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1 Conversion of ammonia to nitrate is Ammonification

known as
2 The term ecology was coined by A. G. Tanslay
3 Organisms which depend on producers are Autotrophs
4 The inherent ability of organisms to C value
produce & multiply is called
5 The animal which consumes decaying Carnivore
organic matter is
6 Sulphur bacteria is example of Autotrophs

7 The carbon cycle has how many parts? 2

8 The carbon cycle is based on what? CO
9 In Aquatic ecosystems, carbon is stored in: Marine Plants

10 A nutrient cycle is also called as Atmospheric cycle

11 Living organisms can use Nitrogen (N2) as it 1
occurs in the atmosphere.
12 The major source of Nitrogen deposition Fertilizers
13 Which of the following cycle does not have Oxygen
a gaseous state?
14 How many steps are involved in the 5
sulphur cycle?
15 In the marine nitrogen cycle, _________ Cyanobacteria
performs nitrogen fixation.
16 In hydrogen cycle _________ is a sink Ocean
17 Biodiversity can be broadly classified into 2
how many types?
18 Biodiversity is of importance as it offers: Stability of
19 The loss in biodiversity is not attributed to: Explosion in the
human population

20 Biodiversity has an aesthetic value to it. 1

21 In how many ways does the conservation 5

of biodiversity work?
22 Which one of the following is not an in-situ Zoo
conservation method?
23 Which is an advantage of ex-situ Cheap method

24 The area of National Parks range between: 0.61 to 7818 kms

25 The activities of cultivation of land, timber Sanctuaries

harvesting is permitted in:
26 Hot spot areas have: Low density of

27 Which of the below leads to disturbance Urban waste

of nitrogen fixation in the soil?

28 How many types of ecological pyramids 3

are there?
29 _________ is a programme run by UN GHG indicator
related to sustainable development.
30 Which of the below is a global scale Eutrophication
environmental issue?
31 Global warming can be controlled by Reducing
cutting down use
of fossil fuel

32 How many bio-geographical regions are 3

present in India?
33 Which one of the following has maximum Tea
genetic diversity in India?
34 Which one of the following areas in India, Sunderbans
is a hotspot of biodiversity?
35 Which one of the following is an example National park
ex-situ conservation?
36 Which one of the following is not observed Species richness
in biodiversity hotspots?

37 Genetic variation between distinct a. Species diversity

populations of the same species is known
38 Which of the following is not a world a. Manas Wildlife
heritage site? Sanctuary
39 Which of the following is an endemic a. Asian elephant
species of India ?
40 Which of the following is a biodiversity a. Gulf of Mannar
hotspot in India?
41 Which of the following is an in-situ a. Project Elephant
conservation measure taken by India?
42 Who introduced the concept of a. Christopher
biodiversity hotspot? Colimbus
43 Lion-Tailed Macaque is found in? a.Western Ghats

44 Which of the following is a cause of loss of a.Habitat

biodiversity? Degradation and
45 The dodo was extinct due to a. Pollution

46 Spot the site, which is not a biodiversity a. Brazil’s Cerrado


47 A food web consists of i) many

independent food

48 The transfer of food energy from the i) food web

producer, through a series of organisms,
with repeated eating and being eaten is

49 A food chain consists of i) producers,

carnivores, and

50 At the Earth summit held in Rio de Janeiro, i) agenda 22

a globalization plan was adopted with aim
of integrating environmental imperatives
and developmental aspirations. The global
action plan is known as

51 In 1984, the worst gas tragedy in India i) bangaluru

took place in
52 The silent valley is i) place in
Himachal Pradesh

53 Which one of the following is not a i) carbon cycle

gaseous cycle

54 The endangered species Brown Palmecivet i) western ghats

is found in
55 The best way of disposal of non- i) incineration
biodegradable plastic is
56 ISO 14000 is a series i) of international
standards on
management tools
and systems

57 The three major living components of an i)Producers,

ecosystem are consumers and

58 Important abiotic factors in ecosystems i)temperature

include which of the following?

59 The flow of energy is - i)Oneway

60 In a national park protection is given to - i) The entire flora

61 A Food Chain operating on the dead grazing food

remains of the living organisms : chain
62 In the nitrogen cycle, the fungi
transformation of gaseous nitrogen
into nitrogen-containing
compounds is performed
primarily by

63 In a terrestrial ecosystem, the trophic level producers

that would contain the largest biomass
would be the
64 grasslands is example of ______water Fresh
65 A layer of sediment or rock that is highly Aquifer
permeable and contains water is called

66 What is true about ecosystem? Primary consumers

are least
dependent upon

67 The sum of the population of same kind of Colony

organisms constitute
68 Nitrogen gas returns to the atmosphere Nitrogen fixing
by the action of bacteria
69 In _______ the first time severe food 1947
shortage experienced in our country.
70 Stream sediment samples analysed to get geophysical survey
mineral compositon is called
71 The first food shortage experienced in China
72 ICAR established in 1920
73 An ______ consists of biotic and abiotic Environment
74 ________ chain and ________ web Food, Food
involves energy transformation
75 In the presence of sun and water, _______ Decomposer
produces food
76 Forests are the part of _____________ Tropical
77 Tadoba national park is in _________. Gujarat
78 4R stands for one of following :- Reduce, Reuse,
Recyle, Recover
79 Measure of biodiversity of an area is i) The number of
species found
80 Which of the following is a cause of loss of i)Habitat
biodiversity? degradation and
81 Serious threat to wild life is i) Habitat

82 The most important reason for decrease in i)Habitat pollution

biodiversity is

83 Why should we conserve biodiversity? i) We should

Because preserve the
biodiversity we
have inherited

84 Red data book contains data of i)All plant species

85 The genetic variation existing within a genetic diversity

species is called
86 Areas that are rich in species diversity are golden spots
called as:
87 The increasing concentration of toxic Extinction
substances in organisms as trophic levels
increase in a food chain is called as:

88 There are two basic strategies of over site

biodiversity conservation, one is on site
and other is
89 There are three perspectives of the sigma
diversity at the level of community. There
are (i) alpha diversity, (II) beta diversity
and (iii) _______ divesity.

90 Many plants and animals like Tulsi, peepal, Productive value

cow, snake etc has:
91 The type of eccosystem with the highest Tropical rain forest
mean plant productivity is
92 The variation of life forms within an Biome
eccosystem or earth is named as:
93 Which of the following are types of uses Consumptive and
of biodiversity? productive uses

94 Which of the following represent Algae

maximum number of species among global
95 Amongst the animal group given , which Inscets
one has the highest percentage of
endangerd species?
96 Wildlife sanctuaries is an example of ___ In-situ
conservation stragtegies of bio-diversity

97 Soil erosion due to mining is ______ times 10

more than all rivers.
98 Biotic and abiotic components together ecosystem
form an ____________
99 Energy flows from ________ to bottom , top
100 Snake is ___________ consumer in food secondary
101 _________and__________are types of grazer, detritus
food chains.
102 Alpine is on _______ feet height. 5000

103 Which of the following level of biodiversity Alpha biodiversity

of an area

104 Several agricultural disasters occur due to Aquaculture

lack of biodiversity. Which of the following
term is used to describe "lack of

105 Himalayan region is devided into North Biotic provinces

West, West, Central and East Himalayas.
These are known as ______________

106 Cheerapunji is situated in which of the The western ghats

following region in india?
107 "Genetic pollution" may be origenated due Uncontrolled
to one of the following. Which of the hybridization
following may be possible reason?
108 Convention of international trade in 1976 and 1977
endangered species (CITES) and world respectively
heritage convention (WHC) was held in
109 Conservation of species of botanical i) In-situ
gardens,Zoos,gene banks etc. is done conservation
observation certain methods .which of the methods.
following term is used for such methods?

110 Which one of the following is not used Field gene banks
for ex situ plant conservation? 
111 Which of the following represent Algae
maximum number of species among global
112 Which one of the following areas in India, Sunderbans
is a hotspot of biodiversity?
113 Which one of the following is not included National park
under in situ conservation?
114 Wild life conservation aims at a, b
115 (a)
Maintaining the ecological process
116 (b) To enrich the wildlife diversity with
117 exotic species
118 (c) Preventing
Sacred groves migration of species
are specially useful in Generating

119 Some of the nutrient cycles are labelled as (a) only

a) Sulphur cycle (b), Phosphorus
cycle (c), Carbon cycle (d)N
itrogen cycle Of these, the
sedimentary cycle is represented by

120 Who among the following defined the A. Norman Myers

term biodiversity hot spots?

121 Which of the following is not the California Floristic

biodiversity hotspot region? Province

122 Which of the following two regions from Eastern Himalayas

India included as hot spot? and Western Ghats
123 Which of the following is / are incorrect Only 2
pairs regarding classification of
Alpha diversity →Between-community
diversity 2. Beta diversity → Within-
Community diversity
3.Gamma diversity → Overall

124 With which of the following, the Agenda Sustainable

21’ of Rio Summit, 1992 is related to? development

137 The logical sequence of carbon cycle is. a.  Decomposer


138 According to ecological food chain, man is a.       Decomposer

139 The term trophic level is used for a.       An
position in a food

140 The pesticide that directly attacks the a.       Aldrin.

nervous system is

141 Which one the following is a world a. Kaziranga

heritage site: national park

142 “The species that are not found after (a) Normal species
searches of known or likely areas where
they may occur” are known as:
143 The diverse flora and fauna of the planet (a)Global Warming
are under great threat mainly due to:

144 Which one of the following is located in (a) Corbett

West Bengal? National Park
145 In which one of the following states is (a) Rajasthan
Periyar Tiger Reserves Located?

146 Which one of the following States has the (a) Uttar Pradesh
largest area under permanent forest?

147 The percentage of forest cover in India is:- (a) 14.69%

148 What is the name given to the species (a) Endemic

which are not found after searches of species
known or likely areas where they may

149 How many species of Fauna are found in (a) 81000

India till today?
150 Eutrophication causes a/an (a) decrease in
organic matter

151 The most important cause of extinction of (a) habitat loss

animals and plants, especially in tropical
rain forests is
152 The enormous number of varieties of (a) genetic
mango in India represents diversity

153 Which one of the following is not a major (a) Large number
characteristic feature of biodiversity hot of species

154 The maximum diversity of amphibians in a.Western Ghats

India is observed in _____ .

155 _____ popularised the term Biodiversity. a. Aristotle

156  In a pond ecosystem, the food chain starts (a) Zooplanktons.

157 Which of the following ecosystems is most (a) Deserts

productive in terms of net primary
158 The process of mineralisation by micro (a) inorganic
organisms helps in the release of nutrients from

159 World Environment Day falls on ____ 5-Jun

160 Chlorinated compounds such as Refrigerator and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) contribute to air conditioner
global warming are used in:
161 Outcomes of a Rio conference do not the UN frame work
include convention on
climate change

162 _____________ is to be understood to quality issues

protect environment.

163 For sustainable Life style ______ s are 2R

164 A layer of sediment or rock that is highly Aquifer
permeable and contains water is called

165   The importance of environment Was only

recognised in re-
sent years

166 Biosphere is made up of  Atmosphere and


167 The segment/segments of environment Hydrosphere

responsible for conservation of radiant
energy to chemical energy (carbohydrate)
through photosynthesis is/are

168 The largest sink of the planet is Hydrosphere

169 The part of earth and its atmosphere in   Biosphere

which organisms live is
170 The word ‘Environment’ has been derived Environ
from the French word ,________________

171 The earth environment is broadly divided Five

into ____________regions
172 The percentage of earth’s surface covered 50%
with water is
173 The lowest portion of atmosphere is called Troposphere

174 The lithosphere has a thickness from 64 to 96Km

175 When do greenhouse gases cause global When their
warming? concentration is

176 This keeps us “not too hot in the summer” greenhouse effect
and “not too cold in the winter.”Scientists
call this the
177 About _____% of the earth’s water is strong 70%
178 The protocol that reduces greenhouse gas Kyoto Protocol
emissions is
179 Which is the most abundantly found Carbon dioxide
greenhouse gas in atmosphere without
human intervention?
180 Which of the following is not a greenhouse Carbon dioxide
181 The international protocol to protect the   Kyoto Protocol
ozone layer is
182 Earth summit was held in Rio de janerio 1992

183 World summit on sustainable development Rio de janerio 1992

was held at
184 The world’s worst nuclear accident    26 April 1986
occurred at Chernobly on:

185 What is the pH level of ‘acid rain’? 7

186 Which of the following gases are main Carbon dioxide
contributors to acid rain? and carbon

187 Who discovered the phenomenon of acid George Brown


188 What is the pH required for the survival of 4.8

aquatic animals and plants?

189 Which of the following gases is Black carbon

responsible for the yellowing of the Taj
190 Clean rain water has a pH value between 5 Acidic
to 6, which makes it slightly

191 Acid rain can come in which form? wet

192 The most important agents for ozone Methane

depletion are
193 Ozone layer is present in Troposhere

194 Worlds largest reserve of natural gas is in India

195 Harnessing of nuclear power often causes Air pollution

196 Main non renewable energy usage in India Solar
197 Per capita use of water is highest in India
198 The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 11-Mar-11
occurred in

199 Who is famous for long drawn battles to Mc Mehta

protect the Taj Mahal and clean up the
ganges river
200 How are humans making greenhouse burning fossil fuels
gases of our own? in our cars

201 Too many greenhouse gasses in the another ice age

atmosphere may block heat from escaping
into space and trap too much heat next to
the Earth’s surface causing:

202 Something that might happen because of melting polar ice

global warming is: caps

203 The ability to exist and develop without sustainability

depleting natural resources for the future
is known as
204 Ozone layer protects us from sunlight
205 _________ is a programme run by UN GHG indicator
related to sustainable development.
206  The wild Life (Protection) Act was enacted   1986
in the year :
207 What do you call the processing of used reduce
materials and their reuse?
208 Who is the father of green revolution in Madhav gadgil
209 Tadoba national park is in _________. Gujarat
210 _______called the ‘lungs of the planet’. Sahyadry rain
211 Environmental friendly products are given 12000
ISO certification called ISO_________

212 Scale to measure intensity of earthquake Richter scale

is __________
213 Chipko movement was started to conserve River

214 What is the negative effect of excessive Pollutes the soil

use of fertilizers and pesticides on the
215 Who is the father of green revolution in Madhav gadgil
216 The resources which can be used again Renewable
and again after passing through some resources
processes are known as____
217 Which of the following is not an ideal Drilling large
solution for tackling the water crisis? number of deep
bore wells

218 Which of the following is a disadvantage     Highly polluting

for most of the renewable energy sources

219 The most nuclear fuel used in the world Thorium – 232
220 Renewable energy do not contribute to       Global warming

221 Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting 5th June

festival in India, is celebrated on

222 In 2018 the total world energy of____ came 60%

from fossil fuels
223 The Jim Korbett national park is located at Chattisgarh

224 Who is the founder of narmada bachao Mc Mehta


225 Soil fertility is reduced by crop rotation

226 Indus water dispute is in between India and Pakistan

227 Ammonification is formation of Ammonia from

nitrates by

228 Coal, petroleum and natural gas are called Fossil fuels
229 Who pioneered the chipko movement Mc Mehta

230 Black painted pannels which are hanged at solar cell

roofs to trap heat and energy from sun are

231  What is the main problem in using Capital intensive

hydrogen as fuel for vehicles?

232 Bio gas is a _______________ energy renewable

233 Which of the following is the main source Plastic

of synthetic fuel
234 The presence of substance in the industrialization
environment which has harmful or
poisonous effect is called
235 A Food Chain operating on the dead grazing food chain
remains of the living organisms :
236 Species with very limited distibution over Niche
relatively small locality is called
237 Which of the following is not an Important Himalayan
hot spots in India?
238 Driving force in an ecosystem is Plants

239 The ecological factors related to soil and Edaphic

substratum are called ____ factors

240 A layer of sediment or rock that is highly Aquifer

permeable and contains water is called

241 Which of the following cycle does not have Oxygen

a gaseous state?
242 In how many ways does the conservation 3
of biodiversity work?
243 Which one of the following is an example National park
ex-situ conservation?
244 The dodo was extinct due to  Pollution

245 The increasing concentration of toxic Extinction

substances in organisms as trophic levels
increase in a food chain is called as:
246 Which of the following represent Algae
maximum number of species among
global biodiversity?
247 Who among the following defined the term Norman Myers
biodiversity hot spots?

248 Which of the following is / are incorrect Only 2

pairs regarding classification of
biodiversity? 1. Alpha diversity ?Between-
community diversity 2. Beta diversity ?
Within-Community diversity 3.Gamma
diversity ? Overall Biodiversity

249 Which of the following ecosystems is Deserts

most productive in terms of net primary
250 The death of the last individual of a Extinction
species is called as
251 Which one of the following is not an in-situ Zoo
conservation method?
252 The interdependance of living organisms Eco system
among themselves & environment is

253 Hot spot areas have Low density of


254 Which of the following is an endemic Asian elephant

species of India ?
255 The main source of energy in ecosystem is atmoshpere

256 NEERI is situated at Mumbai

257 How much energy is transferred from one 1%
trophic level to the next in a food chain

258 Which one of the following is not used Field gene banks
for ex situ plant conservation? 
259 Non-renewable resources, once used__ remain on earth in
a different form

260 Which one of the following is an example Wind

of non-renewable resources?
261 Which of the following is not true about Population
deforestation? explosion is one of
the reasons for

262 The percentage of forest cover 33% for plains and

recommended by the National Forest 67% for hills
policy (1988) is

263 The subsurface sources of water is Dug well

264 Fresh water problem arises due to Globaly available
stocks are

265 Fossil fuel and metallic minerals are: Renewable


266 Which out of the following is derived from Limestone

the ocean waters?
267 The cutting down of plants and Afforestation
trees from field and forest is
known as:
268 Underground reservoirs of fresh water are Aquifers
269 Resources that can be replaced as Renewable
they are used up is: resources.

270 70% of the earth's surface is covered by: Soil

271 The source of hydroelectric energy Wind

272 Biogas generation is mainly based on the anaerobic
principle of degradation

273 Oxygen is returned to the respiration

atmosphere mainly by ________
274 Per capita use of water is the highest in USA

275 The main grcenohuse gas is absorbed by O2

the forests as a raw material for
276 An increase in carbon dioxide contents in More heat to be
the atmosphere would not cause ____ retained by the

277 Which of the following is a better Protection of

definition for natural resources wildlife

278 Which of the following sources provides Petroleum

the least energy for industralized
279 The food shortage in 1943 in India is Bengal famine
called as____
280 REDD Stands for Reducing Emissions from 1
Deforestration and Forest Degradation
281 A 27 page document approved at Rio-de- Rio declaration
Janero Earth summit in 1992
282 Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in year 1984
283 Forest transform ___________ non degraded area

284 Deforestation increases percentage of Oxygen

____________in atmosphere.
285 The reduction of forests contributes to 12
about ____%of anthropogenic carbon-
dioxide emission
286 The removal of tree causes higher rate of corrosion
soil __________
287 Depletion of water resources is a local problem
288 Natural resources are used to meet the Food
requirement of
289 Natural Resources includes Renewable

290 The natural resources which would face Energy resource

shortage or get extinguished at point of
time when stock is exhausted
291 Non- Renewable resource take long time True
for its regeneration
292 Deforestration causes decrease in _____ Land forming

293 Potential acute or chronic effect of Water source

chemical pollution result from
294 Shortage of food led to concept of White revolution
295 Acronym of ICAR is _____________ Indian Council of

296 The food shortage in 1943 in india is called Bengal famine

as ______________
297      Floods can be prevented by i)Afforestation

298 ) The annual average rainfall in India is 1200mm

299 Who is the author of the book ‘Silent Robin Cook

300 DDT is Not soluble in

301 POPs is Persistent

302 Global atmospheric temperatures are burning of fossil
likely to be increased due to fuels
303 As per the FAO definition the minimum 50%
percentage of depletion of tree crown
cover, that can be considered as
deforestation is

304 Which of the following type of timber Clear felling

extraction is least damaging to the
305 Which of the following is not true about Population
deforestation? explosion is one of
the reasons for
306 The value of a forest is often higher when   Increase in timber
it is left standing than it could be worth value as time
when it is harvested”. Which of the passes
following factors is most supportive of the
above statement?

307 The removal of carbon dioxide from the   Carbon

earth’s atmosphere and the provision of Sequestration
long-term storage of carbon in the
terrestrial biosphere is known as

308 How does dams affect deforestation?       Open up

inaccessible forest
to public

309        Which of the following is not a viable Reduce the

protection against deforestation? consumption of
forest and related

310 India has the world’s largest share of Manganese

which of the following?
311 Major purpose of most of the dams    Power
around the world is generation

312      Which of the following is not an ideal    Drilling large

solution for tackling the water crisis? number of deep
bore wells

313 What is the major characteristics of Drought could

drought, differentiating it from other cause life and
natural calamities? property loss

314     Which of the following measures is not        Avoid and
a solution for improving the acceptability minimize
of dam projects? ecosystem

315 Which of the following is an adverse water scarcity

effect of modern agriculture
316 Out of the following nutrients in fertilizer, Nitrogen
which one causes minimum water
317 Select the least harmful class of Chlorinated
compounds form the following hydrocarbons

318 Which of the following is the most     Use of chemical

environmentally friendly agriculture fertilizers and

319       Identify the nonrenewable source of Coal

energy from the following
320     Which of the following is a disadvantage     Highly polluting
of most of the renewable energy sources

321 What is the function of a fuel reformer in      Enabling the

a fuel cell fuel cell to use a
instead of

322 1.       Which of the following forms of land   Desertification

degradation is more prevalent in India ?

323 Which mineral is also used in chemical Iron

industry for manufacture
324 The bauxite in India occurs primarily as Gibbsite

325 The best grade chromite in India occurs in Karnataka

which state?
326 Chromite is mostly of which origin? Igneous

327 State where copper is not mined Jammu and

328 Where is the Singhbhum copper belt Karnataka
329 Hutti gold mines are located in which state Karnataka
of India?
330 India is one of the chief producers of Gold
which of the following ores?
331 Which is the most common ore of lead? Sphalerite
332 . The place in India where Tungsten is karnataka
extracted is
333 Energy is released from fossil fuels when Pumped
they are___________________
334 The most nuclear fuel used in the world Thorium – 232
335 The blades in wind turbines are connected Nacelle
336 In the production of wave energy which potential energy
form of energy is used?
337 A tidal barrage is a barrier built over river bed
338 in hydroelectricity power Kinetic energy is
transferred to

339 How many forms of fossil fuels are 1

340 According to WHO, how many premature One million
deaths annually linked to air pollution
causing by the burning of fossil fuels?

341 Energy in the form of heat and light is Biomass

obtained by________________
342 SI unit for energy is_____________ watt
343 Trapped heat inside the earth is known Heat energy
344 Force of sea waves as they break against     Solar energy
coastline is known as
345 Renewable energy do not contribute to       Global

346 Which energy source is expensive and       Solar energy

used in small scales?
347 Which source of energy has benefited Hydro Energy
from improvement in technology?
348 Which type of energy has high cost of Non-Renewable
research into new technology? energy
349 Which of the following is a non-renewable coal
350 Which among the following is not a Solar energy
renewable source of energy?
351 Identify the non-renewable energy coal
resource from the following:
352 Which of the following is a disadvantage of Highly polluting
most of the renewable energy sources?

353 Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlChemical energy

354 Horizontal axis and vertical axis are the typeNuclear reactor

355 Steam reforming is currently the least coal

expensive method of producing:
356 A fuel cell, in order to produce electricity, Helium
357 Fuel cells are: Carbon cell

358 Common energy source in Indian villages is:Electricity

359 The one thing that is common to all fossil Were originally
fuels is that they: formed in marine

360 The process that converts solid coal into Liquefaction

liquid hydrocarbon fuel is called:
361 Lignite, bituminous and anthracite are Nuclear fuel
different ranks of:
362 Cruid oil is: Colourless

363 BTU is measurement of: volume

364 The first controlled fission of an atom was 1920

carried out in Germany in:
365 Boiling water reactor and pressurised waterNuclear reactor

366 Both power and manure is provided by: Nuclear plants

367 Grassland of USA is referred to as Prairies

368 Deforestation generally decreases Global Warming

369 The unit of total water content of the soil Holard

is known as
370 Instrumentation technology used to Microscope
locate suitable places for mining
371 Name the country which virtually closed Canada
cod fishery in the 1990’s due to depletion
of fish reserves
372 Wetlands in the flood plains of rivers are Heat sink
also considered as nature’s ________

373 Pedology? Study of water

374 Soil erosion can be prevented by Deforestation

375 The most harmful of ultraviolet radiations UV-C

376 The components of LPG are Methane &
_____________ Hexane
377 All forms of water that comes down on Calcification
Earth, including rain, snow, hail etc. is
known as _____________
378 One of India’s serious environmental timber extraction
problems is forest degradation. What is
the main cause of forest degradation?
Nitrification Denitrificati All of the above b
EarnstHaeckl Aristotle Linnaeus a
Consumers Saprophytes Xerophytes b

Biotic K value Carrying b

potential capacity
Detritivore Herbivore Producers b

Carnivores Heterotroph Saprophytes a

3 1 4 a
CO2 C6H12O6 CO3 b
Marine Rocks and Sea water c
animals sediments
Atmospheric Ecological Ecological chain c
recycling recycling
0 b

Deforestation Factories Household a

Nitrogen Carbon Phosphorous d

6 10 8 b

Nitrobactor Pseudomon Diazotrophs a

Fossil fuels Microbial Nitrogen c
soil uptake fixation
5 3 4 c

Stability of Stability of Stability of a

atmosphere species research
Transforming Destruction Use of d
earth’s surface of natural sustainable
habitats products

0 a

2 3 4 b

National Parks Biosphere Sanctuaries a

Conserve large Genetic Existence in c
number of process for natural habitat
species breeding/lo
together ng life

0.04 to 3162 0.14 to 3612 0.16 to 8718 b

kms kms kms
National Parks Biosphere Protected a
Reserves Areas
Only High density High density of d
endangered of hot biodiversity
plants springs
Fertilizers Pesticides Industrial b

2 4 5 a

Agenda 21 IPCC UNEP b

Regional Climate Pollution c

ozone change
Reducing Increasing a
reforestation, Increasing deforestation,
increasing the deforestatio reducing
use of fossil n, slowing efficiency of
fuel down the energy usage
growth of

4 7 10
Teak Mango Wheat
Western Eastern Gangetic Plain
Ghats Ghats b
Wildlife Seed bank Sacred groves
sanctuary c
Endemism Accelerated Lesser inter-
species loss specific b
b. Ecosystem c. Genetic d. Biodiversity c
diversity diversity

b. Nanda Devi c. Kaziranga d. Periyar d

National Park National National Park
b. Lion-tailed c. Whales d. Panda b
b. Western c. d. Sunderbans b
Ghats Pachmarhi
b.Project Lion c.Project d. All of the a
Rhino above
b.  Norman c.  WWF d.      Charles b
Myers Darwin
b. Eastern c.  Caucasus d. Western a
Ghats Himalaya
b.Invasion of c.Pollution d.All of the d
non-native above
b. Invasion of c. Over- d. Global b
non-native exploitation environmental
species of resources change

b.      Central c.       d.      Pakistan d

Chile California

ii) a single iii) many iv) all of the c

food chain interconnec above
ted food

ii) food habit iii) food iv) food roll c


ii) producers, iii) iv) producers c

herbivores, producers, and primary
and carnivores consumers, consumers

ii) agenda 32 iii) agenda iv) agenda 31 c


ii) Mumbai iii) Bhopal iv) Patna c

ii) densely iii) valley in iv) valley in b
forested valley garhwal shivalik range
in Palghat Himalayan
district of region
north Kerala

ii) iii) nitrogen iv) oxygen cycle b

phosphorous cycle
ii) eastern iii) eastern iv) sunderbans a
ghats Himalaya
ii) landfilling iii) recycling iv) all of the c
ii) of iii) of iv) all of the a
international internationa above
standards on l standards
quality on
management environmen
tools and tal and
systems quality
t tools and
ISO 9000

ii)Producers, iii)Heterotro iv)Detritivores, a

Autotrophs phs, Consumers and
and Consumers Phototrophs
Decomposers and

ii)water iii)wind iv)all of the d


ii)Cyclic iii)Linear iv)None of a

and oneway these

ii) The entire iii) The iv) The entire d

fauna plants and ecosystem
Aquatic food Detritus None of the c
chain food chain above
bacteria green plants herbivores b

primary secondary highest order a

consumers consumers consumers

Waste Polluted None of the a

Spring Glasier Seepage a

Primary Producers Secondary c

consumers are more consumers are
out number than largest and
producers primary powerful

Species Genus Community b

Denitrifying Nitrifying Nitrate b

bacteria bacteria fertilizers
1945 1943 1942 c

mapping sampling all the these c

India Pakistan Srilanka b

1947 1929 1923 c

Ecosystem Ecology None of these b

Producer, Producer, None of these a

Consumer Food
Producer Consumer None of these b

Terrestrial Marine None of these b

Maharashtra M.P U.P b

Reproduce,Re Redevelope,  None of above a
duce,Recycle, Reproduce,
Regenerate Recycle
ii)The range of iii)Both (a) iv)(d) None of c
different life and (b) these.
ii)Invasion of iii)pollution iv)all of the d
non native above
ii) iii) iv) Over a
International Introduction exploitation
trade of exotic

ii)Introduction iii)over- iv)Habitat d

of exotic exploitation destruction
ii) A loss of iii)Both (a) iv)None of the c
diversity may and (b) above.
lead to a loss
of ecological

ii)All animal iii)Economic iv)threatened d

species ally species

local animal species ecosystem a

diversity diversity diversity
Black spots Hot spots Cold spots c

Over- Fragmentati Bio- d

exploitation on. Magnification

off site reverse site protection site b

zeta gamma magma c

Consumptive Aesthetic Social value d

value value
Temperate Desert Tundra a
Biodiversity Biological None of the b
variety above
only only none of the a
productive consumptiv above
uses e uses
Lichens Fungi Mosses and c

Mammals Amphibians reptiles c

Off situ ex-situ reverse off situ a

20 30 15 a

pond river none of the a

top , bottom earth , none of the a
moon these
tertiary primary none of the a
natural,synthe organic,inor none of the a
tic ganic these
7000 10000 none of the c
Delta Species None of these a
biodiversity biodiversity

Pollination Monocultur None of these c


Mountain Abiotic None of these a

ranges regions

The north east The north None of these b

india india
Unprofitability Natural None of these a
1981 1986 None of these a
ii) ex-situ iii) Heritage iv) None of the b
conservation conservatio above
methods. n.

Seed banks Shifting Botanical c

cultivation Gardens
Lichens Fungi Mosses and c

Western Eastern Gangetic Plain b

Ghats Ghats
Wild life Zoological Biosphere c
sanctuary garden reserve
b, c c, d a, d d

Preventing soil Year-round Conserving rare d

erosion flow of and threatened
water in species

(b) only (c) only (a) and (b) only c

B. Aziz C. Charles D. Warder a

Ab'Saber Christopher Clyde Allee
B. Madrean C. D. Antarctica d
pine-oak Mesoameric
woodlands a
B. Western C. Northern D. Southern a
Himalayas and Himalayas Himalayas and
Western and Western Ghats
Ghats Western
Only 3 1 and 2 1, 2 and 3 1 and 2

Combating the Mitigation Technology a

consequences norms of transfer
of population Green mechanism to
explosion. House Gases developing
(GHGs) countries for
emission. ‘clean-energy’

b.       c.       d. d
Photosynthesi Consumer Photosynthesis
s decomposer photosynthe consumer
consumer sis decomposer.

b.       c.       d. All of the c

Producer Consumer above
b.       An c.       An d.       All of the a
organism’s organism’s above.
position in the position in a
ecosystem biome.

b DDT c.  Organic d.None of the c

Phosphates. above.

b. Nandadevi c.  Sundarba d.  Keoladeo a

national park n national national park.
(b) Vulnerable (c) Extinct (d) Rare species c
species species

(b) Lack of (c) (d) Increasing a

water Insensitivity pollution
availability to our

(b) (c) Sariska (d) b

Sundarbans Wildlife Bandhangarh
National Park Sanctuary National Park
(b) Assam (c) (d) Kerala (d) Kerala

(b) Jammu & (c) Punjab (d) Madhya d

Kashmir Pradesh

(b) 15.39% (c) 19.39% (d) 19.67% c

(b) Rare (c) (d) Extinct d

species Endangered species

(b) 47000 (c) 15000 (d) None of a

(b) increase in (c) decrease (d) increase in c
inorganic in dissolved dissolved
nutrients oxygen oxygen.

(b) (c) pollution (d) soil erosion a


(b) species (c) (d) a

diversity 1 ecological hybridisation
diversity programmes
(b) Abundance (c) Large (d) Destruction d
of endemic number of of habitat
species exotic

b. himalyas c. d. Thar desert a

b.Edward c. A. G. d. EarnstHaeckl b
Wilson. Tanslay
(b) Small (c) (d) Small fishes c
insects Phytoplankt
(b) Tropical (c) Oceans (d) Estuaries b
rain forests

(b) both (c) organic (d) inorganic a

organic and nutrients nutrients from
inorganic from humus detritus and
nutrients from formation of
detritus humus.

28-Feb 4-Oct 22-Aprol a 1

Cooking gas Water Iron a 1

theConvention Convention Comission on c 1

on Biological For the sustainable
Diversity(CBD) Protection Development(C
of the SD)
health Environment none of the c 1
requriement al balance above

3R 4R None of these c 1

Spring Glasier Seepage a 1

Was Was not   None of the b 1

recognized in recognized above.
ancient time in ancient
Hydrosphere Lithosphere Lithosphere, d 1
and and hydrosphere
atmosphere hydrosphere and
Lithosphere Atmosphere Biosphere b 1

Lithosphere Atmosphere Biosphere a 1


Lithosphere Biomass Biota a 1

Okies Yeo Aqua a 1

six two four a 1

70% 40% 60% b 1

Stratosphere   Exosphere a 1

80 to 100Km 20 to 45 Km None a 1
When their When there When a 1
concentration are no greenhouse
is decreased greenhouse gas released in
gases balance way

seasonal lake effect ocean effect a 1


97% 85% 65% b 1

   Cartagena Montreal Vienna Protocol a 1

Protocol Protocol
Water vapor Methane nitrous oxide b 1

Water vapor Methane ethane d 1

   Cartagena Montreal Vienna Protocol c 1

Protocol Protocol
Stockholm Vienna 1985 Montreal 1987 a 1
Stockholm .Vienna Johannesburg d 1
1972 1985 in 2002
15-Apr-86       9 August   6 August 1987 a 1

6 4 3 c 1
Sulphur Carbondioxi Sulphur dioxide d 1
dioxide and de and and nitrous
carbon Sulphur dioxide
monoxide dioxide
George Brown- Robert Charles David c 1
2 Angus
5.2 7.8 8 c 1

oraganic brown all of above b 1

carbon carbon

Basic Neutral Alkaline d 1

dry wet and dry only wet c 1

    CFCs   Nuclear    Nitrous oxide b 1

Exosphere Stratospher Mesosphere c 1
Russia Iran Qatar b 2

Noise Thermal water pollution c 2

pollution pollution
Hydro Coal Nuclear c 2

Russia US England c 2
  10 June 2002   23rd 25th December a 1
August 2004
MS Medha Sunderlal a 1
swaminathan patkar bahuguna

burning with large- all of these d 1

forests scale
global earthquakes volcanic b 1
warming eruptions

more reflected lower sea a sale on a 1

sunlight off levels bathing suits
the ice pack

equitability accountabili controllability a 1


infrared light UV light visible light c 1

Agenda 21 IPCC UNEP b 1

1954 1984   1974 a 1

reuse recycle recover c 1

MC Mehta Salim ali MS c 1

Maharashtra M.P U.P b 2
Konkan rain Amazon rain South Africa c 2
forest forest rain forest
13000 14000 15000 c 2

Vector Scalar dB a 2
trees land gas b 2

Affects the Reduces all of the above d 2

soil fertility crop yield

.MC Mehta Salim ali MS d 2

non-renewable cyclic all of the above c 2
resources resources

Population Water Water pollution a 2

growth control conservatio control
n in
  High waste Unreliable High running c 2
disposal cost supply cost

Uranium – 238 Uranium – Plutonium – c 2

235 239
      Nuclear none a 2
Deforestation Waste

1st December 1st July 22nd c 2


64% 70% 74% b 2

Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand Jharkhand c 2

MS Medha Sunderlal c 2
swaminathan patkar bahuguna

nitrogen fixing intensive reduction in c 2

bacteria agriculture organic matter

Punjab and Uttar Karnataka and a 2

Haryana Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

Ammonia Ammonia Ammonia from a 3

from nitrogen from amino nitrates by
acids nitrogen fixers

renewable artificial none of the a 2

fuels fuels above
MS Medha Sunderlal d 2
swaminathan patkar bahuguna

solar heater solar solar battery b 2


Storage Fuel cell Cars will b 2

technology become heavy
is not well

non renewable cyclic none of the a 2

biomass coal paper c 2

pollution globalizatio rehabilation b 2


Aquatic food detritus None of the c 3

chain food chain above
Biome Endemism Ecosphere c 3

Indo-Berma Western Central ghat d 3

Producers solar energy Biomass c 3

Somatic Air-borne Egis a 3

Spring Glasier Seepage a 3

Nitrogen Carbon Phosphorous d 3

2 4 1 b 3

Wildlife Seed bank Sacred groves c 3

Invasion of Over- Global b 3
non-native exploitation environmental
species of resources change

Over- Fragmentati Bio- d 3

exploitation on. Magnification
Lichens Fungi Mosses and c 3

Aziz Ab'Saber Charles Warder Clyde a 3

Christopher Allee
Only 3 1 and 2 1, 2 and 3 c 3

Tropical rain Oceans Estuaries b 3


Endanger None Diversity a 3

National Parks Biosphere Sanctuaries a 3

Ecology Biology Biosphere b 3

Only High density High density of d 3

endangered of hot biodiversity
plants springs

Lion-tailed Whales Panda b 3

sun water air b 3

Dehradun Nagpur Delhi c 3

10% 20% 0.10% b 3

Seed banks Shifting Botanical c 3

cultivation Gardens
become waste are recycled all of the above d

Vegetation Coal and Water c

Cleaning of Deforestatio Cash crop c
forest for n is taking economy of
agriculture place only in third world is a
causes developing cause of
deforestation. courtiers. deforestation.

37% for 20% for 23% for plains a

plains and plains and and 77% for
63% for hills 70% for hills

River Stream Ocean c

Uneven No Any one of b
distribution on regeneration above
earth of required

Inexhaustible Non- None of these c

resources renewable
Sandstone Cobalt Bromine d

Deforestation Timber None of the b

extraction above

Wetlands Dams Wells a

Non- Water Natural a

renewable resources resources
Water Forest None of the b
Dams Coal Uranium b

aerobic puterefactio none of these b

decompositio n
photosynthesi fungi burning of fuels b
India Indonesia Kuwait a

CO2 SO2 O3 b

Increase in Global Abundance of d

photosynthesi warming desert plants
es in plants

Efficient use Preservation of c

Environmental of natural natural
activism resourses resourses

Nuclear fuels Coal Gas b

Calcutta Kerala Karnataka a

famine famine famine
0 neither true none of the a
nor false above

Earth summit Rio Riodirection a

directives directives
1985 1990 1987 a
degraded area industrial none b
Hydrogen Nitrogen carbon-di-oxide d

23 13 15 a

Erosion Formation Decomposition b

private global not a problem c

problem problem
Energy Cloth All of these d

Non- Both (i) & (ii) None of these c

Renewable Non- None of these c
resource Renewable
0 Both of None of these a
Land diversity Biodiversity None of these c

Over Floods Both (i) and (ii) c

of water
Pink Black Green d
revolution revolution revolution
Indian Indian None of these a
Committee of Council for
Agricultural Astronauts
Research and space

Calcutta Kerala Karnataka a

famine famine famine
Removing the Cutting the filling the land. a
top soil. forests
1600mm 2100mm 4100mm a

Arthur Hailey Rachel Charles Darwin c

More soluble Less soluble Not soluble in b
in fat than in fat than fat
water water

Permanent Persistent Persistent d

Organic Organic Organic
Pesticides Pesticides Pollutants
water soil erosion none of the a
pollution above
60% 70% 90% d

Reduced   Hand logging b

impact logging Mechanized
    Clearing of    Cash crop c
forest for Deforestatio economy of
agriculture n is taking third world is a
causes place only in cause of
deforestation developing deforestation.
  Increase in Increase in a.       Increase c
wildlife ecotourism in forest

Carbon dating     Carbon Photosynthesis a


Submerges Damages All of the d

forest downstream above

     Boycott        c

products of Privatization Environmental
companies of forest education.
involved in land.

mica copper diamond b

  Irrigation Drinking flood control b


            Water   Water a

Population conservatio pollution
growth n in control
control irrigation

   Drought has a.       Without a well- d

both natural Drought defined start
and social could recur nor end,
implications in the same drought is a
place slow process

  Ensure that    Conduct    Construct a d

displaced and regular single large
project- monitoring dam instead of
affected and periodic a number of
peoples review small dams
livelihoods are

water water All of these d

pollution logging
phosphorus potassium organic matter c

              Pyrethroids d

Organophosph Carbamates
      Use of Use of   Use of c
insecticides organic chemical
and organic fertilizers fertilizers and
fertilizers and alternate
alternate methods for
methods for insect control

fuel cell wind power wave power a

  High waste Unreliable High running c

disposal cost supply cost

   Control of    Cooling of Enabling the a

emissions fuel cell fuel cell to use
from fuel cell water as a fuel

soil erosion landslide soil subsidence b

Chromite Bauxite Copper b

Kaolinite Shieldite Karinite a

Rajasthan orissa kerala c

Sedimentary Metamorphi Any origin a

bihar maharashtra rajasthan a

Madhya Sikkim bihar d

Madhya Sikkim bihar a
daimond manganese lead c

Galena Chromite Bauxite b

kerala gujarat rajasthan d

cooled burned pressurized c

Uranium – 238 Uranium – Plutonium – c

235 239
Tower foundations string a

kinetic energy solar energy wind energy b

river estuary river end river starting b

Potential Solar energy Wind energy is b

energy is is transferred to
transferred to transferred solar energy
kinetic to wind

2 3 4 c

Three million Five million Seven million d

fossial fuesl sun wind c

kilogram newton joule d

Kinetic energy Geothermal Thermal energy c
wind energy wave enegy renewable c
Nuclear Waste a

     Wind Hydro- geothermal a

energy energy energy
solar energy Geothermal a      wind d
Energy energyr 
Renewable Solar energy hydroenergy a
Forests water wildlife a

Biomass Hydro- Geothermal b

energy power energy
fuel cell wind power wave power a
High waste Unreliable High running c
disposal cost supply cost

Biogas Electricity Geothermal c

Wind mills Biogas Solar cell b
biogas Hydrogen natural gas c

Nitrogen Hydrogen None of the c

Hydrogen batteNuclear cell chromium cell d

coal sun wood and d

animal dug
Contain Have Represent the b
carbon undergone remains of one
the same living
set of organisms

carbonation catalytic cracking a

coal natural gas biogas b

Colourless Smelly Odourless c

yellow to yellow to black
black liquid liquid
area heat temperature c
1928 1925 1938 d

Solar reactor OTEC Biogas reactor a

Thermal Biogas Hydroelectric c

plants plants plant
Steppes Pampas Veldts a
drought soil erosion Rainfal d

chraserd echard All of these a

Salinomete GIS camera trap C

Argentina Italy India a

carbon sink flood swimming pool c
Study of air Study of soil none c

Afforestation Overgrazing Removal of b

UV-B UV-A All of the above a

Propane & Ethane & Propane & b

Butane Methane Ethane
Fixation Precipitatio Accumulation c

honey high altitude low rainfall a


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