult.

Interviewer: How interesting! Do you know much about our company?

5. Interviewee:
a. Not really, but I am willing to learn.
b. Yes. I have been reading up on your company. That’s why I was so excited when I saw the
c. Yes. I thought I should find out how much you normally pay people.

Interviewer: Good, that means you know what you can expect if you come and work here. Have you
got any questions you’d like to ask me?
6. Interviewee:
a. Not really.
b. How much do you earn?
c. What is the standard dress code?

Culture Clash
Business is international, but people from different countries have different taboos. Before doing
business with someone from overseas, you should try to learn a little about their country. This can
save you a lot of embarrassment. Here are a few tips to help get you started.

Of course, one important rule in every country is to be polite. Saying please, thank you, and sorry will
solve many cultural problems.
Study the column above and then choose the BEST answers to the following questions.
1. Is it OK to be five minutes late in Germany?
a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say
2. How many ways are there to make the “V Sign” in England?
a. Not mentioned b. One c. Two
3. Do many Mexicans believe in God?
a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say
4. Should you talk to French people about how much they earn?
a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say
5. Should you rub your stomach after eating in Italy?
a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say
6. How can you solve most cultural problems?
a. By being quiet b. By staying in your own country
c. By being polite

In groups of 3–4 students, discuss the tips above. Now think of three customs in your local area.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

Listen to the extract and answer the following questions.
(Listening U3-T13)
1. What should all introductions start with?
a. The weather b. People’s names
c. A handshake
2. What can repeating a person’s name do?
a. Help you remember it
b. Make a good impression
c. Avoid difficult subjects
3. Which of the following are neutral topics?
a. The weather and politics
b. Politics and religion
c. The weather and food
4. What does breaking the ice mean?
a. Reducing tension b. Making a drink c. Going fishing



A Plastic Ocean: a film review
Read a review of the film A Plastic Ocean to practise and improve your reading skills.

Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Write the words in the correct groups.
dump filmmaker recycle documentary
rubbish shot spoiler waste
premiere reuse scene polluted

film pollution

Reading text: A Plastic Ocean: a film review

A Plastic Ocean is a film to make you think. Think, and then act. We need to take action on our
dependence on plastic. We’ve been producing plastic in huge quantities since the 1940s. Drink bottles,
shopping bags, toiletries and even clothes are made with plastic. 1) ………………… . What happens to all
the rest? This is the question the film A Plastic Ocean answers. It is a documentary that looks at the
impact that plastic waste has on the environment. Spoiler alert: the impact is devastating.
The film begins as a journey to film the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale. But during the journey
the filmmakers (journalist Craig Leeson and environmental activist Tanya Streeter) make the shocking
discovery of a huge, thick layer of plastic floating in the middle of the Indian Ocean. 2) ………………… . In
total, they visited 20 locations around the world during the four years it took them to make the film. The
documentary premiered in 2016, and is now on streaming services such as Netflix.
It’s very clear that a lot of research went into the film. There are beautiful shots of the seas and marine
life. 3) ………………… . We see how marine species are being killed by all the plastic we are dumping in the
ocean. The message about our use of plastic is painfully obvious.
4) ………………… . In the second half, the filmmakers look at what we can do to reverse the tide of plastic
flowing around the world. They present short-term and long-term solutions. These include avoiding plastic

containers and ‘single-use’ plastic products as much as possible. Reuse your plastic bags and recycle as
much as you can. The filmmakers also stress the need for governments to work more on recycling
programmes, and look at how technology is developing that can convert plastic into fuel.
We make a staggering amount of plastic. In terms of plastic bags alone, we use five hundred billion
worldwide annually. Over 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, and at least 8 million of
those are dumped into the oceans. 5) ………………… . Once you’ve seen A Plastic Ocean, you’ll realise the
time is now and we all have a role to play.
Task 1

Match the missing sentences (a–e) with the correct place in the text (1–5).

a. This prompts them to travel around the world to look at other areas that have been affected.
b. These are contrasted with scenes of polluted cities and dumps full of plastic rubbish.
c. We live in a world full of plastic, and only a small proportion is recycled.
d. The results are disastrous, but it isn’t too late to change.
e. But the film doesn’t only present the negative side.

Task 2

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

obvious reverse take term

impact role make amount

1. We urgently need to ……………………………… action about the plastic waste problem.

2. The hurricane had a devastating ……………………………… on the island.
3. The filmmakers ……………………………… a shocking discovery in the Pacific.
4. The answer was painfully ……………………………… to everyone in the room.
5. Everyone has a ……………………………… to play in this situation.
6. It’s not too late to ……………………………… the tide and fix the problem.
7. This is a short-……………………………… solution. It won’t work forever.
8. There is a staggering ……………………………… of plastic in the world.

What documentary films would you recommend?


Altenberg, E.P. and Vago, R.M. 2010. English Grammar: Understanding the Basics. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Azar, B.S. 1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar (3rd edition). New York: Pearson Education.
Davenport, M. and S. J. Hannahs. 2010. Introducing phonetics and phonology. London, Great Britain. ISBN:
978- 1 444 10988 7
Pyle, M.A., Munoz, M.E. 1982. Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide. Lincoln: Publisher Cliffs Notes Inc.
Rost, M. 2002. Teaching and researching listening. Great Britain. ISBN: 978 – 0 – 582- 36930-6
Shearn, R., Ferris and G. Tacket. 2012. English at work 3. Taipei, 10349, Taiwan, R.O.C. Cengage Learning
ASIA Pte., Ltd. ISBN-10: 986- 6121-63-1
Swales, J. M. and C. B. Feak. 2007. Academic writing for graduate students. Taipei City: 106, Taiwan. R.O.C.
Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. ISBN: 978- 986- 147- 204-1


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