Educ 280 Signature Assignment Timecard and Journal Entries 1

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EDUC 280 - Timecard and Journal Entries

Task 1. Timecard

Education 280 Timecard

Student Name: __Tarah Chiles________________________________________________________

Schools (you observed in): _Sacajawea Elementary________________________________________

Use this table to document your live observations (either in-classroom or live-video). If you are watching recorded video classes on YouTube, you
will also need to put that info on this table, please fill out the form on the following page.
*Please round up to nearest 15-minute increment when documenting time.
**It is ok to add more rows on this table if you need them. Do a quick search on Google to find out how to create more rows.
Class/ Teacher/ Date & Total Hours Observed/ Certified Teacher
or Video Title You Watched Time or Length of Video Signature

*Your Total Hours must equal 30 or higher for course credit

YouTube/Video Observations

For each video you observe on YouTube (or similar website), please fill out information below. Also be sure to add your time for each video on the
rows in the table from the previous page. If you are not using recorded YouTube videos, you are free to delete this page.

Video 1

Title of video: Grades 2-3 Informational Writing Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:08:01

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: I think this teacher started her lesson in a way
that was engaging for the students, she let them answer the questions and they participated. She drew in their attention and then when they got quiet, she
started to explain how the lesson was going to play out. She demonstrated how she wanted the students to interact with each other. Just from the first 2
minutes I can see that she has good classroom management and redirects the students from engaging with each other to being quiet in a very calm way.
One thing I would change, or critique is around 00:03:35 when she wants the students to answer quickly and have an answer if she calls on their names,
if it were me I would change the word choice, and let the students know it is okay if they don’t know off the top of their heads but I would like them to
give it a try. Her interactions with the students are very bubbly, she has a lot of songs or physical movements that correlate to her lesson and the way she
teaches. However, she does seem to rush the kids throughout her lesson even though her methods help the students stay engaged.

Video 2

Title of video: Kindergarten Mathematics

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 53:11

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: For starters her opening for her lesson was
informative for the students. She let the students to discuss amongst one another about the subject they learned and are going to continue to learn. She
gave the students about 20 seconds to talk about decomposing and to see what they could produce. The manipulatives she chose to help her lesson was
the chairs that the students were sitting on to find five chairs that they could decompose in different ways. Overall, I like the way she has started this
lesson, she has included the students in what she is teaching to bring the lesson to life rather than sitting at the front of the class lecturing and expecting
the students the grasp what she teaches. I think I would like to adapt some of her teaching styles in my classroom, she asks the students lots of questions
and gives them ample time to answer. While I am watching this I am not getting easily distracted and am engaged as well as the students. I think her
techniques work well for a younger class. Her plan of action for her lesson has good transitions but I am confused as to why she is jumping around; she
was decomposing with the students pretending they were going to the theatres and about 15 minutes in she is now reading. After watching further, I
realized she was uses different techniques to instruct the students about decomposing.

Video 3

Title of video: Co-Teaching Lesson - 2-27-18

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:08:36

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: The teacher had started the lesson, had to leave
the room and the co-teacher took over. I think this is a nice dynamic because it allows the students the get different perspectives and gives the teacher a
break. This type of teaching probably requires a lot of communication between the teachers and can become tricky if something is forgotten. The
students are working on prepositional phrases quietly and effectively. The teacher and co-teacher are walking around and helping out where they are
needed. The students were struggling with prepositional phrases and even though they were supposed to have their worksheet completed for homework
the teachers gave them more time to do it in class and explained the sentences in more detail. The teachers used a PowerPoint on a smart board, I think it
was handy and an effective use of technology, but it looked cluttered, and they didn’t have that much room to write notes and show the students their
expectations. The co-teacher had a cord attached to her that just seems like a tripping hazard, I believe it is just a microphone for the video. The layout
of the lesson was instruction, then independent study with 3 to 5 minutes to work on it and then they would move on.

Video 4

Title of video: Formal Observation Video 1

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:10:05

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: This video was taken during the Covid-19
pandemic, all students are wearing masks, as well as the teachers. It is difficult to hear the teacher due to the mask and possibly the videos sound. It
looks like the teacher that is presenting the lesson will be filling in for the other teacher while she is on parental leave. The students are reviewing their
math homework consisting of groups with multiplication and subtraction in the same equation. The students are learning if equations are the same with a
= sign in between them, for example the question she has written on the board is if 8*20=8*(2*10). The teacher was engaging with the students and
having them answer the questions and read them aloud. I think it is beneficial to ask a student why they think their answer is correct, it challenges them
to think of the why for an equation. This teacher was patient and walked around the room observing the progress the students are making while she is
teaching. The students are learning about groups with manipulatives that she drew on the board, and they get to physically use them. Once the lesson
was done, she walked around the room offering her help while the students worked on their math work.

Video 5

Title of video: TPSD First Grade, Phonics First, Lesson 13c Level 2

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:08:36

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: The students are learning about the sounds that
specific letters make, at first the teacher started off slow and then started to pick up to speed where it looked like it was difficult for the students to keep
up with her. The way I perceived this was that either she didn’t have enough time to sit there and go over every phonic or she wanted to get through that
lesson as quickly as possible. I understand if she needed to go fast but there was one point where I felt I couldn’t even catch up with her. She started to
slow down, and they moved on to the next portion of the lesson. There are two adults in the room, I’m not sure if the other one is an aide or
paraprofessional. Her countdown method to ensure the students are ready is slow and steady and doesn’t feel rushed. For the phonics she had a little
stand that would the cards up and placed to where the students could understand where those letters might be placed in words. She would flip each
section of cards after her and the students went through them slowly pronouncing the words and deciding if they were actual words or not. I’m not sure
why she had the students work on the floor and then their desks, they did periodically throughout the video. While I may not understand some of her
methods the students are engaged seem to be understanding what she is teaching. Towards the end at 47:35 the sounded started going out and it was like
that the rest of the video.

Video 6

Title of video: Sean Wilson One Hour Student Teaching Video Observation #4

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:06:12

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: Student teacher seemed calm and relaxed in the
environment and was engaging with the students asking follow-up questions towards the answers they gave him. I think when he was talking about what
happens to an elastic band after it goes through different forms of stretching and letting go, he could have used a manipulative to show what he was
describing. His lesson is based on a PowerPoint, he’s lecturing about the topic while occasionally asking the students questions engaging them. He
admitted in his description for the video that he had some of his information wrong and that he was going to address it the next day. I think it's good that
he admitted that he made a mistake and that he was going to fix it. It seems that this entire lesson with the class is going to be discussions and the
students’ taking notes. They are older students so I understand not using direct hands-on manipulatives, but I remember sitting in class and remembering
how bored I would get when the entire class was just based on lectures. The students are engaged and answering his questions, they seem to have a lot
of questions, asking which kind of energy they are using during different kinds of activities.

Video 7

Title of video: Earth's Movements II MY 2nd C.O. (CLASSROOM OBSERVATION) VIDEO II Science 6 Quarter 4 W5-W6

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:57:07

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: This teacher has a different approach is different
than most teachers, his videos have been uploaded post-Covid-19, so I think that’s why his entire lesson is done online. I’m not sure if it’s just a
recording or if he’s actively in the class. I think it’s good to see teaching from this point of view as well, especially the world we live in now, this could
be a reality to some teachers, having to teach all their lessons online or by using video recordings. As if he was in a classroom, he still waits for students
to answer his questions. His lesson is engaging, and he is still enthusiastic about what he is teaching, he has a lot of information on his slides, and I think
it would be beneficial if he didn’t move through them quickly. He adds in questions about sports asking if the students like sports and which ones they
like to play, and then he related it back to his lesson. I think it really helps the student to stay involved in what they are learning when it can be related
back to something they like to do. He also tries to incorporate manipulatives into his lesson which is important especially for students online because
they can get almost the same experience as being in a classroom. Throughout the lesson there were a few moments where he would speak in another
language, I’m not sure the reasoning, I can imagine it would be difficult to have students that spoke different languages than the teacher in an online
class without an interpreter. Near the end of the video at 1:44:10 he gave the students an assessment to test their knowledge of the lesson.

Video 8

Title of video: C.O. Math 6 Quarter 3 Week 2: Formulate nth Term in Sequence/Differentiate Expression & Equation

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 2:26:49

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: This video has the same approach as his last
one, to start off his intro song is a little louder than his voice so it when he is talking it’s difficult to hear him. I would try to have the background noise
just a little bit quieter than what he has it at. When he starts out talking about the sequence and what the pattern is I think he could have stopped after if
each and explained where and how he got that information instead of going through each of them and then explaining afterwards. His explanation of
how to find the nth term is very detailed and easy to follow. He spent quite a bit of time going through each sequence and explaining how to find the nth
term. At 39:30 his sound cuts out and he is still talking, it could just be a technological error but if he went back through and edited this video before he
posted it, he would have noticed, I would have done something differently, I’m not sure if there is way to fix the audio but I would tried or just re-
recorded that section. His sound doesn’t come back until 41:40. I think his videos are helpful and have a lot of knowledge, but I feel like it would be
better if students had breaks either after the 1st hour or something like that, so that it helps them stay attentive. Even though he can’t check the students
work after the assessment I think it’s important to have the students try it on their own to see if they are gathering the contents of the lesson.

Video 9
Title of video: DC Prep – Snapshot of an Elementary Special Education Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):


Length/time of class on this video: 1:02:51

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: Since this is a video of an elementary special
education lesson, the teacher makes sure when she is addressing what the students need to do, she is using clear language. Her instructions are
understandable, and the students seem to have no issues getting started. Once the students are doing independent study the teacher is going around and
helping students when they need it. One of her methods to encourage the students is to let them choose which kind of cheering they will receive for their
accomplishments; this particular student chose roller coaster. Interesting method but it helps the students stay active in the lesson knowing that their
hard work is paying off. As she was explaining the objectives for the day, I realized what the acronym SWBAT stands for (students will be able to), now
that I understand what that means hopefully, I will understand the curriculum better. For the second part of her lesson, she explains what the students
will be able to do afterwards, she then proceeds to show the students an example of what to do. I really like the way she was able to show how the break
the problem up into groups, her problem is 12/3, she knows her total is twelve and she needs to separate it into three separate groups, so she draws three
circles and then draws 1 X in each circle alternating circles counting to twelve to figure out how many X’s is takes. She also gives students an example
of how to explain the answers using sentences where they can fill in the blank. The students are back to working independently on a new problem she
gave them.

Video 10

Title of video: History Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:22:03

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: There is a guest speaker that is going to teach
the students about WWI, she used to teach at the same high school and was invited to present this lesson. She begins the lesson asking the students what
they know about WWI, and the revolutionary war, she uses a series of slides to support her lesson. She is speaking as if they are in the present and are
heading to Versailles and getting ready to fight for peace. I like the way she is using 1st person terminology because it helps the learners imagine that
they are there in the flesh, its engaging and draws their attention. The students are taking notes as she talks and is flipping through different slides, she
walks around observing them as they the notes. After about 30 minutes of lecture the students are going to create their own political cartoon that is
supposed to convey an understanding of the issue, the students have to make a cartoon that displays whether they are for or against the ratification of the
Treaty of Nations. Ms. Tills spends some time explaining the rubric and what the students should be putting on their posters. The last hour Mr. Franks is
going over the next section in the lesson.

Video 11

Title of video: DC Prep - Snapshot of a 1st Grade Math Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:03:32

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: For starters the teacher is sitting there
unamused, it looks as though the students are standing up and taking turns going over the days. I’m not sure what the students are learning, there has
been no clear objectives stated. From the brief moments she has talked, I gathered they are learning about addition. Even though there hasn’t been any
explanation of the lesson, the students are understanding the content. I like the method she uses when she asks the students to get back into their sits, she
has them count by 5’s from fifteen until they get to 110, the students transition back to their seats with minimal distractions. For students this young I
wish she had a more energetic voice when she talks to the students. I’m not sure where her lesson has been directed to, she gave a brief explanation and
then the students started working independently. It’s intriguing to see the ways that the students come up with to write numbers like 31 and 54, they
break the numbers down in different ways. Later on, in the video Ms. Kauser is more energetic and has a softer tone to her voice. The students are now
working with paper and learning how folding the paper in different ways will produce a new group of shares.

Video 12

Title of video: Snapshot of a 2nd Grade Math Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):

Length/time of class on this video: 1:08:10

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: The teacher starts off the class with counting
down and seeing which students are diligently working receive a hard-working dollar. She is walking around the class to see which students are
working, helping students as she passes by. As she is working through one of the problems, she calls on different students at each step, I think that helps
to check for understanding that not just one student is understanding the lesson. The students are learning shapes, which ones are quadrilaterals and
which ones aren’t. This class is very vocal, whenever she asks a question and isn’t asking a direct student, they all answer. As the students are sitting
down about to go over multiplication, she has a method where the students have to stop and put on their thinking faces before they can answer the
questions, this consists of many different hand motions. Ms. Podobnik has many ways that the students can earn points as a class or points individually.
These students are already pretty knowledgeable about skip counting, it was hard to understand which number they stopped at, but I know they went
past nine. The students are going through a worksheet where they are filling in the blanks about multiplication and division problems.

Video 13
Title of video: Eighth Grade Literature Study Lesson

YouTube video URL (paste the URL here):


Length/time of class on this video: 58:02

Write a quick summary below, between 150 to 300 words (approximately) about what you noticed on this video. You are free to discuss what this
teacher did well, what they could have done differently and/or what you might do in a similar situation: The class starts off with the students having a
piece of construction paper that is their favorite color, they then have to think of the different emotions that come to mind when they think of that
specific color. The students share some of the emotions that they could think of the next part of the lesson is to draw a picture that represents the
emotion of the color. The teacher has clear instructions and gives the students 5 minutes to work on this project. The students spend some time working
on this while the teacher goes around and checks on them, when they are finished, they get to hang their construction paper on the window. When one
student is asked what he thinks of when he says the color red, he says war, many other students put in their input and I like the way the teacher
addressed their answers, she was enthusiastic and encouraged the other students to give an answer. When she talks to her students she motions her hands
a lot, from my point of view it looks like she is trying to emphasize what she is saying. She then transitions into reading and discussing the text, the
students are engaged in the discussion and the contents of the book. The students are working independently having only a minute and a half to answer
number one and express their thoughts. She then has the students working in groups to discuss ideas on a few of the questions, the students are
discussing amongst their groups coming up with ideas.

If you are watching more than 3 videos, you will need to copy/paste the questions so you can add in your information on the following page(s).
Task 2. Journal 1 & 2 Combined Journal Assignment

EDUC 280 Journal 1 & 2 Combined

Task 1. Classroom Management

Question 1 – Do you think your teacher has successfully created a productive learning environment? Why or
why not?
I think my teacher has created a productive learning environment. In her classroom there are many resources
that the students may utilize, I do however think that there could be more classroom management. In the hours
I have spent there she hasn’t raised her voice, but she is stern and assertive when someone is being disruptive.
With her classroom being resourceful the students also know where to find things they need and are
comfortable getting up and grabbing it. In some cases, I have noticed a few students not staying on task and
constantly checking the mail section or dropping trash on the floor to pick it up and throw it away.

Question 2 – What techniques does the teacher use to keep students actively involved in academic activities?
The techniques the teacher uses to keep students actively involved is by using money tickets. There are different
kinds of tickets the students may receive for accomplishing their work, listening to directions, working quietly, or
staying on task. The students can receive fake money like monopoly money, and they can use it to buy a t-shirt,
candy, chips, erasers, pencils, or the mystery treasure box. Another ticket is called a behavior buck, if a student is
being an effective listener, they receive a behavior buck and this system changes the environment, once the
students witness someone getting one, they start to work.

Question 3 – How is your teachers “withitness?” In other words, do they have command of the classroom? Do
they have great systems of classroom management in place?
I would say from what I have seen that my teachers withitness isn’t the most concrete. Either she notices the
students constantly getting up, or not doing their work, or not engaging and talking but maybe she doesn’t
notice. There have been times when she is asking questions to the class as a whole and the ones in the back will
say a good answer, but they go unrecognized. I have observed that a mast majority of the students don’t stay on
task or listen to the step-by-step directions they were given. Almost every day that I am observing she and the
students will complete a worksheet and start transitioning into a new assignment, she gives the directions to put
the papers in the binders in their ELA folder most of them will, and some of the others will wait until she is done
giving directions or the class gets a tidbit loud, and they will just stuff them into their desks. Now she does have
command in her classroom, and she handles situations very patiently yet there have been times where I think
she should have been more patient with the students and give them time to adjust. For the most part they have
great systems of classroom management in place, as said before she mostly using the behavior bucks or fake
money and the students adhere to her instructions. They also have set times each day for their subjects and
other activities which helps the students understand the routine and what is going to take place next.

Question 4 – What types of “punishments” are used in your classroom?

The types of “punishments” I have observed is if a student is running in the halls/classroom they have to walk
back to where they were and walk or walk back and pick up trash they have dropped. I have also watched her
take away the behavior bucks if a student is late to class when they were given enough time to use the restroom,
or for the simple things like they aren’t following directions, staying on task, if they are talking. She also gives
students warnings and around their last warning they usually start to listen. Another punishment is a student will
have to pay a ticket or fine when they are misbehaving.

Question 5 – How or where are the rules posted in your classroom? How were they created? By the students
or the teacher?
Some of the rules are posted above her desk on a poster, right now I don’t think it is a very effective place for
them to be because the students’ desks are turned away from them and out of sight out of mind type of
situation. She created the rules, and they go over how the students should behave when working on group
projects or by themselves, the expectations when asking to use the restroom, it goes over manners, respect and
the do’s and don’ts of the classroom. In the building they also have posters of how the students should behave
when they are on the playground, which I think is interesting because I have never experienced a school that had
expectations for a playground other than don’t get into fights.

Task 2. Curriculum
Question 1 – Give an example of when the teacher used integrated curriculum across subjects (i.e., combining
science and language arts)
The only subjects I have observed being combined is history and writing/language arts. The students were
learning about Sacajawea and how she came about being famous with the limited knowledge there is about her.
The students have to find enough research to be able to write an autobiography about her.

Question 2 – Give an example of when the teacher used hidden curriculum.

An example of when the teacher used hidden curriculum is when she played a game that was based on
discrimination. The girls all got to receive behavior bucks and the boys had to give away 1 behavior buck, the
students with blue eyes got a piece of candy and the students that were wearing a specific color of shirt got to
sit and a different table for the rest of the lesson. Now after this game was over the students were complaining
how unfair it was the teacher was able to connect it to the story they were reading and asked if it was fair how
the people were being treated or if they were being discriminated against.

Question 3 – Does your teacher used differentiated instruction?

I don’t think the teacher uses differentiated instruction because when she gives out an assignment or teaches a
lesson, she teaches it the same for everyone. If a student is struggling with the assignment, she expects them to
ask questions. There have been times where the whole class wasn’t understanding the content and she took a
few more minutes to explain what was expected of them in a different way.

Question 4 – Can you tell what kind of learner the teacher is from his/her instructional preferences?
From what I have seen I would say the kind of learner the teacher is from her instructional preferences is either
visual or auditory or a combination of both. She doesn’t use visual examples as much and mainly talks to the
class when teaching. I say she could be visual because her classroom is filled with a bunch of math, writing, and
English posters that are there to help the students.

Question 5 – Do you think the teacher adapts the curriculum to the types of learners in the classroom?
I don’t the teacher adapts the curriculum to the different types of learners in the classroom. There are students
in her class that struggle with reading and the English language but there aren’t any accommodations for
assignments or lessons for those particular students.

Question 6 – Does your teacher like the curriculum he/she is teaching?

I’d say the teacher does like the curriculum she is teaching. She presents being very knowledgeable in what she
is teaching and understand the content enough to explain it without using a guide. She has mentioned that she
has only been teaching 4th grade for a couple of years, so she is on the newer side of the curriculum for that
grade level.

Question 7 – What would they like to see added in the future?

It’s hard to say what I would like to see added in the future because I think education has advanced since I was
grade school, and the students are learning more abstract vocab words and writing techniques than I did when I
was in elementary school. I do however think that more real-life based skills and techniques should be added to
the curriculum. For example, money and what it means to actually have money, how to manage it, the teacher I
am observing does well with incorporating this into her classroom, but it isn’t fully integrated into the

Task 3. Technology

Question 1 – What kind of technology was used in the class(es) you observed? Was it effective?
The technology that was used in the class was the Chromebook and the teacher would have one of their books
read to them from her computer. I’d say it was effective for the student when they were using their
Chromebooks instead of the story being displayed on her computer because they could focus better. Most of the
time the students would have headphones on and be less susceptible to any distractions that may occur.

Question 2 – What type of technology might you use when you start your teaching career?
I think the technology I might use when I start my teaching career is the projector, a site called epic where
students have access to 40,000 books, I might utilize my resources and take the students on a digital field trip,
there is a lot of technology that I would like to use when I become a teacher. I would also like to use paper copy
of books as well because I know for me it is harder to read a book when I am staring at a screen, and I would
want my students to know they have the option.

Question 3 – Do you think it is harder or easier to incorporate technology into your classroom?
I think it depends on the lesson or what the technology is being used for, for example I think it would be easier
to teach a lesson about science online because it would show how it works. For math though I think it would be
harder to incorporate technology into the classroom because students learn differently, and I would like to be
able to accommodate all my students and the ways that they learn. I know that I am a physical learner, and it is
harder for me to do math online because I’m not physically writing it.
Task 4. Diversity
Question 1 – How diverse was your class(es) you observed?
I don’t think the class I observed I was really diverse. The teacher didn’t seem personable with the students, and
it felt like there was always tension in the classroom. It also felt like the students didn’t respect the teacher and
she didn’t respect them. I would say however there was about 1 or 2 students where there was a relationship
built there and I could tell that the students were comfortable with her.

Question 2 – What did your mentor/teacher do (or not do) to create a diverse classroom? 
I think the teacher did a good job giving the students as much freedom as she could, like allowing them to get
up from their seats, use the restroom if they need to and things that fall under that spectrum. However, the
teacher from my perspective wouldn’t listen to their stories or their complaints and sort of had the attitude of
doesn’t matter what you think this is the way it is. Which I don’t agree with because I think the students should
be listened to, and that their voices matter and it also doesn’t help to want to engage or feel comfortable in the

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