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Q#1 Which of the following was the most

important contribution of Ayub Khan’s

government during the decade of
development between 1958 and 1969:
1) Agricultural reforms
2) Constitutional Reforms
3) Foreign policy

Ans:​ Ayub khan took over power on 17

February 1960 and continues as the
President. He introduced many reforms
which brought great development

Ayub Khan’s Advisors wanted him to bring

reforms in the Agricultural sector to
increase the food output. So a law was
passed saying that no farm can be smaller
than 12.5 acres and bigger than 500 acre(
irrigated ) or
1000 acre( unirrigated).This meant that
many smaller farmers saw their land being
distributed which in turn led to Great food
outputs and Great productivity. He also built
three major dams in order for irrigation
Purposes. Farmers were also given loans
to invest on their farms.These reforms
brought so much productivity that he
claimed it as the Green revolution, although
it must be noted that all of this productivity
was due to mechanisms which smaller poor
farmers couldn't afford.

Ayub Khan’s advisors also wanted to boost

economy through pressing more Industrial
Reforms and therefore with the help of the
loans from Foregn countries, an oil refinery
was established at Karachi and a mineral
development corporation was set up for the
exploration of mineral deposits which
brought a great increase in economy,so
much that the average annual economy
rate was 7% which was three times more
than India. Although Pakistan’s economy
increased greatly, it must be noted that the
new wealth did little benefit to a large
number of people living near the poverty
line as just 22 families were in charge of
about 66% of Pak’s industrial assets and
the same families also controlled 80% of
the banking.

In 1964, Pakistan formed an economic

union with Turkey and Iran which was
called Regional Cooperation for
development (RCD) which was basically a
cooperation set up to develop trade tie,
commerce and Industry. As a result of
these policies, economy growth rose
sharply, however again this did little benefit
to the people living near the poverty line as
just 22 elite families incharge of Pakistan’s
Industrial assets, banking and insurance

In my opinion, the most successful reforms

were the Agricultural reforms,which the
Ayub Khan claimed brought a green
revolution. It not only got rid off the small
purly run farms but it also raised
productivity and increased the food supply
which also reduced the imports of wheat
therefore also correcting the balance of
payment. On the other hand although the
Industrial reforms and the foreign policies
made the economy grow, because of the
Small group of elite families the wealth did
little benefit to those living near the poverty

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