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Part 3: Validity and Reliability

Analysis of case 7:
In this case, the same school employs two kindergarten teachers. They agree that evaluating
KG2 students' writing is necessary. They determine that they will accomplish this by having the
kids write a sentence after hearing the story. They instructed the students to write a phrase and
a picture. The assessment is graded by one teacher using a scale of 1 to 5, and by the other,
using a rubric. The data analysis revealed that Teacher 1's class performed better. For KG2, I
think every teacher has employed a unique method of assessing and rating the children'
writing. Due to the fact that every teacher has their own idea on how to evaluate writing,
grades may differ depending on the methods used. One of the advantages of rubric assessment
tool is that a rubric for grading student work includes additional categories that demonstrate
how the student has developed since the last assessment. Garfolo (2016) stated that rubrics
can be used to measure certain behaviour. “The rubric is a scale rating questionnaire with
selected-response items”, (Haladyna & Rogriguez, 2013).When used properly, rubrics can help
students to evaluate their own work and grades critically. Students frequently feel that grades
are "given" by teachers rather than "earned" by the students. In my opinion, although grading
scores seems to be better for students since they get better grades, but, on the other hand,
rubric in more beneficial since it states different scale units that may encounter many specific
observations regarding the students’ learning process.

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