Why Should I Be Moral Why Should I Do Right - Q

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Why should I be moral? Why should I

do right?

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Sabri Shahin
Management Consultant and Author · Author has 11.8K
answers and 6M answer views · 2y

Why should I be moral? Why should I do right?

you do not want anyone to abuse your child, so you

should not abuse any child

You do not want anyone to rape your sister, so you

should not rape any girl

You do not want people to deceive you, so we should

not lie or deceive others

You do not like to starve to death, so we should feed

the hungry, defend the oppressed, and help those who
struggle to survive

The following answers include the details:

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5 5

Related questions (More answers below)

Why should we be moral?


Why should I do right to be moral?


What does it mean to be moral?


What is morally right or good?


If a person has to try to be moral, are they really


Jean-Marie Valheur
political aficionado & former journalist · Upvoted by
Mkenya Halisi, PH.D World History & Health Care
Management, University of Nairobi (2018) and …
Arnold Wünsche, PhD History, Free University of
Related What are
BerlinAuthor some
has 3.4K of the most
answers morally
and 316.5M answer
justified crimes
views · 1y ever committed?
My grandfather was born with a strong sense of justice.
Sometimes it was a little too strong. He was also a
man who had grown up in orphanges and abusive
foster homes, continuously punished for things he did
not do. At some point he decided he had enough of

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41.2K 224 260

Claire Jordan
Degree in biology and folklore; programmer, shop
owner, secretary on newspaper · Author has 46.3K
answers and 308.3M answer views · Aug 4

Related If fetus is sentient, then isn't abortion

morally wrong?
See, for the first time in his life, my grandfather had
It’s notbeen
finally sentient
in a to feelfoster
good and have
with a foster
who caredbetween 20 and 26He
for him genuinely. weeks.
must Vanishingly
have been
aroundwomen have
twelve an abortion
years old, and after thatfather
his new pointhadunless
there’s a really belt,
him a studded drasticonemedical need
of those for it.designs.
cowboy If the He
proudly worehealth is school.
it to in danger but the baby is viable it will
be induced and moved to an incubator. You’d only have
When in class,
an abortion a teacher
(=dead baby)scolded
after 26my g if the baby
was already dead, or had something so dreadful wrong
with it that it would die at or soon after birth, or have an
unacceptably poor quality of life.
1.3K 3 72

Godfrey Braganza
Civil Engineer · Author has 73 answers and 9.6K
answer views · 2y

The fundamental principles of morality are

1. Do good and avoid evil;

2. Do to others as you would want them to do to


Now imagine a society or world where no one lived by

these. It would be just unbearable. We are made for
happiness and so without principles of morality it
happiness would be impossible.

We already know about nations, tribes, societies,

corporations or families or even groups of friends who
have no concern for the welfare of anyone but
themselves. We see them breaking up, fighting, killing,
raping, stealing, cheating and
Continue committing heinous
unspeakable crimes and so on. On the other
3 1

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Related questions (More answers below)

What does it mean to have morality and why is it

important to be a moral person?

Why should human beings be moral? What is the

scientific answer to this question, specifically
based on moral philosophy?

What is moral values and examples?


Why are some things considered morally right

while others are considered morally wrong?

What is a morally right individual?


Naveen Subramanian
Writer - Psychology & Human Behavior Chennai
Tamilnadu India · Author has 1.2K answers and 16.6M
answer views · 1y

Related Why is having morals so important?

Spanish athlete Iván Fernández Anaya was competing
in a cross-country race in Burlada, Navarre. He was
running second, some distance behind race leader Abel
Mutai - Kenyan Athlete.

When they were about to finish, Mutai started to slow

down thinking he has crossed the finishing line - some
Continue Reading
10 meters before the line. Watching this from behind,
Ivan had all possibilities to surpass him and win the
but he didn’t 3 5

Ivan shouted in Spanish asking Mutai to run front and

Andrew Weill
I livethe race, but
everyday Mutaiday,
life every couldn’t understand
most days · Upvoted by
Spanish. So Ivan slowed down too, showed a hand
Charles P. Hobbs, Worked part time at the County of
Angeles Mutai towards
Law Library, the and …
Garrett Marshall, J.D. Law, University of Oklahoma
Related Can of
College anLaw
be legal but hasimmoral?
24.6K answers and
181.1MFor example,
answer viewsI·represented
Updated 3y a 75 year old
woman who was blind. The IRS wanted to seize and sell
the house she had lived in for 40 years to satisfy a tax
liability of her husband. The IRS' position was
completely legal. It was also, in my view, outrageous
and immoral. (Fortunately, a sane compromise was

It is completely legal for Westboro Baptist Church to

engage in its hateful speech. I find it immoral.

If a wealthy student wanted to gain an advantage over

his classmates by buying all copies of the class text
from the school bookstore, that would be legal, but of
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8.2K 28 189

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Jim H. White
Guided writer on the meaning of life at Jesuis Laplume
(1999–present) · Author has 6.6K answers and 1.7M
answer views · 2y

You are in the universe and the universe was created

within the spiritual essence some call God; there was
no space or time before the Big Bang so there was
nowhere else for the universe to form. You are also
infused with that essence; so everything about you is
known to the creator of a whole universe!

If you do not live a good life and every detail of that is

known; how comfortable are you with doing immoral
things if all of this is True?

As a writer who gets asked to write such things, using

the author name ofContinue
Jesuis Laplume
Reading from the French
words for ‘I am the pen’, I admit to being careful w

Sugar Bouche
Self Employed at Feralife (2000–present) · Upvoted by
Stephanie Pratt, Masters Education & Biology,
Fitchburg State University (2005) and Ari Chu, M.F.A.…
Biology & Music, KL International School (2017)Author
Related animals
1.9K answers haveanswer
and 5.6M the same
views right
· as
Updated Apr 19
Animals should have the same basic rights as human

That is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Those are the rights of every living sentient being.

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8.8K 59 151

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If you want to debate that “animals should have the
Free Trial
right to vote. The rights to freedom of expression and
freedom of association. The right to remain silent when
arrested on criminal charges.” That is just plain stupid.

That kind of thinking and those types of debates just

Win Groseclose
muddy the water, confuse the issue, and suppress the
Former Senior Pastor at St. John's United Evangelical
true meaning of Church
Protestant ethical(2011–2020)
treatment of animals.
· Author has 355
answers and 222.7K answer views · 4y
“May Life Treat You, The Way You Treat Animals”.
RelatedWhat is the most important moral
question today?
The most important moral question of our day (in my
humble opinion) is: “What is the value of a human life?”

This speaks to the questions of abortion, euthanasia,

poverty, and medical care for those who are
impoverished or whose insurance companies/countries
are denying them access to certain procedures. It also
addresses the question of acceptable practices in war
(use of poison gas, fragmentation explosives, and
torture techniques, etc…).

There are lots of tangents that one can draw, but they
all trace back to the question of the inherent value of a
human life.
5 1

A Chen-Kung
Author has 374 answers and 70K answer views · 2y

It is your life so you need to think and decide and not

ask someone else to decide for you.

If you can live with yourself knowing that you are not
living a moral life, and that your good conscience does
not bother you and you can sleep at night, live in peace,
and happily each day, then live an amoral life.

But by asking this question, I do not think you will make

that choice.

Andrew Weill
I live everyday life every day, most days · Author has
24.6K answers and 181.1M answer views · 4y

Related Are you a moral person?

The question is pretty much impossible to answer.
There's more than one attitude about what constitutes

Some would say that my acceptance of LGBTQ people

and pro-choice views render me deeply immoral. Some
would claim my open atheism and vocal opposition to
authoritarian religions that posit notions of "God is to
be obeyed because otherwise he'll torture you
eternally" is as immoral as it gets.

Some would call me immoral because I often find that

situations are complicated and I don't leap to
judgments of people.

I have done my fair share of actions that I regret.

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My personal quest is no
112 7

Patrick Tyrrell
39 years experience studying and firing small arms ·
Author has 171 answers and 181.1K answer views · 7y

Related Is democracy morally right?

Originally Answered: Can you prove that democracy is morally

The question itself makes no sense. Democracy is a

tool, nothing more, it can be used to make moral amoral
and immoral decisions.
11 3

Michael Masiello
Ethics matter. · Author has 3.9K answers and 13.3M
answer views · 4y

Related Should I do what is morally right or is

better for me?
If you’re doing it right, what is morally right often will be
better for you. Depends on how you define “good” (and
its comparative degree, “better”).
35 9

Vrijender Jairath
Former Ex Museum Curator at University College of
Medical Sciences, University of Delhi (1989–2015) ·
Author has 190 answers and 14.4K answer views · 2y

This is your choice. No one forces you to have morals

or to do the right things. If you want to be the part of
crowd and live a faceless existence you can live a
vagabond life and die anonymous.

Peter Lukasik
Author has 603 answers and 181.7K answer views · 2y

Quite frankly, because it’s not about you. “Do unto

others as you would have them do unto you”… the
classic golden rule that smooths out the bumps of
societal living. Even science agrees with Jesus on this
point. Selflessly “Loving your neighbor as yourself” is
always the best foot forward toward true joy in life. The
Biblical call to holiness is not to ruin your joy in this life,
it’s to maximize it. But enough about what you will get
out of it… that is only the by product. Doing what you
know is right is your reasonable “Thank you” to the one
who created you… because He is worthy.
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Romans 12:1

C.S. Friedman
Science Fiction and Fantasy novelist · Author has 21K
answers and 101.2M answer views · 4y

Related Is keeping a pet right or wrong?

I am allowing my cats to write this response:

Dear OP.

You don’t know me, but I am a Xena. I wasn’t always a

pet. Once I was a stray in West Virginia. It seemed like
there was only hunger and cold and lonliness, and no
hope for anything better. I got pregnant when I was less
than a year old. It was a rough time, particularly in
winter. When a local rescue picked me up I was skin
and bones. I had lost most of my kittens. I wouldn’t
have made it much longer. Then some people brought
me to a shelter, and a lady from DC brought me back to
DC because she thought I could
Continue find a home there.
Finally Cel
913 1 51

Worked at Community Mental Health Services (1998–
2014) · Author has 5.8K answers and 1.4M answer
views · 2y

To be acceptable within your tribe and society as a

whole. Being an asshole diminishes the quality of life for
those affected by you. We are mammals and mammals
survive better as a cohesive group. Lack of a moral
compass in a person causes mistrust and a need to
separate. Also you may end up in jail if you don’t at
least act according to laws based on ethics and

Jacob Mobarry
Theorist at Earth (planet) (1995–present) · Author has
108 answers and 112.6K answer views · Updated 1y

RelatedHow would you describe the difference

between an immoral person and an amoral
Immoral people are those who do not adhere to our
standard of morality.

Amoral people are those who do not imagine these

standards in the first place.

Morality is a practice in righteousness. Essentially, we

create boundaries around human experience, as if there
is only one right way to be alive. In this practice,
morality creates a false sense of superiority.

This superiority is twofold. One, I am in possession of

the true way and all others are wrong. Two, my actions
are inherently more valuable than those of others,
assuming I am able to live up to my own standards.
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Let’s say, for example, that
20 7

Michelle Becker
Lives in Northwestern USA · Author has 1.1K answers
and 305.8K answer views · 2y

RelatedWhat is morality, and where do you think

it comes from?
A Wikipedia definition is “Morality is the differentiation
of intentions, decisions and actions between those that
are distinguished as proper and those that are
improper. Morality can be a body of standards or
principles derived from a code of conduct from a
particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive
from a standard that a person believes should be

My belief is that all of us are born with an awareness of

what is right and wrong that is refined as we get
older/more mature.Continue
It is called our “conscience”. Some
people are more sensitive/in tune to this awareness whil
5 1 1

Keshav Jetha
Author has 97 answers and 293.3K answer views · 5y

Related If I have been wronged, why should I be

I find this interesting..

Once all the numbers were standing in a queue.

Suddenly 9 slapped 8. When 8 asked the reason, 9 said

“I am bigger than you. I have right to slap you.”

So 8 slapped 7.

7 slapped 6 and the process continued.

When 1 saw 0, he was already terrified. But 1 didn't

slapped 0. Instead, he gave him the space next to him.
So now they stood as 10.

Seeing 10, 9 started shiverring. He panicked. But 10

didn't slapped him. He smiled and moved on.

Now coming to your question, being moralised makes

you strong. Just because you
Continue have suffered doesn't
mean you pass that suffering to others. You

Curt Doolittle
Philosopher of Science and Natural Law · Author has
1.1K answers and 2.1M answer views · 4y

Related Is there such thing as being too moral?


YES THERE IS. And this might be one of the most

important topics in political life.

1. CRIMINAL = imposing material costs on

others directly.

2. ETHICAL = not imposing costs material or

otherwise on others directly via asymmetry of

3. MORAL = not imposing costs upon others

indirectly, by action or omission of action.

All MORALITY, like all Liberty, and all Freedom, is, and
can only be, purely negative: what one must not do.

One may engage in CHARITY, 1) granting tolerance to

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others, 2) absorbing the costs on behalf of others, 3)
encouraging others

Thomas M. Miovas, Jr.

B.A. in both in Physics & Philosophy, University of
Dallas (Graduated 1987) · Author has 679 answers and
436.8K answer views · 1y

Related How do you know your moral values are

The Objectivist Ethics, created by Ayn Rand, are a
scientific integration of the facts of reality, the facts
about man, and the facts about life, making it factually
and rationally integrated to be true to the facts
confronting oneself in life. I know they are right
because I have thought them through and have
discovered that by following them, I lead a better life
with man’s life as the standard and my own happiness
as my highest moral purpose. The best way to
understand the Objectivist Ethics is to read Atlas
Shrugged a novel by Ayn Rand
Continue and her book The Virtue
of Selfishness and the chapter
4 2

Orson Scott Card

Writer of sci-fi and fantasy, professor at Southern
Virginia University · Author has 1.2K answers and 8.8M
answer views · 4y

Related How come morals and respect aren't

taught or learned in schools. If children aren't
brought up in a family with any morals, where
else are they going to learn?
Originally Answered: How come morals and respect aren't taught
or learned in schools. If children aren't brought up in a family with
any where else are they going to learn?

Morals and respect ARE taught in the schools. If

students do not learn basic respect for teachers and
rules, teaching does not take place. Some schools fail
at this, but most succeed, to a degree.

More effectively, other kids, through peer pressure,

teach a large number of behavioral rules and demand
respect for certain ideas and people. Parents may
deplore these rules, but if a child who has not learned
self-control at home comes to school expecting others
to bend to his will, other kids will use whatever teaching
method is required to help him learn reasonable self-
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This can be a har
19 1

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based on moral philosophy?

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