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Dosen R.R Mardiana Yulianti SS.,M.Pd

Kelompok 3:
1. Budi Ariyanto 221010504048
2. Caecilia Novita Aquilera 221010501097
3. Cita Amilia 221010501102
4. Fadilla Chairunnisa 221010501079
5. Lala Ayu Lestari 221010505853
6. Muhamad Aang 221010504604
7. Mohamad Farid Firmansyah 221010501076



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “PRESENT AND PAST PARTICIPLE” right
in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Ms. R.R Mardiana Yulianti SS., M.Pd as lecturer in Basic English Academy

In arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions
but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also
realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the
process of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all.
The writer realized this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. Then
the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the
next paper. Last but not Least hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain
more knowledge about Basic English major.

Tangerang Selatan, 20 November 2020




TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1


A. Background...................................................................................................1

B. Formulation of The Problem.........................................................................1

C. Purpose..........................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II............................................................................................................3


A. Definition of Present Participle.....................................................................3

B. Use of the Present Participle.........................................................................4

C. Definition of Past Participle..........................................................................7

D. Past Participle Functions and Examples.......................................................9

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................13


A. Conclusion..................................................................................................13

B. Suggestion...................................................................................................13



A. Background

Participles are derived forms of verbs in English which can be used as

adjectives or to make tense sentences. The present participle is a form of the verb
that uses + ing , for example boring, exciting and interesting.

The present participle is most often used in continuous tense sentences.

People often say the present participle with the verb ing. This is because the form
of the present participle is a verb added with the affix ing.

The past participle is most often used in the passive and perfect sentences.
Most Indonesians call the past participle the third form of the verb (Verb 3). The
past participle usually ends in -ed for regular verbs. Meanwhile, irregular verbs
generally end in -t, -en, or -n.

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. What is the meaning of the present participle?

2. What is the function of the present participle?
3. How do you use the present participle in sentences?
4. What is an example of a present participle?
5. What is the meaning of the past participle?
6. Explain the function and example of past participle?

C. Purpose

1. To know the meaning of the present participle.

2. Knowing the use of the present participle in sentences.
3. Know examples of present participles.
4. To know the meaning of the past participle.
5. To find out the functions and examples of past participles.


A. Definition of Present Participle

The present participle is a word that is formed by adding the suffix –ing to
the base form of the verb. Sometimes there is doubling of the consonants at the
end of the verb.

Examples of doubling on consonants:

 Run+ing - running
 Swim+ing – swimming

The present participle is one of the five verb forms that are owned by verbs,
both regular and irregular verbs.

Examples of form verbs:

Present Past Present Past

Base Form
Tense Tense Participle Participle
sing sing(s) sang singing sung
read read(s) read reading read

Attention table below :
Bare Additional
infinitive infinitive
Past Present
(verb1 (verb1 ending Past Tense
participle participle
without in s/es – except
ending s/es) auxiliary verbs)
See Sees Saw Seen Seeing
Begin Begins Began Begun Beginning
Be Is/am/are Was/were Been Being
Come Comes Came Come Coming
Cut Cuts Cut Cut Cutting
Play Plays Played Played Playing
Fly Flies Flew Flown Flying
Mix Mixes Mixed Mixed Mixing
Cry Cries Cried Cried Crying

B. Use of the Present Participle

In general, the participle can function as a verb or verbal.

1. Present participle as a verb

As a verb, the present participle is used as a component of multiple verbs

with the auxiliary verb [aux + present participle] to form progressive / continuous
and perfect continuous tenses. The present participle is also used in the passive
voice of the continuous tense, both present and past. The passive form of the
perfect continuous should be avoided because it is complicated and not elegant.

Present Participle Example as a Verb:

Verb Example of Present Participle Description

Present He is smiling to you.
is = auxiliary
Continuous (Dia sedang tersenyum padamu.)
Those toddlers have been sleeping for
an hour. have, been =
(Balita-balita itu telah tidur selama auxiliary
satu jam.)
The workers were queuing for their
Past continuous salaries. were = auxiliary
(Para pekerja sedang mengantri gaji.)
The labors had
been demonstrating for two hours
Past perfect before you came.)
had, been = auxiliary
continuous (Para buruh telah berdemonstrasi
selama dua jam sebelum kamu
Future She will be working at the office.
will, be = auxiliary
continuous (Dia akan sedang bekerja di kantor.)
Future perfect That cat will have been sleeping long. will, have, been =
continuous (Kucing itu akan telah tidur lama.) auxiliary
is = auxiliary,
Passive The book is being read by him.
being = present
Present (Buku tersebut sedang dibaca
Continuous olehnya.)
from auxiliary be
Your car was being washed at this was = auxiliary,
Passive Past time yesterday. being = present
continuous (Mobilmu sedang dicuci pada saat ini participle
kemarin.) from auxiliary be

2. Present participle as Adjective

The participle functions as an adjective. As an adjective, this verbal functions to

modify/explain nouns. There are also other forms of verb + ing that function as
nouns, namely gerunds. Even though both are in the form of verb + ing, the usage
of the two is very different. The use of the present participle as an adjective can
be seen in noun phrases and reduced adjective clauses (active voice). In noun
phrases, nouns that act as actors in the action are strung together with the present

For example in the sentence:

1. The rooster annoys.

2. The fact interested me.

Can be made into sentences with the present participle:

1. It is an annoying rooster or The annoying rooster east a lot.

2. It was an interesting fact or The interesting fact was published.

In the reduction of adjective clauses, the relative pronoun and the verb to be
(if any) are removed and added –ing to the active verb (if it is present or past, not
progressive) so that it forms a present participle (phrase).

Example adjective clause Example reduced adjective Clause

The woman who works as an The woman work+ing as an english teacher is

english teacher is very very beautiful.
(Wanita yang bekerja sebagai Become :
guru bahasa Inggris tersebut
The woman working as an english teacher is
sangat cantik.)
very beautiful
The boy who is sleeping is The boy sleep+ing is my brother.
my brother.
(Anak laki-laki yang sedang Become :
tidur adalah saudaraku.)
The boy sleeping is my brother.
Description :

Working and sleeping are present participles which are obtained through
reduced adjective clauses which function to explain women and boys.

C. Definition of Past Participle

Participles are words formed from verbs with the addition of a suffix or
ending. Participles are part of Grammar lessons in English, so in English when
we study grammar we not only learn tenses but the parts that complement the
tenses are also like participles. Participles can be divided into two, namely, the
present participle and the past participle. But this time what the author discusses
is the Past Participle.

Past Pasticiple is a change in the basic form of a verb or verbs. In regular
verbs, the changes experienced by a verb can be said to be certain, that is, a verb
will turn into a past participle if it is followed by the addition of an ending or
suffix –d or –ed. Meanwhile, in irregular verbs it is more difficult to know
because irregular verbs that turn into past participles can be followed by endings -
t, -en, -d, or -n. Apart from the addition of -t, -en, -d, and -n suffixes to irregular
ones, it is also possible to add irregular suffixes to the past participle. Just like the
previous verb material, to remember the past participle it is actually enough to
memorize verb 3 or the past participle of verb.

Verb 1 (Bare Infinitive) Verb 3 (Past Participle) Description

Achieve Achieved Regular Verb
Add Added Regular Verb
Admire Admired Regular Verb
Admit Admitted Regular Verb
Adopt Adopted Regular Verb
Advise Advised Regular Verb
Afford Afforded Regular Verb
Bake Baked Regular Verb
Balance Balanced Regular Verb
Ban Banned Regular Verb
Be Been Irregular Verb
Bear Borne Irregular Verb
Beat Beat Irregular Verb
Begin Begun Irregular Verb
Come Come Irregular Verb
Cry Cried Regular Verb
Cut Cut Irregular Verb
Draw Drawn Irregular Verb
Drink Drunk Irregular Verb
Fly Flown Irregular Verb
Hum Hummed Regular Verb
Hunt Hunted Regular Verb
Hurry Hurried Regular Verb
Identify Identified Regular Verb
Ignore Ignored Regular Verb

Mix Mixed Regular Verb
Play Played Regular Verb
See Seen Irregular Verb

Basically, the past participle can be used in two ways, namely as a verb (in
tenses including the passive voice and causative verbs) and as an adjective. When
used as a verb, Past participle has limited uses which include perfect tense and
perfect continuous tense, both for present, past, and future tense, this happens
because in compiling perfect tense and perfect continuous tense, the past
participle is part of the formula which cannot be separated, as well as the passive
voice. Passive voice itself is a sentence form in which the subject of the sentence
accepts the action, not performs the action.

D. Past Participle Functions and Examples

In general, participles can function as a verb or (verb). In addition, the past

participle can also be used as a verbal or adjective that can be placed before or
after a noun.

1. Past Participle as Verb

The use of the past participle as a verb, (aux + needs to be paired with the
past participle auxiliary verb). Past participle is used in perfect tense and passive
voice (passive sentence).

Examples of past participles in the present perfect tense:

a. We have eaten all of the pizzas.

b. He has played games on computer for 5 hours.
c. Sania has arrived in Jakarta since 2 hours ago.
d. They have gained some pounds during the holiday.
e. The cat has slept for 12 hours.

Examples of past participles in the past perfect tense:

a. People had registered in the marathon championship three days ago.

b. Leila had gone to Chicago yesterday.
c. Heidi had bought some stuff for his preparation to face the field trip this
d. Pevita had known the truth of the case 5 days ago but she was not confident
about revealing it in public.
e. Yesi had received the gifts from me ten hours ago.

Example of past participle in passive voice:

a. Ani and I are invited to the alumni party.

b. Some books of the education system in the library are borrowed by Nadia.
c. The cat is chased by Robin.
d. Linda was never expected to get a bad score, but she got it today.
e. The foods were delivered by my father to my dormitory yesterday

Present Perfect Tense
The present perfect tense is a sentence pattern that is used to show events that
have finished at the present time but are still related and do not mention the time.
Present Perfect Tense formulaThe present perfect tense is easy to recognize
because it uses the verb form when (Verb 3). Note the following formula:


(+) Subject + have/has + Verb 3/ past participle

( - ) Subject + have/has + not + Verb 3 / past participle

(?) have + subject+ verb 3 / past participle

example of sentences:

The students have finished their examination.

She has worked at the company since January.

I have not charged my phone because I was in a hurry.

I have not drunk mineral water, please give me some

Have you told her about your feeling?

Past Perfect Tense
The past perfect tense is a form of the verb that is used to express that an action
was completed at some point in the past before another action occurred. actions
that have been completed in the past can occur repeatedly or only once. she past
perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb "had", and the past participle (verb-

The formula

( + ) ( Subject + had + past participle/ Verb 3 )

( - ) ( Subject + had + not + past participle/ verb 3)

( ? ) ( had + subject + past Participle / Verb 3 )

Example :

The student had gotten a verbal warning before his parents were called.

He said that he had not listened carefully the instruction

If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party

I had already eaten breakfast by the time he picked me up.

Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense is a tense or verb change to express an event or state
something that is predicted to have happened, even finished in the future. So, at
the time it is talked about, there is an action that has not been completed or has not
taken place at all.

The formula

( + ) (subject + will + have + verb 3/ past participle )

( - ) ( subject + will + not+have + verb 3/past participle )

( ? ) ( will + subject + have + verb 3/ past participle )

The past participle is the third form of the base verb. You can add -ed at the end
of the verb used (regular verb).For irregular verbs, it has quite a variety of past
participle forms.The aux "have" in the future perfect tense applies to all subjects,
whether singular (I, she, he, and it) or plural (you, they, and we).


They will have been at your house when the pizza comes.

Mr. Joe will not have been in the office by this evening.

They will have come tomorrow afternoon

Mery won’t have moved out tomorrow

Will the shop have closed by 11 o’clock tonight?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous tense is a tense or verb form to express an action (with a
certain duration of time) or an event that was started and is ongoing in the past,
but is no longer happening now. In essence, the past perfect continuous tense is
used to tell an event or action that started in the past, happened in the past, and
also finished in a period of time in the past. When viewed from the explanation
above, the actions and conditions that are told in this tense mean that they have
nothing to do with the present. Oh yes, this tense also has another name, lo,
namely the past perfect progressive tense. Past Perfect Continuous Tense


( + ) S + had + been + v-ing/present participle

( - ) S + had + not + been + v-ing/present participle

( ? ) had + S + been + v-ing/present participle


She was annoyed since she had been waiting for 2 hours on the bus station

By the time the teacher came, the students had been reading a half part of the

We hadn’t been watching the movie for two hours when my mother came

You had not been cooking since 6 am when he phoned

Had they been working in the garden for three hours when I came?

Had she been doing her homework since 5 o’clock when you called?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present perfect continuous tense is a form of a verb or tenses to express actions

that have been completed at some point in the past, or actions that have started in

the past, but these actions still occur/continue until the present.

Actions in the present perfect continuous tense are usually of a certain duration

and have something to do with the present condition.


( + ) subject + has/have + been + present participle /v-ing

( - ) subject + has/have + not + been + present participle /v ing

( ? ) has/have + subject + been + present participle /v-ing


You have been begging to me for a day but sorry to say that I can’t go

They have been admiring him since 2012 and they became the biggest fans club

My table looks so pale because it has not been painting by my Dad 

I have not been finding my science book and now I think I need some help
Have I been baking the cake for 30 minutes? Because I just follow the cooking

Has it been waiting for its master for a year?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect

progressive, is a verb tense that describes actions that will continue up until a

point in the future. The future perfect continuous consists of will + have + been +

the verb’s present participle v – ing

When we describe an action in the future perfect continuous tense, we are

projecting ourselves forward in time and looking back at the duration of that

activity. The activity will have begun sometime in the past, present, or in the

future, and is expected to continue in the future.

Formula ;

( + ) subject + will + have been + present participle / v-ing

( - ) subject + will + not + have been + present participle / v-ing

( ? ) will + subject + have been + present participle / v-ing


He will have been studying in Cairo for a year by the end of next month.

Andra will have been waiting for three months when the corn is ready to harvest.

They will not have been playing basketball.

Will you have been writing the report before the branch manager observes?

2. Past participle as Adjective

The function of the past participle when used as a verbal is to become an

adjective. Adjective or adjective is a class of words that explain the meaning of
words to be more specific in terms of quantity, quality, order, or value. As an
adjective or past participle adjective as a verbal function to explain nouns (nouns).
We can see the use of past participle as an adjective in the form of noun phrases
and reduced adjective clauses in the passive voice. The use of the past participle
in a noun phrase is when the noun accepts an action so that it will be coupled with
the past participle.

As an adjective, the placement of the past participle must be behind To Be,

this is due to the use of the past participle to describe a noun that is placed in front
of a noun. However, when the past participle is used as part of a verb, the past
participle is always accompanied by a form of to have (have, has or had).

Examples of Past Participle as an adjective (adjective):

 Break – Broken
My bone was broken yesterday
(Tulang saya patah kemarin)
The past participle adjective becomes: The broken bone

 Spoiled – Spoiled
The dog was spoiled by Reza
(Anjing itu dimanja oleh Reza)
The past participle adjective becomes: The spoiled dog

 Bored – Bored
The Man is bored by the traffic
(Lelaki itu bosan menunggu kemacetan)
The past participle adjective becomes: The bored man

The example above explains that broken, spoiled, and bored are past
participle adjectives that function to describe bone, dog, and man. Where bone,
dog and man serve as recipients of the action.

Examples of Past Participle Adjectives:

a. What Santi brings is a ruined sample, we cannot sell the fruit.

b. The teacher gave punishment to the other students.

Past participle verbal is also used in reduced adjective clauses. In the verbal
adjective clause, you can reduce the relative pronoun and verb to be. The relative
pronoun and to be will be deleted (if any) to change this verbal adjective clause.

Reduced Adjective Clause Example:

 The cheese which is being eaten by Raka is very delicious.

(Keju yang dimakan oleh Raka sangat lezat)

The cheese being eaten by Raka is very delicious.

This change occurs by removing which is

 The student problem which has been solved by teacher is very difficult.
(persoalan murid tersebut yang diselesaikan oleh guru sangat sulit)

changed into:

The student problem solved is very difficult.

These changes occur by eliminating which has been.

 The Smartphone which is being brought by Zikra is very expensive.

(The smartphone carried by Zikra is very expensive)

The Smartphone being brought by Zikra is very expensive

This change occurs by removing Which Is

When viewed from the examples and definitions that have been given, it can
be said that most past participal adjectives are in the form of passive sentences,
this is different from preent participal adjectives which are in the form of active
sentences. This means that the noun described in the past participial adjective is
the receiver of the past participle itself.


A. Conclusion

The present participle is a word that is formed by adding the suffix –ing to
the base form of the verb. Sometimes there is doubling of the consonants at the
end of the verb. There are three functions of using the present participle, the first
is clear as a verb, the second is as a noun, and the last is as an adjective.

Past Pasticiple is a change in the basic form of a verb or verbs. In regular

verbs, the changes experienced by a verb can be said to be certain, that is, a verb
will turn into a past participle if it is followed by the addition of an ending or
suffix –d or –ed. While in irregular verbs it is more difficult to know because
irregular verbs that turn into past participles can be followed by endings -t, -en, -d,
or -n. Apart from the addition of -t, -en, -d, and -n suffixes to irregular ones, it is
also possible to add irregular suffixes to the past participle. Just like the previous
verb material, to remember the past participle it is actually enough to memorize
verb 3 or the past participle of a tau verb.

In general, participles can function as a verb or (verb). In addition, the past

participle can also be used as a verbal or adjective that can be placed before or
after a noun.

B. Suggestion

Hopefully this paper can provide benefits to everyone. Both for the reader
and for the listener. Of course, there are a lot of good mistakes in this paper
intentional or unintentional. Therefore the author asks for criticism and
suggestions, progress and also refines this paper so that this paper can be better
than before.


Budiono. Cara cepat dan tepat menguasai tenses. Jakarta: Bintang Indonesia, 2005
Loveleen  goyal, how to improve grammar, new delhi: goodwill publishing house,
Soedirman, English grammar and conversation, Yogyakarta: karya imu Surabaya,


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