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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Stephanie Kurvers
SCSU Course: ART 394/396
Date: 12/4/2022
Lesson Title: Northern Lights
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Subject Area: Art
Unit of Study: Blending

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to subsequent
lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
This lesson connects with learning about how to blend with different art mediums. Before this lesson we
were blending our graphite pencils and colored pencils. This lesson focuses on blending with chalk pastels
and adding some tempra paint. Next lesson we will be learning about how to blend paints.

Language Function (Highlight one or both):
Syntax OR Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):
● finished project
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
● blend- slightly mixing two or more colors together
● smudge- smearing colors or graphite
● Aurora Borealis- shimmering display of lights that sometimes appears in Earth’s Northern
Hemisphere (also known as the Northern Lights)

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

● chalk pastels- an art medium that is made up of powdered pigment
Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to create Measurement Tool(s): Create visual their own representation of the I would walk around and discuss
representations of places or Northern Lights using artistic with the students about what
systems that are part of everyday foundations. artistic foundations they are using
life using artistic foundations in their artwork.
Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
If students are understanding this
concept easily we will move onto
blending paints.
Means of Feedback to Student:
While walking around talking with
students I will guide them in the
right direction of what artistic
foundations they are seeing and
using in their art.
MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):

Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:

Means of Feedback to Student:

Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):

Standard for Academic Lang.:
Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
Means of Feedback to Student:

● chalk pastels
● black construction paper
● white tempra paint
● black tempra paint
● paint brushes
● paint tray
● example project


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
5 mins Introduction:
Today we are going to make a representation of the
Aurora Borealis. Does anyone know what the Aurora
Borealis is? We will be using chalk pastels and tempra
paint to complete this project today . This is what our
project is going to possibly look like when it is complete.
5 min Step 1:
The first thing that we are going to do with our
construction paper is make a chalk line with a yellow
piece of chalk close to the bottom. Then we thicken the
5 min Step 2:
After our yellow line is done we will begin to move yellow
lines up towards the top but not all the way to the edge of
the paper. Then we will have a choice of colors that they
want to use for their lights to continue the lines that are
swooped towards the one side.
5 min Step 3:
When all the lines are done we will begin to blend the
chalk together. To blend the colors together you move
your finger the direction that you drew with the chalk
5 min Step 4:
After the blending we will use the white tempra paint to
create stars. To do this we get some paint on the end of
the brush and lightly tap your other hand. This will create
a splatter effect on the paper. Students can place as
many stars as they would like on their paper.
10 min Step 5:
After the stars are on the paper we will move onto adding
the next piece. This is where you will come up with your
own pieces to put on your picture. We will be using the
black tempra paint to paint your choice. In my example I
used mountains. I would like you guys to pick your own
thing to paint over the Northern Lights.

(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
What did you guys learn about the Northern Lights? What did you choose to paint in front and why? How do
you think your blending turned out? Next time we will be learning to blend paints.

Elements of Art
Principles of Art

How to video:

(Complete after teaching)

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