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Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 56 (2020) 101193

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Hematologic changes in cyanotic congenital heart disease: a review T

J.D. Griesman, D.S. Karahalios, C.J. Prendergast
Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital


Keywords: Several hematologic changes occur in children and adults with chronic cyanosis – some adaptive, some mala-
Hematology daptive. Changes in blood viscosity, iron metabolism, coagulation profile change, and thromboembolic risk all
Congenital heart disease occur with secondary erythrocytosis. It is important that medical professionals understand these changes and
Cyanosis their clinical significance as chronic cyanosis has multi systemic consequences. This article will focus on a review
Hyperviscosity, iron deficiency
of pathophysiology and clinical practice guidelines as they pertain to hyperviscosity, iron deficiency, hyperur-
icemia, bleeding tendencies, thromboembolism, and central nervous system complications.

1. Introduction theoretical management of hyperviscosity is to lower the RBC mass,

either by phlebotomy to remove red blood cells, or by oral or parenteral
Patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) must adapt fluid administration to dilute the hematocrit.
to low oxygen tension and low oxy-hemoglobin saturations [1–5]. Routine or prophylactic phlebotomy is discouraged by multiple
Secondary erythrocytosis describes the physiologic response of in- sources. In a 2013 position statement, the American Heart Association
creasing red blood cell (RBC) mass to improve oxygen delivery. Main- stated that phlebotomy is a reasonable approach to preventing throm-
tenance of a steady state of hemoglobin and RBC function for a given boembolic events in two situations based on class IIa evidence: in adult
oxygen saturation is sought so as to optimize tissue delivery of oxygen. patients with hyperviscosity symptoms with hemoglobin greater than
This steady state is called compensated erythrocytosis. Patients with 20 mg/dL and hematocrit greater than 65% who do not have evidence
ongoing laboratory signs of erythrocytosis, for example elevated re- of dehydration or iron deficiency, and in adult patients undergoing non-
ticulocyte count, elevated erythropoietin (EPO), and a right-shifted cardiac surgery when the hematocrit is greater than 65% [12]. Sub-
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, are said to be in decompensated sequent studies have further suggested evidence to discourage such
erythrocytosis [5]. practice [11,13–15].
Secondary erythrocytosis can have unintended consequences. Hyperviscosity was previously thought to be a primary risk factor
Hyperviscosity can develop secondary to increased RBC mass [1–5]. for thromboembolic events in patients with CCHD. A cross-sectional
Iron deficiency is very common, may be symptomatic, and can con- study in 2015 studied 98 stable patients with CCHD examined the in-
tribute to decompensation of erythrocytosis in a dangerous feedback cidence of pulmonary and cerebral thrombotic events using imaging
loop [1–9]. Increased cell turnover and cyanotic nephropathy may lead and questionnaires [13]. This study showed a higher incidence of
to hyperuricemia [4,10]. Coagulopathy can develop causing both thromboembolism than previously thought: 47% of patients had
bleeding and thrombosis [5]. radiographic evidence of cerebral infarction and 31% had evidence of
This article will focus on pathophysiology and management of these pulmonary thromboembolism. Contrary to popular belief, secondary
consequences and will focus on new studies that have been published erythrocytosis was not found to be associated with thromboembolism in
over the last ten years. these patients. Iron deficiency, however, was found to be an in-
dependent risk factor for thromboembolic events. Microcytic cells are
2. Hyperviscosity less deformable and have reduced oxygen carrying capacity, and this is
speculated to explain why iron deficiency is an independent risk factor
Secondary erythrocytosis leads to an increase in red blood cell mass. for ischemic stroke in patients with CCHD.
This has been historically suggested to increase whole blood viscosity Salimipour et al. describe a case of a patient who developed chronic
and cause symptoms of hyperviscosity [2,3,5,11]. These symptoms can transient symptoms similar to transient ischemic attack after under-
include headache, visual changes, muscle aches and fatigue. The going phlebotomy for fatigue and dizziness [11]. The authors

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.J. Prendergast).
Received 1 October 2019; Received in revised form 8 January 2020; Accepted 10 January 2020
Available online 11 January 2020
1058-9813/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.D. Griesman, et al. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 56 (2020) 101193

hypothesized that these attacks were related to an acute change in 4. Hyperuricemia

oxygen delivery. Another case report described a patient with head-
aches and elevated hematocrit who was found to have papilledema Hyperuricemia is common in patients with CCHD [10]. These pa-
[14]. Treatment with a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor successfully tients have increased production of uric acid due to increased cell
ameliorated his symptoms, and therefore highlighted the importance of turnover, and decreased secretion, thought to be due to cyanotic ne-
funduscopic examination in identifying alternative causes for hy- phropathy and diuretic use. Rodriguez-Hernandez et al. identified BMI,
perviscosity symptoms. renal insufficiency, cyanosis, and the use of diuretics as risk factors for
Hydroxyurea was used in four patients with hyperviscosity symp- hyperuricemia in congenital heart disease [19]. The incidence of gout is
toms in a small case series [15]. The authors showed encouraging re- low relative to what one would expect given the prevalence and extent
sults in relieving hyperviscosity symptoms by myelosuppression and of hyperuricemia. Clinical gout can be hard to diagnose, as patients
corresponding decrease in hematocrit and red blood cell count without suffer from pain related to hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and perios-
sacrificing iron stores. It also increased the Mean Cell Volume (MCV), titis. It is recommended that uric acid levels are checked yearly as part
and by extension the authors postulated that this might allow the cells of health screening in patients with CCHD [3]. The degree of hyper-
to be more deformable and less likely to cause occlusive complications. uricemia is correlated to poorer outcomes in these patients. For patients
The current best practice suggestion for management of hy- with gouty flares, colchicine is recommended. For those with recurrent
perviscosity symptoms is to first identify other sources of symptoma- flares, prophylactic treatment with a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, such as
tology, such as dehydration and iron-deficiency anemia [1,3,4]. In re- Allopurinol, is recommended. Allopurinol is not indicated for asymp-
fractory cases, phlebotomy may be attempted, provided the lost volume tomatic hyperuricemia [19].
is replaced with plasma or albumin [5].
5. Bleeding diathesis

3. Iron deficiency Bleeding is the most common postoperative problem in patients

with newly corrected CCHD. The most common types of bleeding are
The secondary erythrocytosis in CCHD causes a high marrow de- intracranial, endotracheal, and pulmonary bleeding. In female patients,
mand for iron [1–5]. Iron can be further depleted by phlebotomy and menorrhagia is also common [20,21]. Polycythemia causes a predis-
other sources of bleeding (e.g. epistaxis, menorrhagia) which will be position to bleeding through multiple different mechanisms.
explored in the section below. A relative state of iron deficiency in the One such mechanism is the inhibition of megakaryocyte differ-
setting of secondary erythrocytosis has also been seen in patients who entiation caused by chronic hypoxia. Mukai et al. found that this me-
are status post palliation with the Fontan operation [16]. chanism is driven by altered expression of erythrocyte microRNA,
Broberg et al. sought to define the relationship between hemoglobin which protectively causes erythrocytosis while simultaneously causing
and oxygen saturation [8]. They found that in patients without la- inhibition of megakaryocyte differentiation and thrombocytopenia
boratory evidence of ongoing decompensated erythrocytosis, the he- [22].
moglobin was related to the oxygen saturation with the formula: The anatomical right to left shunting of children with CCHD further
compounds thrombocytopenia. Right to left shunting allows blood to
Predicted Hemoglobin = 61–(oxygen saturation/2) bypass the pulmonary bed, which is a key location for megakaryocyte
fragmentation into platelets. Interestingly, studies of people with
They further found that patients with hemoglobin below that cal- normal cardiac anatomy living in high altitude regions have shown that
culated prediction had worse VO2 after six-minute walk test. Therefore, they have normal platelet counts, despite being exposed to chronic
it was not the hemoglobin itself that affected exercise capacity, but the hypoxia. This confirms the key role that the lungs play in platelet
deviation from this patient-specific ideal hemoglobin. production [23,24].
Some providers have been hesitant to provide iron supplementation Patients with CCHD have also been reported to have altered levels
from fear that the resultant erythrocytosis would worsen hyperviscosity of coagulation factors compared to healthy controls. Cyanotic patients
and risk for stroke. Terlemez et al. supplemented 39 patients with iron have decreased levels of fibrinogen and factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, and X,
deficiency and directly measured blood viscosity using a Viscoelastic predisposing them to bleeding [12,21]. Stenotic valvular, muscular,
Profiler [17]. Hemoglobin and hematocrit increased after treatment, and mechanical cardiac lesions also place shear forces on high mole-
but viscosity did not. Patients reported a statistically improvement in cular weight von Willebrand factor multimers, fragmenting them and
symptoms such as blurry vision and headache, which are symptoms mimicking von Willebrand disease type [25,26]. In fact, an inverse
that commonly overlap with hyperviscosity. Tay et al. treated 25 pa- relationship between the degree of stenosis and the level of von Will-
tients with CCHD with ferrous fumarate for three months [18]. This ebrand factor multimers has been reported. This relationship is sup-
improved their six-minute walk distance without inducing hy- ported by a rapid increase in the amount and activity of von Willebrand
perviscosity symptoms. As mentioned above, iron deficiency is an in- factor multimers following surgical correction of stenotic cardiac le-
dependent risk factor for stroke in these patients; hematocrit is not. sions [25].
Blanche et al. were able to improve their patient's iron deficiency with Another proposed mechanism for the development of acquired von
intravenous iron, and none of the 163 patients treated developed hy- Willebrand syndrome is consumption of the protease responsible for
perviscosity symptoms [7]. cleaving von Willebrand factor, ADAMTS-13. In a small study, Soares
It should be noted that red cell indices (Mean Corpuscular Volume, et al. demonstrated that consumption of ADAMTS-13 seen in cyanotic
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) may not accurately re- patients is a predictor of postoperative bleeding [21]. Interestingly,
flect iron deficiency in hypoxemic patients [5]. This is partly because levels of factor VIII, a key target of von Willebrand factor, have been
cyanosis induces macrocytosis. Ferritin can be useful for trending, but it described as elevated after Fontan palliation, possibly supporting the
can be falsely elevated as it is an acute phase reactant. Broberg et al. findings by Soares et al. [12].
recommend using transferrin saturation less than 20% as an indication One of the complications of polycythemia and its resultant hy-
for iron replacement [1]. Increased Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) perviscosity is vascular stasis. Vascular stasis causes platelet deposition
has also been shown to be an early indicator of iron deficiency as a and activation of coagulation factors. Chronically, this can lead to an-
reflection of anisocytosis. Interestingly, elevated RDW has been shown other cause of platelet and coagulation factor consumption, similar to a
to be significantly related to adverse cardiovascular events in adult subacute state of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Studies have
patients with congenital heart disease, independent of NT-pro-BNP [6]. also shown decreased platelet function in addition to quantitiave

J.D. Griesman, et al. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 56 (2020) 101193

deficiency of platelets, which is proportional to the degree of poly- have been associated with cyanotic congenital heart disease, including
cythemia [12]. factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene 20,210 [12]. On the other hand,
Patients with CCHD are also predisposed to bleeding through vas- polymorphisms in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene
cular remodeling. Chronic hypoxia causes increased release of nitric (MTHFR) were initially thought to predispose patients to coagulopathy
oxide, predisposing vessels to dilation and aneurysm. These patients are by causing hyperhomocysteinemia, but this notion has since been dis-
also polycythemic, which increases shear forces placed on blood vessel credited. Patients with MTHFR polymorphisms have questionably ele-
walls and further increases the propensity towards dilation and an- vated homocysteine and many environmental and physiologic factors
eurysm. These shear forces are greater in arterial vessels than in venous contribute to hyperhomocysteinemia independently of MTHFR geno-
vessels [12,20]. type [31].
Patients with CCHD who are not anticipated to undergo correction As described above, decompensated erythrocytosis leads to hy-
of their heart defect for a long time may benefit from folic acid sup- perviscosity and relative iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency has
plementation to aid cell division and increase platelet counts [27]. If implications on red blood cell deformability. Rather than being a bi-
splenic sequestration is contributing, then splenectomy has also been concave disk, erythrocytes take on a spherical shape about 8 μm in
performed [23]. diameter. In addition to being smaller, the iron-deficient erythrocyte is
While phlebotomy is a controversial therapy for treating poly- also more rigid and less amenable to passing through the micro-
cythemia, it has been shown to increase platelet count. Lill et al. have circulation, where the diameter of blood vessels lies between 4 and
suggested that preoperative phlebotomy may be a way to decrease the 6 μm [12]. This ultimately causes hyperviscosity and stasis, a risk factor
risk of postoperative bleeding [24]. However, this may have negative for thrombosis in Virchow's triad.
consequences on oxygen carrying capacity and increase the need for It is important to note that chronic hypoxia also has effects on blood
intraoperative blood transfusions. Further studies are needed to eluci- vessels as well as erythrocytes. Oxygen is a vasodilator; therefore,
date whether this is a viable therapy. chronic hypoxia worsens the size discrepancy between erythrocytes and
blood vessels in the microcirculation. This phenomenon not only causes
6. Thrombosis hyperviscosity and stasis, but it also causes endothelial damage, an-
other one of the risk factors for thrombosis in Virchow's triad [12,21].
While patients with CCHD have a predisposition to bleeding, they On the other hand, examination of retinal vessels in patients with
also carry a simultaneous predisposition to thrombosis. Interestingly, chronic cyanosis reveals that they are dilated and tortuous, which has
the risk for thrombosis due to polycythemia in cyanotic patients is been associated with retinal vein occlusion [12,32,33]. These changes
lower than the risk for thrombosis due to polycythemia vera [28]. This seen in the retina may also occur in other areas of the microcirculation
fact highlights the influence of hypoxia and the complex nature of he- and contribute to blood turbulence, stasis, and ultimately, hypercoa-
mostasis in patients with CCHD. Generally, the risk factors that con- gulability.
tribute to thrombosis in these patients are no different from the general Chronic hypoxia also leads to polycythemia via increased ery-
population; however, hypoxia-induced polycythemia presents unique thropoietin released from the kidneys [9,21,22]. Mukai et al. describe
considerations for the pathogenesis and treatment of thromboembolism that similar feedback appears to occur at the level of the bone marrow
[12]. via altered expression of blast cell microRNA. It was found that in pa-
The most common reported thromboembolic events in patients with tients with CCHD; Mir-486-3p expression was elevated compared to
CCHD are stroke, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary thrombosis, controls, diverting hematopoietic stem cell differentiation from the
though the exact prevalence of each is unclear. Jensen et al. reviewed megakaryocyte lineage to the erythroid lineage. Similarly, there was
the clinical history and imaging of 98 adults with CCHD and found a also increased expression of mir-486-5p, which upregulates hemato-
stroke prevalence of 47% [13]. However, older studies have reported poietic stem cell replication, thus increasing the amount of stem cells
prevalence of stroke as low as 14% and even 5% [20]. While the exact available to differentiate into erythrocytes [22]. While this study was
prevalence of stroke in patients with CCHD unclear, identified risk observational, it is significant in that it highlights the multitude of
factors for stroke in these patients include age, degree of hypoxia, and factors that contribute to erythrocytosis leading to hypercoagulability
longer time to corrective surgery [13,29]. Risk factors that have not as well as thrombocytopenia leading to risk of hemorrhage.
been found to be associated with stroke include degree of erythrocytosis Despite the increased risk of thromboembolism, patients with CCHD
and hemostatic abnormalities, such as hematocrit, platelet count, iron are not given routine anticoagulation because of their simultaneous risk
status, and thromboelastography [13]. of bleeding. When thromboembolism occurs, they are treated with
Jensen et al. also studied the prevalence of pulmonary thrombosis in standard anticoagulation similarly to a patient without congenital heart
patients with CCHD and discovered a prevalence of 31% [13]. Pul- disease. Standard anticoagulation is reserved for patients who have
monary artery embolism occurs in up to one third of patients with Ei- recurrent thromboembolic events or who have atrial arrhythmias [21].
senmenger syndrome [20,21]. Other thromboembolic events include As discussed above, phlebotomy is generally avoided until patients have
embolism of vascular stents or catheters [12]. Risk factors identified for moderate to severe symptoms and at a higher target hematocrit level of
pulmonary embolism include degree of hypoxia, female gender, older greater than or equal to 65%, compared with 40 to 45% in other pa-
age, and factors related to slower pulmonary blood flow and stasis [21]. tients [28]. In general, correction or palliation of the underlying con-
As is the case with bleeding, there are many factors that contribute genital heart lesion increases the risk of thromboembolism immediately
to the pathogenesis of hypercoagulability in patients with CCHD. Many after surgery, but the risk of thromboembolism over the long term is
coagulation proteins are altered both before and after correction of reduced.
their heart lesions and may lead to hypercoagulability. Giglia et al. have
demonstrated that children with CCHD have a decrease in protein C, 7. Conclusion
antithrombin III, and plasminogen before Fontan surgery and continue
to have decreased protein C after Fontan surgery [12]. Conversely, Secondary erythrocytosis is a life-sustaining response to chronic
Factor VIII has been described as elevated following Fontan surgery. An hypoxia and is necessary in patients with cyanotic congenital heart
etiology for this increase remains unclear, but Odegard et al. report a disease. The increase in red blood cell mass has historically been as-
positive correlation between Factor VIII levels and central venous sociated with symptoms of hyperviscosity such as headaches, blurry
pressure. They hypothesize that elevated central venous pressure sti- vision, and fatigue. Phlebotomy continues to be discouraged by mul-
mulates the liver sinusoidal endothelium to produce Factor VIII [30]. tiple sources, including the American Heart Association, except in se-
Multiple genetic polymorphisms associated with hypercoagulability vere circumstances. Alternative explanations for symptoms, such as

J.D. Griesman, et al. Progress in Pediatric Cardiology 56 (2020) 101193

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