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English 2021

STUDENT’S NAME: _Angelina Thorell_____________ CLASS: __7th B_______

DATE: _28/06/21_______

Wonder - Reading Log

Chapters 3 - 5
Due date: __30/06/21________

- Please, answer all of the questions with complete paragraphs, following the RICE strategy (Repeat the
question – Include the answer – Cite Evidence – Explain the citation).

- Complete the vocabulary sections with accurate definitions according to the context. Include page
number as well. Remember to use a dictionary!

Part III, pages 118 - 132

English 2021
What is the nickname August has been given? What is “the plague”? Explain.

August was considered to have a plague and it meant that if you touched him, you had 20 seconds to
wash your hands or you would get it. If you had it you were considered to have a sickness because of
everyone thinking his face was a sickness you would get. August got the nickname: “Zombie Kid” from
Julian and everyone in school started calling him that.

So far, you have read the story from three different viewpoints. Why do you think the novel is
called “Wonder”? Develop your own interpretation based on the story events.

I think the book is called that because no matter who you are, your looks, your religion, or anything
makes you someone amazing and a wonderful person. On this occasion, Auggie is being presented in
different perspectives of his surrounding people, and most of the people, despite his look, he is someone
loved and amazing, making Auggie such a wonder.

Challenging vocabulary

1. (p. )

2. (p. )

3. (p. )

4. (p. )

5. (p. )

Part IV, pages 133 - 145

When and how did Jack Will meet August for the first time? Explain in detail.
English 2021
Jack Will met August for the first time in front of a carvel in an avenue near where they lived, and both
were about 5 or 6 years old. Jack was with his brother and babysitter, whilst Auggie was with his mother
and sister. When Jack noticed Auggie, he was staring at him due to Auggie's face, and his brother as
well. Their babysitter was really mad when she saw that they were staring at Auggie, so she just took the
boys out of there and started explaining to the boys that what they did was very rude.

Part IV, pages 146 - 167

What does Jack realise in Science? Explain in detail and make reference to the past.

Jack realises that he made fun of Auggie unintentionally and realized because he thought that Auggie
was going to come to school dressed as Boba Fett but he actually came as the Bleeding Scream, so he
did not know who was who. And he also discovered that the Bleeding Scream kid was Auggie because
Summer told Jack a hint of why Auggie was angry at him, which the hint being “ Bleeding Scream”.

Who did Jack Will punch? Why did he do it? What were the consequences for them?

Jack Will punched Julian because he was making fun of Auggie and Jack did not like that. He tried
staying calm, but he had enough. As a consequence, he had suspension for a few days and had to write a
letter to Jack apologizing to him for that.

Part IV pages 168 - 185

What happened to Jack Will after winter holidays? What was the reason behind this?

Jack discovered that Julian was back-talking about him. He spread the rumor of Jack punching him
because he had “mental issues”, which is not true, but everyone believed him. So in the whole school
day he was being ignored or stared everywhere he went.

Challenging vocabulary

1. (p. )

2. (p. )

3. (p. )

4. (p. )

Part V, pages 186 - 204

What problems can you see in the language used by Justin? What could this say about him?
Analyse and interpret.
English 2021
I can see that Justin has an informal language and does not respect capital letters in the written text in the
book. This may explain that he might be someone that does not care about his problems and just living
the life he has as normal and nice as possible.

Who says “the universe was not kind to auggie pullmann”? When and why was it said?

The person that said that was Miranda: the “friend” of Via. She said this in the rehearsal for a
presentation that Via´s class had and she said this because she was explaining when she went to the
beach with Auggie's family, and told Justin that Auggie wore the astronaut helmet all the time. Then,
Justin asked about the astronaut helmet, and Miranda just said: “ the universe was not kind to auggie

Challenging vocabulary

1. (p. )

2. (p. )

3. (p. )

4. (p. )

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