Critical Questions Unit 2

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Adison Brabazon

Tony Herman

Forensics Science I


Unit 2 Critical Questions

1. Why is it important to secure the crime scene? What do you think would be the
most difficult part of doing this?

If you do not secure a crime scene life saving evidence can be destroyed, people can get
hurt, and the whole process of dealing with the crime becomes harder. The most difficult
part of doing this may be the limitations of movement around the crime scene, along
with trying to complete many tasks in a short amount of time.

2. What type of recording do you think would be the most useful to crime
investigators? Why?

I would think that with the combination of physical evidence and photography you can
solve most crimes, because you can run tests on the physical evidence and view
placements through the photographs. I do think that a photograph can tell a lot about a
setting and with the physical evidence you are secure in evidence; however, it is useful
to have other backups as well.

3. What do you think would be the best method of submitting evidence to a crime
lab? Why?

I think it depends on what you are submitting, I feel it should follow the chain of custody
and every movement that the evidence makes should be recorded. Evidence can be
damaged very easily and can ruin the process if you do not care for it in the correct way.

4. What type of evidence do you think would be most difficult to collect? Why?

I do think that the most difficult evidence to collect would be the blood splatter on the
door, as mentioned in the lesson. Why: simply because transporting a door with evidence
that you cannot so much as breath on, seems like a tricky task.

5. What does the Fourth Amendment protect against? Do you agree with these
restrictions on collecting evidence? Why or why not?

The Fourth Amendment says that you cannot search or collect evidence without a
warrant. Which seems very annoying and like you are backtracking in an investigation.
However, I do understand why it is in place and you would just need to prepare ahead
when going to investigate.

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