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Name: Batman Semester: 2020

Your lab grade will be based on answering and filling in the following table correctly.

Reactants Physical properties of Operation Observation after Physical New Physical or

Reactants operation Properties of Substance chemical
products formed? change

Paper color: white, flexible, tearing ss same N P.C.


Paper and color: white, flexible Burning Gray Ashe was Graycolor Y C.C.
oxygen (air) (flame) formed brittle breaks
unit smaller

Copper and Brownish red luster Burning copper started to black Y CC

oxygen (air) flexible (flame) change color. The coating on
observed color was surface of
black. copper.

Magnesium Silver metallic luster. The Burning Bright white light was white YY C.C.
and oxygen shavings are thin (flame) emmitted. powder was
(air) formed

Nichrome and Silver metallic luster Burning Nichrome wire surface was one surface C.C.
oxygen (air) wire form. (flame) became dark. dark. Y
Iodine dark shiny granules Heating purple vapor was vapor N P.P.
formed condensed

Iodine and Iodine dark shiny granuals. Adding brown solution was iodine N P.C.
alcohol formed. dissolved in
Ethylaclohol: Clear liquid alcohol

Sodium and Sodium gray metallic, soft, Adding when Sodium was gas YY C.C.
water after cutting the exposed added to the water it formation.
interior had luster. reacted vigoursly and
gas formation was which
observed. ignited
exposed to
a flame.

Zinc and zinc:gray lowluster granular Adding Gas was formed. clear gas Y C.C.
hydrochloric test tube became formation
acid Hydrochloric acid: clear to warm. was
light yellow liquid. observed.

Sodium Sodium Carbonate: white Adding

carbonate and powder. Granuals of
hydrochloric various sizes.
acid Hydrochloric acid: Clear

Lead nitrate Lead nitrate: clear Adding when both solutions formation
and sodium solution were mixed a yellow insoluble
chromate potassium chromate: solid was formed. solid.
yellow solution.
Sulfur and air Sulfure yellow powder burning the yellow power Formation of Y C.C.
(flame) started to turn into gas.
dark purple. Gas

Supplemental Questions (answer these questions as part of your report, Highlight the correct answer yellow or red if applicable.)

Example: When a new substance forms, a Physical / Chemical change occurs.

1. When no new substance forms, a Physical / Chemical change occurs.

2. The substance present in the air that is required for the chemical changes that occurred when air is involved in the
above tests is Nitrogen, Oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide.

3. The process whereby a sample such as iodine, changes directly from solid to gas is called melting, freezing,
sublimation, deposition, condensing, vaporizing.

4. Classify each of the following as a physical or a chemical change. (Highlight the correct answer and submit)

Soda pop fizzes Physical Chemical

Banana slices turn dark Physical Chemical

Dry ice sublimes Physical Chemical

Milk goes sour Physical Chemical

(polluted) rain turns acidic Physical Chemical

Flashlight battery discharges Physical Chemical

Iron rusts Physical Chemical

Sugar dissolves in warm water Physical Chemical

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