English 9A Expository Essay Plan 1

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English 9A Session 10
English Name: ______________________________

Planning Your Essay

Once this is finished, send it to: aarongolec.us@ivyglobalschool.org

Put the following into your title: EnglishName_ExpositoryEssayPlan

For example: Aaron_ ExpositoryEssayPlan

1. What essay topic are you answering? How human utilize nature
1. What (2) texts will you be using? “Nobel goes for Developing Drugs from Nature” and “How
walking changes the nature of the brain”

Expository Essay Sections Your Expository Essay Plan

Introduction a) How human have use nature as an utile to
their life (especially on their health and
a) How will you engage your reader with a
survival) from their very first existence on
hook? earth until now
b) Historical research (maybe?) or from my
b) What background information will you
own knowledge
provide about your topic? 2. I will use “How walking changes the
nature of the brain” to show the positive
c) How will you introduce your topic?
impact of the human-nature relationship
on our health and “Nobel goes for
Developing Drugs from Nature” as an
example of the benefits that natural
resources have profit us
Body Paragraphs 1 a) “How walking changes the nature of the
a) Which text from the unit will you use to
b) But the volunteers who had strolled along
develop the topic? the quiet, tree-lined paths showed slight
but meaningful improvements in their
b) What evidence will you use to develop
mental health, according to their scores on
the topic? the questionnaire. They were not dwelling
on the negative aspects of their lives as
much as they had been before the walk.

Body Paragraphs 2 a) “Nobel goes for Developing Drugs from

a) Which text from the unit will you use to
b) For thousands of years people had used
develop the topic? herbs to fight this disease. No one knew
which herbal ingredients were most
b) What evidence will you use to develop
effective. So Tu and her colleagues
the topic? combed through more than 2,000
traditional Chinese herbal recipes. And
they found one chemical that showed
promise. It came from the sweet
wormwood plant (Artemisia annua). They
used an extract of the chemical to treat
malaria in mice and monkeys. And it
worked. Tu then tested it on herself to
make sure the drug also was safe for

Conclusion a) I will demonstrate how the two pieces of

evidence above connect to each other to
a) How will you summarize your main
support the topic
points to follow from and support the b) I will ask if the readers notice any little
impact nature has on their health
development of the topic?
b) What statement or question will you leave
the readers with?

The nature-human relationship has had big impact on human’s life, especially on our health and survival
ever since the first human being until these modern day. Although the rush civilization has make us more
and more further away from nature, it still provides us a lot of benefits on our health. (Im still stuck at part
B, help ;(((((( )

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