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ODD SEMESTER 2021/2022

: 20410172 Student Name : Fathia Putri Anwari
Subject : Employment Law Exam Date : Wednesday, Nov 3 2021
Exam Starting
Class : B : 13.30
Siwi Sari Prasastiwi, S.H., MPS., Exam Finished
Lecturer : : …… . …… (Indonesian Western Time)
MPA. Time

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GOALS 2020-2024

Fathia Putri Anwari




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I. Introduction

The State Civil Apparatus is a profession for Civil Servants and government

employees doing work with a work agreement working for government agencies. The

functions and duties of the State Civil Apparatus have been stated in Law Number 5 of

2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus. In the policies that have been set by the

government, employees of the State Civil Apparatus, must be free from the influence and

intervention of any party and any politics. This aims to ensure a sense of unity and

cohesiveness in ASN so as to prevent employees from being influenced by political


Currently, Indonesia is facing a new era known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0

era where information technology has become the basis of human life. The rapid

development of technology in various aspects requires all human beings to be able to

explore their human resources so that they can support performance in everyday life. This

era of disruption is also a major concern for the Government of Indonesia, especially the

State Civil Apparatus. In welcoming the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the State

Civil Apparatus is required to be able to adapt and change the way of working so as not

to be left behind by technological developments. As a bureaucratic mover, competency

development is the answer for ASN employees so that the Government of Indonesia is

encourage the improvement of the quality of human resources in ASN for the formation

of a smart ASN generation for the realization of a world-class bureaucracy. The

implementation of the bureaucracy that was previously impractical and slow has been

trimmed, then replaced with a more efficient, flexible and adaptive bureaucratic

performance, as well as expanding the spirit of creative, innovative and competitive work


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II. Discussion

The Smart ASN generation was conceived as a new hope that was born in the

midst of Indonesia's poor bureaucracy. Smart ASN is part of the bureaucratic reform

agenda. The improvement of Human Resources in ASN relies on reform of ASN

management in Law Number 5/2014 concerning ASN, PP Number 11/2017 concerning

PNS Management, and PP Number 49/2018 concerning PPK Management. But on the

other hand, the campaign for the Smart ASN generation is considered to be a boomerang

for the Indonesian government itself due to the fact that the field has not been able to

realize this huge program. According to various experts, the urgency of pioneering Smart

ASN does not yet have sufficient foundation. Based on data from the World Economy

Forum Human Capital, in 2017, the quality of the Indonesian State Civil Apparatus was

still very low. In fact, the quality of ASN in Indonesia is still inferior to neighboring

countries such as Malaysia and Thailand.1 Weak information technology, as well as the

lack of human resources are one of the factors why Indonesia is considered incapable of

entering this era of disruption. Therefore, the Indonesian government hopes that Smart

ASN can be achieved in 2024. The achievement of Smart ASN 2024 is also in line with

the formation of the values of the 2024 State Civil Apparatus, namely 1) ethical, 2)

strategic thinking, 3) collaborating, 4) making firm decisions, 5) innovate, and 6) work

thoroughly.2 This ASN management policy is based on a merit system.

The merit system is the policy and management of ASN based on qualifications,

competence, and performance in a fair and reasonable manner without discriminating

Ardy Firmansyah dan Novi Savarianti Fahrani, “Rencana Suksesi Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Era Vuca”, Civil
Service Journal, 13(2 Nov), 2019. 4.
Dodi Faedlulloh dkk, “Birokrasi dan Revolusi Industri 4.0: Mencegah Smart ASN menjadi Mitos dalam
Agenda Reformasi Birokrasi Indonesia”, Jurnal Borneo Administrator, Vol. 16(3), 2020. 319.

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against political background, race, color, religion, origin, gender, marital status, age, or

disability. Merit system is one of the strategies to encourage higher work productivity

because ASN is guaranteed objectivity in the course of their careers (Manajemen

Aparatur Sipil Negara., 2017). The merit system is regulated in Law Number 5 of 2014

concerning State Civil Apparatus. The characteristics of developing a merit system in

ASN policy and management are known as the 6Ps, including:

1. ASN Planning

ASN planning in all agencies must be based on the direction of national development or

regional potential according to agency needs based on job analysis and workload analysis.

2. Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) using the Computer

Assisted Test or CAT with real time results and open selection for High Leadership

Positions (JPT)

3. Competence Development

The implementation of competency development is by setting job competency standards.

These include implementing education and training policies or training for 20 hours of

lessons per year and improving competency development.

4. Performance assessment and rewards

Performance assessment and rewards can improve sustainable performance in the form

of performance-based remuneration and rewards, 360-degree performance appraisals, and

communicate interactive performance evaluations to each employee.

5. Promotion, rotation and career development

This career development aims towards a dynamic ASN based on a merit system by taking

into account national needs based on talent management.

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6. Improved welfare

The implication of increasing welfare is a proper appreciation. This appreciation can be

in the form of a pension system with Joint contributions, a reasonable replacement ratio,

and fully funded. In addition, it can be in the form of old age insurance and other social

security, as well as a compensation system.

III. Conclusion

Based on the results of the explanation above, the era of the industrial revolution

4.0 has slowly disrupted all aspects, including ASN management. ASN is the main pillar

in bureaucratic reform in Indonesia. Although the facts on the ground state that

Indonesia's information technology system and human resources are still far below other

ASEAN countries, such as Malaysia and Thailand, there is a glimmer of hope for

Indonesia to catch up.

Smart ASN is an idea that is expected to advance the bureaucracy in Indonesia.

The idea of the Smart ASN generation is sought to be fully effective in 2024 so that it can

meet the needs and answer the challenges of the 4.0 industrial revolution era in realizing

good governance. Thus, ASN management can run more effectively, flexibly, and

adaptively based on the merit system as stated in Law Number 5 of 2014.

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Faedlulloh, D. M. (2020). Birokrasi dan Revolusi Industri 4.0: Mencegah Smart ASN menjadi
Mitos dalam Agenda Reformasi Birokrasi Indonesia. Jurnal Borneo Administrator, 313-

Firmansyah, A. &. (2019). Rencana Suksesi Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Era Vuca. Civil Service Journal,

Manajemen Aparatur Sipil Negara. (2017). TENAGA, D. P. C., BARAT, K. S. N. T., & DIKLAT, M.

Prosiding Simposium Nasional''Tantangan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Era
Revolusi Industri 4.0, 993-1017.

Rohida, L. (2018). Pengaruh era revolusi industri 4.0 terhadap kompetensi sumber daya manusia.
. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Bisnis Indonesia, 114-136.

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