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In this modern era, going country-hopping is a topic that public interest

and concern. There are a lot of reasons for this situation and it can bring
some effects.
Nowadays, most people can afford to travel abroad as it has become
more convenient, workers’ income is increasing while the air ticket price
becomes cheaper as companies produce more efficient airplanes, more
supply. That’s why many people with low spending capacity want to
experience traveling to other countries not only to relax and sightsee
breathtaking views during vacations but also to exposure to a foreign
culture that has a broader horizon, make acquainted with new friends.
These folks give them a glimpse outside your hometown circle of friends
and force them to take in new and refreshing perspectives, and
ultimately realize that everyone is the same.
But along with that it also causes some negative effects. The
development of tourism creates pollution and waste. The problems of
indiscriminate littering, emission from air traffic along vandalism are
always a concern of countries with developed tourism. It also puts
pressure on local resources such as food, water, and energy. It can be
denied that local traditions may be lost, local people are forced to work
in the tourist industry or be unemployed. Thereby, incidences of crimes,
prostitution, and antisocial activities like drugs, human trafficking, and
gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous society are
In conclusion, this issue is caused by traveling and low cost and it leads
to pollution and erosion of tradition, which are the most serious
In this modern era, youth unemployment is a topic of public interest and
concern. This issue can cause some negative effects on individuals and
society and it can be dealt with by some suggestions.
There are a lot of serious problems for people who cannot find jobs after
graduation. The psychological concern is an indispensable part of them,
watching friends of the same age get hired, happy with the first month
of salary, they cannot help but feel disappointed, inferior about
themselves. Depression about their life leads to abuse of drugs and
initiate unethical things that are harmful to themselves and to society.
To survive, they went uncontrolled and thus steal the peace of the
whole society. The rate of crimes increases, gravy crimes taking place
more and more, which puts the safety of property and life of the society
at risk.
Finding solutions to tackle this issue is of paramount importance. First
and foremost, the government should try to increase the job fields in
every sector accompany invest in building industrial zones, to create
conditions for the young to have more job opportunities. It is obvious
that the government should also change the way it teaches in schools as
well as universities ranging from curriculums to adding practice lessons
instead of boring theories that make students doze. This helps the
young have the more practical experience and necessary skills to
practice and finding a job will no longer be difficult.
In conclusion, psychological problems and high crimes rate are the main
adverse effects of unemloyed young people and they can be dealt with
by creating more jobs and providing practical experiences.
In this modern era, global warming is a topic of public interest and
concern. There are a lot of reasons for this situation and it can be dealt
with by some solutions.
There are many multifarious factors that cause global warming,
mostwarming most of which are a part of an individual’s daily existence.
As the years go by and the earth’s population increases, the need for
living also rises. Domestic waste is discharged in the world up to tens of
tons per day and the most common treatment method is incineration,
burning of fuels in vehicles, and for other conventional uses. A large
number of greenhouse gases such as like carbon dioxide, methane
amongst many others are produced which accelerates global warming.
Another reason is deforestation, trees convert carbon dioxide to oxygen
through photosynthesis and this flaw has reduced the number of trees
available to convert CO2 to oxygen. As a result, carbon emissions have
increased throughout the atmosphere leading to increasedenlarge
global warming.
Finding solutions to global warming is of paramount importance. There
should be a shift ranging from utilizing non-renewable energy to
renewable energy like solar or wind power, which causes less pollution
and reduces energy needs at an individual level in production and traffic.
This is a pivotal step to hinder the acceleration of global warming. The
green movement is a wise strategy to improve tree coverage that will
result in regulating the carbon cycle, which it also raises people’s
awareness about the importance of decreasing the amount of CO2 and
temperature to ward off the severe consequences of global warming.
In , human activities and deforestation are the main cause of this issue
and they can be solved by alternative resources and afforestation.


In this modern era, working longer hours is a topic of public concern and
interest. There are a lot of reasons for this situation and it can cause
some negative effects.
Today, people work consistently long hours, the pivotal cause is
competitiveness. As society is developing, repetitive jobs or dangerous
works are replaced by machines, which increases the unemployment
rate. Therefore, people have to compete to find jobs, so there’s a ‘long-
hours culture’ at work. They express themselves and leave a good
impression on employers to have this job and get promotion
opportunities. Another reason is a high living standard. With
technological development, a lot of technological gadgets satisfy people
ranging from physical life to spiritual life. But accompanying
convenience with high prices, people have to make a mint to afford
The results of more time spent at work concern many problems. First
and foremost, it is not only to damage physical health, job holders spend
the majority of day sitting at a desk that leads to back pain,
degeneration spine. In addition, lack of sleep and lack of exercise cause
a lot of chronic diseases and raise the risk of obesity. But it also results
in a feeling of stress, rise in conditions related to depression, anxiety,
and general happiness. Secondly, working longer hours triggers negative
effects on relationships. People will no longer have time to build
relationships, missing out on crucial social time that benefits not only
them but their loved ones: family, friends, or romantic partners. People
will be lonely and regret it.
In conclusion, this issue is caused by competitiveness and high living
standard, and it leads to health problems and destructive relationships,
which are the most serious consequences.

In this modern era, migration to the city is a topic of public interest and
concern. This issue can cause some negative effects and it can be dealt
with by some solutions.
It is obvious that traffic congestion is an indispensable part of the
crowded citiescity. It has been proved that the majority of the families
living in urban areas usehave at least two private vehicles and people
use them on a daily basismany people take them every day. This means
that citizens have to deal with peak hours and the scene of an influx of
people trying to push, shove and inch their way through congestion
down the wrong way, blocking hundreds of other people, just to save
themselves a minute of their own time. In addition, in a big city where
industry develops withand a high population ratio, consequently,there is
consequently a lot of dust isare released from vehicles and factories or
household waste lead to environmental pollution. City dwellers have to
suffer that pollution, so their health would be affected and they would
have many deadly diseases.
However, the first step that the government can takebe taken to tackle
this problem is to rationalize the redistribution of industrial zones
instead of only just concentrating onin big cities, which creates more
jobsjob for the locals and developsdevelop regional areas. As a result,
People can settle in the countryside, and they no longer have to migrate
to the city to find jobswork. Besides, the government also can deduct
the budget to upgrade infrastructure such as widening roads, improving
mass transit to encourage people to use it . Thereby solving traffic jams
and helping people’s mobility needs more conveniently.
In conclusion, traffic congestion and health problems are the main
adverse effects of migrating to the city, and they can be solved by
relocating industrial zones and upgrading infrastructure. 

In this modern era, offenders committing more crimes after serving their
first punishment is a topic of public interest and concern. There are a lot
of reasons for this situation and it can be dealt with by some solutions. 
The main reason is the lack of rehabilitation. Vocational training is of the
paramount importance of helping offenders disseminate professional
knowledge so that when they are released from prison, their job
opportunities will be higher. But now many prisons, especially in
developing countries, can do this accompany the lack of knowledge of
moral values increases the crime rate after being released. In addition,
social judgement is an indispensable part of this problem. According to
research, the public looked down on people with criminal records. So
the stigma makes them tough to find a stable job and not be able to
reintegrate into society. Their difficult life will lead them down the path
of crime again.
However, the first step that can be taken to tackle this issue is that
create more jobs for newly get out of jail so they can make a living, and
enhance the quality of life post-incarceration. The government can
create vocational courses in prison or provide advice and job placement
suitable for them to prevent this problem from further expanding.
Furthermore, raising people’s awareness is one of the possible measures
that can be taken as well. In fact, many people today still do not have a
clear understanding of the law, there are many cases that people
accidentally commit a crime. Therefore, it is necessary to propagate and
cultivate more knowledge of the law thoroughly.
In conclusion, the lack of rehabilitation and social pressure are the
pivotal causes of the issue and they can be dealt with by job
opportunities and improving people’s awareness.


In this modern era, computers may grow smarter than humans is a topic
of public interest and concern. Although there are some benefits of the
robot, its drawbacks cannot be denied.
On the one hand, if computers are more intelligent than human beings,
not only can people save their precious time, but their health can also
be protected. It is obvious that artificial intelligence can take charge of
household chores, do manuals job without the supervision of humans
much more consistently and accurately, which is time-saving for them.
Besides, these machines can supplant people to do work in poisonous
and dangerous environments such as under the sea or in the nuclear
factories where humans find difficult or impossible to approach. That
means fewer casualties and unnecessary human injuries, even saving
their lives.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of computers developing
shrewder than individuals are irrefutable. Firstly, there are many worries
that machines may compete job opportunities with humans, particularly
in labor-intensive industries. Furthermore, programmed machines
regularly mean higher productivity and lower cost contrasted with
people. This way leads to unemployment or layoff among workers
without qualifications in society. Secondly, thanks to an enormous
memory and proper programming, helping people solve the problem
faster and more effectively, humans may become overly dependent on
machines leads to a sedentary lifestyle. Because they don’t need to
move, just a computer they can do whatever they want with no effort.
Thereby resulting in many diseases like myasthenia, bone degeneration,
loss of their mental capacities.
In conclusion, in spite of saving time and protecting health which are
merits of robots, its obstacles including laziness and unemployment are

In this modern era, more and more people are choosing to read e-books
rather than paper books is a topic of public interest and concern.
Although there are benefits, its drawbacks are obvious. However, in my
opinion, the former definitely carry more weight than the latter.
The pivotal disadvantage of e-books is an erosion of reading traditions. If
people are big readers when they find a page-turner immerse them,
they will love the feeling of holding a book in their hands and feel
emotional when they are touched by each page then having to look at
the cold screen. It is obvious that not taking and giving away favorite
books, makes them lose motivation to read. Another grave flaw is eye-
related diseases. Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from
vision problems because reading e-books requires staring at a gadget
screen for a long time is affected by rays and an unsuitable reading
environment as the light from the screen make them forget our
However, I believe that they are more likely to have beneficial effects.
First and foremost, e-books have a great feature that paper books often
cannot have, which is that they are very convenient. They are not only
portable because when going anywhere just one electronic device
supplants a large number of printed books, ranging from storage space
to fear of getting dirty books is no longer an issue. But it also reads more
effectively, there are many applications in e-books to help translate
nooks written in foreign languages, meeting the needs of readers.
Secondly, the price of e-books is usually lower because it doesn’t need
printing or distributed to stores and less staff, it is an option that both
save money and gives the reader the opportunity to read many books to
cultivate their knowledge.
In conclusion, it seems that the possible benefits of reading e-books are
more significant than the potential obstacles.

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