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An Essay Project for LIA Final Test

Amanda Fasya Melody



Topic: Endangered Animals

Narrowed Topic: Keeping wild animals as pets—is it acceptable?

Thesis Statement: Keeping wild animals as a pet is not acceptable as it can ruin animal’s
natural habitat, bury their instincts, and spread infectious diseases.

Body Paragraph:

 Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence: Firstly, keeping wild animals as a pet can ruin their natural habitat.
Supporting details:
 Natural habitat destroyed
 Natural resource decreased
 An imbalance in their natural habitat.

 Paragraph 2:
Topic sentence: Secondly, wild animals will show their true instincts in any time.
Supporting details:
 Attack their owner
 Destroy stuff
 Fight against other pets

 Paragraph 3:
Topic sentence: Lastly, there are possibilities that they will spread infectious diseases.
Supporting details:
 Spread rabies disease
 Infect Chlamydophila Pistacia
 Cause bioterrorism diseases

Concluding Sentence: In summary, keeping wild animals as a pet is not acceptable as it can
destroy animal’s natural habitat, conceal their instincts, and outspread infectious diseases.

Richard Paul Evans once said, “Feelings can be like wild animals, we underrate how
fierce they are until we have opened their cage.” Across the world, wild animals are captured,
taken from their natural habitats or bred in captivity, and suffer a lifetime of cruelty and
abuse. Whether it is watching seals perform at circus, taking selfies with baby tigers, riding
horses at the zoo or swimming with dolphins, these activities can cause lifelong physical and
psychological suffering for wild animals. These wild animals are forced to do things that are
the complete opposite of their lives. There are also many rich people who like to keep wild
animals as pets, and they even do it to see who is the richest. Keeping wild animals as a pet is
not acceptable as it can ruin animal’s natural habitat, bury their instincts, and spread infectious

Firstly, keeping wild animals as a pet can ruin their natural habitat. Wild animals that
are no longer live in their natural habitat can cause damage to their natural habitat. For example,
if there are no animals left in the forest or in the sea, humans will be free to destroy these natural
habitats. Hunters will be free killing all of the other animals because there are no wild animals
left to attack them. Natural resource will be also decreased. Humans will be easily exploiting
all of the natural resources and using them for business. Many people do not realize that if they
still keep wild animal as pets, there will be an imbalance in their natural habitat. One of the
natural imbalances is the destruction of the food chain. As an example, if there is no snake left,
the population of mouse will be increasing, meanwhile the population of eagle will be

Secondly, wild animals will show their true instincts in any time. No matter how long
they are kept, animals still have their natural instincts. Attacks are the most possible instinct
that any wild animals can have. There are some stories about wild animals who attacked their
owners. Most of the stories prove that wild animals can easily be who they are in any time.
Keeping wild animals as pets can also be a trouble because there is a possibility that they will
destroy the owner’s stuff. Dogs and cats, if they are kept as a pet, may even destroy their
owner's stuff. Not to mention wild animals—there is a bigger possibility for them to destroy
the things at home. Having more than one pets, especially if they are wild animals, can cause
them to fight against each other because they have an instinct to attack and defend themselves.
Lastly, there are possibilities that they will spread infectious diseases. Every wild
animal must have a congenital disease which is certainly very dangerous. The most common
disease is rabies. Rabies is a disease that affects the nervous system of mammals. Luckily,
rabies can be effectively prevented by vaccination. There is also another disease called
Chlamydophila Pistacia. Chlamydophila Pistacia is a kind of infection that is caused by
systemic illness in companion birds and poultry. This illness is often referred to as avian
chlamydiosis in birds. Wild animals also cause bioterrorism diseases. They are on a list of
diseases that may be used in a bioterrorism event, divided into categories depending on the
ease of spread and the severity of illness or death they cause, including Anthrax, Plague,
Brucellosis, and Q fever.

In summary, keeping wild animals as a pet is not acceptable as it can destroy animal’s
natural habitat, conceal their instincts, and outspread infectious diseases. Some people still
think that keeping endangered animals is an achievement or pride. His image in the social
environment will be lifted, but that view is clearly wrong.

“Zoonotic Diseases: Disease Transmitted from Animals to Humans - MN Dept. of Health.”

Home - MN Dept. of Health, mn department of health, 11 Oct. 2022,

“Keeping Wild Animals – Unsafe, Illegal and Inhumane | PAWS.” PAWS,

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