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New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth

Shu Wang

Executive Summary 03
Team Overview 04
Investment Opportunity 07

Market Opportunity 09
Company Synopsis 11
Key Features 13
Pricing & Revenue 14
Key Milestones & Future Development 16

Industry Overview & Developments 17
Target Market & Marketing 19
Competitor Analysis 20
Differentiating Factors 22


New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 2
Orca Smart is on the frontier of redefining what an ERP can do for business, developing a
powerful next generation modern business intelligence platform (BIP) that brings maximum
performance and growth to medium and small businesses. Orca Smart BIP combines
business automation and artificial intelligence for an all-in-one platform that identifies trends
in your business and provides recommendations to help your business grow. With modules
ranging from HR to Sales, logistics and financial management, Orca Smart BIP is ideally
suited for use by all business sizes. With easy integration, intuitive interface and the first
business platform to provide built in B2B networking abilities, Orca Smart allows even the
smallest of companies to quickly compete within an increasingly global economy.

OrcaSmart isn’t just ideal for companies of any age or size - it’s also been designed to
serve the full spectrum of industries. Being equipped with services that assist every area of
business allows us to provide at least some level of benefit to any user, no matter what their
core business activities are. The machine learning functionality we’ve built into the
platform’s backend gives it the power to make automated recommendations that translate
across any industry. Furthermore, all data transmitted through OrcaSmart is 100% secure
- and it’s even set up to aid in compliance by automatically informing users of recent
changes in government regulations and tax laws that affect their business.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 3
Our talented team, which includes a CEO who has previous success in building multimillion
dollar companies, has built a multi-pronged revenue model around OrcaSmart and its
features. The revenue streams will be fully activated once we bring 1,000 users onto the
platform for free and prove its bottom-line benefit. Looking further ahead, we will begin to
integrate more B2B features into the OrcaSmart platform as well as introducing
opportunities to integrate it into office-based hardware. In order to build out OrcaSmart’s
beta version and eventually lead into these future directives, we are looking to secure a
$xxx capital investment.

INVESTMENT $x,xxx,xxx
If you have any questions about OrcaSmart or would like to learn more, please don’t
hesitate to contact Founder/CEO Kenneth Wang. Thank you very much for your time!

The OrcaSmart concept is the brainchild of CEO Kenneth Wang, an experienced and
successful entrepreneur. The vision for the platform came to light while growing his prior
venture, a multimillion dollar sourcing and distribution company, from the ground up. As the
company began to reach new levels of success, Kenneth ran into a handful of stumbling
blocks that always spawned from a lack of operational automation and efficiency. Growing
frustrated, he began to look into ERP software - but quickly realized that there was a clear
lack of truly turn-key solutions that served small businesses like his. The result, soon after,
was the creation of OrcaSmart.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 4
These experiences gives our team intimate knowledge of what it takes to improve
operational efficiency - within both our business and our customers’. As OrcaSmart’s CEO
and leading visionary, Kenneth is responsible for identifying the unique features that will
allow us to differentiate from competing solutions. He also drives our future development
strategy and crafts our corporate culture. He is supported by these three able-bodied

Jack Zhang, CIO - Our information technical guru, Jack, has enjoyed a very successful
two decade-plus career as a software engineer and developer. He can fully understand the
company's business development planning on the hardware and software system
requirements, design, build the overall framework of enterprise information systems. Also,
He has many years of experience in implementing software and hardware system selection,
price negotiation or bidding work, and understand the current fashionable enterprise large
data infrastructure and technology system. He’s gained a versatile skill set over this time -
including backend infrastructure development, data visualization, networking, and
development team management. PHP, Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, and C++ are
amongst the programming languages Ke has become fluent in. He’s coordinated and led
large teams to the creation of outstanding end products, in industries ranging from
education to real estate. As CIO, he is responsible for leading development activities related
to platform development, architecture and future company development.

Jacob Spilberg, CMO - After receiving his BFA in product design from the prestigious
Rhode Island School of Design, Jacob would go on to receive an MBA with a marketing
focus. This impressive educational portfolio gives him the ideal combination of customer
acquisition and user experience know-how to serve as our Chief Marketing Officer.
Branding, design, and the execution of our go-to-market strategy stand as his top
responsibilities going forward.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 5
Don Hartung, CSO
Cyber Security Professional and Military Veteran with 15+ years of experience. Don Hartung
is well versed in information network design, security, and infrastructure support. Don has
helped orchestrated technological and security abilities for leading industry cyber-security
providers, the federal government, and large international companies while ensuring
Information Systems compliance / reliability. Don’s background makes him ideally suited to
the task of ensuring complete data security and reliability for Orca Smart and it’s user base.

The OrcaSmart executive team is supported from the outside by a versatile Board of
Advisors with their own versatile skill set. The Board includes:

Tod West Anthony D’Silva Bobby Kudlek

With 14+ years of software Uniquely tuned into Eastern An Elite District Manager for
sales experience centered markets, having served as a ADP, Robert maintains a
around e-commerce, certified consultant in wealth of experience in Payroll
production and POS Malaysia for over 5 years. Management, HR Services
software. From traditional For the past 10, he’s also and Human Capital Resource
hardware to mobile, tablet served as an advanced Management. A graduate of
based systems. Tod has sold ProAdvisor for QuickBooks the ADP leadership program,
software for Inertia for medium to large responsible for over1.5 million
Beverage Group, Vin65, businesses. Anthony is dollars of new revenue and
Elypsis and Orderport. His directly responsible for 400 new clients.
intimate knowledge of heading up the development
software sales makes him an of our accounting modules
invaluable asset in and functions within the
developing sales. software.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 6
Though this is the company’s first funding round, our Founder does have experience in
fundraising with his previous venture - which was eventually turned into a multimillion dollar
company. This gives us full confidence as we enter into a similar situation with OrcaSmart.
We are turning to the investment community for a seed capital infusion of $xxxxxx in order
to jumpstart our vision into a fully functional startup. Investors will be compensated in the
form of equity shares in our company, based on a pre-money valuation of $xxx. While the
fully invested amount will net an investor xx of OrcaSmart (xx shares), one can partner with
us for as little as $xxxx


This capital will be crucial in moving us through the seed stage and into what will be an even
more lucrative Series A round. It will allow us to develop and roll out a fully functioning beta
to over 1,000 businesses; after this milestone is reached, we will then begin initiating our
revenue model. It will also give us the ability to host an exhibit at a CES conference in
January 2018, showcasing both our desktop and mobile versions. At the event, we will
pitch our automated recommendations ad platform to service providers such as ADP, State
Farm, LegalZoom, ZipRecruiter, and other business services to obtain integrating
advertising dollars.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 7
Here is how the funding allocation will break down in more specific terms:

5 4
3 1 $xxxx for personnel (developers and
$xxxx for operating expenses, working
capital, rent, and travel;
$xxx 3 $xxxx for marketing (advertising, PR, and

4 $xxxx for hardware and servers;
2 5 $xxxx for intellectual property.

This business plan contains a number of outstanding reasons why we believe investors
should strongly consider OrcaSmart for their next equity partnership. Below, we highlight a
handful that stand out most:

Untapped ERP segment - There is no shortage of ERP software solutions on the market
today; that being said, most are not for everyone. Small to medium-sized businesses
(especially small) have been mostly ignored as being ERP-worthy - but with our economy
going more global, their needs are just as pressing. OrcaSmart is designed to be easily
integrated and highly beneficial for businesses of all sizes.

Creating barriers of entry - As practically the only true all-in-one on the market,
OrcaSmart has the ability to redefine what an ERP solution is, and what customers can
expect from them. Successful implementation of our business model could potentially lead
to a user community who will no longer accept ERPs that only serve a couple areas of
business, and no longer accept the use of multiple platforms. We’re in position to lead this
new age of ERPs.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 8
Investment yield - OrcaSmart’s multi-pronged revenue model is set to pay big dividends
to our investing partners. It sets us up to generate both recurring revenue and periodic
revenue spikes, and is projected to yield a return, at bare minimum, of xx.

Exit strategy - Though we’re only in the seed stage of our growth, we are still laser-
focused on ultimately rewarding shareholders with a lucrative exit maneuver. We currently
envision both an acquisition by a strategic partner and an IPO as legitimate options.


As everyday consumers, it’s impossible to not get instantly gratified these days. Our mobile
devices are placing a growing number of daily tasks and desires right at our fingertips - to
the point where waiting around to get things done is unnecessary in many cases. For some
people, even standing in line for a cup of coffee is now seen as archaic. This instant
gratification isn’t just becoming expected by consumers - it’s also spilling over into the inner
workings of business. Organizations have been relying on digital platforms to conduct
business for a couple decades now; but in today’s world, they want to do so “in real time” to
keep up with market demands. Access to things like accurate documents, price quotes,
shipping data, and more are expected immediately by consumers, and employees and
vendors expect to be able to provide.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 9
The reality is that there are a ton of tools in place to help businesses serve their
instantaneous desires. Dropbox (file sharing), Salesforce (CRM), and Namely (HR) are just
a few platforms that are commonly relied on.

But having all of this great technology at our disposal creates a catch-22: there’s simply too
much of it. No true all-in-one solution exists that intertwines it all together in a way that
makes sense logistically; leaving businesses with multiple interfaces to juggle. Not only is
this less convenient, and more expensive - but it’s dangerous. The use of multiple business
management platforms leaves mountains of data scattered all over the digital realm, which
can lead to the following issues:

Miscommunication amongst key employees and teams;

Loss/disorganization of valuable customer information;

Wasted time and effort on redundant activities;

Wasted money resulting from inaccurate directives and/or duplicate work;

Difficulty in evaluation of true employee performance and day-to-day activities;

Inability to make data actionable for strategic decision making due to


Hastened B2B relationships suffer due to a lack of financial guidance and


Customers, employees, and company cultures all suffer as a result of these roadblocks -
and this negative impact is becoming more prevalent than ever. While corporate America
has been "downsizing" for years, the total number of small to medium-sized businesses
(SMBs) in the US has continued to grow rapidly. Virtually all of the 28 million or so SMBs
in our nation could benefit from a complete, truly end-to-end enterprise software solution.
As we move toward a more global economy, they must also be able to confidently conduct
business on an international level - which they’re finding difficult to do under the status quo.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 10
Responding to this need, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software manufacturers have
begun to step things up in recent years, creating products that automate more than just one
business activity under a single platform. The market for these platforms is growing; but at
OrcaSmart, we’re setting our sights even higher by being truly all-in-one. We are proud to
offer a cloud-based, all-encompassing ERP software solution designed to guide SMBs
toward achieving maximum efficiency, growth, and profitability. The days of multiple logins,
multiple monthly fees, and scattered data are over thanks to OrcaSmart. Now, business
leaders finally have one unified platform that helps manage all aspects of their operations.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 11
OrcaSmart delivers its enterprise users a guided and intuitive user experience that allows
them to hit the ground running - without the need for a lengthy, involved onboarding
process. No matter what a business’s specific needs are or which areas they are seeking
to improve upon, they can now start managing all aspects without interrupting current
operations. From human resources and project management to inventory management
and forecasting, everything needed to optimize organizational performance can now be
done remotely. And, in addition to your company as a whole, we also make the employee
workday more transparent than ever before. Managers enjoy a constant view of all of their
employees’ key interactions, and can even build out and manage entire departments. This
allows employees to more efficiently manage their specific projects - and to deliver that
instant gratification that consumers desire.

Our platform is ideal for businesses with high levels of customer interaction and project
management. Those with multiple different department teams working under one roof, or
even those with an individual sales department and multiple account managers will likely
see the quickest results. But regardless of size, OrcaSmart’s true end-to-end nature allows
it to provide benefit to all companies looking to improve in some way. Users get to see
exactly how their employees spend their time; and in turn, learn more about their
businesses than ever before. This helps purchasing managers to better monitor inventory,
plan, and purchase - which allows for better customer relationships and more closed leads.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 12
Time is already pressing enough for small to medium-sized business leaders and managers.
Implementing changes that improve one or more areas of business only adds to this
hecticness, causing many of the proposed changes to fall flat anyways. This is something
we understand plainly at OrcaSmart - and is why we’re dedicated to having the best user
interface in the industry. The simplification and “buttonification” of the OrcaSmart UI allows
us to deliver a platform that’s extremely powerful, yet not cumbersome. For example, users
won’t need to re-learn what is “our version” of QuickBooks because we’ve made it only as
robust as it needs to be. Users can turn on or off features that might prove unnecessary to
their specific business and complicate their thought processes.

This commitment to an unrivaled user experience is emphasized even more through

OrcaSmart’s rich, robust feature set. At the top of the list is the platform’s ability to make
workflow data actionable and intelligent in order to assist with key strategic decisions.
SMBs are more susceptible to operational and logistical stumbles than their larger
counterparts - and our guidance tools help them take much of the guesswork out of the
equation. Take HR as an example: our software has the ability to analyze data trends to
suggest insurance purchases, and can even looks at employee hiring rates to suggest
payroll services. On the sales end, OrcaSmart can also anticipate customer needs through
auto-generated region-based forecasting. Information on the platform’s other top features
can be found below:

Compliance - OrcaSmart automatically informs users of recent changes in

government policies, regulations, and tax laws that affect their business - hence
aiding them in achieving federal and state compliance. Documents can be filed
and fees paid through OrcaSmart to avoid penalty. If an audit occurs, everything
is guaranteed transparent and accurate - which is a huge time saver.

Data security - With all resources and information unified under a single platform,
companies can rest easy in that their valuable data and records are secure. This
helps make interdepartmental communication seamless.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 13
Supply chain management - Business leaders enjoy a detailed view all the way
up the supply chain, with a nice log of communication every step of the way. All of
this from the comfort and convenience of their mobile devices.

HR evaluation - OrcaSmart’s unique employee rating system assists HR in

assessing the workforce. It can even be made visible to customers and other
stakeholders to drive reputability and customer confidence.

Platform communication - We also give all users the ability to communicate

with other OrcaSmart users through the platform. This increases the effectiveness
of a company’s networking with outside vendors.

Translations - OrcaSmart is truly multilingual. The platform automatically

translates 2-way communication to the users’ desired languages.

Information symmetry - In other words, transparency; all relevant information is

readily available to all parties involved. It starts with increased management
visibility into individual employee activities, and the ability to review a complete
history of an employee and their stakeholder interactions. It also works the other
way so employees can perform their jobs better and hold their superiors

B2B Networking / Connectivity – As businesses adopt OrcaSmart, they will be

able to experience the benefits of the network effect by being able to share
business information, inventory data, pricing, project statuses and more.
Companies can view employee information, rate performance, and connect with
others via OrcaSmart.


As we continue to build out and optimize the beta version of our platform, we are placing an
impetus on user acquisition over monetization during the early days. We’re committed to
achieving technical perfection first and foremost, as we understand the importance of
turning all of our customers into committed lifetime users. Our business model has been
crafted to generate this repeat business; in fact, we are offering OrcaSmart for free for up
to one year to the first 1,000 users to register an account.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 14
This will give us a solid foundation of potential lifetime customers to draw from while limiting
technical risk early on as there’s no financial commitment on the user’s part. To secure this
first 1,000, we will leverage our existing business relationships with over 800 companies via
an emailed formal invitation to join OrcaSmart. Once technical optimization and early user
acquisition metrics are reached, we will then activate revenue generation through four
distinct, lucrative avenues. Details on each revenue stream are as follows:

Licensing fees - This is the base revenue stream that’s in place for every user. It
costs them $xxx per user, per month to receive fully-licensed usage of the entire
OrcaSmart platform. We’re able to offer this price point - which is lower than our
competitors’ - due to the multi-pronged revenue model we have in place. It gives us
another leg up in terms of early user acquisition.

Transaction fees - With this stream, we will charge a TBD fee for the facilitation of
payments between our business users and their customers. We will also have an
escrow service in place that allows both ends of the spectrum to build trust amongst
one another.

Data storage fees - We will also generate revenue from our users depending on
the amount of data they wish to store on our platform. Fee amounts are TBD.

Digital advertising - A variety of B2B companies, including payroll services, legal

services, and insurance companies, will find OrcaSmart as an ideal option for their
marketing spend. Their advertising messages will be placed in a variety of locations
throughout our platform, and we will charge a TBD fee for each.

Though we still sit in a pre-revenue state, we are fully confident that the above revenue
model is the ideal system for us to achieve exponential financial growth. Once it is initiated,
we expect this growth to be rapid - and have established the following revenue estimations
for our early years:

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 15
We are just getting underway here at OrcaSmart, but are already gaining some nice
momentum. As we continue to move out of the concept stage, we have begun
approaching companies with letters of intent that lock them in as early users. We’ve
secured 3 so far - and are establishing good relationships even with those who have yet to
sign. Our team has also established a key working partnership with NYC-based Anchin,
Block & Anchin. They’re a highly respected advisory and accounting firm whose services
will be crucial in helping us optimize the financial and compliance ends of OrcaSmart. The
agreement is all but concrete; we’re simply waiting to receive a letter of intent back from

A talented lead developer and supporting team has also been secured, and is ready and
waiting to engineer our platform to a beta level. Approximately half of the capital secured
during this fundraise will go precisely in this direction. Looking a bit further into the future,
we’re incredibly excited about what OrcaSmart could eventually evolve into. The broad
nature of the platform leaves us with many possibilities; but as of now, we’re focusing our
future development efforts in two directions:

1 Consumer-facing trade platform - Once a critical mass of users is reached and it

becomes a known beneficial resource, it could begin to take the form of an “Alibaba”
for B2C-focused businesses. At its core, it would allow end users to search for and
interact with businesses through OrcaSmart to enjoy a more transparent view. We
would also provide better integration with mobile devices.

2 Hardware integration - This is all about giving OrcaSmart more of a physical

presence within the office. For example, the installation of a small touchscreen that
extends our user interface onto a user’s desk phone. This would yield the data that’s in
our software to render greater information sharing - including improved tracking of
sales and customer interaction logging.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 16
Technological innovation has led to the creation of a massive industry around solutions that
increase operational efficiency for businesses, with ERP software leading the way. Over the
past decade, entrepreneurs have harnessed the power of these technologies to deliver
incredible benefits to businesses; and as we become an increasingly global economy, the
ERP industry is heating up even more. A growing number of companies are realizing that
the automation of as many areas of business as possible is a virtual necessity to remain
competitive - and companies like ours stand to benefit.

The facts, trends, and developments listed below further underscore the healthy state of the
industry, and strongly support the viability of the OrcaSmart opportunity:

What is an already lucrative industry is here to stay. An Allied Market Research*

report forecasts that the global market for ERP software is expected to hit $41.69 billion by
2020 - exhibiting a CAGR of 7.2% from 2014 until then.


Our team’s ties to Eastern markets gives us an advantage in terms of geographic

expansion. In terms of growth, the Asia-Pacific is proving to be one of the most lucrative
geographic ERP markets. According to a PR Newswire* article, it is anticipated to reach $
9.77 billion by 2020.


New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 17
ERP solutions can find success in more ways than one. On-premise ERP is
expected to hold a 57% grip on the industry by 2020, also according to an Allied* report.
However, its cloud-based counterparts are experiencing an increase in investor attention -
with investments predicted to double during 2016 by PwC.


Exit prospects within the industry are more lucrative than you could imagine.
Perhaps the top example is Oracle’s November 2016 acquisition of cloud-based ERP
solution NetSuite*, which totaled $9.3 billion.


New small venture creation continues to surge within our home nation. According
to the Small Business Administration*, there are currently approximately 28 million small to
medium-sized businesses in the US - with the number of small businesses alone increasing
by 49% since 1982.


The health of the small business sector is very beneficial to our economy. The
SBA* also reports that since 1990, small businesses added 8 million new jobs to our
economy while “big business” eliminated 4 million. The rate of small business failures has
also been on the decline - part of which is likely due to the optimized efficiency they get
from ERP solutions like OrcaSmart.


Global growth prospects for B2B sector, which is one of our primary future
directives, are astounding. According to a Forrester Global* report, the worldwide B2B
sector will grow to $25 trillion by the year 2020. However, of this massive global total, only
27% comes from online sources - leaving behind great growth opportunities for companies
like us.


New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 18
No ERP solutions on the market today offer the level of all-encompassing service that
OrcaSmart does. Because of this, virtually no barriers exist in terms of who it can benefit.
Companies across a wide multitude of industries - both product and service-based, B2C
and B2B focused - will quickly realize our platform’s value. But to narrow our focus slightly
in our company’s early days and attempt to grow to scale, we have identified small to
medium-sized customer-focused businesses as our primary target market. We
believe our solution proves particularly beneficial to these still-growing enterprises that
remain mission focused, and place a significant emphasis on customer interaction and
project management. Other characteristics we generally look for within this target market

Have experienced an increase in business that no longer allows them to handle

everything “in house”;

Rely heavily on personal sales teams;

Are concerned that they can no longer track the efforts of their growing team;

Often keep stock in multiple warehouses in multiple geographic territories;

Often experience communication breakdowns between logistics, sales, and the


Use more than 3 different software platforms to run their business.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 19
The above characteristics have been leveraged in the creation of an ideal marketing
strategy for OrcaSmart. This is especially true with personal sales; initially, our efforts will
be focused on making in-person introductions to businesses with whom we have pre-
existing relationships. The first step in this process will be an email blast out to the 800+
contacts we have. In addition to personal sales, and to our promotion that offers the
platform free to the first 1,000 users, we will also rely on these marketing tactics for early
customer acquisition:

Press releases in appropriate industry publications;

Exhibiting at a Consumer Electronics Show (CES) conference;

Maintaining a heavy social media presence, especially on LinkedIn and YouTube;

Submission to ERP review websites and publications;

Print and digital advertisements in specific trade journals;

Publishing user case studies via social media and self-published blog posts.

The health and promise of the ERP industry is reflected in what is a formidable competitive
landscape. Some of these rival solutions serve the broader spectrum of businesses, like
OrcaSmart does, while others are more specific to a given industry. Some are also more
devoted to one or two areas of business - whereas others attempt to provide a more end-
to-end level of service. Regardless of how they are comprised, three solutions in particular
are separating themselves as our most imposing competitors.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 20
Details on these players are found below:

Deskera (
This Southeast Asian-based firm has created an
award-winning, cloud-based ERP that powers more
than 3,000 clients globally. Despite being primarily
focused on finance and accounting management,
Deskera does to a solid job of being “end-to-end”. This
fact, combined with a client portfolio that includes
Google and Starbucks, make them the leader in our
market in the grand scheme - and especially so in Asia. Their prices are competitive and
their software is highly customizable, which makes them attractive for smaller businesses.
They also have a wide variety of other products to offer to clients; however, they do fall
short in some areas. In addition to failing to provide a true enterprise-wide business
solution, they also do not offer the ease of integration that we provide. Their location also
limits them in terms of marketing and expansion on our side of the world.

Intacct (
This American ERP platform boasts the claim of being
#1 in customer satisfaction. They are even more
focused on financial management and reporting than
Deskera, but still sit in our due to the overall similarity
of their platform to the rest. The company has raised
an impressive $135 million in venture capital backing,
and sit right behind Deskera as the #2 in our
competitive landscape. The platform’s combination of outstanding UI/UX and use of
machine learning to help users make better business decisions make them a go-to choice.
It also plays host to over 250,000 daily transactions, and maintains users in an impressive
variety of industries. That being said, their overarching focus on financials really limits them
in terms of being a standalone solution.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 21
Sync (
The #3 position within our market is held by Sync, the
unquestioned leading ERP software solution for the
apparel industry. The platform by itself is quite
impressive, allowing business leaders to make quick
decisions regarding inventory, materials purchasing,
ecommerce, and almost 20 more areas. However,
their strict focus on apparel and fashion businesses
keeps them in this #3 position. The platform is not designed to help service-based
businesses at all - to the point where it doesn’t even apply to entire industries in most cases.
Despite this major drawback, they’ve mastered their industry of focus. Sync has done
wonders for a variety of top brand to increase sales, including Quiksilver, Zoo York, and
many others. The user interface is also highly visually appealing and easy to navigate.

With the competitors mentioned above being firmly entrenched on the competitive
landscape, gaining market share amongst them will be no easy task. That being said, the
market is sizeable and has great growth potential - and there’s plenty of room for new
entrants like us. We’ve also tied a distinct set of competitive advantages into OrcaSmart,
which will help us differentiate from these competitors and ascend to a market leadership
position. The top three that will go the longest way towards achieving this are listed below:

Companies in all industries can benefit from OrcaSmart.

Many competing solutions, including Sync, cater solely to a given industry; but at
OrcaSmart, we don’t discriminate. Our Software is versatile and robust enough to assist
the growth and management of any type of business, no matter what their core business
activities are. Being truly all-in-one is what allows us to accomplish this. While most other
ERPs require detailed integration into other current softwares being used, we cover
everything right from the top.

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 22
We’re also suitable for all business sizes.
Despite being all-in-one, OrcaSmart still integrates into our clients’ operations quickly and
painlessly. This, in addition to our affordable price points, sets us apart from competition,
and makes us suitable for all business sizes (unlike them). Our intuitive user interface and
automated recommendation tools can work for any business, regardless of size. We’re
giving small businesses everything they need to compete in what is a more global economy.

We have some great people in place.

Our Founder, Kenneth, has proven his mettle on the startup scene by growing his own
multimillion dollar sourcing and distribution company from the ground up. This experience
gives our team intimate knowledge of the issues involved in growing a company from a
single employee to an international player. The remainder of the team is rounded out by a
versatile group of professional designers, marketers, developers, and accounting

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 23


2018 2019 2020 2021

Revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
CoGS 0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Gross Profit 0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Operating Costs 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
R&D 0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
S&M 0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
G&A 0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total Operating
0 0 0 0
% of revenues 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
EBIT 0 0 0 0


Cash inflow 0 0 0 0
Cash outflow 0 0 0 0
Total operating cashflow 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
Starting bank
0 0 0 0
Cash from
0 0 0 0
Cash from
0 0 0 0

Ending bank 0 0 0 0

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 24


2018 2019 2020 2021


New customers 0 0 0 0
Lost customers 0 0 0 0
Customers end of the year 0 0 0 0


New MRR from new customers ($) 0 0 0 0

Net expansion MRR ($) 0 0 0 0
Lost MRR (churn) ($) 0 0 0 0
Net new MRR ($) 0 0 0 0
MRR end of year ($) 0 0 0 0
Net MRR churn ($) 0 0 0 0


Cash inflow from Stream 2 - initial Organic Customers + Sales ($) 0 0 0 0

Cash inflow from Stream 1 - Paid Marketing customers ($) 0 0 0 0
Cash inflow from Customer renewals ($) 0 0 0 0
Total cash inflow 0 0 0 0

Stream 1 - CUSTOMERS & MRR – ENTERPRISE PLAN with Paid Marketing

2018 2019 2020 2021


Total new customers from Stream 1 0 0 0 0

Lost customers (churn) 0 0 0 0
Customers end of the year 0 0 0 0


New MRR from new customers ($) 0 0 0 0

Net Expansion MRR of Organic customers ($) 0 0 0 0
Lost MRR (churn) ($) 0 0 0 0
Net new MRR ($) 0 0 0 0
MRR end of year ($) 0 0 0 0

Stream 2 - CUSTOMERS & MRR – ENTERPRISE PLAN with 5,000 organic

customers in 2019 + Launch of the Sales Team in 2020

2018 2019 2020 2021


New customers from Stream 2 0 5,000 3,776 3,619

Customers up for renewal 0 0 5,000 8,526

Customers who renewed 0 0 4,750 8,098

Lost customers (churn) 0 0 250 428

Customers end of the year 0 5,001 7,746 9,584


New MRR from new customers ($) 0 0 0 0

Net Expansion MRR from renewals ($) 0 0 0 0
Lost MRR (churn) ($) 0 0 0 0
Net new MRR ($) 0 0 0 0
MRR end of year ($) 0 0 0 0

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 25

2018 2019 2020 2021

Founder & CEO 0 0 0 0

COO 0 0 0 0
Total G&A Salaries G&A 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
R&D 0 0 0 0
Founder & CTO 0 0 0 0
Designer 0 0 0 0
Designer 0 0 0 0
Designer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Computer Programmer 0 0 0 0
Project Manager 0 0 0 0
Project Manager 0 0 0 0
Project Manager 0 0 0 0
VP Engineering 0 0 0 0
VP Product 0 0 0 0
Total R&D Salaries R&D 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0

Marketing 0 0 0 0
CMO 0 0 0 0
Product Marketing Manager 0 0 0 0
Content Writer 0 0 0 0
Total Marketing Salaries S&M 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0

Sales 0 0 0 0
VP Sales 0 0 0 0
Sales Directors 0 0 0 0
Account Managers 0 0 0 0
SDR Directors 0 0 0 0
SDRs 0 0 0 0
Total Sales Salaries S&M 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0

Customer Success 0 0 0 0
Customer Success Manager 0 0 0 0
Total Customer Success Salaries CoGS 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0

Total Salaries 0 0 0 0
Thereof bonuses (incl. payroll taxes) 0 0 0 0

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 26
OTHER COSTS ($) Type of Cost

2018 2019 2020 2021

Staff related

G&A staff G&A 0 0 0 0
R&D staff R&D 0 0 0 0
Marketing staff travel for tradeshows S&M 0 0 0 0
Sales staff S&M 0 0 0 0
Customer success staff CoGS 0 0 0 0
Total travel costs 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Other (office supplies, subscriptions, phones,...) 0 0 0 0
G&A staff G&A 0 0 0 0
R&D staff R&D 0 0 0 0
Marketing staff S&M 0 0 0 0
Sales staff S&M 0 0 0 0
Customer success staff CoGS 0 0 0 0
Total other costs 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Onboarding (computer, software, desk,...) 0 0 0 0
G&A staff G&A 0 0 0 0
R&D staff R&D 0 0 0 0
Marketing staff S&M 0 0 0 0
Sales staff S&M 0 0 0 0
Customer success staff CoGS 0 0 0 0
Total onboarding costs 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total staff related 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Various 0 0 0 0
Payment charges CoGS 0 0 0 0
Server infrastructure CoGS 0 0 0 0
Marketing spend S&M 0 0 0 0
Office rent G&A 0 0 0 0
Service providers (lawyers, accountants, ...) G&A 0 0 0 0
Other costs G&A 0 0 0 0
Total various costs 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total costs 0 0 0 0


Salaries 0 0 0 0
Bonuses (Sales Team) 0 0 0 0
Bonuses (everybody else) 0 0 0 0
Other costs 0 0 0 0
Total cash outflow 0 0 0 0

New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 27
New Generation of Modern ERP Software for Maximum Performance and Growth 28

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