Exercise 1

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1. What makes an ethical person?

Identify persons who have famously held fast

to their principles despite opposition and even when doing so placed them in
- The as it were thing that “makes one ethical” is compliance with others’ standards. For case,
Putin’s behavior is considered moral in Russia but deceptive in Poland. Stoning gay
people is moral for Conventional Jews but deceptive for Christians.

2.  Can you think of an unethical role model for the youth of today? 

- Any and all politicians. Anyone who thinks profits are more important than the betterment of
mankind. Anyone who considers ‘hate’ a legitimate point of view.

- Anyone who thinks profits are more important than the betterment of mankind. Anyone who
considers ‘hate’ a legitimate point of view. I’d go on, but it’s too depressing.

3. Discuss one of the following topics: 

a. Honesty is the best policy. 
b. The truth will set you free. 
c. Honesty is something so tough and tempting. It demands self-denial and
spiritual purity. Honesty counts even things that we may think simple and
immaterial. Who doesn’t sometimes behave dishonestly? 
d. You are allowed to tell a white lie once in a while to spare someone's
feelings; that’s not wrong! 
e. Is giving a bribe dishonest if I have to accomplish something? 
f. To be honest with yourself, will make your life simple. Honesty is the best
policy. Be honest and you are less likely to face any difficulties. 
g. What are some advantages of conducting business with integrity? Some
people say they have no responsibility beyond maximizing the value of the
firm in financial terms. Can this position be defended? If so, how? 
h. I try to be honest and treat others as I would like to be treated. I hope that
others do the same. I believe it is very important to have empathy for one
i. If I am hungry and my family is starving, is it acceptable to steal food from
the local supermarket? 
j. Workers sometimes take sick leave or students miss class and stay off
work when they are not sick. Is this acceptable? 

The Quote “Honesty is the best policy” has been quoted by Benjamin franklin which means that you
should always be truthful, honest, loyal, irrespective of any situation. Because honesty beautifies the
personality of the person to define the character of the person and also a honest person makes a place in
heart of everyone so honesty is important in every aspect and field of life.

Let us understand the quote with example if your friend is doing something illegal like consuming drugs or
he /she is cheating in the exam So don’t support them. Instead of that be honest and truthful and try to
help them by fixing their problem. Discuss it with your teacher’s parents and meet your friend understand
about it by doing this your friend will improve and also he will understand that you always need to be
honest and truthful in any situation no matter anyone is your best friend, policeman, parents or anyone.
Always stand with Truth no matter the row of an honest person and truthful person is less hence “Honesty
is referred as the best policy.”

However the quality of Honesty is seen in very few people whenever they find themselves in a vulnerable
position, they say lie to be on a safer side. Honesty is a rare quality. It is the light of an ultimate solution
for different problems. Advising others, to be honest, is very easy but it is difficult to follow for ourselves
but let us all try to be honest irrespective of any situation.

4. Discuss one of the following topics:

a. Is corporal punishment unethical or immoral?
b. Is it ethical to tax the citizens of a country excessively?
c. What is the correct thing to do about illegal aliens?
d. Is cloning to produce children ethical?
e. “Euthanasia is an acceptable practice in a civilized society with an ageing

Is corporal punishment unethical or immoral?

“Hitting people is wrong – And children are people too” (Hammarberg, T. 2007). It is often very difficult
to decide what form of punishment is most efficient in eliciting avoidance behaviors. The Committee
[on the Rights of the Child] defines “corporal” or “physical” punishment as any punishment in which
physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most
involves hitting (“smacking”, “slapping”, “spanking”) children, with the hand or with an implement - a
whip, stick, belt, shoe or wooden spoon. Therefore, it is unethical, unjust and immoral to use Corporal
Punishment as a method of maintaining discipline in primary schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago
as it may negatively affect students physical, emotional and mental health; effective strategies should
be in place to ensure that this barbaric practice does not persist.

Norberto Dogia

Neri Febrio

Ben Lloyd Badiri

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