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FALL 2022

Name: Ali Hashim

Roll Number: 22i-0554

Section: AI-B

Choose ONE topic from the given list of topics and write a 700 words
argumentative essay.


Democracy is a failure?


I’ll discuss my opinions on the question of whether "Democracy creates stability in a

society" in this essay. I'll start by providing a general definition of democracy.
Fundamentally, democracy refers to a form of government in which the people
themselves have the highest authority and exercise it either directly or indirectly through
a system of representation that usually includes periodically held free elections. In other
words, it is a form of governance in which every citizen is treated equally and has the
power to choose their representatives. Nowadays, democracy is often used as an ideal
which promises to bring peace, prosperity and happiness to all. In addition, democracy
includes the following aspects; citizen participation, equality, political tolerance,
accountability and economic freedom.

As we know that everything has its pros and cons, we cannot think of anything as ideal.
In my opinion, I support the statement that democracy creates stability in a society.
Firstly, The fact that a democratic system allows for peaceful transfers of power is its
greatest benefit. We submit to the idea that the number of votes will suffice in place of
power going to the group with the greatest number of warriors willing to do anything on
the order of their king. Secondly, I think that another important advantage of democracy
is that since the majority of people living under a democratically elected government are
happy with that government or at least participated in its rise to power, they will also be
held accountable for some of its shortcomings. Thus, if a policy is supported by the
majority, people will be less likely to point the finger at others because they chose it in
the first place, which would reduce conflicts. Thirdly, most of the conflicts and riots in
any country arise due to differing opinions between people and political leaders but with
the democratic government everyone’s opinion will be listened to and the decisions will
be made according to the majority.
An example of a successful democratic nation would be Singapore. Whilst it is not pure
democracy per se, it is a mixture of Authoritarianism and Democracy, also known as
Authoritarian Democracy. Singapore, "a developed nation with a growth rate of
developing nations," has been recognized as a shining example of democracy. Only a
powerful political system can produce such a stable society.

Democracies do not always lead to success, though. I believe that dictators are
sometimes "elected" into office by democracies. There have been many examples of
democracy gone wrong in recent years. For instance, in Africa, the government
threatened to cut resources from those who refused to cast their votes. Therefore,
everyone must vote for these dishonest and devious dictators, including the poor and
oppressed. They are unable to support a candidate who is prepared to support their
cause and work to improve their situation. As a result, there is a lot of conflict and unrest
in the nation, which leads to hatred. As a result, those who feel oppressed may start
riots. People will take action if they feel unheard when they don't feel heard. Thus , from
this case study I can say to some extent that the dominant party controls almost
everything and if voting really changed anything, they would not allow us to do it. This
does not ensure stability in a society as this will cause poverty and strife in a country.
This also may generate anger and violence which is bad for the economy and the
overall stability of the country.

Democracy heavily emphasizes individual freedom of choice. But sometimes people

aren't given many options. During an election campaign, the uninformed voters are very
susceptible to being pressured. The dominant party typically takes advantage of this
and attempts to sway votes during a crucial period of an election by hanging down
"carrots'' in front of people's faces and using its large budget and practically limitless
resources. However, this may happen to the naïve and emotional group of people.
Thus, we are in deep trouble if the majority is composed of such people.

So, to sum up, I believe that a democratic country can reduce conflicts and facilitate
stability in a society so long as fair elections are held and the various political parties are
honest and "go by the book" and refrain from using any shady or unethical tactics to win
over voters.

Wikipedia contributors. (2022, November 28). Representative democracy in Singapore.


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