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Grammar 1 Unreal past Choose the best verb form to complete these sentences about working conditions in an office. Circle your answer. 1 [think its time someone reorganives / reorganised the layout of our office. 2 Irs completely open-plan ~ I'd rather we at least hiad / have dividers between our desks. 3 And I wish I adn’t chosen / didn’t choose the desk by the door — whenever someone comes in I get interrupted 4 Sometimes I fee! its as if I were / had been the receptionist or something. 5 Texplained the problem to my line manager, saying: ‘was wondering / T've wondered if I could move desks? 6 Butshe told me it zxasn't /basn’t been possible at the moment. 7 Ifonly I work / worked for a bigger company with lovely large modem offices. Grammar 2 Quantifiers Are these sentences grammatically corrector incorrect? Circle your answer. 1 Many younger people don’t wear watches now, they use their mobiles to check the time. “correct. * incorrect 2 In the past, ifyou agreed to meet someone, you arrived oon time or just few minutes late. correct + incorrect 3 Alot of my friends now seem to think its OK to text and say they're running late. correct * incorrect 4 The majority of people do get here on time for their appointments. ‘correct * incorrect 5 Around 20 per cent patients arrive more than 20 minutes after their appointment time. correct * incorrect 6 Asinall per cent of people just don't turn up at all, * correct incorrect 7 Agreat deal of my working day is spent answering emails. ‘correct * incorrect 8 Weaim to answer most the enquiries within 24 hours. correct * incorrect Grammar 3A Comparisons Put the words or phrases in brackets in the correct place to complete the sentences about running. 1 Running to keep fit is more popular than it was just a few years ago. (considerably) 2. It requires less equipment than many other sports; just a good pair of running shoes. (fir) 3 Experts say though that as important as having good shoes is having the right technique. (almost) 4 And expert advice isn’t as expensive as you think. (nearh) 5 Getting started is the most challenging part of the process. (by far) 6 Bucmost people find they run, the easier it gets, (the more) 7 When planning where to run, variety is as important as, distance. (equally) 8 Ifyou vary your route, you're less likely to get bored. (much) Time & Motion Grammar 3B Comparisons Complete the text about exercise with the best ‘comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets As people’ lifestyles have become (1) —__ Gedemary), they're walking and generally moving around much less often than they used to. This lack of exercise means that people are getting significantly Q)- obesity are becoming a lot (3) (beaey) and problems associated with (prevalent) Health experts point out that by far (4) — (caxy) way to increase your exercise levels is simply’ to walk more. It is recommended that you walk around ten thousand steps a day. The average desk-bound worker (fe) than 3,000. Increasing your daily steps can be as simple as parking your car a bic 6) Gar) a you have a (7) 8). does (3) — yy than usual so that (ong) walk to work, or (good) still, leaving the ear at home, which will make you even (9) ____ (fi. Vocabulary 1 get Complete the expressions with get using one word in each gap so that they match the underlined text. 1 She had a shower and put some ¢lothes on. — got 2 [didn’t get out of bed until 10 o’elock.— get 3. He was promoted to manager. got a 4+ Lusually arrive backat the house by about 6.~ get ly ge 5 Do you ever travel abroad with your job? — get —_______travel abroad 6 find deadlines really stressful. ~ get 7 She lost her job after she was caught stealing, - got 4 Iesmy husband who prepares the kids for school. - gets ‘the kids _ for school Vocabulary 2 Traffic ‘Complete the words in this text about craffic problems. Asa town planner, traflie is one of my major concerns. I'm constantly having to balance the needs of the (1) m____ p While people often fall into both categories, they'll against those of the Iba difficult juggling act. see no contradiction in arguing for tougher speed @)L______in@ -up areas, buc then complaining about (5) e_____ when they're talking about the problems of getting to work traffic. They're unhappy about all the pollution caused by vehicles and sitting in (6) rush sitting in traffic (7) j_ -, churning out exhaust fumes, but when we put forward schemes to ‘try and reduce the number of cars on the roads, such as (8) car- everyone finds an excuse to explain why it wouldn’t work for them. Vocabulary 3 Movement Read the sentences and match them with the type of movement they describe. 1 He heard a erash behind him and span round to see what it was. 2 Another wave of passengers poured out into the arrivals hal. 3. Ayoung woman rushed down the stairs to the platform just as the train pulled out. 4 The narrow stars spiralled up to the top of the tower. 5. She apologised as her case bumped against another passenger’ leg. 6 Abus had collided with a car, blocking the junction, 7 The dog waited by the front door, wagging its tail excitedly. a Move from side to side. » Turn quickly to face the opposite direction, © Hit something hard, causing damage. 4 Go round and up in repeated circles. Alot of people moving together: £ Move or run quickly s Hic gently into something. Time & Motion Vocabulary 4A Formal and informal language Replace the formal verbs in brackets with a phrasal verb, from the box. find out give out makeup put up with stand for take off | Perec 1 Most travellers will ______ (tolerate) more security checks if they think it improves safety. (remove) 2 People are now asked to __ coats, belts and shoes at airport security. 3 The first two letters of the flight number (represent) the airline. 4. The cabin crew will ______ (distribute) landing cards to those who need them. 5 Airlines carry out surveys to _ (discover) which factors influence the choice of airline. 6 Business passengers _ (constitute) around 30% of our customer base. Vocabulary 4B Formal and informal language Choose the more formal word or phrase to complete each sentence. Circle the correct answer. 1 The latest figures show /indicae a vise inthe cost of living. 2 Interest rates have not dropped sufficiently /enough to have an effect on the housing market. 3 The situation is not yet serious enough to justify / ‘warrant intervention frorn the finance minister 4 Each item / piece of information is recorded and carefully analysed. 5 Different factors will influence the economic conditions in different locations / places. 6 In essence / Basically, the greater the demand, the higher the commodity price becomes. Extend your vocabulary 1 Time collocations Complete these sentences with the best verb, kill make pass take takeup spare spend waste 1 Theresa big problem with people who police time with hoax calls. 2 Nowadays people seem to alot of time playing with their mobile phones. 3 Twandered round the bookshop to time while I was waiting for my flight. 4 Excuse me, can you ____a few minutes to fill in a questionnaire? 5. Tes OK, there’ no rush, 6 When you're stuck in hospital, ies difficult to find _____your time. things to___ the time. 7 Training for a marathon can ___a lot of your time. 8 Its important to ______ time to sit down and just chat to your kids. > Time & Motion Extend your vocabulary 2 UK and US words Are these sentences written in UK or US English? Use dhe vocabulary choices to help you. Circle the correct answer, 1 Twas driving up the motorway, when a huge stone hit the windscreen. + UK +us 2 With petrol prices going up, lats of people are choosing more fuel-efficient ears. + UK +us 3, Did anyone get the license plate number? UK us 4 The sidewalks were crowded with holiday shoppers. + UK

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