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An Author Catalog of Disciples of Christ And

Related Religious Orders
Claude E. Spencer

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Spencer, Claude E., "An Author Catalog of Disciples of Christ And Related Religious Orders" (1946). Stone-Campbell Books. 375.

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An Author Catalog of



Compiled by

Curator, Disciples of Christ Historical Society


This catalog is arranged alphabetically by authors. Complete author fullness is used

where known, together with the place and date of birth, and place and date of death. Non-
Disciple authors, included because of Disciple relationship such as having books published
by Disciple publishing liouses, do not have the place and date of birth and death.

As a me.ans of identification, Christian church authors have c prefixed to their names

and Churches of Christ authors have cc prefixed. As a dividing line between Disciple of
Christ and Church of Christ authors, the compiler has used the date 1906, the date used by
the United States Census Bureau.

The arrangement under each author is as follows: Separate titles, Analytics, Intro -
ductions, Joint works, Books edited and compiled, Joint editors, and Books about.

The entry for each title follows general library cataloging practice as nearly as pos-
sible with the usual cataloging abbreviations and symbols . Since tlie _information about
each book and pamphlet has been secured by several different methods, that is, an examin-
ation of the book, a description from a publisher's catalog, a book review in a periodical,
or a catalog card from another library, the entries are not always as uniform and accur -
ate as the compiler would like to have them. Also many entries consist of the title only
without bibliographical details because it was impossible to secure those details.


It i s a real privilege for the Disciples of Christ Historical Society to be able to issu e this vast listing of
the materi als published by and about this indigenous Americ an r eli gious movement and it s le aders. Insofar
as is known, this is the first time that any American Protest ant body has ever published such a master list
of authors and titles.

Mr. Claude E . Spencer, Curator of the Society, began to com pile this catalog ne ar ly twenty yea r s ago.
At tha t time when a brotherhood Historical Society was sim ply a dr ea m, he r ealized the incre asing need of an
adequate li sting of Disciplia:na. The result of his prodigiou s l abor, publish ed in thi s vol ume , is but the first
part of the necessary project. ·

The compiler would be the first to recognize how incomplete is this published li s t. Much work lies
ahe ad , on the part of many interested persons, before the 10,000 ma in entrie s of religious and general book s
repr esented in this catalog can be adequately enlarged and revised. The various libr ari ans and re s earch
wor ker s who carefully check this list can render the Historical Society invaluable aid by mak ring correc-
tion s, additions, and suggested revisions. This indispensable assist ance will th en ultimately make it possi-
bl e for t he Society to issue a correct list that will also indicate in which libr aries and collections the pres -
ent mat er ia l is to be found.

The Disciples of Christ Historical Society seeks alway s to stimulate the collection, the preservation,
and th e use of materials by and about Disciples. The Society has previously published Theses Concerning
the Disciples of Christ and Periodicals of Disciples of Christ and Related Religiou s Groups, and both are
nece s s ary to thorough research work. Disciples of Christ mustyet write and publish a definitive history.
Thi s union catalog, now envisioned, is indispensable. ·

.An Author Catalog of Disciples of Christ and Related Religiou s Groups is then the first step in making
his tor i cal materials available. It should prove to be a real aid in the location of existing primary and orig-
in al sou r ce materials.

Re sea rch workers generally, and the Disciples of Christ Hist or ical Society particularly, are deeply in-
debt ed to Mr. Spencer for the compilation of this catalog. It s publication has long been anticipated. The val-
ue of s uch a listing will be recognized immediately. This cat alog is truly a pioneer effort, and as such, the
Socie ty s eeks the active cooperation of all interested persons in making its final revision both accurate and
compl ete .


Disciples of Christ Historical Society

June 1, 1946


This catalog grew out of necessity. In 1924 the Library of Culver-Stockton College started a project to
collect the literature produced by the religious groups which grew out of the reformation and restoration
movements in the American religious scene in the early nineteenth century. The project was handicapped
from the start because of a lack of bibliographical tools which gave knowledge concerning the books and
pamphlets that had been published. The Literature of the Disciples, a study by J. W. Monser, 1906, and The
Literature of the Disciples of Christ by W. E. Garriso~1922, were available but were far from comprehen-
sive in scope and lacked thedetails necessary for use as collecting and cataloging guides.

For several years the compiler worked on a want list, adding new titles as he found items in catalogs
and periodicals; always making as complete an entry as possible for each title. This want list combined
with the catalog of books in the college library became the nucleus of An Author Catalog of Disciples of
Christ and Related Religious Groups. At first there was no intention to publish this listing as it was com-
piled solery for use in The Henry Barton Robison Collection, the name by which the collection of Disciple
literature at Culver-Stockton was known.

In 1941, the Disciples of Christ Historical Society was organized and the compiler became the curator
of the Society with instructions to start the preparation of a union catalog of Disciple materials located in
the various libraries in connection with Disciple institutions. The publication of this book is a step in that
direction as it will be used in checking the holdings of Disciple institutions. In addition, the compiler hopes
that the volume will be valuable as a guide for purchasing and cataloging.

After a study of the needs of libraries, institutions and research workers, the compiler decided to make
the catalog all inclusive by listing secular as well as religious books and pamphlets of the Disciples of
Christ, the Christian church, and the Churches of Christ.

Due to the time involved in its preparation and the extra cost of publication, a subject index is not in-
cluded in this volume although such an index must eventually be prepared.

The compiler wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the following persons for information, advice
and encouragement: Alfred T. DeGroot, Enos E. Dowling, B. C. Goodpasture, Colby D. Hall, Ernest W.
Lundeen, Mrs. Ada Mosher, J. Edward Moseley, George L. Peters, the late Edgar C. Riley, Henry K. Shaw,
and Charles C. Ware. Scores of other individuals
helped in minor ways.

The following libraries were visited during the preparation of the catalog: Bethany College, Butler
University School of Religion, Christian Board of Publication, College of the Bible, The Disciples Divinity
House, Drake University College of the Bible, The Gospel Advocate Company, The Kentucky Female Orphan
School, The Shepherd Library, The Standard Publishing Company, The United Christian Missionaty Society,
and The University of Chicago.

It would have been impossible to have published this work without the cooperation of Culver-Stockton
College and the active interest of President W. H. McDonald. Because of a leave of absence from his duties
as librarian of the college, the compiler has been able to complete his task much earlier than he expected
when he first started to get his material ready for publication.

Claude E. Spencer.

June 15, 1946

A Abberley - Abilene
ABBERLEY,RICHARDIV 1867- Garrison, J. H. The place of Moonshine; bein g Appalachian
b, Liverpool, England, 1867. religion in the life of man. Arabian nights. Asheville, N. C.,
d. Kershner, F. D. Horizons of 1924.
What is the heart?1 Prayer. (In Powell, E. L. The prophet's A royal southern family; a bio-
Meacham, E, J., comp. Training to vision and the president's dream. graphical novel of facts, .Nash-
teach, 1913, pp. 192-1941 200-201) ville, Printed for the author, Par-
about see thenon press, •1934.
144p. front.
ABBOTT.BYRDINEAKERS, 1866-1936. Johnston, W, G. Byrdine Akers
b. Abbott, Va,, 26 Ja 1866. Abbott. Twenty-five best sermons; with an
d. Abbott, Va., 24 Je 1936. Moore, W. T. New living pulpit introduction by William D. Upshaw.
of the Christian church. Cincinnati, Standard, •1920.
At the Master's table, a book for 367p.
those who participate in the rite of
the eternal atonement. St. Louis, ABBOTT,THOMAS A , 1851-1914.
Bethany pres s, •1925. b. Blackburn, Lancashire, England, ABERNETHY, WILLIAMSHATTUCK,1872-
224p. 12 D 1851. (Baptiat)
d, Kansas City, Mo., 26 Ja 1914.
The Disciples, an interpretation. Vore than a building. .Washing-
St. Louis, Bethany press, •1924. about ton, National city church, 1935?
255p. 4p.

--. c2d ed., St. Louis, Beth-

• In memoriam• Garden city, 14o.,
c 1914,
any press, .1926,, •1924. 44p. ccABILENECHRISTIANCOLLEGE,Abilene,
27lp. Tex.

The golden thread. cSt. Louis, ABELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1818-1874. Abilene Christian college Bible
Author, 1912, b. Albermarle county, Va., 11 D lectures, 1919, .with an introduction
4p. 1818. by Jesse P. Sewell, Delivered in the
d. Murfreesboro, Tenn., 27 D 1874. auditorium of Abilene Christian Col-
Life of Chapman S. Lucas, cwith an, lege, Abilene, Texas, February 23-28,
introduction by F. D, Power. Balti- about see 1919, Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe,
more, Christian tribune, •1897. c 1919,
196p. front. (port.) plates. Ainslie, Peter II. Life and .217,p. ports.
writings of George w. Abell. Contents:
A more excellent way, the work of Whitt, J.P. George w. Abell. Lectures by Batsell Baxter, M. D.
the temporary pastor, an appreciation Gano, A. R, Holton, G. A. Klingman,
• of Benjamin L. Smith, St. Louis, F, L. Rowe, F. B. Shepherd, G. H•
Christian board, 1926? ABENEY,J A P. Showalter, G.D. Smith, H. E.
8p. b. Baker's Creek, Vias., Speck, John Straiton, c. E. Wal-
d. lace, J. w. Yarbrough, and F. L.
The call of the divine. (In Young.
)loore, W. T., ed. The new living The Christian life. (In Scott,
pulpit of the Christian church, 1918, L. lf., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. Abilene Christian college Bible
pp. 331-338) . 333-341) lectures, 1920-21. Delivered in the
auditorium of Abilene Christian col-
Charles S, Medbury, the writer. lege, Abilene Texas, February, 1920-
(In Miller, R.H., ed. Cha~les s. ABERNETHY,ARTHUR TALMAGE,1872- 21. Cinoinnati, F. L. Rowe, cl92l,
lledbury, 1932, pp, 52-58) b. Burke county, N. C,, 10 0 1872. .245,p.
d. Contents,
Christian growth. (In Thornton, Lectures by J.E. Arceneaux, R. c.
E.W., ed. Lord's day worship aer- Apostles' creed1 a romance in reli- Bell, A, O. Colley, A. L. Elkins,
Ticea, 1930, pp, 137-140) gion, Nashville, Cokesbury press, ». c. Kurfees, J.M. Mccaleb, w.
1925, G. Malcomson, J. B, Nelson, Liff
Churches of Christ in Baltimore, 104p, (Cokesbury devotional Sanders. J.P. S91fell, F. E. Wal-
114.. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches series) lace I, and L, s. White.
of Christ, 1904-, pp. 297-299)
·Center-shots at sin; a series of Abilene Christian college Bible
Learning to pray. (In Lord, J. evangelistic sermons .with, an intro- lectures, 1922-1923. Delivered in
A., ed . On the Lord's day, 1904, pp. duction by J. Wilbur Chapman·. Cin- the auditorium of Abilene Christian
102-106) cinnati, Standard, •1918. college. Abilene, Texas, February,
1922-l923. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe,
~- 294p.

Christian's treasure island; a

Handbook of the Union Avenue Chris- restoration romance. St. Louis, Contents ,
tian Church. St. Louis, 1914? Bethany press, •1927. Lectures by J. N. Armstrong, A. B.
173p. illus. Barrett, W. D. Bills, W, D. Camp-
~- aee bell, T. M. Carney, A.O. Colley,
Crazy Americana. .Gastonia, N. James F. Cox, Truman H. Etheridge,
Baxter, William. Life of Walter C., Glenn ptg. co. 0 •1929. J. S. Durst, Carl L. Etter, w. F.
Scott. Ledlow, George A. Klingman, E. w.
Gerdtell, Ludwig Ton. Miracles lloMillan, Thomas E, Milholland, C.
under fire. J. Robinson, F. L, Rowe, J.P.
Did Washington aspire to be king?
New York, Neale pub. co., 1906. Sewell, F. B. Shepherd, G. H.P.
introduction see 65p. front. (port.) Showalter, John T. Smith, Oscar
Smith, R. D. Smith, W. L. Swinney,
Combs, G, H, The ca 11 of the and Ira Lee Winterrowd,
"s The Jew, a negro; being a study of
Garris~n, J. H. the Jewish ancestry from an impartial
Memories and standpoint. Moravian Falls N C Abilene Christian college Bible
experiences. lectures, 1924-1925, cwith a prefaoe
Dixie pub, oo., 1910. ' ' ••
llOp. by Bataell Baxter and a publisher's
pUe ne - Adamg A

announcement by G. H.P. Show~lter. auditorium of Abi le ne Christian col- Abilene Christian college Bible
De li ver ed i n the audit or ium of Abil- lege, Abilene, Texas, February, 1935. lectures, 1940 .with a publisher'• pr e-
ene Christian coll ege, Abil ene, Texas, Abi lene, Tex., Abilene Christian col- face by G. H.P. Showalter, Deli-
1924-192 6. Austin, Tex., Firm lege pre• •, cl936. vered in the auditori um ot Abilene
foun dat i on cl926. U<lp, Christian college, February, 1940,
207p. Cont ents: Abilene Texas, published April 19-iO.
Contents , Lectures by J. N. Armstrong, Bat- Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, 19-iO,
Lectu res by Bats e l l Baxter, W. D. sell Baxt er, Ernest Beam, J. A. 36-lp,
Black, K. c. Cuthbertson, W. K. Huds on, E. H. Ijams, W, s. Long, Contents,
Davi s , J. T. Hinds , R. o. Kenl ey , Oscar Smith, and R. B. Sweet, Lectures by J. H. Bannister, J. F,
E. W. McMillan, E. L. Niohols, W. Cox, Otto Foster, Edgar Furr, V. E.
P. Skaggs, J.C. Taylo r, s. E. Abilene Chris t ian college Bible Howar d. R. C. Keloy , Reuel Lemmons,
Templeto n , A. E. Walker, and W. H. lectures, 1936 . with an in troduct i on Weslie lliokey . A. C_. ~ ll i a s , H. i..
White . by c. A. Norred. De l ivered in the Reynolds, c. H. Roberson, T. u.
auditor i um of Abilene Christian col- Rose, F. B, Shepherd, O. H.P.
Abilene Chris tia n co lleg e Bible lege, Abilene , Texas, February, 1986. Showalter, Colin Smith , R. D. Smith,
lecture•, 1926-1927 .with a preface Abilene , Tex., Abilene Christian ool- Paul Southern, Trine Starnes , John
by Batsell Baxter and a publisher'• lege press, cl936. Straiton, T. B. Thompson, F. R.
announcement by G• . H.P. Showalter. cl6 5.p. Waldro p, w. B. West, I I, W. S.
Delivered in the auditorium of Abil- Contents: Willie, M. J. Wise, and P. C. Witt,
ene Chriatian college, Abilene, Texas, Lectures by H. w. Busby, Cecil
1926-1927. Austin, Tex., Firm Hill, R; c. Jones, C. c. Morgan, Abilene Christian college Bible
foundation, .1927 . D. H. Morris, C, A. Norred, C. H, lectures, 1941, .wi th a publisher ' •
327p. Roberson, F. L. Rowe, George Ste- preface by G. H.P. Showalter , Deli-
Contenta, phenson, G. IC. Wallace, J.E. Weems, vered in the auditorium of Abilene
·Leoturea by E. K. Borden, C. A. L. S. White, L. R. Wilson, and K, Christian oollege, February, 19,1,
Buchanan, H. L. Calhoun, w. D. J. Wise. Abilene, Texas , published August 1941,
Camobell, C. L. Etter, U, R. For- Austin, Tex., Firm foun dation, •1941.
rest, .r. D. lfarvey, W• .D. l1ocuaaaa.r. Abilene Christian college Bible 247p,
o. F. ICeroheville, It. H. Lanier, lectures, 1937 .with a foreword by Contents:
O. F. Vickey, S. P. Pittman, J. T. James F. Cox and Boward L. Schug. Lectures by J.E. Arceneaux, F, L,
Smithson, C. K. Stubblefield, F. Delivered in the auditorium of Abilene Cox, Byron Fullerton, Jack lleyer,
E. Wallace I, and L. s. White. Christian college, Abilene, Texas, Harry Payne, c. H. Roberson, L. o.
February, 1937. .Nashville, D. B. Roberta, Colin Smith, Paul Southern,
Abilene Christian college Bible !lorehead, printer, 1937. R. B. Sweet, C. E. Wallaoe, P. L,
lectu r e•, 1928-1929 cwith a preface by 12lp, illus ., ports. Wallaoe, and L. R. Wilson,
Batael l Baxter. Delivered in the Contents,
auditorium of Abilene Christian col- Leoture1 by R. C. Bell, O. S, Ben- Abilene Christian college Bible
lege, Abilene ·, Texas, February, 1928- aon, E. c. Coff'nan, J, F. Cox, B. lectures, 1942, cwith a publisher'•
1929. Auatin, Tex., Firm foundation L. Douthitt, H, L. Ewing, Bomer preface by o. H.P. Sho-lter. Deli-
c 1929. Bailey, w. D. Hockaday, J. D. Mer- vered in the auditorium of Abilene
367p. illus. ritt, D. B. Morehead, C. A. Norred, Christian college, February 1942,
Contenta, H. L. Schug, Paul Southern, J.E. Abilene, Texas, published September
Lectures by Robert Alexander, H. L, Wainwright, P. D. Wilmeth, and -John l9<i2, Austin, Tex,, Firm tounda•
Calhoun, J. H, Childre11, J. L. Wolfe, tion, •l9<l2.
Hines, w. F. Ledlow, E. w. McMillan, 140p,
J.B. Nelson, C, A. Borred, W. L, Abilene Christian college Bible Contents,
Oliphant, C. M. Pullia1, J.P. lecture•, 1988 .with a publisher'• Lectures by R, C. Jones, D. H.
Sewell, F. B. Shepherd, W. E. preface by G. H.P. Showalter. De- llorris, A, C, Pulliaa, C. H, Rober-
Starnes, and F. L. Young. livered in the auditorium or Abilene son, E. A. Sanders, .J.P. Sewell,
Christian college, Abilene, Texas, w. B, West II, and , L, s. White.
Abilene Christian college Bible February, 1938, publiahed Ootober,
leoture1, 1933 .with an introduction 1939. Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, Abilene Christian college Bible
by Charle• H. Roberaon. Delivered in 1939. lectures, 19<l3, .with a publi1her'1
the auditoriua of Abilene Christian 209p, preface by o. H. P, Showalter, Deli•
college, Abilene, Texas, February 20- Contents, vered in the auditorium of Abilene
26, 1933. Austin, Tex., Firm ~oun- Lectures byW. D. Billa, O. c. Christian college, February, l9<l3,
dation, •1933, Br-er, A. D, Chaddick, T. N, Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, •19<l3,
14.3p. Etheridge, C. E. Hill, H, L. Jack• 22-ip.
Contents, son, R. H, Lanier, C, C, llorgan, W. Conte11t11
Lectures by J.E. Arceneaux, Bat- w. Otey, C. H, Roberson, J. T. Lecture• by R. c. Bell, A.H.
aell Baxter, E. C. Coff'nan, W. M. Smith, Paul Southern, 0, L, Wallace, Clark, otto FoLter, J, D, Harvey,
Davia, w. L. Oliphant, C. H, and M. J. Wile. R. C, leloy, Bugo llcCord, C, H.
Roberaon, C. E. Wallace, L. S, Roberson, J, P, Sanders, and F. B.
Whit,, and R. L. Whiteside, Abilene Christian college Bible Shepherd,
lecture•, 1939 cwith a publiaher'• pre-
Abilene Christian college Bible face by o. H.P. Showalter. Deli•
lectures, 193t cwith an introduction vered in the auditorium ot Abilene C4A(:CUF, JAKES W
by Jas. F. Cox. Delivered in the Chriatian college, February, 1939, b.
auditorium ot Abilene Chriatian col- Abilene , Texaa, published Ootober 1939, d.
lege, Abilene, Texas, February 193t, Auatin, Tex,, Firm foundation, 1939.
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, cl93t. 313p. joint~- aee
.201.p. Contents,
Content•, Lecture• by o. C, .Brewer, J. B, Taylor, .t.uatin, and othera, oomp.
Lectures by w. H, Adaaa, o. C, Cottman, J.P. Oibaon, Homer Bailey, New ideal gospel hymn book.
Br-er, A. H, Clark, A.O. Colley , R.H. Lanier, C, I. KoGaughey, IC,
J. F. Cox, J. P. Crenahaw, ·Boaer c. lloser, Ted Borton, Colenan Over-
Bailey, I. w. McMillan, and J. T. by, L, O. Roberta, Harvey Soott, J, ADAIE, RUIPTON, 1897•
Smith. P. Sewell, B. D. Shilling, 0, H. P, b. Baailton, ly., 2 Ill' 1897,
Showalter, H, E. Speak, Yater Tant, d,
Abilene Christian college Bible Alonso Williams, P. D, Wilaeth, P,
lectures, 1935 cwith an introduction C. Witt, and o. B. Woode,
by Ho.. r I. lloore. Delivered in the
A Adame - Adkins

Calling men for the ministry, ADAHl, JIORTON D , 1866-1934, Hiatory of medicine and aur gery
St .' Louis, Bethany preea, •1945, b, . llariah Creek, Ind., 24 lty 1856 from the earliest times. -Portland,
157p, d. Akron, o., 9 F 1934. Ore., Geo. H. Himes, book and job
pr i nter, October 1888.
Christian answers to war questions. Who is Christ and what has he done 178p,
N"" York, Revell, •1943. for mankind?
96p. A melodrame entitl ed treason,
atrategem, and spoils, i n five acts by
The pastoral ministry. Nash- ADAHl, S C Breakapear. .Portland, Ore,, 1852? ,
vil le, Cokeabury press, •1932. b. 32p.
173p. d.
Oregon as i t is; its present and
Pro testantism. cindiana polie, The law and the gospel , Salem, future, by a re side nt for twenty- fi ve
ittee on war aervicea, Diaoi plea Ore,, Author, 1882? yeara, being a re p ly to inquirer s ,
of Chr ist, 1943~ « p. Portland, Ore., Bulletin s t eam bk. and
9p. inc. front cover, job ptg. rooma, 1873,
The Chriatian race; The Lord'• BUP- 6lp.
The Union avenue pulpit. .st. per; and Rightly dividing the word of
Louis, Union avenue Chriatian church, t ruth, skeleton sermons, (In Cory, about
1938- 1942, N. E., ed. The polymathiet, 1877, pp.
13V, 414; 386-3881 and 152-153) Sohafter, Joseph. William Lysan-
Contents: der Adams. (In Dictionary of Amer-
Believe also in Jeaua, no. 3, 1938, ican biography, v. 1, 1928, p, 102)
The carpenter of Nazareth, no. 4, cADAHl, THOMAS, 1798-1831,
1938. b . near Dayton, o., . 1798,
Character defenses, no, 10, 1940. d. Lexington, Ky., 8 lty 1831, ooADAJISOB,HOMER HafARD, 1870-1944,
Christian love, principles of vital b. Springfield , Ind., 10 li 1870. _
living, no. 9, 1940. about see . d, 20 Vy 1944.
Christianity'• mastery of ultimate
peaaimiem, no, 8, 1939. Purviance, Levi. Biographical Radio and other sermon•. Cine in-
Declaration of faith, no, 13, 1942, sketch of Thomae Adame, nati, F. L. Rowe, 1946.
The great white shoulder of dawn,
no, 7, 1939,
J esus eat over againat the treasury, ADAMS,THOMA S H , 1869- ADAMSON
no . ll, 1940. b. North Wales, 3 F 1869, b.
Let's make thie insecurity bleae d. Loveland, 0., d.
ua, no, 12, 1941,
The mind'• part in health and
happineaa, no, 6, 1939,
An old requeat of a new preacher,
The new preacher,
Author, 1903?
Cambridge, o., ~- ...
Artia , Ruth Boll. Hiatory of the
no. l, 193B, lfhy I am a Christian only. (In First Christian church, Republic,
Our church, no. 6, 1938, Lord , J. A., ed. From darknea, to Penna.
Thia ~ad day of rejoicing, no. 2, light, 1907, pp. 197-203)
introduction see ADCOCK,ADA
You and your minieter, St. b,
Loui a, Bethany preee, •1940. Kelley, 0, L, Seventh dayhm d,
168p. x-rayed,
A hundred million years of sorrow.
Are they still callingT1 Toward Indianapolis, U, C, K. s., n,d.
Chris t i an unity . (In International coADAJIS
convent ion, 1936, pp. 297-302; 181- b• Reprinted ·trom the Chr1atian-
. 188) d. Evangeliat

The church and education, (In How Abilene Christian college real-
Willett, H, L., and Buckner, G. 11'., ed. ize• its ideals. (In Abilene Chris- ADCOCJC,ADAIIKE?IBEDY,1870-
Interpreting Oxford, pp. 11-12) tian oollege Bible lecture•, 1934, pp . b. Thorn Grove, Tenn., 12 Ag 1870.
196-207) d.
A time .to be teachable. (In the
Ameri can pulpit aeries, 1946, vol. 7, Acta analyzed1 the keybook, the
pp. 100-111) WILLIAll EDlfARD,18.66-
A.DAMS, beginning book ot the executed B-
b. Medina, o., 16 0 1866, Teatament of cur Lord and Savior Jeeua
d. Christ. Cincinnati, Standard, •1941,
B 28lp,
b, A harmony of vo1ce -thoda I with
d, appended •elections tor analysia, At the feet of Pauli original out-
Opportunity, Wash., Herald print ahop, line•. Cinoinnati, Standard, •1927,
introduction aee •1931. 6911.
Dennie, F. I, Fifty ehort aer- The glorious goapel, the oenter of
1mn,. Tolume two. Pegasus & company, limited, oontain,. Chriltianity, Cincinnati, Standard,
ing one hundred and forty p081118 cwith •1916,
an introduction by llarahall ll'ingtielda 26lp. front, (port.)
4DAJfl, LIONEL, Spokane, Wash., Union 'Ptg. and pub, oo.
b. •1939. Faith. (In lleaohaa, !, J., oomp.
d. cl69,p. front. (ports.) Training to teaoh, •1913, pp. 72-74)
Bow the great gueat oame1 a fantasy
iii one act .rounded on Edwin llarkham'• ADAJIS, WILLIAIILYSABDER,1821-1906. ADIIIS, FRAJl'l, 1841- • (Baptht)
po.., ot the same title. •- York, b . Payneaville, O., 1821,
Sumel French, 1930. d, Hood River, Ore., 1906, Diaciple• and Baptiata. PhiJ.a-.
16p. delpbia, Aaerican Baptist pub. society,
Adkin• - Ainslie A

ADKINS, GRACEREESE, first thirty years' history of Hia Omits p. 122 of appendix: The
b, church. Baltimore, Temple seminary inter-church world movement of
d, press, 1908, North America.
c409,p •
Fragments of song, Gilbert, Ark. Introduction to the study of the
College press, 1938, Benefits of public C, 11', B, V. ser- Biblei being the outline of a full
vices. Indianapolis, C. 1'. B. V., course of .Bible study including a
Sex life of girls and young women. 1897T system of marking the Bible. Bal-
Cincinnati , Standard, •1919. leaflet. timore, Seminary press, •1910.
19lp. 7lp.
Christ or Bapoleon--which? A atudy Printed by Fleet.-llcGinley co.,
of the cure for world militarism and Baltimore,
L F the church's scandal of diTiaion,
b. Bew York, Revell, •1916. The message of the Disciples for
d, 96p. the union of the church, including
their origin and history, Lecture•
The wonder of wonders, Cincin- Christian union, the task ot this deliTered before the Yale DiTinity
nati, Standard, •1918. generation. Baltimore, Commisaion school, New Haven, Hew York, Revell,
167p. on Christian union of the Disciples of •1913,
Christ, c 1914, 212p,
12p. inc. cover. Contents include• The last will
AGEE, CARL, 1889- and testament of the Springfield
b, Owen county, Ky., 13 F 1889, Christian unity problems as applied Presbytery, pp. 141-144; A declar-
d, to the Disciple• of Christ... Bal- ation and address by Thomae Camp-
timore, Association for the promotion bell, pp, 145-210,
Calling a minister. Kansas City, of Christian unity, 1924.
Vo., Christian missionary society, nd. 8p. --, 2d and rev, ed, Bew York,
4p. Cover title. Revell, •1913,
The church'• responsibility for Dioa y yo, Spanish tr. ot God ana
religion in tax-supported eehoola, me. Buenos Aires, 1914. --, 3d and rev, ed, Bew York,
address at the International conTen- Revell, 1913,
tion, 1944. (In Two notable address- The Disciples and our attitude c140,p,
ee, 1944, pp. 13-19) toward other Christiana. Baltimore,
Aaaociation for the promotion ot Vy brother and I, a brief manual of
Christian unity, 1922? principles that make for a wider
AHREIIS,MAURICE RUSSELL,1902- 23p. brotherhood with all ankind, Bew
b. O'Fallen, Ill., 22 B 1902, York, Revell, •1911.
d. The Disciples of Christ and Chris- .61,p,
tian union. Baltimore, Commiasion
with OTHERS ot Christian union of the Disciples ot Plain talks to young men on vital
Christ, 1914, iaauea, St, Louis, Christian pub,
LiTing chemistry by V. R, Ahrens, 8p. co., 1897.
B, F. Bush, and R. K. Easley, Bos- Reprint from The Churclman, March 106p,
ton, Ginn, •1942. 28, 1914. --
Ti, 528, XTiii p, illus. Religion in daily doings, the twen-
God and me, being a brief manual ot tieth bock in the Hew Teatament1 being
the principle• that -ke tor a cloaer a paraphraae and notea on the letter
AINSLIE, PETERI, 1788-1834. relationship of the believer with God. from Jamee, the brother of Jeaua, to
b. near Edinburgh, Scotland, 27 Baltimore, Temple seminary press, 1908, Christiana, Baltimore, Christian
5 1788, .48,p. temple press, 1903,
d, King ll'illiam County, Va., 36p,
1834. Bew Tork, Revell, •1908-
09_--. The scandal ot Christianity,
about aee 48p. Chicago, Willett, 1929,
There are at least two printings of xi, 212p,
Corbin, G. L. The cat let out of the Revell imprint. One has a
the bag1 or, Peter Ainalie um.aked. list of books opposite the fore- Scourge of militarism, Hew York,
word. The other does not. Church peace union, 1916,
AIBSLIE, PETERII, 1816-1887, Handbook of Christian instruction.
b, Va., 25· D 1816. St. Louia, Christian board, 1913. The signs of His coming, St,
d. 22 llr 1887. 32p. Louie, Christian pub, co,, 1900.
Life and writing• ot George w. --, 4th ed. St. Louie, Chris-
Abell. Richmond, Va., ClS11111ittand tian board, n,d. Some experiments in liTing, Bew
Jones, publishers and printers, 1876. 36p. York, Association press, 1933,
227p. front. (110Unted photo) 190p,
Bow to train the devotional life.
Their attitude toward ethers. St. Louis, Christian board. (Bew Studiea in the Old Teatament, be-
(In Tyler, J. z., ed. The Disciple• standard teacher training courae) ing a companion Tolulll8 to •studiea in
ot Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp. 109- the Goapel• and Acta• and "Studiea in
116) If not a united church--whatT The the lpiatlea and Apocalypae•, St.
Reinicker lecture• at the Protestant Louia, Christian pub. co., •1907,
Epiacopal theological aeminary in 366p,
AIBSLII, PETERIII, 1867-1934. Virginia. Bew York, ReTell; •1920. "Studiea in the Goepel• and Acta"
b. Dunnaville, Va., 3 Je 1867, 132p. (The Chri1tian unity hand- and "Studiea in the lpiatlea and
d, Baltimore, lld., 24 F 1934 • book aeries, T, l) Apooalypae" were never published,
.Alllong the Ooapel• and the Acta, --. WewYork, .ReTell, •1920. Ten leeeons on training the dno-
being notes and coanenta cOTering the l30p. (The Chrhtian unity hand- tional life, St, Louie, Christian
lite ot Chriat in the tleah, and the book aerie•, T, 1) board, •1919,
A Ainslie - Alexander

pp. 257-335. (New standard (In Dictionary of American biogra phy, I believe in tithing, cindia p-
teacher training course) vol. 21, 1944, pp. 16-16) apolis, Unified promotion,
Towards Christ i an unity. Balti- about see
more, Association for the promotion King Solomon'• temple and Chris-
of Christian unity, 1918. Idleman, F. s. Peter Ainslie, tianity. , Lincoln, !leb., Reporter
105p. ambassador of good will. pub. co., 1935,
»oore, W. T. New liv i ng pulpit 4lp,
The un1'1niehed task of therefor- of the Christian church.
mation. Baltimore, Temple seminary The principle of the tithe.
preee, 1910. Lincoln, Neb., Reporter pub. co.,
B .1939,
b. c48~p •
--. Cincinnati, American
Christian missionary society, n.d. The scriptural b~ais for the tit .he.
12p. Faithfulness , The New Testament Lincoln, !leb,, Reporter pub. co,,
Lord's day ; The spiritual uae of the 193-T
The -y of .prayer. Jlew York, Lord ' s day. (In Meacham, E. J., 32p.
Revell, •1924. oomp. Training to teach, •1913, pp,
205p. 114-115; 7-10; 13-15) Chicago, Layman co,
(Pamphlet no. 39)
--, .rev. and reprinted, Bal-
timore, Christian temple pres,, 1930, AINSWORTH
, T J Cincinnati, Standard,
•1924, •1930. b. 32p.
205p. d.
Who owna the world? and On the
What must I do to be saved? Cin- Life ot Sydney Black. Birming- 1quare. Chicago, Layman co,
cinnati, Standard. ham, England, Churches of Christ pub. l6p, (Pamphlet no. 18)
pamphlet, committee, 1911.
218p. with DUNNING,G. B.
Working with God1 or, the atory of
a twenty-five year pastorate in Bal- The Royal priesthood. .Lin-
timore. St. Louis, Christian board, , THOMAS
AKERS coln, Neb., Reporter pub, co., n.d,,
•1917. cB~p.
383p. front. (port.) plates. ed.
debate with
Alexander Campbell . (In Campbell, . A collection of original sermons, ----- HANNA, W. H.

Alexander. The Campbell year book, contributed by mini sters of various Debate on the tithe. Lincoln,
1909, pp. 5-8) denominations to raise meana for the !leb., Reporter pub. co,, 1936.
erection of a female college in 176p,
The attainment of freedom. (In Greensburg, Ky. 1852? Reprint from The Christian stan-
Speight, H. E. B., ed. Week day ser- Contains sermon by A. Campbell, dard.
mons in King'• chapel, 1925, pp . 83- also an attack upon A. Campbell,
89) Su111111&ry
and concluding rebuttal
debate on the tithe. Lincoln,
Brotherly kindness. (In Meacham, ALBER, JOHNGODFRED,1866- !leb. , Reporter pub. co., n,d,
E. J., oomp. Train1ng to teach, •1913, b. Essex, Ia., 25 My 1866. pp. 161-176,
pp, 178-179)

Commemorative addre1e. (In Bringing the impact of the total ALEXAIIDER,CARTER,1881-

Smyth, Nen,an. Reoolleotione and re- work of state missions on the life of b, Paris, Ko,, 22 Jl 1881,
fle ctions, 1926, pp. ) the brotherhood. Lincoln , Neb.,
National association state secretaries,
The Dieoiplee and unity. (In cl 930, Alexander library exeroiaee1 tor
Committee on-rand the religiou1 24p. uee with the same author's How to
outlook . Christian unity, 1921, pp. locate educational information and
) The. choice of a God, .address deli- data, New York, Teachers college,
vered at the, seventieth annual state Columbia university, 1936,
The pain of thinking. (In Moore, convention, Churches of Christ, Bea- lOlp,
W. T., ed. The new living pulpit of trice, Neb., June 8, 1937.
the Christian church, 1918, pp. 339- Sp. folder. Alexander library experienoee1 tor
345) use with the aeoond edition of How to
The claims of Christ~ 1932, locate educational information and
H. C. data, N- York, Teacher's college,
God's twin laws1 eternal, inmiutable, Columbia university, 1941,
A book of Christian worship for unchangeable,.. .Chicago, Lay,an l58p,
voluntary uae among Dieoiplee of oo., 1916,
Christ and other Christiana. Balti- 18p. inc. front oover. (Pamph- --, Instructor1• manual,,.
more, Seminary house press, 1923. let no. 17)' New York, Teachers college, Columbia
l95p. university, 1941 ,
-. 3d ed, Bethany, Heb,, l6p,
introduction see Jlebraeka Christian missionary 1ooiety,
n,d, Around the World almanac in eighty
Christian unity league. Equality 79p. questions, first eer'iea for 1937 world
ot all Christiane before God. almanac . .New York. Author, •1937,
lerehner, F, D. Christian bap- The golden wedge that separates man 24p,
tiam, from God, Lincoln, Neb,, Reporter
Pound, J.P., ed . Voioee ot the pub, co,, •1936, Educational re1earch1 suggestion•
age. 16p, and 1ourcea ot data with 1pecitic
references to adlllini1tration, with
about --, 2d ed,
porter pub. oo.,
Linocrln, !leb.,
Re- the cooperation ot George D. Strayer,
I. C, Engelhardt, and Paul R. Kort,
Archer, J. c. Peter Ainslie. l6p. New York, Teachers college, Columbia
cover title,
Alexander - Alger A

univeraity, 1927. university, 1927. ALEY, MAXWELL,

v, 4lp, 69p. b,
--, 2d ed. rev. New York, oomp,
Teachers college, Columbia uniTeraity, Barnatormero1 an aooount of the
1929. Bibliography on educational finance; barnstorming of barnstormers ot the
v, 77p. reviewed and presented under the aua- Barnville, ed. from the record kept
pioea of the American council on edu- by Bob. N"" York, Scribner, 1914
--, 3d ed. enl. and rev. N"" cation. New York, Macmillan, 1924, Tiii, 29lp. front,, plates,
York, Teachers college, Columbia uniT- vi, 261p. (Educational finance
erai ty, 1931. inquiry co111miesione. Publications, joint~ aee
v, ll 5p. v. 4)

How to locate educational informa•

tion and data1 a text and reference
book, New York, Teacher• college,
~-Educational finance etudieo1 summar-
Aley, R. J.
and i ta people.
Story of Indiana

Columbia university, 1935. ies and evaluations for school admin- ALEY, ROBERTJUDSON,1863-1935,
XXTi, 272p. istrators of recent educational.. finance b. Coal city, Ind,, 11 Jfy 1863,
dissertations at Teachers college, d, 18 N 1935,
--, 2d ed. greatly rev., im - Columbia university. New York,
prOTed and expanded. New York, Teachers college, Columbia university, Contributions to the geometry of
Teacher• college, Columbia univeraity, 1931. the triangle, Philadelphia, Univ-
1941. Ti, 92p. ersity of Pennaylvania, 1897,
xiT, 439p. illus: 32p.
~- with COVERT,TIMON Thesis, Ph.D., University of
Publicity work tor better support Pennsylvania, 189_7?
of rural school. cBloomington, · Bibliography on educational finance,
Ill., Public school pub. oo., 1923, 1923-1931. .Waahington, OoTt. ptg. Graph•. Boston, Heath, 1902.
13p. . ' office, 1932. v, 2lp. (Heath's -thematioal
Reprinted from the Journal ot edu- x, 343p. (U. S. Office ot edu- monographs, no, 6)
oational research, January 1923, cation, Bulletin, 1932, no. 16)
Articulation of higher and second-
Sohool statistics and publicity, ary education thru teaching and teaoh-
Booton, Silver, Burdette and co., H
ALEXA!IDER, H er11 Book, and high achool pupil11
•1919, Care of exceptional children in the
xix, 332p. illus. (Beverley The life of Guiteau and the offi- grade11 Care of freahmen in large
educational aeries) cial hiatory of the moot exciting oaae univeraitie11 The oonaolidation ot
on record; being the trial of Guiteau aohoola1 Cooperation in eduoation1
Some preeent aspeota ot the work for aaaaaainating Pres. Garfield.,, Forty years ot the National oounoil of
ot teacher•' Toluntary aaaooiationa Cincinnati, Forahee & l!oVakin, •1882, education; The health of eohool ohil•
in the United States. N8W York, 856p, front., platea, ports. dren1 The high aohool atudent and the
T-cher1 college, Columbia univeraity, At head of t-p: The beat ia al-ya book; Mathematica in the grade11 Ob-
1910. the cheapeat--Beware of imitation•, ligation, and opportunitiea ot the
vii, _J.09p. aohoola during the -r1 Preaident•a
Thesis: Ph. D. . Co!umoia univer- · addreaaea ~to the National council ot
JOHNBRUCE, eduoation, (In National education
Published al10 ae Contribution• to b. aeaooiation. Journal of prooee~i111ge
eduoatfon, Teachers college, no, 36. and addreaaee, 1909, pp. 198-20:fj
1909, pp. 844-848; 1910, pp. 881-8861
Tomorrow'• librarie1 for teacher• Early Babylonian lettera and econ- 1908, pp. 880-686; 1910, pp. 276-2771
colleges; a check liat to aid in a&- omic texta. N8W Haven, Yale uniTer- 1917, pp. 32-361 1920, pp. 144-1471
ouring library plant and equipment 1ity pre••, 1943, 1911, pp. 544-5491 1918, pp. 454-4571
equal to the expected demand• on these 39p. (Babylonian inaoriptiona in 1908, ·pp. 669-575; 1917, pp. 1621
inatitutiona. . Oneonta, N. Y., Amer- the oolleotion of Janie• B. Niea, Tol.7 : 191~, pp. 361-363)
ioan aaaooiation of teaohera colleges,
cl944, Turning on light• caermona, with ALEY, JfillfELL.
60p. diaga. Portland, lie., Falmouth pub. house,
1940. Story of Indiana and ita people,
Superviaion ot achool librariea, cl44,p, Chicago, o. P, Barnes, 1912,
(In National education aaaociation, 317p. front,, illua,, plate,, -p•.
and proceeding•, 1919, pp,
D, A,
with TUISD, w·. W. The eaaentiala of Algebra, tor
aeoondary aohoola. •ew
York, SilTer,
Publioity oaapaigna tor better When auooeaa beoomea failure, Burdett and oo,, 1904.,
aohool aupport. Yonlcera-on-Hudaon, (In Abilene Chriatian oollege Bible v, 296p. (Standard aerie• of
•. Y., World bk. oo., 1921, leoturea, 1928-1929, pp. 61-61) •the•tioa}
Tii, 1&4.p. (Sohool ettioienoy
monograph a) Sunday aohool work. (In Tulaa •- York, Silver, Burdett
leoturea, 1988, pp. 122-128) and co.,•1906.
with OTHERS v, 3llp, (Standard aeriea ot
Index tor a aohool report1 a pamph- ooALEXAIIDn, SARAHCORm.IA (BORDD)
let to be uaed to reduoe a auperinten- b, Supple-ntary problema in algebra,
dent•a work in deoiding what to inolude
in the allbUal aohool report, and to
•ke ita oontenta aooeaaible to aohool Ai .lenroo' a boolca ooapoaed of poe .. ALGER, HORATIO,JR., 1834-1899,
W!>rkera and the publio, by Carter and atoriea, •aahrtlle, Ooapel ad• (Unitarian)
A_lexander, Ada B. Viele, George A, vocate, 1899,
Selke, Berman I>unoan and Paul Boyd, 206p. front. (port,) plate, From canal boy to preaident, or
•- York, Teaohera oollege, Columbia the boyhood and aanhood ot Jaaea A,
Garfield. New York, John R. Ander-
A Alger - Allen

son & co., 1881. ALLE!f, ERNESTBOU~, Great quest. Springf i eld, Ill.,
334p. front. (ports.) plates. b, Spring field college of ID\llic and allied
arts, •1918.
--. New York, American pub- 34p .
li sher• corporation, •1881. The resurrection of Peter, Easter
vi, 5 - 334p. front. (port.) plates. drama. The lovers of Skye, illus, byW. B.
(Berkeley aeries) 6p. King. Indianapolis, Bobbs, •1913,
Mimeographed. 26lp. front,, plates,

1900- The maker of joys. Kansas Cit y,
b. Riding mountain, Manitoba, ALLEN,FRANKGIBBS, 1836-1887, Greyfriars' shop, •1907.
Canada, 1900. b, near LaGrange, Ky., 7 Mr 1836, ,43,p.
d. Trimble county, Ky., 6 Ja 1887,
My ship's aground. 1900,
The -y
of Christ in a world of Autobiography of Frank G, Allen,
pain. (In International convention, minister of the gospel, and selections Painted windows. Springfield,
1942, pp. 262-269) from hi• writings, ed, by Robert Ill,, Springfield college _of ID\1Sic
Graham. Cincinnati, Guide ptg. and and allied arts, •1918,
pub. co., 1887. 184p.
ALLEN, A E xiii, 259p,
b. ,ings of beauty: a breviary of
d. The old -path pulpiti a book of ori- beauty . Long Beach, Calif . , P,.'b-
ginal doctrinal sermon•. Nashville, lished by F, 11'. Allen at Unity meta-
The great question, are you a Gospel advocate, 1898, •1886. physical library and atudio, •1929,
Chri stian? Chicago, Oracle pub. co. 350p. 24p.
--, a new ed. without change from
the original manuaoripta, Nashville, cALLEN, IRA WILDER, 1827-
ALLEN, EDGARWILLIAM, 1868- Gospel advocate, 1940., b.
b. Elyria, O., 1868. 349p. front, (port.) d.

"Rev." S. Noland'• pamphlet, en- A collection of facta; hiatory of

A leaaon in miaaionary geography. titled "Christiana, or Disciples", re- the riae, difficultiea and suspension
Cincinnati, F. C. »: s. viewed, with an introduction by J. 11'. of Antioch college; containing letters
pamphlet. McGaney. Lexington, ly., Tran- and atatements from Professors Horace
aylvania ptg. and pub. oo., 1877. Ma.nn, W. H, Doherty, T. Holmea, .• ,
A le11on on bookkeeping. Cin- 8lp, Colu mbus, O., J . Geary & son, 1868,
ci nnati, F. C. M. s. 240p.
pamphlet. Our etrength and our wealmeaa;
Rebuilding Jeruaalem, (In Sweeney,
The practical working of the for- z. T., ed. New Teatament Chriatian- ALLEN,J F
eign aociety; expense and support. ity, 1926, vol, 2, pp, 238-2591 82- b.
Cincinnati, F. C. M. s. 112) · d,
How I beoame simply a Christian.
The target of the critics
Cincinnati, F. c. M. s.
shafia. -----
debate with

ll'hat shall we do about

, J. W.

the organ?
(In Lord, J . A,, ed. From darkneaa to
light, 1907, pp. 21~218)
pamphlet. Anewer to a letter of inquiry,
Covington, ·1y., Guide ptg, and pub, co.,
Workable plans for everybody. 1886. ALLEN,J S
Cincinnati, F. C. M. s. 29p. b,
pamphlet. d,
about eee
A year'• work analyzed, digested. Dialogue on Christian union,
Cinoinnati, F. C. M. s. lokendoffer, A. W. F. G. Allen, 1865.
pamphlet, 34p.

introduotion aee ALLEll, FIWIK WALLER,1878-1937, Pardon of aina. Bethany, llo.,

b, Trimble oounty, ly., 30 S 1878, Author, 1868.
Heneey, A. F. Opala from Africa, d, Calif., 1937, 32p.

Back to A.ready, Beaton, Turner, Pardon of aina, a conTereation be-

ALLER, EWARD L , 1846- 1905. tween a llethodiat and a Disciple, and
b, Roohester, I. Y., 10 Ja 1846, 157p. front, the pardon of aine,
d. 47p.
·Bew York, Grouet and Dun-
Are you a Chriatian? St, Louh, lap, •1905,
John Burne. 167p, front, coALLEN, JAMESA
--. St, Louie, Chrietian board, Bread and love, 1914,

--. Cinoinnati, Standard, Brothers of Bagdad. 1916, Alia• "Campbelliem•, reTiew or

"Blood before water and Chriet before
Pentecost. the churoh" by J. H, Grime, Jaah-
Creative 1_1Ting, 2d ed . enl, July
ville, Goepel adTooate, 1927,
1930. Lon~ Beaoh, Calif •• Pubiished
The power of hie reaurrection. by the author at Unity metaphysical 83p.
library and etudio, ·•1930,
Unto ua a eon ia born; a Chri•~• Repent ye, and be bapti&ed,
carol, Pittaburgh, A. W. llcCloy & 4p.
oo., 1906, - The golden road; with illua, and
decoration• by George Hood, ,.,. Who haa the authority to aay?
York, Weaaella & Biaaell oo., 1910. 4p.
228p. front., p,latea.

Allen - Allerdice A

ALLEN, JAMESLANE, 1849-1925. How to conduct mother'• clubs, Philadelphia, Vir pub. co.,
b. near Lexington, Ky., 21 D 1849. Cooper,town, H. Y., Arthur H. Crist. •1928.
d. 18 F 1925. 194p. (Self and sex aeries)
Ideal married life. New York,
The reign of law, a tale of the Revell. What a young woman ought to know.
Kentucky hemp fields, with illus. by Philadelphia, Vir pub. oo., 1898,
Barry Fenn and J. c. Earl. New --. Cooperstown, N. Y., Ar- 264p. (Self and sex aeries)
York, Macmillan, 1900. thur H. Crist,
385p. front., plate,. Former title: Marriage. , new rev. ed. Philadelphia,
Description of Kentucky university. • Vir pub, oo., 1905.
Keep mother and me intimate. 272p, (Self and eex aeries)
Cooperstown, N. Y., Crist, Scott &
ALLEN, JOSEPHHENRY,1859- Parahall, •1907. -- Philadelphia, Vir pub. co.,
b. Nellon county, Ky., 7 Ja 1859. .7.p. (American motherhood l~af- •1913.
d. leta, no, 31) 272p. (Self and sex aeries)

How Cli,riatian unity came to Alpha 1 lit.king the beet of our ohildren1 Philadelphia, Vir pub. oo .•
a atory designed to ahow how the Chris- ed . by Roee Wood Allen Chapman. •1928.
tian people of a amall town threw off Chica go, McClur e , 1909, 272p. (Self and sex aerie•)
the yoke of denominationaliam and by 2 vol;
oombining their strength and energy
and meana, built up a church that be- The man wonderful: the marveh of ALLEN, MERRITTPARMELEE,1892-
came an honor to Christ and a blesaing our bodily dwelling, 4th ed. Boaton ,
to the whole town and the co111111Unity Educational pub. co., •1895-1903. William Walker, filibuster.
1urrounding. Cincinnati, Standard, 328p. front., plates. New York, Harper, 1932,
•1921. Former title, .Marvels of our bod- 177p. front. (port.) double map.
24,lp. ily dwelling. (The long rifle serio•)

Marriage, ita dutiea and privileges

ALLEN, MARY(WOOD),1811-1908. a book for all hutbanda and wives. ALLEN, PHILLIP LORING, 1878-1908 ;
b. New York, Revell, 1901.
d. 422p, America's awakening; the triumph
Later title, Ideal married life, of righteou1ne11 in high plaoe,,
Adoleaoence. Cooperatown, N, Y., New York, Revell, •1906.
Crist, Scott & Parshall, •1907. The marvel, of our bodily dwelling • 288p. front. (port.) port,,
• 10.p. (American motherhood Physiolo,;y made interest i ng. Suitable Content, include: Cle~eland and
leaflets, no. 32) as a textbook or reference book in the three-cent fare .Tom Lofton
school,, or for plea,ant home reading. John1on.
Almoat a -n. Ann Arbor, Mich,, Ann Arbor, Mich., Wood-Allen pub. oo.,
14. Wood-Allen, .1896, 1895.
39p, illue, 275p, illu,., plate,. ALLEN, RICHARDT
Ann Arbor, 14ich., Wood- --. Ann Arbor, Jlich., Wood-
Allen pub. oo,, •1895, Allen pub, co., 1895,
42p. illu,. 275p."'\. 16p. front. (port,) illu,., The layman in the world program of
plates. the church. (In International con-
---. new ed. Ann Arbor, Mich., vention, 1938, pp. 350-356)
Wood-Allen pub. co., 1903. --. Ann Arbor, Mich., Wood-
96p. (Teaching truth 1erift1) Allen pub. oo., 1896.
276p, front. (port,) illus., plates. ALLEN,THOMAS
IIILLER, 1797-1871.
Cooperatown, N. Y., Crist, b. Shenandoah county, Va., 21 0
Scott & Parahall, •1907. , with an introduction by Syl- 1797.
99p. front, (port.) illus. vannu·s Stahl. Philadelphia, Vir pub. d, Columbia, Mo., 10 0 1871.
(Teaching truth series) co., •1915.
328p. front. (port.) illus., plate,. about
Almost a woman1 new ed. Ann Ar-
bor, llich., Wood-Allen pub. oo., 1903. ----,,6th ed.. Philadelphia, Vir Starr, H. E. Thomas M. Allen.
98p. (Teaching truth aerie•) pub. oo., •1916. (In Dictionary of American biography,
328p. front, (port.) illu1, vol, 1, 1928, p. 207)
Cooperatown, N. Y., Criat,
Scott & Parehall, •1907, A noble father, Cooperstown, N. about aee
Y., Crist, Scott & Parshall, •1907.
Baby'• fir1t1, Ann Arbor, 14ioh., .8,p. (American motherhood leaf- Bole,, H. L. Biographical
Wood-Allen pub. co., cl898. let1, no. 10) aketohe1 of gospel preaohera.
43p. Tiera, M. C. Chriatian portrait
Parent a I probleme. Cooperatoorn, gallery,
Caring for the baby. Cooper1town, N, Y., Cri,t, Scott & Parehall, 1907,
~- Y,, Crist, Scott & Par1hall, 1907, 342p. (Teaching truth aerie•)
120p, front. (port,) (Teaching ccALLDI, WILLIS H
truth aeriea) Teaching truth. Ann Arbor, llich., b.
Wood-Allen pub. oo., 1903. d.
Child-conf'idence rewarded. Ann 97p. (Teaching truth aerie,)
Arbor, Jlich., Wood-Allen pub, co,, Our Savior'• prayer for unity,
1903, • Cooper1town, H, T., Criet, (In Rowe, F. L., ed, Our Savior'•
47p. port. (Teaching truth aeriea) Scott & Parshall. prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 7-10)
103p. (Teaching truth aerie•)
Cooper1town, H. T., Cri1t,
Scott & Par1hall. What a young girl ought to know, ALLERDIC!,MRS.! D
Philadelphia, Vir pub. oo., 1897,
A friendly letter to boy,, Coop- 190p. (Self and HX aeriea) . Over the hill to the white houae
er1town, N. T., Criat; Scott & Parahall, cpoem, Hew York, 1881.
c6ap. (.American motherhood leaf-
--, n"" rev. ed,
Vir pub. oo., •1905,
Philadelphia, 28p.
A Garfield itea,
leta. no. 29) l94p. (Self and 1ex aerie•)
A Allhands - Ame•
ALI.HARDS,EDMUND SPENCER,.1862-1940. The Disciples of Christ, their Ne,r York, Red label re-
b. Ozark, Ark., 18 Je 1862. growth, their heritage, their timeli- prints, ,1931. •1910.
d . Arkadelphia, Ark.~ 21 Ag 1940. ness, ,an address given at the annual ,xii. ,428.p.
convention of the Disciples of Christ
With the Master. St. Louie, of Northern California, San Joae, The reincarnation of Christ; a
Christian pub. oo., 1909. Jul y 1943. ,Chicago, Author, 1943. sermon. n.d.
49p. 46p , inc, front coTer, 16p,
-. . ,2d ed.. . ,Chieag_o, Autlior, Religion. Ne,r York, Holt, •1929.
W 1944. vi, 324p.
b. 46p. ino, front cover.
d. Ne,r York, Red label re-
The Disciples of Christ today. prints, ,1931, •1929.
,A new commentary on Revelation. pamphlet. ,vii, 324p,

The divinity of Christ. Chicago, Religion as enrichment of life •••

PULPIT SERIES. The Bethany preaa, The ne,r Christian Chicago, Author, n.d.
oentury co., •1911, , 16p.
The American pulpit aeries. New 123p.
York, Nashville, Abingdon-Cokesbury Religious values and the practical
preaa, •1946. The friendship of Jesus, 1904, absolute,
Bv. 19p.
Contents include: Vol. 7, Adams, The higher individualism, Boston, (Reprinted from the International
Hampton, A time to be teachable, pp. Houghton, •1915. Journal of ethics, vol. xxxii, no,
100-1111 Vol. 6, Corey, s. J., The cl62.p, . 4, July, 1922)
first oentury church, its missionary
passion, pp. 110-124; Vol. 7, Fortune, Humanism. ,Chicago, Chicago lit- Theology from the standpoint of
A. w., Doea prayer make any differenoe? erary club, 1931. f'unotional psychology. 1906.
pp. 26-361 Vol. 2, Jones, E. D., If I 33p. Reprinted from The American Jour-
sat where they sit, pp. 36-51. nal of Theology.
Invisible companions, 1928,
Theory in practice,
AMES, EDWARDSCRIBNER,1870- The isolation of the Christian 29p.
b. Eau Claire, Wia., 21 Ap 1870. religion. n,d. Reprinted from Fenn, V. T, A,, ed.
Contemporary American theology,
A lenten sermon. 1904. vol, 2, 1933,
Agnosticism in ita hiatorioal
deTelopment. 1896. Letters to God and the deTil with Three great worda of religion--
Theaia: Ph.D., Univeraity of an introduction by Burris A. Jenkins. faith-hope-lave, Chicago, author,
Chicago, 1896, Ne,r York, Harper, 1933. n , d.
viii, ll3p. (Harper'• monthly ·. 15p.
Associate church membership. pulpit)
1903. The validity of the idea of God,
Liberalism in religion. Chicago, Reprinted for priTate circulation
Can religion be taught? University church of the Disciple• of from The Journal of religion, vol,
9p. Christ, n,d. 1, no, 5, September, 1921,
Reprinted from Religious eduoation, 18p.
January 1930. Originally published UndenOlllinational religion.
as chapter 19 in his Religion, 1929, The mission of the Disciples. 1938,
1902. c7~p.
The ohallenge of the Christian 16p. Reprinted from the Bouse news of
ministry; The Jennie Cutler Shumate the Disciples diTinity house,
lectureship on the Christian ministry. The new orthodoxy. Chicago, Uni- llavember, 1938.
,Lynchburg, Va,, Lynohburg college, versity of Chicago preaa, •1918.
1941. ix, 127p. Whither Disciples? Chicago,
12p. (from Lynchburg oollege, University church of Diaciplea of
vol. 3, no. 6, March, 1941) Chicago, UniTersity of Christ, 1939,
Chicago press, •1926, c29op,
Chriatian union and the Disoiplea xxv, 127p.
or Christ. Cinoinnati, A. C. M. s. Christianity and modern acientifio
8p, Open letters on religion and demo- thinking, (In Haydon, A, E., ed.
cracy, science, industry, technocracy, Modern trend• in world religions,
Conapectus of the University church leisure. Chicago, UniTerdty ohuroh 1934, pp. 26-33)
of ·the Disciples or Christ. of the Disciples of Christ, , 1933.
pamphlet. 56p. The Disciple• and higher eduoation.
(In International convention, 1938,
The differenoe between churches, an Order• for the co11111111nion
service, pp. 226-239)
anniveraary sermon, October 7~ 1917, Chicago, UniTersity church of the Dia-
l5p. oiples of Chriat, n.d. The far horizon, (In Newton, J.
27p. F., ed. Beat sermons, 1927, pp. )
Disciples, baptism, and union,
8p, A personal confession of fai11h, Biatory of the Campbell institute,
Reprinted from the Chriatian-Evan- 1902. (In Willett, B, L., ed. Progress,
geliat of May 26, 1938, 15p. anniTeraary Tolume of the Campbell
institute, 1917, pp. 36-43)
The Disciples of Christ. Chicago, Practicing Christian union, Chi-
Author, 1924. cago, Hyde Park ·Christian church, 1916. 'fm•niam, (In Campbell inati-
22p, 19p. tuta. Trends of modern religion,
There are at least fiTe printing• 1930, pp. 6-9)
or this pamphlet. The psychology of religioua experi-
ence. Beaton, Boughton, •1910, In the twentieth century. (In
,xii. ,428.p, Hyde Park ohuroh of Christ, 1894-1919,

Ames - Anderaon A

Twenty-ri~h anniTeraary, 1919, pp. Garrieon, W. E., ed. Faith of Indianapolis, C. W. B. 11., 1915.
11-13) the free. leaflet.
Koral education or the training
school immte. (In National confer- AMES, VAN METER, 1898- ANDERSON,GEO RGE M , 1863-1932.
ence for social work, Proceedings, b, b. Austr alia, 13 Je 1863.
1919, pp. 125-129) d. Riverside, Calif., 26 N 1932.

lly ida of God, (In Newton, J. Aesthetics of the nDTel. Chica- His mother; a ·,tory of our Lord 11.a
F., ed. lly idea or God, 1926, pp. go, University of Chicago press, 1928. to ld by Mary, His mother, Jose ph,
235-260) ix, 22lp. M&.ryof Bethany. St. Louis, Bethany
pre ss, •193 0,
The myatica1 their experience• and Introduction to beauty. New York, 93p.
their doctrine, (In Sixth inter- Harper, 1931.
national congreaa or philoaophy. Pro- xii, 280p. !lo work, no wages. (In Lord, J.
ceedings, 1926, pp. ) A., ed, On the Lord's day, •19 04 ,
Out of Iowa, a poem. New York, pp. 255-258)
Prayer. (In Soares, T. G., ed. Henry Barriaon, •1936,
UniTeraity of Chicago sermons, •1915, 96p. The resurrection. (In lleach11.m,
pp. 166-178) E. J., comp . Training to teach,
Proust and Santayana , the 11.eathe- •1913, pp. 107-108)
The present outlook in philosophy tic -y of life. Chio11.go, Willett,
of religion. (In Wieman and Meland, 1937.
ed. American philosophies or reli- vii, 176p. ANDERSON,HENRYTOMPKINS,1812-1872.
gion, 1936, pp. 332-337) b . Caroline county, Va., 27 Ja
Philosopher and minister. (In 1812.
Radical protest'l,ntiam. ~In C11.mpbelland lloaeley, eds. lly d11.d, d. Washington, D. C., 19 S 1872.
Braden, C. s., ed. Varieties or 1938, pp. 9-14)
American religion, 1936, pp. 63-76) Summary of Christian doctrine.
Religious fiction. (In Garrison, 18507
Relig~on in then" age. (In W. E., ed. Faith of the free, 1940, 32p.
Friedman, _E. M., ed. ~rica and ~he pp. 110.122)
n .. era, 1920, pp. 10.13) Jesus of llatareth ia the Thean-
thropos. (In Moore, W. T., ed.
Religioua ceremonial• and their ocA1lIS, J~S THOMAS,1876-1944. The living pul pit of the Christi11.n
eymboliam. (In Bower, W. c., ed, b. • 1876. church, 1867, Pl'• 71-83)
The church at work in the aodarn world, d. Springfield, Ko., 30 lly_1944,
1935, pp. 80.106) !lo king but Caesar, ekeleton se r -
Civilization and war. mon. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The
Raligioua Taluaa ancl philosophical 80p. polymathist, 1877, pp . 340.341)
oritioiam. (In Eaaaya in honor or
John Dewey· on the oooarlon or hie tr.
aeTentieth birthday, October 20, 1929, ANDERSEN,R P
1929, pp. 23-36) b. The New Testament translated from
d .... the original Greek. Cincinnati ,
Social idealism in it1 relation to Published for the author, 1864.
the ..,otional life or the child. Back to Christ. • In the llorwe- 569p.
(In Chicago association for child study gian language,
and parent education. The child'• Cinci~nati, Published for
emotion•, 1930, pp. 265-266) the 11.uthor, 1866.
Theory in practice. (In Ferm, V. b.
T. A., ed. Contemporary American -- , rev. ed. Louisville, Ky.,
theology, 1933, Tol. 2, pp. 1-2) John P. Morton & co., 1866,
Stolen gode . (In Thornton, E. 'If,, 668p.
The T&lua of theology. (In ed. Phillipa university sermons, 1929,
Garrison, .J. B., ed. Our first con- pp. 166-164) --. Louisville, Ky., Stereo-
gress, 1900, pp. 17-61) typed and print ed for the author by
John P. Uorton & co., 1866.
cSeTeral itema. . (In Leiffer, ll. A!IDERSOB,DOROTHY
II 408p.
B., ed. In that case, 1938) b.
Birmingham, !ngl11.nd,
with OTHERS printed for 11.ndpublished by David
with ANDERSOB,LOIS KARIE. King, cl867,
11:xpari-nta in paraonal religion 370p.
by Edward Scribner Amee, William c. Be lives to aene. (In Campbell
Bowar ••• and Herbert L. Willett ••• , an and lfoaeley, eda, Vy dad, 1938, pp. The» .. Teat11.ment, tr11.nalated from
outline atudy courae, Chicago, Amer- 15-20) the Sin&itic manuscript diaoOTered by
ican inatitute of 1acred literature, Constantine Tiaohendorf at llt, Sinai
•1928, · cwith a preface by Pickett Anderson
Tii, 16lp. ilDBRSOI, FLOREBCB Timmons. Cincinnati, Stand.11.rd,
Content• include: Religious axper- b. •1918.
·hnoe throu gh loyalty to a gre~t cauee, d. 320p.
by Edwards. Amee, pp. 81-921 Religioua
experience through criai1 in 1nd1T1daal Zenaida. Philadelphia, Lippin- about
growth and social experience byWilliu, oott, 1848,
C. Bower, pp. 121-1331 and Religiou1 374p. Starr, B. E. Henry Tompkins And-
experience through the 1truggle of erson. (In Dictionary of American
life, by Herbert L. Willett, pp. 61-76, biography, vol. 1, 1928, pp. 265-266)
about 1ee b, about aee
Alllea, Van Meter, Philoeopher and Boles, H. L. Biographical
lldlliater, n,,. lliuionary -y an opportunity. sketches of gospel preacher• • .
A Anderson - Archer

Moore, W. T. Living pulpit of debate with JfolfABB,

t he Christi an church.
Tiers, M. C. Christi an portrait Anders on, D. lf. He lives to serv~ Diacuasion of the Sabbath queation.
r;allery. Sharon, Pa., Author, 1876?
Wil liams, J. A. Reminiscences.
Wingfield , Marshall. History of ANDERSON,ORRINTODD,
Car oline county, Va. l/. APPLEGATE,J MERLE, 1903-
b. Corvallis, Ore., 1903.

, J E ed.
b. Viaions of victory. (In Inter-
Social adventures with Jesus, a national oonvention, 1941, pp. 276-
repo r t of the second youth convention 282)
What i s valid baptism? Hopkins- of Disciples of Christ, Columbu1,
ville , Ky., 1915, Ohio, April 19-22, 1928, containing
addreaaes, findings, resolutions. AQUILA, paeud. see WILKES, J, C.
St . Louie, Christian board, cl92Ba
ANDERSON, JAMES , 1837- 187p. ports.
b. Clarkston, England, 23 N 1837. Cont ents, ARCENEAUX, J EARLY
d. Addreeaes by o. T, Anderson, Ger- b.
trude Badgley, Gertrude Ball, L. D,
Acts , sub jec ts and design of ~ap- Cartwright, R. lf, David, A. W.
tism. Birmingham, England, Churches Fortune, R.R. Gray, Willard Har- lformoniam, a ayatem of infidelity,
of Chris t pub. co. mon, A. V. Havens , Edward Helmik, Au1tin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d ,
24p. W. B. Lookhart, s. J . llathieaon, 69p.
Franklin lfinck, Thelma Robinson,
An outline of my life; or selec- E. E. Snoddy, Gertrude Stokes, E. On J, R, Cowan'• trail, Austin,
tions from a fifty years reli gious L. Sullivan, lfelaon Toles, J . lf. Tex,, Firm foundation,
experienc e . Birmingham, England, Turner, and B, E, Watson, 38p.
Pub. committee of churc he s of Christ,
1912. How to get into the church, faith1
187p. ANDERSON,WILLIAM,1848-1906. The identity of the chur ch; the pro-
b, Maur y county, Tenn., 19 O 1848. aiae, the law and the go1pel1 lforahip
d. 29 Je 1906 . in the program of a Chriatian citizen,
RSON, J OHN FI SHER. 1872- The worship of the church: oomM1nion
b. about eee and fellowahip: prayer and prai1e.
(In Abilene Chriatian college Bible
Boles, H. L, Biographical lecture•, 1933, pp. 64-701 1933, pp.
An endeavorer'• working journey sketches of gospel preaohers. 92-971 1920-21, pp. 217-2261 1941,
ar ound the world cwith an, introduc- pp. 54-81; 1933, pp. 98-112)
tion by Rober t J. Burdette. St.
Louis, Christi an pub. co., •1903, ANGELL,RUTH
3l3p. fron t. (port.) plates, b. ARCHER, JOHN CLARK, 1881-
b, Wilna, i.J. . , 23 D 1881,
Seeing Hawaii on American pluck.
Los Angeles, Times-llirror press, Jewell• of happiness... San
•1922. Diego, Calif., Manuscript co., n,d. China in the local pariah, Ifft'
ll9p . fr ont,, illus. 13p. York, 111eaionary education 1110Tement,
C<>Yertitle. 1924 .
64p .
b. Steamburg , Penn., 25 Je 1876, ANSLF.Y,FRANK Faith• -n live by. Bff York,
b, Belson, 1934.
d. 497p. (Releon'• religioua aerie•)
The business of living.
Doran, •1923. Reasons for leaTing the Methodist JaTa, Garden of Inaulinde, 1930.
254p, church, St. Louis, Chriatitn pub.
co., 1896, lfyatical element• in Mohammed.
Consecration day plan, a plan of 25p. •- Haven, Yale university press,
ohur oh finance. Indianapoli•, Uni - 1924.
fied promot i on, n.d. 87p, (Yale oriental aeries,
ll p. APPERSON,EDITH Researches, vol. 11, pt. 1)
Per f ected int o one , St. Louie , d, Bff approach in 111aa1onary educa-
Bethany pre ss, •192 8. tion, a pariah project. •- York,
172p. Women and children on the Congo, 111aaionary education mOTement, •1926.
Indianapolis, C. W. B. lf . 160p.
The origin and organization of the
In Teatament church. St , Loui1, The Sikh• in relation to Hindu•,
Christia n boar d, 19307 cAPPLE, CORNELIUSA , 1841-1884? lloa l ems, Christiana, and Alunadiyyas.
c4.p. (Betha ny tract no. 1) b . Caswell county, If. c., 1841. A atud y in oomparatiTe religion,

about aee

Anderso n, D. lf. and Anderson,

He lives to aerve.
Jlt.nual and catechi1m. 18707
An impartial inquiry into the true
18847 .Princeton, R. J . , Princeton uniTer-
1ity preee, 1946.
xi, 363p. plates,
Youth in a belieTing worldJ atudiea
position and policy of the Chriatian in lirlng religions. Philadel-
church. 1866. phia, lfe1tminater pre1e, 1931.
, LOIS 11.\RIE, 176p, (lfe1tminater departaental
b. graded -teriala)
b, The function of the theological
d, eeminary in the enterpriee of aiuiona.
Archer - Athearn A

(In Ye.le university, Divinity school. daily devotions. ll'an•a• City, ARTHUR,ANDREW
Faculty, Education for Christian . •er- Author, n.d.
vice, 1922, pp. 267-298) 4p, From behind the veil. St, Louis,
Christian pub. co., •1901,
Archibald McLean. (In Dictionary --, .new printirrg, cKansas 419p.
of American biography, vol, 12, 1933, City, Author, n.d.
pp. 126-126) • c4~p.
Greene Laurence Wharton. (In What 1• •alvation? (In Humbert, b, Attica, N. Y., 25 1859,
• Dictionary of American biography, vol. H, F., ed. Religion is reality, d, Gunnison, Colo,, 11 Je 1940.
20, 1936, pp. 28-29) •1942, pp. 31-34)
The Disciples of Christ, (In
Jroalem ethic,. (In Sneath, E. H., Bridwell, J, T., ed. The Michigan
ed. holution of ethic•, 1927, pp. ARMSTRONG,J !I pulpit, 1924~ pp, 106-115)
) -1944.
b. Why I became a disciple, (In
Peter Ainalie. (In Dictionary of d, 12 Ag 1944. Lord, J. A,, ed, From darkness to
·American biography, vol. 21, 1944, pp. light, 1907, pp. 65-66)
16-16) Undenominational Christianity.
Cordell, Okla., Herald pub. co., 191-?
SHAJf, b.
b. The larger vision and need of the
houri Whep weighed in the balance are
we found wanting? (In Abilene Chrie- History of the First Christian
The most abu1ed verse in the Bible. tian college Bible lectures, 1935, church Republic, Penna., ed, by
n.p., n.d. pp. 121-130; 1922-1923, pp. 66-76) Spencer K. Adamson, n.p., n,d.
20p. 24p. illus,, ports,
Cover title. Cover title: Coke region mission
work, First Christian church of
McQuiddy, J.C. The college Republic, Pennsylvania. History.
ARMITAGE,HENRY question. 1913 August 1946.


Christian unions real and unreal. b. Greenwood, 11is1., 11 F 1907. dist?)
N- York, Thomae Hol-n, n.d.
48p. Carry Nation, New York, Knopf,
The Chriatian church explained. 1929,
1933. xxii, 307, vii p, plates.
HENRYC , 1877- tract.
b, Berwick, Ill,, l O 1817.
The Di1ciple1 of Chri1t, who they b. Albertville, Ala., ·9 S l883.
are and why they are... Baltimore,
A11ociation for the promotion or Northwestern district Christian
Chri1tian unity, 1924. The imperatives of p~eaching. church conquest, Flora, Ind.,
62p, (In International convention, 1936, Author, n,d.
.... pp. 206-213) 12p.
-, 2d ed. Baltimore, A1sccia- Cover .title.
tion for the promotion of Christian
unity, 1924. ARNOLD,THOMAS N 1828-
55p, b. Covington, Ky., 1828. ASPINWALL,LURAESTHER
The St, Louis conference on Chris- see Hunt, Lura Either A1pinwall,
tian unity. .Baltimore, The associa- John T, Johnson. (In Brown, J,
tion for the promotion of Christian T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904,
unity, 1921, pp, 428-430) ATEN, AARONPRINCE, 1839-1932.
• 12.p. b, near Eaton, o., 24 Je 1839 •
about 1ee d. Abilene, Kans., 2 lly 1932.
Report of the Forum on the "Diaoi-
ple1 and ecumenical fellowahip"1 Cason, W, S, and others, A 111•sions. (In Scott, L, w., ed.
Reaponaibility to federal and world souvenir history or the Christian Texa1 pulpit, 1888, pp. 287-299)
council• of churche11 Statement of our church at Cynthiana, Ky.
present cooperative relationship.
(In International convention, 1939, ATHEARN,CLARENCE
pp. 31-331 1942, pp. 164-168; 1941, ARNY,WILLIAMFREDERICKMILTON, 1813- b.
pp. 68-60) 1881.
joint author aee d. Boston in seven day•. !I.,. York,
R. K. lloBrice & co., 1926.
Ainalie, Peter. A book of Chria- Interesting items regarding w... l56p, front., .. pa.
tian worahip fer voluntary use a•cng Kexico1 its agricultural, paatoral and
Disciples of Chri1t and other Christiana, mineral resources, people, climate, Interchuroh government. Bew
soil, scenery, etc. By W, F, K. Arny, York, Century, •1926.
acting governor . of !I.,. Mexico, Sante xiv', 377p. front., plate,.
ARJISTROllG,HOUS!:HPARR, Fe, Manderfield & Lucker, printer•,
b. 1873, Problem• in curriculum construc-
112p. tion for the handicapped1 ayllabua
tor Education 356, Columbia univer-
How to pray, a plan for private aity. .New York, Teachers college,

A Athearn - Athearn

Columbi a university, •1938, A collDffllnity system of religious Organiiat i on of religious educa-

28p, education, ,Bo ston , Pi lgrim press, tion within the community; a atatement
Mimeographed, •1 917. of the fundamental principle• of edu-
45p, (lllalde n l eaflets, no , 3) cational administration, and analysis
The religious education of Alexan- of current attempt• at community con-
der Campbell, mornin g star of the The correlat io n of ohuroh sch ools tr ol of religious education. Chica-
coming reformation, St, Louie, and publi c achools. Bosto n, Pil grim go, International Sunday school aas~
Bethany press, •1 928 , press, 1917. ci ati on, 1919 .
204p, fr ont. (port.) plates, 59p. (Malden leaflets , no. 2) l 7p. (Educational bulleti n, no.
Ten reasons for fede ration, an Crime prevention, El gin, Il l ,,
e11ay on the advantages of federation The Tabloid press, •1926, The pr i mary department of the church
&I exemplified by the Federal council 24p . school. ,Des ~ines, Ia., Drake
of churches of Christ in America, university, •1913,
Boston, Boston university, school of Dual control of an ur ban univer- 3lp. f ron t .
r eligious education and social ser- sity ,being the report of ·Walt er
vice, 1928. Scott Athearn as president of But ler Religiou1 education and American
32p. university from July 7, 1931 t o democracy. Boston, Pilgrim pre••,
October 28, 1933, ,Indianapolis, •1 917.
with ATHEARN, LAURA MAY(ARM- Author, 1933, 2 7p, (lllllden leaflets, no, 1)
STRONG) 27p.
Religiou1 education and American
Discussing religio n creatively1 The i ntermedl.a te department of the democracy, Boston, Pilgrim preaa,
the use of the dis cussion method in church aohool, Des Moines, Drake •1917.
re ligious education, N- York, univerait!', •1913. xi, 394p.
Re-vell, •1939. 24p , illus.
220:,. The senior department of the church
International standards for commun- school. ,Des lt>inea, Ia,, · Drake
it y training schools of rel i giou s university, •1913, .
ATHEAIUI MAY(ARMSTRONG) education, presenting ideals and 30p. front.
standards for community training
A bibliography of the educational scho ols of religious education, a Suggestions to directors of commun-
publi cations of Walter Scott Athearn. community system of religious educa- ity training-schools of religioua
n,p, , 1928. tion, and suggest ed courses of instru c education1 a manual of practical in-
16p, tion, Chicago, International Sunday formation about organisation, stan-
Cover title. school association, •1918. dards, report,, records, superTiaion,
27p. (Educational bulletin, faculty, eto, Chicago," Internation-
1918, no, 8) al Sunday school association, 1918.
N, WALTERSCOTT, 1872-1934, 14p. (Educational bulletin,
b, llarengo, Ia., 25 Jl 1872. An introduction to the study of the 1918, no . 7)
d, St, Louis, Mo., 13 N 1934, mind, being section 3 of "Teaching the
teacher," · Philadelphia, Westminster Ten lessons on the organisation
An adventure in religious education; press, 1921. and administration of the church
the . story of a decade of experimenta- pp. 147-179. school. Philadelphia, Presbyterian
tion in the collegiate and professional board publication, 1921,
· tra in ing of Christian workers, N- The junior department of the church (Standard teacher training
York, Century, 1930 , school. ,Des Moines, Ia., Drake courae, unit no. 4) ·
xvi, 505p, university, •1913,
32p, front. Organisation and administration of
The beginners' department of the the church eohool, (In Weigle, L.
church school, cDes Moines, Ia., Jlaking democracy safe f or the world A. and other,. Pilgrim training
Drake university, •1913, an interpretation of the educational course for teachers, 1917, pp, 257-
30p, front, policy of the International Sunday 344)
school aaaociation, Chicago, Inter-
A brief hi st ory of Keokuk county, national Sunday school association, Proteatantiam and democracy,
containing the geography, history, •1918. (In Natlonal . education auociation.
ci vil gove rnment, and reaourcea of the llp, (Educational bulletin, Addresses and prooeedinga, 1922, pp.
count y, biographical aketchea of noted 1918, no. 2) 517-621)
peraonnages, a synopsis of the history
of each to wnshi p , etc,, etc., Designed
as a manual for teachers and a class
The minister and the teacher;
interpretation of current trends in
book for pupils in publio schools, Chriatian · education. N- York, • The Jlalden survey, a report on the
Sigo urney, Ia., The news, 1897. Century, •1932. church pl&nta of a typical city,
46p . map. xiii, 274p. (The Duncan lectures, 1howing the uae of the -Interchurch
1930) world movement score card and stan-
Character building in a democracy. dards for rating city church plant•.
Jew York, llacmillan, 1924. Mlaic and art in the Bible school • N- York, Doran, •1920.
. 163p, (Washington Gladden lec- Dea lloinea, Drake university, 1913, 213p.
tures for 1924) l4p. (Drake uniTersity record, "Prepared for the American reli-
TOl. 10, no. 4, Ag 1913) gious . education departmnt of ti.
The churc h echool, Boston, Pil- Inter.ohuroh world movement of
g~1m pr ess, •1914, A national system of education. !orth America."
xv, 309p, front., plates. Rew Tork, Doran, •1920.
•Thie book went through at least 132p. (The Kerrick lectures) HONLI!IE, IIJSES ALFRED
four ed1 tione.
The organisation and administration Reference library for oomnunity
The cit y institute for religiou1 of the ohuroh school. Beaton, training echoole. Chicago, Inter-
teachers. Chicago, University of •1917. national Sunday achool aaaociaticn,
Chicago preas, •1916. pp, 261-344, illua. . (The new 1918. ·
C xiv , l5lp, (The University of standard teacher training oourae) 67p. (Educational bulletin,
hicago publioatione in religious 1918, no, 6) .


. Worship suggestions , to aid you in ATWATER, J OHN MI LTON, 1837-1900 ,
pl ann ing for ser vi ce s of worship a s a b, Me.ntue., 0., 3 Je 1837,
Measur ements and standards i n reli- pa rt of you r co nference promotion. d, Cle v e la nd, 0 ,, 17 Ja 1900 ,
gious education; cont a ini ng score , St , Loui s, U, C. M. S .,
cards , scales , and othe r inst r uments Sp . Jehovah's war a gainst false gods
of measurement developed for use in Mimeographed. and other addr esses, with memori al
t he Indiana survey of religious edu- sk etch by Pr of , Frederic k Tre ud le y,
cnti on , Ne- York, Doran, 1924. ed , by Anna Robi son Atwater. St.
532p. ( Indiana survey of reli- ATKINS, BENJAM
IN Louis, Christian pub, co ., •1 903 ,
gious educati on) b, 370 p , front. (po rt.)

Reli gious educa tion of protestants

in a n American commo nwealth. New Atkins' tract on Good Fr iday AUBREY, EDNIN EWART, 1896-
York, Doran, 1923, ? roving fr om Catholic and Pr otestant (Baptist)
580p . ( Indiana survey of rel i- Bib les, and original Greek, that Jesus
gi ou s education) Chr ist was not crucified on Fri day , •• What is a Christian co ll ege? ( In
Cincinnati , Elm Street ptg. co ., 1885, Internati onal conven t ion , 1941, pp.
Religious educatio n survey sched- 24p. 290- 302 )
ul e s ; designed for use in the Indiana
Rel i giou s educatio n sur vey; pr epa r ed
wi t h the as s istance of the survey ATKINS, BETTY PETIT. AULD, CHARLESH
staff and coo pe ra':;in g advisory commit- b, b.
tees. New York, Doran, 1924.
' 27 Jp . ( Indiana survey of reli-
gious educatio n) The history of Cent r al Christian Sand table work in the Bible scho ol.
church , th r ough its semi-centennial, Cinc innati, Standard, 1916 .
ed, 1891- November, 1941, Huntington, 32p .
W, Va.
The master libr ar y, Cleveland, 35p .
Foundation press, 1924, AUSTIN, DANIEL MYLES, 1873-1 931,
10 v ols. b, Mt, .P leasant, W, Va ., 27 J a 1873 .
/,TKINSON, NANCYE , (Mrs. Alonzo d. Vict oria ·, Va., 15 0 1931 .
about Melv ille Atk ins on), -1 924 .
b. about see
The inauguration of Walter Scott d, I nd ianapolis, I nd, , 28 N 1924,
Athearn as pr es ident of Butler univer- West, J. VI. Sketc hes of our
sity, Februhry 6, 1932 , ,Indiana- Christian woman's boa rd of missions, mountain pionee r.s .
polis, But ler university, 1932, ( In Brown, J, T., e d. Churches of
9lp. port, Chri st, 1904 , pp , 163-1 68)
Reprint of Butler alumni quarter ly , AUSTIN, SPENCERP , 1910-
Ap 1932, b . Lone Wolf , Okla, , 15 S 1910,
about see b. near Columbus, Ind., 1863,
d, Cincin nati , 0 ., 1899 , A call t o church members hip .
Athearn, L, M, A. A bibliography ,Indiana p olis, U. C, M. S.,, 1941 ?
of the educational publicati~n• of about see llp. (Effective disciplesh i p)
Walter Scott Athe arn.
o1cutt, A. L. Al onzo Melville , In dia napo lis, Committee
Atkinson , on war services, Disci pl e s o f Chri st ,
R. Atkins) 12p . inc. cov e rs.
b. ATKINSON, MILO, 1874-
b, near Kansas City, · Mo ., 3 S 1874, Or gani zatl.on f or week o f visit at i on.
,I nd iana polis, U, C. M. S ., 1945?,
The crucifixion of Philip Strong; a , 6, p . f ol der.
dramatic adaptation of the sto ry of The g reat need of Chri stendom ,
the same name by Charles M. Sheldon. 1904?
Boston, ·Walter H. Baker and co., •1 935. 'ccAVIS, E C
94p. b.
Drama goes to churoh, St. Louis, Milton Atwater), 1859-1 941.
Bethany press, •1931. b. near Bedford, O., 25 My 1859 . joint~· s ee
196p . front., illus. d. Grand Rapids, Mich., 23 J.1r 1941.
Gaines, J . W. Carols of devo tion
Evidences of power, a pentecostal A visit to our schools. Indiana- f or Christian wor k and worship.
pageant for woman's day. polis , C. W. B. M,, 1910.
l6 p. l eaflet.
Hymn night service • . Cincinnati, "The college girl". (In Wilson, b. Athe ns, Ill., 5 S 1860 ,
Powell and White, L. c., ed. Twentieth century serm ons d. Denver, Colo., l Jl 1933.
and addreoaea, 1902, pp . 151:157)
In times like these, a stewardship Song and fable. Des Moines.
play. ,Indianapolis, U. C. M, S,, Kenyon press, 18 97.
~- see
1940, 123p .
,2 0,p. Atwater, J.M. Jehovah's -r
a gainst false gods. Thirteen and twelve other s, from
A magnificent heritage, a three-act Dick i nson, E. J. Historical the Adirondacks and elsewhere, St.
play based upon twenty-five years work sketch of the Christian woman's .board Louis, Christian pub . co, , 1892 , •1B93.
in religious education by Disciples of of miaeions, 259p.
Christ. ,Indianapolis, u. C. M. s.,
1936, .

A Ayle sworth - Azbill

AYLESWORTH, MERLINHALL, 18 86- Moral and spi r itua l aspe cts of

b . Cedar Rapids, Ia., 19 Jl 1886 . ba ptism , to gether with an ex amina tion about see
of the nat ure of fai th and its rela-
Hilton , J. W. Vii 11 la m ?r ln c e
ti on to ba pti sm; bein~ a ph il oso~hi ~al
The so c ial effects of broudcasting; and scri ptural ex amination of t he .w l s-,0rt h .
addres s delivered befo re the Nati ona l conditions of salvat ior. as pr esente d
institute of social scienoes at the in the gosp e l. St. Louis , Chris tian
Waldorf Ast o ria hotel, New York City , pub. co. , 190 2 . .°LZBIL
L , '.'.'ILSO~, Y.El-iDRICK
, 1848-1 929 .
Februa r y 3, 193~ . 471 ;:,. b . l~dison county , Ky. , 18 F 1~48 .
llp. inc . front c over. d . nea r San Die &O, Callf ., 27 Ap
1929 .
Radi o as a means of public enlight - AYLSWORTc!
, :vrLLIA~! PRINCE, le4 4- 1926 .
en.~ent . (In National education b. Cuba, Ill., 12 D 1344 . Scie nce and fait h , the spirit ual
as socia ti on . Address e s and pr oceed- d. Linc o ln , Neb., 2 N 1926 . law i n the phys ical world. Ci ,.-
ings , 19 04 , pp . \/9- 102) oinnati, 3ta nda r d . •1 914.
Gr owi ng mira c le; a practic!i l s tu d~, 339p . p l ates,
of Hebrew pro phecy . Beth a ny , Neb.,
TH, NICECLAS J Oh'N, 1843- Report ~r pub . c o ., 1911 .
b. 222 p .
The place of prtt!'er i.n ev an p.;elism .
Freq uen cy of the Lord's suppe r. St . Louis, U. C. \!. S ., 1928 .
St . Loui s , Christian pub . cc . 6p . foldAr .

Babb - Baghdigian B

BABB, J OE R BA~ER, JESSE r.PREN, 1S86- Union Mills , N. Y., Chri ,

b. b . Bade r, Ill., 15 Ap 1886 . ti a n general book associati on , 1831.
464p .
There were 8 editions by 1840.
J esus an d br oke n- he arted folk . Excu s es . St . Louis, U. C. M. S .
(I n Tho rnton , E. ~ -, ed . Phi ll ips ,1 928 , about see
univ ersi t y sermons , 1929 , p~ . 146-155) ll p .
Holland, E. G. Memoir of Rev.
Heralds of the evangel; deliv ered Jose ph Badger.
BABER, P B at the minister's morning hour •••
b. during the International conventio n,
Colu mbus , Ohio , October 19, 1944. 9:,DGER, OLIVER ? , 18 19-18 91 ,
,Ind ianapo l is , Pe nsion fund, 1944 , b.
e.bout see Sp; inc . covers. d.

McPherson , J . L. P . B. Babe r. · Home visitation evangelism. Baptism for the dead, skeleton se l"-
mon. {In Cory , N. E., ed . The
Next steps for new members. St • . polymathist , 1877 , pp . 342-343)
cc3 ACHJ/
JJI, ALBERT JOHN, 1~87- Louis, U. C. !l . S., ,1928,
b . Sard is , O., 16 1!y 188 7. ll p.
The pastor 's reudy r efe re nce . b.
Bible pr oble~s . Nashvil le, Fentecost ? ro gram for t he fift y gre a t
Gospe l advoc,nte , 1930. days. Ind ian apolis , U. C. !I. S.,
3l o . , 5, o. folder. Social adven t ures with J e sus in
church relations. (In Anderson, o.
Ser ~on outli~es ; a collection of Perso nal evan Eel ism, the gra ndest T., ed. Soci al adventures with Jesus,
one hundr~d and fifty or iginal out - wor k in the world . St . Loui s, u. C. 1929 , pp . 40-43)
line s of s er mons . Nashvil l e , Mc- M. S., ,1923,
·~u id d:, ptg . co ., 1921. 9p .
316~ . BAGBY, EDWARD BENJAII.IN, 1865-1921.
Compulsi ons to evangelism. (In b . W~lkert on, v~ .• 29 S 1865 .
--, 2d ed . Nashville, Gospe l Cory, A. E., ed. Voices of the sanc- d . Washington, D. C., 2 S 1921.
r.i.dvocate, 1938 . tuary, 1930 , pp. 8-2 3)
3S6p . The conversion of a cabinet offi-
Laymen and evan gelism. ( I,i Dao,- cer . ( In Lord, J. A., ed. On the
sor., F. F., ed. The Chr istian man at Lord ' s day, •1 904, pp . 98- 101)
BACON, BESSE (BLANCRicRD) (Mrs . work, 1940, v . 2, pp. 79-96)
Wallace R. Bacon ), 1387-1923. G!"eatness in little thin gs , Wasli-
b. Louisa county, I a ., :lO D 1887. A v isit to the chu r ches
'n eath tho ington' s birthday addre s s . ( In
d. Ch ina, 24 Ag 1923 . Southern c ross; convention.
The world Thornton, E.W., ed. Special sermons
( In In ter nati onal convention, 1938, fo r specia l occasi ons , 1921, pp . 41-
"With heaps o'love"; the story of pp. 112-11 6; 1939, pp . 34-37) 52)
four years in China, told in letters;
ed. by Charles Bl ancha rd. Des ed. Our unans,vered p rayers. ( In
Moines, Ia., Nichols bo ok and travel Ueacham, E. J., comp. Trainin g to
co ., •1 925 . The !l"~ssa.e;e and met h::id of the new te a ch, •1913, pp . 58- 61)
288p. i llus. eva,ige lis m, a join t s t a tement of the
Contents include: "Unto the utter - mission of the church . New Yo rk,
most" by Charles Blanchard, pp . Round ta ble pre ss, 1937 . 3AGHDI
253-28 0 . viii, 24Bp. b. Armenia, 21 F 1888 .

BACON, LANGSTON,185 1-1 933 . cBADGER, JOSEPH, 1792-1852. Americanism at . work.

b. 24 My 1851. b. Gi lmant on, N. I!., 16 Ag 1792.
d. Kansas City , Mo., 28 Mr 1933. d. Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 12 My Americanism in Americaniza tion .
1852 . Kansas Ci ty, Mo., Furton pub. co .,
Songs of everyday lif ~ . Boston, 1921 .
Badi,;e r, •1 922 . A memoir of Rev. J os eph Bad ge r; 198p. front.
96p . containing an autobiogr~ phy , and selec-
tion• from his pr ivate journal and Essentials of Americanitation.
Songs of fa i th and trust. Boston, correspondence. Hudson, o., Sawyer, St. Louis, Nixon-Jo nes p tg. co ., •1919.
Badger, •192 1. In ger s oll & co., 1851. 95p.
93p. 185p. front. {port.)
The fla g of humanity. 1923.
Life and confession of David D.
BADER, GOLDA MA UD ( ELAM) (Mrs. Jesse How, who was executed at Angelica. The f or gotten purpose. Kansas
Mor en Bader) Alle ga ny county, N. Y. on Friday, City, Mo., Dwellers in the domain,
b. March 19, 1924 , for the murder of •1935.
Otthello Church; with an appendl.x con- 9lp.
ta i ni ng his address to Mrs. Church,
ed. the particulars of the last e i ghteen In defense of America. 1924.
days of his life, an acco u nt of his
I married a mini ster. Nashville, execution, and the subst~nc e of a dis- The psalms of a naturalized Amer~
Abingdo n Cokesbury , 1942. course delivered at the gallows. ican. Kansas City, Mo., Burton pub.
192p. ,New York?, Printed for t he author, co., 1921.
Content s include: Port ra i t of a ,1824, 90p. front.
ministe r 's wife by Bees White Coch- 24p.
ran c Yrs . Walter M. White~; and Turning in with life forces for
Her pr ivil eges by Mrs. Willi am A. comp. with MILLARD, DAVID. health, happineaa, power, s ucc esa.
Shu llenberg er. 1927.
Hymns and s pi ri tua l son gs. 1830 .

B Baghdasari a n - Baker

IAN, l!. Seeds of service; pr i min g the Swee t . Chica go , Uni vers i t y of
b, pump of l i fe , Cinc i n!lB.ti, Stand a r d , Chica i o press, 0194 0 .
d. •19 23 , vH, 279 p .
ll8p. i llus. Conte nts incl u de: Ch r ist i anity in
A voice f r om Uount Ara rat. modern Euro p e by V1. E. Garrison .
54p .
BAIRD, EVA RA'!/, ( Mrs , G. B. Bai rd ),
1880- 1945. BAKER, C w • Jr .
B.~GLEY, PAUL b, b.
b. d, Spokane, Wash ., 3 0 1945 .
Al pha b et a nt ics . Denver, Eld- Seeing i s bel i evin g . Ci nc i nna ti ,
The g reat co mmiss io n, s keleton s e r- ridge e ntertain ~ent hou se, •1 933. Standard , 1940 .
mon. ( In Cor y , N. E. , ed. The 9p. (Eldridge j uvenil e p la y • ) 164p.
polY"'~thist, 1877, pp . 106-1 07)
The ev ol ution of a Chinese girl,
Swen Mei Fan . ,I ndi ana po lis, B.; KER, EDWARD DICKINSON, 1811-1861.
ccBAILEY, J C Chr isti a n woman's boa rd of missions, b. London, England, 24 F 1811.
b. 1918, d. Battle of Ball's.Bluff, 22 0
Bp . inc. cover s. 1861.

The plan of sn lv~ti on . Carmen, The l~st best hope, a one-act p lay, Masterpieces of E. D. Baker; ed.
1~nitoba, Gospel herald, 194lf dndian a poli s, U, C. M, _s., 1943, (wit h glances at the orator and his
131p . c 12:w
p . inc. cove rs. times) b y O. T. Schuck. San Fran-
cisco, the editor, 1899 .
Mother dear, a short p la y for 336p. front. (po rt.) (Eloquence
TLE SB{; ·, mothe r' s da y . Denver, Eldridge of the far West, no. 1)
b. ente rtainme nt house, cl927.
lOp . ( Eldrid ge chur ch entertai n- Ora tio n of Colonel E. D. Baker,
ments ) over the dead body of Broderick.
One c le a r cal l, Wor ld call play. cSan Francisco, 185 9:1
I ndiana:oo li s , World c all . ,1 932, The number children, Denver, 4p.
llp . Eldridg .e entertainment house, • 1933 .
12p. (E ld ri dge juvenile plays) Orati on of Col onel Edward D. Bake r
over the dead body of David c. Bro-
a,oBAILEY, SHELVEY CECIL, l.959-1 944. Who f o llows in his train? A der i ck, a Senato r of th e United Sta tes,
b. Rock , W, Va., 17 0 1859. Chri s tmas pa geant. Indi ana po l is , 18th September, 1859 . New York,
d. 16 S 1944. U, C . M. S . DeVinn e pre ss, 1889 .
22p. 13p .
Bible l es s on s for chi ldre n .
Aust i n, Tex . , Firm foundation . Speech of Hon. E. D. Baker, of
2Bp. ccBAIRD, 0 p Ore Eon, delivered in the Senate of
b. t he Unit ed states, January 2, and 3d,
A Baptis t pre ac he r fort y- ei ght 1961, u pon the s~cessio n questio n.
years--th en converted . Austin , Tex ., Nashington, H. Po lk inho rn, printer,
Fir.:1 founda ti on , n.d. Churc h membership, a c ontrast be- , 1861,
43p . tween the popu lar tea ch in g and the 3lp.
teaching of the scri ptures. ,Atla n-
Creed of t he Baptists reviewed. ta, Ga., Auther, n.d.:1 Speech of Hon. E. D. Baker, of
Aus ti n, Tex ., Fi rm foundation . 19p, inc. fro .nt co v er. Orego n, on the pr opo sition s of the
pamphlet. Peace co nvent ion ; delivered i n th e
The church that Christ built. Senate of t he United Stat e s, Marc.h 1
Growing o ld gr a cefully. Aust in, Nashville, Tenn., World vision. and 2 , 1861. Washington, 186 1.
Tex . , Firm f ounda ti on. (Tract no. 9) 13p.
The ric h preacher. Aus-tin , Tex., Speech of Hon. Edw. D. Baker, U.
Firm fo_undati on . BAI ~D, ROBERT, 1798-18 63 . (Presby- s. Senat or from Ore gon , delivered at
te rian) a Re publ i c an mass me et i ng , held at
The :·oad to Heaven is st raight. the American th e atre, in t h e nity of
pamph let . Religion in America; or, an accou nt San Francisco, on Friday evenjn g ,
of the origin, relation to the state, October 26;h, 1860; re p orted by Sur,-
Sensi b le thou ghts for thin ki ng and pr esent cor.dition of the evangel- ner and Cutter. San Fran ci s co,
pe ople. ic al chu rches in the United States, Commercial book and job steam pt g .
pamphlet. with not ice s of the unevangelical establishmc ~t, 1860 .
denominations. New York , Harper, 16p . (Re !)ubli.can state cent ral
Ser mons . Austin, Tex., Firm 1856 . committee of California, Campaign
f oundatio n. 696p . docu.'llent, no. 15)
Contents inc lude: Disci p les of
Christ , or Reformers, pp . 50 1-5 03; ab ou t
ER STUART, 1884- and The Christ-ian connection, pp.
b. 562-565. Duniway , C. A. Edward Di ck i n-
son Baker. ( I n Dictionary of
American biography, vol. 1, 1929 , pp .
The seven last words; introduction BAKER
hyW il l ard E. Shelton. St. Louis,
Bethany pr e s s , 1935. with OTHERS ~ . see
96p .
A short history of Christianity, Baltz, J. D, Hon. Edward D.
written in oollaboration by Arc h ibald Baker.
BAIRD, ERNEST CLAY, 1872- G. Baker, editor, Massey, H. Shepherd, Kennedy, E. R. The contest for
b . Wyomin g , Ky., 13 D 1872. Jr., John T, McNeill, Matthew Spinka, California i n 1861.
Wlnfred E. Garrison ,and, William Wallace, Joseph. Sketc h of the
life and public ser vic es of Edward
17 D. Baker.
Balter - Ballou B

BAKER, LESLIE WILLIA.Jf, -1 919. BALDWIN, OLIVIA ARTIIIESIA, 1858-19 31, The testimo ny ?f the hol y ghost to
b. b, Burne t tsv il 4e, I nd., 5 Mr 1858 . the Book of Mormon , .Be rkeley ,
d , Melbourne, Auat ralia, 1919, d. 7 F 1931. Calif., Aut hor , n , d,
4p . inc. cover a.
about 1ee Sita, a stor y of child-ma r riage
fetter, , New Yor k, Revell, •1 911. The teeting of J oee ph Smith, Jr •
Blakemore, w. B. .Memorial .364,p. • Ber keley, Cal i f., Author, n.d.
booklet ror Leslie w. Baker, 6p. fo l der,
BALDlrIN,WILLIS ANSON, 1860. 1941, --, cpart, I I. . Berkeley,
H, WILLIAMRALSTON,1852- b. St. Auguatim ,, I ll ., 1·7 0 1860 . Calif., Author, n,d .
d. Broken Bow, Neb , , 3 F 1941. 6p . f older.
• The li f e of Jamee Abram Garfield ., .
St. Louie, Bu rns, •1881. History. Chur che a of Christ in Was Peter pope ? ••• Berkeley,
760p. fr ont. (port . ) pra t es. Nebraska. Li ncoln, Neb ., Nebraska Calif., Author, . 1944,
Chriatian missionar y aooiet y, n.d. 45p.
The l ife and public career or Gen, 64p.
James A. Garf i eld,.. Philadelphia, You are a Chri sti an now, Ber ke-
Pa., Hubbard"broa., •1880. Churohea of Chri s t i n Nebraska , ley, Calif,, Author, cl 944,
69l p , front. (port.) plates. ( In Brown, J . T. , ed. Chur ches of 102p,
Chri st, 1904, pp . 263- 265)

B.a.Ll)lfIN,JOSEPH, 1827-1899, BALL, GERTRUDE

b. near N-caatle, Penn., 31 0 ccBALES, JAMESD 1915- b.
1827. b . Tacoma, Waah., 5 N 1915,
d. Austin, Tex., 13 Ja 1899.
Sooial adventures with Jesus in
The art of aohool mnagement1 a The angel with the ever lasting national relation•. (In Anderaon,
textbook tor normal achO'Ola and nor- gosp el, O. T., ed. Sooial adve ntures with
ul institutes, and a reference book c4,p. Jeeua, 1928, pp. 112-11 6)
~or teachers, school officers, and
parents. N- York, D. Appleton and Apoatlea of apostates ; have t he
oo,, 1881, latter-day aainta perver ted the New BALL, JAMESELMER,1882-1 942.
xiii, 604.p. illus, Testament teaching concer ni ng the b. llob.erly, llo . , 17 Mr 1882.
apo atle• or Chriet? Sear cy, Ark., d. 1942.
Direcoion de las e1ouelas, Libre cBalee book houae , 1944,
de texto para l a1 eacuelaa normale1, 59p. A laymn'a handbook on the king-
y obra de consult& para loa -eetroe, ciom of heaven, . St. Louia, Plano-
para 101 runoionario1 del r&mo de Catholic i am and coercion. graphed by John s. Swift co., •1942,
inatruooion publioa y para 101 padre• • Searcy , Ark . , Author , 1946, lllp. front • . (por t.)
de raail:1.a. lleuva York, D. Apple- c 29ap.
tony oompan!a, 1886,
430p. illua,, chart. (Biblio- Chriat'• teaching on -r. cBe r - BALLENTINE,WILLIAM
, -1836,
teoa del meatro) ke ley, Cal i f . , Author, 1943? b,
56p. d , Philadel phia, Penn , , 4 Ja 1856,
Elementary pa:ychology and educa-
tion, a text-book for high echoola, The Christian conecientioue ob- A treatise on the elder'• office,
normal 1ohoola, normal inatitutea, and jector. Berkeley, Calif . , Author, showing the qualifications of elder•,
reading oirolee and a -tmal tor cl 944, and how the first churches obtained
·x- York, D. Appleton, 228p. .. them; al10, their appointment, duties,
and JNLinte·nit.11ce1the neceuity of •a
:n-iii, 293p. (International edu- Christiana outside the church? presbytery i n every churoh; and ex-
cation aeriea} ,.. c4ap. · hortation, and obaervance of every
church ordinance on the Lord'• day,
P1:ychology applied to the art or The cross of Chriat. Nashvilla, in order, amongst other e~do, to the
teaching, lfew York, D, Appleton, World vision pub. oo, obtaining of elders, 2d ed, rev,
1892, lOp. Bethany, Va., Printed by . Alexander
xiv, ~8lp, illua, (International Campbell, 1833,
education aerie•) --, 2d ad , Nashville, World 84p.
vision pub. co . , n . d,
School •nagement and school ·method, . lOp. inc. front cover.
•- York, D, Appleton, 1907, •1897, BALLOU,ELLIS
xix, 596p, illua, (International Ia the ~hurch a denomination? b,
1cluoation 1eri11) Searcy, Arie., Author, .1946; · d.
Bp, rolder ,
about attributed to
"Jehovah'• witn111e1• and the
Sutton, W. S, Joaeph .Baldwin, Bible. Berkeley, Calif,, Author, The patent hat1 deeigned to promote
(In Dictionary or .American biography, n,d. the growth of certain undeveloped ·
vol , 1, 1928, pp. 637-1158) llp, inc. front cover, bump• and thereby increase the think-
ing, reasoning, acting power ot th•
. 111 Joseph Smith, jr,, aa a tranalator
and revelator, cBerkeley, Calif,,
wearer. For the use ot mankind in
general and the clergy in particular,
llanuraotured by Philo, and -rrented
llrk, J. R, Jo11ph Baldwin, Author, n,d,
rounder or the teacher'• college aya- 4p, inc, cover,. to do good service to all who wear it
tea. according to direction, . N- York,
· Jl&tthewa, J , c. Contributiou •r A 1yl l abu1 on Acta ot Apo1tl11. Published tor the author by Carlton
Jo11ph Baldwin to ·public education , .San Franci100, Calif., Author, 1946, and Phillip•, 1866,
67p, _, 232p. front,, plates,
."Srd millleographed edition,• •copyright by Ellie Ballou,•
Dedioated to Rev. A. S, Hayden,

B Baltz - Bare

BALTZ, JOHND Confirmation, St . Louis, Burn s , BAR

CLlY, JOHN, 1B93-
b, Kingaton, B. Y., 17 Ja 1B93,
Ron Edward D. Baker, U.S. Senator St , Louia, Chri stian pub,
from Oregon, , ,Col onel E. D. Baker's co,
defe nse i n the Bat tle of Ball's Bluff , The contribution of heretiol to
fought Ooto ber 21st, 1861, in Virginia , the formation of the canon.
and sli ght bio graphical sketches of BAR
BEE, WILLIAM J , 1816-
Colon el Baker and Generals Wistar and b, Winchester, Ky ,, 14 Jl 1816, Pagan tendencies in American life,
Sto ne. Lancaster, Pa., Published f or d, "Where i• thy God?" (In Interna-
the auth or, I nquirer ptg, co,, 1888 , tional oonvention, 1935, pp, 60.67;
248p, fr ont., port, Faith an d salvation, (In Scott, 1942, pp, 56-62)
L. W, , ed , Texas pul pit, 1888, pp,
b. Woodford oount y , Ill,, 11 Ag b,
The Mesaiah 1peak1 on peace.
The grace of gratitude. (In n.p., •1945,
Thornton , E, W., ed , Lord'• day wor- lfhy ohuroheaof Chriat UIS inatru- 24p. inc, cover,,
ship servi ces, 1930, pp, 173-176) mental "'lllic during worahip aervioea,

1798-18B6, b,

Precept and example; or, the book Dr, Jamea T, Barclay, {In
The keys of the kin~dom, (In of wisdom, moral and divine, ancient Brown, J, T,, ed, Churches of Christ,
Abil ene Christian college Bible leo- and modern, 0011pri1ed in illustrated 1904, pp. 440.441)
tures , 1940, pp. 59- 74) proverb11 found in ancient and modern
hiatory wi th pictorial illustrations,
St, Louis, John Burne, 16B2, BARCLAY,SARAH
Tra ining of teachers for platoon b, BARD, RICHARD
school s. .Washington, Government d, b,
ptg. off ice, 1923, d,
Sp, (U. S, Bureau of education, A oomparative view of the word•
City sohool leaflet no, 11, August bathe, wash, dip, aprinkle, and pour An exegetioal work on prophecy,
1923) of the English Bible and their ori- containing a aolution of the moat
ginals in the Hebrew and the Septua- difficult prophecies all proven by
Your complete life, Boston, gint copies, together with other · use- astronomical facts, showing a com-
Christo pher pub, oo,, •1931, ful matter, Cincinnati, Standard, plete agreement with the Bible and a
7-lp . 18B1, calendar for 43 months, for the
27p, meridian of Jerusalem, and one for 16
Cover title I Handbook on baptism, months for the meridian of Denver
BANKS, ED'KINBRUCE, 1911- City, Colorado territory, 1873,
b, Carthage, Tex,, 21 N 1911, 1 1878,
JAKES TUI!BD, 1B07-187-l: 186p.
b, Hanover oouuty, Va,, 22 lly 1B07,
The ideal -y to life, (In Brite d, Lawrence, Ala., 28 0 1874, Mormonismpulled down, the king-
oollege of the Bible, Sermons, vol, dom of Chriat aet up, and the Pope
1, 1937, pp. 13-14) The city of the great King1 or, dethroned, Om.ha, Neb., Author,
Jeruaalem aa it wae, aa it 11, and aa 1B707
it 11 to be, Philadelphia, Challen 24p.
BAPTISTSAND DISCIPLES. and sons, 1B68, •-1B67,
62lp. front, (port,) illua,, plates,
The Baptists and the Diaoiplea, folded inaerts, BAR!, LOIS (NICHOLS) (lira. Norton R,
appraiaala and appreoiationa, pre- Bare), 1897-
pare d at the request of a joint con- Propoaed improvement in our ayet• b, Lincoln, Neb., 6 Ja 1897,
ference of a oonmdttee of the aaaooia- of ooinage, Jfemorial of Dr, Ja.. a T,
t io n for the pro11otion of Christian Barclay , '!'he propoaed change• approved
unity, of the D11oiple1 of Chriat, and by th• oo-i11ioner1 appointed by Con- about aee
a committee on conference with other gr••• to teat their value and adoption
re l igious bodiee, of the Northern Bap- --reoo11111endedby the aecretary of the llichola, C, 11'. Tip• trom the
tiat convention, held in Pittsburgh, treasury. 186-' top,
Pa . , January 30, 1929, Philadelphia, 12p .
Amerioan Baptiat publication aooiety,
c 1929. about aee BARE, NORTON R , 1892-
.21.p. b, Antelope county, lleb,, 16 D
Contents, . Barclay, J. T, Dr. Juiea T, 1892,
de Bloie, A. K, The Di1oiple1, Barclay,
pp . ·13-211 and Jenee, E. D, The Burnet, D, S., oomp, The Jerusalem
Baptista, pp, 3-12, lliuion, about aee
Tiera, X, C, Christian portrait
gallery. Nich6le, C, W. Tipa from the
BARBE!, J W top,

Barefoot - Bartle B

OOT PREACHER BARR,ADDIEV H Frui t bearing truth s and a br i dal
b. tour to misaion f ie l ds. Dayton, O. ,
aee SNEATHEN, ABRAHAM. Christian pub . aa aociatio n.
c lt or y ::1 1901. Garden apots in t he Old Testa ment.
BARFI ELD, A F Dayt on , O., Christ i an pub. as soc ia t i on,
b. 1915.
d. BARR, G E .238, p. fr ont., i llus .
Heaven a nd th e pat hway to it, Modern light bear ers. 1908,
ske let on ser mon . (In Cory , N. E.,
ed. The po lymath is t , 1877, pp . 273- Edwin Henry Spring, Glouceater, !!!_.
274) Eng land, Publis h ed priva t el y at t he
manse, 19357 .The cent enn i al of reli gi ou s jo ur-
96p. nalism , 2d ed, Dayton , O. , Chri s-
BARKER,SQUIRE L 1847- tian pub. a s s nciat ion , 1908 ,
b. Lee county, Va., 4 J l 1847. 656p, front., il l us., por t s .
b , Counci l Bluff•, Ia , , 18 D 1894.
cBoo k of sermo ns> 1898. BARRETT
, MILLS, 1788-186 6,
b. South Hampt on, Va,, 25 D 1788,
Risen wi th Chriat. (In Scott, A guide to the devotional life, d, Isle of Wight cou nty , Va,, 2
L. W., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, _pp. Indiana polis , U, C. M, S,, n.d. Ap 1865.
248-260) 9p. (An a i d t o better Disci p le-
shi p) !!!_.
BARKER,WILSON G , 1830..1905. Hymns and spiritual s ongs se l ected
b. Washin gton county, Va., 25 D cBARR, OLIVER, -1853, for the uae of Christ i ans , 2d ed,
1830. b, Norfolk, Va., Shi e lds and Ashburn,
d . Milli gan colle ge; Tenn., d, . 1828.
0 1906. 222 hymns,
An address to hi• Chr i st i an
about aee brethren and friends as gener al soli-
citing agent tor t he eatab li ah ing and BARRETT
, WADE, 1800-1 870 ,
Peebles, Mrs. M, L, Wilaon G, endowment of a Chri stian the olo gical b. N.C ., 29J a
Barke r . school, (In Freese, J . R., ed . 1800 ,
A history and advoca cy of th e Chris - d, 10 D 1870,
tian chu rc h, 1852, pp . )
BARNES,JUSTUS McDUFFIE, 1836-1913. about aee
b . Montgomery county, Ala., 10
F 1836, 'BARR, WILLIAMFRANCIS , 1865-19 37, Boles, H. L, Biographical
d. 28 Ap 1913. b. Newark, 0,, 16 Mr 1866. sk et ches of gos pel preachers.
d, 27 Ja 1937,
The perfect law ot liberty, (In
. Srygley, F. D, Biographie1 and ser- Drill hit• i n arithme t ic • 1894, BARRCW,FRANK H
mons, 1898, pp. 405-424) b.
M,,.nual for teacher• i n the uae and
about aee value of viaual aida in teaohing.
R, C, Barrow, hia life and work, by
Bolea, H, L. Biographical Outline of phyaice, 1904. h ia son Frank, Dedicated to hie ohil-
aketohea ot goapel preacher,. dren in the Gospel, Lin oo ln , Neb , ,
Srygley, F. D, Biographie• and State jo urnal printers, 1892,
1ennone. ocl!.lRRftT, A B vii, 108p. front, (port,)
BARBETT,HENRYC , 1848- , ROBERTCLARK, 1832-1890,
b. Johna on county, Ind., 12 D 1848. Ro= tor the king1 The met hour b. Andes, II. Y,, 18 Ag 1832,
ot pra yer. (In Abilene Chriltian . d, 29 N 1890,
college Bible lecture•, 1922-1923, pp ,
The eTidence or the reaurreotion or 16-301 pp. 31-35) Our oause at Chioory1 or, the in-
Jeaue Christ. St, Louie, Christian t roduction or the primitive goapel
board, •1921, into a western town cwith an intro-
107p, oBARRETT,JOHN PRESSLEY, 1852- duction by D. R, Luoae, Dea Jloines,
b, Ia,, Christian oracle pub, co,, 1885,
Exerpta tr0111the book recently · 108p, illus, (Oracle eerie• no.
written by •• ,oirculated on the request 1)
ot the Rev, Leroy E. Carter. Camping along the master ' • trail1
Sp. or, living in the light of Bia truth. Adopt i on1 The temptation, skeleton
Dayton, 0,, Christian pub, a11 00iation, aermona , (In Cory, N, E,, ed, Th•
•1914. polymathilt, 1877, pp. 222-2231 pp.
BARNETT,WILLIAM, 1844-1930, 268p, front,, illus , 365-366)
b. Ky,, 1844.
d. 2 D 1930. Forty year• on the firing line1 or, about see
scenes, inoiden t a, and experi ence•
about ••e al ong the -y ot a aoldier of the Barrow, F. H, R, C, _Barrow, hie
croae . Dayton, O. , Chris t ian pub, lite and work,
Weat, J, W, Sketohe• ot our aeaociation, •1914,
mountain pioneer•, ~6lp. tront,, illua.
BARTLE,WILLIAMD , 1869-1941,
b, Waahington county, Ind., 18 Ap
d, 11- Albe.ny, Ind., 22 Je 1941.
B Bartle - Battenfield

The story of Park Christian church, First few chapters deal with "Camp- Data on the distribution of the
New.Albany, Indiana, involving the bellite" doctrine and practice in missionary enterprise. cN!IWYorka.
beginnings of many Baptist and Chris- l,lissouri. Internation..:i church council, 1943.
t ian churches (Disci ples of Christ) in l5p.
Clark, Floyd, and adjoining counties
of Indiana, Nineteenth hundredth BASTUH, N S Half of humanity, far Eastern pee>-
pentecostal ann i versary, 1930. b. plea and problems, Jllew York, Church
,29, p . port,, illus. d. peace union, •1942.
Babylon in Jehovah'• kingdom.
BARTLETT,SAl,UELHENDERSON, 1862-1945, Spr~ngfield, Ill., 1867, An introduction to Oriental jour-
b. East Canton, Penn., 6 D 1862. nals in western languages, with an
d, Elmira, N, Y,, 10 Ja 1946, annotated bibliography of representa-
B S tive artioles, Nanking, China, The
In companies by hundreds and by b. Institute of Chinese cultural studie1,
fifties. 190-? University of Nanking, 1933,
(Centennial leaflet no. 11) 65p.
A centennial review. (In Coan,
Out of the blue, . a book of poema. A. 'If,, ed. Gospel sermons, 1881, pp. llissions in war. C Indianapolis,
Elmira, N. Y,, Author, •1939. 9-26) _U. C, M. S., 1942,
42p. front, (port.) 12p.

Churohea of Ch.rist in Ohio. (In ocBATEJIAJII,

B B The Nanlcing population: emplo)"-
Brown, J. T., ed. Churohe• of Christ, b. ment, earnings, and expenditures, a
1904, pp. ~70-272) survey conducted by Dr, M, S. Bates,
Jllanlcing,· China, International relief
aee committee, 1939,
Gaines, J, W, Carols of devotion
My foot's in the stirrup, ed. by for Christian work and worshi~. Religiou1 liberty: an inquiry.
label Mljor and Rebecca 11'. Smith ••• New York, Harper, 1945.
Dallas, Tex., Dealey and Lowe, 1937. 622p,
202p. front. (port.) plate. BATES, EDWARD,1793-1869,
Christianity and the Orient.
The diary of Edward Bates, 1859- (In International convention, 1942,
BARTON,JAMESLEVI, 1865-1936, 1866, ed, by Howard K. Beale. Wash- pp. 73-86)
(Congregationalist) ington, D, c., U, S, .·GOTt. ptg. office,
1933. Toward peace in the Orient, (In
The Christian approach to Islam . XTi, 686p. (Annual report of Drake conferenoe. ·The church and the
Boaton, Pilgrim prees, 1918. the American hiatorioal a1sooiation n- world mind, 1944, pp. 108-132)
xiii, 316p. (College of the for the year 1930~ Tol. 4)
lliasiona leotureship, 5th, 1916) about aee

BATES, L 'Ir , ( Methodist? ) SaTTia, M, T. Bates of Nanldng,

BARTOB,LUCY Timperley, H.J. 1l'hat war meana,
Water baptism.
Costuming the Biblioal play, illu1.
by DaTid SarTia. Boaton, Walter H. coBATEY, JACKSONSKITB, 1866?-1945.
Baker oo., 1937. BATES, lflJIERLEE, 1869-1930, b.
ll9p, illus., ohart. b. Fairfield, Jfioh., 9 0 1869. d. JllaahTUle, Tenn., 1945.
d. Kingston, I. C., 20 Ag 1930.
Hi1toric costume for the 1tage, The divine 11.iaaionary society.
illus, by David Sarvi1. Boston, The funotion and future of our (In lilrfreeaboro addreaaea, 1917, pp,
Walter H. Baker 00., 1936. colleges, address delivered before the 147-153)
605p. front., illu1. International coDYention of the Dis-
oiplea of Christ. Hiram, o., Hiram
oollege, 1913. BATTEN,C R
BASH, FLOYDALLAN, 1886- • 016.p. (Bulletin of Hiram ool- b,
b, Johnson oounty, Heb., 9 My 1886, lege, vol. 6, no. 3)

The life call. (In Long, R. A, Christian life and conduct.

The unity of the New Testament and othera. Stewardship, mon•y and Birllingham, England, Churches ,of
ohurob. St. Loui1, Christian board, ·ufe, n.d., pp. 6-13) Chri1t book depot,
1930. (Small booi:a on N- Teata-
c4,p, (Bethany tract no. 5) Hnt Christianity)
An adequate evangeliam1 Experi11Bnte b. Newark, 0., 28 11y 1897 •.
in looal ohuroh eT&ngeliam. (In BATTENFIELD,JOIIJIIADil, 1876-
International ooDYention, 1936, pp. b• .
139-162; 1938, pp. 60-67) Christianity and ooamniam ,in the
Chineae language.
The plaoe of laymen in the Bible. Pri-ry leaaona in the 1cienoe ot
(In Dawson, r. r., ed. The Chri1tian Crop iDYeatigation in the •n1c1ng prophecy, Olney, Ill,, The inoa-
•n at work, . 1940, T. 2, pp. 65-70) area and aundry eoonollio data, a ing kingdom aiaaionary unity, 1918,
report of inquiriea conducted on be-
half of the Banlcing international re- with PEllDLETON,P. T,
8181!:ETT,JAJO:SDWTOJ', 1849- life oo-ittee c0111pleted October, 1938.
(Preabyterian) ,Sh\nghai, China, Printed by the The great dn,onatration1 a haraon7 ·
lferoury pr•••, 1939a of all th• prophetic viaiona of thll
Aa the light led. Iew Tork, Mao- 24p, Holy Bible. Cincinnati, Standard,
llillan, 1900, · 1914.
392p. ,ezp, plawa, port•.
Battle - Beach B

b. Shell Bank, N. c., 11 Ja 1805. ~- about
d. Wilson, N. c., 24 S 1870. Johns on, A. s. The great con- Noble, Charle•. William Baxter;
troveray. (In Dictionary of · American biogra phy,
about see vol. 2, 1929, pp . 63-64)
Battle, J. M. Tributoa to my · BAXTER,BATSBLL,·1886- about aee
father and mother, and some atoriea of b. near Sherman, Tex., 17 N 1886.
my life. Moore, W. T. Living pul pit of
the Chri st i an church.
Christian education; The church in Tiers, M. C. Christian portrait
BATTLE,JESSE MERCER,1850-1914. ita leadership, The great miaaion of gallery.
(died Univeraaliat) the church: te aching God's word1 How
b. Wilaon, N. c., 10 N 1850. to get int o the chui:ch_: baptJ_~m; Th.e
d. St. Louie, llo., 16 S 1914. work of Abilene Christian college. BAYNE,MARY ADDAIAS (Mr•. James
(In Abilene Chriatian college Bible c. Bayne)
Tributea to my father and mother, lectures, 1919, pp. 199-208; 1936, pp. b.
and some atoriea of my life. St. 116-120; 1933, pp. 45-56; 1933, pp.
Louie, Jlt.ngan presa, 1911. 83-91; 1924-1925, pp. 9-20)
230p. Blue graaa and -ttle; or, the man
introduction see from Australia, illus. by o. A, Stem-
Why I am not a Roman Catholic ••• ler. Cincinnati, Standard, •1909.
St. Louie, Author, •1909. Abilene Christian college Bible 306p. front., plates.
294p. lectures, 1924-1925, 1926-1927, 1928-
1929. Crestlands, a centennial story of
about Cane Ridge, illua. by O. A. Stemler,
' Cincinnati, Standard, •1907,
In memoriam, Jeaae Mercer Battle, BAXTER,J FRANKLIN,1877- 27lp. front., plates.
1850-1914, a biography and aome tri- b. Grand Valley, Ontario, 28 Ap
bute& to~ noble character. 1877.
32p. BAYS, DAVIS· H , 1839-1905.
b. 6 Mr 1839.
Forgivenesa. . (In Thornton, E. d. Persia, Ia,, 24 0 1905,
Bf.TTLE, LAURA ELIZABETH(LEE) (llra. W., ed. Lord'• da1 worship aervicea,
Jeaae lleroer Battle) •1930, pp. 179-182) Christian unity, or church comity,
b. which? Dea Moines, Christian uni on
d. p\lb, co., n.d.
BAXTER,WILLIAM, 1820-1880. 16p.
Forget---nota of the civil _r, b. Leeds, Yorkshire, England, 6 Caption title.
a romance, containing reminiaoencea Jl 1820.
and original letter• of two confeder- d. New Caatle, Penn., 11 F 1880. The dootrin ea and dogmas of Mor-
ate aoldiera, by Laura Eliaabeth Lee1 monism examined and refuted. St.
illua. by Bryan Brunea. St. Louis, Life of elder Walter Scott, with Louie, Christian pub. oo., •18 97.
Presa R. A. Fleming ptg. oo., •1909. aketches ot his fellow laborers, Wil- 459p. front. (port.)
336p. front. (ports.) liam Hayden, Adamaon Bentley, John
Henry, and others. Cincinnati, Polygamy in America. Cin cinnati,
Bosworth, Chase and Ball, 1874. Standard.
BAUER, T P 460p, front, (port.)
b. How the acalea fell from my eyea.
!aife of Walter Soott; . abridged by (In Lord, J. A., ed. From darkness
B. A. Abbott, Walter Scott centennial to light, 1907, pp. 231-269)
Back of Luther to Christ. (In ed. St. Louis, ·Bethany preaa, 1926.
Lord, J. A., ed. From darkness to 215p. front. (port.)
light, 1907, pp, 139-171) BEACH,EUGENECHARLES,
Life of Knowles Shaw, the singing b.
evangelist. Ci11eim,ati, Central bk,
PEARLK concern, 1879,
b. 237p. front. (port.) Every Christian an evangelist.
Indianapolis, U. C. M. S.
Pea Ridge and Prairie Orove1 or, lOp. (An aid to better diaoiple-
with WEST, D, F. scenes and incidents of the war in ahip)
Arkanaaa, Cincinnati, Poe and
History of the first Christian Hitchcock, 1864. Christian youth building an-
church of Pomona, California, 1883- 262p. world; Evangeliem tor a time of oriaia .
1943... .Pomona, Calif., Firat (In International oorrrention, 1934,
Christian church. •1943. Poema. Cambr~dge,, Metcalfe , pp. 220-2261 1939, pp. 38-43)
94p. front. (port,) porta,, plates, and co., 1862.
244p, The God behind the stare. (In
Beach, E. c. ~nd others. Great
.. MI9~EL DAN, 1867- The love of God, (In lloore, W. T., Christian convictions, pp. l-4)
b. ed. The living pulpit of the Chriatian
church, 1867, pp. •31-443) with OTHERS
Changing church relationship. --. (In Roi,e, F. L., ed. Pio- Great Christian ooDYiotiona, an
tract. neer sermona and addreaaes, •1908, pp. outline of Sunday morning preaching
243-267) material for the nine Sundays embraced
Th• Kiilg'a highway1 or the atory of in the eight weeks with God'• program.
the Truthaeekers' club. Cincinnati, joint~- see (confidential to minister,) cind-
P, L. Rowe, 1906. ianapolia, u. C. K. s .•
14lp. KoGarvey, J, lr., ed. Chriatian 49p.
Sunday school hymn book. Content•,
Sermon outline• by E. c. Beach, T.
H. Bowen, Warren Grafton, H. L.
B Beach - Becker

Ice, M. O. Kellison, Kelly O'Neall, Beale, •1941, BEA.UCIWIP,IIRS. JENNIE BLAliD, 1833-
J.P. Pac k, M. o. Sansbury, and E. 32p. (Baptil t)
H. Wyle.
~- see llaplehurat; or, Campbelliam not
Christianity, with an introduction by
cBEACH,W B H Bates, Edward, Diary, A, P. Williama, St, Louis, P, K.
1832-1875. Pinckard, 1867,
b. near Rochester, N. Y., 10 Je 214p,
1832. ccBEA!i, ERNEST
d. Chesire , N. Y., 13 Ja 1875. b,
TOil L
debate with HICKEY, Y. (Pres- b.
byterian) The church in its building itself
up in love; The church in its idea•
A discussion on the trinity , held and ideals of unity. (In Abilene All that we have, (In Interna-
in the Presbyterian church, Green- Christian college Bible lectures, tional Convention, 1939, pp. 44-49)
ville, N. Y., Thursday, April 19, 1867. 1936, pp. 73-87; 102-115)
Dayton, o., Christian pub. association ,
O. A. Roberts, agent, 1867, BECK, FLORA E
Lawnfield, home of President James
S, JOHNE , 1858- A, Garfield, cCleveland, 0,, Weet- Sucoeaa with beginners, Cin-
b. ern reserve historical society, n,d. cinnati, Standard, 1939,
d. 16p. illus,, ports. 163p,
Robert Gordon; a story of the Mex-
ican revolution. New York, F. T. BEANS, YANDELL SMYTHE,1898- BECK, MARGARET
Neely, •1902. b, Lexington, Neb., 10 Ag 1898. b,
vi, 444p. fr ont., plates.

Robert Gordon,c2d ed., New York, The galloping pr eacher; being eome Group activities for children,
Broadway pub. co., •1903. experiences of a clergyman, Phila- Cincinnati, Standard, •1943,
vi, 444p. delphia, Dorrance, •1 927, 64p, (Standari children'•
Cover title: Robert Gordon, a 197p. workers' library)
story of the Mexican revolution,
Title page has pasted a slip John The stinking church; a diagnostic Talk• to children. Cincinnati,
E. Beadles over wrong name James synopaia, Troy, Kans,, Kansas chief Standard, •1943,
E, Beadles, C 1928, 79p, (Standard children'•
27p, workers' library)
Under a southern sun,
b, Haron count y , 0,, 11 My 1845, b,
d, Lincoln, Neb,, 24 D 1931.
Kennedy Beale) Nebraaka semi-centennial. A program of lite dedication,
b. Diacipl•• ot Christ. Our anawer-•
The teach er• a ,self-measurement, Chriat! )(iniater'• aermoa ayllabua,
new and enl, ed,,.. Lincoln, Neb., n.p,', n.d,
Revelliera-Lepeaux citi,en direc- •1924, l5p, inc. front ocver, (A pro-
tor, 1753-1824. New York, Columbia 2lp, gram ot evangeli&atiem, 1944-19~6)
university press, 1938.
307p, front. (port,) plates, port,. -~. BECKER,GEORGIAHORDED
School history of Nebraaka, baaed b,
BEALE, HOWARD KENNEDY,1899- on the Hiatory of Nebraska by J, Ster-
b, Chicago, Ill,, 8 Ap 1899. ling Vorton and Albert Watkins,
d, abrid~ed and compiled for the _publish- Dilciplea ot Chrht and uprooted
er,. Lincoln, Neb,, Western pub, Americana, cindianapclia, U, C, K,
Are American teacher• free? An and eng. 00,. r920. 8., 1946t.
analysis of restraint• upon the free- xxxvi, 317p. front, (port,) illus, 19p.
dom of teaching in American school,.
New York, Scribner, •1936, introduction 1ee
xxiv, 855p, (American historical BECKER,PAULELLSWORTH,1889-
aseociation committee on the eocial Mccash, I. N. Ten plagues of b. Dakota, 111., 2a s 1889,
atudiee, report pt, 12) modern Egypt,
Critical year1 a study of Andrew The Chriatian college vindicated
Johnaon and reconstruction, New BEATY, JAMES, 1831-1899, (First prise aermon, 1929) clnd-
York, Harcourt, •1930, b, ianapoli\, Board ot education, Diaoi-
ix, 343p. d, plea of Christ, 1929,
7p. folder,
History of freedom of teaching in Paying the pastor unecriptural and
American achoola. New York, Scribner, traditional, London, T, Fisher Un- Guiding youth ia atewardahip,
•1941. . win, 1886, .st. Louie, u. C, )(, 8, and Christian
xviii, 343p, (American historical xiv, 206p. board, 1933.
aaeociation committee on the social 36p, (Local church aenioe
•tudiee, reportP*· 16) cauthor of several tracts, titles a11ociation, youth aection)
Some fallaciea of the intervention-
ist view, .waahington, D, c., H, K,

Becker - Bell B

Charles s. lledbury, funeral ora- BELL, IDLL McCLELLAND, 1860-1927. about aee
tion. (In Miller, R.H., ed. b. Licking county, o., 19 Je 1860.
Charle, s. lledbury, 1932, pp. 102-117) d. Los Angeles, Calif,, 9 Ja 1927. Srygley, F. D. Biographies and
The Lord'• aupper--Catholio and Bell's fifty leaaona in orthoepy
apostolic. (In International oon- and ortho graphy, over three thousand,
vention, 1938, pp. 308-319) three hundred words that are otten ocBELL, J,{)NROE)(
m.iapelled, arranged in lesson• of b.
convenient length, i nterleaved for
BECKETT,BESSIE class work; original in arrangement
b. and methods, rev. and enl. Dea Our Saviour'• prayer for unity.
J&oines, G. A. Miller, printer, 1892. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Sa-rior•a
106p. prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 11-13)
Among the miners. Indianapolis,
C. W. B. M., n.d. Fifty leaaons in orthoepy and ortho-
3p. graphy, interleaved for class work, coBELL, R C
original in arrangement and method,. b.
Des Moines, A. J. Lill y, 1891.
BEIGHEY, D CLYDE, 1890- c4, 49p.
b. The human trinity. JlaebYille,
Harmony, unity peace, an addreas World -rhion.
delivered at Atlante., Georgia, October
How to teaoh penmanahip; a m&nual 7, 1914. .1914. The great phyaician1 How to 11-rei
for the teacher: a presentation ot lOp. llotives for miaaionariea ; Satan 11
the methods and procedure which m&y anti-mi11ionary. (In Abilene Chri•
be adopted in teaching writing in the Manual of parliamentary law. tian college Bible lecture•, 1943,
first eight grades. Me.comb, Ill., 1393. pp. 170-190; 1920-21, pp. 208-2161
Dept. or commercial education, West- 1937, pp. 15-23; 1937, pp. 120-121)
ern state teacher• college, •1927. Manual or orthoepy and orthography
46p. _ illua. (Western Illinoh arranged for the use of teachers and
atate teachers college quarterly, ..-ol~ students i n grammar schools, high BELL, ROBERTMONROE,1889-
6, no. 2) schools, academies, business coll e ges, b. Thomae county, Ga., 15 Je 1889.
normal schools, and teachers• institu-
with SPAllABEL, E. E. tions. Des lf<>ine s, Ia., State ptg.
hou1e, 1900. The new birth. n.p., n.d.
Ecoaomio and buaineu opportunitiea. c312,p. 4p.
Philadelphia, Winston, •1938.
vii, 602p. front., illua., diag•. An orthoepy and orthography arranged
for the uae ot teacher• and studenta BELL, THEODORE STOUT, 1807-1884.
Firat studiea in busineaa; with in granmar echoola, high achoola, b. Lexington, Ky., 6 Ja 1807.
correlated arithmetic. Boaton, academies, buaineaa colleges, normal d. D 1884.
Ginn, •1936. schools, and teacher•' institutes.
xi, 522p. front., illua., mapa. Dea Moines, Ia., Jordan brothers, 1909, · A lecture upon the prehiatoric
164p. ' age• or Scandinavia and or the lacua-
Pupil• project book or directed .A
trine dwellers or Switzerland, in
·atudy. Boston, Ginn, 1936. An orthoepy and orthography; with connection with the progreaa ot man-
20lp. exeroi1e1 and addition• by lf&rgaret kind under Divine guidance. Deli-
Oliver and a sup plement on reviaed vered on the e-reni~ of January 30,
with WRIGHT,W.W. orthography . by Homer H. Seerley. Dea 1869 in the hall or the medical
Moines, 'Ia., Huntwell pub. co., 1911. department or the univer1ity ot
Modern handwrit~ng. Indianapolia, 160p. Louia-rille. Louiaville, Ky.,
W. L. Eubank & oo., •1929, Bradley & Gilbert, printer•, 1869,
8-r. illua. --.
n""ed. Chicago, Ainsworth, 60p.

164p. Memorial &ddre11 upon the life and

BELDIRG, WARREiiAli, 1816-1902. 1ervioe1 or Lansford Pitts Yandell,
b. Randolph O., 5 S 1816. Outline of p1ychology . 1900. II. D. Louiaville, Ky., 1878.
d. 1902. 22p.
Outline of rhetoric. 1892. Reprinted rroa the American prao-
about aee titioner, April 18, 1878.
An outline ot the text of Taylor'•
Belding, W. s. Biography or Dr. atudy ot the child together with a Phyaical geography, climate,
Aaa Warren Belding. aeriea of aupplementary studie1 ayatem- therapeutic practice ••• pub. by aed-
Tiera, If. C. ChrHilan portrait atioally arranged. cDe• lloines, Ia., iaal al••• ot 1874.
gallery. · Author. 1900. 26p. (Loui1ville medical leo-
36p. ture1, no. 6)
BELDING,WARREiiS , 1862- about 1ee A paeudo critic unmaaked in a re-
b. view or the writing• ot I. s.
Carpenter, JI. A. Hill JloClelland Gaillard , 2d ed. Louiaville, 1869,
Biography ot Dr. w. A. Beldingi Bell. v. p.
including sixty years ot miniaterial
pioneer work, written by hi1 grandaon. !!·
Cino.innati, J. F. Rowe, 1897. BELL, JAMESSEMPLE, 1838- •
x-ri, 140p . front. (port.) b. Antrim, Ireland, eo O 1838. Diaou11ioa on reviaion ot the Holy
d. oraalea and upon the objeota, aiaa,
aotivea, the constitution, organiza-
ooBELL, O ! Je1u1 ot Bazareth1 hi1 a11erted tion, faoilitiea, and oapaoitie1 ot
b. relation to God and man. (In Srygley, the American Bible union for reviaioa,
F. D. Biographiea and 1ermon1, 1698 , by two •1aymen" of the reviaioa
The paralleled goapela. pp. 190-206) a11ooiation, and five olerg,-n1 tbe
latter 1peoially appointed by a 009-
B Bell - Benton
gr ••• of mini atera of the city of polymathiat, 1B77, pp. 300-301) BENTLY,WILLIA11PRESTON,1862-1941,
Louiaville, Louisville, Morton & b, Wilmington, 0,, 13 Ap 1B62,
Griswold, printer•, 1866 , d. 1941.
b, l&t.son county, Ill,, 30 Je 1B70. Christ triumphant through the cen-
about eee turies, 1901?
Tiers, K, C. Christian portrait _Unmistakable proof, (In Brokaw,
gallery, G. L., ed. Doctrine and life, 1B9B, The Eastern etar,
pp . 138-14B)
Illustrious Chineee Christiana1
BELL, U R about aee biographical aketchea. Cincinnati,
b, Standard, •1906,
Wella, Kilt on, J. A. Bennett, 248p. front., plate,., porta,

Kentucky, a guide to the Blue
The life and words of the presi-
dents of the U.S.

gra as state, compiled and written by Where fountaina play cpoems.

th e Federal writers' project of the R.,.. York, Pyramid preaa, •193B,
worka administration for the atate · of History of the founding of educa- 86p.
Kentuoky ••• with a preface by U. R. tional institutions by the Diaoiplea
Bell. N.,.. York, Harcourt, •1939, of Christ in Virginia and Weat Vir- introduction aee
489p. plates, -pa . (The Amer- ginia. cPittaburgh, 1933.
i can guide aeries) 7p. Hunt, W, R. A Chinese story-
Abstract of theaia, (Ph, D,)1 teller,
University of Pittsburgh, 1932,
b, Selkirk; Scotland, 26 S 1B63, Mother'• day; Why I believe in BERTON,ALLE11RICHARDSON, 1B22-1914,
Easter, (In Gray, A. W., ed. b, Ira, N. Y., l O 1B22.
Preaching that builds churches, 1940, d, Lincoln, Neb,, l Ja 1914.
Golden grain. .Bangor, llich,., pp. ; pp. )
Author, c 1904. Decision of character. {In
l60p. front. (port.) Jlathea, J.M., ed. The western
cBENNETT,SillON ADDISON, preacher, vol. 1, 1B66, pp. 59-72)
Jlan'a dynamic. (In Bridwell, J, b,
T., ed. The ll:1chigan pulpit, 1924, (In Sweeney, z. T,, ed.
pp . 116-126) N.,.. Testament Christianity, 1930,
The Chriatian denomination and vol. 3, pp . 1B4-201)
Christian doctrine, a brief analyaia
BELL<Jl'S,HENRYWHITNEY,1B14-18B2. of the contribution to the hiatory of Northwestern Christian univereity,
(Unitarian) doctrine of the denomination known aa (In Evana, Jladieon, ed. Biographical
the Christian church cwith an intro- eketohea of the pioneer preachers or
Befor e and after the preaident•a duction by Shailer Jlath.,..•• Dayton, Indiana, 1B62, pp. 414-422)
cJa a, A. Garfield. death. Two aermona o., Christian pub, aaaociation, n.d,
N- York, lBBl, 5lp. Retribution, (In Moore, W. T. ,
52p. ed, The living pulpit of the Chri•-
tian church, 1867, pp. 561-574)
BELSHE,E P b, about
d, Eaarey, Logan. Allen Richardson
Central Chriatian church through a Benton, (In Dictionary of American
An addreaa on aanotification. century. Terre Haute, Ind., Central biography, vol, 2, 1929, p. 209)
Carr oll ton, Ill,, Goepel echo, 1B67, Christian church cl94l.
lBp , 92p. plates, port,. about see
Content• include, Centennial
Orth ography simplified, or, word• pageant by B. H, Bruner, pp. 76-88, Moore, W. T. Living pulpit of
and their elements, regulated by the Chrietian church,
table s of elementary aounda, for eaay
and- perfect pronunciation. Cin- ccBENllETT,ULDON B
oinnat 1, Author, 1866. . b, BENTON,HARRY,1B73-
64p. b, Colfax, Waah,, BR 1B73,

lly departure f'l'om llethodiem,

BDnTT, ABE F -1942, Austin, Tex., Fir~ foundation, n,d, Cigarette amoking1 or, the other
b. 16p. aide of the tobacco ad, cllugene,
d . Portland, Ore., 19 0 1942. Cover title. Ore., World evangel. n,d,
16p, · inc. covers.
Evangelistic aerm.ona, YOl. l~
c!ugene, Ore., llugene Bible univer- B!IISOR, GIORGESTUART, 1898- . The 1110atbeautitul thing in the
sity pr eaa, •1926 • . b. near Taloga _, Okla., 26 S 1B9B, world, with an excuraua in service,
272p, fro nt . (port,) Eugene, Ore., Church and echool pub,
co., 1913.
Kiaeionwork in foreign lande, 29p.
BhllETT, Elllrlll T c (In The Tula& lect ~rea, 1~38, pp. 27-36)
1840-1929. The public achool dance, Eugene,
b, Free-ntle, Ill., 10 Ja 1840, Qualifioationa of worker• and method• Ore., World evangel, n,d.
d. l Ja 1929. of work in oriental fielda1 Workable l6p. in~. oovera.
plans. (In Abilene Christian col-
The healing fouata~n, akeletoa aer- lege Bible lecture•, 1937, pp. 88-921
110n, {In Cory, I, I., ed, , The 67-63)

Benton - Bible B

Rural sermons I inspiring sermons The 1911 revision of the Binet- Fi.rty years, trial and triumph ot
illuminated by things or nature well Simon teats of intelligence, 1913, the church of Christ.
lcno,m to all farmers, Eugene, Ore.,
Eugene Bible university preaa, 1926, Some limitations of the Binet-Simo~
288p, platea, teats, 1913, BET!!ABY

Introductory addresaes, delivered

BERBARD,FLORENCE(SCOTT) (Mra. BERRY,GEORGEKEYS, 1854-1939, at the organization of Bethany college,
Ebbert Louh Bernard) 1889- b, Washington ·county, Va., 24 0 November 2d, 1841, published by re-
b. Clyde, 0,, 19 Jl 1889, 1854, q!est ot the students, with an appen-
d, Portland, Ore., 1939, dix _containing the by-laws of the in-
--atitution, : Bethany, Va., printed by
Diana of Briarcliffe,., Boston, The eight leading churches, their A. Campbell, 1841,
Lothrop, Lee and Shepard co,, •1923. history and teaohillg, Portland, 92p.
269p, front,, plates, Ore,, Author, •1914, Contents:
262p, Addresses delivered by A. Campbell,
Through the cloud mountain• with ff. K. Pendleton, Robert Richardson,
Jan and the story book folk we love, --. rev. ed. Portland, Ore., and A, F. Rou,
Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1922, Author, 1928,
215p, front,, platea, 263p,
The truth condenaedJ or, helpa for b,
BERBARD,SAllJEL llIBOR, 1873-1946, young preachers, Ionia, Mich,, d,
b, Louisville, Ky., 12 D 1873, Author, 1900,
d, Loa Angele•, Calif,, 9 Ja 1946, 208p, fronts, (ports,) Bluebird'• wings; a book of verse
for those who live and love in war-
Our religioua neighbora--a plea --, 2d ed, .st. Louis, Chris- time, St. Louie, Bethany press,
tor _unii,n, I,ouievillll -, Ky,, Guide tian pub, co,. •1907, 1944,
ptg, and pub, co., 1902, , 22lp, _ front, (port.) x, 62p,
.120p, port,


b, .The Front rank Bible.; The holy
Bible containing the Old and New
Living without fear, Asheville, Testaments translated, out of the
An invitation to live, (In N, C,, Printed by the Groves ptg, co •. original tongues, being the version
Toward calvary with Christ, 1942, 1938, set forth A. D. 1611, compared with
pp. 7-9) 72p, front. (port.) the moat ancient authorities and
reviaed A, D. 1881-1885, newly edited
by the American reviaion committee
BERRY,CHARLESSCOTT; 1876- BERRY,J DAVIS, A. · o. 1901. Standard edition.
b, Hamlin, Kane,, 23 lfy 1876, b, St. Louis, Christian board of publi-
cation, n,d,
v,p. -ps.
The aaai,oiation reaction Mthod The Lord'• prayer. cTexarkana. On cover: Front rank Bible.
ot .Mntal diagnoaia, 1909, Tex,, Author. n,d. Contenta:
2.?J>. Old Testament, viii, 814p.
Th• olaeeitioation by teat• ot Rew Testament, Ti, 252p,
intelligence ot ten thousand tirat- Doctrinal helps, .2., 62p,
grad• pupil•. 1922. BERRY,LUCIENW (llethodht) How we got our Bible by W, c.
llorro, pp. 1-7.
A oompariaon ot th• Binet teats of The detonil9r reformed, or corrup- Bible dispensations by J. J,
1908 and 1911. 1912 ,. tion expoaed, Baley, pp. 7-14.
40p. Devotional uae or the Bible by
The education ot handicapped aohool An attao~ upon F. 11', Emmons. J. H. Garriaon, pp, 14-16.
children in lliohigan. .Lansing. The plaoe or Jeaua in the Bible
The auperintendent ot public instruc- , by R. P, Shepherd, pp, 1~22.
tion, 1926, BERRY,KATTIEL The~- testaaent church by A.
66p, (lliohigan dept. or publio b. C. Smither, pp, 23-28. •
instruction .1926. no, ll) The place of baptism by F, D,
Kerahner, pp. 28-36,
Etfeota of smoking Oil addillg. A sketch ot the Chriatian church The place or the Lord'• table,
1917, at Versailles, lentuoky, Versailles, pp. 36-38.
Ky,, Woodford sun co,, 1930, The place of the Holy apirit by
An experimental atudy or illlitatioll 15p. Marion Stevenson, pp, 38-43,
ill oata, 1908, The place ot mi11iona by A.
lloLean, pp. 43-51.
Bow the teacher -y help the BERRY,THOllASV , 1822-1882, The place ot Christian eteward-
exceptional ohild, euggeationa for b, St, Andrews, liew Brunswick, ehip by lfra. V. E. Harlan,
the education ot exceptional ohildrell 1822. pp. 51-67.
who are not in apeoial olaaeea, .rev, d, Crea ton, Ia., 1882, The Diaoiplee or Christ by W. R,
ed,a Columbua, Ohio state univ,, Warren, pp, 67-62,
cl936o Dying in sin; The righteous and C.lnoiae Bible dictionary, vi, 122p,
·24p, wicked, akeleton aermona, (In Concordance, .2. 234p.
Cory, I, I,, ed. The polymathiat,
The imitative tendency ot white 1877, pp. 443-4441 241-242) For other Diaoipl• editiona ot the
rata, 1906, Bible He

ObHuiona ot llOrwal llinda. 1916. BBSSIRE, A I .lnderaon, H. T. The- 11- Teatament.

b, Campbell, Alexander, The aaored
writiaga ot the apoatlea and evangeliata.
B Bible - Black

Jackson, Cortes. N- Testament Following a worthy example; The ocBrn.ER, C ROY,

with apostolic references. incomparable Christ, (In Abilene b.
Johnson, A. S. The self-inter- Christian college Bible lectures,
preti ng N- Testalll8nt. 1922-1923, pp. 277-2881 1938, pp. 140-
J ohnson, B. w. The peoples 161) with JONES, NORlfAN
N- Testament.
Rotherham, J.B. Emphasized Work of the located minister. Acta of apostle•, introduction,
Bible. (In The Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp. 48- headings, 1peoial arkinga, and em-
Rotherham, J.B. N- Testament 61) phasis. Kansas City, Kana., Author,
cr i t i cally emphasized. 1941.
Sommer, D. A. Simplified N- 114p,
b. Daniel Garrard Combs, (In West,
J, lf., ed. Sketche, of our mountain
pioneers, l939, pp. 247-251) Institution-faculty relation.a in
The Vawter family in America with the college of integrity. N-
th e allied families of Branham, Wise, York, Bureau of publioationa, Teacher•
St r i bling, Crawford, Lewis, Glover, BISHOP, ERMAR college, 1939.
Moncrief. Indianapolis, Hollen- b. xi, 178p.
be ck press, 1905.
viii, «2p. front . , illus.
ed, see ~-
Fundamental• of adllliniatration tor
BIDDLE, FRANCISMALLETTE,1862-1932. Ogdon, I. D. A keepsake from 1ohool1 of nuraing1 report of the
b. Cincinnati, o., l Ag 1862. "The old house." ooieittee to 1tud:, administration ia
d. Cinoinnati, o., Jl 1932. school• ot nursing, w.. York,
Rational league of nureing education,
Punishment. (In Meacham, E. J., oBISHOP, JOSIAH GOODIIAN,183~1922, •1940.
comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp. b, Smith county, Va., 14 S 1833. 270p,
135-136) d. Dayton, o., 16 0 1922.

Autobiograph:, and fundamental•. ccBLAClt, BYRUII, 1871-1944,

BIGELOlr, H B .Terre Haute, Ind., Emily It. Biahop, b, Sharp county, Ark., 28 Mr 1871,
b. 19227 d, Oklahona cit:,, Okla,, 2 F 1944,
d. l9lp. front. (port.) ports.
Fift:, reaaon& for not being a
Selected; practical; original; A Biblical view of the church; Baptilt.
educa t i onal; memorable soribulationa. with a brief treatiee on aix funda- 63p,
32p . mental truth• of Christiani t:,; intro-
Cover t i tle: Hits in verse. duction by John Franklin Burnett, 2d Sixt:,-tour bombshell• in the M:,rmon
ed. .Dayton, o., Christian pub, ranks,
a1sociation, 1918,
coBILLINGSLEY, WILLIA.~NEWTON,1853-1912. l38p. Thirty-six plain contradiction•
b, Pikeville, Tenn., 9 N 1853. between llethodilllll and the Bible.
d. lia1hville, Tenn,, 26 Kr 1912, The Christiana and the great oom- 1907.
miseion; a brief hietor:, of the home
Letter, from abroad. (In Ramsey, and foreign miuionary work of the Biographical sketch or the life
E, G. Burr i tt, our alma mater, 1914, Christian ohuroh, with biographical and labor• of Elder J.B. Lanon,
pp. ) aketohea of foreign mi11ionaries. (In Lawaon, J . H., Heartfelt religion
Dayton, o., Christian pub. association, and exposition of the aourner•' bench
about 1ee •1914. a:,etem of getting religion, 1894, pp,
.302,p, front, (port.) ports., 5-7)
Bol e s, H. L , Biographical plate,,
sketch e s of gospel preachers.
BISHOP, RICHARDII , 1812- • b.
, .IRA b. Fleming county, R. Y,, 4 R 1812, d,
b. d,
The old paths1 a plea for priaitive
about aee Christianit:,. Carlton, Victoria,
Bluebird notes and other poems. Australia, Author, 1889,
Tiera, II. C, Christian portrait 8p,
Songs of a 11 aea1ona. Indiana- galler:,,
po lia, Hollenbeck press, 1904.
From bondage to libert:,. ( In b. The -y outi twelve Chriatian
Lord, J . A,, ed, Froa darkna11 to d, leader• of Southern California apeak
light, 1907, pp. 207-210) to a world in ohaoa, Chicago,
Buttonwood and other poema, Willett, 1939,
Indianapoli1, Ootographio revi .. , 1904, xix, UOp,
ooBILLs, 1f D 168p, front, (port,) Content• include addrea1e1 b:,
b. Arthur Braden and Cleveland ltleibauer,
d. Re-union of-Chrietendoa, n,p.,
Sen,on, for the people. Auetin, 6p. BLAClt, IIRS. J C
Tea,, Fil'lft foundation, n.d, "Revi .. of a tract on thi• aubjeot b,
73p, written by G. P. Lannert, a ROJKn
Catholic prieat ot Indianapolis." Relation of auxiliary to lli11ion
band or junior 1ooiety, Indiana-
Black - Blaine B

polie, C. lf. B. II., 1897. Railroad monopoly. Argument of J. The geniue and individuality of
4p. s. Black to the judiciary collllllittee the church of Christ, Chicago,
of the senate of Pennsylvania, Thur•- Oracle pub. co., 1891.
day, llay 24, 1883, l6p.
BLACK,J F , (Methodist) l2p. !lad at least 3 printings.

The Bible -YI an antidote to "Religious liberty", an address to

Campbellism. Cincinnati, Jenning• the Phrenakosmian society of Pennayl- BLACKBURN
, CLEOW 1909-
and Graham, •1906. vania college, delivered at the annual b. Port Gibson, Miss., 29 S 1909,
176p. commencement, Sept. 17, 1856.
Ch&mberaburg, Penn., Printed by JI,
liefer & co., 1856. "A light that sh1neth in a dark
BLACK,JEREMIAH SULLIVAB,1810-1883, 26p, place" ; Templ es still undone. (In
b, Soureet county, Penn., 10 Ja International convention, 1942, pp.
1810. Speech at the democratic maas con- 327-332; 1937, pp. 317-328)
d, 19 Ag 1883, vention in Lancaster City, Sept. 17,
1863. Harrisburg, Penn,, "Patriot Peace begins at home. (In Drake
Addre11 delivered before the Agri- and union" steam print, 1863, conference. The church and the new
cultural society of Somereet county; 7p. world mind, 1944, pp. 169-186)
at lat annual exhibition, October 6,
1864. Pittsburgh, The society, Judge Jere S. Black' a reply to Col,
cl864o Ingeraoll, . (In l(cClure, J. B., ed. BLACKBURN,
16p. Mistake• of Ingersoll, 1892, pp. 49- b,
The doctrines of the democratic
and abolition parties contrasted, debate with INGERSOLL,R. G. Toward the highlands. St. Louie,
Negro equality. The conflict betweeil Pub. for the author by the Christian
"higher law" and the law of the land, Christian religion; discussion. board, •1912.
Speech at the hall of the Keystone N- York, Farrell, l33p. front., plates,
olub, in Philadelphia, October 24,
1864, .Philadelphia, Printed at New York, Eckler.
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Sp, !!• b, Kendallville, Ind., 2 0 1882.

. Bua,- and speeohea with a bio- United States supreme court reports,
graphical aketoh comp. by Chauncey 1861-62, vola. 6~67. Hew York, Boxing for everybody.
F. Black. N- York, Appleton, 1886, B&nka law pub. co.
vi, 62lp. front. (port,) 2 voh.
Eulogy on the life and character about b. Alabama, 14 Jl 1833.
of General Andr- Jackson, delivered d, 16 N 1892.
at Bedford, Pa,, - July 28th, 1846. Nichols, R. F. Jeremiah Sullivan
Chambersburg, Printed at the office Black. (In Dictionary of American about eee
of the "Weekly messenger", 1846, biography, Tol, 2, 1929, pp. 310-313)
23p. Boles, H, L. Biographical
about aee eketchea ct gospel preachers,
Federal jurisdiction in the terri-
tories. Right of local self-govern- Baigance, W. •. Jeremiah Sulli-
ment. Judge Black's argument for Utah van Black. BLACDELL, CALVINS
before the judiciary co111111itteeor the Brown, D, P. Jeremiahs. Black, b.
Beuse of liepreaentativea, February 1, L. L. D. d,
1883. Salt Lake City, Deseret news Clayton, II. B. Reminiacenoee of
co., 1883. Jeremiah Sullivan Black. lliniaterial qualification•.
28p. Gowen, George. Judge J. s. Blaok, (In Tyler, J, z.; ed, The Dieciplee
ot Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp, 66-
Washington, D. C., 1883, 69)
3lp. BLACK,SYDNEY,1860-1903,
b, London, 25 Jl 1860.
Letter to the secretary of war upon d, London, 22 0 1903. BLAINE, JAMESGILLESPIE, 1830-1893,
the legal liability of the government (Congregationalist)
to meet certain acoept&noee or the "Addreaaea and services.• Notting-
late eecretary Floyd... ~a•hington, ham, England, Jamee Bell, 1891. Eulogy on James Abram Garfield,

D. c., Sc.-ell & co,, printers,
1862. 78p.

about eee
delivered before the Senate and Bouse
of representatives of the United
States, February 27, 1882. Beaton,
Obeerntione on Senator Douglaaa• J, R. Oegood and co,, 1882.
vi-• of popular eovereignty aa ex- Ainaworth, T. ,. • Life or Sydney 60p, front. (port,)
preaeed in Harper• -ga~ine for Sep- Blaok.
tember, 1~59, Waehington, D. c., -. twentieth president of the
T. llcGill, printer, 1869, ·united Statee, delivered February 27,
l6p, ooBLACI, 11' D 1882, in the Bcuee of repreeentativea,
b. Washington, D. C, New York, J. S,
-. 2d ed, Waehington, D, C., Ogilvie & oo., .1882,
T. llaGill, printer, 1869, c14,p. (People'• library, v,;,l.
24p. The grandeur of the church, (In 4, no, 206)
Abilene Christian college Bible leo-
Obaerntiona on territorial sover- turea, 1924-1926, pp. 81-91) Foreign policy of tht Oe,rfield
eignty, oonaiating of three aeveral adminietration. Peace oongre•• of the
anewera to the •gazine article, two America•. .Chicago?, 1882a
epeechea, and pu,phlete of Senator · BLACK,'ll'ILLIAJI F , 1840-1908. Bp.
Douglae, .lfaehington, T. llcGill, b. 16 D 1840,
printer, 1860, d, Chicago, Ill,, 12 Ja 1908.
B Blaine - Bohlnan
James A. Gar field. Memorial add r e11 lloine s , Ia ., Drak e uni versity, 1931. Keep t o t he right, a pageant for
pronou nced in th e Hal l of repreaenta- 273p . plat e. (History o f Drake a Wor ld ca il evening. Indh.napolil,
tives, February 27, 1882, before the univer si t y , vol. l ) Worl d Call, n . d.
departme nt e of gover nment of t he l 5p .
Unit ed States, in res ponse to an I n th e a ft er -glow 1 old faa hioned
invi tation from th e two house s of . poem s . cDes Moines, Ia.a The Within the gates, a dramatization
Congre ss. Wa ahing ton, D. c., Govt. uni ver s ity pre ss , •1919. ba aed on th e stud y book Orien tal• in
ptg. off ice, 1882. 160p . f ront . , pla t ea, port s. Americ a n li f e by Dr. Albert 11'. Palmer ,
87p, front . (port .) ci ndiana pol ia , U. C. K. s •• n.d •
Pioneer• of a gre at cause ; his t ory • 12.p .
Memorial addre11 on the life and o f the church of Chr ist in Iowa.
characte r of James Abram Garfi eld, World call evening, a suggeated
deliver ed before bo t h housea of con- Set apart 1 poema of the hear t . pro gram outl in e for use in the church
gre1s, at the ir r equ est, in t he hall Dea lloi nea, Homeatead pub . oo., The . i ncl udi ng t he pl ay Fragrant frag-
of the House of repreeenta ti ves, on autho r, •1925. ment , , ci ndi anapolia, lforld Callo
the twenty-sev enth day of February , l60p . front, (port . ) c8 2p.
1882 . Washin gt on, D. C. , 1882. llimeographed.
l8p. Are ye a la o · de oei ved ? (In
Painter , J. H., ed, The Iowa· pul pit
Eulog y on James A. Garf ield. of t he church of Chr ist, 1884, pp. BLOUNT,BARZILLAI K , 1828-
(In Northr op, Life and ~ubl ic ser- 361-57 5) 1914.
vice• of Hon. James G. Bla i ne, 1893, b.
pp. 280-315) "Unto the ut t er most " . poems, d. Indianapolis, I nd., 28 Je 1914.
( In Ba con, B. B. "Wi t h heap• o •l ove ",
( In Thayer, 1f. K. From 1926, pp. 253-288) . addreaa. see
log-oabin to lfhite houae, 1886, pp.
461-463) ~- aee Butler univerdty •• l'oundera day.

Memorial addre ss on the life and Bacon, B. B. Wi t h heap• o •l ove 0

charact er of James A, Garfield. BLUE, GUY

, paeud.
(In Memorial addre sa ea on Li ncoln, abo ut aee
Garf ield , and MoKinl ey , 1903, pp. 99- aee BRITTON,ROLLINJ
176) Pain t er , J.B. Iowa pulpit of
t he church of Christ.
BOGART!, K E -1911 ,
BLAIR, ALBIRT, 1840- 1931. b.
b. Kinderh ook, Ill., 16 0 1840, BLANCHARD,
d. St. Louia, Ko. , 3 R 1931.
aee BACON,BESSIE (BLANCHARD) A -nual of elocut i on, part• i and
lfy Blairance str y and. 11. Valparaiao, Ind., B. F. Perrine,
• st. Louis, Author, 1926, •1888 •
1866- 392p.
b. Stoolcport, Ia., 17 H 1866. The practical principles of or-
BLAKELY,FRED O , 1910- d. Bethany, Neb., 24 S 1940. thoepy1 compiled fr0111Webater'a dic-
b. Deligh t, Ark., 8 F 1910. tionary. Valparaiao, Ind., B. P.
Baptiam as aeen ·by the comnon peo- Perrine, •1890.
ple. Cincinnati, Standard, •1904. l5p.
lfhy I cannot co11J1ent to engage in
carnal warfare .
Mimeographed . BLESSIJIG,WILLIAJIL , {now Select read i ngs for cla11 drill
Independent) and private learners. Valparalao
b. Ind., B. F. Perrine, •1884. •
BLAKEKORE, WILLIAMBARBETT,1876-1944. 316p. front., porte.
b. near Pari s, Tenn., 22 S 1876.
d . s t. Louis , Mo., 20 Ag 19«. Advanced teaching on divine healing.
Denver, Colo., Author, •1946. BOGGS,JORN
comp. llp. b.
Jlimeographed. d.
cllomorial boo klet for Leslie 11'.
Baker, Melbourne, Auatralia. Houae of prayer for all people. Backloolca on life'• pat'-aya.
cDeDYer, Colo . , Author. •1945.
40p. The Christian liberty, akeleton
BLAKEY, JOSEPHIJIE ll'ALIER, sermon. (In Cory, I. I., ed. The
b. Jltlohbedek, the miracle meaaage of pol~thiat, 1877, pp. 168-169)
the 20th century. Denver, Colo.,
Author, .19460 Pro-elaTery hlndranoea. (In
Solving the probl ... of the -11 60p. port. Butler, Pardee. Personal reoollec-
church achool. St . Lou ia, Chr ia t i an Titl e f rom coTer. tiona, 1889, pp. 318-330)
board, •19 33. Charle• llapea ptg . & pub . co.
28p. (Bethany church aohool "Fourth printing"
guide re pr i nt, no . 8) BOBLIIU', B!RBER'l ll'ILLlill, 1896-
b. lria., 23 D 1896 0

, l!RS. R W
, CHARLES,1861-1959. b.
b. near ll'apello, Ia., 7 S 1861. Labor ~ket in I-, characterla-
d. Dea Moi ne,, Ia., 28 Jl 1939. tica and trend,, a aurvey. Dee
An interview with mluionary oandi- Moines, Drake university, 1917.
Buil ding for the centurlea, a - datea .play. Indiana polia, c. w. B. 74p.
orial of the foundera · and bu1lder 11
•eat-centeuial, 1881-1951. ·DH ••
Bohlman - Book B

with BOHLMAN,]JL. debate with BOLL, R. H. Lessons on Romans. Louisville,
Word and work.
Our economic problems. Boston, Unfulfilled prophecy, a discusaion
Heath, cl942, on prophetic themes, .with an intro- The revelation, a brief and aimple
xx, 688p. illus. duction by S, H, Hall, Nashville, exposition of the last book of the
Gospel advocate, 1928, Bible, 2d ed, Louisville, Word and
424.p. work, n.d,
b. Caldwell oounty, Ky., 19 N joint~ aee
1845. Soul stirring sormons. Louie-
d. 6 S 1923. Clubb, M. D. Diaouaaion: Ia ville, Word and work.
instrumental lltllaio in Christian worship 82p.
about aee scriptural?
The thief on the oroes. cLouia-
Boles, H. L. Biographical ville, Word and work. n.d.
aketchee of gospel preachers. BOLES, MARION, c4-~p.
d. Weahalb nicht nur ein Christ?
BOLES, HENRYLEO, 1874-1946. treie uebersetzung aua dem Englischen
b. near Gainesboro, Tenn., 22 F Progressive development in conver- von Louie R. Patmont.
1874. sion. .8,p,
d. Naaln-ille, Tenn., 7 F 1946. 16p, Gernan tr. of !!!i'.~ ~ juat .!
Biographical iketohea of gospel
preaohera, including the pioneer BOLES, lfILLIAll HENRY, 1850-1914.. Why not be just a Christian?
preachers of the restoration move-nt b, near DuQuoin, Ill., 23 Je 1860, .Louisville, Word and work. n . d.
and many other preacher• through d. 7 D 1916. .8.p.
decades down to the present genera-
tion.who have passed to their reward. Treason in Washington, cChriato-
Nashville, Goepel advocate, 1932. pher, Ill., Author, 1908.
457p. front,, ports, 17lp. Boles, H. L. Unt'ultilled pro-
Biographies of ninety-tour preaohera, pheoy.
Christianity applied. (In
Boles• Bible questions, one hun- Patterson, H. C., ed. Our living
dred fifty aix leasona... Baah- evangelists, 1894, pp. 310-335) BOND,LYDIA (KENNEDY) (Mrs. W. T,
ville, Goepel advocate, •1936. Bond)
160p. maps. about ••• b.

A cOllllllentary on Acts. Nasln-i lle, Patteraon, H. C, Our living

Gospel advocate, 1941. evangelists. ••e
Bourne, A. S. History of
Conm,entary on the gospel by Luke. BOLL, ROBERTHENRY,1876- Daughters college.
llaahville, Gospel advocate, 1940, b. Badenweiler, Germany, 7 Je 1876.
Conm,entary on the gospel according The ohuroh I found and how I found b.
to Jlo.tthew, Nashville, Gospel it. Louisville, Word and work, n.d.
advocate, 1936. .8,p.
674p. Review of L. W. Ba.tea, D. D, on
Howto understand and apply the "Water bapti .... " Nashville, Goepel
Elderahip of churchea of Christ. Bible. Louiaville, Word and work, advooate, 1891?
llaahville, Gospel advocate, n.d, n.d.
40p. l6p.
The holy apirit, hia personality, Isaiah, a aerie• of abort atudiea b, Pulaski, Va,, 26 Ja 1889,
n&ture, works. Baahville, Goepel through the book of Ieaiah, tor home d.
advocate, 194.2, or class uae, Louisville, Word and
313p, work, n.d. Church eduoation&l ministry.
.16.p. (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian
Instrumental muaio in worship. ram at work, 1941, v, 3, pp. _ 69-66)
1926, Jeremiah, a aeries of abort atudie•
through the book of Jeremiah tor home introcj.uotion aee
A -nual tor teachers. Waelrrille, · or olaaa uee. Louiffille, Word and
Goepel advocate, 1940T work, n,d. 16.mro, H. c. How to inoreaae
·80p. .2,.p. your Sunday school. •l .926.

Marriage, divoroe and remarriage, The kingdo• ot God, a surve;,..atudy

Jlaa~lle, Goepel advcoate, 1946. of the Bible'• principle th•••. BOOK';W'ILLIAJIHDRY, 1883-
l0p. · Louisville, Word and work, n.d. b. Craig county, Va., 4 Jl 1863,
llew Teatament teaching on war.
1922, Leason• on Daniel, · Louisville, . Are the diaoiplea a denomination!
Word and work.
The aeoond ooming or Chriat and The ark, a type of ohuroh .sermon.
•The Milleniwa." n.p., n.d, Leuona on !pheaiana. 14,uinille, llartinaTille, Va,, Author, 1904;
23p, Word and work,
Caption title. 69p. Baptism and ohuroh •mberahip,
Christian -rtare. (In IIUrfreea- Leaaona on Hebrews. Jlaahville, lOp.
boro addreaaea, 1917, pp, 174-190) 111,Quiddyptg. co., 1910.
B Book - Borden

Th• Columbus tabernaole sermons. vii, 343p. front . {ports.) por t s . Baptis t doctrine upset. Bate,-
Ci noinnati, Standard, •1909-13. Contento : ville, Ark ., Chr istia n pilot pub. co.
2 vols. fronts . (ports.) P,latas . Sermons by and bri e f biogra phi cal
vol . l stenogra phically reported
by Walter c. Galbraith, 1909.
sket ches or W. T. Bro oks, L. E.
Brown, J. C. Burkhard t , C. lf.
Austin, Tex., Firm found-

vol. 2 stenographically reported Cauble, Wiiliam Chapple, W. J .

by Kate Irwin, 1913. Cocke, J. V. Coombs, E. R. Edwards, Brother Smith's loyalty.
G. W. Hemry, G. I. Hoover, L, c.
Denominationalism: origin, sin, Bowe, Harley Jackson, T. J. Legg, The chang e of heart.
and t he remedy ... Columbus, Ind., L. o. Newcomer, A. B. Philputt,
1911 . C. J. Sharp, R. N. Simpson, James The crimson trail. Austin, Tex.,
16p. Small, J. A. Spencer, z. ~. Sweeney, Firm foundation.
J. c. Todd, and c. H. Winders. l88p.
_, a sermon. . . Columbus.
I nd. , Republican print, n.d. about see Fort;--seven rea sons for not being
• 25,p. a Methodht •
Book, W. H., Jr, As July fourth
I am the Bible. approaches. God'• et ernal purpo se I le ct .ures.
pamphlet. Jloore, W. T. New living pul pit Austin, Tex., Firm foundation.
of the Christian church. 109p.
Th• Lord's day or Sabbath, which?
Gospel aennona.
The mis sionary significance or BOOJ:,lJILLUM HENRY, JR .
our plea. b. Has the kingdom of Chriat been
Hot a denomination. 64p.
Aa July fourth ap proache .a. (In
One baptism, a te1t or fellowship. Campbell and M>seley, eds. My dad, Hereditary total depravity.
1938, pp. 21-26) Bate1ville, Ark., Christian pilot pub.
Open membership or Jesus Christ, co.
which? n.p . , n.d.
Sp . BOOKFELLOIJS. The honeat gentile.

The origin and lin or denondnation- Wreath for Edwin Markham1 tributes Jacob's ladder, a book of sermons
al i sm and the remedy. from the poets or Alnerica on his seven- preaohe .d at Jleosho, lliuouri, in
tieth birthday, April 23, 1922. October, 1913. Stenographically re-
Real life and original saying•. Chicago, Order of Booktellows, 1922. ported, also a few written extracts.
Richmond, Va., Ward and Duke, 1900. 47p. illus, Ed. by T. B. Clark. Little Rook,
192p. front. (port.) ports. Ark., Christian pilot pub. co., •1914.
352p. front., port•.
Rebuilding the wall• around Jeru- BOOTH, JOHNHENRY, 1880- •
1ale m. Columbus, Ind., 1912. b. near Wichita, Kans., 25 Ag 1880. --, ad. by G. H.P. Showalter.
22p. Au1tin, Tex., Firm foundation, •1914.
319p, front. (port.)
Ser mons tor the people. Cin- Ten points for church extension
cinnati, Standard, •1918. aermona. John'• trouble. Bateaville,
l6p. Ark., Christian pilot pub. co.
What must I do to be 1aved?
n.p., n.d. Fifty years of church extenaion1 Joshua, that minister or llosea.
i 2p . Jlew givers. (In International con- Austin, Tar., Finn foundation.
vention, 1938, pp. 296-3071 1936, pp. 67p.
Where are our deed? 211-217)
The kingdom. A treatise on the
'll'hy go to church? eatablhhment or the kingdom, from
BOOTH,OSBORllE,1895- three point, of view~ 2d ed. corrected
The Bible1 Lessons trom the re•ur- b. Youngstown, o., 11 S 1896. and rni1ad. BateaTille, Ark.,
rection . (In Meacham, E. J., comp. Christian pilot pub. oo., n.d.
Training tc teach, 1913, pp. 41-431 53p .
47-50) joint~ aee
The millenium. .lu1tin, Tax.,
How I became a Christian only. Stevenson, D. E. The Uiaoiplea Firm foundation, 1941.
(In Lord, J. A. , ed. From d&rlr:ne.u fi rat college.
to light, 1907, pp. 123-130) lly oall to preach.

Place or baptism in the kingdom. BOOTH,WILLUJI Tom's oall to preaoh, 2d ad.

(In 'll'atohword or the reatoration b. Batesville, Ark., Chri1tian pilot pub .
vindicated , pp. 92-102) d. oo •• n.d.
63p .
The preacher and hia meaaage. Outlinea of ohurch craft1 to which
(In li>ore, w. T., ed. The new living 11 prefixed a letter to -1>er1 or the The troubled village. Batea-
pulpit or the Christian church, 1918, Jlinth 1treet regular Baptist ohuroh in rille, Ark., Christian pilot pub. co.
pp. 103-112) Cincinnati by the excomnmicatad •••
Cincinnati, John Faullr:ner, 1837. Jllaio in the church. (In Abilene
The reaurrection, Eaater aermon. 48p. Christian oollege Bible leoturea,
( In Thornton, B. w., ed. Special 1926-1927, pp. 210-222)
•enoona tor apecial ocoaaiona, 1921,
pp. 77-88} ocBORDD, ELI JllllROE, 1874- with SHC..lLTER, O. H. P.
!!• Church history 1howing the origin
or the ohureh of Chri1t, and ita
The Indiana pulpit. Cincinnati, .lt the foot of Jlount M,ro. .lu .. history troa the day• or the apoetlea
8t&ndud, 1912.
tin, Tex . , Fira foundation. to our time, by E. II . Borden, aHh1lM

Borden - Bower B

by G. H.P. Showalter. Austin. Tex • ., The upward -y. Kindneaa. (In lleacham, E. J.,
Firm foundation, 1939. comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp.
408p. ports. 10-12)
BOTELER,MATTIEIii , 1859-1929,
debate with BALLA:JlD, (Baptist) b. Jamestown, o., 28 ag 1859.
----- d. Cincinnati, o., 28 Ag 1929, BOWEN,KENNETH BLOUNT,1889-
Borden-Ballard debate. b • .near Plymouth, N. c., 25 D 1889,
The conver -sion of Brian 0 1 Dillon.
debate with BOGARD, B.• M. Cincinnati, Standard, •1896.
----- (Baptist) 253p. The church and the economic order.
(In Willett, H. L. and Buckner, G. W.,
The Borden-Bogard debate1 four Evolution of Juliet. Cincinnati, eds. Interpreting Oxford, pp. 9-10)
days discussion, •• covering the iasuea Standard, al903,
between the church known as the churoh 228p. The present situation in protes-
of Christ and the ohurch known as the tant Chriatinn education. (In
loliaaionary baptist. Reported in Joe Binder'• wild westing. Cin- International convention, 1938, pp,
shorthand by w. L. Bourland. Bates- cinnati, Standard, •1903. 264-274)
ville, Ark., E. K. Borden; Little Rock, 24lp. illus.
Ark., B. M. Bogard, 1909?
398p. porta. Lights on Scripture truths, Cin- BOWEN, MRS. KENNETH
cinnati, Standard. b. Side windows.
b., La Rue oo., Ky., 1891, Like as we are. Cincinnati, From the fireaide to the highway,
Standard, •1903. (In International convention, 1942,
vi, 225p. pp. 96-102) .
Village life under the Sovieta.
New York, Vanguard press, •1927. Sermon notes from the ministry of
xxii, 19lp. (Vanguard atudiee of Jeaus1 suggestive outlines for BOWEN,THADDEUS HASSELL, 1893-
Soviet Rusaia) preachers and teachers. Cincinnati, b. Beaufort county, N. c., 20 Ky
Standard, •1915. 1893,
b. Shut-in; a story of the silver Characteristic beliefs of the
cross, Cincinnati, Standard, 1895. Disciple• of Christ. .Lexington,
256p. Ky., College of the Bible, 1945,
Ky book at the age of eight years. 4p. (College ot the Bible
Nashville, Gospel advocate, 1893, Side windows1 or, lights on acrip- studies of current Disciple iaauea,
19lp, front. {port.) ports. ture truths. Cincinnati, Standard, no. 3)
•1901. Reprinted from The College of the
224p. Bible bulletin, July 1945,
b. Col1DDbua, loliaa,, 28 Ap 1866. _!!. The mind of Christ and the mind of
today. (In International conven-
Pocket leaaon commentary for 19271 tion, 1936, pp. 197-205)
Flaming heart• and other aermona. the heart of the International Sunday
Cincinnati, Standard, •1939, school leaaona tor buay Bible students. The reality of divine revelation,
262p. Cincinnati, Standard, 1926, (In Beach, E. c. and other•. Great
160p. Christian convictions, pp, 20-27)
God'• purpose to-rda ua. Cin-
oinnati, Standard, •1927. joint comp. aee
Pounds, J. H, B. Song• of service. b. Pinetown, N. c., 10 Jl 1898.
Recollection• of a red-headed -n.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1915.
144p. BOORD, ANNE (SHANKS) (Mr-a. B. K. with HILL, T. L.
.The ohuroh1 Puniahment. (In b. The 36 parable• ot Je1ua1 the 46
Meacham, E. J., c0111p. Training to miracle• of Jeaua ••• Augusta, Ga.,
teach, •1913, pp. 6-71 4-6) Loyal Bible claaa of the central
w1th OTHERS Chriatian church, . n.d.
What muat I do to be aavedT (In c4,p.
Thornton, E. w., ed, Lord' ·• daf wor- Bhtory of Daughters college, (1866-
ahip aenioea, •1930, pp, 83-86) 1893) and ita founder John Auguatua
Williama (1824-1903) .by Anne Shanka .BOIJER,WILLIAMCLAYTOR,1878- ·
HARDEllAJI,N. B. Bourne, llattie Terhune Davia and Lydia b. Wolcottville, Ind., 6 F 1878,
Kennedy Bonda .1944,
Diaouaaion Oil inatrumental muaic in · 53p. illus., porta,
worahip, conducted in the Rynan audi- Character through creative exper-
toriua, ••hville, llay 31-June 5, 1923, ience. Chicago, Univeraity of
Naehville, Goepel advocate, 1924. BOif, JONATBAII
GAIIIES (Baptilt) Chicago preaa, •1930.
239p, xiii, 278p. (Handbook• ot ethic•
Jeaaie Allen1 or the power of truth, and religion)
Lol.liaville, Baptist book concern, •1916.
BOSWELL,IIARGIBBILL, 269p. front., plate,. Christ and Christian education,
b. Fiction attack upon Diaoipln, Raahville, Abingdon-Cokeabury, •1943,

Theaooldng bird, and other poeaa, BOIJDER,WILLUK IIBRBERT,1870- Church and atate in education,
Loa Angele•, J, c. Farley, · 1927, b, Athena, o., ~O Ja 1870. Chicago, Univeraity of Chicago preaa,
126p, 1944,

B Bower - Braden

The curriculum of religioua educa- The .quest for God through knowledge. about aee
t ion, N- York, Scribner, 1925, (In Lotz, P, H., comp. The quest for
283p. God through understanding, 1937, pp. Boles, H. L, Biographical
194-204) sketches of gospel preachere,
The educational taek of the local
church.,. St. Louie, Front rank Religion and every-day li;ing. ,
press, •1921, (In Proceedin gs of Ohio state educatioi,, BOYD,JOHN ORVILLE, 1876-
138p. al oonference, 1931, pp. 462-470) b. near Louisiana, Mo., 10 Ja 1876. _

---. St. Louie, _Published for Religious education for our day.
th e teacher training publiehing (In InternatioMl convention, 1934, Bible courae in public schools.
ae aociation by The Bethany presa, pp. 40-47) .Keokuk, Ia., Author, 1923.
•1 921. 8p.
6, l38p. Trends in institutional religion.
(In .Campbell institute, Trends of Brotherhood ritual and atudies.
The living Bible. New York, modern religion, 1930, pp. 18-26) Keokuk, Ia., Author, n.d.
Harper, 1936. 12p.
ix, 229p.
~- --. Kansas City, I&>., Brother-
-- r
1946, •1936 • .
rev. ed. ~- York, Harper, The church at work in the modern
world... Chicago, University of
hood of the Dis~iples of Christ, n.d.
' 238 1-. Chicago preaa, 1936,
xii, 304p. Thia troubled age, conunencement
Religion and the good life, Contents: Includea chapters by address delivered at Culver-Stockton
York, Abingdon, •1933. E, S, Amee, W, E, Garrison, and college, Canton, llisaouri, August 23,
23lp, (Abingdon religioue mono- S, c. Kincheloe, 1943, .Keokuk, Ia., Author, 1943.
gr aph•) 16p. inc. front cover.
Religioue education in the modern
church ••• St. Louie, Bethany prees, The Diaoiplee and religious educa- BOYD,JOSEPHDAVID, 1896-
• 1929. tion, a volume in celebration of the b. 10 S 1895.
270p. twenty-fifty annivereary of the depart-
mentor religious educat i on of the
• tr, into Korean, 1932.
Diaciplee of Christ; contributors:
R, X, Hopkins, I, X. Irwin, H. A•
A goepel that ie a gospel,
Coffeyville, Kana ., Author.
Lewie, Glenn McRae, C, P., G. V.
Study or practical Chrietianity. Moore, W. c. Parry, V • . A. Sly, Marion
(Di vinity 306) Chicago, University Steveneon, and T. T. Swearingen. BOYD,MARYMARGARET,
of Chicago, •1935. St. Louie, Christian board, •1936. b.
40p. (The Univereity or Chicago, 234p.
Ext eneion division. Bome-etudy depart-
ment) introduction aee A eolution, a conference promotion
Mimeographed, play. st. Louis, u. c. 11, s.
Cassidy, X • .A, Golden deeds in 7p, (Conference play•)
A 1urvey of religioua education in character education. lfimeographed,
the local church. Chicago, Univer-
aity of Chicago pr•••, •1919.
xvi, 177p. (Principle• and BO!n!AN,JOHNBRYAN,1824-1891, BOYER,THOlfA.S
methoda or religious education) b, 16 0 1824. b.
d, 29 S 1891 . d.
Curriculum. (In An introduction
to religiou• education, Cokeebury The development of the arid regione lleekneaaJ Work. (In Meacham, E.
preaa, 19al, pp. ) or the west by irrigation. J,:tt argu- J., comp. Training to teach, •1913,
ment ' before the House committee on pp. 26-281 32-33)
Educating for an- world order. agriculture ·in r..-.·or of the Jornada
(In Knox, John, ed, Religion and the and El Paso reservoir and canal companJ
present oriaia, •1942, pp. 126-141) Washington, llay, 1888. Waehington, BRACEY,ROSA(BROlrN)
D, C,, Gibeon broa., printers and b.
Fellowahip with Christ in Hie bookbinders, 1888,
·,urreringa. (In International con- 16p.
vention, 1913, pp. 27-34) A history or the Negro Diaciplea.
Inaugural addreae, Kentucky ·univer- St. Louie, 1938,
A 1'\motional concept or religion. 1it7. Lexington, Ky.
(In Garriaon, W, !,, ed. Faith of 32p.
the free, 1940, pp. 1-11) BRADD, ARTHUR,1881-
about b, West Bro-ich, England, 29 lly
Jeaua aa a reaource for Christian 1881.
livi ng , (In Vieth, P, H,, ed. The Knight, G. C. John Bryan Bowman.
experience centered -thod, pp. 10-16) (In Dictionary or American biography. ·
· vol, 2, 1929, pp. 620-621) Three modern bidder• for human
A •jor in religioua education . in allegiance. (In Black, H, G., ed.
the college or liberal arta, (In about aee The -Y out, 1939, pp. )
Tower , X, c., ed, Religion and higher
educat ion, Univeraity or Chicago pre11, Tiera, M. C. Rellgioua revivals and their after
Christian portrait ertecta. 1914.
19U, pp, ) gallery .
The nature, content and fol'lll of the
ourrioulum ot religioua education. BOYD,ELLIOTTHODGE,1845-1920, BRADEN,CLARK,1831-1916.
(In Lota and Craw1'ord, eda . Studiea b. Pikeville, Tenn., 2 Mr 1846. b. Guatavue, o., 8 Ag 1831,
in religioua education, 1931?,pp, .d. Dayton, Tenn., 3 S 1920, d. 1915.
Baptihl in a nut ahell. Cin-
oinnati, Rowe,
lh-aden - Brandt B

Catechism for seventh-dayites. coBRADFIELD,W A Third class worl d, a roving philo-

Cincinns.ti, Rowe. b. sopher observes t he common man.
pamphlet. d. Bangor, Me., Author, 1938.
266p. front., plates, ports.
The gros s errors of popular teach- The way to heaven, rev. ed.
ing in regard to the dates of the
birth of Chriat and of events connect-
ed with his early history, and in
The war and religion; a preliminary
regard to the dates of the arrest; BRADFORD,
GEORGEFRANKLIN,1870- bibliography of material in English;
the trials; the crucifixion; the b. Missouri, 1870. prior to January 1, 1919. New York,
burial; the resurrection and the as- Association press, 1919.
cension of Christ. Cairo, Ill., 136p.
Author, 1902 . Stewardship and tithing. St.
263p. Louis, Bethany press, •1926.
Cover title: Trials and cruci- 187p. BRADT,CHARLESEDIYIN,1863-
fixion of Christ. (Presbyterian)
A tithing catechism. .Chicago?,
An important lesson in Biblical Layman co., n. d. What a country church can do for
interpretation. Cincinnati, Chris- Sp. missions. Cincinnati, Foreign
tian leader, 1899. Christian missionary society, n.d.
pamphlet. 4p.
Infidelity gone to seed. 1852-
b. Tenn., 20 My 1852. BRADY,CLARENCE ABRAM,1871-
Ingersoll unmasked, a scathing and d. b. Beech Creek, Penn., 3 Ap 1871.
fearless expose of his real life,
.with an, introduction by G. F.' Hall The two laws and the outward and
and supplement by J. w. Zachary, first inward man. (In Scott, L. w., ed. A branded slave. (In Bridwell,
edition. Lexington, Blue gr ass ptg. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 50-59) J, T., ed. The Michigan pulpit, 1924,
00 •• 1900. pp. 128-132)
, ANNIED Churches of Christ in Pennsylvania.
--, 4th thousand. Lexington, b. (In Brown, J. T,, ed. Churches of
Ky., Blue grass ptg. co., 1900. d. Christ, 1904, pp. 276-277)
Young Santa Claus, with musio by J.
St. Louis, Christian board. H. Rosecrans. St. Louis, Christian BRANDENBURG, WALTERE , 1871-
pub. co., 1895. 1937.
The problem of problems, and its b. Arlington, Ia., Je 1871,
n.rious solutions; or Atheism, Darwin- d. Kansas City, Kans., 12 Ap 1937.
ism, and theism. Cincinnati, Chase BRADLEY,ERNESTJ
and Hall, 1877. b. The philosophy of Christian being.
480p. d. Boston, SherDW1.n,Frenoh & co., 1917.
---. 2d ed. Cincinnati, Oska- The distinctive plea of the disci-
loolca, Central book ooncern, 1879, ples. 1903?
•1876. pamphlet. BRANDT,JOHNLINCOLN,1860-1946.
Thesis: Texas Christian university. b. Somerset, o., 26 0 1860.
Refutation of accepted theory of d, Los Angeles, Calif., 27 Mr 1946.
BRADLEY,SIDNEYR , 1896- America or Rome, Christ or the pope,
Refutation of atheistic evolution. __. b. Siam, Ia., 30 0 1896. introductory by W. J. H. Traynor and
J. G. White, 6th ed. Toledo, o.,
debate with HUGHEY,G. 'If.
(Methodiat) "Let these atones apeak."; The
the Loyal pub. co,, 1896.
vii, 626p. front,
(port.) illus,
romance of church extension. (In
Debate on the action of baptism, International convention, 1937, pp.
the subj~ots of baptism, the work of 175-181; 1935, pp. 68-78) --, 7th ed. Toledo, O., Loyal
the holy spirit, the discipline of pub. co., 1896, •1895.
·the M. E. ohuroh and human creed,, held ~~1, 528p. front. (port.) illua.
in Vienna, Johnson county, Illinois, BRADSHAW, MARIONJOHN, 1886- ports.
beginning Tuesday, August 18, and (Now Universalist)
oloaing Thursday, August 27, 1868, in b. Salem, o., 14 D 1886 0
--, 8th ed. St. Louie, Chria-
all nine days... Cincinnati, Frank- tian pub. co., 1899, •1896.
lin and Rioe for C. Braden, •1870. vii, 526p, front, (port,) illus,
687p. The llt.ine land1 a portfolio of
Cover title: Debate between Clark views taken in vacationland. .Alli- --, loth ed. St, Louia, Chri&-
Braden and G. ff. Hughey. ance, Ohio, Bradshaw ptg. servioe, 1941, tian board, •1895.
cl76,p. illus. vii, 526p. front, (port.) illus,
debate with
----- !ELLEY, E. L.
(li>rmon) The nature of lfainei as seen by a --. Cincinnati, Standard.
teacher of philoaophy ••• cBangor,
Public discussion of the isaues be- lie., Author, •1944. Anglo-Saxon 1upr-oy1 or, race
tween the Reorganized Church of Jesus 176p, front., plates, contribution, to civilisation with an
Chriat of Latter Day Saints and the introduction by Jame• 'If. Lee, Bea-
Churoh of Christ (Diaoiplea), held in Philosophical foundations of faith, - ton, Badger, •1915.
lirtland,' Ohio, beginning Feb. 12th a contribution toward a philoaophy of vi, 24lp. {Humanpersonality
and oloaing lfar. 8th, 1884 ••• religion. New York, Columbia univer- eeriee)
St, Louia, Author, 1884T aity press, 1941.
396p. :r;, 264p. Christian Science examined and ex-
Cover title, Braden and Kelley poaed, first aeries of the falae and
debate. true, Denver, Colo,, •1891.
B Brandt - Brewer

The false and the true. 1893. BREAKER,D M Hereditary total depravity.
b. Nashville, Tenn., Lipscomb ands-ell,
Finding Christ. N- York, R.R. d. 1870.
Smith, 1930. 2lp.
ix, 97p. Points of difference between myself
and Baptists. Cincinnati, Standard. Old path pulpit.
Great Bible questions; twenty ser- 28p.
mon• on interrogatory texts. N- A treatise on . church organization
York, Revell, •l9Z6. and government. Louisville, C. C.
284p. BREEDEN,HARVEY OSCAR, 1857-1933. Cline, 1882.
b, Mason county, Ill., 18 Ap 1857. 35p.
l(arriage and the home. Chicago, d. Oakland, Calif., 27 Ja 1933.
Laird and Lee, 1892. debate with HEROD,E. D.
262p. front. (port.) Churches of Christ in Des Moines, (Baptist)
Some copies had a slip with Toledo, Iowa. (In Brown, J. T., ed, Churche•
The Loyal pub. co., pasted over of Christ, 1904, pp. 314-318) Theological debate. Nashville,
the imprint. Gospel advocate.
A world wide crusade for Christ.
The origin of churches. cMel- (In Brokaw, o. L., ed. Doctrine and about see
bourne, Australia, Austral ptg. and life, 1898, pp. 478-501)
pub. co •• n.d. Boles, H. L. Biographical
C 16~p. about sketch~• of gospel preachers.
Dorris, V. W. Dr. T. W. Brents.
Soul saving; revival.sermon,, Harvey Oscar Breeden. (In Brown,
St. Louis, Christian pub. co., •1907. J. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904,
332p. front. (port.) pp. 472-473) BRffiBAKER,CHARLESWARREN,1669-
(United Brethren)
Turning points, or, great questions about see
for young men and women, with intro- The adult Bible teacher and leader,
duction by F. D. Power. Cincinnati, Brokaw. G. L. Doctrine and life a twenty-hour course for teachers and
Standard, 1890. by Iowa writers. officers of the adult department.
xii, 235p. Cincinnati, Standard, •1943.
--, rev. and enl. ed. Cincin- ccBRENTS, J W , 1884-
nati, Standard, •1890, •1892. b. near Petersburg, Tenn., l Mr
xii, 343E• front. (port.) illus. 1884. ccBREWER,CHARLESR
What about the modern dance?
Cincinnati, Standard. Sermon synopsis. .Springfield,
Tenn.?, Author, 1938?, Christ--the -n.y out. Nashville,
Why am I a Chriatian? World vision.
c8,p. (Tract no. 7)
BRENTS, THOMAS W , 1823-1905,
Church of Chriat in St. Louis. b, Lincoln county, Tenn., lO ·F 1B23.
(In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of d. L-isburg, Tenn., 29 Je 1905. ccBREWER,GROVERCLEVELAND,1884-
Christ, 1904, pp. 346-350) b. Giles county, Tenn., 25 D 1884.
The gospel plan of salvation.
Confession. (In Meacham, E. J., Nashville, J. T. s. Fall & sons, 1868.
comp'. Training to teach, •1913, pp. 56p. Christ crucified; a book of ser-
94-101) mons, together with a lecture on
--. Cincinnati, Bosworth, C! evolution, delivered in the First
Ia life worth living? (In Lord, & Hall, 1874. Baptist church auditorium, Fort Worth,
J. A., ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904, 667p. Texas, September l8th--October 2,
pp. 237-241) 1937. Cincinnati, Christian leader
--, 5th ed. St. Louie, Chris- corporation, 1928.
ed. tian pub. co., 1884, •1874. 295p.
672p. front. (port.)
The Lord's ,upper, 3d ed. Cin- -, 2d ed. Cincinnati, F. L.
cinnati, Standard, •1889, ----, 7th ed. Nashville, Gospel Rowe, 1929, •1928.
xxiii, 493p, advooate, 1889, •1874. 299p.
672p. front. (port.) Cover title, Brewer's sermons.
--, 5th ed. Cincinnati, Stan-
dard, •1889-1923, --, 9th ed. Na1hville, Gospel Communismand ita four horsemen,
493p. advocate, 1890, •1874. atheism, immorality, class hatred,
672p. front. (port.) pacificism. Nashville, Gospel ad-
vocate, n.d.
BRAmlAll,ADELIAPOPE, 1861?-1917. Cincinnati, Central book 43p.
b. concern, 1881.
d. Greenfield, Ind., 12 Ja 1917, 672p. Cont.ending for the faith, being a
compilation of articles that have
A daughter of April, N- York, --. Cincinnati, Christian been published before, · JD)St of th8Dl
The Abbey press, cl903, leader. in the Gospel adTocate, together with
l64p. front. (port.) illua. some n- matter. cNaahville, Goe-
Goepel sermona, a aeries of dis- pel advocate, •1941.
Grandma tale• . and others cpoema, courses on induction into Christ, one 377p. ports.
with illus. by Will Vawter. Green- each en Church organization and the
field, Ind., cGerald pub, 00.~ 1899, origin and ministry of angels, the Customs and Christianity.
42p. illus. millennium, eto. Nashville, McQuiddy
ptg. co., •1891. Ia the church of Christ a denomin-
440p. front. (port.) ation? or can man be ·a Christian and
not belong to any denomination?, a

Brr~er - Briney B

three -cornered controv ersy between Bearing our grief, a ser~on . BRIGGS, EUGENESTEPHEN, 1890-
Messrs. Stranger, Partyme.n and Brewer ,Atla nta , Ga. , Peachtree Chri stian b , Howard county, l!o,, l F 1890,
in trialogue form. church, 1936.
3lp. , 6.p.
The prepara t ion of secon dary
The model church. Na shv i lle , The Chr istian life, instr uctions teachers in teach ers' colleges for
1!cQuiddy ptg . co., 1919. for young peop le. Atlanta , Peach - guiding a nd di r ecting extra-ol.asa
l 66p . tree Christiun church , n,d, activities, Col umbia, Mo,, State
l 7p. de pa rtme nt of e ducation, 1935,
That Jerusalem confere nc e an d pre- Hae "Price 10 cents" on cove r . viii, ll6p,
ir.illennialism. Nashville, Gospe l Thesis (Ph. D.) --Columbia univer -
adv oca te, 1944, The Chris tian life , instructio ns s i t y, 1935 ,
12p. for young reople ,
l 7p. Exploration in junior hig h school,
Why I don 't go to church. , an Does not have pr ice on cover . (In Nation al e du cation of U. S ,
answ•r to Mr. William Corb i n's essay Address e s and pr oceedings, 1927, pp,
in the American magazine, Cul tivate ytiur garden, ,Atlanta, 665- 668)
12p . Ga. , Peachtre e Christian church, n, d,
c6 2p. Strength of con sistent Christian-
Are we a denomination? (I n ity, (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The
Murfreesboro addresoe•, 1917. pp , 154- A d escriptio n of the windows of Christian man at work , 1940, v. 2,
173) Peachtr ee Christi an church. ,Atlan- pp. 47-56)
ta, Ga,, Peach tree Chris tia n church,
Christ today, our mediator and high n ,d. Workers together with God, (In
pri es t; The chur ch and sectar i anis m; c9, p. International con vention, 1939 , pp .
The modern s chism in the church; A 50-56)
plea for unity; The soul of .the For t he health of thy soul, a ser-
Bible view versus the view of ~odern mon, ,Atlanta, Ga,, Peachtree with PRATT, V. M.
psycholo gists and philosophers, Christian ch urch, 1936.
(In Abilene Christian cotlege Bible C 6>P • A f i nding and broa dening cours e
lectures, 1938, pp. 199-209; 1934 , in public speaki ng, Boston, Chri s-
pp. 119-Ha5; 1934, pp. 146-168; 1934 , The hymnal and boo k of worsh i p, topher, •1933 ,
pp. 169-186; 1939, pp. 110-130) 103p .
Let them alone, a serm on. ,Atlan-
debate with LINDSEY, B. B. ta , Ga., Peachtree Christian chu r ch,
193 6. BRIGGS, GEORGEE , . 1863-1924 ,
Debate on "Compani onate marriage", c6,p. b, 6 S 1863,
auditorium, City of Memphis, April 2, d. Buffalo, Penn,, 23 Je 1924,
1928. Cincinnati, Christian l eader Sermons in the sanctuary; messages
corporati on , •1928, for al l Chri s tians. Atl nnta , Ga. , Chart on Holy spirit,
52p. Donaldson-Woods co., 1943 ,
"• 240p.
BREWER,URBAN C , 1837-1915. The voice of the deep. Atlanta, b,
b. Je 1837, Ga., Foote and Davies oo., n.d, d,
d. 1Ilall, Ind,, 12 Mr 1915. 28p.
introduction aee
The Bible and American slavery,.,
New York, W. Reid Gould, 1863, BRIDWELL,JOHN T , 1870- Hardeman, N. B, Harde .... n•s
30p. b . Seyn,our, Ind., 20 Ja 1870, tabernacle s ermons, vol, 4.

Shoddy patriotism, an address de-

livered at the law commencement of Drinking the cup. ( In Bridwell, BRINEY, JOHN BENTON, 183 9-1927,
the University of the city of New York, J , T., ed. The Michi gan pul pit, 1924, b, Botland, Ky. , 11 F 1839.
Wednesday evening, Vay 7, 1862, New pp . 96-105) d, Rural Retreat,"Va., 20 Jl 1927 ,
York, W, Reid Gould, ,1862,
~- The form of baptism, an argument
designed to prove concl usively that
Ought the church to wear a human The Michigan pulpit, Eldred memoriai immer1ion is the only baptism author-
name, a scriptural inquiry. (In ed, St. Louis, Christian boerd, •1 924 ized by the Bible, wi t h a n answer to
Doctrinal and practical tra~~s, 1876, 278p, plates, ports, the aame by Joseph L. Tucker, t o
vol, 2, pp. 229-236) Cont ents: which 1a appended a re _joinder by the
Ser~ons by F. P, Art hur, T. W. Be ll- author, with an introduction by J. H.
ingham, C, A. Brady, J. T. Bridwell, Garri1on. St, Louis, Christian pub,
ARMOR,1881- T. S . Cleaver, A, W. Craig, F. D. oo,, 1892,
(Methodist) Dra per , W. G, Eldred, M. H. Garrard, 298p, front , (port,)
'Ir, J. Gillmore, J, F. Green, John
The church in rural An»ri ca, Gric e , W. H. Hedges, A • .11'. Higby , Cincinnati, Standard,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1919, J , S. Hughes, E. D. Jone s, C, M.
193p. ill us, Keene, W. V, Nelson,"C. M. Pea se , 11 illfant baptism eoripturalT
S. L. Randall, C, 0, Raum, F. L, .Cincinnati, Standard pub. co,, n,d,
Taylor , R. A. Thibos,' J. F. Will iams, 8p. folder,
BRICKER, LUTHER OTTERBEIN, 1874-1942, J. U, G. Wil s on,
b. Rockingham county, Va,, 15 My Instrumental mueio accompaniment.
1874, Cincinnati, Standard,
d. Miami Beach, Fla., 13 Ag 1942 •. BRIG~NCE
U, 1896- pamphlet.

The altar, a •e ri eo of s.ermons, Jeremiah Sul livan Black, a defender Instrumental musio in Christikn
, At lanta, Ga., Peach tree Christian of the Constitution and the Ten comman, werahip; being a review of a work by
church, n. d. ments. Philadelphi a, Univer sity of M. C. Kurfee1 entitled " Ins trume nt al
,5 2,p. Pennsylvania press, 1934 . music in worship," Cinc innati ,
ix, 303p, front . , ports . Sta ndard, •1914,
Thesis (Ph. D, )-- Universit y of I owa 215p.
B Bri ney - Bro

The relation of baptism to the re- Can I dep end up on God? (In Hum- BRITE COLLEGE OF TEE BIBLE,
mission of alien sins, Moberly, bert, H. F., ed . Religion is reality, Texas Chr is tian university.
Mo, , The Briney pub, co ,, c1902 , •194 2 , pp , 5-9) Fort ?iorth, Texas,
Brite colleg e of t he Bib le s ermons,
The resp onsibilit y of infidel i ty, BRINEY, WILLIAMNEWTON , 1865- vol, l ,with , Daniel Morgan, ed,
Cinci nnati, Standard, 188 9, b, Eminen c e, Ky., 26 S 1865, cFort Worth, Tex,, Author, 1937,
12p, 32p.
Sermons and addr esses, Cinc i n- Baptism , Cincinnati, The New Sermons by E, B, Banks, Frank
na ti, Standard, •1922 , Testam ent trac t soci et y, n . d. Elliott, Sloan Gentr y, Everett
430p, 16p, Gil lis, K, M, Hay, E, H. Hi ll ,
Lamar Hocker; Woodrow Jones, F, A.
The temptation of Chri s t, St , The years of yesterday, a sermon,,, Leggett, Daniel Morgan, Herman·
Louis, Christian pub, co, , • 1892, in closing his ministry of forty years Pittman, Harr ell Rea, and W, A,
154p. at the Dougl ass Boulevard Christian Welsh.
chur ch , Loui svi lle, Kentucky, Sunday,
Cincinnati , Sta ndard, Sept ember 30 , 1945, cLouisv i lle,
Ky,, Publ ished by requ e st to be dis- BRITTON, ROLLIN J , 1864-193 1 ,
What must I do t o be sav ed? trib ut ed as a sou venir at the appre- b, Akron, 0,, 9 D 1864,
Cinc innati, Standard, n,d, ciat io n ban quet giv en for Dr, and Mrs, d, Kansas City, Mo,, 28 !.Ir 1931,
4p. Briney at the chur ch Thursday, Novem-
ber l, 1945. Alexander Monroe Dockery.
Baptism--its action, sub j ects and Sp , folder.
import . (In Garr is on, J , H,, ed, An average man cnovel~
The old faith restated, 1891, pp. 191- Beginning-day in the Christian iife,
230 ) new c onvert's day sermon. (In Early days on the Grand river and
Thornton, E, W,, ed. Special sermons the Mormon war,
Theory "Back to Christ "- -a pre- for special occasions, 1921, pp , 89-
vie,r , (In Garr ison , J, H,, ed, 104) Joseph Hamilton Daviess,
Our· first congress, 1900, pp , 85-99)
Christ in the home, (In Thornton, Just stuff, effused by Guy Blue
The restoration moTement, (In E, W,, ed , Lord's day worship ser- cpseud., Gallatin, Mo,, Democrat
Brown, J, T,, ed. Churc hes of Chr ist, vioes, •1930, pp, 263-2 66) print , •1912,
1904, pp, 1-114) 32p,
Courage; Gentleneu, (In Meacham,
Will morality save a man? Part E, J,, comp, Training to teach, •1913, Alissourians in review, address at
I. (In Wilson, L, C,, ed. Twen- pp, ll0-112; 108- 110) the 9th annual banquet of the Galla-
tieth century ~ermons and addresses, tin commerc ia l club, February 23,
1902, pp. 213-215) What the restoration movement stands 1915, Gallatin, Mo., 1915?
for , ( In Watchword of t he restora- 3lp,
debate with OTEY, W. W, tio n vindicated, pp, 19-42)
The observation• and the cynicisms
ot ey-B riney debate; que st ion• di• - about see of Guy Blu e ,pseud,, ,Gallatin,
ousse 4: Instrumental music and the Mo,, The North Yissourian print,
soci eties, Held at Trinity Methodist Brin ey, Russell, A certain •1902,
church , Lo,,isville, September 14-18, preacher's son . 37p ,
1908, Cincinnati, F, L, Rowe, 190e?
299p , front, (ports,) Persifla ge cpoems, by Guy Blue,
BRINKERHOFF, J H G ,pseud,, 1914,
about 1844-1915,
b, Hackensack, N, J,, 1844, A promiscuous acquaintance. cnovel~
J, B. Briney, (In Brown, J, T,, d, 25 Ag 1915,
ed , Churches of Christ, 1904, p, 470) Story of the Grand river country,
History of Ma.rion county, Ill, 1821-1905, Memoirs of Maj, Joseph H,
"bout aee Indianapolis, B. F, Bowen & co,, McGee, Gallatin, Mo,, n,d,
Cowden, J, B, Reply to J, B, 862p. illus,
Brin ey on open and close membership, BRO, MARGUERITE(HARMON) (Mrs, Albin
Carl Bro), 1894-
Al's technique, a Negro farce in
·From two- path to the White house; one act. Franklin, o., Denver,
A cert ain preacher's son, (In the early life and public career of Colo,, Eldridge entertainment house,
Campbell and Moseley, eds, My dad, James A, Garfield, rnaj. gen'l . , U, S, •1931,
1938, pp , 27-31) A., The record of a wonderful career 18p, (Eldridge black-face.
which, like that of Abraham Lincoln, sketches)
by native energy and untiring indua-
BRINEY, RUSSELL BARCLAY,1875- try, led this man from obscurity to The dollar family, World call play,
b, Maysville, Ky; , S 1875, .the foremost position in the councils Indianapolis, World call, cl933,
of the nation, Including also a sketch cl2,p,
of the life of Hon, Chester A, Arthur,
The church officiary, written at Boston, W, H, Thompson, •1880, Enrollment day in China, Cin-
the re quest of the State board of the 585p, front, (port,) plates, maps, cinnati, Powell & White,
lliss ouri Christian missionary society, Several revisions of this book were
Kansas City, n,d, published with William Ralston Every da y a prayer. Chicago,
c6, p, f older, Balch as author, Willett, •1943,
vii, 396p,

Bro - Brooks B

Granny .play, Cincinnati, Powell tion of men. Richmond, Religious BROOKS,ARLE, 1910-
& White, 1928. herald, 1831. b,
56p .
Let's talk about you. New York,
Doubleday, 1945. with LEACH,R. J.
213p. BROKAW,
GEORGELEWIS,_ 1849-1906.
b. Bureau county, Ill,, 18 Jl 1849. Help wanted! The experiences of
Milk1 a play in one act. New d. some Quaker conscientious objectors.
York, Samuel French. cPhiladelphia and Wallingford, Penn,,
The Bible scrap-book, Des Moines, American friends service co=ittee
Thursday at ten. Chicago, I~., Author, n.d. and Pendle Hill, 1940,
Willett, 1942. (Red, white and blue tracts) 48p.
x, 28lp. front. (port.)
The story of the Chicago conference The Christian of the New Testa~ent. about
of club president• and program Des M>ines, Ia., Author, n,d,
chairmen and its president Myrtle 18p, (Red, white and blue tracts) United States of America vs. Arle
Dean Clark. Brooks. Philadelphia, Peaee sec-
The Lord's supper. Des Moines, tions, American friends service com-
Urban scene. New York, Friend- Christian union pub . co,, 1902. mittee, cl941,
ship press, 1938. 294p. front. 16p •
• 62,p.
Revolution in Atlantus,
A visit to th• Chen family. BROOKS,HARVEY MONROE,1855-1928.
Cincinnati, Powell & White. Seven reasons why I am a Disciple b. Meigs county, C., 1855,
of Christ, Des Moines, Ia., Author, d. 26 D 1928.
Wheat magic, a course for Junior n.d.
boys and girls on rural life around (Red, white and blue tracts) Our plea. . Cincinnati, Standard.
the world, by Alda O. Dexter and Adah 20p. (Vest pocket series of
L. Kieffer with stories by Marguer~te The royal priesthood. (In tracts)
H. Bro. New York, Friendahip preea, Painter, J , H., ed. The Iowa pulpit
•1931. of the church of Christ, 1884, pp.
138p, 169-172) BROOKS,I L
When children ask, Chicago,
Willett, 1940.
!2.· A defence of Southern slavery
against the attacks of H. Clay and A,
ix, .268,p, Doctrine and life by Iowa writers. Campbell. Hamburg, S. C., 1851,
'Des Moines, Christian index, 1898. 48p.
Curiosity ia the key to hia life, 5C4p,
In Campbell and Moseley, eds. My Contento,
dad, 1·938, pp. 74-81) Sermons by and biogra phical sketches BROOKS,JOHNANDERSON .. 1836-1897,
about J. A. Bennett, H, 0, Breeden, b. Mason county, Ky,, 3 Ja 1836,
"A real job over there." (In G. W. Burch, W. B. Clemmer. A. E. d, llamphia; Tenn., 3 F 1897.
Wilson, J. R,, comp. Men and women Cory, W. B. Craig, W. B. Crewdaon,
of far horizons, 1935, pp, 198-200) B. S. Denny, J.E. Denton, G. F. The church in its relation to the
Devol, Il. W. Everest, C. A. Gray, state, (In The Missouri Christian
Religion and social action, (In A. M. Haggard, W. M. Hollett, P. D, l~cturea, vol. 3, 1886, pp, 268-284)
Garrison, W, E,, ed, Faith of the Holloway, 0, H. King, F. H, Lemon,
free, 1940, pp . 74-82) I, N • .Mccash, s. T. Martin, T. F. The royal priesthood, (In
Odenweller, E. D. Price, J. A. Sweeney, z. T., ed, New Testament
Whose business is the booze busi- Seaton, James Small, J. W. Vande- Christianity, 1923, vol. 1, . pp. 402-
ness. (In International convention, walker, J . K, Walter~ D, A, Wick- 424)
1937, pp. 371-384) uer, M. C. Wilson, Laurence Wright.
Play. (In O'Hara, F. H., ed. about see (Methodist)
Chicago plays, skits, and lyrics,
1936, pp. ) MoCash, i. N. George Lewis Brokaw. A debate on the beginning of
Painter, J. H, Iowa pulpit of Messiah's reign, the abrogation of
with O'HARA, F. H, the church of Chr.iat. the Moaaio law, and first proclama-
tion of the gospel; baptism; action,
A handbook of 'drama, Chicago, subject, and design; the "disciples•
Willett, 1938, BROOKS,ALONZOCLEON, 1896- or "Christian" church the same insti-
247p, b, Sandersville, Ga., 24 S 1896. tuted by Jesus Christ on pentecost;
the doctrine and polity of the Ketho-
diat church a feasible ba•i• for tlw
BROADHURST, Sin speaks, sermon delivered at the union of all Chriatiana •• ,commencing
b. Frankfort Christian church, Frankfort, Sept, 13th and ending Sept, 18th,
d, Ky., Sunday 1110rning, July 23, 1939, 1869,., Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll
llp. & co., 1870.
about aee 383p.
Advancing the kingdom through a Cover title; Brooks and Fitch
Cason, W, S. and other,. .A aou- trained ainiatry. (In International debate.
venir hiatory of the Chriatian ohuroh oonvantion, 1937, pp, 83-93)
or Cynthiana, Ky. about see
AllDREW,1770- • (Baptist) BROOKS,ANNIE SILLS, Hopkins, A. A. The life of
b. Clinton Bowen Fisk, with a brief
The extra examined , A reply to sketch of John A. Brooks,
llr. A, Campbell's K. Harbinger Extra,
on remission of sins, etc,, with an Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas
appendix containing remarks on Mr. c•a tonight, cover design by N. G. Wuen-
viewa of divine influence in the aalva- acher. St. Louis, Bethany press,•1931
B Brooks - Brown

BROOKS,WILLIAMTEBBS, 1869-1934, ed, see Educating the church for its world-
b, near Paris, M:>,, 28 D 1869, wide task. cindianapolis, Church
d, Kissimmee, Fla., 23 0 1934. Purviance, Levi, The biography program planning committee, n.d.
of Elder David Purviance, 19p.
An old lovo story, (In Book, W,
H,, ed, The Indiana pulpit, 1912, Missionary eduoation in the ohuroh.
pp , 196-207) BRCMN,ARTHURJUDSON, 1856- Indianapolis, Church program planning
(Presbyterian) coum>ittee, cl943,
Remission of sins, ( In Meachal!I, 47p.
E. J,, comp. Training to teach, Rising churches in non-Christian
•1913, pp. 179-180) lands, N..w York, . Published by the
Missionary education movement for the BROWN,GEORGEWILLIAM, 1870.1932".
College of missions, Indianapolis, 1915, b. 1970,
BROl'IDER,URIAHMARION,1846-1907, xiii, 236p, plates, ports, d. Hartford, Conn., 4 D 1932,
b, Jamestown, 0,, 1846, (College of missions lectureship,
d, Dayton, 0,, 1907, fourth series) The human body in the Upanishads,
Jubbulpore, India, The Christian
Browder'• pulpit; or, the logic of --, lectures delivered on the mission press, 1921.
the new covenant, St, Louis, Chris- College of missions lectureship, 230, iii, p.
tian pub, co., 1888, •1887. Indianapolis, the Severance lecture- Thesis (Ph,B,)--Johns Hopkins 1910,
157p, front. (port.) ship, Western theological seminary,
Pittsburgh, N..w York, Missionary A visit to Damoh.
The ministry of reconciliation, or education movement, 1915, pamphlet.
God's method of salvation, St. xiii, 236p, plates, pqrts.
Louis, John Burns, 1879. Working women of India. Indiana-
38p. polis, C, W. B. _ M.
The process of regeneration. .!.!:.• into Hindu see
Litchfield, Ill,, Author, 1884. The church of Christ in Pompey, N.
2lp. Y. (In Brown, J, T., ed, Churches Phillips, T. W, The churoh of
of Christ, 1904, pp. 267) Christ by a layman.

d. b, Oskaloosa, Ia., 20 Mr 1869, b.

Conversion to God. cEngland?,

H, J, Pillans, 1887. Anger; Change of heart. (In
188p. Meaoham, E. J., comp, Training to
teach, •1913, pp. 136-138; 213-216) Sixty years with Hazel Green aca-
demy. Hazel Green, Ky,, Former
BROl'l'N,ALVAROSS, 1905-1941, students association, 1880.1940, 1941,
b, Fairfield, Penn,, 7 S 1905, BROWN,DAVIDPAUL, 1795-1872, lllp. ports., illus.
d, Knoxville, Tenn,, 2 Mr 1941.
The forum1 or, a forty years full
Faith, prayer, work--being I. The practice at the Philadelphia bar. BROWN,HILTONULTIMUSI, 1859-
story of Johnson Bible college. II. Philadelphia, Robert H. Small, 1856. b. Indianapolis, Ind., 20 F 1859,
Choice quotations from Ashley s. 2 vola,
Johnson. Contents include, Jeremiahs.
80p. front. (port,) illus, Black, L. L. D., vol, 2, pp, 102-117, Fifty- four- forty or fight. 1912.
Our Lord's most sublime words, an !!• see
analytical and devotional treatment BROITN,EMMAELIZABETH, 1847-
of the seventeenth chapter of the gos- Brown, Hilton u., Jr. Letters
pel according to John, Kingsport, The life and public services of and verses.
Tenn,, Southern pub,, 1930, James A, Garfield, twentieth president
vii, 184p. front. (port,) of the United States, including full
and accurate details of his eventful BROWN,HILTONULTIIIJS II, -1918,
Standing on the promises I a me!llor- administration, anauination, last b,
ial to two of the grandest lives . that hours, death, etc, together with notable d. France, 3 N 1918.
this world ever has known or ever shall extracts from his speeches and letters,
know cUr, and Mrs, Ashley S. Johnson, Boston, D, L. Guernsey, 1881, Letter• and verses asaembled by
cKnoxville, Tenn,, printed by S, B, 619p. front. (port,) plates, ports. Hilton U, Brown, Sr. Indianapolis,
Newman& oo,, •1928. United Typothetae of Amerio& achccl
xv, 27lp, front, (port.) plate•, of printing, 1920.
ports, BROll'N, GENEVIEVE x:xi, l62p, front. (port.) illus.
b. At head of title, Hilton u. Brown,
What about the future of Johnson Jr., one of three brother• in
Bible college, address to the board of artillery.
tru stees. Kimberlin Heights, John- Adults becoming world Christiana (a
son Bible oolle~e, 192-? basic procedure outline for effective
l6p, front, (port.) port, adult work in the local church)1 pro- BRCMN, J PARSONS,
duced by the diThion of Christian b,
Ashley S, Johnson. (In West, J, education, u. C. M. s. St. Louia,
W., ed. Sketches of our mountain Christian board, n,d.
pionel'rs, 1939, pp, 69-70.) l3p, (Adult program of Christian Tuckahoe Christian ohuroh, 1849-
education, series I, book III) 1936, a historical paper read at the
introduction see church on Founders' and homecoming
A• ofien--a play interpreting day, Fourth Sunday in September, 1938,
Cunningham, and Still, The communion with God through Christian cJackaonville, N. c., The Jacksonville
flaming torch, living and service. cindianapolia, record, 1941,
U. C, JI. S., n.d. c23,p. porta,, illus,
Brown - Brown B


b. (Pre sb yter i an)
BROWN. Superfluous man. Cin cinnati,
The Savior's prayer for unity. Standard, •1 927 .
( In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior 's 296p .
JESSIE L P pra ye r for unit y, 1918, ~p . 14-17)
Mexicano in the Unite d States. b . Brooklyn , N. Y., 27 Ap 1896.
I ndianapolis, C. W. B. M.
lOp. Blue ~onday . ,Indianapolis,
A campus decad e, the Hi r am study World call , ,
plan of intens iv e courses , 1930-4 0. 16p. (World call pl ay)
, J OHN NEWTON , 1803-1868 . Chicago, Unive rsit y of Chicago pr ess , Mb,eobraph ed .
(Baptist) • 1940 .
ix, '1 33,p . Sanct uary , a peac e play in one aot.
Encyclopedia of religious knowledge ,In diana po li s , u. c. M. s . .
Brattleboro, _ Vt., _ Fe1Benden The conquering (for introductory cl2:a p .
and co . , 1836, •1 836 . course in religi on) Ann Arbor ,
1275p . f ro nt ., ports., plates. Mich ., EdW1irds bros., 1933 .
Contents include: The Disciples 5 parts. BROWN,NORMACA!lILLE, 1899-
of Christ by Alexander Campbell, b.
pp. 462-464; Christian connection The ch ur ch and the n81', socie ty.
by J. V. Iiimea, pp . 362-364. (In Int ernational convPntion, 1934,
pp. 134-1 41) The alc ohol question. Cincin-
natl, Sta ndar d , •1943.
BR0,1N, JOHNP ~- see ll5p.
Gray, E. S. Characte r bad.
Old f r ontiers ; t _he story of the b. 1863 .
Cherokee Indians from earliest times BROV/N
, L 0 d. llarinetta, Wis., 11 Ja 1933.
to the date of their removal to the b.
\Vest, 1838. Kingsport, Tenn., d. Pure Christianity, fifteen lessons.
Southern publish ers , 1938 . l&ln is tree, Yich., Author, 1916.
xi, 570p . front., ports., maps. joint ~ see ,xii, 222p. port.
Printed by the J. H. Shults co.
!'.r,ward, J. S.
J OHNTHOMA S, 1869-1926. Pure religion.
b. Alamo, Te·nn., 10 O 1969 .
d. Louisville, Ky., 21 N 1926 . BRO'lfN,LEONIDAS ELDON, 1855-1926. Understanding the word.
b. ne~r Wilmington, o., 16 Ag 1855 ,
Bruce Norman. Louisville, Ky., d. Rushville, Ind., 28 Ag 1926. ·
J. T. Broffll pub. hous e , 1901. BROWN,RYLANDTHOMA.S,1807-1890.
215p. The light of the world. (In Lord, b. Lewis county, Ky., 5 0 1807.
J. A., ed. On the Lord• s day, •1904, d.
--, 3d ed. Louisville, Guide pp . 242-245)
pt g . and pub. co., 1902. Alcohol and its effects on life.
215p . front. (port.) The leaven and the lump. (In 12p.
Booj_. W. H., ed. The Indiana pulp it,
Convention and United Chr istian 1912, pp . 306-317) Elements of physiology and hyiiene.
misaionary s oci ety endorae open me,n- Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Brag g & co.,
bershi p ... n.p., n.d. •1872.
12p. BRO'lfN,LETA MlY
b. Cincinnati, Wilson &
The guest of a dream. Hinkle co., •1872.
286p. front., illus.
The U. C. M. s; self-impeached. Li t tl e broffll babe; a Christian
marriage in India. New York, Revell, American bk. co., •1900.
•193 7 . 286p. front., illus.
ll 6p.
Churchea of Christ, a historical, Indiana and her resources, com-
biographical, and pictorial history of piled by request of Conrad Baker,
churches of Christ in the United cBROWN,LETITIA J (SHAW), 1829- lieuten ant governor a n~ aoting gover-
States, Australia, England, and 1887. nor of Indiana. Indianapolis,
Canada, ,with, an introduction by b. Douglass & Conner, printers, 1868.
John W. McGarvey. Louisville, J. d. llp.
P. ltlrton & co., 1904.
xv, 683p. front. (p ort.) illus., Memoi r of elder Elijah Shaw by hi s Fish cul ture i n Indiana1 Fountain
ports. daughter, with an introduction by county, geology, geography, etc.;
Elder D. Millard . Boston, Publi shed Geological and topographical survey
Who's who in churches of Christ, by L. J. Shaw, Philadelphia, Christian of Hamilt on and Modieon counties,
bio6raphical sketches and portraits General book concern, 1852. Indianai Geolo6y of Morgan county1
of ministers and other leaders, ed. by 377p. front. (port.) Hancock 0ounty1 Report of a geological
E.W. Thornton. Cincinnati, Stan- and topographical survey of Marion
dard, •1929. county, Indiana. ( In Indiana
299p . ports. department of geology and natural
resources. Annual report, 1884, pt.
1, pp . 78-81; 1881, pp. 89-126; 1884,
pt. l, pp. 20-401 1883, pt. l, pp.
71-86; 1885, pp. 187-197; 1882, pp.
B Brown - Bruner

appendix 111e -. 5th ed, Cincinnati, Stan- llan haa forever, aasuranoea ot
de.rd, '•1 915, immortality, St. Lou1a, Bethany
Hoahour, S. K. Autobiography, 326p, illua, press, •1946.
about aee Patriotic illuatrationa tor public
apeakera, Cincinnati, Standard, The meaning of ohurch memberahip.
Denny, Robert, ed, llemorial •1Sl9, St. Louis, Bethan y pre••, •1930,
trib ute• ot reapeot to Dr. Ryland 303p, 160p.
Thoma Brown.
ETana, 11&.dieon, Biographioal Poems of pep and point for public Pentecoat i a rene-1 of power.
aketchea ot the pioneer preaohera ot apeakers , Cincinnati, Standard, Garden City, Doubleday, 1928,
Indi ana. •1918, xii, 162p,
Seventy-five year• on state mission
BROWN,STERLillGWADE, 1907- Storie• of the great war for public trailai Disciples of Christ in Weet
b, epeakers , Cincinnati, Standard, Virginia, an historical statement.
•1919. .Hunti ngton, W. Va. , West Virginia
293p, Christian miceionary society, 19"4,
The ohanging funotion ot ·Disciple <lOp, ports,
ooll eges, cChicago, 1939, Wit and humor for public speakers.
pp . 47-96, Cincinn ati, Standard, •1916, Sunshine and 1un1et,
Part ot thesis (Ph, D,) University 332p.
of Chioago, 1936, Toward the sunrising, Nashville,
Private ed, distributed by Univer- Cokesbury, •1935,
aity ot Chicago libraries, DRCMNING, ENOCHCLIFTON, 1836-1925, 279p.
b. llancock county, Ill., 18 Jl 1836.
Developing Christian peraonali~y, d, Highland, Calif., N 1925, Which goepel ahall I preach?
Ronald E. Osborn, editor, St. New York, R.R. Smith, 1930,
Louia, Chriatian board, •1944, Churchea of Christ in Arkanaaa. 239p.
96p. (A Bethany course in Chris- (In Brown, J. T., ed, Churchee ot
tia n living, Glenn McRae, editor-in-- Chriet, 190-l, pp. 203-206) Centennial pageant, (In Bennett,
chief) T. J. , Central Christian churoh
through a century, 19-ll, pp, 75-88)
Religion and higher education, BROlfllING,WEBSTER E , 1869-
(In Garrison, W, E., ed, Faith ot the (Presbyterian) aee
tree, 19-lO, pp. 137-1"9)
Paraguay, "The heart of South Johnaton, W, G, The Evangelietio
America.• Indianapolis, C, W. B. M, m•••age.
, 1833-1899,
b, Lewi• county, Ky,, 25 F 1880, b, Ky,, 1833,
The Redeemer'• prayer tor hie peo- d, Cincinnati, 0,, 29 Je 19<l3, d. Ia,, 1899,
ple, (In Ro-, F, L., ed, Our
Savior'• prayer for unity, 1918, pp. Chriat•a church bride, and From A deaoription ot the Apostolic
18-22) Eden to the final home ot man: all church, St. Louil, John Burna,
eoripture compiled tr0111the authori1ed pamphlet,
version. cCinoinnati, Author. •1937,
b. 186-l.
The John10n and Bardin co, printer•,
--. Cincinnati, Standard,
d, Oakland, Calif., 29 0 1929, St. Louia , Christian
Activitiea for aotive Bible claaaea, BRUCE,W F
Cincinnati, Standard, •1926, b, The evolution theory1 aa stated by
lllp. K, Le Conte and applied by Dr, Lyman
Abbott, unsupported by the phenomena
The call ot eervice,,,cwith an The permanent influence ot a great ot the world as far aa we are able to
introduction by E, J, lleacham, teacher. ( In Thornton, E, W,. ed, know iti a hietorical and aoientitio
Cincinnati, Standard, •1913, Phillipa univereity aermona, 1929, pp, exam.ination of' the claim• of' the evo-
x, 258p, illua, 28-40) lutionists, ae they are aet forth in
Content•, the evolution of Christianity cwith
Troy Dixon•• reaponee, a preh.tory note by D. R, Dungan.
The call ot the hilla. BRUNER,BEJIJAJIINHARRISOII,1888- Dea lloines, Kenyon ptg, co,, 1900,
b, 227p, illua., port.
Legacy ot the golden key, Cin-
cianati, Standard, - •191-l, llodel ohuroh wor~, the demonstra-
32lp, illua, Evening• with the mi.eter, St, tion ot the unity of' the apostolic
Lcuia, Chriatian board, 1920, ohuroh and of ita adaptation to the
Sex lite ot boys and young m.en, 1"3p. aooom.plialment ot the purpose of' ita
Cinci nnati, Standard, •1917, toundera, St, Paul, Kinn,, Pioneer
1"6p, illua, Great ohoioea of the last -ek, preaa, 1888,
Baahv1lle, Cokeabury preaa, •1937, 30p.
Tobacco under the ~earch-llght, 160p,
Standard, •1925,
Great day• ot the laat -ek, Bew
--. Cincinnati, Standard ,
Chriat•a lite oonaidered aa a
~- · Tork, R, R, Smith, 1931,
87p, d-utration ot hia claim. to being
the aon ot God1 The goodneaa of' God1
Illuatrative inoidenta tor publio Great queationa ot the laat -ek, The willingneaa or God to eave .re-
apeakera, Cincinnati, Standard, Baehville, Cokeabury preaa, •193-l, penting ainura, akeleton aeJ'IIIOne,
•1915, 1"2p, (In Cory, I. I., ed. The polr-thiat,
326p, illua,
Bruner - Bullard B

1877• pp. 307-308 l 427-428 l 344-345) BRYCE,

_PETER, 1878- • (United BUCK,CARLTOII
church of Canada) b.
b. Blantyre, Scotland, 1878. d.
b. Knox county, Ill., 10 Ja 1861. Ten reaeone why I do not drink,
Till the kingdOlll8 of this world. third printing.
(In International convention, 1942, .4.p.
Laboratory direotiona in college pp. 233-237)
aoology. •- York, Jlt.oaillan, 1928,
C A b. ClarksTille, llo., 1 0 1893,
--. re'Y. ed. •- York, llt.o- b.
1111llan, 1938.
dT, 136p. Conoerne of a world ohuroh. St.
Home miaaionarywork. (In Abilene
3d ed. lllew York, llaomillan, Christian college Bible lectures,
1927, pp. 193-209)
Louia, Bethany pre••• 1943.
l89p. A juat and durable peace.
.Indianapolis, ·Colllllittee on -r aer-
with SCHAEFER,II. K. BUCHANAll,JAM!S, 1771-1861. Ticea • 1943,
b. 1771. l4p. ino. front ooTer.
Laboratory direction• in general d. lobntreal, Canada~ 8 0 1861.
aoology. Indianapoli•, Bµtler The church uniTeraal--ita life and
college bookatore, 1926. A letter to Sir Robert Peel on the work. (In International convention,
ll2p. preTention of criae. 1937, pp. 34,7-356)
The order to be obaerTed in a church The Oxford oonterenoe. (In
BRYAJf,JOSEPHHARRIS, 1862-1931. of God. To which are added obaerT&- Willett and Buckner, ede. Inter-
b. Crittenden, Ky., 1862. tiona as to nrioua duties, Ti&1 for- preting Oxford, 1937, p. 4,)
d. Independence, llo., 7 S 1931. bearance-prayer-praiae-exhortation--
What are the pr0111hea to children of. joint.!!• aee
Adult Bible ola•• organisation, the DiaoipleeT--the coming of the Lord--
wmt, why, and how. Kanaaa City, the first resurrection with other sub- 1r1llett • H. L. Interpre"i:1ng
111.uouri, Christian Bible . aohool ject• connected with obedience, deduced Oxford.
aaaootation, •1909. wholly from acripture. London, W.
• 6.p. folder. Jonea, .etc., 1845 •
263p. BUCY,I CLIFFORD,1894-
The art of questioning. St. Printed at the expenae of the autho~ b. Holmes county, o., 25 lly 1894,,
Louie, Christian pub. 00., •1909.
67p. Project for the formation of a depot
in upper Canada, with a Tiew to recein Chriatianity the beat way. (In
How to understand and use the the whole pauper population or · England Thornton, E.W., ed. Bethany college
Bible. · st. Louia, ·Christian pub. Bew York, W. A. lleroein, printer, aermona, 1930, pp. 172-173)
oo., •1900. 1834.
ll6p. illua. 43p.
The organized adult Bible olaaa. Report and obeerTation• on the b.
St. Lonie, Christian pub. oo., •1909. banlta ·and other incorporated institu- d.
• 163.p. illus. tion•. in the atate of Bew York, with
an appendix and note a. 1 Jlew York, Chrhtianity aot without ooat, The
Wlw.t, why and how of Sunday sohool Printed bylr. A. llercein, 1828. way to heaTen, skeleton eermone.
work. Cincinnati, Standard, 1898. 40p,: (In Cory, B. E., ed. The polymathiat,
1877, pp. 197-1981 269-270)
SJcetchea of the history, -nnera,
BRYAlff, JIRS. BERJIICEl«>ROAJI, and ouato .. of the Borth American
b. Indiana. London, Printed for Black, BUHLER,JIOOREALEXIJIDER, 1887-
Young, and Young, 1824. b. near Lebanon, Tenn •• 7 F 1887.
d, 37lp.
God'• wonder 110rld1 a book of
·dnotional reading• tor children.
St. Louie, Chriatian board, 194-4.,
with a plan tor their M,lior-
Bew York, W. Borradaile,
The name of the 11.,. Teatament
ohuroh. St. Louis, Christian board,
l02p. 1824. 1930.
2 T. (Bethany tract no. 4.)
b. b. Fru,inghaa, •• 12 lfr 1809.
d. SnOWTille, Va,, 27 F 1893,
Singing in worahip. SilTer City,
B. II., Christian orusader, 1941. The Chriatian•a helper, a handbook ot
In aemori&1111a aeraon in 111e110ry
traot. of Bible text• and reading• for uae in T. Boyd Poage, who died llt.roh 24.,
reTiTal• and genoral religioua work 1874., deliTered in the Chriatian
with .an. in•oduotion by J. W. lloGarTey ohuroh, Bewbern, Va., llt.rch 26, 1874,,
BRYAJl'r,GEORGES • 1841-1916. Cincinnati, Standard, •1908. Bewbern, Va., Printed at the office ot
b. 184.l. 139p. the Virgiaia people, 1874.
d. Independence, JI)., 2 D 1916, 9p.
How to finanoe a rn-h .. 1. Cin-
In the begbming1 an addreu read cinnati, American Christian llliaaionary Their status in this state. (Ia
at the 60th allJliTeraar:, · of the ooou- · eooiety. Tyler, J. z., ed, The Diaeiple• ot
pane:, of tlw preaent church building, leaflet. Chriat in Virginia, 1879, pp. 99-108)
1835-1864-1904. Independence• llo. •
B Bullard - Burleaon

~ aee President Garfield. An addreaa by A brochure on church government.

O. A. Burg••• at the Union memorial Wenatchee, Wash., Author, 1929?
Scott, P. V. Dr . Cheater Bullard. service held in Farwell Ball, Chicago,
Monday afternoon, September 26, 1881. Christian science in the crucible.
Chicago, Central book concern, 1881. 1901.
b . Pulaski oounty, Va., 22 N 1647.
d. Va., 20 Mr 1922. The first and second Adam; The BURLEIGH,WILLIA)(GRANT,1866-1937,
qualifications and duties of a Chris- b. Marahall county, W. Va., 11 Ap
about see tian bishop. (In Mathes, J.M., ed. 1866.
The western preacher, vol. l, 1865, d. near Jonesboro, Tenn., 19 Je
i.t>tley, D. E. William Stone pp. 214-233; 260.273) 1937.
Reformatory and benevolent institu- The angel with the flaming sword.
tions. (In Smart, J. H., ed. The Parkersburg, w. Va., Baptist Banner
BUNDY,JONASllILLS, 1835-1891. Indiana schools and the men who have pub. co.
worked in them, 1875, pp. 163-176)
The life of General James A. Gar- Christ and the religioua racketeer•, •
f ie ld. New York, A. S. Barnes & What must I do to be aaved? (In 2d ed. Cincinnati, Published for
c~ ., 1880. Moore, w. T., ed. The living pulpit the author by F. L. Rowe, 1935.
iv, 239p. front. (port.) illus., of the Christian church, 1867, pp. ll6p.
ports. 167-183)
The faith of our fathers, and other
The nation's hero--In memoriam. debate with THOMl'SON, G. ll. gospel mesaages. Cincinnati, F. L.
The life of James Abraham Garfield, (Baptist) Rowe, 1936.
twentieth president of the United 159p. front. (port.)
Statea, with an account of the Presi- A debate on total depravity, elec-
dent's death and funeral obsequies. tion, the polity or church government Kao Day, crusader. cCincinnati,
New York, A. S. Barnes, •1880, •1881. of the regular Baptist church, free Standard. •1926 ,
274p. front. (port.) illus _., map. moral agency, water baptism a condition 224p.
of salvation and the possibility of
apostaay, held at North Salem, !Jen- Kan from Buchanan, a character
BURCH,G 1f , 1858-1922. rioka county, Indiana, September 25, aketoh of Samuel R. Hurley, Republi-
b . Green county, Ind., 31 0 1858 . 26, 27, and October l, 2, and 3, 1867, can oandidate for congreaa in the
d. Hutchinson, Kans., 22 Je 1922. Published by .Levi Pennington, 1868. ninth Virginia district. Richmond,
c366,p. porta. Va., Trivett and Shepherd, 1926.
The growth of the divine life in Printed by Sentinel ptg. and binding 44p.
the soul. (In Brokaw, G. L., ed . oo., Indianapolia.
Doctrine and life, 1898, pp. 242-260) Cover title, Debate between G. K. Matoaka; a story of the fight for
Thompson and o. A. Burgess. Amerioaniam. Philadelphia, Dor-
about see ranee, •1924 .
debate with UNDERWOOD, B • F. 192p.
Garrison, A. J. G. W. Burch. (Free-thinlcttr J
The minstrel of the mountains.
The Burgess-Underwood debate, Charleaton, W. Va., l.anawha valley
oBURGDORF,JOSIAH C , 1822- commencing June 29, 1875, at Aylmer, pub, oo., 1931,
b. Cayuga county, N. Y., 10 0 Ontario, and continuing four daya ••• 213p.
1822. reported by John T. Hawke. N-
d. York, D. K. Bennett , 1876, Religious raoketeera.
17lp . ll6p.
The living present. (In Coan,
A. 'If., ed. Gospel sermons, 1881, pp. about aee Sermon• that stirred a oity.
29-36) Pennington Gap, Va., Sun pub, co.,
Grafton, T. 'If. Otia A. Burgeu. 1915.
Ji:>ore, W. T. Otia Asa Burge••.
BURGESS,NAliNIELEDGERlrOOD (Jira. 0, Uncle Tom's manaion. Grand
A. Burgess), 1836-1902. Rapids, Kioh., Erdman• pub. oo.,
b. Washburn, Ill. , 12 Jl 1836. BURKHARDT,
d. 12 11y 1902, b. 294p.

about aee ~- aee

I chooae Christ. (In InternatJ.onal
lloaea, H. E. Jira. o. A. Burges•. convention, 1936, pp. 321-325) The Campbell year book.

about •••
b, b. near Tipton, Ind., Weat, J . w. Slmtohu of our
mountain pioneer,.

High roada of life cpoema. intro- The beat investment for old age.
duction by Guy p ·, Leavitt. 1'aab- Indianapolis, Board of education. BURLESOX,CJ!RISTIRB
ville , Parthenon press, •1940. e7~p. b,
The lion of the tribe of Judah.
Songs of the heart, 1943. (In Book, w. H., ed. The Indiana pul- Joaephua Hopwood. (In Weat, J .
pit, 1912, pp. 247-268) w., ad, Slcetohu of our mountain
pioneer•, 1939, pp. 136-143)
BURGESS,OTIS A.SA, 1829-1882.
b. Thompson, Conn., 26 Ag 1829. BURXS, WILLIAMWILLIS, 1867-1934.
d. Chicago, Ill., 14 1lr 1882. b, Bardyville, &y., 28 Ap 1867.
d, Wenatohee, Waah., 22 Je 1934.

Burnet - Burnett B


, JOHN FRANKLIN,1851-1929. The path which le' d a pro te atant
b, Dayton, o., 6 Jl 1808. b. l awyer to the Cat hol i c chur ch. New
d. Baltimore, lid., 8 Jl 1867. d. York, Appleton, 1860, •1 859.
xiv, 74l p,
An address on the life and labor• Addreaaes on Christian en deavo r
of Alexander Co.mpbell. Delivered at topics. .Dayton, 0,, Chr istia n pub. --, ed. and abrid ged by Jamea
Bethany, w. Va., June 26th, 1866, by association, •1904. Sullivan . St. Louis, Herder, 1909.
request of the Board of Truateea of ' 128p. front •. (port.) xxii , 425p.
Bethany college. Bethany, W. Va.,
W. K. Pendleton, 1866. The church that Jeaus i s build i ng -- , ed. an d ab r idged by Jamel
23p. and churches t hat men are or ganizing. Sullivan, 2d ed • St. Louis, Herder,
• Dayton, o., Christian pub. associa- 1914 .
The pastorate. Cinoinnati, tion, 1922, 425p .
BOIIWOrth. 28p. front. (port.) (Booklet 7)
Recollections and opinio ns of an
The poverty or Jesus, the wealth of The church, the pillar and ground o ld pione er. New Yor k, Appleton,
the saints. Cincinnati, Bosworth. of the truth. Dayton , o., Christian 1880 .
pub. association, •1 917. xii i , 448p .
The good confession. (In Moore, - 166p.
lf. T., ed. The living pulpit or the about
Christian church, 1867, pp . 47-68) Early women of the Christian church,
heroines all. .Dayton, O., Christian Ghent, W. J . Peter Hardeman
The poverty of Jesus--the wealth of pub. associat i on, 1921, Burnett . ( In Dicti onary of American
the aainta. (In lh>.thes, J. M., ed. 40p. front. (port.) ports. biography, vol. 3, 1929, pp. 300-301)
Th, western preacher, vol. 1, 1865, (Booklet six)
pp. 7-23) about see
Elias Smith, reformer, preaoher,
!!• aee journaliat, doctor •• and, Horace ldann, Gaer, Joseph, ed. Index •••
Chr i stian statesman and educator. Recollections and opinions of an old
Campbell, Alexander, ed. Chrh- .Dayton, o., Christian pub. association t i mer.
tian baptist. 1921.
39p. front. (port.) ports.
introduction aee (Booklet five) ,cBURNETT,T R
Campbell, Alexander. Life and Footprints of the N,uar i ne; or, d.
death. scenes in the life of Christ, 1907?
123p. port. Center shots. Auatin, Tex.,
comp. Firm found ation.
Rev. Abner Jones, the man who be- 249p.
The Jerusalem miaaion; under the lieved and served. .Dayton, o.,
direction or the American Christian Christian pub. association, 1921. Doctrinal poetry, 2d vol.
miasionary aociety. Cincinnati, 32p. front. (port.) (Booklet Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d.
American Christian pub. aociety, 1853. three) 103p.
319p. fronts., ports.
Rev. Barton Warr en St one, the man wit h WEA
VER, J.C. (14ethodist)
ed. who studied and taught, .Dayton,
o., Christian pub. association, 1921, Debate on Mothodism. Austin,
The Christian Sunday-aohool library. 32p. front. (port.) (Booklet Tex., Firm foundat i on.
Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, pub- four) 2v.
liahed for the American Christian pub,
aociety, 1856? Rev. James O'Kelly, a ohampion or
60 vole. liberty. .Dayton, 0 , , Christian BURNETT
S R -1916.
Thi• aet -• reprinted by a number pub. aesociation, 1921. b,
of publiahing houaea, inoluding 36p. front., plate. (Booklet two) d.
Bosworth, Chaae .and Ball, and John
Burne. The origin and principle• of the Hezekiah Jones... Nashville,
Christiana. .Dayton, o., Christian Gospel advocate, 1924.
about aee pub. aaaociation, 1~21, 43p .
58p. front. (port.) illua.
Bolea, H. L. Biographical (Booklet one) J. N. Hall's questions answered.
eketchea of goapel preachera. Nashville, Gospel advocate.
Jloore, 'If. T. The living pulpit ed. aee
of the Christian church. debate with DALTOII,T. s.
Tiers, M. C. The Christian Sneathen, Abraham, Autobiography. (Baptist)
portrait gallery.
introduction aee Debate on salvation, ia it condi-
tional or unc onditionalT llaahville,
BURNETT,HENRYS , 1849-1935. Biahop, J. G, Bibli .cal vi- of Gospel advooate, 1897 .
b. Hubbard, Ontario, 4 Ja 1849. the church. ll6p .
d. Liabon, o., 14 Je 1935.
debate with RAY, D. B. (Baptist)
Pageant, one hundred yeara hiatory BURNETT,PETER HARDEJIAB,1807-1896.
of the Lisbon, Ohio, ohurch, Centen- · (died Catholio) A discussion of the doctrines and
nial anniversary, 1827-1927. Cele- b. Nashville, Tenn., 15 N 1807. practicea of the Missionary Baptiat
brated at the ohurch during the week d. San Franciaoo, Calif., 17 My church. Cincinnati, $tandard, 1884.
Bovember 13th to 20th, 1927. Balti- 1895, ll 7p.
more, lid., B. T. Scott, 19271
32p. The American theory or government
considered with referenoe to the
present crisia. New York, Appleton,
B Burnham - Burton

BURN!!All, FREDERICKWILLIAM, 18 71- Congregat i onal church polity. Chriatianity•a debt to Judai1m,
b . Chapin , Ill., 7 My 1871. (In Union conference of Congregation- ,A sermon in the Peachtree Chriatian
aliat1 and Di1ciple1 , of Chriat, 1897, church, October 16, 1938,
pp. 7-41) 1ep;
The i nflow of God's -grace. St.
Louis, U. C. M. S., 1924. The meaning of i1111110rtality,
(Golden jubilee series) BURNHAM,W H ,Indianapolis, Committee on war ••r-
b, vicea, 1943?,
A me s sage or t he preaident to the llp. inc, covers.
boar d of managers of the United Chris-
ti an Missionary society in special The Christian name. Jefferson Symbol• of the aanotuary,
se s sio n , St. Louie, J,b., January 18- City, It:>., 1906,
19, 1922. The world'• debt to the resurrec-
20p. tion, a sermon cdelivered by the.
BURNS, A pastor of the Peachtree .Atlanta,
A missionary t r ip to Alaska. b. Christian church, April 9, 1939,
Cin cinnat i , A. C. M. S., cl918, d, ,4,p •
• 30,p .
The church of Christ identified, Steward1hip and the ever,-.member
The outflow o f a full life. St. essays designed to usiat the honest canvaaa. (In Internatio111l conven-
Lou i s , U. C. M. s . , 1924. inquirer after the "old paths," that tion, 1942, pp. 289-292)
(Golden j ubilee aeries) he may walk therein. St. Louia,
Christian pub. co., .1878, -
Unification; the how, wrut and why 80p. BUROKER,L PERES
of t he United Christian mis1ionary b.
1ociet y , with an i ntroduction by Cincinnati, Central book d.
Charles S. Medbury. St. _Louia, U. concern, 18 79.
C. M. S., 1927. 80p. Today in Bible prophecy. Lapeer,
ll Op . Minn., W. E. Cole, n.d.
Title from cover. --. St. Louis, John Burns. 64p.

--, 2d ed. ,St. Loui1, U. C. A refutation of Sabbatarianism.

11. s •• 1927. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. ccBURTON,ANDR!.WKIZELL, 1879-
, 6, 5-llOp. 32p. b. near llartsville, Tenn,, 2 F
Second annual report of the Commis- Eternal life a gift; Life beyond,
si on on Christian union of the Diaci- akeleton aermona. (In Cory, N. E.,
plea of Christ ••• 1912. ed. The polymathiot, 1891, pp. 391- Glee.nings of -ny years of dia-
l5p. 393; 122-123) criminate reading for my own use, to-
gether with expre11iona or my thought•
What it means to aerve on the exe- debate with Dil!MICK and id_eas, herein woven together tor
cutive committee of the United Chris- whatever benefit they might be to
ti an missionary society. n.p., n.d. A short refutation of Sabbatarianiam othera. .Nashville, Author, •1932.
Sp. being the substance of a four days ·, 142p. illus., plates, port.
discuuion or the Sabbath question,
The church and state. (In as related to the N- Testament; held John Smith and hi1 succe1a and
Willett, H. L., and Buckner, G. w., in Pleasant Grove, Minnesota, during sparks from live wirea. Naahville,
ed. Interpreting Oxford, pp. 7-8) the winter of 1877, by A. Burna, or the Foster & Parkes co., for Life and
church of Christ and Mr. Dimmick, or caaualty insurance co,, of Tenn•••••,
The compulsion of reaponaibility. the Sabbatarian adventiat1, Cincin- •1923.
(In lloore, W. T., ed. Then- living nati, Central book concern, 1877T l44p. illus.
pulpit of the Christian church, 1918, 76p,
pp. 265-279)
The imperative• of the church. BURBS, BENJAJIIHF b. Ky., 8 lly 1866.
(In International convention, 1936, b.
pp. 128-138)
Astronomy and the Bible; or, God'•
Polity in the light of Christian
democracy. (In Douglass, H.P., ed.
••• two grea.t book•, nature and revelation.
Oakalooaa, Ia., Published for the
The witneas of the churchea of the Lunger, I.E. Conmunion services. author, Times pub. co., 1908.
congregational order, 1940, pp. 100- 176p. front. (port.) pla.tea,
BURNS, JAMESALBERT, The Bible and how to read and under-
introduction ••• b. stand it, nbracing much valuable
ma.tter for the atudent or the word1
Lewie, G, K. The American Chri1- with help• for Bible workers, and
tian miaaionary society and the Di1- The church of Christ in Painesville, those engaged in aOllle saving. Forl
ci ple1 of Christ, Ohio, January 29, 1843--January 29, Werth, Tex., Beaumont ptg. co., 1894,
1943, 92p.
about aee 35p. illua., ports.
· Biblical exegeaia I or, the Bible
lb.ore, w. T. H- living pulpit explained in the light of two thou-
of the Christian churoh. BURNS, ROBERTWHUEHALL,1904- sand exegetical queationa. ,lfillD-
b, llerchantville, N. J., 20 Ja 1904, eapolis, Standard pr•••• 1920.
b. Children or the church.
Burton - Butler B

Cigaretburg to murderville via BUSH, PENDEL

topereville, gambler'• den, saloon b. b.
siding, devil•' curve and other bad
places. Canton, Mo., Author, 1901.
Shall Satan conquer? Breckenridge, Covenant for Christian men.
Home Bible study by mail, a compre- Tex., Spoonemore'• printry, n.d. Kansas City, llo., Brotherhood of the
hensive course covering the whole 62p. Disciples of Christ, 1913.
Bible from Genesis to Revelation in
forty lessons. Prepared eapecially The lyric flute, and other poema.
for our non-resident students, busy BUSS, ALBERTEDWARD, Toronto, Jlacmillan, 1928.
ministers, Sunday-school teachers, and b. viii, 78p.
all who desire to pursue a systematic
course of study. Quincy, Ill., Old Everton and the pioneer move-
Hoffman ptg. co., 1902. Management and efficiency methods. ment amongst the Disciples of Chriat
Bow to read the Bible,
Canton, llo., Author, 1901.
2d ed.
The risen Christ, an Easter aervioe.
in Bramoaa township, upper Canada
from 1830, Toronto, Published by
the compiler for the church of Christ
(Dieoiplee) Everton, Ontario, 1941.
St. Louis, Christian board, 1914. 5Bp. front. (port.) ports., illua.
The mathematics of the sky; or, (Publication no; 1 in cooperation
the stupendous grasp of figures as with Wellington county historical
applied to the heavenly bodies. BUTCHART,
MARYBECKlfITH (Jfrs. F. D. reaearoh society)
.Minneapolis. Standard press, 1920. (Butchart)
lllp. b. A primer of Diaoiple history in .
Canada .with an introduction by c. A.
Pleasureville to apoatacy via Lawson, Toronto, College of the
danceburg, waltzville, lagerton, Adventuring with Jesus, a pageant. churches of Christ in Canada, 1942.
toperaville, saloon-siding, devil•' Franklin, O., and Denver, Colo., 17p.
-ve and other bad places. Canton, Eldridge entertainment house, •1932.
Mo., Author, 1901. llp.
A city set on a hill, a World call b.
W play. Indianapolis, World call, n.d,
b. 14p.
llimeographed. Christian unity. (In DeGroot,
A. T., ed. The Memphis youth conven-
Practical sermons of persuasive Dusty idols; comedy in one aot for tion, 1926, pp. 66-70)
power, a aeries of goapel aermona a World call evening. Indianapolis,
delivered at different places through- World call, n.d.
out the brotherhood, vol. l. cll,p. inc. front cover. BUTLER,CHARLESPARDEE,1868-
Brownwood, Tex., Way of truth pub. oo., b, Farmington, Kans., 10 Ap 1858.
1929. How to present ohuroh drama,
208p. Cincinnati, O., Standard, •1943.
64p. The eldership ••• cBffingham,
These things are written that you Kans., Author, 19427
might believe. (In Abilene Chris- I heard him call; World call play. 4p.
tian college Bible lectures, 1936, Indianapolis, World call, n,d.
pp. 125-13 7) cl9,p. inc. front cover.
llirandy' s ghost, comedy in one aot b, Warren county, ly., 2 0 1826.
BUSH, B F for a World call evening. Indiana- d. Fall River, lans., 13 D 1906,
b. po1ia, World call, n,d.
_.15,p. Baccalaureate sermon, delivered
llay 30, 1869. .Abington college?,
The scape-goat; The three religiona; Oh, lady, start again! World Sp.
types and antitypes, skeleton sermons; call play in one act.
(In Cory, H. E., ed. The polynathist, 12p.
1877, pp •. 92-96; 426-425; 186-189) llimeographed. BUTLER,MARIE(RADCLIFFE) (Jira.
Thomae D, . Butler), 1839-1884,
The pilgrim way, a dramatic reli- b.
BUSH, GEORGE LEE, 1866-1943. gioua play. Franklin, o., and d• .
b. Hallsville, llo., 3 D 1866. Denver, Colo., Eldridge entertaimnent
d. Tulsa, _Okla., 23 lly 1943. house, •1934, Grand!u•e patience; or, Mrs. Jamee•
22p. (IUdridge church entertain- Christmas gift. Cincinnati, Boa-
"111seouri for Christ", an addrea1 ment&) worth, Chase & Hall, •1872,
delivered at 88th annual lliaeouri
Convention at
Joplin, Jlay 6, 1925.
111uouri annual conven-
The torch of light, World call
pageant. clndianapolia, World call,
St. Louis, John Burne,

tion. Up. 80p.

The -ya of God, a llliaaionary drua St. Louie, Christian pub.
in one aot for a World call evening. co., 1888, •1872.
ooBUSH, J R Indianapolis, World call, n,d. 80p.
b. cl6,~. inc. oovera.
Golden ladder.
World call oonveraatii>nal luncheon.
A review of "Bible schools" aa Indianapolia, World call, n.d. Proae and poetry, ed. by Thoa. D.
promoted by professed Dieoiplea or • 16p. Butler with a brief !l911Drial. St.
Chriat, revised. .Indianapolia, 111meographed, Loui1, John Burns.
Apostolic review, n.d • 36lp.
• 30.p. World call stunta, 1939.
v.p • .
B Butler - Bythewood


1884. b, b. Oquawka, Ill,, 19 N 1865,
36l p . d. d. Morehead, Ky,, 1931.
RiTersidei or winning a soul. Elementary state course of study
Ci ncinnati, Bosworth, & Ball, of Kentucky. 1915.
1871. Butler university. Founders' day.
l74p. front., plates. History of education in Kentucky,
St. Louis, John Burne. BUTLER,THOMAS DAVENAL,1836-1920.
l 74p._ b. Shrewsbury, England, l Ja 1835. about see
d, Batavia, Ill., 17 0 1920.
Rose Carlton's re-rd. Cincin- llcDiarmid, E. W. F. C. Button,
nati, Chase and Ball. The church of Christ, its history,
its faith and practice. Grand
Dr. L. L. Pinkerton .poem. (In Rapids, IAich,, Author, 1878, BUTTS, LIDNARD
Seha.okleford, John. Life, letters, b.
and addresses of Dr. L. L. Pinkerton, Some historical notes concerning
1876, pp. 326-326) the origin and growth of the Christian
church,.. Pittsburg, Ladies aid Our money also1 stewardship i1
society of .East End.Christian church, constructive spending, .Indiana-
B11rLER,OVID, 1801-1881. 1887, polis, Unified promotion. n.d.
b. Augusta, N, Y., 7 F 1801, Sp. .4.p.
d. 12 Jl 1881. Reprinted from Christian-Evangelist,
ed. see
debate with
Is 1laTery


being partial
Butler, l!:. R. Poetry and prose. BUXTON,A
disousaions of the proposition, sla- d.
Tery is sinful, between Ovid Butler, BUTLER,WILLIAJfLUCIUS, 1848-
eaq., a bishop of the Christian church, b, Davie county, N. C,, ll S 1848, Fundamental lessons for elementary
at Indianapolis, Ill4.e and Jeremiah d, grades, St. Louis, Christian board.
Smith, esq., late Ju4ge of the 11th
and 13th judicial circuits, Ind., and Both sides.
between elder Thomas Wiley, late pas- BUXTON,ALFREDG A
tor of the Christian church at Union The divine organization for miaaion b,
City, Ind., and Jeremiah Smith, late work,
judge of the 11th and 13th judicial
circuits; with an introduction, epi- God's way under protest, (In The Buxton technological course in
aode, and conclusion of the diaouaaion. Srygley, F. D. Biographies and ser- painle•• chiropractic, Los Angeles,
Indianapolis, H• .H. Dodd & co., mons, 1898, pp, 101-113) Calif., Fr0111the preaa of the Gem
printers, 1863. pub. co,, •1926,
396p. about aee l27p, front. (port,) illus.

about see Srygley, F. D. Biographies and Why I left the Epiacopalian prieat-
sermons. hood to become a mini1ter in the
Tiers, 11. C. The Christian por- Restoration movement, n,p., 1917,
trait gallery. 16p.
BUTLER,PARDEE, 1816-1888, Founder•' day at Butler university, BUXTON,WILLIAN.ALBERT,1861-1930.
b. llarcellua, N. Y., 9 1816.
Mr Addreaaea delivered in the University b, Londonderry, Vt,, 16 Je 1861,
d. Fu,nington, Kana., 19 0 1888. chapel, February 7, 1882, by Profesaor d. l.Da Angeles, Calif,, 24 Ag 1930,
Scott Butler, Eld, II. B, Blount •• ,
Personal recollections with remin- and General John Coburn, Indiana- Just for those that love me.
iscences by his daughter, lira. Rosetta polis, Carlon & Hollenbeck, printers, Salt Lake City, .Author, 1907.
B, Hastings, and additional chapter• 1882. 36p, ports,
by Elder John Boggs and Elder J.B. 34p, The Tribune-reporter ptg. co,
lleCleery. Cincinnati, Standard,
1889. Memorial addre1s before the G, A.
346p. front, (port.) plates. BUTTERFIELD,FRED ELJll!:R,1864-1917, R, decoration day1 Salt Lake City,
b, Jordan center, Wia,, 28 llr 1864, utah, 1908; Rocky Ford, Colorado,
Protestant sectarianism. Cincin- d. Bolivar, Mo., l l!:r 1917, 1910; Ipava, Illinois, 19151 Sullivan,
no.ti, Standard. Ohio, 19161 Brownstown, Illinois, 19171
A book of aermona, Buffalo, lb,, and St. Elmo, Illinois, 1917.
The ten conmanda; an essay on the Reflex pub, co., 1906, e 12.p.
Sabbath question. ~t. l.Duia, John 53p,
--, Cincinnati, Standard, 1900,ocBUTTERFIELD, GEORGE
W b, BaTannah, Ga,, 12 Ag 1890,
25p, (Vest-pocket aeries Chria- b,
tian tracts, vol, 2, no, 2) d.
An effective worker• conference,
The New Testament church, Wash-. Indianapolis and St. Louis, Depart-
ington, Penn,, Author, -nt of religiou1 education, U, C.
40p, II. S., and Christian board,
(Local church service
Cahill - Cameron C

CAHILL, ISAAC JASPER, 1868-1946. introduction see Pioneer tales of Eureka Springs
b. Richwood, o., l Ag 1868. and Carroll county. Eureka Springs,
d. Cleveland, o., 10 Ja 1945. Kellems, J. R. Studies in the Ark., Auth or, •1 930.
forgiveness of sins. ll6p . front., plates, i llus.
Discovering and developing leaders.
Indianapolis and St. Louis, Depart- Shifting sands. Columbus, o.,
ment of religious education, U. C. M. CALDWELL,ROBERTB , 1860- Lutheran book concern, 1943.
S. and Christian board. b. 9lp.
(Local church service d.
Human interests by a country EVA AVIS, 1890-1934.
Making the church go, constructive editor. Monticello, Mo., Lewis b. 1890.
evangelism. Indianapolis, u. C. M. county journal, 1914. d. 17 Ja 1934.
S., cl933, n.p.
14p. Bow to i mprove your Sunda y school,
a pproved as a textbook in leadership
They that be for us, evangelism, CALDWELL,ROBERTGRANVILLE,1882- training by the department of reli-
winter and spring 1936. Indians- ·gious education, Disci p les of Christ
polis, U. C. M. S., cl 935, James A. Garfield, party chieftain , ,with an introduct io n by T, T. Swear-
c8,p. New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1931. ingen, St. Louis, Bet ha ny press,
xi, 383p. front., plates, ports. •1934.
Baptism; Confession. (In Meach- (American political leaders) 9lp.
am, E. J., comp. Training to teach,
•1913, pp. 183-1 84; 182-183) The jun io r department of the church
CALFEE, HENRY, 1828-19 _02. school. St . Louis and Indianapolis,
The church glorious. (In Lord, b. 26 0 1828. Christian board and U. C. M. S., •1929,
J. A., ed. On the Lord'• day, 1904, d. 26 Je 1902. 15p.
pp. 218-221)
about He St. Louis, Christian board,
ccCAIN, JOSEPH E West, J. w. Sketches of our 28p,
b. mountain pioneers.
When, where, and how childr en learn,
Indianap olis and St. Louis, Depart-
Elemen, of the remedial system. ocCALHOUN,HALLLAURIE, 1863-1935. ment of religious education, u. C. K,
n.p .• n.d. b. Conyersville, Tenn., 11 D 1863, S., and Christian board, •1930.
24p . d. 4 S 1936. 23p. (Local ohurch service
aaa oc ia tion)
Unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Gospel sermons.
Our Savior's prayer for unity, 1918, 94p. oomp.
pp. 23-27)
What destructive criticism destroys. Juni or sup erintendent's manual;
Cinc innati, New Testament tract socie- objec tives, organization, pro ce dures,
CAKE, ERASTUSB ty, n.d, lesson course, materials. St.
b. 19p, Louis, Chr i stia n board, 1932.
d. 212p .
Faith; The five great duties of a
The aon of God. (In The Missouri Christian life; The human body; The
Christian lectures, vol. 4, 1888, pp. human heart; The indwelling Christ; CALVIN, FIUJIK N , 1856- 1925 • .
211-250) A much neglected command; Our religion; b, Paynesville, Mo-., 28 Ap 1866.
Progreaa in religion; The shadow and d. Bartow, Fla., 9 Je 1925.
the-\ubstance; What Jesus Christ may
DAVm, 1726-1824. be to a hWMn soul. (In Abilene Church finance •• , Cinoinnati,
(Preabyteri&n) Christian college Bible lectures, 1928- Standard, 1889.
(Barton W, Stone's teaoher) 1929; pp. 261-280; 1926-1927, pp. 43-62 ;1 l6p.
1928-1929, pp. 283-298; 1928-1929, pp.
about aee 321-335; 1926-1927, pp. 9-24; 1926-1927., Crucial points concerning the Holy
pp. 25-42; 1928-1929, pp. 339-357; Spirit , A supplementary statement.
Caruthers, E. 11'. A sketch of the 1926-1927, pp. 63-78; 1928-1929, pp. (In Garrison, J. H., ed, Our first
life and character of the Rev. David 301-318; 1926-1927, pp. 79-100) congress, 1900, pp. 171-185)
Caldwell, D. D.
Service, What ia the heart? (In
Meacham, E. J., comp. Training to CAMERON,
EllORYCLOE, 1894-1936,
CALDWELL,J 11' teach, 1913, pp. 31-32; 33-34) b. lb,, l Ag 1894.
b. d. Indianap olis, Ind., 28 D 1936.
introduction aee
The rural church and the pastoral
Church of Christ. St, Louis, Otey, 'If. 'If. Creation .or evolution. unity plan. Indianapolis, Board of
Christian board, Temperanoe and aooial welfare, 1934,
CALDIIELL,JESSE COBB, 1873-1941, b. The Disciples; ahall we neglect our
b, Clay oounty, It,,, 16 Ja 1873, birthright? (In International con-
d, Dea Moines, Ia,, 22 F 1941, vention, 1936, pp. 73-80)
The dream garden. Columbus, o.,
Charles S. Medbury, the teaoher, Wartburg preaa, •1944,
(In 1(1ller, R, H, , ed, Charles S. 94p. CAMERON,ISAACWILLIAJIS, 1868-1933.
lfedbury, 1932, pp, 21-26) b. near Ashley, Ill., 17 Jl 1858,
d. near Esoondido, Calif,, O 1933.
C Cameron - Campbell

An address to the members of . the --, 4th ed, Cincinnati, H. S,

A letter to Rev. Simon Peter by a
Onion literary society, of Miami univ- Bosworth, 1866.
lay member of a sister denomination.
eraity, Ohio. Bethany, Va., Printed 358p.
tract. Stereotyped by L. Johnson & co,,
by A. Campbell, 1844.
ReTolution in Atlantls, a religious 2Sp.
allegory, with an essay on Chriatian Caption title: Responsibilities of
men of genius •• , Cincinnati, Bosworth,
union by G. L. Brokaw, Dea Moines, Chase & Hall, n,d,
Christian index pub. co., 1898. 358p.
176p. Addresa on war, delivered at
Wheeling, Va,, in 1848, printed in the Stereotyped by L, Johnson & co,,
Congressional record of November 22, Philadelphia.
CAMERON,JORN 1937, by request of Hon. Joseph B.
Shannon of Missouri. Washington, --. Cincinnati, and Chicago,
b. Central book concern, n.d.
d, Govt. ptg, office, 19~7.
19p. 358p.
Stereotyped by L. Johnaon & co.,
Nebuchadnezzar's viaion, St. Philadelphia.
Louis, Christian pub. co. The Campbell yearbook, choice
selections for every day in the year,
compiled by W, G, Burleigh, cwith, --. St. Louis, John Burn•.
biographical sketch by Peter Ainslie.
cPortsmouth; Va,, Compiler, 1909, --, 5th ed. Cincinnati, Stan-
CAMERON,OLIVE dard, c 1901,
136p, front. (port.)
aee MURCH,.OLIVE (CA:l!ERON) Printed from new plates.
Christian baptism: with its ante--
cedents and consequents. Bethany, The Christian system in reference
CA,\!ERON,MRS. REGINA (MAY) (Mr•. Va., Printed and published by Alexander to the union of Christians, and a
Emory C. Cameron), 1884- Campbell, 1851. restoration of primitive Christ~snity
b, Vernon, La., 14 My 1884. 444p. as plead by the current reformation.
Cover title: Campbell on baptiam. St, Louis, Christian pub. co., 1890.
The junior and the church. Cin- St. Louis, John Burna,
Standard, 1926. •1882.
444p. n.d.
--. St. Louis, Christian board,

Cincinnati, Standard, 1887.
CAMPBELL,ALEXANDER,1788-1866. 444p. A circular letter written by
b. Antrim county, Ireland, 12 S Alexander Campbell at the request or
1788. · Nashville, llcQuiddy ptg. the Redstone Baptist association to
d, Bethany, W. Va., 4 Mr 1866. co., 1913. the churches in their connexion •• -,
374p. September 4, 1817. n.p., 1817.
Address delivered at New Athens 16p.
college to the student• of that insti- St. Louis, Christian board, See also Views of Mr. Alexander
tution by special request of students •1882. Campbell.
and faculty, at annual commencement. 444p.
Publi shed by the students, 1838. Printed from John Burns plates. A connected view of the principle•
Cover title: Campbell on baptism. and rule• by which the liTing oracle•
Addr ess delivered before the Char- may be intelligibly and certainly
lottesville, Lyceum, Tuesday, June 16, The Christian preacher'a · companion: interpreted: of the foundation or
1840 , Charlottesville, Printed by or, the gospel facts sustained by the which all Christians may form one
R. C, Noel, 1840. teatimony of unbelieving Jews and communion: and of the capital position•
32p , pagans, Bethany, Va., cPrinted and sustained in the attempt to restore
published by M'Vay & Ewing, MDCCCXXXVI the original gospel and order of thingaJ
An address delivered to the members cl55.p. containing the principal extras of
of the Jefferson literary society, of Also published under the title: the llillenial Harbinger, revised and
Franklin college, New Athene, Ohio, Infidelity refuted by infidels. corrected. Printed and published by
September 25, 1838. Bethany, Va., M'Vay and Ewing, Bethany, Va., 183.6.
Printed by A. Campbell, 1838. CentreTille, Ky., R. B, 404, iv p,
23p. Neal, 1891. Cover title: Christianity restored.
160p. First edition of The Christian
An address delivered to ·the Young system.
men's mercantile library association Cincinnati, Standard, n.d.
of Cincinnati; on the Anglo-Saxon 160p. Delusions; an analysis of the Book
language; its origin, character, and of M>rmon; with an examiJllltion of it•
deatiny, Dec. 11, 1849.,. Bethany, The Christian ayetem, in reference internal and external evidence,, and
Va. , 1850. to the union or Christiana, and a a refutation of its pretense• to
34p, reetoration of primitive Christianity, diTine authority, with prefatory note•
a, plead in the current reformation by Joahua V. Hime•, Booton, Benja-
An address on capital punishment, .2d ed., Bethany, Va,, Printed by min H. Greene, 1832.
delivered to the Waahington literary A. Campbell. Published by Forrester & 16p.
institute, on the evening of March 2, Ce.mpbell, Pittsburg, 1839.
1846, publiahed by request. 368p,, iv p. -· --,facsimile ed, Salt Lake
Bethany, Va., Printed by A. Campbell, For the first edition see, A City, Morgan Bruce bk. co., 1925.
1846, connected view of the prinoiplee 16p.
34p. and rules by which the living
oracles may be intelligibly and Alexander Campbell . on the Book of
An addreaa on the amelioration of certainly interpreted. Mormon, ed. and reprinted byW. T,
the social state, delivered ••• in Hilton, Omaha, Neb., 1902?
LouioTille. LouiaTille, Prentice --, 3d ed. Bethany, Va., 32p.
and Weissinger, 1839. Printed by A. Campbell, Publiahed by
31p_. Forreater & Campbell, Pittsburg, 1840.
364, iT p.
Cuipbell - Ce.mpbell C

Facts and documents confirmatory St. Louis, Christian board. A tract for the peop le of Kentuok:,.
of the credibility of the debate on 96p. Louisville, Courier offi ce, 1849?
baptism, bet..een W. L, MoCalla and 8p.
Alexander Campbell, being a full ex- Memoir• of elder Thoma, Ce.mpbell,
pos i tion of a "Unitarian Baptist" together with a brief memoir of Mr•. Views of Mr. Alexander Campbell
created and made by the Rev, w. L. Jane Campbell. Cincinnati, H. S. concerning the doctrines of election
lfcCalla. Bethany, Brooke county, Bosworth, 1861. and reprobation, ao embodied in the
Va. , 1828 . 319p. front. (port.) circular letter addressed to the
24p. churches in connection with the Red-
--. Cincinnati, Bosworth, stone Baptiot associati .on, in 1817.
Familar lectures on the Pentateuch; Chaoe &' Hall, 1871, •1861. Fulton, Mo., T. L, Stephens, 1856.
delivered before the morning class of 319p. front, (port.) 22p.
Bethan y college, during the session
of 1859-60; also short extracts from The memorable eermon on the law, The Disciple• of Christ, (In
his sermons during the same session, delivered at the regular Baptist Brown, J, H,, ed. Encyclopedia of
reported by Chao. V. Seager •• ,to which aseooiation, on Cross Creek, Virginia, religioua knowledge, 1836, pp, 462-
is prefixed a brief sketch of President in 1816, St. Louie, Christian pub. 464)
Campbell's life. The whole edited, cc., 1889.
with an introduction and occasional · 5lp, Introductory _ lecture. (In
notes by W, T, Moore. Cincinnati, See also, Substance of a sermon. Bethany college. Introductory addreaa-
H. S. Bosworth, 1867. ea, 1841, pp . 61-86)
379p. front. (port.) Moral oooieties, Battle Creek,
Y~ch,, International roligiouo liberty S•rmon on the law. (In Young,
Cincinnati, Bosworth, association, 1898. C. A., ed. Historical docwnenta ad-
Chase and Hall, 1871, •1867. 24p, (Religious liberty library, vocating Christian union, 1904, pp.
379p. May 1898) 217-282)

--. St. Louis, Christian pub. Order of wor1hip. Paducah, Ky., -- · . (In Rowe, P. L., ed.
co., •1867. C, M, Stubblefield, 1916? Pioneer sermons and addresses, •1908,
379p. 3lp. pp, 106-148)

Infidelity refuted by infidels; or, The philosophy of memory and of Speeches before the constitutional
the gospel proved by the testimony of 0011111emorativeinstitutions, an convention of Virginia, 1829-1830,
unbelieving Jews and Pagan•. addreoo delivered by request, to the (In Virginia. Constitutional conven-
Bethany, Author, 1844. "Union literary oociety" of Washington tion, 1829-1830. Proceedings and
352p . college, November 10, 1841. debates, 1830)'
Also published under the title: Bethany, Va., Printed by A. Ce.mpbell,
Christian preacher'• companion. 1en. .Sermon, (In Pulpit power and
23p. eloquence1 or, one hundred beet ser-
Lawrence Greatrake'• cal11111nie• mons of the 19th century, 1902, pp.
repell'tt. Buffaloe, Brooke · county, Popular lectures and aodresaea. )
Va., Publiohed by A. Ce.mpbell, 1826. Philadelphia, Jamee Challen & aon,
60p. 1863. introduction aee
viii, 17-647p. front, (port.)
Lectures on slavery delivered by Lard, K. E. A review of Rev, J,
Alexander Ce.mpbell, president of --. Cincinnati, and Oskaloosa, B. Jeter'• book entitled "Ce.mpbelliom
Bethany college, Virginia, U. s. Ia., Central bk. concern, 1879, •1863. examined".
within the Waterloo room, Edinburgh, viii, 17-647p. front. (port.)
on Friday, August 13, 1847. Edin- debate with JENNINGS, OBADIAH
burgh: R. K. Walker, 2 Hunter square, --. Cincinnati, Standard, •1863 ----- (Presbyterian)
and all bookaellers, price two pence, ~111, 17-647p.
cl847, Debate on Campbelliam; held at
Reprinted from the Journal 18 Ag
oo., n.d.
St, Louis, Chriotian pub. Haehville,
Tennee1ee in which the
of Alexander Campbell are
1847. viii, 17-647p. confuted, and his conduct examined, to
which ia prefixed a -moir of the
Letters to a skeptic. Cincinnati, The rank and dignity of man, an author .Jennings, by Rev, K. Brown,
H. s. Bosworth, 1869. addreo1, delivered to the otudent1 of .ed. by S, C, Jennings, Pittsburgh,
67p. Florence academy, -Waohington county, D. and K, llaolean, 1832.
Pennsylvania, (at their request). 252p.
St, Louis, Christian pub. Bethany, Va., Pririted by A. Ce.mpbell, For Campbell's version of thia
oo., n.d. 1838. "diaouaaion" see the Millennial
' 67p. 23p. Harbinger, v. 2, 1831, pp~ 109-121,
333. For Ce.mpbell 1 o. reviewa of thia
Life .and death cwith a preface b:, Stricture, on three letter• respect- book, aee ». H., v, 3, 1832, pp.
D.S. Buniet, Cincinnati, H. s. ing the debate at ,Mount Pleasant, 421-432, 466-469, 505-608, and 634-
Bosworth. publiohed in the Pre1byterian magazine 637.
Reprinted from the Millennial in 18211 signed Samuel Ralaton.
Harbinger. Pittsburgh,
Eiohbaum and Johnoon, 1822.
debate with llaoCALLA, W. L.
Cincinnati, Chase and Hall,
The 1ubatanoe o'f a aeraon delivered £ debate on Chri1tian baptiam.
•96p. before the Redato~e Baptiat aaeooiation, Held at lruhington, Ky., commencing Oil
met on Cron creek;, Brooke county, Va., · the 16th and terminating on the 2lat
--. Jlelbourne, Auatralia, on the first of September 18161 b:, Oct. 1823, in the preeenoe of aver:,
Auatral pub. co., 1897. Alexander Campbell, one of the paatora . nu-roua and reepeotable oongregationJ
of the . church of Bruah Run, Washington in which are interaperaed and to which
St. Louia, Christian pub. county; Pa. Steubenville, o., Je.mea are added animadvereiona on different
CO, Wilcox, 1816. treatiaea on the eame aubjeot, written
96p. 36p. by Dr. J. Jluon, Dr. S, Ralaton, R'"'•
See alao, lfemorable aerllion on the B. Polld, Rev. J, P. Cu,pbell, Rector
law. Araatrong, and the Rev. J. Walker.

C Car.:pbell - Cunpbell

Buffaloe, cVa,,, Campbell and Sala, and published by J. A. James & co,, ton, Kentucky, beginning November 16,
1824. 1837. 1843 and continuing eighteen days.
420p. ·359p. + cl,p, headed: The disputed Cincinnati, F, L, Rowe, 1901,
pass~ge of St. Ligori--Mr. Campbell's 309p.
debate with CWEN,ROBERT, documentary substantiation.
----- debate with SKINNER, DOLPHUS
Debate on the evidence• of Chris- --. Cincinnati, Stereotyped (Universalist)
tianity; containing an examination of and published by J, A. James & co.,
the "aooial system", and of all the 1837, A discussion of the doctrines of
system• of scepticism of ancient and 360p, endless misery and universal salvation
modern times. Held in the city of in an epistolary correspondence be-
Cincinnati, Ohio, from the 13th to the Cincinnati, U, P, James, tween Alexander Campbell and Dolphuo
31st of April 1829, reported by Charles 1865. Skinner, Utica, cN, Y., C, C. P,
H. Sime ••• with an appendix written by 360p. Grosh, printer, 1840,
the p~rties. Bethany, Va., Printed 436p,
and published by Alexander Campbell, Cincinnati, Central bk.
concern, 1879. debate with WALKER,JOHN
2 vol. in one. 360p, ----- (Presbyterian)

--, 2d ed.
son and Fairbank,
--. St. Louis, Christian board, Infant sprinkling
proved to be a
trad i tion; be i ng the substance
2 vols. 360p, of a debate on -Christian baptism, Held
Title pages of two vols, slightly at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, on the 19th
different, The battle of the giants: a debate and 20th June 1820, in the pr esence of
on the Roman Catholic religion held in a very numerous and respectable.con-
Debate on the evidences of Chris- Cincinnati. Together with the Vatican gregation, To which is added a large
tianity; containing an examination of decrees in their bearing on civil alle- appendix, published by Alexander
the social system, and of all the sys- giance by ·w. E, Gladstone with replies C::ur.pbell, Ste,,benvi lle, 0 ,, or1nt ed '
tems of scepticism of ancient and of Newman, Manning, Capel, Acton, and by Wilson, 1820 ,
modern times held in Cincinnati, for Camoys, and a full abstract of Glad- c4, 216p,
eight day• suocessh·ely betwee ·n Robert stone's rejoinder. Cincinnati, C, F,
Owen, of New Lanark, Scotland, and Vent, 1675. A debate on Christian baptism.
Alexander Campbell of Bethany, Virginia, 360 + 247p. Held at Mount-Pleasant, on the vl9th
with an appendix by .the parties, and 20th of June, 1820, in the pre-
Complete in one volume, London, debate with RICE, N, J:, sence of a very numero~s and respect-
Published by R, Groombridge, Panyer (Presbyterian) able congregation, to which "-S added
alley ... , 1839. a large appendix by Alexander . C~pbell,
545p. A debate on the action, subject, 2d ed, enlarged, with strictures :on
design and administrator of Christian three letters res pecting said debate,
The eTidenoea of Christianity; a baptism; also, on the character of published by Mr, Samuel Ralston, a
debate containing an examination of spiritual influence in conversion and Presbyterir,.n Minister, Pittsburgh,
the "social system", and all the sys- sanctification, and on the expediency Eichbaum and Johnston, 1822,
tems of scepticism of ancient and and tendency of ecclesiastic creeds, 292p,
modern times, Held in the city of as terms of union · and communion, ·Held

Ohio, in April, 1829, com-
plete in one volume, 5th stereotyped
Cincinnati, American Christian
in Lexington, Ky., from the fifteenth
of November to the aecond of Dece~ber,
184J, a period of eighteen days, report-
The acts of the apostles, Nsw
publication society, 1854, •1852. ed by Marcus T. C, Gould, stenographer, York, American Bible union.
465p. assisted by A, Euclid Drapier, steno-

--, 6th stereotyped ed. Cin-

grapher, and amanuensis,
A, T, Skillman & son; Cincinnati,
Wright ~-
cinnati, H. S, Bosworth, 1864, •1862. and Swormstedt, J, A. James; Louisville, The Christian baptist, rev, by D,
465p. D, S, Burnett; N. York, R. Carter; S, Burnet, from the second ed., with
Pittsburgh, Thomas Carter, 1844, Mr. Campbell's last corrections.
--. Cincinnati
Central book concern,
and Chicago,
C 1,, 11-912p,
First printing with error trine
Seven volumes in one.
D. S, Burnet, 1835,

465p. immerson 7th line from bottom of cVi ii, 670p,

page 258,
--. Cincinnati, Chase & Hall, --, 6th ed, Cincinnati, D. S,
1878, •1852. Lexington, A. T, Skillman Burnet, 1848, •1835,
466p. & son; Cincinnati, J, A, James; Louis- .viii, 67~.
ville, D. s. Burnett; New York, R.
St. Louie, John Burne, n.d. Carter; Pittsburg, T, Carter, 1844. --, 10th ed, Cincinnati, Amer-
466p. C 1., ll-9l2p, ican Christian pub, society, 1864,
00 ••
St, Louis, Christian pub. --, facsimile
nati, Standard,
l 91 7.
Cincin- .4. 5-670p,
Contr,.ino preface to 8th ed.
465p. 9l2p. front. (ports)
"An exact reproduction, made by a --, 13th ed. .Cincinnati. H. S,
Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. new proceas developed and ~erfected
by The Standard publishing company
Bosworth, 1861, •1835,
.4. 6-670p.
of Cincinnati, 0,, of the original Contain s preface to 8th ed,
PURCELL, JOHN B edition of this book, published in
(Roman Catholic) 1844 by A, T. Skillman & son, Lexing- --, 13th ed, .Cincinnati, H. S,
ton, Ky,• Does not have error on Bosworth, 1867, •1835.
A debate on the Roman Catholic reli- page 268. 4, .2. 6-670p,
gion; held in the Syeamore street Contains preface to lst and 8th
•••ting house, Cincinnati, from the 13th Campbell-Rice debate on the holy editions,
to the 21st of January, 18.37, taken spirit, Being the fifth proposition in
down by reporters, and · revised by the the great debate on "baptism", "holy --, 15th ed, St, Louis, Chris-
parties, Cincinnati, Stereotyped spirit", and "creeds". Held in Lexing- tian pub, co,, 1889,
"· - .2. 6-670p,
Contains preface to lot and 8th
Camobell - Campbell C

Living oracles see Sacred --, stereotyped fro m t he 3d ed. --, 4t h ed. Ca.rtha !';e, 0.,
writ i ngs. r ev. St. Louis, Chr i st i an pub . co., Pr i nted by W. Scot t , 1835,
n.d. 247 , c9• P•
Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. 336p .
1828. Cover title: Liv i ng or a c l e s. --, 25th st er eot ype ~di tion.
Bethany, Va., Prin t ed and published
Psalms, hymns, and s piritual so_ng~, The sacred writin g s of th e a po stl e s by A. Campbell , 1848 .
adapted to the Christian religion, and eva ngelists of J~sus Christ, co~ 256, 192p .
selected by Alexander Campbell, 2d ed. monl r st yled t he New Te sta ment, tr. Cover t itle: Chr ist ia n hymn book.
Bethan y, Brooke county, Virg ini a cA. fr om the or ig inal Gree k by Docto rs
Campbell., 1829. George Campbell, J ames McKnight, and Co.mpbell's hymns. Ci ncinn at i ,
cl 92• l' • Philip Doddrid ge, wit h prefa c es, Prin te d by Mor ga n a nd Overend, 185- ?
va rious emendat io ns a nd a n appe nd i x by A p ira t ed edition of Psa l ms, hymns ,
--, 4th ed. Bethany, B. C., Alexander Campbell, 4th ed . Bet han y , a nd s piritual song s list ed above.
Va., cA. Campbell. 1832, •1828. Brooke county, Va. Prin te d and pub-
192p . lished by M'Vay a nd Ewi ng, MDCCCXXXV. Psalm s , hymns, and s pir i tual song•,
401, 80p. fr ont. (map) maps. ori gi nal and selec t ed, compil ed by A,
The sacred writ i ngs of the a postles Cover t i tle : Liv ing ora cle s . Campbell, W. Scott, B. W. Sto ne, and
and evan gelists of J e sus Christ, com- J. T. Johns on, eld er s of the Chris-
monly styled the New Testa ~ent, tr. --, Fr om t he 4th American ed i t i on, tian c hurch; wit h numerous and var i ous
from the ori gi nal Greek, by George London , G. Wightman, 1838 . additions an d emendations a dapte d to
Campbell, James Macknight, and Philip lx, 456, 30p. personal, family, an d chur ch worshi p
Doddridge, doctors of the Church of by Al exander Campbell, 2d ed.
Scotland, with prefaces to the histor- --, 6th ed. Pittsbur gh: Pub- Bethany, Va., Printed and publis hed
ical and epistolary books, with an lished by Forrester & C_ a.mpbell, book- by A. Campbell, 1854, •1851.
appendix containing critical notes and sell~rs and publ i shers, 1839. 5llp.
various translation, of difficult 424, 80p. Cover title : Chri stian hymn book.
passages. Buffaloe, Brooke count y, Printed by D. N. Whi te, Pittsb urgh.
Virginia, Printed and published by Cover title: New Testament --, 5th ed. Bethan y , Va.,
Alexander Campbell, 1826. Print ed and publish ed by A. Campbell ,
478, .2. xlviii p. Yr oraclau bywiol neu ysgrifenidau 1860 , •1 851.
Cover title: New Testament. cysegrlau Apostolion ac efengyli oyr Jes ~ 5ll p .
Grist, a elvir yn gyffr edi n y Te stament Cover titl e : Christian hymn book.
--, 2d ed. Bethany, Brook newydd, Wedi ei gyfiethu dnry gymor-
county, Va., Printed and published by thwy y beirmiaid mvryaf dysge dig gau --, 7th ed. Bethan y, Va.,
Alexander Campbell, 1828, •1826. John Williams gyda Rhaglithiau ac Prin t ed and published by A. Campbell ,
lix cl. 61-456p. attodiad gau Alexander Campbell. 1863, •1 851.
Cover title: New Testament. Llundain, Simpkins, Mo.rshall and co .; 5llp,
Ll ynlleifrad, D. l&l.rp les, Gweecsam Cover title: Christian hymn book.
The sacred writings of the apostles Bailey, 1842.
and evangelists of Jesus Christ, com- lviii, 5l2p. about
monly styled the New Testament, tr.
from the original Greek by George -, 5th stereotyped ed. Cin ci n- Rowe, H.K. Alexander Campbel l.
Campbell, James McKnight nnd Philip nati, Franklin and Ric e , 1873, 0 1870. ( In Dictionary of American biogra phy,
podrid ge, with prefaces, various emend- lv, 57-452, 86p. vol. 3, 1929, P!'.', 446-448)
ations, and an appendix, containing Cover title: The living oracles ~
various translutions of difficult about see
passages--some critical notes on the The sacred writin gs of the apostles
language, geography, chronology, and and evangelists of Jesus Christ, com- Ainslie, Peter. Alexander Ca~p-
history of the New Testament--and mis- monly styled the New Testament. Trans- bell.
cellaneous tables designed to aid every lated from the original Greek by Doctors Athearn, c. R. The religiou1
candid reader of the volume in acquir- Georie Campbell, James Me.cKnight and education of Alexander Campbell,
ing a satisfactory knowledge of its Phiilp Doddridge, with prefaces, various 1 Boles, H. L. Biographical
contents, by A. Campbell, 3rd ed. rev. emendations and an appendix, by Alexandei sketches of gospel pr~acher1.
and enl. Bethany, Brook county, Va., Campbell, 16th ed. St. Louis, Chria- Burnet, D. S. An addresa on the
Printed and published by Alexander tian board, •1914. life and labors of Alexander Campbell,
Campbell, 1832. lv, cl. 57-452, 86p, Campbell, s. H. B. Home lif s
617 .2. lOOp. front. (map.) maps. and reminiscences of Alexander Canp-
Cover title: Living oracles. ed. with othera. bell,
Chalmers, Thomas. Alexander
The sacred writings of the apostles The Christian hymn book; a compila- Campbell's tour of Scotland.
and evangelists of Jesus Christ, com- tion of pealms, hyans, and scriptural Cooley, Lat hrop. An e.ddrsss on
monly styled the New Testament, tr. songs, original and ,elected, rev. and Alexander Campbell.
from the original Greek by Doctors enl. by a committee. Cincinnati, B. Egbert, James. Alexander Canpbell
George Campbell, Jamee !Jo!f_night, and S. Bosworth, 1868, •1865, and Christian liberty,
Philip Doddridge, with prefaces, var- 828p. Errett, Isaac. Alexander Canpbell,
ious emendations, and an appendi~ by Garriaon, W. E. The 1ourcsa of
Alexander Campbell, •tereotyped from --. Cincinnati, B• .S. Bosworth, Alexander Campbell'• theology,
the 3d ed. rev. Bethan y , Va., A. 1869, •1865. Grafton, T. 1f. Alexander Cu pbell.
Campbell, 1833. 840p. Haggar, Thomae. Alexander Camp-
336p. bell,
--. Cincinnati, Bosworth, c·haae Baley, J. J. Alexander Campbell,
--,stereotyped from the 3d ··e4. · & Ball, 1871, •1865. Hayden, 11'. L. Alexander Camp-
rev. Cincinnati and Chicago, Central 840p. bell, matchleu defender ot the pro-
bk. concern, 1881. te s tant faith,
336p. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, Hutchinson, Paul. Men who .. de
Cover title: Living oracles. original and selected, compiled by A. the churche1.
Campbell, W. Scott, B. W. Stone and Johnston, R. W. Today' 1 pic tor-
stereotyped from the 3d ed, J. T. Johnson: adapted to the Chri•- ial story of Alexander Campbell and
reT. Cincinnati, Standard pub. co., tian religion. Bethany, Va., Printed the Christian churche1,
n.d. by A. Campbell, 1834. Lowber, J. W. Alexander Cam;, bell
336p. Z47, c9•P• and the Disoiplea.
COTer title, Living oracles.
C Campbell - Campbell

McLean, Archibald, Thomas and Mr, John Walker, a minister of secession b , Morpeth, Ont~rio, 27 Ja 1869 ,
Alexande r Campbell, and Mr. Ale xander Campbell, a Baptist d , Pentwater , Mich ,, 18 Ag 1943,
McLean , Archibald, Alexander minister.
Campbel l a s a preacher, Ray, D. B. Textbook on Campbell- Chores and the altar; a series of
Moore, A, R. Alexander Campbell ism, brief intimate mes sage• and affirma-
a nd the general conventi on , Rice, N. L. Bapt i sm, tive, personal testimony to the myst ic
Pendleton, W, K, Al exander Camp- Rice, N. L. Campbe1lism, faith of the Chri stian sou l, St ,
bell, Ross , James. Alexander Campbe ll , Louis, Bethany pr ess, 1931,
Richardson , Robert , Memoirs of etc . 242p, il lus,, ports,
Ale xand er Campbel l, Sleigh , Jo s eph , Campbellism
Roger s , W. C. A, Campbell, Ul\lM S ked,
Excuses for not bel onging to the
Scott, J, A. A br ie f sk etch of Stiles, J. C, A letter to church, St. Louis, Christian
Alex ander Campbell, Alexa nder Campbell, board,
Sea ger, C, V. Alexander Campbell, Underhill , Samuel. Campbell
Smith, B. L, Alexander Campbell. ref ute d, Friends are my st or y, an autobi o-
Snoddy , E. E. Thomas and Alex- Walker, J ohn. A treatise on gra phy cwith an introduction by R, H,
ander Campbe 11, ba ptis m. Miller and a preface by Georgi a ll&y
Sweet, W.W. Alexander Campbell . Campbell Lollis, St, Louis , Bethany
Tiers, M, C. Christian por trait press, •1944.
gallery , CAMPBE
LL, COLIN 252p . front. (port,) plates,
Tupper, K, B. Seven grea t lights, b,
Wood, Warren, Repre sentati ve d, Charles S. l.!edbury, the man of
authors of West Virginia, pr aye r, ( In Miller, R. H,, ed ,
Wrathe r, E. J, Al e xander Campbell. Review of a pamphlet entitled a Char les S. A!edbur y, 1932, pp , 73- 80 )
statement of f acts in connect ion with
~ upon see the history of the church of Chris t, Conviction , (In Moore, W. T.,
in t he city of Detroit, Michigan, ed. The new l i v i ng pulpit of the
Akers , Thomas, A collection of c 1868, Christian church, 1918, pp . 25 1- 264)
origi nal sermons, 72p ,
Beauchamp, Mrs. J, B. Maplehurst , Fellowship with Christ in life,
Black , J. F. The Bible way, (In International convention, 1913,
Bow, J . G, Jessie Allen, CAMPBELL,ELMERGRANT, 18 76- pp . 15-26)
Broadus, Andrew, The extra b, · Fairburn, Ga., 11 F 1876 ,
examin ed, MOSELEY,J, E,
Brooks , I, L, A defence or
Southern slavery agains t the at tack s General elementary botany, with My dad, preache r, pastor, par so n ;
of H, Clay and A. Campbell, practical applioationa. New York, thi rty-f our Disciples of Christ minis-
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Crowell, •1929, ters interpreted by a son or a daugh-
worshipping i n North St reet, Baltim ore xix, 407p, illus, ter. St, Louis, Chri sti an board,
--To the edito r of the Millenial 1938 ,
Harbinge r, --, rev. ed. New York, Crowell, 197p, ports,
Clelland, Thomas and J ennings, S. •1 930 , Contents: Sketches of E. S. Ames,
C. To the readers of the Yillennial xiii, 410p, illus. L, D. Anderson, W, H, Book, W, N,
Harbinge r, Briney, H, W, Carpenter, C, M,
Cody, z. T. Campbell's baptismal --, rev, ed. Atlanta, Damon Chilton, G, H. Combs, J. R. Ewers,
remis sion. press, •1941, S, E, Fisher, A, W, Fortune,
Davis , D. B, Campbellism in xiv, 410p, front,, illus. Graham Frank, J, H. Gold ner, A, D,
Christia n costume, Harmon, c. E. Hill, F. S. Idleman,
Dayto n, A. C. Pedob apt i st and Life'• temples; a study of living B. A. Jenkins, E. D, Jones, Cleve-
Campbellite immersions, beings, with special re ference to man. land Kleihauer, G, W. Knepper, S,
Gardner, Matthew. Twelve year•' Ann Arbor, Mich, , Edward s brothers, S, Lappin, C. E. L""'.mon, R, H.
observ ation and examination of Mr, 1940, Miller, R. T. Nooe, W, F, Rothen-
Al exander Campbell's theory and prac- xvii, 419p, illus, bur ger, W. A. Shullenberger, R. C,
tice of the ref ormation, · · Snodbrass, W. E. Sweeney, G, P,
Goodell, J. W. Nature, design, --, 3d ed, Atlanta, Ga,, Damon Taubman, W, R. Walker, L, N, D,
and mode of ba ptism, preas, 1941, Wells, P, H, Welshimer, W, M. White,
Graatraka , Lawrence. Letters to 432p. front, (illus,) H. L, Willett, and H, 0, Wilson,
Alex ander Campbell by a regular Baptist,
H.ayuas, T. W. Treat i se on Chris- about eee
tian baptilm. CAllPBELL, ENOS, 1815-1890,
Jeter, J, B. Campbellism examined . b, Newry, Ireland, 23 D 1815, Moore, W, T, New living pulpit
Campbellism re-examined. Recollaotiona d, Wilmington, 0,, 27 D 1890, of the ChriAtian church,
of a long life,
Landi s, R. W. Rabbah taken, The tract. (In Ely, Simps on,
1':Dowall, Andrew, A traatist on Ten chapters against tobacco, •1886, CAMPBELL,GILBERTWHITNEY, 1883-
the subject of Baptism, p. 29) b, Billings, l(o,, 2 N 1883,
llarsha ll, Humphrey, The letter
or a priv ate student, or an examina-
tion of the "Evidancaa of Christian- CAllPBELL, GEORGE,1807-1872 , Fikitivea in der lehre von den
ity," . b, Brewer, Me., 8 F 1807, Empfindugen, 1915,
Owen, Robert, Opening speech, d, Eureka, Ill., 1872,
and his reply to the Rav, Alexander Psychology for teachers. 1936.
Campbell, Church edification1 Hia body--the
Par ker, Leonard, The doctrine or church, (In Mathes, J. X., ed. The
justification by faith established and western preacher, vol, 1, 1865, pp, CAMPBELL,HORACE
defended against Alexander Campbell's 119-152 J 292-307) b,
views of the <t'ficacy of water baptism,
Phillipa, William, Campballiam about aee
upoaad, Can you help me? Sermons addreaaecl
Ralston, Samual, A review of a Evans; Madison, George Campbell, to individuals, Philadelphia, Dor-
debat e on Christian baptism between Tiera, II. C, The Christian por- rance & 00,, •1945,
trait gallery, lUp,
Campbell· Camry C

CAMPBELL,J A , 1867'1· ceedi~gs and addresses, 1911, pp, 688- ~ see

1932. 693; 1917, pp. 119-122)
b, Ohio about 1867. Boles, H, L. Biographical
d. Memphis, Tenn., 8 Jl 1932. about sketches of gospel r reachers.
·Campbell, Alexander, Memoirs of
about see Schafer, Joseph, Prince Lucien elder Thomas Campbell,
Campbell, (In Dictionary of Amer• Haley, J. J. Makers and mold e rs
West, J. 'Ir, Sketch e s of our lean biography, vol, 3, 1929, p, 462) of the reformation movement.
mountain pioneers, Hanna, W. H. Thomas Campbell,
about see seceder and Christian union advocate,
Hayden, lf, L. Thomas Campbell
JAMESMANN,1840-1926, Schafer, Joseph, Prince Lucien and the declaration,
(Congregationalist) Campbell, Kershner, F. D. The Christian
union overture.
After Pentecost, what? A discus- McLean, Archibald, Thomas and
sion of the doctrine of the holy CAMPBELL,SELINA HUNTINGTON (BAXE'NELL) Alexa! Campbell,
spirit in its relation to modern (Mrs, Alexander Campbell) Snoddy, E, E. Thomas and Alex-
Christological thought. St. Louis, 1802-1897. ander Campbell, pioneers of Christian
Christian pub, co., •1897. b; Litchfield, England, 12 N 1802. union.
298p, d. Bethany, W, Va,, 29 Je 1897, Tiers, V. C, Christian portrait
Pub, first by Fleming Revell & 00, gallery,
Home life and reminiscences of
joint~ see Alexander Campbell, by his wife,
St, Louis, John Burns, •1882, CAMPBELL,THOMAS FRANKLIN,1822-1893,
Willett, H, L. The teaching of 603p, front, (port,) ports, b, Miss,, 28 My 1822,
the books, d, Vomiouth, Ore., 17 Ja 1893.
CAllPBELL, THOMAS,1763-1854, "Know thyself"; the Bible in the
CAllPBELL,JANE (CORNEIGLE) (Mrs. b. County Down, Ireland, l F 1763, light of science, three lectures,
Thomas Campbell),1763-1835, d, Bethany, 'Ir, Va,, 4 Ja 1854, St, Louis, Christian pub. co,, 1887,
b, S 1763, 108p,
d. Bethany, 'Ir, Va., 28 Ap 1635. Declaration and address of the
Christian association of Washington;
about see Washington, Pa., Printed by Brown & ccCA.MPBELL,W D
Sample, at the office of "The reporter: b.
Campbell, Alexander. Memoirs of 1809,
elder Thoma, Campbell, together with 66p.
a brief memoir of lire, Jane Campbell, The book of the past, the present,
--, Centennial ed. Pittsburgh, and the future1 The ohuroh which was
Centennial bureau, 1909, built by Jeaua the Christ; Conversion
CAJIPBELL,JOHN POAGE, 1767-1814, .4, 56p, front. (port,) to God; The gospel, the power of God
(Presbyterian) unto salvation; The more excellent

The pelagian detected1 or, a re-

Cincinnati, Standard, n,d, way; The three witneaaes; Today'•
Nn Testament message to mankind,
vin of Mr. Craighead'• letters, Cover title, A plea for Christian (In Abilene Christian college Bible
addressed to the public and the author, union, lecturea, 1922-1923, pp, 171-1821 183-
Lexington, Printed for the author by 194; 228-2391 205-216; 217-2271 1926-
Thomas T, Skillman, 1811, Principles of Christian union, pro- 1927, pp. 109-121; 1922-1923, pp. 195-
80p, posed by the Disciples of Christ, from 204)
a declaration on the subject by
Strictures on two letters, published Thomas Campbell, published in the
by · Bartcn lf. Stone, entitled Atonement, United Ststes in 1809, Printed for ccCAMPBELL,lfILLIAlf J
Lexington, Printed by Daniel Bradford, the ~elegates of the Disciples of Chris· b,
Main street, 1805. to the world conf~renoe on faith and
89p, order in Lauaavne, Sw1 t&erland, ·
August 3-20, 1927, St, Louia, Chris• Christmas and Easter, Wichita,
Vindex1 or the doctrine• of the tian board, .1927, !ans,, Christian worker ·pub, co., n.d,
stricture• vindicated , against the 14p. 6p.
repl7 of Mr, Stone, Lexington,
Printed by Daniel Bradford, 1806, Prospectus of a religious reforma- Facts concerning -the Nn Testament
164p. tion1 the object of which is . the rester• church, n,p,, n,d,
ation of primitive apostolic Christian• 16p,
ity in letter and spirit••in principle
CAJIPBELL,PRINCE LUCID, 1861-1926, and practice, .Bethany, Va,? A, Signs, wonders, powers and gifta
b, Newmarket, Ji:>,, 6 0 1861, C11:tnpbell?, ·of the Holy spirit, Wichita, !ans,,
d. 14 Ag 1925, 12p, Worker pub, co,, n,d,
Education and the stat~1 philosophy Decl1t.ration and addreea (1809)
of public education1 printed aa a (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Pioneer sermon•
memorial by members of the laat · clasa and addresaea, •1908, pp, 14-104) CANARY,PEYTONHENRY,JR., 1891-
that remembers hia aa a teacher, with b, Henderson county, !y,, 18 Je
an introductory note by Arnold --, (In Young, C. A., ed, 1891,
Bennett Ball, Eugene, Ore,, Univer- Hiatorical · doc11111ent1advocating Chris•
sity of Oregon, Fine arta preae, 1927. tian union, 1904, pp, 71-209)
v, l2p, The acriptural teaching• of the
about world'• living religions on inter-
The future of intercollegiate ath- national underatanding and good will,
letic• in the western atate11 The Rowe, H, !, Tho•• Campbell,
univttraity .and the · nation'a ideala, (In Dictionary or American biography, Rightly dividing the word, (In
(In Rational education a1aooiation of vol. 3, 19~9, p, 463) Thornton, E, W,, ed, Lord's da7 wor-
the United Statea, Journal of pro- ship aervioes, •1930, pp, 71-74)
C Canary - Carnea

with SMITH, HENRYLESTER. CARDWELL,L C biography, 1929, v, 3, pp. 496-497)

Some practical efforts to teach
good will, Bloomington, Indiana CAP.MICHAEL,
univers i ty bookstore, 19~6. Can a policeman be a Christian? b,
169p, (Ind, Univ, School of Louisville, Herald press, 1942?
educ. Bur of co- op research, Bulletin
v. 11, no, 4) The beginner qepartment of the
CAREY, CLIFFORDL church school, St, Louis, U, C,
M, s. and Christian board, •1932,
N, RALPH "Thou art without ex cuse, 0 man". 32p,
b, n.p., 1933,
13p. Christian educat i on for every child.
Indianapolis and St. Louis, Dept. of
Grid star. Chicago, Reilly&: religious education, U. C, M. S,, and
Lee, 0 19 33, CARLIN, CLYDE Christian boo.rd, •1930,
273p, b, 3lp, (Local church service
Lee on the levee; an historical
novel, New York, Saravan House, Lecture on resurrection. The expanded session for children,
•194 0 , .Indianapolis and St, Louis, U, C, M,
188p, front, (map) S, and Christian board. n.d,
CARLSON,JOHN ERIC, 1897- 35p. (Local church service
Out of bounds, Chico.go, Reilly b, Waahington county, Ore,, 21 ·Mr association)
&: Lee, •1 937, 1897.
243p, Growing in the art of teaching,
Indianapolis and St. Louis, U. C, M.
Building the church through minis- S. and Christian board, •1932,
IGHT, DUDLEYMARVIN, 1840-1919, tries of mercy, (In International 34p. (Local church service
(Baptist) convention, 1937, pp, 183-192) association, childr~n•s section)

Life of Mrs, E, G, White, Seventh Meeting the needs of children in

da y adventist prophet; her false CARLTON,CHARLES,1821-1902, the small school, Indianapolis and
c laims r e futed, Cincinnati, Stan- b, England, 25 Ag 1821, St. Louis, Department of religious
dar d , •191 9 , d, Bonham, Tex,, 13 F 1902, education, U, C, M, S. and Christian
29lp, board, •1930,
about see 43p, (Local church service
!latter and spirit, a reply to aosociation)
adventists, Cincinnati, Standard, Hay, K, M, The life and inf l uence
1899, of Charles Carlton. The primary department of the church
22p, (Vest-pocket series Chris- school, St, Louis, U, C. M. S. and
t i an tracts, vol, 1, no, 1) Christian boo.rd, •1932,
Seventh-day adventism renounced, b,
after an experience of 28 years by a Children and Christian education in
pr ominent minister and writer of that the l_ocal church, (In Church program
.faith .with an. introduction by Theo, Christian life; Christ in us; skele- planning committee Christian education,
Nelson, 11th edition, Cincinnati, ton sermons. (In Cory, N, E., ed, 1943, pp, 4-12)
Standard, •1889, The polymathist, 1877, pp. 292-293;
413p. 290-291) What about America's children?
(In International convention, 1939,
Seventh-day adventism renounced, pp, 67-79)
Nashville, Tenn,, B, C, Goodpasture, CARMACK,EDWARD WARD, 1858-1908,
1945, b, Sumner county, Tex., 5 N 1858, with MeGAVRAII,GRACEW.
418p, d, Baahville, Tenn,, 9 N 1908~
Christian eduoation of primary and
Soul sleeping refuted, Cincinnati, Character or the -king of the man, junior children, Indianapoli1 and
Standard, 1901, cintroductory by E. E. Hoss 0 Nash- St. Louis, Department of religious
29p, (Vest-pocket series of Chris- ville, McQuiddy ptg, co,, 1909, education, U, C, M. S, and Christian
t i an tracts, v, 2; no , 8, March 1901) 66p. . board, n.d.
43p, (Local church service
Courts-martial in the Philippines, aasocia tion)
CANTRELL,EDWARDADAW>, 1870- speech in the Senate of the United
b, States, February 9, 1903." Waahington,
l4p. b,
The Bible and modarn literature.
comparing the literature of today with Patterson vs, Carmack, speech in the
the ancient Jewish literature. Loa House of repreaentatives, April 22, The tragedy of Eden, a partial
Angeles, Los Angeles liberal olub, 1898, Washington, 1900, reading of the text, and between the
1909, l6p, lines, of the first three chapters of
58p, Genesis; an epic poem, Cincinnati,
War and imperialism, speech,,,in F. L, Rowe, 1905.
about the House,,,June 16, 1898, Waahing- .11.p.
ton, 1898,
Adamio, Louis, Vy America, 1938, 15p.
pp, 4-6; 39-40, CARNES,WILLIAMDAVIS, 1805-1879.
about b, South Carolina, 23 N 1806,
d, 20 N 1879,
Frierson, w. L. Edward Ward
Carwac~. (In Dictionary of American The fal'lllers' almanac for the year
of our Lord 1847.,,aatronomioal cal~
C&rnes - Carr C

cu la tions by 7{. D. Car nes, A. M., CARPENTER,HARRYGLENN, 189 7- "Ste ps unt o heaven"; with an intro-
pr incipal of ,the , English departmen t, b, Benwood, W. Va, , 15 0 1897. duction by T, S, Ti nsley. Owings-
East Tennessee univers ity . Knox- v i ll e , Ky,, Author, •1 912,
ville, Tenn,, Printed and published 13lp . i l1us,, pl ates, ports .
by Jas. C. 11o ses , at the office of th e The world and t he way forwar d.
"Registe r" , c 18 46,i ( In Thornton, E.W., e d. Bethan¥ , rev. ed. Boston , Sherman,
, 30,p. college serm ons , 1930 , pp, 31-·13) French & co . , 1915,
l 77p.
about s ee
Bol es , H. L. Biographical b. Flemin gsburg , Ky, , 19 D 1880 , CARPENTER,VEP.ACLIFTON,
sketches of gosp el preachers. b,

Bui ldi ng chu r ch loyalty, Indiana-

, T M polis and St, Louis, Departmen t of joint~ see
b. r e ligiou s ed ucation , U. C, M. S, , and
Christian board, Irelan, E. C, Spi ritual health
(Loca l chu r ch se rvice in Latin America.
Saul's con ver sio n and ap ostle s hip . association)
(In Abi lene Christian college Bible about
lectures, 1922-1 923, P? • 95-104) abo ut see
Christian woman's bo&rd of miaaions.
Long, 1".rs. E. C. His spirit is Y.r, and Mrs, V. C. Carpenter, Ind-
CARPENTER, CECIL C , 1880.. nev er daunted. ianapolis, C, W, B, M.
b. Ancona, Ill., 19 N 1880. 4p , inc. covers,
Broken bonds. b, CARR, MA.TTIEFROBSIE (MYER S) (!.!rs.
Oliver A. Carr), 1846-1 90 7,
The child's Bible and pra ye r book . b, Stanford, Ky,, 18 S 1846.
Peoria, Ill ., The baby Bible and When the missionary comes. Ind- d. 31 0 1907,
prayer book co., •1 932. ia na polis, C, W, B. M., 1911.
124p, illus, llp. about
Cover title: Child's Bible--The
life of Jesus, 0, A, and Mrs. o. A, Carr. (In
CARPENTER,LE~NELLLEE, 1832-191 0 , Brown, J. T,, ed. Churches of Christ,
b. Summitt county, O., 10 D 1832. 1904, pp . 492-494)
CARPENTER, GEORGE THOMAS,1834-1 893. d. Kansas City, Mo., 1910,
b. Nela on county, Ky., 4 llr 1834 . about aee ·
d. 189J, Alwaysabounding. {In Lord, J. A .
ed. On the Lord'• day, •1 904, pp. Ellis, J. B. The stor y of a
The Bible against spiritualism: 36-40)' life,
or, spiritWllis m condemned and the
Bi ble vindicated, Oskalooaa, Ia., about
Call, Bristol and co., 1870. CARR, OLIVERA -1 912,
L. Carpenter,
Lewell (In . Brown, b,
St. Louis, Christian pub. J, T. , ed, Churches of Christ, 1904 , d. Sherman, Tex,, 13 N 1912.
co. pp. 458-459)
l08p. Doctrine of sanctification, St.
Louis, Christian board,
Anathema maran-atha; God's estimate CARPENTER,MARYADELAIDE,
upon man; Resurrection of the body; b, Holineaa sanctification reviewed.
What shall I do with Jesus?, skeleton d, ... St. Louis, John Burns,
sermons. (In Cory, N, E., ed, The
polymathist, 1877, p. 354; pp. 142-143; College girl• and miasiona. Keya . of the kingdom of heaven.
316-317; 325-326) ,Indianapolis, C. W, B. M., n.d., St, Louis, John Burna.
Sp, inc. c9vers,
Things to be heeded. (In Painter,
J, H,, ed. The I01ra pulpit of the Rill McClelland Bell. (In Brown, co,
--. St, Louis, Christian pub.

Church of Christ, 1884, pp. 65-79) J, T., ed, Churches of Christ, 1904,

debate with HUGHES,JOHN

p. 491) --. St, Louis, Christian board.
(Universaliat) A re pl y to the Rev. James Ballan-
CARPENTER,MAYMELIMIRA (SAMPSON) tyne '• tract on ba ptism containing all
. Debate on the destiny of the wicked; (Mrs. V. C, C&rpenter), 1882- his arguments fully stated, Mel-
reported by E, H. Waring, Oskaloosa, b, bourne, T. Smith, printer, n,d.
Ia., Central book concern, 1875. 122p.
about Appendix, {In Ellis, J.B. The
St. Louis, Christian pub. story of a life, 1910, 13p.)
co., 1888. Christi&n woman's bo&rd of missions.
469p. Mr. &nd lira, V. C. Carpenter, Ind- Jeaus, the light of the world;
i&napolia, C, W. B, M. "The apirit of the a ge," (In The
about see 4p. inc. cover a. Miasouri Christian lectures, vol, 1,
1883, pp. 120..140; vol, 3, 1886, pp.
!'&inter, J. R. Ic,,ra pulpit of 179-198)
the church of Christ. CARPENTER,
b. , !Cy., 20 N 1887,
C Carr - Case

ed. Offi ce of the holy spirit. ( In God• s power to suve. (I n Srygley,

Cory, N. E., ed. The po lymath ist , F. D., ed. Bio gra phies and serr.ions,
Memorial of J. K, Rogers and Chris- 1877 , pp. 279- 280 ) 1898, pp . 211-221)
tia n co lle ge. St. Louis , Burns,
•1885. about see
328p, front, (port.) port . CARSON, JAMES O , 1819-1 912.
b. Somerset, Penn,, 17 0 181 9 , Bole s , H. L. Biographical
about d. St. Lou is, lit>,, 22 F 1912, sketc he s of gosp el preachers,
Srygley, F. D. Biographies and
0 , A. and Mrs. o. A. Carr. (In Lette~s to a f riend. St. Louis, se rmons.
Brown, J, T., ed, _ Churches of Christ, Author, 18 66.
1904, po. 492-494) 36p.
L"in Derwin Cartwright)
, 1842-1928, b.
b. 17 0 1842,
S) d. 18 1/ry 1928 •.
Build i ng a Chri st i an home. (In
ab out see Int ernutional convent i on, 1939, pp.
Willia m Thomas Carri ngton} 'Nest, J, W. Sketches of our
-1 930, mountain pioneers,
b. Boone county, Mo•• CART','ffiIG!lT,LIN DOR\'/IN, 1886-
d. Jefferson c it y, ~o., 23 Je b, Luther, Ia., 25 Je 1886.
about see Evan ge lism for today... St.
Louis, Bethany pr ess, •1934.
Carrington, w. T. Fifty golden years, 1879- 1929, 19lp,
Carrington. Christian women's miss i onary society "Prepared in cooperation with the
in Missouri. ,Kans as City, Mo., Depa rtment of reli gious educa t ion
Missouri Chri stia n wom11n•s miss io nary and t he National association of
PAUL society, 193 0 , state secretari es , Disciples of
b. lOJp. ports., map . Christ."

Social adventures with Jesus in

Chri stian men and social service. cCARTER, BENJAMI
N F national relations. (In Anderson,
(In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian b, 0, T., ed. Social adventures with
man at work, 1940, v. 2, pp. 41-46) Jesus, 1927, pp. 107-111)

with OTHER
b. Callaway county, Mo., 23 Ja Christian haro, by B, F. Carter, E.
185 4. Edmunds, and J.B. Weston, compiled see CARTWRIGHT, INEZ HELENE
by req ue st of the New England Chri stian (SCOTT)
convention, 2d ed. Newburyport and
Elements of agriculture for public Boston and Portland, Me., 1852.
schoo ls, 1904. .Columbia, Mo,, CARUTHERS,ELI WASHINGTON,1793-1865,
Stat esman press, 1904, --, 11th ed. rev. and enl.
36p , 1870, A sketch of the life and character
of the Rev, David Caldwell, D. D.
History of education in Misaouri, Gainescorough, N. C., Prin ted by
autobiographical. Author, .19 31, CARTER, CHARLES D , 1903?-1938. Swaim and Sherwood, 184 2.
14lp. b, .304,p.
d, near Cincinnati, 22 Ag 1938. "Teacher of Burto~ W. Stone."
Mary Holloway Carrington as her
husband knew her; four pi oneer fami- Living memories, Cincinnati, F.
lies, Carringtons and Fishers, Hollo- L, Rowe, 1939. CARY, GILLIE
-ya and Battertons. .Columbia, Mo.,
Stephens ptg. co,, 1930?, see McCABE, GILLIE (CARY)
l25p. front. (port,} CARTER, LEROYF , 1884-
b, • o., 1084.
The training school, ( In Nation- CASADAY, G IJlTi-!UR
al education association. Journal of b.
·proceedings and addresses, 1914, pp, Sermons to modern youth,
The ultimate in religion. What the young people'• program of
with OTHERS the Church should be. (In Inter-
national convention, 1938, pp. 462-475)
The live stock of the farm by W, ccCARTER, MORGAN
T. Carrington, G. Gilbert, J.C. b.
16:>rton, Gilbert Murray, Sanders CASE, CARLDELOS, 1868-1931. (Baptist}
Spencer, and J, Wortley-Axe, 2d ed.
London, Bradbury, Agnew & co., 1883. Bible questions. Cincinnati, F. The unio ·n of the Baptists and Dis-
l56p. illus. (Handbook of the L. Rowe, 1933. ciples of Christ .an address gi•en by
farm series) 32p. the pastor of the Delaware avenue Bap-
tist church of Buffalo, N. Y., in the ·
annual convention of the American
CARROLL,J J CARTER, WILLIAY.HARRISON, 1850-1923. Christian missionary society, Disci-
b. b. Lafayette, Tenn,, 17 D 1850, ples of Christ, New Orleans, La,,
d. 26 0 1923. October 15, 1908, Cincinnati, A, c.
JI. S •• 1908?
Case - Challen C

CASE, D 1r , 1839- Indianapoli1, Bobbe-Merrill, •1921, CAYCE,EDGAR,1877-1945.

b. Anderson county, Ky., 27 D 1839. •1924. b. Bopkins~ille, Ky., 18 Mr 1877.
d. 243p. d. 1945.
about see about aee
Cason, W. s. and others. Sou- b. Sugrue, Thomas. There is a river.
venir history o? the Christian church,
Cynthiana, Ky.
The third birth of a nation. ccCHADDICK,A DeWITT,
Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. b_.
CASKEY,THOMAS 1r , 1816-1896. 72p.
b. Maury county, Tenn., 12 Ja 1816.
d. 10 Ag 1896. Unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Jesus of Nazareth, God'• gi!'t to
Savior's prayer for unity, 1918, pp. hUJTW.nity. (In Abilene Christian
Caskey'• book, lectures on great 28-31) college Bible lectures, 1938, pp. 1-
subjects, selected from the numeroua 16)
et'forts of that po-rful orator and
nobel veteran of the croea, ed. by CASTLEBERRY, JOHNJACKSON,1877-1937.
O. G. llullins. St. Louie, John b. Savannah, Tenn., 13 Ap 1877. oCHADWICK,JABEZ; 1779-1857.
Burne, 1884. · d. Cincinnati, o., 7 Ag 1937. b. Lee, Maas., 14 Ag 1779.
340p. front. (port.) d. Enfield Center, N. Y., 20 F
The soul of religion and other 185_7,
Caskey'• booklet, containing three addreaeee, .with. an introduotion by
literary gems, ed. by B. F. llanire. E. D. Jones. Bew York, Revell, Dible dictionary.
Jackson, lfi••., The messenger pub. co. •1926. 400p?
cl894 0 192p.
• 92p. A sermon delivered at Lansing,
Cover title, Three literary gems. Tumpkin• co,, N. Y. on the 4th day or
CATgN, N T July 1828 in commemoration of the
Ca1key•s last book containing an b. independence of the United Statea,
autobiographical sketch of hia mini•~ Cortland Village, Reed, 1828.
-terial life, with euays and sermons, l3p.
ed. by B. P. llanire. Nashville, A connentary and exposition of the
lleaaenger . pub. co., 1896. epiatlea of James, Peter, John and
· 275p. port. Jude. Cincinnati, John P. R~, Cl!ADlrICK,MARY
ALICE, 1893-
1897. b.
Three literary gems, aee 217p.
Caekey'• booklet.
introduction aee
Chr.iat in prophecy. (In Scott, CAUBLE,COIIJIJDORE.WESLEY,1874-1935.
L. W., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. b; near Salem, Ind., 19 Ja 1874. Rowe, F. L., ed. Pioneer sennona
101-112, d. Indiam.polia, Ind., 4 S 1~35. and addreuea.
introduction aee The Disciples of Christ in Indiana;
achievements of a century. Indiana- CHAFFIN,WILLIAM RILEY, 1840-1916.
Srygley, F. D. Seventy year• in polis, Meigs pub. co., •1930. b. Jackson county, Tenn., 29 S
Dixie. 305p. plates, ports. 1840.
Contents include: Contribution of d. Nashville, Tenn., 16 S 1916.
Indiana women by Jira. Bffie L.
CASOII, W S Cunningham, pp. 223-242. about see .
llaii°ta greateet diacovery. (In Boles, B. L. Biographical
Book; W. B., ed. 'The Indiana pulpit, sketches or goapel preachers.
_. 1912, pp. 234-246)
A aouvenir hiatory of the Christian CHALLB:N,
JAMES, 1802-1878.
church of Cynthiana, Ky., by w. s. CAVE,ROBERTCATLBTT, b. Hackensack, N. Y., 29 Ja 1802.
Cuon, Lily Webster, lllude Saiith, and b. d. Cincinnati, o., 9 D 1878.
Bettie K. CrOllllfell, with a brief eketch
of the ret'ormation by J. J. Baley. Baptiam in spirit and t'ire.
Cincinnati, Presa of Jennings and Pye, A manual for home devotions. Philadelphia, Challen.
1901. Cincinnati, Sta~rd, •1919.
190p. front., plates, ports. 14lp. The oave of llachpelah ~nd other
Contents, Includes biographical poem•. Philadelphia, C. Shannan,
aketohea of T. -B. unold, lr. A. A·-nual for miniatera. Cinoin- printer, 1854,
Broadhurst, D. w. Caae, C. B. nati, Standard, •1918. 280p.
Edgar, J. C. Prank, J. A. Gano, J. 128p.
J. Baley, J. K. Bolton, J.B. Jonea, Christian evidences; Philadel-·
J. J. llorgan, I. Y. Pinkerton, L. llen in gray. Jlaahville, Cont'ed- phia, J. Challen & aona, 1857, •1856.
L. Pinkerton, R. c. Rickert•, J. I. erate veteran, 1911. l82p.
Roger,, Samuel Rogers, W. Y. Stan- 143p. front. (port.) plate.
ley, J; c. Walden, -and o. w. Yancey. Christian morale. Philadelphia,
CASSIDAY,lllSSILLOI ALlliJIDER, 1856- (Preabyterian) Prank Ell.ott1 or -11• in the
1928. (PrHbyterian) desert. Philadelphia, Jamea Challen
The progreaa tow.rd Christian unity and sons, 1859.
Cloldea deeda 1a ebaraoter education in the United Statea1 The world call 347p.
with an iatroduotioa by w. c. Bower. of the Chriatian o'hurch. (In Inter-
natiom.l convention, 1934, pp. 120-1241
1942, pp. 214-220)
C Challen - Cheater

The gospel and ita elements. The jUTenile reTival1 or, the CHAPPLE,WILLIAll
Philadelphia, Jamee Challen and eons, philosophy or the Christian endeavor b. in England
•1856. movement with an introduction by
208p. Francia E. Clark. St. Louis,
Christian pub. co., 1893. SerTice and reward. (In Book,
Idgraail1 or, the tree of exis- 125p. 11'. H., ed. The Indiana pulpit, 1912,
te nce. Philadelphia, Lindsay and pp. 292-305)
Blakeston, 1859. The town church of Manchester.
l 70p. J,!anohester, The jubilee co111mittee,
1903. . CHASE, IRA JOY, 1834-1895,
Island of the giant faries. l55p. front., plates, ports. b. Clarkson, 11. Y., 7 D 1834,
Phi ladelphia, Howard Challen, 1868. d. Lubec, Ve,, 11 Hy 1895.

Koinonia, the weekly contribution. CHAMBERLAIN,

A B The J,...iah tabernacle, two lec-
Cincinnati, R. w. Carroll & oo., b. tures. Cincinnati, Standard, 1883.
1868. 84p. illus.
Baptists and Disciples. N,...
Question book on Acts. Philadel- York, Thomae Bolman, n.d. CHATTERTON, AARON,1819-1864.
phia, B<>-rd Challen, 1868. 8p. b. Clermont county, o., 17 Ap
--. Cincinnati, Bosworth, d. DaTenport, Ia., 4 D 1864,
Chase & Hall. CHAMBERL.U11,
b. . Juatif _ication by faith. .(In
Cincinnati, Franklin & d, lliami, Fla., 13 D 1916. Mathes, J.M., ed. The western
Rice. preacher, vol. 1, 1866, pp. 364-379)
The master key, a catechetioal
Question book on 'Mt.tth-. PhU- digest of the Bible. St. Louie, about aee
adelphia, Howard Challen, 1868, Christian pub. oo., •1899.
46p. Tiera, M. C. Christian portrait
--. Cincinnati, Bosworth, gallery.
Chase & Ball.
The kingdom of the heavens. (In b. lt:>untain Grove, It:>,, 28 D 1876. CHEEK, S
Mathes, J.M., ed. The western b.
preacher, vol. 1, 1865, pp, 170-184)
Baptisin-~what ' it involves.
Reconciliation. (In li>ore, 11'. • LouiaTille, Ky., Author. n.d. Hitherto. L. Oliver, 1898 •
T., ed. The living pulpit of the 14p. 24p.
Chri stian church, 1867, pp. 131-143)
Escape from the great tribulation.
ed. .LouiaTille, Ky., Author. n.d. CHEETHAM,
14p. b.
Juvenile library. 1859, d.
41 vol. In the midst of the golden candle
sticks. cLouisTille, Ky., Author. Province of faith, skeleton ser-
about see n.d. mon. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The
Sp. folder. polymathiat, 1877, p. 397)
lt:>ore, w. T. Living pulpit of
the Christian church. The whole counsel of God on baptism,
Tiera, M. c. Christian portrait Every scripture quoted in which any ccCHESSOR,JAMESE
gallery. form of the word occurs. .Louis- b.
ville, Ky., Author. n.d.
CHALLENNER, ELIJAH BURIIELL,1833-1898. Health of the soul. Cincinnati,
b. Charles City, Va., 16 11 1833. F. L. Rowe, 1927,
d. Taylor, Tex., 14 Jl 1898. CHAIIDLER,ALGERNONBERTRAIID,1870-1928. 176p.
b; Bowling Green, Va., 12 Vy 1870.
The care of their churches. (In d. 20 S 1928. Sermon notes, containing fitt:yo-
Tyl er, J. z., ed. The Diaoiples of aeven aermon theme• with aimple anal-
Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp. 22-27) The philosophy of reading, yaea... Naahville, and CenterTille,
Tenn., McDaniel ptg. co. and Author,
God's plan of saving men, sk~leton 1937.
sermon. (In Cory, 11. E., ed. The CHAPMlll, JAMESL (Methodist) 6lp. front. (port.) _
polymathist, 1877, p. 214)
Baptism, with reference to ita Short Bible.stories, retold in
import, modes, history, proper use, simple language... JllaahTille,
CHALMERS,THOMAS,1869- • (!low and the duty of parenta to bapti&ed Gospel advocate, 1926.
Congregationalist) children, · 11ashTille, Stevenson and 304p. illus,, plates.
b. Algoma, Vioh., 8 Ja 1869, Owen, 1866, •1863,
Contents include I Errors of ex- CHESTER,A!1S011G -1911,
Alexander Campbell'• tour in Soot;.. cluaiTe immersioniata, pp. 7-40. b,
land, how he is remembered by thoae d.
who saw him there. LouiaTille,
Guide ptg. and pub. oo., 1892, CBAPMAll,11' G In affectionate remembrance of Mary
129p. front. (port.) b, Elizabeth Leavenworth, who entered
into rest, April 18th, 1880.
Franco-American relation•. 1927. 76p. front. (port.)
The work of the holy apirit, by Anson o. Cheater tor
The historic catechisms. 1898, Birmingham; England, Churches of E. 11'. Leavenworth.
Chriat ·pub. committee,
Chest er - Christopher C

The ta pestry weavers. cBo ston, ccCHILDRESS, JAMES H The pres en t question "How shall I
S. W. Ti lton & co., 1888 , b, live today'?" Indiana poli s, C. W. ·
4p . B . M., n . d,
12p .
Catholicism, the Protestant sects,
ALIER, ELIZABETH (PICKETT) (Mrs. and the church of Chri st, Austin,
St\Jart Chevali er ), 1896- Tex,, Firm foundati on, n . d, CHRISTI AN UNION CONFERENC
E. London .
2lp .
Driv i n ' woman. New York, ~ o- Christian union, addr esse s of
millan, 1942. Itchi ng ears and other sermons. Christian uni on confe r enc e held i n
652p . Austin, Tex, , Finn foundation. Londo n in 1910,
Many of t he princ ip al characters 29p . Contents include: Addresses by
are Disciples. J. H. Garrison, Errett Gates,
Our mis unde rstood Bible. {In Archibald McLean, and Charles
Abil ene Christian c oll eg e Bib le lec- Clayton Morriso n ;
CHEVERTON, CECIL FRANK, 1889- tu re s , 1928-1 929, pp. 65- 88)
b . Rich Hill, Mo., l F 1889.
The Bible and s oci al living. St. b. lit. Pl easant, »:>., 21 S 1867. Equali ty of all Chr i st ians befor e
Louis, Chr is tian board, •1940, •1941. God: a r ec ord of the New Yor k co nfer-
4 vols. ence of the lea gue held at St. George's
Contents: Church extension, addresa del i vered church, New York ci t y; with an int ro-
v. l In t he home and community. at Nati onal convention, Omaha, Nebras- duction by Peter Ainslie. New York,
96p. ka. Y.acmillan, 1930 .
v. 2 In government and in the 15p . 227p.
church, 96p .
v. 3 In our wor k , 96p . The hour haa 1Lrrived. Kanaaa
v. 4 Bible s pokesmen for God, 96p. City, Mo., Broth er hood of Diaci ples CHRI STIE, HARVE
of Christ, 1911, b.
A help for the day. Los Angel es, llp. inc. front cover. (Bulletin
Printed by I.le.son-Springs corporation, no. 9)
•1933. Re print ed from Christian men. comp.
95p. front,, plat es , ports,
Can we bear the prophet's word? Gos pel Hght; or , hymns and tunes
Should the college sup po rt the (In International convention, 1g42 , f or all occasions of Christian work
church? Los Angeles, Cali f ornia pp. 86-94) and worsh ip . Atla nta, Ga., R, M.
Christian college, n.d. McIntosh co.; Louisville, Ky,, Guide
.6,p. folder, port. about aee ptg , & pub. co., •1895.
Social teaching• of the Bible. Heaton, Mrs. M. C. Forty years Cov~r pub: Ci ncinn at i , Standa rd,
1928. with one c hurch,
Song s of evangeli sm. Cincinnati,
What do we wish to "restor e"? Stand1Lrd, · 1911 •
. Los Angeles, California Christian CHISM, J 11'
college, n.d. · comp. with others.
c4,p. port. C&mpbellism--what is it? 1901.
Worship and servic e , a peerless
When kings and pr ophets held the co llecti on of new a nd stand1Lrd gospel
stage. St. Louis, Bethany pres•, coCHOIJNIIIG,A CAllPBELL, s ongs and hymns for church, Bi ble
•1930. b. sch ool and evan gelistic meetin gs ,
167p. maps. orchestrated by Alois c. Buschle, with
Bib le readings by C, R. L. Vawter.
Jesus as the center of education. Under the crucial test; or, the Cincinnati, Standard, •191 6 .
(In International convention, 1934, golden pathway of life and a restate- 238 songs. ·
pp. 87-94) ment of first New Testament principles,
teaching and pr1Lctioe. •1 921. joint comp. see
3lp. inc, front cover.
CHILDERS,SYLVESTEREARL, 1886- Sewell, E.G., ed. Words of
b. Palo Pinto county, Tex., 28 My tru th.
Bible messages for the modern mind; The form of baptism in sculpture b.
a series of lectures and sermons upon and art. Cinoi11D&ti, Standard. d.
some of the fundamental principles of
the Christian religion .with an intro- Immeraion, the act of Christian Christ our passover, skeleton ser-
duction by E. v. Stivers, Cincin- baptism , 5th thousand. Cincinnati, mon. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The
nati, Standard, •1929, Standard, •1891. polyma.thiat, 1877, pp . 243-244)
235p, 266p.

Humanity'• need of a Savior. CHRISTOPHER,FANNY H

(In International convention, 1942, pp, CHRISTIAII, PERSIS (LEMON) (Mra. George b.
161-159) Clark Christian), -1918. d.
The organization of tha ee.rly ohuroh. d. Eureka Sprtnga, Ark., 1 Jl 1918. Barth lot lr'flon; a seque 1 to Duke
(In Thornton, E.W., ed. Lord'• day Christopher. Cinc i nnat i , Chase and
worahip aervicea, •1930, pp. 66-68) A manual prepared for the Christian Ball, •1872.
woman'• board of miaaions. Indiana- 99p,
polia, · c. 11'. B. M., 1893.
32p. St. Louis, John Burne.
Printed by Carlon and Hollenbeck, 99p.

C Christopher - Claar

--, a true story, St, Louis, the Time• ••• London , Times pub , co. , The road home. ,play,
Christian pub, co. , 1888, •1872. .1 915? •
99p . 32p. Russian per sec uti on of the Jews,
an addre ss , ,Pittsburgh, pre•• of
Duke Christopher, the young hero Antwort von S. H, Churc h a uf den the Pittsburgh ptg. · co,, For the
of Wurtemburg; a true story. Cin- Appell deutscher ge lehrter au die Alli~nce Israelite uniTeraalle,
cinnati , Chase and Hall, •1872, zwilisierte welt. (Neu hrsg, mit C 1903,

gutiger erlaubnis der verfas sers) 12p,

St, Louis, John · Burns, London, Harrison and sons, 1915.
l6p. A ahort histor y of Pittsburgh,
St. Louis, Christian pub. 1758-1 908 , New York, Print ed at
co, , 1888, •1872. Beowulf; a poem. New York, Stok esi the DeVinne press, 1908.
7lp. ,1901, 135p, front, (port.) illus.
116p. f ront., plates.
The unknown soldier, ,play,
CHRISTOPHER, HIRAM ·cor porat e history of the Penns y l-
b. vania railroad lines, 1898-1920. The world's debt to Great Britain:
d, 15 vols, address on Britain's day at the Pitts-
burgh exposition.,,December 7, 1918.
An address delivered to the Disci- The farmer• and the railroads; an c8 , p ,
ples of Christ in St, Louis in support address delivered at the annual con-
of the pl ain and simple worship of vent ion of the New Jersey farmers at
the New 1867, Belvidere; New Jersey, Wednesday, , SAJ.'UELs'
CHURCH , 1822-1856.
August 15, 1923, ,Pittsburgh, Car- b,
An address on the use of instru- negie institute pr e s •, 1923, d, St. Louis, Mo,, 19 !lr 1856.
mental music in the church of Christ. c 12,p.
St, Louis , 1867. Dedication sermon delivered at the
43p, Fla me• of faith; a novel, New consecration of the Christian church.
York, Boni & Liveright ., •1 924 , Springfield, Illinois, October 24,
The remedial system; or man and hie 358p, 1852, ,Ft. lladiton, Ia., Printed
rededmer, in two parts, Lexington, by Henderson and Batea, 1852,
Ky., ~nsylvania ptg, and pub. co., Is there a cons pir acy against
1876, •1875. organized labor ? a reply . to Mr. Sam-
436p , uel Gompera, ,New York, 1922, CHURCH
Rela tions of God to the world, Reprinted · from New York Time•, Christian education... Indiana-
Nashville, Gospel advocate, 1900, Octo ber l, 1922, polis, ,1 943.,
200p? 42p.
John llarmaduke, a romance of the Contents:
The pastor. (In Snart, J. H,, Engli•h invasion of Ireland in 1649, Chapters by Florence Carmichael,
comp, Gems of thought, 1883, pp. 95- illua, by Albert . Grantley Reinhart. C. 1'1, Longan, W. C, Parry and G,
97) New York, Putnam, 1897, 0, Taylor,
viii, 328p, front,, plate•.
Chriatian stewardship... Indiana-
A --. 6th ed. Rew York, Putnam, polis,
, 1943,

'!lew York, Putnam, 1903. _ Contents:

(New A111ckeroocker novel• Chapters by C, o. Hawley and O. L.
Will the church support the preach- no, 13) Shelton.
er? Answered in the biography of
Brother John JI. Cochran, evangelist The liberal party in America; its The ohuroh and the Christian family
of the church of Christ, Woodsfield, principle• and ita platform, New Indianapolia, ,1943,
0,, Monroe county beacon, .1943, York, . Putnam, 1931, 34p.
l3p, port. Ti, 124p, Content• 1
Chapters by · L. s. Hamilton and C,
Oliver Cro-ell, a hiatory1 oom- w. Longman.
CHURCH,SAMUEL,1800-1857. priaing a narrative of hie life, with
b. Strassburg, PeM., 5 F 1800. extract• from hi• letter• and opeeches, Wor1hip and the deTOtional life,
d. New York, N. Y,, 7 D 1857. and an account of the political, reli- .Indianapolis, n,d,
gioua, and military affair• of England 23p.
about aee during hie tillle. Rew York, Putnam, Contents 1
1894, Chapters by H, F• .lb!nbert, I. JI.
Tiers, JI. C. Christian portrait xvii, 624p, h'ont, (port.) Irwin, and G. E. Osborn.
gailer y .
new ed. New York, Putnam, --
... lndianapoli1, .1943,

CHURC 1858-1943. 524p, Contents:
(died Presbyterian) Chapters by B. F, Humbert, C, 11'.
b. Caldwell county, lk>., 24 Ja 1858. Penruddock of the white lambs; a Longnan, and G.• E. Osborn.
d, Pittaburgh, PeM,, 11 0 1943. tale of Bolland, . England, and America,
Rew York, Stokes .1902,
The American verdiot ·on the -r1 a xii, 329p. CLAAR, F 1f
reply to the appeal to the civilized b.
world of 93 German profeaeors, to- Religious progre11 in America.
gethel' with the appeal and the name• Pittsburgh, Roy P. M:>rrie, 1910. A banker speake1 the ohuroh at
of the aignera. Baltimore, lti,, work 1trangthening the ministry, an
Borman, Remington 00., .1916, Reponse a l'appel 1ue lee savant• addre11 delivered at the R..ton, Illi-
32p. allemande ont addre11e au monde civilie~ nois district convention. Indiana-
Lau1aMe, Payot & oie,, •1915. polis, Pension fund, n.d,
-, a reply to the -nife1ta of • 12.p. 6p. folder.
the German profe11ore, reprinted by

Clark - Clark C

ccCLARK, A HUGH addresses delivered in the House of The Lincoln poor white le gend,
b, Representatives of the Unit ed States, 1922,
Sixty-sixth congress, third session,
March 3, 1921, Washington, 1922, Outl i nes of civil government in the
The church and denominationalism; 99p, front, (port,) u. S. 1907.
The church and protestantism; Loyalty
and Christian leadership. (In about see The politics of Iowa during the
Abilene Christian college Bible lec- c iv i l war and reconstruction, Iowa
tures, 1934, pp, 104-118; 87-103; Hollister, W, R. and Norman, Harry, City, Clio press, 1911.
1943, pp. 127-139) Five f1UD.ouaMissourians, vi, 204p,
Webb·, W. L, Champ Clark, Thesis: Ph.D. Columbia university

CLARK,ADDISON, 1842-1911, ed, see

b, Titus county, Tex,, 11 D 1842. CLARK, JAMESL
d, Comanche, Tex., 13 My 1911, b, Downing, A, G, Civil war diary,
d, Joeder, Joseph, The life and
about see poems,
Danville, (In Reagan, J, S,
Clark, Randolph, Reminiscences. Historic sketches of Christian church-
es in Hendricks county, Indiana, pp, CLARK, RANDOLPH;1844-1935,
47-50) b, Harrison county, Tex., 15 Ag
CLARK, CHAMP,1950-1921, 1844,
b, near Lawrenceburg, Ky,, 7 Mr d, Dallas, Tex., 22 N 1935,
1850, CLARK, JOHN RAY; 1890.
d, 2 Mr 1921, b, Longmont, Colo,, 11 F 1890, Reminiscences-biographical and
historical, Wichita,Falls, Tex,,
Cuba, the Monroe doctrine as inter- Lee Clark, publisher, 1919,
preted by a Missouri Derno.crat, Re- Despise not . small things, (In 85p, front, (port,) port,
marks of Champ Clark of Missouri, Thornton, E, W., ed. Lord'• day wor-
delivered in the House of Reoresenta- ship services, •1930, pp, 335-338)
tives, Thursday, January 20, - 1898, ccCLARK, T B
Washington, 1998, b.
b, ·shawneetown, Ill,, 6 N 1815,
Hawaii, Speeoh,,,in the House of d, 1rhe great conunission, (In Mur-
Representatives, Saturday, June 11, freesboro addresses, 1917, pp, 31-36)
1898. Washington, . 1898, Scope and attributes of Christ's
24p, character. ( In Srygley, F. D. ~- see
Biographies and sermons, 1898, pp,
lfy quarter century of .American 86-93) Borden, E. M, Jacob's ladder,
politics, New York, Harper, •1920,
2 vol. front, (port,) plates. with BROWN,JOHN HENRY.
The Philippine problem, Speech,,, Topographical description of Texas. b. Vincennes, Ind,, 8 Ja 1877 ,
in the House of Representatives, Jt>n- Austin, Tex,, 1839?
day, February 6, 1900, ·ctrashington, Bound in N"" Orleans,
CloTt. ptg, office, 1900 0 Entire edition destroyed? Abraham Lincoln, thirty poems,
15p. Chic~go, Flavel pub, co,, •1934,
about see 30p.
The president and the tariff. Re-
marks of Champ Clark of Missouri Clark, Randolph, Reminiscences, Friendly town. Chicago, Cloister
d_elivered in the House of Representa- _.Srygley, F. D. Biographies and press, 1917, ·
tives on,,,llay 21, 1910, Washington, sermons.
1910, God'• dreams, :Chicago, Willett,
29p. 1944.
CLARK,K 145p.
Silver, Speeoh,,,in the House,,, b,
August 19, 1893. cWashington, Horne roads and far horizons, song•
GoTt, ptg. office, 1893. and sonnets. Chicago, Willett,
18p, Storie• from Pagoda land. Birming - 1935,
ham, England, Churches of Christ pub, ll6p.
The Spanish war, bonds, silver, committee, 1930,
greenbacks, income tax, and patriotism, ll5p. It shall not be again, .poems.
Remarka,,,in the House,,.Jlay 3, 1898, New York, R.R. Smith, 1931,
Waahington, cCloTt, ptg, office. 1898, ix, 88p,
l6p, . CLARK, MYRTLEDllAll' (Mrs. Charles S,
Clark) Lincoln and others, cpcems, New
introduction aee b, York, Doraa, •1923,
Hollister and Norman, Five
tamoua Jtiaaourian1. about see Lincoln: fifty poema, Herrin,
Ill,, Trovillion private press, 1943,
about Bro, M. H. Thursday at ten, 70p,

McDonald, ll'illiam, Champ Clark; LcT& off to the war, and other
(In Dictionary of Alllerioan biography, CLARK,OLYNTHUS
1864-1936, poema, New York, James T, White
vol •. 4, 1930, pp, 121-12:!) b. near Bloomington, Ill,, 30 Ja and oo., 1918.
1864, 122p. (Jblern .American poetry
United State, Bouse of Representa- d, Kalamazoo, Mich,, 8 S 1936, aeries)
tives, Champ Clark (late a represen-
tati ve from Jliaaouri) memorial Bid 6f the weilt for the national
capitol, 1910,
C Clark - Cli ne
poems and songs . cSt. Louis ,. New pat r iotism ; poems of world CLELAND,THOMAS,1778-1858.
Christia n pub . co ., 1909, brotherhood . Indianap o l i a , Bobbs, (Presbyterian)
63p . 1927.
xiv, 127p . Lett ers to Bart on W. Stone , con-
In a n age o f scienc e. (In Stron g, taining a vindication princ ipally of
s. D., ed. How to f i nd God, 1931, Quotable poems, an anth ol ogy of the doctrines of the trinity, t he
p . 15) modern ve rse, prolo gue by Jo seph For t di vin ity , and atonement of the Savior,
Newton. Chicago, Willett, 1928- 1931. against his recent at tack , in a sec-
Endur ing poems f or daily needs, an
2 vol . ond editi on of his address,
ton , Printed for the author by Thomas

1000 quotable poems. Chicago, T. Skillman , 1822,

antho l ogy . New York, Sundial press, Willett, 1937. l 72p .
• 1939, •1936. 740p •
235p . Previo us ly published i n two vo l umes The socini-arian detected: a
Publish ed in 1936 under title: under title: Quotable poems, seri~s of letters to Barton W. Stone,
Poems for daily needs , on some important subjectsof theolo-
with SEYMOUR,G. S. gical di scussion referred to in his
The go lden book of faith; an anthol- "address" to the Christi an churches
ogy of vers e . New York, R.R. The singing caravan, ant hology of in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio,
Smit h , 1931. Book fellow poems. 1934, Lexin gt on, Printed by Thomas T, Skill-
273p . man, 1825,
Gol den boo k of religious verse: CLARKE, ANNAl!
th e go lden book of faith, del uxe ed. b, Strictures on Ce.mpbelliam, 1833.
Garden Ci ty, Garden ci ty pub. co .,
, 1937 , The trial and acquittal of John
273p . l!issionary educat ion of young peo - the Baptist, the ap ostles a nd evan-
Published in 1931 under the title: ple, Indiana pol is and St , Louis, gel ists, under the charge of dipping
The go lden book of faith. O. C. l!, S. and Christ i an board, and plunging person a under the water,
(Local chur ch service in the official acts of their respec-
- -. Garden City, Garden city association) tive administrations, Louisvi~le,
p~o. co ., 1941, •1931. Morton & Griswold, •1853,
273p . (Star books) 240p,
The maste r of men; quotable poems b, Unitaria ni sm unmasked:,,,in a
ab out J e sus . New York, R.R. Smith, re p l y to Mr. Barton W. Stone's let-
1930 . ters to the Rev, Dr, Blythe, Lex-
243p . Disciples of Christ in Africa, i ngton, Printed by T, T. Skillman,
,Indianapolis, O. C. l!. S, , 1545, 1825.
Poems for daily needs, an anthology, 52p, illus. 184p.
New York, Round table press, 1936 .
235p. with JENNINGS, S, C,
press .
New Yor k, Round table b, Bourbon county, Ky., 17 D 1851,
d, Oregon City, 0,, 6 F 1932,
To the readers of the Millenial
llarbinger, a half-s heet addressed to
2230. (Sir Galahad library) Alexander Campbell and sent to the
Paul on finance. Cinc i nnati, readers of the W.llenial Harbinger,
Poems for life, quotable verse from Standard, 1833,
the seers and sin ge rs of yesterday and pamphlet,
tod ay , with a foreword by W. E,
Garris on, Chicago, Willett, 1941, CLEUV.ER,WILLIAMB 1866-
ix, 370p. CLAY, OLIVERCARROLL,1849-1929, b. , Penn., 1866,
b; Lewis county, l,k,,, 27 ~ 1849,
Poems for spe cial days and occas- d, Canton, l!o,, Mr 1929,
ions. New York, R, R. Smith, 1930, The Sunday school a religious fac-
l66 p . about tor, (In Brokaw, G, L., ed~ Doc-
trine and life, 1898, pp. 444-458)
Poems of justice. Chicago, Recommendations and copies of let-
Willett, 1929. ters and petitions requesting the about
xii, 306p , appointment of Oliver C. Clay, esq,,
of Canton, Lewis county, Missouri, to Wright, J.B. William B. Cleaner,
Thr ee hundred favorite po.ems, the position of United States attorney
Chicago, Willett, 1946, for Eastern district of l!issouri .1913 2
124p. .8s,p. CLEJ.ll!ITT, THOW,.S,JR., 1853-
One hundred poem• of immortality, b, Old sycamore church and some .other
an a nth ology. Chicago, Willett, d, things, being memories, experiences
1935. and interpretations of one who haa
90p . Reminiscences of Jeremiah SulliT&n tried to live the Christian life with-
Black, St, Louis, Christ i an pub, co , , out being either a Pharisee or a
One hundred poems of peace, an 1887, puritan, Baltimore, Fleet-l!cGinley
an tho logy. Chicago, Willett, 1934, 256p, front, (port,) pre••, 1932,
90p . 238p, front. (port,) port,


b, London, England, 20 D 1886, CLIIIB, CHRISTOPHER COLOllBUS,1848-1920,
A child's thought of God; religious b, ll'ayne county, O., 21 N 1848,
poems for children ; New York, Min- d, Little Rook, Ark,, 14 D 1920,
ton, Balch and co., 1927, The immortality ·or God's love,
114p, front,, plates, (In Bridwell~ J, ·T.,' ed, The l!iohigan
pulpit, 1924, pp. 52-62)
Cline - Cochran C

The fulfilled prophecies of Daniel --. Irvington, N. J,, Moses COBBEY,JOSEPH ELLIOTT, 1853-1911.
and Revelation in the light of past Cummings, 1856, b. Clarksville, Mo,, 5 N.-1853.
and present histor y . d, 1911,

comp. CLUBB, MERRELDARE, 1865- The church and the law, introduc-
b. Franklinton, Ky., 6 Je 1865. tory by Dean cA, M., Haggard.
The centennial hymnal. .Lincoln, Neb., Reporter pub, co.,
Popular hymns. Lexington, Trans- Oriental work on the Pacific coast. 49p.
ylvania ptg. & pub. co., 1677, Indianapolis, C. W. B. M.
165p. A practical treatise on the law of
Robert Graham, (In Brown, J. T., chattel mortg ages as administered by
--, revised, for the work and ed, Churches of Christ, 1904, pp, 427~ the courts of the United States, com-
worehip of the church .and, Sunday 428) plete and exhaustive, St. Paul,
school. Louisville, Ky., Guide pub. Minn., West pub, co, -, 1893,
co., 1884, •1883. debate with BOLES, H, L, 2 vol,
Discussion, Is instrumental music A practical treatise on the law of
--. Covington, Ky., Guide ptg. in Christian worship scriptural? replevin as administered by the courts
& pub, co., 1885, •1883. Naehville, Gospel advocate, 1927, of the United States. Beatrice, Neb,,
232p. 155p. J.E. Cobbey, •1890,
Popular hymn•, number 2, for the
work anrl worshi p of the church ••• cCOAN, ASA'ff , 1833- , arranged in three parts to
St, Louis, Christian pub. co., 1901. b. near Rome, o., .15 N 1833, facilitate ready reference, Chica go,
224p. d. Callaghan and co,, 1890,
St. Louis, Christian board; Salvation through Christ, (In
Indianapo.lis, Hackleman _mueic co., n.d. his Gospel sermons, 1881, pp. 427-434) --, 2d ed, Chicago, Callaghan
224p. and co., 1900.

Popular hymns, no. 3, popular song•

~- cxiii, 870p,

and standard hymns... St, Louis, Gospel sermons by Christian minis-

Chri stian board; Indianapolis, Hackl&- ters .with biographies, Dayton, 0,, COCHRAN,BESS ROBBINS(WHITE) {Mrs,
man music co., •1910. Christian publishing association, Rev. Edward Louis Cochran)
221, xxvi, 7p. C.• W. Garoutte, publisher, 1881,
434p. ports,
The standard church hymnal. Contents,
Chico.go, s. J. Clarke, •1888. Sermons by B. S. Batchelor, J.C. Portrait of a minister's wife,
314p. Burgdorf; A. W. Coan, H. M. Eaton, {In Bader, G. M. E., ed. I married a
I. C. Goff, E.G. Gustin, E.W. minister, 1942, pp. 13-25)
Standard Sunday echool hymnal. Humphreys, Moses Kidder, Josiah
Cincinnati, Standard, •1888. Knight, D. A. Long, A. L. · McKinney, Wings for heaven, but not for a
343 songs. D, E. Millard, D. W. Moore, A.H. saint, (In Campbell and Moseley,
Morrill, Elisha Mudge, S. s. N-- eds, My dad, 1938, pp, 182-187)
house, W. H, Orr, J. T. Phillips,
ccCLIPP, L F T, C. Smith, Martyn Summerbell,
b. Nicholas Summerbell, o. J. Wait, COCHRAN,EDWARD LOUIS, 1899-
John Walworth, J.P. Watson, J.B. b, Shannon, Miss., 11 F 1899,
Weeton, and R, J, Wright,
The church Chri"st built.
30p. Black earth, a novel, illus, by
S , 1876-1942, Eleanor Sanborn, Boston, Bruce
b, , 4 Ja 1876, aumphries, •1937,
cCLOUGH,SIMON, 1793-1844. d. , 4 Ja 1942.
270p. front., plates.
b. Monmouth, Me., 5 Mr 1793.
d. N- York, N. Y., 20 My 1844. SHOWALTER,
G, H, P. Boss man. Caldwell, Idaho,
Caxton printers, 1939,
A candid appeal to the citizens of Best of all songs, Austin, Tex., .271,p,
the United States proving that the Firm foundation, •1937,
doctrines advanced and the measures 138 songs, Flood tides, a novel. Boston,
pursued by the abolitionists, relative Bruce Humphri~•. •1931.
to the subject of emancipation, are New wonderful songs; for the work 25lp, front. (Silver seal series)
inconsistent with the teachings and and worship, Austin, Tex,, Firm
directions of the Bible, and that those foundation, •1933, Son of Haman. Caldwell, Idaho,
clergymen engaged in the dissemination ,288,p. Caxton printers, 1937.
of these principles, should be immed- 330p,
iately dismissed by their reapective Our leader .hymnal, -Austin, Tex,,
congregations as false teachers. Firm foundation, 1941, Story of the lowly gnome l When the
sea king's daughter came out of the
N- York, A. K. Bertran, 1834. .160,p,
sea; Bow the red rose came to be red,
Philadelphia, Dorrance •1929
72p. • •
Select works. N- York, 1843. COBBEY,CHARLESELLIOT, 1885-1925.
540p. b. Beatrice, Nebr,, 9 Jl 1885.
d, Bethany, Nebr,, 11 S 1925, , COCHRAN,JOHN M , 1868-
comp. with OTHERS
b, Ifill run, 0,, 28 Ag 1868,
about see d,
The Christian psalmist bys. Clough,
Wm.Lane, F. Plummer, · I. c;Goff and Hull, W, W. A tribute. Divorce',
J. McKeen. Philadelph1a, James Kay, tract,
Jr. & bro,1 Pi+.tsburgh, John I. Kay &
co., 1836,
C Cochran - Coggins

Notes on the book of Revelation. 1868-Historical sketch-1943. Logan county, Ky. Russellville, Ky.,
East Fultonham, o., Nelson Smith. .24,p. illus., ports. The News-democrat print, 1931.
16p. Contents include: Our position by 7lp.
J. A. Garfield, p . 2.
about see
Christy, T. A. Will the church COFFEY, HENRYDAVIS, 1861- b.
support the preacher? b, Nash, Va., 16 N 1861,

Worship. (In· Abilene Christian

WILLIAMB , 1846-1913. Challenge and choice, St. Louis, college Bible lectures, 1939, pp.
b. 13 Ap 1846. Christian board, •1920. 210-236)
d. South Greenfield, Mo., l Mr 170p. front. (port.)
My life with God, my work for ecCOGDILL, ROYE
A series of sermons of Bible topic•, thirty-five years with the Virginia b.
reported by Miss MAyHoward. Aur- Christian miasionary society under the
ora, Mo., 1894. direction · or the state board.
15lp. Lynchburg, Va., F. M. Coffey, ,1938, The New Testament church, a series
, 156,p. of Bible lessons and outlines.
Print~d -by Economy ptg. co., Dallas, Tex., Author, 1938,
COCKE,W J Roanoke, Va.
b. Louisa c ounty, Va.,
COFFEY,WILLIAMHARRISON,1862- b. near Asheville, N, C,, 3 Mr
A significant conversion. (In b. 1865,
Book, W. H., ed. The Indiana pulpit,
1912, pp . 53-70)
Looking for God. Abraham Lincoln, a North Carolin-
ian; a true and thrilling story never
COCKRELL, DURA(BROKAW) (Mrs. E. R. Sis; a Missouri valley story. before published; told by a third
Cockrell), 1877- Kansas City, Mo., Burton pub. co., cousin ·or President Lincoln; a Bun-
b. Liscomb, Ia., F 1877. •1909. combe county, North Carolina, tradi-
92p. front. tion; illus. by F. B. Cook. Ashe-
ville, N. c., Advocate pub, co,,
Introduction to art; theory, prac- Tim; a Kentucky mountain story, , 1925,
ti ce, history. N!IWYork, R. R. illus. by Herman P. Keusch. Kansaa lOOp, .front. (port,) illus.
Smith, 1930. City, Mo., Burton pub. co., •1908.
xiii, 475p, front., plates. 93p. front. Abraham Lincoln, a North Carolin-
ian; with proof, 2d ed. rev,
New York, Farrar, 1934. Gastonia, N. c., Carolina ptg, co,,
CARLETON,1823-1896. •1927.
The life of James A. Garfield, with
COCKRELL,DURA-LOOISE, a sketch of the life of Chester A. The cellular origin and growth of
b. Arthur. Boston, James H. Earle, mentality or tho soul, .Asheville,
1880. N. C,, Biltmore press, 19387,
379p. front. (port.) illus, 109p. diagr.
A study of the play of. children of
pre-school age by an unobserved obser- Chriet's place in the Old Testament,
ver; from the Clinic of child develop- cCOFFIN, FRANK O , 1874- or, voioes of the Hebrew prophet, with
ment, Yale university. Worcester, b. lfarshall county, Ia., 14 Je 1874, an introduction by G. G, Cole,
llass,, Clark university, •1935. Aaheville, N. c., Hackney and Moate
pp. 377-469. (Genetic psychol- co., 1904.
ogy monographs, vol. xvii; no. 6) The church facing the future. l50p, front. (port,)
The eleot lady; or, Christiana
1858- eccleaia, Troy, Mo., Free Presa
(Baptiot) coCOFFMAN,E C print, 1898.
b. 72p. front. (port,)
Campbell'• baptismal remiaaion, an
unacriptural doctrine. Nashville, The eugenics of President Abraham
Sunday school board of Southern Bap- The beginning of the church; The Lincoln; hie German-Scotch anceetry
tiat convention, .1900, responsibility of the local congrega- irrefutably established from recently
63p. tion in preaohing 'the gospel. (In discovered documents, Milligan
Abilene Christian college Bible lec- college, Tenn,, Printed by the Good-
tures, 1933,. pp. 1-16; 1937, pp. 33-39) will press, •1940,
COFFEY,AUBRBYJAC!SON, 1889- xvi, 284p. illus., plates, ports.
b. Naah, Va., 21 Jl 1889.
COFFlWI, EDWARD,1890- A now philosophy of life, or the
b. Russellville, Ky., 28 0 1890. aoula of things. Now York, Broad-
The soars of calvary. .Logan, w. way pub, co., •1911,
Va., Author, 1944, 106p. front. (port,)
88p. History of the First Christian
Printed by the Logan banner, Logan, ohuroh of Rusaellville, . Ky., 1841-1941; The star-crowned woman, a biblical
W. Va. centennial celebration, November 27, 1tory of Chriat•a wedding, now and
1941. rev, ed. Roberaonville, N. C,,
comp. 24p. front, .Author, 1916,
Seventy-,firty · anniversary Firet The story of Russellville, a abort
Chriatian church, Logan, W. Va., history of the town of Russellville,

Coggin• - Colley C

The gos pel of Chr i st. (I n Gray, Social psy cho lo gy. 1929 , COLE'MI\N,LOUIS HARRISON
, 1842-1918.
A. W., ed. Preaohing that builds b.
churches, 1940, pp . ) introducti on see d.

Coggi ns, J.C. Christ's p lace in about see

COGGINS,L B the Old Testa ment
b. Coleman, C. B. Memoirs of Louis
Harrison Coleman,
COLE, JESSE K , 1801-1853.
debate 'with McINTOSH b. Chatham county, N. c., 1801,
d, 1R53. COLEMAN,WARREN,1869-
Mointosh-Coggins discussion, b. Augusta, Ga., 19 Ja 1869.
1929, Principles of Christian union.
Raleigh, N. C., 1842.
A syl labus of materia medica.
COGILL, JAMESA New York, w. Wood & co., 1899.
b, COLE, STEWARTGRANT,1892- vi, 169p.
d. (Baptist)
--, 2d ed . New York, W. Wood
about aee The histor y of fundamentalism. & co., 1905.
New York, R.R. Smith, 1931. vi, l'l9p.
MoPherson, J. L. James A, Cogill. xiv, 360p.
Contents include: Chapter about --, 3d ed, rev. t o conform to
the Disci ples of Christ. the eighth decennial revision of the
COHEN,S JANE (PICKEN) (Mrs. u. s. pharmacopeia. N9WYork, W,
L. H. Cohen) Wood & co., 1906.
b, COLEMAN,CHRISTOPHERBUSH, 1875-1944. 186p.
d. b. Springfield, Ill., 24 Ap 1875 .
d. I ndianapolis, Ind., 25 Je 1944,
Henry Luria1 or, the little J9Wish COLER, GEORGEPERRY, 1853-1 915,
convert; being contained in the memoir Church h istory in the modern Sunday b. Morgan county , o., 4 F 1853,
of Mrs, S. J. Cohen. N9W York, J. school. St. Loui1, Christian board, d. Lynchburg, Va., 6 Ap 1916,
F. Trow, printer, 1860. •1911,
215p. 98p . (Advanced tea cher training Bible studies for Bible chai ·r.
Contents include: Two letters to course VI) Ann Arbor,
the author from Alexander Campbell.
Constantine the great and Chris- An experiment in conducting family
tianity; three phases; the historical, worship, Ann Arbor, Mich., Bible
COLE, ADDISONL the lege ndar y, and the spurious, chair,
b. New York, Longman•, 1914.
258p. (Columbia univ. studies Reaaons for maintaining the Ann
in history, economics, and public law, Arbor Bible Chair. Indianapolis,
The Jpirit of Christian benevol- vol. 60, no, 1) C. W. B. M., 1897?
enoe. (In International convention, leaflet.
1941, pp. 207-213) Memoirs of Louis Harrison Coleman,
with genealogical notes. Spring- St udies in the life of Christ.
field, Ill., 1920. Part 1. From the birth to the Gali-
COLE, ELLSWORTH ALVIN, 1861-1945, 62p. front., plates, ports. lean ministry. Ann Arbor, Mich.,
b. Bentonville, Ind,, 5 Ag 1861. Ann Arbor Bible chair, n.d.
d, Somerset, Pa., 11 Ap 1946. Reasons why our colleges should be 8lp.
patronized by Christian church people.
The prodigal son. · (In Thornton, Kansas City, Mo., Education day
E. W; , ed, Lord'• day worship aer- oopittee of the Christian college ocCOLLEY, ASA O ,, 1874-
vfoea, •1930, pp, 269-272) . association, cl912, b, near Dresden, Tenn., 23 Jl
4p. (Bulletin no , 17) 1874,

COLE, GLENNGATES, 1867-1946. ~- and!!:_.

b. West Franklin, Penn,, 10 My My latest book on instrumental
1867, Valla, Lorenzo. Treatise on the muaio, Wichita, Falls, Tex.,
d, Millersburg, o., 24 Ag 1945, Donation of Constantine. N9W Haven, Author, 1944,
Yale university press, 1922. 16p,
Chriatian aooiology, 183p,
Outline• of Bible study for use in
Claaaified ·Bible studie1; being a
ola1aified liat of Biblioal reference,
arranged by topioa,., Holmesville,
~- Bible drilla,

Bible readings,
olasaea, prayer meetinga, and
cCinoinnati, Printed
Centennial handbook, Indiana histor-
0,, Author, •1913, ical 1ociety, _ 1830-1930. Indiana- John Gable, •1911,
170p, polis, Printed for the society, 1930, 60p,
79p. (Indiana historical society,
Creation and aoienoe, Cincinnati, Publications, v, 10, _no, 1) Time and eternity.
Standard, •1927.
302p. Historical 1ocieties in the United What muat I do to be aaved?
Statea and Canada, a handbook.
The definition of e.duoation, Indianapolis, Conference of hi1torioal The work of the Holy Spirit, a
Holmesville, O., Autho~, 1914, aooieties, 1936, plain diacusaion of an important
47p, . 136p. aubject. Dallaa, Tex,, Author, n,d,
Inatitutional aooiolo~, 1929. The United Statea at war: our
enemies and our aaaooiatea, Indiana- The church during the dark agea;
Jungle pohon, polia, Ind., -Indiana hiatorioal society Diaoipline of the . ohuroh1 Instrumental
1943. music in Christian worship. (In

C Colley - Combs

Abilene Christian college Bible lec- --, by Ahner , :, U, Collins, St COLVER.J LESLIE
tures. 1934. oo. 54-72; 1920-21, pp. Louis , John B11rns, <1883 . b.
97-108; 1922-1923, pp. 325-340) 160p.


Training for church membership.
The Colley-Tyndall debate; a ayn- b. Batavia, O,, 17 D 1867,
opsis of the argwnente of both speak- Birmingham, England, Berean press,
ers... Cincinnati, F. L. ·Rowe, n,d, 1940?
The psychology of a Scotch Lassie. 100?
, Peoria, Ill., Author, 1937,
COLLIER, STEPHEN, 1821-1911, l4p,
b, Rock ca•tle county, Ky,, 15 Mr COMBS,DANIELGARFAR D, 1836-1922,
1821, b, Perry county, Ky., 26 Mr 1836.
d, Sparta, Tex., 3 !.!y 1911. COLLINS, D d. 16 Ja 1922.
about about see

S. Collier, (In BrDffn, J, T., ed. The foundation of Mormonism removed. Bishop, B. T. Daniel Garrard
Churches of Christ, 1904, p. 459) Cincinnati, F, L. Rowe, 1900. Combs.


b, COLLINS, MRS. W H b, Campbellsburg, Ky., 27 Jl 1864,
d. b,

Bible temperance, a critical study The call of the mountnins, and

of the wines of the Old and New Testa- The memories of Bethlehem. Cin- fourteen other s ermons ,with an appre-
ments, including sacramental wine to- cinnati, Standard, 1915. ciation by B, A. Abbott, St.
gether with several chapters o.n the Louis, Chriatian board, •1914.
different phaaea of the temperance re- 275p.
form, and many beautiful temperance COLLINSWORTH, JAMESRAGAN,1814-1892.
gems by the world's .most famoua (died Cumberland Presbyterian · The Christ in modern English lit-
author•. Cincinnati, Standard, 1882. b. Blount county, Tenn., 26 Ja 1814 . erature. St. Louis, Christian pub,
200p. d, Hartville, Tenn,, 22 S 1892. eo., •1903.
Business ma.n's conpanion. The pseudo church doctrines of a~ti-
Pedo-Baptists defined and refuted in a The gospel of Charity and the plea
Collins interest calculator: th~ aeries of lectures on the organization, of the Disciples.
banker's and business man's co~panion. identity and perpetuity of God's visi- .tract.
Davenport, Ia,, ~gbert, Fidler ble church, also showing lta scriptural
and Chambers, 1882 . membership and the mode of Baptism, I'd take this way again, an auto-
208p, 3rd thousand. KansRs City, Mo,, biography ,with an introduction b!•
Hudson-Kimberly pub, co., 1892. Edgar De~itt Jones, St. Louis,
The contradictions of orthodoxy; 498p, xii, front. (port.) Bethany press, •1944.
or what •hall I do to be eaved? a1 256p, front. (port.)
answered by several representative , rev. by W. T. Dale, Kansas
orthodox clergymen of Chicago; with City, Mo., Franklin Hudson pub, oo., Responsibility of the preacher to
sermons on the same subject by Prof. 1909. foreign ~issions.
David Irving, Rev. D, L, Moody, and 674, xiip. front. (port,) illus. pamphlet.
others, all of which i• carefully
exami ned and criticially reviewed in Some latter-day reli~ions. New
the light of the eacred ecripture•. COLLIS, MARK, 1851- , York, Revell, 1899.
Chicago, Central book concern, 1880, b, London, England, 21 S 1851, 26lp.
Ten thousand ministers, 190-?
St. Louis, John Burns. The heart of the home. St. Louie, 8~. (Centen~ial leaflet, no. 17)
U. C, M. S,

--. St. Louis, Christian pub. 6p. folder. These amazing moderns.
Louia, Bethany press, •1933.

Questions concerning the church, 270p.

Doctrine of faith. Cincinnati, Standard, •1927.
Sp. inc. cover. G, ff, Huckley. (In Brown, J.
Great living iasue. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, p.
Broadway church of Christ, Lexington, 504)
Modern goapel meetings. Kansai Ky, (In Brown, J. T., ed, Churches
City, Mo., J, H. Smart, n,d, of Ohr.1st, IS04, pp. 362- 364) The mission of the Disciples.
12p. (In International convention, 1934,
The Christian• s anchor. (In pp . 157-166)
--. St. l.ouis, John Burn,. Thornton, E, W., ed, Lord's day wor-
The return to faith. (In Moore,
ship services, •1930, pp. 245-248)
The name Christian, its origin and W. T., ed. The new living pulpit of
import. Louisville, C. C, Cline, In everything give thanks, Thank1- the Christian church, 1918, pp. 153-
1883. giving day sermon. (In Thornton, E. 164)
37p. W,, ed, Special sermons for apecial
oooasions, 1921, pp. 297-309) What is your life ? baccalaureate
Prohibition va. peraonal liberty, sermon. (In Thornton, E, ff., ed.
or, the liquor traffic critically The Lord's supper--a communion; Special sermons for special occasions,
examined in the light or · science, Obedience. (In Meacham, E. J., comp. 1921, p!>, 19!l-211)
theology, and civil government. St. Training to teach, •1913, pp, 158-159;
Louie, John Burne, •1883. 162-165)

Combe - Conrad C

introduction see Invisible things clearly seen, 670p, front. (po r t ,) illus, ports,
Lee, N. H., Author , 1869, maps,
Jones, G. C. Repairing our Conte nts include: Doniphan' s ex-
religion, Jesus in his offi~es. Boston, pedition by J. T. Hughes, pp, 113-
1860. 524,
Office• of Jesus, Lee, N. H.,
George Hamilton Combs. cKe.nsas Author, 1869, CONNELLY,THOMASP
City, J.!o., Independence boulevard b.
Christian church, 1918. The time to Christ'• second coming d,
47p, illus, ports, not measured. Lee, N, H., Author,
"Issued in honor of the twenty- 1869 . debate with FIELD, NATHANIEL.
fifth anniversar y of the coming of ;nunphle t,
George Hamilton Combs, the beloved A debate on the state of the dead,
pastor of the Independence boule- held at Old Union meeting house in
vard Christian church," COY.J.U
TTEE ON THE WARANDTHE RELIGIOUS the vicinity of Indianapol i s, in the
OUTLOOK. summer of 1852, reported by J. G,
about see Gordon and revised by the parties,
Christian unity: its princi pl es Louisville, Morton and Griswold, 1854,
Co,:ibs, R. P. Fort y- four years and possibilities. New York, Asso c- •1853,
in Kansas City. iation pre ss, 1921, 308p,
.Moore, 11'. T. New living pulpit 386p.
of the Christian church. Contents include: Chapters by
Petor Ainslie, Williston Walker, . CONNER,AMERICUSWOOD,1854-1932,
H, W. Willett, b, llorristown, Ind,, 19 Je 1854,
CO.MBS,GEORGEHAMILTON II, 1899- d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 10 My 1932,
b, Kansas City, Vo,, 2 l!y 1899,
CCMSTOCK,CLARKW , 1880- The Boggs bo ys; or corralling the
b, Watonwan county, Minn,, 16 S kida of kidville, Irvington, Ind,,
•• Nazi spider-man, 1880, The boys friend library, 1899,
Philadelphia, David McKay co,, cl942. 88p. (The boys friend library,
64p, no, 1)
Imprint stam ped on title page. Wandering Diaciples,
Copies have been noted without lp, broadside, Crowning prince.
the imprint,
What does God require ? The Lord of glory: s~rmon• on
lp. broadsiJ;le. great events in the life of Christ.
COMBS,HENRYCLARK, 1866-1922, Melbourne, Auatral ptg, and pub, co,,
b. New Franklin, O., 8 0 1866, 1921.
d. Portsmouth, Va,, 26 F 1922, CONDIT, FREDWHALEY,1881- l68p.
b. Canton, !lo., 12 Jl 1881,
Churches of Christ in Virginia, Obeying Christ in baptiem,
(In Brown, J, T,, ed, Churches of Melbourne, Australia, Austral ptg,
Christ, 190~, pp. 287-289) Rules of ord"r. cKirksville, &: pub, co,, n.d,
Mo., Author. 1920, Sp,
COMBS,MICAH S The significance of Christian bap.,
b, tiam, Melbourne, Auetralia, Austral
All.ERICA, .MONTEVIDEO.1925, 8p,
Poems, Nashville, McQuiddy ptg,
co,, 1919, CH!ristian work in South America, Unseen friend,
official report, ed, by Robert E,
Speer, Samuel G, IruMt.n, and Frank K,
COMBS,MICHAEL,1800-1872, Sanders. New tork, Fleming H, Revell CONNER,L BURL
b, , Tenn •• 17 F 1800, co., •1925, b,
d, 2 vol,
Contents include, Report I, Unoo-
about see cupied fields, by C, T. Paul, pp, The new pioneers; a oolleotion ot
41-142. commencement addreseee, service club
Evana, Madison, Biographical lectures, pep talks, · and miscellan-
sketches of pioneer preachers of eous inspirational paragraphs,
Indiana, CONIIELL,RICHARD cNorth Adams, Jiau,, Author, •1944,
b, 35p. .
b, Shoddy, cindianapolis, U, C, M,
s .• CONNORAN,JAMES, 1834-191•.
8p. (Form YP-82) b, Lebanon county, Penn,, 10 Ja
Forty-four years in Kansas City, Mimeographed. 1834,
(In Campbell and Moseley, eds, My d, Keokuk, Ia., 22 Ap 1914,
dad, 1938, pp. 41-47)
WILLIAJ.IELSEY, 1855-1930, The day of work, ekeleton aermon,
(In Cory, N. B,, · ed, The polymathiat,
oCOMINGS,A G War with Mexico, 1846-1847, Doni- 1877, pp. 377)
b, phan'• expedition and the conquest or
d, ' New Mexico and California, includes a
reprint of the work of Col, John T, CONRAD,PAUL H
The church foundation, Hughes, Xansas City, Jt>,, Bryant & b,
Douglas book and stationery co,, 1907

What about tithing--now?

C Conrad - Coombs

ianapolia, Unified promotion, n.d. COOKE,R A The basis of Christian unity,

c 6,p. folder. b, Cincinnati, Standard, •1911,
CONVERSE,JULIUS ORRIN, 1834-_ One long sermon, Nashville, Campaigning for Christ, Cincin-
Gospel advocate, 1900, nati, Standard, •1897,
Garfield, the ideal man1 an addreas 260p. 20lp.
delivered before the Geauga county
teachers' institute, at Burton, Ohio, The Chriet of t_he church, sermon,,
Wednesday evening, August 9, 1882, and COOKINHA.M:,
HENRYJ , 1843- lectures, and illus,rationa, Cin-
the Portage county teacher•' insti- cinnati, Standard, •1916.
tute at Ravenna, Ohio, Tuesday even- oomp, 244p.
i ng, August 17, 1882. Cleveland,
O,, William W. Williams, 1882, In memoriam, James A, Garfield, Christian baptism, Chicago,
53p, front. (port,) twentieth president of the United Oracle pub, co., 1890,
States, Utica, N, Y., Curtiss & 12p.
Childs, publishers, 1881,
CONWELL,RUSSELLHERMAN, 1843-1925, 84p. front, (port,)
--. n.p., Morning journal,
The life, speeches, and public Sp,
services of Gen, James A, Garfield, COOLEY,HAR..~ISREID, 1867-1936,
of Ohio, with introduction
by Mark
Bost~n, B, B, Russell and
b, Royalton, 0,, 18 0 1857,
d, Cleveland, o •., 24 0 1936,
--. Cincinnati, Standard,
co,, 1880, Christian evangelism, Cinoin-
356p, front, (port,) plates, .Address of welcome. (In National · natl, Standard, •1907,
education association, Journal of vii, 13lp,
The life, speeches, and public proceedings and addresses, 1908, pp.
service, of Jame• A, Garfield, twen- 50-52) English pronounciation, a systea
tieth president of the United States, of dictionary work and a handbook oa
including an account of his auauin- pronounciation, 2000 words, dia-
ation, linger i ng pain, death and COOLEY,HATTIEA critically marked, Indianapolis,
burial, with an introduction by hi1 b, J. E. Sherrill, 1886,
excellency John D, Long, Portland, d, Slp,
Me,, George Stinson and co,, 1881,
384p. front, (port,) ports, plate,. An honest doubter, Cincinnati, Our plea, Sermon preached in
Standard, •1896, Christian church, Noblesville, Ind-
296p. iana, March 30, 1890, Indianapolis,
(ROBB) (lfrs. F. G, H. Wm. s. Canfield, 1890,
Cook) Aa an earthling. Cincinnati, Rp,
b, Standard, •1899,
292p. Our plea, Chicago, Oracle pub.
What would Jesu1 do? a drama of Ripples of song, 1883, Sp,
Christian action, .Cincinnati, 112p,
Standard, •1934, Religious deluaiona; a paychio
26p. study. Cincinnati, Standard, •1904,
COOLEY,LATHROP, -1910. v, l85p.
COOK,GAINESMONROE,1897- d. --, studies of the false faitha
b, Leroy, Ill,, 3 Ap 1897. of today, 4th ed, Cincinnati,
An address on Alexander .Campbell Standard, •1904.
delivered as a memorial in Painesville, vii, 208p,
The educational committee of the Ohio, March 10, 1866. Second pret'lt.ce dated 1914,
local church, Indianapolis and St, 20p,
Louis, Department of religioua educa- The evangeli1t and hie work1 H, C.
tion, U, C, Y, S, and Christian board, Jeruaaleni .& Pentecost, Cleveland, Patterson1 What the Christian church
•1930, 1903, teachea1 or our plea, (In Patter-
15p. (Local ohuroh aervice 27lp. front. (port,) son, Our living evangeliata, 1894,
auociation) pp, 9-171 250-263; 36-64)
The privileges . of church member- Service, (In Lord, J, A,, ed,
ahip, a guide for n- members, Ind- . Sixtieth ' anniveraary of the ministry On the Lord'• day, •1904, pp. 138-
ianapolh, U, C. II, S,, 1941? ot Lathrop Cooley, July 10, 1904, 140)
lBp. (Eft'eotive diloipleahip) North Eaton, Ohio,
6p. The tranatorming power ct the goa-
pel, (In Book, lf. H., ed, The
COOK,L D Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 220-232)
b, COOLEY,W R , 1856-1938.
d, b, Carroll county, Va,, 13 Jl 1856, wit7" HOENSHEL,G. lf,
d. 3 My 1938.
The glory of the Lord, alr::eleton School -nagement and method, of
aennon, (In Cory, N, E,, ed. The about aee instruction by J, V, Coomba and
polymathist, 1877, p, 406) aaaisted by G, lf, Hoenahel, Ind-
West, J, lf,, ed, Biographical ianapolis, Normal pub, houae, 1883.
aketohea of mountain pioneer•. ix, ll-21lp.
b, Herington, . Kana,, 24 Jl 1891, with PIHn.BY, V, A.
b, Bew Brunawiok, Ind., 1849. The nor•l reader, by J, V, Cooaba
Cooperation in Kingdom advance, d, Danville, Ind., 20 D 1920. and aaaiated by Virgil A, Pinkley,
(In International convention, 1939, Indianapolis, NoMll&lpub, house, '1884.
pp. 88-91j) viii, 369p • .
Coombs - Cooper C

--, rev. and enl. by C.H. Harne. First coming of Messiah scheduled. The triumph of David 's great er
Indianapolis, Nonnal pub. house, 1891. son.
ix, 396p. Future events revealed (acc ording
t o Matthew 24 and 25). Los Angeles . The triune natu re of a supre me
A ten weeks course in elocution, D. L. Cooper, •1935. being.
rev. and enl. by C.H. Harne. New 208p.
York, Hinds, •1899. The triune nature of the God of
ix, 396p. The izmninent second coming of I srael.
Originally isaued under the title: Messiah.
The normal reader. What is holding up God's program?
The importance of the literary The Jew? The ge ntile? The church of
W. E. l!. method. God?

The gospel call; choice song• for Is the Jew still first on God's What men must believe. Los
revivals, Sunday-echool and the church. prophetic program? Los Angeles, Angeles, Biblical research society,
St. Louis, Christian pub. co., Ind- Biblical research society, 1935. 1944.
ianapclie, Gospel call pub. co., 1S91? 36p. xxii, 507p.
Israel, prepare to meet thy God. --, abridged ed. Los Angeles,
Silver and gold, no. one, a choice Bib li cal resee.r ·ch society, 1944.
collection of popular songs with some Israel'• three muats and J ehovah's 272p.
standard hymns... St . Louis, seven I-wills.
Chrietian pub. co.; Indianapolis, 71hen Gog's armies meet the Al-
Hackleman music co., •1898. · The literary method of giving the mi ghty; e.n ex po• i tion of Ezekiel
176p. gospel to world Jewry. 1935. thirty- eight and thirty-nine. Lo•
Angeles, Biblical research society,
joint~- see Messiah: His first coming sched- •1940.
uled. Loe Angeles, Biblical researc ~ 112p.
Hackleman, w. E. 11; The ,gospel society, •1939.
--, .2d ed., Los Angeles,
call. xiv, 555p.
Bibli ca l re .search society, c 1943,

about aee --.

Patteraon, H. c. Our living 1939.
When will wars cease? Los
evangeliats. l 7lp.
Vawter, J. M. J. v. Coombs. Angeles, Biblical research society.
Measiah: Hi• nature and pereon. 84p.
Loa Angele•, Author, •1933.
COON, J M 224p. Why evangelize Israel in thi•
b. generation? And how? 2d ed. Los
, abridged ed. Loa Angele•, Angeles, Biblicnl research society,
Author, 1933. 1933.
Bib1e readers and Christian work- 28p.
er's self-help handbook. St. Louis, Messiah: his redemption career.
Front Tank press. Lo• Angeles, Author, 1932. Why God's interest i• in the Jew.
128p. 104p. Loa Angeles, Biblical research socie-
Nature and person of Mes•iah. 47p.
COOP, TIMOTHY,1817-1887.
b. West Houghton, England, 28 lly The new Sanhedrin; or, the revision Where to find peace and joy.
1817. of the trial of Je•us, and other pro-
. d. , 15 My 1887. phetic lectures. Loa Angeles, The world'• greatest library
Auth<>t', 1930. graphically illustrated. Los
with EXLEY, HENRY. 80p. Angeles, Biblical research society,
A trip around the world; a aeries Preparing for the world wide re- 124p. illus.
of letter•. Cincinnati, H. c. Hall vival. Loa Angeles, Biblical re•earch
& oo., 1882. · society, 1938.
22lp. front., porta, platea. 62p. COOPER,KENT, 1880-
b. Columbus, Ind., 22 Mr 1880.
--. Cincinnati, Standard, --, rev. and enl. ed. Loa
1886, •1882. Angeles, Biblical reeearch •ociety,
22lp. 128p. Barriers down .the story of the
new• agency epoch, New York, Far-
about see Prophetic fulfillment• in Paleatine rar, •1942.
x, 324p.
today. Loa Angeles, Biblical re-
Moore, 11'. T. The life of Timothy aearch society, •1940.
Coop. 126p. illu•. Free newa, first atep in peaoe.
7p. ino. front cover.
Redemptive career of lle•aiah. Reprints Free world, September
b. Naahville, Tenn., 21 Ag 1886. The 70 week• of Daniel. Loa
Angeles, Biblical re•earch society,
.1941. COOPER,!'.r.':RS YOUNG,1873-
The eternal God revealing himself vii, 7lp. b. St. Louisville, O., 25 N 1873.
to suffering Iarael and to loat human-
ity. Harrisburg, Pa., Evangelical Some vital questions.
preaa, •1928. · Addreaa of welcome. (In National
362p. Sowing beside all waters. education assooiation of the United
States. Addre••e• and prooeeding•,
Spiritual illumination. 1930, pp. 41-42)

C Cooper - Core7
Organization-- coope rat l.on-- strength, CORD
LAN, Our continuing respon1ibility for
(In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian b, missions, ,Indianapolis, U. C. M,
man at work, 1939, v. 1, pp . 11-17) d, s., n.d,
A ·Knight Templar abroad, or remin-
ER, SANSONMILLIGAN, 1958-1 935. i sc ences of travel beyond the sea , A plea for our plea,
b. nea r Lone Pine, PP.nn., 23 Ap St, Lou is, John Burne, 1885, pamphlet,
1858 , 549p,
d, Los Angeles, Calif,, ·19 My The preacher and his missionary
1935, message, Nashville, Cokesbury
CORD,WILLIAMHENRY,1864-1910, press, 1930,
The church building. Kansas Ci ty, b, Mason count y, Ky, , 6 N 1864, 22lp,
Board of church extension, 1900? d, I.It, Sterling, Ky,, 1910,
pamphlet. R&-capturing the missionary pas-
The school in missions, Indiana- sion ,address delivered at the world
polis, C. W, B, M,, 1897? convention of Disci p les of Christ in
COPE, MILTON B leaflet, Leicester, England, ,Indiana polis,
b, U. C. M, S,, 1936,
about see .' 16,p.
The Christian man in the march of Tinder, _F. M. l'lm, H. Cord, A report of the COIIJ1\isaion to the
t ime, (In Dawson, F, F., ed, The far east.
Chr J.stian man at work, 1939, v, 1,
pp . 107~111) COREY, STEPHENJARED, 1873- Sharing in tomorrow's world,
b, Rolla, M,,, 29 Ap 1873, ,Indianapolis, U. C, M. S,, n,d,
N, 1848-
b, Again, we must go forward, ,Ind- "A summons to hold the line."
d, ianapolis, U, C. U, S,, 1934, ,Indianapolis, U, C, M, S., 193-?,
20p, 15p,
Christian science in the light of
reason, Cincinnati, Sta ndar d, •1914. Among Asia's needy million; jo urn,,.l Ten lessons in world conquest, 2d
128p , of a visit to the Far East. Cin- ed, ,Cincinnati, F, C. M, S.,
cinnati, F, C, M, S,, •1915, 1913,
A trea tise on th e pr inci ples which 255p, front., plates, port,, map, B4p, (Mission study series)
should govP-rn the use of music in the
worship of God including suggestions Among central African tribes, jour- Charles S, Medbury, the missionary
as to its de sign, metho d, and l imi ta- nal of a visit to the Congo mission, advocate, (In Miller, Pd, Charles
ti ons, wit h an appendix showing what 2d ed, Cincl.nnati, F. C, M, S., 3, Medbury, 1932, pp, 66-72)
should be our attitude toward those •1912,
who differ fro m us, Review print, 157p, plates, maps, Churches of Christ in New York,
C 1892, (In Brown, J, T,, ed, Churche• of
8l p . ----, 3d ed. Cincinnati, F, C, Christ, 1904, pp, 266-267)
M. S., •1912,
157p, plates, maps, Educating toward a Christian demo-
ccCOPPI NGER, J OE F craoy. (In International conven-
b, Among South American friends; the tion, 1942, pp, 221-232)
journal of a viait to South America,
Cincinnati, Powell and White, •1926, Feeding the five thousand, (In
Why we oppose di vi sions, 182p, front., plates, ports, Lord, J, A., ed, On the Lord's . day,
Sp, •1904, pp. 210.213)
Beyond . statiatics, the wider range
of world missions, St, Louis , Beth- The first century church, its
CORBIN, ALEXANDER C , 1847-192 0 , any press, •1937, missionary passion, ( In The Amer-
b, near Kenton, O,, 2 Ap 1B47, 188p, ican pulpit aeries, 1945, vol, 6,
d. Sumner, Wash,, 19 0 1920, pp. 110-124)
The challenge of world conquest to
Christ the light of the world, Chri stian men, an address before the The livin~ church--ita missionary
skeleton sel'l'lon, . (In Cory, N, E,, Brotherhood of Christian men at the passion, {In Wickizer, W, M,, ed,
ed, The polymathist, 1877, pp, 281- centennial convention, Pittsburg, The liTing church, 1942, pp, 13-16)
282) -October 1909, Cincinnati, F, C, M.
s., .1909. introduction see
32p, .
CORBIN, G L • (Baptist) Osgood, E. I, Shi, the story
I believe in the world mission of teller,
The cat let out of the bag ; or, the church, ,Indianapolis, Unified
Peter Ainslie (I) unmasked, promotion:1 n.d.
CORD, THEODORE Missions in the modern Sunday school,
b, St. Louis, Christian board, 1911,
112p, (Advanced teacher training The relationship between compu.1-
course, VII) sory physical exercise and the ability
Disciple• of Christ at Liabon, Ohio, of the white rat to learn and unlearn
one hundredth anniver1ary of the church Mission, matching the hour, Nash- an elevated skeleton maze, Urbana,
building; anniversary week November 16 ville, Cokesbury press, 1931, Ill., 1930,
to November 23, 1941, 185p, ,s.p:
19p, ports,, illu1, A revision of, The preacher and Abstract of thesis (Ph, D,) Univ-
his misaionary message, 1930, ersity of Illinois, 1930,

Cornell - Cowden C

CORYELL,J K , 1829- abo ut see COTTINGH.\!!,THOM.AS

1/ARREN,1045-1 926 .
b. b. Bourbon county , Ky., 22 Jl 1845 .
d, Moore, W. A. A. E. Cory. d, Kansas City, Mo,, 192€.

Christ the end of the law for

righteousness; Salvation now only
~- Redemption . (I:o Lord, J . A., ed,
On the Lor d's day , •1 904, pr . 154-
through the conditions of the New Voices of the sanctuary, inter pr et - 157)
Testament; skeleton eermons. (In at i ons by ministers of the Disci p le s of
Cory, N. E., ed. The polyn,athist, Christ. St. Louis, Chri sti a n bo ~r d ,
1877, pp. 163-167; 378-383) 1930. COTTOll, FASSETT ALLEN
, 18 62-
274p. b, Ninovah, Ind ., 1 1862 ,
Salvation all of grace. (In Contents 1 d,
Painter, ed. The Iowa oulpit of the Sermons by, and brief biographical
Church of Christ, 1884, pp. 127-136) sketches of : J.M. Bader, S. E. Educat ion in India na: an out line
Fishi,r, A. V-. Fort une, R. G. Frank , of tho grovrth of the com!'lon schoo 1
about see F. H. Croom, C. E. Hill , F. S. syste~ , together wlth state~ents rela-
Idleman, C. G, Kindred, G, w. KneP- t ·ing to the condition of seco ndary
Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit of per , C. E. Lemmon, S, J . Mathieson , and higher education in the state and
~he church of Christ. R. H. Mille r, R. T. Nooe, H. 0 , a brief history of the educational
Pritchard, S. L. Sadl er, VI. A. exhibit; pr epared fo r the Louisiana
Shullenb erger, H.B. Smith, E. V. purchase expo sition held st St, Louis,
CASS Stivers, and n. w. Wallace. May 1 to November 30, 19C4, Ind-
b. ianapolis, Ind ian a department of pub-
l ic instruction, 1804 ,
CORY, NATHANEDWARD,1837-1 917. 604p.
A half century of progress. (In b. , o., 29 J e 1837.
Englewood Christian church souvenir d, Mason city, Ia., llr 1917. Educaticn in I ndiana , (17 93 to
program, £Olden jubilee, 1935, pp. 13- 1934). Bl uf f t on , Ind., The prog resa
26) Baptism and the operation of the pub . co., 1934,
holy spirit; Freedc,r., by the truth; xvi, 49lp ,
God's ~ealthi Punishment of the wicked;
CORY, ABRAMEDW ARD, 1873- P~each Christ; Repentance; Set th y How can trained county superin-
b, Osceola, Ia,, 13 Ag 1873. h~use in order, sk eleton s~rm o ns . tendents be provided and ho,v should
(In his The po lymathist, 1877, pp . they be selected? (In Nation al
116-llA; 206; 370 : 389-390; 395; 255; education association of the United
Out wher~ the world begins; a 415) St~~es, Journal of proceed ings and
atory of a fi>.r country. llew York, addre ss es, 1908, pp , 254- 259)
Dornn, •1921,
225p, front., plates,
The po lymathist; or, Christian pul - COUL
TER, D F , 18.32-1911,
Propagation of the Christian minis- pit, a work containing essays on b, Trenton cou nt y , Ky., 9 Ag 1832,
try, portion• of A. E. Cory's address, pas toral wor k, scri ptural exegesis, d. Los Angeles , Calif. , 1911,
llay 19, 1943 at the Indiana Christian and homiletics, with briefs and skele -
missionary association convention, tons of sermons by ministers of the Glorifying God in the church.
Kokomo, Indinna, church of Christ and other relig ious (In Lord , J. A. , ed. On the Lord I s
4p. bodies, Oskaloosa, Ia., Central day, •19 04, pp. 33-35)
book concern, 1877,
Think peace, Cincinnati, Stan- x, .2. 17-460p,
dard, •1917, Contents: Short sermons and essays COi/D
45p. by ninety-seven Disciples, b, near Petersbur g, Tenn., 15 Je
The trail to the heart, or men, a St, Louis, Chri • tian pub,
story of Eaet and West, New York, oo,, 1~1. •1 877,
Revell, •1916, x, .2. 17-460p, The attitude of this church toward
332p. front., plates. the members of other churches.

Charles S. lledbury, the inspirer

St. Louis, Christian board, pamphlet.

of Christian movements. (In Miller, x, .2. 17-460p. Chr is tian union in his name,
R. H., ed. Charles S. l!edbury, 1932, 1931,
pp. 81-117)
COSS, J FRANK, 1867'1-1945. Christian unity and open and c lose
. Developing adequate steward•hip, b, membership. West Nashville, Tenn,,
(In Long, n. A., and others. Steward- d, Denver, Colo,, 19 Ag 1945. Author, n,d,
ship, money and life, n.d., pp. 13-27) 16p,
.The Colorado state ca pi tel. •1928.
The living ohurch--its creative 4p, Christian worshi p . Cincinnati,
fellowahip, (In 1'fiokicer, W. M., Standard, •1 920 ,
ed, The living church, 1942, pp. 10- The Romish inquisition, . a bri ef 389p.
13) aocount of protestant suffering at the
hands of the Roman hierarchy, Pers ona l Disciple priesthood,
The minister and pugilistic preach- experionces of some who were persecuted .4.p.
ing.' (In Brokaw, G, L., ed, Doc- and a desoription of the instruments
trine and life by Iowa writers, 1898, of torture, Aurora, Mo., Menace pub. Fellowship,
pp. 430-442) co,. .1~14.
48p. illus, "The firm foundation of God,"
The reaponaibility ct the church giving the devotional approach to
for the ministry. (In International Christian unity, West Nashville,
convention, 1939, pp, 96-103) ccCOTHAM,PERRY
B Tenn., Author, n.d.
b, 23p.

The n.,.. birth. w.,..o!ca, Okla,, The house of Magness. 1937,

C Cowden - Crabtree

In the furtherance of the Goapel. Co-operative• in America; their ccCOX, JAMESFRANKLIN,1378-

past, present, and future, with an b, McLeansboro, Ill., 2 Ap 1878.
Paul's plan for Chri s tian unit y . introduction by J.P. Warbasae. N-
Cinn lnnati, Standa r d , • 1920. York, Coward-Mccann, 1938.
xvii, 206p. Teaching God's word. Auatin,
The positio n of th e Disciple• in Tex,, Firm foundation, •1939.
the l igh t of the past and the present, --, ,Special ed. printed for the 267p,
bei ng an address delivered at the co-operative league of the u. s. A••
Midwinter conf ere nce, Nashville, Tenn. New York, Coward-McCann, 1938. The authority of Jesus;
cWest Nashv ille, Tenn., Author, n.d. xvii , 206p. How one may cease to be a ruling
24p. elder ; Ideals and purpoaes of Abilene
Hietory and principles of cons umer's Christian college; The perils of the
Reply to J.B . Briney on open and cooperation. Chicago, Central states child; Training the workers. (In
clos e membership. cWest !lashville, co-operative league < 1935. Abilene Christian college Bible leo-
Tenn., Author. n.d. 15p. tures, 1922-1923, pp. 293-303; 1940,
16p. Mimeographed. pp. 350-354; 1934, pp. 187-194; 1922-
1923, pp. 54-65; 1937, pp. 79-87)
Sa l nt John's Christ, the basis of A ahort introduction to consumers'
religious unity. Cincinnati, F . L. cooperation. Bloomington, Ill., introduction see
Rowe, •1 939. Central state co-operative league, 1935, '
252p. 48p. Abilene Christian college Blble
lectures, 1934, 1937,
Saint Paul on~hristian unity, an , 2d ed. rev. Chicago, Central
exposition of the epistle to the statee co-operative league, 1935.
Epheaians. N.,,. York, Revell, •1923. 48p . COX, JOSIAH W 1821-
208p. b. • 16 N 1821.
"WhyChristian•." n.p., 1934. d.
Southern Cowdens. Weet Nashville 1 Sp.
Tenn , , Author, •1933. about aee
ll2p. front., illus., plates, ports. Working for a more Christian econ-
omic order. St. Louis, u. c. M. s., Tiers, II, C. Chriatian portrait
Thinking toward Christian unity. 1936, gallery.
,West Nashville, Author, 1928. 14p. (Course no. As6, u. P. c.)
202p . Mimeographed.
Who diverted and divided the Disci- b.
ples? West Nashville, Tenn., Author, ccCOX, FRAN
n.d. b.
32p. Clayton. (In Reagan, J. S.
Historic sketches of Christian church-
Worshipping toward Christian unity, According to Luke. Austin, Tex., e s in Hendricks county, Indiana, pp.
a study and exposition of the devo- Firm foundation, •1941. 53-56)
tio nal approach to Christian unity. l33p,
West Nashville, Tenn., Christian unity
evangelism, •1930. One hundred and one sermon outlines. COX, MILDRED(McGHEE) (Mrs. Clark '
167p. Austin, Tex,, Firm foundation. Cox) ·
168p. b.
Outline leaeona on the book of
Church membership. cletters. Revelation. Austin, Tex., Firm The light of the world, a mission-
, 32.p. foundation. ary pageant. ,Indianapolis?, U. C.
II, S.?.
Revelation--can'it be underatood? 15p.
COlfDEN,WILLIAMF , 1834-1922, Nashville, ll'orld v'ision.
b. Lawrence county, Penn., 1834. (Tract no. 10)
d, Tacoma, Waah,, 20 D 1922. CRABB,ADDISONWILLARD
Sermon outlines. Austin. Tex •• b.
about Firm foundation.
Wm.F. Cowden. (In Brown, J. T., The storm. Austin, Tex., Author, Sermons and veraes... Brazil,
ed. Churchea of Chriat, 1904, pp. 1946, Ind,, The times press, 1909,
476-477) Sp. 56p.

Opportunitiea in the South and

COlfDREY, ANNA Southwest. (In Abilene Christian CRABTREE,SAMW -1943.
b. college Bible leotures, 1941, pp. 151- b.
166) d. Helena, ltlnt., 30 Ag 1943.

Training children for the church joint~ aee Temperance. (In Meacham, E. J.,
and mi1sion service. Indianapolis, oomp. Training to teach, •1913, pp,
C. W. B. II., 1912. Showalter, G, H.P. A book of 3&-41)
12p. prayers.

COffLING, ELLIS, 1906- ccCOX, J C b. lladisonville, .Ky., 1868.
b. D"" Drop, N, C., 16 Je 1905, b. d. Santa Ana, Calif., 27 0 1930.

Brotherly kindness. (In lleaoham,

The anner. , Borthern joint~- ue E. J,, oomp. Training to teach, •1913,'
State,• women•, oooperative guild, pp. 57-58)
1936. Sanderaon, L. o. Chriltian h;ymna.

Crabtree - Cro..~blet C

The rewards of the Christ i an. CRAIG, JLllES EDWARD,1881- ccCRAIGHEAD,J A

{In Thornton, E.W., ed . Lord' s day b. b,
worship se rvi ces, cl930, pp . 209-212)
True apostolic succe s sion. (In with HAYWOOD,
H. L. Our Sav ior's prayer for unity.
Moore, W. T., ed. The new living pul- (In Rowe, F. L,, ed, Our Savior's
pit of the Chrietian church, 1918, Histor y of free masonry. New prayer for unity,. 1918, pp, 32-35)
pp. 241-247) York, John Day co., 1927.
xii, 3'49p.
The weak brother indispensable. CRAIGHEAD, THOMAS
(In Lord, J. A., ed. On th~ Lord'•
day, •1904, pp . 264-266) CRAIG, LAURA(GEROULD),1860- Letters conta i ni ng original philo-
b. sophical disqui s itions. Lex in gton?
about see 1811?

Moore, 11'. T. N9Wliving pulpit America, God's melting-pot, a parable A sermon on regeneration, with an
of the Christian church. study. New York, Revell, •1913. apology and an addreas to the Synod
96p. f'l'"ont., plates, map. (Inter- of Kentucky; together with an ap pendix.
denominational home miuiona study Lexington, Pr i nted by William Worsley
CRADY,!ARS. KATE McALPIN, course) for the Author, 1809,
b. 93p,
The centennial camp fire. Indiana "Said to have been the original
polis , C. w. B. 14., •1908. statement which resulted in the
Free ateppin', .Negro dialect verse, 112p . ports. offshoot of the Disciples of Christ
aquatints used by permission of Blanohe or Campbellite church, from Bap-
McVeigh. Dallas, Tex., Mo.tM.a, Van Developed supplemental lessons for tist and Presbyterian churches in
Hort, and co., •1 938. graded Bible schools . Buffalo, N. Y. Ky."
83p. f'l'"ont., p lates. Niagara pub. co., 1904?

with OTilERS Precious jewels,,,foreword by Ida B. CRAIN, JAMESANDREW,1866-

Wise Smith. Buffalo, N. Y., Author, b. Clarksville, Tenn,, 17 0 1886.
Good times at Three-spring farm by •1938.
Kate· &Alphin Crady, · Yola Bellamy ••• 150p.
• and, Arthur Witt Blair... .Dalla s , American youth nnd the liquor
Mathia, Van Nort & co., •1939. Saturday talk series of biographical problem, a course for young people and
233p . illus. sketches and short stories for little adults, St. Louis, Printed by the
children. St. Louis, Christian pub. Ch ri stian board, •1 931,
co., 1898-1899. 40p.
CRAIG, A W , 1892- 6 vols.
b. Columbus , o., 9 Jl 1892 . Contents: A program of peace education for
1. Little presidents, 1898, 77p. adults i n the local chur ch ( a basic
2. Little kings, 1898, 8lp. procedure outline); produ ced by the
The uniquenes1 of Jesus. (In 3 . Little queens, 1898, 93p. Division of Christian e~uoation, U.
Bridwell, J. T., ed. The Michigan 4. Little orators, 1898, 68p, C. 14, s. St. Louis, Christian
pulpit, 1924, pp. 64-76) 5. Little generals, 1899, 122p, board, 193 7?
6, Little statesmen, 1898, 94p. 32p. (Adult program of Chris-
Cover title: Aunt !.!aria's Saturday tian education aeries, book iv)
cCRAIG, AUSTIN, 1824-1881. talks,
b. Peapack , N. J., 14 Jl 1624. The unsettled is1ue, Indianapolis,
d. 27 Ag 1881. u. C. M. s., n,d,
cmany tracts, b, Cover title: Liquor, the unset-
tled iuue.
Writings and addres11 ed. by l!o.rtyn
SUJ1111erbell. Dayton, o., Christian comp, with HOUSTON,MARYVIRGINIA The church in social action. (In
pub. association, •1911, •1913. International convention, 1934, pp,
2 vol. f'l'"onts. (ports.) plates. "Lest we forget," a history of the 142-151)
Christian church in .Mexico, Missouri,
about .Mexico, I.lo., Women'• council, Chris- introduction see
tian church, 1925,
Starr, H. E. · Austin Craig. c 64,p. front, Hamlin, C.H. The repeal of the
(In Dictionary of American biography, prohibition amendment,
vol. 4, 1930, pp. 494-495)
about see b. St, John, New Brunswick, 1 ·D CRA14BLET,
1646. b. Harrison county, O., 17 S 1862.
Harwood, W. s. Life and letter• d. San Bernardino, Calif,, 16 S d, 15 Je 1919,
of Au1tin Craig. 1916,
Wright, O. O. and Howell, Selah. Knowledge; The Lord'• aupper--ita
A memorial of the Rev. Auatin Craig. Worship. {In Brokaw, G. L,, ed, mesaages1 Salvation, (In Meacham,
Doctrine and life, 1898, pp, 354-369) E. J., comp, Training to teach, •1913,
pp, 74- 78 I 66-721 61-66)
b. about aee
d. 11'. Bayard Craig, A, 14,, LL. D.
(In Brokaw, G, L,, ed, Doctrine and Kerahner, B. L, T. E. Cramblet.
cA portrait of Jacob Creath. life by Iowa writers, 1898, pp. 356-3671
Lexington?, 1804,
b. I!&rriaon county, o., 10 Jl 1892.
Thompson, L. G, William Bayard
C Cramblet - Creel

The Bethany idea, an address on the the West Frankfort, Ill., Baptist Memoir or Jacob Creath, Jr., .ed ••
oc casio n of his installation ae ?res- church ••• debate held at' West Frankfort, by P. Donan. Cincinnati, R. W.
ident of Bethany college, ,December Ill., January 2-7, 1922. West Carroll & co., 1872.
firth, 1934. .Bethan y, w. Va., Frankfort, Ill., The Daily American, 24lp. front. (port.)
Bethany college, 19340 cl922o
28p. 129p. illus. Cincinnati, Chase & Hall,
Mimeographed. 1877.
Let's use Christianity; The second CREATH,JACOB, SR., 1777-1854. ~emoirs or Elder Jacob Creath,
century, a challenge. (In Inter- b. Cumberland, Nova Scotia, 7 F senior, or Lexington, Ky., by his
national convention, 1941, pp. 104-111; 1777. nephew. Palmyra, Mo., Author,
1936, pp. 62-64) d. Lexington, Ky; , 13 Mr 1854. 1866?
E, JAMESB A plea for the Bible alone to
b. Starr, H. E. Jacob Creath. (In govern the Christian church; or some
d. Dictionary or American biography, vol. eaaays against the utility or human
4, 1930, pp . 531-532) creeds to govern the kingdom or
Rector W. F. Brand's pamphlet re- Christ. St. Louie, Author, 1845.
viewed. Cincinnati, Standard, 1880? about see 24p.
Boles, H. L. Biographioal Poor man'• pathway to heaven, or
The scripture teacher and practical sketchea of gospel preachers. the road to everlaating life.
question book embracing an analysis or Craig, Elijah. A portrait or
the five hiat~rical book• or the New Jacob Creath, Sr. Revival• of religion. 1844.
Testament, designed for Sunday schools, Creath, Jacob, Jr. Memoirs or 24p.
Bible classes, families, and private elder Jacob Creath, Sr.
learners. Cincinnati, Benjamin attributed to
Franklin, 1860.
25lp. CREATH,JACOB, JR., 1799-1888. A blow at the root or puseyism and
b. Mecklenburg county, Va., 17 Ja epiacopalianism; being an .answer to
1799. an a nonymous book published by a
CRAVENS,CHARLES-R , 1854- d. Palmyra, lk>., 8 Ja 1886. priest or the Catholic church, by
b. New Marion, Ind., 23 Ja 1854. Junius Minimum Natu, .paeud ••
d. Biographical sketches or Elder
William Creath, a CalTiniat Baptist about
Hiatory or the Central Christian preacher or Mecklenburg county, Vir-
church; historical, biographical, ginia, and his family by his son ••• or An addreaa to the brethren, by the
chronological and remini1cent. Palmyra, lk>. Palmyra, Mo., Author, church at David's Fork, in answer to
.Anderson, Ind., Ladies aid society 1866? "A hiatory or fact• in relation to
of the Central Christian church. 58p. the conduct or Henry Foater, by Jacob
•1925. Creath, Jr., Lexington, Ky., Printed
442p_. ports., illuo. A blow at the root of Epiacopalian- by N. L. and J. W. Finnell, Intelli-
iam. 1848. gencer office.
24p. 2lp.
b. Fayette county, Ill., 16 D Blow at the root ot unbelief, or a The report of a committee called at
1893. tract on laws. 1843. the request of the elder• ot the
Christian congregation in llontioello,
A chronological table ot important from the Chriatian congregation in
Sermon outlines, the restoration events, from the collll!!encement of the Houaton and Palmyra, to inveatigate
plea. St. Loui1, Restoration pub. Chriatian era to the year eighteen "An addreaa" purporting to be "!"itten _
co.,-•1927. hundred twenty-five. Palmyra, Jlo.; by the IlaTid' • Fork church _, in Fayette
326p. Author, 1868. county, Kentucky, againat Elder Jacob
18p. Creath, Jr.
Sermon outlines on acta. Cin- Printed at Palmyra Spectator office. 8p.
cinnati, Standard, •1919.
284p. Eaaaya against the utility ot .human A shield to Jacob Creath, Jr., a
creed•. Palmyra, Mo., Author, 1856? teacher of Chriatianity in congrega-
--, 2d ed. Cincinnati, Stan- 24p. tion• at Bethel and Shilo1 against
dard, cl9Z3. •1919. the assaults made upon his reputation.
. 284p. Easaya on marriage and divorce. Woodville, Wilkinson county, llisaia-
St. Louis, Printed by T. W. Ustick, aippi, Auguat 1827.
Sermon outline• on the crosa ot 1845. 8p.
Chriat apecially deaigned tor pre-
Easter deTotional and evangeli1tia The great and decisiTe battle of Starr, H. E. Jacob Creath.
cuipaigna. BaahTille, JloQuiddy ptg. Armegedon, 2d ed. (In Dictionary of American biography,
ao., •1933. 80p. TOl. 4, 1930, pp. 632-633)
A history ot racta in relation to about see
debate with MUSGRAVE, the aonduat ot Henry · Foater, of Fayett,
----- (Baptist)
J. A.
county, Kentucky, from the year 1831 Bolea, H. L. Biographical
to the year 1840 by Jacob Creath, Jr., aketchea ot gospel preacher•.
The Crawford-Musgrave debate1 a ot Monticello, Lewi• oounty, Mo. Roger•, 11', c. Recollection• ·or
aerie• ot public diacu1aions on the Palmyra, Jlo., Printed at the ortice ot men ot faith.
design ot bapt .im and the work at the the lll.1aouri Courier, 1840.
Holy Spirit in aonTersion, between C. 18p.
C. Crawford, ot Cincinnati, Ohio, CREEL, JAMESCOlrBERD,1846-1923.
'repreaenting the West Fran)ttart, Ill., Letter• of reco111111endation. b. Green acunty, Ky., l~ .lp 1848.
Churah or Chrht, .and J. ·A. Jfu•graTe, lliaehaippi. d. Plattaburg, Jlo., 9 D 1923.
ot West Frankfort, Ill., representing

Creel - Culberaon C

Heartfelt religion. Louiaville, CRIHFIELD, ARTHUR CROUCH,RACHEL

Crumb and Davidaon, 1879. b. b.
l6p. d.

--, 2d ed. Glasgow, Ky., Nine letters to the elders and What the organizer said. Indian-
Author, 1880. father• Qf the Disciples' church, apolia, C, W, ~- M., 1897?
1860? 4p. folder.
--, 3d ed. Richmond, Mo.,
Author, 1886. The universalied1 or, confessions
of Universalism; a poem in twelve CRONE, CHARLES M
--, a sermon, 4th ed. rev. cantos, to which are added lecture,
St. Louia, Chrietian pub. co., n.d. on Universalism, wherein the ayatem Great southern preaching; vital
23p. is explained, and ita chief arguments Christianity as interpreted by the
considered and refuted. Cindnnati, sermons of some of the lead i ng con-
--. St. Louis, Christian board. Published by E, Shepard, 1B49.
177, 192p. front. (port.)
· temporary exponents of the gospel
message in the southern states, with
How may I know that my sina have an invocation by Joseph Fort Newton.
been pardoned? Glasgow, Ky., N"" York, Yacmillan, 1926,
Author, 1880. CROSS, PERCYGEORGE,1B77- xiii, 280p,
b. Kent, England, Ja 1B77. Contents include:
The new birth, sermon, Platts- Sermons by A, E. Cory, B, A,
burg, Mo., Author, 1891. I Jenkins, and E.L. Powell,
2lp, Bonus or bogus livea; the ethic a
of conatructive citizenahip. Phila-
The plea to restore the apostolic delphia, Dorrance, 1925. CROZIER, ROBERTHASKINS, (Presbyterian)
. church, Cincinnati, Standard, 206p •
•1902. Fiery trials; or, a story of an
xvi, 142p. front. (port.) The European war; its cauaes, ita infidel'• frunily, rev. and enl, ed,
surprises, and it1 lesaona, .Cin- St, Louis, John Burno, •1883,
Should sisters pray and epeak in cinnati, Standard, •1916. 490p.
public,.. Plattsburg, Mo., Jeffer- 32p.
aonian print, lBBB. , rev. and enl. ed. St.
2Bp. New Testament baptism. St •. Louia, Louis, Christian pub. co,, n,d,
Christian board. 490p.
Heart-felt religion; Plea to
restore the apostolio church. (In Our friends the tree a. New York,
Sweeney, Z, T., ed. New Testament Dutton, 1936. CRUMPACKER,
Christianity, 1926, vol. 2, pp. 384- 334p. front,, illua,, plates. b,
4111 1930, vol. 3, pp, 34-56)
Ru1aelliam, a caricature of Chris-
How I became a Christian only, tianity. Cincinnati, Standard, 1913. J, H. 0, Smith. (In Brown, J.
(In Lord, J. A., ed. From darkness l6p. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904,
to light, 1907, pp. 31-39) pp. 48~4.82)
Seven things God cannot do.
The plea to re•tore the apostoll.c
church; 'Ifill ll!Orality save a man? War1 ita cause and cure. CRUTCHER,JOBN HENRY, -1919,
(In Wilson, L. C,, ed. Twentieth b. near Cynthiana, Ky.,
oentury sermons and addressee, 1902, d. Kansas City, Mo., Ja 1919,
pp, 34-4B; 217-220) CROSSFIELD,RICHARDHENRY,1868-
b. Lawrenceburg, Ky., 22 0 1868, Action of baptism. Cincinnati,
Vain religion, (In Lord, J, A., Standard,
ed. On the Lord's day, •1904, pp.
149-153) Chri.atian principles of sociology Th9 action of baptism in a nut-
and their application to present day shell, n.d,
about problems. 4p.
.Heartfelt religion waa reviewed in Pilgrimages of a parson, an account
pu,phlet form by a Baptist minister, of experiences and adventures in CRUTPHER,SAMUEL W -1909,
I, lf. Bruner1 another Baptist, ••• , Europe, Egypt, and Palestine •• ,with an b.
Daylor, published a pamphlet review., introduction by Warren S, Danley. d, Pine Bluff, Ark,, N 1909,
Owensboro, Ky., Author, 1901.
323p. front, (ports.) plates. My experience with the liquor
ooCRBMSHAJr, P traffic. St. Louis, Christian pub.
b. Christianity and democracy. (In co., 1B91.
International convention, 1939, pp. 9lp.
The WewTestament church in apoa-
tolio times. (In Abilene Chrietian The measure of man. (In lloore, CRYSTAL,E LYNWOOD
college Bible lectures, 1934, pp. 5-16) W. T., ed. The new living pulpit of b,
the Christian church, 1918, pp, 299-306)

CR!MDSON,WILLI.AlfBYRON,1B53-1936. introduction aee The Christian and hie money,

b. Atchison oounty, Mo., 22 S 1B53. Cincinnati, New Testament tract
d. Logan county, Ia., 29 Ap 1936. Ligon, J. lf, Paul the apostle. society, n,d,
llp. inc. rront cover,
Reaiating the Holy Spirit. (In . about see
Brokaw, G. L., ed, Doctrine and life,
1B98, pp. 226-240) lloore, lf. T. New living pulpit of CULBERSON, GERALD,1879-
the Christian church, b. lfayneaville, · N. C,, l D 1879,
about aee

Painter, J. H. 1f, B. Crewdaon.

C Culberaon - Cwmingllua

Th• per uai on of bette r thing s, tew A key to the mystery of godliness, CUlllfllGHAM,EFFIE L (llr•.
Year's day sermon. (I n Thornton, or an an,nrer to Jlr. John Weat' • key Willia M, Cunningham),
B. lf., ed . Speoi&l se riitona to r to t he mystery of ini quity, to which -1945,
apeoial oooasions, 1921, pp . 19-ZO) la added eoH remarks on an impartial b,
vie w of ' t he Christian ohure h below . d, Bethany Park, Ind., 18 Je 1945.
Norfolk , Va., P. Culpepper, 1806.
CULLER,ARTHUR JEROME,-1883- l6 p . Diaoiples of Chriat tor Iegro
b . Bear Cant on, o., 14 Jlr 1883. A.merioana, St. Louie, U, C, M, S,

CULVER,MA.RY ELIZABETH(COMEGYS)(lira. The draft of city industry upon

CreatiTe religious literature, a L. L. Culver), 1841- the h01ae. Illdianapoli•, C. lf. B.
new lite rar y stu dy of the Bible. b ; Champain county, o., 19 llr 1841. ll(.
Bew York, Jlaemillan, 1930. d , St . Louis, Ko. ,
xiii , 346p . A ti11e of retembranoe in honor of
about eee the beginn ing • alld the apirit, the
In terferenoe and adaptability 1 an work and the workers of the Chriatian
experim ental study of their relation Reader, 1'1y H. The llary Eli&abeth Woman'• board of miaaiona continuing
with special reference to indiv/dual Cul ver birthday booklet. into the United Christian missionary
differ ences, Hew York, 1912. society, October 21, 187~-0otober
v, 8lp. illua. 21, 1934.
Pres a of the Wew era ptg. oo., CUMMINGS,CLARKWALKER,1885- llp. inc. front cover.
Lanoa1 te r, Pa .
Thes is,
aity, 1912,
Ph. P., Columbi a UniTer-
b. Grand Haven, Miah., 6 Je 1885.

Pa1tor•e cla1aea, a pastor '• word

Work ot the Diacipl•• of Chriat
Hew York, Soienoe pres•, to a pastor on pre-Baster and poat- with Iegro Americana,., St, Louie,
1912. Deoi1ion day olaasea tor children and u. c. K. s., n.d.
.80p. (Arohivea of paychology, young · people. Indianapolia, U. c. S2p •
no. 241 Columbia oontribution1 to M. S,, n,d.
phi losophy and payohology, TOl, 21, 7p. Contribution of Indiana .... n.
no. 2) · (In Cauble, C. 'If. The Diaoiplea of
The Christian implications or bene- Chriat in Indiana, 1930, pp. 223-
introduction aee volenoe. · (In International oouven- 242)
tion, 1939, pp. 119-126)
Thomas, D. 0, At the Lord'•
CUIOUHGS,MILOG {lira. lf. D. Cunninghaa)
b. b,
U11, J A
The existence of God and did the with STILL, F, S. s.
cre ator of the univerae oreate the
Ins trumental muaio in Christian · book oalled the Bible. Coggon, Ia., torch1 the life story
The flaming
worshi p, Cinoin.nati, F. L. Rowe, Author. of lf, D. Cunningham cwith 11', D,
n.d. pamphlet. Cunningham in retrospect by A, R,
16p, Brown. · Tokyo. Japan, The Yot,uya
Two lectures, Raaaon touohed of minion, 1939,
God1 and The origin of thought, 147p, front. (port,) port,, platea,
CULPEPPER, JOBXB Coggon, Ind,, Monitor print, n.d. Printed and bound lingaport pr••••
b. 60p. lingeport, Tenn,

Diok Davia and the devil. Louia- CUIIIIGHAM,ALBERTBRUCE,1858-1917. CUDIIGHill, JOSEPHAIDERSOI, 1843-
ville, Penteooatal pub. oo., n,d, b, LaFayette, Ind., 4 lly 1858. 1907,
167p. d. Crawtordaville, Ind., 8 Jlr 1917, b,
d, Tupelo, Ill.ea,,
Sin. Louiaville, Pentecostal Churoh problema of toda,--the ahip
pub. oo., •1914. or Zion in periloua -t•r•. (In The blue and the gray1 alld othilr
9lp. Wilson, L. c., ed. , Twentieth century poeu and aonga, llaahvill•, lfc-
,1en,on1 and addreaaes, 1902, pp. 76-94) Quiddy ptg, co., 1903.
with CULPEPPER, o. B. ll2p, front, (port.)

Sermon,. Louiaville, Pickett CO'DilfGHAM,ADA M (LafRY) {JI-a. Deep aounding• in philoaophloal

pub . oo., •1906. W.R. Cunningham), 187~ -tera.
:112p. b.
Light on the ayateriH of nature
and the Bible in the tora of letteN
C1JLPEFPER,0 BURD The awful perHcution of Anna Lowry, to our children, vol. 1. Cincin-
b, nati, Standard, 1885,
d, The martyr in black1 twenty year• of 198p. front. {port.)
t1ut ·oonvent life or Siater Juatina, o, Cover title, Letter• to our
joint~ •e• a,b,;,.in collaboration with H. George children.
Buaa, Aurora, Ii>., The Jl!lnace pub;
Culpepper, J. Se!'IIOna. co., llill2, S•r:mona of ••• the ooaeroial trav-
80p, front, {port,) plate•. eler and preacher of noa--tarian
Chriatianity, vol. 2. ••hville,
b. --.
• with a prefaH by Marvin·
Ritaville, Waah,. Author,
lli,Q1&14dyptg. oo., 1904 •
127p. front, {port,)
•• •191S, .

Oanninghu - Cutler C


1864-19$8. ccCURTIS, GEORGE
b. Lower Tyroane · Townehip, Penn.• b. county, I. c., 22 Ap
b. P&111l100
19 Jl 1864, 1881.
d, Rooheater, llinn., 24 Je 1938.
Baptiat church hietory' exaai1111d.
about aee Auatin, Tex., Pir. foundation, Rehabilitating the ohurch, Inter-
national coDTention addreu, Cohabua,
Cunningham, I, B, B, and Still, F. Church mueic. October SO, 1937,
S, S, The flaming toroh. tract. Sp. tolder,

--. (In International coDTen-

CURLII, CALVIN,1791-1851, CURTIS, PHEBEA tion, 1937, pp. 271-277)
b; ••• c .• 1791; b.
d. 23 0 1861, d,
CUTLER,L A , 1857•1901,
about aee The child you ueed to be, Cin- b. Lo...ington, Va., 9 P 1857,
cinnati, Standard, d. Louiaa, Va., 26 • 1903,
Bole•, H, L. Biographioal
alcetohea ot goapel preaohera, Thing• ·wanting in their work,
CUSHIWf, LYSAllDBR1rILLLUl (In Tyler, J. z., ed. T!w Diaoiplel
b. ot Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp. 70-
coCURRT,J H 88)
d. The Derll and the Vice in the
Bngli•h dr11m&tioliterature betore CUTLER, K K
The Lord'• prayer tor unity. (In Sbakeepeare. Balle, A. s., K. b-.
Rowe, P. L,, ed, Our SaTior'• prayer n-eyer, 1900. d,
tor unity, 1918, pp, 38-41) XiT0 148p,
Tillke11 and other 1toriee. Cin- .
oianati, Rowe, 189-T
b, b;

Law entoro-nt. (In DeGroot, B:u.lting tM church, (In Abilene

A. T; , ed • The lfemphia youth OODTen- Chriatian ·college Bible lecture•,
tion, 1926, pp. 37-42) 1924-1926, pp. 10().106)
D Dale - Dareie

DAL!, llIRAJI URUB, 1839-1918. Tbe aaaurance or pardon. Webater Art or winning toll<•. St. Louh,
b. . City, Io-, Author. Chriatian board, 1922.
d. Rapid City :, S. D., 28 Ja 1919. l37p.
The ohuroh ot Christ in God's word.
Jlarriage and diTOroe. (In Webater city, Iowa, Author, The Christian fan,ily. St. Louie,
Painter, J. H., ed. The Ion. · pulpit U. c. II. S., n.d.
ot the Churoh ot Chriat, 188-l, pp. The ooaing ot the milleniua. lOp. (Adult leaflet no. 63)
~ ...
Painter, J. H. The Ion. pulpit
Webster City,

The Lord'•
Iowa, Author.
aupper on the Lord'•
B. C., Author, n.d.
The Christian

H. L. Piokerill,
tian board, •1923.
family, a study in
home ideals cwith an introduction by
st. Louis, Chri•-

ot the Churoh ot Chriat. 72p.

The unpardonable ain. Webster

ooDAL!Y, II 0
City. Io-, Author. --.
St. Louie, Bethany pr•••,

b. Wherein the ohuroh ot Christ and ll2p.

Christian ohurohea ·ditter. Webster
City, Io-, Author. --, -lth ed., reT. and .. 1. st.
ETangeliatio aer111ona. Austin, Louis, Bethany pr•••, •192-l.
Tex., Firm foundation. Why! the ohuroh ot Chrht does not ll2p.
66p. use instrumental muaio .in worahip,
.Webster City, Iowa. Author, n.d. --, 6th ed. reT. and enl. St.
8p. Louie, The Bethany pre••, •192-l.
. J0llll F Christian men'• mOT-nt. Ind-
b. ianapolia and st. Louie, u. C. JI. s.
Under two tlaga, the .ohapel dia1"7. and Christian board.
cl9-l3a 36p. (Local churoh ••"ice
c32ap. illua. Babylon. St. Louis, clS98a auociation)
ti-ograpbed. lUp.
The church and it• familiea.
--. cRooktord, Ill., Biahop Behold the bridegroom oometh. Indianapolia and St. Louie, Depart-
ptg. oo •• •19-l-l. St. Louie, Christian board. -nt ot religioua education, U. c.
c 32ap. illua. 7lp. II. s. and Chriatian board -, •1930.
23p. (Local church aerTice
JWl>B, IIRS. PBRLEA.(GRDJI) DilBT, JOllll 11' , 1880-
b. b. Aahland, ly., 2 Ap 1880. Growing in atwardahip. Ind-
ianapolia and St. Louie, U, C. II. s.
and Christian board.
•dina, o., 1910. The tithe in principle• and prao-
(Local church ••"ice

What must I do to be aaTedT or con- Hint• on child training, an intro-

DAJIPIBR,JOSBPHH , 1908- ditions ot memberahip 1il the In ductory courae tor parent training.
b. G•lph, Ontario, 7 11r 1908. Teatament church; St. Louie, Chria- St. Louie, Chriatian board, •1921.
tian board, 1930. · 30p.
c-lap. (BethaD)' tract 110. 2)
Work book on Chr-iatian dootrine. How to begin taailyworahip.
Cinoinnati, Standard, •19-l3. about Indianapolia, u. C. JI. s., n.d.
Mp, .s.p. (Adult leaflet• no. 6-l)
John w; Darby, nangeliat, tiD&Dcial
SeTentieth anniTersary, BOTember · 12, campaign•, church dedication•, atiiirard- Procedure• that change the church.
1871-BOTember12, 19"1, Firat Chri•- ehip ralliea. San Antonio, Tex~. Illdi&D&polia and St. Louie, Depart-
tian ohuroh ot Johnaon City, · Tenn. John 11'. Darby, n,d. -nt or religioua eduoation and Chria-
Johnson City, Campbell pr•••, 19"1. 8p, tian board, •1930.
16p. illua. 23p. (Local church eerTioe
DilIELS, URL, 1903- • b. The proaotion ot taaily worship by
b. Hobbe, Ind,, 10 Jl 1903. adult ola•••• and organisations.
Indianapoli•, U. c. II, s., n.d.
11:aateraorn. -lp. (Adult leaflet no. 66)
Fult111-nt1 a play in three aota -lp.
oonoerning the · propbeoy or Iaaiah and Ill-graphed. oomp.
ita tultil1-nt. IDdi&D&poli•,
.ig•. The atandard teaoher training
DARSIE, CHARLES,1872- • oourae. St. Louia, Chriatian board,
The funeral •Hage, it• pr~ b. Warren, o., 9 F 1872. 192-T
tion and aignifi0&11oe. ••hTill•, ZOp, oOTera.
CokeabUl'Y'pr•••, 1937.
l08p. (Butler imiTeraity oollege Adult religioue teaching. St.
ot religion leoturea, 1938) Louie, Bethany pre••, •19ao. IWISD, GB0RGB,1848-1902.
188p. b. Fayette county, Penn., 6 F
•oDAIIIBLS,J IWUUS0B, 1~ Uult worker'• mn•l. Indiana- d. l"ranktort, 1t7., 11 Jl lsoi.
b, Webater City, Ia., 17 B 1903. polh and St. Lou1a; Dep&rtaent or
religioua eduoation, u. c. JI. S, and Cbw-ch extension.
Chriatian board, •19S0. 18p.
36p. (Local chvoh aern.oe
Darsie - Dany D

The good sense ot church extension, DAUGHERTY,

ALVAPAUL; 1896- DAVENPORT, WILLLUf, 1797-1889,
speech delivered at the recent atate b, Hampton, Fla,, 26 Jl 1896, b, Jessamine county, Ky,, 7 Jl
convention in Carrollton, Ko, 1797, .
19p, d. Nebraska city, Ieb,, 24 Je
Marriage and divorce, 1869,
Immediate preparation tor the llarch
ottering. Cincinnati, F. C. M. S., Relation ot Christianity to deino- about aee
190-T crao;y.
16p, Thesis 1927, Radford, B. J. William Davenport,
A plea tor the homeless,
8p, DAUGHERTY,EDGARFAY;. 1874- DAVEY,JOBI, 1846-1923,
b, Franklin, Ind,, 28 Je 1874, b, Someraetahire, England, 8 Je
To· every man his work, (In Lord, 1846,
J, A•• ed, On the Lord'• day, •1904, d, Kent, o•• 8 I 1923,
pp, 93-97) The contribution ot the Disciples,
Davey'• primer on tree, and bird•
Emily H. Tu~n.
lfrs. (In Brown, Democraoy•a vindication, .Kent, 0,, Author, 1906,
J. T,, ed, Churches ot Christ, 1904, l86p, tront, (port,) illua,
pp. 4'42-443) God leaves it with ua, sermon de-
livered Jaokaon street Christian Gloryville or Bellburg, whioh't,,,
introduction aee church, lllmcie, , Ind., Jan, 24, 1931, cJ.kron. O., Werner oo.a •1908.
128p, illus,
llcLean. Handbook ot missions, Bow tar prayer• reach, aeMDOD de-
livered Jaokaon street Christian Instruction book• on tree aurgery
church, IIUnoie, Ind,, March 16, 1931, and truit growing, 1914,
L • 1870-1928.
b, 21 Ja 1870, The point ot honor, Ann era in tree growing,
d. 4 My 1928,
Preaident•, addreaa ot the mini1- The tree doctor1 a book on trN
Betore the throne, Cincinnati, teria1 · a11ociation, Bethuy Park, culture, Published by the author,
Standard, •1914, August, 1909, Akron, O,, Commercial ptg, oo,, 1902,
xii, 140p, .88.p. illua,
The 1tate ot the oauee in Indiana,
1909, --. new ieaue. Akron, o••
DARSIB, BUGHDlfIGll'l'• 1894- Saaltield, 1904, •1901, •1904,
b, Homeatead, Penn,, 1 Je 1894, 87p.
b; The tree dootor1 oare ot tree•
Christ's testament ot love, (In d, and plant,. c2d ed, greatly enl, 0
Toward Calvary with Christ, 1942, pp, Akron, O,, Saaltield pub, oo,, •1907,
16-17) comp,
American standard · achool ainger,
DARSIB, JAKES, 1811-1891, Cincinxati, Standard, 1899, Shaw, W. B, John Dav97, . · (In
b, Edinburgh, Scotland, 13 S 1811, Dictionary ot .&ilerioan biography, wl,
d, Braddock, Penn,, 18 F 1891, Beautiful aonga ot Zion; a oolleo- 6, 1930, pp, 88-89)
tion ot n- and old songa suited to
about all kinda ot religious work aild woi-- about aee
ahip, Cincinnati, Standard, 1900,
Jamee Darsie, (In . Brown, J. T., .191,p, Dav97, M. L, John Davey, rather
ed, Churohea ot Christ, 1904, pp, 433- ot tree aurgery,
434) Voice ot praiae, a collection ot
nn songa tor gospel meetings and
Sunday · aohoola. Eli&abethtown, Ky,, DJ.VEY,llARTll L . , 1884-1948,
DARSI!, LLOYD Author• •1896, b, Kent, O,, 26 Jl 1884,
b, .136.p, d, Kent, O,, 31 lfr 1948,

with ROS!CRAJIS,J, H, The .a.rioaniam ot John Dav97, an

City evangelhation, (In Inter- extract 1'Poll apeeoh in the Houae ot
national convention. Addreaaed de- Crown ot beauty, Cinoinnati, Repreaentativea, February 22, 1928,
livered at the world'• oongr .eu and Standard, ' . Washington, Govt, ptg. ottioe, .1928 0
general miaaionary coDTentiona ot tht broadside (Congreuional re_.i.
church ot Christ, 1893, pp, 239-248) joint~· He sixty-ninth oongresa, aecond ••••1on)

Sewell, I, G,, ed. Christian Arbor day and the Iaaak Walton
IW!SII, JIARVll LLOYD, 1887-1940 ., h,-na, league,,, cl'.ent, 0,, Davey tree
b, Clevelud, o•• 18 F 1887, e:q,ert oo,. •1931,
d, Loa .Angel••.Calit,, 24 Ja 1940, s8ap. ino. ooTera, porta.
lcluoation and aooial reoonatruotion, b, Hmnpton, Fla., 18 0 1897, Bringing beauty to the roadside, ..
Loa Angele•, University ot California, .J:ent, O,, Dav97 tree expert oo,.
. 1937, •1932,
17p, (John Adams toulldation leo- lvangeliatio aermona, •••enger c8•P• inc. COTera. porta.
ture • 1938) · pub, oo,, 1934,
Conaervation, -'-r1oan toreat week,
•ntal capacity ot Aaerican-born Stewvdahlp and .tithing, Keaaen- the telly and pe_nalty ot toreat devas-
Japamae children, • · Baltimore, ger pub, co,, 1936, tation, apeeohea in the Houae ot
Williua and Willcina, 1928, · RepreaentatiTea, Karch 24, and .lpril
89p, (Comparative payoholog:r 22, 1928, cll'aahington, Govt, ptg,
monographs) ottioe, 19260 ·

4p, (Congreu1onal record, aixty

so ninth oongrea1, tirat aeaa1on)
D Duey - Darla

Th• DaTey· inatitute ·or tree surgery DAVIDSOH,A!IWIEEll'IHG, 1862-1 944, Reuropathy1 then- science ot
••• .lent, 0,, Dayey tree expert b ". 30 J1y 1862. druglesa healing amply illustrated and
co •• •1930. d. Eureka, Ill . , 7 F 1944. explained, . embracing opthalmology,
c8•P• inc. COTera, ports. osteopathy, chiropractic scienoe, ·
The auxiliary society that holds, suggestive therapeutics, magnetiea,
Human •n-ie• or trees... .lent, Indianapol i s, c. W. B. K., n , d. instructions on diet, deep breathing,
o. , Davey tr ee expert co •• •1932 . 6p. bathing, eto. Advice · to mothers--hOw
cB,p. ino. ooTera, port,. to care for ohildren--physical mani-
In -mory or Elmira J. Diokins on, pulations to cure chronic and acute
John Davey rather or tree surgery charter member ot ·the Christian woman'• diseases, llany valuable recipes for
••• .Kent, o., DaTey tree expert board ot miasions. .Indianapolis, home us&--instructions how to oure
oo, • •19:SO. c. 11'. B. K. , 1912. disease s without medic i ne, and aome
c8ap. inc. 00Ter1, ports. lOp. conditions where certain domestio
remedies are usetul, Cincinnati,
A national arboretlllll for the Dia- F. L. Rowe, 1909.
tr iot or ColU111bia••• apeeoh in the DAVIDSON,KARYRICHJ!OBD lT, 715p. front. (port.) illus.,
Bou•• or RepreaentatiTea, Februar y 19, b. plates.
1927, .Washington, u. S. Gon. ptg.
otti oe, 19270 Heuropathy illuatrated J the philo-
broadaide, Th•••are triends,
1ll'f a Chriatmaa sophy and practical applioation o"t
play. St. Louie, Rational beneTolent drugless healing, amply illustrated
Regleot ot municipal . tr•••••• aaaooiation ot the Chrhtian church, and expla i ned, Long Beach, Calit.,
.lent, O,, Dayey tree expert oo,a n.d, Grayes & Hersey, 1915.
•1931, 15p. 60lp. tront. (port.) illus.
cBap. inc. OOTera, porte.
Osteopathy illuatrated, a drugless
Operating on treea;.. .lent, o., DAVIDSO!f,ROBERT,1808-1876. (Preeby- aystea or healing. Cincinnati, F.
D&Teytree expert co. 1 •1930. terian) L. Rowe, 1899,
c8»p. ino. ooTera, port•. xvi, 85lp. front. (port.) plates,
llarahall and Thompaoil'• return to
Our roreat wealth and the fire the Presbyterian ohurch, being Pf,gea ·
d•on... clent, o., DaTey tree 207-212 ot the History ot the Presby- DAVIS, CLYDEBRIOII, 1894-
expert co •• •1930. terian ohurch in the state of lentucky, b, lJnadella, Heb,, 1894,
c8•P• inc, OOTers, port a . 1847. - (In Puniance, Levi ; The
biography ot DaTid Purviance, BrOWll
Planting tree• tor ciTic beauty ••• edition, 1940, pp. 275-278) AdTenture, Cleveland, World pub.
clent, O., DaTey tree expert oo •• 00 •• 1946.
•1931 , - 183p.
c8ap. inc. coTera, port,. DAVmSOR,S F Originally published ae The
b. annointed,
The story ot the tree as a lirlllf. d,
thing and the atory o·t toreet deyu- The anointed, •- Tork, Farrar,
t&tion ' in America, epeeoh in . the Houae Story or a nmpaper aan. (In 1937.
ot Repreeent&tiTes, April 17, 1934. Diokinaon, E. J., ed; Hiatory or · 277p.
clfaahington, GoTt. ptg. otfioeo n.d. Eureka college, 1894, pp. 264-271)
4p. (Congreaaional record, aixty The ArkanaasJ illus , by Donald
ninth congr•••, tirat ••••ion) McJCay. H.,.. Tork, Farrar, 1940,
DAVIES, Ja!S. ELIZA x, 340p. (RiTere of America)
tr••• tor · the _eleotrio b. Paialey, Scotland,
wirea... olrent, O., DaTey tree ex- d. Follow -the leader. R.,.. Tork,
pert co •• •1930 , Farrar, •1942 • .
c8ap. inc. OOTera, porta. The story ot an earnest ' life) a 526p.
woman'• adTenturea in Auatralia, and The oeenin ~ sentence, "At 8 p.m.
tree•, helpl••• Tiot1a• ot civili- in two wyagea around the world. · ot Sunday, 0.oeaber 31, 1899,
&ation... clent, o., DaTey trN Cinoinnati, Central book concern, 1881. Charles Valentine Martel -s sit-
expert oo. • •1932. · 570p. tront. (port,) ting midway down in the Christian
c8op. ino. ·cover•, ports. ohurch ot Pabuloma, 111.asouri."
treea that contribute to rainfall DAVIS ; AlUlRJIJI"
P , 1835- "The great American novel "
• lent, 9., DaTey tree expert b; •- York, Farrar, •1938 •
00 •• •1930, d. 309p,
c8ap. ino. OOTera, ports.
Dr. A. P. DaTie' defense, retuta- Bebraska ooast1 deoorationa by
The uneeen army ot acienoe •• , tioil ot the charge• brought againat Edward Shenton. R- York, Farrar,
.l ent, o., DaTey tree expert oo •• him, and a criticiam upon the proo-4- 1939.
•1931. ure ot the elders .Bryan and Pearl c424ap.
cB,p. 1119. oovere, front. atreet Christian ohuroh, Dalla•, Texa••
in their withdra-1 trom him, with the North end wildoataJ illus. by
Why I oarry #500, 000 lite insurance. opinion• ot others. Dalla•, Author, Edward Shenton. •- York, Farrar ;
Cincinnati, Rational underwriter oo. cl887a 1938.
Up, c306,p, tront., illua., plates.

DAVID,RALPHW Beurology, •braoing neuro-opthal- The rebellion or Leo lloOuire,

b. mology, the n- acienoe tor the auooeu- : R.,.. Tork, Farrar, •1944.
tul treatment ot all tun..tional · h,-n 315p.
11h; Reuropathy, cbtropractio, aagn&-
SooiaI adTenturea with Jeaua iii ti .. ; auggeatiTe therapeutioa, phren- The at&rs inoline. Rew York,
ohvoh relationa. (In Anderaon, 0, · ology and palmatry, as related to Rinehart, 1946.
t., ed. Social adTenturea with Jeaua, neuropathy. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 280p.
1928, pp, 30-55) 1905;
x, 242p. tront. (port.) illua. SulliTan. R- Tork, Farrar,1940.



b. Morehead, Ky., 1904.
1ee DAVIS, JAMESRARVEY Garfield of Hiram, a memorial to
the life . and serTicee of Jamea Abram
Garfield, published on the oooasion of The Christian college leaTea the
DAVIS, DAVIDB , 1813- the centennial of his birth, BoTember frontier, addrea1 delivered at the
b. Surry oounty, I. c., 11 Ap 19, 1931. Hiram, o., cHiram Histor- International convention of Di1ciple1
1813. ical sooiety, 1931. ot Christ, Grand Rapida, llichigan,
d. 6Bp. tront. (port.) illua., ports. 1942. .Indianapolis, Board ot
(Publication no. 4) higher eduoation, c 1942,
Campbellism in Christian ooatumit. llp.
Cincinnati, Printed for the author,
1878. DAVIS; HEIIRY The ohuroh and the new world mind,
87p. b. a 1tudy guide. A digest of the lec-
d. tures, e1J11inarreports, and diaouasion
ot the Drake conterenoe, Dea Moines,
DAVIS, F H , 1821-1890. All suffioienoy in the scriptures. 1~. St. Louie, Christian board,
· b. Franklin, Tenn., 25 D 1821. cKaaaon. Ia.'?~ •19,4.
d. 19 D 1890. Mp.

about ••• DAVIS, HENRYFAIRFAX, 1861-1920. Light on the lighthou1e1 questions

b. Bannibal, · 11.?., 24 S 1851. the pastor must faoe when he 00nsider1
Bole•, B. L. Biographical d. St. Louie, lfo., 11 F 1920. the _congregation in its relation to
1Jcetohee ot gospel preaohera. the church college. Indianapolis,
Books of the Bible. st. Louil, Board of higher eduoation, cl943,
Christian board. l6p. ino. ooTera.
b. The Christian oollege leaves the
DAVIS, J L , 1865- frontier. (In International con-
b. near Chattanooga, Tenn., 6 Ja vention, 19,2, pp. 263-261)
The liTing ohuroh--it• menage · ror 1865.
the world'• hurt. (In Wiokiser, w; d.
K., ed. The liTing church, 1942, pp. ooDAVIS, MARI
4-7) The mountain preacher, being 10me b.
ot the experiences told in the language d.
of the people ·among whom he iuooese-
R tull7 labored. Cincinnati, F. L. joint - ~ aee
b. JI.on, 1909.
75p. front. (port.) plates. Wallace, F. B. The 0011plete
Christian hymnal.
1937 oonaecreation 1erTioe tor uae
in JOIU)g people'• .,,_r oonferenoe. DAVIS, JACICSOJI
Themes Seek and ye ahall tind. DAVIS, IIA.TTIE(TERHUNE) (Kre. H. B.
6, 9p. . with OTHERS Dana)
Kuteo graphed. b.
Atrioa adT&noing, a 1tudy ot rural
education and agrioulture in weat
DJ.VIS, B B , 1849- .lfloioa and the Belgian Congo by Jaok- joint~ n•
b. • Tenn., 10 Jl 1849. 1on Davia, Tho_, K. Campbell and
d. Jlu-garet Wrong .With a toreword by Bourne, A. S. Hiltory of
•ory ·Bo••• •- Tork, Friendahip Daughters college.
Th• ohurob and the apoata17. · (Iii pre11,cl945o
Soott, L. -.;., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, 23~.
pp. aoo-;,09) DAVIS, Jl>RRISOBMEADE,1860-1928.
b. PittsylT&nia county, Va., 1
DJ.TIS; JAllES B Je 1850.
DJ.VII, BAROIJ>EUGEIIE,1902- b. d. Dallas, Tex., 28 lfy 1926.
b. d.
Change or . heart. cCinoinnati,
introduotion eee Standal"do
History ot the -•tern heaiapbere. 121-132pp.
Iell1J11a. Th• deity ot Jeaua. Reprint from Firat principles.
Jlakera ot .dniooraoy in Latin Amer-
ica. Iew Tork, B. w. Wilson oo., The elder1hip. Cincinnati,
1945. DJ.VIS, JAKES HARVEY"CTCLOD", 1863- Standard, 1912.
124p. (Inter-.uerican biblio- b. near WalhoJla, s. c., 2, D 1863. xii, 97p.
graphioal and library aaaooiation pub-
lications, eeriea 1, Tol. 9) Blijah. St. Louie, Christian
llimoir by Cyolone DaT11. Sherman, pub. 00.; 1900.
Th• single oouril• plan of inetruo- Tex., The courier press, •1936; 20lp.
tion. Biraa, o., Biraa oollege, 327p. illua., platea, port,.
1941. First prinoiple1. Cincinnati,
195-207p. (Bulletin ot Biraa A political reTelation, in .which the Standard, 1904.
oollege, TOl, lCCtiii, no. 12, Deoeaber principles or thia gOTernment, the 2lep.
19'1) teaohinga ot its founders and the
Reprinted troa Jluaull, ed. •- iaaue1 ot today are brought to a tair Bow the Diaoiple1 began and gr-,
trontier1 in oollegiate education. and juat ocapariaon with · eaoh other, a abort hiltory ot the Christian ohuroh.
aho a valuable appendix, treating ot Cincinnati, Standard, •1916.
the aub-treaaur7 plan, written by 24'p. (Phillip• Bible institute
Barq Trao7... Dalla•, Tex., .ldT&noe ••r1•• ot eftioienoy text booka for
pub. co., 1894. Bible 10hool and ohurohes)


Bow to be aa•ed, a study ot tirit with SBOlrALTER,

0, B. P. DJJfSOH,FLOYDF -1942.
priooiplea. Ciooionati, Standard, b.
1914. . Bible brieta and sermon outlines, d. Dallaa, Tex,, l F 1942• .
206p. (Phillipa Bible institute enl. ed. Austin, Tex., Firm touada-
aerie• ot etfioieocy text books tor tion. Balanced budged ot Christian acti-
Bible sohoola and ohurohea.) 2 TOl 0
Tity; Going en trom here. (In hia
The Christian -n at work, 1939, ••
Queen Bather. St, Louis, Chris- Simplified Bible leaaoos. Austin, 1, pp. 121-1261 1940, •• 2, pp. 93-
tian board, •1898. Tex,, Firm foundation, 100)
l32p. .

Reapoosi•e Bible readings. Cio- DAVISON,FRARXELON, 1887-

The Christian man at work. Ft.
oionati, Standard; b, Brownsburg, Ind,, 28 F 1887.
Worth, Tex,, Laymen'• league, 1939-
The restoration mo•emeot of the 1941.
nineteenth oentury, Cincinnati, The church and the San Franciacc 3•.
Standard, 1913. world conference, four radio ••••age• Contents,
x, 324p. gi•en OTer WSBT, South Bend, Ind.,, •• •• 1, 1939, 166p, Cont&iDI
Contents include, Appeodix--Our also used for study and diacuaaion tor chapters by 16 Disciple•.
poaitioo by Iaaac Errett, pp, 296- tour Sunday morning• by the For\111club, •. 2, 1940, 130p, Contains
324. .south Bend., Ind,• Forum club, cl946o chapter• by 10 Disciples,
.21.p. inc, front co•er, •· 3, 1941, 130p, Contain•
Cincionati, Standard,
The church thinking it through,
chapter• by 11 Diaciplea.

x, 294p. Indianapolia and St, Louie, u. C, K, s.

and Christian board, •1931. DAWSOB,
sternal l1te1 Hope. (In lleacham, 24p, (Local church aerTice b.
B. J., comp, Training to teach, auociatioo)
•1913, pp. 203-2041 201-203)
Con•eraion or Corneliua .pageant. or h.-n aiaerie1. Iew York,
Jeaua at Betheada. (Io Lord; J. Iodianapolia, Meigs. Fortuny'•, 1941.
A,, ed~ On the Lord'• day, •1904, 60p.
pp. 61-63) The Inglewood eTery .,.mber can•a••
plan. St, Louis, U, C, K. S., n.d,
Pastoral Tiaiting. (In The 6p, folder. DAYAL,RAOBUW.AR,
Jliaaouri Chr1at1ao lectures, •ol. 4, b.
1888, pp• 64-82) I would do it again ••• .Indiana- d.
polis, U, C, K, s., 1946.
Seeking sal•atioo. (Io Lord, J. llp. port . Raguwar Dayal, aometi111eprieat or
A., ed. Jl'romdarknesa to light, 1907, Vi1hnu1 the atory of hi• lite aa
pp. 285-296) The romance ot the incomplete, a related by himself to Adelaide Gail
sermon preached September 16, 1936, at Froat ••• a centennial offering trom
the Illincia con•enticn or the Disci- 1'1.hoba, India... Indianapoli1, c.
1896- ples or Christ. · W. B. K,, •1910.
b. llp. 87p. ports., illua.

Whole ohurch under the whole taak ·1

Ten :,eara 1D the Congo. Iew a three aot dr.-... Indianapolia, DAYTON,
York, Reynal & llitchcock, •1938, •1940. lleiga, •1917 0
30lp. 32p.
Co•er title, The e•ery •mber can- Pedobaptiat and Campbellite 11nner-
T&aa. 1ions, being a renew ot the argu-
ccI>AVIS,WILLUII ll>RTOI, 1877- •nt• ot "Doctors" Waller, Fuller,
b. Youth and higher education, addre11 Johnson, Wayland, Broadu1, and other11
at the 106th annual 1tate cindiana. with an introductory e1aay by J. R.
cozrvention ct Christian churchei. Or••••· Baah•ille, South-n1tern
The end ot the world. Auatin, (In Two notable addre••••, 1944, pp. 3- pub. houae, 1868.
Tex., Firm foundation, 1944. 12) 270p.

Bow to do personal work.

lleaaagea to the lost. Auatin, b. b. , 6 Ja 1846.
Tex., Firm foundation, d.

Bow to read and remanber the · A 1ong or welcome I written by re- Ao outline or Bible h11tory.
acripturea. Sao Angelo, Tex., queat or and to tultill the de1ire or Cincionati, Standard, •1894.
Author, •1934. Jira. Pearl Cunningham tor a 1ong or x.11, l92p. •P••
83p. welc01118to the many rtlitor1 to the
Iational oity Christian church. -, re•. ed. Cincionati, Stan-
Studiea in re•slation. Auatin, broadside. dard, 1912.
Tex., Firm foundation, •1939. 218p.
I>AWSOI,B B Should n recei•• dn-out unbaptiaed
The -y to get what JOU -at. b, per1on1 to church member1hipt Bir-,
Austin, Tex,, Fina foundation. o., Pr••• ot E. F. Wakefield, 1895.
l66p. 14p.
Good ahepberda. St. Louil, Chrh- Conr title, Relation or baptila
Bow to get into the church, repen- t1&D bo·ard. to church -berahip.
tance, The indeatructible rttality ot
the Bible. (Io Abilene Chriatiao A ayllabu1 or apo1tolic hhtory.
oollege Bible lecturea, 1933, pp. 71- O&rrettniUe, o., Pierce ptg. oo.,
811 1924-1926, pp. 72-80) 1896.
Dean - Demereat D

Syllabus of Old Teatament hi1tory , DEGROOT,ALFRED THOMAS,1903- Radio sermons, Lepan to, Ar k.,
~ o., Author, n.d.
cHire.m. b, Hunter '• Mill s , Va,, 30 0 1903, Auth or, 1936'1
.Up, 28p •
Edmund Burritt Wakefield , ( In Christi a ni ty 11 pa ci f icis m, t he Ref l e ot io ns f'r om lif e, Bl ao k
Brown, J ; T, , ed. Churches of Christ , record of how the Christi an conscience Oak,, Ark ,, Autho r, 1931,
1904, pp. 468-469) has warred agai nst war i n the hi story 24p, port.
of the Dis ci pl es o f Chri st . New
with DEAll, J.E. York , Fell owship of r econc i li ation, Why·we belie ve t he Bi b le, Grand
n ,d. Rapid s, Mich ,, Wm. B. Eerd ,nan' a pub,
A history of the Will i u, Dean 7p, folder , co ,, 1940.
family of Cornwall, Conn . , and Can- 119p,
field, Ohio, c ontaining the di rect · The church es of Chri st in Owe n
descent frOlll Thomas Dean of Concord, · county, Indin na . Spencer, Ind , , A.
»ass,, together with a complete gene- T. DeGroot, 1935, DEIHK, IIRS, CHARL
alogy of William Davia' descendants, . 18lp, plate s, b,
.Cleveland, O,, Presa of F, W, Roberta d,
co,, 1903?,
69p, The first fiv e years of th e co l l ege
of re li gion , Butler univ er s ity ,
n.p ., 1930,
Pr es id ent James A, Garf i el d '• mem-
DRAB, THOMAS ROLAND,1873- Sp. ori al jo urnal, giving a short sketo h
b, near . Bicholaaville, Ky,, 5 N of his l ife, from his ch il dhood to
1673. The gr ounds of di visions among the hi s deat h ,., New York, C. F. De ihm,
Disci pl es of Christ, a par t of a dis- 1882.
aertati on. . . Chica go, Pri vate edi- 200p, front., ill us., por t s ,
Churches of Christ in Indian terri- tion, di st ri buted by th e University
tory. (In Brown; J, T,, ed, Church- of Chica go l ib raries, 1939,
•• of Christ, 1904, pp . 220-222) 12p, EE, DORIS CLORE (111-s. H, A,
Thes i s, Ph , D, , Univ ersi ty of Demaree)
Chicago, 1939, b,
DEARBORN,JOHNA , 1625-1906 ,
b, Cynthiana, Ky., 1826, The groun ds of divisi ons among th e
d, Kanaaa City,»> . , 22 N 1906, Disoi plea of Christ. Chi cago, Choosing God ' • way ; a vacation
Privately prin t ed, 1940, chur ch sc hool t ext: junior dept,,,,
Their mission aa a religious people, 226p , Phi lade l phia, America n Bapt i st publi-
(In Tyler, J, z., ed, The Diaciplea cat i on so cie ty , 1944. · ·
of Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp, 1-24) 69p.
The New Testamen t church fo r today.
cindianapolia, U, C. M. S, , 1942, Plann in g f or a wort hwhile vacation,
DeB!T, WILLIAl( 19p, (The livi ng chur ch) chur ch s chool, St, Louis, u. C. M,
b, S , and Chri st i an board , •19 42,
The power of a slogan , (The Di sci - 23p , i nc, front cover ,
ples and slavery) Advance, Ind , ,
Elder True recalled, Cincinnati, Hustler print, n,d, -- , St , Louis, U, C, M, S,
·,. L, Rowe, 1904, . 22p, an d Chris t i a n board , •1 942,
77p. Chapter II from a larger projected 3lp, inc, f'ron t cover ,
work "Differentiation u,ong the
Philip Worthy. Baahville, MoQuiddy Diaciplea of Christ," Fri ends ot Jesus around the world,
ptg. oo., 1904. 1945- 1946, clndianapolia, Unified
109p. The indigenoua ohurch , (In hi• prc111otion, 1945, .
The Jlemphia youth oonvention, 1926, 23p.
pp. 50&53)
DeBLOIS, AUSTER1!1'11BDY,1666-
The Diaciplea, · (In The Baptista The literature of the "Diaoiplee of
and the Diaciplea, appraisal• and Christ , Advance, Ind,, Huatler
appreoiationa, 1929, pp. 13-:51) print, · 1933, The ohur ch and her children, a
'18p. pageant for children'• day . Loa
Angeles, Calif,, Pageant publishers~
ooDECK, G. I •1929,
b, !!· 15p,
d, The Jllemphia youth coDYention,
addreeaea, findings, reaolutiona. Easter in the Sunday school.
The Devil, or Satan--whc 1a heT St, Louis, Christian board, cl926, Elgin, Ill,, D, C, Cook pub, oo.,
What ia he? Bow doea he· do hia work? 116p. 1929.
·Austin, Tex,, Paul J. Willhoite, Contents, 32p , illus,
cl94l, Addreaaea by Daily Butcher, Pauline
33p. Curry, A, T. DeGroot, Aletta Kennedy, Educat e for total abstinence; a
C, E, Lemmon, C, P. »aua, Franklin · handbook f or leaders and teachers ot
Kinck, Kirby Page, L, L. Patterson, boya and girls, junior age up,
DDI, PEARL Alexander Paul, H, 0, Pritchard., R. Cincinnat i , Standard, •1934,
b. G, Roaa, W. F, Rothenburge r , A, D, 94p,
.d. _ Snyder, Ollie Sowell, A, W, Taylbr,
Rhodes Thompecn, and C, JI, Yocum, I love to tell the atoryi a chil-
!he superintendent in the dep~ dren• a day pageant, Cincinnati,
-nt, Indianapolis and St. Louis, Stai:1dard, 1934,
· U, C, JI, 8, and Chrhtian board. ooDEHOPT,GBORGB WASHIBOTOH, 191:S-
(Local ohuroh aervioe b , Nor theast Ar k,, 20 S 1913, Junior pageant and dr.,_tio pro-
aaaooiati ·on) grama for junior groups, Cincin-
nati, Standard, 1927.
D Demerest - Denny

Junior worahip1 with programs, · K11e llargaret and the flowers. 0<iDE:RNIS,J· A
aonga, e.nd storieo . Cinc i nnati, Cincinnati, Powell and White. b.
Standar d, 19:Sl;
240p. ill uo. · Neighbors here and there, miaaion-
ary leaeona tor the Sunday aohool.
Life and l ove t r iilmph&nt 1 a pageant. St. Louis, u. c. M. s., n.d.
Cincinnati, Standard. c73op. .Debate on divoroe and re•rriage.
Stories for the junior houri stor - The standard rally day book no. 2,
ies and dra mati zations adapted trom a complete rally day service with added DENNIS, MU
scripture · and other sources for the uae poems, oongs, plays, services, and b.
of workers with junior group, in article, selected, arranged and ed.
Bible s,chools, week -d ay schools of by Helen Lyons. Cincinnati, Standard,
religious education, da ily vacation •1931, . "All-the-year-round" activities
Bible schools and junior church. 40p. music. for young people1 & balanced program,
Cincinnati , Standard , •1926. plans for social activities, service
19:Sp. fben and now in Africa. Cincin-. activities, and apeoial daya, n- and
nati, F, c. ~. s., n.d. rev. ed. St. Louie, Christian board,
96p. •1921.
b. Thing• aa they are. Cincinnati,
Standard. --, 3rd ed. reT. st. Louie,
Bethany preaa, •1928.
The Bib l e 11 the word of God. With b&mner and hoe · in miaaion 176p.
la.nde... Cincinnati, F. c. M. S,,
The deity of Christ . n,d. Training aohool of popularity1
64p. the letters of Jane Willard to Peu,-
Giving. llaclntyre, her adore• in high 1chool.
with LElfIS, HAZEL Bew York, Doran, •1922.
ll 7p. illu,.
DEMOSS,JAllES A11DRElf;1859-1943. Storieaor the ohurcheaJ at home
b. Corydon, Ind.; 5 F 1859. · and abroad, 1btohe1 of friendlineae
d. Thayer, Kana., 12 0 1943. and achievement. u. c. M, s., n,d. DENNY,B.ARTOll' STOJIE, 1865-1939.
78p, b. n....,, Sal-, Ind., 2 F 1866.
From Patmos to the Holy oity1 or, d. Dea Koinea, Ia., 11 B 1939.
the ages foretold. A treati1e on ' the joint~ aee
book of Revelation. Cincinnati, The battle life. (In Brokaw, G.
Standard, •1902. Weaver, G. N, C, Towed in, L., ed. Doctrine and life, 1898, PP•
xiii, l94p. 160-164,)
A look through · the leno of ' propheoy; DEllCB, ERNESTALFRED Churohea of Christ in Iowa, 1836-
or, what Daniel saw and heard. Cin- b. 1922. (In Brown, J. T., ed.
cinnati, Standard, 1903. Churches of Christ, 1904., pp. 222-226)
Advertiaing by motion picture,. about aee
Jledi01; or, the glory of 111&11.· Cincinnati, Standard, •1916.
cPoema. Thayer, Kana., Author, 266p. · Brokaw, G. L. Doctrine and lite.
l48p. _ Jlotion picture · educ&tion. Cin-
cinnati; Standard, •1917, DEllliY, HAROLD JIORJIAJl,1889-194.4.
36:Sp. b. Dea Jloinea, Ia., 11 llr 1889.
DEVOSS,LUCYllBG d. DH ll:>inea, Ia., 3 Jl 194,4,.
BATHrAY,' 1870- Behind both line,. lew York,
b. Bunteraland, B. Y,, 18 Je 1870, Viking preaa, 1942.
_Adventure• of Jo, Anne, and Jimmy. xi, 209p.

Children aero•• the ae&J showing Financing the looal ohurohJ or, .Dollar• tor bullet., the atory ot
acenea of child wor1bip in Japan and kingdom building. American rule in licaragua. llew
India. Cincinnati, Powell and White. York, L. llaoVeagh, 1929.
Prayer and mia1iona. 4llp. plates, porta., aape.
Evangelism of childhood. Indian-
apolia and St. Louie, U. C. K. S.Uld Spiritualizing ohuroh finanoe.
Christian board, n.d. DEJIBY,J s
l9p. (Looal church aervioe b.
aHociation) ooDE!INIS, FREDE , 1894-
b. Monroe county, o., 20 Je 1894.,
Hidden beauty. Cinoinn&ti, Po.. The _harp of God1 or, the organ
ell and White. ju,tified... Salem, Ind., Leader
Fifty abort Hrmona. Grand ' Rapid, ,: book print, 1900.
Bow the miaaionary works. Cin- B, E1rdlll&n'1 pub, co., 194.2,
llioh., 11'111. 34,p.
c. s.,
cinnati, F. M. n.d.

Learning bow to settle diaputea.

Fifty 1hort aermone, vol- two, 2d DEIIJIY, ROBERT
1d, cwith an introduction by r.umth I,
St. Louie, Betb&ey pre1a, •1941. Adu!•• Grand Rapid,, Kioh., ll'la, B, d.
l22p. (Christian oitizenahip Eerdan'• pub. oo., 194.4..
HriH) 184.p, front. (port.) .!!•
Little journey• to far ooimtriea. ·16111nt•,
a oolleotion or 1hort lleaorial tribute, or re1peot to
Cincinnati, F. C. K. S., n.d. ai-ticl11, 2d ed. Cinoinmti, F, L. Dr. Ryland Tho-• Brown, eaii,ent and
66p. Rowe,. 19a&. profoand &1 a preacher or the goapel,
• Diokinaon D

aoral alld political retbnner, patriot, DERTHICI, l!EllRYJ , 1872- ELIAS,

DZlr, GEORGE -1911,
and p,hilanthropiat, aoienti•t and b, . Bedtord, o., 25 0 1872. b,
philosopher, eduoator ·and author, d, , 2 D 1911,
phyaioian and surgeon; Ind1ailapol1i,
Carlon and Hollenbeck, printer•, 1891. I magnify my office. (In Gray, A, Reason or our · hope, skeleton ser-
102p. w., ed. · ·Preaohing that build• churohea,, mon, (In · cory, · N, · !,, ed, The
194.0, pp. ) polymathiat, 1877, p. 283)
b. near Sparta, Tenn., 21 B 1856. b. b, near JaokaoDTille, Ill.,
d. llemphia, Tenn., 29 Je 1928. 1851. . .
d, Lexington, Ky,, 23 _0 1924..
about aee A aerie• ot aemona by ReTerend
Boward B. Detwiler, paetor, Olen Oak Baptini. Cincinnati, Standard,
Bole•, B. L. Biographical Christian church, Peoria, Illinois, n,d.
aketohea ot goapel preacher•. · tall aeaeon, 1938. .Peoria, Ill,, 4.p.
Alathea class, Glen Oak Christian
church, 1939? • In memoriam1 an appreciation of
· 1858-1951. 77p. port, the late preddent John William llo-
b Hampton, Ia., 27 .llr 1856.
0 O&rTey, of the college or the Bible,
d. 101931. Lexington, Ky. Lexington, College
ooD!VEIIT, ALBERTL!lfIS, 1888- of the Bible, 1912,
Topical illustrations tor the uae b, near 11'&00, Tex., 1888.
of ministers, Sunday eohool and Chrill- Revelation a development1 it•
tian endeavor workers, and other pub- tranaient and pel'Wl&Dentphases. (In
lic apeakera. Cincinnati, Stan- · The church and ite elders, a study the lliaaouri Christian leoturea, vol.
dard, 1912, •1903. in spiritual meohanioa, .with an intro- 5, 1892, pp. 131-155)
508p. front, (port.) duotion by Frank L; Cox. Austin,
Tex., Author, 194.1, introduction see
What h baptin? Santa Crus, 254.p.
Calif,, Author, 18911 Grubba, I. B. Exegetical and
7p, analytical co11111M1ntary
on Paul'• epiatl ·
DEVOIR,SOLOMON to the Romana.
Pure religion. (In Brokaw, ·o. b;
L,, ed. Doctrine and lite, 1898, pp. d.
500-316) DElfUSE, KAX C , 1891-
debate with ADAJIS,JESSE b. Springhill, Kana., 28 F 1891,
W. A. Foster. (In Patteraon, B. --ra'ui'6irland Presbyterian)
c., ed. Our linng nangelh-ta, 1894.,
pp. 208-208) Debate between Rev. Solomon DeTOir ll'hat 1hould I know about the Holy
ot the Christian or Diaciplea' ohuroh spirit? (In Biabert, B, F,, ed,
about aee and Rev. Jeue J.d&lu, ot the CUllberl&nd Religion i• reality, •194.2, pp, 4.5-4.6)
Presbyterian church, upon tour propo-
Brokaw, G. L. Doctrine and lite, aitiona, embracing T&rioua aubjeot•~
in the· village or Clarlcadlle, Grffne DICKERSOB,C II
county, Pa., January 10, 11, 12, 13, b,
DDTOII, LYJWIW , 184.9-1904.. 1854., reported by Tho•• J, Benderaon.
b. near Auburn, 1; T., 25 I 184.9 0 Pittsburgh, Printed by 11'. s. B&Ten,·
d. Rivera, Calif., 2 Ap 1904.. corner of Market and Second streets, Ji'brt;y original poema,
U!ld•r the Mgnoliae, lew Tork, 200p • . Sent0na and aayinga, including
Punk and ll'agnalla, 1888. •aoae -DI have !mown,• ciichol&I•
517p. ville, Iy,, 1920.
DEVOL,GEORGE F , 1858-1917, 4.7p,
b . Prairie Creek, Ind,, 11 Ag 1858.
DEPDr, ARTHURK:IIJILET;.l89a,; • d. Joplin, Jlo,, 24. F 1917,
b. JQneaboro, Tenn., 17 lly 1896, DICXIJISOB,ELllIRAJANE, 1831-1912,
The riy to lite, 189-T b, Hopkinsville, Xy,, 1851,
d, Eureka, Ill., · 11112,
The Cokeab1:U7game book, aore than
The' ohuroh ·and the aaloon. (In
Brokaw, O. L,, ed. Doctrine and life,
Historical sketch of the Chriat-ian
woaan' • board or mi11ion1, Indiana-
800 new&&-•, entertainment plane, 1898, pp. 188-178) po lh, C, W, B, K., 1897,
and auggeationa tor leisure time 4.0p,
aotintiea. Iaalffille, Cokeabury about
pre••, •1959. , reT. ed. Indianapolh, C, Ulua. Brokaw, 0, L, George F, DeTol •. W, B. K,, 1900,
The CokHbury party book •••
laahville, Cokeabury pr•••, •1952. ooDBVORI,W II --, rev, by Kr,. Belen B. Koae,.
4.04.p. b. Indianapolia, C, 11', B. K,, 1~5.
d. 38p,
The Cokeabury atunt bo0k1 800
atWlta tor the atage, banquet, lun- Our S.:vior•a ·pre,yer tor unity, --, reT, and enl, May 1905, and
oheon, party, boy'• ouij,a and other (In Rowe, P, L,, -ed, Our Savior'• Dec•ber 1907, by llra, Belen E• .Moaea,
oooadona, laelffille, Cokeabury prayer tor unity, 1918, pp. 4.2-4.7) Indianapolia, C, W, B, )(,, cl90Ba
preu, •1934.. 16p, front, (port,) . port,,, illua,
D Diolduon - Dou
----. compiled in 1897 and reviaed DIES, KARTIH, 1901- bread" by one ' hundred miniatera,
in 1900 by Elmira · J. Dickinaon, · rev. · b. Colorado, Tex., 6 N 1901. .Ridgway, Pa., Public speakers supply.
·and enl. May 1905, and . Dect1111ber,1907; n.d.
by lira. Helen E. lloaea, reviied April, 203p.
1911 by Mra. ·.Anna R. Atwater. · Trojan horse in .America. Nn
Indianapolis, C. W. B. K., 1911. York, Dodd, 1940.
96p. illus. 388p. DIXON, BENJAMINFRANKLIN,1892~
b. Kahoka, lki., 23 llr 1892.
~- about

William. ._rtin Dies.

A history of Eureka college, with Our book, our ancestors, ouraelvea,
biographioal aketohea and reminiacencea. Ogden, A. R. The Die• committee, and our children,.. cGreat Lakes,
St. Louie, Christian pub. oo., 1894. Ill,, Author, 1932,
369p. platea, port•. 304p. photograph•.
R-iniacencee by 14 individual•. coDIESTELKAllP,H H Mimeographed edition, copy no. 11,
about see A project of family hiatory, tor
the conaider ·ation or national adver-
Davidson, A. E. llilsic in the worship ••• Cincin- tising . .San Diego, Author, 1938.
Elmira J. Dickinson. nati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. 27p.
Up. lfo, 46.

DICKSON,IIYROI Seeing China through a porthole1

b. DILLAHOllTY,EDIIJWI) the runni .ng -te to seeing the world
d. b" through a porthold1 a year and a halt
d. in China with the U. S, S, Aaheville1
Reeurrection of the dead, viaiona more pictures and stories for the
of God's revelations to -n ai · found. Addreu · delivered by the Hon. Edmund· folks at home, ._nila, Kinion
in the Old and Jin,,.Teatamente ••• · Di~lahunty, to the students of Frank- preaa, 1924.
._rtinaville, Ind., Author, 1914. lin college, October 16, 1846. Printed 137p. illus •
30lp. at Franklin colle~e, Tenn, (Five mile•
east of Waahville), 1846. Seeing the world through a port-
28p. hole1 the cruise of the U.S. s.
DIEHL, CALVINWENllER, 188s;. Aeheville, pioturea and storiea ot a
b . Ch&rlesville, Penn., 24 Ag year for the folks at home, Hong-
1886. DILLINGER,JAKESARTHUR,1884- kong, China, Hewapaper enterprise,
b. Halltown, llo., 26 Jl 1884. 1932.
8lp. illua.
Deaoon Brown .poem.
12p. State miaaiona, mother of the co- Songs of the peerleae Perry.
operative enterpriae. cBrooklyn, If. Y., Author. 1934.
Deaoon Brown and polite evaaiona. 6p, 16p. front . , illue,, port.
Diailluaio-nt, DILJIOT, FRANK,1876- Dllbll, W H , 1839-1905.
24p, b. llarahall county, Tenn,, 8 D
Jll.•ographed, Lloyd · George, · the~ and hi• atory. 1839.
Hn York, -Barper, •1917. d. Jlarahall county, Tenn., 25 B
Ferinda vale .poem.
Chriatopher pub, house,
The Jle11iah, (a Chriata.a

cl96,p. front. (port.)
2d ed. Bn York, Barper,
219p. front. (port.)
~ ...

Bole•, H. L, Biographioal
•1927. aketchea of goapel preaohere.
llimeographed. DHIKE, GERTRUDE
b. D<lAL nwni:.cARLETo.1.
Wight voice• .poem•, (died Ull\tarian)
62p. b, Weho119'1lle, O,, 13 F 1877.
Morning watch auggeationa, young d. 14 lfy 1927,
The eoriptural baeia for Christian people 1 a ·aUllllll8roonferenoea, 1934,
UDity. Ridgway, Penn., Author, .21.p, The eternal apirit in the daily
•1924. round, aeditation tor~ modern milld
26p. !few York, Harper, 1928, ·
DIIIUITT, W C , 1826- xii, 204p,
AD unohallenged phaN ot open b. ••on county, Ky., 4 Ap 1825.
•llberahip, ctirat pub. in 1927 by d. Religion and the modern .s._ alld
the authoro cDover, o., Firat churoh other euz.ya in moderniam, loaton,
of Chriat, 19430 Ra&aoni tor baptiam. (In · soott, Sherman, Trnoh a, co., 1909.
.11.p. L. W., ed. Texaa pulpit, 1888, pp, ix, 20lp.
Wake, my aoul1 a song of Chrhtinaa.
8p. DO.ill, R A , 1874-1936,
DllGER, JESSE EUGED, b, lelaozrnlle, o•• 18 lfy 1874.
Why follow the Lord'• plan ot aal- b. d, Weaterville, O,, 18 llr 1938.
8p. Why I went into the lliuionary
~ographed. comp. buaineaa. Cincinnati, P, C, K. s.
.6.p. folder. ·
The Lord'• table, containing thought•
and pra319ra for uae in the "brealcing ot

Dobbe - Dougherty D

b. b. b.

Peachtree Christian church, Atlanta, An aTerage American; being a true Aa intelligent aa aoienoe. (In
Georgia, an interpretation. hiatory of leading e-..enta in the life Garrison, W. E., ed, Faith of the
c8,p. of Lafayette, who-• born in Ky.; free, 1940, pp. 25-34)
but •went weat to grow up with the
country." Containing a brief outline
DOCTRINAL TRACTS. of some of the deciaiTe eTents of DOOLY,REUBEH,1773-1822.
American history; with short sketches b, Bedford county, Va., 14 H 1773.
Doctrinal ·and practical tracts. of representatiTe men and women, d, 22 Ap 1822,
Hew York, T. Holman, printer and ,Paria, · Tex., E. L. Dohoney, •1907,
publisher, 1876. 312p, port. about aee
Contents include, Tracts by The constitution of man in the PurTiance, Levi. Biography of
T, 2 U. c. Brewer; A. B. Chamber- physical, psychical and spiritual elder DaTid Purviance.
lain; J. G. Encell; Isaac Errett; worlds. DenTer, Colo., Reed pub.
Robert Graham; Alexander Halli co., 1903.
Jonas Hart~el1 lf. L. Hayden; lf. B. 362p. illus, coDORAB,BASIL C
Hendry; Thomas Hol.. n1 Joseph King;_ b.
J. S. La... r; James Lillie; H. s. Hunan culture, Paris, Tex.,
Lobinger; G. w. Longan; J. I. Progress pub. co,, •1914.
Lowell; N. J. llitohell; J.E. Myles; 97p. front. (port.) and WALLACE,F. E., Jr,
William Horton; c. W. Sherwood; and
J. T. Walsh. llan, hia origin, nature and destiny. Goapel in song, HashTille,
St. Louis, John Burns, •1885, Goepel advocate, n,d.
370p. 136 aonga.
DODD,S T , 1835-1903.
b. Beeler•• Station; Va., 26 S · The Lord'• supper. (In Scott, L,
1835. W,, ed. Texaa pulpit, 1888, pp. 261- coDORRIS, CHARLES
ELIAS ll'EBB, 1871-
d. 22 S 1903. 273) b,

The church or Christ in Kansas.

St. Louie, John Burns, 1683, DONALDSOH, FRAH, 1893- A commentary on the gospel by
38p. b, Be-..erly, o., 6 Jl 1893. llark. Haahtllle, Gospel advocate,
DODGE,MARYABIGUL, 1833-1896, Finding God, (In Thornton, E. w.,
ed. Bethany coll"ege aermona, 1930, introduotion aee
Biography or Jamea G. Blaine by pp, 94-100)
Gail Hamilton, cpseud... Horwich, Lipaoomb, A commentary
Conn., Henry Bill pub. co., 1896. on the gospel by John.
722p. front. (port.) plates. DO!IALDSOB, WILLLUITHOMAS,1858-1936.
Valuable for Garfield-Blaine
b. Clinton county, lfo., 26 S 1868.
d. Weat Point, Mias,, 11 Ag 1935.
Interesting correspondenoei a dia-
John DaTid Ellia, (In Brown; J. cuaaion between C. E.W. Dorris and
DOOGE,MARYFRANCES(l!An) (llr•. T., · ed . Churohea of Christ, 1904, pp, Nora Young (Christiana) and A. E.
William J, Dodge) -1935. 434-436) Clement, W. H. Lovell, c. w. Gallo-y,
b. and G. W. Haoklea (Methodists) •••
d. ll'eat JlaahTille, Author, 1910.
DOKAB;PMER, -1881. 289p,
Our opportunities a1110ngthe - moun- b,
tain people. Cincinnati, A. c. K. d. , 26 11r 1881,
s., Young people•' depart11111nt,1909. DORRIS, VICTOR11' , 1860-1926.
6p. folder. ~- aee b. Sumner county, Tenn., 1 lly 1860.
d, Paria, Ill., 21 Ag 1925.
Creath, Jacob, Jr. Memoir of
DODSOH,GEORGE ·ROOLAim,1865-1939. Jacob Creath, Jr, Dr, T. 11', Brenta. (In Brown, J.
(died Unitarian) T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904,
pp. 466-467).
Bergaon and the modern apiriti an DOilPHAN, ALEXAHDER lJILLLUI, 1808-1887.
eaaay in conatructi-..e thought. b, near Jlays-..ille, Ky., 9 Jl 1808.
Beaton, Beacon preaa, 1913, d, Riohmond, llo,, 8 Ag 1887. DORSEY,E E
296p. b.
The moral iaauea of the great -r •••
Sermon or April 7th, 1918. .st. D~, s. K. Alexander William One group of men going plaoea.
LouiaT, 1918a Doniphan. (In Dictionary of American (In Dawaon, F. F., ed. The Christian
16p. biography,-... 6, 1930, pp. 366-366) man at work, 1939, T, l, pp. 33-36)

Our educational ideal• and aiu. about aee

Boston, Beacon preaa, DOUGHERTY,
(Departments of religioua Connelley, 'If. E. War with Jlexioo b.
education, bulletin no. 18) 1846-1847. Doniphan'• expedition and
the oonqueat of Jfew •xico and Calif-
The sympathy of religions. Bos- ornia, · Some faota concerning the function-
ton, Beacon preaa, •1917. Bughea, J. T, Doniphan'• expedi- ing of the lfiaaouri atate courae 9f ·
339p. tion. atudy in arithmetic, .Coluabia,
Ko., 1933,

I) Dougherty - Dowling

66p. The eldereh1p. Bil"lllingham, Ala., DOIILIBG,LIVI B , 1844-1911.

Thesi1, ' Ph.D., University of w. c. Graves, 1940. b. Belleville, O., 18 lly 1844.
Miaaouri, 1933. d. 13 Ag ' 1911.
Radio aer,non• from Lakeland, Fla.
with OTHERS The aquar1an gospel of Jeaua the
with OTHERS Christ, the philosophic and practical
Elementary 1chool organi&ation and bash of the religion or the aquarian '
management by J.B. Dougherty, E. B. Topical Bible etudiea by c. B. age ot the world and of the church
Gorman and c. A. Phillipa. w- York, Douthil\t, B. G. Hope and L. 0, Sander- universal, transcribed from the book
llaomillan, 1936, son, Nashville, Goapel advocate, of God'• re-brancea, known as the
xx, 463p, 1941. Akaahic records by Levi cpaeud,,
80p, with introduction by Bon, Henry A.
Coffeen. London, C. F. Cazenove1
ROBERTLEE Los Angeles, Calif,, Royal pub. co,,
b. ooDOUTBITT,IRA ARTJ!UR,1891- 1908.
b. 260p.
Jesu1 apeaka. Redlands, Calif., --1 with introduction by !Ta s.
Author, 1938. Apostolic aenaona •• ,a aeries ot Dowling. London, L. B, Fowler and
4lp. gospel aer,non1 deliTered at -ny co., Loa Angeles, Calif., E, s. Dow-
place• during the past twenty year• ling, 1911.
St. Louia, Bethany pr•••, ot e•angeliatio
Tenn,. · •1937.
work. c'llamphia, 260p. front. (-p)
c15,p, front,, plates. T, tront, (port.) Life of Jeaua. Indianapoli•, lr.
lr. Dowling, 1870?
The' 1deal home. Author, 1939,
DOUGLAS,GEORG!WILLIAJI, 1850-1928. 66p. Selt culture, a oourae ot leaaona
(!piaoopalian) on developing the physical, unfolding
--. .lfaahTille, Goapel advo- the aoul, attaining unto the spirit-
The ohuroh ot Christ in proceaa or cate, •1939. ual by LeTi .paeud., Loa Angelea,
tranafoMMtion. Baltimore, Aaaoo- 67p, ports. Calif,,!, S. Dowling, 1912.
iation tor the promotion ot Christian 92p.
unity, 1919.
· trip abroad .n- ·ed..
Tille, Goepel adToeate, 1944.
introduction 1ee
The Christian a1-nac, 1867.
DOUGLASS,BARLAII PAUL, l871- cinoludes names of all preachers with
(Congregat1onal1at) Freed, A.G. Senaona, chapel address, location of colleges, liat
talks and debates. 1930, of periodicals, etc,,
The St, Louia church aurvey, a reli-
gious investigation with a 1001al Crown of Sunday aohool aonga.
background. Bft York, Doran, •1924. DOlf!LL, CASSIUSCLAY, 186+-1940. Chicago, Root and Cady, 1871.
327p. front,, plates, tables. b. near Summeraet, Ia., 29 F 1884,
Content• include 111&terial concern-
ing I>iaciplea.
d. lraahington, I>, C., 4 F 1940. .
Charlea ·s. Medbury the oitisen. b, , o., 16 Je 1834.
.!!• (In K1ller, R; B., eel'. CharlH S. d. St. Louis, IID., 8 F 1920 •
Madbury, 1932, pp. 41-46)
The wi tneu of the church.ea ot the The Bible handbook, an aid in the
congregational order, pa211,t1 exchanged study of the word of Godi and a guide
by Baptista, Congregational-Christiana DOlfLIBG,!BOS !VERBTT,. l906- to ita treaaurea of whclom. St,
and Diaciplea in 1940, •- York, . b. Lawrence oounty, Ind., 7 llr Louis, Christian pub, co., •1887.
and Anderaon, Ind., Council on tim.nce 1905. 312p.
and promotion, llorthern Baptist con-
Tention, General council of the con- The Christian p1alter1 a -nual ot
gregational and Christian ch~rches, joint~ ue devotion oontaining reaponaiTe react,.
and the Aaaociation tor the promotion ing1 tor public worahip, 2d ed. ·It,
ot Christian unity, 1940, DeGroot, A. T. The literature of Louie, Christian pub. oo., •1890.
122p. the Disciples ot Christ. 240p.
Contents include, Papers by F. D,
Burnham, lr, !, Garrison, F, S, --, Sd ed, st. Louil, Chria-
Idl-, F. D, Kerahner, and C. E. DOlfLIBG,FRAIIKK , 1881-1939. tian pub. oo,, •1890,
Lemmon. b, Wayne, o.; 1881. 240p.
d, Fulleston, Calit., 17 Ap 1939.
, 4th ed. st. Louis, Chria-
ooDOUTBITT,B L A united church and a belieTing tian pub, oo., •1890,
b, world, a great addreaa before the F, 240p.
C, M, S,, San Franc11co, August 21,
1906, .Cincinnati, F. C, K, s., !aay book, leHona for beginner•.
The meuagetor the workera, (In 1906, St, Louie, Christian pub. co,
Abilene Chriatian college Bible leo- 20p.
turH, 1937, pp. 93-97) ·1.'he guide boolt, a -nual tor SWlilay
The appeal ot the cross. (In aohool worker•. St, Louil, Chria-
Moore, W, T.~ ed, The nft living · pul- tian pub, co., •1887.
ecDOUTBITT,CECIL B , 1898- pit · of the Christian church, 1918, pp. 48p,
b, GraTe1 county, Iy., 28 B 1898. 219-228)
!he helping handi a -nual of iD-
about 1ee atructioR tor the Y, P, 8, C. s.
Bible topic 1tudiea, 3rd ed. · St. Louie, Chriatian pub. co,, 1891.
Louiaville, Author, 1940, lloore, 11', T. ll'ew lirlng pulpit 68p.
ot the Christian church.

· Dowling - Dreabach D

Leaaon · guide, firat and ·a•oond 79&r. joint 22!!£.'. aee Study guide. aoo Davie, J,
St. Louie, Christian pub. oo. L. The Churoh and the new world aind,
Gabr!el, C. H. Living prahe. a atudy guide,
The normal instructor, a aerie• or
normal Bible atudiea tor teaohera,
olaaaes, institute• and aaaemblie•; DOIIIBY,DAVIDGEORGE,1868-1936, DRAPER,FRA1II D -19,6,
St, Louie, Christian pub. oo,, 189•. b.
7.T. llodern poets and Christian teaching, d, lenton, o., 30 Mr 19•6.
Contents, Riobard Watson Gilder, Edwin Jlarkhaln,
T. l The book, 189•, ~ 10,-6lj, ·. Edward Rowland Sill. •..- Tork, GiTe thanks, Austin, Tex,, Fil'lll
T, 2 The Chriat; 1896, c8, 6$-llOp. Eaton & JlainsJ Cincinnati, Jenning• & foundation,
"'· 3 Th• ohuroh, 1896, .6. lll-l68p. l,, -.ham, •1906.

.... , The 1&nd, 1897, ~8. l69.-263p. 183p, front. (port,) port•, Christian bapti11111. (In Bridwell;
"'· 6 The inetitutiona, 1898, .6., J, T., od, The Miohigan pulpit, 192•,
266-3l2p. pp. 134-1.3)
"'· 8 The history, 1900, c6,, 31$- , 18'2-
3Hp. .
T, T The people, 1901, .6., 366- DRASH,J WAYJI!!, 1903-
,02p. b. BloOllfio .ld, Ind., 1905,
· Dosmillg'• oiTil war diary., .Auguat
16, 1861~July 31, l8661 ' ed. by Olyntlpaa
.!!!!£• B. Clark, Dea Jloinea, Ia., · The Stewar.dahip in the looal ohuroh;
Choral teatiT&l. St. Louie, hiatorioal -depart•nt or Ioira, 1916, (In International ooDTention, 1958,
Chriatian pub. co. Ti, 326p, front,, platoa, porta, PP, ,o.-,oe)
The Chriatian leuon 00a1entai'j' on
the international Bible atudiee.,.for DOYLE;BURTOBT DREISB, VELVA,1900-
the uae or teaohera · and adT&noed •t- b; b. Herington, Jana., 2 .Ag 1900.
denta. St. Louia, Chriati&n pub. d.
oo., •1896-•1910.
l6T. - with Sl'AHET, II. II, The world progr- or the ohurch,
1896; ,u.
1897; .,01.p.
LiTea of Jamee ·A. Garfield and
st. Louie,
u. c. M. s.
(Courae no, 021 atook no,
1898; ,U2, 36p. Cheater A. Arthur; With a brief akotob , T, P. 02)
1899, of the a aaaaain •• ,A ocaplote rooord ot 111.•ographed
1900, 36-6, 36p. Preaident Garfield'• long atruggle
1901, 39•, up. with . death, inolwling the daily bulle-
1902, c39l,p. tin•, an4 · aeleotiona troa ·hia b••t DRESBACH,GLED W.ARD,1889-
1903, 381, c36op. apeeohea.,, · Washington, R. II, b, Lanark, Ill,, 9 8 1889,
1eo.; ,01p, Darby, 1881. ·
1906; 386, c36,p, 22~. front,, plate•, port•.
1906, Cliff dwelling• and other poema,
1907, no; 36p. lew Tork, II, Vinal, 1926,
1908, ,11, c36op. DOlLl,L (Jira, C, W, Doyle) 96p,
1909; '18p. b,
1910, 379, c36.p.
1911, Author•, W, c. llorro, I. J.
--. ·Boaton, Bruoo Biapbriea,

Spencer, and Jira, J. Spenoer, ed. ·ldlia Carliale1 or, Floaaie'• Tiolet, 96p,
_b7 w. w. Dowling, 617p, St • . Louia, Chriatian pub. oo,
390p, The onobanted m.oaa and other poem•,
!be leaaon h8lpersan aid tar tlle .._ Tork, ll'olt, 192,,
Nalor olaaaea OD the Bible ·•tudiea, Tiii, 120p,
"· Louie, Chrietian pub, oo, DUii, 1RilClS 11.lRIOII,1830-1908,
189,; 2e2p,
b, RuahTille, 111,,'30 D 1880.
d. Centenille, Ia., 20 • 1903,
In color• or Weat •P~•
Tork, Holt, 1922,
1902, 2'1p, llTp,
1908, 228p, about
1906, , 288p, In the paths or the wind, .poeu.
1908, c2°'•P, .Booklet oontaining -rial aez-. · Boaton, Pour aeaa oo., 1917,
Tioe of Gemral Pranoh llarion Drake, 11P,
Theleaaon •ntor I an aid tor -the held in Drake Uninraity awlitoriia,
junior on the Bible e1:1adiea, 8t, Sunday, Deonber 6, 1903. Morning, noon and night. cpoaa.
Louie, Chrietian pub, oo, Contonte inolude1 Addreaisea by II. Boston, rour •••• oo,, 1920.
1s9,, 200p,
M. Boll, Fredoriok Boward, Cl-.rlea
G. Saunder• and Haney Oacar Breedon,
18118, 218p, Tho road to eTorywhere, cpoe,u•
1900, 200p, rrinoia llarion Drake, (Iii Brown, Boaton, R, G. Badger, 1916,
1906, 205p. J. ·T., ed, Clmrohea ot Christ, leo., T6p,
pp, '86-07)
Tba leaaon priaer, a book or eaay · Selected poeu, ._ Tork, llol t,

l•••on• tor little

189', 118p,
learmra, OD Bible
St, Louie, Cbrietian pub,
r. I, Franoie Marion
· (In DictiCID&ry ot ·Aarica11
biography, Tol, &, 1980, pp • .ze-,80)
XTi, 260p,

Star-duet and atone,

Dalla•, 'fox,, P, L, Turner oo,,
1902, lOlp, DUD COD'DBIICS, Dea •••, Ia. xi, lUp,
pala or Tiotoi71 tor the Bible
It, Louie, .&Dthot, el87•.
The ohuroh ail4 the - world aind,
the Drake looturea tor 19'•,,, · St,
Thie aide or AT&lon, .poe ...
Tork, II, Vinal, 1928.
Tip, Louia, · Tbe Betbany pr•••, ·19.. , 68p, (Tho triendl7 boob)
Content• inolude, t..otwea by M,
Searle Batea &nd Cleo W. Blaoldn1rn,

Wind in the cedar, •• po-••
York, Bolt, •1930.
xi, 106p.
... J. T., ed.
pp. 602-603)

1'ranoU llt.rion Raine. (Iii Brown,

Churohe1 ot Chriat, 1904,
Dre1baoh - Dungan

8t. Louil, John Burne.

St. Loui1, Chri1tian pub,
oo., n.d.
b. b; · Toronto, Canada, 26 Ja 1876. Lectures on the aodern pba••• ot
d. Brookfield, »o., l Ja 1946. d. 11 Je 1938. 1keptioh111, deli:n,red betore the st•
dents of 01kalooaa college by the
The 1eoret ot the Sphinx. Kansai The progreuin 110T-ent, it• reque1t ot ·the faculty, beginning
City, Burton pub. oo., •1929. prinoiplea ·and it• progrumi.e1 with an January 16, 1877, reported by Eldon
228p. introduction by Theodore RooaeTelt. lloraii, one ot the 1tudent1, 01kal-
Boatoii, s-11, llaynard & co., •1913. 001a, Ia., Central book concern, 187T,
r:, 318p. 330p,
The war at a glance. Chioago, lfodern re-riTali•. 01kaloo1&,
The eTolution ot Bible study. cLincoln ptg. oo •• 1917. Ia., Central book concern, 1877.
1'11100, R. C., C. B. Hamlin, •1941. 98p. 80p.
with OTBBRS --. St. Loui•, John Burne,
D'SPAill. ALOJIZOLTD, 1843- B11tory'• greate1t -r1 a piotorial 111>111, the ~ ot God. · st.
b. Burke1Tille, Xy., 10 Ap 1843. narrathe by S; · J. Duncan-Clark; •• Loui1, Chriatian pub. oo., 1899.
d. Joeeph Danieh ••• J. J, Per•hiilg, 11'.-G, 303p. front., illu1.
Siu 1and other•• .Chioago, Geograph,
Change ot law. (Iii Soott, L. 11'., ioal pub. oo •• •1920, On the rock1 or, truth 1tranger
ed. Texa1 pulpit, 1888, pp. 74-88) 362, . lxiii p. tront., illu1., port,. than fiction, a 1tory ot aoul1 who••
-p•. pathn.y began in darkneu, but
brightened to the perfect day cwitll
. Piotorlal h11tory ot the world war. a preface by B. 11'. Johuona O••
b. ••• by S. J. Dunoan-Clark, P. c. llaroh 1001&, Ia., Call, Bri1tol and oo.,
••• Joaephu1 Daniel•, and J. J. Per1hing 1872,
~Chicago, Boaewood pre11; •1919a 368p.
Iorth sa1-. (In Reagan, J. s.
Biatoric 1ketche1 ot Chriatian church-
416p, trot., illue., port1., •P•,
---. 01kaloo1a, Ia., Central
•• in Hendrick• county, Indiana, pp. Pictorial hhto17 ot ·the great -r book concern, 1877.
26-M) bj• s; J; Duncan-Clark •• •w; ·a. Pl•w•n 368p •
••• 11'. S; ll'allaoe ••• 34 ed •• ;; Toronto
Ontario, ·Jolin A. Bertel oo;; •1919, -. 22d ed. . St. Louil, Chrie-
DUDLEY,BUGHJ -1941. 320, 96p. tront., illu1., port,., tian pub. oo., 1891, •1872.
b. aape. 368p;
d. Luray, Va., 11 Ag 1941.
--, 32d ed, · st, Loui1, Chrie-
.Author ot HTeral boon on Pl)'Cb- DUIGAI,DAVIDROB:IRTS,1837-1920, tian pub. oo., 1896, •1872,
ological N1earch. b. loble county, Ind., 16 lly 1837. x, 368p. ~ront. (port,)
d. Glendale, Calit., 10 D 1920.
--, 33d ed, Cincinnati,
DUDLEY,ll'ALDR LBB,• 1866-1944. Beatitude• aild bu1ine11, Chicago, Standard, 1900, •1,12, •1900,
b. near Pall• JO.lla, Va., 3 • · 1866. Oraole pub. co., 1899. x, 340p. tront, (port,)
d. 11'1nohe1t1r, Va., 27 I 1944. 16p. inc. tront OOTer.· (Chri•-
tian traot 1eri••, TOl. 1, no, 4, •Y --, 38th ed. st,-Loui1,
Chri1tian pub. 00., · 1899, •1872,
Footprint• on the nnd• ot tiM, an 10, 1899)
autobiography. 11'incbe1ter, Va., 368p, tront. (port,)
cAuthor, 1943, ot Jerealah - a paraphra••·
364p. tront, (port,) illu.s. 39p. Our plea alld our ai11ion1 or, •11
there 1uffloient rea1on tor our esi•
Book• ot the Bible, T, 1. De• enoe •• a Hparate religioue bod7' ti
DUJICAI, IWUOI B .,ine1, ·Chri1tian union, 1908, 01kaloo1a, Ia,, Central book oonoern,
b, 22lp. 1878,
CoTer ·titles Tour through the 12p.
The aouatain ot liber 1now, .with OutliM 1t11die1 in the lite ot
a toreword by Stephen J. Corey, ChangFoo, or, the ta1hiou Christ. cl900a
Cincinnati, Powell and White, •1929, in Nligion1 a 1tory ot a olner 39p.
240p. tront., plate•, port•. Chinu,an in eearoli after a rel~poue ·
truth. · · Cincinnati,
Standard ·, 18811, --.
Dee .,111••,..a., 1909,

DUICAI, PASCALB , 1846-1929.

b, ll'ar•-, Xy., 13 R 1846. Ben,aaeutio•, a textbook. Cin- Lo• Angel••, Author, 1918,
d. Latonia, 17., 16 Je 1929. cinnati, Standard, 1888,
16, 400p.
Belptul rules ot parliamentary
praoti c:,•• Cincinnati, Standard, --, 2d ed. Cinoinnati, Standard, . Prohibition Tl, lioeu•• Oaka•
•1888; looaa, Ia,, Ceatral book oonoern, 18711.
Th• Sunday aohool work and worker•, 16, 400p. eep.
in and out ot ••••ion. CoTington,
XJ'., Guide ptg. and pub. co;, 1886, Inger1oll'1 ll11tab1 abollt ., •••• Ro1a Gray, a 1tory taken troa real
Cinoinilati, Central book o-•rn, 18T9. lite. Cinoiamti, Standard, •1904,
--. Cincinnati, 81.!uidard. Hp. 4Hp, plate•.

Dungan • Durat D

Rum and ruin1 the remedy tourid. debate with · PARIBR, LEOJIARD. Plain -eTidencea, by which th e
0akalooaa, Ia,, Central book conoern, nature and character or the true
•1879 •. An oral discussion on 1-reion a• church · or Christ aay be known and
207p. Christian baptism and justitioation in d1at ingu1ahed from a ll others, Taken
the sense of pardon by ta.1th only. from a work entitled "The -nifeato1
Sabbath or Lord'• day? WbiohT 70p. or, a declarat i on of the doctrine•
St, Louie, Christian pub. co,, •1885, and practice of the church of Chri st ;"
104p, joint~- _ aee published at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky,
1818, Alban y, Printed by Hoffman
St, Louie, Christian board, lloneer, B, B, Crose-reference
digest ot Bible references.
and White, 1834,
What ahall - do? · A aermon, ANNIE J.
DU1'1lo!IRE, (DUNN) GUITEAU (lira.
Cincinnati, Standard, 1878, ·D, R, Dungan, (In .Brown, J, T,, Theodore Dunmire)
29p. ed, Churohea of Christ, 1904, pp. b,
454-466) d.
Carl Johann. (In Br01m, · J, T.,
ed, Churohea of Christ, 1904, pp. about aee with BAILEY, E, A,
Painter, J, H, Iowa pulpit at Life of Guiteau,
Chr1at1an priesthood and saoritioe1 the church of Chriat,
Chr11t 1• lting1 akeleton aennona.
(In Cory, W. B., ed. The pol:r-th11t, DUJIJI,CHESTERV • 1881-
1877, pp. 346-3471 336-337) DlJlllGAJI
, JABS II -1925. b, Bew Philadelphia, 0, , 25 I
b, 1881.
The claim• of Chrhtian1ty1 The d, Indianapolis, Ind., 5 F 1925.
claim.a ot free thinking preaented abd
e%&111ined1 Do••
the world need Chria• The nonaal textbook1 a work · deToted The Lord'• aupper, I "the designa-
-tiamty? 1 Bow ahall we auatain the to general musical 1ntor-t1on, con- tion." .Broken arrow, Okla,, B, F,
goapel in the aitie1?1 The reaurrec- slating of a diotionar:,' of all the Jlillera n.d ,
tion, · (In The· ltl.uow-1 Chrhtian musical tenu in oo.non use, with c4-~p.
lectures, wl, l, 1883, pp. -41-791 correct pronounoiation and meaning1 a
80-1091 13-391 TOl, 3, 1886, pp. 106- biographical dictioilary of the moat The Lord I s supper . Frequency or ·
1371 9-44) prominent musicians, liTing or dead, obeerT&noe. cBrolcen arrow. Okla ••
giTing pronouno1at1onj auaical history; B, F. Jliller. n,d,
An •••ayon the book ot Danial. biographical aketches1 and information c4ap .
(In Bncell, J, G, The exiled prophet, on general subjects. Lafayette, Ind.,
pp. 11-70) Boho auaio aa., •1890. Heither a protestant nor a Catholic,
128p, but a---- ? Aurora, Jk>., Author,
John (Racoon) Smith. (In . Brown~ n,d,
J. T., ed, Churchea of Chr11t, 1904, 2lp,
pp. 410-412) DUlfLAP, CHARLES
EUGEIIB, 1876-
Lawrence Wright, (In Brokaw, G, DUJINIIG, GUY BURT0lf, 1894-
L., ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa b, Logan, Ia,, 4 F 1894,
writer•, 1898, pp. 197-200) The non- ae·atarian peace -li:er and
the ohurchei at P'rictiontllle.
!he Lord'• aupper. (In Garriilon, .Tower Hill, Ill,, Author. •1907. joint~ •e•
J, B,, ed. The old faith reetated, 200p,
1891, pp. 231-253) - Alber, J, G, The roya l prieat-
PurpoH ot the church. (In Lord, DUWLAP,P'RUCBS
J, A., · .a, On the Lord'• day, •1904,
·winning aouls, (In Painter, J, d. Independence, lane,, 2 S 1933,
B., ed, The loin. pulpit of the church DUIILAVY,JOO, 1769-1826.
of Chriat, 1884, pp, 109-124) b, near Winoheater, Va,, 1769, 6lat ann1Teraary of Independence
d, Buarun, Ind., 1828. and the lat Christian church of Inde-
Witneaa of the apir1t, ·akeleton pendence, Kanaaa, 1931,
aer111on, (In Cory, W, B., ed. The The -niteato, ,or a declaration of 77p.
pol,-thht, 1877, pp. 178-180) the doctrines and practice of the
church of Christ, Pleaiant Hill,
introduction ••• I:,',, P, Bertrand, printer,
Ti, 520p.
1818. , JUDGE, 1836-1914;
b, ll'olaee county, 0., Ag 1836.
Brwaer, F, X. The eTolution d. , Calif,, 15 Je 1914.
theor:,". The manifeato, ,or a declaration of
Ogburn, Cal. The young people• the doctrine and . practice of the The "1110dernChristian endeaTOr
aMting and 1ta 1aproTement. church of Chriat, ·.2d ed..... · •- aociety,
York, Reprinted by B. 0, Jenkins, 1847, traot,
debate with
On ap1r1tual1
.. · ud the Bible held
T1i1, 486p.
Tabernacle, Santa Cruz , Cal!forn1a.
(In Brown, J, T., ed, Churohel of
The nature and oharaoter of the true
in Bdd:,'Tllle, Iowa, September 26 to 28, church . of Christ P,rOTed by plain eTi• Christ, 1904, pp. 208-209)
1878. St. Lou1a, Chr11tiu pub. oo. denaea, and showing whereby it 11&)' be
70p. known and d1at1nguiehed from all othera,
Being extract• fra the writing• of ooDURST,JOHii S
John Dunla'Y)', •- York, Printed by b.
G, W~ Wood, 1847. ·
93p ,

D Durat - Dyba

Knowledge gained by trial and ·expe r- · DTE, EVA MAY(NIClKiLS) (Ira, Royal DYE, ROYALJOHB, 1874-
ien oe , (In Abilene Christi an · oollege, John · Dye), 18 77- • b, Orange, Mich., 23 ~ 1874,
Bibl e lectures, 1922-1923, pp. 304-313 ) b. Orle ans , Mioh., 27 Ag 1877,

with )l)QUIDDY,J. C. introduot i on aee

Bol enge1 ·a ·s t ory of gospel triwapha
The f ai th that qua lifiea · for on the Congo, .with a foreword by Smith, Herbert, The call of the
-.:alid b&ptillll, R&ahYille, llcQuiddy Arohioald llcLean. Cinoinnati, F. C, Congo,
ptg . oo. , 1914. •• s •• •1909. . .
64p. 226p_. plat ea , ports,, -P•~
EY PERRY, 183~1916.
- ·-· -, 2d . ed, ·c1noinnati, F. c . b , Bloomington, Ind,, 2 D 1833 •
DUTT, IIEADEERVIR, -1930, •. s., 1910, •1909. d. Dexter, Ia,, 26 Ja 1916.
b. 226p~ platea, ports,, -P• ,
. d , Los .&llgele1, Cal if., 30 D 1930. Prayer, amleton ·aermon, (In
--, 3d . ed, Cinoinnati, F. C, Cory, R. E, , ed. The polymathiat,
Jeaue Chri st in h.-n experience, •. s ., 1910, •1909, 1877, pp. 260-262)
Cincinnati, Standard, •1916 , 226p, plates, port, , , ,nape,
-- , 4t h ed. Cinoinnati, F. C, DYER, WILLUlf
M, s., 1910, •1909, b, .
DUVAL, JOHB CRIT'l'EIIDD, 1816-1897. 233p, platea, port1,, -p•. d,
Baa an additional chapter I AdYanoe
The &dYenturea of Big-foot Wallace, on the Congo during 1910, about aH
ed, by label Jajor and Rebeooa w. ·
llaith, Dallaa, Tex·., Tardy pub, oo,, · The ohuroh oohool of aiaaione. Purviance, LeYi, Biography of
1936. . . · St. Louie, U, C, K, S., n.d. elder David Purrlanoe,
XXXY, 363p, front., plates, port,. .12.p.
Early tiaea in Texui or, the A geographioal and ethnological ccDYDS, J HARVEY,1909-
adventure• of Jack Dobell, written by aun-ey of .lt'rioa. Indiampolia, b. Baalon, Okla., 13 D 1909,
J. C, Duvall in 1892 and ed. by ·· C, W. B, K,
Jlabel Major and Rebeooa W, Smith,.,
Dallas , Tex,, Tardy pub, co,, 1936. A wonderful Christ-ii on the Congo. Church finanoea, (In The Tulea
xxiv, 284p. 111111. · Cinoiiln&ti, F. C, K, S,, n,d. leoturea, 1938, pp. 37--11)
joint~ aee

Williaaa, A. c. Ready anewere

to religio111 error•,
lame• - Edwards E

EAKES, SAJIUELMORRIS;1916- tiona to candidates for the degree ot about aee

b, Bowling Green, Mo,, 5 Je 1916. ma1ter · of arts, doctor of philosophy,
in regard to the form to be used for Evans, Madis on. Biogra phical
the thilsia. .Austin, Tex., 1934, aketohea of pion eer preaoh er• of
Seven point introductions to books 77p. Indiana.
of the New Testament,
·b. St, Louis, . lfr:>,, . 1847. b.
d, St. Joseph, Mo., 30 D 1923, d.
b. !l&rrisonville, Ky,, 19 Ag 1867, about aee Memoir or elder Benjamin Taylor, a
minister of the Christian connexion
Cason, W. S,, and others. A sou- and pastor of the Bethel church in
First at Antiooh. (In Gray, A. venir hiatory of . the Christian churoh Providenoe, R. I, Beaton, George
W,, ed, Prea ching that builda at Cynthiana, Ky, W. White, 1850.
churches, 1940, pp, ) 144p. front. (port,.)
cliTOII, H M 1814-
, b ; Plattsville, o,; 30 Ja 1869,
b. Sedwick, lie,, 3 S 1814. d, , 3 D 1938, The Christian hymn book, by E.
d, Edmunds, T, C. Moulton, and D. P.
A' better day .poems, Lincoln, Pike, 1863,
Things secret and revealed, (In lleb,, S. E. Thornton, cl89l.
Coan, A. W,, ed. Goapel sermons, 1881, 45p. --. Dayton, 0,, Chriatian
pp. 41-53) pub. association, 1869.
--, 2d . ed . Lincoln, Neb., s.
E. Thornton, 1891. joint~- see
, W WEN'l'irORTH,
1811-1889, 34p.
b. Carter, B. F. Christian harp.
d, Glimpses of the real. Denver, Moulton, · T. C. The Christian
Reed pub, co., 1903. hymn book,
A farewell discourse delivered in 202p.
the Christian meeting house, St. John,
II, B,, on the 6th Maroh, 1842. St. Loa Angeles, Loa Angeles EDlfARDS,BEIi )(
John, R, B., Printed at the Brunawiok pub. co. b.
pre11 by Ellis Barnes, 1843.
16p • . History ot new thought.
Crowell, 1917. Christ'• plea for unity, Cin-
oinnati, Chriatian restoration
EBERLE, EDITH, 1889- In the garden• of God• • poem. aasooiat i on, n,d,
b, _West Unity, o., 29 0 1889, •- York, Essene, 1904, · 14p.
Di1ciple1 of Christ in the Philip- Invading the inviaible ; Waahing- b,
pine island•. cindianapolia, U. c. ton, D. C., New age press, •1931.
M. S., 1944, 36lp.
27p, ino, front cover, In peril• amon,; falee brethren.
My personal . adventures in truth. llevada, Mo., Author, 1938?
•cklin of llankingi aketohea by Holyoke, Mase,, Elisabeth Towne co.
Roee Wright, St. Louis, Bethany
preoa, •1936. llew thought the coming religion. EDIJARDS,EDll'ARD
173p, front. (port.) illus. 191~ b, Rew York, 11.· Y., 17 Jlr ' l866.
d, Kokomo, Ind., 3 II 1943,
Palm tree and pine1 stories or · the The philosophy or ·Je1u1 1 the b&aia
Philipping Islands, Cincinnati, of a new reformation. Beaton, Chria- The democracy of Christian faith.
Powell & White, •1927. topher, • 1928. (In Book, W, H., ed. The Indiana
183p , i llua. 130p. pulpit, 1912, pp. 121-138)
0. W. Poema. •rietta, o., !, R. Alder-
man & sons, .1889, EDll'ARDS,GRANVILLEDEIINIS, 1888-
Jewel• the giant droppedJ a courae ll4p. b. Hamilton, Mo., 2 D 1868,
on the Philippine I1land1 for junior
boys and girla1 the 1torie1 by Edith Populiat handbook for Nebraau..
Eberle; the courae by Grace W. llcOav- Denver, Author, 1895. How Mieaouri Dieciplee oame by
ran. •- York, Mi11ionary education 6lp. their church colleges,
movement, 1929, 4p.
l38p, Song• of the people. Dener,
Author, 1896, Trained leader• for the church
22lp. from state achoola, Columbia, Jlo,,
BBY, FRED'!RICK,1874- (Baptht) Author,
Voioea of the morning. Chicago, 8p.
with FROST, 8. E., JR. C. H, Kerr & co., 1898,
12lp. William Thomas Moore. (In llic-
Graduate thea11 and di1aertation1 tionary of American biiography, vol.
written in the field of education at 13, 1934, pp. 146-146)
Baylor university, Southern ethodht EDJIOIIDSOII,
fl!OJIASJ!FJl'ERSOII,. 1816-1865,
univeraity, Tena Chriatian · unive r aity,
Tena technological
college, the
of Tena .and, Weat Texaa ·
b; Sullivan · county, Ind., 26 D 1818
d, Columbua, Ind,, 19 Ag 1856, EDlfARDS,J

atate teacher• college, with inatruo- d.


Authentioity and use of ' thit B,ible. ccEILAHD, F L ELDRED,WILLIAMGAY, 1874-

Ci ncinnati, Cba•e and Ball, n.d. b; b, near Quincy, llioh,, 18 S 1874,
8p . d.

!2.· comp. with DEAN, E. S. Christ , the mini1tering servant,

(In Bridwell, J. T,, ed, The Michigan
Orthodoxy in the civil oourtoi or, Song fest. Auotin, Tex., Fi.I'll pulpit, 1924, pp. 38-50)
a history of the oase, "The state of foundution.
Indiana on relation of Geo. K. Poyser 107 oong•.
and Wm. A. King, plaintif versu1 the cELDRIDGE;G H
trustees of the Salem church of the comp.~ OTHERS b,
lletho diat sooiety of the Hawpatch cir- d,
cuit of the western divi1ion of Mich- The goopel gleaner, a book of sacred
igan aliao the trustee, of the Salem aonga by F. L. Eiland , Ennett s. Dean, On the caroer of the Chriatiana.
Proteotant Methodist church, Alonzo T; J. F. Kayfield, Walter c. 'Mitchel l, (In Freeae, J, H,, ed. History and
Poy sor, D&vid F. Damy, John Hostetter, G. H, Ramsey, · 'll'aoo, Texas, and advocacy of the Christian church,
John Hite, and Alvin Ram1ley, defend- Freono, Calif,, 1901, 1852, pp. )
ants." Which was tried in Noble county, 120p.
Indiana, Circuit court, June 19 to 21,
1883, and in which was involved the Happy news, no. 1, a book of sacred coELKillS, ABRAM LEROY, 1864-
orthodoxy of the Christian churoh, oongs by F. L. Eiland, Emmett s. Dean, b, Paleatine, Tex , , 5 D 1864,
embracing a verbatim report · of the J , F. Mayfield, Waco, Texas, Trio
testimony given in the case, to which muoic co,, •1900,
is appended an argument drawn from the 32p. Chriat and the church.
testimony in the case by w; D. Owen. 8p, ino. oover1,
Cinoinnati, Standard, 1884, •1883.
247p. ocELAJ!, EDll'INALEX.AllDER, 1865-1929, God hath spoken, (In Abilene
b. Fosterville, Tenn,, · 7 Kr 1855, Christian college B.ible lecture1,
d, near Lebanon, Tenn,, 14 Kr 1929, 1920-21, pp. 161-176)
b. The Bible doctrine of sanctifica-
tion, oontraated with the "second ELKINS, MATHIAS,1, e, "Tice•; 1876-
bleooing" theory of it, 3d ed,, rev, b, Lincoln county, 'If, Va., 21 Ap
David Lloyd Georgei ~he man and the and enl, Nashville, Goepel advocate, 1878,
otatesman, with an introduction by 1897.
Jamee John Davis. New York, J. H. 68p.
Sear• & co., •1929. Aooeptable worship, Alamogordo,
2v. front,. (port•.) The Bible versus theoriea of evolu- N, K,, Author, cl944,
tion, Nashville, Gospel advocate, 39p.
The life or David Lloyd George, 1925.
with a ahort hiotory of the Wel1h peo- 320p, front, (port,) Feet -•hing in the churoh.
ple. Introduction by David Brynmor
Jones. London, Waverly book co., Twenty-five years of trust, a life A few aiatakea of the "ohurch or
cl 913, sketch of J. »,'Ildwell. Nashville, God."
v. front., illua., platea, port•. Go1pel advocate, 1893.
l96p. front, (port,) Home, aweet homeJ IUQCell Or
failure, which? Alamogordo, I, K. ,
EGBERT,CLARENCE Christianity.-a life, (In Srygley; Author, 1945?
b. F. D;, ed. Biographieo and aermone, 24p.
1898, pp, 346- 35 7)
Hurtful extrn,e11 or, hobbyiaa
Central church or Chri1t in Lexing- oomp. expoaed, Alamogordo, N, K. ,
ton, Ky. (In Brown, J. T., ed. .Author, 1942?
Churchea or Chri1t, 1904, pp. 361-362) Elam'a notes on . Bible sohocl lea- 5lp,
aon1. Nashville, 1filliams ·ptg, co. Printed by lladiaon job ptg. co,,
v. front. (port,) lladia on, 1f, Va,
b. Eaton county, llioh., 24 F 1867. about aee I tried to eave him.

Boles, H. L. Biographical The old pack-peddler.

Alexander Campbell and ohristian olr.etchea of go1pel preacher,, Sp,
liberty, a centennial volume on hi•
controlling idea1--enforoed · by hia own Pastor Ruaaell on trial.
word•, oentennial ed,, 1809-1909, ELDRED, EDITH LILI.LU (BYERS)' (llra.
St. Louie, Christian pub. oo., 1909. Robert Ray Eldred), -1871-1912, A review of Ben K. Bogard'• 101
344p. front. (port.) b, near Medaryville, Ind,, 5 O 1871, reaaono for not being a Campbellite,
d, Congo, Africa, 13 N 1912,
Foreot chille1. Spokane, Wuh,, Sira, what auat I do to be aavedT
Ja1, Egbert co., 192-T about oee
36p. The aoul or --.n ••• Cincinnati,
Henaey, A. F, A -•ter builder F. L, Rowe, n,d.
Soul or brotherhood. Spokane, on the Congo • 88p, front, (port,)
Waah., J, W. Graham and co., 1919,
The aounding ot the aeven trmpeta,
St. Loui1, Chriatian board, ELDRED,ROBERTRAY; 1872-1913,
b ; near Quinoy, Mich,, 24 S 1872,
2d ed, Auatin, Tex,, Printed by
Firm foundation, •1942,
242p, front, (port,) d, Congo, Africa, 3 S 1913, 263p,

about ••• Th• aword or the 1pirit,

Ben1ey·, Andrew F. What auat I do to be aavedT

on the Congo,

!lkin• - Ellie E

The union of . God'• peopl~-John 17. Bow to organize a loyal brotherhood, ELLIOTT, RUBY, (llrs ; Luke D. Elliott )
(In Rowe, F. L., - ed. Our Savior's Kansas Ci ty, Brotherhood of Disciple• 1906-
prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 48-52) or Chri st, 1909. b,

ELLETT, R B The inside of the church, 1929. see

llo.king good in the local ohuroh, Elliott, L. D. History of the
New York, Revell, •1913, work of the churches of Christ in
J, B, Jones, (In Brown, · J. T,, 96p, Ja-ica.
ed, Churches of Christ, 1904, p. 497)
"A plan of finance for local church-
es. St, Louis, Christian board, ELLIOTT, VIRGIL L
ELLEY, GEORGE ll' , · 1801-1884, 1914. b,
b, Scott county, Ky., 25 llr 1801,
d. Lexington, Ky,, 14 Jl 1884. The problem of lay leaderahip.
Hew York, Revell, •1914. Who's who in the ohurch, (In
Defence, with Strictures by · T. 119p. Internatio ·nal . convention, 1939, pp,
_Fanning, on Baptist principles, as 127-141)
taught by llr, Bowell and Baptista
generally; and a ret'ut&tion of J, E, ELLIOTT, llRS. FRANCESIlWINliELL {lira.
Pitts, Nashville, State agricul- J. Perry Elliott) -1913, !LLIS, C F
turist office, 18431 b; b,
d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 27 Ja 1913.
A refutation of F. E, Pitta• book
"A book on baptism". Jfashville, History of the third Christian What name shall we bearT Cin-
Cameron & Fall, 1843, church of Indianapolia, Indiana cwith cinnati, Standard,
an introduction by Harry Graniaon Bills 7p.
about eee Ladiea ·aid society or the church, 1909,
66p. front, (port,) plates, porta,
Tiera, II, C. The Christian por- ELLIS, DALE, 1893-
trait gallery. b, Firth, Neb,, 14 llr 1893,
ELLIOTT, ARTHURELWOOD,1888- Disciples of Christ and Indian
b, Cereaco, Neb,, 13 llr 1888. Americana, cindianapolia, U, C, M,
The church, (In Brite college s., 1944.
or the Bible, Sermons, 1937, vol, 1, 16p, inc, ooTera.
Paraguay, its cultural heritage, pp. 16-16)
aocial conditions and educational Under-privileged -'-rioana, (In
problems, •- York, Teachers International convention, 1936, pp,
ocllege, 1931, ELLIOTT, 0 ll' 29-39)
xiv, 20lp, (Contributions to b.
education, no, 473)
Issued also aa theaia (Ph, D.) ELLIS, JOHii, 1812-1894.
Columbia univeraity, 1931, Church of Chriat or Christiana. b. Albany county, I', Y,, 26 Ag
DeSNt, s. D., Author, 18981 1812. .
tract. d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 26 F 1894.
ELLIOTT, EDl'fINA 1891- .
b, Troy, Texaa, 1891. Autobiography and poems or elder
ELLIOTT, HENRYll'ASBINGTOI',1861-1946. John Ellis, traveling miniater of the
b _ llurfreeilboro, Tenn,, 13 Illy 1861, Lord Jeaua Christ for over aixty-one
The Christian imperatives in the d. Sulphur, Ky., 11 llr 1945, years, Springfield, 0,, Preas of
eoonomio order; Some aspects of the the New era co,, 1896,
work or the national labor relation• State miaaion ·work in Kentucky. 99p. front. (port.)
board, (In International convention, (In Brown, J ·. T., ed. Churches of
1936, pp. 170..180; 1938, pp. 166-176) Christ, 1904, pp, 229-234)
. 1870- •
introdu ction aee b, near Hannibal, Mo., 11 F 1870,
b, _ Indianapolis, Ind,, 16 0 1878. llaatere, J, W. Following the
d, Kanaaa City, Jlo,, 13 lly 1939, trail of a preacher in the mountain• Adnah; a tale or the time of Chriat.
or Virginia and Kentucky for forty- Philadelphia, G, ll', Jacob• & co,, 1902,
Hinta that help in buaineaa, aeven yeara. 308p,
to advertise a church,
Tork, Doran, •1920,
93p. front.
"Bow to do buaineaa", portion no,


on the aecond · coming, ser-

Adventurea ·of living.
Rapids, Ia,, Torch preae,

Agnea of the Bad lands.

York, llacaulay oo,, •1916.
1933. ·

2 in aeries "lilt.king good in the local mon notes, llinneapolia, Author, 1941T 306p. front,, platea.
church",.. Kansas City, llo., Brother- lep.
hood or Disciples or Christ, 1913. llimeographed, .lrlcanaaw couaina1 a story of the
cl62ip. inc. covers. O&arka, •- Tork, Holt, 1908,
"Advance ocpy for ministers and with ELLIOTT, RU!!T, 328p.
church leaders,"
History or the work -of the churchea Columbia'• rally day. Cincinnati,
Bow to fill the pews. Cinoin- or Chriat in Jamaica, B, w. I, A J.. c. ». s.
nati, Standard, •1917, brief description or the island and
304p, . hiitory or ·the churches or Chriat.
n,p., 1946, · ·
19p, inc, front cover. ports.
E Ellis - Ellis

The dread and fear of king•. -- . New York, F. Tennyson ccELLIS, LLOYDEUGENE,1900-
Chicago; A. C, McClurg & co,, 1900. lleely, .1699. b. near Lovingt on, Tenn., s
360p. · 299p. (Neely's imperial iibrary, 1900,
no. 28)
The Ellisan literary year book,
no s, land 2, 1903 and 1904 . St. Louis , Chriatian pub, An inventory; radio sermon, KR E,
oo., ·•1899 , Berkley, Calif., 12-31-1939. .san
Fated to win, (The soul of a aerf) 299p, Franoisoo, Author, 1939.
in tensely dramatic and true · ~o life, 12p.
a romance of love and vslor, , ,A Something alsei a novel, with illus.
gra phic descripti on of t he heroe'• by E, L, Blumenschein, · Chicago, A. Divine healing; radio sermon, KR E,
stru ggles and the t ri umph of a woman's · C, McClurg -& co., · 1911, Berkeley, Calif., · 12-10-1939, , San
di plomacy,,. Chicago, Laird and Lee, c439. p , fr ont,, _ plates. Francisco, Author, 1939.
•1910. l5p,
346p, front., plate•. The soul of a serf; a romance of
Contains three additional chapter• love and valor among the Angles and Esse ntials or non- e ssentials , an
to The soul of a serf, also pub. Saxons. Chioago, Laird & Lee, •1910 , address over KR E, 3-12-39, ,Daly
1910. 328p. front., plates, City, Calif., Author, 1939.
Issued with three additional chap- Bp,
Fran .with, illus, by W, B. King. ter• aa Fated to Win, also in 1910.
Indianapolio, Bobbe-Merrill co., •1912, Jesua is coming again1 radio sermon,
380p. front,, plates, Stork'• neat, illus. by Elizabeth KR E, Berkeley, Calif., 11-6-1939,
Ingham, Jlew York, Moffat, Yard & ,San Francisco, Author, 1939,
New York, Groaaet, cl915. oo., 1906, 20p. ino. covers.
•1912, vii, 375p, front,, plates.
380p. Living the Christian life, ,San
The story of a "life, - cllattie ll;yera Francisco, Author, 1939.
Garcilaaco. Chicago, A, C. lfo- Carr. .Sherman; Tex., Presa of Rey- 12p. inc. covera,
Clurg & co,, 1901, noldes~Parker co,, 1910.
394p. 433, 13p, front., plates, ports, The Lord'• supper, cFresno.
Appendix by 0, A, Carri 13p, at the Calif., Author, 1937.
Hi• dear unintended, New York, end. Sp. inc. oovera.
·11acaulay, 191 7.
313p. The. third diamond, Boston, R, 0, 16.taic in worship, ,Freano, Calif,,
Badger, · •l913, Author, 1937.
--, .reprint ed •• Jlew York, 376p. llp, inc, front cOTer.
llacaulay, 1923.
Twin Starra; · a novel, Boston, The work of the holy ' spirit; radio
The Bolland wolves; with illua, by Mayhew pub, oo,, 1908, sermon, KR E, Berkeley, Calif,, 6-~
Troy and Margaret Kenny, Chicago, 215p. 39. .san Francisco, Author, 1939.
A, C, lleClurg &· co., 1902. ,9.p.
396p, front,, plates, The Woodneya, an American family.
New York, Devin-Adair, 1914, Religious unity; radio sermon, K
I n the days of Jehu. St. Louis, 187p. front. · RE, Berkeley, Calif,, 10- 1-1939.
Christian pub. co., 1898, ,San Francisco, Author, 1939,
l89p. 12p. inc. covers,
ELLIS, JOHii DAVID, 1866-1901.
King Saµl. St, Louia, Chriatian b, Campbell county, Ky., 19 D 1866, The church that Jesus built1 a
pub. co,, 1898. d, Bellevue, Ky., 30 JI 1901, series of sermons prepared for the
28lp. churches of Christ radio program over
about aee K R E, Berkeley, Calif. .San Fran-
Lahom&J with illua. by W. B. King. · cisco, Author, 1940,
Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill co,, •1913. Donaldson, 11'. T, John David 13v.
360p. front., illua. Ellis, v. l What 1a the church of the
llew Testament, 3 Mr 1940, llp, '
New Tork, Grosset, cl916•
ELLIS; JOHii WILLLUf,. 1839-1910.
v. 2 The beginning of the church,
10 Mr 1940, llp,
380p. b, Carthage, Ill,, 29 D l8S9, v. 3 Creed and disoipline, 17 Kr
d, Bentonville ., Ark., 30 N 1910, 1940, llp,
Little fiddler of the OiarkaJ a v, 4 Churoh of Christia not a
n0Tel1 with original illus. by R; s. Antigone, denomination, 24 llr 1940, llp.
DeLay, Chicago, Laird and Lee, v. 5 Row to become a member of
•1913. The life mission. Read at the twenty the c~urch of Christ, 31 Kr 1940,
308p. front., plates, fifth annual commenoelilent of Chriatian llp.
oollege, Columbia, Ko. St. Louis, v. 6 Ro,r to 11ve in the ohuroh of
The myaterioua Dr. Oliver, a mystery C. E. Ware & oo., printers, 1876, Christ, 7 Ap 1940, llp,
atory, New Tork, lf&caulay co., 1929, 42p. v. 7 Bible names, 14 Ap 1940, llp,
282p. v. 8
Ki1sion1 and the United States; or, v. 9 · Organisation of the church of
The picture on the wall; ·1an1aa -our progreaaion the evangelization of Christ, 28 Ap 1940, llp.
City, llo., Burton pub. co,, •1920. the world, · (In The · Ki,aouri Chris- v·. 10
253p. tian leeture ·a, vol. 4, 1888, pp. 291- ·v. 11 The miaaion of the churoh of
321) Christ, 12 lly 1940, llp.
The red box olue J for the young, v. 12 Beceaaity of the ohuroh of
from aeven to aeventy, Chicago, Christ, 19 lly 1940, llp.
Revel), 1902.
:!.· v, 13 The glorioua church, 26 11y
230p. The aong or· aonga. Columbia, It>,, 1940, llp.
JI:, W, 81;epbeu,pr _inter, 1897,
ShaJ a story of the captivity. · 27p, comp,
New York, F, Tennyaon Beely, •1899,
299p, A directory or ·weatern · ohuroheil of
Christ. Almeda, Calif,, Authqr, 1944,
Ellh • Ely E

A directory of western churches of Bapt i am--dee i gn, subje ct and act i on. The key to Chrio ti an un i ty. (In
Chriot. cAlmeda, Calif., Author, .New Castle, Va.? 1903?, Thornton, E.W., ed . Lord's day wor-
1945. 18p . ship services , •1 930 , pp, 155-15 8)
The church identified.
ELLIS, WILLIAME -1936. The Lord's supper . Graham, Va., b.
b. Banner · print, n.d.
d. Paris, Ky., 7 Ja 1936. 26p.
with COLLINS, E. A.
Crucial points concerning the Holy The Sabbath que stion. n.p., n.d.
1pirit. (In . Garris on, J. H. Our 9p . lliaaouri, its peop le and its pro-
fi rst congr e ss, 1900, pp . 151-170) gre11. St. Louis, Webater pub. co.,
OL, pseud. 465p.
RE, ALFRED, 1838-
b. near Frankfort, Ind., 11 Ag see LUCY, THOMAS
d, Our Missouri. New York, Mac-
HANAN,185 7- millan, 1939.
Maple valley poems. Author, b. x, 352p. front., illus., maps.
l75p. front. (port.) illus.
Autumn roses .poems, Alamo, Ind. ELSEA, MATILDAMAHAFFEY(lira. Albert
SeM110ns, reminiscences, both Auth or, 1907. F. Elsea)
plea1ant and sad; and Silver chimes. xvi, 183p. fr ont. (port.) illus. b.
Austin, Tex., Firm found ation, 1914.
220p. Love among the mistletoe, and
poems: Alamo, Ind., Author, 1899. ~.
Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, vi, l64p. fr ont. (port.) illus.
Choice poems for elementary grades.
250p. A lover in Cuba, and poems. Alamo Osceola, Mo., Edwards preaa, 1943.
Ind., Author, 1901. 230p.
Which is the true church? Bed- viii, 188p. front., plates, illus.
ford , Ind., J.M. lfathea, •1873. with BLEIGH, N. L.
A lover in Cuba, an d poems. Supple -
St. Louis, Christian pub. ment. Nashville, McQuiddy ptg. _co., My lfiaaouri;a social atudiea work
co., 1883, •lC73. 1902. book .grades 4-8, Osceola, It>.,
56p. l89-234p. illus. Edwardo press, 1944.
--. Oskaloosa, Ia . , Central A lover in Cuba, and other poema.
book concern, 1877, •1873. Nashvtlle, JloQuiddy ptg. co., 1902. --, teacher ' • manual . 01ceola,
99p. 189-234p. Mo., Edwards prea1, 1944.

The narrow way. (In Srygl ey, F. Twenty-five years in Jaokville, a

D., ed. Biogra phies and sermons, romance in the days of"the golden coELSTON, BEN J
1898, pp. 136-149) circle", and · aelected poems. Alamo, b.
Ind., Author, 1904.
with OTHERS 2l5p. front. (port.) illus.
Our Savior's prayer for unity.
Sermons and sayings. Cincinnati, (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior'•
F. L. R0,re, 1918. ELMORE,R ERLE, 1893- prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 53-57)
242p. front. (port.) b.

about eee ELWES,A J

The church and its relation to tha b.
Srygley, F. D. Biographies and kingdom. Snowville, · va., •1926.
aermona. 25p.
The atonement. Birmingham, Eng.,
The hope of hie coming. Churchea of Christ book depot.
l!:LIJIORE,WILLIAJIC (Small book, on New Teat&-
b. The millenial age. ment Christianity)


b. New Castle, Va., 9 Ja 1878. b.
The Kesler and Ellmore de.bate, held
at Jasonville, Indiana, September 29
to October 6, 19151 covering the lead- Chr istian unity; a text-book for A di1cu11ion guide for adults on
ing differences between the Church of pr0111oting the fulfillment or the Lord'• "The church among uprooted Americana."
the Brethren and the Church or Christ prayer. · Cincinnati, Standard, 1924. Indianapolia, u. C. M. s. , 1945?
(Diaoiplea) Elgin, _ Ill., Brethren ll2p. illus . 47p,
pub. house, 1916.
367p. The American ideal, Independence day Hew condition• among Regroea.
addreaa. (In Thornton, E. W., ed. Indianapolis, C. W. B. M.
Special sermons for 1peoial occaaions,
E , 1876- · 1921, pp. 213-226) Of their• ia the kingdom, a play
b . Rewoaetle, Va., 21 F 1875. for children'• day, reviaed by Grace
Christianity ver1u1 oratioaaliam. 'If. McG&vran. cindianapolia, Unified
(In Watchword ' of the reatoration vindi- promotion. n. d.~
cated, pp. 73-91) 16p. music.

E Elv - Erb

ELY, MARCELLUS RANDALL,1872-1941. or the corruption, •• ENDRES,WILLIAlil DAVID, 1876-1938,

b. Wilson county, Kansas, 1872. 60p. b. Walnut Grove, Ill. , 13 0 1876.
d. Vallajo, Calif., 27 N 1941. Ail.ewer to Deformer reformed by d. Montgomery Cit y , Mo., 26 F 1938,
L. W. Berry.
~- aee Whence our Christian leadera? ,
Baptism a saving ord i nance. New Kanaas City, Mo., Kisaouri education-
Ely, Simpson. Sermons, eesaya York , T, Holman, 1866? al conmiasion, .1922.
and outlines. tra c t. 12p.

A discourse on the apostolic com-

ELY. R F missi on, delivered to the con gregation ENGLAND,STEPHENJACKSON,1896-
b. meeting in the Baptist . church at b. Salida, Colo,, l O 1895,
Noblesville; •• August 5, A. D. 1838 .
Noblesville, Ind., J. 0 , Walters,
Universities and churches. St. pr i nter, 1838. The Christian churchea of Oklahoma,
Louis, Christian board. 36p. a brief statement of their origin,
their organization, and the thing•
Marks and remarks, for which they stand. Oklahoma
ELY, SIMPSON, 1849-1908. 36p. City, Oklahoma Christian missionary
b. DeWitt county, Ill., 6 Je 1849. Letters between L, w. Berry (Metho- soc iety, c 1942.
d. 5 Jl 1908. diat) and F. W. Emmons. 12p. folder.
The creed of the ohurch. 1895. Speech of Francis w. Emroon• of Remember Jesus Christ. (In
tract. Starbridge, on regulating the sale of Thornton, E. w., ed. Phillipa uni-
alcohol, and prohibiting intoxicating versity sermon•, 1929, pp. 13-27)
Hotel de infidel. drink. Delivered in the Massachusetts
broadside. leg i alature, April 14, 1848, Boston, A auggeated ten-vol ume biblio-
John Putnam, printer, 1848 , graphy on ohuroh hiatory. (In
A normal Bible drill. Dea Moines, 16p. Smith, H. D. A preacher's first
C. Durant Jonas, 1903. booka, •1933, pp. 65-66)
29p. The voice or one crying in the
wilderneaa; being an eaaay to extend
Sermons, eaaaya and outlin"s; comp. the reformation,., Noblesville, Ind. EPPSE, MERLRAYli!OND,1893-
by his aon Marcellua R. Ely. Cin- L. H. Eliunona, printer, 1837. b. GreenTille, o., 17 Ja 1893.
cinnati, Standard, •1910. 252p.
vi, 20lp. front. (port.)
What is the truth? New York, Contributions of the Negro to
Ten chapter• against tobacco, a Thomas Holman, n.d. American lite.
pamphlet showing the evils or the to- 4p.
bacco habit, with an introduction by A guide to the study of the.Negro
B. W. Johnson, St. Louis, Christian about aee in American hiatory c2d printing
pub. co., •1886. October 1937. Nashville, National
27p. Evana, Madiaon, Biographical educational pub, 00,, •1937 .
Following p. 27 is the tract, ex- sketches of pioneer preacher• of ll5p.
tract from an esaay by Enos Campbell. Indian ...
Tiers, Iii, C, The Chriatian per- --, rev. and enl. ed. Naah-
--. Cincinnati, Standard, 1886. trait gallery. ville, National educational
tion co., 1943.

Tragedy in high life. Kansas attack• on aee 18lp.

City, Mo., Register pub. co., 1900.
76p. Berry, L. W. The defor..,r reforme~ The Negro, too, in American his-
tory, .with an introduction by
Kiaaion ot Jeaua. (In Lord, J . luatin P. Foster. Nashville,
A., ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904, ENCEIJ.., JAMESGIST, 1834-1917, ~ational educational pub. co,, 1938,
PP. 54-67) b. Wellsburg, 11'. Va,, 28 Ja 1834, xxii, 544p. front. (port.) illua.
d, Lake City, Ia., 15 llr 1917.
joint comp. aee --, c2d ed, rev,. lla.ahville,
CalTin · on baptiam, with an analysia. National educational pub. co,, 1939,
Staples, R. o. Loving voices. St. Louis, Christian board. xxii, 644p, front. (port,) illus.

about Condenaed lecture• on the apocalypae, --, rn. and enl. ed, Ila.ah-
Clarence, N. · Y., J. o. Encell, pub- ville, National publication 00,, 1943.
Simpson, Ely. (In . Brown, J. T., lisher; 1879, xxii, 69lp,
ed. Churchea or Chriat, 1904, pp. 36p.
478-479) Buffalo commercial advertiser, print. with 1 FOSTER, A. P.

The exiled prophet; or; what John An elementary history of America

EMERSON,FRANKWILLIARD,1871-1940. aaw on the Isle of Patmoa, prefaced by including the contributions of the
b, Keithsburg, Ill., 15 Jl 1871. an eaaay on Daniel by D.R. Dungan, Negro race. Chicago, National
d. Long Beach, Calif,, 8 D 1940. St . Louis, Christian pub. co., 1898, educational pub, co . , 1939,
245p, front. (port.) plates. 312p, front. (port,) illua.
The preacher and hie church in
politic•, 1901,
b , Sidney, 0,, 31 Ag 1869. b.
!lllf:)NS,FRANCISWHITFIELD, 1802-1881,
b, Clarendon, Vt., 24 F 1802.
d, Individuality, or a study of aelf. The American family tree, a group
of home miasionary lessons for boya
The afterclap--ahowing the origin and girls between the agea of nine

Brb - Errett E

and fourteen. Cincinnati, Powell & ERRETT, ISAAC, 1820-1888 , Cinc i nnati, Cent ral book
White, •1929. b, New York, N. Y., 2 Ja 1820, concern, • 188-? •
56p, d . Terrace Park, 0,, 19 D 1888. 14p.

For all natlona, a Thanksgiving Bible readings, arranged with an .Cincinnat i , Standard.
pla y i n t hree acts, Indianapolis, introduction by z; T. Sweeney. Ci n- n.d.
11', C, JI. S., n.d. cinnati, Standard, 1913, 1915, 32p.
8p, muaic. 2 vol.

The Slavic immigrant woman. Cin- A brief .view of missions; ancient co.
--. st. Louis, Chriatian pub .

cinnati, Powell & White, •1926. and modern. 1857,

ll9P. front. (port,) plates. Our position: a brief statement ·
Christian unity. Cincinnati, of the plea for a return to the goa-
Standard, pel and the church of apoetoll.c times,
ERDMAN,MABELH pamphlet, urged by the people"l<ndwn aa Diaci plea
of Chrht, Louisville, !C
y. , Wm. S.
Answering distant calls, The claims of civil government Broadhurst, n,d •
York, Aaaooiation press, 1942, • sermon. 1863, 2lp.
x, 146p. · (Creative peraonalitiea,
v. 4) Counsel to converts, St, Louil, The plan of salvation, sermon de-
Contents include : Bates of, Christian board, livered December 19, 1869, in Chris-
JI, Searle Bates by Maude Taylor tract. tian chapel, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sarvi1, pp. 113-119. 24p.
Evening• with the Bible... Cin-


3 vol,
Standard, 1884-1889.
· 1899.
--. Cincinnati, Standard,
b, Palmyra, llo,, 14 Ag 1863, Content•• 29P.
d. v. l Old Testament, 1884, 35lp,

The of the human and the
v. 2 Old Testament, 1887, 374p.
v. 3 New Testament, 1889, 377p , co.
--. St. Louis, Christian pub.

di Tine, {In Lord, J. A., ed. On

the Lord'• day, •1904, pp, 227-231) Eveningi with the New Testament, The querists• drawer, a diecu1sion
Cincinnati, Standard, 1900, of difficult subject• and pasaagea of
249P. the scriptures, arranged and ed. by
ERRETT, EDWINREF.DER,1891-1944, Zachary Taylor Sweeney, Cincinnati,
b. Carnegie, Penn;, 7 Ja 1891, The fellowship. Cincinnati, Standard, •1910.
d, Cincinnati, 0,, 29 Ja 1944, Standard, 335p.

The fellowship of preaching.

• Indianapoli1, Pension fund. 1932? co.
--. St, Louie, Christian pub, Revi-
of Herndon on endleas pun-
CinoiD.Dati, Standard •
Fifty-nine yeara of hietory, an Revi- of a lecture by lilaea !,
What do you mean: misunderstanding? address deliTered at the annual meeting Lard on endleaa puniahment. cCin-
n.p •• n.d. or the Ohio Christian missionary ciD.Dati, .Standard, 1879,
12p, 1ooiety, NewLisbon, llt.y 19, 1886, 32p .
Cincinnati, Standard pub, co,, 1886.
Church problems peculiar to men. 32p. A review of Dr. Thos. O. SUB11er•a
(In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Chriatian tract entitled "Why I am not a
l!l&nat work, 1939, T, 1, pp, 19-24) First principles: or, the element• Campbellite," CinciD.Dati, Chase &
of the gospel analyzed and discussed Hall, 1877?
The faith of the church in God, in lattere to an inquirer. Cin- 48p.
(In International convention, 1937, cinnati, B. S, Bosworth, 18681
pp. 63-73) 159p • ...- A aennon on the plan of salvation.
Cincinnati, Standard, 1899.
Looking on Jesua, (In Thornton, Cincinnati, Chase & Hall, 29p. {Veat-poont aerie• of
E. w., ed. Lord'• day worahip ser- publishers, 1877. Christian tracts, TOl, 1, no, 3,
vice•, •1930, pp, 233-236) 169p. October 1899)

Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. · Spiritualism
Cincinnati, H.
s. Bosworht.
b, Arklaw, Ireland, 13 lly 1778,
~. 17 F 1826.
--. St. Louie, Chriatian pub.
St. Louis, Christian

An eaaay on the constitution of 159p.

the apostolic church, Talk• to Bereana. CinoiD.Dati, R.
Helping a-y from home. Cin- 11'. Carroll & oo., 1872.
An e11ay on the order and diloipline cinnati, A. c. M. s. 190p.
or the apostolic ohurchea. If-
York, 1811, Lettera·to a youngChriatian. --. CinciD.Dati, Central book
170p. Cincinnati, Standard, 1899, . •1877. concern, 1879, •1872.
176p. 190p.
Epistolary oorreapondenoe. Rew
York, 1820. Linaey-,roolaey and other addreaaea. --. St, Louis, Christian pub.
130p. CinoiD.Dati, Standard, •1893. oo., 1890, •1872.

~-Correapondence and review Chria- ·

Our poaition,
the distinctiTe
atatement ot
a brief
teature1 of the plea

'The true baaia of Christian

a aennon preached
in the Central ·Chria~
tian churches in Europe and Aaerioa. tor refonnation urged by the people tian church, Cincinnati, llt.rch 6, 1871.
known a1 the Disciples of Christ. reported by Benn Pittn.n .and reviaed
1872. by the author, Cincinnati, Bonorth,
Chase & Hall, 18711

B Errett - Estee

--. --. (In Wella, c. K., comp.
Jli,moira or elder Kilton Welle, 1886,
I , 1884-1938,
, Tenn., 6 lly 1884,
Sp. pp. 73-108) d. 22 Ag 1938.
--. Cincinnati, Chase and Perverting the truth. ( In lloo- Jarvia ' Chriatian Institute. (In
Ball, 1877. trinal and. .P.raotieal trao .ts, 1876, vol. llcPheraon, Chalmers. ·Dieoiples of
34p. 2, pp. 97-107) . - .. Christ in Texas, 1920, pp. 129-138)
St. Louie, Christian pub. What the Disciple• believe and prac-
co., 1888. tice. · (In Garfield, J. A. Great ERll'II, A
34p. speechea, pp. 700- 761) b.
Cincinnati, Standard. debate with TIFFANY, JOBL
(Spiritualiat) The Sabbath queation1 · or, a ref'l>-
tation of Sabbatarianiem, 1879.
Walka about Jeruaale1111 a search Modern apiritualiam compared with 22p.
a!'ter the landmarks of primitive Chriatianity ••• a phonographic report
Christianity. Cincinnati, R. W. by J. ·D. Cox. Warren, O., George
Carroll & co., 1872, •1871. Adau, 1866. ERWI!f, J D , 1829-
2llp. 417p. b. Barnwell county, 29 D 1829.

--. Cincinnati, Chase, 1876, introduction •ee
Churohea or Christ in South Caro-
2llp. Hoahour., 8. I. Autobiography. lina. (Ia -Brown, J. T., ed.
ll11souri Chri1tlan lectureship, Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 279-281)
--. Cincinnati, Central book Kia1ouri Chriatian lectures, 1883.
concern, 1879, •1871. Thayer, · I. A. Leuona from the
2llp. holy mount. ISCULTO, ALBERTACOSTA,1903-
b. Philippine Ialands, 18 If 1903·.

--.1892, St. Louie,
Christian pub.

2llp. Flower, G. B. Life and writing•. Age H history and youth H poetry.
Waa also publi1hed without imprint 4p,
date. about
Paradi•• or oompoaite culture.
Why aio I a Christian. Cincinnati, haao Errett. (In Brown; J. T., 4p.
Standard, 1889. ed. Churobea or Chriat, 1904, pp. 425- ·
18p. 426) The growth or Christian peraonal-
i ty, c&ddre••• delivered to Jlz-1. !lope
Why I - a Christian. Hawthorn, Starr, H. E, Iaaac Errett, Wray'• depart.ent, Lake ' Barriet
Victoria, Australia, Chri1tian pio- (In Dictionary of American biography, Chriatian ohuroh achool, anniversary
neer, 1889. vol. 6, 1931, pp. 179-180) Sunday, J&nU&r)' 18, 1942. .111nnea-
Sp. pol1a.
about aee .s.p.
Alexander Campbell. (In Brown, llimeographed.
J. T., ed. Churohea of Chriat, 1904, Gra!'tcn, T. 11'. lien of yuterday.
pp. 396-401) Haley, J. J. Ji&kera and JDOldera
of the reformation movaent. co!SSEX, ISAAC11'
The bond or fellowahip. (In Lami.r, J. S. llelllOire or Iaaao b.
Thornton, B. 11',, ed. Lord' a day wor- Errett.
ahip aervioea, •1930, pp. 197-200) ll>ore, 11'. T. The living pulpit
of the Chrhtian church. A letter to a young Baptbt
The tellow1hip1 The tirat petition; Snoddy, I.E. Texaa atate conven- preacher. 'll'iohita, lt&na., Chria-
Firat principles; Opportunity and · tion addreaaes, 1931. tiu worker pub. co., n.d,
oppod tion. (In Sweeney; Z. T., · ed. Tiera, K. C. The Christian por- 32p.
•- Teat..-nt Christianity, vol; 1, · trait gallery.
1923, pp. 425-4621 vol. 2, 1926, pp.
299-3181 vol. 3, 1930, pp. 424-4601 !SSIG, JIOITGOIIIRY
vol. l, 1923, pp. 60-85) ERSlllE, WILLIAK IIJJGH,1879- •
b : Pittsburgh, Penn., 2 F 1879. The church -b•r'• guide and com-
The tirat petition. _(In Ji&thea, · plete church -nual1 a handy voliae
J. K., ed. The'weatern preacher, vol. prepared eapecially for the uae or
l, 1866, pp. 24-39) The diapoaition or the dead in old member• or the Baptist, Christian,
Japan. Methodist, and Pre•byterian churchea
Tile ground• or Christian fellow- Reprinted !'rem Jouraal or Religioua in their aouthern branchea,;.
ahip I Inapiration. (In The lllaaouri payoholoc:,, Iov. 1914. Xaahville, Soutlnreatern co., •1907.
Chriatian lectures, vol. 4, 1888, pp. 287p. front.
38-631 vol. 2, 1883, pp. 118-204) In me1110riu,, Hubert c. Sarvia, 1883- Content• includes The Diaoiplea
1931 .with a pretaoe by J.ay Jean Robieo~ or Chriat, pp. 42-63.
The law of progrenive developaent; Sarviaa ·
(In M>ore, W. T., ed. The living . pul- 9p. front. (port.)
pit or the Christian church, 1867, pp. ·OCISTIS, CHl!STIR, 1903- •
471-493) Jape.nee• cuatou, their origin and b. mu-ion county, Ala., 1903,
value, wit 'h introducrtioni by I. w.
Our (In Young, C, A., Cl..,ent, Charlee T. Paul, Y. Hirai-,
ed. Hiatorioal ' docuaenta advobating I. Abe, and Danjo Bblna, Tokyo, 1yo Titua goe, 110dern, a revi- or •A
Chriatian union, 1904! pp. 289-333) bun nan, .1925~ ten cent hiatory ct auaic in worahip,•
236p. front., plate•. Corinth, lliaa., The Jln.ngeliat, 1940,
--. (In Davia, K. K. The 67p.
reatoration 110v-ent ·or · the ninetffnth Japaneie reatival and . oalenclar lore.
eentury, 1913, pp. 295-324) Tokyo; ltyo bim ' twan, 1933,
20~. platH.
Etheridge - Everts E

ccETHERIDGE,T H of Fremont · Payne, .1926. Firot century of the church of

b. 11; 34p, illus, Christ, Ci ncinnati, Standard, 1900,
At head of title: Before the Inter- 26p. (Vest-pocket seriea of
state commerce commisaion Finance Christian tracts, v. 1, no, 10)
Biblical archaeology. docket no, 4741,
The new education and other paper•.
Is the Sabbath binding on Chris- Iron pioneer; Henry W, Oliver, St, Louis, Acme ptg, co., 1896,
tians? And the Lord'• day. 1340-1904, Hew York, Dutton, 1942, 189p ,
xiii, 370p, front, (port,) ports,.
Theories of the holy spirit, ao plates, Science and pedagogy · or ethics, a
and not so. Austin, Tex., Firm Contents include, Ulster religio u s text book, St, Louis, Christian
foundation, n.d. condition• and the Disciple or pub. co,. 1899,
34p. Chriatian movement, pp. 313-320, 312p.

Jeauo in the heart of the earth; Christian unity. (In The lliaaouri
Treasure• in earthen ve11ela. (In EVANS, JOHN J , 1870-1938, Christian lectures, vol. 5, 1892, pp,
Abilene Christian college Bible lee~ b, Paris, Mo., 28 D 1870, 9-34)
turea, 1938, pp. 171-188; 1922-1923, d, Woodland, Calif,, 4 0 1938,
pp. 120-129) Church of the first century; God's
Compauion; Hope, (In Meacham, purpose in the ages; Unconocious ene-
E. J ., comp. · Training to teach, •1913, mies of Chri•tianity, (In Sweeney,
o.:iETTER,CARLL pp. 105-107; 103-.105) z. T,, ed, ~ew Testament Christian-
b, ity, vol, 2, 1926, pp. 7-29; vol. 1,
1923, pp. 279-306; 109-141)
The church of yesterday, today; • b, The death of Christ, (In Brokaw,
and tomorrow; Theory vs, practice, G, L., ed, Doctrine and life, 1898,
(In Abilene Chriatian ' college Bible
lectures, 1922-1923, pp, 260-262;
1926-1927, pp. 122-140)
Footprint•. Washington, D, C,,
pp. 18-60)

The firat century of the church or

Chriat. (In International conven-
Young people' .• department or the tion, Addresses delivered at the
EVANS, CHARLESP , 1827- National city Christian church, 1939, world'• congrese and general miasion-
b, Belmont county, 0,, 2 F 1827, n,p., illus.; ports. ary conventions of the ohuroh of
d, Lithoprinted, Christ, 1893, pp. 9-25)
A aeries or eaaaya on the evil• ot Repentance--ito nature, condition•
intemperance, 2d ed,, rev, and enl, EVANS, KADISOII, -1866. and neoeasity, (In Garrison, J; H,,
Sidney, Ia,, Author I Cincinnati, Bos- b, ed. The old faith restated, 1891, pp,
worth, Chase & Hall, n,d, d, , 6 Mr 1866, 168-190)
Biographical aketohea of the pio- about oee
--. St, Louia, John Burn•. neer preachers of Indiana,
delphia, J, Challen & aona, •1862,
Brokaw, 0, L, Doctrine and life

--. St. Louia, Christian pub, 422p, tront,
(port,) ports, by Io- writers.
Sketohea · of R, T, Brown, George
The treaaurea of earth and heaven, · Campbell; llichael Combs, T, J, EVERGREEN,pseud,
(In Cory, R, I,, ed, The polymathiat, Edmonson, F. lf. Emmons; Elijah
1877, pp. 267) Goodwin, S, K, Hoshour, Joaeph The girl trom Ha&el Green,
Hostetler, L. H, Jameson, Abealom .Indianapolia, C, W, B. K., 1909,
Littell, J, T. Littell, Thoma• Lock- cl6ap. ino. oovere.
EVARS, I hart; ..lohn Longley, J, · ». Mathes,
b, J, B. Rew, John O'Kane, B, F. Reeve,
B, K, Smith, J, P. Thompson, Bever- EVERTS, ARTHURA
ly Vawter, Joaeph Wilaon, William b,
The pastorate ot the•- Testament. Wilson, J, W, Wolfe, Jacob Wright,
Senior &_oo,. 1902. and John Wright, Included ia
66p. Northwestern Chriatian university Broke and the -y out, or, why and
by A, R, Benton, pp, 414-422. where the N- Testament teaches
tithing, Dallas, Tex., Published
oolNARS, HARRYVATTB!'fl',1862- by )lyron Evarts for the ote-rdship
b, London, England, 7 Jlr 1862, IVAIIS, WILL H committee, East Dallas Christian church,
b, n,d,
d, .13.p.
The Savior'• prayer tor unity,
(In Rowe, F.• L., ed. Our Savior'• Today ia my day, (In Dawaon,"F, Devil'• joke on the ohurches •• and
prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 68-60) F,, ed. · The Christian -n at work, you. Dallas, Tex., East Dalla•
1941, V, 3, pp, 97-104) Christian church,
b, EVEREST, HARVEYlfILLUll, 1831-1900, God's plan for aupporting hi• church
b, Borth Budaon, B, Y,, 10 lly 1831, and keeping you trom unhappineaa and
d, financial distre••.
Application or the•- York; Pitta-
burgh & Chicago raliroad for oertifi- The divine demonstration, a text- God's plan or man'• plans ot church
cate ot public convenience and neoea- book ot Chriatian evidence, St, tinano•, which?
aity tor the oonatruotion or its line Louia, Chriatian pub. co,, •1884, c4ap.
ot railroad and tor per,nieaion to
retain the exoeaa earnings thereat,,,
August 15, 1926, •- York, Pre••
St. Louie, Christian board, What tithing will do,
Centennial leaflet no, 22,

.401.p. 4p.
Evert• - Euell
Why Jesue is counting · on me to EWERS; JOllN RAY, 1877~
tithe, by a bueinesa man. cDallas, b. West Unity, o., 9 N 1877.
Tex., East Dallas Christian church, d.
c:8:,p. Our own etate strategic ground ••• The witness of the spirit, St • .
n.p., n.d. Louis, Christian board,
Tithing among Texas Dieciples. 16p.
(In JlcPherson, Chalmers. · Disciple• The bleased man1 The true legion of
of Christ in Texas, 1920, pp. 139-144) Vital religion: modern oonsidera- honor; The word of God1 skeleton ser-
tiona of eome fundamental problems. mons, (In Cory; N. E., ed, The
Eight eermons; •• deliv.,red in the early polymathist, 1877, pp. 439-440; 338-
ccEVRIDGE, DEANACUFF weeks of 1924. Pi t tsburg, East end 3391 130-134)
b. Christian church, .1924,

The s. D. N. theory of muaic. Who are the Disciple• of Christ? Coop, Timothy. A trip around
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation. Pittsburgh, East end Christian church, the world. ,
b. The history of preaching for twenty b, St. Charle• county, Jlo., 13 S
d. yaars. ·(In Willett, H. L., ed. 1834.
Progre"") d, Temple, Tex,, 23 Mr 1910,
joint comp. see
about ae" Forgiveneu of lino,
Taylor, Austin. New ideal goepel Christian board,
hymn book. Ewer•, J.C. Portrait of an
arti•t in action. The great legacy; a preeentation
of the gospel plan of salvation under
BWERS,JOHN CANFIELD, the eimilitude of a will. St. Louis,
b. EWING; ELLA CAMPBELL,1883-1907. John Burns, 1878,
b; Jacksonville, Ill., 13 F 1883. 3l6p.
d. Bolenge, Africa, 17 My 1907.
Plains Indian• p·ainting I a descrip- --, c2d ed., Cincinnati,
tion of an aboriginal American art. about Central book concern, 1880, •1878,
Stanford university, Calif., Stanford 32lp.
university press, •1939. Eur"ka college, claas of 1904. Contents include: Autobiographic
xiv, 84p. front., plates. A memorial of Ella Campbell Ewing; sketch, pp. 292-307,
NewYork, Pr""" of Eaton and Mains,
Portrait of an artist . in action. 19097 --, 6th ed, St, Louis, Chris-
(In Campbell and Jloaeley, eds. lly 84p. tian pub. co., 1886, •1878,
dad, 1938, pp. 48-63) 30lp.
with STUART.
CUTBBERTSOR, ocEWING, HETTIELEE --. Delight, Arie., Goepel
b. light pub, co,, 1943?
A preliminary bibliography on . the 272p.
American fur trade. St. Louia,
Rational park service, Jefferson Womenworker• in foreign fields. Harmony of the goapel plan of
national expansion memorial, 1939. (In Abilene Christian college Bible aalvation. St, Louis, Christian
19lp. lectures, 1937, ·pp. 116-119) board,

Fagin - Faria ,
FAGIR, ¥ HOIJARD,1886- . The1i11 Ph. D, , Corne l l uniTera i ty, ab out
b, Hew Zealand, 20 ~ 1886. 1926.
Reprinted · tr0111Journal of Phyaioal Starr, H, E. Tol bert Fanni ng,
oh811li1try, T, 31, no, 6, 1927. ( I n Dict io nary of Amer ic an bi ography,
Chri1tian bapti1a. TOl, 6, 1931, pp, 268-2 69)
traot. Reaotiona of the metal• and their
qualitiative dateotion , Ann Arbor, about aee
hangali&• or die. (In Dawaon, llioh,, Id-rd, bro,,, 1934,
F. F. , ed, The Christian -n at work, 73p. Bol es, H. L, Biographical
1939, T. l, pp, 87-91) 1ketc he1 of goapel prea cher s ,
Gowen, Geor ge , Tol bert Fanning .
-.--, (In International oonTan- FALL, ' PHILIP SUTER, 1798-189 0. 16:>
or e, W. T, The l i vi ng pul pi t
tion, 1938, pp, 98-102) b; Brighton ,' Engl a nd, 8 s 1798, of the Chri st i a n ohuro h,
d, Frankfort, Ky., 3 D 1890,

FAGLEY,FREDERICK LOUIS, 1879- ·Apo1tolic rite of oonfinna t io n, FARIS, ELLSWORTH, 1874-

(Congragat i onaliat) St. Loui s, Christian pub , oo. b , Sal em, Tenn, , 30 S 1874,
. Story of the Congregational-Chris- ReTiew of th e "Report on t he valid-
tian ohurohea, Bo1ton, Pilgrim ity of the ba ptism admi nis t ered in the The nature of human natu re , and
preaa, •1941, reform or Campbellite body1 adopted at other eaaay 1 in so cial psyc hology ,
ll2p, illu1, the late meeting of Transylvania Pres- fi rst ed, New York, McGraw, 1937,
bytery, and ordered to be pub lished aa xii, 370p, (McGraw-Hill publi-
part of the minut es of that meeting;" ca tions i n sociology)
1f in a letter to Rev, S, Robinson, D, D,,
b, by P. S, Fall, A. K,, minister to the The Campbell institute, question•
oongregation of Jeau1 Christ, Na111Tilla and answer,, (In Wil l ett, H. L.,
Tenn••••• · Published by that congre- ad, Progress, anniTer1ary volume
The ooDTaraion of Aunt Suaan to gation tor gratuitoua di1tribution, of the Campbell institute, 1917, pp .
ai11ion11 how ahe organ1,ed an auxil- ·Loui1Tille, llorton & Grinold, printer, 44-52)
iary. .Indianapoli1, C, lf, B, K•• 1869 .
n,d, 10p , Religion and social attitudea ,
llp. · (In Garri1on, W, E,, ed, Faith of
---. 3d ed, Cinoinmti, Stan- the free, 1940, pp, 36-46)
dard, 1882,
FAIRBilU, CARROU. 62p. The 1ect and the 1ectarian. (In
b. Burgea1, E. lf, Personality and the
about aee aocial group, •1929, pp , 134-150)
A aerTioa of dadioation for Bole,, H. L, Biographical !!• with othera,
churoh 1ohool taaohere, · .Indiana- akatohaa of goapel praaoher1,
polh, U, C, K, S,, n,d, Intelligent philanthropy, ad, by
a:4-ap. Ellnorth Fari1, Farria Launa, and A.
FANNIIIG,JIRS. CHARLOTTE (FALL) (Jira. J. Todd, · Chicago, UniTersity of
Tolbert Fanning) 1809-1896, Chicago pre11, •1930 ,
FAIRHURST,ALFRED,1843-1921, b; near .London, England, 10 Ap 1809, Tii, 322p , illu1,
b, d, RaahTille, Tenn., 16 Ag 1896,
d , Lexington, Ky,, 24 ~ 1921,
about ••• FARIS, JOHR THOIIPSOR,1871-
Athehm in our uniTareitiea, .Cin- (Preabyterian)
cinnati, Standard~ •1923, Larimore, E. P. The life work of
212p, Jira. Charlotta Fanning , How it-• done in Har111ony1a
story of adult claaa work, Cincin-
~ good poema, St. Louil, Chrh• nati, Standard, •1916,
tian pub, oo,, 1899. FANRIRG,TOLBERT,1810-1874; l32p,
240p, b, Cannon county, Tenn., 10 ~ 1810,
d, h1hTille, Tenn,, 3 JI,)>1874, The mother heart ; meaaagea for
The organ in worahip, •• Cinoin- Mother'• day and for eTery day,
nat1, Standard, 1889. True -thod of ••arching the aoriP,,: Cincinnati, Standard, •1916,
6p. tura,. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 72p,
Organic eTolution oon,idared, 136p, (Chri1tian Sunday 1ohool
St, Loui,, Chriatian pub, oo., 1897, library) FARIS, LILLIE ARNE, 1868-1946.
386p, b,

--. Cincinnati, Standard, 1911. ·

Cincinnati, H. 8, Bonorth, d, Lynchburg, O,, 7 Kr 19"5,

•1897. uep. Bible bird• and animala I fifty-two

414p, bird, and ant.ala of Roah'• ark.

Tliei,tio rrolu t ion, Cinoinnat1,

--. St, Loui1, John Burn,. Cincinnati,
Standard, 1942,
(Outline picture etudiu)
•1919, .--.
St, Louie, Christian pub,
Bible 1toriee for young people.
U6p, Bew York, Platt and llunk, 1936, •1934.
PALL,PAUL.B!lfRY, 1892• , Striotur•• on Baptiat prinoiplaa,
b, Fountain City, Ind,, _8 JI,)>l89a, (In Elley, G, lf, Detanoa, !indergarten outline pt'oturu;
th-•, lif• of Je1u1. Cinoinn.:ti,
Detergent action of 1oap1,., TM ·a1a1ion or the ohuroh of Chri1t. Standard, 1939,
oithaoa, B, Y,, . 1927. · ·· · (In Jloore, lf. T . , ad, The living pul- 52 outline, in folder.
801·8•9p. illua., diagra, pit · or the Christian ohuroh, 1867, pp,

F Faria - Ferguaon

Light• aglow1 a teacher•' manual, Autobiography or John G. Fee,

atandard Bible courae for pre-school Berea, Kentucky, Chicago, Rational
ch ildren .with a for-ord by James Baby daya. Cincinnati, Standard, Christian association, 1891.
DeForest lluroh, Cincinnati, Stan- 1917 • . 2llp. front. (port,)
dard, •1940. 32p.
220p. illus. Christian baptism; action and •ub-
Junior handwork and poster . pattern jeot, Cincinnati, Author, 1878,
New sand-table (a revision of The book. Cincinnati, Standard, 1937. l98p,
sand table) a manual for Sunday school 48p.
teacher,. Cincinnati, Standard, The ainfulneaa ~r slave holding,
•1931. ADAMS,MRS. CARRIE shown by appeal• to reaaon and acrip-
132p . illus . BELLE (WILSON) ture. llew York, Printed by J. A.
Gray, 1861,
New Testame nt stories, retold for Co11111!1lnion
choir . Cincinnati, 36p.
children; illus. by A. · o. Scott. Standard, 1916.
New York, Platt "& Munk; 1936. about
124p. front., ill~s. Songa tor ohildren. Cincinnati,
Standard, 1916. Fenn, W. P. John Gregg Fee.
Bew York, Platt & lfunck, l97p. (In Dictionary or American biography,
V • 6, 1931, pp. 310-311)
124p. front., illus. OTHERS
about aee
Old Testament- leaders. Cincin- Third year · atandard · vacation Bible
nati, Standard, 1941. school courae, primary; by L.A. Rogers, J, A. R•. Birth of Berea
52 plates. (Outline picture Faria, Caroline Kellog, · and F. 11.· college.
aerie•) Waterman. Cincinnati, Standard,
Old Testament atoriea ·retold for 119p. FELLERS, H CECIL, 1906-
children; illus. by w.·F. White. b. Jlarion, Ind., 1906,
Bew:-York, Platt & Munk, 1934. joint_!!. aee d.
Sturgia, J. II:. Junior hy,nn The great ooapanion. (In Inter-
Bew York, Platt & lllnk. stories. national convention, 1942, pp. 2_04-
•1940. 213)
124p. front., illua.
Outline pioturea tor the prl-ry b. London, l(y. , 19 Ja 1880. FERGOSON,AARONALEXANDER, 1867-1921.
child. Cinoinnati, Standard, 1914. b. Rusaell county, Va., 6 S 1857,
d, Bliaabethton, Tenn., 7 Ja 1927,
Outline picture studiea of the Captured by Christ. (In Gray, A.
ohildren · or the Bible. Cincinnati, w., ed. 'Preaching that build• churohes 1 about see
Standard, 1930. 1940, pp. )
_52p. pioturea. Weat, J. W. 81attohes or our
mountain pioneers,
Outline picture . study of the lite FAUROT,RANDALL,1820.:.1882.
of Christ tor children. Cincinnati, b; , 11 .o 1820.
St&lldard, 1927. d. , 10 0 1882. FERGUSON,ABTHOWY 11:DIGBT; 1836-191&,
62p. b. Russell county, Va;~ O 183fi.
The pilgrim'• progress fr0111the d. Elisabethton, Tenn., 21 B 19lfi.
The primary Bible teacher and city ot destruction to the oeleatial
leader, a tw.nty-hour courae tor oity ot re.f'uge, from a gospel stand- about aee
teacher• and workers ot the Primary · poin t , containing intffTiews with
department. Cincinnati, Standard, aectariana on various topioa, 2d ed; Weat, J. W. Sketohea of OID"
•1943. rev. and corrected. Philadelphia, mountain pioneers.
128p. Author, •1864.
Sand-table; a manual tor Sunday · FERGUSON,I •
school teacher•. c·inoinnati, Stan- b.
dard, •1915. FAUST, FLOYD, 1904-
86p. illus., plates. b. Hillsboro, O., 22 S 1904.
Bow to run a little Sunday aohool,
Standard Bible story readers. Cincinnati, Standard.
Cinoianati, Standard~ 1926-1929. The ethical aignifioance or abnormal ·
6vol. in h\a&n experienoe.
Ph. _D. Ohio State U., 1936. ooFEROUSOB,BDBA
Standard flannel pict-o-grapha, b,
illus. 62 inoidents in the lite ot
Christ. Cincinnati, Standard, •1942. JIZ!!, JOHN GREGG, 181~1901;
32 oharta. b ; Bracken county, Ky., 9 ·5 1816. Rhyaing thought•.
d. Berea, Ky., 11 Ja 1901,
--. teacher•' .. nual. Cinoin-
natl, Standard, •1942. An anti-slavery -nual, being an FEROOSOJI,
EOGBNBCUT, 1847-19-10,
24p. examination in the light or the Bible, b, Ogle oounty, Ill., 18-17.
and of taota, into the mor&l and social d. Bryon, Tex., -l O 1940,
A study of the ohildren'a poet. wrong• or American •lavery, with &
Daneville, B. Y., F. A. Owen pub, oo., r-,edy tor the evil, Jlaya'rille, ly., Idle houra, a boolc or po-a_
•1904. Printed ·at the Herald office, 1848, Blooaington, Ill., Author, •191 5';
6lp. illua. 230p. 128p,

A atudy ot the Quaker poet; arranged

tor priaary · gr&de•. Athena, O., H.
G. Willi&JU, 1908.
Ferguson - Fife F

FERGUSON,JESSE BABCOCK,1819-1870. April .15, 1855 , Published and c i rcu- The churches and a . just and a dur-
b. Philadelphia, Penn., 19 Ja 1819. lated gratuitously by W. LI. Wetmore. able peace, a handbook for the use of
d. 3 S 1870. Nashville, M'Kennie & Brown, 1855. clasaes and disc ussion groups dealing
20p. with the findin gs of the National stud)
An addre•• on education, delivered conference at Delaware, Ohio, March 3-
in the Hall of the Na•hville female about see 5, 1942, under the auspices of the
academy, December 21st, 1849. Commission on a just and durable peace
liashville, John T. S. Fall, book and Boles, H. L, Biographical of the Federal council of churches of
job pr.--Ben Franklin office, 1850. sketches of gospel preachers. Christ in America. , .Chicago, The
2lp. Christian century press, 1942.
Address on the history, authority, URGER) (Mrs. M.
and influence of slavery, delivered in S. Ferguson) Cooperatives and peace. N-
the 1st Presbyterian church, Nashville, b. York, Cooperative league of the U. s.,
Tenn., 21st of November, 1850, Nash- 1938.
ville, John T. s. Fall, book and job llp.
pr.--Ben Franklin office, colleg~ st., with OTHERS
1850. World peace and Christian missions.
32p. We go into a huddle concerning dad, New York, Frien 4sh i p press, •1937.
by Mrs. R. R. Ferguson, Jane Rothen- 64p. (Study a nd action series,
Divine illumination. Discourse• burger and Wilma Rothenburger. (In no. 1)
on the ministry of the angels: the Campbell and Moseley, eds. My dad,
idea of endless wrong an abomination: 19;$8, p~. 136-140) Is .sues in our modern world. (In
self knowledge the knowledge of International convention, 1934, pp.
spiritual oo!lll!lunion: inunortality ia 211-219)
life in God: llelohisideck or divin- FERM, VERGILIUS TURE ANSELM,1896-
ity in man: God will teach his (Lutheran) The world of notions. (In
creature•. Naahville, J. F. Morgan, Willett, and Buckner, eds. Inter-
printer, 1855. ed. preting Oxford, 1937, pp. 13-14)
Contemporary American theology;
History of the relation of the pas- theological autobiographies. N- FIELD, NATliANIEL, 1805-1888,
tor to the "Christian church" of York, Round table press, 1932-1933, b.
Naohville: being a discourse deli- 2v. d.
vered upon the propooal of the dissen- Contents:
tient members to return to the house v. 1 includes by E. s. Ames, A genealogy of the Pope family of
and aociety they had voluntarily lert. v. 2 includes by w. E. Garri, Kentucky,.. Jeffersonville, Ind.,
Delivered Sabbath, M'Kennie & Brown, eon. Even i ng news print, 1879.
1865 . 15p.
cFERNALD,MA RK, 1784-1951. debate with see CONNELLY,T.P.
Nationality versus seo .tionaliim an · b. 1!'.ittery, lie., 9 Mr 1784.
eatimat'e of the political criaia, the d. Kittery, lie., 30 D 1851. A debate on the state of the dead,
policy of the president, and the abom-
aloua legislation thirty-n.inth con- Life of Elder Mark Fernald written
gress, with an appeal to the people on by himself. Newburyport, Maes,, FIERS, A DALE
the duties and danger• of the hour. George Moore Payne and D. P. Pike, b,
Washington, D. c., llcGill & Withrow, 1852,
printers, 1866. viii, c 9,-405p, front, (port.)
16p. with OTHERS

Relation of pastor and people; FERRALL,BENJAMIIIS , 1865-1942 The financial program of the local
statement of belief on Unitarianism, b. Pleav,ntville, Ia., 16 N 1865. church. Questions by A. Dale Fiers
Univeraaliem and spiritualism, d. Buffalo, II. Y., lly 1942. and W. C. Finney, Answers by Franklin
Nashville, Union and American steam H. lfinck and Russell E. Simmons,
press, 1864. Precioua promises. (In Thornton, ,Indianapolis, Unified promotion, n,d.
20, cXXi,-xxiiip. E, W,, ed. Lord'• day worship servicer 16p. inc. oovera.
•1930, pp. 275-278)
Spirit communion; a record of
connunications .t'rom the apirit-apherea, FIFE, CLYDELEE
with incontestible evidence of per- FERRARI, ERMAPAUL, b.
aonal identity, preaented to the pub- b,
lic with explanatory observation,.
Nashville, Union and American steam Fife's revival sermons, Louis-
preu, 1864. Christian girla and their problems, ville, Pentecostal pub, ~-, •1922,
276p. Cincinnati, Standard, •1942, •1923.
l83p. 2 v. front. (port,)
Spirit communion, a record of V, 1, 239p,
c01!111lunication1 through H.B. Champion. Life and worship, worship services v. 2, 240p.
With explanatory observations by J. for young people, Cincinnati, Stan-
B. Ferguson. Rev. ed. cby llariua c. dard, 1 1943.
c. Church, Parkersburg, w; Va., 96p. FIFE, EARLHANSON,1891-
Printed by Globe press, 1888. b, Paris, Tex., 18 F 1891,
ix, 26lp,
Content• include: · Sermons by J. B, FEY, HAROLDEDWARD,1898-
Ferguson, pp. 197-242, b, Elwood, Ind., 10 O 1898, Holy spirit,

Spirit OOIIIIIIUJlion;
an innorable fact The holy spirit, (In Gray, A. W,,
in the internal coneciouaneea and Can Catholicism win America. ed. Preaching that builda churches,
external history 0f ·111an,being an Chicago, Christian century, 1945. 1940, )
acldreaa delivered, •• in la1hville, Tenn., 24p.

Fife - Fillmore

FIFE, ROGERH joint~- see FILLMORE, JAMES HENRY, 1849-1936.

b. b,
d. Leonard, S. W. The Christian d, Cincinnati, 0., 7 F 1936,
Sanotifioation; Wor•hip. (In comp.
Meacham, E. ,T., comp. Training to about see
teach, •1 913, p p . 184-186; 186-188) Antique anthems. Cincinnati,
Tiers, M. C. The Christian por- Fillmore,
trait gallery. 160p.
(Congregationalist) Fillmore's jewels for little
, C L singers. Cincinnati, Fillmore, •1898,
The technique of local church ad- b, 64p.
ministration, an address delivered at d,
the ministers' breakfast on Thur•day Fillmore's songs of glory; for
morning, October 20th, at Denver, History of sectarianville by Render Sunday-schools, churches, and the
Colorado, during the Internationa ·l A. Reason cpseud~~ Cincinnati, R. social circle. Cincinnati, Fill-
convention of the Disci ples of Christ. ~. Carroll & co., 1969, more, •1874.
cindianapolis, Pension fund, n.d. 96p. cl28,p,
Grateful praise, Cincinnati,
The church and her ministry. FILLMORE, CHARLESMILLARD, 1860- Fillmore,
(In International convention, 1938, b. Paris, 111., 15 Jl 1860. 160p.
pp. 386-395)
Hours of song. Cincinnati,
Easter recitations and exercises, Fillmore.
FILLMORE, AUGUSTUSDAMON,1823-1870. no. 2. Cincinnati, Fillmore,
b. near Gallipolis, O., 7 S 1823. Hymns for today for Sunday schools,
d. near Cincinnati, o., 6 Je 1870. Should a preacher smoke?••• Ind- young people's societies, the church,
ianapolis, No-tobacco league, n,d. the home, community welfare associa-
A 1ermon on predeatination and the 15p. tions, and patriotic meetings. Cin-
foreknowledge of God. 1851. cinnati, Fillmore, •1920,
Tobacco taboo. Indianapolis, 352p.
Power of the gospel. (In Mathes, The no-tobacco league, •1930,
J. M., ed. The wes 'tern preacher, vol, 153p. plates, ports. Miasionary songs; rev. and enl.
1, 1865, pp. 274-291) Cincinnati, Fillmore.

comp. New Christian hymn and tune book.

Fillmore's reform songs. Cin- Cincinnati, Fillmore.
Choralist. 1863, cinnati, Fillmore, 139-? 338p,

Concordia, joint comp. see The new praise hymnal, rev, ed.; a
416p. collection of scripture readings,
Fillmore, J, H. Prohibition churc~ hymn•, and gospel songs, ed.
Harp of Zion. 1864. songs. by J, H. Fillmore, Scripture reading•
by Craig W. Schwart,. Cincinnati,
Little minstrel. 1863, Fillmore, •1927,
Nightingale, Cincinnati, Apple- b, Paris, 111,, 15 My 1866,
gate & oo,, 1857, d, Cincinnati, 0,, 15 N 1925. Religioua recitation, for Sunday
school and church use. Cincinnati,
Polyphonic. 1863. comp. O., Fillmore, •1923.
The temperance musician; a choice Anthem prahe. Cincinnati, Fill-
collection of original and selected · more. Songs for the wee ones. Cincin-
muaio, arranged for one, two, three, 208p. nati, Fillmore.
and four voicea, with an extensive
variety of popular temperance 1ongs, Heart songs. Cincinnati, Fillmore, Songs of glory, no. 2, a collection
deaigned for the people, Cincin- of beautiful songs for Sunday schools
nati, Applegate& . co,, 1853, Song• of rejoicing. Cincinnati, and the family circle, Cincinnati,
192p. Fillmore, Fillmore, 1891, •1881.
160p. cl28,p.
Universal musician. 1850?
Triumphant praise. Cincinnati, Song• of gratitude. Cincinnati,
Violet. 1867. Fillmore, Fillmore.
with SKENE, ROBERT. Vocal music le11ons. Cincinnati,
with HARTSOUGH,PALMER. Fillmore,
Fillmore's Christian psaltery, a
collection of new and old sacred Banner of beauty, rev, ed. with ELLIS, G. J.
music, consisting of tunes, anthems, Cincinnati, Fillmore.
doxologies, sanctuses, and chant•. The praise hymnal, a collection of
adapted to congregational worahip; joint comp, He hymn• and tunes. Cincinnati, Fill-
embracing also a concise course of more, •1896,
elementary instruction in the science Fillmore, J. H. Fillmore's school 512p.
of music, Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll singer, no. 2.
& co., •1867. , abridged ed. Cincinnati,
400p. School singer, no. 3. Fillmore, •1896.
, 160p.

Fillmore • Fite F

Then- praiae hymnal, a collection taken from the leading publiahers of Esaaya and dialogues on the power•
of soripture reading•, church hymn•, Europe and America. Pasadena, Calif, and auaceptibilitiea of the human
goapel aong•, and anthem•; being the T. R. Fillmore, 1904, mind for religion, J, Clark, 1863.
Praise hymnal revised and enlarged; 79p,
Cincinnati, Fillmore, •1896, •1906. The philosophy of the human mind
676p. in reapect to religion1 or a demon-
, JACK, 1908-
FI1'EGAJI stration. 1813.
with nLLIIORE, C. M. b. Dea Moinea, Ia., 11 Jl 1908.

Prohibition songs. Cincinnati, FISHER, A s

Fillmore. Book of student prayers, New b.
York, Association press, 1946,
A highway shall be there, St. The college bell, (In Dickin-
Fillmore's ·school singer, no. 2. Louis, Bethany presa, 1946, son, E.-J., ed. History of Eureka
Cincinnati, Fillmore. college, 1894, pp. 343--344)
Light from the ancient paat1 the
Sohool singer no. 3. Cincinnati, archaeological background of the Hebrew,
Fillmore. Christian religion. . cPrinceton, R, FISHER, AMY\VOODWARD
(lira. Emil
J., · Princeton university preaa, 1946. Fisher)
PALIIER. xxxiv, 600p. + 112 plates. b.
Children'• glee book. Cincinnati, Die uberlieferung der leidena • und i
Fillmore. auferatehung-aqeachichte · Jeau, The seventh hill, an historical
Gieban, Alfred Topelmann, 1934. novel in blank verse, Caldwell,
Fillmore'• Sunday school aong•, .119.p. Idaho, Caxton printers, 1942.
nos, land 2 combined, Cincinnati, 258p. illua.
Fillmore, 1900, Conserving student life for the
- .128.p. church. · (Ih International conventio~
1937, pp. 117-123) FISHER, RICHARDS
Goepel aonga, no'•• land 2, b,
Cincinnati, Fillmore,
420p. FIJILEY, JAMESBRADLEY,1781-1866,
(llethodht) He has never had to be towed in!.
with KIRKPATRICK,lf. J, (In Campbell and Moseley, eds. lly
Autobiography of Rav. Jamee B, dad, 1938, pp. 54-68)
Joy and praise. Sunday achool Fihley1 or pioneer life in the weat,
aong book. _Cincinnati, Fillmore. ed. by w. P. Strickland. Cincinnati,
Printed at the -Methodist book concern FISHER, S GRUNDY,1879-
with ROSECRANS,J. H, for the author, R. P. Thompson printer, , b, Nodaway county, Mo,, 18 S 1879.
Children'• hallelujah. Cincin- 465p, front. (port,)
nati, Fillmore. Content• include, Material con- Church extension and miaaions.
178p, cerning Cane Ridge revin.l and ·(In International convention, 1941,
Barton ·w. Stone. pp. 214-224)
G-• and jeweh, Cincinnati,
Fillmore. Forbearance1 Kercy, or the deaire
160p. FINLEY, L F of God, (In Meacham, E. J., comp.
b. Training to teach, •1913, pp. 169-
Glory and praiae, Cincinnati, 161; 151-163)
160p. _ Vest pocket Bible readings and
eva_ngeli.,sts query box, McArthur, o.. FISHER, STEPHENELIAS; 1871-
with UlfSELD, B, D, Author, 1899, b. Waahburn, Ill,, 30 Ja 1871.
Fillllore'• school ainger, no. l.
Cinoinnati, Fillmore. The contribution of architecture
160p. FINNEY, 1f C to the building of the church,
b, (In International convention, 1937,
pp. 126-132)
joint author aee The weaver•. (In Cory, A.!,,
A hymnal for joyoua _ :youth, an all ed. Voices of the sanctuary, 1930,
purpoae hymnal for church, :young peo- Fiers, A. D. The ~inancial pro- pp. 24-32)
ples' aervioea, and Sunday aoboola, gru, of the local church.
ed. by Palmer Hartsough, George 0, introduction aee
Wester, Eleanor Allen Schroll and J.
B. Fillmore... Cincinnati, Fill· FISH, l!E1'RYC Garrison, J. H. Place of reli-
more, • 1927. b, gion ill the life of man.
about aee
Begleot of the Lord'• aupper.
FILLl«>RE,THOIIASHILL Bew York, Thoma• Bolman, n.d. Fisher, R. S, He haa never had
b. 4p. to be towed in!


b. b. Peru, Ind., 18 Kr 1874.
Fillmore'• liat of carefu.117 aeleo• d.
ted and graded worka for the pianoforte,

F Fite - Flippin

The birth or our Lord. Cincin- FLEl!lNG, CHRISTOPHERALEXA NDER, 1857- FLEifELLING,CARREL WESLEY, 1887-
natl, Powell and White, 1945, b . Eau Claire, Mich,, 22 S 1887.
b, near Owen Sound, Ontario, 12 My
Blindneaa. Ci nci nnati, Powell 1857, .
and White, 1925. d, Owen Sound, Ontar i o, 18 Ap 1945. Ste ps toward Calvary, pro grams for
mid-week services, .Indianapolis,
God's plan for financing the · church. Commerc ial law and bu siness papers. U. C. M. S •• 1942.
Ashland, Ky,, Author, cl916. · Owen Sound, Onta r io, Author, c l3>P•
24p. l5 6p.
Amer i ca needs Christ today, · (In
A neglect ed ord i nance, five argu- Expert bookkee ping. Owen Sound, International convention, 1942, pp .
ments for tithing. St . Louis, Chris- Ontario; Author, 128-139)
tia n pub. co., •191 9 . 558p.
How to write a bus i ness l etter, FLICK, MARJORIER
The resurrection or our Lord; an Owen Sound, Ontar i o, Author, b.
Easter drama. cMt. Vernon, Ky.>, l30p,
Auth or, •1 940 ,
Jo urnaliz i ng and business problems. Historical sketch or Franklin cir-
What one must know to be saved, .• Owen Sound, Ontario, Author . cle chur ch or Christ, 1842-1942.
n , p., n.d •. llOp. Clev eland, O., Franklin circle church
llp. of Christ, cl 942.
The laws of busineaa. Owen Sound, c32.p. port . , illua.
Ontario, Author ,
DORE, 1871- 26lp.
b, Gifford, S, c., 9 0 1871, FLICKINGER,ROYCASTON, 1876-1942,
Practical mensuration, without b, S,meca, Ill,, 17 D 1876.
al gebra, Owen Sound, Ontario, d. Jl 1942.
An analysis of the book of Romans, Author,
Kl,nberlin Heights, Tenn:, Author, 120p, Greek theater and its drama,
19297 Chicago, University of Chicago preaa,
Self-instructor in penmanship. 1918,
The power or the gospel, Timp- Owen Sound, Ontario, Author, xxviii, 358p, front., illus,, plate,.
s on? , Tex., Author, 192 3? lOOp.
pamphlet, --. c2d ed.. Chicago, Univer-
30 leasons in punctuation. Owen aity or Chicago pre11, 1922.
The setting up or the kingdom and Sound, Ontario, Author. xxv111, 368p. front . , illus,, pl;tea.
the law or admission, Reedy River, 40p.
s. C,, Author, 1900, -i 3d ed. Chicago, University
ll p . or Chicago preaa, •1926 ,
FLEMING,JENNIE V xxviii, 36l p . front , , illus,, plates.
The tithe le a debt, 1926? b,
pamphlet, --, 4th ed. Chicago, Univeraity
or Chicago press, •1936.
Ashley S. Johnson. (In Brown, J, ltinerating among India's villages, xxv111, 385p, front., illus,, plate,.
· T., ed. Churches or Christ, 1904, Indianapolis, C. lr. B. M,, n,d,
pp. 497-498) llp. Meaning of "epi tea akenea" in
writers of the fourth century.
debate with l!lNOR, G, C, (Seventh Chicago, University of Chicago press,
day adventiat) cFLEMING, LORENZO D , 1808-1867. 1902.
b, 8 0 1808. 16p,
Debate on First day adventism at d. Rochester, N. Y., 16 Je 1867,
New Hope advent church, Colleton Plutarch aa a source or informa-
county, S. C,, October 16-18, 1900, The New Testament companion, designe• tion on the Greek theatre. Chicago,
Kimberlin Heights, Tenn,, Author, 1901. for Bible claasea, Sabbath school cUniveraity or Chicago pres,., 1904,
l 72p. teacher•, and young students or the 64p,
Printed by S. B. N-n & co,, aoripturea, with an introduction;
Kno:nille, Tenn, Portla nd, Me ., S. H. Colesworthy, 1839, !!·
Carmina latina. New York, Amer-
FIX, MRS, GEORGEJ ican classical league, 1919.
b. FLEMING,WILLIAM'HARRISON,1835-1910, 14p. illus,
b, Overton county, Tenn,, 11 Je
1835. --. Chicago, ·university of
comp. d. 11 Jl 1910. Chicago preea, 1919.
14p, illus,
An anthology or atewardahip, about see
.Indianapolis , U. C, M, s .• n.d. --, 3d ' ed. Chicago, Univeraity
c:32:Jlp. Boles, H. L, Biographical or Chicago press, 1924,
sketches of gosp,-,1 preacher•. 24p, illus.

FLANDERS, G T (Univer- Songs for the Latina club.

ealiat) ccFLEIIING, WINIFRED Chicago, Univeraity or Chicago preaa,
b, 1924,
Review of Alexander Ball'• "Univer- iv, 24p.
aalism againat itself," Zane•ville.,
o., 1847. Prove all things; or, a book on the
304p. plan · of salvation and the Chriatian FLIPPIN, JOHN R
E, C, Church, printer, Zaneaville, life, rev. and enl. ed. Cincinnati, b.
o. Christian leader corporation, 1927.

Flippin - Fogle F

Sketches from the mountains or about aae

llexico; Cincinnati, Standard, 1889.
xiv , 433p . The patriot'• 111&nual,dealing with Bolaa, I!, L, Biographical
the irrepreiaible conflict between two sk:etchaa or gospel preachers .
mutually exclusive worl d theoriaa · or
FLOOD,J (Jlethodiat) government; a compendium or racta,
historical data, reason and present- FLOYD,JOl!)I FRAliKLIR,1862-1917,
debate with SUJ!MERBELL, NICHOLAS, day chronicles, s howing why every trie~ b, Ky,, · 7 1tr 1862,
or rund&inantal democracy must oppose d, Upper Troy, }I', Y.,·, 16 My 1917,
Diacuasions on the trinity. poli tioa--eoclesiaatical Romanism i n
its un-Amarican campaign to make !Edern dancing among church mem-
America "dominantly Catholio"1 c0111- be rs; examined from a scr ip ture point
FLOIIER, BENJAJIINORANGE,1858-1918. pilad trom authoritative sources by a or view, Fayetteville, Ark.,
(Died Unitarian) atarr of competent writers, under the Author, 1879.
b. Albion, Ill,,"19 0 1858. personal direct i on and editorial super- 43p ,
d. Boston,, 2• D 1918. vision or B. 0, Flower. Fort Scott,
The century or Sir Thoma• Moore.
Kana,, Free praaa defense league,
St, Louis, John Burns,

1896. xii, 2-Wp. 36p,

Christian science as a religious about Our t our around the worl d, con- ·
belief and a therapeutic agent. tain i ng a description in brief lat-
Boaton, Twentieth oantury co., 1909. Starr, I!. E. Benjamin Orange ter• or a tour around the world
xx, 168p. Flower, (In Diotionary ·or American including ten year•' raaidance in
biography, v. 6, 1931, pp, •77-•78) New Zealand and Australia. Chicago,
Civilization'• inferno1 or, studiaa Charles I!, Karr cl: oo., 18.96,
in the social cellar. Boston, Arena about aee 268p, front. (port,) plates.
pub. co., •1893.
237p. Flower, George, History of the What must I do to be aavedT
English settlement in Edwards county,
Equality and brotherhood; the Ill,
dreams of the ancient world, become FLYBT, FAYEDEBECK
the realities or today. The latest b,
social vision. A general vi- or th4i P'LOll'ER,GEORGE,1780-1862,
eocialiatio tendency in modern society, b.
witJi particular reference to Edward d. Our living book:, a oourae tor
Bellamy'• work on "Equality" and the intermediates or junior high aohool
verification of that work in the .History ot the Engliah ·aettlement groupe in vaoation ohuroh aohoola,
existing conditions or · civilization. in Edward• county, Illinois, founded Teacher'• book, St, Louie, Bethany
Boston, Arana pub. co., 1897. in 1817 and 1818 by Morria Birkbeok praa •, •1945.
cl9,p, and George Flower, By George Flower 192p,
with preface and rootnotea by E, B, "Published tor the International
Gerald Mo.s•ay, poet , prophet and 'll'ashburne, Chicago, Fergus ptg, co,, committee on co-operative publi•
mystic. 1896, 1882, · oation ot vacation and weekday
•02p, front, (port,) (Chicago ohuroh aohool curriculum . "
How England -erted a revolution hiatorioal society collection, v, 1)
or force1 a aurvey or the social --, vacation churoh aohool,
agitation or the fir at ·ten yeara of Pupil•' book, St, Louie, Bethany
Queen Viotoria•a · reign. Trenton, PLOWER,GEORGE EDWARD, 1847-1884, preaa, •1946,
B. J., A. Brandt, 1903. b, Albion, 111.; 16 0 1847; 32p, illua,
288p, d, , 18 ~ 1884, "Published tor the international
c0111111itteeon oo-oparative publi-
Leaaona learned tr011 other livea, Lif•~d writing• ed. by Isaac cation ot vaoation and weekday
Errett~ · Cinoinnati; Standard, 1886, church aohool ourrioulum,"
Then- time, 189•• 338p, tront, (port,)
Persona, plaoaa and ideaa1 miaoel- FOOL!, MAURICE 'll'ILLIAll, 1903-
about ••• b, . Zanaaville, O,, 12 R 1903,
lanaoua e1aaya,., Boston, Arena
pub, co,, cl896, Flower, "George, History or the
193p, illus., porta, English settlement in Bdwarda county,
Ill. In a troubled day, How ahall we
Progreuive men, women, and mov~ gird our1elve1 tor aocial righteoua-
manta ot the P,&St twenty-five yeara, neu now and t<W10rrow? (In Inter-
Boston,•- Arena, •1914, ooPLOYD;JOHii D , 1839-1919, national convention, 1942, pp, l7S-
316p, front,, porta, b; Tenn; ; 1 S· l839, 177)
d, Tullahoma, Tean . , 30 N 1919.
Righting the people'• wronga1 a Jaaua• -y with ainnera, (In
leaaon tr0111the history ot our · own ·The place and purpoa• or bapti••, Thornton, I, 11'., ed, Bethany college
times, Cinoinnati, Standard, •1917, lfaahville, lloQuidd7 ptg, co·,, 1904, eermone, 1930, pp, 162-171) ·
2SSp, tract,
'll'hittier1 prophet, ileer and man, . The world ct reocnoiliation, and FOOL!, 0 L
Beaton, Arena pub, oo,, 1898, ita application by ..Chrht'a uibaaaadora, b,
viii, 160p, front, (port,) hahville, JfoQuiddy ptg, oo,, 1902,
with OTl!KRS
Jliuion irOrk in Tenneuee, (In ·
In datenae ot trH ·apeeoh1 6 ena:,a Jlurtreeaboro addreaa, 1917, pp, 4~66) Fogle'• .ala quartet and ohorua
trca the Arena, •- York, F!'H book, a oollecticn ot high grade •u•io
1peeoh league, 1908, tor •n'• voioea, Cincinnati,
Pillaore auaio house, •1908,

r Follc - Portuae

FOLK, EDGARESTES, 1866-1917, (Baptist) FORREST,JACOBDORSEY, Anniversary addreaa, delivered

b, before the American literary inati•
l(ormon·monster; or, the story of tute ot Bethany college, Bovnober 10th
lok>nnonism,,,with a full discussion of 1842. Bethany, Va., Printed by A,
the subject of polygamy, with an intro- The development ot western civili- Campbell, 1842.
duction . by George A. Lofton. zation, a study in ethical economic · 2lp.
Chioago, Revell; 1900, and political evolution, · chicago,
372p, front,, plates, port•. University of Chicago pre••, 1907.
Contents include: The relation of xii, 406p. FORTU!I!, ALORZO
WILLARD, 18 73-
Sidney Rigdon to the Boole ot Ji:>r- b. Holmea. oounty, o., 29 Je 1873,
mon, pp, 309-317, ed. see

Forrest, A. A. Easaya on philo- Adventuring with Diaoiple pioneer•.

E sophy and life, St, Louia, Bethany press, •1942,
78p. (College of the Bible boolca)
Patents and industrial progreas; Contents:
foreword by Robert L. Lund, New co FORREST,U R A serious attempt at unity (Tho-•
York, Harper, 1942. b. Campbell and Barton w. Stone).
406p. Returning to 1- Testament unity
(Alexander Campbell and Walter
Standing by . the oroaa, (In Abil- Scott).
FOOTE, C C ene Chriat"ian college Bible lecturea, The problem of independence and
b, 1926-1927, pp. 167-180) cooperation (D. S, Burnet and J.
d. T. Johnson).
Meeting new situations (Isaac
Christian character, skeleton aer- FORREST,ll'ILLIAll J!ENTZEL, 1868- Errett and J, H, Garrison).
1110n. (In Cory,-N. !,, ed. The b, Baltimore, Jld,, 19 0 1868,
polymathist, 1877, pp. 302-306) Central Christian church, Ledngton,
Ientuoky, 1816-1941,
Biblical alludona in Poe, New .20.p.
FORD, CLIFFORDJI York, lli.cmillan, 1928,
b, 208p. The ohuroh ot the future, St,
Louis, Bethany preaa, •1930,
Centennial address, Gilboa Chrii- 160p.
Adult education in the nu.11 ohuroh. tian church, Cuckoo, i.ouiaa county,
Indianapolis and St. Louis, u; c. JI, Virginia, n.p., 1934, The conception of authority in the
s. and Christian board, •1930. 19p, inc, front cover, Pauline writings, Chicago, Univer-
27p. (Local ohuroh service sity of Chicago libraries, 1918,
asaooiation) Centennial sermon, Macedonia church, l83p,
Orange cowity, Virginia,,.Auguat 11, Theaia: Ph, D., Univeraity of
1935. n,p., 1935, Chicago.
b, Contents include, Centeiuiia ~ hia- The Dieoiplea in lentucky, Lex-
d, tory ot Macedonia ohuroh, 183~1936, ington, ly,, Convention or the Chris-
by Henry H. Simm•, pp, 9-18. tian ohurchea in lentucky, •1932,
From a student ot 1866 and 1868, 416p, front,, plates, ports,
(In Dickinson, E. J., ed. Hiator1 ot Do fundamentaliate play fairT
Eureka college, 1894, pp, 248-266) Rew York, Maoaillan, 1926, The Diaoiplea of Christ, cind-
126p, ianapolia, u. C, JI, s .•
22p, (Aide to effective disci-
FORD, JIRS. MARIAREYNOLDS, Fires ot desire, 1907. pleahip)
d, India'i hurt and other addreaeea, .Indianapolis, co-ittee
St. Louie, Christian pub, 00,, •1909, on war aervioea, Diaoipl•• of Chriat,
The highlander, lndianapolia, 17lp. 19.43.
C, W. B. Jf, 22p, ino. front cover,
Ung or ahepherdT The song of Solo-
The reaponsibility of the woman in 1110nnewly rendered and for the tirat The fountain of lite. .American
the home to her siater in . induatrial time given aa a oomplete ·drama, Bible society, 19S7.
purauita, Indianapolis, C, W. B, JI, Boston; Stratford, •1928.
64p. La tuente de vida, Buenoa .lire•,
Librevia la Aurora, 1937 •
FORD, JIARY Official ayllabua tor Bible study • e1.p.
b, tor Virginia high 'aohoola, Char-
lotteilrllle; Va., University of Vir- Origin and developaent ot the Dii-
ginia, 1916, oiplea, St. Louis, Bethany pr•••,
Youth decide•, St, Louie, u. C, •1924,
II. S, A program tor the observance ot 186p,
llp. (Conf'erenoe plays) country church day, Charlottearllle,
Jfimeographed, Va., Univeraity of Virginia, 1916, , .2d ed., St, Louia, Chris-
tian board of publication, •1924, •19'4.
Jacob Doraey Forreat) 1872- b, · Religion in a demooraoy. Char-
1904, · . d. lottesville, Va,, Institute of public
b, near Akron; 0,, 14 Jfy-1872, affair•, University of Virginia, 1940,
d, Sea Breese, Pla., 27 Ap 1904, Addreaa delivered before the Wirt
institute on the seventh or ·January, Thinlcing thing• through with I. I,
·Euaya on philosbphy and- life, ed. 1839, the tirat anniversary; Pitts- Snoddy, St. Louia, Bethany pr•••,
by J. D. Forreat~ Indianapolh, burgh, Printed by A, Jaynee, 1839, •1940,
Hollenbeck pre••, 1904. 22p. 199p. (A college of the Bible
v, 272p. front. (port.) Haenty-titth anniversary vol,-)

Fortune • Frank F

Doea prayer !T\&keany difference? Chronological outline of t he life Going back to Jerusalem ; or, a
(In The American pulpit series, 1945, of Christ, a atudy of the four gospel 1earc h for the old path s , be i ng a
vol. 8, pp . 25-36) r e cords to as certain t he se quence o f plea for the restorati on of pr i mit i ve
events in the life of our Lord. Chr i stianity and the conseq uent
"Limiting . God. (In Cory ; A. -E: , Cincinnati, Standard, •1941. union of all of God's chil dren. St .
ed. Voices of the sanctuary, 1930 , cl2,p. port. Loui 1, Chr i stian pub, co,, 1878?
pp . 34-47) 48p.
Class notes on the epistle to the
Partners in preachin g ; Returning Hebr-e and the epi stl e of James. The rea dy helpe, .for i an
to the vision. . (In Interna t ional · Cincinnati, Standard, •1926. worker s ; a manual for t he laborer in
convention, 1941, pp. 242-253; 1937, 108p. pul pit or private mi nistration. St,
pp. 13-30) Loui s , Jo hn Burns, 1881.
The everla s ting gos pel. Cin-
Social adventures with Jesus in cinnati, Standard, •1 929. Spec ial and general providen ce, de-
church relati ons. (In Anderson, o. · 316p. livered on the morn i ng of April 25,
T., ed. Social adventures with Jeaus, 1880, published by requ est . li:>rning
1928, pp. 35-40) Introduction to the life of Christ , lesion, Matthew, si xth chapter.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1938. St. Louis, John Burns, 1880 .
introduction aee 303p. 32p .

Jennings, lf. W. Some religious The Lord's supper; The name of the St. Louis, Chri stian
talks by a university profeaaor. church. .Cincinnati, Standard, 1921, board.
about aee Supplementary cha pter on modern
- The lordship of Jesua. Cincin- revivaliam in Walsh's "M,ody' •
Fortune, C. H. Bia work 1a of nati, New Teatament tract society, n.d. theology examined." St. Louie,
major importance, 18p. John Burne.
Studies . in the life . of Chriat, To the public concerning the joint
FORTUNE,CARLH Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1938. aeleot co11111itteeappointed under a
b. v, jo i nt resolution to enquire into the
causes why soldie rs were paid in con-
The subject and de.sign of baptism; federa t -, treasuty notes instead of
His work ia of major importance, Action of baptism. .Cin cinnati, North Carolina treaaury notes.
(In Campbell and Ji:,seley, eds. lly Standard, 1920, ,Richlands?, II. C., 1863,
dad, 1938, pp. 59-62) 2p. 15p.
Signed J. H, Foy, Ri chlands, Onslow
co., May 13, 1863.
, Tr A , 1857-
b. b ; Scipio, Ind., 1867. Supplemental cha pter, being an
d. inqui ry -i nto the reaaons underlying
Mr. M:>ody'a marvelo us su0cese as an
The riae and development of the Popular amusement•; publiahed by evan geliat. (In Walsh, J, T.
restoration movftent, delivered aa request and upon endoraement of the Moody versus Chri st and hia apostlea,
presidential measage at East Central Christian ministers' association of 1880, pp. 81-106)
diatrict convention in Clinton, Illi- St. Louia. St. Louia, Christian
nois, llay 11-12, 1926. pUb• CO 1896,

19p. 24p. inc. front cover. FRANCES,IIA.RGARET

The old patha. (In Patterson, H. d.
cFOSTER, JONATHAN, C., ed. Our living evangelist, 1894,
d. ...
pp. 209-219) Rose Carleton's reward, Cinc i n-
nati, Bos,rorth, Chaae and Hall, 1871,
about see 283p.
.Pamphlets, titles unknown,
Denton, J . E. 'If. A. Feater.
co .
--. St, Louia, Christian pub.

coFOSTER, OTTO 283p,

The conduct of a gospel preacher1 b, '
An efficient eldership. (In Abilene · The captivity of the Ji,wa--oould it
Chriatian college Bible lecture,, 1943, happen here? · Nashville, Tenn.,
pp. 99-126; 1940, pp. 2-6~268) lforld vision. Chriat•a bod7, the church , Bir-
(Tract no. 6) mingham, England, Churohea of Christ
pub, committee, 1901.
oFOST!R, ROBERT, -1836. 40p.
b. FOY, JOSEPH HE!IRY, 1838-1917,
d. Portamouth, II. -H., 14 0 1836. b.
d. FRAn,JOSEPH con, 1841-1893.
~-. original and selected, b. llayaville, (y.~ 21 Ja 1841,
Portamouth, w. H., Printed at Chri•• The Christian worker, a practical d, Lancaater, Ky,, l D ·1893,
tian herald office, 1826, manual for preacheri and church otti-
oiala. St. Louia, Christian pub, about aee
co . , 1889- •1890,
P'OS'l'D, RUPERT CLilffO!f, 1888- 189p, Caeon, 'If, S, and othera, A
b. Owenton, Ky,, 26 F 1888, acUTenir history of the Chrietian
St, Louia, Chriatian board, church of Cynthiana, (y,
1912, •1890. ·

F Frank - Franklin

FRANK,ROBERTGRA11AM, 1873- Cincinnati, F •. L. Rowe, The union movement; or, a dialogue

b, Cynthiana, Ky,, 19 Vr 1873, n.d. illustrating the duty and . practica-
32p. bility of Chriotian union, among all
the people of God, upon the Bible and
Business and religion, (In Daw- England, H, Cheeseman, the Bible alone. Cincinnati,
son, F. F,, ed, ' The . Christian man at 1665. Chicago, Central book concern, n.d.
work, 1939, v, l, pp. 77-62) 3lp. 92p.

Charles s. Medbury the convention The contrast fairly stated, a reply St. Louis, Christian pub.
president, (In Miller; R. · H., ed. to Rice's strictures on Campbellism. co.
Charles S, Medbury, 1932, pp. 59-65) Cincinnati, Author?, 18567 92p.
Confidence in the silence. (In The churoh-- its identity. ( In
Cory, A. E., ed. Voices of the sanc- The gospel preacher, a book of Moore, W. T,, ed. The living · pulpit
tuary, 1930, pp. 48-60) twenty sermons, 1st ed, · Cincinnati, of the Christian church, 1867, pp.
Franklin and Rice, 1889, •1668. 341-356)
Memories of twenty-five years. 500p.
(In International convention, 1938, --. (In Rowe, F. L,, ed.
pp, 66-74) --, 4th ed, Cincinnati, Frank- Pioneer sermons and addresses, •1908,
lin &Rice, pub., 1669, •1668. pp. 256-275)
about see 500p.
Conversion, or turning to God; The
Moorehead, Mrs. E, F. Frankly, --, 6th ed. Cincinnati, G, w. course to pursue to be infallibly
Graham Frank is tops. Rice, 1869, •1868. safe1 How are persona nade believera1
500p. Inauguration of the new institution;
The kingdom of God; New Testament
FRANKLIN,BENJAMIN,1612-1676, , 7th ed. Cincinnati, Frank- example of conversion; Positive divine
b, Belmont county, O., l F 1612, lin and Rice, 1870, •1668. law. (In Sweeney, Z, T., ed. Ne'ir
d. Anderson, Ind., 22 0 1876. 500p. Testament Christianity, vol, 3, 1930,
pp. 251-281; 202-236; 300-330; 101-133;
Ability and accountability, a book , 6th ed. Cincinnati, Frank- vol, l, 1923, pp. 198-222; vol. 3,
for the times, containing the travels lin & Rice, 1670, •1668, 1930, pp. 153-183; vol. 2, 1926, pp.
of Robert Thinkwell and James Cautious, 500p. 125-151)
with a history of their conversion.
St. Louis, Christian pub, co,, n.d. ---, 10th ed. Cincinnati, debate with FISHER, T. J.
46p. Franklin & Rice, 1873, •1666, (Baptist)
Beginning of the reign of Christ. Debate on some of the distinctive
St. Louis, John Burns. --, vol. l, 14th ed. Cincin- differencea between the Reformer• and
nati, G. W. Rice, 1679, •1666. Baptists, •• Reported by George c.
St. Louis, Christian board. 500p, Stedman, phonographer, Louisville,
G, W, Robertson and co., at the Ken-
Biographical aketch and writings; --, vo'. l, 25th ed. Cincin- tucky Baptist book concern, •1668.
written and compiled by John F. Rowe nati, G. W, Rice, pub., 1661, •1666, 366p.
and G. W. Rioe, vol. l. Cincinnati, 500p. Cover title: Debate--Franklin and
o. w. Rice, 1860, Fhher.
Sllp. --, vol. l, 26th ed. ' Richwood,
Contents include, Divine authority debate with JOEL.
by J. K. Hoshour, pp. 262-292; The
O., Daniel Sommer, publisher,
----- HUllE,
beginning corner, by J. R. Howard, 500p.
pp, 206-2281 The kingdom of Messiah A debate on total hereditary; the
by W, C. Rogers, pp. 130-143. , vol. l, 31st ed. Indiana- poaaibility of all .. n, where the gos-
polis, Daniel Sommer, 1903, •1696. pel ia preached, becoming Chriatiana1
, 8th ed. Cincinnati, G, w. 500p. the design or baptiam; and the possi-
Rice, 1881, •1880. bility of falling from grace, between
Sllp. The gospel preacher1 a book of Joel Hu- ot Paaey county, Ind., of
twenty-one sermons, vol. 2. Cinoin- the regular Baptist ohuroh and Elder
book of gems; choice selections.
A nati, G. W. Rice, 1677, Benjamin Franklin of Cincinnati, ot
St. Louis, John Burns, 1879, the Christian ohuroh conmencing Nov,
, 17th ed. Riolmood, 0., 14 and ending Nov. 17, 18631 contain-
St, Louie, Christian pub. Daniel So111Dter,publisher, 1891, •1677, ing tour hour apeeohea and twelve
co. 607p. half-hour apeeohea on each aide,
600p. lit. Vernon, Ind., Larkin Duaoaohet &
--, 19th ed. Indianapolis, co., 1854.
Christian experience, or, sincerity K. W. Sommer, 1904, •1677. 322p.
seeking the -y to heaven, being the 607p. Cover title, lit. Vernon debate or
history or the conversion or an · inter- Hume and Franklin.
eating young man and hia union with Sermon on predestination and the
the church. Designed for Sunday achoola, rorekn<>wledge or God. 1661, debate with IIANFORD,ERASMUS.
young people, and all inquiring per- (Univeraaliat)
sona. Cincinnati, Chicago, Central Shorter catechism. Cincinnati,
book concern. n.d. Author, 18 66. An oral debate on the coming or ·
95p. 96p. the son of man, endleaa punishment,
and universal aalntion. Indiana
St. Louia, Christian pub, Sincerity aeeking the way to Heaven, atate journal, 1848.
co., 1883? aee Christian experience. 388p,
The union movement. Cincinnati, An oral debate on the coming or·
--. Cincinnati, Standard. Moore, ·wilatach and Keya.
the aon of man, endleaa pUDiahaent,
and univeraal aalTation, held near
Cinoilll».ti, _ Ohio. Boston, Abel

Franklin - Pre.He F


CUMBE), 1897-
359p. b, b,
Cover title: llo.nford and Franklin
debate on UniversaliS111.
A c6natituti6n for a church of Leaming about our church, unit•
debate with MATTHE,WS, JAKES Christ; n.p., n.d.
----- (Presbyterian) 12p.
of graded experience for pri ... ry chil-
dren, 2d ed, St, Louia, Publiohed
for the international committee on
Prede1ti11&tion and the foreknow- cooperative publication of vacation
ledge of God, ·a discussion ••• held in FRANKLIN,JOSEPH, 1834-1912, church school curriculum by the Beth-
Carlisle, K:y., c011111encingMa.y26th b. Middletown, Ind., 1834. any press, •1934.
and closing J1111elat, 1852... Cin- d. 2 Ap 1912. l60p, (Cooperative series of
cinnati, Jethro, Jackson, 1852. church school texts)
450p. Power of the plea for New Teatament
Cover title, Debate 011 predeatin- Chriatianity. Cincinnati, Standard.
ation. FRASER, THOMASH -1942.
Benjamin Franklin. (In Brown, J, b,
debate with MERRILL,S. If. T., ed. - Churchea of Chriat, 1904, d. London, England, 12 1942.
----- (Methodist) pp. 420-421)

llessage of the British fraternal

An oral diacussion on justifica- with HEADINGTON,
J. A, delegate. (In International conven-
tion, the action of bapti1111, infant tion, 1934, pp, 207-210)
baptism and the design of baptiem, The life and time• of Benjamin
commencing April 6th, continuing six Franklin. St, Louia, John Burn,,
houra, each day, and closing April 11, 1879, FRASIER,.E L , 1838-1912.
1858. Cincinnati, Benjamin Frank- xv, 608p, front. (port,) b. Shelby county, Ky,, 17 My 1838.
lin, 1868. The front. 1• a portrait of Franklin d, India11&polis, Ind,, 19 N 1912.
2v. as a ·young mn with dark hair and
Cover title: Debate on infant beard. How to be saved, (In Lord, J. A,,
baptism and design of baptiam. Cover title, Life of elder Benja- ed. On the Lordis day, •1904, pp,
min Franklin. 63-65)
debate with THOMPSON , J. A.
(Baptist) --.
St. Louie, John Burne,
The law of pardon, skeleton ser-
(In Cory, N. E,, ed, The
An oral debate ••• held at Reynolda- xv, 508p, fr.ont. (port.) polymathist, 1877, pp. 258-259)
burg, Ohio, commencinr; November 10, The front. ia a portrait of Franklin
1873, and laating four days, four hours as an old man with white hair and
each day, on the following propo1itions1 beard, FRAYSER,NANNIELEE, -1924,
I. Remission of sins, aa aet forth Cover title: Life of elder Benjamin b.
in the gospel, is offered to the un- Franklin. d,
converted or alie~ sinnera, on condi-
tions in which they exercise free-will
and have power to perfonn1 II. The
St. Louis, Christian board, Little
quickening of the sinner by the spirit xv, 608p.
of God into new life, or eter11&l life, Cover title, Life of elder Benjamin The Sunday school and citi&enahip,
1• dependent on the written word or Franklin. Cincinnati, Standard, •1916.
scriptures; III. Baptism as commanded 99p.
in the commiasion, ia in order to the ·
remission of past aina; IV. - The etar- FRA!IKLI!f,JOSEPl!A.,1869-
11&1aalvation of Christiana, aa aet b. Anderaon, Ind., 26 Ja 1869. oFRAZEE,- J C
forth in the acriptures, is the work b.
of God, independent of conditions to
be perfonned by nan. Cincinnati, fflllt c. E. Committees are exclua _iTe-
Franklin & Rioe, publishers, 1874. ly evangelii!tic, Calling on the _
name of the Lord •••
345p; pamphlet. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1916.
Cover title: The Reynoldaburg 8p,
b, Taylorville, Ill,, 22 D 1895. FRAZEE,WILLllll D
Starr, H. E. Benjamin Franklin, d,
(In Dictionary or American b_iography, _ The chain that aavea. Greenville,
vol.~. 1931, pp. 598-599) Tex., c II. C. Franklin. 1933. Oceanside, the gateway city,
l8lp. diagr.
about aee Reminiacences and 1ermons, c2d ed;,
The constitution of the church1 a Nashville, Gospel advocate oo., 1893,
Bolea,_ H. L. Biographical diaouuion of the organisation of1he •1892.
1ketche1 of goapel preacher•. church along with it• · officers, their 396p. front, (port.)
Franklin, Joseph. Benjamin dutiea, choosing, ·and appointment.
Franklin. .Greenville, Tex., Author, •1939, --. St, Louis, Christian pub,
Franklin, Joaeph, and Headington, 65p. co., 1896, •1892.
J. A. The life and time• or Benja- 396p. front. (port.)
min Franklin. How the church began and gr-.
11:>cre, w. T. The living pulpit llaahville, Tenn,, World viaion, San Bernardino county, ita climate
of the Christian church. · (Tract no, 8) and resources. San Bernardino,
Tierr, If. c. The Christian por- Calif., San Bernardino daily and
trait gallery. Who 11 the restoration movement? weekly argua offioe, 1876,
Wichita, Jrana., Christian worker pub. lOlp.
oo .• n~d.
., Fra&ee - Fuller

Sunshine and shadows in Southern by way of an appendix t he following Pedobapti1m1 of heaven or ot man,
land•, deeply · interesting articles by Chris- St, Louie, Chriatian pub, co,
tian minietera: Origin of Christi~n l99p,
conferences by Elijah Shaw; An addreaa
ooFREED. ARVEYGLENN, 1863-1931, to hi• Christian brethren and friends
b, , Ind,, 3 Ag 1863, aa general soliciting agent for the FROST, 1f J
d, U- N 1931, establishing and endowment of a b,
Christian theological 10h00l by Oliver
Infant baptiam, Miu-free1bor0, Barr; On expediency and advantage• of
Tenn., George lf, DeBoff, 1946? a Christian theological school by debate see
John Rosa; History of Christian con-
Sermons, chapel talk• and debate•, nection in the 1tate of New York, 1810- Tant, J. D, The Tant-Frost debate,
cwith an introduction by I, A, Dout- 1818 by David lfillard; On the career
hitt, NaahTille, Goepel adTocate of the Chriatians by G, H, Eldridge;
oo,, 1930, . 3d ed, Philadelphia, Christian FROST, WILLIAMGOODELL,18 54- 1938,
232p, front, (port,) general book concern, cl852, b, LeRoy, N, Y., 2 Jl 1864,
239p, front, d. 11 S 1938,
about aee Fir1t ed, pub, in 1848,
In the land of the saddlebag•, the
Boles, H. L, Biographical proteatant peopie of Appalachian
aketches .of gospel preachera, FRETIIELL,GODFRY
. America, lndianapolia, C, W, B. K.
b, Sp,

b, near Greenup, Ill,, 26 F 1869, The goipel of steirardahip, FRYJIIRE,1f A
d, Harrisburg, Ill,, 14 Jl 1942, llelbpurne, Australia, Austral ptg .- & b,
pub, c6,, n,d,
Infant baptism, Weit Salem, Ill,, 12p,
Author, 1898? 1ee
60p,? with OTHERS
Jloon, E, .R. Spying out Congo
Song and mu1ioal ih.atrumenta in the The centenary hiatorical ao.uvenir; land,
church. Harri~burg, Ill,, Author, a history of our fir1t century of wit-
1940, nesa in New Zealand; produced under
Sp, the direction of conference, 1943, and coFUDGE, BENNIELEE
written by Godfrey Fretwell, A, L, b,
~- Haddon, and · M, Vickery,
New Zealand, 1943,
Church manual of ·weat Village, Can a Chriatian kill for hia
Bogota, Golden Gate, and Ellery government? Privately printed, l942t
church of Illinoi1, FROST; ADELA.IDE
GAIL, -1928, 64p,
d, , Calif,, 30 Jl 1928, Jlay a Christian kill? Athens,
oFREESE, JACOBR ; 1826-1885, Ala., Bible school bookstore, 1945?
b, By ""Y•idea in India, written for l2p,
d, the Christian woman'• board of miasiona
in memory of ~ttie L, Judson, ·who
Elisabeth'• miasion (faithful and gave her life for India's atarviilg FOLLER, CORYDON
true); a parable of what might have village people, cindianapolia, C, lf, b,
been; or what was; and of what will B, JI,, •1902, d,
be, Philadelphia , Crombarger & co., 68p. front, (po'i,t,)
1882., R-iniaoenoea of Jamea A, Garfield,
36lp, front., illus,, platee, · A f,,., ionneta froa India, Ind- with notea preliminary and collateral,
iailapolia, C, 1', B, JI, Cincinnati, Standard, 1887, •1896,
The Old world, Palestine, Syria, vii, 44lp, front, (ports,) ports,
and Asia lfinor1 travel, incidenta, Indian aun1et 10ng, Indianapolh,
de1cription and history, Philadel- C. 1f. B, If.
phia, J, .B, Lippincott & co,, 1869, PULLER, FRAl'll
468p, front,, plates, Jlemorial sbtch 6f Ella Jladdook, b,
1909, C, lf, B, lll,? d,
Report on school houae1, and the
means of promoting popular education, Our medical mi1aionariea, Ind- lloral leuon of Garfield' a life,
Washington, G~. ptg, office , 1868, ianapoli1, C, lf, B, M,, 1910, 1882,
13p, leaflet. pamphlet,

Seoreta of the late rebellion, 1101t ~-and~.

reTealed for the firat time, Phila- FULLER, JAMESHENRY, 1866-1936,
delphia, Crombarger & oo,, 1882, lleasagea from one hundred and ~lve b, Lexington, Xy,, 22 Ja 1866,
348p, front,, plates, of our orphanage girl• at Jlohabo, India, d, Little Rook, Ark,, 17 Ap 1936~
Indianapolia, C, lf, -B. JI,, 1909,
Travela in the Holy Landi Syria, 20p, Rural church, Indianapolia, U,
Aaia lfinor, and Turkey, aa they -re C. K, S,
and are c4th illus, ed,, Philadel- ~- aee
27p, (Y, P, C, oourae .no. 0-e-o
phia, Crombarger & oo,, 1882, Form YP107A)
636p, ·front,, platea, map, Raghuwar Dayal, lfi111eographed,
Running title, The Old world,
The table of hia presence,
A hiatory and adTooaoy of the
Roe~, Parke-Harper, 1929,

Chriatian ohuroh to which are added

Fu 11erton - Furr F

BYRON (In Abilene Christian college Bible Unity of doctrine. (In Abilene
b, lectures, 1941, pp. 123-150) Christian oollege Bible lecture•,
1940, pp. 215-219)
Every Christian citizen a teacher,

Gabbert - Gardner

b. Caaey Creek, Ky., 29 Ag 1889.
school, young people'•
speoial · aervices,
ed. by Chas. H,
--. London, s. W. Partridge,

Gabriel, J.E. Hawes, Chae. R. Sco- 152p.

ville, and w; E. M. Hackleman, ••
Conversation• with a philosopher. Indianapolis, Hackleman music co.J Ada,
o., J.E. Hawes, •1900. GANO,JOHN ALLEN,· 180S:.1887.
A aerie• of eight radio talks on 192p. b. Georgetown, Ky., 14 Jl 1805.
philosopher• and their tilnea • d. U O 1887.
• Pittsburgh, 1926.
72p. . (University of Pittaburgh, GABRIEL, El!OC!fP EMMAt!UEL, about ae ..
Radio pub. no. 24) 1897-
b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 8 Mr 1897. Cason, w. s .. and other•. A
A aeries of six radio talks on aouvenir history of . the Chriatian
conversations with a philosopher, with church of Cynthiana, Ky.
auggested readings. •1925. · All in all, over all--through all, Gano, R. M. John Allen Gano.
35p. (University of Pittsburgh, Jesus, in you all, ten interesting Tiers, M. C. The Christian por-
_Radio pub. no. 16) sermons coutlines. cRolla, Mo., trait gallery.
N- era pub. co., •1932.
The eternal acheme of redemption , b.
All hail to Santa Claus; a juvenile Th.D ; School of Theol., Wichita,
cantanta for Chr!:-st>naa. Cincinnati, 1935.
Fillmore, 1900. Verbal inspiration of the scrip-
4Bp. tures, (In Abilene Christian col-
GAER, JOSEPH, 1897- lege Bible lectures, 1919, pp. 37-64)
Dorothy Webb1 a story of innocence;
and paternal
parental · grief,
Nashville, llo•
~. GANO,RICHARDM , 1830-
Quiddy ptg. oo., 1924. Index to Peter H. Burnett'• Reool- b. , Ky., 17 Je 1830.
133p. lectiona and opinion• of an old pioneer d.
.1935. ·
King of Iarael; a acriptural 44p. (California literary re- John Allen Gano. (In Brown, J.
oratorio-oantanta for church choir• search project, index no. 2) T., ed. Churches or Christ, 1904,
and ohoruaes. Cincinnati, Fillmore, Mimeographed. pp. 421-423)
60p. The name, (In Scott, L. w., ed,
GAFF,. JOHil R -1920. Texaa pulpit, 1888, pp. 323-332)
Peraonal me1110ir•. Chicago ; b;
Printed by K. o. Bottorf, •1918. d. York, Penn., 25 D 1920.
6lp. illue. GANT, J 11' , 1846-
Biographical aketoh ~of Robert b. llarahall county, Tenn., 20 S
Santa Claus at hi• beat, a juvenile Moffett. (In Moffett, · Robert. 1846,
cantata for Christ,nae time. Seeking the old patha, . x-xii) d.
Cincinnati, Fillmore, •1902.
47p. ·Robert )(offett. (ln Brown, J , T., Churohea of Chriit in iouth · Ien-
ed. · Churches of Christ, 1904, pp, tuoky, (In Brown, J ; T., ed. Church-
comp. 460-462) •• or Chriat, 1904, pp. 238-241)

Gospel ohoroua. Cincinnati,

Fillmore. ooGAIRES, JAKES 11' OARD, 11' M
b, b.
Salvation aonga · ror gospel meeting•,
endeavor aooietiea, Epworth league•,
Baptiat uniona, Sunday aohoola; and Carole ot devotion for Christian The broken alabuter box and aou-
prayer meeting•. Cincinnati, Fill- work and worship, comp, and ed. by J, venir of poems. lnightetown, Ind,,
more, •1896. W. Gainea1 ·Asaociate eda., H. N. Lin- J.uthor, 1900, ·
236 aonga. coln, E. c. ·ATia .and. s; B. Bateman •• , 28p.
(1931 book)... Auatin, Tex., Firm
Vinya~d aonga. CinoiDD&ti, foWldation I Jlllmphh, Tenn., · The
Standard. Showalter · pub, houae, •1930. GARDINER,11'
cl60.p. b,
Song aunbeama. lfaahville, Ooapel
·advocate, •11123, •- inapiring aonga.
95p, Ordination of eldera, deaooni, and
Soul winning eonga. evangeliata, llaogregor, 1896.
~-~ DOlrLilfO, 11'. 11'. 26p,
GALLAHER,11' . B.. , 1Ba8-1910 1
Living praise, a collection of b. Pittsburg, Penn,, 18 F·1aae. --, · •upplement. ltemiedy, 1905.
aaored aonga,,. St. Louie, Chria- d. Danville, Ill., 5 Ky 1910. 12p,
tian pub, oo., 1902,
267 aonga. Our father ia heaven, St, Louie,
Christian board, OARDWER,FRED IRVIN; 1900-
- .-, no. 2. st. Louie, Chria- b. •- Hope, 0,, 15 S 1900,
tian pub. co,
OTHERS . What i~ e,g,,.oted of me aa a m-ber
The canal boy who became preaident, o~ the ohuroh of Cincinnati,
Twentieth oentu.,-y aon~a, part one, a alcetoh of the life of the · late Standard, •1929,
a collection of n- and popular aonga General Garfield. London, s. W. 2Bp. inc. front oover • .
with atandard h:ymna for church, Sunday Partridge &· oo., .1882,
32p. irlua, (porta,)

Gardner - Garfield G

oGARDIIER,VATTIIElf,1790-1873. Fairbanks, Benedict & co ., printers, Free commerce between the atates.
b; Stephentown, N. Y., 5 D 179b; 1867. Speech delivered in the House of rep-
d. 10 0 1873. 22p. reaentativea, l&lrch 24th and 3lat,
1864, the Bouie having under oonsi-
The autobiography of Elder Matthi,w Counting the electoral vote. Speech deration the bill to deolare the
Gardner, a minister in the Christian delivered in the House of representa- Raritan and Atlantic railroad a legal
churoh sixty-three years, · ed. by B. tives ••• January 27, 1877... Wash- structure for commerce between Rew·
Summerbell. Dayton, o., Christian ington, R. O. Polkinhorn, printer, York and Philadelphia. Rew York,
pub. association, 1874. 1877. 1864.
286p. front. (port.) illus. 15p. 15p.
An exposure of masonry, with an The currency. Speech in the House The future of the republio, its
aocount of the abduction of William of representatives, May 15, 1868 0 dangers and its hopes. An addreaa
Morgan. 1849. Washin gton, F. & J. Rives & G, A. delive r ed before the literary socie-
Bailey, 1868. ties of Hudson oollege, July 2nd,
Hymn book. 16p. 1873. Cleveland, o., Nevins bros.,
Editions were published in 1823, printer•, 1873.
1824, 1826, and 1829. Debate on the currency bill. 34p.
Speech in the House of representatives,
Twelve year•' observation and exam- June 15, 1870. cW&ahington, Con- Garfield's words1 1ugge1tive
ination of Mr. Alexander c~mpbell'a gressional globe office, 1870, passages from the public and priTate
theory and practice of the refornation. 7p. writings of Jamee Abram Garfield, ed.
Cinoinnati, 1835. by W.• R. Balch. Boston, Houghton,
24p. Discovery and ownership of the 1881.
Northwestern territory; and aettlement 184p. front. (port.)
of the Western Reserve. An addresa
GARDNER,R R delivered at Burton, before the General Garfield aa a statesman
b. Historical aoc·iety or · Geauga county, and orator, paragraphs from hi•
o., September 16, 1873, .Cleveland, 1peeohe1 in Congress and on the · atump,
Rew York, Rational republican commit-
Let us nake nw.n. Nashville, Goa-
12p. (Western Reserve and north-
ern Ohio hiltor -ical society
ical and archaeological tracts,
no. 20)
tee, 1880.

pel advooate, Great apeeohea. With a memorial

276p. Disoovery and ownership of the supplement, .ed. by lf. M. Mason, with
Northwest territory and settlement of a atatement--lfhat the Diaciplea be-
the Western reserve; an address de- lieve and praotioe by Iaaao Errett.
W A , 1847.;.1900. livered September 16th, 1873. Traot St. Louia, John Burne,
b. , Mioh., 8 Ag _ 1847; twenty of the weatern reserve and 75lp. front. (port.)
d. 1900. Northern Ohio historical society of
Cleveland, February 1874. Reprinted Inaugural addreas--President of the
Sympoaium on dancing. San Fi:-an- by a ·gentleman of Cleveland, September, United S.tates, March 4th, 1881.
oiaoo; Pacific Christian pub. oo., 1881. Cleveland, ~hio, Leader ptg. -Washington, Govt. ptg. office, 1881.
189-7 co., 1881. lOp.
James A. Garfield. His 1peeolv,1
GARFIELD,JAMESABRAM, 1831-1881. "Don't pitch your tent among the at home, 1880, cCOmpiled and arranged ·
b. Orange, o., 19 N 1831. dead." An appeal to young men. Con- by C. s. Carpenter, Oneonta, B. Y••
d. Elberon, R. J., 19 S 1881. olusion of a apeeoh delivered at C. S. Carpenter, 1880.
Cleveland, Ohio, on the Saturday night c53,p.
The American oensua. A paper read before the Ohio eleotion of 1879.
before the Amerioan social soience cRn York, D. H. Gilderaleeve, printer, James A. Garfield's diary or a
aaaooiation, at Rew York, Ootober 27, 1879, ·... trip to Montana in 18721 ed. by o. W,
186·9. Rew York, Ration preu, 1869. 4p. Holme,. llisaoula, University of
25p. Montana, n.d.
Reprinted from v. 2 Journal of the !lementa of auooeaa. Addreaa .before 12p. (S9urcea or Northwest
aHooiation. the, Consolidated · busineH college, history, no. 21)
Washington, D. c., June 29, 1869 ••• Reprint from Frontier and midland,
Amneaty. Speech in reply to Hon. B. clfashington, Gibson brothers, printers, vol. 15, no. 2, 1934-36.
H. Hill, of Georgia, in the House of •1869;
Representative•, Wednesday, January 12, Bp. Kann der Demokratiachen partei die
1876. cWaahington, 1876, verwaltung dea gouvernementa mit aicher-
l4p. Elements of 1ucce11. Address at heit anvertrant warden? Rede gehaltq
graduating exeroi1e1 of Spencerian 1m Repraaentantenhauae, am 4, Auguet
Annahmesohriben der republikan- buaine11 college; A tribute to the 1876. lfaahington, D. c., 1876.
isohen praaident-sohafta-oandidaten graduates by Gen. Francia A. Walker -. l6p.
general James A. Garfield. .1aao. Practical education--Extracts from
Sp. address of Horace Greeley. Washing- Life and oharaoter or Gen•l. George
ton, D. c., R. H, Darby, printer, 1881. H. Tho-•. Cincinnati, Robert
Can the Dmnooratic party be safely .0.p. Clarke & co., 1871.
intrusted with the administration of 52p.
the gover1111111nt?Speeoh in .the House· Enforoement of the Fourteenth amend-
of repreientativea, Friday, August 4, ment. Speeoh deliTered in the Houae Maxima of Jamee Abram Garfield,
1876. .Washington?, 1876, of representative,, J.pril . 4, 1871 •• , general, patriotic, political. Comp.
16p. Washington, F. & J, Rive,, and · G. A. byW. R. Baloh. Philadelphia, 1880.
Bailey, reporters and printer•, 1871. 24p .
College eduoation. An address de- 16p. .
livered before the literary aocietiea Ninth oensua. Speech in the · Bouae
of the !oleotio institute at Hiram, or repreaentativea, December 16, 1869
Ohio, June 14, 1867. Cleveland, ••• Washington, F. & I. ~ivea & G.
A. Bailey, 1869.

G Garfield - Gartiel4

The Northwest territory1 settlement A soldier'• monument1 speech at Garfield memorial. Sorrow ot the
or the Western reeerve1 · addreae de- Paineiville, Ohio, 1880, people or Bueno• Ayre• tor the death
livered at Burton, Ohio, betore ·the 4p. or General Jamee A, Garfield, late
historical ~ociety · or Geauga oounty . preaident or the United StatH oi'
September 16, 1873, From the pub- Speech delivered at Cleveland, Ohio, America, Buenoa Airea, Printed by
lished work• or General Garfield, ed, Ooto~er 11, 1879, Washington, D. C,, order ot the committee, 1881,
by B. A. Hinsdale; Beeton, Jamee 1880. 39p,
R. Osgood and co., 1885, •1882, 14p.
24p. . Garfield'• oareer1 from the to-
Speech on the confiscation or pro- path to the 1fhite · house1 his 79 days•
The North-west territory and West- perty ot rebels, delivered in the struggle tor lite, and . the obsequies,
ern Reserve. Addreea before the House or representatives, January 28, etc. Memorial edition, prefaced .by
hiatorioal society · or Geauga county, 1864, · .Washington, Printed by L, A. J, F. Behrends. Providence,
Ohio, September 16, 1873. .Boston, Towers, 1864. 1881,
Director• or the Old south work, 1896. 8p.
20p. (Old south leaflets .general Jamee Abram Garfield, 1831-1881,
aerie•, v. 2. no. 42) Speech on the constitutional amend- Addresses delivered at a service or
-nt to abolish slavery, delivered in J11emory,on the occasion or the one
Obedienoe to the law the foremost the House of representative•, January hundredth anniversary of hia birth,
duty of Congreaa. Speech in the House 13, 1865·. .Washington, lfoGill & Hiram college, Hiram, Ohio, November,
of representatives, March 17, 1880, Witherow, printer•, 1865, 1931, Hiram, 0,, Hiram college,
Washington, .Govt, ptg, office. 1880, 8p, 1931.
lOp, 3lp, (Hiram college bulletin,
Speech on the lloGarrahan claim, vol, xxiii, no, 4, November 1931)
Oration delivered at Arlington, Va,, delivered in the . House of repreaenta-
May 30, 1868, on the oocaaion or tivea, Feb'y. 20, 1871, .waahingtonT, Memorial services in honor or
atr-ing flowers on the graves or 1871, . Jamee A, Garfield, Preaident or the U,
Union aoldiera. · Cleveland, o;, 16p, s. A, , held at Canton, Ko., Monday,
Fairbank:e, Benedict & co,, 1868, September 26, A. D. 1881. .canton,
8p. Speech on the . public debt and Mo•• "Preaa• print, .1881,
apeoie · paymente, Waahington, 1866, 8p,
Oration on the lite and death ot · 14p. Content• include, Addreea by Eld,
Gen. George H, Thomas, delivered be- B. H. Smith, pp, 3-61 and addreaa
fore the Society ~t the Army ot ·the Speeches in the House ot representa- by Elder D. P. Henderson, pp. 7-8,
Cumberland, at the fourth annual tives at the ·extra eeasion, · Maroh 18 to
reunion, Cleveland, November 26, 1870, July 1, 1879, Washington, .Govt, Memorial service ot Jamee A, Gar-
Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co,, 1871, ptg. office, 1879, field, at Highland Park, - lllinoie,
62p. 54p, li>nday, Sept, 26th, 1881, under the
directions of the citisene at First
Public expenditurea--their increase Suspension and reaumption ot specie Preabyterian church,
and diminution, Speech in the paymenti, Addreaa delivered at Chica- 29p. tront, (port,)
House of repreaentativea, January 23, go, 111,, Jan 2d, i879, Chicago,
1872, .Washington, D. c., Priated 111,, The. honest money league or the Paxson, F. L. Jamee Abram Gar-
at the Congreaaional globe office, northwest, 1879, · field, (In Dictionary or American
1872. 16p, biography, vol, 7, 1931, pp. 146-160)
The tariff, Speeoh,, , in the BouH The poeta' tribute• to Gartield1
Remark• in the Houae ot repreaenta- ot representative•, April 1, 1870, a collection or 111anymemorial poe111e,
tivea, April 14, 1866 in memory ot .lfaahington?, 1870, with portrait and biography. ·cam--
Abraham Lincoln, Waahington, D. c., 16p, bridge, Maaa., Jloeee ling, 1882,
H, Taylor, printer, 1866, 168p, port,
4p. Taxation or United State• bonda,
Speech in reply to Hone, Frederic A, about eee
on the bill to place the Pike and B, F, Butler, delivered in
rebel state• under military control, the Houae ot repreaentativea, July 16, Alger, Horatio, Jr. From Cam.1-
Washington, 1867, 1868,,, Waahington, F, & J, Rive• boy to preaident.
7p, & 0, A, Bailey, r,portera and printer• Allerdice, llr•. E.W. Over the
ot the .debates ot Congreaa, 1868, hill to the white houae.
Revenue• and expenditures, Speech 16p, Balch, 11'. R. The life ot Jamee
in the Houae or representative•, Ab:ramGarfield,
Thursday, March 6, 1874. .Washing- Worka, ed. by B. A. Hinadale, Beamer, A.O. Lawntield,
ton, D, c •• J. H. Cunningham, printer, Beaton; Oagood, 1882-83, Blaine, J, G. Eulogy on Juaea
• 1874, 2 v, tront, (port,) A, Gartield,
16p. Blaine, J, G, Foreign policy ot
Our poaition. (In Cottey, A. J , , the Garfield adminiatration,
Revi- ot the traneactiona ot the comp, Sevent;y-fitth anniversary, Pirat Blaine, J. G. Memorial addreu
Credit mobilier company and an eXUlin- Christian church, Logan, 'If. Va,, 1943, on the lite and character ot Jamee A~
ation of that portion ot the teatimony p. 2) Garfield, ·
taken by the committee ot inveatiga- Bellow•, H. W. Before and after
tion and reported to the Houae ot about the president'• death, ·
repreaentativea at the last ••••ion ot Bole•, H. L, Biographical alceteh-
the Fort;y-aecond Congreea whioh relate• GartiAd & Arthur campaign eon,; book, e• or goapel preachers,
to llr. Garfield, Waahington, .Govt, Washington, D. c., Republican oongreaa- Brisbin, J. S. From to-path to
ptg, ottioe. 1873. ional committee, 1880, the White houee,
28p, 26p, Brisbin, J. S, The life and pub-
lie career ot Gen. J amea A. Garfield,
Washington, 1880, Garfield and Arthur 0&111paipaoqater Brown, E. E, The lite and publie
24p, including biographieal aketchea & oon- aervioee ot J.,.e• A. Garfield,
atitution for oaapaign cluba,,, Bundy, J. K. The lite -or J~mea
Cinoinnati, J; Church & co,, 1880, Abram Garfield,
47p_, auaic, Burgen , 0, A. President Garfield,

Garfield - Garrison G

Caldwell, Robert G. . James A. Rutherford, W. G. Story of Gar- A realistic philoaophy of religion.

Garfield, party .ohiett&n. field. Chicago, Willett, 1942 ,
Coffin, C. C. The life or James Smalley, E. V. The Republican xii, 33lp,
A. Garfield; lft&J!Ual.
Converse, J. 0, Garfield the Smith, T, C, The life and letter• Reality and valuei an introduction
ideal man. of James Abram Garfield. to metaphysics and an eeaay on the
Conwell, R. H, The life, speeches Stoddard; W. O. Life of James theory or value, London, G. Allen
and public services of Gen. James A. A. Garfield; & Umrin, cl937,
Garfield. · Stoddard, w; O. Rutherford 320p.
Cookinh&m, H. J, In memoriam: Birchard Hayes, James Abram Garfield,
James A. · Garfield, and Chester Alan Arthur. --. New Haven, Yale university
Davia, H, E,, ed, Garfield of Thayer, W. M. From log cabin to press, 1937.
Hira m. White houie. 320p,
Deihm, C. F,, comp. President Thayer, W. M. Lincoln and Gar-
James A. Garfield's memorial journal. field. ·
Dodge, M. A, Biography of James · Thayer, W, M. and Ellis, E, s. GARRARD,MARIONH , 1878-
G, Blaine, Life of Garfield, b. Paleatine, Ill., 8 F 1878.
Doyle, B. T. and Swaney, H, H, Vincent, E. L, Story of Garfield.
Lives of Jamee A. Garfield and Chester Wheeler, W. E, Booklet on
A, Arthur. Garfield. In the garden. (In Bridwell, J.
J\.tller, C, E, Reminiscences of Wise, J. S. Recollections of T., ed. The Michigan pulpit, 1924,
Jamea A, Garfield. thirteen preaidents. pp. 88-96)
Fuller, Frank. Moral le81on of
Gar field' s life. eee also GUITEAU,CHARLESJULIUS.
Galll!llon,F, T. The canal boy who GARRIGUES,CASPARCHARLES,1871-
became president, b. Franceaville, Ind,, 24 F 1871.
Garfield national memorial associa- GARFIELDNATIONAL
tion. The Garfield memorial,
Garfield national memorial associa- The Garfield memorial, .Buffalo, Jfiuouri Christian 111iaaionary
tion. The man and the mausolewn. N. Y,, The ilatthewe-Northrup co •• •1894 society, its purpoae, program and
Gilmore, J. R. Life of James A. clO,p., 32 plates. personnel. .Kansas City, Jtiaaouri
Garfield .• Christian miaaionary society. 1930.
Gilmore, J. R. Leben James A. Historic and descriptive sketch of 24p. ports,
Garfield. the Garfield memorial at Lake View
Green, F. 11. ·James Abram Garfield. cemetery, Cleveland, O. .Cleveland, lliaeouri imperatives, an addreaa
Green, F. M, A royal life. 1889. given at the eighty seventh annual
Hinsdale, B. A. Life and charac- 3lp •. plates. Missouri convention of Disciple• of
ter of Jamee A. Garfield. Christ held at First Christian church,
Hinsdale; B, A. President Gar- The man and the mau1oleum1 dedica- Columbia, Missouri, April 1-3, 1924,
field and education. tion or the Garfield memorial structure · Printed by order of the convention,
Hinsdale, B. A. President James in Cleveland, Ohio, May 30, 1890. 16p.
A. Garfield. Published under the direction of the
Hinsdale, B. A. Republioan text- Garfield memorial committee , · c1eve- State miesiona the basic enterprise,
book . for 1880 . land, Cleveland ptg. & pub. co., 1890. an address given ·at Kansas State con-
Hoar, G. F. Eulogy upon Jamee 104p. front. (port.) plates. vention, Kansas City, Kansas, October
A, Garfield. 10, 1928, cKaneas City, lliseouri
Louing, B. J. A biography of --, reprinted 1924. .Cleveland? Christian missionary society, 19281,
James A. Garfield. 1924, 16p.
Loning, B, J. Eminent Americans. 140p. front., illua., plates.
llcCabe, James D.• Our martyred Cover title: Jamee A. Garfield,
president, the man and the musolelllll. GARRISON,A JAY
JfcClure, J. B, General Garfield b.
from log cabin to .white houae, ... d,
llcClure, J. B,, ed. Storiea and GARNETT,ARTHURCAJIPBELL,1894- •
aketchea of Gen. Garfield. b. Port Victoria, South Auetralia, G, W. Burch. (In Brokaw, G. L,,
llcClure, J. B., ed. The world'• 20 0 1894, ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa writers,
eulogies on Preaident Garfield. 1898, pp. 243-246)
MoLeod, Jamee. A sermon on the
death of Garfield. God in us I a liberal Chrhtia,
••on, F, H, Life and public philosophy of religion for the .9ene. GARRISON,ALETHEIA
aenioea of Jame, A. Garfield. reader. Chicago, Willett, 1946. b.
Mason, F, H. The forty-second 172p,
Ohio infantry.
Mason, F. H. Le general James A. Instinct and personality, London, Harp in the midnight, cpoema,
Garfield. G. Allen & Unirin, cl928. Hew York, Robert W. Kelly pub. oor-
Bason, Elias. A diaoouree on 218p. poration, 1938,
the death . of James Abram Garfield, 70p.
Northrop, H. D.
Life and public
of Eon. James G, Blaine.
New York, Dodd, 1928,
Impreseione of Mexico, verae1
Ogilvie, J, s. The life and linocuta by Sue Jean Hill Covacevich.
death of Jt1111es A. Garfield. The mind in aotion, a etu~ in WewYork, Robert w. Kelly pub. oor-
Pedder, H. C. Garfield's place motives and values. Londo!, Biabet, poration, 1937,
in history. c 1931 • . 63p. front., illus.
Riddle, A, G, The life, charac- xii, 226p. (The contemporary
ter, and public services of James A. library or psychology) Surf against the rock•, .poems,
Garfield, with illus, by .uw.nd Pruemack. Bew·
Ridpath, J. C, The life and --. New York, Appleton, •1932. York, Robert W. Kelly pub. corporation,
work of Jamee A, Garfield. xii, 226p. (The contemporary 1941. .
Ridpath, J, c. De.a leben und library ct psychology) 63p. illua.
wirken vor James A, Garfield.

G Garrison• Garrison

GARRISON,ARTHURORUIIDO, 1870,;1934. Help, to faith; a oontribution to z. T., ed_. New Teatament Christianity,
b. Quinc y, Il l ; , 28·F 1870. theologioal recon1truction. St. 1926, vol. 2, pp . 461-479)
d. New York, N. Y., l Ja 1934 . Louis , Christian pub. co., •1903 .
246p. (In International oonYen-
Christian scien ce diasected, by A. tion, Addresae1 delivered at the
D. Sector, cpaeud;~ St. Loui1, Higher criticinq whet ia it and world's oongreaa and general mi1aion-
Christian pub. co., 1900. what should be our attitude toward it. ary convention• of the church of
62p . St. Louis, Chriotian pub. co. Christ, 1893, pp. 81-93)

_!!. The Holy spirit ; Hie personality, Devotional uae 'of the Bible.
mission and modes of activity. St. (In Bi ble. Front rank Bible, Doctrinal
Bethany college song book. 1893. Louie, Christian pub. co., 1905. help•, pp. 14-16)
2ll p .
Le1aona from our past. (In hie
GARRISON,JAMESHARVEY,1842-1931. Home worship and Bible study. The Reformation of the nineteenth
b . Ozark, Mo., · 2 F 1842. 1907? Centennial leaflet no. 1. century, 1901, pp . 489-514)
d. Loa Angele, , Calif., 14 Ja 1931. 4p.
Leason• from our past experience;
Alone with God; a manual of devo- llemoriea and expe r iences, a brief or, helps and hindrances. · (In hie
tion,, being a 1eriea of meditation• 1tory of a long life, an autobiography The old faith restated, 1891, pp,
with forma of prayer, for private cwith a prologue by B. A. Abbott. - 421-456)
devotions, family worahip and 1pecial St. Loui1, Christian board, 1926.
oooa1ions. St. Loui1, Chriatian 269p. front. (port.) plate,. The light of life; or, God's method
pub. co., 1891. of Revelation. (In Koore, W. T.,
xiv, 244p. A modern plea for ancient truths. ed. Then- living pulpit of the
St. Louie, Christian pub. co., 1902. Christian church, 1918, pp. 79-87)
--, 11th ed. St. Louie, Chris- 94p.
tian pub. 00 1891.
0 , A nineteenth century movement.
xiv, 244p. · National and Christian unity. (In Union conference of Congregation•
St. Louis, Christian board. aliat, and Disciples, Congregation-
--, 211t ed. · St. · Louia, Chri•· aliata and Disciple• of Christ, 1897,
tian board, •1891, •1918. A nineteenth century movement. pp. 3-33)
xiv, 244p. St. Louis, Christian pub. co., 1897.
33p . Recollection• of Abingdon college,
-- . Cincinnati, Christian (In Dickinson, E. J., ed . History
leader corporation. Our movement, it1 origin and aim. of Eureka college, 1894, pp. 336-342)
244p. St. Loui1, Christian pub. oo., 1881.
30p . The world's need of our plea.
Chri1t the -y. St. Loui1, (In Young, C. A., ed. Historical
Bethany pre••, 1926. Place of religion in the life of documents advocating Christian union,
lOlp. man, with a brief introduction by B. 1904, pp. 341-366)
A. Abbott and a prefatory note by
Christian uni on, a hiatorical atudy. Staphen B_-Fi1her. St. Loui1, Chri1- OTHERS
St. Louio, Christian pub. oo., •1906. tian board, •1918.
207p. 97p. (Tho-• E. Bondurant founde- The Christian Sunday school hymnal;
tion Bible lecture,, 1913, Univer1ity a compilation of choice hymn• and
Church federation. St. Louil, of Illinois) tunes for Sunday schools, cby J . H.
Chriatian board. Garrison, J. H. Hardin, and G. D.
Rightly dirlding the word, -rn. ed. Sitherwood, St. Louis, Christian
Congregationali1ts and Disciples. St. Louia, Chri1tian pub, oo., 1897. pub. co., •1883.
St. Louia, Christian pub. co., 1897. 30p. 160p.
Some reasons for giving to foreign
Di1ciple1 of Chri1t. Indiana- mi11ion1.
poli1, C. W. B. ll . , 1897? pamphlet. Staples, R. G. voioea.
The story of a century, a brief ed.
Di1ciplea of Christ--purpose, prin- hi1torioal aketoh and exposition of
ciples and progre1s. St. Loui1, the religioua movement inaugurated by The old faith reatated, being a
Christian board. · Thoma, and Alexander Campbell, 1809- reatat-nt by repre1entative men, of
1909 ; St. Louis, Christian pub. co., the fUndamental truths and esaential
Half-hour studie• at the oro1a. _1909. doctrine, of Chriatianity, aa held
St. Loui1, Christian pub. oo., •1896. 278p, front., ports. and advocated by the Diaoiplea of
275p. Christ, in the light of experience
Union and victory. st. Louie, and of Biblioal reaearoh. St. Louia,
St. Louie, Christian board, Christian pub. co. Christian pub. co., 1891.
456p. platea., ports.
276p. The word divided. St. Louia, Contenta,
Chri1tian pub. 00 1887.
0 , Chapter• by and biographical
The heaYenward -YI or word• to 18p. altetohea of, J.B. Briney, D.R.
young oonYert1, 2d ed. St. Loui1, Dungan, H. W. Everest, J. H,
Christian pub. co., 1880. The world'• need of our plea. Ouri1on, I. B. Grubba, J. J,
lOlp, Chicago, Christian oracle publiahing Haley, A. I, Bobbe, B, W, Johnaon,
00 •• 1899. J. s. 1-r, o. W. Longan, J. w.
--, ·reY. ed. St. Loui1, Chria- _ llp; · (Christian tract aeriH, lfcOa"ey, Archibald llcLean, W. I!:,
tian pub, oo., 1896. vol. 1, no. 2, ll&roh 10, 1899) Pendleton, George Plattenburg, F.
186p. D, Power, J. M, Trible, and B. B,
Biblical anthropology, · the key to Tyler.
some religioua probleu. (In Sweeney,

O&rrhon - Garat G

Our firat congress, consiatiilg ot- Catholicism and the American .mind. The proper balance between mental
addresses · on religious and theological Chicago; Willett, Clark & Colby, 1928, and muscular training in the school
qaeetions, during the first Congress 267p, curriculum, (In lational education
or the Di~cij:,lea .or Christ, lield iia association. · Journal or proceeding•
st. Louie, April 26-27; 1899. St. Intolerance, !I- Yo.rk, Round and addreaaea, 1909, pp. 769-764)
Louie, Christian pub. co., 1900. table press, 193t.
2tllp. rr, 270p. Renaissance culture and . Chriatian-
Contentai ity. (In Mcleill, J. T., ed.
.lddresaes by ·E. s; .btea, J.B. The literature or the Disciples or Enviromnental · factors in Christian
Briney, F. I. CalTin, W. E• . E'llis, Christ. Chicago, Disciples divinity history, 1939, pp. )
J. J. Baley, I. w. Barria.on, w. J ·. house, 1923.
Lhamon, R. T. lllth-s, A; ·B. Phil- lSp. (Bulletin or the Disciple• Robert Richardson. (In Diction-
putt, and W. F. Richardson. diTinity house or ·UniTereity or Chica- ary or American biography, TOl. · 15,
go, April 1923) 1936, pp. 672-573)
The reformation or the nineteenth
century, a aeriea or historical The -roh ot faith, the story ot Walter Scott, (In Dictionary ot
ebtohes dealing with the riee ·and religion · in .AJDerioaainoe 1886, American biography, vol. 16, 1935, p,
progrese ot the religious moT•ent •- York, . Harper, 1933. 502)
iuugurated by Th.-e and Alexander Tiii, . 332p.
Caapbell, froa it• ortgin to the close introduction see
ot the nineteenth century. St. The muaio or Johann Sebaetin Baoh,
Louie, Chriatian pub. co., •1901. Bew England Congregational church, Clark, T, c., oomp, Poems for
6ltp. 1936. life, _
Chapter• by J. H. Garriaon, T. w. Religion follows the frontier, a !!·
Gratton, C. L. Looi; Archibald hietory or the Diaciplee or Christ.
llcLean, w. T. »:,or~, I. L. Smith, •- York~ Harper, 1931. Faith or the tree, ca volume ot
B. B. Tyler, and L.A. White. xiv, 317p. eaaaya on religious values by twenty-
three present and former membera· or
!!· ... The sources or ·Ale:u.nder Campbell'• the Disciples or Christ, Chicago, pub-
theology,.. St, Louie, Christian lished in h9nor ot Edward Scribner
Procter, Alexander. The witneu pub; co., 1900. -'-• and in celebration of hie rorty-
or Jesus. 302p, ;year pastorate, Chicago, Willett,
Theaie, · Ph.D., University or Clark & co,, l9t0.
introduction see Chicago, 1898, 2760,
Briney, J. B. The tol'lll or baptism. Through a half century, an hietor- Basaya by Van Jleter Ames, .'Ii', C.
. Ha,ley, J. J. . llalr:ere and moldere ical aketoh or the Univereity church Bower, JI. H. Bro, s. 11'. Brown,
ot tlie rerorlfllLtion. or the Disciple• or · Christ, Chicago, Donald Dooley, Ellsworth Faria, w.
Longan, G. W. · Origin o-t the Illinois, :t'rom l89t-19«. .Chicago, E. Garriaon, c. W, Hamilton, E. A,
Diecipleeot Christ. · UniTeraity church or the Disciple• or Henry, H, K. Hol•-n, o. F, Jordan,
llcLean, Archibald. A circuit ot Christ, 19ft, s. c. Kincheloe, I.E. Lunger, S,
the gl6be. 2lp, front, (port.) V, Mccasland, C. c. Morrison, A.· w.
llt.rahall, Levi. Rheta for Murphy, R, G. Rosa, G. W. Sarvia,
truth. Wheeling through Europe, St, T, V. Smith, L. S. C, Smythe, H. C,
Philputt, J. JI. "That they -y Louie, Chrietian pub, co,, 1900, Taylor, H. L, Willett, B. F. Wise,
all be one." 263p, front., platea.
Powell, I. L. The victory ot joint comp. 111e
faith. Christianity in modern Europe,
Procter, Alexander. The witneu (In Baker, A, G, A abort history ot Clark, T. c. One hundred poem•
or Jesue. Chriatianity, l9to, pp •. 168-198) or i1111110rtality,
Trible, J. JI. Sennone. Clark, T, C, One hundred poems
Wharton, G. L. Tha Christian use The bee church in the 100dern etate, or peace,
ot the tithe eyst•. (In International convention, 193t,
Wilke•, L.B. _ »:,ral eTil. pp, 22-29)
about eee Interdenominational relations in b, Dayton, o., 23 Ag 1863.
America before 1837, (In American d. Tokyo, Japan, 28 D 1898,
Ho.rt.DD, G. A. J-ea BarTey eociety or churoh .hiatory. Papers.
Garrhon. 19M, second aerie•, TOl; 9, pp. 67-93) about see
»:,ore, W, T, The new liTing pul- "Presidential address, December 31,
pit ot the Christian church. 1928" Garst, L. D. A West Pointer in
the land ot the
The liberal heritage. (In hi•
OARRIS0I, WIIP'REDEIUfEST, 187t- Faith or the tree, 19t0, pp, 262-282)
b. st. Louie, ·»:,,, lo 187t. GARST,LAURA(DBLABT) (Mrs. CharlH
The ainhtry and the prieathood or Blias · Garat), 1861-1926.
all belie-nra.· (In Douglaaa, H, P, b, Hopedale, 0,, 1861.
Atti~tiTe religion. •- Tork, The witneu or the churchea ·or the · d. Dea Moines, Ia., 8 Ap 1925,
Harper, 1928, Congregational orde,r, 1940, pp, 88.94)
rlii, 292p. workers or Japan,
Among w0111en
The principle• ot the Disciple• and Indianapolis, c. W. B. JI.
Alexaader Campbell' a theology, its community religion, (In Denoaina-
aourcea and hiatorical setting, · St. tional · heritage and oomaunity religion, In the 1hadow or the drum tower.
Louh, Chriatian pub. oo., 1900. Harper, 1930, pp. ) Cincinnati, P. C. JI. s., •1911,
ao2p. 136p. front,, plates, porta.
Print and propaganda, (In Bower,
All Aaerioan religioua --nt1 a w; c., ed. the ·ohuroh 'at work ill the A Weat Pointer iil the land or the
'brief hieto17 or the DhaiplH or · modern world, 1936, pp, ) Iew Tork, ReTell, •1913.
Chrht. It. Louie, Cbhtian board, 296p, front, (port,) platea, port•.
G GarYin - Giddeu

GARVII, BUGHCARSOW, 1844-1918. lfhat Jeau1 thought or hi1 own death. GETTY,lfALTlll
b. Chillioothe, o., 1844. (In Soaree, T. G., ed. Univereity of b.
d. Eldon, JI)., 12 Jl 1918. Chioago 1ermon1, •1916, pp. 126-141)
lnat the Bible teaohea.. . .st. The ohuroh aohool ot aiaaiona, a
Louie, lfileon typeaetting oo., 1908, ooGATE'll'OOD,
OTIS aodorn aganoy tor aiaaionary eclucatioa.
280p. b. Indianapolis, u. C. K. s., a,4.

GARVI1',MRS. S E You can do per1onal work. LOI

b. Angeles, Calir., Author. G!TTYS,lfARJIER DSIGW, 1891-
l86p. b,

B. F. Coulter. (In Brown, J . T., debate with FARIIS'lfORTH,

ed. Churches of Chriet, 1904, pp. 467- (Jlonaoa) Tho malaTite1, a atudy ot 1ooial
468) disadT&ntage1 its oauaea and oon1e-
Debate. quonces. .Columbua, o., o. L.
209p. Hedrick, 1929,
IRVIWG,1883- lOp.
b. Ada, O., 28 N 1883. Abstract of thHh (Ph. D.)-Ohio
GELLERlWI, . lfILLUJI (llethodht) atata univeraity, 1924.

Amerioan periodiaall from 1860-1880. Jlartin Diea. Bew Yark, Johll Day,
Jlaoomb, Ill.,Author, 1931. •1944. _ JOHJfFL!TCIIER,1861-
83, .18.p. 310p. b. )l)nroa, lfia., 18 Jl 1851.

A handy guide hr the literary

Tagabond. 1938. GEIITRY,SLOAB Concise ar~nt1 oa baptiaa.
b. DaTenport, Ia., Author, 1890.
Beath -nual or the literature or 48p.
England, baaed upon th• text or the
Heath readinga _in the literature of A broken apirit drieth up the bones. Until ha ooaea, ael'llon deli-red
Bngland. Boston, Beath, 1930, (Ia Brite ooll•g• of the Bible. Sar- Chriataaa 1eaaoa 1907 oa the r.oep-
ix, 268p. mona, Tal. l, 1937, pp. 17-18) tioa ot the elegant silver •-ioa
Hnio• on the cover ot whioh ii ia,.
Bew studie1 in American literature, aoribe41 praaaated to the Central
1937. GEPHART,MRS. RUTH Chri1tian church, Portland, Oregon,
b. in loving ••ory of our Saviour by
Queetiona and probl-s in Aarican Kr-. and Jira. Lewi• llontg-ry.
literature, baaed upon the text of Dec.. bar 26, 1907,
Pattee'• Centllr)° reading• in Aarioan Bacelwood. (In Reagaa, J, s., ad. 63p. ports.
literature. •- York, Century, Historic aketahea or Chrht1an churohea
•1927. in Hendrioks county, Indiana, pp • . 86-70) Churohea ot Christ in Oregon.
xiii, 205p. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churchs• ot
Chriat, 1904, pp. 274-276)

GASTOB,JAJIES! Victory through faith, (In Lor4.

b. J • .l., ad; On tu Lord'• day, •1904,
4. pp. 123-128)
lliraclH aadar tire1 a treatiH tor
Sonahip, akolatoa aeraon. (In · aodarn thiakara1 tr. troa ti» Gal'IIIID
Cory, •. B., ad. The polymathilt, by 8. H. lfilkiaaoa1 reT. by B. A. GIBBS, lfALTlll CHBSTBRFIELD,
1877, p. 248) Abbott and Willard B. Shelton1 intro- b.
duction by F. D. Ierahner. St. Louil,
Bethaay preaa, •1930.
GAT!S, BRRBTT, 1870- 180p. (Burning quest ona or th• The geaiua ot the l>iaoiplH ot
b. Cortland, O,, 2 Jfr 1870. day) Chrht. cLexiagtoa, I)'., College ot
the Bible, 194.&a
Ret'llratioa of the ehurohea. -&p. (Collage ot tu Bible atudi ..
The Dhoiplea or Chriet. Iaw ot ourrent Diaoiple ha1M1, ao. 2)
York, '!'he Baker and Taylor oo., •1906. Die urohriatliohen wunder Tor dn lleprined troa Th• eoll•g• ot tM
348p. tront. (The 1tory or the forua dar aodaraen weltauaobaunug. Bible bulletin, 111.y19-&&.
ohtlrohee) 3 YOllig uagearb llJld •turk erweiterte
antl. (8-12 tauHlld) Bialenl..irg,
Th• early relation and aeparation of B. Baokara buobaadluag, o. Thon, 1912. 10GIBSOB,J P
Bapti1t1 and Diaoiplea... Chicago, l33p. b.
I. I. Domwlley & aona 00 1904.
0 ,

Tbeaia1 Ph.D., UniTeraity or GBROULD,ll!JIRY, 182~1900. Swwant.ahip ot eur bo41H. (Ia
Chioago, 1902, b. Smithfield, Pa., 8 llr 1829, .lbileu Christin eollage Bible lee-
d. Clnalan4, o., 10 B 1900, tvea, 1939, pp. l&-31)
oo., 1904.
Oh,ioago, Christian century
l24p. GIDDDS, ROBDT K , 184&- •
In -riua, Rary 0.rould, •• b. Tl'iabl• oaanty, Iy., 23 r 18-&&.
lcaan Catholio aodarniaa. (In • 1901?. 4•
Willett, H. L. Progreau aaniTar- 44p. troat. (port.)
aary TOl.._ or tu Campbell iDatitut~ .l talk to yoag oaaverta. 1880.
1917, pp. 206-219)

Gieger • 01-eier 0

ooGIBGER,L L about · aee iatroduotion

lfeet, J. lf. Sketohea ot 1110uatain The recantation, being an antici-
pioaeera. pated T&lediotory addroae or The-•
The .._ THtament ohuroh 1a aiallJl- Paine to tho French direotory ••• with
deratood. llt. Pleaaant, Tex., an introduction by lf. S. Giltner.
Author, 19411 GILLILAJm, JAJIES RIRAll, 1S55-l912. Cincinnati, Standard, 1902.
8p, b, , Ill., 1856, 47p.
d, , Ill., 27 Ap 1912,

GIELOII',FREDERIClJ , 1893-1941. The relation ot the churoh to educa- GIOVANWOLI,

b. Buffalo, B. Y., 19 F 1893. tion, an addreaa deliTered at Cham- b.
d. Ci~oianati, o., 4 D 1941. paign, Illinois, September 6, 1904,
before the educational eeeaioa ot the
Popular outline ot ohuroh hhtory. Illinoia Christian aieeionary conven- lentuck;y female o·rphan school, a
Cincinnati, Standard, •1926. tion. history. llidway, ly., 1930.
197p. 18p. 210p. plates, porta.

Current trend• in Chriatian eduo.. Teaohinge ot the Christian church.

tioa, aa a11&l7da ot the prHnt ata- .Bloomington, Ill., Christian oburoh GISH, BDBA (llHIPPLE) (Jira. Bllia Giah)
tua and tendenoiea in Christian eduoa- preeh b.
tion. Ciaoi1111&ti, Standard, •1931, .4.p.
Twent:,--tiTe 7eara ot religioue lite An ancient city with aodern dyke•.
Chriat, our -•t•r. (In Tboraton, in Bloaington, Ill. 1912, cindianapoliaa C. 11'. B. K., n.d.
B. lf., ed. Lord'• d&7 worahip ••r- Bp. inc. oOTera.
YioH, •1930 1 pp, 257-260)
GILLIS, EVERETT Lifting up Cbriat in China.
b. . (In Iaternatioaal ooDTentioa, 1941,
GILBERT,ALP'RBD• , 1835-1892. pp. 124-128)
b. Pll.iladelphia, Penn., 19 Je 1835,
d. Fayette, llo., 25 Ja 1892. '?he -7 ot holiaeee, (In Brite
oollege ot the Bible. Sermons, Tol. GITIIEJIS, HARRY WRIGHT,1896-
The religioua poaition ot the 1, 1937, pp. 19.-20) (Preabytorian)
Diaoiplea ot Chriet, th• aubetanoe
ot two dieooureee deliTerecl at the Dr-ti&ecl storiea troa the Old
houH of worell.ip of the ohuroh ot GILLlllRB, lfILLUlf J Toatament. Ciaoiamti, Staadard,
Chriet, at S:,raouee, B. Y•••• Auguet b. •1927.
13, 1865, •• s:,raouee, •. Y., Daily 200p.
journal office, 1865.
27p. The Bew Tutaaent ohuroh. (In Bew Teatament atoriea dr-ati&ed,
Bridwell, J. T., ed. '?he lliohigan treeh, oolortul, inatruotiTe, Ci•
Then- birth. (Ia Sweeniay, z. pulpit, 1924, pp. 146-148) oinnati, Standard, •1929.
T., ed. Ifft' Teat&aeat Christianity, 216p.
1923, TOl, 1, pp. 340-3811)
GILJl)D, JAIIBS ROBBRTS,1822-1903. One rehearaal pagoanta tor the
(Bdmund lirke, peeud.) church. Cincinnati, Standard, 1936.
eOILBBRT,BUBS! B 22,&p. .
b. Leben Jamee A. 0.rtielde, dee repub-
•• likanieohen eaadid&ten t.r die praei-
dentachatt, TODBdaund lirke cpeeud •• GIVB!IS, lfILLUK SlfI])(Jf, ·1873-1902.
A oontiaubg tellosellip. ••• aua da englieohen u'bereot&t. b. , 26 II)' 1873.
Bew.iork, Harper, 1880, •• D 1902.
48p. _illua., port•.
OILCDST, ROBERTALBlillDBII, 1850-111311. about 8N
b. Xenia, o., 28 II)' 1860. The lite of J-ee A. Garfield,
•. lfaahington, D. c., 11 B 1935. Republioan candidate tor the pro•i- lfeat, J. lf. SbttohH or our
dency. With erlraote trom hie epeeohoe •ouatain pioaoer•.
Ordiutioa eharge giTn at the by Bc:lmund~i~b cpeeud.. •- York,
ordiaation of eiz young ainhtera, Biarper, 1880.
Suaday, Juae 14, 1896. cl!:ureb, 64p. illua., port•. (Franklin GLlSIIR, KRS. ELIZA B C
Illinoh. equare librar,, ao. 132) b.
5p. oardboard leaflet.
aGILRDTB,JAJIBS An alabaater boz. In4iaupol1a,
ooGILLENTIR!, R_I_CIL\RDLEB, 1852-1920. b. C. lf. B. K., n.d.
b. Mar Speaoer, hu., 28 Ja 1862, 4. 12p.
4. Bollie, Olcla., 29 Ja 1920,
The fair rea•-r1 or, a lecture oa Aunt Beulah'• lent. clAdiau-
about •e• bapti•• deliTered before the looal polia, C. lf. B. K•• n.4.
oolllferenoe ot Lanoaater diatriot, 12p.
BolH, II. L. Biograpll.ioal Auguat 28, 1822. 8teubenrl.lle,
elmtoh•• of geepel preaohera, Printed by JUM1a'l'ihoa, 1824. Juat aroulld the ooraer. Iuiu..
64p. polia, c. 'I'. B. K., n.4.
GILLISPIE, JUB8 II , 1846-11126,
b, Tae-11, Va., 8 Ja 1846, BIL'TIIBR,1fILLliJf S , 1827-1921. When the wiater 1a paat, an Baater
4. 16 llr 1926. b. BourboJl Nllllt7, ~. • 18 II)' 1827. atory. cin4iaupolia, c. 'I'. a; x.•
4. Danrl.lle, ~ .. U D 1921,

Glasier - Goodwin

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b. ·0 11ewton. lane., Author, n.d. _ Mt.rob 14, 1899. Publiahed by re-
d. c7,p. queat of' the oozn-ention.
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b. (Congregationalist)
eGLBJIDIDIXG,W'ILLI.U(, 1747-18111.
b. Sootland, 1747. llature,deaign, and mode of' baptin,
d. Raleigh, •• c.. 18111. But ••• -, dad'• a ainiater. (In or Campbellin, ezpoaed. Jledina,
CU1pbell and lfoHley, eda. 11,y-dad, o., Publiahed by Thos. J. White, 1845.
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himaelf'. Philadelphia, Priated f'or
the author at the ottioe of' W. W. GOLDJIER,JACOBBDRT. 1871- • GOODWIGBT,CLOYD,1881-1932.
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Ti, lHp. d. Bethany. W. Va., 16 0 1932.
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ooGLEIUI,IDUIEST IIEIL, 1880- through preachiag; addreu deliTered Louie, Chriatian board, •1930.
b. Cornernille, Tean., 13 I 1880. at World conTention of' churchea of' 48p.
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~- polia, U. C. K. S., cl929,
What a ohance!
w•• ed.
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What-, ohurch oaa do f'or ae.

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Smith, B. L.
Alexander Ca111pbell.
about aee
GOFF,nKD KILTOI, 1888- Goldner, G. R. But ••• -, dad'. a ·b.
b. Jll.11• Spriaga, 1111., 12 Ja 1888. ainhter.
Simon 111.gua. Cincinnati, Chria-
The eaaentiala of' aalT&tioa. GOLLER,!Dlf.ARDD tian leader corporation, n.d.
b. l2p.

•GOFF•ISilC C • 1808- • introduotion aee

b. Rehoboth, Ill.•••• 28 0 1808. A guide f'or Cbrhtiaa ,-outh.
Biograph,- and aermona.


Faith ia Chriat.
W. • ed.
(In Coan, A.
Goepel Hraona, 1881, pp. 59-
Trail Mrkera 'by an old guide •••
Philadelphia, Union pre••, •1930.
116p. pl&tea.
72) J:urf'eea, K. C. Sermon outline•.

.J!!I!~· He • . BIIIRT, 18110-19311

b. Leioeater. lngland, 26 Je 18110. GOODSPBBD,BlOIA
Clough, a. The Chriatian paalmiat. d. Greeaioh, o., 29 Ja 19311. b.

CoDTeraiona •• reoeried
ia aot•.

Quo warrant.. a atery of' pa,-ohio

~- Rec1t&tiou and reading•. Peeria.
phencaena. Jlew Tork. Abbey prHa, Ill., J. W. Frank• and aona. 1886.
50 ra1eaea por que no ao7 de la
igleaia oatoliea
Kezioo. a.d.
267p. f'ront.

18p. GOODlfII-. ILIJAB, 1807-1879.

GOODI, IWISBALL llllROI, 1838-1922. b. Chulpaign county, o•• 111Ja
b. 111.ooupia oounty, Ill., 14 0 1838 .. 1807.
OOLDD, ,mllll UCJWID, 1876- • •. St. Joaeph. llo., II D 1922. d. near CleTeland, o. • 7 O 111711.
b. lloLNa oounty. 111 •• 24 a 1878.
The ollllroh ia hiatory, a atudy. Bapt1• and regeneration. Ind-
St. JoHph. Ill> •• Bardaaa, priater, 1891, ianapol1•, W. w. Dowling, 1888.
Cmreh ef'f'ioer•a guide. .ci ... 19p. (Watch traot •• l)
ei-ti. St&Marda •1940.
Up. •01tr pl•.• an &'4reaa deliTered The f'&aily cn,panion1 or a book of'
bef'ore the Platte Diatriot Chriatiaa aeraona on T&rioua aubjeota, both
dootrial and praotio&l I iD.tendN hr
the pr1nte ed11'1oation and ocaf'ort of'
Goodwin - Goulter G

the Disciples of Christ, and to aid the lfUlie ll'eloh Clar ,e' • mi11ion, GORE, THOMAS JEFFERSON,1839-1923,
honest inquirer arter truth in finding Cinoinaati, R, lf, Carroll a: co,, 1869? b. Bloomfield, Ky., 23 )l!r 1839,
the true church, and the law of induc- (Little moaitor aerie•) d. Australia, 4 ·J1 1923,
tion into the same; eto,, etc,, etc.
Cincinnati, Printed for the author by That they all -y be oae. Mel-
Moore, Wilstach, Keya and Overend, GORDON,
MRS, ADA11:IIEIL bourne, Auatralia, Auatral pub, oo,,
1866. 1914.
406p. aee POWELL,ADA!«:NEIL (DUNN) 22lp,
Life of Elijah Goodwin, the pioneer about aee
preacher! ccomp. from his diary, by
Jame, M. llathes, St, Louie, John GORDON,
CAROLIIIE Gore, A. S. Tho-• Jetteraoa
Burn,, 1880. Gora,
314p, front. (port.) aee TATE, CAROLINE(GORDON)

Pioneer, of Indiana. GOSS, CALVIN

The church the body .ot Chriat 1
Justification by faith1 The middle
b, ••
-11; The name "Christian"; The sect The viaion of Taaaeo, and ether
everywhere spoken againet. (In with GORDON,GIFFORD, po••. Publhhed tor the author,
Sweeney, z. T., ed. N.,,. Te1tament Oakalooaa, Ia,, Central boek coacern,
Christianity, vol. 1, 1923, pp. 170- 36,000 llile1 of prohibitioa, a 1878,
197; vol. 3, 1930, pp,i 282-299; vol. atudy of North Americaa prohibition, Z80p, front, (port,)
1, 1923, pp.•248-2781 463-1841 29-69) Jfelbourne, Au1tralia, Viotorian anti-
liquor league, .1923.
Children of wrath; , !xegeah I A 296p, Ulua, GOSS, EDGARK , 1876-
luk.,,..rm church; Manner of love; b, Pleaeanton, Kane., 13 D lBT&, .
akeleton 1ennon1. (In Cory, N, B.,
ed. The. polymathi1t, 1877, pp. 431- GORDOlf,E K -1908,
432; 318-319 I 3941 156-157) b, Adventurea in wholeeom.e ·faith,
&aporia, Kana., Printed by the Elllporia
Funeral eermoa ot Jeremiah Ml.the•.
•• Gazette, •1940.
(In Stone, B, lf, Work•, vol. 1, pp, Indian folk tale•, being aide-lighte 14p.
351-374) on Tillage lite in Bilaapore, Cantral Cover title: Adventure a in whole-
province•, London, E. Stook, 1908, aome faith~ the lr»y to happineu
Funeral 1ermon ot Florence Matha11 xii, 99p, and aucceaa, a handbook tor trium-
preached at lit. Tabor, Hendrix co., phant living,
Ind,, June 6, 1864. (In llathe1, J.
K,, ed, The weetern preachar, vol. 1, GORDON,
GIFFORD The right trail, tor both God and
1866, pp. 40-68) b. oountr7, Pleaaanton, Kana,, Author,
•1940. .
abo'ut 23p,
Bold faat America, ll'eaterville, Printed by the Emporia, Kane.,
Starr, H. B. Elijah . Goodwia. O., ll'orld league againat alcoholi""', Gasette,
(In Dictioury of American biography, th• American ia1ua preaa, n,d,

Bele1, H, L,
vel, 7, 1931, pp, 407-408)


Gordon, C. K.

Thirt,-tive thou-
b. Alberaarle county, Va., 29 D
4, Piedmont county, Va., 2e If 1870,
-eketchea ot go1pel preacher,, ••adaile• ot proldbitioa,
hana, 11adieon, Biographical .A
aketchea ot pioneer preacher• ot
Indiana, GORI>O.-,
JAJll!S lllRRIS, 1851-194', lloConu.ok, T, D, Jaaea ll'alker
Tiera, K, C, The Chrietian por- b, Grffn Springe, Va., 7 F 1851, Goes. (In Dictioaar7 or Amerioan
trait gallery, 4, Orlando, Fla., 11 Ja 1944, biography, Yol. 7, 1931, p, «o)


Elijah Goedwin) -1886, Tate, C. G. Aleek •v,-, aporta-
b, •n.
The ~k• of the Holy Spirit.
Aunt llunice•a fairy atory, Cin- GORDON,lfILLIAK LIWIS Indianapolia, Penaion fund n d
cinnati, R. '1'., Carroll a: co., 1869! b, clO,p. • • •
(Little aonitor aerie•)
Autuan leavea .po..,•• St, Louie, Where te ••11 -nu••ripta, rn, eel, GOTSCHALL,
ilDRE11'll'ILLIAK, 1892-
Chriatiaa pub, eo,, 1880, Ciaoiaaati, Standard, •1917, b, Adamatown, Penn., 23 Ja 1892,
175p, 70p.

J>aiay~ or the loat cow, c1ao1 .. Aoroaa a oentur7, cFirat Chrietiaa

aati, I, 'I', Carroll a: oo,, 1859! GORI, AllY SilTO ehuroh, Baltiaore. 1932,
•17 Bolaea, Ciacinnati, I, 'I',
Carroll & eo,, 1859!
(Little aonitor aerie•) Thoaaa Jetteraon Gore, cwith a JOHlf, 1890.
fareworcl b7 Geo, T, 'l'al4ea. · •lbourm b, Colao, Viotoria, Auatr•lia
BaaiatStoa•'• red applea, Ci .. Auatralia, Auatral pub, oo,, 1925, ' 1890, · '
eiaMti, I, 'I', Carrell & co,, 1859! 70p,

G Goulte r Gray

Chriat, democracy and individual The uni t y ot all Chri sti an a, GRART,EDIJA.RD
fr eedoia. {In Thor nton, E. 'Ir., ed. . In dianapo l i s , Committee on war •• r - (Pres byte r i an}
Phi lli pa uni ver sit y aermona, 1929, vices, Di aciplea ot Chri st, 1943?.
pp . 133- 146) 7p, inc . f r ont cover , The Belmont pl an works wondera in
ohur ch fi nance, we cha l l ange you t o
The church facing the wor l d , (In ·try it , with f oreword by Wa lter JI,
GOll'Alf,GEO RGE FRANKLIN, 1859-1931. Internat i ona l convention, 193e, pp. White. ci ndi ana poli1, Uni fied pro-
b . Tullahoma , Tenn . , 8 Ja 1869. 327-336) moti on. n . d,
d . Shelbyville, Tenn., 2·1 Ja 1931, 6p, fold er,
Getting an appetite f or li f e , (In
Ju dge J . S. Black. (In Brown, Keller,! , L. Great aermona by young
J. T., ed. Church •• of Christ, 1904, preache r s, 1931, pp . 119-12 9) GRANT, SUE E (J ONES) ( Jira,
pp. 416- 416) Robort Avi a Grant), 1832•
The inev i ta ble har veat , (In Beach, b . Eure ka, Ill. , 1832,
Tolbert Fann i ng. (In Bro,m, J. ! , C, and others , Grea t Christia n d.
T., ed , Churches of Christ, 1904, convictions, pp , 13-16)
pp . 461-452 ) Remini aoenoea or Eureka, (In
Ia the kingdo m or God calling ? (In Dick inson, E, J ., ed , Bhtory or
B-bert, B. F. , ed , Re ligio n is r eality ; Eureka coll ege , 1994, pp. 217-226)
GRAFT NA •1942, pp . 14-18 )
Our r ea.;._.r oes , {In I nterna ti onal GRAVES, W C
convention, 1941, pp. 42-48) b,
Gir ls an d miaa i ons, Indianapo lia,
C, W. B. JI. , n,d,
4p. GRAl!Al(,.6.LEXANDER, 1811•1861. Lea1on1 on the church or Chriat.
b, BartaTille, Tenn,, 29 B 1811. Birminghaa, Ala , , Author, 1940.
The mission of our organization to d, llllr ion, Ala,, 17 Ap 1861. 124p.
young women. Indianapoli1, C, 'Ir, B,
JI,, n.d. about •ff
Lawaon, P, B. The lite
and b, Washington county, Tenn,, 24
Toronto addre••. · 1913? character,,.or Alexander Graham, Jlr 1884,

What of the future? Indianapolb,

C, 'Ir, B, JI,, n.d. ORA.BAIi,ROBERT,1822-1901. The prograa or the lfew THtament
8p. b, Liverpool, England, 14 Ag 1822, church, St, Louia, Chriatian board,
d, 20 Ja 1901. 1930,
(Bethany tract• no, e)
TBOIIAS WILLIAM, 1867-1940, Regeneration,
b, Fairfield, Ia., 21 F 1867. li>llllan, n,d, A, I, llyhr, (In 'lreat, J, W,, ed,
d. Beverly Hilla, Calif,, 11 D 4p. Sketchea or our aountain pioneer•,
1940, 1939, pp. 217-22e)
Regeneration, (In lloore, 'Ir. · T.,
Alexander Campbell, leader of the ed. The living pulpit or the Chri•• William Conrad llaupin, (In
great reto~tion or the nineteenth tian church, 1867, pp. 209-228) Weat, J, W,, ed, Sketch•• or our
ceutnry, with an introduction by Her- aountain pioneer•, 1939, pp. 60-68)
bert L. Willett. St. Louia, Chria- --. (In Doctrinal and practical
tian pub, oo,, •1897.
234p. front, (port.)

-St, Louis, Chri•tian board,

187e, vol, 2, pp, 41-44)

F, o. Autobiography,

234p,_ The tower• or Mont St, Bloi,

about aoe
lien ot 1"'•terday1 a eeriea or llilliona new dead will never live.
character aketohe• of proainent •• Clubb, JI, D, Robert Grahaa, (In hi• Preaching that builda churchea,
among the Dhciple• ot Chrhti with lloore, 11'. T, The liTinc pulpit 1940, pp.
an introduction by Benjaain L. S.ith, of the Chrietian church,
St, Louia, Chriatian pub, cc,, 1899.
29lp. port•.
Tiera, JI, C.
trait gallery,
The Chrhtian por- ~-
Coatontu Preaching that build• churchea, a
Sketch•• of o. A, Burge••, Iaaac aurvey ot evangelhtie preaching in
Errett, B. 11'. Johnaon, Walter Scott, GRAIIGD, 08WALD.J08!PH, eaat Tenn•••••· llilligan college,
John Smith, and B. w. Stone, b, !enn., Trident pr•••, 1940,
Steadtaatneaa, . _(In Thornton, E, Content•,
11',, od, Lord'• da:, worahip Hl'Tieea, Lite or llohamaod, Seraona by R, J, Bennett, J, C,
•1930, pp. 47-60) Couin•, B. J, Derthick, G, B. Baa-
ley, J, R. Farria,!, B.· Fite,~.
Thetranaition period, (In ORUDnl!LD, DDWIS • -1896, W, Gray, T. A. Gray, John Ball, P,
Oarriaon, J, R,, ed, Tho Reroriation b, Dingle, Ireland, C. lloCord, J, T. Meredith, JI, ·s.
of the nineteenth century, 1901, pp, d, TrOf, llo,, 22 Ap 1896, lliller, S. A. llorton, J. J. lllaiok,
26$-314) S, 0, Redacre, J. J, Shepherd, H,
Patriarchal chain or tho Bible, C, Wagner, and J. 11', Weat,
Philadelphia, Jaaea Challen and aoa,
GRAP'TOI,WARll!N, 1901- 18e-t -
b, Paulding count:,, O,, 12 Ap 1870,

The· apoatolic churoll,

Gray - Green G

The church of t~ New Teat&lllent. GRAYBIEL

, MARY,1846-1936. GRED, FRAJICISMARION,1836-1911.
(In Brokaw, ed. Doctrine and life, b. F 1846. b. llorton, o., 28 S 1836.
1898, pp . 178-194) d. San Diego, Calif . , 16 S 1936. d. F 1911 .

about aee with OTHERS

. The Chrhtian miniatera' manual,
tor the uae of church otfioera in the
Brokaw, G. t.. Doctrine and lite India, aketchea ot c. 'If. B. V. various relat i ons of enngeliata,
by I owa write r ,. miaeionary work i n India; by llary pastor•, biahopa, and deaoona. St.
Grayb iel, llr•. w. G. Menzies, Zonetta Louis, John Burn e, •1884 .
Vance, and A. A. Lackey. Indiana- ll5p.
.. HAROLD STUDLEY,1894- poli1, c. 11'. B. 11. , n.d.
b. 48p. port,., illua. St . Louie, Burne, n.d.
Chara cter "bad", t he •tory ot a St. Louis , Chriatian pub.
conac i entioua obje ctor aa told in In and about llahoba, a mo11age. oo.
le t te r s , ed. by Kenneth Irving Br.own. Indianapoli•, C. w. B. II., n,d. 124p.
New York, Harper, 1934. c79,p. illus., port,.
268p. fr ont. (port.) Christian m.iaaiona, and hiatorioal
1ketohe1 of missionary aocietiea among
GRAYDON,KATHARINEMERRILL,. the Disciple, of Chriat, with hi1tor-
GRAY,JAMES b. ioal and atati atical table,, with an
b. introduction by'lf . K. Pendleton,
pre1ident ot Bethany college. St.
Butler college in the world war, a Loui1, John Burns, 1884.
Discipleship in the church. record ot the men and their achieYe- 438p.
Birmingham, England, Berean pre11, menta together with a briefer record
1935. ot thoae who 111rved in the CiYil -r The gospel ot Chriet, a geaeral-
72p. and in the -r with Spain. Indiana- ization. St. Louie, Chriatian pub.
polia, Butler college alumni a110cia- co.
Dr. Whale and infant baptiam. tion, 1922. 4p.
Birming1'am, England, Ber ... n preaa, rr, 334p. front., platea, porta.
1942. . Hiram college and 'lfeatern reserve
7p. (Jame• Donald tract fund) eclectic institute, titty year• ot
GREATR.UE,LA'lfREIICE (Baptilt) history, 1860-1900: with an intro-
Sickne11 ot the Sunday school. duction by E. B. Wakefield . Cleve-
Birmingham,,England, Berean preaa, Letter, to Ale:a:ander Campbell by a land, o. S. Ihtbbell ptg. oo . , 1901.
1930. . regular Baptist. 425p. front., plate•, ports.
· 46p.
The lite and times ot John Franklin
GRE!W,ALJIOI B , 1808- Rowe, with 1election1 from hia writ-
GRAT,PHILIP C b. Litchfield, Conn., 12 Ja 1808. ing, and a brief h11tory ot the rel1-
b. d. giou1 controver1iea iawhioh he took
d. part. ·c1ncinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1899.
The baptin in the Holy 1pirit. 226p. ~ont. (port.) plates, port,.
with OTIIERS. lew Tork, Holaan, n.d.
A royal lite, or, the eventful
A stat.lent ot taota in connection hiatory ot Jamee A. Garfield, twen-
with the hiatory ot the churoh ot A diacourae on the !few Teatament. tieth pre1ident ot the U.S.
Chrht in the city ot Detroit, llioh- clliddleburg, O., Printed for William Chicago, Central book oonoern, 1882.
igan, by P. C. Gray, Alex. Linn, and Vance, at the office ot the "Heretic 462p. front. (port.) 1llua.
'If. Sanderson, oo-ittee. 1868? det~ctor", n.d., Cover title, The lite ot Garfield.

about ,ee The atandard -nua~ tor ~unday

GRAY,ROBERTROOT aohool worker,. Cinoinnati, Stan-
b. Tiera, II. C. The Chri1tian por- dard, 1879, •1878,
trait gallery. 19lp.

Sooial adYenturea with Jeaua in --. St. Louie, John Burne,

induatrial relation•. (In .lnderaen, I
GRE!I, CRA.RLES 1880, •1878.
o. T •• ed. Sooial adYenturea ot b. 19lp ~
Jeaua, 1928, pp. 87-90)
Glorying in the oroaa1 The aigai-
The church. (In International ticanoe ot the oro111 1keleton aer-
mon1. (In Cory, w. E •• ed. The
A convention, 1936, pp. 99-112)
1877, pp. 176-1771 •09-
Ye shall recei•e power. ·(In b. Jamee A. Garfield. (In Brown, J.
Gray, A. 'If., ed. Preaching that build• T., ed. Churohe1 of Christ, 1904,
churchea, 1940, pp. ) pp. 412-415)
Britiah fraternal greeting,. (Ia
International ooavention, 1942, pp. 3~ oomp.
ocGRAT, WILLIA)(POffELL, 1864-1944. •36)
b. . , 20 F 1864. Second annual aeeting o_f the general
d. ·, F 1944. lew bea1111yout ot ruin. (Ia Chri1tian 8. s. a1aooiation, Aug. 16-
International oonvention, 1941, pp. 18, 1883, Pub. by order of the
The iale ot Patmoa1 a aerie• ot 202-206) a11ooiation, 1883.
brier lectures on the apooalypae. 12p.
Coapton, ·Calit., 'If. P. Gray, •1932.

G Green - Griffeth

about •ee Churches or Christ. A prayer out or Hell . Park er,

Sp. Kane., Author, 1916.
Wakefield,!, B, Franch 111.rion In English and in Frenc h. 2Bp.
The story of 'Major David McKee,
GREENE,LAURENCE,1906- rounder of t he anti- hor se t hi ef
ooGREEII, GLEllllE aaeooiation ; to get her with the history
b. The filibuster; t he career of of the •nti-ho r ae thief aaaooiation
William Walker. Indianapolis, Bobba- and the anti-t hie f association.
Jlerrill, •1937. Cheyney , Kans., Author, .•1937.
The relation of the Cbriatian to 360p. front, (port.) pla t es. 80p . port, , illu•.
oi Til gOTermnent and -r. .lltu•,
Okla, , Author. What i a a Bible oonveraion ? or,
K how·may I know tha t I am a ohild of
God? .Lorain, 0,, Christian aaaoc-
--, 2d ed. Vernon, Tex., The Chriatian liberal arts college iation or America. •1927 , •1931,
Author, 194.4.. in the poa~r world .addreae given 4.p.
4.2p. at the 29th annual meeting of the
Board or higher education of Di•oiple•
or Christ, April 17, 194.4. Indiana-
oGREEN,J L polis, Board of higher education, Our IIOthera, influence or a Chris-
b. .1944.. tian aother. Hutch in son, Kan•.,
d. J6p. inc. cover•. Author, •1923, •1926.

Stevena, Amos . Union hymn book. b. GRESHAM,

GR~lf, JAKES FRAlf!CLilf,1875- The ~abbath law ••• Melbourne,

b. Si•ter•ville, W, Va., · 18 Ja Australia, Austral ptg. _& pub. co,, A a·trong man's gratitude, Delivered
1876. n.d. before th~ Seattle rotary club,
Sp. Olympic hotel, lfove,nber 24., 194.3.
6p. folder.
Rise and progre•• of the Michigan
Chri•tian mia•ionary society. GREGO,J The living church--ite unahakable
.Owo••o, Kich., M. c. K. S. , 1926. b. unity, (In Wickizer, W, lf, , ed,
.11.p. d, The living church, 1942, pp. 21-24.)

Three paramount parables. (In with GREGG,J

Brid'11'9ll, J. T., ed. The )ll.chigan GREW,HENRY
pulpit, 1924., pp. 160.167) An apology for withdrawing from the b.
Methodist church. Indiana, 1826? d.

GREEN,JUSTIN NElfMAlf, -1925. All examination of the divine teati-

b. GREGO,J mony concerning the character of the
d. Cincinnati, . o., 4. Ja 1926, b. Son of God. Hartford, Author, 1824.
d. 70p.
Profitable plea•ure. Cincinnati,
Stalldard, 1910 . joint~ eee A tribute to the Nmory of the
apostles. Hartford, Conn,, 1832T
Gregg, J, An apology for with- 89p.
GREEN,KARY(1IOIIKS) drawing from the Methodist church.
GRICE, JOHN, 184.4.-1928.
GRESHAlf,HUGHCLEVELAND, 1886- b. Clinton county, 0,, 16 S 184.4..
Souvenir booklet of the Fir•t b , near Sel-,' Ala., 18 Ag 1885 0
d. Luther, llieh., 1928.
Chri•tian ohuroh, West Plaine,
lli••ouri, Golden jubilee, June 10, Christian life, (In Bridwell,
1928. West Plain•, Ko., Journal "Christian", the diTine 11&111e. J, T., ed. The Michigan pul pit, 1924.,
print. .Strawn, lana., Author, •1923. pp. 168-166)
38p. port•,, illu•. 8p.

Howmy d•ter diappeared thru a GRIFFETH, ROSSJOHlf, 1896- •

GRDII, M w Catholic convent, 2d ed. rev, and enl. b. Centralia, Kana., 22 D 1896.
b. A •tory of Roman Catholic kid.napping
•• by the means of lying and deception.
·An eye opener on convent methods ••• The Bible and rural life .with a
SELBY, ISAAC Parker, Kana,, Author, •1916. foreword by M, Clifford Townsend,
(Free-thinker) 4.4.p. illua., plates, ports. Cinoi11D&ti, Standard, •1937 0

117p. illu•.
The Green-Selby debate on Seoular- How my •ister diaappNred thru a
in, 1886. Melbourne, Au•tralia, Catholic convent, an eyeopener on Building the church or Chri•t, a•
Austral pub. co. convent methoda, 3d ed. .Hutohineon, de•oribed ia the llew Te•tallent, part
Bane,, Author. •1916, •1924.. one, a oour•e of doctrinal le••e••
63p. illus., port•. ft>r pulpil• in their early er aiddle
ooGRED, lfILLIAI( M tee••• Cinoi11D&ti,. Standard, •19Sl.
b. Outline atudy of the book of A.ct•. 94.p. (Standard elective •erie•
.Cheney, lana., Author, of •peoial lea•ona)

Gritteth - Grubba G

It began thu a : t he good newa in GRIGGS, NATHAN

N- Teat ament l i te and li t erature b, b.
citt t h an i nt roductio n by c. 'Ir. Long- d.
man, St . Lou ie , Bethan y prea a,
•1 937. Fi ve addresaea and devotiona l poems, The beginner Bible teacher and
96p. (N- stand ard l eader ship with an introducto r y biog r aph y ••• leader, a twenty-h our courae t or
cur rioul um) Lin col n, Nebr., Repor ter pub, co,, 1911 teacher• and worker& or t he begi nner
224p . departmen t. Cincin nati, Standard ,
The pat hway of Chris t ian unity. •1942.
(I n Thornto n, E. 'Ir., ed , Phillipa Hel l'• canyon ; a poem ct the campa, 119p .
uniTerait y aermona, 1929, pp. 41-52) il l ty. by'lr, S. Phillips. Chicago,
Schulte pub . co., .1899,
Ten booka to r Old Test ament atud i ea . 52p . GROOM
(In Smith, H. D. A pr ea cher'• first b. Li nn Creek,~ • • 6 Jl 1878.
books, •1933 , pp , 64-66) The liliea cpoema, Chioago,
Central 111Uaioco·., 1891 ,
The chu r ches of Chri st i n the
GRIFFIS, SUE (RANDOLPH),1893- Lyrioa of the lariat; poema with British Isl es . (In Internati onal
b. notes. New York, ReTall, •1893, conven t ion, 1939, pp. 142-149)
256p . front. (port.) illus.
Maintaining the spiritual glow,
Lamps tor worship; a year or wor- (In Cory, A. E., ed , Voices of the
ahip program• tor young people. GRIM, FREDERICKPERRELL,1872- 1944. aanctuary, 1930, pp . 62-72)
Cincinnati, Standard, •1937. b . Anacona, Ill., 11 Ja 1872,
200p. d. Albuquerque, N. X., 23 F 1944.
Tapeatry, a book or worship for '!'he plaoe or the Disciples of Christ
youth and adults . Cincinnati, in North Carolina, addreaa delivered aee WHITAKER,OLIVER BARR.
Standard, •194 0. at t he State convention ot Disciplea ot
176p. Chriat, at Bellhaven, N. C,, November
8, 1922, 'lrila on, N, C, , Atlantio GROJr,J A
Chri• tian college, 1922. b.
GRIFFITH, A B , 1864- 16p. i no. ooTer•. (Atlantic d.
1929. Chri st ian college bulletin, vol. 8,
b. ClayTille, Penn . , 1 D 1864. no. 1, Hovanber 1922) P. D. Holloway. (In Brokaw, G,
d. Ashtabula, o., a · o 1929. L,, ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa
writers, 1898, pp . 96- 96)
Hiatory of the ohuroh of Christ at , J
GRIME H (Bapt ist)
Bedford, Ohio. BedtON, o., Author,
1924. Blood before water and Chriat before ARTHUR IIATT!IEW, 1861-1942.
3lp. the churoh. Lebanon, Tenn. ? , Author, b. Dunedi n , New Zealand, 6 Ag 1861.
192-T d. Tullahoma, Tenn., 21 llr 1942,
Anti -Campbelliam. For a reTiew or
GRIFFITH, ALLENAYI!AULT thia book aee Allen, J. A. Aliaa Christ's oonfirmation of the Old
b. "C&111pbelliam". Testament. Cincinnati, Standard,
cl. 62p.

Claaa book in oratory, a ooaplete GRIIISHAW,IVANGEROOLD,1900- The Holy spirit ; Innortality.

drill book tor praotioe ot the prin- b, Shipley, Yorkahire, England, (In Meacham, E. J,, comp. Training
oiplea of TOoal physiology, and tor 17 Ap 1900, to tea oh, •1913, pp. 153-155 ; 156-168)
acquiring the art or elocution and
oratory o-priaing all the eaaential
element• or TOoal deliTery and geature, 1flf'en I wes a boy in England. GRUBBS,I SAIAHBOOBE,1833-1912.
with all the later aeleotiona tor Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd co., b. Todd county, ly., 20 llr 1833,
public recitals, tor sohoola, college•, •1931. cl, Lexington, ly . , 18 S 1912.
the pulpit, priTate learners, eloc"Q- 160p. front. (port.) (Children
tioniata, and public reader•. Cin- or other landa) Commentary on Romana, ed. by George
cinnati, Central book oonoern, •1879. A. Klingman. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe,
336p. illus. 1945?
GRINSTEAD,JAMES See alao An exegetieal and anal-
--, 24th ed. St. Louis, Chri•- b. ytical oonm,entary on Paul'• epistle
tian pub. oo., •1879. to the Romana.
336p. illus.
Chur'Ohea of Christ; some things tor Exegetical analysis ot the l!!pistlea,
whioh they plead. with notes. Chaplin, ly., J. llt.r-
GRIFFITH, IRA 'Ir tract. crom, 1893.
b. 238p.
d. debate with LOG.lll, Reproduced from typewritten copy .
Haa 4 more epiatlea than printed ed •
• Author of educational booka. Ia baptiam necenary to aalntionT
England, Grina t ead, 1894, --. Chaplin, ly., John llt.r-
16p. orait, 1893, •1893-1894.
GRIGGS, IARL W , 1889- • l76p.
b. , 17 Jly 1889.
GROO..U,LEWISB , 1843- An exegetioal and analytioal oo•
The ohuroh and peraonal religiaua b, llt.rion oounty, )(o., 1843. mentary on Paul'• epiatle to the Ro-n•;
liTiag. (IR Iaternational oonea- d. with an introduotion by B, C. Deneaei
tion. 1937, pp. 531-344) ed. by G, A. llingaan. Ciaoinm.ti,
The good oonteaaion. (In Soott, F. L, Rowe, 1913.
L. 'Ir. , ed . Texa s pulpit, 1888, pp. 192p. tront. (port.)
183-191 ) See alao Coaientary 011 Ro--•.
G Grubba - Guy

- .--, 2d ed, Cincinnati, F, L. Ouiteau•a geatiindniea, Der mordan- GULLEY, MRS. II E

Rowe, 1919, fall aur Garfield, Enthaltund l i ve b,
aust'iihrliche darstellung des grauaamen
--, 3d ed, Cincinnati, F, L. verbrechens. Wie ea get han wurde, und
Rowe, 1936, •1 913, warum as begangen wurde , .. Phila- Bible tor babes. St. Louie, Pub-
192p. delphia, Die Alte Fran klin verloga lished for the author by the Christian
handlung, •1881. board, n,d.
Manual or church history , Ch&p- 62p. plates, ports •. 63p .
lin, Ky ., John lfarcro 'm, 1893,
ll6p. The truth, a companion to the Bibl~
by Charles J, Guiteau, theologian, cGUSTIJII,ELLEN (GRANT), 1835-
The doctrine or justification by Booton, D, Lothrop and co., 1879. b , Frankfort, lie,, 1835.
faith. (In Garrison, J, B., ed. d.
The old faith restated, 1891, pp. 149- The truth, and The remonl.
167) Washington, D. C,, .Aut hor, 1882. Christ in the soul. (In Coan,
237p. A, W., ed. Go1pel aermons, 1881, pp.
Importance or special Biblical 77-81)
in1truction in ministerial education1 about
The aupernaturt .l as the ground tor
religious belier. (In The lliaaouri Report of the proceeding• in the cGUSTIN, II E
Chri1tian lectures, vol. 3, 1886, pp. caae or the United States va. Charles b,
138-1561 vol, 6, 1892, pp. 234-255) J. Guiteau; tried in the Supreme court d.
of the Diatriot or Columbia, holding
a criminal term, and beginning Novem- An expo1e or the Granger a, Con-
GUITEAU, CHARLESJULIUS, 1841-1882, ber 14, 1881. B, B, Alexander and taining the opening and closing cer&-
(Aaaaaain of Jamee A, Garfield) Edward D. Easton, official stenograph- moniea of a Orangera' lodge; the
ers, Washington, Govt, ptg. office, ceranonie1 of initiation, and the
Garfield against Hancock, a speech 1882. eight degree, of order... Dayton,
by Charles Guiteau delivered in New 3v. illus., plates, ports. 0,, Christian pub. asaooia t ion, 1876.
Yor k~ Aug. 6, 1880, •• The past .reviewed, l30p. illus.
cJllew York, 1880, about aee
Alexander H, H. The lire of GUY, HARVEYHUGO, 1871-1936,
Guiteau'a oonfeaaion, The Garfield Guiteau, b. Osage City, Kana., 9 N 1871,
aeeaaaination, being a full history Dunmire, A. J. D. G, Lite or d. Alameda, Calif., 30 Ja 1936.
of thia cruel crime, How it waa done Guiteau,
and why it waa done!!... Phila- Bayes, B. G, Trial or Guiteau. .!!:_. (into Japaneee)
delphia, The old Franklin pub, house,
•1881. Phillipa, T. W. The church of
62p, plate,, port,. Christ by a layman.

Haeker - !laggard H

IIACllR, IIARSHALL, 1848?-1926. llale quartets, concert. Cincin- Youth c0111111ittee

of the llew Zealand
b. nati, Standard, •1901. council of religioua education, 1942.
d, Collllllbua, Ind,, 6 Jl 1926. 35p.
Ila.le quartets, sacred, Cinoin-
Bartholo1118Woounty Chriatian nati, Standard, •1901. Union in truth. New Zealand,
mieaionary aaaociation. n.p., n.d.
l6p. Sacr ed quartet• for -le Toieea,
Cincinnati, Standard . eol!ADWill, D H
b. near Eli&abethto,rn, Ind,, 28 llr
1860. The goapel call, reT . and enl., part Restoration or digresaion, a
d. one, a choice co l lection of atand&rd reTiaion ct Why I left the Christian
hymn• and popular g~ pel aonga ••• church , Belpre, 0,, Author, 1938?
Hot for the pastor, St. Louie, St, Louie, Christian pub, 00.1 Indiana- l6p.
Christian pub, co , , 1896. polia, Hackl-n muaio co,, •1891,
l52p. illus. •1897.
190 song•. ccl!AFLBY,'If C
PEARLCONNER SilTer and gold, no. 1,.. St.
b, Louis, Christian pub, co,, •1898.
with EXCELL,E. 0,
00111p. Tomson, J. H. D. Goepel melodie1,
Carmira sacra; or, sacred songs for
Ladle• Toioe~ ••• Cincinnati, the Sunday school, St. Louie, Chria-
Standard, •1911. tian board, 1914, IIAGELBARGER,
74 aongs . b,
Jewelle tor juniors ••• St. Louie,
Christian pub. co.
HACXLEIIA.11, IIICIIAEI:, The atewardahip of lite. (In
1866-1927. Excell'• male quartet• and ohoruaea, Disciolea of Chriat, International
b. Orange, Ind., 28 F 1866. suitable for apeoial music in olnaroh oor:ive~tion, 1938, pp. 420-429)
d, near St, Elmo, Ill. , 3 O 1927. senicea, goapel meetinga, Sunday achool
Christian endeaTor, etc , Chicago,
coap, E, 0, Excell co., •1925 . lfEVA(JlcCRAY) (llr1, B. D,
cl28,p. Hag-n) , 1890- •
Brotherhood hymna••• Cincinnati, b. Norden, Web., 14 Je 1890.
Standard, •1911, with OTHERS.
ClOTer leaf -le quartettes, sacred; American church and church achool Hatto. .Colorado Springe, Colo.,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1910, hymnal; a new religioua education De1110oratpub. co •• •1928,
hymnal, •• ed, by W. E, K, Hackle-n, 9lp. illua.
FaTOrite solos; a compilation or E. 0, Excell, and Wallace Tuttle.
aolos, dueta, trice, and quartettea ••• St, Louis, Christian board, •1927. Snap ahota . trOIII the maaae.
Cincinnati, Standard, n,d, c384,p,
271 songs.
lcylnni ecoleaia, ed, byW. B, K. HAGGAR,THOIIAS,1874-
Gloria in exoelsia, abridged ed.1 Haokle-n, E. O. Excell, D. R, Dungan, b. London, England, 1874.
a collection of reaponsiTe scripture and Philputt. St, Louie, and
reading•, standard hymns and tunes, Indianapolia, Chriatian board and
and spiritual aonga tor worahip in Hackleman muaic co., 1912? Alexander Campbell, 1788-1866,
olnarch and home. Indianapoli•, 54~. . London, The religioua tract aooiety,
co., •1906,
llaokle-n 1111.1aic n.d.
68p. + 603 song•. joiat ~· He 32p. (The little library of
Glory aonga. St. Louie, Chriatian Coombe, J. V. The goapel oall.
board; Indianapolis, Haokl•-n muaio Coo111ba,J. V. Silnr and gold. Herald• ct Chriatianity •••
co. Gabriel, C. H. TWentieth century Melbourne, Auatralia, Auatral ptg, &
song•. pub. co~, 1938,
"Good luck" -le quartet, aecular. SooTille, c. R, Wonder hymn• of 106p,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1910, faith.

Goepel bella. St. Louie, Chrie- HAGGARD,ALFRED lllltTIK, 1851-19aa.

tian board; Indianapolia, Hackl•an HACDl'ORTH,GREBJf11.llWOOD,1883- • b. near Cedar Rapid•, Ia., 11 Ap
aueic co. b. Preetonburg, Ky,, 23 Ja 1883. 1851.
d, Pineolitt, Colo., 20 Je 1933.
Hackl•~·• song• ooap. by J. !,
Sturgia, Iaaued for uae in a recog- Digest ot international law, Problea1 ot paaaion week1 an app•l
nition oonoerl tendered Ilia by hi• Waahington, D. c., u. s. OoTt, ptg. to international Biblical aoholarahip
oo-wor -ken in eT&ngelhm at the Inter- office, 1940- through a oaaaiadon ot experta, aaki ..
national oonTention, llemphia, Tenn,, T. tor a new Terdiot reTeraing aeTenteen
•OT•ber 11-17, 1926. ConTention lnandred year• of tradition, reoalling
edition free, regular price 25 cents. certain auured reaulta ot w- TeataMnt
Cincinnati, Standard, 1926? HADDOW,
A L oritioin, and declaring the -neloua
c64op, port. b, aoouraoy ot the goapel writers,
Dea Koiaea, Ia., Bureau ot Biblical
Ilaoklnan' a special anthem• tor the inTeatigation, 1912T
choir (nos. l, 2) Contain• anthem.a The coming or the world church, a pp . 664- 6 92?
tor Eaater, ThankagiTing, Chriatmaa brief introduction to the ecumenical Reprint, Bibliothe .ca aaora, 1912,
and all other oooasiona. Indiana- moTnent, c'lfellington, lfcw -Zealand.
,olia, Haokl-n 111Usiooo,, 1901.
H Haggard • Haley

Way or salT&tion, St, Louil, Some element• or 1ucce1e, 1919, HALBROO!,

. JOSEPHH , 1841-1906.
Chrietian board, b, Perry county, Tenn,, 14 D 18-il,
The alum• or !a•t Tokyo, 1921, d, Levy county, Fla,, l O 1905,
The world'• tomorrow, or then-
millennium and preoeding disaster, Whi•poring• or immortality. The law or pardon, (In Srygley,
St, Loui1, Christian board, •1916, F. D,, ed, Biographies .and sermons,
47p, 1898, pp. 66-62)
Giving, not law but love, (In b, Simpsonville, Ky,, 9 )fr 187-6, about aee
Brokaw, G, L,, ed, Doctrine and lite, d, New Bern, B, C., 16 Ap 1941,
1898, pp. 66-77) Boles, H. L, Biographioal
The ageloa• Chriet in the living eketchee or goapel preacher,,
Gloriou• gospel, (In Lord, J, temple, (In International convention, Srygley, F, D, Biographies and
A,, e_d, On the Lord'• day, •1904, pp, 1936, pp. 277-287) sermons.
120-122) -
The new birth, (In Wilson, L, HAGIB, MYRTLE E (WILLETT) (llr•. HALE, BERNICEALLEAB (LEJM>B) (llr,.
c., ed. Twentieth century sermons Fred Eugene Hagin) -1939, Mark Hale)
and addresses, 1902, pp, 100.106) b, b,
The world's t01110rrowor then-
millennium and preoeding disasters, a Diaoiple, or Chriet in Japan, a "The hundred :,-ears, a dr11111atio
supplement to a viaion ·or the ago• by brier eketch or miaaionary work and history ot the Diaoiple• or Christ
B. W.- John•on, 1916, 47p, worker,, 1923, Pa•adena, Calit,, The in Missouri, Columbia, lfo,, 1937,
Grant pre••, n,d, 24p.
about HO 24p, Jlimeograp hed,

Brokaw, G, L. Dootrine and lite Three who round Easter, a two aot
by Iowa writer•, . HAILE, DUDLEY BROlfJI,1820-1906. drua, Indianapoli1, Unified pro-
b, Jaok1on oounty, Tenn,, 31 Vy motion, n,d,
1820, cl6,p,
HAGGARD,FLORENCE MARY(JOHIISOB) (llr1, d, Flynn'• Liok, Tenn,, 5 Je 1906.
A, M, Haggard) 1869-1941, Preaching hi• pa11ion, (In
b, Eureka, Ill,, 7 D 1859, · about . He Campbell and Moseley, ede, lly dad,
d, Shaker Heights, 0,, 12 F 1941, 1938, pp. 121-126)
Bole~, H, L, Biographical 1ketohe1
Womanin the kingdom, (In Wil1on, or gospel preachers,
L. C,, ed, Twentieth century sermon• HALEY,EVERETTGUY, 1889-
and addre11e1, 1902, pp, 123-136) b,
cHAGGARD, RICE H , l 769-1819, d, Deaconahip. Cincinnati, Standard,
b, !aaterll"part or Va., 1789.
d, Champaign county, 0,, 1819, Attitudes and oonsequence• in the How to conduct a funeral, a hand-
restoration movement, Jransa• City, book tor mini1ter1, Cincinnati,
Tract on the na- Christian, Jfo,, Old patha book club, 1945, Standard, •1918,
Union ot all the follower• et Christ The church in the anti-Bioene period;
ia one churoh, 1804, How they went in the tirat oentur:,-1
Stewardship or time, (In Abilene HALEY,JESSE JAllES, 1861-192-i,
coap, Chri1tian college Bible lectures, 1934, b, Rookoaetle oount:,-, J[y,, 18 llr
pp. 17-311 1937, pp. 9-141 1939, pp. 32- 1851.
Chriatian hymn-book, 1818. 41) d, Hane, Cit,-, Fla,, 7 Ap 192-i.
Debatea that -de hiatory1 the
W , 1898- story or Alexander Campbell'• debate•
b, Cambridge, Ill,, 3 Je 1889, b, Right, Tenn,, 3 llr 1898, with Rev, John Walker, Rev, W, L,
d, Glendale, Calit., 1_6 Jl 1938, Mccalla, Jlr, Robert O..en, Bi•hop Pur-
cell, and Rev, Bathan L. Rioe, St.
After •eventeen year•. 1917. Carry your oroea with a mile, •• Loui•, Chriatian board, 1920,
ligourne:,-, Ia,, Sigourney revi-, 1926, 249p.
The or••• in Japan, a •tudy ot 37p.
aohievement and opportunity. •- Jlaker• and molder• or thereto ........
York, Revell, •1914, It oan be done, a oruaade tor Chris• tion movement, a •tudy or leading •n
387p, tront,, plate•, porte, tian literature. cSt .• Louil, Chria- among the Diaciplea or Chri•t, with 'aa
tian board, 1946. introduction by Ja•• Harve:,- Garri•o•,
Hil appearing and Hia ldngdoa, 8p. inc, cover•. St, Louie, Chriatian board, •191-i.
lfew York, Revell, •1922, Reprint tr0111The Chri•tian-eT&ngeli1t, l79p,
313p. Augu•t 22 ,_ 1946, Conteat••
Studie• about Alexander · C•pbell,
'i'he J-• and Zioniam, 1917. Thoma• Ca11pbell, Ieaae !rrett, W, X,
HALBERT,GEORGETRUITT, 1884- Hop•on, M, B, Lard, a. W, Longan,
Picture alb\1111with a little tale1 b, L-ia oounty, Jr:,-., , D -188-i, J. W. llcGerve:,-, Alexander Procter,
•tor:,- or Jlr. and llr•. Hagin'• l T :,ear• 4, Walter Scott and B, W. Stone,
in Japan.
Churohea or Chriat ia Jlianaapolia, Bible di•penaation•, (In Bible,
Ru••ia and the Ru•eiana. Tokyo, Minna, (In Brown, J, T., ad, Front rank Bible, Doctrinal help•,
Japan, Fred I, lJagia · and D, Bor11&n, Clw.rohea ot Chriat, 1904, pp. 334-337) pp. 7-1")

Haley - Ball H

The design and importa nce of Chri s- Zupah.

Church of Chriat in Auatralaaia,
(In Brown, J, T,, ed, Churohea ot tian ba ptism, lllew York , Thomas Hol-
Aesuran ce (1848) (In Rowe, F, L.,
Chriat, 1904, pp . 116--137) man, pr inter - and publ ia her , ed . Pioneer •ermona and addresaea,
•19 08, pp. 224-242)
The cry, "Back to Christ", (In
Garrison, J , H., ed. Our firat con- St, Louis, John Burns. The design and importanoe of Chri•-
gress, 1900, pp. 53-84) tian baptim. -(In Doctrinal and
Here and hereafter,
practical tracts, _ ! 876, vol. 3, p_p,
Ideals of the Lord'• - prayer. (In 281- 356)
Moore, W. T,, ed. The new liTing pul- Hygienic.aecret of healt h .
pit of the Christian church , 1918, pp .
The 11111110rtal
i ty of t he soul phil o- comp.
eophica l ly demonstrated by A, Wil f ord The Christian reg i ater, containing
The pro gr••• ot revelation, or, the Hall, Wi th a ~ynopsis or opi nions of a statis t ical r eport ot the Chriatian
three diapenaation•, their limit• and anc i ent and modern philoso pher• on
ohurches in Europe and .America,
characteriatica, {In Garria on, J , the aubject of the immortal i ty of the Lloydartlle, 0, , Alexander Hall, .1848,
H., ed. The old faith restated, 1891, s ou l, c omp, by Rev. E, H. Vaughn ,
pp. 120.148) Toget her with an eaeay on dreams,
token• o f the grandeur of the eoul,
attack• on aee
ReTelation a development;
ient and permanent phaaea.
ita trana-
(In The
Bew York, Peabod y, Macey & co., 1882.
Flander•, G, T, Review of
Kiaaouri Christian lectures, TOl, 5,
Alexander Hall'• "Univeraalim againet
1892, pp . 170.187) Immortality of the eoul, proved by
science . New York, Hall & co., 1892.
abolit see pp. 309-366,
From hia Universalism against iteelf, FRAIIIKLI
Caaon, W, S, and other• . A b.
aouTenir history of the Chri etian The problem of human life here and
church ot Cynthiana, Ky. hereafter; a diacuaaion of modern
Moore, W, T, The new liTing evolution--Origin of animal--Impoaai- What muat I preach to be saved ?
pulpit, bility of apontaneoua generation. Hamburg, Ia . , Author, 19047
Hew York, Hall & co., •1877, traot.
343p, front,, illua.
HALEY, THOMAS PRESTON, 1832-1913. At head of title, Appendix to
b, Fayette county, Ky,, 19 Ap 1832. "Zupah", HALL,BENJAMINFRAIIIKLIIII, 1803-1873.
d, Kanaaa City, Mo,, 1 F 1913 , b , ltlorefield, Ky,, 13 Je 1803.
The problem of h1111&n life , embrac- d. Grayaon county, Tex., 1 Jly
Hiatorical and biographical aketchea ing the "evolution of aound" and 1873,
of the early churche• and pioneer "evolution evolved", with a . review of
preacher• of the Christian church in the eix great modern acientista, - A discourae on the three eaJvatione,
llisaouri. St. Lcuis, Christian pub, Darwin, Huxley , Tyndall, Haeckel, Hel111- Lexington, Author, 1838,
co,, 1888, holt• and Mayer, rev. ed. New York,
689p. front,, ports. Hall & co., 1880, •1877. ETery •n hie own dentiat, by B. P.
CoTer title , The dawn of the 624p. front , (porta.) Hall, D. D. s., resident dentiat.
reformation. Nashville, Tenn, Nashville, John T.
--, thirty-ninth thoueand, by A. S. Fall, 1847,
A memorial addreaa .about Alexander Widford .:. Ball, Hew York, Hall 19p.
Prootor, (In Proctor'• The witne•• and co,, 1880, •1877,
of Jeeus, pp , 373-404) 524p. front . (ports,) llethodhm, the aource and aecret
of its power . Lexington, Apostolio
Building on the one foundation, The problem of human life contain- times, 18757
(In »,ore, W. T,, ed. The liTing ing the fundamental princi ple• ot the 1_08p.
p~lpit of the Chriatian church, 1867, aubatantia"l philoaophy with a r eview
pp. 369,,368) or the aix great modern acientieta ••• oomp.
upon eTOlution, apontaneoua generation,
Churches of Chriet in Kanaaa City, the nature of force, etc., etc,, 59th Chriatian 10nga1 adapted to indi-
Ko. (In Brown, J, T., ad, Churchea thouaand. Bew York, Hall & co., vidual, family, and congregational
of Chriat, 1904, pp. 362-366) 1886, •1877, worahip .with an introductien to the
624p. front, (porta.) muaioal department by L, L. Pinkerton,
Soma thinga Catholic• do belieTe, LouiaTille, Ky., ltlrton & Orinold,
(In Popular lecture• on the errora of Uninraaliem against itaelf, or an 1862.
the R011an Catholic church, St , Lcui•t examination and refutation of the prin- 388, l62p,
Jamee H, Clwnbera, 1878, pp. 267-298) cipal arguments clailled in aupport ot
the final holiness and happineae of all about •••
Spiritual life--then growth, (In mankind, St. Clairsville, o., Printed
s-rt, J . H., comp. Gem• of thought, tor the author, 1846. Roger•, W, C. Recollection• of
1883, pp. 84-91) 480p. front. (port.) ••n of faith,
There were several stereotyped
about aee editions.
Moore, W. T, The liTing pulpit --, ed, and rev, byW, P. Strick- b. lildieonville, Iy., 29 D 1876,
of the Chriatian church. land .Jlethodiat, CincillJl&ti, Apple-
gate & co., 1856,
'80p. hangelin, and peateooat. Ind-
HALL, ALELUIDER"WILFORD,1819-1902. ianapolia, u. c. K. s., 1930.
b. Bath, I , Y., 18 Ag 1819. Univeraali• againat itaelf, a ecrip- c6ap ,
d, 1902. tural analy•i• or th• doctrine, rn. ed.
lllew York, Hall and co,, •1883 . Brite college of t he Bible, (In
Both aidea of water baptia, or a 336p. front. (port.J lfcPhereon, Chalaere, Disciple• of
diacourae on baptia,, Chriat in Texaa, 1920, pp. 90-100)

H !Jall - Halladay

)fan and hie church. (In Dawaon, The model woman. llodel oonveraiona harmonized and
F. F., ed. The Chriatian 11111-n
at work, utilized. Ellendale, N, D., Author,
1939, T • 11 pp. 83-86) Pitfalls of the ballroom, preface 1900 .
by Sam Jon e s . Chicago , Laird and 46p .
with OTHERS, Lee, 1901.
.Tract on anti-profanity.
Ordinances of the N"" Testament Plain point• on personal purity, or
church by c. D. Hall, J. 'If. Holaapple, atartling sins of the sterner sex, a
and F. W. 0 1 .llall .ey. St. Louie, book for men only. Chicago, American HALL, JOHN
Chriatian board, 1930! Bible houae, • 1892. b.
317p. front. (port.)

ecHALL, FLAVIL, 1876- --, 2d ed. Chicago, Columbian The golden wedge. (In Gray, A.
b. Trion, Ga., 22 Jo 1876. book co., 1892. W,, ed. Preaching that build•
317p. front. (port.) churches, 1940, pp, )

Pearl• of truth cwith an introduc- Chicago, Monarch book co.,

tion by John A. Klingman, Cincin- 3l 7p. HALL, MAXWELL, 1883-
nati, F. L. Rowe, publiaher, 1913. b, Franklin, Ind,, 20 Ap 1883.
cl66,p. illua. ReTiT&la and how to haTe them. A
brief manual of evangelistio method•
The oneneaa of Christian belieTer•. tor all eTangelical churchea, to which The student voter'• manual, with
· (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our SaTior'• 1• appended ••• 40 theme• for reTinl an introduction by Harry S. Warner.
prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 65-67) sermons, and the text ••• of a number of Westerville, o., American iaaue pub.
short tracta ••• lat ed. Decatur, Ill, oo,, .1921.
0O111p. Columbian bk. co., 1898, 149p.
3lp. front. (port.)
Song heart thrill,; Portland,
Ind., Mra. Bertha W, Hall, •1932. Some American eTils and their P.ALL, p
c 160,p. remedies, a aeries of five short reli- b.
gio-secular Sunday evening lecture• d,
joint O0111p. aee deliTered from the pulpit of the First
Christian church, Emporia, Kana., in What shall we do? (In Mo.thee,
Hall, S. H. The crooa and resuJ'o the summer of 1889, 2d ed. Chicago, J.M., ed. The weatern preacher, Tel,
rection. Columbian bk. co., 1893, •1889. 1, 1865, pp. 459-474)
Slater, w. W. The church hymnal. 82p.

Cincinnati, Standard. ccHALL, SAHJEL H

b. near ClarksTille, Ia. ·, 23 S Talmage at the Jordan.
1864 . tract.
Is the Sabbath of the firat coven-
Temple addre11e1, embracing sermon,, ant binding upon Chriatians today?
Chicago tabernacle talka1 with prelude•, lecture•, etc. delivered Nashville, Gospel advocate, n.d,
introductory r1111ark1from the pen of during a aeTen years' ministry at the 40p.
Kia• Jeaaie Williama. Cincinnati, Buah temple of music, Chicago, together
Standard, 1895. with nearly 2,000 quotation• from the The money question. Nashville,
33lp. firat page of his ·church program, Gospel advocate, n,d.
Chicago, Columbian bk, co., 1909, 12p,
Chicago, Laird and Lee, 702p. front, (port.) plates.
1901. Scripture studies, Nashville,
33lp. The Ro.. n governor'• question•, Gospel advocate, 1931.
(In Patteraon, H. C., ed, Our living l99p.
The current religioua reformation evangeli•t•, 1894, pp. 163-182)
n.p., n.d. Scripture studies, vol. 2. Nub-
14p. introduction aee Tille, Goepel adTocate, 1941.
How to be happy no matter what Braden, Clark. Ingeraoll unmaaked, The advantages of the olaso syatn,
bappen11 fifty tour e1aay1. Chicago, (In !.tlrfreeobero addrea1e1, 1917, pp,
Temple bk. co., 1924. .!!!· see 69-79)
262p. front. (port.)
Updike, J. V. Sermon•. introduction 100
Laird & Lee'• atandard Belgian
bare -nual1 . the origin, mating, about aee Boles, H. ·L. Unfulfilled propheoy.
atoring, feeding and management gener-
ally of thia n""ly crowned king of the Patteraon, H, C. Our living with HALL, FLAVIL
rabbit race. Chicago, Laird & Lee, enngeliata,
•1901. The orosa and resurrection (in
205p. front., illu1. (The paatime aong), rev. and enl, Pine Apple, ·
aeriH no. 106) HALL, GEORGE, Ala., Mr,.Bertha Williama Hall.
The Lord'• ex0hequer1 or propor-
t1011ate •7•t• er paying by the HALUDAT, MRS. All1IE II
tithing •T"t-. Ciacin11&ti, Stan- Eoce Homo, a story ot Onesimua, the
dard, 1894. runa-y slave. Albany, Ii>,, Author, Cuddle bear of Piney foreat, with
48p. •1933. illua, by Carmon V. Livaey. st.
n,p. Louie, Bethany pre11, •1930.
Chicago, Columbian bk. co,
Layman to laymen •••• poema, Albany,
127p. illu,.

Ko., Author, •1936.


Balley - Hamilton H

HALLEY,HEJIRYHAJIPTON,1874- --, .16th ed,. Chicago, Author, BAllILTON,CLARENCE

b. 'White Sulphur, !y,, 10 Ap 1874. •1944, q,

The beat plan for Bible reading, about ••• Buddhiem in India, Ceylon, China,
cChicago, Author, n.d.
.,.p. Hoke, D, !,
The book of a lite
and Japan; a reading guide, Chica go,
University of Chicago pres•, 1931,
Did Jeaue riee trom the dead? The
great central fact of Chriatianity, A psychological interpretation of
ie it a myth? Can it be explained HALLIDAY,ROBERT, 1B64-1933, myaticim , .Chicago, •1916,
a-,-r EYerything pouible 1a brought b, 86p.
to bear to teat it. !&1&111&100, d, Theaia , Ph.D., Univeraity ot
lfichigan? Author? 1900. Chicago, 1914.
24p. Lik Smin Aaah (Founding of Pegn) "A private edition distributed by
Gort, of Burmah, 1923. the Univeraity of Chicago librarie a ."
Suggeationa ooncerning Bible atudy. 249p,
·Chicago, ·Author, 1924, Christianity and the Eaatern reli-
16p. Mon-!ngliah dictionary, Siam giona. (In Garriaon, lr. E,, ed,
lat ed. "Pocket Bible handbook". aooiety, 1922. Faith ot the free, 1940, pp. 224-239)
Suggeationa on Bible reading. tr.
Chicago, Author, -1926. The Bible in lion, Vaaubandhu,
32p. Wei ehih er ehih lun; or the trea-
2d ed. "Pooket Bible handbook". Inecriptions Mon du Siam, French tise in twenty etanzaa on representa-
school ot the orient, 1930, tion only1 tr. trom the Chinese ver-
Bible nctee, Chicago, Author, 24p. sion of Hauan Tsang. New Haven,
1927. American oriental 1ociety, 1938,
40p. The talaings, Rangoon goTt, 82p,
3d ed. "Pcoket Bible handbook", ottioe, 1917.
1e0p ;
Bible handbook. Chioago, Author, IIAMIL'l'ON,EIIIETT GARVIN,1871-1941 ;
1927. b, Fincastle, O,, 27 N 1871,
BOp, HALSTEAD,ST. JOHii, -193B. d. Belleville, 0,, 20 Je 1941 ,
4th ed. "Pocket Bible handbook", b,
d, Terre Haute, Ind., 10 Vy 1938, Bla1phemy1 Power of the word,
Pooket Bible handbook, 6th ed. (In Meacham,!, J,, comp, Training
Chioago, Author, 1928, comp, to teaoh, •1913, pp, 218-220; 223-226)
Pastor'• ideal tuneral manual, con-
--, 6th ed, Chicago, Author, taining scripture selections, poetical BAllILTOB,GAIL, paeud,
192•• . geaa, apt 1 .illuatrationa, auggeative
144p. outline•, forms of aerrlce, etc., with 1ee DODGE,MARYABIGAIL.
an introduction by co-laboring paator1,
7th ed. Chicago, Author, cEY&naville, Ind,, !eller-Creacent
BAllILTOB,GEORGE W , 1845-1909.
l44p. 245p. b. llartinaburg, Penn., 24 0 1846.
d. Fulton, Jfo,, 2 Ap 1909,
-.--, 8th rev. ed. Chicago, Paator•a ideal 1e1"111on
book, contain-
Author, 1932. ing eennon outlines by eminent pa1tor1. Finding Blodgett, the atory of a
l60p, mapa. EYanoville, Ind,, Printed by !eller- boy and hia dog. Booton, D, Loth-
Creacent co,, •1920. rop oo,, •1890.
--, 9th ed, Chicago, Author, 162p_., l60p, front . , platea,
lBOp. --. Cincinnati, Standard,

. 10th rev. ed.
JOHJfDAVID, 1B47-1931.
b. Snor!lle,
Va,, l Ja 1847,
10 0 1931,
l60p, front,, platea,
200p, map•. !it Caffrey'• grit, a atory ot
about aee
11th rn.
ed. Chicago,
lreat, J. lr. Slattohea ot our
Texao, Cincinnati,
233p. illua.
Standard, •1896,

288p, mapa. •ountain pioneera, Lantern man1 a story ot aweetheart

daya, Cincinnati, Standard, •1904,
12th rev.
ed, Chicago, ix, 38lp.
366p, map•. b. Ne. York, Broadway pub,
oo,, 1904,
--, - Uth ed. Chicago, Author, 38lp;
11139. Jlluhdppi, I ·1on you, I, Y,,
476p. B'&rriaon, 1942T T<llllCroly'• word. Cinoi1111&ti,
64p. Stalldard, •1898,
--, 14th ed. rff. Chicago, 238p, front.~ platea, illue,
Author, 1941.
Within who•• •••017
Okolona, Jliaa,, Okolona •e•••nger, Why do they puraue thia oouraeT
19:5B. . Cinoinnati, Standard, n,d,
--, 16th ed. Chioago, Author, 62p. 4p,
604p. Wilaon•a -y, a atory tor Chriati&a
end.eavorera, Cincian&ti, Standard
•1896, '
266p, platea, aiaio,
H lluail ton - Bun&

HAJ(lLTON, J G The repeal of the prohibition HAIID, G R -1888.

b. amendment; · a study of propaganda, b.
d. introduction by James A. Crain. d,
St. Louis , Christian board, n.d.
Perfection ot the Christian system. 1~ . Gospel delineator and aun-ey1 a
( In Cory, II. B., ed. The polymat hist, Reprinted from the Front Rank. T<>lumeor aermona, addreaeea and eaaaya
1877, pp. 263-264) on Rnelation and science, and the
The war myth in United Stat•• hia- aoienoe ot Chrietianity, Saor-enta,
tory, with an introduction by Charlea Calif,, !Iowa pub. co., 1888.
HAMILTON, Clarence F. Dole . New York, Vanguard pr•••, 334p.
Herbert Hamilton) 1927.
b. 93p. D. B. Ray'• textbook on C11111pbelli••
expoeed. St. Louis, Chriatian pub,
publbhed co., 1880.
The family worahip at home. 247p.
Oberlin, o., 1940. The eTolutio11 of Bible study by
Henry nru-ond. ll'ilaon, II. C., C.
God liTea in homes; meditation• H. Hamlin, •1941. HAIIES,A F , 1884-
for mothers, prayers ot a modern Sp. b. Central Station, 11'. Va,, 28 Je
family. St. Louis, Bethany pr••• , 1884.
64p. HAJILII, GRIFFITH ASl!Df, 1919-
b. Richmond, Va., 24 F 1919. One--y atreeta. (In Thornton,
The church and fami ly lite . (In B. W., ed. Bethany college aarmona,
Church progr11111
planning committee. 1930, pp. 123-136)
The church and the Christian family, The life and influence ot Dr. John
1943, pp. 3-11) Tomlin• lfalah. .Wilson, N. c.,
Author, •1942. HAIIBS, ARDD
The church cooperates with aooial 45p. b,
agencies. (In Church ·progr11111
plan- Abridged theeia , K. R. B., College
ning conmdttee. The church and the ot the Bible, 1942.
Christian family, 1943, pp. 27-34) 'l'he peril or Hunkey Hollow, by
Senah lledra, cpseud., Parkereburg,
lWILIII, R R -1913. 11'. Va. , Baptiatbanner, 1927,
oollillILTO!I, W H L b. 173p.
b. d . Battle Creek, Kioh., 24 Ap 1913.
Blaaphemy1 GiTing. (In Keaoham, l!AJIBS, BERDLBY!Lll'OOD,
Our Savior'• prayer tor -unity. B. J., comp. Training to teach, •1913, b,
(In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior'• pp. 189-1911 191-192)
prayer tor unity, 1918, pp. 68-71)
Doak family, history and genealogy.
RUIIIOIID, G cElkina, 11'. Va., Author, •
1WIILTOII,11'ILLLUI b. lOOp. illus., ports,

A compend ot baptism. llew York,

Funk and Wagnalls, 1882. The atonement. Birmingham, Eng- HABY, B!RSCHELGLBl!f, 1888-
233p. land, Berean pr•••. b. llorgan county, B:y;, 3 0 1888,
Appendix contain• "Campbelliam or (Small booka on llew Teeta-
Diaoiplism", pp. 224-232. ment Chrietianity)
The religion of the mountain people.
, EfflARD D , 1904- The religioua educational approach
b. b. , Tex., 28 llr 1904. to Chrhtian unity.

The ohuroh'• raaponaibility in

The background of peace time con- The imperatiTea or rural America. oomeotion with 0&111pa and induatrial
aoription. (In International convention, 1936, pp . 001m1nitiea. (In International oon-
4p. 162-169) . Tention, 1942, pp. 83-72)

Conflicting oouraea in Borth Caro-

lina education. Baahvilla, George ILUIPTOII,B WADI, 18861-1919. BABJIA,ll'ILLLUI HERBERT,1872-
Peabody college tor teacher,, 1941. b. Hillaboro, Ill., b, Barton county, lie,, 2 Ja 1872.
Sp. (George Peabody college tor d. Toronto, Canada, 7 llr 1919.
teaohere. Abetraot of contribution to
education, no. 288) Jly theeaurue1 or, a tr""aury ot Thomae Campbell, seceder and Chria-
Abetraot ot theaia (Ph.D.) Georg• reae&roh. Cincinnati, Standard. tian union adTooate cwith a foreword
Peabody ooll•g• tor teachers, 1941. by F. D. B:erahner. Cincinnati, Stan-
dard, 1936.
!:duoatora present arma, the uea of ILUIPTOI,lfBElll, pHud. 222p. front. (port.)
the aohoola and oollegaa aa agents ct
war propaganda, 1914-1918, with an
introduction by H. z; Fey. .Wileen,
debate with •••
I. c., Author, 1939. Alber, J, G. s-ry and conclud-
47p. . HAIICOCB:,
GOLIWilBUTFORD,1839- ing rebuttal debate on the tithe,
Lebbyieta and lobbying in the llorth d. .!!• ...
Carolina legialaturaJ a etudy in
preaaure politioa. Wilaon, B; c., llormonh• expoHdJ JoHph Saith, an Willi••, H. P. Bnglhb-Ilooano
Author, .1933. imposter and the Book or llonaon a manual and dietiona17.
43p. fraud. •rioavilla, :a,., A. Douatt,
printer, 1902.
16lp, front. (port,) plataa,
B&naen - Barding H

HANSEN,ALLENGSCAR, 1881-1944. foreword by J, Leonard Jackson and an Biographies and sermons, 1898, pp.
b. introduotion .by _W, E. Brightwell, 242-252)
d. New York, N. Y., 20 Ja 1944. .Manuscripts taken and .prepared under
the direction of L, o. Sanderson. debate with MOODY,J, B. (Baptist)
Early educational leadership in the Nashville, Gospel advocate co., •1938.
Ohio valley; a study of educational 247p. front, (ports,) Debate on baptism and the work of
reconstruction through the Western the Holy Spirit; inwhioh the plaoe
literary institute and college of pro- debate with BOGARD,B. M. of baptism in the gospel economy, its
fessional teachers, 1829-1841. (Baptist) design, and the work of the Holy Spirit
Bloomington, 111., .Public school pub. in conversion are considered. Nash-
co., •1923. Hardeman-Bogard debate, held at ville, Brandon ptg, co,, 1889.
l20p. (Journal of educational Little Rook, Ark., April 19-20, 1938: 566p.
research monographs, no. 5, 1923) speeches taken and manuscripts trans- Cover title1 The Nashville debate.
cribed under the direction of L. 0,
debate with NICHOLS, J. H.
Liberali1111 and American education
in the eighteenth century, with an
Sanderson; Subjects discussed:
work of the .Holy Spirit,
the necessity ----- (Methodist)
introduotion by Edward H. Reisner. of baptism, the establishmeO.t of the
New York, Macmillan, 1926. church, and the possibility of apostasy. The Harding-Nichols debate, Four
xxv, 317p, Nashville, Gospel advocate, 1938, propositions disousaed.,.Held in
Theaia: Ph.D., Columbia university, 320p, front. (ports.) Lynville, Tenn., beginning Tuesday,
1927, Issued also without thesis January 24 and ending Friday, January
note, debate with aee 27, cl888, Nashville, Gospel advo-
cate, 1888.
Boswell, I. M, Discussion on 253p,
HAIISEN,ROBERTJ instrumental music in worship.
b, The Harding-Nichols debate. Held
joint comp. see in Murray, Ky., March 24-27, 1890,
Whitnell bros., and McCurd, 1890.
The conversion of Cyclone Bob, Sanderson, L. 0, Christian hymns.
Rockford, Ill. debate with WILKINSON,T, L.
New -phasized Acts. Rockford, H.-UlDEN,JAMES HENRY,1858-1929.
Ill. b, Winnsboro, S, C., 27 Je 1858. Debate on baptism, -bracing mode
d. Gadsden, Ala., 29 My 1929. and aubjects, held in lleaford, Ont.,
commencing December 15, 1884, and
NICHOLASBRODIE, 1874- about see continuing for six consecutive days,.,
b, Milledgeville, Tenn., 18 My Toronto, William Briggs, 1886,
. 1874. Boles, H. L. Biographical 406p.
sketches of gospel preachers.
debate with WHITE, L. S.
The Bible searchlight, aermona,
lectures, and travels, a collection HARDIN,JOHN ffiJFFMAN,1848-1909. The Harding-White discussion •••
of sermons, together with three leo- b. Trimble county, Ky,, 21 N 1848. Cincinnati, F, L. Rowe, 1910.
turea on the author's travels in d. Kansas City, Mo,, 23 My 1909. 32p.
Burope, Egypt, and the Holy Land,
originally delivered in the Ryman The Bible school today, St, Louis, introduction .aee
auditorium, Nashville, Tenn. Memphis, Christian pub. co,, •1907.
Tenn., Students' e·ducational pub, oo,, lOBp, Shepherd, J. W, Handbook on
•192-i. baptism.
293p. Sunday school helper; a practical
handbook ..t:or Sunday-School workers, about see
Tabernacle sermons; a aeries of containing suggestions on all phases
twenty-two sermons delivered in the of the work, St. Louis, Bur~a. Boles, H, L. Biographical
Ry,an auditorium, Nashville, Tenn., sketches of gospel preachers.
lllrch 28 - April 16, 1922.
son, Tenn., Author, 1922.
--. St. Louis, Christian pub, Srygley, F, D,
Biographiea and

287p. cl44,p.
Hardeman' s tabernaoie sermons, vol. Sunday sohool helper, with an essay ccHARDING,JAMESW , 1823-1919.
2, a aeries of twenty-three sermon• on Christian women'• responsibility in b, Winchester county, Ky., 6 Mr
delivered in the Ryman auditorium, the religious education of the young 1823.
llaahville, Tenn., April l to April 22, by Mrs, O. A, Carr. St. Louis, Chris- d. 16 S 1919.
1923. lfaahville, McQuiddy ptg. co., tian pub. oo.
1923., . . about see
283p. port a, Scholar's eclectic Sunday school
Contents inolude1 Sketch of the lesson book for 1885. St. Louis, Boles, H. L. Biographical
author'• life by L. L. Brigance and John Burne, 1884. •ketches of gospel preachers,
John T. Smith by L, L. Brigance.
joint comp. aee
Tabernacle aermona, vol. 31 a aeries HARDING,RALPHCONRAD,1874-
of twenty-one sermons delivered in the Garrison, J. H. The Christian b. Palestine, Ill., 4 Je 1874.
Rymanauditorium, Nashville, Tennessee, Sunday school hymnal.
llt.rch 18 to April 1, 1928, Nash-
ville, MoQuiddy ptg. co., 1928. Hand-book for elders and deacons;
26lp'. port. coHARDING,JAMESA , 1848-1922. for convenient reference and for class
b. Winchester, Ky., 16 Ap 1848. study. Cinoinnati, Standard, •1932,
Hardeman•a tabemaole sermons, vol. d. 28 My 1922. l85p.
,1 eighteen sermons delivered at Ryman
auditorium at Nashville, Tennessee, Three lesaona from the book of
from October 16 to 31 .1938,,.with a Romans. (In Srygley, F. D., ed.

Harding - Bannon

, 1866-192 7. HARLAN
, MARION EDWIN, 1859-1907. about see
_b, Kokomo, Ind., 1859,
Life of George R, Smith, founder of d, Oxford, O., 3 Ag 1907. West, J, W, Sketches of our
Sedalia, Mo., i n its relation to the mountain pioneers,
political, economic and social life Am I orthodox? Brooklyn, N, Y,,
of south-western Missouri, before and Author, 1901?
during the Civil war. Sedalia, HARMAN,WILFREDP , 1905-
Privately printed, 1904. Ideals for young people. St, b. Pendennis, Kans,, 15 Ja 1906.
ix, 398p. front., ports. Louis, Chriatian pub, co,, 1902,
107p. front, (port,)
Fingerprints of my heart,
HARDY, JOHN, 1779-1819. Power of the gospel, (In Lord, Terrell, Tex,, C, L, Stewart co,, 1932,
b. Dinwiddie count y , Va., 17 N J, A., ed. On the Lord's day, 0 1904,
1779. pp. 66-69) Rhyme.a of a kid preacher,
Oklahoma City, 1924,
about see ccHARLESS, A The Disciple• of Christ (Christian
b, church) .Indianapolis, Col!lllittee on
Purviance, Levi. The biography -r services, Disciples of Christ,
of David Pur ! iance. 1943? •
Valid baptism vs, sect baptism, 14p, inc, front cover,
Cincinnati, F, L, Rowe, 1918,
HARDY, NINA (PALMER) (Mrs. Will i am 6lp,
Moore Hardy) ALICE (GADD) (Mrs, Andr-
b. Davidson Harmon)
HARLOi'l, W E , 1860-1922. b,
b, Centralia, Ill,, 22 F 1860,
The appeal of Tibet. (In Inter- d,
national convention, 1939, pp, 150- Grandmother's spectacles, a chil-
153) Mental and moral therapeutics • dren's day play, .Indianapolis, u.
• Springfield, Ko,, Author, 1909, C, K, S,, n,d,
132p . front. (port,) .11.p.
b. Ten lessons in suggestive therapeu-
d. ~ics, ,Parsons, Kans,, Author, 1899, !!ARMON,ANDREW DAVIDSON,1870-

Richard Reid, a memorial containing
Eternal life; Salvation, (In
Meacham, E, J,, comp. Training to
teach, •1913, pp, 175-178; 212-213)
b, Auburn, Neb,, 18 D 1870,

Churches of Christ in Minnesota,

sentiment, of the pulpit, the bench, (In Brown, J. T, , ed. Churches of
the bar, and the press, relating to Why I am a Christian, (In Lord, Christ, 1904, pp, 252-255)
his life, character, and death. J. A,, ed, On the Lord's day, •1904,
Louisville, Bradley & Gilbert co., pp. 21-24) about see
printers, 1884.
• 110.p. with FINDER, J. W. Bro, lira. K, H. Curiosity is
Bound with: Loos and Loos, ed. the key to his life, (In Campbell,
Letters. A complete cou~ se in suggestive and Moseley, eds, lfy dad, 1938, pp.
therapeutics in ten lessons , Parsons, 74-81)
Kans,, The Parsons school of suggestiv
HARKER,HAZEL therapeutics, .1899,
b, 95p, illus, HARMON,HARVEYHORACE,1875-1935,
b, Auburn, Neb,, 25 Ap 1875,
d, Oklahoma City, Okla., 25 D 1935,
Go tell the brethren, an Easter HARMAN,
play. .Indianapolis, U, C, K, S,, b, Beech Creek, N, C,, 26 S 1888. The Sweeney family; (In Brown,
15p. J , T,, ed, Churches of Christ, 1904,
pp. 463-466)
Super-service world n-s. .Ind- Business is business; the ruin of
ianapolia, World call, materialism and the hope of idealism
9p. in the interest of Justice. Boston, HARMON,HENRYGADD, 1901-
Mimeographed. Richard G, Badger, •1922, b. St, Paul, Minn,, 14 Je 1901,
cc HARKINS,W N The conquering power, .Columbia
b, !!ARMAN,JOHN NEWTON,1854-1$34, church of the air program,
b. Gilel county, Va., 10 Je 1854,
d, 21 S 1934, Christian youth and tomorrow's
Our Savior's prayer for unity, world, (In International convention,
(In Rowe, F, L., ed, Our Savior's Annals of Taz-ell county, Va,, from 1942, pp, 318-326)
prayer for unity, 1918, pp, 72-76) 1800-1922, Taz-ell, Va,, Taz-ell
historical society, 1922-1925,
2v, front,, illus,, plates, ports, HARMON,MARIONFRANKLIN,1861-1940.
HARLAN,JENWIE (GEESLIN) (Mrs, Marion b, Taylor county, Ky,, 25 N 1861,
Edwin Harlan), 1860-1913, Harman genealogy (southern branch) d, Oxford, Miss,, 20 Mr 1940,
b. Highland county, 0,, 17 N 1660, with biographical sketches, 1700 to 1924
d, St, Louis, Mo,, 11 Mr 1913, Tazewell, Va., Taz-ell historical A history of the Christian churches
society, 1925, (Disciples of Christ) in Misaisaippi,
The place of Christian steward1hip. 376p, front,, illus, Aberdeen, Miss,, cAuthor, 1929,
(In Bible, Front rank Bible; Doctrinal 213p,
helps, pp. 51-57)


Negro w1t and humor, also contain- with HENRY,L.A. Personal religioua beliefs. Bee-
ing folw1ore, folk SOJl&I, race pecul- ton, Chriatopher, •1937.
iarities, race hi,tory. Louisville, Conservation in Arkansas. Little 12lp.
Barmo,!l pub. co., '1914. Rock, Ark., Democrat ptg. & lithograph-
~2p. frft.t., plates. ing co., 1939. Reconstructing the ch.lrch, aa
362p. illus., map•. examination of the probl811la of the
times from the standpoint of a la,-n
HArulON,SITH ed. of the ohuroh, introduotion by F. II.
b. Lawrenoe. N- York, Revell, •1920.
American ghost stories. Boston, 188p.
Houghton, 1928.
with SHUlll'fAY,H. I. xiv, 287p. Youth and truth. New York, Cen-
tury, •1927.
Sons of the admiral; the stcry of x, 226p. (Practical Christianity
Diego & Fernando Colu,nbua, illus. by ccHA.RPER, E R series)
Paul Quinn. Boston, L. c. Page & b.
oo., 1940. Amelia Earhart, first lady of the
373p. front., illus. air. (In Lotz, P. H., ed. 11'01118n
The statue and place of our colleges leaders, 1940, pp. 40-47)
(In The Tulsa lectures, 1928, pp. 108-
R C , 1852-
HARPER,JOHN JAMES, 1841-1908. d.
Sooial adventure• with Jeaua in b. near Bentonville, N. C.,
mtional relationa. (In Anderson, 1841. The grubbing hoe .a doctrinal
O. T., ed. Social adventure• with d. lfilson, N. C., 1908. treatiae,
J•aus, 1928, pp. 102-107)
debate with
Churches of Christ in North Carolina ,
(In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of
------ TATUM

HARMS, JOHN'VI' , 1902- Christ, 1904, pp. 267-270) .pub. in Hiokory co., llo., 1900 0
b. Blue Springs, Neb., 1902.


Christian unity and cooperation in b, Berkley, Va., 27 Ap 1880. b.
city and state. (In International
convention, 1942, pp. 270-273)
Character building in colleges. Types of English poetry. Ind-
Boston, Abingdon press, •1928. ianapolia, Butler university preaa.
b. Ladoga, Ind., 26 Ur 1851.
d. The ohuroh in the present crisis; HARRIS, ELLIS BUEL, 1879- •
with an introduction by Peter Ainslie. b. Page county, Ia., 27 D 1879.
The lives of Benjamin Harrison and New York, Revell, •1921.
Levi P. Morton, with a history of the 272p.
Republican party by Edwin c. Pierce. History of the Disciples, the place
Providence, R. I., J. A. and R. A. An integrated program of religious and plea of the Disciple• of Christ in
Reid, 1888. education. New York, Macmillan, the hiatcrical development of the
479p. front., illua. 1926. church.
152p. 9p.
Philoland. N- York, F. Tennyson Mimeographed.
hely co., •1900. The :.,king of men. Dayton, o.,
239p. Christian pub. aaaociation, •1916.
173p. front. (po;t.) HARRIS,GENEFREDE,
Christian unin,1 The word of God b.
the only source ·or spiritual knowledge. Minister of education. Old citi-
(In Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathist, dal, S. c., University pub. co., 1939.
1877, pp. 245-247; 323-324) 159p. Guiding interaediatea in the learn-
ing proceaa. Indianapolia and St.
--. Ashland, o., University Louie, Department of religious educa-
HARP, 11' A , 1866-1944. post pub. co., •1939. tion, u. C. K. s. and Christian board.
b. Logansport, o. , 10 Mr 1866. 159p.
d. Sarasota, Fla,, 23 Ja 1944. Pioneering with Jeaua. St. Louie,
The new church for the new time, . a Christian board, •1932, •1941. ·
Goodness. (In Meacham, E. J., discussion of principle,; introduction 139p. (lforahip programs, v. 1)
comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp. by C. S. Macfarland. New York,
52-54) Revell, 1918. Youth in the church. St. Louis,
163p. U. C. M. S.
12p. (Course no. P 3a) (Form
HARPER,C . ARJIITAGE, The new layman for the n- time, a YP-123)
b. discussion of principles, introduction Mimeographed,
by A. R. Wells. N- York, Revell,
The story of Arkansas, with peda- 160p. HARRIS, MRS. HERBERTG
gogical aida by Dean D. II. llcBrien. b.
Kansas City, ·M:>., Grolier aociety, A new technique for teaching reli-
1931. gion.
195p. front. (map) illus., ports. pamphlet. Helen Blanohard's conquest. Ind-
ianapolis, C. Tr. B. K.

H Harrie - Hart1el

HARRIS, MARION,1846-1927. Enrichmen t of public wor shi p lllllong HARTSOOI,E H

b . Jackaon county, Tenn., l S 1848. the Dis ci ples . (In Garr ison, J. H., b.
d. l S 1927. ed. Our fi r st congress, 1900, pp . 221-
about ue h Christ dirlded?

Boles, H. L. Biographical HARRISOR,TRAVERC!,1886-

1ketche1 of gospel preachers . b. Augusta, Ky., 18 Ja 1885. HAR
TZEL, JONAS, 1803-1884.
b . Northa mpton county, Penn., 19
0 1803.
IS , W W Bible gists for boys and girl•. d. , l Ag 1884.
b. Cincinnati, Standard, 1921.
24p. The ba pt ismal contr0Ter1y1 ita
exceeding sinfulness . Oekalooaa,
The design of baptism. Christian's life and program1 a Ia., Central book concern, 1877.
pamphlet . aeries of practical scriptural studies 337p.
designed to aid in de-yelopment of
Honor bright. dependable, Tieion-f i lled Christiana
who know and loTe the will of Christ
337p. ,
St. Louis, Burn•.
and exeroise all their Christian priT•
Our plea. ileges. Cinc i nnati, Standard , •1923.
--. St. Louis , Christian pub.
pamphlet. 384p.
The safe aide. Recruiting the Bibl~ olass1 a work- Bible Tindicated, a aeries ot
pamphlet. ing manual for Bible claaaes. Cin- essays on American slavery, ~1th an
cinnati, Standard, 1920. appendix. Cincinnati, John Bogg•,
Two lawe of pardons. 112p. 1868. .
pamphlet. 128p.
Studies in Christian stewardship1
Two queries. a church efficiency textbook. Cin- Church disci pline, an address de-
pamphlet. oinnati, Standard, ·1922. liTered before the state preacher•'
163p. institute, at Oakalboaa, Io-, July
15th, 1876, and published by order of
HARRISON,H A Studies in Christian stewardship, the institute. Oskaloosa, Ia.,
b. a church efficiency textbook .with a Central book oonoern, 1876.
spiritual approach to stewardship by 48p.
J. D. llirch, Cincinnati, Standard,
Doctrine o_t the trinity and trine 1942?, •1922. ControTersial letters to a Unitar-
immersion... Union City, Ind., ian minister.
1903. Training tor personal eT&ngelism1 a
42p. new efficient textbook for Bible A defense of the Bible against the
schools and churc .hes. Cincinnati, charges of modern infidelity1 oon-
Standard, •1921. sieting of the speeches ot elder Jonas
HARRISON,IDA (WITHERS) (lira. Albert l81p. Hartzel, made during a debate ~onduc-
K. Harrison), 1861-1927. ted by ·him and Mr. Joseph Barker, in ,
b. LoTe; Malice. (In Meacham, E. J., July, 1853. Cincinnati, Columbian
d. Lexington, Ky., 8 H 1927. c0111p. Tl-aining to teach, •1913, pp . ptg. co., print, 1864.
127-128; 26-26) c330,p.
Beyond the battle'• rim; a atory ot
the Confederate refugee,. Rew York, , with SHARP,C. J. Dissertation on Christian baptism.
lee.le pub. co., 1918. Negative arguments on infant baptism.
247p. front. Evangeli8111, the -n, the message, Diffioultiee lying at the ba1i1 of the
the method; a "how" textbook of eT&n- system; and a few authorities and
The children. Indianapolis ,, C. gelistic methods, growing out of aotual remarks on the right and scriptural
11'. B. K., 1914. experienoe. Cincinnati, Standard. aotion. Warren, o., Printed by A.
•1924. W. Parker, 1844.
Forty years ot eerTice , a history 382p. 16p.
ot the Christian woman'• board ot
llli1eion1, 1874-1914, 2d. Indiana- A dissertation on the first and
polia, c. 11'. B. K. third Abrahamio covenants, the coven-
162p. The personal worker'• a1si1tant. ant of Horeb and the new ooTenant
Cincinnati, Standard, •1921. th&ir differential pecularitiea. '
Gardena all the year. Boston, llOp. Bew York, T. Holman, •1866.
Stratford, 1927. 60p.
122p. "Sold by J&JDeeChallen & eon
HARRISON,W L Philadelphia1 Sheldon & co.,'New
lfllmoire otll'illiam Temple ll'ithera, b. York1 H. s. Bosworth, Cincinnati•
by his daughter. Boaton, Christo- d. and the author, Davenport, Ia." '
pher pub. house, 1924.
166p. front. (port.) Repentance. (In Scott, L. W., ed. The diTinity of Chri st, and the
Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 170-182) duality of man. .. Oskaloosa Ia
A new day in Eastern Kentucky. Central book concern, 1874. ' ... ••
Indianapolis, c. 11'. B. K., 1914. 175p.
HART,IIADISONASHLEY,1874- CoTer pub: Christian pub. co.
Our crowning year. Indianapolis, b. Kontgomer y county, Ky., 21 Vy
C. 11'. B. K., 1909? 1874. ETidencee of Christianity.
Jonas Hartzell'• vindication
S~trical education. Indiana- Normal training of the child. St. Davenpor~, Ia., 1867. •
polia, c. 11'. B. K., 1897? Louis, Christian pub. co., •1906
leaflet. ,68p.
Hartzel - Havens H

The kingdom of heaven and govern- HARWOOD,

ment. Davenport, Ia., Plumner's b. b.
globe book and job print, 1868. d, d,
"Sold by the author." Life and letters of Austin Craig, The young Christian's aid to piety.
cwith, introduction and reminiscences 18547
The new commandment. St. Louis, of Ant io ch college by E, E. Hale. l OOp.
Christian pub. co. New York, Revell, •1908.
394p. front. (port.) plates, po rts,
The New Testament of our Lord and cHATHAWAY,
LEVI, 1 790-
Savior Jesus Christ. Cinc i nnati,
Standard. HASTING
S, D W The narrative of Levi Hathaway,
pamphlet. b, givin g an account of his life, exper-
d, ience, call to the ministry of the
Regeneration. gospel of the son of God, and travels
12p. O. H. King , (In Brokaw, G. L., ed, as such to the present t i me, Provi-
Doctrine and life by Iowa writers, 1898, dence, Printed fl)r the author by
Sketch of the life of Mrs. William pp. 283-285) Miller & Hutchens, 1820,
McKinley. Washington, D. c., 1896. 140p.
A dissertation on the first and b. Baltimore, Md,, 1897. cHATHAWAY,
third Abrahamic covenants, the coven- b.
ant of Horeb and the new covenant, d,
their differential pecularitiea; Are you heroio7 address of Dr, J.
Woman's place in the church. (In Warren Hastings, minister, National joint comp. see
Doctrinal and practical tracts, 1876, City Chriatian church, Washington, D.
vol. 2, pp. 357-414; 473-480) C,, for "Church of the ai r ", Sunday, Moulton, T, C. The Christian
January 17, 1943, at 1:00 p.m. hymn book.
The new commandment. (In M>.thes, 3p.
J, M., ed, The western preacher, vol. Mimeographed.
1, 1865, pp. 380-399) HAUSHALTER,WALTERMILTON, 1889-
You and the National city church, (Now Episcopalian)
Remission of sins, under Moses, (In International convention, 1942, b.
John tho baptist, and Jesus Christ, pp . 36-39)
skeleton sermon. (In Cor;v, N, E,,
ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 112- Christ, Lord of battle•. Boston,
115) HASTINGS, MRS, ROSETTA (BUTLER) (Mrs. Badger, •1919.
Z. S. Hastings), 1844-1934, 117p. (Library of religious
b, Wyandotte, 0,, 5 Ag 1844. thought)
ocHARVEY,J D d, Atchison, Kans,, 16 Jl 1934.
b, The Lotus throne of Nirvana.
Coffin nails: the story of Jane Columbia, Mo., Lucas bros., •1924.
McGregor. Clay center, Kans., The 272p,
Loyalty to Christ's church; What do Diapatch pub. co., •1908.
ye more than others. ( In Abilene 264p. Memorial service for Dr. Peter
Christian college Bible lectures, Ainslie, on th e first anniversary of
1943, pp. 209-224 '; 192 6-1927, pp. 288- introduction see his pass i ng, February 24, 1935.
311) cBaltimor e , Christian temple, 1935,
Butler, Pardee. Personal recol- 12p.
J Mrs, Eddy purloins from Hegel;
b. newly discovered sou rce reveals amaz-
(WATS ON) (Mrs, J. ing plagiarisms in science and health.
Warren Hastings) Boston, A. A. Beauchamp, 1936,
Quietus, written to show the evil b. viii, 126, cl5,p, front., port.
tendency of all such propheciea as
that of Dr, Millers, The reconstruct i on of the American
Today's youth and tomorrow's church: church, Bost on, Badger, •1919.
A woman's intuition, (In Inter- 122p . (Library of reli gious
HARVUOT,ALEXANDER McMILLAN,1860-1920. national convention, 1934, pp. 30-39; thought)
b, Sullivan, o., 4 0 1860, 1941, pp. 67-75)
d. Cincinnati, 0,, 9 My 1920.
Allen Wilaon. (In Brown, J. T., HASTY, E E b, Kansas City, Mo., 11 Jl 1906,
ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. b.
479-480) d.
Social adventures with Jesus in
Why not accept the position of the church relations, (In Anderson, o.
HARWARD,H G , 18687-1944. people called Disciples as the basis T,, ed, Social adventures wi~h Jesus,
b. of Christian union. 1928, pp. 43-45)
d. Sydney, Australia, 17 Ap 1944.

Evangelistic sermons cwith publish- HATCH,WILLI.AMHENRY, 1833-1896. HAV

er ' s not e by A, B, Maston, Mel- b, Georgetown, Ky., 11 S 1833, b.
bour ne , Australia, Austral pub, co., d. , Mo., 23 D 1896.
193;:,. about Mary Sue's diary. Indianapolis,
U. C. M, S.
Barclay, T. S. William Henry
Hatch. (In Dictionary of American
biography, vol. B, 1932, pp. 394-395)

Hawes - Hayden

HAWES,JAMES EDWARD,1862-1933. The beginni ng, skeleton sermon. HAYDEN,BELA HUBBARD,1841-1933.

b. Vermi llion county, Ill., 18 Ag (In . Cory, N, E., ed. The polymethis t , b. Deerrield, o., 18 My 1841.
1862. 1877, pp . 188-190) d. Longbeach, Calif., 4 Ap 1933.
d. Upper Sandusky, O., 23 Ag 1933.
about see Aim and plea of the Disci ple•.
joint~ oee n. p .• n.d.
Thompson, L, G. Jo hn C, Hay. 4p.
Updike,. J. V. Sermons and songs.

ed. l!AY, KENNET

b. b. Deerfield, o., 7 Je 1845.
The gospel invitation. d. Minneapolia, Minn., 17 N 1928.

joint ed. see A history of central Christian Aim and ple a of the Disciples.
church, Dallas, Texas, 1863-1 938 . Cincinnati, Standard.
Gabriel, C. H. Twentieth century cDallas, Tex., Central Christian church, pamphlet.
songs. cl C, p .
The Bible and woman; a critical
about aee The life and influence of Charles and compr ehensive examination of the
Carlton, 1821-1902, cwith an intro- teaching of the scriptures concerning
Wilcox, Alanson. The singing duction by Colby D. Hall, Fort the position and sphere of women;
evangelist. Worth, Tex., Author, 1940. with an introduction by Chas. Louis
97p • Loos. Cincinnati, Standard, 1902.

HA11'KINS,l/.ADISONC , 1818-1872.
Thesi s: B. D., Texas Christian
x, 74p.

b. Bath county, Ky., 19 Jl 1818. The Bible key. Cincinnati, Stan-

d. Canton, Mo., 15 Ap 1872. The more excellent way. (In dard, 1891 .
Brite colle ge of the Bible. Sermons, 29p.
Speeches and lectures. Canton, vol, 1, 1937, pp. 9-10)
!kl., Canton press job print, 1874. Church disci pline. St. Louis,
88p. Christian pub. co.
EN, AM:JSSUTTOI/, 1813-1 880.
b. Youngstown, O., 17 S 1813. Facts about baptism. Cincinnati,
Y, CLARENCEOOEN, 1890- d. Collemar, O., 8 S 1880. Standard, 1899'?
b, Paw Paw,, . 8 F 1890. 4p.
Early history of the Disci ples in
the Vlestern Reserve, Ohio, with bio- --, new ed. Cincinnati, Tract
Christian st ewardship. .Indiana- graphical sketches of the principle committee.
po lis, Church program planning commit- agents in their religious movement.
tee, n.d. Cincinnati, Chase & Hall, 187c. The higher criticism, ite meaning,
15p. 476p. history, kind• and characteristics, a
concise treatise on an important sub-
Church finance. ( In Church pro- The vision of peace on earth and ject, for the busy masses who want the
gram planning committee, Christian good will among men. Eure ka, Ill., facts in condensed form. c Minnea-
ste wardship, 1943, pp. 23-52) cAuthor,, 1869. polis, Author, 1924,
lp. 99p. front. (port.)
Ministry of unified promotion.
(In Dawson, F. F., ed. Christian man Conscience and Chri stianity. The New Testament.
at work, 1941, v. 3, pp. 117-124) (In Moore, W. T., ed. The living pul-
pit of the Christian church, 1867, pp. Some facts about the Disciples of
A story of achievement; Through 497-514) Christ. New York, Thomas Holman,
loy alty to victory. ( In Internati on- n.d.
al convention, 1942 , pp. 238-241; comp. 2p.
1936, pp. 199-202)
Christian melodeon. What is the Christian church?
Cincinnati, Standard,
Y, ED'.'IINEENRY, 1812- lc93? The hymnist; prepared for prayer 8p.
b, New Canan, N. Y., 12 0 1812. meetin gs, Sunday schools, and social
d. Cl"veland, 0 ,, 1893? o.ccasions. Cincinnati, H. S. Bos- The worship pi ng of Jesus. (In
worth, 1860. Sweeney, Z. T., ed. New Testament
Mnemotechny for the million; or, lOOp. Christianity, 1923, vol. 1, pp. 378-
how to remember chronology, necrology, 390)
latitute & longitude, heights, dis- Polymathist.
tances, specific gravities, etc., etc.
on the basis o f F. T. Gourand. The sacred melodeon. HAYDEN,WARREN LUSE, 1835-
Painesville, 0., Commercial adver tise r 304p . b. Deerfield, o., 20 My 1835.
prin t, 1858. d.
94, c2, p . about
Centennial addresses d~livered in
Starr, H. E. Amos Sutton Hayden. 1909. Indianapolis, Author, •1909.
HAY, JOHN CONDIT, 1842-1529. (In Dictionary of American biography, 48p.
b. Geneva, N. Y., 6 My 1842. vol. 8, 1932, pp. 437-438) Contents:
d. Los Angeles, Calif., 28 Ap 1929 . Thomas Campbell and the declaration,
about see pp. 3-11.
The brotherhood known as the Dis- Alexander Campbell, matchless
ciples of Christ, "Their future" ••• Ballou, Ellis. The patent hat. defender of the protestant faith,
an octogenarian's study. cLoa Moore, W. T. The living pulpit pp. 13-23.
Angeles, Author, of the Christian church. Barton W. Stone, harbinger of the
24p. Tiers, M, C. The . Christian por- rest orat ion, pp. 25-28.
trait gallery. Walter Scott, finisher of the great
r esto ration, pp. 31-40.
Pioneers and missions, pp. 40-48.

Hayden - Hazelrigg H

Churoh polity, a practical treatise HAYES, HENRY

on the organization and regulation of b. b,
the Kingdom of God on earth as set d. d.
forth in the New Testament. Chicago,
s. J. Clarke, 1894. with HAYES, C. J. Treatise on Christian baptism, col-
186p. _front. (port.) lated from diverse authors; with
A complete history of the life and originAl notes and criticisms; being
Cincinnati, Standard. trial of Charles Julius Guiteau, aasas•
sin of President Garfield. A graphic
a review of Campbellism. Nashville,
Printed by Hogan and Heiss, 1843,
aketoh of his erratic oareer as .3. - 62p.
Home and health; a guide to the detailed by his former wife, Mra. Dun-
oare of home and children, in aick- mire; also an autobiography as dictate~
neaa and in health. Cincinnati, by himself since the shooting. And a HAYNES,WILLIAN.ALBINOS, 187~1913 .
Standard. carefully prepared history of the trial b. Unionville, It>., 4 0 1873.
338p. · Philadelphia, Hubbard bros,, d. Ft. Worth, Tex., 1 N 1913.
What is the Christian church, by 528p. front., illus., plates, ports. The beautiful word pictures of the
William c!• L. Hayden. n.p., 1887. epistles to the Ephesians; or, the
Sp. busy man's commentary upon the Bible.
HAYES, JOHN, JR . Interpretations made according to the
What is the Christian church? b. conceptions of the writer in the time
Cincinnati, Standard. d. of writing, and not as these concep-
pamphlet. tions have been modified by more mod-
The testimony of John and the work ern theories. Caney, Kans., Busy
Christology, skeleton sermon. of Christ, skeleton sermon. (In man's Bible co., 1911,
(In Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathiat, Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathiat, c214.p.
1877, pp. 184-185) 1877, pp. 108-111)
The glories of the inner sanctuary
Memoir of Dr. C. J. White. (In as have been revealed in the epistle
Doctrinal and practical tracts, 1876, oHAYLEY,JOHNWILLIAM, 1834-1927. to the Hebrews; or, the busy man's
vol. 3, pp. 557-560) b. commentary upon the Bible. Interpret-
d. ations made according to the concep-
about tions of the writer in the time of
Genealogical memoranda, relating writin g, and not as these conceptions
Fini,, the final proceedin gs in chiefly to the Haley , Piper, Neal and have been modified by more modern
the oase of the board of officers of Richer families of Maine and New Hamp- theories. Cincinnati, Standard,
Washington church vs. W. L. Hayden. shire. Lowell, Maas., Courier-citizen 1911.
1880? co , , printers, 1900, xiv, 399p. front. (port,)
16p. 116p. front. (port.)

The hereafter of sin: what it will HAYWARD,

JOHN, 1781-1862.
HAYDEN,WILLIAM, 1799-1863, be; with answers to certain questions
b. , Penn., 30 Je 1799, and objections. Andover, W. F, The book of religiona; comprising
d, Chagrin Falls, O., 7 Ap 1863. Draper, 1881, the views, creeds, sentiments, or
viii, l52p. opiniona, of all the principal reli-
Humility (about 1846) {In Rowe, gious sects in the world, particularly
F. L., ed. Pioneer sermons and Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, an his- of all Christian denominations in
addresses, •1908, pp . 193-199) torical sketch. cConcord, N. H., The Europe and America; to which are
Rumford press,, 1923, added church and missionary statistics,
about lllp • .Jront. (port.) togeth er with biographical sketches.
Boston, John Hayward, 1842.
Starr, H. E. \'1'1111&111
Hayden. 432p.
(In Dictionary of American biography, HAYNES,NATHANIELSMITH, 1844-1925. Contents include: Campbellites,
vol. 8, 1932, pp. 442-443) b. Washington, Ky., 7 Mr 1844. pp . 68-64, p. 314; Christian con-
d. Gary, Ind., 12 Ja 1925. nection, pp . 295-298, p. 313.
about aee
The children's question book and --. Boston, Sanborn, Carter
Boles, H. L. Biographical Bible student's helper. Chicago, and Bazin, 1856.
sketches of gospel preachers. Revell, 1897? 432p.
Tiera, If. C. The Christian por- 40p.
trait gallery,
God's answer to the ever-recurring cHAYWARD
, JOSHllA, 1782-1840.
question"What shall I do to be saved?" b. , Mass., 1782.
HAYDON,ALBERTEUSTACE,1880- an interesting sermon, d. Laurena, N. Y., 17 My 1840.
p, 4p.
Reprinted from the Peoria daily cBiogra phy published by widow in
transcript, Feb. 6, 1888. pamphlet form, 1845.
~- History of the Diacioles of Christ
lt>dern trends in world-religions: in Illinois, 1819-1914: Cincinnati, HAZELRIGG,CLARAH (EPSY) (ltrs.
Haapell foundation institute. Standard, •1915. W. A. Hazelri gg), 1860-1937.
Chica go, University of Chicago press, 670p. front., plates, ports., maps. b. Council Grove, Kans., 23 N 1860,
•1934, d. Topeka, Kans., 11 Ja 1937,
xiv, 255p. Jesus as a controversialist.
Contents include, Christianity ~ new history of Kansas, designed
Cincinnati, Standard, 1911,
and modern scientific thinking, by xiii, 124p. expressly for use in the public schools,
E. s. Ames, pp. 25-33; Christianity Topeka, Kana., Crane and co., printers,
and modern economic problems, by A. Public worship. (In Smart, J. H., 1895.
1r. Taylor, pp. 103-111. comp. Gema of thought, 1883, pp. 42-44) xvi, 298p. front., illus.

H Hazen - Hendryx


MRS. ALLISON G , 1913-
b, b •. Samgemon county, Ill., l O 1838, b. , Canada, 1913.
d, d. Seattle, Wash., 3 N 1932.

The primary inetructcr and improved "The philosophy of the remission of An emerging experience. (In Inter-
spelling book, Being an eaey eystem of sins." (In The Misso uri Christian national convention, 1942, pp. 242-246)
teaching the rudiments of the English lectures, vo 1. 3, 1886, pp. 24 7- 26 7)
language. In two parts, Wccdstcck,
cVt •• , D, Wat10n, 1822, HENDERSON,
156p, oHELFENSTEIN,ROYCLIFTON, 1885- b, Lexington, Ky., 18 My 1810.
b. Fairfield, Ia., 29 My 1885. d, Canton, Mo,, 11 F 1897.
joint~- see
Christian baptism. 1860?
Mackenzie, John. A choice selec- The church and the lodge. 48p.
tion cf psalms, hymns, and spiritual D...yton, O., Christ _ian pub, association,
songs. 1920, Address, (In Memorial services in
honor of James A. Garfield, 1881, pp.
Handbook on pastoral evangelism. 7-8)
J A Dayton, O., Christian pub. association,
b; 1918, about see
Tiers, M. C. The Christian per-
see HELFER, FREDERICKW trait gallery.
Franklin, Joseph, The life and
times cf Benjamin Franklin. HENDERS
Making the most of your chaplain • b,
• Indianapolis, Committee on war ser-
HEATON,JOHN WESLEY,1895- vices, 1943? •
(Ncw Methodist) 7p. inc. front cover. Blackbirds on the win g . Phila-
b, delphia, Dorrance, 1942.
Mob violence in the late Roman b. Friendship, N. Y., 28 Mr 1900,
republic, 139-49 B. c. Urbana, Ill., HENDRICK,J OHN THILl!.AN,1811-
University cf Illincie, 1939, (Presbyterian)
107p. (Illinois studies in The misunderstood Christ. (In
social sciences, v. 23, no. 4) Thornton, E, W., ed. Bethany college Letters on the subject and mode of
sermons, 1930, pp. 44-56) baptism, Millersburg Ky 1842.
l93p. ' ••
(CHILTON) Acknowledges indebtedness to A,
b. HELMIK, EDWARD Campbell and quotes him.
Letters to the •elf-styled reformers.
Forty years with one church, (In Millersbur g, Ky., 1838.
Campbell and Moseley, eds. My dad, Social adventures with Jesus in
1938, pp. 37-40) race relations. (In Anderson, 0, T,,
ed. Social adventures with Jesus, HENDRYX,EUNICECASSIDAY (Mrs. o. G,
1928, pp. 49-53) Hendryx)
b, Moulton•s Cove, La., 8 D 1885,
b. Hamilton county, Ind., 29 Jl Reminiscence, a one-act comedy.
Conversion of Evariste Hebert, •• 1S75. Rock Island, Ill., Frederick B. Ingram,
Lynchburg, Va., J. W, West, n,d, d, Anderson, Ind., l S 1936. public~tions, •1938. ·
12p. 23p.
Two covenants, the key to the Bible,
., Bow I found Christ, Cincinnati, Salvage mongers; a comedy in one
Christian restoration asacciation, n.d. act for a female cast. Evanston,
12p. HELSER, RAYMOND B , 1873-1921. Ill,, Row, Peterson & co., 1943.
b. · Hilliards, 0,, 1873, 20p.
d, st. ~uis, Mo., 29 Ja 1921,
HEDGES,CHARLESP Without first aid; a. farce comedy
b, Unforgotten, a memory of yesterday. in one act. Rock Island, Ill.,
d. Centralia, Mo., 1912. Frederick B. Ingram publications,
49p. Mimeographed.
The gospel message vs. superstition
and fetish. Indianapolis, C, W. B.
b, McComb, 0,, 1974, b.
d, Paris, Ill., 21 N 1924, d,
b, Covington, Ind., 25 N 1877, \Vith all his house; or, reli gious The tftacher, the class, and the book,
unit y in the home. (In Book, W. H.,
ed . The Indiana pul pit, 1912, pp. 91- Evil-speaking. (In Doctrinal and
Stewardshi p, (In Bridwell, J. 106) . practical tracts, 1876, vol. 2, pp.
T., ed. The Michi gnn pulpit, 1924, pp. 509-512)

Henrichs - Herne H


b. Bunker Hill, Ill., 27 llr 1903. b. b.
d. d.

A church board at work, cwith How Under law or under grace. Cin- The first resurrection and the
to use these otudies by c. w. Longan, cinnati, American Christian missioru1ry sec ond death. Indiana polis, Wm. B.
St. Louis, Christian board, n.d. society. Burford, litho gra pher and printer,
63p. 3lp. 1885,
Una junta de oficiale• en aooion.
HENRY,JAMES M , 1818- Revelation; or the golde n lamp-
b, Clark county, O., 1 0 1818. st a nds, a r evision of the common ver-
HENRY,EDWARDAT«OOD,1881- d. si on of the book of Revelation, with
b. near Maples, N. Y., 11 My 1881. obse r vations and not e s. Indiana-
Christ and Him cr uc ified; The divine pol is , Douglass & Carlon, printers,
preparation; Why 1 am a Christian; 1880.
skeleton sermons. . (In Cory, N. E., l OOp .
ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 402-
Doctoral dissertations accepted by 403 ; p. 207; p. 419) The seed of Abraham and the nation,
American univeroities, 1939-1940; of the earth; s of Paul's argu-
compiled for the aasooie.tion of re- The death of Christ necessary. ment in Galat i ans. Whiteland, Ind.,
search librarie•. ,ew York, H. W. (In Mathes, J.M., ed. The western Author, 1886?
Wilson co., 1940. preacher, TOl. 1, 1866, pp. 240-259) 14p.
xiii, 125p.
--. (In Sweeney, z. T., ed. The solid rock, and how to build
--, 1940-1941; compiled for the New Testament Christianity, 1926, vol. thereon. Whiteland, Ind., Author,
aaaooiation or research libraries. 2, pp. 260-285) 1886.
Bew York, H. w. Wilson oo., 1941.
xiii, 142p. about aee
--, 1941-1942; compiled for the Tiera, M. C. The Chriotian per- . (Baptist)
aaoocie.tion of research libraries. trait gallery.
Bew York, H. w. Wilson co., 1942. Questions evolution does not answer.
14lp. Cincinnati, Standard, •1923.
HENRY,PATRICK, 1886- 82p.
--, 1942-1943; oomoiled for the b. Navarro county, Tex., 16 Je 1886.
asoociation of reoee.rch.librariea.
Bew York, H. W. Wilson 00., 1943. HERNDON,EUGENEW -1904.
xiv, llOp. Diocovering the evangelistic field b.
of the local church. (In Internation- d.
-- ., 1943-19441 compiled for the al convention, 1938, pp. 46-49)
aeaooiation of research librariee, The church... Columbia, Mo.,
1944. Statesman print, 1886.
The Durrett collection, . now in the b. Bedford, O., 1 Je 1880.
library of the University of Chicago, The foundation of Christian hope,
1914. cintroduction by Jamee E. Scobey,
38p, A maoter builder on the Congo; a Nashville, MoQuiddy ptg. co., 1904.
Reprinted rromPapers. Bibliograph- memorial to the eervice and devotion 184p. front. (port.)
ical aociety ct .America, vol. 8. of Robert Ray Eldred and Lillian Byer•
Eldred, with an introduction by Archi- Instrumental music in worship.
A bibliography of Edward Scribner bald lfoLean. Bew York, Revell, •1916.
Ames. (In Garrioon, lf. E., ed. 19~. front., plate•, ports., maps. Review of Lard on endleas punish-
Faith of the free, 1940, pp. 26:S-276) ment. Cincinnati, Standard.
Jly children of the foreat, with an
introduction by Preaident Charles T. Review of a lecture by lfoaea I.
HENRY,FREDBRICKAUGUSTUS,1867- Paul. New York, Doran, •1924. Lard on ruture puniahment. St.
b. Bainbridge, O., 16 Je 1867, 22lp. front., platea, ports. Louis, Christian pub. co.

Captain Henry of Geauga; a family

Opal• from Africa, short
the marveloua tranatormation
of ~-
chronicle. Cleveland, o., Gates in the lives of the simple folk of the Explanatory notea on International
preu, 1942. Congo regions by the ,tory of the S. s. lessons tor 1884. St. Louie,
736p. front. (port.) plates, ports. Chriat, .with an introduction by E.W. Christian pub. co., cl883,
Allen, Cincinnati, E. lf. Allen, 1910. 189p.
Hira, college; an historical inter- 64p. front. (port.)
pretation... Bir11111,O., Hiram , for 1886. St. Louie, Chria-
college, 1926. --, 3d print i ng. Cincinnati, tian pub. co., cl884,
l3p. F. C. M. S., •1910. c253,p. front., mapa.
A record of the descendant• of Simon
Henry (17611-1864) and Rhoda Paraona · HERNE, F S
(1774-1847) hia wife, -with aBpendioea HENSLEY,CHESTERPAUL, 1909- • b.
containing some account of their ances- b. LaHarpe, Ill., 12 Ja 1909,
tory and of collateral line•; being a
contribution towards a comprehensive How the Bible came to ua. England,
genealogy · or the deacendanta of Sergt. comp. Sunday school union, 1905.
John Henry, freeman, of Topafield, 123p.
llaaa., 1690. Cleveland, Preaa of Hiatory of Fire~ Chrl•tian church,
J.B. Savage, 1906. Fort Jladiaon, Iowa, 1893-1942.
66p. illua, 9p.

Herod - Bight

HEROD, HENRYL , 1B75-193 5. with VARNUlt,HENRY

. Why I jo ined the Resto ra tion move-
b. Mi ll er ~bur g, Ky., B Ja 1B75. ment. Cin cinnati, Standard, 1915.
d. Indi ana poli s, Ind., 24 Jl 1935. Character; a textbook on princi ple• 16p.
of moral conduct. Ci ncinnati, Stan-
The necessity of the cr os s f or dar d , 1926. The lure of the false. (In Brid-
today. (I n Int ernational convention, 408p. well, J. T., ed. The Michigan pulpit,
1934, pp. 187-19 3) 1924 , pp. 176-185)
The sin of factionaliam. (In
S (DUNLAP)(Mrs. Lawrence
HERON, FRANCE Christian endeavor playlets; ahort, Thornton, E. 'If., ed. Lord'• day wor-
T. Heron) bright, different. Cincinnati, ship services, •193 0, pp. 239-242)
b. Standard, 1928.
Be tt y Ann, begi nner, lines from Pageanta for the year; chapter on b. Clarence, Ill., 14 0 1887,
her diary, transcribed by Frances Dun- coatuming by J. H. Shonkwiler.
l ap, illus. by Mauriece Craighead. Cincinnati, Standard, •1928.
St. Louis, Bethany press, 0 1930. 192p. illua., muaic. A hard job; the requirements, the
128p . illus. romance. Indianapolis, u. C. M. s.,
Disc us s io n and program suggestions HERTZOG,WALTERSCOTT, 1874- · 13p. ino. front coyer.
fo r young people for use with ffe who b. California, Penn., 5 S 1874.
are Ameri ca (by Kenneth D. Miller). How to find God.
N"" York, Frie ndship press, n.d.
4Bp. State maintenance of teachers in Jeaus ·and national aspirationa.
training. Baltimore, Warwick and
A junior t eac her's guide on the York, 1921. The church and the orient. (In
American Indian; for use with Peter of 146p. International convention report, 1937,
the mesa (Flor ence Crannell Means). Thesis: Ph.D., Columbia universi ty pp. 257-269)
N"" York, Friendship press, 194,. 1921.
23p. map. Pub lished also without theaia note. with HIGDON,I.E. W.

A junior teacher'• guide on the From Carabao to clipper. liew

church 8lllong up-rooted Americans. HESTER, BYRON, -1933. York, Friendshi p preas, •1941.
New York, Friendship press, 1945. b. 120p. plates, map.
22p. d. Marahall, Mo. , 21 l,!y 1933.
Page• of power for the Chriatian Living epistles. Pryor, Okla., HIGDON,ERNESTE , 1690..
family. Let's follow the Bible . leaflet,. b. Paxton, Ill., 30 N 1690.
Meditations for National family week.
Chicago, International council of
religiou, education, 1946? HESTER, J K -1916. The church and the Christian col-
23p. b. lege. Indianapolis, Board of higher
d. Billings, Mont., 4 N 1916. education, cl943,
· You are in that quarterly yourself, c9,p. inc. front coYer.
the life history of a piece of teach- M. C. Wilson. (In Brokaw, G. L.,
ing material. St. Louis, Christian ed. Doctrine and life by Io- writers,
board, n.d. 1899, pp. 123-125) HIGDON, IDELLAELEANOR(WILSON) {Mra.
12p. Elmer Kelso Higdon), 1669-
HERON,HENRIETTA, -1944. b. Licking county, O., 15 D 1B26.
b. d. Books for the Philippines. n.p.,
d. N"" Jersey, 11 Ap 1944, n.d.
The mirror. (In Painter, J. H., 2p.
Christmas; a fifteen minute pa geant. ed. The Iowa pulpit of the church of
Cincinnati, Standard, •1922. Chriat, 1664, pp. 287-293)
14p. illus. (music)
about see Higdon, E. K. From Carabao to
Jot it down. Cincinnati, Stan- clipper.
dard, 1922. Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit of the
ohuroh of Christ.
Life's crones. HIGGINS, WILLIS G
lk>ther1 pageant. Cincinnati, HIERONYMUS, ROBERTENOCH, 1B62-1941.
Standard. b. near Atlanta, Ill., B D 1862.
pamphlet. d. Urbana, Ill., 18 D 1941, God'• covenant• with Abraham.
Lebanon, Ind., Author, 1906?
liew life for the young people'• about ,e., 69p.
Bible clan. Cincinnati, Standard, Lebanon pioneer print.
•1921. Taylor, A. 'Ir. Robert Enoch Hier-
117p. onymus.
United at the cro1s1 a Christian b.
unity pageant. Cincinnati; Standard. HIGBY, ARTHURWILSON, 1866-1939.
b. Fayette county, Ia., 20 Ja 1666.
The worker's conference; how to d.
Baptist succeaaion.
make it go. Cincinnati, Standard,
•1921. The fundamentals of faith and faith-
14lp; flllneas.
16p .

Hill• BiaH H

HILL, ALDENLEE, 1886- about see Firth reader or aelf-inatructor.

b, near Oronoco, Kinn,, 17 S 1886. Topeka, Kana., Geo. W. Crane ~ 00,,
Hill, Allene. Thia preacher dad 1890.
of mine. xi, UOp.
Love the Brotherhood. (In Inter-
national oonvention, 1939, pp , 154-162) New American reader. For inati-
HILL, EULIS H tutea, high aohoola, and academies.
b. Topeka, Kana. , G. W, Crane & co., 1892.
HILL, ALLENE 160p. illus.
At the maater's table. (In Brite Sermon on Chriatian unity. Cin-
college of the Bible. Sermons, vol. 1, cinnati, Standard.
Thia preacher dad of mind, (In 1937, pp. 21-22) (Veat-pooket aeries of
Campbell and Moseley, eda. 'Uy dad, tract.)
1938, pp. 82-87)
HILL, HARRYGRANISON,1874- Value of metaphysical study and
b. Union city, Ind., 15 S 1874.. ita relation to religious thought.
HILL, BEN F , 1860-1929. (In The Missouri Christian lectures,
b. Moniteau county, Mo., 11 llr vol. 2, 1883, pp. 58-82)
1860. Paradox and principle. Cincin-
d. Jefferson city, llo., 17 llr nati, Ruter press, 1938 .
1929. ix, ll-147p. HILL, ROSCOER , 1880- •
b, near Lilly, Ill . , 22 F 1880.
The angel's promise to Mary. (In Rational religion. . Cinoinnati,
Patterson, H. c., ed. Our living evan- Caxton press, 1931.
geliata, 1894, pp. 22-31) xviii, 32lp. front. (port,) American marines in Nicaragua,
about aee pp. 341-360.
HILL, JOHN LOUIS, 1872- Reprinted from Hia~anic American
Pasley, A. lf. B. F, Hill. b, ~. ed. by A. . Wilgus, Unh-
erifty of North Carolina preaa,
ocHILL, CECIL! Aa others see us, and as we are;
b. the plea and poaition of the Disciples Deacriptive catalog of the docu-
of Christ, as they are, preaented in ments relating to the history of the
oontraat with the erroneoua view• United States in the Papelea prooe-
The history of our !ngli•h Bible; uaually held of them by the denomina- dentes de Cuba deposited in the Archiva
Christ our Savior. (In Abilene tional world. Cincinnati, Standard, general ' de Indiaa at SeTilla. Wash-
Chriatian college Bible lecture•, •1908. ington, D. c., Carnegie Institution,
1936, pp. 34-4.91 1938, pp. 17-28) 83p. 191€.
594p. (Papers of the department
Chapel book, Nashville, Tenn., of historical research)
A , 1868- Baptist Sunday school board,
b, Milton Center, 0,, 21 Mr 1868. Fiscal intervention in Nicaragua.
Negro; national asset or liability? lfaahington, D. c., Author, 1933.
New York, Literary aaaociates, •1930, 117p.
Can we have all professing Chris- xiii, 233p. (Racial America, The1i11 Ph.D., Columbia univer-
tiana united in one great body, with v. 1) sity, 1933.
identity or doctrine and polity?
Cincinnati, Standard, •1900. The preparation and delivery of Sources of American history in
26p. (Vest-pocket aeries Chria- public addreaaea. New York, Seara, Spanish archives. .Washington, D.
tian tracts, vol. l, no. 9, April •1928. c., 1935.
1900) xi~ 142p. .10,p.
The transition, New York, Broad-
HILL, CLAUDEEUGENE, 1874- way pub. co., •1909,
b. Pike county, Ito . , 11 Ja 1874.. 306p, front., plates. HILL, T L
lfhat is self-denial and aaorifioeT
IHping the faith; a book of ser- (In Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord'•
aona cwith an introduction by I. N, day, •1904., pp. 259-263) joint~ aee
lloCaaha St. Louis, Bethany pre11,
.1929. Bowen, T. lf. The 35 parables of
272p. HILL, JOSEPH DETROIT, 1911- Jeau11 the 46 miracles of Jesus.
b. near Joneaboro, Tenn., 23 Jl
The plea for Chriatian unity. 1911.
Birmingham, England, Berean pr•••. HILTON, JOHNlfILLIAlf, 1867-1937.
b, NewYork, N. Y., 27 Mr 1867.
Plea or the Diaciple• of Chriat The llaoedonia Chrietian ohuroh. d. Lincoln, Neb., 8 Ag 1937.
for Christian unity. Lexington, ly., 1938.
6lp. port,., illua. William Prince Ayleawrth. (In
The Rational city Christian church, Brown, J, T., ed. Church•• or Christ,
a nation-wide ministry. (In Inter- 1904, pp. 4.93-494)
national convention, 1938, pp. 286- HILL, OSJl!R C , 1839-1899.
294) b. Orange, 0,, 31 D 1839,
d, Hiawatha, Kana., 30 Je 1899. aHIJIES, JOSHUAVAUGIIAJi,1806-1895.
lfhat the church 111eanato me. (Ia b. North lingaton, R. I., 19 ~
Cory, A. E., ed. Voioea of the sanc- The Columbian reader. Topeka, 1806.
tuary, 1930, pp. 74-88) Kana., G. lf. Crane & co • d. Elk Point, S, D., 27 Jl 1896.
..,. illua.

Bimea - Hinidale

Christian oonnection. (In Brc,,rn, A layman's impressions. Dallas, The art _of study; a manual for
J. R., ed. Encyolopedia of religioua Tex., Printed by Harben-Spotta .oo., teachers and students of the science
knowledge, 1836, pp. 362-364) 1944? and the art of teaching. New York,
c77,p. American bk. co., •l90C'.
introduction -see 266p. illue.
Chairman's message to laymen; Nation-
Campbell, Alexander. Delusions: al chairman'• mesaage; SlaTes, servanta, The business aide of city achool
an analysil of the book of Mormon. and salTation•a freedom. (In Dawaon, systems. New York, Werner school
F. F. The Christian man at work, v. 2, bk. co., •1896.
about 1940, pp. 7-11; v. 3, 1941, pp. 2-4; pp. 258-273.
""· 1, 1939, pp. 56-60) Reprinted from Studies in education.
Dick, E. H. Joahua Vaughan
Himea. (In Dictionary of American Christ and the common people cadr-
biography, Tol. 9, 1932. pp. 60-61) ocHINES, JACOBLEE, 1890- mon~
b. llinerTa, Ky., 26 F 1890.
The discovery of America. A oom-
HINDLE, J C memoration addrea1 deliTered in UniT-
b. The purpose of miraolea. Dalla,, ersity hall, October 21, 1892 .
Tex., Author. cAnn Arbor, Mioh., Publi1hed by the
64p. university, 1892,
Reminiscences. England, Hindle, 3lp,
1923. The word of prophecy. Dallas, At head of titles UniTersity of
40p. Tex., Gospel broadcast. 111oh1gan,

Power in the blood. (In Abilene Ecoleaiaatioal tradition, its

ooHIIIDS, JOHN THOMAS,1867-1938. Christi .an college Bible lectures, origin and early growth; its place in
b. 1928-1929, pp. 139-146) the churohe1; and its value. Cin-
d. Nashville, Tenn., l Ja 1938. oinnati, Standard, 1879.
A commentary on the book of _ReTel- HI!IIHG, C H
ation. Nashville, Gospel adTOoate, b. The eclectic institute; an addre1a
1937~ deliTered at the jubilee or Hiram
--319p. college, June 22, 1900, Ann Arbor,
Preacher'• meetings. Inland press, 1900.
Fire, -ter, holy epirit--whioh? Thomae Holman, n.d. 18p.
Is feeling an eTidence of pardon, Eduoation in the state conatitu-
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation. tion1. 1889?
HINSDALE,ALBERT, 1809-1882. 20p.
Rebuilding the wall• of Jerusalem.. b.
booklet. d. Foreign infiuence · upon education .
in the United States. Wuhington,
Six gospel sermona. Auatin, Tex., Chroniolee of the H1n1dale family. D. c., GOTt. ptg. offioe, 1899.
Firm foundation. Compiled by Albert Hinsdale in the pp. 691-629.
64p. anenty-third year of hi, age. To be
oontinued by thoae who come after him, A general introduction to the
True or T&in worahip, which? cwith a prefatory note by B. A. Hins- oourae1 in the 1oience and the art of
dale, CleTeland, o., J.B. SaT&ge, teaohing. !lote1 or lecture,. .Ann
Use of instrumental muaic in the printer, 1883. Arbor, 111oh,, 1893.
worship of God. Austin, Tex., Firn. 3lp. 19p,
foundation, 1936. At head or titles UniTeraity of
3lp. Kiohigan.
Whioh church did Christ build? b. Wardworth, O., 31 lfr 1837. Th• genuinenaa1 and authenticity ot
4p. -d. Atlanta, Ga., 29 H 1900. the Go1pel11 an argument oonduoted on
hi1torio,-l and oritioal grounda.
·Christ in his kingdom; The C~ a- The Amerioan g0Ter11111ent,national Cinoinnat _i, Bosworth, Chaoe & Hall,
tian -rrare1 Coming to God; Croaa and state. Ann.Arbor, Kioh., Regi ... 1872,
before the Christ; UniTeraal nature ter pub. oo., 1891. 278p,
of Chriatianity; Workmen approTed of Tiii, 422, Xl<Ti, 8p,
God. (In Abilene Chriatian college
Bible leoturea, 1924-1926, pp. 174- , new and reT. ed. Chicago,
St. Loui1, Chri1tian pub.

187; 188-198; 199-207; 166-173; lf.4- Werner 1chool book oo,, •1891, •1895. 276p.
152 I 163-164) TiU, 494p,

!!· ••• --, 2d ed. r,T. Chicago, Wer-

Cinoinnati, Standard.

ner 1ohool book oo., •1891-190Q.

Lipaoomb, _A. B. Around the Lord I a Tii1, 494p. GoTerment or the United State11
table. with Ficklen'• Hiatory and oiTil
--, 4th ed. Rew York, .American g0Ter1111tentot Loui1iana, Rew York,
bk oo., 1905. .Amerioan bk. oo., 1901.
HlliES, HARRY Ti11, 493p,
b. Health in the publio 1ohool11 a
--, 4th ed. Rew York, ·.aaerioan paper read 8etllre the North eaatern
bk. co., •1917, Ohio teaohera• aaaooiation,
!T&ngelhm on the maroh, -nual Tiii, 493p, cCleTelandf, 187-?a
tor laymen·. Dallas, Tex., .Laymen'• 13p.
league, 1946. Arabella ••on Rudolph; her anceatry,
l39p. life, and oharaoter, CleTeland, o., Hir- college. Prepared tor the
J.B. SaT&ge, printer, 1879, "centennial hiatory of education ia
115p. Ohio.• cClenland?, 1878.
Hinsdale - Hinsdale H

Hiram college and her pupils. An The old Northwest ; wi th a vi ew of School s and stud ie s. Bost on, J.
address delivered to the graduating the . 13 ooloniea as con stituted by the R, Osgo od & co ., 1884 .
class, June 21, 1877, with a college Royal Charters. New York, T. MacConn , 362p,
announ c ement. cHiram, O., 18772 1888. .
16p: vi, 440p. fr ont., maps. - -, Syracu s e , N. Y., C. W.
r dee n, 1884.
The history of a great mind, a sur- --, 2d ed. New York, 189 1.
vey of the education and opinions of 2 vol. maps. St udie s i n edueat i on ; sc ien ce, art,
John Stuart Mill. Cincinnati, Bos- Limit~d to 223 co pies. hi sto r y , Chicag o, Wern er sc hool bk.
worth, Chase and Hall, cl874, co . , •1 896.
30p. Old Northwes t ; t he beg inn i ng of our 384p .
Reprinted from Christian quarterly, col onial system, rev. ed, Bosto n,
April 1874. Silver, Burdett and co ,, • 1888 , •1 899 . Teach i ng t he lan guage-arts ; speech,
viii, 430p , front . , maps . r ea din g, compositi on. New York,
The history of popular educ ation on Appl et on , 1896 .
the western reserve. An address de- Our common s chool edu ca tio n ; with a xxv , 205p . (International educa-
livered in the series of educational di gress i on on t he coll ege course. Pub- t i on serie s )
conferences held in Assooiati on hall, lish ed by order of t he North-eas t ern
September 7 and 8th, 1896. Ohio t ea chers' associati on. Cl eve- --.
•1 896 .
New York, Appleton, 1899,
l and, 0,, Rob i ns on, Sava ge & co . ,
pp. 35-58. pri nters, 1877. . xxv, 213p, (International educa-
3Bp . . tion series)
A history of the Disciple• in Hiram, For an a nswer to t his see Rick off,
Porta ge county, Ohio. A discussion A, J , Pa st and present of common --, with comments by Mrs , Sarah
delivered to the church, Sunday, March scho ol education. E. Tarn ey-Co.mpbell for the spec ial use
26, 1876. of the Indiana teachers ' read i ng c ir-
Our common school s : a fuller state- cl e , New Yor k, Ap pleto n, 1897, • 1896,
History of the University of ment of the views set f~rth in the •1 397.
Kichigan ••• with biographical sketches pamphlet entitled "Our common-school XX V , c 78, 213p • ( India na re ading
of r egents and members of the .Univer- edµcation", with . especial reference to cir c le ed.)
1ity senate from 1837 to 1906, ed. by the reply of superintendent A. J. · The comments are on pa ges inser t ed
Isaac N. De111non. Ann Arbor, Pub- Rickoff, Cleveland, 0,, Cobb, And- at the end of chapter,.
lished by the university, 1906. rews & co., 1878.
• xiii, 376p, illus., port,. · 72p. The theoretical and c ritical and
the practi cal courses in teaching
Horace Mann and the common school Peda gogi cal chairs in colleges, gi ven in the University of Michi gan.
revival in the United States , N- Syracuse, N, Y,, C. W. Bardeen, 1889. Te rms defined an d rela t ions stated,
York, Scribner, 1898. llp. Notes of preliminary lectures, .Ann
vii, 326p, (Great educators) Arbor, Mich,, Reg ister pub. co., n.d.
Pre1ident Eliot on popular educa- 12p.
London, 18 98. tion. A paper read before the phi loso-
phical so c iety and the political scien ce Training for citizenship; sugges-
--, centennial ed. N- York, association of the Universitv of Michi- ti ons on teachin g civi c s. · Chica go,
Scribner, 1937, •1898, •1937. gan, January 19, and before t he Pr i n- Werner s chool bk, co,, •1 897.
xi, 326p. (Great educators) cipals' association of the city of 64p. (Werner pedagogical book-
Chicago, February 4, 1893. lets)
How to study and teach history with ,Chicago, 1893,
particular reference to the hi1tory of 12p, The trainin g of teachers. Albany,
the United States. Nn York, Apple- N, Y., J , B. Lyon co., 1900.
ton, 1894. President Eliot on publi c-school 49p , (Monograp hs on education in
xxi11, 346p, (International problems. An address delivered before the United States, no. 8)
education aerie•) the Michi gan state tea chers' ass ocia-
Jesus as a teacher and the making
tion, De""mber, 1885. Repeated bef ore
the Connecticut state teachers' assoc- 1911,
--. New York, American bk. co.,

of the New Testament.

pub, co., 1895.
St. Louis, iation, November 1886.
Plain dealer pub. co., 1886,
Cleveland, O.,

The un i ver s ity of Michi gan as a

constitutional institution . .Ann
The Jewish-Christian church: a President Garfield and education, A rbor, n.d.
monograph. Cincinnati, Standard, Hiram college memorial, Boston, Jas. ll p .
1878. R, Osgood & co,, 1882, •1881.
lllp. 433p. front., plates, ports, The Western liter .ary institute and
colle ge of professional teachers.
The life
and character
.New York?,
of Jame• A.
St, Loui1, John Burns. Washington, Govt. pt g . office,
pp . 707-7 45,

President Haye1'1 southern poli cy, The coloasal-man theory of educa-
Life and character of James A. Gar- An address delivered in the Town hall, tion . (In National Herbart society,
field , Cleveland, J.B. Savage. Hiram, O., Tuesday evening, Septem ber 2d year book, 1896, pp. 117-125)
14p. 25, 1877,
32p. The esta bliahment of the first
Objects to be aought in teaching southern boundary of the United States.
Engliah grammar, .Ann Arbor, Mich., President James A. Garfield; remark, (In American historical asaooiation.
18--? • at !!1rai:, memorial. 1881, Annual report for 1893, pp. 329-366)
26p. pamphlet.
At head of title: University of The first oiroumnavigation of the
Michigan. The Republican text-book for the cam- earth. (In Ohio archaeological and
paign of 1880. A· full history of Gen- historical quarterl y, 1888, pp. 164-
eral James A. Garfield's public life, 169)
with other political information,
Nn York, Appleton, 1880.
H Hinsdale - Hobba

The history of popular education Archaeological atlas of Michigan. Does every peraon have a right to
on the \Vestern Reserve. An address Ann_Arbor, University of Michigan press his own belief? Wichita, Kans,,
de livered in the series of educational 1931, Christian worker pub. co., n.d,
conferences held in Association hall, 40p, (University muse\J!ns. Mich- 16p,
Cleveland, September 7 and 8, 1896. i gan handbook series, no. 4)
( In Ohio archaeological and historical How to understand the Bible,
quarterly, 1898, pp . 35-58) Distribution of the aboriginal pop- Wichita, Kans,, Christian worker pub.
ulation of Michigan. Ann Arbor, co., n.d.
The real l&>nroe doctrine. (In University of Michigan press, 1932. • 16p.
Michigan political science association. 35p. (ll.tseum of anthropology.
Pub lications, v. 2, no. 3, 1896, pp. ·Occasional contributions, no, 2) Is it right to dance? Wichita,
1-19) Kans., Christian worker pub, co., n.d,
The first people of Michigan. l6p.
The right of discovery. (In Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich., B, Wahr, •1930.
archaeological and historical quarterly, 178p. front., illus, Things morally right but religious-
1889, pp. 349-379) ly wrong. Wiohita, Kans., Christian
The Indiana of Washtenaw county, worker pub. co., n.d.
The sale of the Western reserve. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich., G, 16p.
(In Ohio archaeological and historical Wahr, •1927.
quarterly, 1889, pp. 475-487) 68p. illua, Why others use instrumental music
in worship. Wichita, Kans., Chris-
Three important documents relating Primitive man in Michigan. Ann tian worker pub. co., n.d.
to western land cessions. (In Ohio Arbor, Mich., University of Michigan l6p,
archaeological and historical quarter- press, 1926.
ly, 1889, pp. 276-288) xii, 194p, (Michigan handbook Why we do not aee the Bible alike,
aeries no. l) Wichita, Kans., Christian worker pub,
The western land policy of the co., n.d.
British government from 1763-1775. with GREENMAN,
E. F. 16p.
(In Ohio archaeological and historical
quarterly, 1888, pp. 207-229) Perforated Indian crania in Michi- Unity, Wichita, Kans., Chris-
gan. Ann Arbor, Mich., University tian worker -pub, co,, n.d.
with BARNARD,J. U. of Michigan presa, 1936, 16p.
l5p. (16Jseum of anthropology,
History and oirll government of Occasional contributions, no, 5)
llissouri, rev. ed. Chicago, 1896, HOBBS, ALVIN INGALS, 1834--1894,
b. Crose Plains, Ind., 13 Mr 1834,
with HINSDALE, MARYLOUISE, HITES, LAIRD THOMAS, d. Des Moines, Ia., My 1894,
History and civil government of d. Ap and plea of the Diaciplea.
Ohio by B. A. Hinsdale and Mary L.
Hinsdale ••• and the government of the The effective Christian college. Instantaneous converaion. Cin-
United States, Chicago, Werner New York, Macmillan, 1929, cinnati, Standard.
achool bk, co,, •1896. 259p,
36Bp. front., illu1. Our religious position. n.p.,
Waye of uaing the di1cus1ion method n.d.
History and civil government of with adult cla11e1. St. Lo\11.a, 22p.
Pennaylvania, ·by B, A. Hinadale and Chriatian board, •1930,
Mary L. Hinsdale •• ,and the government 9p. (Bethany church school guide Philosophy of getting religion,
of the Unit,d State, by B. A. Hinsdale, reprints no. l) Cincinnati, Bosworth, Chaae & Hall,
Chicago, Werner achool bk. co., •1899. 1873,
365p. front., illua, 16p. (Christian tracts)
HOAR, GEORGEFRISBIE, 1826-1904, Republiahed from Chriatian quar-
comp. b. Concord, Maas,, 9 Ag 1826, terly.
d, 3 S 1904.
Topics in the educational history St. Louie, Christian pub,
of the United Statea, Ann Arbor, Eulogy upon the life, character co,
Kioh,, Inland pre11, 18--? and public 1errloe1 of Jamee Abram Gar-
4Bp, field,.,delivered at the invitation of Why am I a Diaciple? Cincinnati,
the City council of the city of Wor- Standard,
ed. oeater, Mase., in Mechanics hall, ••
December 30, 1881,,, Worcester, St, Louie, Chriatian pub,
Garfield, J. A. Work,. Mass., Pre11 of Charle• Hamilton, 1882, oo.
about Converaion--what 11 it, and how
James Abram Garfield, cAddre11 de- produced? (In Garriaon, J. H., ed,
Benton, E. J, Burke Aaron Hins- livered at Worceater, Maas., December The old faith restated, 1891, pp, 254-
dale. (In Dictionary of American 30, 1881, Boston, Houghton, 1882, 274)
biography, vol, 9, 1932, pp. 66-67) 44p. front, (ports,)
Eccleaiastic polity. (In llt.thei,
The Islander, student literary J.M., ed, The Weatern preacher, vol,
magasine, University of Michigan, ocHOBBS, A G • JR. 1, 1865, pp, 84--106); (In Sweeney, z.
January 1901 (devoted to BAH) b, T,, ed. New Testament Chriatianity,
1930, vol. 3, pp, 523-660)

HiliSDALE, WILBERTB , 1851- The church that Je1u1 built, The origin of Christianity, (In
b, Wadsworth, o., 25 My 1851, Wichita, Kans,, Chriatian worker pub, Thornton, E. W., ed. Lord'• da;r wor-
oo •• n.d. 1hip aervicea, •1930, pp. 59-62)

Hobbs - Holliday H

Saul ot Tarsus ca pl ay, Cinoin-

debate with KING, W.W.
A history of the Indianapolis
lunch association.
nati, Standard, 1918.
Theological diacuaaion held at Dea
lt>inee, June 22, 1868, reported by J. HOFFMAN,GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS,1847-1937. Tinker Bob.
L. Mccreery. Dee Moines, Ja. ,' Mills b. Germany, 31 Ag 1847.
and co., 1868. d. Bloomfield, Mo., 13 D 1937, How should I use the Bible? (I n
2-l7p. Humbert, H. F., ed. Religio~ is
The act of baptism. Cincinnati, reality, •1942, pp, 39-42)
A. C. M. S., n.d.
d. Life's greatest question answered. b.
Indianapolis, u. C. M. s., .1929,
Trouble• or the Beanville church. 4p.
St. Louis, Chriatian pub. 00. The challenge or an un-Christian
3-lp. The Lord'• supper. America to the local church, (In
International convention, 1938, pp.
Jliniatera' paatoral record and 338-343)
W DON memorandum, vest pocket ed. St,
b. Louis, Christian pub, 00. joint~ see
E. R. Moon. Spying out Congo
The estensive northwest; The prayer Mission works and organizations. land,
or Jabez. (In Abilene Christian St. Louie, Christian board.
college Bible lecture .a, 1937, pp. 108-
1101 1926-1927, pp. 278-287) Order and spirit in public worship; HOLLAND,EDll'ARD
a short treatise on the work and wor-
ship of the Lord's day. St. Louis, .sermons on Man with a hoe,
HOCKER,LAMAR Christian pub. co., n.d,
b. 17p.
Statistical report. n,p., Hart- b.
Youth and God. (In Brite college ford co., 1906. d. Canadaigna, N, Y., 13 D 1878.
or the Bible. Sermons, vol, 1, 1937, 8p,
pp. 23-2") Christian name.
What shall I do to be saved? Cin-
cinnati, A. C. M. s. Memoir or Rev. Joseph Badger, 3d
ooHOCOTT,CLAUDER ed. N- York, C. s. Francis &
b. --. St, Louis, Christian board . co., 1854, •1853.
473p. front. (port.)
lfho should be baptised? St, Louie, ,
In the beginning--God. Nashville, Chriatian board. --, 4th ed. New York, C. s.
World vision. Francia & co; Boston, B. H. Greene,
(Tract no. 1) Why be baptized? St, Louis, 1854.
Christian board. 473p. front. (port,)

MRS. E It Churches of Christ in Kl.aaouri, Magr& and other poems. N- York,
b. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches or Rudd and Carleton, 1861.
Chri1t, 1904, pp. 257-261) 170p.

Promotion day program, and activi- Jamea Harvey Garrison. (In Brown,
ties for the young people'• divi1ion J. T., dtl. Churche• or Christ, 1904, oHOLLAND,ROBERTHCMELL,1819-1908,
or the Sunday school. St. Louia, PP. 449-450) b. Nanaemond county, Va., 16 0
Christian board, •1921. 1819,
"8p. d. Holland, Va., 9 N 1908,
ccHOGAN,R N , 1902-
b. Monroe county, Ark., 30 N 1902. joint comp, •••
b. Wellen•, J. W. Life and labors
d. Sermons by Hogan. Austin, Tex., or William Brook Wellons.
Ftrm foundation, •1940.
John Locke and formal discipline ••• 245p. ports,
Lynchburg, Va., J.P. Bell oo., inc., HOLLETT,WILLIAMM , 1859-1922,
printer• and binder•, 1911. b. , Ia., 6 Ap 1859.
E d. Rocky Ford, Colo., 16 Ja 1922,
Theeia, Ph.D., University or
Virginia, 1911. The book of a lifetime. ~Chicago, How to live. (In Brokaw, G. L.,
H. H. Halley, 1944, ed. Doctrine and life, 1898, pp . 80-91)
The plea and the pioneer• in Vir- c6,p. folder, ports.
ginia, a hhtoJ7 ot the riaa and early Reprinted from Sunday magazine, ·•bout see
progre•• ot the Diaoiplea ot Christ in September 1944.
Virginia, with biographical aketohea Wood, M. E. W, M, Hollett.
ot the . pioneer preachers, Richmond,
Va., Everett Waddey oo., 1906, HOLCOMB,CARLYSLEHENRY,
279p, tront, b, Ashtabula county, O., HOLLIDAY,FERNANDEZ
C , 1814-

HODGES, (HASTINGS) (Jrr1, Cur- By this I conquer. Cynthiana, Ky., Campbelliam exposed,
th A. Hodges), -1941, Hobson book preaa, 1946.
b, viii, l53p.
d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 27 Jl 1941
H Hollingworth - Holt

EVERETT,1871- Rev. D. Cole, D. D., of the Refoi:mer Texaa, 1917-26, .introductory by
b. Freeport, Penn., 22 Ap 1871. church, Yonkers, N. Y., and Thoma• Claude L. Jone•, St. Louis, Chris-
Holman's tract distribution, with an tian board, •1926,
appendix on the origin of sprinkling 172p.
Fragments cPOfflllS, Columbia, s. and pouring. (In Doctrinal and
c., State co., 1904. practical tracta, 1876, vol. 2, pp. Texas miaaiona enlarging. (In
92p. 177-228) McPherson, Chalmers. Diaciplea or
Chriat in Texas, 1920, pp. 56-63)

b. Cincinnati, o., 6 lly 1872. oHOLllES, THOlfA.S,
with NORJfAN,HARRY, b.
Five fe.moua 141ssourians ••• with Backward ghildren. Indianapoli••
introduction• by ••• Clwnp Clark ••• Bobbs, •1915. The kingdom of GedJ studies from
Kansas City, Mo., Hudson-Kimberly pub. 247p. (Childhood and youth the vi- point of "our Father",
00 •• 1900. aeries) Dayton, o., Christian pub. aaaooia-
386p. front., ports. tion, 1912.
Content• include: Champ Clark, The conaerTation of the child, a 314p. front. (port,)
pp. 173-261. manual of cl _inical paychology present-
ing the examination and treatment of
back-ward children. Philadelphia, HOLSAPPLE,JOHll 1fRIGHT, 1854-
H B Lippincott, •1912. b. Callowey county, Ky., 6 S 1864,
b. 245p. plates.

Decay of rationalism... Phila- Autobiography of an octogenarian.

Statement of the fraternal delegate delphia, 1910. .Temple, Tex., Author, 1938, ·
to Great Britain. (In International c47,p. l66p. front. (port.)
convention, 1934, pp. 204-206) Thesia, Ph.D., University or
Pennsylvania. Timely rhymea. .Temple, Tex,,
Author, •1932,
J C The lllind of St. Paul; a psycholo- .00,p. front. (port.)
b. gical atudy. •- York, llaolllillan,
1929. joint~ aee
Our distinctive plea. Cinoin- Hall, c. D. Ordinances or the
nati, Rowe. Prinoiplea of character -king. N- Teatament church.
pamphlet. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1913,
336p. (Lippincott educational
aerie a) HOLSIIAN,HENRYK , 1866-
LORD b. Dale, Ia., 3 Jl 1866,
b. The Bible · and aoience. (In
Thornton, E. 1f., ed. Lord'• day wor-
ahip aervioea, •1930, pp. 311-314) · Rehabilitating blighted area•.
Revelation revealed; a acientifio
exposition of the book of Revelation. lloral aspecta or phyaioal education. The architecture ot a fr•• ohurch.
Cincinnati, Standard, 19--7 (In N. E. A. Addreaaea and proceedings, (In Garrison, 1f. E., ed. Fai~h of
v. front. (port.) 1921, pp. 518-619) the free, 1940, pp. 177-188)

The religioua value of science.

HOLLCWAY, PERRYD - , 186-l-1933. (In Willett, H. L., ed. Progresi. HOLT, BASIL FENELON, 1902-
b. near Millard, lie., 12 Ag 1854. Anniversary volume of the Campbell b. Umtata, Union of South Africa,
d. )(ilton, Ia., 3 Jl 1933. inatitute, 1917, pp'. 267-291) 10 0 1902.

The true dignity of man. (In A theory of Chriatian education, an

Brokaw, G. L., ed. Doctrine and life education day addreaa. (In Thornton, Baptism.,. Cincinnati, Standard,
by Io- writer•, 1898, pp. 9-i-109) E. 1f., ed. Special sermons for •1932.
apeoial oooaaiona, 1921, pp, 161-182) l6p.
about aee
with LIPPERT, FRil!:DA! Bapti11111
and the r•i••ion or ains.
Grow, J. A. P. D. Hollowey. Johannesburg, South Africa, .Author,
When to aend for the doctor and 1929,
what to do before the doctor coaea, 16p.
HOLMAN,SILEl'IA11:>0RE,1850- Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1913,
b. near Decherd, Tenn., 9 Jl 1850. 266p. Chriatian nurture, practical atudiea
d. in the development ot Christian lite.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1943.
T. B. Larimore. (In Brown, J. T., HOLDS, J B ., 1871- , 127p,
ed. Churohea or Chriat, 1904, . pp. 476- b. Holmes Station, Ind,, 17 F 1871,
476) An hour with General Debbie. Grand
Rapids, Kich., Zondervan pub. houae,
Arguments in favor or the aaloon, •1946.
HOIJIAB,THOMAS an addreaa delivered at the Y. K. c. A. .30.p.
b. and repeated by request at the Firat
d. Chriatian church, Bea11111ont,Texaa, Jehovah'• witneaaea, or Ruaaelliam
January 26, 1908. refuted. Cincinnati, Standard, •1939.
Prophecy vindicated by Volney. 16p. 27p.
(In Sweeney, z. T. , ed. Bew Testament
Chriatianity, 1926, vol. 2, pp. 319- Financing the kingdom1 for churchea Old Teatament typea or•- Teataaent
339) of Chriat (Chriatian ohurohea) in Chriatiana, meaaagea iaaued from Winona
echoes 1939. Grand Rapida, Zondervan,
· 163
Holt - Hoover H

Viaiona from the Vaal; aermona and '.l'he principles of marketing. New ,oHOOD, BILLY H
addre1sea c'lrith an introduction by York, Crowell, •1936. b.
Harold E. Knott, Cincinnati, Stan- viii, 694p. illus.
dard, •1929.
204p. Radio credit 1alea in 11:anaas. introduction see
Lawrence, 11:ana., Sohool of busines1,
What time ia it? the second coming University of Kanaaa, 1927. Hunton, P. s. Twenty sermons
of Christ and the aigna cf the times, 26p. from The sermon on the mount.
with introduction by William E. Bieder-
wolf. Cincinnati, Standard, •1936. with GUTHRIE,G. L.
239p. HOOK,DANIEL, 1795-1878?
Chambers of oonunerce in Kanaaa. b. Point of Rooks, Md., 6 Ap 1796.
Will Christ be the next world-Icing? Lawrence, Kana., Sohool of business, d.
A talk with the man in the street. University of 11:&nsas, 1926.
Overport, Durban, South Africa, llis- 38p •. A tract in ' reply to an attack of
aion preaa, .1926, Rev. llr, Myaio. 1857.
3lp. with LOVITT, W. V.
The mathematics or business. Nff ,cHOOIER, HARBERTD , 1903-
coHOLT, C E Torie, Appleton, 1926. b. Lockney, Tex., 11 Ag· l903.
b. xiii, 246p.

--, 2d ed. Bew York, Appleton, Blackboard oharta and sermon out-
Chri1t•a prayer for unity. (In 1932. lines. Poplar Bluff, )lo., Author.
Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior'• prayer xiii, 279p. 3v.
tor unity, 1918, pp. 77-81)
Statistics. Nff York, Prentice- Youth, marriage and divorce.
Hall, 1929.
coHOLT, EDD, 1908- xi, 304p.
b. Veto, Ala., 11 0 1906. HOOl'l!All,GEORGE WARREN,1861-1941.
with OTHERS. b. near Hickaville, o., 29 Jl
Short sermons for way faring men. Camp reader tor .u.rioan soldiers. d. Minneapolis, Minn., 12 F 1941.
Port Arthur, Tex., Author, 1939.
82p. • •• Bible studies, including numer-
HOIIAN,W JC , 1847-1908. ous original observations, and exten-
Spiritual thing• with 1piritual b. , 14 Ag 1847. sive, compiled Bible testimony bearing
words. Port Arthur, Tex., Author, d. 1906. on important matters in education and
1946? human conduct. Minneapolis, Author,
ll9p. '.l'he ohuroh on trial, or the old 1934.
faith vindicated. A report or the ll6p. (Writing• of a roadman,
trial or the celebrated oaae or the v. 4)
HOLt, 'IVANLEE, 1888- • (Jlethodi4t) First Christian churoh of JlcGregor,
Texas, vs. R. II. Peaoe and others, A collection or selected letter,
Rext 1tepa in protestant union. involving the question, which of two and poems from the author's writing,,
(In International convention, 1941, claimant, con1titute the Christian some of which first appeared in the
pp. 26'-2~8) church and are entitled to the church Woodford county republican, Eureka,
property. &nbracing a olear atat-nt Ill •••• vol. 2. Eureka, Ill.,
of the doctrinal poaition and funda- Woodford county republican, 1913.
ccBOLTOII,ARTHURR mental principle• or th• religiou1 body l4lp.
b. known u the Disciple• ·of Chri1t, or Cover title, The writing• of a
Christiana, and a full preaentation or roadman, v. 2.
the law b_,,.ring upon the title to the
The world aa the subject or redemp- ohuroh property. Dallas, Tex., A. Remark• wise and otherwise, by a
tion. (In Abilene Chriatian college D. Aldridge & oo., 1900. modern Gideon.
Bible leoturea, 1919, pp. 67-81) l48p. booklet.
Short nature alcetohea for children
HOLTOII,JOIIB II , 1799-1886. HONEYWELL, ALBERTALPHEUS,1872-1943. and young people. llinneapolia,
b. , 29 0 1799. b. Randolph, O., 26 Ap 1872. Educational teat bureau, 1934.
d. , 23 llr 1866. d. Indianapolis, Ind., 11 S 1943. 92p. illus.

about .aee Dowie and Dowiei•. • rev. and enl. llinneapolia,

pamphlet. Author, 1936.
Cason, W. s. and other•. A
1ouvenir hi1tory of the Christian The Honeywell plan,, 4th ed.
churoh or Cynthiana, 11:y. Indianapoli1, Author, •1925. l!OOVER, E B
l76p. tront. (port.) illus., plane. b.

IIE!IRYFULLIR, l89S- --, 6th ed. Indianapoli1,
b. Vineyard, Arie., 18 Je 1893. Author, •1930. Should a aiaaionary go, or be aentt
96p. tront. (port.) illu1., plane. (In llurfree1boro,addre11e1, 1917, pp.
Agricultural -rlceting. Rn Torie, The Honeywell plana tor modern and
Ronald pre11, •1931. moderata prioed church and Sunday 1chool .
xi, 4211p. building•, book~. 11:okomo,Ind., HOOVER,GUYISRAEL, 1872-1943.
The A. A. Honeywell oo., •1918. b. Croton, o., 12 N 1872.
A11ooiation -nageMnt1 organisa- v. front. (port.) illua. d. Indianapolia, Ind., 10 F 1943.
tion and operating ot civio and oca-
-roial bodie1. Rn Torie, Ronald An abbreviated history or the Di1-
preu, •1929. oiple1 or Chriat in Indiana. 1916.
v, 106p.
H Hoover - Bopper

The Disciple•
of Christ and their
work in Indiana. Ind-
(In Reagan, J. S,
sketches of Chriatian · churchea
introduction ...
ianapolis, Butler college , 1916. in Hendrick• county, Indiana, pp. 34-37) ' Jordan, R. L. Two races ~none
cl6,p. (Butler college bulletin, fellowship.
vol. 5, no. 1, September 1916)
HOPKINS, JAMESALVA, 1856-1928, contributed to
The history, genius and service of b. near Smithfield, o., 6 D 1856.
the Board of Education, Disciple• of d. 13 Jl 1928. Bower, W. C, The Disciples and
Christ. Indianapolis, Board of edu- religious education.
cation, Disciples of Christ, n.d. Churches of Chriat in Maryland.
cl6,p. (In Bro,rn, J. T., ed. Churches of
Christ, 1904, pp. 243-246) HOPKINS, WILLIAM 11' -1916.
Indiana for Christ ••• Christ for the b.
world. Indianapolis, Indiana Chris- about see d,
tian missionary society, 1930.
• 12,p. ll'est, J. W. Sketches of our Bible pl&n of salvation • st.
mountain pioneers. Louis, Christian board. ·
The state association and kingdom 2 vol.
building. 1928.
HOPKINS, LOUIS ALLEN, 1881- Church a neoeasity. St. Louis,
What haa the board of education b. Danville, Ind,, 9 My 1881. Christian board.
done? Indianapolia, Board of edu-
cation, n.d. Gospel tracts, no•a. land 2.
c4:ap. Elements of analytic geometry. St. Louis, Christian pub. co.
1916. 2 vol;
Christ'• answer to life's greateat
question. (In Book, ff. H., · ed. On the theory of the motion of the Harm of the dance. St. Louis,
The Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 34-62) s-11 planets with a periodic orbit Christian board.
for the Hilda type. Chicago, Univer-
The revival of Pentecoat. (In sity of Chicago libraries, 1916. Public and private right•. st.
Thornton, E. w., ed. Lord's day wor- 19p, Louis, Chriatian pub. co., 1900,
ship services, •1930. pp. 149-152) Thesis, Ph.D., University of 64p.
Chico.go, 1915.
The law of apiritual interaction.
HOOVER,SAllJEL A , 1840-1929. with ZIMET, ALEXANDER. (In The lliasouri Christian lectures,
b. vol, 6, 1892, pp. 210-233)
d. Clarksville, Ark., 1929. Analytic geometry and principles of
algebra. 1913.
Economic notes on eome of the grass- HOPPER, MYRON TAGGART,1903-
es of southwest llisaouri. Columbia, b. Na1hville, Ind., 11 0 1903,
Mo., 1903. HOPKINS, MILTONB , 1821-1874,
l5p. illus. (Kisaouri state board b. Nichole county, Ky., 4 Ap 1821,
of agriculture. Monthly bulletin, Nov. d. Kokomo, Ind,, 16 Ag 1874. The Christian youth fello,rship,
1903, v. iii, no. 8) general -nual, produced by the
Paul'• allergy ••• Cincinnati, B. Division of Christian education,
ll'inds whioh affect the climate of Franklin, 1856, United Chriatian miasionary aociety,
North Amerio&. 30p. St. Louis, Christian board, •1939.
• 8.p. 64p •
A aermon on Luke 24, 46,47. Cin-
Temptation, skeleton sermon. (In cinnati, B. Franklin, n,d. Chri1tua Viator, sugge1tiona for
Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathist, 29p. the morning -tch, 1940. cDisoiplea
1877, pp. 277-278) of Christ young peoples conferences,
Hagar and Sarah--an allegory. 16p.
(In Sweeney, z. T,, ed. Hew Teetament
ooHOPE, B G Chriatianity, 1923, vol. l, pp. 86-108) Young people• work in Protestant
b. churchea in the United Statea.
cChioago. 1941.
HOPKINS, 0 H 260-283p.
joint author see b. Part of theaia, Ph.D., Univer-
aity of Chicago, 1938,
Douthitt, C. B. Topical Bible "Private edition, diatributed by
atudiea. "Jimmie" H. Johnston. (In ll'est, the Univeraity of Chicago librarie•".
J. 11'., ed. Sketohe1 of our mountain
pioneers, 1939, pp. 126-126) Youth facea the world. (In
ALVA, 1843-1918. International convention, 1936, pp.
b. 230-240)
b. Trenton, Ky., 12 Jl 1878.
The life of Clinton Bowen Fiak HOPPER, IWIBIE E
with a brief sketch of John A. Brooks. b.
Bew York, Funk & Wagnalla, 1888. Some scenes from the Holy Land.
x, 295p. front. (port.) port. .Cincinnati?, A. C. M. S.t. n.d,
Life of John Anderson Brooks, pp. c4op. illua, Come over &nd help ua. Indiana-
267-296. polia, C. 11'. B. M., 1914,
The department .Sunday school. leaflet.
through two decades. (In Interna-
T tional convention, 1936, pp, 117-121)
b. BOPPER, R A , 1834-
b. near llilleraburg, Ky., 1834,

lopper - Boughton H

Bible . annera tor earnest inquirers. HORB, ROBERTCABMOM, 1844-1936. DiTine authority f or obaerTing the
Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. b. Hunter'• Point, Tenn., 26 Ap Lord'• day, (In Biographical aketeh
4p, 1844, and writings of elder Benjamin Franklin
d, Jlclinney, Tex,, 7 llr 1936. written and compiled by John F. Rowe,
1881, pp. 282-292)
HOPPER,REX DEVERB,1898- The annal• of elder Hern, early lita 1
b, MaahTille, Ind,, 4 Jl 1898, in the southwest, arranged by John I Sacred time, (In llathea, J, II.,
Wilsen Bowyer and Claude Harrison ed. The western preacher, TOl , l,
Thur•n. MewYork, R, R. Smith, 1930i 1865, pp. 185-196)
Vocational guidance, Tiii, 225p, front, (port,) 1

IIRS. F A Jlosheim's church history of the
first two centuries (Maclaine'i trans-
HOPSON,!LI.A (LORD) (Mrs. Winthrop The family album of the Christian lation) in whioh th&- riae, progress,
Hartle)' Hopson), church•• of lan1as City and Jackson and Tariationa of church power are
b, county. .1an1aa City. Rush-Reilly considered in their connection with
d. co •• 1937. the state• of learning and philosophy,
108p. ports., illus, and the political history ot Europe
llemoira otWinthrop Hartly Hopaon, during that period, Cambridge
ed, by hie wite. Cinoinnati, Stan- City, Ind., Published by S. I. Hoshour;
dard, 1887. HORJIER,C B Kilton, Ia,, Printed by c. B. Bentley,
xiii, 239p, tront. (port.) b. 1847.
d. .204.p,
Winthrop H, Hopaon. (In Brown,
J. T,, ed, Church•• ct ~ri1t, 1904, Bight and day of mystery and reTel- about
pp, 452-453) ation1 or, the unfolding ot truth in
Je1us, St. Louie, John Burn•, 1883 0
Starr, H, E. Suuel Klinefelter
~• IH
Boahour. (In Dictionary of American
The real and ideal in religion, or biography, TOl. 9, 1932, pp, 240-241)
Hopaon, W, H. Ser1110na. ayate,u of faith and eight. St,
Louis, John Burn•, 1883? about aee

HOPSON,WINTHROP HARTLY,182~1889 0 Scriptural sanctification Tersu1, lladison , Biographical

b. Christian county, Ky•• 26 Ap Pharisaical perfection, St, Louie, aketchea of the pioneer preacher• of
1823. John Burns, 1883, Indiana,
d, 20 Ap 1889. Tiera, II , C. The Christian por-
trait gallery.
Sermon,, with tugitiTe piecea, HOSHOUR,SAJIJELKLIBEFELTER,180~1883,
note1, etc, by Kra, Ella L. Hop1on. b. York, Penn,, 9 D 1803,
Cincinnati, Standard, 1889. d, ooHOSKIMS,ISAACC
xi, 195p. porta. b,
Alti1onant letters. aee
Baptiam eaaential to aalTation. Letter• to Squire Pedant.
_(In Jfdore, W. T,, ed, The liTing Our SaTior'• pr~yer tor unity.
pulpit ot the Chriatian church, 1867, Autobiography; with an introduction (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Sartor'•
pp. 279-301) by I1aac Errett and an appendix by prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 82-85)
Ryland T. Brown, St, Louie, John
about aee Burne, 1884.
233p. tront. (port,) port, HOSTETLER,JOSEPH, 1797-1870,
Haley, J. J. llakera and molder• b, Shelby county, ly •• 27 F 1797,
ot the reformation 1110Teent, Letter• to 'squire pedant, in the d.
Hop1on, !, L, Winthrop H. Hopaon. Baat, by-4(.orenao Altisonant, an -1-
Hopson, E. L. Hemoirs ot Win- grant to the we1t, for the benefit ot Calumnies refuted, .Pa111phlet in
throp Hartly Hopaon, the inquhitiTa young, by a lonr of reply to C•pbelliaa npoaed by F. C,
Jloore, W, T. The liTing pulpit the studiou1, 2d ed., enl, and improTed, Holliday, (llethodiat).
ot the Chriatian church. Cincinnati, 1850,
x, ll-120p. about 1ea
CoTer title, Altiaonant letter•.
HOPWOOD, JOSEP!lUS, 18~1935. !Tana, Jladiaon, Biographical
b, llontgomer:, county, ly •• 18 Ap --. 4th ed., enl, and iaproTed. sketohea ct the pionNr preaohars ot
1843. Indiampolia, Printing and pub. houae, Indiana.
4. Villigan oollege, Tenn., 27 Ja 1870.
1935. xiii, cl5.-l63p,
coHOOC~, HOYTH , 11118-
A journe:, through the y,,ara; an ObaerT&tiona and notea by the way, b. Cordell, Okla,, 28 D 1918,
autobiography. St~ Louie, Bethan:, on thing• Baat ot the mountain• oolleo-
preu, 1932. ted froa the A, C. ReTiew, . with aoae
206p, front. (port.) plate • . •endationa, Indianapolia, July 1867, The infallibly aafa ooursa,
Indiampolia, Dougla•• & Conner, Jour- Glendale, Calif,, Church ot Chriat,
Abingdon oollag• a, I aaw it, nal ottica, printer•, 1867. n.d,
(In Dickin1on, E. J,, ed. Histor7 ot 64p, .s.p, toldar,
&lreka college, 1894, pp. 326-335) .
Th• puulad Duto~. (Soaetiaea
about aM erroneoualy attributed to Jonaa Hart- HOUOHTOB,WALTERRAL!IOH, 1845-1929,
aall) b. DaTiau oounty, Ind ; , 1845,
Burle1on, Chriatina. JOHphua d. Riohaond, Ind,, 2, Ja 1929.
Hopwood. Detanae ot the faith, akeleton aer-
aon, (In Cory,•. I., ad, !ha pol:,- Conapaotua of the hiator:, ot poli•
-thiat, 1877, pp, 329-330) tioal partiea and the federal goTarn-
Hnt. Indianapolia, Granger, Davia
& 00,, 1880,
Blip, illus,
H !loughton - !Ion

Indianapolia, Granger, joint comp, aee ccHO'lfARD,V E

Davia & co., 1880. b,
c30op. illua. Craig, Mamie. "Leet we forget• .
C 19260
Syracuse, B. Y., c. lf. Ia the church of Christ a denomin-
Bardeen. ati on? Series of radio sermons, an
HOVEii,VICTOREIWiUEL, 1871- appendix, the -ges of ain, review or
Early lite and public career ot b. radio sermon by the author. Delight,
Hon. J811leeG. Blaine, patriot, atatea- Ark,, Goepel light pub. co,, 1939,
man and historian,,,inoluding a bio- 55p. port. ·
graphy of Gen'l, John A, Logan, and The purpoae and progreaa in prophecy )
aabraolng a hlatory or the prinoiplea Eugene, Ore., E, B. O. preae, 1930. Unity of the church. (In Abilene
and achieveaenta ot the Republican .14.
203p, Christian college Bible lectures,
1940, pp. 287-305)
party, with platfonna ot both partiee
froa 1856 and other valuable politi- Shadow and substance, St. Louie,
cal dooumenta... Lincoln, Ieb,, Bethany preaa, •1934.
Interor pub, oo,, 1884, xix, l83p. front. (port.) illus, HOWE,HENRY,1811-1868,
576p·. front,, plates, porta. b. , 0,, 11 Ap 1811,
d, , Wia,, l4y 1868,
Growth ot geographical aoienoe. HOWARD,
b. Diary _o_t a circuit rider; excerpt a
Hiatory ot American politic• (non- from_·the 110tea of Henry Howe made
partiaan), •bracing a history ot the while traveling in aouthern ll'i sconain
federal governaent and ot political Sacred time, the Lord'• day. between the yeara 1864 and 1868 aa a
partiea in the colonies and United ·n,p., n.d. miaaionary ot the Diaciplea of Chriat1
Statea from 1607 to 1882. Indiana- 24p. ed. by Jeaeie Howe Nebelthau; illua.
poih, _F. Tennyson Neely & co. ~ f!i!i:S. by Dorothy Xurtn,an Phelpe, Jfinn-
x, 550p, platea. -- - - - --. Cincinnati, Standard. eapolls, Voyageur press, 1933,
pamphlet. xiii, 144p. front. (port,)
_.Hiatory ot the Republican party.

Outline hiatory o~ Allerioan atatea. HaJARD, GUYWESL!Y, 1891- , HatE, L C , 1868-

b. Charitan, Ia., 7 N 1891. b. Maysville, !y., 15 N 1866.
Storie• and exeroiaea for opening
the 1ohool1 or leaaona on the virtues,
Chicago, Flamgan. lfalkin' preacher ot the O&arka, Some great "hoods" Jeeue taught a
»- York, Harper, 1944. woman. (In Book, 11', H,, ed, The
True lifeJ or, leaaona on the vir- 282p, illua, Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 318-333)
tue• tor individual•, hoaea, aohoola,
and eooietiea, v. l. Conneraville,
Ind,, Fay.tte pub. co,, 1898, HOWAJID,
JOJ!lf GORDOB, 1899- HClll'E,ll'ILL DAVID, 1875-
v. b. b, Charleeton, Ind., 25 Ag 1873,

True lite, tr, into Siaaeae,

lfhen youth 110rahipa. St. Louh, Charle• Lamb and hi• frienda,
n- ot United Statea history, Bethany preaa, •1940, Indianapolie, Bobbs, 1944,
254p. 364p,
!!· Lamb, Indianapolis, Bobbe, 1920,
Beely'a hiatory ot the parliuent IIOlrARD,JOH!f R , 1807-1870, (How to know authors)
ot religions and religioua oongreaaea b, , 20 S 1807,
at the World'• Columbian expoaition ••• d. near Cobden, Ill,, 28 F 1870, with TBOKAS, C, lf.
4th ed. Chicago, F. Tennyson Heely,
1894, •1893. Chrietianlty illuatrated. lfaah. Conpoeition and rhetoric. New
Iv. in one, front., porta. ville, Cameron and Fall, 1843. York, Longman•, Green and co., 1906,
--, rev. and rewritten ed.
HOUSE,ERBEST The beginning oorner1 or, the N- York, Longmana, Green and co,,
b, Church ot Chriat identified, (In 1918,
d. Franklin, Benjamin, Biographical vi, 484p,
aketoh and writing•, 1880, pp. 208-228'
Traota, oharte & diaoouraea. with OTHERS.
Cincinnati, Standard, 1917-1919,
3 vole, HClll'ARD,
JOHNS· Gate to Englieh,,,byll'ill D. Bowe,
b, Zella O'H.air and llyron T, Pritchard,
-, vol. one, 4th ed. rev. and NewYork, Longman'•, Green and co,,
enl. Liberty, Jlo., Douglaa pub. oo., 1916. .
•1920. · with BRClll'B,L, 0, 2 v. illus •• platee,
32p. front. (port,)
Tidinga ot ealvation, no, l, tor BURKE, lf. J,
--, vol, three, 2d ed. rev, and revival meetinge, young people'• aooie-
enl. Liberty, Jlo., Douglaa pub, co,, tiee, Sunday aohool and all other reli- American author• and booke, 1640-
•1919. gious aerTioea. Haok-
Indianapolia, 1940, Mew York, Scribner, 1941,
32p. 1-n J61aio co,; St, Louie, Christian .ix., 858p,
pub, oo,, 1898,
48p. --.
Mew York, Gramercy pub. co,,

b, cix., 868p,

Howe - Hudson H

OTHERS. The rival• and The school for s~an- HUBER,ALLENREED

dal by Sheridan; ed. with introduction b.
The heart of America readers, by and note• by 11'111David Howe. New
Meredith Nicholson, 11'111D. Howe and York, Macmillan, 1907.
M. T. Pritchard. New York, Scribner, (lilacmillan•s pocket clasaica) A new year or just another year.
1919. Frankfort, Ind., First Christian
3 T• , reT. by H. Y. Moffett ••• church, 1934,
New York, 111.cmil lan, 1930. n.p.
The Howe readers, byll'ill D. Howe, xxiT, 162, xiv, 167p. (New Mimeographed.
Myron T. Pritohard and Elizabeth V. pocket classic•)
Brown. N!JWYork, Scribners, 1909.
s v. The rivals by Sherican; ed. by Will HUDSON
, CHARLES ROLLIN, 1865-1941;
David Howe; rev. by H. Y. Moffett ••• b. Parle, Ind,, 10 Ja 1865,
The Howe reader• by grades, by Will New York, !.!s.cmillan, 1937, d, Loa Angeles, Calif., 10 0 1941.
D. Howe, Myron T. Pritchard and Eliza- xxiv, 162p. (New pocket classics)
beth V, Brown.
8 v.
New York, Scribner, ~-
HOll'ENSTINE,LYDIA (KIMv.EL) (Mrs. Wil- Disciples in Southern California;
The literature of America; an antho- liam Howenstine) or, fifty years . of Christian church
logy of prose and verae by A. H. Quinn, b. development. .1938,
A. C. Baugh and 11'. D. Howe. New York, 9lp. ports., illus.
Scribner, 1929. Cover title: Chrietian churches
2 v. From the cradle to the grave; life of Southern California, Golden
of Eld. Solon A. Howenstine. Fort j ubi lee, 1888-1938,
new ed. New York, Scribner, Wayne, Ind,, D. W. Underwood, printar,
2 T. 169p. front. (port.) HUDSON,JAY WILLI.AM,1874-
b . Cleveland, 0,, 12 Mr 1874,
Modern student• book of Englieh
literature, ed. by Harry lbrgan Ayres, Ha.'IENSTINE,SOLONA , 1856-1893.
Will D. Howe and F. M. Paddleford. b. Abbe Pierre. • New York, Appleton,
New York, Scribner, 1924. d. 1922,
xvi, 898p. x, 33lp.
about see
~- Howenstine, L. K. From the cradle ed,,
--, illus, by E. A. Park, .nn
New York, Appleton, 1924.
x, 33lp, front,, plates,
E1eaye of Addiaon and Steele; to the grave.
•elected and ed. with an introduction
by Prof. Will D. Howe. New York, --.
New York, Appleton, 1927.
(Appleton dollar library)
Scribner, 1917. HOll'ELLS
, 1'ILLLUI COOPER,1807-1894,
(Modern student'• library) (Quaker)
Abbe Pierre's people. New York,
xx, 343p.
New York, ·Scribner,
(lt>dern student'•
1921. Recollections of life in Ohio, from
1813-to 1840, with an introduction by
Appleton, 1928.
library) hia eon William Dean Howells. Cin-
cinnati, Robert Clarke co., 1895, Agencies for promoting world order,
Shakeopeares a critical study of xiv, 207p. front. (port.) Boston, llaseachueette peace society,
hi• mind and art by Edward Dowdeni Cover title: Life in Ohio, 1813-1840 .1916,
new ed., with an introduction and a Contents include: .character of A. 30p. (Pamphlet aerie• on the
brief bibliography by Will ll&Tid Howe. Campbell. pp. 163-166; .The New- n- internationalism, no, 3)
New York, Harper, 1918. lights., pp. 103-108.
xxiii, 386p. A merioa's international ideals.
Boston, J,aeaaohueetts peace society,
Selection• from William Hazlitt; HOllLE, PAULC ,1916.
ed. with introduction and notes by b. 35p. (Pamphlet aeriea on the
Will D. Howe. Boston, Ginn & co., new internationaliem, no. 5)
398p. A peculiar people. The arithmetic of war. Boston,
Jlllasachueette peace society, .1916,
Courtehip of Kile• Standish and 26p. (Pamphlet aeries on the
minor poems by Longfellow; ed. with HUBBARD,H H new internationalism, no. 2)
introduction and notes by Will ll&Tid b,
Howe. Rew York, Jlllcmillan, 1905. d. The college and new America; fore-
248p. (Macmillan'• pocket word by Henry Suzsalo, New York,
clueice) Addrees on the oooasion of the twen- Appleton, 1920,
ty eixth annual reunion of the nine- xi, 20lp.
--, and .Lowell'•• Vision of Sir teenth Ohio battery aesociation, Kirt-
Launfal, and otber poema; ed. by H. land, Ohio, Sept, 10, 1891. The eternal circle, New York,
Bates; reT. by H. Y. )bffett ••• Appleton, 1925,
New Tork, Macmillan, 1929, vi, c310,p,
xxvii, 247, ·xlTi, ll5p. (Rew HUBBELL,TODVERNOR,1881-
pocket olueice) b, Hasting•, Neb., 21 N 1881. lbrning in Gaecony. New York,
Appleton, 1936.
Shakeepeare•• Cymbaline, ed. by viii, 354p.
Will D. Howe. Iew York, Jlllcmillan, Building through the years, an
1913. address before the International con- Nowhere else in the world, Bew
xh, 19·2p. (Tudor Shakeepeare) Tention of Christ, Denver, 1938, York, Appleton, 1923.
8p. folder. ix, 383p.

• (In International conTen-

tion, 1938, pp. 68-66)

H Hudson - Hughes

The old faiths perish;

in t he logic of belief.
an adventure
llew York,
1936 ,
Grand Rapids, Zondervan, HUGHES,GEORGE WASHINGTON,

Appleton, 1939. l92p.

Fairest fl ower. Grand Rapids, Faults and follies as mirrored in
A practical international program. llich,, Zondervan pub, house, 1946 , a series or lectures. Clinton,
Bosto n, )fassachusetts peace society, 85p. Ill., Author, 1908.
.1915. 303p •
32p. (Pamphlet series ·on the High peaks in re demption. London,
new internationalism, no. 4) 14e.rshall, Morgan & Scott, .1939.
142p . HUGHES,J H
Recent shifts i n ethical theory and b.
practic e. That old serpent--the devil,
pp . 105-120 . London, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1937.
Reprinted from The philosophical l44p. Our equipment and responsibility
review, vol , 49, March 1940, for the salvation of others. (In
Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord's day,
Syllabus for lectures on American , ELLA (MYERS) (Mrs. J. W,
HUFFKAN •1904, pp. 44--46)
ideals, Columbia , M:,., Lucas bro- Huffman), 1853-1937.
thers, 1921. b, Eureka, Ill., 25 N 1853 . introductio n see
24p. d, San Francisco , Calif., 12 My
1937, Kissouri Christian .lectureship.
The treatn.nt of personality by lfiaaouri Christian lectures, -.ol. 3,
Locke, Berkeley and Hume; a atudy, in How to conduct a profitable county 1884-85.
the in terests of ethical theory, of convention, Indianapolis, c. W. B.
an aspect of the dialectic of English »., 1897.
empiricism, Columbia, Mo., Univer- 8p, folder. HUGHES,JASPER SEATON,1843-1926.
sity of lli11ouri, 1911, b. Wilminiton, 0,, 9 My 1843.
xvi, lOOp, Bright memories, (In Dickins on, E, d. Holland, Kich., 17 lly 1926.
J . , ed. History of Eureka college,
Truths we 11ve by . llew York, 1894, pp. 272-280) Christianity, •• Grand Rapids,
Appleton, 1921., 1915.
ix, c308.p. 22p.
What ia the new internationalism? b, , 14 S 1974. Introduction to the apocalypse.
Boston, Mt.asachusetts peace society, d. , 31 !,Ir 1936. 18p.
C 1916.

26p. (Pamphlet series on the about see Key to the revelation. Author,
new internationalism, no, 1) 1906.
West, J. W, Sketches of our
Why democracy; a study in the philo- mountain pioneers, The king'• trumpet, rev. Hol-
sophy of the state. ll"" York, Apple- land, Mich., Author, 1921,
ton, 1936. l74p.
xiv, 264p. HUFFMAN,WILKINSONC , 1802-1880.
b. Central, !Cy,, 4 lly 1802. Mystery or the golden cloth, the
d, 19 F 1880. story of the Christ; a book of the
·cHUDSON,JOHNALLEN, 1893- ages. Chicago, White Star, 1895.
b. Coldwater, Kies., 25 F 1893. about see 258p. chart.

Bolea, H. L. Biographical sketches Mystery of the golden cloth, or

The man and the moment. A study of our gospel preacher•. the riven veil, by Jasper Seaston (!)
in the life or Alexander Campbell, Hughes. Chica~o, White Star, 1898,
cwith an introduction by F. L. Rowe. 376p. front. (port.)
Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1927. HUFTIWi, WILLIAK. 1826-1891,
U8p. b, , by Jasper Seaston {!) Hughe~,
Cover titles A study in the life d. , 3 F 1891. c3d ed, rev.. Chicago, Author, 1901,
of Alexander Campbell. xxvi, 373p, front.
about 1ee
Peter Finwick. Cincinnati, F. L. The revelation, Holland, llich,,
Rowe, 1929. Johnston, W. G. William Hufflllan, Author, 1911,
270p. 177p,

The church in its care of the poor HUFFMAN, ZELLA DRUCILLA,1879- The revelation, 2d ed. Berwyn,
and the aiok; The church in ita woi- b. Ill., Shaw pub, co,
ship. (In Abilene Christian college
Bible lectures, 1936, pp. 19-28; 88- The eeer of Patmos, or, J.ohn's
101) The origin or Thankagiving day. plaoe in the Christian eoonomy, by
(In Wilson, L. c., ed. Tlrentieth Juper Seuton (!) Hugheo, Ind-
century sermons and addreases, 1902, ianapolis,!, B, Scofield, 1899,
HUEGEL,FREDERICKJULIUS, 1889- pp . 169- 171) 76p,
b. lladison, Wis., 20 lly 1889.
Visions, (In Bridwell, J. T.,
HUGHES,DANIEL ed; The Michigan pulpit, 1924, pp,
Bone of his bone. London, llar- b, 194--207)
ahall, Vorgan & Scott, .1933.
The making or man. London, Arthur HUGHES, JOHN TAYLOR,1817-1862,
The croas of Chriet.--the throne of H. Stockwell, 1902. b, Woodford county, Ky,, 26 Jl
God. London, llarshall, llorgan & 1817,
Scott, .1936, d. Independence, 11:>,, 11 Ag 1862,

Hughes - Hungerford n

Doniphan'• expedition; containing The fourf old dev e l opment of young with OTHERS,
an account of the conquest of N- manhood. Port l an d, Cre., Oreg on Sun-
llexico; General Kearney's overland da y school association, •1920. Worship and the devotional life,
expedition to California, Doniphan'• .1 06 ,p. a handbook for the local chur ch by
campaign against the Navajos; his un- Harold F. Humbert, G. Edwin Osborn
paralleled march upon Chihuahua and Holy memory, a booklet to aid those and Ida Mae Irvin, .Indianapolis,
Durango; and the operat i ons of General who condu ct memorial services for men U, C. M. S,, n.d ,
Price at Santa Fe; with a sketch of who lay down t heir lives during this 23p.
the life of Col, Doniphan, illustrated
with plans of battl&--fields
engravings. Cincinnati,
and fine
U, P, James,
global war,
on war services
of Disciples
of Christ, ~-
•1849, l4p, Re ligl .on is reality • sermons.
407p • . Kansas Cit y, E. L. Mendenhall, inc.,
There --s a paper-bound edition Living light, a dawn servi ce for •1942,
which contained 144 double-columned Easter day. .Indianapolis, Unified 57p.
pagea, promotion, n.d, Contents:
l Op. inc, front cover, Sermons by H.P. Armstrong, B. B.
--, (In Connelley, W, E, Brine y, M. c. Deweese, Warren
War with Mexico, 1846-1847, 1907, pp, Thanks for thunder, a Thanksgiving Grafton, C, H, Holcomb, B. F. Hum-
113-524) pageant, .Indiana poli s , Unified bert, Blaine Eyten, M, R, Riley,
promoti on, 1942, 0, L, Shelton, C. s. Sherman,
l5p. Romana a~ith, N. R. Stacey, T. W,
HUGHES,MRS, PEARL Toler, and J, C. Wheeler,
b, To believe the best .po ems. pub-
lished Easter, 1941, Kansas City,
E. L, Mendenhall, 1941. l!UIIBERT, LA VERNE (HARRISOIi) (Mr•.
!lfra, Pearl Hughes, singing evan- 64p, ports, Harold Franklin Humbert)
gelist, Hamilton, Ill,, n,d. b,
3p, port, · Wing s over America, a Thanksgiving
drama. cindianapolio, Unified pro-
motion. n,d, joint~ see
(llethodiat) Humbert, B, F, Easter heart,
A worohip book for boys and girls, Humbert, II, F. Living flame,
Baptismal ranission; or, the de- adv. abr. ed, St, Louis, Christian
sign o,f Christian baptism, Cincin- board, 1923,
nati, Cranston~ Stowe; New York, 16p. songs. HUMPHREY,Ill)GENE
Hunt & Eaton, 1891, b.
134p, · . You and Christian baptism,
Contents include: The doctrine of .Indianapolis, u. C, ». s .•
Alexander Campbell, and the ao- l2p. (Aida to effective · disciple- Pri-ry worship aerv1ces, Cin-
called Christian or Campbellite shi p) cinnati, Standard, •1926,
church, pp. 15-26, 96p, illua,, B1.101c.
--. cindianapolia, Committee
The ooriptural mode of Chrietian on war oervices, Diociples of Christ,
baptism, Xanaaa City, lfo,, Hudson 1943. cHUMPHREYS,EVAN WILL~, 1816-
preea, 1907, l2p, inc. covero, b. Penlone, South Wales, 11 Ja
284p. front, (port,) illus, 1816.
Campbell'• position discussed, d,
You and the Lord'• supper,
.Indianapolis, U, C, ~. s .•
12p. (Aids to effective disciple- Memoir• of deoeaaed Christian
BULL, WILMAWINTER, shi'p) minister•, or, briet •ketches of the
b, 11..-eo and labor• o·f 975 ministers who
--. .Indianapolis, Co... ittee died between 1793 and 1880, Dayton,
on -r services, Disciples of Christ, 0,, Chr1atian pub, aaoociation, 1880,
A tribute .to Charles!, Cobbey, 1943. -106p,
Cotx,er college, 1922-1925, 12p, inc, covers,
cl6,p, ports., illus, · Christ an authority in religion,
How can I know God? (In hi• (In Coan, A, W,, ed., Gospel sermona,
Re_ligion is reality, •1942, pp, 1-4) 1881, pp. 84-101)
b, Centralia, Waah,, 26 0 1893, Oxford's challenge to the D1aciples,
(In International convention, 1938, BUNDLEY,WILLIAlf ROBERT, 1861-
pp. 276-28-1) b,
Blue birds over, a drama of happi-
neaa, today and tomorro,r, dedicated to Public worship, (In Church pro-
Governor and lfra, Payne Ratner of gram planning committee, Worohip and H1otor1cal sketch of Snowville,
Kansao whooe presence graced the the devotional life, 1943, pp, 3-37) Virginia, Eaat Radford, Va.,
premiere of the play in Xaneaa City, cAuthor, ·1931.
.Indianapolia, Unified promotion, 1942 0 The public worship of God, (In 46p,
19p. Worohip and the devotional life, pp, . llimeographed,
Chriat aoroaa the centuries, ed,
by Ronald! , Ooborn, St, Louie, HUl'IG!RFORD, !UIER J: , 1871-
with HUIIBERT,lfRS. H. F,
Chriot1an board, •1946, b, Ruah oounty, Ind,, 19 Ja 1871,
104p, illua, (A Bethany oouraa Easter he,rt, .Indianapolia,
in Christian living) Unified proaot1on, 19380
The dawn OOfflesup, a drama of Eas-
ters. .Indianapolis, Unified pro- An abbreviated biography ot JCilowlea flame. • Ind1anapolh,
Shaw, .Ruah..-111•, Ind., Author,
motion, 1941, Unified promotion, 1937,
cl2op, mudc, c24-.p. DJaio.

H llang,rford • Hurlbutt


l 9p , photographs. Hunt) , 1893- b.
Mimltographed. b . Manchester, s. D., 10 0 1893.

!2_. see . Liaten you -· how lon g will you

Building a student re lig io us pro- wait! .I ndianapo lis, Board of
Shaw, Knowles. Knowles Shaw's gram; produced by the Division of hig her educat ion, n .d.
memori al songs and biogra phy. Christ ian education, The Unite d Chris - lOp.
tian missionary soci et y, a boa rd of Reprinted fr om World Call.
missions and educati on, St . Louis,
HUNKEY,JOHN, -1917. Christ ian board, n.d.
d . Denver, Colo., 20 Ap 1917. Race relations Sunday; suggesti ons b.
for building a progrrun on race r el a-
How I became a non-Cat holic ••• tio ns for young people and student s.
Cinoinnati, Sta ndar d, 1911. New York , Fe der al council of the churc h• With Jes u s the nature lover .ser•
viii, 334p. e s of Christ i n America, n.d. mons, Wellington, Kans.
. 6.p . folder.

HUNLEY, J OHNBUNYAN, 1881- Conce rning student youth . (In HUNTER, JOSEPH BOONE, 1886-
b . Bohannon, Va., 9 N 1881. International convent i on, 1935, pp. b . Little Rock, Ark., 27 D 1886.

Altar fires of faith. Cincinnati, The nation•, the church and per-
Standard, •1943. HUNT, SANFORDM , 1834-1916. manent peace, c3d printing, clnd-
376p. b. Lubec, Me., 30 S 1834. ianapolis, u. c. M. s ••, 1946?
d. Pasadena, Calif,, 6 Ap 1916, 3lp. inc. front cover.
Beyond sorrow. Cincinnati, Stan-
dard, •1938. Churches of Christ in Massachusetts.
32p. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of BUNTER, STANLEYARMSTRONG,
Christ, 1904, pp. 246-249)
The d_istinctive
Disciples of Chri st.
message of the
St. Louis, U.
C. M. S . , cl925, HUNT, WILLIAMREMFRY,18 66- lllsic and religion, with an intro-
lOp. b. London, England, 14 Ja 1866. duction by Clarence Dickinson. New
York, Abingdon press, •1930.
St. Lou is, U. C. M. s., 23lp.
cl928, Chinese evangelist Shi and mission Contents include: Wonder, love,
lOp. work in Chu Cheo . and praise, by Burri• Jenkins, pp.
Guest of the shepherds, a Christmas A Chinese st ory teller; or, the
story. Cincinnati, Powell and White. changed story; with foreword by W. P.
Bentley. St. Louis, Christian pub. HUNTING,FRANK C
In the light of the star. Cin- 00.. •1903 . b.
_cinnati, Powell and \'hi te, •1923. 167p. front. (port.) plates.
Facts about China; beint a statement Forward with Christ. Melbourne,
Pentecost and the Holy Spirit, with and an appeal comprising notes on the Australia, Austral ptg. & pub. co.,
can, introduction by J.M. Bader. country, its people, histor y, language, 1944.
New York, Revell, •1928. relig i on, manners, customs, etc.
268p. . St. Louis, Christian pub . co., 1899. The vision that -de a people.
57p. map. Melbourne, Australia, Austral ptg. &
--, c2d ed., New York, Revell, pub. co., 1944.
•1928. Heathenism under the searehlight1
268p. the call of the far Ea st, with fore-
word by William Durban. London, ooHUNTON,PAULS
Shelton and the cr1mison trail1 a M'.lrgan and Scott, 1908. b.
missionary drama. Cincinnati, Pow- cl54,p. front., plates.
ell and White, •1924 .
40p. New York, American tract Twenty eermons from The sermon on
society, 1911. the mount .delivered over radio station
160p. .WTSP, September 4-28, 1944, with a
HUNT, JULIAN OLYN preface by Billy H. Hoodo Tampa,
b. Build roads. (Written in Chinese) Fla., Rinaldi ptg. co., .1946? •
Life of John Knox of Scotland.
Footwashing. Grayaon, Ky., (Written in Chinese)
Printed by East Kentucky journal, n.d. HURD, HARRYCLARK
c20ap. inc. covera. introduction aee b.

debate with INMA1i, R, C. Jane•, D. c. Where Christ has
not gone. Toronto addreH.
The Hunt-Inman debate, Can an indi-
vidual consistently use a radio, song• tr. (Into Chinese)
book,tuning fork, etc., as an aid in HURLBUTT,CHARLES D , 1815-
obeying God's 0011111andmenta and condemn Garrison, J. H. Alone with God. b. Danbury, Conn., 1 Jl 1815.
an instrument ot music as aid? Gordon, s. D. The aychar revival • d.
• Pikeville, Ky., Printed by Cumberland
pub, co ••
17Sp. ports.

Hurlbutt - Hyten H

about see HUSTON,FRANKC 1871- Unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. ·

b. · Orange, Ind., 1871. Our Sa..-ior'• prayer for unity, 1918,
Tiers, M. C. The Christian por- pp. 86-90)
trait gallery.
Selected sacred songs. Jackson-
ville, Fla., Author, .1945, HUTTON,EDNA(RAIT)
cHURLEY,MALCOM L , 1854-1907. 28p. music. b.
b. Montgomeq• county, N. C., 16 S
d. Randolph county, N. c., 30 Ap HUTCHINS,STEPHEN Caroli of the ages, our heritage
1907. in the Christmas carol. St, Louio,
cDiscuaaion on the arguments of Bethany press, •1943.
Christiana not Disciples. Campbell!..._, 77p. illus.
For a review see Thomas, Porter.
The five cardinal principles of the Review of a discussion, etc.
Christian church defined. 18867 HUTTON,SAMUEL WARD,1886- •
b. Garfield, Ind ., 26 F 1886.
b. • 22 Ap 1879, Men who made the churches. Nash- A -nual of worship and service.
ville, Cokeabury press, 1930. 19327
about aee Contents include, Alexander Camp- Unused oonmunion cups. St.
bell and the Disciples, pp. 189- Louio, u. C. M. s., n.d.
Burleigh, 1f. G. Man from Buchan- 212. c4::ap.
Staton, Willia, i colorful Texas Bible aohool work. (In
career of a miraculous mountaineer. HUTSLAR,CHARLESFREDERICK,1877• McPherson, Chalmers. Diaoiples of
b. Grape Grove, 0., 27 N 1877. Christ i n Texas, 1920, pp. 64-70)


b. Wagoner, Ind., 5 My 1888, Christmas, 1916.
Worship highways; guideposts for
The eternal witness of belief in spiritual engineers. St. Louis,
Progresa through the gospel. God, Clarement, Calif,, Author, Bethany press, •1943.
(In Thornton, E.W., ed. Bethany 1937. 264p.
col'lege sermons, 1930, pp. 136-149) lllp.

Setting his church in order.

Worship and hymns for church and
HURTE,'ll'ILLIAll .Pomona, Calif., Author, , 1936,
b. 263p. church school, authori&ed and apon-
d. aored by the curriculum c0111111ittee,
Treasured gema of my ministry. Department of religioua education.
A catechetical COIDllentary on the St. Louis, Bethany press, •1930.
Bew Testament. London, Hall & co,, · The wealth of my infirmity, and 319p.
St. Louis, John Burns, 1885, how to get well, .Pasadena, Calif.,
..-111, 540p. 1940?,
T9p. HYDE, A A
HUSBAND,DAVID, 1857-1934. Your friendly carriers. Pasadena,
b. ne~r Cheater, Ill., 2 Je 1857. Calif., Author, 1937?
d. , 2 Jl 1934. 12p. The modern man and his money.
~inted by Elmer Rothrock, Pomona, Indianapolia, C. W. B. M., 1915.
A peculiar people. (In Lord, J. Calif. leaflet.
A., ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904, pp.
b. Deleware oounty, Ind., 22 Je b, Stanbury, Mo.,
HUSSEY,H 1867,
d. How can l be happy? (In Humbert,
Poetic oonaiderationa. Cinoin- H.F., ed. Religion ia reality,
The Australian ooloniea1 together natl, F. L. Rowe, 1916. •1942, pp. 47-51)
with notea or a voyage trom Australia l5lp. (front.)
to Panama, in the "Golden age", dea-
oriptiono or Tahiti and other i1land1 Variety rhyme,. Parkersburg, W.
in the PaoiNo and a tour through some Va., Printed by the Banner prin~ing
or the states or America in 1864. oo., •1939.
London, Blackburn & Burt, Holbrun Hill; c352,p. front. (port.)
.Adelaide, E. S. Wig, cl866.
Yi, 174p.
Chapter viii inolude11 Bethany, a
religiouo refonnati~n, eto.

I l aa s - Ingram

cIAMS, F ]II Workmen t eari ng down pa rt i tio ns. I NGO

LD, LOUIS, 1872- 1934 .
b. ( I n Dawson, F. F., ed. The Chr istian b. Clark c ount y, Mo., 20 Ja 1872,
d. l! t work , v . 3, 1941, pp . 77-8 2) d. Columb ia, M:i., 25 Ja 1934 .

Reconci l iation: being te n lett e rs abo ut see Ve cto r int erpretati on of symbolic
on th~ at onement . Dayto~ , o., Chris - diff ere ntial parameters. ,L&ncas-
tia n pub. a s soc i at io n, 187 1. Id l eman , H. K. Discip l e mis s i on- ter , Pa •• 1910.
70p . ary t o Manha ttan. 27p.
Thesis: Ph.D., University of
Chica go, 1907.
, HILLIS KIKGSLEY, Reprint ed from t he Transactions
b . Lec ompt on, Kans ., l Jl 1886 . b. of the Ame rican mathematical 10-
ciety .

Buil din g a brothe r hood. (In Disc ip l e missionar y t o llanhattan , wit h KENY
ON, A. M.
Intern ati onal con vention , 1934, pp . ( I n Campbell a nd Mose l e y, etc, My
125-133) dad, 1938, pp. 88- 93) Ele ment• of plane tri gonometry.
New York, llacmillan , 1919.
Je sue a nd my f ami l y . (In Kansas i x , 124p. illus,
Ci r y , lllo ., Council of churches. Radio IJAMS, C B
oermon s given over WDAF , 1940, pp. 21- b, Tr i gonometry; ed. by E. R. Hedr i ck,
24 ) d. New York, Jfacmillan, 1913.
xi, l32p, xviiip.
What is man? (In Beach, E. c. ~. aee
an d oth e rs. Great Chriatian convio-
tio ns, pp, 17-19) McGee, G. R. H_istory of Tennessee. INGOLD, OSCAR, 1873-
b. Clark oount y, Mo,, 12 Ag 1873,


b, b, Alpha and Omega, a atudy of the
d: Ann Arbor, Mich., 28 Jl 1933, book of Revelation. ,Rogers, Ark.,
Author~ n .d.
Upper room le t ters from Bible lands . The church in its discipline; The ,31.p.
New Yor k, Rev e l l, •1 904. church in its organitation, (In
280p . f ront., p lates. Abilene Christian college Bible lec- The garden of sacred songs,
tures, 1936, pp. 12-18; 5-11) 1915?
Upper room letters from many lands, 15 aongs.
Ann Arbor,, Ge orge Wahr, •1925, joint ed. see
vii, ,405.p, fr ont . (port,) pl&tes, The name Christian, a se rmon de-
Sanderson, L. O. Christian hymns, livered Dec, 9, 1932, Firat Chr i stian
church, Little Rock, Arkansas, occa-
IDLEMAN,FINI S SCHUYLER,1876-1941, aion of t he Golden Jubilee of the
b. Vandalia, Ill . , 12 S 1876, INFIELD, G W Arkansas Christian missionaT y so c·iet y ,
d. N.,.. York, N. Y., 22 Mr 1941, b, 4th ed. cRogers, Ark •• n.d,
d. 14p.
The Al pine glow. , Dobbs Ferry,
N. Y •• •1930. F&cts about b&ptiam, Princet on, Stones speak out th eir ailent
l 7p, fron t , (port,) Ill, secrets. ,liiinna&polia, Minnesota
4p. Bible university, 19380
The message of the Diaci plea of 20p,
Christ. New York, Central Chris-
t i an churc h , n.d, INGELS, llARION, -1901, debate with SHAFER, HARRY.
7p, b,
d. , 9 N 1901, Outline• of Christian-Fri e nd debate,
Peter Ainslie, ambassador of good Agra, Okla,, Aug. l &nd 2, 1904.
will, Chicago, Willett, Clark & co,, B&ptism in a nut-shell, St, Louis, Norman, Okla,, Oscar Ing old, 1904?
1941. Christi&n bo&rd.
xvii, l84p. front, (port.) pl&tes,
port s . The Christian norm&l conductor, INGRAHAM,
JOSEPH-HOLT, 1809-1860,
Cincinnati, St&ndard. (Protestant Episcopal)
The univ er s ity and social efficiency, llOp ,
commencement address delivered at Drake An address deliver ed before the
un iversit y, June 16, 1915. Dea Christi&n unity, st. Louil, Apollonian and Euphr onian Socie t ies
Moines, 1916. Christi&n board. of Fran klin oollege, Tenn., at the
14p . (Drake university record, annual commencement, October 17, 1849,
vol. 12, no. 9, Nov, 1915) by Prof. J. H. Ingraham. Nashville,
INGOLD, BYRON,1878-1942. Harvey M. Watteraon, printer, MDCC CXLIX,
The eternal refuge, _ (In Cory, b. Luray, J.lo,, 2 0 1878, 23p.
A. E., ed. Voices of the sanctuary, d. st. Louis, lio,, 23 Mr 1942,
1930 , pp. 90-101)
The l&w of the mean and Taylor'• ccINGRAM,W D
The sacraments. (In Douglass, H. aeries in computation. Canton, Mo,, b.
P., ed. The witness of the churches Culver-Stockton college, 1926,
of the congregational order, 1940, pp , lOp. (Culver-Stockton quarterly,
48-56) vol. 2, no. 1, 1926,) The church and the kingdom question.
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation.
The spiritual life for tod&y. Jfathematic&l formul&s, Canton, 126p,
(In International convention, 1934, Mo,, Culver-Stockton college, 1929 ,
pp . 194-203) pp. 61-67. (Culver-Stockton qu-.r-
terly, vol. 5, no. 3, 1929)

Imnan - International I

IBJIAII, SAJIIJELGUY, 1877- Latin America, New York, Amer- with OTHERS
b, Trinity, Tex., 24 Je 1877, i cana corporation, 1941,
63p. What South Americana think of uo
Reprint from Encyclopedia Americana, by Carleton Beale, Samue_l · Guy Inman,
America revolucionaria; conferen- 1941. Bryce Oliver and Herschel Brickall,
cia• y ensayo•. Madrid, Javier New York, Robert M, McBride, 1945.
Latin America, its place in world

Bibliography of writing• of Samuel

Chicago, Willett,

vi, 462p,
Clark & co.,
The Lima conference and the future
Guy Inman (llay 1934) .New York'/, 'on Pan-Amerioaniam. n.p., n,d,
1934. --, rev. ed. New York, Harcourt, 6lp.
7p. •1942, •1937. Reprinted from the Annala of the
Mimeographed. viii, 466p. American academy of politioal and
social ocience, July 1939,
Building an inter-Lmerican neigh- The Mexican queotion. Indiana-
borhood. New York, National peaoe polio, C. W, B. M,, 1914, OTHERS.
conference, 1937. leaflet,
63p. (World affairs books, no. Christian work in South America;
20) Nacionalismo, imperialismo, inter- official report at li>ntevideo, Uruguay,
nacione.11 om, 1927, April 19261 of the Congress on Chris-
Chriotian cooperation in Latin tian 'IIOrk in South America, 1926,
America, Report -of a visit to Mexico, Obrando por cuenta propia, 1929. New York, Revell, 1926,
Cuba, and South A!Nlrica, Mt.rch - 2 vol.
October, 1917, printed for private Pan-American conference• and their
circulation. New York, Committee of results, New York, Committee on
cooperation in Latin America, cl917, cooperation in Latin America, 1924, 'INTERHA.TIOIIAL
11, 186p.
Problem• in Pan-Americanism, Addreaaea delivered at the World's
Conferenoias dadas en la univeroi- New York, Doran, •1921. congress and general misaionapy con-
d&d nscional de Jlexioo,,, llexico, 415p, (College of minions ventions of the Church of Christ held
D. F., Tallerea, graficos de la lectureship) at Chicago, in September, 1893.
nacion, 1929. Chicago, S, J, Clarke, 1893.
300p. -, crev. ed. :1 New York, Doran, 248p, front,, plates, ports,
1926. Contents,
The crucial hour in Latin America. 439p. Addressee by Lloyd Darsie, W, H,
Indianapolis, c. W, B, M,, 1915, hereat, J, H. Garrison, J, A.
leaflet, Shall we apologize for therefor- Lord, A. KoLean, W. T. li>ore, w.
mation? D. Owen, F, D. Power, B, J. Rad-
Democracy versus the totalitarian 3p. ford, B. B, Tyler, J, z. Tyler,
atate in Latin America, Philadel- Reprint, Christian-Evangelist, and E. V. Zollar•.
phia, Ainerican academy of political February 3, 1943, Cover title, Twelve masterly
and social aoience, 1938, addreuea,
111, 48p'. (Pamphlet aeries no. 7) Social and inte'.rnational confUota
in·Latin Amerioa. New York, Church Program of the international cen-
El de1tino de America latina (Latin peace union, 1933. tennial oelebration ·and convention•
America'• place in world lifeJ Tradu- 39p. (Inter11;&tional peace aeriea of the Disciple• of Christ (Christian
cido por R, !li&alde; prefaoio de Lui• no. 9) churches), Pittsburgh, Pennaylvania,
Alberto Sanchez. Santiago de Chile, 1909, .with an introduction by J. H,
!dioionea Eroilla, 1941. South Amerio& today1 sooial and G&rriaon. cCinoinnati, A, C. K. 8 ••
393p, religioua movements aa obaerved on a •1909,
trip to the Southern continent in 1921. ' 207p. illus., ports, 1111sio,
Evangelicals at Havana .an account Ne'wYork, Connittee on cooperation in Content• include, Thau.a and
of the Hiapanic American evangelioal Latin America, cl92l, Alexander c-pbell, by Archibald ·
oongrea• held in Havana, New York, ll6p. llcLean,
Committee on cooperation in Latin
America, 1929. Through Santo Domingo and Haiti, a Centennial convention report. One
174p. oruise with the -rine•1 report or a hundredth anniversary of the Diaoiplea
visit to these ialand republic• in the ot Christ, Pittsburg, October 11-19,
A gentlenan and a scholar can appr&- awmner of 1919. Bew York, Committn 1909. Cincinnati, Standard, n,d,
ciation of Charles T, Paul, .Ind- on cooperation in Latin .t.rioa, 1919. 61Sp. porta,
ianapolis, u. c. K, S,, 1941, 96p, illus, Contenta,
16p, front. (port.) port, Several hundred addreaaea are
Trailing the conq~iatadorea, New included.
Hacia la aolid&ridad americana; York, Friendahip presa, •1930,
Madrid, D, Jorro, 1924, 236p. Fellowahip with Chriat, a aerie• ot
USp. addreaaea delivered at the Interna-
Venture• in inter-American friend- tional convention of the Diaoiplea ot
Inter-American oonferenoe for the ship. New York, Jtiaaionary education Christ, Toronto, Canad&, 1913. St,
-1ntenanoe or peace. .Philadelphia, movmant, •1926. Louie, Christian board, •1913,
Friends peaoe committee, 1936, 144p. 64p.
40p. Contenta,
!l Christo invincible. (In Wilaon, Addreaaea by w. C. Bower, G. A.
Intervention in llexioo, foreword by J. R,, comp. lien and woaen of far Campbell, J. H, Golclner, P, D.
William R, Shepherd. New York, horizon•, 1936, pp. 17S-174) lerahner, and C, B, .,rgan.
Doran, •1919,
xi, 24Sp. with CASTANEDA,
C, E. International convention, Diaoiplea
of Christ, Dea lloinH, Iowa, October 11-
New York, Aa1ociation pr•••, A hiotory of Latin America tor 21, 1934, Sermona and addreaeea,
1919. sohoolo. Bew York, llaomillan, 1944. Foreword by Williu, P. Rothenburger.
xi, 24Sp. 442p,

I International - Ireland

president,.ed. by Willard E. Shelton, G, F. Cuthrell, E. R. Errett, Jack International convention, Diaoiplea

St. Louie, Christian board, •1935. Finegan, s. F. Fisher, A. W. Fortune, of Christ, St. Louis, Misaouri, May l-
23lp. E. N. Griggs, E. K. Higdon, J.C. 7, 1941. A survey of the convention.
Contents, Irwin, H. M. Johnston, E. D. Jones, Addreaaes and pioturea of the main
Addreuee by E. c. !.'each, \1. C. F, H. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Longman, H. speakers. A message to the churches.
Bower, K. I. Brown, G. H. Combs, B. McCormick, w. H. McKinney, G. V. Resolution• approved •• ed. by Lin D.
S. II. Cavert, C. F. Cheverton, J •. Moore, C, C. Morrison, G. E. Caborn, Cartwright, St. Louis, Chri •tian
A, Crain, E. E. Fey, T. H. Fraser, G. s. Overton, A. w. Palmer, G. L. board, n.d.
W. E. Garrison, Mrs. J. W. Hastings, Rose, M. E. ~s.dler, D. E. Stevenson, 36lp. ports.
H. L. Herod, H.B. Holloway, H. L. A. w. Taxlor, L. E. Taylor, O. 1. Contents,
Ice, F. s. Idl11Dan, E. D. Jones, Trinkle, -p. H. Welehimer, and H. L. Addreaaes by J.M. Appelgate, H.
I. N. llc:Cash, R. H. l!iller, Doyle Willett. C. Annatrong, E. E. Aubrey, A. L.
lilllen, C. T. Paul, F. II. Rogera, Resolutions adopted by the conven- Cole, w. H. Cramblet, S. G. Fisher,
Emory Rosa, . W. F. Rothenburger, llra. tion, pp. 385-407. A. w. Fortune, Mrs. Edna Giah,
O. L. Shepherd, T. K. Smith, 11'. E. Warren Gratton, Mrs. c. K. Green,
Sweeney, G. W. Truett, and A. F. International convention, Disciples 14ra. J. w. Hastings, I. L. Holt,
Wickes. of Christ, Denver, Colorado, October 16- E. D. Jonea, E. s. Jones, Toyohiko
21, 1938. Story of the convention. Kaga-, V. o. Kellison, R. E.
International convention, Disciples Pictures and biographiea of the speakers Lents, H.B. McCormick, E. J.
of Chriat, San Antonio, Texas, October Addresses. Convention sermon. Resolu- Millington, W. F. o•conner, C. J.
16-20, 1936. Sermons and addreaaee, tions, .ed. by J. E<i-rd Moseley, Pietaoh, O. A. Roaboro, Emory Roaa,
Foreword by D. W. Morehouse, president, St. Louis, Christian board, •1938. Mra. L.A. Rothenburger, O. E.
ced. by Willard E. Shelton, St. 602p. ports. Scott, R. B. Shank, V. A. Sly, P.
Louis, Christian board, •1936. Contents, D. Sukhnandan, R. v. Th0111pson,
25lp. Addreaaes by Richard .Allen, B. s. Robert Tobia•, H.P. Van Duaen, H.
Addressee by J . D. Arnold, L. E. Ames, J.M. Bader, F. A. Bash, P. E. A. Van Winkle, P. c. Waahington, L.
Aspill"l'&ll, John Barclay, T. H. Becker, J. H. Booth, K. B. Bo...,n, A. Weigle, Wenona Wilkinaon, and L.
Bowen, S, R. Bradley, F. w. Burnham, .G. A. Caeaday, J. W. Draah, E. B. K. Wood.
Dale Ellis, E, A. Elliott, E. D. Dunford, E. A. Elliott, II. H. Fagan, Resolution• approved, pp.339-361.
Hamner, J. L. Holt, M. T. Hopper, J. W. Fifield, Graham Frank, B. F.
E. II. Jones, F. D. Kershner, C. L. Hagelbarger, Georgia Harlmeaa, Pat- International convention, Disoiplea
Lyon,. S. S. llclfilliame, A. R., rick Henry, c. E. Hill, W.R. Holder, of Christ. Voicea of the hour in a
T. H. Mathieson, D. w. Morehouse, T. V. Hubbell, H.F. Humbert, B. · A. war-torn world. Grand Rapids, Michi-
M. L. Pontiua, o. L. Shelton, I. Johnson, E. D. Jones, ij. O. Kellison, gan, July 28-Auguat 2, 1942. A sur-
B. W. Smith, D. E. Walker, and L. c. lf. Kemper, F. D. Kershner, H. s. vey of the conTention. Addreaaea,
N. D. Welle. Leiper, C. E. i.-.~on, I.E. Lunger, pictures, and biographiea -of the
H. T. Martin, C. II. llc:rton, ·Doyle speakers. Reaoluti-ona approved.
International convention, Disciples lollllen, E. C. llanoe, R. T. Nooe, ced. by Lin D. Cartwright, St.
of Christ, Kansas City~ Missouri, W. P. Reagor, John Rogers, O. L. Louie, Christian board, n.d.
October 12-18, 1936. ~tory of the Shelton, lira. 11'. A• .Shullenbarger, 400p. ports.
convention. Picture• and short bio- T. K. Smith, Robert Thomas, Frank Contents,
graphies of the apeaker1. Addreaaea, Tinder, J . C. Todd, W.R. Walker, P. Addreaaea by A, A. Allen, H. c.
Convention aermon, Reaolutiona, ced. H1 Welehimer, B. H. Wyle, and C. M. . Armstrong, John Barclay, v. S.
by Willard E. Shelton, St. Louia, Yocum. Batea, - C. W. Blackburn, Mra. K. B.
-Chriatian board, •1937. A aurTlly or -ll:lt,.,c'!,Wention by J. E. Bo,r~n, Peter Bryce, R. W. Burns,
37lp. porta. lloaeley, pp. 9-l f. · L.'l>. Cartwright, S. v. Cavert,
Contents, Re,aolutiona ~pproTlld, pp. 489-602. E. S. Childera, C, V. Chilton, s.
Addreaaea by Hampton Adams, F. A. J. Corey, J. L. Davia, H. c.
Baab, J. H. Booth, Constance Burk- International convention, Diaoiples Fell ,era, C. W. Flewelling, V. w.
hardt, E. c. Cameron, 11'. H. Cramb- of Christ, Richmond, Virginia, October F~gle, Jira, c. K. Graen, H. G.
let, W. A. Elliott, C. W. Gilkey, 19-25, 1939. A survey . of the conven- Baney, B. G. Harmon, J. 11'. Harms,
J. H. Goldner, Warren Gra~on, C. K. tion. Addresaea and picturei of the J. W. Hastings, C. O. Hawley, lira.
Green, J, W. Hagin, c. o. Hawley, main speakers. Picture a of the Chriatia~ A.G. Henderson, c. L. Johnaon, c.
R. II. Hopkins, B. S. Leiper, F. II. intereat forum apeakera. Resolution• o. Lowe, lira. H.B. VoCormiok, V,
Lowe, Jr., llra. H.B. Marx, R.H. approved. ced. by J. Edward )(oaeley. A. McQuary, R. B. Miller, w. C.
Killer, R. B. Uontgomery, R. T. St. Louie, Christian board, n,d. Parry, w. V. Peale, if. T. Pearov
Booe, Kelly O'Neall, ·c. L. Pyatt, 199p. O. D. Peterson, c. J. Pietaoh, R'.
John Rogera, R. G. Roaa, W. F. Content,, N. RedPord, llra. Emory Roae, R. G.
Rothenburger, Mrs. C. I. Roya, Addreaaea by H. C. Armatrong, J. V. Roaa, Ii, E. Sadler, W. A. Shullen-
Marion SteT11nson, T. T. Swearingen, Bader, E. C. Beach, T. L. Beauohuip, berger, T. T. Swearingen, Vra. R,
J. A. Tate, llra. J. A. Towne, C. s. E. S. Briggs, Florence Carmichael, II. Tbompaon, lira. V. Y. Ward, L.
Weaver, L. N. D. Welle, W. M. Wick- llra. L. D. Cartwright, Leland Cook, N. D. Welle, and H. L. Willett.
i&er, · and iiert Wilson. A. E. Cory, R, H. Croaafield, C. W, A survey of the convention by R. B.
The i936 convention by J.E. Cummings, v. L. Elliott, F. H. Groom, Miller, pp. 13-16.
11:>aeley, pp. 9-24. Jira. W. II. Hardy, A. L. Hill, R. M. Reaolutiona approved, pp. 374-400,
Reaolutiona adopted at the conve·n- Hopkins, E. s. Jouett, ' lilriel Leater,
tion, pp. 349-370. !. D. Lowe, S. V. llaaih, B. L. W.n-
ard, R. B. Montgomery, lira. Eugene
International convention, Diaciplea )brray, J.B. lloCallum, O. 11'. JloCully,
of Chriat, Coluabua, Ohio, October 26- D. A. llc:Ga,n-an, R. T. Booe, Georgia
31, 1937. Story ot the conTention. llordeen, c. D. Pantle, Alexander Paul, '
Picture• and short biographies of the R. H. People a, B. !!. Pruden, · F. A. Fifty yeara with our llexioan neigh-
apeakera. Addreaaea. Convention aer- Pruitt, lira. R. G. Rosa, Vra. L.A. bors. .st. Louis, Bethany preaa,
aona. Reeolutiona, .ed. by J. Edward Rothenburger, H. L. Smith, H.B. •1944.
lfoaeley. St. Louie, Christian board, Smith, ll'il-r Souder, 11'. L. Sperry, l3lp.
•1938. R. S. TUck, Winnifred Wataon, and
407p. ports. Mr•.J. D. Wyker. with CARPENTER, V. c.
Contents, Text of reaolutiona approved, pp.
Addreuea by c. 11'. Blackburn, S. R•. 390-399. Spiritual health in Latin America,
Bradley, II. B. Bro, A. C. Broolca, lndianapolia, c. W. B. II., n,d.
G. 11'. Buckner_, Jr., J. E. Carbon, 7p.

Ireland - Ivy I


b. Southampton, England, 11 0
c omp. ~-
1850. Treasured thoughts, gleanod from The wor ke rs' manu al ; th e modern
d. St. Louis, Mo., 7 F 1928. t he fiel ds of lite:ature. Desi gned f or Sun day school , it s org ani zation and
t he use of s cho o ls, homes, re a ding equi pment, r ev . ed . fo r 1920- 1921 .
The song of songs and other circles, young pe op le's s ocieties, a nd St . Loui s , Christi an board cl 921 .
writ i ngs. St. Louis, Chri stian f or priv a te stud y of choice litera tu r e , 78p. i ll us ., forms .
board, • 1922. with a list of t he best books f or ch il-
l27p. port. dren and young peo pl e . Colu mbu s , O., ----. rev. e d, for 1926 , St .
F. V. Irish, •1 892, Louis, Chr i stia n boa r d ,· 01920.
l60p. front. (po r t,) 96p. ill u s., forms .
b. Potsdam, N. Y., 7 N 1848. New Yor k , Noble, joi nt ~ see
d. 4 Ja 1940.
Humbert , H. F. Worshi p and the
American and British authors, a IRVIN, IDA MAE, 1884- devot i onal l i fe.
text-book on literature for high b. Irving Kans., 18 My 1884 ,
s chools, acade mies, s eminaries, normal
schools, and c olleges, also a guide IRWIN, J
and help in the private study of the Admi nis t ration of vac ati on chur ch b.
best authors and t heir writings. achools, pre pared under the dir e cti on
Columbus, F. V. Iris h, •1996. of the Depart me nt of relig iou s educa-
344p. illus. tion, u. C. M. s. St. Loui s, Chris- Qu estions f or little chil dren.
tian ~oard, n ,d, St. Lou i s , Chr i stia n boa rd.
Columbus, o., Frank v. llp.
Irish, •1896.
344p. illus. Friendly chats con cerning your IRWIN, J ORNC , 1896-
l e adership pro b lems. In dian a pol i s, (JJe thodi st)
--. New York, Noble. and St. Louis, U. C. M. s . and Chris-
tian board, n.d, Educ a t i ng t he churc h f or world
Fundamentals of the English lang- 32p. miss i ons. (In In t erna tio nal conven-
uage I or, orthography and orthoepy; ti on re port, 1937, pp . 33- 40 )
designed for both teachers and pufils, How to train leadera. (copy for
and adapted to the wants of public leaflet to be p rinted later)
aohools, normal schools, colleges, and 4p, • IRWIN, ROCHESTER
private students. Chicago, Author, Mimeographed, b.
12Bp. Opportunities for church night.
st. Louis, u. c·. Ir!. s. IBnifold voices, and oth er sermons.
Look Haven, Pa., Author,
Poster patt erns . St, Louis,
. Granite
Cit y, Ill., Aut hor, 1921.

128p. Christian board. From the Hi-Art press, Gra nite

City, Ill.
Gruanar and analysis made easy The secretary ' s guide1 duties and
and attractive by diagrams, containing problems1 the prospec t ive sch ool, the
all the difficult aentenoea of Har- present scho ol, the absent school. ISS ERlfAN, FERDINANDlr!YR
ON, 1898-
vey' a gr&111111&rdiagrammed1 also, many St. Louis, Christian bo ard, •1920. (Hebrew)
difficult sentences from other gram- 84p. for ms, diagrs,
mars; designed for both teacher• and Rebels and saints, the social
pupils. New York, American bk, co., The vacation church school; ita message of the pr ophets of Israel,
•1883 • . unique values and how to realize them, .with an, introd uction by Wi lliam
ll8p. Indianapolis and St, Louis, u. C. M. Scarlett. St. Louis, Bet ha ny p res s,
S. and Ciiristian board, cl93O, •1933.
Lima, o., Author , 1884. 39p. (Local chur ch service 152p.
ll7p. association)
Introduction to "grammar and anal- Developing leaders to guide wor ship IVY, MRS. FRANKIEOLIVER,
y1i1 mado easy by diagrams"; contain- experiences. (In Worship and t he b.
ing a selection of sentences diagrammed devotional life, pp. 20-23)
by the improved straight-line system;
designed for both teachers and pupils, c ontributed to aee Devotio nal talks f or women's orga n-
Ada, o., Author, 1883, izations. Cin c innati, Standard,
l6p, Bower, W. C. The Disciples and 1938.
religious education. 78p.
New orthography and ·orthoep y ; with
many n.,.,. exercise, Cor practice. with LE'lrIS, H. A.
New York, L, A, Noble, •1919.
ix , l37p. Administration and supervision of
vacation church schools. St. Louis,
-. rev. ed. New York, Nobel Christian board.
and Noble, •1931 . 19p.
ix, 147p.


J Jackson - Jameson

JACKSON,CORTES, 1822-1908. to which is annexed a treatise on the Every day stories . Cincinnati,
b. Hartford, Ky;; 28 S 1822. Lord's supper, and on the necessity, Sta.ndard, •1943,
d. Denver, Colo., 7 D 1908. character, and evidences of the new 192p,
birth, also a dialogue on the doctrine
The concordance of Bible to pics, of non-resistance by Eld er Benj, F, Junior stories for today, Cin-
Denver, Colo., Protestant Bible union, Moomaw. Singer's Glen, Va., Rocking- cinnati, Standard, •1937.
1900 . ham co,, Joseph Funk'• eons, printers, 17lp. illus.
150p. 1867.
282p, N.,. Bible qui••••, teats, clues,
History of the New Testament with games. Cincinnati, Standard, •1941,
a bi ographical sketch of Jesus Christ. 136p.
Denver, Colo., Collier & Cleveland JACKSON,J W , 1840-
Li th, co., printers, 1887. b, Rapides pariah, La., 21 Jl 1840. Teaching the Bible through play;
67p. d, Bible games for the home, parties,
and social gathering•. Cincinnati,
Sunday school history of the Bible, Causes of 3alvation, (In Scott, Standard, •1929.
with a biographical sketch of »:,ses. L, W., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 63p.
Denver, News ptg. co., 1890. 147-169)
239p. joint comp. eee

LEONARD, Thornton,
E. 1'1'. 600 doctrinal

Life of David, eon of Jesse. The

book of Psalms, tr. out of the original
Hebrew and with former translation• introduction eee JACOBS, JESSE ALLEN, 1896-
compared and revised. With eleven b, Lewie county, Mo., 28 My 1896,
hundred prophetic references. Den- Hardeman, N. B. Hardeman'• taber-
ver, Colo., cVl. H. Kistler stationery . naole sermon•. vol. 4.
co •• 1894. Current views or Jesus. (In
236, 120p. front. (port.) platea. Campbell institute. Trends or modern
JACKSON,JAMESWILLIAM, religion, 1930, pp. 9-17)
--. Cincinnati, Standard. b.

The New Testament of our Lord and JAGANATHA,

Savior Jesus Christ: translated out A lost letter. Cincinnati, b• .
of the original Greek; and with the Standard, 1909. d.
former translations diligently com-
pared and revised with apostolic re- The story or Nola and Damayant1.
ferences. Denver, Colo., Collier ocJACKSON,LEE St. Louie, Christian board,
snd Cleaveland, printers, 1883, •1881, b. 79p.

Cincinnati, Standard, Our Savior'• prayer for unity. _ JAGGARD,ANNELLA (llrs. L. F, Jaggard)
•1881. (In Ro,re, F. L., ed. Our Savior's -1918.
510p. prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 91-96) b,
d, Cleveland, o., 1918.
JACKSON,HARLEY,1874- JACOBS, CHESTERA Congo homes. Indianapolis, c. W.
b, Greene county, Ind., 9 S 1874, b. !!. M.

Getting the moat out of life. Prayer functioning Christianity. JAGGARD,L F

(In Book, W. H., ed. The Indiana pul- 1924? b.
pit, 1912, pp. 334-342) d.

JACOBS, HENRYLEE, 1901- • Conflicts in Africa: the medical

ocJACKSON,HULENL (Now Congregationalist) mieaionary va. the witch doctor,
b. b. Lewiatown, M:>., 27 N 1901. Indianapolis, C. w. B. II.

Christ, a teacher come from God. The city or mankind, a hiatorioal cJAJ!ESON,B L
(In Abilene Chri1tian college Bible pageant, in aeven epiaodee, depicting b.
lectures, 1938, pp. 59-?9) the growth through the oenturiea of d,
the democratic ideal, from ite incep-
tion in early Greek, Hebrew and Chris- Memorial address on the life and
JACKSON,J J tian thought to its fruition in the character of Elder Daniel Roberts.
b. American -y of life. 1882,
d. lOp.
debate with llOOMAW,
B. F. JAMESON,LOVEH , 1811-1892,
(United Brethren) b . Jefferson county, Ind,, 17 My
Diaoussion on trine immersion by b, Grenola, !tans., 16 D 1898, d. Indiampolis, Ind ~, 6 Ap 1892,
letter between Elder Benj. F. lloomaw
>f Botecourt co, ·, Va., and Dr, J. J. about see
Jackson, of Rockingham, Va., resulting Bible quiz book, true-or-false test•,
n the conviction or the latter and quizzea, drill•, and games. Cin- Evans, 111.diaon. Biographical
'iange of hi1 religious aesooiationa; cinnati, Standard, •1939. sketches of the pioneer preacher• of
'.th an elaborate vindication of the 132p. Indiana.
ctrinee of the church or hi• adoption, Tiera, M. C. The Christian por-
tra 1t gallery.

Jlll!lieaon • Jenkin• J

JAMIESON,MILTON, -1860, (Methodist) Modern evangelism in Poland and on Hand of br onze. Chicago, Will ett,
the Russian border,,, Ne,r York, Clark & co., •1933,
A treatiae on the subject of baptiam, Union of churche s of Christ, , n,d , 319p,
principally deaigned as an exposure of l8p. .
Campbellism. Lexington, Printed by He that shall come, sermon.
W. }!, Todd and W, D, Skillman, 1834, Kansas City, Linwood Blvd, churc h ,
208p. JARRELL, W A , (Baptist)
Heroes of the faith, a study of a
Gospel in water or Campbelliom. chapter from the Greek New Teatament
JAMISON, JAMESCARSON,1830-1916, Dallas, Tex., Author. for beginners, with ·an introdu ction by
620p. Joseph Henry Thayer. NewYork, Funk
With Walker in Nicaragua; or, & Wagnalls, 1896,
Reminiscences of an officer with the
American phalanx. Columbia, Mo,,
605p .
St, Louis, 1886, vii, 56p,
E.W. Stephens ptg. oo., 1909, The house not ma~ with hands,
18lp. front. (port.) ports. Kansas Cit y , Board of church extension.
b, The incarnation, sermon. Kansas
ccJANES, DONCARLOS, 1877-1944. d, City, Mo., Linwood Blvd. church.
· b, , 0,, 10 Je 1877,
d. Louisville, Ky,, 20 Ja 1944, Texas poems .with an introduction Inspiration, sermon. Kansas City,
by David Lipscomb, Nashville, Mo., Linwood Blvd. church.
The Cedric papers; a collection of Gospel advocate pub, co., 1893,
sketches on miscellaneous subjects 90p. It happened "over there", with
written mainly while on a voyage from illus , by J;lurris A, Jenkins, Jr.
Liverpool to New York, on the steam- New York, Revell, •1918,
ship Cedric. Cincinnati, F. L. JENKINS, BURRIS ATKINS I, 1869-1945, l92p, front., plates,
Rowe, 1906, b, Kanaaa City, Mo,, 2 0 1869,
99p. front., plates, d, El Centro, Calif,, 13 I.Ir 1945, Let's build a new world, and other
unconventional talks, New York,
The Janes illustrated lectures, All that is within me, sermon. Harper, 1934.
lanaas City, Vo., Linwood Blvd, church, 96p. (Harpers monthly pulpit)
Missionary reflections,.. Louis-
ville, Author, n,d. American religion as I see it The man in the etreet and religion.
32p. lived, Indianapolis, Bobbs, •193 0 , New York, Revell, •1917,
.282.p. 248p,
A neglected subject... Louis-
ville, Author, n.d. The atonement, sermon, Kansas lly job--preaohing1 eamples for
12p. City, Mo,, Linwood Blvd, church. preacher• and laymen. Nashville,
Cokesbury pres•, •1932,
The New Testament fi.nancial system. The beauty of the New Testament. 220p.
Louisville, Author, n.d. New York, Doran, •1925,
.20.p. 240p. . Never man 10 spoke, sermon, Kan-
sas City, . lk>., Linwood Blvd, church,
Our world tour, personal observa- The brace-girdle; with a frontie-
·tions and experiences on a trip around piece by H. Weaton Taylor . Phila- Princess Salome, a tale of the day•
the world, 1920-1922, Chicago, W. delphia, Lippincott, 1922, of came 1- bells, with a frontispiece b·y
B. Conkey, 1924, 3llp. front. Gayle Hoskins, Philadelphia, Lip-
208p, plates, ports. pincott, 1921,
The child and the church, an address 362p, front.
An outline study of the holy spirit delivered at the Colieewn, St. Louis,
Louisville, Author, 1939, It:>,, at the annual meeting of the The proteotant1 a scrap-book for
20p. nationalABible achool aaaooiation, and insurgents, Chicago, Christian
published under ita auspices. cl904, century pres,, 1918,
Real New Teatament missionary work. C 16~p • 203p.

A trip abroad; an account of a The church on t 'rial, sermon, Torrent, Indianapolie, Bobbe,
journey to the earthly Canaan and the Kansas City, Mo., Linwood Blvd, church. •1931, •1932,
land of the ancient Pharaohs, to which 346p.
are appended a brief consideration of The creation, sermon, Kansas
the geography and history of Palestine, City, Vo,, LJmrood Blvd. church. Where my caravan has rested,
and a chapter on ohurche1 of Christ in .Chicago, Willett, Clark & oo,, 1939,
Great Britain. Cincinnati, F. L. The drift of the day, Chicago, 24lp, front, (port,) illua,
Rowe, 1905, Willett, Clark & c,olby, 1928,
202p, ports,, plates, xii, 20lp. ' The world'• debt to Protestantism.
Boston, Stratford, •1930,
Where Christ has not gone, 2d · ed, Facing the Hindenburg line; personal 270p.
with an introduction by William Remfry observations at the fronts .arid in the
Hunt, Louisville, Ky., Janes ptg. camp, of the British, French, Americana, Is God love? (In The minieter •1
co., n.d. and Italians, during the campaigns of annual, vol. 5, 1933, pp. 204-207)
32p. 1917, New York, Revell, •1917,
266p. The logic of immortality. (In
In the shadow of the cross. (In Stidger, W, L., ed, If I had only one
Rowe, F. L., · ed,Our Savior'• prayer Freeh furrow. Chicago, Willett, sermon to preach on i1111110rtality, 1929,
for unity, 1918, pp, 96-100) Clark & oo., 1936, · pp. 131-154)
Progressive protestantiaa. (In
JAROSZEIJICZ,l J The future life, sermon, laneae Willett, H. L. Progress,
b, City, Vo., Linwood Blvd, church. volume of the Campbell institute, 1917,
pp. 220-234)

J Jenkina - J""9tt

The same ye sterday, today, and A history of ec onomic progress in . New York, Sheldon, Blake-
f or ever. (In Stelzle, Charl es, ed. the Unit ed States. New York, Crow- man ~ co,; Chicago, S, C. Griggs &
If I had onl y one sermon to preach, ell, •1926. co., 1867, •1B54,
1927, pp . 164-173) xvi, 819p. tables, m~p. 369p,

Violence to the kirigdom of God. A history of the economic and social Nashville, Graves, Marke
(In M:>ore, 11'. T. The new living progress of European peoples. Lex- & Rutland, 1B56, •1854,
pulpit of the Christian church, 191B, ington, Kernal press, 1936. 369p,
pp . 309-318) xiii, 713p.
Campbelliam re-examined, New
Wonder, love, and praise. (In A history of the economic and social York, Sheldon, Blakeme.n & co,, n,d,
Hunter, S. A., ed . Music and r eli gion, progreu of the American people •. 94p,
1930, pp . 205-215) Cincinnati, South-western pub. co.,
1937. The recollections of a long life,
i ntroduction see xiii, 8llp. with an introduction by J. L, I!', ·
Curry, Riohnond, Va., The reli-
Ames, E. s. Letters to God and Introduction to Ame rican economic gious herald oo., 1891,
t he devil. history. New York, Crowell, •1928. 326p, front, (port,)
xii, 54Sp. maps, Contents include: Alexander
with HALDEMAN-JULIUS, EMANUEL. Campbell, pp, 133-138,
Origin and early history of the
Is Theism a logical philosophy? Disciples of Christ. Cincinnati, about see
Girard, Kans., l!a"ldeman-Julius, 1943. Standard, •1919.
344p. map, Lard, M, E, A review of Rev, J,
about E, Jeter's book entitled - "Campbellhm
Origin and early history of the examined,"
Burris A. Jenkins. (In Brown, J. Disciples of Christ, with special Williama, A, P, Campbelliam
T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. reference to the period between 1809 exposed in an ex&111ination of Lard'•
486-487) and 1B35, .Cincinnati, 1919. review of Jeter,
344p, map,
about see Thesis, Ph, D,, University of
Illinois, 191B, JETT, ALONZO B , 1878-1938.
Jenkins, Logan. The old man-- b, Bond county, Ill., 1878,
wi th affection. A short history of the Disciples of d. Ki.nsaa City, lit>,, My 19~8.
li>ore, 11'. T. The new living Christ, St, Louis, Bethany preaa,
pulpit. •1929, From man-made creed• to the God-
236p, given creed, (In Lord, J, A,, od,
From darkn e ss to light, 1907, pp,
JENKINS, BURRISATKINSII, Some religious talks by a univeraity 107-109)
b, Indianapolis, Ind., profeaaor cwith an introduction by A, 1
W, Fortune. Boston, Christopher pub,
house, •1933, ' JEWETT, FRAIII LEONARD,1874-
Father Meany and the fighting 69th, 18lp, b. Gardner, Kans.,
Foreword by Joseph A, McCoffrey,
New York, Frederick Fell, 1944,
6lp, front, (port,) JEliSl:N, HOlrARDEIKENBERRY,1B89- The Bible to the enda of the earth,
b, Herington, Kana,, 6 S 1889. Indianapolia, C, W. B, X,, 1910.
b, Social methodology and the teaching The story or the Texas Bible chair,
of sociology, 1937:, .Indianapolis, U, C, I!', S,, 1943.
pp. 543-650, 19p, port,, illus,
The old n-.n--with affection, (In Reprint from The American Journal
Campbell and Moseley, eds, My dad, of Sociology, vol, xlii, no, 4, The Texas Bible chair, (In li>-
1938, pp, 94-9B). Ji.nuary, 193 7. Pheraon, Chalmers, Disciples of
Christ in Tena, 1920, pp, 124-128)
The aooial values of Christianity,
JENNINGS, OLIVERWALDRON, 1060-1920. Milwaukee, with OTHERS
b , Keokuk, Ia,, 11 D 1860,
d, St, Louis, Ii>,, 9 Je 1920, A forecast of social progress, Red cross progr&111for achool1, b7
(In King, W, P,, ed. Social progreaa Frank L, Jewett and members of the
Arkansas souvenirs, 2d ed , Eaat and Chriatian idea~a, 1931, pp, 267-364) univeraity extension ataff, Austin,
St, Louia, Ill,, Call ptg, co,, 1915. Tex,, The university, cl918.
96p, front,, platea, ports. introduction . aee 2lp, (University of Texas bulle-
tin, no, 1806, Jan, 20, 1918)
Brief •ketch 'and directory of the Ellwood', C. A, llethoda in aooiol-
firat claaa of llisaiaippi Valley oon- ogy,
aiatory, JEWETT, GEORGE ANSON, 1847-1936,
with OTHERS,. b, Red Rook, Ia., 9 S 1847.
d, Dea lloinea, Ia,, 16 Jl 1936.
JENNINGS,WALTER ll'ILSON, 1887- Systema or public welfare,
b, Carmi, Ill,, 9 Ap 1887, ·Hunting an anceator1 a study in
genealogy, The Jewett and llatthewa
JETER, JEREMIAHBELL, 1802-1880, anceatory and collateral lines,
American embargo, 1807-1809, with (Baptist) Des Moines, .earl k, Smith pr••••
particular reference to its effect on 1914.
induatry. Ion City, The university, Campbelliem examined, New York, 26p, front., ports,
c 1921.
Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman1 Boston,
242p, (Studies in the social Gould & Lincoln, 1B55, •1854, Yearbook, J-ett family o~ America •.
sciences, vol, 8, no, 1, no, 56) 369p, . 1914.

Johann - Johnson J

JOHANN,CARL, 1849-1930. A great question--where is the A scriptural view of baptism.

b. Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, answer? Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Kimberlin Heights, Tenn •• Author , n.d.
2 !Jr 1849. Author, n.d. c42p.
d. Canton, Mo,, 25 F 1930.
The Holy Spirit and the human mind. A scriptural view of Christian
about see Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author, 1903. union. Kimberlin Heights, Tenn.,
364p. Author, n.d,
Dungan, D.R. Carl Johann. Printed by Gaut-Ogden co., Knoxville, .4.p.
A scriptural view of faith.
JOHNSON,ASRLEYSIDNEY, 1857-1925. How I came to start the school of Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author, n.d.
b. Knox county, Tenn., 22 Je 1857. the evangelists, by the president ca c4~p,
d. Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., 13 reply to a letter written by Lizzie
Ja 1925. Spence, .Kimberlin Heights, 1908, A scriptural view of prayer.
c42p. cKimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author,
Bible readings and sermon outlines n.d.
on the Christian plea. Kimberlin How Johnson Bible college built the c4:1p.
Heights, Tenn., Author, 1900. water wacks. .Kimberlin Heights,
S8lp. Johnson Bible college, 1923, A ocriptural .view of repentance.
l2p. .Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author,
Correspondence Bible college, a n.d,,
thorough course of training by mail. Is it sintul to use tobacco? c42p.
.Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author, .Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author, n.
1901. d •• A scriptural view of the good con-
254p. .4.p. fession. .Kimberlin Heights, Tenn.,
Author, n.d. •
Condensed Biblica 1 cyclopedia, de- Johnson's sennons on the Uro coven- c4-~p.
signed far those who have but little ants, stenographically reported •
time for study. .Kimberlin Heights, • Kimberlin Heights, Tenn.", Author, Speeches.
Tenn., Author, 1896. 1899. 162p.
232p. 328p.
Cover title: Moses or Christ- The story of a check for 1100.
Did Jesus rise again? .Kimberlin whioh? 1900.
Height•, Tenn., Author, n.d., Preas of Ogden bros . & co., Knox- 46p.
c4iip. ville, Tenn.
The story of a hundred dollars.
Evangeliatio and expository sermons. Johnson's speeches--Hemstead John- 1898.
307p. son debate, Tom Grove, Tenn., Septem- 66p.
ber 16, 17, 1891. Knoxville, Tenn.,
The great controversy; a scriptural Ogden bros. & oo., 1895. Ten lessons in how to read, under-
and historical research after the true l63p. stand, and remember the Bible.
basis at Christian union. Knoxville, Louisville, Press of Guide ptg. and
Tenn., T. Haws, book and jab printer, Letters to a young Methodist pub. co., 1896.
1882. preacher. cKimberlin Heights, Tenn., 136p.
iv, 5-195p. Author, 1897.
With errata slip. 235p. (The evangelistic library, --. Knoxville, Tenn., Gaut-
vol. 1, no. l) Ogden co., printers and binders, 1903.
The great oontroveray, a Biblical 133p.
and hiatarioal serach after the true The iife or trust. Kimberlin
ba1i1 of Chri1tian union. Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., Au.thor. The Tennessee evangelist; a series
Heights, Tenn., Author, 1892. of ten sermons. Cincinnati, Stan-
Z65p. Moses or Christ--which? see dard, 1886.
G~ide ptg. & pub. co., Louisville, Johnson~ a sermons an the two covenants. 200p. front. {port.)
Opening the book of the ·seven seals, What must I do to be saved?
Height•, Tenn., or, twenty-two plain sermons on the
book or the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
berlin Heights, Tenn,, Author, n.d.,
294p. cKimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author,
Printed for the author by Gaut- 1902. The resurrection of Christ. (In
Ogden co., l:naxville, Tenn. 26lp. Meacham, E. J., comp. Training ta
Gaut-Ogden co., printers and station- teach, •1913, pp. 78-82)
• l:noxville, Tenn., Ogden ers, Knoxville, Tenn.
brow. & ca., .printer• and 1tatianers, comp.
1s11,. Our plea, is it scriptural?
2«p. Knoxville, Tenn., Author, 1884? Bible, N. T. The self-interpret-
46p. ing New Testament. Ximberlin Heights,
--. Xnorrllle, Tenn., Printed Tenn., Author, n.d.
tar the author by Og4en brother• & Out of darkneaa into light, a story 424p.
co., n.d. or love, -r, and Christianity. Presa or Ogden bros. & co., Knox-·
299p. cKimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author. ville, Tenn.
--. l:nQxville, Tenn., Printed 273p. about aee
far the author by s. B. II'~ & ca., Presa or Guide ptg. & pub. oo.,
191-? Louisville, Ky. Brawn, A. R. Standing on the
29,p. promises.
The resurrection and the future life. Brown, A. R. Ashley S. Johnson.
The great cantraveray, rev. and cKimberlin Heights, Tenn., Author. Pitts, A. T. Ashley S. Johnson.
brought ta 1939 by K. D. Baumer, 1913.
Fifth ed. -Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 53lp.
•1939. Presa or Knoxville lithographing
287p. co., Knoxville, · Tenn.

J Johnson - Johnson

JOHNSON,BARTONA 1B93 , 378, 38p. grandparents, Rev. John Pirtle and

b. , Neb., 1894, 394, ·36p. Amelia Fitzpatrick Pirtle of Kentucky,
1895, with T. W. Gra ft on, 400 , 36p . Louisville, Designed and printed by
Gibbs-Inman co., 1936.
Proportionate gi ving. St . Louis, The people's New Testament, the BOp. front., illus., ports.
C. C. M. S ., .1926, common and r e.vised ver sio ns, with r efer ~
7p . ences and colored maps, with explana-
tory notes. St. Louis, Christian JOHNS
Tho preacher's l eadership i n the pub. co., •1B69-16 91. b.
missio nary task. ( In Int er nati onal 2 v. maps. d.
conve ntio n, 1938, pp . 350-364) v. l, The fo ur ~ospe ls and the
Acts of the apo stles, 542p . The elements of Chri s tianity.
v. 2, The epistles and rev e l ~tio n, England, L. Oliver.
J OHNSON,BARTON WARREN , 1833-1894. 512p . 40p.
b. nea r Washington, Ill., 0
1833. --, v ol . 1. Kansas City, Mo.,
d. St. Louis, Mo., 24 My 1B94. J. H, S..,_rt & co ., 16B9. JOHNSON, JOHN TRIMBLE, 1788-1856.
b. Great crossing, Scott county,
John, a c ommentary fo r the people. --, vol. 1, ~th ed. St. Louis, Ky., 5 N 1788.
based on both versions . St. Louis, Christian pub. co . , 1890. d. Lexington, Ko., 24 D 1656.
Christ ian pub . co., 1B86 .
32Bp. front. (map) (The New St. Loui s, Christian board. joint~- see
Testament commentary , vol. 3) 2 v.
Campbell, A. Psalms, hymns and
Vision of th e ages; or, lectures on --, vol. 1. St. Louis, Chris- spirituai songs.
the Apoca l ypse. A complete view of tian pub. co., 18B9.
the book of Revela tion. Chicago, l44p. front. (map) about see
Central book concern, 1881. Salesman's prospectus with sample
360p. backstr i ps and order record. Arnold, T. N. John T. Johnson.
Boles, H. L. Biographical
, 3d ed. Chicago & St. Louis, about see sketches of gospel preachers.
Christian pub . co., 1883. Raines, Aylette. A sermon on
Grafton, T. YI. !!.en of yesterday. the life, character, and death of
--, 4th ed. St. Louis, Chris- elder John T. Johnson.
tian pub. co., •1881. Rogers, John. The biography of
360p. JOHNSON,CLIFTONLEE, 18B9- Elder J. T. Johnson.
b. Surr y county, Va., 1889. Rogers, 11'. C. Recollections or
A vision of the ages, with a supple- men of faith.
ment "The world's tomorrow" by A. M. Tiera, M. C. The Christian por-
Hagga rd. St. Louis, Christian Serving our own Judea. (In Inter- trait gallery.
boa rd , 1914. national convention, 1942, pp. 46-55)

Young folks in Bible lands, in- JOHNSON,JOSEPH BYRAM,1840-1926.

cluding travels in Asia minor, excur- JOHNSON,E A b. Washington, Ill., 1840.
sions to Tarsus, Antioch, and Damascus, b. d. Pomona, Calif., 7 Je 1926.
and the to ur of Palestin~, with his-
tori ca l explanations. St. Louis, The bright side and dark side of
Christian pub. co., 1892 . joint~ see Christian science, with a pr~ratory
400p. front. (port.) illus. note by F. D. Kershner. St. L.ouis,
E. R. }bon. Spying out Congo land. Christian board, n.d.
Christ and the future life. (In 22p.
Garrison, J. H., ed. The old faith
restated, 1891, pp. 398-420) JOHNSON,EMMAELIZABETH(STRAWN) (Mrs.
Ashley Johnson), 1863.-1927. JOHNSON,IIARIET?ALOUISE (PIERCE)
ThA faith justifies, skeleton b. Dunnville, Ontario, 11 Ja 1863. (Krs. J. F. Johnson) -l93ij.
sermon. (In Cory , N. E., ed. The d. Kimberlin Heights, Tenn., 30 My b. St, Paul, Kinn.,
po lymathist, 1877 , pp. 320-322) 1927. d. Fairhope, Ala., 23 D 1938.

Old academ y days in Walnut Grove. about see Youth in a world or men; the child,
(In Di ck inson, E. J . , ed. History of the parent, and the teacher, llew
Eureka college, 1894, pp. 226-231) Brown, A. R. Standing on the York, John Day, .1929,
promises. x, c306.p.
introduction see

Ely, Simpson. Ten chapters against JOHNSON,HEN1lYMORTIMER,1878- JOHIISOB, IIERITTE SCOTT, 1850-1938.
tobacco. b. Giddings, Tex., 27 F 1878, b. Platte county, Mo,, 31 Ja 1860,
d. Louidana, Jfo., 31 O 1938.
~- . The layman's loyalty to the ohurch. Self-maatery. (In ll'ilaon, L. c.,
The Christian internat i onal les•on (In International convention, 1937, ed. Twentieth century ael"'llons and
connentary. St. Louis, Christian pp. _291-297) addresses, 1902, pp, 231-236)
pub. co., .1 885-1894,
10 v. maps., illua. TILFORD, HENRYJ.
1B86, .282,p. JOHNSON.RICHARDHENRY, 1835-1912,
1867, c349,p. · The family of John and Amelia Fitz- b. Tazewel .l county, Ill., 1835.
1888, c369op. patrick Pirtle, another futlly of dis- d. Fayettenlle_. Ark., 4 D 1912'.
1889, 371, 38p. tinction from the Lincoln coun!ry or
1890, 336p. Kentu cky, showing the paternal heirs The suM"ival ot the fittest, (In
1891, 366, 38p. as of January, nineteen thirty-riTe of Painter, J. H., ed. The Iowa pulpit of
1892, Major John B. Pirtle tracing from hie the church or Chrht, 1884, pp, 395-412)

Johnson - Jonea J

about see Do you -nt to be happy and free? JOHIISTON,RALPHW , 1874-

.New York, The National conference of
Painter, J. R. Ioq pulpit of Christians and Jews, n.d, Today' a pictorial history or Alex-
the church of Christ. cl6,p, inc, covers, ander Campbell and the Chriatian
churches. cPittsburgh, R, 'If. John-
An outline of action for democracy. ston studios, •1909.
JOHNSON,SARAH (BARCLAY) (lr!rs. J. St. Louis, National conference of 30p, illus,
Augustus Johnson), 1837-1885. Christiana and Jews, 1941 .
b. 15p, inc. front cover.
Prejudice1 how do we recognize it? b, Pittsburg, Penn,, 26 Ja 1871.
Hadji in SyriaJ or, three years in What can we do about it? Washington, d, 16 F 1929,
Jerusalem. Philadelphia, Ja,nea D. C., National education association,
Challen & sons, 1868. n,d, !.!y own main street, Cincinnati,
303p, front., plates. cl62p. inc. covers. (Personal Standard, •1921. -
growth leaflet no. 130) 238p, front., illus.


b, Bristol, Va,, 30 Ap 1891, JOHNSTON,IDA (LEE) (lira, W. G. JOHNSTON,WILLIA."GRCVENOR, 1870..1939.
Johnston) b, Crliis oounty, Va., 20 Ap 1870.
b. d, St. Louis, l..'o., l S 1939.
Thing• that abide. (In Thornton,
E. W,, ed. Phillipa university ser- Byrdine Akers Abbott, (In West,
mona, 1929, pp. 189-201) The bluebird house and other stories J. W., ed, Sketches of our mountain
for boys and girls, · Rook Island, pi oneers, 1939, pp, 116-124)
Ill,, Augustana bk, ooncern, •1928,
JOHNSON,THOMAS MARION,1849-1906, 89p, illus. History cf the Gravel Hill Chris-
b, 1849, tian church ,Craig county, Va,,
d, Quincy, Ill,, 30 ·Je 1906, The king's image and other stories (In Centennial of the Gravel Hill
for young people. Rock Island, Ill., Christian . church, 1935, pp. 3-16)
Series of 6 tracta, Augustana bk. concern, •1928.
94p, illus, William Hufflu.n, (In West, J,
lT., ed. Sketche1 of our mountain
JOHIISON,TOIi LOFTIN, 1854-1911, The lost slipper and other stories pioneera, 1939, pp. 70..73)
b, Georgeto,m, Ky., 18 Jl 1854. for little folks, Rock Island, Ill,,
d, Cleveland, 0,, 10 Ap 1911. Auguatana bk, concern, •1928. with BRUNER,B. H, ·
lfy atory1 ed. by Elizabeth J, The evangelis .tic mesaage, St ,
Hauser. Hew York, B. W, Huebsch, Old pine knot, cSt. Louis, Louis, Christian board, •1922.
1911. Author, 1940, 192p.
xli, 326p. front., platea, ports. 207p,
Statement of Jlt.yor Tom L. Johnson JOHNSTONE,CHARLES WARREN,1892-
on municipal ownership. cCleveland, Elijah Calvin Lee. (In \Yest, J, b, Union, S. c., 12 Mr 1892.
· O., Presa or .s. J. Jobnok, 19--? W., ed, Sketches or our mountain pio-
c8ap. neers, 1939, pp, 228-231)
Happy of the sawdust trail.
about Jo!lllthan Calvin Lee, (In West, J.
'Ir., ed. Sketches of our mountain pio- The last call.
Baker, N. D, Tom Loftin Johnson. neers, 1939, pp. 231-234)
(In Dictionary of American biography, The la•t crusade.
vol. 10, 1933, pp. 122-124)
JOHNSTot, JAMES, Spangles.
about see b.
Weighed and found wanting.
Allen, P. L. Cleveland and the
three cent fare, A century of Protestant missions •••
Lorena, Carl, Tom L, Johnson, Cincinnati, F, C, Y, S,, n,d. cJONES, ABNERDUlo!ONT,
20p. b.
b, JOHNSTON,JAl.!ESH , 1836-1918, The American portrait gallery;
b. Fluvanna county, Va,, 2 F 1836. containing portraits and brief notices
d. Princeton, 'If. Va., 26 N 1918, or the principal actor, in American
Anti-aemitism and the national oon- history.,. New York, J, M, Emerson
rerenoe of Christiana and Jews • . n.p •• about see and co,, 1856.
n.d. 768p, ports.
cBap. inc. covers. Hopkins, q, H, "Jimmie" H. First issued in 1853 under title,
Advance printing from The Humanist, . Johnston. The illustrated American biography.
Spring 1946.
Illinois and the West; with a town-
Christian solutions of the "Jewish ocJOHNSTON,L ! ship map, containing the latest •ur-
problem". n.p., n.d. b, veya and improvements, Boston,
c4ap. Weeks Jordan and co.; Philadelphia W
Condensed . from Colgate-Rooheater ~rahall and co,, 1838, ' •
bulletin, February, 1941. Unity, (In Rowe, F. L,, ed. Our c256,p. front. (map)
Reprinted from Religioua digest, Savior'• prayer for unity, 1918, pp.
June 1941. 101-105) ~- see
Jonea, Abner. llemoir,

J Jones - Jones

oJONES, ABNER, 1772-1841, Churche s of Christ in Loui siana. The pulpit ataire, foreword by
b . Royalston, llasa., 1772. (In Br own, J. T. , ed . Churches or Joseph Fort Newton. St. Louis,
d. Exeter , N. H., 29 ll;y 1841. Christ, 1904, pp. 241-243 ) Bethany press, •1934,
Memoir of Elder Abner Jone•, by hi•
son A. D. Jones. Boston, w. Crosby JOJIES, DORSEYDEE, 1898- Roses of Bethany and lilies of
.!: 00., 1842. b, Arimathea, New York, Harpe r , 1936,
207p. front. (port.) • 1932, •193 6.
x , 30p,
Memoir• of tho lite and experience, Edwin Chadwiolc and the early public Publ i shed 1932 as a chapter in
traTel•, and preaching of Abner Jonea, health movement in England. Iowa his "Bl underin g into paradise."
written by hiiuelt. Exeter, B. H., City , Ia,, ' The univereity, cl931,
Pr in t ed by Xorria and Sawyer tor the l60p, (University of Iowa. The stewardship of all life,
author, 1807. Studies in th e aooial acienoes , vol. ix, addresa at National atewardahip con-
108p. no. 3) vention, Chica go, Illinois, 1938.
Thesia, Ph.D., University or Iowa, .Indianapolis, Uni f ied promotion , n.d.
with SIIITH, ELIAS. 1929. Sp, folder.

Hyane, original and eeleoted, Under the Russian canopy; a history The tender pilgrima. Chicago,
Portland, lie., 1806, or Russia old and new. Minneapolis, Chrietian century preae, 1917.
llinn . , Burge•• pub. co,, •1916. 88p.
about 248p.
Photoprinted. Thia great buaineu of preaching.
Per sons, F, T. Abner Jone•. Bew York, Federal council of the
(In Dictionary or American biography, ohurohee or Christ.
TOl. 10, 1933, pp. 157-168) JOBES, EDGARDElfIT1', 1876- lOp. (lational preaching mh-
b. Hearne , Tex., 5 D 1876, aion eerie•)
about •••
When Jeeue wrote on the ground;
Burnett, J . F. ReT, Abner Jone•• American preacher• of today1 inti- atudiea, expoaitiona and meditation•
the man who believed and eerTed, mate appraisal or thirty-two leader•. in the lite of the epirit, with an
Indianapolis , Bobbe, •1933, appreoiation by Charles Clayton llorri-
317p. son, New Tork, Doran, •1922.
JOIIES: AILLEN BAILEY, 1832-1920. Content• include, Chapter• about 234p.
b. Jliddletown, lb., 6 Ja 1832. Peter Ainslie Ill, Burri• Jenkin• I,
d, Liberty, lb., 27 D 1920, Raphael H, lliller , Joeeph Fort The wiedOll of God'• tooh, 1tudi••
Newton, and Charles Clayton Vorrieon . in spiritual sagacity. Bew Torie,
The spiritual aide of our plaa. Revell, •1916.
St. Louie, Chrietian pub . co., 1901. The Baptiate and the Dieoiplee, 224p.
394p. appraisal• and appreciations prepared
at the request ot a joint oonterenoe The afterglow. (In Shelton, F.
Coneoiouane•• and its relation to of a cOllllllittee on the Aeeooiation for B., Shelton of Tibet, 1923, pp. 268-
the holy apirit. (In A eympoeiua the proaotion or unity, ot 274)
on the holy spirit, 1879, pp. 1-16) the Dieoiplee of Chri1t, and the oom-
aittee on oonferenoe with other reli- The Baptiste, (In The Baptiate
The two reTelatione, (In The gious bodiea, or the Borthern Baptiat and the Diaciplee, appraieale and
111.seouri Chrietian lecture•, wl. 2, convention, held in Pitteburgh, Pa., appreciation•, 1929, pp. 3-12)
1883, pp. 9-31) January 30, 1929, Philadelphia,
American Baptist pub, aooiety. The Dieoiple• and the federal
2lp. oouncil. (In International conven-
JOBES, C DURAJfT, tion, 1937, pp. 166-172)
b. Blundering into paradiae1 with an
introduotion by Caius Glenn Atldna. The doge of war. (In Laweon, J.
New York, Harper, 1933, O., ed. Great aeniona on world peace,
Bapti•• in plain English. x, 126p. (Harper• monthly pulpit) •1937, pp. 111-123)

Before the battle. Dea 11:>ines, Fairhope I the annah of a country Fruita of cooperation; '!he road to
Author. ohuroh; frontispiece by Herbert DeLand unity need• -nding; Tribute to Grah•
tract. Willi-•. Bew Torie, llacmillan, 1917. Frank. (In International convention,
212p. front. 1941, pp. 61-661 1934, pp. 66-661
A aodern Peter. 1938, pp. 16-19)
tract. The inner cirole, studie1 in apirit-
ual and aooial valuea; with an intro- God everywhere . (In Strong, s.
llore than oonquerora. duction by Archibald -..Lean. N- D., ed. How to find God, 1931, p. 36)
traot, Yorlc, Revell, •1914.
232p. 1'he high adventure ot preaching.
ll;y lather'• bu•ineu. De• 11:>inn, (In Texaa State convention addreuee,
Author, Lords of epeeohJ portrait• of fif- 1931, pp, l-4)
teen Aarican orator•. Chioago,
Tbia, that, or the other. Willett, Clarie.!: co., •1937. Tbe holy ecripturea, (In Brid-
paaphlet. xi, 266p. well, J. T,, ed, The lliohigan pulpit,
1924, pp. 76-87)
With one oonaent. Dee lloine•, A man etood up to preach and fifteen
Author, 1900. other aeraona cwith an, introduction Ir I eat where they ait, (In
pamphlet. by the late llerton a. Rice. St. The .American pulpit aerie•, 1946, vol.
Louie, Bethany pr•••, •1941. 2, pp. 36-51)
JOBES, CLAUDEL , 1872- • Iaitation ot Chriat. (In Pierce,
b. Caddo Gap, Ark., 17 Ag 1872. Ornaaented orthodoxy; etudie .• in R. V., ed. Preacher• and preaching in
Christian oonetanoy, cwith an, introduc- 'letroit, Revell, 1926, pp. )
tion by Arthur 8. Hoyt. Bew Torie,
ReTell, •191!.

The ministry ot meditation. (In JOBES,. JA11ESBDJAJIII, 1846-1911. with SHEPHERD,F. S.

lloore, 11'. T., ed. The new liTing pul- b, Foraythe county, H. c., 1848,.
pit ot the Christi&n church, 1918, pp. d, The old, old story. St, Louie•
129--137) Christian pub. oo., 1895.
The geniua and apirit ct our plea 18p.
The queat tor God through the aa Diaciplea ot Chriat, or Christiana.
oo-onplace1 The queat tor God through (In Roger•, 11', c. Recolleotiona ot
the Holy Spirit1 The quest tor God men ot taith, 1889, pp, 106-126) JORES, IIABBL CROHSIE (Jira, Thomae
through hi• killgdoa1 The quest tor God llacDowell Jonea), 1860-
through the Lord'• aupper. (In Jloaea E. Lard. (In Brown, J, T.,
Lota, P. H., ed. The quest tor God ed. Churohea ot Chri,t, 1904, pp, 416- Achaah, the sister ot Jairus; a
through worahip, •1934, pp. 174-1761 418) atory ot the times of Jesus, Cin-
. 168-169 J 110-111 J 130-131) cinnati, Standard, 1914, 1913.
Victorioua taith. (In Lord, J,
The atew&rdahip ot all lite. (In A., ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904., pp Dolly's college experienoes1 a
Dawaon, F. F ., ed. The Chriati&n man 17:1-176) atory tor girls. Cincinnati,
at work, 1939, T. 1, pp. 93-99) Standard, 1914.
about ... 278p. front.
introduction •••
ca,on, W. s., and other•. A Gettysburg Terae. Albany, N. Y.,
Castleberry. The aoul ot reli- ,ouTenir history ot the Chrhtian churct Bardeen, 1902.
gion and other addreaaea. at Cynthiana. 60p.
Combe, G. H. I'd take thh -y Ellett, R, H. J, B. Jone,.
again. In daya of old when knighta were
bold. Cincinnati, Standard, 1914.
b, Triaball county, O., 16 Je 181:1. Rome•a tool and other atoriea.
Jonea, 11'. R. Paraing dad'• per- d. Cincinnati, Standard, 1915.
lloore, W, T. The n"" liTing pul- about aH Six or then: and the other thrN,
pit ot the Christian church, Cincinnati, - Standard, 1902.
Tiera, II. C. The Chriatian por- 2:12p.
trait gallery.
JOBES, !LI Su:NLEY, 1884-
( Jlathodh t) JO!IES, IIARY (HOOVER) (lira. Silas ·s.
JOBES, JOHNRABLBY, 1889-1942. Jones)
Chriatiana and the world criaia. b. Arrow Rook, ll>., 8 F 1889. b.
(In International conTention, 1941, d. Springfield, ll>., 10 Jl 1942.
pp. 76-88)
lllulber thirteen, &11 addr••• deli- The eeTenth-tirth mileatone, a
nred in the annual oonTention ot the hiatorical pageant or the 00111111Unity
JOIBS, ETHELJfAB Third lfiaaionary diatrict ot lliaeouri and college or Eureka, Illinoia, pr ..
11. at Eldorado Springe, lliaaouri, lfay 8, aented at the open air theater,
192:1. . Eureka college, Eureka, Illinoia,
19p. llonday, June 9, 1930, 8100 p.a.
llrMking the -r habit. (In 8p.
International ooDTention, 19:16, pp. The paatoral a,re ct all the churchea
149-181) an addreH delinred before the Chria-
tian ainiatera• aaaooiation or llisaouri, ooJOIIBS, IORIIAlJL
Charles S, Jledbury, the atudent•a Jtanaas City, April 18, 1923. .Spring- b.
triend. (In lfiller, R, H,, ed. field, Ila., Author, 1923.
CharlH S, Jledbury, 1932, pp. 33-40) 19p.
joint_!!. He
JOJIBS, GEORGECURTIS, 1911- JOIBS, JOBJI IRA, i887-l938. Bixler, C, R. Acta or Apoatlee.
b, Dundaa, Va., 18 0 1911. b, , 27 Jl 1887.
d. Jtanaaa Cit7:, llo., 12 Ap 1938.
Repairing our religion. Timely Bow I got out qt the -H ot Ho- b.
thought• and ailliles to •ti-late and tarianin. Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. d. Detroit, llioh., 18 0 19:19.
iaprow Christianity during theH daya 18p. port.
ot global atrite and reconatruotion, Charle• S. lladbury; the putor.
owith &11 introduction by George Haail- --. (In Lord, J. A., ed. Proa (In Killer, R. H,, ed, Charles s.
ton Combe. Boaton, Chriatopher pub. darkneH to light, , 1907, pp, 27:1-282) lledbury, 1932. pp, 27-:12)
houae, •1946,
JOBES, JOD T , 1796- • ccJOl'BS, ROBERTC
b. Philadelphia, Penn., 10 F 1796. b.
JOD8, J FRED,1869-1928. d.
b. Bath county, 17,, 9 F 1869.
d. Stanford, Ill., 2:1 Ja 1928. about ... The Bible during the dark ages 1
The word ot the Lord endureth. (Ia
A neis)lborhood chUl'ch. Tiara, II. C. The Chriatian por- Abilene Chriatian college Bible leo-
trait gallery. turea, 1938, . pp. 20-3:IJ 1942, pp. 92-
Cmrchea ot Chriat in Illincia. 101)
(Ia Brown, J. T., ed. · Church•• ct
Chriat, i904, pp. 218-217) JOIIE8, L B
on Caapbelli,;.. x.o--
J JonH • Jor ...

JOOS, WHARTOlll STEWART,1849-1936. --, 6th ad. reT, and cor ., with The oonatitutiTe and regulati••
b. ••hTille, Tenn., 14 S 1849, an additional prataoa, containing prinoiplea in Kant. Chicago,
d. 28 0 1936. atricturea in a recant publication, .Printed by the Uninrsity or phicago
by Williaa Stephen Gilley, London, -preu. 1912.
Element• or aritlmetio. •- York, W, Jonea, 1826. 63p,
American bit. oo., cl904a 2T. front,, -p, Theaia: Ph.D., UniTereity ot
224p. Chicago, 1911,
--, third .Aarican ad, .rrom the
lle1I' York, AIMrioan bit. oo,, fourth London ad. LouisTilla, Forms of indiTiduality1 an inquiry
•1909. lphriaa A. Saith, 1831, into the grounds ot order in him&n
Ti, 224p. 667p. relations. Indianapclie, o. W.
Printed by lllorwood Palmer, Laut and oo., 1927,
Key to practical arithmetic. •- ix, 469p.
York, Alllerioan bk. oo., 1911. --, 4th American from the 6th
London eel, Wet1apka, Ala., c. Yan- ----. reiaaue. Bloomington,
Practical arithmetic. •- York, cey, 1845, Ind., Principia preae, 1938?
.American bk. co., 1909. 2T, in 1. 469p,
308p. illus.
Lectures on eccleaiaatical history, The lite cf the mind. Indiana-
•- York, American bk. co., London, polis, C. W. Laut and co,,
. Ti, 324p.

327p. Ulua. Lita of .Abraham Booth, 1808,

Theory ot legislation; an eaeay on
Meaoir ot the ReT, Rowland Hill, · the dynamic• ot public mind. Incl-
JOBES, WILLIAX, 1762-1846. with a prataoe by Jamee She~n. ianapolie, Progreaa pub. oo., 1930,
b. Poulton, Lancaahire, England, London, Piaher, aon & oo., .1837. 486p.
1762, xii, 669p, .rront. (port,)
d. --. Bloomington, Ind,, Prin-
Memoir• or the Uta, ainiatry, and cipia preaa, 1938?
Autobiography, eel, by hia aon. writing• or the RaT, Adu, Clarke, 486p.
1846. London, Printed by lloGon.n and co,,
The Biblical cyo.lopedia1 or, Dio- xiii, 700p, front, (port,) JORDil, ELLA(DUlllGAlll)(Jira. Walter ••
tionary ot the li>ly a~ripturea, - Jordan), 1866-1906,
ed •• re•., oorr., and enl... Lon- ·Memoir• ot the Ute, minietry, and b. Platt•outh, Ieb., 29 llr 1886,
don, Printed by T. Harjette tor w. writinga or the ReT, Rowland Hill, d. Quincy, Ill., 101906,
Jones, ceto,, etc •• 1824, London, Printed tor J. Bennett, 1834.
2T, tronta. (-pa) -P•, platea, xiT, 368p, front, (port.) ·Help those w0111en! an addreaa
deliTare<l in Quincy, Illinois, Dec••
Biographical and hiatorical ber 1, 1906, .Quincy, Ill ••
altetohes ot !arl Grey, Lord Broughaa, ooJOHES, WILLUII PBDIIAlll, Quincy auxiliary ct the Chriatian
••to,• and Lord Stanley, with a b, women'• board of aiaaions, .1906.
history ot the pauing ot the retora Up,
bill•, a Ti- !>f the atate or Europe,
and a hiatorical regiater or nenta, Bible aubjeota, according to aorip-
London, Re-publiehed by H. Waahbourne, turea1 to be rNd with the context in JORDil, ELSIE (11'ATIIBS), 1885-
1839. the sacred writing•. Iberia, Jlo,, b,
864p, .rront., porta, Author, 1931,
Christian biography. 1829, Senn goapel aermona. Hancock, The little superintendent, a true
Jlo., Author, n,d, etory. Cinoinnati, Standard, •1914,
Dictioaary ot religioua opinion.a. 8p, ino. oOTara, x, 38p. plate•, port•,
The hiatory or England during the JOBS, WILLIS R JORDAJI,J H (Uninraaliat ;
reign ot Georg• III. Being a contin- b.
uation to Hume and llllollett. Lon- • Title unknown. 1847.
don, Printed tor T. Tega .eto,, eto •• A rerln or A, W, Hall'• Un1Ter-
1826, Pt.raing dad'• peraonality, (In aal1 .. againat itaelt.
3T, Campbell and lloHley, ed., 1938, pp. 99-
--. London, Printed _tor T. Teg; JORDA!f,ORVISFAIRL!E, 1877•
.eta •• 1828, b, Gibaon City, Ill,, 1 S 1877,
b, Arter the next armiatioe, a ael'llOn
The hiatory or the Chrietian church, odelinreda in Co-..nity ohuroh.
tram the ·birth ot Chrht to the eigh- Park Ridge, Illinola, lllOT. 10, 1940,
teenth century, including the Tery A good natured Ohriatian, (In
intereating account ot the Waldenaea Brite college or the Bible, Sermon.a,
and Albigenaea let, American tram tha wl, 1, 1937, pp. 11-12) The dignity of an i_,rtal aouJ.
4th London eel, •- York, s. B. a aermon preached in Piobrlok thNtre,
Cone, 1824, Baater, ~oh 28, 19S7,
2T, .rronta, (-p•) 2p, .
JORDil, ELIJAH, 1876-
Pirat publiahed, 1812, under the b, near Eberteld, Ind., 28 llr 1876,
title, History or the WaldansH, The eTery -ber caDT&e.
connected with a altetch ot the pamphlet,
Chriatian ohuroh, The aeathetic objaot1 an introduction
to the philoaophy ot n.lue, Blooming- The hhtory and -ning or Baptl•.
ton, Ind,. Prinoipi _a press, 19:57, pamphlet.

Jordan - Judson J

Infidelity; ita rise and cure. with KETCHUM, A. F. JOUETT, EDWARD STOCKTON,1863-
pamphlet. b. Winchester, Ky., 21 0 1863.
Kindergarten gems. St. Louie,
The miaaionariea among the immi- Christian board.
grants. Cincinnati, A. c. M. s. Christianity--demooraoy--laymen.
pamphlet. (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian
ccJORGENSON,ELMERLEON, 1886- man at work, 1941, v. 3, pp. 10&-116)
Religioua finance in war time. b,
pamphlet. Helping God make the world Chri•-
tian. (In International convention,
Who are the Diaciplea of Chri1t. The Savior's prayer for unity. 1939, pp. 176-180)
pamphlet. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior'•
prayer for unity, 1916, pp. 106-110) oanp.
Youth at the altar steps. Park
Ridge, Ill., Community church news, oomp. Digest of decisions relating to
.1942, the validity of state atatutea regu-
32p. The alphabetical hymnal, great lating the operation of motor vehi-
aonga of the ohuroh, a comprehensive cles, prepared for the Research
The ohurch and the community. collection of paalma, hymns, and committee or Miasiaaippi Valley
(In Garrison, w. E., ed, Faith of spiritual songs of the first olaaa, railroads, rev. ed. Louisville,
the free, 1940, pp. 177-188) suitable for all aervioes of the church. Louisville & Waahville railroad, 1933.
Louisville, Iy., Great aonga press, 73p.
Tendenoiea in city religion. 1936, •1926.
(In Willett, H. L., ed. Progrea11 460 hymns.
annivereary volume of the Campbell Cover titles Great · songs of the JUDD, GILBERTS
institute, 1917, pp. 126-146) ehuroh. nwnber one. b.

with MORRISON,C. C. Faith of our rather•. Louisville,

Ky., Word and work, 1946. Churoh finance... llt.yaville,
The training of church members. 36p, Ky., Tho_, A. Davia, 1876.
Chicago, Diaciplea publication aooiety. 16p.
booklet. Great aonga of the churoh; a com-
prehensive collection of psalms, hymns,
joint~- aee and spiritual songs of first rank JUDSON, KARY J
1uitable for all services of the churoh. b,
Willett, H. L, Progrea1: anni- Alphabetically arranged. Louisville, d.
versary volume of the Campbell insti- Word and work; .etc., etc., •1921.
tute on the completion of twenty years .266,p. Builder• of oharaoter. India11&-
of history. polis, C. lf. B. M., n.d.
--, c2d ed,, Louisville, Word 4p.
and work; .etc,, etc., •1922.
JORDAN,ROBERTL .312,p. Christian atewardahip. Indiana-
b. polia, c. w. B. M., 1897.
The new alphabetical hymnal1 Great 4p.
songs of the church, number two, a
Two raoea in one fellowship, .with treasury of a·ix hundred aaored aonga Large gifta from those who are able
a foreword by Robert M. Hopkins, 1uitable for all services or the to man th•. lndiam.polia, c. lf.
Detroit, liloh., United Christian ohurch, churoh. Louiaville, Iy., Greet song, B. M., 18971
1944. preaa, 1940, •1937. leaflet.
9lp. Ulua. 448p., 600 hymn•.
Cover titles Great aonga of the
ohiroh, number tore.


TOYOHIIO, KEENE, C II , 1864- Loyalty to Christ '• prin ci ples or
b, Allegan oounty, Mich., 3 F 1864, living; . The pur pose or the leaders of
The united church in Japan; We are the restoration moTement, (In
one in Christ. (In International Abilene Christian college Bible l eo-
oonvention, 1941, pp. 87-941 311-316) A brier outline or the basic pri n- turea, 1943, pp. 140-162; 1940, pp ,
ci pl es or the New Testa ment church. 328-3 49)
, Wayland, Mich,, Aut hor ,
IANE, CHARLESP -1918. 4p.
d, Springfield, Ill,, 12 Ja 1918, ll'hy the church. ( In Bridwell, J. b. Sullhan, · Ill., 18 Je 1863, ·
T., ed. The llichigan pulpit, 1924,
Chriotian church or Springfield, pp. 186-193)
Illinois. B. Arnold; historical dran-..
Reprinted from ~ransactions or
Illinois state historical society, KEEVIL, JOSEPH, 1872- Instrumental musio in Christian
1907. b, Wiltshire, England, 22 Ag 1872, worship, St, Louis, Christian pub,
co., 1904?
IANSAS CITY, 110, COUNCILOF CHURCHES. The church of Christ, or, the church
of the New Testament. Lesson• in soul winning, with
Radio aermona given over ll'DAFradio special reference to houae to house
station or the Kanaas City Star. The modern dance. liobleeville, viaitation. St. Louie, Christian
,Kanaas City, Mo., Council or churohes, Ind., llinisterial alliance, 1920? • pub. co,, 1895, •1893,
1940. tract, 184p.
Contenta include, Jeaue and 1l1'f Sin and salvation. Six months abroad on 1300,
family by H. L. Ice, pp. 21-24, tract. Carrollton, Mo., Author, 1901.
ll'hat 1a the difference?
KANTOR,IIACKIJILAY,1904- tract. The good confession. (In Lord,
J. A,, ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904,
Arouee and b.,, a noTel. N- pp. 214-217)
York, Coward, •1936. IEITH, JOSHUAn.ATTO!i, 1844-1919.
332p. b, Chillicothe, llo., 7 Mr 1844.
Description or a religious meeting d. St, Louie, Mo., 22 Ap 1919. KELLEMS,JESSE RANDOLPH, 1892-
held by the follower• or Alexander b, Junction City, Ore,, 16 S 1892,
Campbell, pp, 156-157, History or the Watson family in
America, 1760-1914. ,Louisiana, llo,,
1914. Alexander Campbell and the Disci-
KATI.OR,HARRIETA 50p, illus. plea1 lecture• delivered in Brite
b. college or the Bible, Texas Christian
d. My trip to California in '49. J, unhersity, ·April and ._y, 1926.
E. Carstarphen. ,Louiaiana, llo,, 1'1- York, R. R, Smith, 1930,
Stewardship stories for children, 1914. ix, 409p.
,first, second and third series. 8p, illus,
St , Louis, U, C, II. S., n.d. Caption title, James E. Carstarphen. Baptizing in the Jordan. Cin-
3 ....
One or Louisiana's beat known citi- cinnati, Standard,
zen,, a sketch of hi• life.
--, (fourth aerie•) Indiana- Signed, Clayton Ieith, Christian baptism, St. Louil,
polia, u. c. II, s., n,d, U. C, II, S,, n,d.
16p, Sketch of the Jackson family in 8p,
America, 1766-1916. ,Louiaiana Mo,,
Pike .county newe print, 1916. ' St. Louis, U, c. II, s . ,
oolEEBLE, IIARSHALL, 1878- 52p, illua. .1928.
b. Rutherford oounty, Tenn., 7 D 8p,
1878. Sketch or the Lampton family in
America, 1740-1914, .n.p., 1914. The deity or Jesus and other ser-
69p, front. (port.) mons, with introduction by Jamee E,
Biography and aermona, ed, by B. c. Davia, St. Louia, Christian .board,
Goodpasture, Naeh'l'ille, Goapel •1919,
advdoate, 1931, KEITH, II B 274p.
102p, platea, porta, b.
Glorifying in the croaa, &11dother
sermons; with intl:'oduotion by George
KEELEY,MARTPAXTON, The Juliette Fowler homes (In L. Lobdell. St, Louia, Christian
b. llcPheraon, Chalmera, Diaoipies ot board, •1914,
Christ in Texas, 1920, pp. 161-167) 14lp. front. (port.)
oomp. 1'1- Testament evangelism, a aeries
KEITH, l'IOELLEONARD, or addreseea on evangeliatio preaching,
Chriatian oollege prise playa, '1'01, b. music and methods, ,with an introduc-
1. Colwnbia, Mo., Christian oollege, tion by E. C. Sandereon. Cincin-
1934. nati, Standard, •1922,
127p, front., plates. eee 383p.

Lyrioa from a linotype, compiled by Hutton, s. w. ll'orehip highway•.

Pentecoata under the Southern
._ry Paxton Ieeley fr0111poetry and oro1a1 with an introduction by Wil-
'l'erH that hae been printed in the liam Morrow, Cincinnati, Standard
Chrletian college llicrophone during ooIELCT, RAYJ«lRDc •1926. '
, 1916- ll59p, illus,
ita t'irat aix y-eara. ,Colwnbia, 110.0 b. , Tex., 8 lfy 1~16,
Chriatian oollege aicrophone, 1934.
r.11.. - lent 1

The r esurrection gospel , and other !ELLOc;lG,CAROLINE Livi ng reli gious is sues of the day.
••rmona delivered at the Firat Chris- b, Author, 1890.
tian church, Long Beach, Calif.,
January 1922, with an introduction by The manual of pra yer, rev., enl.,
George P. Taubaan. Cinchmati, Forty-eight primary worship aer- and atereotyped ed. 1860,
Standard, • 192•. vioea1 program• with songs, scriptur e •, 96p,
368p, front. atories and thinga to do, Cincin-
nati, Standard, •1932, Prayer, (I n Scott, L. 11',. ed,
--, 2d ed, Cincinnati, Stan- 208p, illua, Texas pulpit, 1888, pp, 274-286)
dard, •192• .
368p. front.
Studie• in the forgiven••• or ain•, b. b. Corinth, Ky. , 11 lfr 1857.
being the lecture• delivered in Jlarch
and April, 1926, before the faculty
and atudent• or the college or th• Bew lfincheater. (In Reagan, J, about •••
Bible, Drake university, with i_ntro- S, Hiatoric aketchea o·r Christian
duction by Jeaae Caldwell, Mew York, churchea in Hendrick, county, Indiana, Rioe, P. J, Life and labor• or
Doran, •1926, pp. 9-11) Henry Corneli ua_ Kendrick,

Why I Uta Christian only. Cin- KELLY,IIRS. LOUISE ooKEMLEY,R 0

cirmati, Standard. b, b.
The two apirita and then- man.
introduction ••• "Little
St • . Louil,
-rda or the church."
U, C, JI. S·,, n,d, Austin , Tex,, Firm foundation, 1939?
lnott, H. E, How to prepare a 12p. 7lp.
Money and the kingdoa, Indiana- Christian aoienoe of the aoienoe
polh, C. lr. B. K., 1915. of Christianity. (In Abilene Chria-
m.LBR, EDIJARDL leaflet. tian college Bible lecture•, 1924-
1925, pp. 107-12•)
, If.ARY
Great sermon• by young preacher•. b, IENNEDY,.!LETTA
Sff York, Riobard R, Smith, 1931, b,
;di, 2Up.
Content• include, Oetting an Some Chine•• frienda of lline, with
appetite tor life by Warren Gratton. an introduction by R, H, 111.ller. The indigenous church. (In
Cincinnati , Powell and White, •192•. DeGroot, A, T., ed. The Jltlnphia
youth convention, 1926, pp. 63-67)
l96p . front, (port,) plates,
(Baptht) The contest tor California in 18611
SeTenth dayin X-rayed cwi'-'l a
preface or Tho-• H. Adam•• Cincin- l"J'aternal greeting• from the Bap-
how Colonel E. D. Baker aaved the
nati, Standard, •1923, tiata. (In International convention , Pacific atatea to the Union, Boato-.
109p , 1938, pp. 118-122) Boughton, 1912.
36lp. front, (port,) ports,


, 1870-1921,
b. Iberia, It>,, 30 0 1887, mNEDY, SARAH ( LEHR)
b, Cuckoo, Va,, 22 F 1870,
d, Jlemphia, Tenn,, l O 1921, b.

Diaciplea are ye able?

On lll&king the world Chriatian--
~- Commemorating the 100th anniveraary
of the founder or Ohio Northern univer-
lentuoky univeraity alumni book.
through lay eT&ngelin,, iaaued by the Lexington, Ky., TranaylT&nia ptg, co,, •ity, H. s. Lehr and .hie achool, a
national Laymen•• league or the Chria- 1896, atory of the private nor-1 aohooh.
tian ohurch. •• St. Louh, Chrhtian 136p. front,, illua,, platea, ports. Ada, o., Ada Herald, 1938,
board, 19~ • xvi, 27lp, front. (port.) platea,
JACOB, 1876-1911.
Organising the churoh to teach. P. M, Kendall)
1926, b. b. Laclede county, Mo., 1876.

Talk• tor teaohera.

l8p. (Opening door• tor God) A practical Bible drill,
Canton, 0 , , 1910.
rev, ~

Smith, c. c.
d, Liberia, Africa, 9 Je 1911.

The life and work

The erreotive ohurch in the oOBN• 23p,
nity1 A forward thruat- in Chrhtian Dt Jacob Kenoly.
education . (In International oon-
nntion, -1938, pp, •a0-"381 19•1, pp. UNDRICK, CARliOLL,1816-
287-276) DMT, CHARLES
lfILLI.All, 1860-1917.
b. Tenn,, 29 D 1815, b. Louiae Court House, Va,, 27 8
Sff creature• in Chriat Jeaua. 1860.
(In Beach, E. C, and other•. Great Hand-book on baptim. d. Charlottesville, Va., . 6 O 1917.
Bryan, Tex.
Chrlatian oonTiction•, pp. •l-•6)

K Kent - Kerr

Oraphio representation of English PATTON,J . s. ocKERCHEVILLE,G F

and American literature. Bew York, b.
Holt, 1898 . The book of the Poe centenaryJ a
c9 2p. record of the exeroi•e• at the Univer-
sity of Virginia, Januar y 16-19, 1909, Putting God firat . (In Abilene
Introductory note• to the study ot in oommemoration of the one hundredth Christian oollege Bible leoturea,
poetry. Charlottesville, Va., Ander- birthday of Edgar Allan Poe . 1926-1927, pp. 233-246)
eon bros., 1695 •. cCharlotteaville, Va •• , Univeraity of
86p. Virginia, 1909.
The preserYation of the paat1 an b.
addrea• before the Association for the LUCAS
preaerYation ot Virginia antiquities.
1901 . DrUl&tio .worka of Daniel Bedinger Liv•• of Christian minietera.
16p. Luoaa ·J ed. by Char lea W. Kent and Riobmond, Va,, Central pub. oo., •1909.
Virginia Luoaa; with a critio a l intro- xi, 408p, front,, ports,
Shakespeare note-book designed tor duotion by Charles W. Kent. Boston,
advanoed oourses in oolleges and R. G. Badger, 1913. Practioal and oommercial aritlunetio
uni versities, Shakespeare cluba, and x, 27lp. front. · tor the high achools and commercial
or i tioa l readers. Boston, Gi11n, 9olleges. Richmond, Va. , Smithdeal
1697. Land where we were dreaming, and and Kernodle, •1899.
54p. other poema by Daniel Bedinger Luoas1 352p. .
ed. by Charles W. Kent and Virginia .
--, and for use in the study of Lucaa... Boston, R. G. Badger, 1913.
other dramatic epio, or narrative 252p. front. (port.) cDRR, ALVAMARTIN,1875-1928.
poema, rev. ed. Boston, Gi11n, 1906. b. 1876,
OTHERS. d, , l N 1928,
Teutonio antiquities in Andreas
and Cynewulf. Library of S0\lthern literature. Thinking through, facts and prin-
Thede. Atlanta, Ga., llt.rtin & Hoyt, 1909. ciple• to olarity the controvereial
15 vol. thinking in the churoh. New York,
introduction Doran, •1926.
Poems of Edgar Allan Poei with an DJIYOIII, JOHIIISAMUEL,18 74-
introduction by Charles w. Kent. b. Medina, o., 26 Jl 1874.
Vir ginia ed. vol. 7. New York, DRR, WILLU)f HENRY,1862-
Crowell, 1902 . b. Cumberland oounty, Ky., 6 S
Amerioan pronounciation1 a textbook 1862.
of phonetic• for student• of English.
Ann Arbor, Jlioh., George Wahr, 1924.
Elene; an old English poem; ed. vii, 200p. American right•, or medical rule,
with introduction, Latin original, whioh? A powerful and masterly pre-
not e s, and complete glossary by Charles -. 6th ed. rev. Ann Arbor, aentation ot the righta, privilege•,
W. Kent. Boston, Gi11n, 1889. llich., George Wahr, •1924, •1935. and immunitiea of ohiropractors, based
vi, l49p. ix, 248p. upon the fundalll8ntal law of govern-
ment, delivered before the Indiana
Poems ot Edgar Allan Poe; ed. a1:1.d --. 8th ed . rev. Alln Arbor, chiropraotora association at Lebanon,
a11notated by Charles w. Kent. Bew Kioh., George Wahr, 1940. Ind., Januar;r 23, 1916. Crawtord•-
York, llaanillan, 1903. ix, 248p. ville, Ind., .The Kings pub. co •• •1916,
165p. (laomillan pocket American 16p.
a nd English olasaica) Guide to pronounciation, by P. w.
Carharti entirely rewritten by J. s. The king's ke;rs to hia kingdom,
The prinoeas by Alfred Te11nyson1 Kenyon; from '!rebater'• New internation- containing a brief line ot evidence•
ed. by Charles W. Kent. Richmond, al, 2d ed. Boston, Merriam. of the glorious King of heaven and
Va. , Johnson pub. co., 1901. earth, together with the aooount ct
Pow family record• corapiled with the preparation, inauguration, admin-
Seleoted poems of Robert Burnsi ed. tbs aeaistance of -ny other•. 1946. istration and purpose of the kingdom
with introduotion and notea by Charles 60p. of God upon the earth a• gleaned from
W. Kent. New York, Silver, Burdett Lithoprinted by Edwards broa,, Ann the records ot the king'• ambassador•
and oo., c 1901. Arbor, lliohigan. and supreme judgea. Cincinnati,
85p. front. (port.) The Silver Standard, •1914,
eeriea of Bngliah and American cla11ioa) The syntax of the infinitive in xx, 263p. front. (port.)
Cbauoer. London, pub. tor the Chauoer
Southern poeiu, eeleoted, arranged, eooiety by K. Paul, Trench Trubner & Radio -••ages from paradhe ·, re-
and edited with biographioal notea. oo . , and H. Froude, Oxford university vealing the glorioua oondition, priv-
Boaton, Boughton, 1913. press, 1909. 6legea ,!., imalnitiee and bleaainga
viii, 112p. (Riveraide litera- xxi, 162p. of the ·rede-ed in the great beyond.
ture aeriea) Crawfordsville, Ind., Indiana bk.
with DOTT, THOMAS ALBERT. oonoern, •1923,
The unveiling of the bust of Edgar xvii, 2llp,
Allan Poe in the library of the Univer- A pronounoing dictionar;r of American
•ity of Virginia, Ootober seventh, Engliah. Springfield, Jlaea., o. & c. The aeven pointed atar.
eighteen hundred and ninety nine; being
an aooount ot .Poe'• oonnection with
the University of Virginia, the origin
Merriam oo., 1946.
Centennial of the tirat Christian
and history of the Poe memorial auo- ooKEPPLE, A R
oiation. Lynohburg, Va., J.P. Bell b. ohurch, Crawfordsville, Indiana, a
co., • 1901. d. brief hiatory of the origin, progreaa,
lOlp. front., plates, port,. and present condition of the church,
the Bew Testament in the making, 1926.
6lp. porta., illua.

ler1hner • lidwill I

IERSHllER, BRUCELESHER, 1871- Open membership and the restoration introductio n see
b , Clear Spring•, Iii,, 18 Ja 1871. plea. 1919.
Gerdtell, Ludwi g von. Miracles
Pi oneers of Christian thought . under fire,
The head hunter, and other stories Indianapolis, Bobbs, •1930, Hanna, H. W, Thomas Campbell.
of the Philippines, cCincinnati, 373p, Johnson, J, B. The bright side
Powell and White, printers, 1921, and dark aide of Christian science,
106p, The prophet of New Testament evan-
gelism, an addre•• for pastors' use,
Some grounds of the missionary the Walter Scott centennial anniversary KIBBEY, FRANKll
obligation. (In Thornton, E. 'If., ed. year, St, Louis, U. c. ll, S,, n,d. b,
Lord'• day worship services, •1930, lOp, folder, illus. d.
pp. 329-332)
The religion of Christ; an inter- about see
T. E, Cramblet. (In Brown, J. pretation. New York, Revell, •1911,
T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 169p. Ogden, Mra. R, H, F. ll. Kibbey,
, new and rev. ed. Cincinnati ,
Standard, 1917. KIDD, PAULR
b. Clear Springs, Md., 28 Ag 1876.-
The restoration handbook1 studies
in the history and prinoiplea of the What should a teacher know before
Chri1tian bapti11111cwith an intro- mOTement to restore New Testament using projected visual aids? St ,
duction by Peter Ainslie, cBalti- Christianity, Cinci -nnati, Standard, Louis, Chriatian board, cl946,
more,, Conuniaaion on Christian union •1918-1920. .4.p.
of the Diaciplea of Chriat, •1912. 4 vol, Reprinted from Bethany church
ll6p. v. 1, 1918, 69p. school guide, January 1945.
v. 2, 1918, 79p.
St. Louis, Christian v. 3.
board, 1912. v , 4, 1920, 62p, IIDDER, DANIELPARRISH, 1816-1891.
116p. (lfethodht)
The reatoration plea of the Diaoi-
--, 2d ed. Cincinnati, Stan- plea of Christ, .Baltimore, Jld,, lfonnoniam and the Mormons; a his-
dard, 1917. C0111111iasion
on Christian union, 19141, torical view of the rise and progresa
116p. 24p. .or the sect self-styled Latter-day
saints, NewYork, G, Lane and P, P.
Christian union overture, an inter• Sermons for special days, !Jew Sandford, for the Methodist Episoopal
pretation of the Declaration and York, Doran, •1922, church, 1842.
addreaa of Thomas Campbell. St. 223p. 342p. illua.
Louie, Bethany preaa, •1923, Several editions were published.
168p. The spiritual message of great art1 The author tries to show the rela-
an interpretive study of the life and tionahip between Mormoniam and
The Diaoiplea of Chriat, an hiator- work of six of the masters of modern "Campbelliam".
ioal statement, Indianapolia, U, C. painting; ed. by Jamee lfiller.
If. S., n.d. Indianapolis, lfeiga, •1928.
12p. (An aid to better diaciple- l58p. plates, ports. olIDDER, ll)SES, 1817-
ahip) b, Walpole, B. H., 14 H 1817.
Those gay middle ages, Chioago, d,
The drama• of Sh&keapeare. Phila- Willett, Clark & co., 1938.
delphia, American university extension xiv, 235p. · Life and immortality. (In Coan,
aooiety, 1903, A, ed. Goepel aermona, 1881, pp.
TIie church. (In Douglau, H, P. 106-116)
Hcri&ona of illll!IOrtality, the Chris- The witness of the churches of the
tian belief in bulortality in the light congregational order, 1940, pp. 42-47)
of 1110dernthought cwith an introduc- ICIDWILL, J II , 1836-1892.
tion by B. A. Abbott, St. Louis, Fellowship with Christ in aervice1 b, near Alexandria, Tenn., 6 S
Bethany preaa, •1926. The imperative of Christian union, 1836.
210p. One holy, Catholio, apostolic church. d, Smithville, Tenn., 15 S 1892,
(In International convention, 1913, pp.
How to promote Chriatian union, an 9-14; 1935, pp. 181-1961 1938, pp. 21- The new name.
hiatorioal and practioal handbook, 37)
Cincinnati, Standard, •1916, The grub ax upaet, a review of
235p. (Phillipa Bible institute Open memberahip and the restoration grub-ax and infant baptism. Bash--
aeriea of efficiency textbook• for plea, (In Watchword of the restora- ville, Tenn., Lipacanb and Sewell,
Bible aohoola and churches) tion vindicated, pp. 43-72) 1886,

llaatera of modern art. Philadel- . The plaoe of baptism. (In Bible. --, aeventh thousand. Naah-
phia, American university extenaion Front rank Bible, Dootrinal help•, pp. ville, lfcQuiddy ptg. 00., n,d.
aooiety, 1903, 28-36) 46p.

The 1900th anniveraary of Jesua' Preface and world Christianity, .Paaphlet in oppoaition to inatru-
miniatry. Indianapolia, u. c. If. s., (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian mental worahip in muaic,
n.4. man at work, v, 1, 1939, pp. 6•10)
6p. The pump reHt,
The nineteen hundredth anniveraary about aee
of Pentecoat. Diaoiple• cf Christ. Cowden, J. B. Church membership
cindianapolia, Anniversary of Pente- letters, Boles, H. L. Biographical
cost oomndttee. n.d. aketchea of goapel preachera.
.12.p. Elam, E. A. Twenty-five year•
of truat.

It Kincaid - ltingebury

, The history and mystery of Chrieta- House o_f death and gate of Hell.
b. delphi i.niam. England, Ecc.leaiastical
observer pub, oom,, 1881.
32p. KING, LOUISE (STEVENS) (lira. David
Aotion ot baptism. King)
tract. The resurrection, England, b.
Straiton. d.
Ten night• with infidels. Holden, · 3lp.
llo,, Author. Memoirs of David King, with varioua
Salvation long sought and easily papers and addresaea advocating the
found. Bew York, T., 1866? reatoration in principle and practice
:UHCHELOE, SAJIJELCLARENCE,1890. 4p. of primitive Chriatianity, oompiled by
b. hia wife . 1898?
debate with C.
BRADLAUOH, 478p, front. (port.)
The American city and ita church. Evidences of Christianity.
Hew York, Friendship press, •1938. land, D. King, 1890. ICING,OBIDIAHHIOBE!:, 1862-
xiv, 177p. 11&pa. 164p. b. lladiaon county, Ill., 23 lfr
Research memorandum on religion in about aee
the depreaaion. New York, Social
acience research council, 1937. ling, Louise. lfemoira of David Something about our work.
ix, 168p. illus. (Studies in the lting.
social aapects of the depression, The word of the oross1 some thing•
bulletin 33) aeen at Calvary, by Brother Obidiah
.pseud., A love offering to the Lord
Suggestions to leaders of study KING, HENRYTHOMAS,1861- JHus Christ ·. Introduction by Charlee
claaeee ueing the American city and ita b. Hoyt Wataon. New York, American
church .prepared, by Kenneth D. Killer. tract society, •1940.
•- York, Jllaeionary education move- 232p.
ment, .1938, Sketches of Pitt county, a brief
46p. hiatory of the county, 1704-1910. Christianity in the home, (In
Raleigh, Ii, C,, Edwards and Broughton Brokaw, 0, L., ed. Doctrine and
Church and coamunity. (In Willett, ptg. co,, 1911. life by Io- writers, 1898, pp. 28:1-
and Buokner, ed. Interpreting Oxford, 263p, front, (port,) illus, 286) .
pp. 6-6)
"Living" city churohes. (In lllllO, HC.ARDWALTER,1881-
Garrison, w. E., ed. Faith of the b, Huntington, lfd., 27 0 1881, Hastings, D, w. 0, H. ling.
free, 1940, pp, 189-200)

The local church and it• co1111DUnity. Aida to worahip, KIIIIO,ROYJEROIIE, 1889-
(In Bower, W. c., ed. The church at b. near llurfreeaboro, Tenn,, :10
work in the modern world, 1936, pp. · _The importance of baptiam, Ap 1889.

KIIIIO,J R H , 1846-- Christian manual.

IlBDRED, CHARLES G • 1866- b, Sangamon county, Ill,, 0 1846.
b. Jlaples, Ill., 27 Ag 1866. d.
!ting lfarathon of Attica. (lfethodiat)
Halting at Haran. (In Cory, A,
E •• ed. Voice• of the Sanctuary, 19:10, llargaret lfayo, Social progreaa and Chriatian ideal•
pp. 102-106) Nashville, Cokesbury preaa, •1931.
Villa. 360p.
introduction see Content• include, Obataolea to
William Faversham, progreaa by A. W. Taylor, pp. 1111-
Wieeenburg, Charles, Vital 192.
ICING,JOSEPH, 1831-1890.
b. Trumbull county, o., 9 Jl 1831. ltlliO, WILLIS PERCIVAL,1839-1909,
ltIBO, DAVID, 1819-1894. d. Alleghany, Penn,, 11 1f;J-1890. b. lfacon county, 110., 21 D 1839,
b. London, England, 28 F 1819. d. ltanaaa City, lid., 12 Jl 1909,
d. 26 Je 1894. Sermons, •• with memoir .and a preface
by J. L. Daraie, Cincinnati, Stan- Perjury tor pay1 an expose of the
Baptiam . Birmingham, England, dard, •1893. methods and criminal cunning of the
Churches of Christ pub. oommittee, 446p. front. lport.) modern malingerer, laneaa City, llo.,
1891, Burton co,, 1906.
127p. The judgment to come. (In »oore, 312p.
W. T., ed, The living pulpit of the
Baptiem, aprinkling and pouring Christian church, 1867, pp. 677-689) Storie• of a country doctor, rev.
veraua i-ereion, the question aettled. and enl. ed. lanaaa City, 110,, Bul'-
Leicester, Eng,, Publiahing coa1ittee about aee ton co.. 1907.
appointed by churohea ot Christ in ,UOp, illus.
Great Britain and Ireland, 1891, )(core, W. T, The living pulpit of Fimat published 1894,
72p. the Chriatian church, Four ..U.tion•.
The foundation• of Chrhtian union.
England, D, ling, 1846. n•o. L J II.OSBURY, HORACE,
3lp. b. b.


Studiea 1D Bible truth. st. LiTing unto Chriet, (In Painter, about ••e
Louia, Christian board, 1919. J. B,, ed. The Iowa pulpit .ot ' the
church or Chriat, 1884, pp, 207-218) West, J, W, Sitetohea ot our
mountain pioneers,
DIIGSBURY,IIART, -1926. about aee
d. India, 31 D 1926. Painter, J.B. Iowa pulpit or IISTIIER, W H , 1851-1938,
the church or Chriai. b, Jloooaain Gap, Va,, 2• llr 1851,
Bilaapur. Indl&Dapoli•, c. W. B, d, 8 0 1936.
... 1897'
•P• ooilllllfAll, T B about •••
Large, Jira, M, J. I, W. H,
lOUWIADE, ARLIB liatner,
b. Unity--onenea1, (In Ro-, F, L,,
ad, Our S..Tior'• prayer tor unity,
1918, pp, 111-11•) II!CHD, MARY BLIZABETH
Victory h,-n folio, Canton, o., b,
linkad•'• aonge,'19"?
PORR!!STB , 1906-
b. Galion, 0,, 4 S 1906, How to oare tor boolca, (In
oDWIADE, WILLIAJf, 1783-1832, Saith, H, D, A preacher'• tirat
b, , Penn,, 22 S 1783, boolt1, •1933, pp, 71-78)
d, Burlington, 0,, 20 S 1832, Building the ohuroh through higher
education, (In International oonTen•
'!'he Bible doctrine, 11
.. Torie, tion, 1937, pp, 107-116) ILBIHAll'ER,AYLESWORTH,
B, R. Piercy, 1829, b,

--, reT, by Joaeph Badger, IIRI!:PATRICI, SILVAJIUSB , 1861•

Rooheeter ., 11, T,, Jlarahall & Dean, b, , Tenn,, 22 D 1861, Be ia oharaoterized by ltindneee,
1832, d, (In Campbell and Moaeley, eda. lly
dad, 1938, pp, 106-109)
~ Uh ed, rn, by S, Q. Belten- 'l'he ohuroh or the ltingdoa •• ,
atein, Dayton, o., Chrhtian pub, Thrall, Tex.,

PurTianoe, Lert.

The biography

IIRIPATRIClt, 'lrILLIAJf JAllES, 1838-1921,


God'• challenge to the modern

ot Dartd PurTianoe, ohuroh, (In Black, H, G,, ad, Thi
-y out, 1939, pp, )
b, Iowa City, Ia,, 1889,
. Chrhtian aelodiea, the new aong
book tor ohuroh, eT&ngeliatio, Sunday
The lirtng ohuroh-•its
tao• the world,
courage to
(In Wiolti1er, w.
aohool, and Christian endeaTor ••r- ._, ed. '!'he liTing ohuroh, 1942, pp.
Tio•• .with a pretaoe by Frank G, 8-10)
Renew ot euential oh-ioal ele- Tyrrell. Chicago, The Chriatian
Mnt, that oonatitute a 'be.laneed tood, century oo,, •1899, about •••
14 .ed. Ilea lloinea, Ia , , Suoo••• 227 eonge,
OOllpOdtion & ptg, oo,, 1930, lleihauer, Ayleaworth. Heh
al6p, LIPSCOJIB,A, B. oharacteri1ed by ltindne••. hilll, containing aany new and

DRI, JOBI R , 1861-1937, •0111•
ot the beat or the old hyan• and n.IIIGJIAlf, CIIARL!SCHRISTOPHER, 1881•
tunea tor all ocoaaion, or Chrhtian b . LouisTille, I!:y., 21 Ag 1881.
Joaeph Baldwin, founder ot tbe work and worahip, 11aahTille, llo-
. i;eaoher• college •y•t•, abatraot or Quiddy ptg. oo,, 1914,
u addr••• at Baldwin -orial teacher• 268p, Chriatianity through the centuries,
eollege luncheon, l&naa1 City, 1IOT- Taylor, Tex,, Author, •1936,
'ber 9, 19H, joint~. He 69p.
•P• From teud to traterni ty, ••
Larimore, T, B,, ad, The new n.p.,
Christian hymn boo)c·, 1930,
nu, SllERlfil,186&-111u. Lariaore, T, B, 8ennt,..HTeD 2.p.
b, Fluahing, 0,, 26 Ja 1866, ..... t aonga,
d, Dee Moine•, Ia,,• Jl 19"· 'l'he tunotion or the pulpit,
n,p,, 1936.
· I, •.- a,,ea,h, (In Brokaw, G, L,, .i:IRSCH, AUGUSTIII
PAUL, 2lp,
ad, Doctrine and lite by Io- writer•, b, Jfimeographed,
1898, pp. 373-376)
The gilt or hhtorio Chrhtianity,
Chrhtianity1 er, why I beouae a by Truaan Se,-ore, .p,eud,. Bleo-
IIUJWI, FR.dCiS IIARIOll, 1836-1913, non-aeotarian, Cinoinnati, Standard, ·~. Tex,, The prairie• pub, oo.,
b, Schuyler county, Ill,, 28 Jl •1913, 1928,
18$8, . lOlp,
rt, 79p.
d, Loa Angele•, Calif,, 111913,
Coapleten••• in Chriat,,
(In Cory, 11,· B., ad, TIie
• • l8 6._ 19a 2 , oclLllGJfll,
, 12 S 18U,
, 8 Ap 1912,
AilAll, 186&-1939,

d, San Angelo, Tu,, 9 D 1939,

pol,utllht, 1817, pp, '33-'36) d,


Churoh history tor buey people. How oan - retain d•ooraoy1 The 1tory or the Bible, or the
C1Doi11D&ti, r. L. Ro-, 1909. pp. 23-2<&. origin, tall, and restoration or ...
186p, Reprint trom the Iationa' •ohoola, Cinoinnati, r. L. Rowe, .19170 ·
Sept•ber 19"1. l""P·
---. 3d ed. Cincinnati, Chri ...
tian leader corporation, 1928, •1909, A IUrTey ot practice• and trends in
l86p, adminiatratiTe provision• tor 1nd1T1• oDIGBT, JOSIAH, 1803- ,
dual difterenoe1, 1928-1938, .canton, b. Thettord, Vt., S Je 1803.
God 1•1 an antedote .:. tor the lfo. • Author, 19-&0. d.
poieonoua propaganda ot the Alllerioan 216p,
aseociation tor the adn.nce-nt ot Kimeographed, The goepel teaat. (In Coan, A,
Atheim, inc, Cincinnati, r, L, Theaia, Ph.D •• UniTer•ity or w.• ed. Goepel eermona, 1881, pp,
Rowe, 1929, Iebruka, 1939, 118-UO)
joint oomp, He
Chri•t'e prayer tor unity. (In IIIEPPER, GEORGE
Rowe, r, L., ed, Our Savior'• prayer b. Somerset, Penn •• 3 Ap 1876, Stenn•, Jaoa, Union hymn book.
tor unity, 1918, ·pp. 116-120)
Deetruct1Te criticiam1 A great door The day the spirit o-•. Indiana- 1]1IGII'?,ll'ILLUX AU.BB, 1863- •
1• opened1 "When that which 1• perfect polis, u. C_. JI, s., n,d, (Bow Congregationalist)
1• come", (In Abilene Chriatian Up. b. Kilton, lfo,, 20 0 1863.
oollege Bible lectures, 1919, pp. 2<&1-
2621 16-21; 1922-1923, pp. 36-43) The holy apirit. cC1no1nnatio
Christian action oru1ade, n.d, At the orouing with Dennis llo-
joint~ aee 36p. Shane •• , Boston, Pilgrim pr••••
s-ell, J. P, The Bible outline• Repentanoe. (In Thornton, E, w.• 68p. tront., plates.
1n one hundred leaaona. ed. Lord'• day worship ••rTic••• •1930,
pp, 107-110) A Bedouin loTer. •- York,
!!• ... Pilgria pr•••• 1913,
The witohery or th9 potter. (In 6-&p, tront •• plate•.
Grubba, J.B. Exegetical and Cory, A. B,, •4, Voio•s ot the sanc-
analytical ooamentary OD Paul 1 a epiit- tuary, 1930, pp, ilB-132) The lOTe--toh, Boston, Pilgria
tle to the Roaana. preu, 190<&.
about ••• 66p,

oon.IlfGlflB, JOHii A lnepper, s. J. Be preaohH in A lonly tind, Boston, W, A,

b, piotlare•. Wilde, 19<&3,

Luther on baptiem. Cincinnati, DBPP!R, SARA JEAJI Jo rooa in the inn, Boston,
r. L. Row, 1913. b. Pilgria pr•••• 1910,
2-&p. 68p.

Our SaTior•s prayer tor unity. w1 th OTHERS, On the -y to Bethlehem, Boatoa.

(In Rowe, F, L., ed. Our Savior'• Pilgria pr•••• 1912,•
prayer tor unity, 1918, pp. 121-12<&) Be preaoh•• in picture• bys. J, ix, 222p. tront., plate•.
Knepper, I, L, lnepper and B, L,
••• lnepper.
(In Campbell and lloaeley,
Jl,y dad, 1938, pp. 110-116)
Outeide a oity -11.
Pilgria pr•••• 1911.

Ro-, F. L. Bible in que1tiona e3p,

and an.-r•.
DIGBT, FRAJII BYllEIWi, 1886- Peter in the firelight, Boataaa.
b. lloLean oounty, Ill., 17 I 1886, Pilgria pr•••• 1911.
KLIHER, LEWISll'ILLiill, 1867- , 63p, tront,
b. llt.haeka county, Ia., 12 Ag 1867,
The ethic• ot coapetition, and other The piotur• land ot the heart,,,,
euaya, London, ·G, Allen & Umin, In York, Pilgria pr•••, 1918,
Winning a tor tune I i llua. by Orpha cl936o x, 269p, tront,, illus,, plate•,
•• llinker. .lfuB)nd, Ind., Chioa- .3a,.p.
go. W, B. Conkey oo., •1916, Saint Abigail or the Pin••••••
x, <&77p.tront., plate,, --. •- York, Harper, cl936a Boeton, Pilgrim pr•••, 1906,
Tiii, 186p, tront,

lLIPPZLT, SARAHJ Risk, unoert&inity and profit, The •hepherd or Jebel Jlur. Boe-
b, Boeton, Boughton, 1921, ton, Pilgria pr•••• 1909,
cMl.p. (Bart, Schattner and 29p.

Benetite or the young ladiH'

•rx prise •••aye)
!he •ign• in the Chri•ta&• tire,
•i••ion cirole.
W, B. K., n,d ••
clndianapoli•, C,
Weber, llax, General e-1o
Bo•ton, PUgria preu, 1908,
.ai.p, tront,

hiltory, Bew York, Adelphi, , 1927, The song ot our Syrian guHt,
<&Olp, Bo•ton, Pilgria pr•••, 190<&1
"!!DRY, 190<&- Up,
b, • 10 Ap 190<&.
ooDIGBT, HARRIETDOJ)L!Y, --. illue, and deooratin deeipa
b, by Charl•• Copeland, Bo1ton, Pil-
gria pr•••• •1904.,
Knight • lurteea Jr

--, frontispiece and decoration• The Christian• s plea, (In Lord, cooperative enterpriae, Baahville,
by Harold Sichel. Bost on, Pilgrim J. A., ed. On the Lord's day, •1904, Joint university libraries, 1943.
preu, 1906. pp. 251-264) viii, 86p.
c 31,p. front. Contents include, Texas Chriatian
F. G. Allen. (In Brown, J, T., univeraity,
--, c200th thousand, Boston, ed. Churches ot Christ, 1904, pp, 443- Kimeographed,
Pilgrim press, 1906. 444)
c31,p. front.
m1111, 1!ERllA1IltARL WILHELII, 18 7 4-
--, illus. and decorative designs ltRAFT, WILLIAJI, 1853-1939,
by Charles Copeland, .with author'• b. lfurtt-berg, Germany. 15 Je 1863 Atrican missionary heroes and
notea, Boaton, Pilgrilll presa, •1904- d. Jacksonville, Fla., 13 Ja 1939. heroines. New York, llacmillan,
1911. 1917.
69p. front., plates, What I gave up to oome to the N- xvii, 208p , front. (facsimile) maps.
Teatament position. (In Lord, J •. A., (College of misaion~ lectureship,
To 11 ttle David of Smyrna, an ed. From darkness to light, 1907, pp, aeriea 6)
Easter meaaage. Boston, Pilgrim 183-187)
preu, 1913.
3lp. ,oJrURF!ES, VARSHALLCLEIIENT,1855-1931,
l:RAMER,GEORGE WASHINGTOI,1847-1938. b. Jlooksville, R, c., 31 Ja 1866.
War-time "over there." Boaton, b, Aahland, O., 8 Jl 1847. d. Louiaville, Jry,, 17 F 1931.
Pilgrim preea, cl918, d, East Orange, N. J., 20 0 1938.
xii, 139p. Bible baptism, .A.u1tin. Tex.•
sense in ohuroh buildingi
COlll!!lon a Fira foundation.
The well by Bethelehem'• gate. aeries ot six addreeaea prepared for
•- York, Pilgrim press, 1914. delivery at the Churoh effioiency con- Inatrwuntal mu'aic in worahip ot
66p. tront., platea. gress, Davenport, Ia,, Rov. 17-23. the Greek verb psallo philologioally
.R- York,, •1914.
47p, illua.
and hiatorioally
with a tull dhouuion
examined, together
or kindred
ELIIR, 1880..1934. •ttera relating to muaic in Chrh-
b. Southport, England, 10 F 1880. Twelve steps easential.,,to a twen- tian worship, Naahville, JloQuiddy,
d. , 24 S 1934. tieth oentury church or a departmental 1911.
Sunday eohool building, laneas City, 288p,
Bow to prepare a sermon; with an Vo., Board ot churoh extension, 1912.
introduction by Jesse R. ltellems. 32p, illus. The law of God on capital punish-
C1noinnat1, Standard, •1927. ment,,. lfashville, Gospel advocate,
l36p. n.. twentieth century church, part n,d.
1, a catalog containing deaigna and 32p,
How to prepare an expoaitory ser- plan• of modern churches, ohapels, and
mon. Cincinnati, Standard, •1930. Sunday aohool building•, oosting leaa The need ot continued emphaaia on
138p. than F26,000, Bn , York, Author, the restoration ot the anoient order
1910, Naahville, Goapel advocate, n,d,
introduction aee 64p. tront., illua. 4Sp.

Holt, B. F. Viaiona trom the The what, how, and why of ohuroh Revi"" of o. E. Payne's book on
Vaal. •1929. building. 5.,.. York, Author, 1897, •paallo" .with a prefaoe by F. W
234p. illus. Smith, lfaahville, Gospel advooate
oo., cl922o, 1937,
l:ROX, JOHR 9lp.
!:REIDLER, C V , 1870-1928,
ed. b, Sermon outline•, oompiled by B. C.

Religion and the preaent crisia.

Chicago, Univeraity ot Chicago press,
d. Elmira, I, Y., 9 Ap 1928.

What think ye of Chriat? (In

Goodpaature, wl. l.
B, C. Goodpaature, 1936,
Atlanta, Ga.,

•1942. Lord, J, A., ed, On the Lord'• day,

xi, 166p. (Charle• R. Walgreen •1904, pp. 180-182) --, rev, enl, ed. clfaahville,
foundation leoturea) Ooapel advocate oo,, •1940,
Content• include, Bducating tor 64p.
a~ world order b)-11'. C. Bower, ltRElfSOR,PERCYE
pp. 126-141. b. Walking by faith, C1noinnat1,
F, L, Rowe, n.d.
l:OBL, PERCY Facta about inatruaental auaio.
b. 19'5, England, Horwood, 1908,
40p, 39p,

The Chriatian youth tellowehip Inatruaental auaic. "It ia acrip- lfhatmuat I do to be aaTed?
worahip -nual ••• Produced by the tural and right to uae mechanical inatru• tract.
Diviaion ot Christian education, the aenta of muaic in the worahip ot the
United Chrhtian aiuionary aooiety, Church of Chriat," San Jose, Calif., The ohuroh revealed in the Bible,
a board ot aiaaiona and education. San Joae Bible college, 19431 (In Srygley, F. D., ed, Biographiea
st ·. Louie, Chriatian board, •1940. 20p, ino, covera, and aermona, 1898, pp. 382-394)
The church reTe&led in the Bn
JrollLlfil, AUGUSTUS
P'R!DIRICI:, lS89- Teatuient, Faith and op1n1on1 or, the
1:01:DDOFPZR,ABRAXWELTZ, divine creed veraua human oreedai
b, Bath county, 1:y., Borth Texaa regional Ubrarieai an lliuionar:, work in Xew Teataaent
inquiry into the feaaibility and ohurohesi The Iew Teataaent ln ot
desirability of deve~oping th• aa a worahipi The aupr•• authority 111
religioni or, how God now apealca to
aani Th• union aov-ent--Heing thing•,
or, what it ia that divide• the people.

I lurfeH - lyle

(In Abilene Chriatian college Bible ~ - He about aee

l ecture• , 1920-21 , pp. 22-291 12-211
60-67 1 41-491 ~11 1 30-40) Bole•, H. L. Biographical PurTianoe, Lerl. The lite ot
aketoh•• or goapel preachers. David Purrlanoe.
introduction aee Briney, J. B. Inatrwnental auaic
in Christian worahip.
otey, w. W. Creation or ewlu- Srygley, F. D. Biographiea and KYLE, TH0IIAS B , l 779?-1808?
tion. •1930. sermon,. b.
~- He
IYLE, SAJIUEL, -1836. about aee
Sewall and Lipaooab. Queriea and b.
uawera. d. 16:>nongahela county, Penn., 8 Ap Purviance, Levi. The lite ot
1836. David Purviance.

Lackey - Luar L

U.CIBY, AlllfIE AGIIES, --,-. 3d ed., rev. and enl. 11.. LAXAR, JAKES SANFORD,1829-1908.
b. York, Harper, •1936. b. Owinett oounty, Ga., 19 lly 1829.
d. xii, 294p. illua., plate•, diagra. d. Augusta, Ga., 30 Ja 1908.

joint~ aee Kore seat tor lite. 11.. York, Baptist baptiSIII vs. Christian bap-
11hittleae7 houae, •1936. t1D. A aermon preached in the Chrie-
Graybill, •r7. India, aketchea ix, 321p. tian church, Augusta, Ga., Jfarch 27th,
ct c. 'If. B. M. miasionarywork in 1878. Auguata, Ga., Chronicle &
IDdia. Payohology and protite. llew York, constitutionalist job print, 1878 •
. B. C. Porbee pub. oo., •1929. 16p.
FREDERIC,1888- Birth and growth ot the Christian.
b. --,fourth printing. 11.. York,
B. c. Forbes pub. oo., •193t. An essay on the resurrection ot the
272p. dead. Cincinnati, Standard, 1879.
Goapel tiahing, a ~ual tor per• 32p.
aonal worbr•. Cincinnati, Standard, The payohology ot aeleoting •ployea,
•1910. 3d ed. 11.. York, llcGraw-Rill, 1937. First principle• and perfection, or
9lp. xiii, 316p. illus., diagrs., torme. the birth and growth of a Christian.
Previous edition• have titles The Cincinnati, Standard, 1891.
psychology ot aelecting men. 283p. tront. (port.)
b. KcMiDDTille, Ore., 17 D 1901. The pa70hology ot selecting -n. The great reviT&l and the little
w.. York, KoGra... Hill, 1925. tent -•ting, or, "Christian exper•
xi, 27tp. illus., diagre., torm• • ienoe" ot today. Chicago, Oracle
The blood atoneaent. • Portland, pub. co . , •1899.
Ore., Author, --, 2d ed. •- York, KcGra- 29p. (Christian tract aeries,
2tp. inc. cOTers. Hill, 1927. TOl. 1, no. 1, February 10, 1899)
xiii, 3i6p. illua., diagra., tonaa.
Charta. llemoirs ot Isaac Errett with aelec-
8p. folder. Technique ot building peraonal tions frcm. -h1• writings. Cinoin-

leadereh1p1 proved -Y•
for increasing nati, Standard, •1893.
2 vol. front., plates, port•.
the power ot leaderahip, w1 th tlM
tOp. aaaietance ot E. c. Laird. llew York,
'llhittleaey house, 19«. • •• Luke. Cincinnati, Chase &
The plattol'II ot the church ot 239p. illua. Hall, 1878, •1877.
Christ. Oakland, Calif., FNitn.le, 3ll3p. (The New Teata11ent o--
Bible olaaa, n.d. What -kea people buy. •ew York, mentary, v. 2)
llp. KcGra... Hill, 1936.
x, 231p. --. Cincinnati, 0.1 Oakalooaa,
Ia., Central bk. concern, 1879, •1871.
LlIRD, DOIIALDAllDERSOK,1897- 11h7 we don't like people. hw 333p. (The Hew Testament oom-
b. York, llohawk press, •1931. -ntary, v. 2)
xvii, 166p~ diagr•.
--. St. Louis, Christian board,
Applied psychology tor nur•••1 an --, ed. rev. and enl.
2d •- n.d., •1871.
introduction to. Philadelphia, York, A. L. Glaaer & co., 1933. 333p. (The llew Testament 00111-
Lippincott, •1923. xviii, 200p. diagra. mentary, v. 2)
ix, 2ll6p. illua., diagra. (Lip-
pinoott•a nuraing -nuala) with IIJLLER, CHARLES
G. The organon or acripture1 or, thll
inductive aethod ot Biblical inter-
BDwto 1Doreaae your brain power. Inergy and aleep, why we need it pretation. Philadelphia, Lippin-
'- 1'ork, Cr•ell, 19:19. and bow, get it. CleTeland~ o., cott, 1860, •1869.
.. ,. Ulua. World pub. co., cl9tl. 32tp.
x, 2Up. diagra • Cover title: Biblical interpret&•
... to -ke people like you1 wh7 tion.
w ._,, lib people. •- York, Sleep I why we need it and how to
11• ri~boa booka, 19:11. get it. llew York, John Day, •19:10. --. Cincinnati, _H. s. Bo8WOrth,
zrlii, ZOOp.diagra. x, 2Up. diagra. 1860, •1869.
Hoir to aleep and rHt better. Cover title, Biblical 1nterpreta-
.._ York, Pullk, 19:11. LAlWl, CLlRillDA BIJJITIJIGTOII
(PDDLBTOII) ·t1on.
Blip. front.,
illua., diagr•. (lira. Joaeph Rucker Lamar)
C•tional health cOUDcil. Iational 1866- the Chrieti&II ohuroht or 0
What 1a
health aerie• no. 1) b. Bethany, 'If. Va., 26 Ag 1866. Who are the Disciple• of Christt •••
d. Cincinnati, Tract o-..ittee ot the
How to uae paycholog in buaineH • General Christian missionary conven-
.._ York, McGraw-Hill, 1936. Hietor,. of the llational aociety ot tion, 188:S.
ix, 318p. illua., diagr•. the colonial d~• of .&..rica, troa 12p.
1891-1933. Philadelphia, llational Reprinted frcm "Frank Leslie'• .
Increasing peraonal ettioieno7, the aooiety ot colonial damea ot ~rioa, Sunday maga&iae." ·
paychology ot peraonal progren. 193t •
.._ York~ Harper, 1926. 111, 272p. front., illua. • Cincinnati, Standard.
x, 209p. illua., platea, diagra. pu,.phlet.
Lite ot Joseph Rucker 1-ar, 1861•
--, 2d ed., rln'. and enl. 1916. w.. York, Putnam'•, 1926. Catholioi• and proteatanti• o-.
._ York,· Barper, •1929. v11, 284p. front. (port.) plates • pared. (In Doctrinal and practl•l
xii, 2'2p. illua., platea, d1agr1. tracts, 1876, TOl. 2, pp. t93-600)
Churohea or Christ in Georgia.
(In Brown, J. T., ad, Churobea o,
Chriat, 1904, pp. 212-216)

The eaaential, the important and Ruaaelliem unveiled, Port Arthur, about •••
the indifferent; The history of re- Tex,, 0, C, Lambert & eon, •1940,
4anption reproduoed in the redeemed1 122p, port., diagra, Boles, H, L, Biographical
!he pearl or great pri oe . (In aketohee of goapel preaohera,
heeney, z. T., ed . New Test-ent
Chrietianity, vol . l, 1923, pp, 7-281 LAJIPE
168-1691 vol, 2, 1926, pp, 166-181) (Preebyterian) LAND, J K
The ground of nan'• need or ealva- The Chrietian college in American d.
tion , or ein and ita ranedy. (In education, .Indianapolis, Board or
Oarriaon, J, B,, ed. The old f aith hi gher education. n,d, Jeaua the great healer, akeleton
reatated, 1891, pp. 98-119) 8p, inc, oovere, sermon, (In Cory, N, E., ed , The
polyaathist, 1877, p. 407)
The history of redemption repro-
duoed in the redeemed, (In Moore, LAMPKIN,RICHARDHENRY,1866-1941,
W, T., ed . The living pulpit of the b, Georgetown, Ky., ll Je 1866, LANDIS, ROBERT WHARTON, -1883,
Christian ohuroh, 1867, pp, 401-410) d, Cinoinnati, 0 , , 30 Jl 1941, (Preabyterian)
about eee The hereafter? Cincinnati, Rabbah taken I or the theologioal
Author, n.d, aystem of Rev, Alexander Campbell
»>ore, W, T. The living pulpit 22p. elt&lllined and refuted. Cincinnati,
of the Christian churoh. Wm. H. lbore, 1844,
The "one baptiaa", .Loa Angelo, 136p,
Concordant pub, co •• n,d,
LAMAR,JOSEPHRUCKER,1867-1916, 16p.
b, Elbert oounty, Ga., 14 0 1867, LANE, BEBRYBIGGEIS, 1878-
d. Washington, D. c., 2 Ja 1916. Our money, .DeLand, Fla . , Author. b, Bainbridge, Ind,, 17 P 1878.
Addreea delivered in Jlllmorial day, C169.p,
April, 1902, at Athena, Georgia ; now Animal biology1 an introduotion to
reprinted by request or New York city The rich -n and La1aru1, Cin- aoology tor oollege and univeraity
friends, with an introduction by Al- oinm. ti, Author, n.d, students, Philadelphia, Blakiaton,
bert Shaw, cBrooklyn, N, Y,, Eagle c30.p, •1929,
press,.1902, xv, 688p, front., illu1,, diagra,
48p, The scriptural foundation tor
Cover title : The private eoldier Christian liberality, by R, B, Lamkpin The oorrelation between struoture
or the oonfederaoy. c!o St. Louie, Christian pub, co., and function in the development or
•1904 . the apeoial senses of the white rat,
Georgia law books. A paper read at 139p. front. (port.) Boran, Okla,, Univeraity or Oklahcaa ,
the fifteenth annual session of the 1917.
Georgia bar aasociation, held at Seven important queetione and 88p, (University or Oklahona
Atlanta, July 7, 1898, Auguata, Ga., their anewera, Cincinnati, Author, bulletin, new eerie• no. 140, Uni-
licharde & Shaver, printer•, 1898. n,d. versity etudiea no, 8)
30p. .16.p, Theeia: Ph, D. , Princeton univer-
lity, 1916.
J p Evolution and Chrietian faith,
Fortson, Blanton. Joaeph Ruoker b, Princeton, Princeton university pr•••,
1-ar, (In Dictionary or American d, 1923,
biography, vol. 10, 1933, pp. 560-651) xi, 214p.
debate with JOBBSOB,B. R.
about aee (Mothodiat) Struoture and function in the
development of eome ot the apeoial
1-ar, C. B. Life or Joseph A debate upon the following queatiou ••n•e• in --1,. Borman, Okla, 0
Ruoker Lanar, vis, Pirat, Are infant• proper aubjecta University of Oklahcaa, 1918,
or baptim? Second, Ia i-r•icn l6p. (Univer1ity or Olclahoaa
eaaential to the ordinance of baptiaaT bulletin, new aeries, no, 110, Un1-
LAMAR,PHILLIP P Third, Doea baptim tom a condition or ver1ity atudiea no, 7)
b. part of a condition ot juatitioation,
d, pardon , and r•i•aion or ain•T Pburth,
Doea baptiam as an eable11, refer to ti. LUI, TIRGIUA GRAPTOI(Jira, Leander
Praotioal gr--.r, Philadelphia, baptiem or the Holy Ghoat or grace ot 1856-1938,
Boward Challen. regeneration, or to the burial and . b, •- Cumberland, W, Va,, 3 a
resurrection or Jeau• Chriat? Bet.No 1866,
B. R. Johnaon, ot the Methodiat Epieco- d, Pasadena, Calif,, 14 P 1938,
LAMB, MRS. B E pal churoh and J, P. Lanoaater ot the
b, ohuroh or Christ, held in the town ot .A VOlU1119
or po••, title UIUCllOIID•

d, Fayette, lliaaouri, on the 27th Ootober

~- 1841, and day• following, Booneville,

llo,, Printed by Robinson and Willi••,

Sneathen, Abraham. Autobiography. 240p, d,

ocLIJIBERT, ORLAJIDOCI.AYTOB, 1890- LAND, I A , 1827-191&,

joint~- •••
b . llarion oounty, Ala,, 16 S 1890. b. Biotaan county, Tenn,, 28 Jlr Clough, S, The Chriatian paalain,
d, Hohenwald, Tenn,, 7 Ap 1916.
·Rambling• trca Rome. Port Arthur, LAllHAII,JAJIESW , 1832-1919,
fez,, 0, c. Luibert
& aon, •1941, b, llanville, Ind,, 31 Ja 1832,
84p, ino, port, 4, llt.nville, In4,, l D 1919,

Lanham • Lard L

Thrilling themes in theology, ser- debate with 1'fHI TTEN, D, J. Where the long trail begina.
mons, with a biographical sketch of Cincinnati, Standard, •1913.
the author by J.P. Rowlison. The class system of teaching and 65p. front., plates,
xxxi, 230p. front. (port.) plates. women te6.chers; 1941?
Wrens• nest. St. Louis, Chris-
tian board, 1919,
ccLANIER, ROYH , 1899- cLAN!'HIER, WILLIAlf 16Bp.
b, Foreatburg, Tex., 31 Ag 1899; b,
d, The benefits of worship; Jeaua the
worker, Obedience, or the doctrines of
Authority in religion, Abilene, .Pamphlets. doingJ Peace, (In Meacham, E. J.,
·Tex., lira. Roy H, Lanier. comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp.
tract, 247-2621 83-86; 264-2551 86-89)
The church that Jesus built. b, The life of faith. (In Thornton, ·
Abilene, Tex., lira. Roy H, Lanier. E. W,, ed. Lord'• day worship ser•
tract. vioes, •1930, pp, 126-128)
The keynote ia action, (In Camp-
The holy spirit. Abilene, Tex., bell and Moseley, eda. lly dad, 1938, introduction see
·11ra. Roy H. Lanier. pp .. 116-120)
tract. Payne, 0, E. Instrumental muaic
ia scriptural, •1920.
llunan tradition versus God's word, LAPPIN, SAJIJEL STRAHL, 1870-
Abilene Tex., Mr•.Roy H. Lanier. b, Wayne county, Ill,, 20 S 1870, oomp,
The ohurch at our place1 songs,
The last day. Abilene, Tex., The angel of the church at Smyrna, recitations and suggeationa for an
lira. Roy H. Lanier. evening's entertainment, designed for
tract. Are you ready to be tried? Cin- use in local ohurchea, large or small,
cinnati, Standard. where it is desired to renew interest,
lliatalres of"JehOT&h'a witneues." Cincinnati, Standard, •1929,
Austin, Tex., Fina toundation, n,d. C01D111Union
manual ., Leader'• ed.
47p. For uae as an aid to leaders and aa a about see
guide in meditation at the Lord'• table
JH.atakea of "Latter day saints", a service aa celebrated in churches of Lappin, Paul, The keynote is
review of the books, doctrines, and Christ on the Lord's day. cCincin- action.
practices ot "Church ot Jeaua Christ nati, Standard, •1936.
of latter day aainta"--Utah branch, l47p.
cPbrt Worth, Tex., lira. Roy H. Lanier, LA PRADE, RUTH
n,d. llember•a ed, For the uae of
60p, ino. front cover, port, meinbera of churchee of Chriet at the Woman free, and other poem•.
Lord's table aervice aa celebrated in Introduction by Edwin Markham.
Outlines ot Bible history, Fort churches of Christ on the Lord'• day. Loa Angele•, J, F. Rowny, 1918.
Worth, Tex., lira. Roy H. Lanier, .Cincinnati, Standard, •1936, 72p.
v. 109p.
V, 1, Old Testament, part one.
v. 2, Old Teatall8nt, part two, Home and family in the light of LARD,11'.>SESE , 1818-1880,
v. 3, Lite of Christ, part one. Bible teaching1 thirteen leaaona1 with b, near Shelbyville, Tenn., 29 O
v. 4, Life ot Christ, part two. additional material by Jira, W. D. Van 1818,
V, 5, Acta of apostles. Voorhis. Cincinnati, Standard, •1923, d, Lexington, Ky., 17 Je 1880,
llOp. (Standard elective aeries
Prepare to meet thy God, Abilene, of special leaaona) Alexander Campbell, an address.
Tex., lira. Roy H, Lanier, Lexington, Ky., D. T. k J, B. li>rton,
tract, Lappin'• aenaon outlines, Cin- 1866.
cinnati, Standard, •1926,
Proper division of the Bible. 224p. --. Plattsburg, Mo., J, c.
Abilene, Tex,, lira, Roy H. Lanier. Creel, 1891.
tract. The local church life training
couraea •• , Cincinnati, Standard, Commentary on Paul'• letter to
Sin--ita cause, oonaequenoe, and • •1929- Romana; with a revised Greek text,
cure. Abilene, Tex,, lira. Roy H. 4 v. compiled from the beat recent authors
Lanier. V, l, 1929, 96p, and a new translation, Lexington,
tract. V, 2, Transylvania ptg. ~ pub, oo,, 1875,
.... 3.
,esp •
What auat I do to be saved, v. ,.
Abilene, Tex., lira, Roy H. Lanier. Cover title, The L. C, L. training
--. St. Louis, John Burns,
tract, oouraea.
Why men should receive the Bible, Spirit of the times, Cincinnati,
Abilene, Tex,, Jira, Roy H. Lanier, Standard. --. St. Louia, Christian pub,
tract, co., •1876.
Too -ny tencea. Cincinnati, 486p.
Chria .t, our unique aaoritice, Standard,
Jeaua the -nifeatation ot God in the --. Cincinnati, Standard,
tleah1 The paatoral work of a local Thi! t ·raining of the churchJ a aerie•
church, (In Abilene Christian . of thirty-five leaaona designed to aid
college Bible lecture•, 1926-1927, pp, thoH who would know more, do more and --.
St. Louis, Christian board,
312-327; 1938, pp. 86-1031 1939, pp. be more' in the service ot Jeaua Christ,
192-209) Cincinnati, Standard, •1911,

L Lard - Lawrance

Do the holy scriptures teach the !!!• aes · NELLIE LEWERS (Mrs. Ralph
endleaaness of t'uture punishment? S, L&tshsw) -1939,
Lexington, Transylvania pub. co., Larimore, T. B. Li fe, letters b,
1879. and sermons. d, Kansas City, ~ •• D 1939.

Reply to a Bapti1t1 or, wh&t bap- Manual Christian women's miss ionary
tiam 1• for. A 1erie1 of editorial LARIJllRE, THEOPHILUSBRO\'IN,1843-1929. council, Kansas City, Mo., Chria-
articles originally published in the b. East Tenn., 10 Jl 1843. tian women's mi asiona.ry oouncil of
Apostolic times. Lexington, Ky., d. Santa Ana, Calif., 18 llr 1929. Missouri, •1933,
Apostolic times, printers & bindere, 78p, chart.
n.d. Letters and . sermons . 1904.
v. p. 3 vol.
A r eview of Rev. J.B. Jeter'• Lire. letters, and sermons, ce d .~ b . Quinoy, Ill., 28 D 1838,
book entitled "Campbelliam examined", by Jira. T. B. Larimore, Nashville, d. 16 N 1895,
with an introduction by Alexander Gospel advocate, 1931.
Campbell. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 420p. front., port ., illue. "The four kingdoms" ; Unchris tian
1857. amusements and Christia n recreation;
297p. What must I do to be saved? skeleton serm ons. (In Cory, N, E, ,
Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. ed, The polymathist, 1877, pp . 271-
and Nicodemus (1868) (In 64p. 272; p, 289)
Rowe, F. L. Pioneer sermons and
addresses, •190~, pp, 200-223) Unity. (In Srygley, F. D., ed.
Biographies and sermons, 1898, pp. 35- LAWRANCE,
Christ's oonvereation with Nico- 50)
demus. (In )bore, w. T., ed, The Marion Lawrance, a memorial bio-
living pulpit of the Chrietian church, comp. with KIRKPATRICK,lf. J. graphy, by his son.,,with an intro-
1867, pp. 231-261) duction by Hughs. lit.gill, New
The new Christian hymn booki a York, Revell, •1925,
lly church. (In Sweeney, z. T., collection of hymns and tunes tor use 479p, front. (port,) plates,
ed. New Testament Christianity, 1930, in Chrhtian worship. Nashville,
vol. 3, pp. 67-81) VcQuiddy ptg. co., 1907.
256p. LAWRANCE, URIAHMARION,1850-1924,
about (Died Congregationalist)
Seventy-seven sweet songs and b. Winchester, 0,, 2 0 1850.
Starr, H. E. Jt,aea E. Lard. thirty-six familiar hymns and gospel d, Portland, Ore,, 30 Ap 1924.
(In Dictionary of American biography, aonga, a collection of hymns and tune•
vol. 10, 1933, pp. 614-615) tor gospel meeting• and all ocoasiona The church school blue print.
of Christian work and worahip. Cincinnati, Standard pub, co,, •1924.
Nashville, VcQuiddy ptg. co,, 1906. 150p, diagra,
c96,p. A revision of The Sunday school
Boles, H. L. Biographical organized for aervioe.
aketchea of goapel preachers. about aee
Haley, J. J. Jlakera and molders Housing the Sunday achool1 or,a
of the reformation movement. Boles, H. L. Biographical practical study of Sunday school
Herndon, E·. W. Review of a leo• sketches of gospel preacher a. buildings. Philadelphia, Westmins-
ture by lloaea E. Lard on tuture punhh- Holman, s. M. T. B. Larimore, ter pres•, 1911.
ment. .Srygley, F. D. Smiles and teara, 146p. rront., illus,, plate,.
Jones, J.B. Moses E. Lard. or Larimore and hia boys. (Modern Sunday school manuals)
li:>ore, 'if. T. The living pulpit Srygley, F. D. Biographiu and
of the Christian church. sermons. How to conduct a Sunday achool1 or,
Williama, A. P. Campbelliam twenty-eight year• a superintendent.
expoaed in an examination of Lard'• Bew York, Revell, •1906,
Revi- of Jeter. LARRABEE,ALBERT, 1831- 279p. illus,, platea, diagra.
b, Auburn, lie., 20 lly 1831.
d. How to conduct a Sunday aohool1 or,
J (KISTNER) thirty-one year• a auperintendent.
b. Churches of Christ in Chicago, N8'11'York, Revell, •1916.
d. (In Brown, J, T., ed, Churchea of 324p. front, (port.) illus,, pl&tea,
Christ. 1904, pp. 300-303)
W. H. Kietner, (In Weit, J. W., ---, rewritten and rev, New
ed. Sketohea of our mountain pioneer•, York, Revell, 1916,
1939, pp, 214-216) LARROWE,
HEATH,1862-1901, 326p,
b, Carroll county, v-., 13 D 1862.
d. 30 Je 1901 My -••age to Sunday scbool wnrkera.
LARilllRE., EIIIA (PAGE) (Jira. T. B; Jew York, Doran, •1924,
Larimore); 186i- about aee 290p, front, (port,)
d. West, J, W, Slretohea of our Opening and oloaing exerciaea,
mountain pioneers. St, Louia, Chriatian pub, co.
The life work or Jira. Cl».rlotte paaphlet.
Fanning. lf&ahville, lloQuiddy ptg.
co., 1907. LATHAJI, JOSEPHUS, 1829-1889, Special days in the Sunday school.
20lp. front. (port.) illue. b, Pantego, N. c., 1829. Iew Yorlr, Revell, •1916,
d. 30 lfy 1889. 260p. front., illus., pl&tea.
Our corner boolr from 111.ine to
llexico, from Canada to Cuba. Nash- Debate on bapti1111 between a pedo- The Sunday aohool org~ni&ed tor
ville, . Printed for the author e by the. baptiat and hmtereionist, 1865. aervioe, Boeton, Pilgrim press,
publiahing house of the M. E, Church, tract, •1914.
South, 1912. ix, 87p. illua,, chart.
216p. front., platea,

Lawn.nee - 1- L

Training the teacher, Philadel- eel.A~, ZEUIA WOOD, with HODGE,L, P.

phia, S, S, times cc,, 1918, b.
El•entary Engliah, apoken and
The working manual cf' a auccesd'ul written, new ed. Hew York, Charles
Sunday school; being f'cr ' the most part I married a miaaionary. Abilene; P. Jlorrill, •1920-1926.
the actual working .manual in use for Tex·,, Author, 1943, · 3 wl. front., illus,
years in the Washington street Congre- 26lp.
gational Sunday school, Toledo, Ohio,
with an addition .of' some features not
yet in uae but planned for the future, LEACH.HARRY P Eighth grade reading tor the public
•- York, Renll, •1908, b. aohoola of' lliuourif being selection•
68p, front, required by the lliaaouri atate courae
ot atudy... Beaton, Houghton, •1920,
about see Ti, 396p.

Lawrance, H. G. llt.rion Lawrance. Leach, H. J, It happened in SeTenth grade reading tor the public
Paraguay. achoola ot Jliaaouri, being aeleot1ona
required by the lliaaouri atate oourae
LAJrSOR,C AHDRl!lf ot a.tudy... Beaton, Boughton, •1920.
b, LEACH,HILJU. J Ti, 496p. illua. (imaic) -p•.

introduction ••• with


llinor poem• ot · John llilton; with
Butchart, Reube1>. A primer of' introduction, critical notes, and
Disciple history in Canada, It ~ppened in Paraguay. Cincin- queationa for claaa etudy by Arthur
nati, Powell & White, •1926. Lee, Lincoln, Ieb,, UniTeraity
.72,p, front., plates. pub. co,, 1926,
LAlJSON,J H , 1867- 162p.
b, Lawrence county, Ark,, 12 Je
b, LD, CHARLESII , 1888-
Heartfelt religion and expoattion ot
the m:>urnera' bench eyst• ot getting A history of' the Christian church
religion, Nashville, Tenn., Oeapel or Liston, Indiana, 1837-1911. A wolf' in aheep'a clothing. Cin-
adTocate co., 1894. c37ap. cinnati, Standard, •1917,
40p. 133p.
Contents include, Biographical Liston. (In Reagan, J, S. H111-
sketch of' the lite and labor• ot toric aketchea of' Christian cbu.rohea
Elder J. H. Lawson by Bynum Blaok, in Hendrick• county, Indiana, pp. 38-46) , LEX, ELIJAH CALVII, 1810-1892,
pp. 6-7. b. , 10 J1y 1810,
4, , 2 R 1892,
LAWSOJI,JAKESGILCHRIST, 1874- b. about aee
(Baptht) d.
Johnston, I. L. Elijah Cabin
Did Jeaua o-nd 1-raiont An Blnenta of' aoral ac1ence, Lee.
exhauatiTe atudy ot the word "baptise". Philadelphia, J&Jll9aChallen & eon,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1916. 1860,
277p. 414p. Ln, GEORGI!:
GreatHt thought• about the Bible
gleaned from -ny aourcea. Cinoin-

nati, Standard, 1918, b. Life and traTela of' elder George 1J,
206p. Lee, the CODTerted aaUor, by hiaaelt1
biography of' hi• life aa a printer,
ed. Jeaua and hia methoda,.introduotion sailor and preacher. Belton, Tex,,
by Frederick Eby... Austin, Tex., Embree ptg. co., 1904.
Great aenaona on world peace. Fira foundation, 1927, lOlp. port,, plat.a.
:lew York, Round tablepre••, 1937, 366p.
vi, 200p.
Content• include, The doge of' war Character building1 Religioua educa- In, OUT CARLSTOI,1862-1936,
by B, D. Jonea and Where 1a Chriat- tion in Texas, (In Abilene Chriatian b,
aaa by J.P. I~n. college Bible lacturea, 1922-1923, pp. d.
160-161; 1928-1929, pp. 9-10)
Senn great h,-na,,. Baltiaore,
LAWSOI,PIICDEY B Thomae J. Clnmitt, J.r., pub., 1916,
b, llu-ion, Ala., I.Bl, ARTHUR 120p.
d. b. Dedicated to B. A. Abbott.
Sent out by Thoaaa Claaaitt, jr,,
The lite and character, to which 1a •aa a Christ.a aouyenir.•
added aane ot the addreaaea and aer- The new Reed and Kellog, leaaona in
mona ot Alexander Grahaa, teacher _ot lngliah, baaed on the text• by Alonso
the Chriat1an church in llt.rion, Alabama. Reed and Brainerd Kellog. •- Tork, I.Bl, JOliTHAI CALVII
•- Tork, John P. trow, printer, 1863, Charle• B. Merrill, •1917-1923, b,
98p. . 2T, front., plat.a, ·illua.

I. L. Jona than Cabin
L i.e.• Leouar d

LEE, LAURAELIZABETH LEIPER, HEIIRY SJIITH, 1891- The church and the temple. liaah-
(Congregationaliat) Tille, Tenn,, World Tision.
Fellowship or chaoa--the ur gency
and prondae of Christian uni t y. The kingd0111and the church, (In
ccLB!, JI V (In International oonTention, 1938, pp. Abilene Christian college Bible lec-
b, 124-137) tures, 1940, pp. 37-68)

Christian science examined ••• LEIDIEX,CHARLES HARRIS, 1891- ccLEIOIOIIS,WILLIAlilFRAIIILIII, 1868-

Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n,d, b, Ward, Colo,, 6 Jl 1891, b,
Quench not the spirit, (In The deTil and socialism, Cincin-
LEE, Ii H (Jlethodht) Thornton, E. W,, ed. Phillipe uniTer- nati, F, L, Rowe, 1914,
aity sermon,, 1929, pp. 94-108) XT, 284p, front, (port,)
Inuaeraionista againat the Bible;
or, the Babel builders confounded, in Evils or aooialiam, Austin, Tex.,
an exposition ot the origin, design, LElllfOII, CLAREIICE
EUGBllE,1888- , Firm foundation,
tactics, and progreaa ot the new b, Seward county, lleb,, 2 P 1888, 90p.
Teraion movement• or Caapbellitea and
other Baptista, ed, by Thomas 0,
Sumner•. liaahTille, Stennaon and The art or church 111anagement1with LEJIOII,FRAN!HEY
Owen, 1856, an introduction by Roy 0, Roaa; St, b, near ETanaTille, ·Wis,, 26 D
270p. .Louis, Bethany preaa, •1933,
ConTersion, (In BroJcaw, G, L.,
LEGG, T J • 1849-1919, Every m11111ber
fellowship church Tiai- ed. Doctrine and life, 1898, pp,
b. Raleigh, Ind,, 12 Ap 1849, tation, cindianapolia,. U, C, K, S,, 414-428)
d. Chicago, Ill,, 7 lly 1919, n,d, ·
12p, about see
The world's great co1111110n
tor. (In Book, W, H,, ed, Indiana Historical atatement concerning the Myers, I. B. F, H, Lemon.
pulpit, 1912, pp. 71-90) oomaiaaion on budget• and promotional
relationship• of the International
conTention or the Diaoiplea or Chriat, LE HART, JIARII
Religion helpa. St, Louis,
Bethany preaa, 194.2, A child of diTorce; a startling
Th• ftne art or liTing. (In 162p. story or an amazing modern eTil--ita
Brite college or the Bible, Sermon•, insidious warfare upon all that ia
TOl, 1, 1937, pp, 3-8) Thia 111&n gaTe one million dollf.ra high and holy in marriage and ita
to a Christian college, Robert H. blaating influence upon innocent liTea,
Stockton, faithful and wiae ateward1 Cincinnati, Standard, •1922,
LE!l)(A!I, JOEL BAER, 1866-194.2, an addreaa delinred at the Inter- 425p. tront,
b, Williama county, 0,, 18 Ja national conTention or Diaoiplea or
1866, Chriat at Colorado Springe, Colorado,
d, Jackson, lliaa,, D 1942, Septlll!lber 3-9, 1923, cEureJca, Ill,, LEIITZ, RICHARDI , 1900-
Eureka college, 1923, b, Indianapolia, Ind,, 18 Ja 1900,
The spiritual reconstruction or the 12p,
world, St, Louis, Bethany preaa,
1923, A ooDTention auaurhation, (In Parent education in the local
246p, International connntion, 1938, pp. church (a basic procedure outline),
480-488) produced by the DiTiaion of Christian
about BN education, the u. c. K. S,, a board
The tai th and i ta oredal roration or aiasiona and education, St,
Sniff, L. JI. J, B, Lablan, (In Douglaaa, H, P, The witneaa or • Louis, Christian board, n,d,
the ohurchea or the congregational order, 3lp, (Adult program ot Chriatian
1940, pp. 21-26) education, aeries l, book Ti)
LEHR, HEliRYSOLO)l)B, 1838-1923,
b, Oldtown, 0,, 8 Jlr 1838. The shoulder• or aen, (In Cory, The Christian trade achool, (In
d, Ada, 0,, 28 Ja 1923, A. I,, ed, Voicea or the aanotuary, International convention, 1941, pp,
1930, pp. 134-14 7) 179-188)
about ae•
Youth'• ahare--what or it'! (In comp.
lennedy, s. L. C-•orating DeOroot, A. T.. ed. The llaphia youth
the 100th anninraary or the founder oonTention, 1926, pp, 97-100) Easter poma. Wellarllle, I. Y,,
or Ohio 1'orthern uniTerait)<, The Christian t11111ple,1935,
about .see .8.p,

1902- Hale, Jira. A, L, Pr•ohing hh
paaaion, LEOIWID,GEORGE WASHI!IGTOI,1855-1941,
b, Lancaster, 110,, 28 H 1865.
·4, Yatea Center, lana,, 27 Ja 1941,
In that caae,,,a atudy ot ·ainiater- ccLEmlOBS,REUEL, 1913-
ial leaderahip in probl- aituationa. b, Proa under the cloud into the aun-
Chicago, Willett, Clark & oo,, 1938, light. Altaaont, llo,, Author, 1902t
rrl, l68p, pe.aphlet,
Contenta include, Probl-•, aolTed
b)- a, 8, Aaea and H. L. Willett.

Leonard • 1-1• L

b. b. Fredonia, . B. Y., 18t7.
d. llt.lden, lit.ea., 26 S 1928 0

with STE1IP, DOROfflY. Politioa and prayer. (In Inter- The tabernacle ot teatimony1 troa
national 0011Tention, 1939, pp. 181-189) the book ot Bxodua. Cincinnati,
Conference memories, a one-aot p~ay Standard, •1925. ·
prepared eapeoially tor production by 60p. tront., illus., platea.
young people'• groups in introducing
conference aa one phase of their pro-
gram in the church. .st. Louie, u.
b. ~-
C. v:. s., n.d •• From Bible data of the houae which
llp. Annunciation. Loa Angeles, Platen King Sol011.onbuilt tor JehoT&h. Cin-
llillleographed. preu, 193&. cinnati, Standard, •1927.
20p. 30p. tront., platea, plane.

LEONARD, (ROLF), 1876- !forth a tar country. •- York,
b. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, •19f6. LEWIS, GRANTKIRXL&RD,1868-1937.
T111, 327p. (American tolkwaya, b. Steuben county, Ind., 13 0 1868.
ed. by Erekine Caldwell) d. Little Rook, Ark., 22 F 1937 0

Salute to apring .and other •tori••• The Aaerican Christian aiaaionary
The children'• hour; a week-day lfew Tork, International publiahera, society and the Diaciplea of Chriat,
project for church school,. Cincin- 19'0. .with an introduction by F. W. Burn-
nati, Standard, •1939. 19lp. ham. St. Louie, Chriatian board,
183p. 1937.
Tiii, 216p. tront. (port.) platea,
LEONARD, SILAS llHITE, 1814-1870. b. Clinton,county, I. Y., 186f
b. Louinille, !Cy., 1814. d. J. progrui for Christian unity.
d. near Centralia, Ill., 1870. St. Louie, U. C. K. s., cl926o
Christian acienoe aa it ia ( an ·Bp. folder.
comp. analyaia) Loa Angeles, Calif.,
Author, •1910. "Uncle Johnny Appleaeeda" or, the
The ...ocaliat1 a collection ot aonga 17p. eleTenth of Hebr-•. (reTiaed)
ahd hymna, with appropriata muaio, Cincinnati, A. c. v:. s., n.d.
original and aeleoted. Aleo leaaona The journey• which Jeaua -d•, to 7p. folder.
in numeral muaic, forming a numeral be uaed with -p ahowing the journeya
-nual. Louinille, Ky., Printed which Jeaua -d•. .Spokane, Waah., · Faith. (In llaaoham, E. J., comp.
by JIDrton & Griawold, 1860. Author, 1898 0 Training to teach, •1913, pp. 121-127)
32p. .e.p. folded aap.
comp. with FILLJllRE, A. D. The prince ot peaoe1 or, Chriat the L!;WIS, HAZELASE!IATH, 1886-
aon ot God. Spokane, Waah., Author, b.
The Chriatian paalaiat, a collec- •1897.
tion ot hymna and tunea ot Tarioua .32.p.
aetera--original and aelected, 11111brao- Guided atudy and experience. J.dlllin-
ing the round note, the ll\llleral and
the patent note ayataia ot notation,
Spokane, Wash., Author, iatration, grouping, and equipment in
the primary departaent. St. Louia,
6th ed. LouiaTille, Publiahed by f6p. illua. (port.) u. c. K. s., n.d.
s. w. Leonard, 18"8. 2fp. (Standard leaderahip train-
383p. Prince ot peace, the king of kinga, ing oourae no. 2f0-B)
Stereotyped by E. Shipard, Cinoin• the aon ot God. Loa Angele•, Prince llbteographed.
nati. ot peace pub. oo., 190~?
ollf.p. tront. (port.) illua. How to conduct the "beginner'a
The Christian paalmiat1 a oolleo- departaent. Cincinnati, Standard,
tion of tune• and h,-na, tor the uae Sure foundation. 1919.
ot worahipping aaa11111bliea, ainging and
Sunday aohoola, numeral ed. 00111piled Bow: to uaa then- graded leaaona.
tr~ many authora, 18th ed. Louia- LEWIS, ALVINFAYETTE,1861- St. Louia, Chriatian board, •1932.
Tille, Ky., Published by S. 1'. Leonard, 9p. (Bethany ohuroh aohocl
•1860, •1861. Biatory ot higher education in guide reprinta, no. 3)
fl6p. Kentucky. Waahington, D. c., OoTt.
Printed by li>rton and Oriawold. ptg. otfioe, 1899. ---. teaching beginnera, n- ed.
360p. tront., plataa. St. Louia, Christian board, •1937.
--, reT. and geratly enl. bys. Baa auch concerning lentuoky uniTer- 16p. (Bethany ohurch aohool
w. Leonard. LouiaTille, Ky., ·Pub- aity and TranaylYllnia. ·guide reprint no, 3)
liahed bys. w. Leonard, •1860-186'.
f30p. --, teaching junior•. St.
Stereotyped and printed by llorton LBIJIS, liRL CJ.LVII, 1901- Louia, Chriatian board, •1932.
and Griswold. b. , 9 D 1901 0
llp. (Bethany ohuroh aohooi
guide reprint no. 6)
YOUJIG,J Printed with black ink on gray paper.
lloulton Chriatian ohuroh--what -
htional temperance aongatar bys. are1 .and. paatoral letter. --. taaohing junior•. St.
W. Leonard and J. Young. 18H. fp. Louie, Chriatian board, •1932.
Up. (Bethany ohuroh aohool
guide reprint no. 6)
Printed in dark brown i,i' on tan
paper. ,... .

L Lewis - Llwnon

--• teaching pria&ry children. St, Louie, Chriatian board, How God aaya Baptim ie perfonned,
St . Louis, Chriatian board, •1932. •1922. Peteraburg, Va., Author?, 1900,
llp. (Bethany ohuroh aohool 76p. 27p.
guide reprint no. 4)
No liat on inaid• ooTer. Promotion day in the el ..iaent&ry
dhilion. St, Louie, Christian JoLEll'IS, JOHN THOMAS,1876-
-. t•ohing pri-ry children. board, 1924. b.
St. Louie, Chrieti&n board, n.d. 3lp.
9p. (Bethany ohuroh eohool
guide reprint no. 4) Supeni.1ion or n.cation church A rerlew or "God'a w0111an•, llont-
Ineide oOTer liete 16 reprinta. aohool1, prepared under the direction gomery, Al&.,
or the Department or raligioua educa- 92p.
"It's a good idea--but• St. tion, U. C. K. s. St. Louia, Chria-
Louie, Chriatian board, n.d. tian board, n.d. The voice or the pioneers on in-
lp. llp. atrument&l muaio and aooietiea.
NaahTille, Gospel avooate c!a, 1932.
Junior 1uperintendent1' -nual. Worker'• conference or ohildren•a 184p. front. (port.)
St. Louie, Chriatian board. diTiaion, .st. Louie and Indiana.-
polis, Christian board and Department
Knowing children better. Phil&• or religioua education, 0, c. K. s •• LEYS, WAYNE ALBERTRISSER,
delphia, Weatm.inater pre11, 1941. n.d, b,
80p. 3lp. (Looal ohuroh aen-ioa
llethod1 for pri-ry teaohera. A Ethioa and social policy. Hn
textbook in the Standard oourae in contributed to ••• York, Prentice-Hall, •1941.
teacher training, outlined and approTed xiii, 622p. (Prentice-Hall
by the Sunday 1ohool oounoil or evan- Bower, W, C. The Dieoiplea and philosophy aeries)
glioa.l denomina.tiona. Third year religioua education.
1peoia.liaation Hrie1. St. Louil, Introduction to social atudiea.
Publiahed for the teacher training with CLEIIEIIIS,MARGARET
K, .Chicago, Author, •1934,
publishing a11ooiation by the Bethany lSlp.
preaa, •1921. Judaon Key,tona pri111&ry1D&nual.
l82p. Philadelphia, Judaon preaa, 1944. The religious control of emotiona,
98p. Hew York, R.R. Smith, 1932.
St. Louia, Front ra.nk x, 229p.
preu, •1921. joint~ aee
. 182p. Soul aaving in the light or modern
Dellon, L. K. . Storie• or the psychology. (In Campbell institute.
Boston, Pilgrim pr•••• churohea. Trend• of 1110dernreligion, 1930, pp.
Irvin, I, K, Adainiatration and 27-36)
Philadelphia., Wea1ain1ter auperTi1ion of n.oation church aohoola.
Munroe, Harry. Handbook for the with EVERETT, K, s.
week day church aohool.
Pioturea for children. St. Loui1, Semones, K, S. Children in the Civilisation in the making1 a
Chriatian board, n.d. mall Sunday school. history of intellectual a.nd aocial
26p. (Bethany ohuroh aohool progreaa, Chicago, K, s. ETerett,
guide reprints, no. 16) OTHERS. 1936,
Planning for children in the local Junior hymnal, ed, by H, A. Lewie,
church... St. Louie, Bethany preaa, E, A. Schroll, and J, K, Fillmore.
•1933. Indianapolia, Fillmore, LHAWI, WILLIAM JEFFERSON, 1865•
90p. (In leaderahip training b. Gutbier, o., 16 S 1856.
Planning for the n.oation ohurch b, Brownadale, Kinn., 24 F 1874. The character Christ, fact or fic-
aohool. St. Louie, U. c. K. S. and d. GraTette, Ark., 12 Ag 1938. tion, with introduction by Charles T.
Christian board, •1936. Paul, •- York, ReTell -, •1914,
Up. . Eb _
Peechorap and wife at the fair1 204p. (College of m.iaaione
being the experience or reaidenta or lectureahip,eeriee 111)
The pr1-ry church 1ohool... St. 'Poaaum Ridge, Arkan••• in St. Louie.
Louia, Chriatian board, 19~. •- York, Beale pub. co,, 1906. Christ waa born in Bethlehem.
xii, 260p. 239p. front. (port.) .poem. Columbia, llo., Author, 1941.
Primary ohuroh aohool, 2d ed., llennit or treaaure ooTe. Kanaaa
Printed for the Leaderahip training City, Burton pub. co,, 1931. De't'Otiona.l atudiea in the life of
publication a1aooiation, by the Bethany .ieaua. Springfield, Ko., Kiuouri
praaa, .1940., •1932. Unole Eb, the -n fr011l Arkanaa-- Sunday aohool aaaooiation, 1902.
xu. 260p. now larr, on the canal and 4p.
expoeition etc,, facts, fun and filo-
Prooedur ... in teaoning children. ao~, the old -n from Arkanaaw t&lka Heroea or modern miasiona. Hff
St. Louie, Christian board, n.d. of the big ditch, the t'&ir and other York, Revell, •1699.
3lp. (Bethany ohuroh aohool things, illua. by Quin Ball, l66p. (Bethany C, !, reading
guide reprint•, no. 10) Chicago, Publisher'• oooperatiTe co., courses, 3d aeries, T. 3)
for tea.oher1' oonfaranca,
Progr&11111 93p, port,, illus. St. Louie, Christian pub,
beginner•' and pri-ry ••• Boaton, oo •• •1899.
Pilgriia pre••• •1922. 166p. (Bethany C, !. reading
76p. LElrIS, J PRESTOI, couraea, 3d aerie,, v. 3) ·

Llw!lon - Lindsay L

1(111ionary tielda and foroea of Divoroe ; a aooial in t erpretation. LI NDSAY, NICHOLAS VACHEL, 1879-1 931.
the Diacip l ee of Christ. Cleveland, Bew York, Whittlesey houae, 1931. b Springfi e ld , I ll., 10 N 1879.

Bethany C. E. co., •1 898. %11, 472p . d . Sprin gfie ld , Ill., 6 D 1931.

152p . (Bethany c. E. reading
oouraea, 2d aeries, v. 3) Divorce, a study in social causa- Adventure• while prea ching the
11'. M. Bayne ptg . co., Cleveland, o. tion. New York, 1909. gospel of beauty. New York, lac-
23l p. i llu s . mi llan, 1916, •1913.
B- .York, Revell, •1898. Thesis : Ph.D., Columbia univer- l86p.
l 72p. (Bethany C'. E. reading sit y, 1909.
courae1, 2d aer i es, v. 3) --.. New Yor k, M. Iennerley,
Kew York, Columbia univer- · 1914.
--. St. Louis, Christian pub. sity, 1909. 186p.
co., •1 898. 230p. (Stud i es in history, eoon-
l72p. (Bethany c. E. reading omios and public law, vol.=• no. 3) The art of the 1110vingpictures .
courses, 2d series, v . 3) New York, Macmillan, 1915.
viii, 289p.
lt11aiona imperative, or, our Lord'• LI GON, DAVIDG -1865.
0O11111i11ion,our rea1on for miaaions. b. The art of the moving picture, in-
cCincinnati, F. C, M. s .• n.d. d. tended first of all, for t he new art
clO,p. inc. front cover. museum• springing up all over the
Guide print, Loui1ville. Digested indez ot the Supreme country. But the book ia for our
court of Alab&111&,in chancery oaae a, univer1itiea and institutions of
Then- creed of the Disciples of from 1820 to 1847. Bew Orleans, learning. It contains an appeal to
Chriat1 an addrea1 before the con- L. Graham and eon, 1848. our whole critical and literary world,
gre1a of the Disciple• of Chri1t, and to our creators cf aoulpture,
ColWDbua, Ohio, April 17, 1922. architeoture, painting, and the
16p. LIGON, ERNESTMAYFIELD,1897- American cities they are building .
b. Being the 1922 revision of the book
The offense of tobaoco against first iaaued in 1916, and beginning
acience and hum&nefficienoy . .col- with an ample discourse on the great
unbia, llo. , Author, n.d. A comparative study of certain new proapeota of 1922. New York,
16p. incentives i n the learning ot the Macmillan, 1922, •1 915, •19 22.
whit e rat. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins %111, 289p.
Open letter to Rev. Pearl H. lfel- preaa, •1929.
ahilller. Columbia, It>., Author, 96p. illus., ta bles, diagrs . The candle in the cabin, a weaving
cl944, (Comparati ve psych ology monograph•, together of script and singing.
cll,p. ino. front cover. vol. 6, serial no. 28, June 1929) New York, Appleton, 1926.
First iaaued in mimeographed form. z, 130p. 111~•-
The payohology of Chrietian per1on-
Studies in Aota, or, the Bew Testa- ality. New York, Macmillan, • 1936. The Chinese nightingale, and other
ment book of beginnings, with an intro- z, 393p. poem,. New York, llacmillan, 1917.
duction by A. MoLean. St. Louis, z, ,127p.
Christian pub. oo., 1897. Their future h now; the growth and
419p. front. (port.) development ot Christian personality. Collected poems. New Yor k, )lt.o-
New York, laomillan , 1939. aillan, 1923.
Syllabi, 1tudiea in the Chriat zv, 369p. ' zv, 390p.
oharaoter and in Bew Testament intro-
duotion. Springfield, llo., Author, --, rev. and illus. ed. Hew
n.d. LIGON, JOHNWASHIBGTOB, 1866-1934 • York, lilcmillan, 1926.
• 3•• p. b. Davia county, Ky., 16 Ja 1866, uii, 464p: illus., plates.
d. Paden city, 'Ir. Va., 9 Ap 1934.
Thy kingdom come••• a .aerie• of the The Congo and other poema, with an
radio devotional hour, KFRU,Columbia, Pa~l. the apostle, pioneer mission- introduction by Harriet Monroe.
ll111ouri, during a December week, 1936. ary to the heathen world cwith an Bew York, llacmillan, 1914.
2-&p. introduotion by R•.. H. Croaafield , zv, 169p.
New York, Revell, •1916.
lfhy ·ohoo1e the miniatry? cPitta- 2-&0p. -pa. ---, reiaaue. JllewYork, Jlao-
burg, Centennial of the D11oiplea of aillan, 1933.
Chriat. n.d. 167p.
4p. (Centennial leaflet no. 1-&) LIMERICI, J J , 1866-
b. Richmond, llo., 4 F 1866 0
The Daniel jaza and other po.-.u.
The cry, "Back to Chriat"-a review. d. London, George Bell & aon1, 1920.
(In Garriaon, J. H., ed. Our tirat 94p, .
congress, 1900, pp. 100-108) Go1pel in chart and Hrmon. Cin-
cinnati, John F. Rowe, 18971 Every aoul 11 a circu11 decoration,
288p. by the author and George K. Riobard,,
LICHT!:HBERGER, JAMESPEl'IDLETOM,1870- Bew York, Macmillan, 1929.
b. Decatur, Ill. , 10 Je 1870. zzzii, 120p. illua,
b. General William Booth entera into
Development ot social theory. heaven, and other poem,. !few York.
Bew York, Century, 1923. M. Iennerley, 1913.
ziii, "82p. (Century 10oial Parliamentary practice. Chioago, 119p.
1oience Hrie1) Author, 1892T
--. Bew York, Appleton, 1938.
pamphlet. --.
Bew York, Jlaamillan, 1918.

z111, 482p. (Century 1ooial

1oienoe Mriea) LINDSAY,EUDORA God help ua to be brave. 1908.

Lindsay - Lipscomb

Going•to-the-stara. New York, Talea from _the . tall hill•. A statement or tacts, in oonneotion
Appleton, 1926. with the history of the church of
Tiii, 102p. illus. Tramps excuse and other poems. Christ in the city or Detroit. 1868.
Springfield, Ill., Author, 1909.
Going-to-the-sun. New York,
Appleton, 1923. Tree of laughing bells. N"" York, LINTOII, MRS. LULU
Tiii, lOlp. illus. Author, 1905, b.
The golden book or Springfield1 Village magazine,
being the review or a book that will lat printing 1910. Aunt Serepta•a self-denial offering.
appear in the autumn or the year 2018, 2nd printing 1920. .Indianapolis,, C. 11'. B. K., n.d.
and an extended description or Spring- 3rd print i ng 1925. 8p.
field, Illinois, in that same year. 4th printing 1926.
New York, lfacmillan, 1920. Lynn Ea1tman'1 conm1enoementgift.
iv, 329p. To Vachel Thoma, Lindsay. (In Indianapolis, c. 11'. B. K., 1911.
Strong, Sydney, ed. ll'hat I owe r:, 8p.
The golden whales or California, father, 1931, pp. 99-108)
and other rh:,aes in the American Kore than coronets, stories or
language. New York, lfacmillan, illua, kind hearts. Cincinnati, Standard,
1920. 1903.
xx, l8lp. The spider web, Hiram college 143p.
annuala, 1899 and 1900.
Goapel of beauty.
A handy guide for beggars espec- b. Franklin county, Ky., 1876.
ially those or the poetic traternityJ Bates,!. s. Nicholas Vachel d. NaahTille, Tenn,, 4 0 1940.
being aundry explorations, made while Lindsay. (In Dictionary of American
afoot and penniless in Florida, biography, vol • .11, 1933, pp. 276-277) comp,
Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Kentucky, New Jersey, and PennaylT&nia1 about see Around the Lord'• table, a aerie•
these adTenturea oOnTey and illustrate of articles written by consoientiou1
the rules of beggary tor poeta and Graham, Stephen. Tramping with a and thoughttul men about the world'•
some othera. NeJr York, •omillan, poet in the Rookies. greateat oo-..oratiTe institution,
1916. llaatera, Edgar Lee. Vachel fir at ,collated and edited in 1917
xi, 206p. Lindsay, a poet in America, .reviaed by John T. Hinda, 19340
Trombley, A.!. Vachel Lindsay, laahTille, Goepel advocate oo., cl934o
Johnny Appleseed and other poem1, adventurer. 63p.
illua. by George Richards. New York, Untermeyer, L. Vachel Lindsay.
llaoaillan, 1928. Christian treaaure1, an expoaition
ix, 144p. (llaomillan'• chil- or Tital theme, by earnest and roroe-
dren' a !)lasaios) LINDSAY,S B tul writer•. NaahTille, KcQuiddy
b. ptg. oo., 1916.
New York, Book league or 2 v.
America, 1929, •1913-1928.
ix, 144p. front., illua. Studies in Acta. Buffalo, N. Y., The e011111eroialhiatory of the
"Special edition published by .Author, 1924. southern 1tates, covering the poat-
arrangement with the llaomillan 99p, bellum period. Ed. by A. B. Lipscomb
company." under the direction or the Louisville
oomnercial club, with historical re-
A letter about ay tour programme•, LINDSAY,VACHELTHOIIA.S, -1918. aUllle of Kentucky by Col. J. Stoddard
tor oomrltteea in oorreapondenoe. b. Johnaton. .Louiaville, Pr•••
or J.
Springfield, Ill., Author, cl916o d. Springfield, Ill., 20 S 1918. P. Morton and co., 1903.
65p. illu•. xv, 123p.
about aee
Letter• to A. Joaeph Anaatrong1 ed. !!• •••
by A. Joaeph Anaatrong. ll'aoo, Tu., Lindaay, !I. V. To Vachel Thomaa
Baylor uninrsity preaa, 1940. Lindaay, lfcQuiddy, J. C. The profitable
xiv, 212p. (Baylor bulletin, v. word.
43, no. 3)
LIHDSEY,ARTHURNEAL, 187$- joint ed. aee
The litany or ll'uhington atreet. b. ll'araaw, Ky., 13 Jl .1873.
New Tork, •omillan, 1929, Kirkpatrick, 11'. J. Praiae him.
xii, 12lp. front., illus ·., platH,
ports. Hiatory of the Chriatian church or
N.,. Franklin, Jlo., Hew Franklin, Jlo.,•cLIPSCOIIB, DAVID, 1831-1917.
Rh:ymea to be traded for bread. Author, 1904. b. Franklin county, Tenn., 21 Ja
booklet. booklet, 1831.
d. , 11 I 1917.
Selected poems, ed. with an intro-
duction by Haselton Spencer. •- LI!ITOII, G 11' Chriatian unity1 how promoted, how
Tork, llaomillan, 1931. b. deatroyed.
xviii, 226p. front. (llodern d.
reader•' aerlea) Civil government, its origin, miaaion
Twilight zephyr•, tor the Sunday and deatiny, and the Chriatian'• rela-
The aoul or the city reoeina the aohool. St, Louie, John Burna, 1881. tion to it. llaahville, KcQuiddy ptg.
gift or the Holy Spirit. _1912. co., 1913.
pamphlet. 168p.
The apring harbinger. Spring- b, A comnentary on the Acta or the
field, Ill., 1910. apoatlea with queationa auited tor the
6p. uae ot families and aohoola. laah-
v_ille, Goepel advocate pub. co., 1898.
249, 6p,
Lipscomb - Lloyd L

A commentary on the Gospel by John, ccLil'SCOKB, GRANV ILLE, 1845-1910 . Eli xi rs and flavoring extracts,
ed. wit h additiona l notes by G. E.W. b. Franklin county, Tenn., 18 Je their history, fonnulae, and methods
Dorr i s. Nashvi ll e, Gospel advocate 1845. of pre paration, New York, w. Woode
oo., 1939. d. & co., 1892 .
339p. v, l9lp.
about 1ee
A corrmentary on the New Teetament Drugs and medicines of North
epi etlee ; ed. with additional notea Bolea, H. L. Biographical Ameri ca .
by J. W. Shepherd . Nashville, 001- aketchea of gospel pr eachers.
pel advoqate, 1933-1942 , Etidorhpa; or, the end of the earth,
5 v, The strange history of a mysterioue
v. 1, Romans, 1933, 285p, ocLIPSCOMB, H S being and the ~ccount of a remarkable
v, 2, Firet Corinthians, 1935, 274p. b. j ourney as communicated in manuscript
Y. 3, Second Corint hi a ns and d. to Ll-ellyn Drury who promised to
Galat i ans, 1936, 304p. print the same, but £in ally evaded the
Y. 4, Ephesians, Philippians, and How to build up a Bible school. responsi bility, whio h was aesumed by
Colossiana, 1939, 330p, (In M.irfreeaboro addressee, 1917, pp. John Uri LloydJ with many illus. by
Y, 5, Theaaalo n ian s, Timothy, Titua, 15-24) J. Augustus Knapp, author'• ed.
and Philemon, with an intro- limited. Cincinnati, J. u. Lloyd,
duction by I. B. Bradley, •1895.
1942, c324o p, LITTELL, ABSALOJI, 1788-1862, xiii, 37Sp. front. (port.) illus.,
b. Fayette county, Penn., 178&. plates.
Lif .e and sermons of Jene L, Sew9ll, d. , 11 Ky 18152,
an account of hie life, labor, and --, 2d ed. Cincinnati, Robert
character, 3d ed. NashYille, Ko- about aee Clarke co., •1896.
Quiddy ptg. co,, 1891. xvi, 586p, front., illue., platea,
318p. front. (port,) Evan•, lladieon. Biographical
aketches of the pioneer preacher• of --, 11th ed. rev. and enl, New
Queriea and an..,era, ed. byJ. w. Indiana. York, Dodd, 1901 .
Shepherd. Nashville, Tenn. , llc- vii, 375p. front,, _illus., plates.
Quiddy ptg. oo., 1910.
458p. front. (port.) LITTELL, JOHN THOMPSON,1790-1848. Felix Mosee, the beloved J- of
b. Fayette county, Penn .• , 1790 , Stringtown on the pike; page• from
--, 4th ed. Cincinnati, F, L. d. , ll F 1848. the life experiences of a unique
Rowe, 1918, •1910. charact er, a man whose romantic record
458p. front. (port.) about 1ee challenges immagination.,. Cinoin-
nati, Printed for the author by the
Questions answered. Evans, Jladison. Biographical Caxton press, •1930.
sketches . of the pioneer preachers of xxix, 354p. front., illue., plates.
Salvation from ain; ed, by J, W. Indiana.
Shepherd. NashYille, llcQuiddy ptg, History of the vegetable drug• of
co., 1913. the pharmaoopeia of the United Ste.tea
x, 440p, LITTON, JAKES P , 1845-1906. Cincinnati, J. U. & c. G.
b. Maury county, Tenn., 8 Ja 1845. Lloyd, 1911,
The Standard and the hymn-book, with d. 24 Ap 1906. l35p. (Bulletin of the Lloyd
an exposition or ita couree tmrd the library of botany, pharmacy and materia
mi11ionary aooiety. NaahYille, A. K. about see medica, no. 18, Pharmacy aerie• no, 4)
s-en, 1883.
32p. Boles, H. L. Biographical Iing'• Amerioan diapenaatory.
1ketchea of gospel preacher,.
Man, his beginning, training, and Old dog Turk, a chapter from an
end. (In Srygley, F. D. Biographiee unpubliahed autobiography, cCin-
and sermon,, 1898, pp. 165-184) LLOYD;"JOHN URI, 1849-1956. oinnati, lfieeen-Hart, publiehera,
b. Weat Bloomfield, N. Y,, 19 Ap 1944.
introduction aee 1849. 14p, ino. tront covM", front. (port,)
d. Loa Angeles, Calif., 9 Ap 1956,
Jarvie, Jira. I. V. z. Texa1 Our Willie; a folk-lore etory of
poems. The chemistry of medicine, practical. the Ounpower oreek and hills, Boone
A text and reference book for the uae · county, Kentucky. Cincinnati, J.
with SEWELL,E.G. of student•, phyaioiana, and phaniaciata o. Iidd & aon, •1934.
embodying the principles of chemioal xix, 376p, front., illua.
Queries and ans-rs, by Lipscomb philosophy and their application to
and s-111 being a compilation of those chemicals that are used in Red-head,,, New York, Dodd,
queriee with answer a by D. Lipecoaib medicine and in pharmacy, including 1903.
and E. O. s-ell, ooYering a period all thoae that are official in the xii, 208p. front., platea.
of forty year, of their joint editor- pharmacopeia of the United Ste.tea,
ial labors on tli• Ooapel adYOcate, ed, Cincinnati, Author, 1881, The right aide ot the oar by the
by K. C. Kurfee1. NuhYille, llo- 45lp, illus, author ot Etidorhpa. Boeton, R, 0,
Quiddy ptg. oo., 1921, Badger & oo., 1897,
767p •. front. (port.) port, Echinacea anguiatifolia, cCin- 69p. front., plates,
cinnati, Lloyd bros •• •1923,
about "" BOp, illu1. Soroggina,., l!lew York, Dodd,
Boles, H. L. Biographical The eclectic alkaloids, reaina, Y, 7, ll9p. tront,. illua,
ak.etohea of goapel preaohera, resinoida, oleo-reaina and concentrated
Srygley, F. D. Biographiea and principle•... Cincinnati, J. U. & Stringtown on the Pike; a tale ot
aenaon1. C. O. Lloyd, •1910. .llorthermoat Kentucky, New York,
Yii, 54p. front, (port,) ports. Dodd, 1900,
(Bulletin of the Lloyd library of botany, cYii. 414p. rront,, platea,
pharmacy, and materia medica, no, 12,
Pharmacy seriee no. 2) --· New York, Groaaet,

L Lloyd .- Lloyd George

Stringtown on the pike; a folk-lore Coal and power; the repo r t of an Memoir•• of the peace conference,
ta l e of northernmost Kentucky. Cin- enquiry preeided over by the Right Hon. New Haven·, Yale preu, 1939,
cinna t i, Ruter press, 1934·. D. Lloyd George. London, ·Hodder & 2 vols, front•., porta , , mapa.
v, 414p. front., plates. Stoughton, cl924, Engliah title, Truth about the
xiv, 285p, illue., plate•. peace.
Warwick of the knobs, a story of
Str i ngtown county, Kentucky, with England, og Tyakland,.. Koben- The national insurance bill; it•
photographic i llus. of Knob country. haven, Nordiake forfatteres forlag, propoaala, 1UJ1111arized
and explained,,.
New Yor k, Dodd, 1901, 1917. Houae of common•, llay 4th, 1911.
• xvii, 305p. fron t . , plate•. 12p • London, Ivor NiohQlaon & Watteraon,
New York, Wesaele, Fact v. fiotion ••• lfr. Lloyd George's vii, 107p,
etatement on ehipping and food auppliee
New York, Fenno. London, Hodder & Stoughton , · Peace propoaal• and the attitude
.1917. of the allies; apeech on December 19th,
8p. 1916. London, Hayman, Chriety &
b. Das gewappnete Deutechland ein 22p. illua.
englischea lob; reden des munitions
minister, Lloyd George. ».inohen, Peace through oonferenoee •••
Taking the lilt.rob offering . ~in- and Berlin, G. 16.lller, 1916, Bew York, American asaociation for
oinnati , F. C. M. S., 190- ? 127p, international conciliation, 1922,
pamphlet. 30p, (International oonciliation
Gr~at oruaade; extract• from no. 171)
apeeohea delivered during the -r,
LLOYDGEORGB,DAVID, 1863-1946. arranged by F. L. Stavenaon. New The people'• budget,,. London,
b. llanoheeter, England, 17 Ja 1863. York, Doran, 1918, Hodder & Stoughton, cl909,
d. North Wale•, 27 llr 1946. 307p. l<i, l96p,

Abraham Linonln; an addrese before The great war, Speech delivered a~ The people'• inauranoe, 3d ed ••••
the Midday luncheon club, Leland the Queen'• hall, London, on September lew York, Doran, 1912,
hotel, Springfield, Illinoie, Thur•- 19th, 1914. cLondon, Printed by 303p,
day, October 18, 1923. Cleveland, the Clerkenwell pres•, 1914,
Ohi o, Privately printed for S. W. l2p. Laa proposioionee de paz, y la
Tener, 1924, aotitud de lea aliados •• , Londre•,
13p. Honor and diahonour, A speech,,, Haymen, Chriaty & Lilly, 1917,
at the Queen'• hall, London, Sept, 19, 40p.
Cleveland, o., A.H. 1914. London, Methuen & co., c 1914.
Clark, 1924, llp. Lee propoaitione de paix et l'atti-
tude de• allie•. Londres, Hayman,
Addresees on German reparation by --, 2d ed, London, Methuen & Chrhty & Lilly, 1917.
the Rt, Hon, David Lloyd George and 00, •• 1914, 32p.
Dr, Walter Simons, London, llaroh 3d, llp.
and 7th, 1921. New York, American Loe propositoa brit&niooa en la
aeaociation for international conoil• Ia i~ peace? London, Hodder & guerra. Londre•, R. Clay & aona,
·iation, cl921, Stou ghton, cl923 , 1918.
36p, (International oonciliation, xi, 29lp. l6p.
lfay 1921, no. 162) '-rican edition ha• title, Where
are we going? Quelquee diecoura par David Lloyd
Better timee; apeechea. London, George, avec une aalutation pereonelle
Hodder & Stoughton, 1910, John We1ley1 an addresa deliffred aux enfanta de la France de la part
vi, 326p, on June 20, 1922, in Victoria hotel, du premier miniatre de la Grande-Bret-
London, New York, llethodiet book agne. cLondon, Field and Queen. 1917,
--. New York, Doran, 1910, concern, 1922, 45p,
Ti, 326p, l2p,
Relation, between Grea.t Britain and
British war aima; atat-ent by the Der lca:mpfum den engliaohen boden; Ireland •• , •- York, '-rioan
prime miniater, on January 6, 1918,., autoriaerte uberaetzung von Paul Hel- aeaooiation for international oonoil-
London, H. M, Stationery office, 1918, beck,,. Berlin, Verlag Boden reform iation, 1921.
12p, 1914, 47p , (International conciliation
viii, 64p. no. 168)
Hew York, Doran, 1918,
Liberal finance; a reply to Mr. Slings and arrow11 aayinga ohoaen
Bonar Law, A apeech delivered at the from hia apeechea; ed. with introdu .o-
The budget of 1909. A ~peeoh deli• City liberal club, London on February tion by Philip Guedalla. Hew York,
vered in the House of commons on April 3rd, 1912. London, Liberal publica- Harper, cl929o
29th, 1909, London, Liberal publi- tion department, 1912, xvii, 324p . front. (port.)
cation dept,, 1909, 19p, Bngliah title, Saying• and simile•.
llein antiel am weltkreig1 lcreiga- The taak before ua. London,
Call of liberalini. Hew York, memoiren, Berlin, S. P'iaoher, 1933, Jarrold & aona , cl916,
Doran, 29p.

Ce que dit Lloyd George aprea 4 ane M9ll!Oirea de guerre1 traduction de "Through terror to triumph!• An
de guerre, cLondon, Imprime .par R, Charle• Bonnefon. Paria, A, Fayard appeal to the nation, London, Par-
Clay and aona, 1918, & cie cl934- liamentary recruiting CODnittee, 1914,
27p. T, 16p.
Through terror to triumph,_ apeechea
and pronouncement• aince the beginning
or the war, arranged by F. L. Stevenaon,

Lloyd Georg• - Lockhart- L

Bew Tork, Doran, 1916. Edw.ard1, J, B. Darld Lloyd George, ' Bow big ia your world ? a course
xii, 187p. !Tana, B, G. Life romance of plan tor young people of high school
Lloyd-George. · age, Boston, Pilgrim preea, 1931.
The truth about reparation• and !Ciernan, R, B. Lloyd George, 75p.;
-r-debts. London, 11".Hein.,..n, llallet, c. E. llr, Lloyd George,
1932. a study. Ia war the -yT A aix-1eaaion
160p. Maroaeaon, Isaac Frederick, Man course for indiTidual reading, summer.
Lloyd-George. ooni'erencee, church study groups,
Garden city, Doubleday, Murray, Basil. L. G, a biography. Bo1ton, Pilgrim press, .•1956.
1932. Spender, Harold. Prime minister. 66p,
The missionary education · of adults.
The truth about the peace treaties. LOBDELL,GEORGEL Bew York, lfissionary education move-
London, V, Gollancz, 1938. b. ment, •1938,
2 T. fronts., illus., plates, ports, vi, 182p, (The leader'• hand-
book aeries)
The urban land problem, leaaeholde- introduction see
houaing. A speech deliTered at Bollo- Our church1 a course of study for
_y, on lloTember 29th, 1913, Kellems, J, R, Glorying in the young people of high-school age.
London, Liberal publications depart- crou, Chicago, UniTersity of Chicago press,
aent, 1913. •1927.
l6p. xiii, 12lp, illus, (University
LOBINGIER,CHARLESSUJINER,1866- of Chicago publications in religious
Die ~eit u°ber reparationen und b, Lanark, Illinois, 30 Ap 1866. education)
kreigaachulden.,. Berlin, Verlag
tlir kulturpolitik, 1932·. --, teaohar1 111&nual, Chicago,
196p. The ancient and accepted Scottish The uniTer1ity of Chicago prea1,
rite of treemaaonry. LouiaTille, Ky., 1 •1927.
ll"ar memoirs. Boston, Little, Standard ptg. co., 1932. x, 79p, (UniTeraity ot Chicago
1933-1937. ix, l66p. front., plates, ports. publioa~iona in religioua education)
ST. front,., plates, ports., maps.
The eTolution ot the oiTil law, Projeota in world triendahi~.
--. London, ITOr Btcholacn and Author,' · 1915. Chicago, University or Chicago - press,
ll"atteraon, .1933-36• 106p. 1925.
6T, tronta., plates, ports,, ma~,. xv, 177p, (UniTersity of Chica-
The nolution of the Roman law troa go publications in religious educa-
Toronto, Ryerson pres,. before the Twelve table• to the corpus
juria, 2d ed. .Cmaha, Neb,• Author,
tion) •·
.1923. ll"hat ahall we do about mi1eion1T
ll"hen the -r will end. .London, iT, iii, 319p. A aix -lesson course for young people.
Printed by Alabaater, Paaamore & aona, Boston, Pil~rim preaa, •1933,
1917. Obsolete feature, of our federal 44p. (Pilgrim pamphlet• no, 1)
• 16.p. con1titution. ll"aahington, D, C,,
GoTt, ptg. office, 1934. World friendship through the church
Where are we goia,, Bew York, T, 30p, 1ohool1 a training course for church
Doran, •1923. worker,. Chicago, University of
37lp. The people's law1 or, Popular parti- Chicago press, 1923,
English title, Ia it peace? cipation in law-making from ancient · xi, 9lp. (Univerlity or Chicago
tolk-moot to modern referendum1 a publications in religious education)
ll"hy .the . alliH will win, An inter- study in the eTolution of de&ocraoy and
Tift with the Rt, Hon. D, Lloyd George direct legislation,,. Bew Tork, Youth and the world outlook for
,·•• by the editor ot the Seoolo ot llaomillan, 1909, young peopl~'• classes and societies.
Jlilan. London, "Th•Daily chronicle" xxi, ...(29p, Boston, Pilgrilil press, •1929;
• 1916?. 64p, (Christian life aeries no •
12p. A treatise on Philippine practice 3)
including the law of nidence applicable
The wit and wi1d0111ot Lloyd George, to all courts and all laws relating to with BOSWORTH,
E, I,
oomp. and ed. by Dan Rider. London, the primary courts, topically arranged
G. Riol:arda, 1917. and annotated, w1 th appropriate Master's way1 1tudiea .for men in
94p. decisions ot the supreme court and the nary, pub, for the national war
opinions of the Attorney general down work council of Y. M, C. A, Bew-
ab.out to July 16, 1907, lit.nil&, Oriental York, Association press, 1918,
ptg. 00,, .1907. '9'-Ti, 168p,
Lloyd George ·and the _r, a per- 130p.
sonal history ot hi• part in Armag~ddon with LOBINGIER,ELIZABETHERlfIB
by an independent liberal. x.. (MILLER)
Tork, llaomillan, 1918. LOBINGIER,HENRYSCHELL, 1849-1887.
169p. b. LaurelTille, Penn,, 27 0 1849. Educating for peace. Boston,
d. P0111ona,
. Calif., 18 Jlr 1887. Pilgrim press, •1930.
Punch, London. Lloyd-George1 irith 216p.
an introduction by 11".Algernon Looker. The man in the book, ed, by Barton
•- York, Stokes, 1922. 0, Ayleaworth. St, Louie, Christian
193p. illua. pub. co., 1891, 'LOCKHART,CLINTON, 1868-
36:lp. b. LoTington, IlJ., 21 F 1868.
about He

Clarke, rem. lly Lloyd George LOBIBGIER, JOHN LESLIE, 1884- Apoatolio Chr11tianity, 1925.
diary, (Bow Congregationaliat)
DaTiea, 11".1' 0 Lloyd George, b. Chicago, Ill., l Ja 1884. Apple• or gold, .po••• Dallaa,
Dilnot, Prank. Lloyd George, the Tex,, Cordova preaa, 1938.
man and hia atory.

L Lockhart • J.ollc
Foreign miaaiona.
The temple.
Texas pulpit,
(In Scott, L. lf.,
1888, pp. 89-100)
ed. about •••
JlcLean, Archibald. Epoch .aakera
Lawe of interpretation. 1890. ot modern miaaiona.
LOCKHART, THOMAS,1793-1886. Payne, Kra. E. K. A life tor
The mesaianio message of the Old b. Patrick.county, Va., 1793. Tibet.
Testament. cDea Moines, Christian d.
union pub. oo., •1905.
about see LOGAN,JOHN
Principles of interpre t ation: the b.
laws of interpretation treated as a Evans, Madison. Biographical
science, derived inductively frQl!I an sketches of the pioneer preaohera of
, exegeail of many important pasaages of Indiana. The divided church, a critical re-
aoripture. Dea Moines, Christian v\ - of the "progreaaive" and"anti"
index pub. oo., 1901. controversy in the Christian church.
306p. - LOCKHART,
WILLIA)(B Dallas, Tex., Christian courier, 1898,
Principles of interpretation as
recognized generally by Biblical LOOAJf,IIRS. SALLIE
treated as a scien ce, derived
from an exegesis of many
Social adventures with Jeaua in
church relation•. (In Anderson, o.
passages of scripture, 2d ed. rev. T·., ed. Social adventures with Je1ua,
Fort lforth, Tex., s. H. Taylor, printer, 1928, pp. 21-30) Little child'• Bible question book.
1915, •1901. Cincinnati, Standard, 189-?
260p. pamphlet.
lfILLIAlf S -1937.
b. St. Louie, Chri1tian board.
LOCKHART,EARL GRANGER, 1879- d. San Bernardino, Calif., 21 Je
b. Benton county, Ia., 26 Ja 1879. 1937.
The ministry of wcrahip1 a atudy of b. Germany,
Attitudes or children toward law. the need, psychology and technique of d, San Gabriel, Calif., 3 lfr 1942,
°IowaCity, University of Iowa, 1930. worship. St. Louia, Christian board,
6lp. (Studies in character, v.3, 1927. Sagumija Bai, a child widow.
no. 1) 212p. Indianapolis, C. lf. B. K.
How to improve your personality. Outline of lectures. Indianapolia
Chicago, lfalton pub. co., •1941. Church life foundation, n.d. LOLLIS, GEORGIAIIAY (CAJIPBELL) (Kra,
xx, 453p. cl6,p. Edward W. Lollie)
Improving _your personality.
Chicago, Walton pub. co., •1939.
xx, 612p.
Power through personality. Dee
Worship for youth.

LOCKLEY,FRED, 1871• ~- ...

Campbell, 0, A. Friend• are my
Moines, Iowa, National reaearoh insti- A talk with Edwin lfarkham. cn.p •• story.
tute, •1941. 192-T •
T.p. .12.p. port.
The paychology or child training . b. Alamance county, H. c., 22 lly
1864- 1844,
b. d.
The paychology of peraonality. d.
cDea Moinea, Ia., •1936. Jetteraon Davi11 an address deli-
470p. The creation of wealth1 modern vered at Concord, North Carolina,
etfioiency methods analyzed and applied . June 3, 1921. Raleigh, N. C,,
Vocational adjustments. 1931. Cincinnati, Standard, •1916. Edward• & Broughton ptg, oo,, 1923,
226p. illus. 20p. front, (port.)
The danger of wordly pro1perity,
lly vocation,by eminent Americana, LOCDfOOD,JAKES HENRY, 1822-1903. (In Coan, A, W., ed. Goepel aermona,
or, what 8111inentAmericana think of b. Hamilton county, o., 11 S 1822. 1881, pp. 133-149)
their calling•. N- York, H. W. d. Cincinnati, o., 17 Je 1903.
Wilson oo., 1938.
334p. ports. Churches ot Christ in Cincinnati LOIIO, IIRS. DORAEBERT
and vicinity. (In Brown, J. T., ed. b,
Churohea ot Chri•t, 1904, pp. 306-312)
William J. Lockhart) 1877-1938. Jlaplewood. (In Reagan, J. s.
b. Waukee, Ia., 20 F 1877. LOFTIS, ZEIIASSANFORD, 1881-1909. Historic aketohea ot Christian church••
d. Dea Moines, Ia., 8 ., l_tall. b. Gainesboro, Tenn., 11 lly 1881. in Hendricks county, Indiana, . pp. 64-
d. Tibet, 12 Ag 1909. 66)
Drama• for church aervioea. Cin-
cinnati, Standard, •1939. A ••••age trca Batang, the diary ot
l28p. z. s. Lotti•, K. D. Wn York, Revell, LOHO,ELIWIOR(CARPENTER) (llra. Lealie
•1911. Long, Jr.)
160p. front., plates. b.
LOCIOW!T,JOHNJ , 1860-1913.
b. Sheboygan, lfia., 24 lly 1860.
d. llarahall, Tex., 3 D 1913. Bia spirit ia neYer daunted. (In
Ca11pbell and lbaelay, eda. lly dad,
1938, pp. 32-H)
Long - Longman L

LONG, PRINCESS (CLARK) (Mr•.!. Clar- about see of God; The tenn "aeed" in the pro-
ence Long) mise to Abrah&m. (In The Missouri
b. Boles, H, L. Biographical Chriatian lectures, vol. 3, 1886, pp.
sketches of go1pel preachers. 285-328; 199-246; 45-74; vol. !'i. 1892,
pp. 256-287)
Circle of the upper room.
LOBGAB,E1D(A (LARD) (llrs, George Balcer Grounds on which we accept Jesus
How I became a Christian. (In Longan), -1924. aa the Messiah, the eon of God and'
Lord, J. A,, ed. From d&rkneu to b, aavior of the world. (In Garrison,
light, 1907, pp . 191-194) d. Kanae.a City, Mo., l My 1924. J, H., ed. The old faith restated,
1891, pp. 49-97)
Longan'• parliamentary rules made
LOBO, R C easy,.. K&nsaa City, Mo., Longar The 1tatus and work of the Disci-
b. pub. 00,, 1931, 1927, ples of Christ. (In Doctrinal and
2 v. port. practical tracta, 1876, vol. 2, pp.
Why I &ma . tither. .Indianapolis, Parli&mentary rules m&de eaey,
Unified promotion, n.d, Kansas City, Mo,, & 00,, 1900. about aee
4p. 109p.
Haley, J. J. Maker• and molder•
--, 4th ed. Kansas City, lie,, of the reformation movement.
LOBG, ROBERTALEXABDER,1850-1934. Franklin Hudson pub. co,, 1910. lleore, 'ff. T. The living pulpit
b. near Shelbyville, Ky., 17 D 127p. of the Christian church.
d. , 16 Mr 1934. Twelve easy lesson• in parliamentary
law, baaed on Parli&mentary rules made LONGLEY,JOHN, 1782-1861.
Putting Christian prinoiplee to eaey. .Kaneas City, Mo., Franklin b, Bew York, N, Y., 13 Je 1782.
work in busi_neu. (In Stidger, 'ff. Hudson pub, co •• •1916. d.
L, The pew preaches, 1930, pp. 36p. illus.
about aee
with OTHERS.
LOl!IGAB,GEORGEBAIER, 1848-1911., M!ldiaon. Biographical
Stewardahip, money and life by R. b, Paleatine, li>., 26 F 1848. sketches of the pioneer preacher• of
A, Long, M, L. Bate,, and A, E, Cory. d. Kansas City, Mo., 29 Je 1911. Indiana.
Cincinnati, Men and millions mOTement,
n.d. A method in pr1-ry arithmetic.
27p. Taylorville, Ill., c. M. Parker, •1901. LONGltAN,CLAYBOURNEWILLIS, 1883-
263p. front., illus. b. Logan, Ia., 19 D 1883.

b. LOBGAN,GEORGEW , 1819-1891. Program• for the worker's confer-
b. Charitan, lie., 31 D 1819, enoe, vol. 1. St. Louis, Chriatian
d. board, 1938,
Aunt Kathy tell• us, with illus. 32p,
by Bea• Bethell Crank. St. Louis, Genesi1 of the Disciple•.
Bethany preaa, •1931. Education and the total progr&mJ
l36p. front,, illus. The ground• of our hope; or, the The home and church cooperating1 Local
gospel of Jeeua Chriat in the light of church organization and acbniniatration
modern knowledge, a monograph, St. for Christian education. (In Church
ooLOBG, W S , 1874- Louia, Christian pub, co., 1900. program planning collllllittee. Chri1tian
b. Union City, Tenn., 9 Ja 1874. 64p. education, 1943, pp. 34-42; The church
d. and the Christian family, 1943, pp, 13-
Origie of the Diaoiplea of Christ, 261 Christian education, 1943, pp. 29-
Immortal! ty of the aoul, radio ser- a review of Prof. 'ff. H. 1'hitaitt•a 33)
mons, WllBG. Richmond, Va., Church volume entitled "Origin of.the Diaoi-
of Christ, n.d. ples of Christ"; a contribution to the Scaffolding for the divine. (In
lOp. inc. front cover. clearer understanding of the origin and International convention, 1917, pp.
principles of the religious reformation 213-220)
The church in it• -r against ain1 beginning of the present century) to
Spreading the gospel or sounding out which is added an appendix containing Training laadera of worship,
the word. (In Abilene Christian extracts from reviews of Prof. 1'hi t- (In Church progr&m planning committee.
college Bible lectures, 1936, pp. 131- ai tt' a book by Baptist writers, with Worship and the devotional life, 1943,
1381 139-144) an introduction by J. H. Garrison. pp. 62-68)
St. Louia, Christian pub, oo., 1889,
The model church; The teacher and 196p. .!_!!.
the child. (In lbrt'reHboro address-
es, 1917, pp. 37-461 105-107) Statue and work of the Disoiplea of Christian education. Indianapolie,
Christ. New York, Thomas Holman, n.d. Church program planning committee, n.d,
with RIC!, C, R. l6p. 27p.

The apiri t of Chrht.

P. L. Rc,,re,
Cincinnati, Union with Christ. St. Louh, introduction ••e
John Burne, 1879,
216p. Griffith, R. J. It began thus.
The condition of the Goapel reaaon- McRae, Glenn. Teaching youth in
able. (In Moore, 'ff. T., ed. The the church.
SR,, 1844-1929. living pulpit of the Christian church,
b. near Hopkinsville, ly,, e Jl 1887, pp. 187-206)
d. , 28 D 1929, The fourth gospel I The function of b.
the underatanding in matter• of reli-
gioua belief1 The New Testament kingdom

L Lonpa.n - Lots

The real Christmas. 1942. LORD, JAKES .ALEXANDER,1849-1922, LORE

NZ, CARL, 1868-
lliln9ogra.phed, b, Deer Island,•- Brunnick,
Canada, 9 Ap 1849. Tom L. Johnson, mayor or CleTela.nd.
d, Kilton, Ore., 15 Je 1922. New York, A. S, Barnes, 1911.
LOOS, CHARLESLOUIS, 1823- 1912, Ti, 203p, front. (port.)
b. Alea.ce, France, 23 D 1823. The dignity of the miaeionary enter-
d, Lexington, Ky,, 27 F 1912. priae, an a.ddreaa before the national
eonTention or the Foreign Christian cLORIRG, JOHN GREELEY,
Our firat general convention, held miaaienary aociety, Buffa.lo, N. Y., b.
at Cinoinn&ti, Ohio, October 22 to 27, October 16, 1906, Cincinnati, F. C, d.
1849. Louiaville, Guide ptg. and M, S., n.d.
pub; co., 1891. 24p. An addraas deliTered before the
95p. Content• include, A ho11111b&ae by Firat Christian church in Boaton, on
J . Vance, pp. 22-24,
J11111es Sabbath a.f'ternoon, June 30, 1844, it
Cincinnati, Standard, being the fortieth anniTaraary of the
Our country and our lliaaiona •• , organisation ct church.
The Hebr- poetry of the Old Teata- Chica.go, S, J. Clarke , n.d. 26p.
ment, (In The lliaaouri Christian 201-220p, .
.lectures, Tol. 4, 1888 , pp, 83-136)
Cincinnati, A. C. K, S, LOSSIMG,BERSORJOBR, 1813-1891.
Glorying in the oroaa only. (In
Moore, W, T., ed. The liTing pulpit FreedCllll in Christ. (In The A biography or J&mea A. Garfield • • ,
of the Chriatia.n church, 1867, pp. Kiaaouri Christian leoturee, -rol. 3, Rew York, H. s. Goodspeed & oo,,
447-467) 1886, pp. 167-178) c 1882.
xrl, 840p, front,, plates, ports,
Introductory period. (In Garri- Our country and miaaioha , (In
son, J. H. The reforma.tion of the International convention , Addreaaea Elllinent .Americana comprieing brief
nineteenth centurJ, 1901, pp, 15-123) delivered at the world's congress and bicgra.phiea of lea.ding etatemen,
general miaaiona.ry convention, of the patriot•, ora.tora, and othera, men and
LOOS, IIIHliIB. church of Christ, 1893, pp. 201-220) wanen, who ha.vs made .American hiatory.
New York, Burat, •1865-1890,
Letters cby, to, and a.bout Judge 62lp, porta.
Richard Reid, Contents include, J&mea Abr&m Gar-
16lp. Fr0111da.rkneaa to light1 & aeries of field, pp. 489-490.
Bound with, Ha.rgia, Richard Reid, autobiographical aketohea relating to
a memorial. 1884, religioua experience•, by eminent mini•
tera of the Christian church. Cin- LOTZ, PHILIP HENRY,1889-
introduction aee cinnati, Standard, •1907. (llllthodiat)
Hayden, K. P. Bible and --.n. Contents, The altar hour, fift;r-t.o worahip
Smith, B, L. The Killenia.l har- Autobiographical aketohea of T, H. aerTioaa and interpretatiTe medita-
binger, a.bridged,, J. F. Allen, F, P. Arthur, T, tiona... St. Louie, Bethany preaa,
Konaer, J, W, Typea and meta- P. Bauer, D. Ii. Baya, Ira. Billman, •1941.
phora of the Bible. W. H. Book, J. C. Creel, If. If. Da.Tia, 287p • . illus,
A. B. Jett, J, I, Jones, lrilliu, '
a.bout Kraft, P. C, Long, lr, G, Loucks, H. ll'orahip aarT1cea for the church
F. Luts, T, J, O•Conner, J, H. year, fifty-three worehip aerTieea
Prof. Charles Louia Looa, (In Pa.inter, J, S, R&wn, C, C, Redgr&Te for the uae of youth in the church
Brown, J. T., ed. Churohea of Christ, & C. K, Rise, B, B. Sanders, D, P. school, aooietiea for young people,
1904, pp. 466-467) _ Shafer, J11111eaSmall, J, V. Updike, ellllllNr conterenoea, or whereTer youth
J11111eaVernon, and Claris Yeuell. gather• for Christian worahip. Wor-
Knight, G. C. Ch&rl•• Louia Loos. ship aarTicea prepared by P. Henry
(In Dictionary of .Amerioa.n biography, On the Lord'• day, & manual for the Lots, interpratatiTe meditation• by
TOl. 11, 1933, pp, 401-402) regular obaerTance of the New Teat&ment Grace Chapin Auten, St, Louie, The
ordinances, for the help of aca.ttered Bethany preaa, •1944.
a.bout aee brethren, Cincinnati, Standard, •1904 266p,
Moore, W, T, The lirlng pulpit !!·
of the Chriatia.n church. introduction •••
Tiera, K, C, The Christian por- Founder• of Christian movements,
trait gallery, ll'ilaon, L. C, Twentieth century Rew York, Aaaociation praaa, 1941,
aermona and a.ddreaaea. x, 160p, (CraatiTa peraonalitiea,
T, 3)
LOOS, KIHliIE a.bout Content. include I Alexander C&mp-
b. ball by Bn. Jean ll'rathar, pp. 103-
d. J-.-a Alexander Lord. (In Brown, 122,
J. T., ed. Churchea of Christ, 1904,
joint!!• aee pp. 470-Ul) The queat for God through undar-
atanding, a companion Tolume to the
Looa, C, L. Letter• by, to, and Queat for God through worahip, St,
a.bout Judge Reid. LORD, K R Louie, Bethany pre••, •1937,
b. x, ll22p,
d, Contenta include, The queat for
LORBER,HARRY God through mo,rledge by 11', C.
b. The church of Christ and ita priT- lloll'er, pp, 199-2041 The queat tor
ilegea, skeleton aarmcn. (In Cory, God through gratitude by H, C,
R, E., ed. The pOlJlll&thiat, 1877, . lllnro, pp, 64-631 The queat for God
A pocketful of oheer. pp. 168-169) through joy by H, c. lllnro, pp,

Lot& - . Lowe L

The queat tor God through worahip, Th" devil in modem society, n- LOWE,EPHRAIMD
a book or worahip aervioee tor church- and enl. ed. Cincinnati, Standard; b,
••, church aohoola, departmental Louisville, Guide ptg, and pub, co,,
aaaembliea, college chapel aervioea, 1890,
young people'• .meeting,, youth oonter- vii, l5lp. Attendance and behaviour at public
enoea and ailllilar gatherings. St, worship, Indianapolis and St, Louis,
Louie, Bethany -preaa, •1934. --, 5th ed, Cincinnati, Stan- Department of religioua education,
266p, dard; Louisville, Guide ptg, and pub. U, C, M, s., and Christian board.
Contents include, The quest tor God co.; London, E, Albert Sturman & co,, (Local church service
through hi• kingdom by E, D, Jones, 1892, •1890, association)
pp, 110:.1111 The quest tor God vii, 15lp,
through the Lord'• supper by E, D, For those considering uniting with
Jones, pp, 130-131; The queat tor -, 7th ed, Cincinnati, Stan- the church; the meaning of church me-
God through the Holy Spirit by E, D, dard, •1906, berahip, Indianapolis, u. C, ». s.,
Jones, pp. 168-1591 The queat tor 208p, n,d,
God through the oonnonplace by E, D, llp, (An aid to better Diaciple-
Jonea, pp, 174-1751 The queat tor --. new and enl. ed. Cincin- ahip)
·God through race appreciation by H~ nati, Standard, 1924.
C, 11.tnro, pp, 98-991 The queat tor The home of the ark of God. (In
God through our teach era by H, C, The highest culture and Chriatian- International convention, 1939, pp.
11.lnro, pp, 170-1711 The queat tor ity. Cincinnati, Standard, •1916, 190-200)
God through justice by H. C, 11.lnro, 700p, front. (port,)
pp. 190-191. A rev. and enl, ed, ot Cultura.
Lat!, FRAHKMELVILLEI, 1859-1935.
History of thought and religion. b, Davenport, Ia., 27 S 1869.
LOUCIS, WILL G 1919, d. Kanaas City, Jlo,, 5 Ap 1935.
llacrocoamua i hinta to-rd the solu - about aee
tion of the greateat problem•. Cin
hangeliam, twelve outline lesaona oinnati, Standard, 1902, Lowe, F, M, II. Fifty years at
in per1onal work. Cincinnati, Stan- xxii, 326p. front, (port,) the American bar, a warrior lawyer.
dard, 1914..
24p. The philoaophy or human progrea,.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1926. LOIIE, FRAHKMELVILLE,II, 1888-
The atory or the conference move- 304p. b. Kansas City, Mo., 10 0 1888.
-nt in Ohio,,, Cleveland, Ohio
Christian miaaionary society, 1938, The struggles and triumph• or the
.Up, front, (port,) illu1. truth, Cincinnati, Standard and Fifty year, at the American bar, a
Guide ptg. and pub, 00,, 1888, warrior lawyer. The colortul and
How I 011111e to the H- Teet11111ent xvi, 349p. front, (port.) exciting career of Frank M. Lowe•• ,
poaition, (In Lord, J, A., ed, baaed upon hie untiniahed memoirs,
l"ran darkneu to light, 1907, pp. 67- -, 2d ed. Cincinnati, Standard compiled by hie son, F, M. L., jr,
61) Guide ptg, and pub, 00,, 1889, •1888, New York, Fleming H. Revell co., •1942,
xvi, 349p. front. (port,) 215p, front, (port,) plates.
Cover titles A -rrior lawyer,
LOVETT, EDGARODELL, 1871- --, 3d ed, Cincinnati, Stan-
dard, 1910. The paatorate among the "Diaciplea
The Christian college, 190-? xv, 633p. front. (ports.) or Chriat"1 a atudy in wcational
Cente11J1ial leanet no, 18. guidance, St, Louie, Bethany preaa,
6p. Thought · and religion; or the mutual 1923.
contributions of philosophy and theol- l54p,
ogy, Beaton, R, G, Badger, •1912, Thesia: Ph.D., Columbia univer-
LCWBER,JAKES WILLIAll, 1847-1930. 250p, .A sity, 1923 • .
b. Chaplin, Ky., 30 Ag 1847.
d. 6 D 1930, The who and the what or the Disciple• Preacher by proxy. 1933.
or Christ, with an introduction by F.
Bible doctrine or the ruture, D. Srygley, .enlarged ed.. Naahville, Religious vocations; a text-book
St, Loui•, Chriatian pub, co,, 1906, Goepel adwcate, 1892, •1890, for the church "class in occupations"
114p, and handbook of information for pas-
Content• include, "The Bible va. --, 5th ed. St, Louie, Chris- tors, parent•, teachers, and other
Adventia, 3d ed," tian pub, co,, •1906. counaellora, or Chriatian youth,
ll6p, Beaton, United society of Christian
The Bible - Tl, adventiam, with an endeavor, •1921,
introduction by A. 0, Riall, Raah- World wide problems, or macrocoemua 230p.
ville, Goepel adwcate, 1893, •1892. .with a 1ketch by lira. J, W, Lowber,
68p, Cincinnati, Standard, •1923, Snapahota, Holland to Sicily, and
nevi, 449p. front, (port.) the paaaion play, Kanaaa City, .llo,,
Cultura1 or, the relationship or Peters pub, oo,, 1910,
culture to Chrhtiaility, Cincinnati, Spirit or man. (In Scott, L, w.,
Standard1 Louiaville, Guide ptg, and ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp, ~49) The church and i ta youth, (In
pub, co,, 1892, •1891. International convention, 1936, pp, 81-
644p. front. (port,)
The devil in modern aooiety1 aeven
LCM!:, C ORAL, 1908-
b, .llorgan, Ky., 1908,
aer,nona preached in the Firat Chris- LatE, lfARVIIIEDIIUND, 1914-
tian ohuz,,h, Paducah, Ky,, and 11teno- b,
graph1oally reported by Joa. J. Loder. st-rdahip education, (In Inter-
Cincinnati, Standard, Guide ptg, and national convention, 1942, pp, .274-277)
pub. co,, 1888, The Britiah tariff movement,
vii, 82p, Washington, D, C,, American council on
public attaira, 1942,

L Lowe - Lucy

The British tariff movement, 1910- Eleven years of Republic1t.n adminil- with PARTIN, z. M,
1932, Urbana, Ill,, 1939, tration,, ,apeeoh in the House of repre-
l3p. sentatives, Thursday, February 18, Apo1tolic hymn• and 1ong1, both
Abstraot of the s is: Ph, D,, Univer- 1932, Washington, D. C., Govt, ptg. new and old, for the ohuroh, protract-
sity of Illinois, 1939, office, 1932. ed meeting• and the Sunday school,,
Sp, Cincinnati, Cha1e & Hall, 1875,
LOlfE, THOMAS LINCOLN, 1869-1939.
b, Lincoln, England, 21 D 1869,
d, Columbus, 0, , 24 N 1939,
, A
J ~- 1883?
The prohibition 1ongster,
Courage; Forgiveness, (In about
lleach&m, E, J,, comp. Training to Marriage a type of the church,
teach, ·•1913, pp. 196-198; 204-206) skeleton sermon. (In Cory, N. E., Memorial of Daniel R, Lucas,
ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 236-
237) about •••
b. near Paris, Ill., 9 Ap 1861, Painter, J, H, Iowa pulpit of
LUCAS, CHAPMAN SYLVESTER,1849-1897, the church of Christ,
b. Maybrook, Va., 6 l!y 1849, Steven1on, Evan. Campbellism
Churches of Christ in Kansas, d, Allegheny, Penn,, 20 N 1897, unma1ked1 or the tergiveraationa ot
(In Brown, J, T,, ed. Churches of elder D.R. Lucas expo1ed,
Christ, 1904, pp. 225-229) Ia the Christian church orthodox?
LUCAS,J R , 1831-1906,
LOJELL, J I , 1799-1858. The unmuz&led ox. b. 1fain1burg, Tenn,, 26 F 1831,
b, Thomeston, Me,, 10 )!,J 1799, pamphlet. d. Chicago, Ill,, 1906.
d. South Butler, N. Y,, 10 Ap 1868.
Their statue in thh state. (In debate with RAY, D. B.
The scriptures unveiled, South Tyler, J, z., ed, The Di1ciple1 of
Butler, N. Y:, Author, 1857, Chriat ·in Virginia, 1879, pp. 86-98) Church di1cusaion; Bapti1ta and
48p, Di1ciple1, The Ray-Luoa1 debate,
about see Cincinnati, Publi1hed for the author
--. New York, Thomas Holman, .D. B, Ray by, George E, Stevena and
printer, n.d. Abbott, B, A, Life of Chapman S, co., 1873,
48p. Lucas, 506p.
lfest, J. 11'. Sketohea of our
God'• moral government; The head of mountain pioneer,.
the corner; The heart, or repentance, LUCI, ALBERT11' , 1879- ,
The New Testament dedioated1 An Gld · b, Oneida county, B, Y,, 27 S 1879,
Testament not of force; Remission of LUCAS, DANIELROBERTSON,
aina1 Reverence for the word of God1 b,
Rightly di vi ding the word I lfh&t I d, Come to ohuroh. St, Louis, U, C,
do to be saved? (In Doctrinal and M, S., a.d,
practical tracts, 1876, vol, 2, pp. History of the 99th Indi&n& infantry, 4p.
161-1761 149-162; 137-140; 125-1281 containing a diary or -rche1, inci-
121-124 I 133-136; 141-144; 145-148 J dent,, biography of officers and com-
129-132) plete roll1 by Chaplain D, R, Luoa1, LUCY, THOMASELJIORE,1873-
Lafayette, Ind., Roaaer & Spring, b, Union county, B, C,, 15 Ja 1873,
about see printers, 1866.
Tiera, M. C, The Christian por- Brillianta1 little rboea for big
tr&i t gallery. Paul D&rat, or a conflict between folkl, Springfield, Mo,, Author,
love and in1'idelity, Oskalooaa, · Ia,, 1944,
Central bk, oonoern, 1877, 7p.
(Ephcopalian) Church of the cry1tal dome,
St. Louie, John Buras, lliaaeapolia, Author, 1939,
The Disciples of Christ, a brief 206p, lp,
statement of their doctrine• and
atlt.tua in the United States. Cin- St. Louie, Christian pub, Cinder• and aawduat oaught on the
cinnati, A. c. M, S., 1911? oo., 1886, •1877. Chautauqua trail, .poeae, St. Louh,
24p. (Christian unity · foundation, 206p, Publiehed for the author by the Front
study no, l) Rank pr•••, •1916.
Printed by The ltane prea1, N. Y. Christian eelf-reapeot and pride, ll2p, front,
(Ia Thornton, E, 11'., ed, Lord'• day
wor1hip service,, •1930, pp, 227-230) The entertainer, St, Louh,
LOZIER, RAJ.PHFULTON, 1866-1945, Pront Rank pr•••, 1923,
b. Ray county, Mo,, 28 Ja 1866, The great conflict between Romania, 68p,
d, Ianaaa City, Mo., 28 lly 1946. protestantism, and infidelity. (Ia
Painter, J. H., ad, The 1- pulpit of Smiling 'round the ,even aeaa, being
The dearth of preacher,, part of the church of Christ, 1884, pp, 261-282) the day-by-da7 oogitatioa1 of a wan-
an addre1a delivered at Hannibal, Jlo,, dering minatrel under a acore of flag•,
June 20, 1906, before the 111.asouri The great aalntion1 Jacob and Baau1 to which 1, added a aorap book oolleo-
Chrhtiaa convention, ll11aouri, skeleton aeraons, (Ia Cory, I, B,, tioa of dittiee and aaying,, wiae and
Christian education 1ociety, . 019061. ed, The polymathiat, 1877, pp, 310-3111 other wiH, Univerlity City, M>.,
.12.p. p. 309) The touri1t ahop, a.d,
98p, platea, illua,
introduction ••e
Barrow, R. C, Our cause at
Luoe - Lutz L

Through prairie 111eadowa1a little LURD, ROBERTLEATHAII,1875- LUSBY, JAKESWILLIA)(, 1872-1937,

book ot Southwestern rhymea,,,deaigned b, Louinille, Ky,, 14 Je 1876, b. Owen county, Ky., l Ja 1872.
mainly tor stage, platform, and fire- d, Gray1on, Ky., 27 Je 1937,
side, 2d ed, by Carol Elmore .pseud.,
Little Rock, Ark,, Arkansas democrat The new eoonomio frontiers in The county examiner, adapted tor
ptg. oo., 1904. America, CharlotteaTille, Va,, the uae ot applicants, students, and
74p. front. (port,) Institute of public affairs, 1941. teaohera. .Grayson, Ky,, Printed
by F. L. Rutledge. •1907.
Troubadour trails, by an Arkansas The new economic frontiers in 213p,
traTelar cwith a foreword by Bernie America, address before the Institute
Baboook, ·Webster Gr0Te1, llo,, of public affairs, UniTeraity of Vir- --, 2d ed, Grayaon, Ky., The
El-lforan pre1a, .194- ginia, June 26, 1941. Hew York, teachers supply co., •190°
. c81,p. National aaaooiation of manufacturers, 367p.
Up. Stooks and bonds"lll&de easy, with a
A K supplement on mensuration1 arranged
b, introduction see tor the assistance of teachers and
pupils in high, normal and oOlllllon
Folk, G. E. Patents and indus- achools. .Grayson, Ky,, Printed
Notable hymns and their author,. trial progreas, by F. L. Rutledge, •1908.
Jlalbourne, Au1tral ptg, and pub, oo., 63p.
200p. LU11DEEN,EARIIESTW about aee
The romance ot the Roman oataoomba 1 Lusby, J, L. J. w. Luaby,
and other addreseea, llelbourne,
Au1tral ptg. & pub. oo., 1936, AlTin Saunder•. (In Dictionary
122p. of American biography, TOl, 16, 1935, LUTTEIIBERGER,
pp. 380-381) 1863-
b, Auguaberg, German, 26 My 1863,
b, Iona, Ontario, Canada, 7 Je 1880. LUBGER,HAROLD
b. Cameo's from a preacher'• study,
The department of social aoience
and home mi1aiona in the college ot The great purpose. (In Toward A Christian or a church m-b•r--
miaaiona, Indianapolis, C. lf. B. )(,, CalTary with Christ, 1942, pp, 3-6) whichT 2d ed, Dorchester, Ill,,
1916. Author, n.d,
leaflet, 32p,
Home 111i11ion1 expan1ion, and the b, , a contribution to all who
aooial gospel, Indianapolis, C. lf. •••k scriptural truths and work out
B. K. their own salTation with the asai1t-
rroteatanti• and the problem ot ance ot God'• appointed way, 3d ed,
Kean• ot aooial control. •- the indiTidual in modern society, St. Louis, Author, n.d,
York, Century, 1926, .Chicago. 1939, 83p,
xiii, 414p, (The century aooial 9p,
aoienoe aerie1) Part ot theaia, Ph. D,, UniTeraity Keine lehre. Dorcheater, Ill.,
ot Chicago, 1938. Author, 1902?
Principle• ot aooiology, •- PriTate edition distributed by the pUtphlet,
York, McGraw, 1928, UniTeraity ot Chicago librarie1,
xiii, 662p. (lloGra-Hill publi- What 111U1tI do to be saTedT
cation• in aooiology) Th• local ohuroh--an eftectiTe reli- (Oe~n) St, Louie, Christian board,
gioua o-nity, (In Garrison, W,
--. 2d ed, •- York, lloGraw, E,, ed. Faith ot the free, 1940, pp,
1935, 201-212) LUTZ, HE1'RYFREY, 1868-1926,
· xiii, 46lp, (lleGra-Hill publi- b, near Lititz, Penn,, ·30 Ap 1868,
cation• in sociology) The philoaophy ot education repre- d, Cincinnati, 0,, 8 F 1926,
sented at Oxrord. (In International
The propaganda aenaoe, 11- York, oonTention, 1938, pp, 166-263) To infidelity and back1 a truth-
Century, •1933. aeeker'• religious autobiography, how
ix, 464p, with OTHERS. I found Chriet and Hi• church. Cin-
1innati, Standard, 1911,
Theaooial obligation of students. Coaitunion aerTioea .arranged by XTii, 23lp,
Indianapolis, College ot miaaiona. lr'rin E, Lunger, B, Fred lfiae and
Benjamin F, Burne w1 th a foreword by The restoration ot the primitiTe
The world ot the worker•, lnd- Edward Scribner .u.s, Chicago, church, Cincinnati, American Chria-
ianapolia, C, lf, B, K. Uninraity ohuroh ot the Diaoiplea ot tian miaaionary aociety,
Chri1t, n,d. 8p.
Two deoadea of aiaaionary history. .40.p.
(In Willett, H, L, Progreu, anni- Bow to get power, (In Lord, J,
nr ·aary TOllUlleot the Campbell inat1- A,, ed, On the Lord'• day, •1904, pp.
tute, 1917, pp. 236-261) LUSBY, J LOIJELL, 183-187)
with .BODI, BOYDHEIIRY, 1873- To Chriat by -y ot CalTinia and
Unitarianh1111 haw a Pennayhania Dutch-
Ouraelna and the world1 the -king J. W, Luaby. (In Weat, J, w., ed. man traftled fin hundred mile• to find
ot an ·Aaerioan oiti1en1 illua. by Guy Sketch•• of our aountain pioneer•, our plea and our people, (In Lord,
Brown Wiaer. •- York, lloOraw, 1931, 193~, pp. 126-131) J • .A,, ed. From darkneu to light,
Tiii, 69lp. . 1907, pp. 46-64)

L Lyall - Lyons

literature., Cincinnati, Stand ard,

LYALL, ROBERT Handbook on per s onal eTangelia a 1912.
b, cwith a preface by Jesse M. Bader, 198p.
d, Indianapolis, U. C, K. S,, 1929 ,

introduotion see LYONS, HELEN

LYON, OLIV~R LINCOLN, 1864-1918, b.
Morrow, William. In memoriam, b, Owen count y, Ind,, 13 Ja 1864,
d, Winona Lake, I nd,, 21 F 1918,
. ed,
ocLYLES, CLEON Bible ideals; a l i terary stu dy,
b, especial l y of the i dealization and Poems, atories, dialog, scripture
poetry fo und i n t he s criptures. an d pag eant cfor mother'• day, (In
Chicago, Glad t i ding• pub, c o , , • 1916, the Sta ndard Mothers' day boo k, 1931,
Vacation Bib l e schools, Parle , 192p. vol, l, pp . 17-48)
Tex ., Author, 1942,
52p. Constructive pr i nci ple s of li t er-
ature. Enid, Okla,, Pub lish er s ptg. LYONS
, MARYALICE, -1932,
co , , 1909, b,
LYON, CLYDELATEN, 1880- 72p. d, , Mich,, 7 0 1932.
Practical work on elo cution, The auxiliary at work. Indiana-
Steelville, Mo,, Crawford mirror print, poli s , C. W, B, M., n,d,
Education for a Christian social 1890. 5p , folder.
order, (In International conven- 47p,
tion, 1935, pp. 88-100) The auxiliary aociety at work.
Princi p les of literary interpreta- Indianapolis, C. W. B. »., n,d,
tion for ooth secular and Biblical Sp • .
LYON, GEORGEE , 1867-1936.
d, Topeka, Kana,, 21 N 1936,

lllabry - llcCartney JI

JIABRY,J C U~ole Jerry'• plat.f'orm. Indiana- Guiding nursery children in home

b. polh, C• .'11'.B. M., 1897? and church; procedure•, atories,
1onga, and veraea, St, Louie, Beth-
any press, •1934.
A legal view of the trial of Christ. collcCALEB, JOHN UOQPY~1861- 240p.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1895. b. Hickman county, Tenn., 25 S 1861. Rev. ed. of the 11uraery olaaa of
Ti; 96p. front. (port.) the church school,

Christ, the light of the world; ten 11uraery class of the church aohool1
llcADOO,WILLIAMGIBBS, 1820-1894. lectures delivered at Foster atreet atoriea, rhymes, and songs. st.
church of Christ, l'laahville, Tenn., Louie, Christian board, 1926.
Address delivered before the Apol- September 6-14, 1910. 11aahville, 160p.
lonian and Euppronian societies of lloQuiddy ptg. co., 1911.
Franklin college, David1on county, vi, 27lp. tront., platea. The nursery department at work.
Tenneuee, October 18, 1848. llaah- Indianapolis and St. Louie, U. c. M.
ville, John T. S. Fall, book and job Faota about the reaurraction, deli- s. and Christian board of publication,
printer--Ben Franklin office, College vered at Cornell avenue church of n,d,
•treet, 1848. Christ, Chicago. Cincinnati, F. L. 32p. (Looal _church service
2lp. Rowe, pub., 1937? auociation)
l6p. inc. covers.
Parente and teaohera planning !'or
JlcALLISTER, LESTERG FrOl!I idol• to God; or, my religioua religious nurture, a 111&nualfor par-
b. experience. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, ent• to accompany the courae Learning
•1907. in the nursery class. .st. Louie,
94p. illua. Bethany pr•••• •1944.
Our church at work around the world, .16,p.
ed. by Ronald E. Osborn... St. Health and happine11. Auatin,
Louie, Christian board, •1946. Tex., Firm foundation, 1942. Picture stories tor the home and
32p. illua., maps. church nursery... St, Louis, Beth-
llemoriea ot early daya. any preaa, •1931.
What about the church's share? l6p, inc, covers.
.Indianapolis, Unified promotion, n.d. On the trail of the miaaionariea
.4.p. .with an introduction by Hall Laurie
Calhoun, 11aahville, Goepel advocate, J.loCALLUI!:,
JAMES H , 1893-
1930, b. Olympia, 'll'aah., 19 H 1893.
lilARDLE,JIRS. JIILDREDJ 276p. tront. (port,) plates, 111&p.
b. Once tranled roads. Baahville, China'• agony. (In International
d. lfor.f'olk, Va., 4 D 1936. Goepel advocate, 1934. convention, 1939, pp, 237-240)
642p, plate,.
The church atory hour cwith an
introduction by Charle• llorrell 'll'at- Social life in America. lloCALLUM,'ll'ILLIAll CECIL, 1880-
aon, St. Loui1, Bethany pre1a, 1926. b, South Australia, 3 Jl 1880,
140p. The oommi11ion after twenty oenturiea
(In Abilene Christian college Bible
Guiding pr1-.ry children i-n learn- leoturea, 1920-21, ,PP, 189-197) The graded church, an experience ot
ing. Indianapolia and St. Louie, integration in church lite. n.p.,
Department of religioua education, u. Conacience. (In Srygley, F, D. n.d,
c. JI. s., and Chriatian board. Biographiea and aermona, 1898, pp. 296- 60p.
. (Local church aervice 308)
Our Savior'• prayer tor unity.
St. Louis, Bethany pre11,

Primary 1uperintendent1 aanual. (In Rare, F. L., ed. Our Savior'• l44p. plane~
St. Louie, Christian board. prayer tor unity, 1918, pp. 126-129)

Storie• ot long ago1 illua.

by H. about see aollcCARTHY, llYRA ('ll'ILSOH)
D. Gieaon. x-York, Helson, 1929. b,
128p~ tront., illua. (American Srygley, F. D. Biographies and
atandard Bible reader•, 2d reader} aermona.
comp, ilee

lloAULEY,JIARYETHEL, llcCALLUlf, EVA BEATRICE(llc110ff1l), 1892- Wilson, llinor. Lite and aermona,
The wanderer I or, many 111ind1on
many 1ubjact1, with an introduction by J.!'CARTJIEY,
Charles Alexander Rock. Hew York, Character guidance and oooupationa b.
Boni, •1920. tor children; tor study claaaea ot
ix, 436p. parent• and teacher• ot children under
Content• include: Can a radical be nine yaara ot age. St. Lcuia, Rightly dividing the word or truth.
a ChriatianT by!. L. Powell, p. 31 Bethany pre••, •1929. England, Churches or Chriat pub, 001t-
Should we have birth control? by 203p. mittee, 1901.
B. W._ Wiley, pp. 167-168. 38p.
Diacu11ion ot nuraary department
work in the local church. Indiana-
JloCABE, GILLIE (CARY) polis and St. Louie, Department ot lloCART!l!Y,THOJIA.S
b. religioua education, U, C, JI, S. and b.
Chrhti&n board.
(Local church aervioa
. Th• atory ot _an old town, Hampton, aaaocia tion) Winning .America tor God. 1937.
Virginia. RiolaoJld, Va., Old Domin-
ion prau, 1929.
63p. front., plate•.
M MoCash - MacClintock

McCASH,ISAAC NEWTON,1861- The genesis of the New Testament MacCLINTOCK,PORTERLANDER (lira.

b. Cumberland county, Ill., 5 Je narratives of t he resurrecti on of William Darnall Me.cClintook)
1861. Jesus, Reprinted for private cir cu la- b.
tion, The university of Chicago .
Abstracts of theses, humanistic se ri es,
Horizon of American 111iaaiona, with volume iv, 1925-26. The easentials of busin ess English.
introduction by Charles T. Paul. pp. 391-397. Chicago, LaSalle extension university,
New York, Revell, •1913. • 1914.
l96p. front., plates, map. {Col- The John B. Cary memori~l school of 273p.
lege of mi ssions lectureship, seriea religion of the University of Vir ginia.
II) .Indianapolis, U. c. M. S,, 1944, Literature in the elementary
,17,p. illua. school. Chicago, University of
Ten plagues of modern Egypt, with Chicago pre s s, •1907.
introduction by J. A. Beattie. Dea The Lord's supper; a sermon preach•~ ix, 305p.
lloinea, Personal help pub. co., •190£,. in the Central chriatian church, Aurora 1
220p. front. (port.) Ill., and broadcast by the Mooseheart Sainte-Beuve'• critioAl theory
station, April 5, 1926. and practice after 1849. Chicago,
Covetcusnesa1 Forgiveness. (In • 12,p, University of Chicago press , 1920.
Meacham, E. J., comp. Training to x, 16lp.
teach, •1913, pp. 20-21; 1-2) The reaurrection of Jeaua; a new
study of the belief that Jesua rose joint~- aee
Established in present truth. from the dead, of 'its t\lncti on as the
(In Moore, w. T., ed. Then- living early Christian oult atcry, and of the MacClintook, W. D. Song and
pulpit of the Chri 'stian church, 1918, origin of the goapel literature. legend from the middle ages.
pp. 207-216) N- York, Nelson, 1932,
George Lewie Brokaw; The place and llacCLINTOCK,WILLIAMDARNALL,1868-
fruit of the spirit. (In Brokaw, G. The authority of the N- Testament. 1936.
L., ed. Doctrine and life, 1898, pp. (In Garrison, w. E., ed, Faith of the b. Elizaville, Ky., 28 Jl 1868.
602-504; 372-386) free, 1940, pp, 164-176) d. Blo0111ington, Ind,, 19 Ap 1936.

The guest chamber. (In Inter- Religious healing in first oentury Chautauqua univerai ty--extension,
n&tional convention, 1934, pp. 152- Palestine. (In MoNeill, J, T,, ed. a course of eight lectures on the
. 156) Environmental factor• in Christian English romance poet• (1780-1830)
history, 1939, pp. 18-34) .1890,
Phillipa university, historic 25p.
aketoh. (In Thornton, E. w., ed.
Phillipa university sermons, 1929, pp. WILLIAll FLETCHER, 1868-
McCAULEY, Joaeph .Wharton•• eaaay on Pope1
7-12) b. a history of the five edition•.
Chapel Hill, University of North
Suggeative liat of first bcoka for Carolina preaa, 1933.
the young minister. (In Sl!lith, H. The Bible in atory. Cincinnati, xii, 74p. front., facsima.
D. A preacher's firat books, •1933, Standard, 1902.
p. 60) iv, 375p. front., illus., -p. Reading and interpretation of
masterpieces of literature. Chicago.
introduction aee The Bible in the publio achoola. University of Chicago, 190-?
,Cinoinna ti, 1907'1,
Hill, C, E. Keeping the faith. 12p. Short studies in !ngliah popular
Meacham, E. J. 111.nual for funeral poetry, ayllabua. Chicago, Uni-
oooaaiona. Why'? Reaaona for the Christian veraity of Chicago.
Sanderaon, E. C. Bible and hie- endeavor 111ovn1ent. Cincinnati,
tory atudiea. Standerd. So• paradoxes of the English
romantic mov•ent. Chicago, Uni-
about aee verai ty of Chicago Pz:•u, 1903 0

lloCLEERY,JOHNB , 1838- 19p.

!irk, Sherman. I. I. llcCaah. b. Sharon, Ind., 13 Jl 1838.
lloore, ff. T. Iaaao R-ion Mccash. d. Studiea in fiction, ayllabus.
Chicago, University of Chicago.
T•peranoe and church work. (In
llcCASLAND,SELBYVERNON,1896- Butler, Pardee. Peraon&l reoollea- Studies in the oomediea of Shakes-
b. Co.anche, Tex., 27 S 1896. tiona, 1889, pp. 331-341) peare, ayllabua. Chicago, Univer-
ai ty or Chicago.

Abuaea of the restoration plea. clll.cCLERIY, WILBURE Studies in the themea of Shabe-
c'llbrriltcn, Ark., Living meaaage ao., b. peare • a greater plays: syllabus.
1923, Chicago, Univerait)- of Chicago.
Reprinted traa the Firm foundation, The life of Rev, Jame• O'!elly, and Religioua values of the fine arta.
1923. tile early history of the Christian (In Willett, H. L., ed. Progreaa:
church in the aouth. Raleigh, I. c., anniTeraary volume of the Campbell
The Bible in our .American life, with Edwards & Broughton ptg. oo,, •1910. institute, 1917, pp. 309-326)
an introduction by lfinor c. lfiller1 a 263p. front., platea, porta.
high achool text for student uae in the llacCLINTOCK,PORTERL.
aeries Adventures in Christian living.
Bridg-.ter, Va. , Vir 'ginia oouncil of lfcCLIIITOC!, IIRS. B E Song and legend from the middle agea.
religioua education, •1942. b. Meadville, Pa., Flood and Vincent, 1893.
xvi, 230p. 14lp. (Chautauqua reading cir-
IHBeographed. cle, Literature)
Christianity and d.,.,craoy in

MoClung - Mccully M


b. b. Columbiana county, o., 23 Ja b.
d. Cedar Rapids, Ia., 6 F 1901.
Pertinent lessons. Fort Worth, An every member canvass that over-
Tex., Author, 1938. Conditions of di vine sonship. ( In :rnbscribed the budget; how Lakewood
Painter, J. H. , ed. The Iowa pulpit Christian church did it. Indiana-
of the church of Christ, 188 4, pp. 51- po lis, U. c. M. s., n,d.
McCLURE,JAMES BAIRD, 1832-1895. 50) cB~p.

Gen. Garfield from log cabin to Preach Christ--!; II; III, skeleton Making Christ central; the presi-
White house, including his early his- sermons. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The dent'• address at the International
tory, -r record, public speeches, polymathist , 1877, pp . 137-139) conve ntion; The need of advance.
nomination, inauguration, assassina- (In International convention, 1941,
tion, death and burial. Chicago, debate with QUINTER, JAMES pp. 15-29; 1937, pp. 195-201)
Rhodes & McClure, 1881. (German Baptist)
228p. front., illus., po rts.,
plates . A debate on trine inrnersion, the McCORIIICK,MRS. HARRYB
Lord's sup pe r and feet--shing; held b. •
--, also the world's eulogies by at Dry Creek, Linn co., Iowa, from the
Rev. Isaac Errett, Prof. Swing, Dr. 14th to the 18th of October, 1867, re-
Talmage ••• and many others. Chicago, ported by J. L. M'Creery of Dubuque, "As for me and my house." (In
Rhodes .', McClure, 1881. Ia. Cincinnati, Published for the International convention, 1942, pp.
228p. + 254p. front., illus., committee by H. S. Bosworth, •1868. 195-203)
plates, ports. 326p .
Cover title: Quinter~ McConnell
Mistakes of Ingersoll and his ans- debate. McCO'IIN,A G
wers complete including replies by ••• b. , Ill.,
Judge Black ••• including .also in full St. Louis, Christian pub.
Ingersoll's lectures entitled "The co., 1884, •1868.
mistakes of lloses," "Skulls", ''What 326p. Big Injun maku.~ Chatauquam talkum
shall we do to be saved?" and "Thomas in London.
Paine" , to which the replies are made, about see
with Ingersoll's answers, also Inger- Flashee from an Indian sky.
soll'• fUneral oration at hi• brother'• Pa.inter, J. H. N. A. McConnell.
grave... Chicago, Rhodes & McClure The negro and the X-ray~ .
pub, 00., 1896, •1892.
482p. ocllcCORD, HUGO Spirit of tranoportation.
Stories and sketches of Gen. Gar-
field, including hia early history, McCOWN,MARY(HARDIN) (Mr•. L. W.
-r record, public speechea, nomina- The Jews. Dallas, Tex., Gospel »ocown)
tion and all the interesting facts of b.
hia great career from the farm boy
to his candidacy for President. Loyaity to Christ. (In Abilene
Chicago, Rhodes & McClure, 1880. Christian college Bible lectures, 1943, Elder John Wright1 James Ireland
144p. front. (port.) illus. pp. 163-169) Tipton; James Miller; Samuel H. Mil-
lard. (In West, J. W., ed. Sket chea
The world'• eulogies on President of our mountain pioneer•, 1939, pp.
Garfield, by Rev. I.snac Errett, Prof. McCORD,MRS. J N 238-242; 254-256; 47-49; 186-192)
Swing, Br. c!, Talmage ••• and many b.
others. Chicago, Rhodes & JlcClure, Ad•
1881. llcCULLOUGIT,JAMESHUGHES,1829-1920.
264p. front., port s. Why our misoionary aociety did not b. Montgomery co., Ind., 20 N 1829.
disband. Indianapolis, c. w. B. M., d. San Jose, Calif., 15 S 1920.
ONION, pp. 2-13. The measure of love; The mountain
b. Bound with: Safley, lira. J. A, top; Significance of names ; skeleton
d. Excuses for not doing missionary sermon•. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The
work. polymathist, 1877, pp. 361-3631 422-
A treatise on Christianity ••• 424; 148- 151)
Hagerstown, llo., Printed by Heard
and Durdy, 1850, McCORD,P C

1':lCOIINELL,JOHN PRESTON, 1866-1941. Teach us to pray. (In Gray, A.

b. Scott county, Va., 22 F 1866. W., ed. Preaching that builds chur ches, His tory of churohea of Christ in
d. Radford, Va., 11 0 1941, 1940, pp. ) Benton county. 1929.

Who am I? A brief sketch of the

!tloConnell and related families in llcCORIILE, S II lloCULLY, OLIVERW
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Mimeographed. Thoughts on the millenium. Nash- The church in eerTice in the ooimun-
ville, 1831? ity. (In Interna tio nal convention,
Negroes and their treatment in 82p. 1939, pp. 241-244)
Virgin ia from 1865 to 1867. Pulaski,
Va., Printed by B. D. Smith & bros.,
• 1910.
M McDaniel - YAcF&rlane

McDANIEL,ORA Chicago, UniTer s ity of KcFADDEN, MRS, R H

b• . Chica go pre ss, 1936 , b, .
244p , (Chicago, University
stud i es in public admini stration)
How to conduct a successful Sunday with lfELSHIMER
, P. H,
school campaign. Advance, Ind., joint author aee
Hustler print, n.d. Supplemental lessons, th ird primary
29p. McDiarmi d, E.W. Administration department, Bible school of th e Firs t
of the American publ i c l ibrary, Christian church, Canton, Ohio,
b. Toronto, Canada, 31 D 1677. McDONALD, CHESTERA , 1676-1930,
d. 5 S 1937 . b, McFARLAND,JAMES D CRATG, 1836-
d. Oceanside, Calif,, 9 0 1930, b, Jefferson county , 0,, 1836.
The mountain people . .Indiana- d.
poli s, C. W. B. M., The secret service club, St,
12p. Louis, Printed and published for the Pioneers in the great religious
author by the Christian board, •1913, reformation of the 19th century.
F. C. Button. (In Brown, J. T., 65p, 1864.
ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp.
500- 501)
MacDONALD,JULIUS L , 1657-1944. MacFARLANE,PETER CLARK, 1871-1924,
b , Frederick county, Va., 15 Ap b. St, Clair county, Mo,, 8 Mr 1671.
J.lcDIARMID,ERRETTWEIR, II, 1909- 1657. d, 9 Je 1924,
b. d, Utica, O., 4 Ja 1944,
California, the promised land; a
The Campbellian moTement--as I aee toast at · the tenth annual banquet of
Conditions affecting the use of the it, the California societ y of N.,. York,
college library. cChicn go, 1935, 26p. Hotel St. Regis, March ei ghth, 1913,
pp. 59-77. cNew YQrk, Cameron & Bulkley, •1913,
Part of theaia: Ph.D., University c8~p.
Reprinted from the Library ·quarter- b, The oenturian•a stor y . New York,
ly, vol. v, no. l, 1935. Revell, •1910,
The library survey; problems and Awakening India. Indianapolis,
met hods. Chicago, American library C. W, B. M, The crack in the bell, illus, by
association, 1940. Leslie L, Benton, Garden ci ty ,
243p. The way of salvation in the Ramayan Doubleday, 1918,
of Tulaai Das, Chicago, PriTate 458p, front,, plates,
with VcDIARMID,JOHN. edition distributed by the UniTersity
of Chicago libraries, 1926. N.,. York, Grosset, • 1918.
Administration of the American pub- 269p,
lic library, Chicago, A. L, A,1 Thesis: Ph.D., UniTeraity of The exploits of Bilge and Ma,
Ur ba na, Ill., University of Illinois, Chicago, Boston, Little, 1919,
1943. Printed by J, G, VcGattan at the 300p,
viii, 250p, (Ill, contributions J!iaaion preaa, Jubbulpore, C. P,,
to l ibrarianship, no, 3) India, Held to &newer, a nOTel. N9W
York, Little, 1916.
52lp. front., plates.
MoDIARMID,HUGH , 1637-1901. McDOUGLE, ERNESTC , 1867-
b. Morpet h , Ontario, 10 Je 1637, b, Keno, 0,, 16 Mr 1867. N9W York, Grosset, 1918,
d, Hiram, 0,, 16 Ag 1901,
H°ot.ita-nnens berattelae af P. C.
debate with WATSON, L. D. The honesty of Paul, (In Lord, Macfarlane, bemyndigad ofveraa ttning
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pp, 2_22-226) A, Liljengran, •1911.
A discussion on baptism--what is it? 45p.
,,,held in the Disci ples' chapel,
Tonawanda, N. Y., beginning the 11th cclloDOUGLE, N C Man'• country, the story of a great
and closing the 2lat day of April 1663, b, love, of which business was jealous,
occupying eight evenings, fourteen N9W York, Cosmopolitan, 1923.
hours in all--each occupying half time, 343p. front., plates.
reported by George B, Hastings, Our SaTior•a prayer for unity.
Toronto, Canada, Trout and Todd; Cin- (In Rowe, F, L,, ed. Our Savior'• The queat of the yellow pearl
cinnati, Standard, n.d, prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 13~132) .illus. and decorated by H. J, Turner,
296p. .N.,. York. ReTell, •1909.
47p. front., illus.
ANDREW Deluxe ed. bd. in boards.
, 1911-
b. A treatise on the subject of baptism; Those who have come bac~. Boston,
designed principally to guard the aer- Little, 1914.
ioua inquirer after truth against the 269p. front., plates.
Government corporations and federal sophistry of Campbelliam. Richmond,
funds, cl.!enasha, Wis,, 1937, · P, D, Bernard, printer, 1844. Tonguea of flame. New York,
pp. 1094-110 7. cl03.p, Coamopolitan, 1924, •1923, •19 24.
Part of thesis: rn, D., UniTeraity 406p. front., platea.
of Chicago, 1936.
Reprinted from American political
seienoe review, vol. xxxi, no. 6,

1'cGarny • lloG&rvey )I

JlcGARVEY,JOHNWILLIAM, 1829-1911. Evidence• or Chriat i anity, •• St. Loui s , Christian

b . Hopkinn'ille; Ky., 1 Jlr 1829. Cincinnati, Guide ptg . l pub. co., boa r d, •1875,
d. Lexington, Ky., 6 0 1911. 1886, 1891. 382p.
The authorship of the book of Content, , A aerie• of fifty-two Bibl e l e ss ons
Deut er onomy, with i t 1 bearing• on the v. l, The text and the canon, N. T., for the use of advan ced classes in t he
higher oritioiem of the Pentateuch. vii, 186p. Sunday school . Lexi ngto n, Transyl -
Cincinnati , Standard, •1902. v. 2, Credibis it y and inspiration , vani a ptg. and pub . co., 1875?
304p. vi, 223p, First copies r e·
leased had "Cr edita bility " Ser ies of t'ifty-two Bible less ons
Baptism. Cincinnati, Standard, on cover. for t he use of intermediate and
•19 00. advan ced clasaee in the Sunda y s chool,
20p. (Ve1t-pooket aerie• of --. Cincinnati, Standard, 1912, Ci nc innati, Standard.
Christian tracts, T. 2, no, 1, Auguat •1886, •1891,
1900) 2 Tol. in one. Sermons, delivered i n Louisvil le ,
Kentucky, June-Septeaber 1893.
Biblical oritioiam, aee Four letter• to Biahop llcilvaine on Louisville, Guide ptg. & pub. 00.,
Short e11ay1 in Biblical oriticin,. Chriltian union, N- York, Th0111&1 1894.
Holman, 1866. 339p.
Cla11 note• on 1aored hiatory, Acta 23p .
of apoatlea.
Cincinnati, Standard,
A guide to Bible study, introduction,
•18 94.
Cino1nnati, Sta ndard ,

iT, 94p, notes, and appendix by Herbert L. 339p.

ETery right-hand page blank. Willett. Cleveland, Bethany C. E. co.
•1897. -. (new printing) Cincinnati,
Cla11 note, on sacred history, vol. 166p. (Bethany C. ' E. reading Standard, 1918.
II, I Samuel-llehemiah-. Bowling course,) 339p.
Green, ly., John llarorom, 1894,
153p. --, .with an introduction by H. Short easays in Biblical criticism,
ETery right-hand page blank. L. Willett, St, Loui1, Chriatian reprinted from the Chri stian standard,
pub. co., •1897. 1893-1904. Cinc i r.nati, Standard,
Clase note, on sacred hiatory, vol. 166p. (Bethany C. E. reading •1910 .
3, the tour gospels. Bowling Green, 00urse1) x, 479p.
ly., 1893,
148p, N- York, Revell. Text and canon. lee Evidence,
of Christianity.
Cla11 note, on 1aored hiatory, Jesua and Jonah • • , Cinoinmti,
yol, l From 0.neaia to I Samuel, Standard, •1896. Church govermnent : Preachers'
TOl, 2 Fr0111I SULlel to )latth-. 72p. methods. (I n The Miasouri Chris-
Tel , 3 The go1pel1. tian l ecture•, vol. 5, 1892, pp. 188•
Tol, 4 Acta of the Apostle,. Landa of the Bible: a geographical 2091 vol, 2, 1883, pp. 83-117)
and topographical deacription of Pal••·
A 00111111entary
on Aot1 of apostle,, tine, with letter, of travel in Egypt, Grounds on which we receive the
with a reTi1ed Ter1ion of the text. Syria, Alia Minor , and Greece, Bibl e as the word of God, and the
Cincinnati, Wrighton & co., 1863. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1881, •1880. only rule of faith and pract i ce.
297p, 624p. front., illus,, plate•, maps. (In Garri10n, J. H., ed. The old
faith r e stated, 1891, pp. 11-48)
--, 4th ed. Cincinnati, Wright- --, aeventeenth thou1and,
eon & co , , 18M, Louisrtlle, Guide ptg. & pub. co., The indwelling spirit, (In
297p . 1890, •1880. Smart, J. H., comp. Gems of thought,
624p. front., plate,, illus., -p•. 1883, pp. 10.16)
--, 4th ed, Cincinnati, Central With the preflloe to the 3d ed.
bk, .ooncern, 1882, •1863, 1igll8d by the author, 1891, The prints of the nails. (In
297p, Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord'• day,
St. Loui1, John Burne, •1904, pp. 41-43)
--. Lexington, TranaylT&nia •1880.
ptg, and pub, co,, 1863, 62"p . The wi tne aa of the apiri t. (In
297p. lloore, W. T. , ed. The living pulpit
--, 18th thousand, Cincinnati, of the Christian church, 1867, pp,
Commentary on the goapel of Mark. Standard, •1880. 327-338)
Cincinnati, Central bk, concern, 1881, 624p. front., illua., platea, maps,
382p, M.A. Donohue & oo,, Printer• and with PENDLETON,PHILIP Y
binder,, Chicago,
Cooperation in ai11ion work, An The fourfold goapel1 or, a harmony
addre11 deliTered before the Al.ab.,_ Mid-y queation book. Cincinnati, of the four gospels,.. Cincinnati,
miaeionary oonTention, Hoyember 20, B01worth, Ch&H & Hall, Standard, n,d.
1891. Louiartlle, Guide ptg, & 2 TOl, viii, 769p,
pub, oo., 1891, Thia wa s first iaaued quarterly aa
2-&p. JI- c0111nentary on Acta of apo1tle1, Standard Bible commentary, 1905,'
Cincinnati, Standard, •1892.
Credibility and inapiration, 262, 298p. Theaaalonians, Corinthians, Gala-
aee BTidenoea of Christianity. ti&n1 , and Romana. Cincinnati,
The Di1ciple1 of Chriat, Cin-
2 TOl,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1892. Standard, 1916.
x, 666p. (Standard Bible conunent
cinnati, A, C, K, 8. &ry)
4p. • • ,Matth- and Mark. Cincinnati,
Chase & Hall, 1876, debate 1ee
The eldeHhip. Cincinnati, Boa- 382p.
-rth, Allen, F. G. What 1hall we do
-- , Cincinnati, Central bk, about the organT
concern; 1879, • 1876.
llcGarvey - llcGee

introduction aee Jlahatm& Gandhi on how oan Chrietiana The garden of friends, .a play of
cooperate in the uplift of the Untouch- India tor junior girl•• New York,
Allen, F. G. "Rev." s. Noland's ables. Jubbulpore, 1933. lliaaionary education movement, •1938.
pamphlet entitled "Christians, or 4p. 29p. .
Disciples", reviewed.
Brown, J. T. Churches of Christ. India'• challenge, (In Inter- Jewelle the giant dropped; a course
Buchanan, W. S. The Christian'• national convention, 1939, pp. 246-249) on the Philippine ialanda for junior
helper. boya and girla1 the storiea by Edith
joint author He Eberle; the oourse by Graoe Winifred
BAXTER,WILLIAll. lloGavran. Hew York, lliaaionary edu-
Pickett, J. W. Christian miasiona oation movement, 1929.
Christian Sunday school hymn book; in mid-India with special reference to l38p.
re-ed, by J. W, llcGarTey and Willie mase movement,.
Baxter, Cincinnati, Bosworth, 1866, Lifting today above ita past, a
unit of work for intermediate groupa
about lloGAVRA?i,
GRACEll'INIFl!ED, 1B96- atudying the ohuroh in rural America.
b. Damoh, C. P. India, 21 H 1696. •- York, Council ot wanen for home
J, W, lfcGarTey. (In Brown, J. T,, miaaiona and miaaionary education
ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 487- moTement, n.d.
488) And when you pray. Boston, Pil- 64p.
grim pre••, 1941.
Starr, H. E. John William Mc- 26p. )(1aaionary prooedurea tor children,
Garvey. (In Dictionary of American St. Louia, Christian board, n,d.
biography, vol, 12, 1933, pp. 46-47) Beneath thy guiding hand, a aerTiae 20p. (Bethany church school
for the dedication of the Thanksgiving guide reprint no. 12)
about see offering;
lp, llpengo ot the Congo; illua, by
Boles, H. L. Biographical Reprinted from October 1939 World Kurt Wiese. Hew York, Friendahip
sketches of gospel preacher•, Call, preas, 1946,
Deweese, B, C, In memoriam; an 127p.
appreciation of the late John William Bofeko, a ohild of the Congo.,.
McGarvey, Indianapolis, u. c. JI. s., n.d, Primary missionary stories. Ind-
Haley, J. J. 11&.kers and molders 28p. ianapolis, U, C, ». S,, 1936,
of the reformation movement. 4lp.
Moore, W. T. The living pulpit Brother• all, a program for ohil-
of the Christian ohuroh, dren•a day. .Indianapolis, Unified Shepherd who stayed behind,
Morro, W. c. "Brother MoGarTey." promotion. n.d, Boston, W, H, Baker,
• 12,p. music.
Star child, a play of India tor
ltcGARY,AUSTIN, 1846- Creating friendly attitude• through intermediate girla. Hew York,
b, Huntaville, Tex;, 6 F 1846. the home,.. New York, Friendship Friendship preaa, •193B.
d, preu, •1941. 16p,
Then- birth, (In Srygley, F. We gather together, drawings by
D, Biographies and aennons, 1898, pp. Far round the world, illua. by Margaret Ayer, Hew York, Friend-
362-373) Margaret Ayer. Hew York, Friendship ship press, •1941,
preu, •1939. 12lp, platea,, illua.
about aee ll8p, illua;
joint~ aee
Srygley, F. D. Biographies and Follower• of Jeaua, 1939-40, atoriea
aermona. and other •te!'iala eapeoially planned Carmichael, F. P. Christian
to enrich the pri•ry and junior ohild'a education of primary and junior chil-
underatanding of the oausea of the dren.
C E church that he aupports through hi•
b, offering throughout the year, or by a
apeoial offering at Thankagiving, llcGAVRAH,l!ARYTHEODORA,
Eaater, Children•, day, Indiana- b.
Evangelin in a looal church, polis, Unified promotion, 1939.
(In Abilene Christian college Bible 30p.
leoturea, 1939, pp. 237-260} A day with a woman's medicine oase
Follower• of Jeaua, 1940-41, junior in India. Cincinnati, F. c. ». S,
department of th$ Sunday achool, pamphlet.
ARDERSOH,1897- .Indianapolia, Unified promotion, 1940,
b. .28.p,
llcGEE, GDTRY RICHARD,1840-1922.
Forward through the ages; a ahort b,
Eduoation and the belief• of popular miaaionary dramatisation. Cincinnati, d.
Hinduiam, a study of the belief• of Powell and White.
aeoondary aohool boy• in Central pro- A hiatory or Tenneaaee from 1663 to
vinces, India, in _ regard to nineteen Forward to victory, children's day 1900, for uaa in schools. Bew York,
major belief• of popular Hinduiai. 1941, program auggeetiona and inf'onu.- American bk. oo., •1900.
Jubbulpore, C. P., India, 1936. tional material, tor intermediate, and 27B, xxxb p. front.~ illua.
179p. 1eniora, one room Sunday achoola.
Thesias Ph. C,, Col11n1biaUniversity, .Indianapolia, Unified promotion, 1941a --. fro11 1663 to 1911, for uH
1936, 4p. with inaert. in aohoola, •- York, American bk,
oo., •1899-1911.
India'• oppressed clasaea and reli- Friends of Jeaua around the world, 302, xl p. illua,
gion, .lllngeli, India, Author, 1938, 1940-41 ••• .Indianapolis, Unified
.32,p. promotion, 1940,
Printed by T. H. Hill at the mission 23p.
preaa, Jubbulpore.

~cGee - McKee ver M

--, from 1663 to 1919 . New The l ife of the Holy'Sp irit. Creative psycholo gy ; the way to
York, Americ an bk . co •• •1 919 . St. Loui s, Bet hany press , 1930 . health, wealth and wel l -b eing.
320p ., xl fron t ., illus. 272p . front. (port . ) Topeka, Kans., School of cre at ive
p sychology; •1 925.
_ from 1663 to 1924; rev . and v.
enl. by c. B. I jams . New Yor k, McKAY, J M
American bk . co., 1924 . b. East method of se lf anal y sis .
337, xl p . Topeka , Kans., Sch ool of psy ch olog y
pr ess.
-- , fro m 1663 to 1930 . New Dia gram tract on apostolic teachin 11
York, American bk . co. , •193 0 . in the conversi on of sinners; and The Farm boys and girls. New York,
352 , xl p. form of baptism. Cinci nnati, Stan- Macmillan, 1912.
dar d, n.d. xviii, 326p. (Rural scien ce
4p . se ries)
b. Forgettin g tobacco. Topeka,
d. McKAY,SETH SHEPARD , 1888- Kans., School of paychology pr ess.
b. Holla nd, Tex. , 12 Ja 1888.
Patmo s , the history of the kin gdom I Getting a head financially.
of Heaven, the tr ue church of Christ . Topeka, Kans. , School of ps ychology
St . Louis, J ohn Burns , 1890 , •1888. Debate s i n th e Texas convention of press .
263p . 1875 .
How to become an efficien t Sunday
St. Louis, Christian boa rd, Waking the Texas constitution of school teacher. Cincinnati, Stan-
263p . 1876; Philadelphia, 1924. dard, •1 915.
Thesis: Ph.D., University of 236p. (Philli ps Bible institute
Penns yl vania, 1924. series of efficiency text books for
McGUIRE, EDNA Bib le sc hoo ls and churches)
b. Seven decades of th e Texas consti -
t ution of 1876. Industrial tra in ing of the boy.
New York, Macmillan, 1913.
America then and now, with p ictures iii, 72p . fron t . , p la t es.
by Geor ge M. Richards. New York, McKEEN,JAMES
Macmillan, 1940 . b. Industrial training of the girl.
viii, 437p, fron t ., illus. d. New York, Macmillan, 1914.
x i , 82p. f ront., plates.
A br ave young land, with pi ct ur es see
by George M. Richards. New York, Instructing the young in regard to
Mo.cmillan, 1937. Clo ugh, S. The Chris tian ps al mist, aex. .Manha ttan, Kans., • 1912.
vi, 392p. fr ont., illus., plates, .16 , p. (!Jome traini ng bulletin
no . 8)
A full-grown nation, with pictur e s McKEEVER,WILLIAMARCH, 1868-
by George M. Richards. New York, b. Jack son county, Ks.ns ., 12 Ap Leaves of healin g. Topeka, Kans .,
Macmillan, 1937. 18 68 . School of psych ol ogy pres s.
vi ii, 454p. front., illus., maps.
Livin g a century; a plan and a
Glimpses into the long a go , with Assis t ing th e boy in the cho ice of program, int ended f or a ye ar's study
pictures by George M. Richards. New a voc ation. Manha tt&n, Kans . , Author, and meditation. Oklahoma City , Okla.,
York, lilcmillan, 1937. • 1910. Schoo l of psychology pres s, •1935.
333p. front., illus., plates . 16p. (Home training bulletin no . ll8p.
The past lives again, with pic ture s Love's fulfillment .p oems, Okla-
by George M. Richards. New York , A bi tter cr op of boys and girl s. homa City, Okla ., School of psy cho l ogy
Macmillan, 1940. l&i.nhatt&n, Ka ns ., Author , •1 910. press ; New York, Psy cho logy pub. co.,
vii, 449p. front., illus., maps., 16p. (Home trainin g bulletin •1930.
plate a. no. 5) ll4 p.

with PHILLIPS, C. A. Campaign a gai nst old age. Okla- Man and the new democracy; based
homa city, Okla., Schoo l of psychology on beh avio r ism psychology. Topek a,
Adventuring in young America, illus . pres s, •1 937. Kans., School of ps ychology.
by Curtiss Sprague. New York, Mao- xi, 209p.
millan, 1929. Man and the new democracy. New
xii, 370p. front., illus. Cigar ette boy. Boston, Palmer• York, Dora n, •191 9 .
1915. 250p .
Building our country, illus. by
Curtiss Sprague. New York, Mac- Cigarette problem. Topeka, Outlines of child study; a textbook
Kans . ,
millan , 1929. 1915. for par ent-teachers, Mothers' clubs,
x, 362p. · front., illus., maps. and all kindred organitations. New
Cigarette smokin g boy . lilnhat t an , York, Macmillan, 1915.
with ROGERS,D. C. Kans., Kans as state a gricu ltural co ll ege, xiv, 18lp.
The growth of democr a cy, wi th pic - llp. The pion eer; a story of the making
tures by Edwin P . Couse and Edward of Kansas. Topeka, Kans., Crane &
Klauck. New York, Macmillan, 1941. Create your own job; a constructive co., 1911.
xvi, 428p. front. , illus. pl an for guidin g r el ief clien ts into lOlp. front . , illus.
self sup port . Oklah oma City, Okla.,
School of ps ychology press, 1939, Psychologic method in teaching.
KcINTIRE, JAMESROBERT, 1867-1938. xv, 235p. Chic ugo, Flanagan , •1909. ·
b. near Montetuma, I a.., 21 ,la 1867. xxi, 332p.
d. Los Angele • , Ca.lif. , 22 0 1938 . Cr ea tive mind. Topeka , Kana. ,
School of psychology pres s.

M McKeever - McLean

Psycholo gy and higher life. OTHE

RS . Geor ge , Pro gr e ss and poverty ,
Topeka, Kans,, Crane & co ,, •1 905,
240p. ill us, A choi c e selecti on of p salms, hymns, Ge or ge, Prote c tion or free tr ade,
and spi r itual son gs compiled by J ohn
---, rev , and enl. ed. Topeka, MacKe nz ie , Joh n Ra nd, Benj amin Putnam , Green, His t or y of the English
Kans,, Printed by Crane & co,, •1 919, Christo pher W. Martin, and Ja spe r people.
250p. Hazen, Woodstock, Vt,, Printed by
David Watson, 1819, Histo r y of a ncient reli gio ns.
--, 3d ed. Chic a go, Flanagan, 600p .
•1908, History of Swi t ·zerland,
270p, illus.
cMcKINNEY, ARTHURLAYTON, 1819- Intoxicating drinks and dru gs in
Symphony calendar . Topeka , Kans ., b, Gr ee ne county, 0., 16 S 1819. all lands and time s ,
Cra ne, 1912. d,
Larger life of Thomas Jefferson.
Tea chi ng t he boy to save, Yan- Mem oir o.f Elder Isaac M. Walter.
hatt a n, Kans,, Aut hor, •1909, Cin cinnat i , Rickey, l!allory an d Wehb, Life of Thomas Jefferson.
14p. (Home t raining bull e tin 1858, •1857,
no, 2 ) 464p . front. (por t .) Li f e of Wyeliffe.

Teaching the girl to save, Man- Positive theology; or, my reasons Life of Wesley, his political and
hattan, Kans., Author, •1911, for being a member of the Christ i an s oci al influence.
15p, (Home· training bulletin church, 2d ed. Cincinnati, Apple-
no , 7) gate, 1861. Ll oyd. Wealth against common-
242p, wealth.
Tiro (twenty-five games for chil-
dren to be plaed with old automobile Religion not an emotion but a life, Motle y . Rise of the Dutch repub-
tires) Oklahoma City, Okla,, School (In Coan, A, W,, ed. Gospel sermons, lie,
of psychology press, 1881, pp. 152-165 )
Manila hand book of pub lic health,
Training the boy, N.,,..York, Mac-
millan, 1913, McKINNEY,WILLIAMHENR Y, 1897- Phillips. The church of Christ
xviii, 368 p , front,, plates, b . Braddock, Penn., 6 My 10 97. by a layman,

Training the boy to work, Man- Pressence. Ancient world and

hattan, Kans,, Author, •1910. Five reasons f or kee ping pure, Christianit y,
l~p. (Home training bulletin .Indiana polis, Committee on war ser-
no. 3) vices, Disciples of Chr i st, 1943?, Schiller. History of the thirty
Sp, inc. covers, years 1Jar.
Training the girl. N.,,. York,
la>.cmillan, 1914. Cruc i fying Christ afresh, (In Schiller, Life of Gustavus
xviii, 342p. front,, plates. Thornton, E. W,, ed. Bethan y colle ge Adolphus,
se rmons, 1930, pp. 150-1 51)
Training the ~irls to help at home. Spencer. Social statistics,
Manhattan, Kans., Author, •1909, The f ive year pro gram of a dva n ce.
15p . (Home training bulletin (I n International convention re port, Swiss life in town and country.
no. 3) 193 7, pp , 203-211)
Tarbell, History of the Standard
You and your life; tho new way of oil oompany.
self discovery. Oklahoma City, McKISSICK, JAMESTRACY, 1874-
Okla., School of peychology press, b, Maury county, Tenn,, 19 Ap 1874, ll'ard, Naturalism and agnosticism.
114p. about see
Faith; The gospel, ( In Meacham,
Eugenics, (In National eduoation E, J,, comp, Training to teac h, •1913, Eberle, Edith, Macklin of Nanking,
association. Journal of proceedings pp. 36-38; 23-25)
and addresses, 1912, pp. 1156-1160)
Midland college, (In McPherson, MACLACHLAN,
with Chalmers. Disciples of Christ in -1929.
Texas, 1920, pp, 108-115) b.
Progreseive orthoepy and literary d.
epeller. Chicago, Interstate book
co., •1902. MACKLIN,WILLIAMEDWARD,1860- Poems.
128p. h. Ontario, Canada, 19 My 1860,
Evangelical implications of the
OTHERS, social task of the churoh, (In
tr. into Chinese. Willett, H. L,, ed. Progress: anni-
Science of living; a aeries of heart Tereary volume of the Campbell in1ti-
to heart talks to married and marriage- Breasted. History of Egypt. tute, 1917, pp. 176-189)
able men and women on subjects vital
to health and happiness, 2d rev, ed.,,. Caird. Introduction to ·the philo-
Marietta, 0,, M.tllikan, 1927. sophy of religion. .McLEAN,ARCHIBALD, (Baptilt)
Dowe, Theory of human progress. The canmiaaion given by Jesus Christ
to his apostles. 5th American from the
,llacKENZIE, JOHN, -1854. Environment of early Christianity. 3d Edinburgh ed.,.. Cinoinnati,
b, Bosworth, Chase & Hall, 1871.
d, Excavations in Bible lands. 190p.

Ford. Little white slaver.

lloLean - McLean J(

l(ol.EAN, ARCHIBALD,1850-1920. the fortieth anniversary of the For- st ..... rdahip, St. Louis, Christian
b. Prince ·Edward Island, 26 D 1850. eign Christian missionary society, board, 1914.
d. Battle Creek, Mich., 16 D 1920. .Cincinnati, F, C. K, s., n.d,
c32,p. front,, port, Thomas and Alexander Campbell.
Achievement• of the Diaciplea of Cincinnati, F. C, M, S,. .1910,
Christ. St. Louis, Christian board, Hand-book of' minions, with intro- 62p,
n.d. duction by George Darsie, Cleveland,
llp. (Devotional and doctrinal Reading course committee, •1897, Twenty-five ~'Oars of the F. C. M.
aeries) 202p, (Bethany c. E, reading s., an historical addreea read before
courses) the Kansas Cit y convention, October 17,
Alexander Campbell as a preacher, Printed by the Julia A. Andr-• 1900, cCineinnati, F. C. ». s ••
a study. N- York, Revell, •1908. fund. 1900.
46p, front. (port.) 22p. (F, c. M, s. aeries no.
Clneland, o., Bethany C, n:vi)
St. Louie, Christian pub, E. co,. •1897,
eo., •1908, cl77,p. (Bethany C, E. reading Where the Book speaks, or mission
46p, courses) studies in the Bible. N- York,
lr. K. Bayne ptg. co., Cleveland, 0, Revell, •1907,
Bequests, 24lp. front, (port,)
Children'• day. Cincinnati, F,
Chicago, Revell, •1897,
(Bethany C. E. reading --. .2d ed., 11- York, Revell,
C. II. S., 190-? courses) •1907,
pamphlet. 24lp, front, (port,)
St. Louis, Christian pub,
A circuit or the glcbe1 a aerie, of oo., •1897, --, c3d, ed,o !In York, Revell,
letter• of travel acro'u the American l74p. (Bethany C, E, reading •1907,
continent, through the Ra.,..iian repub- ocuraea) 24lp. front, (port.)
lic, Japan, China, the ' Strait• aettle-
-nta, Burma, India, Ceylon, Auatralia, The hhtory of the Foreign Chria- · St. Louis, Christian pub,
Egypt, Paleatine, Syria, Turkey; Greece, tian miaaionary society. 11- York, co., •1907.
Italy, Switcerland, Gern&ny, Scandin- Revell, •1919, 24lp.
avia, France and England, with an 444p, front., plates, ports.
in1;roduction by J, H, Garrison. Bible atudiea, based upon A,
St. Louie, Christian pub, co,, 1897, History of the Foreign Christian lloLean•e great book "Where the book
384p. front,, plates, porta, missionary society for twenty-five apeaka", cbeing,briet outline• of
year,. Cincinnati, F. c. M. s. aoripture teaching on mieaiona,
Debarred from the Standard1 the pamphlet. St, Louia, U. C, M, S,, n,d.
real iaaue 1tudiou1ly ignored, 43p.
16p. Intercessory prayer, Cincinnati,
Men and millions movement, n,d. Womanand the gospel, Indiana-
Dr, Suaie Caraon Rijnhart, our .22.p. polia, c. lr. B. II.
pioneer miaaionary to Tibet,,,
Cincinnati, F. C, K. s., 1914? -- ·-. Cincinnati, F. C, M. S,, Biographical sketch ot J. K,
llp. port. Reprinted by Intercessory fellowship Tribble, (In Tribble, J.M. Ser-
of Christian missionaries of Southern mona, ix-xi)
Doubling a preacher'• power. .st. California, Loa ..lngelea, Calif,
Louia, Christian pub, co,, 1902. 29p, port., illua, The evangelication of the world,
l5p. (In Oarrieon, J, H., ed. The faith
Reprinted fr011t the Chrhtian- lliaaionary addresaea. St, Louie, r.eatated, 1891, pp. 365-389)
!vangeliat of May 16-22, 1902, Christian pub. co., 1895,
298p, front. (ports,) . plates, ports. Foreign Chrhtian miuionary aooie-
Doubling a. preacher'• power; a 11- ty, (In Brown, J, T. , ed. Churohea
yeara greeting to be distributed by .,. St. Louis, Christian pub, of Christ, 1904; pp. 188-200)
the elders or finance coadttee, oo., 1905, •1895.
14p. inc, back cover, 299p. front. (port,) The gospel of salvation. (In
International convention, Addresaea
!pooh -kera of modern miaaiona. The missionary aervioe aa a career. delivered at the world'• oongreea and
•- York, Revell, •1912, general miaaionary convention, of the
30lp. 'tront, (port.) ports. Jliuiona in the life of Chri1t1 an church of Christ, 1893, pp, 181-197)
(College of mieaiona leotureehip, addreu. Cincinnati, F. c. K. S,,
aeries l) n,d, Tbe period ot foreign Jrlaaiona,
Content• include, Zenaa Sanford l6p. (In Garrison, J, H, The retor-tion
Loftis, pp. 282-296, ot the nineteenth century, 1901, · pp,
lliaeiona and doctrine, Text ot an 375-451)
--. Cincinnati, F. c. K. S, addreee delivered' at .the college ct
.and, Flemin~ H. Revell co., •1912. miaaiona, !lay 1917, Indianapolis, The place of miaaiona. (In
30lp. (Colle~• ot mia1ion1 lec- College of mieaiona, 1917, Bible. Front rank Bible; Doctrinal
tureship, aeries I) 16p, (College ot miaaiona mono- helpa, pp. 43-51)
graph•, no. 11)
-. st. Louie, u. c. J(, s., introduction •••
•1912. Our Lord'• last oonmand. n.p,. n,d
30lp. (College of miaaiona lec- 12p. Corey, S. J. Among Central Afri-
tureahip, _aeriu I) can tribes,
A peep into · a Chinese library. Benaey, A, F. A -•tar builder
Foreign Christian miaaionar,- on the Congo.
ao·oiety. The primacy ot the aiaaionary, and Jones,!. D. The inner circle.
22p, other addreuea. St. Louis, Chriatiu Lhamon, lr, J, Studies in Acta.
board, 1920. Jloaea, J, T. Belen E. IIDaea or
Forty :,eara history o_t the Foreign 379p. the Christian woman'• board ot miaaiona,
aooiety, an addreaa delivered in Loa Osgood, E, I, Breaking down
Angeles, Calitornia, July 20, 1915, at Chinese .,..lla,

McLean - 11'.cNear

Wharton, E. V. R. The life of MacLEOD, LOIS ALMIRA(WHITE) (lfra, West bound can account of his trip
G. L. Wharton. Neil llaeLeod), . 1857-1939, in 1942 through the Middle West, the
b. Ravenna, o., · 11 Mr 1867, North West and Alaska, New York,
about d. Akron, o., 2 D 1939. Scribner, 1943.
Archer, J.C. Archibald McLean. Period . of woman'• work, (In
(In Dictionary of American biography, Garrison, J, H., ed. The refonnation
TOl. 12, 1933, pp. 126-126) of the nineteenth century, 1901, pp. ccMcMURRY,WALTER
453-488) b,
Union ATenue Christian church, St.
Louis, Mi11ouri. Archibald McLean,
December twenty-sixth, Eighteen cMcMASTER,GILBERT, 1778-1854. The unity of the church yet future
fifty - December fifteenth, Nineteen b, and glorious. (In Rowe, F. L,, ed.
twenty. d. Our Savior's prayer for unity, 1918,
.20.p. pp. 133-137)
Contents: An apology for the book of Psalms,
Scott, 0, E. The man, in five letters; addressed to the
Campbell, G. A. The message, friends of union in the church of God, MacNAMARA,
J 11'
Ballston-Spa, N, Y,, Printed by U. F. b.
about oee Doubleday, 1818, d.
Warren, 11', R, Archibald VcLean, Spirit of sophistry of prohitition
Warren, W, R, The life and labor• Essay in defence of some fundamental from scriptural and rational stand-
of Archibald McLean, doctrinAs of Christianity; including points. Philadelphia, Patterson& ·
a reTiew of the writings of Elias Smith, White, printers, •1889,
Schenectady, N. Y., Printed by Riggs 42p.
McLEAN, D D & Stevens, 1815,
b, iT, 120p.
MacNEILL, JOHNHARDY,1857-1944,
The moral character of civil goTern- b,
Opening the kingdom to the Gentiles; ment, considered with reference to the d,
introduction by W, B, Young, political institutions of the United
Bradenton, Fla,, The Herald . press, States, in four letters. Albany, N, The abundant life, (In Thornton,
1919, Y,, W. C. Little; Schenectady, J, C, E.W., ed, Lord's day worship ser-
Magoffin, 1832, Tices, •1930, pp, 216-218)
A sketch of the life and labors of McMILLAN,ALEX
Riobard MoNemar, Franklin, O,, b. OTHERS.
Printed for the author by the Franklin
chroniole, 1905, EnTiroDmental factors in Christian
67p, illus, Churches of Christ in Canada, .Wes- history, ed, by J, T. McNeill, Matthew
tern Canada, (In Brown, J. T,, ed. Spinka, and Harold R. Willoughby .tes-
Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 143-146) timonial Tolume prepared in honor of
lloLELLAN, HUGH, 1870- Shirley Jackson Case, Chicago,
b. Glaagow, Scotland, 28 Ag 1870. University of Chicago press, 1939,
ocMcMILLAN,E W , 1889- x, 417p. pert.
b. Franklin, Tex,, 27 S 1889~ Contents include, Renaissance,
Sermons. St, Louie, Bethany culture, and Christianity by 11'. E.
press, 1928. Garriaon1 and Religioua healing in
16lp. The church and the adult, Nash- first century Palestine by S, V,
Tille, Gospel adTooate, 1939, McCaaland,
The philoeophy of the conditions 103p.
of salTation, (In :Moore, 11'. T,, ed.
The new liTing pulpit of the Chriatian Claes notes on sacred history. McNELLIE, JAMESB
church, 1918, pp, 141-149) 1934. b,
Then and now, church anniTeraary The Christ of Calvary; God ia loTeJ
program, (In Thornton, E, 11'., ed, The proteatant reformation and the ll'hat is baptism? Scottsburg, Ind.,
Special sermons for special oooasiona, church1 The weightier matters of the Author, 1891?
1921, pp. 269-280) law, (In Abilene Christian college 2lp.
Bible lectures, 1922-1923, pp. 240-249 J
about aee 1924-1926, pp. 137-143; 1934, pp. 73-86;
1928-1929, pp. 13-17) sMciiEMAR,RICHARD, 1770-1839. (died
lloore, 11'. T, The new 11Ting pul- Shaker)
pit of the Christian church, debate with STRONG,HOMERE b.
Instrumental music in the worship
JloLEOD, JAMES of God, Austin, Tex,, Firm foundation A conoiae answer to the general in-
quiry, who, or what are the Shakers,
A aermon on the death of Garf1eld1 First printed at Union Tillage, Ohio,
preached in the Central Preabyterian McMIJRRAY,
FLOYDIVAN, 1891- 1823, Reprinted at Enfield, N, H.,
church, Buffalo, N. Y., September 25, b, Lebanon, Ind,, 20 Ja 1891. 1825, Albon Chase, printer,
1881, Buffalo, Ptg, house of 14p.
Matthews, Northrup & oo., 1881, Pathways of cur presidents,
20p, Indianapolis, Bobbs, •1939, Printed at Stookbridge,
223p, ..... ,. 1826,

McNemar - !.!cRae 14

The Kentucky reTi Yal , or, a short J ewett , M. B. Kei t h, J, T. McKi s s i ok 1 McQUI RE, J H
his tor y o f t he l at e extra or di nary out- Ce~has Shelburne , Mr s. G.D. Smith, b.
pour ing of t he spirit o f God, in th e and E. M. Wa its. d.
wes t ern s t ates o f America, a greeab l y
to sc r ip tur e pr omises, and pr ophe ci es Monumental in st i t ut i ons, (In Chos en peo pl e of God; The para bl e
conce rn i ng the latter day , wit h a Lor d, J . A., ed. On the Lord's day , of th e sower ; sk ele ton sermons. (In
br ie f a cc ount of th e entran c e an d pr o- • 1904 , pp . 158- 161) Cor y, N. E. , ed , The po lymathi st ,
gress of what th e wor l d call Shaker- 187 7, pp . 420-421; 287- 288)
i sm, amon~ t he subj ects of th e late The re su r recti on. (I n Scott, L,
re Ti Tal in Ohio and Kentuck y , pr es ent- W., e d. Texas pul pit, 1888 , pp. 342-
ed t o the true Zion- t ra ·Teller, as a 353) McRAE, GLENN, 1887-
memor i al of the wildernes s jo urne y . b , Adams coun t y, Il l ., 3 N 1887.
Cin ci nnat i, From t he pre s s of John W.
Br owne , 1807, McPHERSON, JOHN LLOYD, 1850-1943 .
119p , b . Cr a i g county, Va . , 9 Ap 1850. Bethan y Bible quiz . St . Loui s,
d. Bla c ksbur g, Va. , 1 Ap 1943 . Bethan y pr es •, . 1944.
Ci ncinn a ti-Pr i nte d ; Alba nv : 79p ,
r epri nt ed by E. and E, Hosf ord, 1808 .. Ja me s A. Cogi l l ; J . H. Wingo ; P . B,
119, 23p . Baber . (I n Wes t, J. W,, ed . The committ e e on Ch risti an e duca-
Bound wi t h: Ob se rTa tio ns on chu rch Sketc he s of our mount a in pio neers, 1939 ti on in th e lo cal chu r ch . St .
gove rnment, et c . , e t c ., 23p . pp . 243-2 44; 185- 186 ; 58- 59) Loui s, Chr i s tian bo ar d, n.d.
3l p .
Pittsfield, Reprin t ed by
Phi ne as Al le n, 1808, McPHERSON, LOI/EL
L C Educa ti ona l evan gelism, I ndiana-
148p . b. poli s and St, Loui s , Depa r tment of
re li g i ous education , U, C, M. S. a nd
Ci ncinnati, pr i nte,, 1807 ; Christia n bo ard; 1930,
Alban y , re p rin t ed 1808 ; Uni on villa ge, Denominationali sm anti s cr iptur al, 29p . (Local church se rvice
1837, Ci nci nna t i , Sta nda r d, 1899 , a ssocia t io n)
Sp .
New York , Repr i nte d by How to uae the new graded l esso ns,
Edwar do. J enki ns , 1846. Hop e in Chr i st exemp lif i e d . (In t ea chin g intermedi a t e s . St. Loui s ,
l66p .. Lord, J. A. , e d . On th e Lord's day , Chr is t ia n boar d, ~1932 .
Cont ent•: • 1904 , pp . 246- 250) ll p , (Beth any church scho ol
The Kentucky reviTal, a bri ef guid e re prin t no . 6)
acco unt of ••• Shakeris m; Ob se rv a-
tions on chu rch gov ernment; Las t
wi ll and testam ent of th e Spr i ng-
b . Macon coun t y , Mo .,
. 1893-
1893 .
Printe d with dar k br own in k on
cream pa pe r •

f ield Pr e sbyt er y . St. Loui s, Chr is t i an board,

Obs e rvations on chur ch gove rn.~ent , St e..-ard sh i p and evan g e lism. l Op. (Betha ny churc h scho ol
by the Pre sby te ry of Spri ng f iel d. (I n Int er nat i onal conven t i on, 1942, guide rep r i nt, no. 6)
To whi ch is added, The last will a nd pp . 278- 282)
testament of that r evera nd bo dy; with The mes-sa ge and pr ogram of the
a prefac e and notes by th e e dit or, •• Christ ian r elig i on ; app r oTed by the
°Cincin nat i , From t he pr e ss of Joh n w. McQUI DDY, J CLAY TON, 1858-1 924. cur r ic u l um commit te e of the U. C. M.
Br own, Offi ce of Li b erty Hall, 1807. b . Mars ha ll count y, Tenn., 24 D S . a s a t ext book for unit 5 of t he
23p . 1858 . Standar d l eade r sh ip t ra i nin g cur ric ul-
d. , 3 Ag 1924. um, 2d e d. St. Louis, Bet hany press,
about see n930 ,
Profi t able wo rd (c ontaini ng sele c ted 240p.
llacLean, J.P. A ske t ch of the ar tic l es f r om th e pen of J. C, McQuiddy
li f e and lab ors of Richard McNemar, whic h portra y his mat ured t hought s and "My way of life", a life eTalu a tion
most whort.s ome te a chin g) col lec t ed by chart f or us e i n youn g peop le's su111Tter
A, B. Li ps comb. NashTi l le, Gospel conferences, Indiana po lis, U. C. M.
ocMcNUTT,J ALTON, advo cat e, 1925, s., n,d ,
b. 195p . fron t . (port.) 55p.

wit h OTHERS. The Old Testament story. St,

Holy Spirit baptism. Mus kog ee, Louis, Chri stian board, 1933.
Okla., Author. The college question discussed by 95p . (New leadership training
J.C. McQuiddy , D, Austen Sommer and texts)
J. N. Armstrong. Indiana polis,
14cPHERSON,CHALMERS,1850-1927. Apostolic reTiew, n.d. --, reT. ed, St . Louie, Bethany
b. Canada, 1850. 65p . p reaa, •1 940.
d. Ft. Worth, Tex., 26 S 1927. 96p, ( New standard leaderahip
joint~ aee curriouluni)
Chri stian liberty. Cinc i nnati,
Standard. Durst , J. S, The faith that The teen-age Sunday aohool papers .
qualifiea for valid bapti sm. St. Louis, Christian board, •1932,
Disciples of Christ in Texas, a par- llp. (Bethany church school
tial history of Disciples of Christ in debate with FOLK, E. E. (Baptht) guide reprint no. 2)
Texas during the past forty~one years,
together with personal remembrances of Folk-McQuidd y discuasion on the Teaching youth in the church, .with
both the liTing and the dead, address- plan of salTation. Naahville, .Auth- an introduction by C, lf , Longman.
es, forums, etc. Cincinnati, Stan- ors. 1907. St. Louis, Bethany press, •1940,
dard, •1 920. 435p, 109p. (New standard leadership
319p. curriculum) -
Contents include: Chapters by J . about aee
H. Erwin, A, A, Evert s , C. D. Rall,
J.B. Holmes, S . W. Hutton, F. L. Boles, H. L. Bi ogra phi cal
aketches of goapel preaohera.

M McRae - 1.tiglott

with LE\\'IS, H. A. cc McVEY, 'If E Young hearts in old Ja pan; Japan-

b. ese-American interpretations. N""'
ETange liem and the graded lessons. d. York, Revell, •1926.
St. Louis, Christian board, •1934. l59p. fr ont., plates.
lOp. (Bethany church school The holy spirit and his work.
guide reprint, no. 11) Cincinnati, Christian leader corpora-
tion, n.d. MADDEN,NORAS
with OTHERS 28p. inc. front coTer. b.

Young people and Sunda y eTening in debate with !lICHMA N, J. T.

the church, by Glenn McRae and others . (Methodi st) Outlines, tables and sketches in
St. Louis, Chri stian hoard, n.d. United States hi story . For the use
37p, (Bethany church school Chr is tian Ts. Methodist. Cincin- of teachers. St. Louis, Christian
guide reprint, no, 13) nati, F. L,'Rowe. pub. co., 1890.
Contents : 624p. 9lp.
Chapters by L. E. Aspinwall, P. E.
Gresham, M. T. Hopper, Glenn McRae,
F. A. 1't>seley. McWANE,JAMESRAN SOM, 1869-1933. MADDOX,CHARLES, 1859-1927.
b. WytheTille, Va., 15 Ag 1869. b. Wyth e county, Va., 21 N 1859.
comp. d. , 24 Je 1933. d. , 17 Jl 1927.

Christmas in the home, a book of about see about see

suggestions and r-esources to help the
family make the obserTance of Chr ist- West, J. W. Sketches of our V/are, Mrs. Catesby. Charles
mas genuinely Chri stian; St, Louis, mountain pioneer•. Maddox.
Bethany press, •1 945,
64p, illus.
see b. b.
Minard, H. L. A manual for lead-
er• or intermediates. Democracy of religion. Baptism, - what, for whom and why.

Minard , H. L. We learn about the A branch without a Tine.

church. McWILLIAM
b . Waukee, Ia., The parable of the aower.
contributed to see
The aaTiour•a prayer.
Bower, w. C. The Disciples and ET&ngelical miasiona in Latin
religious education. A.~erica. (In International conven- What does "cannot" in 1 John 3,9
tion, 1935, pp. 112-127) mean?

b. Jamestown, Ind., 21 N 1896. MADDEN,MAUDE(WHITMORE),1867- MADISON,LEVIN CARY, 1820-1891,
(Mra. M. B. Madden) b. GranTille county, N. C., 4 Mr
b. 1820.
God'• solution for bankrupt churches. d. Rockingham county, N. c., 26
6th ed. St. Louis, Christian board, D 1891.
•1931. Chopsticks and cl oggs. Cincin-
24p. nati, Powell & White, •1927. The broad and narrow way, or the
127p. illus. way of life and death.
-- ••• 10th ed . Jbskogee, Okla., chart.
•1931 . In t he land of the cherry blossom.
24p. Cincinnati, F. C. V. S.; cNew York.
ReTell, •1915. MADSEN,BESSIE (FARRER) (Mrs. Niels
The moat horrible sin in the world. 192p. front., platea, porta. lladsen), 1867-
Ft. Wor th, Te_x., Texas pub. co., 1927. b.
44p . Pen picture• of Japan .poems.
Author, 1940.
A pro1pectu1 of the "ten weeks llOp. Blossoma that bloom in India, as
loyalty campaign". c!Alskogee, Okla., an old misaionary remembers them.
Author. n.d. Sue San, a Japanese story beginning 24p.
Sp. in Japan and ending in America. Bound with: Taylor, Carrie Carter.
Indianapolis, c. 'If. B. K., n.d. Flower thoughts, eTery-day Tersea
Soul winning stewardship sermons. 18p. • ·ror eTeryday folk, 25-43p.
Fort Worth, Tex., Texas pub. co.,
•1927. When the East is in the West; The old man's call. Indiana pol-
290p. Pacific coast sketches. New York, ii, C. lf. B. M., 1910.
ReTell , •1923. leaflet. ·
--. 2d ed. reT, and enl. St. 153p. front. (port.) platea.
Louis, Christian board, 1931.
269p. front. (port.) Where day dawn• (Hi-no-mo-to) a l!AGLOTT,FREDERICK
Japanese reader. New York, ReTell, b.
--. loose leaf ed. Fort '!forth, 1931.
Tex., Texas pub. co. 153p. front., plates.
An introduction to the study of
Ten reaaona why Christiana ought Women of the Meiji era. New York, geography; containing an epitome of
to tithe. ReTell, •1919, the whole subject. cKeriton, o.,
pamphl,t. 63p. Rutledge & Millar, 1882,

llaglott - ·11ann M

A nanual of geography, containing a, J. C, AdTentures of Big Stewart, W. H, Reminiscences.

comprehensiTe exposition of the whole Foot Wallace.
subject, adapted to any series of DuTal, J. C. Early times in about see
geographical text-books, for the use Texas.
of pupils and teachers. Ada, o., A. Boles, H. L, Biographical
Welsh, 1883. sketches of gospel preachers,
328p, cc!.!.UCOl!SON,W G
--. 3d ed, Ada, 0,, L. J. Kemp, llANKAMYER,
1887, b.
449p, !.rutual ministry in the worship of
the church of Christ. Cincinnati,
F, L. Rowe, 1922. Excuses answered.
1'btual edification in the chur ch of Personal worker's hand-book; or,
Christ. (In Abilene Christian col- Answering present-day critics and
Portrait of Mar)'. lege Bible lectUrea, 1920-21, pp. 58-96) excuse makers. Cincinnati, F, L.
Rowe, •1934,
Letters for Roman Catholic,. 96p.
MALONE,A COTer title: Excuses answered.
IWl!N, lfILLIAM DENNES, 1824-1906.
(Presbyterian) MANLEY,RAY GERALD, 1884-
The issue. Franklin, Ky., Printed b. Pembroke, N, Y,, 18 My 1884,
comp. with DAWN, J. W. at LouiaTille, Ky., 1910.

Archaeological writings of the San- In the land of coal and coke for
hedrin and Talmuds of the Jews, tr, cclAA.LPIIURS,
J G studies on strangers within our gates.
from manuscripts in - Constantinople and b, St. Louis, U, C. M. s., n.d.
the records of the Senatorial docket, 6p. folder.
taken from the Vatican in Rome, being
the official documents made in these Work book for the Bible hour.
courts in the days of Jesus Christ, cMAHN,HORACE,1796-1859.
tr. by Drs. McIntosh and Twyman, also b. Franklin, Maas., 4 My 1796.
important extracts taken from the IIANDER,WILLIA)( d, Yellow Springs, 0,, 2 Ag 1859.
ante-nioene fathers and the works of b.
Eusebius. St. Louis, Published for Anr«er to the "Rejoinder" of
the compilers by Christian pub. co., twenty-nine Boston aohoolmastera,
•1887. Conversion. Birmingham, England, pa~t of the "thirty-one" who pub-
569p, Churches of Christ book depot, 1924. lished "Remarks" on the aeTenth annual
20p. (Small books on New Testa- report of the secretary of the llau-
ment Christianity) achusetts Board of education. Bos-
KAIB, AU:XAHDERR -1945. ton, lf. B. Fowle and H. Capen, 1846.
b. Following Christ. Birmingham, 124p.
d. Auatralia, 13 0 1945, England, Berean pre,u,
32p. Baccalaureate deliTered at Antioch
First principles. Melbourne, college, 1857, B.,. York, Fowler
Austral pub. co. & Wells, 1857.
areetings _ from Australia'• fraternal De-nd• ot the age on college•.
delegate1 '?he place and power of Chris- Twent,-.tin years in the West. Speech deliTered.,.before the Chris-
tian journaliam. • (In International Chicago, E. Manford, 1867. tian oonTention.,.held at Cincinnati,
oonnntion, 1935, pp. 227-229; 139-148) 369p. Ohio, October 5, 1864. u.,. York,
Vuch about debates with Campbellite• • Fowler and lfella, 1867.
MAJOR,lfABEL, 1894-
b. JIAl'IIRE; BENJAMINFRANKLIN,1829-1911. Dedication of Antioch college, and
b. Bedford . county, Tenn., 11 F inaugural addreH of its preaident1
1829. with other proceeding•. Yellow
with OTHERS d, , Fla., 11 F 1911. Springs, o., A. s. Dean1 Boston,
Crosby & Biohols, 1864.
Southwest heritageJ a literary his- ConTeraion; a aeries of sermon•. l32p.
tory with bibliography, by llabel Jlajor, Jlokson, Jli11,, Jtessenger pub. co.,
Rebecca W. Slllith and T. JI. Pearce. 1895. 1864.
Albuquerque, B. 11., Uninrsity of B.,. 328p. 144p.
Mexioo press, 1938.
l66p. tront, Reminiaoenoes of preacher• and Education and prosperity. From
churches in Jliasiseippi. Jackson, hie twelfth annual report aa secre-
SIIITH, REBECCA. Jliss., Jlesaenger pub. co., 1892. tary of the llaasaohusetts atate board
60p. port. of education, 1848. .Boston,
The Southwest in l-iterature1 an Directors of the Old south work, 1903 2
anthology tor high sohools. Bew Churches of Christ in Miasiaaippi. 20p, (Old South leaflets, no,
York, llaC111illan, 1929. (In Brown, J. T.; ed. Churehea of 144)
XTii, 370p. &ont., illus., plates. Christ, 1904, pp. :255-257)
A f- thought• tor a young -n, a
SIIITH, REBECCA aee .!!• aee lecture, delinred before the Beaton
mercantile library aasooiation on ita
Bartlett, lf. s. lfy toot'• in Caskey, ·r. lf. Caaby•a last book. 29th anniTersary. Boaton, Tickner,
the atirrup. Caskey, T. W, Three literary gems. Reed and Fields, 1850.
)( Uann - Minn

Boston, Ticknor and Fields, the duty of Congress to provide the Sequel to the so-called correspon-
1856. trial by jury for alleged t'Ugitive dence between the Rev. M. H. Smith
96p. alaTea. West Newton, 1850. and Horace Mann, surreptitiously pub-
32p. lished by Mr. Smith; containing a
New York, J.B. Alden, letter from Mr. Mann, suppressed by Yr.
1890. Life and works, ed. by Mrs. Mary Smith, with the reply therein promised,
77p. Mo.nn, in five volumes... cBoston, Eoston, lf. B. Fowle, 1847.
Walker, Fuller and co., 1865-1 868, 56p.
A few thoughts on the powers and 3v.
duties of woman... Syracuse, Hall, General t-p prefixed to vol. ii and Slavery, letters and speeches.
Kills, & co., 1853. iii only. Vol. i was published as Eoston, B. B. Massey & co., 1851.
14lp. The life of Horace Mann. Only 3 xii, 564p.
vols. published.
The fugitiTe slaTe law ••• Speech in ths House of Representa-
clfaahington, 1951, Life and works. Boston, Lee and tives, Feb. 23, 1849; on slavery in
24p. Shepherd; New York, C. T. Dillingham, the United States, and the slave trade
1891. in the District of Columbia •••
Booton, Damrell, 1861. 6v. front. (port.) Boston, W. B. Fowle, .1849,
24p. cl5,p.
New danger• to freedom, and new
Go forth and teach; an oration duties for its defenders; a letter Speech on the fugitive slave law,
deliTered before the authorities of from Horac·e Mann to hie cons ti tuenta, delivered at Lancaster, Mass., !lay
the city of Boston, July 4, 1842, also lfay 3, 1850. Boston, Redding and co. 19th, 1851. Boston, Office of the
other material• relating to his life. 1850. commonwealth, 1851. .
Washington, D. c., National education- 32p. 16p.
al aasociation, •1937.
Tiii, 148p. front., port. An oration delivered at Dedham, Speech on the institution of sla-
July 4, 1823, on the forty-seventh very. Delivered in the House of
The ground of the free school sya- anniversary of American independence. representatives, August 17, 1852.
tem. From hie tenth annual report as Dedham, Jllass., Printed by H. & ' W. H. Washington, D. C., Buell & Blanchard,
secretary of the Massachusetts state llann, 1823? printers, cl852,
board of education, 1846. cBoston, 26p. 24p.
Directors of the Old South work, 1902,
24p. (Old South leaflets, no. An oration delivered at Providence, Boston, List, 1852.
109) September 6, 1825, before the United 24p.
brothers' society of Brown university.
Horace Mann at Antioch; studies in Providence, 1825. Speech on the right of Congress to
personality and higher education, 30p. legislate for the territories of the
iaoluding .hie, addreee, D81Unda of United States, and its right to
the age on college•; hia dedicatory An oration delivered before the exclude Rlavery therefrom... Wash-
and inaugural address, hia baccalaur- authorities of the city of Beaton, ington, 1848.
eate addreaa, two Antioch aermona, and July 4, 1842. Boston, J. H. East- 20p.
other material relating to hia life burn, city printer, 1842 • .
by J. E •. )lorgan. Washington, D. c., 86p. --. rev. ed. Boston, w. B.
Rational education association, 1938. Fowle, 1S48.
608p. ---. 4th ed. .Boe ton, n.d. 3lp.
Lecture on education. Beaton, To which is added a letter
Capen, Lyon and lfebb, 1840. -. 5th ed. from Hon. Jfartin Van Buren, and Rev.
62p. 3lp. Joshua Leavitt. Boston, J. Howe,
printer, 1848.
A lecture on the beat mode of pre- Remark• upon the corporation profits 48p.
paring and using spelling books, de- of grooers and retailers, aa derived
livered before the Al!lerican institute from temperate and intanperate oua~ Speech on the subject of slavery
of instruction, August 1841. Booton, tomers. Published by the council of in the territories, and the conse-
lf. D.· Ticknor, 1841. the Massachusetts temperance society. quences of the threatened dissolution .
40p. Beaton, Ford and Dutrell, 1834. of the Union, delivered in the House
l6p. of Representatives, Feb. 16, 1850.
Lecture• on education. Booton, Washington, 1850.
lf. B. Fowle, 1848. · Reply to the "Ranarka" of thirty-one 16p.
338p. Booton aohoolmastera on the seventh
annual report of the secretary of the Boston, Redding & co., 1850,
Booton, L. N. Ide, 1850. llaseachusetts board of education.
Eoston, lf. B. Fowle and R. Capen, 1844.

176p. The study of psychology in schools.

Boston, Ide & Dutton, 1855.
Report of an educational tour in
N- York, J. lf. Schermerhorn & co.,
Gennanf 1 and parts of Great Britain and 152p. (Library of education)
Lecture• on varioue subjects, •• Ireland, being part of the seventh
Bew York, Fowler and Welle, 1867. annual report of Horace Mann, esq., The teachers' motives. A lecture
.642.p. secretary of the Board of education, delivered bet'ore various teachers'
llaaa., 11'. s., 1844, with preface and associations. Boston, For sale by
Letter to the Rev. liltthew Hale notea by lf. B. Hodgson. London, Crosby & Bichols1 Chicago, G. & C. lf.
Smith, in ana-r to his "Reply" or Simplcin, Jfarahall & co., 1846. Sherwood, 18647
•supplnent." Boston, William B. x, -272p. pp. 277-304.
Fowle, 1847. Reprinted from Barnard's American
22p. --, 4th ed. London, Simpkins, journal of education for June 1864.,
lilrahall & co., 1867.
Letter• on the extension . of slavery viii, 232p.
into California and Rew llexioo, and on


llann - llilrkham II

Th,~ug~ts selected from the writing• Hubbell , G. A. Horace llann in JWISELL, WALTER
of Horace llann. _Boston, H, B. Fuller Ohio, b.
,!: co., •1867. Lang, 0, H, Horace llann: hi•
240p. life and educational work.
Mann, II. T. P. Life of Horace The church; Imnortality, (In
Twelve sermons delivered at Antiooh Kann. Meacham, E. J., comp, Training to
college. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, Jlorgan, J, E. Horace llilnn. teach, •1913, pp. 173-175; 180.182)
1860. Phelps, W. F. Horace Vann.
314p. Williams, E, I. F. Horace Vann,
Two lectures on intemperance. b.
1. '!he effects of intemperance on the oMANN,lli\RY TYLER(PEABODY)(llra, Horace
poor and ignorant. 11. The effects of Kann), 1806-1887.
intemperance on the rich and educated. b, Cambridge, llaaa,, 16 N 1B06. Day of prayer in missionary organ i -
Syracuse, N. Y., Hall, Milla,!: co.; d . Jamaica Plain, )(ass., 11 F 1887, &ationa, April 10, 1934, cindiana-
Boston, w. J. Reynolds,!: co., 1852. polis, U. C. II. s., 1934,
127p. Christianity in the kitchen; a Sp. folder.
physiological cook book. Boston,
with CHASE, P. E. Tioknor and Fields, 1858,
viii, l89p. olli\PLE, JAMES
Arithmetic practically applied, for b.
advanced pupila, and private referenoe, The flower people. 1838, d.
designed as a sequel to any of the
ordinary text-books on the subject. The flower people, n- & rev. ed •••• Discourses on Christian doctrine.
Philadelphia, E. H. Butler,!: co., 1850. Boston, J, R. Osgood,!: co,, 1876. Springfield, o., Gospel herald office,
384p. 176p, front. 1851.
viii, 208p.
Elements of arithmetic, part first. Life of Horace Mann, by hia wife,
The primary-school arithmetic ••• con- Boston, Walker, Fuller,!: co., 1865, Diaoouraea on heaven ••• Raleigh,
taining copious mental exercises, to- sotp. K. _c., Chriatian sun office, J. J.
gether with a large number of examples lAwis, printer, 1853.
for the · alate. Philadelphia, E. H. --, 2d ed. Boston, Walker, TiU, 204p.
Butler & co., 1851. Fuller,!: co,, 1866.
l60p. 609p.
Elements of arithmetic, part 1econd. Boston, Lee and Shephard, b.
The grammar school arithmetic; con- 1891.
taining much valuable commercial in- 687p. front. (port,) (Life a!ld
fomation; together with a 1yatem of worka of Horace llann, vol, 1) Evidence of the resurrection of
integral, decimal, and fractional Jeaua. lft:. Plea1ant, Ia., Author
arithmetic. Philadelphia, E. H. --, centennial ed. in facsimile, 1904. '
Butler & co., 1851. Waahington, D. C., National education
256p. association, 1937. !he llaple leotures, scientific,
c6ll,p front. (port.) hietorica-1, scriptural, 2d ed.
about Reprint of 1865 ed. published by Cincinnati, F, L. R9We, 191B.
Walker, l"uller and oo., Boston, 266p, front. (porte.) illus.
Antiooh oollege faculty. Teata-
•nt of faith, a new Horace llann play. Juanita, a romance of r-1 life
•- York, Dramatists play service, in Cuba fifty year• ago. Boston, D. JIARKHA)(,CHARLESED!rIN, 1852-1940.
•1936, •1937. Lothrop co., •1887. b. Oregon City, Ore., 23 Ap 1862,
lOOp. front. (port.) 436p. d. New York, R. Y. , 8 llr 1940.

llann, B. Pickman. Bibliography witll PEA.BODY,

ELIZABETHPALIIER. Archibald Hendereon; an appreciation
cOf Horace llann, ( In Report of the of t.he -n. Sewanee, Tenn,, Univer•
commissioner of education, 1896-96, Guide to the kindergarten and inter- aity pre••, .1918,
vol. 1, pp. 897-927) mediate class by Elisabeth P. Peabody; c6,p.
and Jloral culture of infancy by llary
Swift, F. H. Horace llann. (In llann, rev. ed. N- York, E. Steiger, California the wondertul1 her
Dictionary of American biography, v. 1877. ro-ntio history, her picturesque
12, 1933, pp. 240.243) 206p. people, her wild ahorea, her desert
ayatery, her V1t.lley lovelin•••, her
about aee Koral culture in infancy, and kinder- a>untain glory, including het V1t.ried
garten guide, Boaton, T. O. P. reeouroee, her oOIIIB8rcial greatneaa,
Barnard, Henry. Biographical Burnham, 1863. her intellectual aohi.-nte, her ex-
aketoh of Horace llann. 206p. front. panding hopes; with glimp••• or Oregon
Burnett, J. F. Elias Smith, re- and Washington, her llorthern neighbors.
fonner, preacher, journaliat, doctor about Bew York, Heart'• international library
cand, Horace llann, Christian atateaman oo., •1914.
and educator. Gen&mer, G. H, lllary Tyler Peabod7 xiv, 400p. front. (map) plates,
C0111panyre,Gabriel. Horace Mann llann. (In Dictionary of American port•.
and public achool in the U.S. biography, v. 12, 1933, pp. 245-246)
Culver, R, B. Horace llann an4 Campbell Meeker. •- York, H.
religion in the llaaaaohuaetta public Vinal, 1926.
aohoola. ollAB!IING,JOBII JIEll'TON, 1833-1880. 28p. front. (port.)
Barria, W. T. Horace lllann. b. Rockingham county, Va., 1831.
Hin1dale, B. A. Horace llann and d, Norfolk, Va., 14 F 1880. Children in bondage, a oanplete and
the oommon school revival in the United careful preeentation of child labor--
Statea, The principle• and government of it• oauaee, ita ori-•, and it• cure
Bubbel-1, G, A. Horace lllann, edu- the Christian church, together with a by Edwin llarltham, Benj1111inB. Lindsey,
cator, patriot and refor•r. directory for religious worehip. and George Creel, with an introduction

)( Jlarkham - ll&rahall

by Owen R, Love joy,

Heart'• in tern ational
New York,
l ibrary 00,,
Washington, the nat ion bui l der,
b i centennial poem written es pe cially
f or the cel eb ra tion of th e two hun-
1914, Foundation _stor i t'a of success.
4llp, front, , pl at e• . dredth anniversary of the bi rt h of Chi cago, Howard-Se vera nc e oo,, 1917.
George Washington . . Washington, 10 v.
Gate• of Paradise and other poems; 1932,
the fourth vo l ume of ve r 1e by Edwin l p. The real America in r o-noe •• ,art
Markham, Garden City, N, Y, , ed . N.,. York, W, H, Wise & 00,,
Doubleday, Page & co., 1920 , What, and why, and when to read; 1909-19 27 ,
xiii, l4 9p . fron t . (port.) an address. Thir teenth commencement 15v. fronts ,, illu s ,, plates, ports.
of the Hamilton insti tute for girls,
Uno oln, and oth er poem, . New Thursday, May 25th, 1916 , Hote l Plaza, about
York, lloCl ure, Phil li p a & co,, 1901. New York, . New York, Oswald pr ess,
xii, 126p . front, (p ort.) •19 16, Sullivan, Mark, A picture, a
15p. po<mt, and t he times. (In hi• Our
Garden City, N, Y., time s, the United State s, 1900-1926,
Doubled ay , Page & co., 1924, The art a nd genius of Poe. (In vol . 2, America finding herself,
xii, 125p. front, (port .) Poe, E, A, Works , Cameo ed., New York, Scri bn er, 1927, pp , 236-253)
Funk ~ Wagnall, 1904 , vol , l, pp. ;
Li ncoln, the man of the people J ab out se e
etched te xt and pi ctures , New Yor k , with BURT, MARYELIZABETH.
B, Wall , 1922. Adams, Lionel, How the great
l6p . The Burt-Mar kham primer , the nature guest came.
method. Boston , Ginn & 00,, •190 7, Bookfellows. Wreath for Edwin
The man wit h the hoe, with illus, 119p. front ., illu s . lfarkham.
by Port er Garne t t . New Yor k , Downey, D. G. Modern poets and
Doxe y ' a, • 1889, introduction Christian teaching.
l7p. fr ont, , ill us. (The Lar k Holland, Ed-rd. Sennon on Man
editio ns , II) Marvelous ye ars; introduction by with a hoe.
Edwin lllrkhnm; drawi ngs by Ger trude Lockley, Fred, A talk with
---. with note s by the autho r. Huebsch, 1909 . Edwin Mt.rk:ham.
• New York, The Doubleda y, JlcClure 104p • Stidger, 11'. L. Edwin Markham.
oo,, 1900,
47p , plates, por t• . int r oduction see
The man 'With the hoe and othe r La Prade, Ruth, Woman free. 1895.
poem, . New York , Doubl eday & b. 1806,
McClur e co,, 1899, comp. d. 1895.
l34p. fr ont .
The book of American poetry. New Poffl!s, by Mrs. Elisabeth Markham,
--, dec or ated by Howard Pyle . York, W. H. Wise & co ,, 1934. an Oregon pioneer of 1847-1857.
WewYork, Doubl eday & McClure co ., xxiv, 894p. Portl and, Ore,, The J, K. Gill oo.,
1900, 1921.
xii, ll4 p, front. , illua, --.
Bew York, Grosset & Dunlap, 3lp.

The man wi th the hoe, Ivory ed .

WewYork, Godfr ey A. S, Wiener•, The book of classic English poetry, olfARSH, JOSEPH, 1802-1863.
600-1830 , New York , w. H. lfiae & b, St, Albani, Vt., 1802,
Edwin Jlar kham' s The man wi t h the oo., 1934, d. Tecumseh, Mich., 1863.
hoe, (D'r mon mit d ' r hook); Lincoln , 819-1793p,, xxvii ip,
the man of the peop l e, (D' f Lincoln , Pamphlet•.
de leit era men) and othe r p oems The book o f moder n English poe tr y,
translated into the Penn sylvania Ger- 1830- 1934, New York, 11'. H, Wioe &
-n diale ct by A, Monroe Aurand, jr. c o ,, 1934. J!ARSH,MRS, NELLIE E
Harri1burg, Pa, , Pr ivat ely printed, 1795-2818p , , xxiv p. b.
the Aurand pre ss , 1934,
25p. front. (ports.) The book o f poe t ry, collected from
the whole fie ld of British and Americ an with POOVEY,11'. A.
Bew poems; eighty songs at eighty , po etr y, Al eo tra ns lations of important
the fifth book o f verse. Gar den po ems from fo rei gn languages. Selected Hymn dramat1zat1ona. Cino1nnat1 0
Cit y, B, Y., Doubl eda y , Doran & co ., an d annotat ed with an introduction by Sta ndard, •1942,
1932. Edwin Jlarkham, New York, 11', H. Wise l86p.
xviii, 114p. fron t, (port . ) & co •• 1926-
3 T,
The poetry of Jeaua, Hew York, lfARSHALL, ELLA ESTELLE (IJW!ER) (Jira.
Doubleday, Page & co,, _1 909, Poetry of youthi aeleoted from The Levi Mar1hall), 1870-1906,
boo k of poetry and annotated by Edwin b.
The ahoes of happiness, a nd other Markham. Ii.,. York, 11', H. Wise & co ., d.
poem, ; the third book o f verse by 1935.
Edwin Markham. Garden City, N. Y., xv, 493p. front. (por t .) illus,, abo ut
Doubleday,Page & co., 1915, plat es.
xi , l92p. In -oriam, 111"1.Levi lllarahall,
Songs and stories, 1eleoted and nee Ella Estelle lramer. Hannibal-,
--. Garden City, N. Y., Double- annotated, with an introduct i on by Mo., .1906,
day, Doran & co . , 1929, Edwin Jlarkham. Loa Angeles, Powell 17p.
xi, 192p. pub , oo,, •1931,
46lp. illus,, platea. (California,
The star of Araby. .Stapleton, ed. by J. R, McCarthy) IW!SllALL, P'RAll II.UIILTOIi, l 8 ee-
I, Y., The J , Will ig press , 1937, b. Rineveh, Ind., 19 D 1868.
cl5,p ,

llarehall - Martin JI

The judai&ing t'action at Corinth.
HaYen, 1927.
H, C,
Our lhing
The wice ot the ae•en thundera1
or, lecture• on the apocalypae.
Bedford, Ind,, Jamee JI, Jlo.thea, 1870,
Theaia , Ph. D,, Yale uninraity, eY&ngelhta, 550p, front, (port,)
Cincinnati, H, S, Boaworth,
The religioua background• ot early IIARTII, CHRISTOPHER
ll'AllD, 1870,
Chrhtiani ty. St. Louie, Bethany b, 550p,
pre••, 1951. d,
516p. Chicago and Cincinnati,
Central bk, oonoern, •1870,
Ten boob on the atudy ot the R- 550p. front. (port.)
Teat&lll8nt. (In Smith, H. D, A llaoKenzie, John, A ohoioe aeleo-
preacher'• tirat book•, •1955, pp. 60- tion ot paalma, hymns, and apiritual --. 10th ed. Cincirmati and
61) aonga . Oalcalooaa, Central bk, concern, 1879,
1766-1841. IIARTIN, FLORERC!,1904- Rubber stamped, St. Louie, John
b, Burne, 1880 • .
The letter ot a prh-ate atudent, or
an eX'&lllination ot - the "E•ideno•• ot St, Louie, Christian pub,
Christianity" a• exhibited and argued ••• Li•ing in our oomnunity... St. oo., •1870,
at Cincinnati, April, 18291 by the Re•. Louie, Bethany pr•••, •1956. 550p.
Alexander Cuipbell, in a debate with 204p. illus.
llr. Robert Owen. Frankfort, Printed -- . St, Louis, Christian
by J, H, Hol-n, 1850, Obeerrlng national holidaya and board, •1870,
60p. ohurch teatiY&la , a weekday ohuroh 530p.
achool unit in ' Chriatian oitiaenahip
aerie• tor grades three and tour.
MARSHALL,LEVI, 1866-1927, St, Louie, Printed tor the Internation- IIARTIJI, JAKESCLAUDE,1849-1911.
b, near Carollton, o., 24 D 1866. al oollnitte• on oo-operati•• publica- b. near ·lfoJlill'l'ille , Tenn., 20 0
d, Cincinnati, O,, 26 llr 1927, tion ot -•kday churoh school currioul- 1849,
11111by the Bethany pre••, •1940. d , ll'eat Iaah'l'ille, Tenn., 29 D
Rinta tor truth, with introduction 279p, mudo. 1911.
by J. H. Garriaon, St, Louie, Chris-
tian pub, oo., •1909, about •••
105p. MARTll, HERBERT,1871- •
b. Prince Bdw&rd hland, Canada, Bolea, H. L, Biographical
29 Je 1871, atetohea ot gospel preacher•.
d, Character education method•. 1922, IIARTI:I, S01lll!R T , 1862-1921.
b. Uniontown, o., 16 llr 1862.
JOHii The denlopment ot an educational d, llangum, Okla,, 14 S 1921.
oonacienoe among Diaciplea, Dea
A brief hhtorioal aooount ot aunciJ7 Jloinea, Ia,, Drake uni•eraity, 1916. DiYine healing and the Emanuel
thing• in the dootrinea and atate ot (Drake uninraity bulletin, •-•nt.
the Christian, or aa it i• commonly wl, 20, no. 6) tract.
called, the R-light church, by R,
llarah&ll and J, Thompaon, minister• ot Formati•• t'actora in oharaoterJ a Proportionate and ayat•atio gi•ing,
the gospel and members ot eaid ohuroh, payohologioal atudy in the moral or tinanoing the Iingdom, Bellaire,
containing their testimony against deYelop1D8nt ot childhood, •- York, 0,, Author't, 1904T
aeYeral doctrines held in that church, LoDg*.na, 1926, 29p.
and ita diaorganiaed atate, together Yi, 3'6p,
with aoae reason• why thoae two breth- The ohurch ot Chriat identified.
ren purpoH to •eek tor a more pure A philoaophy ot triendahip, a brief (In Lord, J. A., ed, On the Lord'•
and orderly connexion, Cincinnati, introduction to a social philosophy ot day, •1904, pp, 127-130)
J, Carpenter & oo., 1811. education. R- York, Dial preaa,
1956, Lord'• day obaer....nce, (In
--. (In Pur'l'ianoe, LeYi, The rlii, 287p, Brolcaw, G, L,, ed. Doctrine and lite,
biography ot Darld PurYianoe, Brown, 1898, pp. 588-411)
ed,, 1940, pp. 262-274) llyatioi• and knowledge ot God.
(In Willett, H. L,, ed. Progr•••• about aee
about ••• anni•eraary yolume ot the Cu,pbell
institute, 1917, pp, 190-204) llartin, ll', L, s,..ner T. llartin,
Da•idaon, Robert. llarehall and
Th011paon'• return to the Preabyterian
b, Antioch, o., 16 Ag 1867. ·
Church and capital-labor oontroyeray, d. Seattle, ll'aah., 27 8 1957.
1861-1910. (In International convention, 1958, pp,
b. SuHhan county, Ind., 22 Jl 138-144) Thirty year• on the tiring-line,
1861. . ahota troa the battery ot truth, which
d. h&Yebeen aomewhat etteot1Ye against
JIARTIR,J L , 1910-1871. tbt entrenohaenta ot ain, the tolliH
The world'• debt to Chriat1an1ty. b, Shelby county, Iy., 14 R 1810, et our day, and the error• ot the
(In Patterson, H. C,, ed, Our lirlng d, religioua world, Cincim.ti, Stan-
eY&ngeliat•, 1894, pp. 187-206) dard, •1920,
212p, front. (port,)

JI llartin - llathes

-, 2d ed. Cincinnati , Stan- JIARTIIIDALE,

dard, •1920. b.
212p. tront. (port.) d. Vachel Lindaay, a biography.,
•- York, Soribner , 1935,
Religion--what is it? (In Patter- The analogy between t he works cf lx, 392p, tront. (port.) plates ,
son, H. C., ed. Our 11Ting enngel- nature and ot grace, akeleton sermon. porta.
i sts, 1894, pp . 109-123) (In Cory, N. E., •~. The pclymathiat,
1877, pp. 369)
about see JIASTERS, J W , 1864-1924,
b . Scot t county, Va. , 1 Ja 1854.
Patterson, H. C. Our living MARX, ED!rIR d. 3 0 1924,
eT&ngelists. b.
Following the trail ot a preacher
in the mountain• of Virginia and
ccJIARTIR, T Q The China Christian miaaion. 1936, lentuck;y fl>r 47 years, .with an intro-
b. duoticn by H. W. Elliott. cl922.
69p. tront., port .
Little foxes. Oegood, E. J. The China Christian about aee
The work ot the holy spirit. West, J. 11'. Sketches ot our
McJlinnTille, Tenn.• Author, 1946. mountain pioneers.
pamphlet. JfARX, THELIIA(UNDERWOOD)(Jira. H. _B.
BURR, 1853-1907.
MARTIN, 'IULTERLEE, 1872-1958. b. Coahcoton county, o., 23 B 1863,
b. Eli&abeth, 11'. Va •• 16 S 1872. d, 28 Ag 1907,
d . Hutchinson, lane., 9 Je 1938. Increaaed giTing. (In Inter-
national oonvention, 1936, pp. 203-206) ed.
Sumner T. llartin. (In Brokaw, G.
L., ed. Doctrine and lite by Iowa Jubilee pictorial biatory of
writers, 1898, pp. 389-390) IIASIH• SAMUEL
IIAQBUL, churches ot Christ in Australasia.
b. Melbourne, Auatral pub, oo., 1903,
c424.p, illus., porta,
STILLIIAN, 1862-1936.
b. ll'hat Christ mean• to India and to introduction aee
d. me. (In International oonvention,
1939, pp. 201-213) Harward, H, G, Enngelistic
oomp. with OTHERS. aer1110na.

Christian hy,nnal, oomp. and ed. by JIASO~, FRANKHOLCOJIB,1840-1916, about aee

11'. s. llartin, T. B. ll>aley, .and. J.
B. Sturgis. Cincinnati, Standard, The forty-s econd Ohio infantry, a Pittman, G. P. Lite ot A. B.
•1924. history ot the organisation and ier- lliaaton,
475p. Tice cf that regiment in the war ot
rebellion with biographical aketchea
joint~· He of the tield ottioera,., CleTeland, lflTIIES, ABIGAILJI (RICICOFF)
o., 1876. (Jira. James lladhon llathea)
Sturgis, J.E. Saored quartette Contents include, Biographical b,
tor -n•a .Toicea. aketoh ot Brig, General Jamee A. d,
Garfield, pp, 8-20,
Woman' • work in the church of Chriat.
JIARTIJIDALE, BElfJAJIU F Le General Jamee A. Garfield, Ting- Oakalooaa, Ia., Central bk. concern,
-1916. tieme president dee !tata-Unia1 ea~ 1878,
b. lllncie • Ind.• qui••• biographique, tr. de !'original 48p.
d. Tampa, Fla., 26 Ap 1916. anglaie, reviae et precede d'une intro-
duction par Benjamin Franklin Peixotte. --. Bedford, Ind., Journal
From the garden ot Eden to Paradise. Paris, E. Dentu, 1881. book and job print, 1881.
Tampa, Fla. , Author, 1914. xviii, l9lp, tront, (mounted photo) 44,p,
290p. .
Life and public services ot James A.
Garden ot Eden to Paradiee1 relating Garfield, •• & biographical aketch, IIATHES, FLORERCE (CAJIEROR) (lire,
to the time prediotiona ot the Bible, London, Trubner & oo,, 1881. Jeraaiah lliathea) 1786-1864,
coTeriilg the period trom Adam to the 134p. front, (port,) b, , 9 llr 1786.
end ot the millennial age. Tampa, d. , 18 Ja 1864,
Fla., Author, •1914.
llp. IIASOB,JACOBCASWELL,1844-1934, about aee
b. near Princeton. Iy., 10 Ja 1844,
d. Forest Cit;r, Ark . , 26 D 19M, Goodwin, Elijah, Funeral aermon
JIARTIIIDALE,ELIJAH, 1793-1878. ot Florence lliatbes.
b. Lawrence dietriot, s. C., 10 Self denial. (In Scott, L. w.,
ll 1793. ed. Texaa pulpit, 1888, pp, 241-247)
b, Jetteraon county, Ky., 8 Jl 1808,
J.utobiograph;y and Hr11one1 alao IIASOJI,Jl!SSI ABIWWI, 1879- d,
pioneer history of the Boyd fan,ily by b. Irving, Ill., 6 D 187i,
Belle Stanford. Indianapolis, Carlon Letter• to Tho•• A. llorria, D. D, ,
& Hollenback, 1892. aenior bishop ot the JI, B. Church,
173p. tront. (port.) port. cPo•• ot taith and hope. cParia, 1861,
Cover title, Pioneer lite. Ark., Printed by .the Paria Expre••• 189p,
Title rr- ooTer.
Mathes - llattiaon

---, 4th ed. anl. and improved. ---, vol. 1, 2d ed. Bedford, The church'• new adventure, (I n
Bedf ord, Ind., .Author, 1B71. Ind., 1B71, •1B65. Cory, A, E., ed. Voices of t he sanc-
204p. 480p. tuary, 1930, pp. 148-161)
Cover titl e : Morris letters. Bosworth, Chase & Hal l , printer•.
Social adventures with Jesus in
- -, 9th ed. Chioago and Cin- St. Louis, Christian pub. induatrial relations, ( In Anderson ,
ci nnat i , Central bk. concern, •1B71, c o. O. T., ed. Soo ial adventures with
204p . 480p . Jesus, 1928, pp . 83- 87)

---, new ed. ~- see

209J?. MATHIESON,THOMA.SH , 1878-1941 .
Ston e , B. W. Works. b , Dunedin, New Zealan d , 1878,
The life of Elijah Goodwin, the d. Colorado Spri ngs, Colo., 28 0
pi oneer preacher. St. Louis, John about see 1941.
Burns, 18B0.
314p. front. (port.) Evens, i..diaon. Biographical Imperati ve • for t he congregation.
sketchea of the pioneer preachers of ( I n I nternational convention , 1936,
Morris' letters, or, seven reasons Indiana. pp . 101-1 11)
_for not being a Methodiat. St. Louis, Tiera, V. C. The Christian por-
Christian pub. co. trait gallery.
Allegor y of the two women1 Chria- b,
tian union; The ministry of angela1 IIATIIElfS, ROBERT T , 1851-19 00 .
The time to danoe. (In hi• The b. Shelbyville, Ky ., 28 S 1851.
Western preacher, wl. 1, 1866, pp. d, College Hill, O., 10 F 1900. Our re l igio n. ( I n Thor nton, E.
417-431; 133-154; 400-416; 475-480) w. ,ed . Phi lli p a univers i t y aermona,
The businesa of miaaiona. cCi n- 1929, pp. 109- 120)
Allegory of the two women; The oinnati, F. c. M. s .• 18967
great renovetion. (In Sweeney, z. · 19p. (F. C. M. s. aeries no ,
T., ed. New Testament Christianity, viii) VATTHEWS, JAMESCARL,
vol. 3, 1930, pp, 331-349; wl. 1,
1923, pp. 366-377) Evangelistic ser mons, with an essa y The contri but io ns of Jo se ph Baldwin
on the scriptural and Catholic creed to publ i c educa ti on. Nashvi lle,
Biography.of B. w. Stone,; Disoourae of baptism. Cincinnati, Standard, Tenn., Geor ge Peabody ool le ge for
on conversion. (In Stone, B. W, 1891. teachers, 1932, •1 933.
Works, vol. 1, pp. 9-461 391-408) 395p. .8, 184p , port. (Co!ltrib ut iona
t o educa ti on publish ed under the
Conversion (1863) (In Rowe, F.
L., ed. Pioneer aermona and addresses, 1891,
--. 2d ed, Cincinnati , Stand ard , di re ction of Geor ge Peabod y co l l e ge
for teach ers , no. 111)
•1908, pp. 276-295) 395p. Thesis : Ph.D., Geor ge Pea body
college for te a cher,.
debate with Bll.OOKS,T. S.
(Vethodilt) •1891.
--. 3d ed. Cincinnati, Standard,

395p. MATTHEWS,JAMESE , 1799- 1867,

. Debate on baptism and kindred aub- b. , Ky., 1799 ,
jects; held in the town-hall in Bed- The gospel question book for chil- d. DeSoto county , Miss . , 30 Je
ford, Ind., continuing six days, from dren, Cincinnati, Standard, 1883? 1867,
J anuary 2B, 1868, to February 3, 24p,
inclusive. Cincinnati, H. s. Boa- about aee
wort h , 1868, Letters on baptism to a pi ous Pedo-
32lp. baptiat, Cincinnat i , Sta ndar d , 1883 , Boles, H. L. Bio gra phic al
2Jp. sketches of gospel pr ea ch ers .
debate with JORDAN,J. H. Rogers , w. c. Re co l lection• or
(Uni veroaliat) Sunday school scholars, beo011ing men of faith,
Christiana, Cincinnati, Standard ,
,t i tle unknown, Bloomington, Ind., pamphlet,
l!ATTllElfS , T p
J.M. Ila.thee ? , 1847,
l OOp. The use or diauae of the organ in b.
the churoh, Cin cinnat i , Standar d,
~- 1881 .
24p. Which? Are you a Chr ist i an or a
Campbellit e? Freder icktown, Vo,,
The western preacher, vol, 1, first
ed. Bedford, Ind. , Published for the Crucial poi nts con cernin g the Holy 1906?
author, 1865, Spirit , (I n Garr iao n, J . H,, ..i. pamphl et.
480p. Our first congr ea s, 1900 , pp , 109-15 0)
Contents :
Sermons by Charles Beecher, A. R. WILLIA» E
Benton, o. A. Burgess, D.S. Bur- MATHEWS,WILLIAll BARNE S, 1892- b.
nett, George Campbell, Jamee Challen, b, near New Cast le , Penn., 30 Vy d.
Aaron Chatterton, Iaaac Errett, A. 1892 ,
D. Fillmore, Elijah Goodwin, P. A vi ndication of obaracter and
Hall, J onas Hartzel, J. ». Henry, 1entill ent. 1831 .
A. I . Hobbs, s. K. Hoahour, J. V. Questi on• of l ife and ot her univer - 20p.
Vathes, Robert Milligan, Tho-• ei t y sermons ,
Munnell, Aylett Raina, Weal ey Short,
B. H. Smith, B. K. Smith , and J, S. MATT
I SON, HIRAM, 1811- 1868. (Methodist)
Sweeney. MATHIESON,S.AlVEL JAl!ES, 1880-19 45.
A scr i ptura l def ence of the deo-
b, Dunedin , New Zealand, 6 0 1880,
d, Denver, Colo . , 7 Ap 1945. t rine of t he Tri nity1 or, a check to
moder n Ari anism , as taught by Cup-
bell itea, Hi oksitea, N- Light•,

Matthon - ».yhew

Univeraaliata and Mormons; and espec- Teaching the youth ot the church •• , MAVITY,JOH11, 1B26-
ially by a aect calling themselvea New York, Doran, •192 5. b,
"Christiana". N- York, L. Colby 2llp. d.
& 00., 1846.
xii, l62p. Training in worship . .. St. Louis, Bible election, Bedford, Ind.,
Christian boa r d, n .d . Record ptg. & pub. house, 1B75,
--, aa taught by Unitarians, 26p . (Chr i stian end eav or library ) B4p.
Hickaitea, N- Lights, Univeraaliata On reverse of t .p. K, A. Gehvick
and Mormons 1 and especially by a aect Training t hrou gh ins truction. given as publisher.
calling themaelves "Christiana", 4th St. Louis, Christian board.
ed. New York, L. Col by & co., 1850 . (Christian endeaTOr library)
xii, 162p. MAVITY,JOHN S
Training through re creation. St. b,
Louis, Christian board . d,
MAUPIN,WILLI.AMCONRAD,1840-1916. (Christian endeaTOr library
b . near Charlottesville, N. c., 8 History of the life of eld. Henry
Je 1840 . Training through aervice. St. Mavity, t he pion eer Christian preacher
d . John s on Cit y , Tenn., 30 Je 1916. Louis, Christian board. ot Kentucky. Vanceburg, Sun print,
(Christian endeaTOr library) cl901,
about see c84p.,
Youth and creative living; a prac-
Gray, A. P. 11'1lliam Conrad tical guide book tor youth and leader•
Maupin. of youth in the field of character MAY,CLESTA(BALL), 1B50-
growth. New York, Long and Smith, b.
1932. d.
b. Love purified cpoema, Chicago,
d. Youth and evangelism. Indiana- The Christian centurr co., 1906,
polia and St. Louis, U. c. M. s. and 80p. front. (port.) ·
Limninga. (poems and ahort Christian board, n.d.
stories) Omaha. 39p. (Local church service Sounds of the prairie .poems,
association) Topeka, Kana,, G. 11'. Crane & co,,
lfhether common or not, a little printers and binder•, 18B6,
book ot aketchea and verse. St. Youth and story telling. Council 182p,
Louie, Christian pub. co., •1903. of religioua education, 1928,
Youth and the church; a manual tor KAY, CLARENCEEARL, 1884-
teacher• and leader• ot intenmdiate b, Blo0111ington, Ind, , Mr 1B84,
MAUS,CYNTHIAPEARL, 1878- seniors and young people, ' Cincin-
b. Clyde, Ia., 9 Mr 1878. nati, Standard, 1919,
186p, Laboratory manual of organic
ohemiatry, 1924,
Challenging way• ot solving youth'• -, 5th ed. enl. and rev., •• Other edition• published 1929, 1933,
problems, Indianapolis and St. Cincinm.ti, Standard, •1923,
Louis, U. C. M, s. and Christian board, 263p. illua., · platea. Laboratory -nual ot physiological
n.d. chemistry. 1934,
37p, (Local church aervice --, 6th ed. Cincinm.ti, Stan-
aaoociation) dard, 1923, Oxygen ether• ot the type--N,C (OR),
263p. derived tr0111certain nitrogen hetero-
Chriat and the tine arts, an oyolea. Eaaton, Pa,, Eachenbaoh
anthology of pictures, poetry, music, Youth organized for religioua edu- ptg. cc., 1908,
and atoriea centering in the life of cation,., St. Louia, Bethany pr•••, c52,p.
Christ. New York, Harper, 193B, •1925, Theah i Ph, C., Columbia univer-
764p, illus. 190p, ai ty, 190B,

Organising youth for Christian ser- Kingdom building through brotherhood A system of organic chemietry.
vice, Indianapolia and St, Louis, oooperation. (In DeGroot, A, T,, ed, Blooaington, Ind,, .Ann Arbor, 111oh,,
U. C. II. S, and Christian board, n,d, The llemphia youth convention, 1926, pp. Edwarda brothers, inc,, lithoprintera.
43p. (Local church service 30-36) 1941.
auooiation) xi, 222p.
introduction aee
Preparing youth to ahare through
world tell-•hip project,, Indiana- Stacey, G•. B, lforahip tor youth. MAYHEW,GEORGE
NOEL, 1897-
polia and St. Louie, U. c. II. S, and b. Gretna, Va,, 20 F 1897.
Christian board, n.d. contributed to •••
3lp. (Looal ohuroh aervioe
auociation) Bower, 11'. C. The Disciple• and Appreciation of Dean Brown'• life
religioua education, and thought, (In Vanderbilt univer-
Program building with leader• of aity, School of religion. In memori&lll,
youth. Indiam.polia and St. Louie, Onald Eugene Brown, 1940, pp, 9-12)
U. C. K. S, and Christian board, n,d, JIAVITY,IIEJIRY, 1B10-
43p, (Local church service b, Shelby county, Ky., 10 S 1B10. The relation or the theology of
auooiation) d, Jonathan Bdwarda to contemporary
penologioal theory and practioe,
Puerto Rico in picture• and poetry1 about •M Chicago, Ill., 1936,
an anthology of beauty on America•• 47-70pp.
"Paradiae of the Atlantic", Cald- Mavity, J. S, Hiatory of the lite Part ot the1ia1 Ph. D, , Univeraity
well, Idaho, Caxton printer•, 1941, of elder Henry Mavity, ot Chicago, 1932,
l96p. front,, illua,, plates. Photolithographed,
"Private edition diatributed by the
Univeraity of Chicago librariea.•

•ynard - •rrill )(

KATIIARD,JOE T From Jordan to the throne of Saul1 MEIGS, FRANKEUGENE

, -1915,
b. for advanced teacher training classes, b,
adult Bible clasaes, etc, Cincin- d, Hanking, China, 25 Ag 1916,
nati, Standard, •1909,
A Christian meditation. .Pitta- 192p, (Training for service Heathenism, a tract. Cincinnati,
field, Ill. ? , Author?, n.d,• aeries) F, C. JI. S,, n.d,
4p . 8p, inc. covers.
From the throne of Saul to Bethle-
hem; for advanced training classes,
JIEACHAM, EDGAR JAMES, adult Bible classes, etc, Cincin- KELTON,BENJAl(lNHARRISON,1868-1944,
b . Pinewood, Tenn,, nati, Standard, •1911. b, Jonea county, N, C,, 20 S 1868,
185p. (Training for service d, Bethaada, Jfd,, 8 O 1944.
Baptilllll, Cincinnati, Standard. The central fact of our faith,
Fundamental lessons in the plan of (In Thornton, E, 'If,, ed, Lord'• day
Bow to get the crowd, Cincinnati, salvation, Cincinnati, Standard, worship services, •1930, pp. 317-320)
Standard, n,d,
Pastor'• ready reference record, ~cl!ELTON,KRS, ZORAWOFFORD,
Cincinnati, Standard, The glory of the ministry, St, b.
Louis, _convention addresa, Indiana-
Plain Bible teaching about baptism, polis , Board of ministerial relief,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1912. n,d, The ohuroh and the young people.
lp. 18p. Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, •1936,
186p, (Training for service
with DePEW, C, L. The Christianity of Christ, the •erie s)
centennial address, an address before
Home department how book, Cin- the Centennial convention, October 1~,
cinnati, Standard, 1917, 1909. (In Miller, R, B., ed, J!!!IG, J A , 1832-1882,
l6p. Charles S, Kedbury, 1932, pp. 157-180) b,
d. , 12 Je 1882.
Christian atewardahip, (In
lloore, lf, T, The new living pulpit The end of the organ oontroveray.
Hymn• of hope, a collection of an of the Christian church, 1918, pp, .Moberly, )lo,, Author, 1879?.
appropriate hymns for funeral and 321-330)
other oocaaiona; supplemental to
Manual for funeral oooa1ion1. The conversion of Saul, (In JIE!IZIES, HATTIE (llra, Walter G,
Cincinnati, Standard, 1911, Lord, · J, A., ed, .On the Lord'• day, Mendes)
pp . 167-245. •1904, pp. 106-109) b,

Manual for funeral occaaions: con- introduction aae

taining scripture selections, sermon Dawn-aid-day--and sunset .poems.
outlines, poetical gems, hyana of Nichols, J, T, Landa of sacred Jubbulpore, C, P. India, Printed at
hope, forms of service, etc., with an hietory, the miaaion presa, 1939,
introduction by I, N. lfoCash. .Cin-
cinnati, Standard. •1911. about aee Leave• from life's sketch book,
xvi, 245p. cpoema~ n,p •• n.d.
Hymn• w1th music. Killer, R. B, Charles s. ~edbury, 40p.
preacher, and mater workman for Christ . Cover title,
Training to teach; a manual for Moore, 'If, T. The new liTing
miniatera of the Word. Cincinnati, pulpit of the Chriatian · ohuroh. Why marriage? .lillsaorie, India,
Standard, 1915. Art printing pre••• n.d.
x, 268p. 32p,
Contents include: lforka frcm 68 IIEEJ:"!, KARY(LARIKORE) (llra, Rufus
Disoiplea of Christ miniatera, Polk lleeka) n,p., 1942,
b, 53p.
IIEAD, FRABI:SPENC!R, 1898- Womenworking together in India
(Kethodist) Hearthstone echoes, Nashville, and India'• call for leadera, Ind-
lloQuiddy ptg. oo., 1902. ianapolis, c. lf, B, JI,
See these banner• go, the story of viii, 389p. front, (port,) ports.
the proteatant churches in America, joint~ aee
Iew Tork, Greoaett, •1934-1956. --, 2d ed. Nashville, lloQuiddy
x, 273p, ptg. oo,, 1911, •1902. Graybiel, Jlary. Sketches of C, lf,
Contenta include: The Disciples of 389p. front, (port,) ports. B, K, miaaionary work in India,
Chriat, pp. 253-273,


llEDBURY,CHARLESSAJIDERSON,1865-1932. b. Stantonville, Tenn., 18 S 18tl 0
b. Warren, O,, 19 I 1866. d. st. Louis, MD., 11 Kr 1916.
d, Dea Moines, Ia., 24 Ap 1932,
At the feat of Jesus, or twenty- Law vereua goapal. (In Gray, A,
Fifty thousand trained teachers, five oermons concerning the Saviour, P,, ed, Preaching that builds ohurohea,
190-? Centennial leaflet no, 21, with a life-sketch of the author cby 1940, pp. )
4p. llrs. Mary Larimore Meeks. and of hh
father cby T, B, Larimore. Cincin-
From Eden to the Jordan, a aeries nati, St&Ddard, •1899, mRRILL, 'lfILLIAK A!ISIL, 1877- ,
of lessons in the Pentateuch,,. vl, 346p, front, (port.) ports, b, Dalla• county, Tex,, 13 Ag 1811.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1909,
· 169p, (Training for eervice

llerrill - llillard

Normal outline studies in Old Testa- Dawn, ed. and publiahed by Kr, and --, 2d ed. with additions and
ment history. 1916, Mrs, E, A, Scott, Wichita Falla, improvement•. Union Milla, N, Y,,
Tex,, •1940, Published by Chriatian general ,book
Bonnal outline atudiea in the life xiv, 82p, front, (port,) aaaociation, 1837,
of Chriat. 1916. 256p,
lfILLIAII H History or the Christian connection
ooMERRI'l'T,C C b. in the atate of B9w York, 1810-1818.
b, d, (In Freese, J, R, A history and ad-
vocacy of the Christian ohurch, 1862}
Womanin the home, the ohurch, and
The Lord'• prayer for unity, (In the atate. St. Louie~ Christian pub. introduction aee
Rowe, F, L,, ed. Our Savior'• prayer co,
for unity, 1918, pp, 138-143) Brown, L, J, S, lle1110irof elder
Elijah Shaw.
MILBURN, J H (Baptiat)
ccMERRITT,J DOif, debate with HOAG,lfILBER
b, Origin of C&111pbelliam, Chicago, (llethodist)
Rogan ptg, co,, 1913.
.Sermon delivered at Villard-Hoag
The African work; Characteristic• Fulton, Xy., Natioml debate, 19 Jl 1831, with a critioiam
of the worker•. (In Abilene Chris- Baptist pub, houae, n.d, of Hoag' a a ermon,
tian college Bible lectures, 1937, pp. 176p. 76p.
102-1041 68-78)
oomp, with BADGER,JOSEPH.
J F b. llillard and Badger hymn book,
b. 1831.
d. . 464p,
Dr. Carl Brown, or, true auooeaa.
Under hi• wings, St, Louia, Chriatian pub, 00 1888, 0 , aee
16p, 266p.
Badger, Joseph. Hymn• and
apiri tual aonga,
b, Athens, Tenn., 6 B 1832, b, about aee
d, Hopkinsville, Xy,, 12 Kr 1896,
llillard, D, ·E, llemo ir of Rev.
Sunahine; or, Uncle lfinor'a atoriea. The two teaohera, Auatin, Tex,, David Ill.Hard,
Naahville, McQuiddy ptg, co. FiJ"lll foundation.
266p, porta,
Lasting memorials, (In Abilene ollILLARD, DAVIDEDMUND, 1829-
about aee Christian college Bible lectures, 1922- b, Weat Bloomfield, B, Y,, 16 Mr
1923, pp. 44-63) 1829,
Boles, H, L. Biographical d.
aketchea of goapel preacher•.
ollILLARD, DAVID, 1794-1873. llemoir of Rev, David lfillardJ with
b, Glenville, N, Y., 24 N 1794, aelectiona from hh writings by hh
ocl!EYER, JACX d, Jackson, llich,, 7 Ag 1873, aon. Dayton, O., Christian pub,
b. association, 1874.
A journal of travel• in Egypt, Ara- 456p, front, (port.)
bia, Petrae, and the Holy Land, during
Sooial life of a Chriatia.n citizen, 1841-2. Rochester, N, Y,, Printed Christ's life a means of salntioni
(In Abilene Chriatian college Bible by E, Shephard, 1843, · Rev. E. libdge. (In Coan, A. lf,, ed.
lecture•, 1941, pp. 36-63) 362p, Goepel sermon•, 1881, pp. 168-1791
New York, H. Ludwig, 1846,
ccllICXEY, G F
b, 3d ed, 1847. KILLARD,PAULADSWORTH, 1892-1946.
b, Red Oak, llo,, 19 Ag 1892.
The miuionary and Indian. Irving- d, Worthington, llinn,, F 1946.
lfe are here, (In.Abilene
why? ton, B. J,, Christian publication
Christian college Bible lectures, society, 1866T Silver aicklea for the golden har-
1926-1927, pp. 247-277) (Commonaenae tract no, 7) veat, aerie• no. 2, The holy apirit,
a atudy of hi• peraonality and work.
The true llaaaiah exhaltedJ or, Jeaua cl!inneapolia, lfinn., llinneaota Bible
ocJIICl!EY, ll'ESLIE Christ really the Son of God, vindicated university, 1938,
b. in three letters to a Presbyterian 9p.
•iniater, Canandiagua, B, Y,, Printed
tor the author by J, D. Bemis, 1818. ---. aeries no, 3, Sermon• for
What Paul did tor the unity or the 38p. young preachers to preach, clfinne-
church. (In Abilene Christian col- apolia, Minn,, Minneeota Bible univer-
lege Bible lecture•, 1940, pp. 104- The true 16eaaiah, in aoripture light; sity, n,d,.
109) or, the unity of God and proper aonahip 97p,
of Jeaua Christ, affirmed and defended.
Canandaigua, B, Y,, Printed by J. D. --, aeries no. 4. Bible anmuni-
JAKES1f Bemia & oo,, for the author, 1823. tion for Chrhtian soldier•, clfinu-
b. 214p, apolia, llinn., llinneaota Bible univer-
sity, 1939,

Millard - Miller M

MILLARD,·s .!UELH , 1820-19 05, How to tit he , . I ndiana polis , MILLER, JAME S, 1798- 1874,
b , Sull i va n county , Tenn., 1 N Uni fi ed promot ion, 1945, b. , )lo ,. 1798.
1820 , Sp , f ol der. d . J ohnson Ci ty, Tenn , , 19 F 1874 ,
d. J ohn•on Ci ty , Tenn , , 14 My 1905,
about aee
a bout aee MILLER, ED!I.UNDC , 1902-
b, Exce l s io r Sprin gs, Mo, , 3 Ap McCown, M. H, Jamel Miller,
Mccown, Mr s. M, H, Samue l H, 1902 .
Keep th e light of Chri st 'a chur ch b.
IIILLER, ALBERTROBERTHERMAN, 1893- shin ing , an adve nt ure i n sh ar ing d.
b, , 6 F 1893 , s tories from Miaeouri ' • past oral unit s.
C 1943, Trini ta r i a ni sm unmask ed .
4p ,
The church and war, in trod uc t io n by Mimeogr aphed.
Jerome Davia. St, Louia, Be t han y IIILLER, J OHN CHAP MAN , 1831- 1901,
presa, •1931, b . near Nine veh , I nd , , 12 My 1831 ,
208p, IIILLER, GEORGEA , 1864-1938 , d , John son c ounty, I nd ,, 17 S 1901 ,
b. Mt, Morrie, Ill, , 1864.
d, Long Beach, Calif . , 9 0 1938 , Fait h does not dispe nee wi th law ,
KILLER, ALFREDELI SHA, 1851-191 9 , (In Swee ney , z. T, , ed. New Testam e nt
b , Millers Gap, N, C,, 20 J e 185 1, Chri s t 's cha l l en ge to eer v i c e. Chr istia ni ty, 1930 , vol, 3 , pp . 551-
d, 17 Ap 1919. (In Thor nto n , E, w. , ed , Lor d' s day 567)
worsh i p se rv i ce s, •1930 , pp . 53- 56)
about aee
The r esponsi bilit y of fath er hood, MILLER, J ONATIIAliP , 1853-1922,
Weit, J. W. Sketches of our Father s' da y 1ermon . (In Thor nt on, b, Mill er's gap, N. C. , 14 Je 1853,
mountain pioneers. E. W,, e d. Spe cial aermona f or d,
epe ci a l occaa i ons, 1921, pp . 117-1 32)
about aee
b, Jer1ey Cit y , N. J., 10 Ap 1901. MILLER, GEORGE ELME
R, 1881- Mil le r, M. B. El de r J onathan P,
b, Jtiller,

Just a moment.
Goal , a st ory of th e boys board i ng MILLER, LEWIS BENNETT,1861-
The kingdom of inner meaning. school and orp hanage at Damoh , Indi a . b , Cooke count y, Tex . , 27 My 1861.
Bridgehampton, N. Y,, Printed by the Cin cin nat i , Powell & White, • 1930, d,
Rampton pre1s, •1934. 99p, fr ont.
53p. Rev . ed . of Prem Ma1ih of Damoh. A cr ooked- t rail; t he ato ry of a
t hous a nd- mile sa ddl e t ri p up a nd down
I n the l an d of sweepe r s and ki ngs , the Texa s fron t ier in pur suit of a
ocKILLER, B F (Vedi oal miss io nary wor k i n I ndia . ) ru naway ox, with adv enture• by th e way.
b, Cincinna t i , Powell & Whit e, 1922. Pit t sbur gh , Pa , , Axtell-Rush pub , oo,,
194p. • 1908.
184p , (Sto clono.n aer ie • , no, 1)
Running the references, 2d ed. Prem Ma sih of Damoh. Cinc innati,
Broken Arraw, Okla., Author, 19387 Powell & Whit e , •1922 . A cro oked t ra il ; th e sto r y of a
16p, cl 30, p , f ront . , pla tes, thou sand mil e sa ddl e t r ip up and down
the Texa 1 fron t ier in pur su it of a
run away ox, Boston , Dana Estes,
KILLER,MRS.B 0 IULLn-: GERALD , 1909-- 1911 ,
b, b , Fran ~l i n , I rid . , 1 F 1909 , 413p , ill us,

Fort Blook er boy s . Cin ci nna ti ,

An historical ,ketch of Antioch As we wora hip . 1933. St a ndard, • 1917,
church (Oconee county) Nov-ber 1904. 380p. pl at ea .
18p, port,. He tau ght men to pray , 1934.
Pre11 of E, W, Allen & 00,, Atlanta, Sadd le • a nd laria ts; t he large ly
Cover title: Antioch, the mother Race r el ation s . 1929 , true st or y of th e bar-o i r c le out f it,
church of the Disciple, in Georgia. and of t he ir att empt to ta ke a b ig
Study ana lys ie of New Te etament . drove of l onghorn s from Texas to
Hi1tory of The womn'• 1ociety for 1931. Cali f orni a, in th e da ys when the go l d
Georgia mi11ion1, fev er raged, Bost on, Dana E1te1,
6p. folder, 1912 ,
IIILLER, HUGH THOMAS, 1867- 286p. illus .
b. near Ninevah, Ind. , 21 Mr 1867,
KILLER, C W (llethodiat) The white r i ve r raft; th e la rgely
true story of a log ging tri p i nto the
Point• of controversy, St. Louh, Chap- n Denelow and his f amily. flooded forests of Ar kan sas, f ollowed
Southweatern book and pub, 00 •• 1871, cBloomington ? , Ind, ? , 1940? , by an eventt\il voyag e down the Ki 11h-
169p, pp. 351- 368 . 1i ppi. Bosto n, Dana Este s , 1910 ,
An attack upon Alexander Cu,.pbell "Reprinted from the Indiana magazi ne 430p , illus,
and 1-eraion, of hiatory, ~1, no. 4 , December,
IIILLER, CLAUDEJOHJI, 1884- Hiatory of the Tabernacle churc h of b,
b l Idaho Springe, Colo . , 3 llr 1884, Christ, Columbua, Ind, , 1829--1940,
bu1, Ind, • 1940,
16p, Sermon,, Austin, Tex ., Fi rm
f oundat i on, 1941,
M Miller - Milligan

E Laid hold upon, sermon preached in Building a church big enough for
b. Nat ional City Chr isti an chur .ch, Wash- God; The church and its ministr y for
tn gton, D, C. cWashin gt on , D, C,, this day; A surv ey of the conven ti on ;
The woman's c ouncil of the National Your money and your 11 fe. ( In
A lett er abou t Naphael H, Miller , Ci ty Chri s t i a n chu r ch , In ternati onal conventi on, 1942, pp.
(In Campb el l and Moseley, ed s. My 13p, (Serie s of se rmons, no. 3) 333-344; 1936, pp . 167- 179; 1934,
dad, 1938, pp. 126-130) pp . 66-74; 1942, pp. 13-16)
The power of th e unknown, sermon
pr each ed in the National Ci t y Christian Char les S. Medbury, introduction
MILLER, MARTINBENJAMIN, 1890- ohurch, Washingto n, D. C. ,Washin g- and biog ra phical ske tch ; Char les S,
b . Trad e, Tenn . , 17 N 1890. ton, D. C. , Woman's council of t he Medbur y, statesman in tho kingdom of
National Ci t y Chr istian church, God, (In Mi ller, R. H, , ed.
14p. (Serie s of sermons , no . 1) Charles S, Medbury , 1932, pp. 1-10;
Some fact& ab out acce ptabl e music. 88-101)
cAppalachian Mountain evan gelizing Put your temptations into reverse,
association, sermon preached in Nat i onal Cit y Chris- introduction see
pamphl et. tian church, Washing ton, D, C. cWash-
ington, D. C., Woman's council of the Campbell, G. A. Friends are my
Elder Jonat han P. Mil ler. (In National Ci t y Christia n church, story.
West, J . W., ed. Sketches of our 14p. (Seri es of sermons, no. 2) Kelly,~- F. E. Some Chi nese
mountain p ion eer,, 1939, pp. 169-175) friends of mine.
Re stori ng the joy of life, sermon
Identifying the church , ( In Gray, preache d in Nati ona l City Chris t ian ed.
A. P., ed. Pre ac hi ng that buil ds ohur ch, Washington, D. C. , cJune 21,
chur ch es, 1940, pp. ) 193 6, cWashingt on, D. C, , The Charles S. Madbury, prea cher and
woman's council of the National City master workman for Christ, a book of
Willi am Wayne Miller, (In West, Chri st ian church, tribute and cOl!lnemorati on, St.
J . w., ed . Sket ches of our mountain 18p , (Series of sermons, no, 4) Louis, Christian board, •1932,
pionee r s, 1939, pp. 175-176) x, 180p. front,, plates, por t s.
The rite of the Lord's supper.
Indiana po lis, U, C. M. S. &bout see
b, Syracuse, N. Y., 27 0 1874 , "This is my faith", ,an ni versar y Miller , II. E. A letter about
sermon gi v en on fifth ann i versary of Raphael H. Miller.
his minist r y at National City Christian
The church a nd ite ministry for this church, December 11, 1938, cWashing-
day . .Indianap olis, Unified pr omo- t on, D. C, , The woman's council of the MILLER, RAPHAEL HARWOOD
tio n, n,d. National C'i t y Chr istian ohurch, b.
14p. port. 19p, (Series of serm ons, no, 10)
The comfort of Easter, eermon Unity in effort, an addresa delivered Toward Calvary with Chri st , daily
pr eached in National City Chriet i an f or th e U. C. II. s. be f or e th e Inter- devotional readin gs. ,Indiana polis,
chu rch, Wash ington, D. C,, cEaster national conve nt i on of Disci ple s of U, C, II. S., 1942.
Sunda y , April 9, 1939, cWashingto n, Chris t, Col orado Springe , Septembe r 8, 4p.
D, c. , The woman' s council of the 1923, Printed by or der of the Inter-
Nation al City Chri stian church, nati onal convention of Di sci ple s of
20p. (Serie• of sermons, no. 11) Christ, n.d . MILLER, SUSANFRANCES(EAST) (lira .
24p. Sylvanua Gerard Miller),
The faith we inh eri t and the fait h 1851-1938.
we t ranem i t, aermon pr eached in Nationa l The viotoriou1 Christ, sermon b, Felicia Parish, La,, 1851.
Cit y Chri1tian churoh, Washington, D, pr each ed in Nat ional City Christian d, Mathis , Tex ., 3 N 1938.
C., cApril 24, 1938, cWa1hington, D, church, Washin gton, D. C., cApril 11,
C., The woman' s c ounci l of the National 1937, •.Washington, D, C., The woman's Sixty year, in the Nueoea Valley,
City Chr istian church, coun oi l of th e National City Christian 1870-1930, San Antonio, Naylor ptg,
20p. (Series of sermons, no. 8) ohuro h~ co., •1930.
U p. (Series of sermon,, no. 7) 374p. plates, ports , , maps,
"He asoended into heaTen", se rmon
·pre ached in National City Christian Who l ives in you? A book of sermon,,
churc h, Washin gton , D. C., cApril 24, with a forew or d by W, S. Abernethy. MILLER, WILLIAMWAYNE,1893-1924.
1938, .Washington, D. C,, The St. Louis, Beth any pres s, •19.35. b. , 15 S 1893.
woman's council of the National Cit y l56p. d, , 24 F 1924,
Chri stian churc h,
20p. (Serie a of serm ons, no. 9) Why the Nati onal City Christian about aee
church , inaugu ral sermon, delivered at
Forget and go forward, aermon the Nati onal City Christian churoh, Iii ller, II. B. William Wayne Miller.
preached in National City Chrietian Jan uar y 14 , 1934, Waahington, D, c.,
ohurch, Washingt on, D. C, cWashing- The woman'• counc il of the National
ton, D. C., The woman's council of the City Christian church, IIILLIGAJI, ROBERT, 1814-1875.
National City Christian church; 14p. (Series of sermons, no. 5) b. Tyrone county , I r eland, 25 Jl
14p . (Serie• of •e=ons, no. 6) Conte nts inc lude, Editorial from 1814,
The Chr i stian-Eva ng elist, Janu ary d, , 20 Mr 1876.
Inalienable right, ceermon deliv ered 26, 1934.
on the t enth anniveraary program of Analyaia of theNew Testament, with
the church of the air under the aus- The adequacy of Jesus. (In Cory , leading queries and illuatrationa,
pice• of the Columbia broadoaeting A·. E., ed. Voice• of the aanotuary, designed for the uae of Sunday echoola,
eystem, September 8, 1940, .Washi ng- 1930, pp. 162-179) Bible olasaea, etc., vol. I The Goapela
ton, D. C,, The woman'• council of the and Aot,. Cincinnati, Boeworth,
National City Christian church, Auguatua o. Thomae. ·(In N, E. A, Chaae & Hall, 1874.
14p. (Serie, of eermone, no. 12 ) Addreasea and prooeedin ga, 1935, pp. . 413p. -p•.

lllllipn - Minnick )(

A brief discussion or grace and illustrated; and the par11111ountauthor- debate with BOWES,J
good worka; or, or the divine and ity or the Holy Scriptures Tindioated. -----
human agency in the work of Cincinnati, R. w. Carroll & co., 1868, Baptism, juatitioation, and aecond
redemption. Cincinnati, Bosworth, •1867. coming. England, Horaell, Houlston
Chaae & Hall, 1871. U6p. & Wright, 1859.
64p. ll6p.
--, c4th ed., Cincinnati, R,

--. St. Louis, Christian pub. 11'. Carroll
& co., 1868, •1867.
b. Fresno, Calif,, 14 D 1908,
A brief treatise on prayer; dedi- ----,, .5th ed,, Cincinnati, R.
cated to the Christian churches in 11'. Carroll & co., 1868, •1867.
America. St. Louis, Christian pub. «Sp, A manual tor leaders ot intermed-
oo., n.d. iates, St. Louis, Chriatian b0&rd,
94p. --, 6th ed. rev. and enl. •1937.
First published 1863; 2d ed. 1867. Cincinnati, R. 11'. Carroll & co., 1870, 175p, illua,
•1867, •1869.
•• •Ephtle to the Hebr-s. Cin- 568p • Christian youth in a world commun-
cinnati, Chase & Ball, 1876, •1876. ity. (In International convention,
396p. (?f- Testament commentary, --. 7th ed. reT. and enl. Cin- 1939, pp. 214-223)
.... ix) cinnati, R, 11'. Carroll & co., 1871,
•1867, •1869, with McRAE,GLENN,
Cincinnati, O.; Oskaloosa, 558p.
Ia., Central bk. oonoern, 1879, •1875. ll'e learn about the church, the
396p. (New Testament oo-entary, --, 8th ed, rev, and enl. St • -aning ot church membership, St,
.... ix) Louis, Chriatian pub. co,, 1889, •1867, Louie, Chriatian board, •1941.
•1869. 32p,
St. Louia, Christian pub. 568p,
co., •1876. · with TAYLOR,G. 0.
396p. (New Testa!llent commentary, Rest tor the weary soul; The aeoond
.... ix) great oommiaaion, (In )lathes, J. K., Peraonnel -nual; publioity, attend-
ed. The weatern preacher, Tel. 1, 1866, ance, eT&ngeliam, personal religious
An expoaition and detenae or the pp. 73-831 326-339) living,.. St. Louis, Chriatian
aoheme or redemption aa it ia reTealed board, •19"2,
and taught in the Holy Soripturea. The safety and security of the 64,p, (The Chriatian youth
Cincinnati, Carroll, 1869, •1868. Christian. (In Jloore, 11', T., ed. tellowahip)
663p. front. (port.) The liTing pulpit ot the Chriatian
church, 1867, pp, 371-386) !!•
--. c3d .ed.. Cincinnati,
Carroll, 1869, •1868. about Youth work in the rural church •••
663p. front. {port.) St. Louie, Bethany preaa, •1940;
Robert llilligan. (In Brown, J. T., 112p, (Bew atandard leadership
--. Cincinnati, Christian ed. Churches or Christ, 1904, pp. 418- curriculum)
leader corporation. 420)
----,, 11th ed. St. Louis, Chris- Starr, H, E. ,Robert Jlilligan,
tian board, n.d. (In Dictionary ct American biography, A manual tor leader• ot interMed-
582p. wl. 12, 1933, p. 646) iatea,,. St. Louia, Christian board,
•1937, •1941,
----,, reT. ed. St. Louh, Chris- about aee 123p.
tian pub. oo., n.d.
582p. Bolea, H. L. Biographical
aketol\aa of gospel preachers, JIIBCI, FRAim.IB
Graoe and good worka... Cincin- lloore, W. T. The lbing pulpit b,
nati, Bosworth, Chase & Hall, 1871. or the Christian church,
64p. Tiera, JI. c. The Christian por-
trait gallery, The church college. (In DeOroet,
The great oomaiuion or Jeaua Chriat A. T ., ed, The llemphia youth ooDTen-
to hia t.NlTe apoatlea briefly defined tion, 1926, pp. 73-77)
and illustrated. Lexington, J.B. KILLIBGTOB,E J (Baptist)
llorton & co., 1871. Social adTentures with Jeaua, (In
212p, •ror auoh a t1- aa thia.• (In Anderaon, 0, T., ed, Sooial adTenturea
International oonTention, 1941, pp, with Jeaua, 1928, pp, 13-20)
--, n- and enl. ed. Lexington, 303-310)
J.B . llorton & co., 1873, •1871-73. joint~ aee
HUGHES, Fiers, A. D, The financial pro-
The inaugural addreaa of Robert b. o t the local
gr11111 ohur ch.
lfilligan, preaident or Kentucky uniTer- d,
aity, Barriaburg, Ky., deliTered before
the board or curator• on ll'edneaday, Christianity at a glance, England, JllllllICI, BARRY,1861-1936.
21st September 1869, publiahed by J. Kerr, 1868. b. Wabaah, Ind., 28 0 1861.
order of the exeoutiTe 00111111ittee, 343p. d, ll'oroheater, lfaaa,, . 4 Jly 1936.
Louinille, Ky., llorton and Griswold,
printers, 1869. The •aaiah • • ainhtry. England, Christ' a Ti- ot hh kingd-, an
32p. Jlenciea, 1868, addreaa deliTered before the annual
370p. oonTention ot the ?few England Christian
Reason and rnelation; or, the misaionary aooiety, at Lynn, lfaaeaohu-
prorlnoe of reason in -ttera pertain- aetta, September 14, 1922, .woroea-
ing to dirlne reTelation defined and ter, Maaa,T, Author, 1922?,
l3p. .

111.nniok- lloninger

The Diaciplea cf Christ, Who we about aee IIJFFETT, MRS, 'If s

are and what..., believe , Worcester, b,
••s., Fir•t church of Christ, n,d, 'lfeat, J, W. Sketches of our
4p, mountain pioneers.
Question, and anawer,. Indiana-
The N.,.. Testament stor y of the polia, c. 11', B, K,, 1910,
church of Christ in outline, for MODE,PETERGEORGE, leaflet.
auppl ... entary study mater i al in Bibl e
schools and classes, C1nc1nnat1,
Standard, . n,d. MOHORTER
, JAMESHEHRY,1860-1929,
7p. in o. front cover , Source book and biblio graphical b, Stanton, Del,, 1860,
guide for American church hiatory. d, 4 Je 1929.
What we stand for as a people. Menasha, Wia,, George Banta pub, co.,
•1921. The world'• greateat need. .(In
The under Shepherd, xxlv, 735p. Lord, J, A., ed. On the Lord'• day,
Disciple bibliography, pp, 334-347. •1904, pp. 116-119)
The future life, (In Thornton,
E, W., ed. Lord' • day worship s er-
vices, •1930, pp. 185-188) MODISETT,M M (Baptist) MONINGER,HERBERT HENRY,1876-1911.
b, Lone Pine, Penn., 29 Ap 1876,
The measure of our manhood in An inquiry into the meaning of the d. Cincinnati, o,, 21 Je 1911.
Christ, (In Lord, J, A., ed, On phrase "Born of Water", in which bap-
the Lord's day, •1904, pp, 166-168) tismal remission of sins ia shown to The adult Bible claaa in training
be unscriptural , Louiaiana, Mo,, for service... Cincinnati, Stan-
Printed at the Journal bk, office, dard, •1910 ,
lflNTON, WILSONPARKE, 1887- 1670, 83p, illus.
b, Covi ngton, O,, 5 N 1667, 28p.
All the church and aa many more in
A aeries of letter• addressed to the Bible school. 190-? Centen-
Ministry for Christ in Puerto Rico, President Pendleton, editor lfillenial nial leaflet no, 3,
1926. Harb i nger, through the "'ll'estern recor- 8p ,
der". Louisiana, Mo,, Printed at
the Journal bk Y & job ptg, office, 1870, Bible drills, •• Cincinnati,
l!lTCHELL, EARLF 29-79pp, Standard, •1908.
b, Bound with, lfodiaett, M, M, An 86p.
inquiry into the meaning of the
phrase "Born of water". l"ifty le11on1 in training for aer-
From the Sabbath to the Lord'• day, vice, rev, ed •• 6th, Cincinnati,
(In Thornton, E. W,, ed. Phillipa Standard, •1907,
university sennons, 1929, pp. 166-178) JIOFFETT,ROBERT,1836-1908. viii, 137p. illus,
b, LaPorte county, Ind,, 9 N 1635. Cover title: Training for service.
d. ll Ja 1906.
IIITCHELL,JOHNPACKER,1843-1874. --, rev. ed. Cincinnati,
b, Howard, Penn,, 2 Vy 1843, Christian church register. Cin- Standard, •1908.
d, Howard, Penn,, 21 Je 1674, cinnati, Chase & Hall, 124p, i llua.
Cover title , Training for service,
Sermons and addresses, (In The great commission. n.p., n,d.
Mitchell, N, J. Reminiscences and 4p. --, Lessons xxviii to L, rev,~
incidences in the life and travels of Nannie Lee Frayaer, c36th ed,, Cin-
a pioneer preacher, 1877, pp, 264-479) A retrospect of our mission work, cinnati, Standard, •1916,
pamphlet. 124p, illua,
Cover title: Training for service.
J , 1606-1666, Seeking the old path11 a historic
b, Washington county, Penn,, 2 Mr setting for a plea for Christian unity. Forty-two lessona in training for
1806, Cleveland, Author, n.d. service for uae in teacher-training
d, 3lp. olaaaea, young paopla'a societies,
midweek prayer-meeting•; adult Bible
Dancing. New York, T. Holman, Seeking the old paths, and other claasea, eta. Cincinnati, Standard,
1866? 1er,nons1 with an introduction by E, V. •1907 •
tract. Zollar,, and a biographical sketch by viii, ll9p, illus,
J, R, Gaff, Cleveland, Author, •1699, , Cover title, Training for service.
Reminiscences and inciden .ta in the xii, 303p. front. (port,)
life and travel• of a pioneer preacher How to build up an adult Bible
of the "ancient" gospel, with a fflW 'lfhat haa God wrought? 1699? olaaa. Cincinnati, Standard, •1909.
characteristic discourses. To which tract. 70p.
are appended a short biographical
sketch of the late John P, Mitchell and Jeaua and the ~amaritan woman; Jeaua llatthew'a goapel at the point of a
aome of hie diacouraea on Goapel themea, at the houae of S1Jo.on1skeleton aermon,. question, for uae in claasea studying
Cincinnati, Chase & Hall, 1877, (In Cory, H, E,, ed. The polymathist, the gospel according to llatthew, Bible
479p, 1877, pp, 383-386 I 172-174} , knowledge oonteata, eta., in two vol-
Cover title: Pioneer preacher of umes, vol. l, Cincinnati, Standard,
the ancient goape l. ' •1909,
)(()FFETT,'If R c253,p. illus,
Dancing. (In Doctrinal and prac- b.
tical tracts, 1876, vol. 2, pp, 517- The Hew Teataaent church •• , Cin-
516) cinnati, Standard, •1908,
The Lord'• supper. (In Lord, J. 158p. (Training for service
A., ed. On the Lord'• day, •1904, pp. aeries}
b, St, Albans , 11', Va., 9 H 1876.
d. , 29 Ag 1936,

Moninger - Montganery )I

Old Testament history made easy, MONROE,HERALDB Justice and mercy; Manhood1 The
suppl emental lessons for the intermed- b. retribut i ve idea. (In Smart, J.
i ate depart ment of the Bible schoo l , H., comp. Gans of thou ght, 1883, pp.
fir st grade, 3d ed. Cincinnati, 60-63; 79- 84; 16-19)
St andard, •19 06 . Recreation a nd s ocial life manu al •••
24p . prod uc ed by the Divisio n of Christian The li~inga and drawings of Jeeua.
educati on, t he United Christi an miaaion- (In Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord's
101 t hi ngs for adult Bible c la ss e s ary soci ety ... St. Louis, Chris ti an day , •1 904, pp . 176- 179)
to do . Cincinnati, Standard, 1911. boa rd, •1942.
ll4p. illus . 6lp . ill us . (Chr isti an youth The origin and progre11 of free
fellowship) thought; Pr obat ion. (In The
Pr eparatory training co ur se for Missouri Christian lectures, vol. 2,
chi l dren b etween the ages of e igh t 1883, pp . 34- 57; vol. 4, 1888, pp.
a nd f ifteen. . . Ci ncinnati, Stan- MONROE, JAMESM , 1843- 251-290)
dard, •1909. b. Megador e, o.; 25 N 1843.
60p. maps, diagrama. d. ed.

Studies in the gospe l s and Act s ••• Churches of Christ in Oklahoma. An ency c lop edia of t he evidences;
.Cincinna ti, Standar d, •1 908. (In Br own, J . T., ed. Churches of or, masterpieces of many minds •
• 159,p. illus. Christ , 1904, pp. 272-274) St. Louis, John Burn•, 1880 •
c6 56,p .
Training for service, eee Fifty
leseona in training for service; MONSER, HAROLDE , 1868-1918.
Forty-two less ons in training for se r- b. near Delavan, Ill., 17 F 18 68.
vice. d. Decatur, Ill., . 29 N 1918. l&Jnser, H. E. Croas-reference
digest of Bible references. 1914.
What'• t he answer ? For extra work
in intermediate classes, adult c lasees, ~-
class so cials, et c. Cincinnati, Cross-reference digest of Bible 1.0NTGOl!ERY, CHARLESWILLIAM, 1853-
Standard, •1908. references; a topical index of the 1931.
,32, p . American standard edition of the b. Staffordsville, Va., 7 Jl 1853.
revised Bible... New York, Cross- d. Franklin county, Va., O 1931,
Who they are, and what we owe them. re f eren ce Bible co., •1914.
Cincinnati, Standard. 68lp. about see
Among the associate editor• were
Why I am a member of the Christian Charle• Reign Scoville, J. W. Mon- Montgomery, R. B. Charlea Wil-
church. Cincinnati, Standard, 1904. aer, and D.R. Dungan. 11am Montgomery .


b. Foristell, l&J., 1869. b. Adair county, Ky., 30 Jl 1862.
Outline s tudies in the New Testament d. Liberty, Ky., 7 Je 1927.
church. Iowa Cit y, Ia., 1905.
56p. My garden. St, Louis, Christian about - see
~- Weit,
J. W.
Sketches of our

Service in song. The cream of all MONSER,JOHNWATERHAUS, 1840-1912.

the beat songs, of all the beat wri- b, London, England, 5 0 1840.
ters together with order of service d. Kansas City, Mo., 1 Ja 1912, IIONTGOl!ERY,J OHND
for the Sunday school by llarion La• b.
ranee, Frank L. Brown, P.H. Welahimer, Follies of free thought. Bedford,
and othera •••• comp. by H. H. Moninger Ind.,.AJ. M. Mathes, 1872,
and ed. by E. O. Excell, Cincin- 109p. introduction aee
nati, Standard, n.d.
224p. The literature of the Diaciples; a Sarli, F. A. Ephtlea from
study. St. Louis, Christian pub . co. reahtencia.
ccMONl, JAY HENRY, . 12lp.
Types and metaphor• of the Bible; b. Boone Mill, Va., 19 Jl 1896.
with an introduction by Chas. Louis
Adventism and the Bible, a study. Loo•. St, Louis, Burns, •1886,
Naahville, »cQuiddy, 1919. 320p. The education of minister, of
25lp. front. (port.) Diaciples of Christ. St. Louia,

--.•1886. St. Louie, Christian pub . Bethany pres•, •1931.
b. Charle, William Montgomery. (In
d. St. Louia, Christian board. Weit, J. ff., ed. Sketche1 of our
mountain pioneers, 1939, pp. 164-159)
A history of southern Jliaaouri and --, c&nd a publiaher'a preface by
Northern Arkansas, being an account of F. L. Rowe, Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, Repor·t on the for,a on the "Disci-
the early 1ettlementa, the Civil War, 1936. ples and aocial action", The security
the Ku-Klux and time• of peace. 320p. in Christian love. (In International
West Plain•, l(o., West Plains journal oonTention, 1939, pp. 224-229; 1936,
co., 1907. Ia prayer on the decline; The resur- pp. 163-166)
247p. front., illus. rection aa a fact; 111:eleton aermona.
(In Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathiat,
1877, pp. 374-3761 449-452)

)f Moody - Moore

JfOODY,IVA M Alexander Campbell and the ge neral Soul-wi .nnin g . ( In Patterson, H.

b. convention, a history of the rise of C., ed. Our living evangelists, 1893,
organizatio n among the Disci ples of pp. 225-231)
Chri st. St. Louie, Christian board,
Through the Bible in a year with •1914. about see
junior,, story outline• by Verda L. 83p.
Bloomhuff. Cincinnati, Standard, Richard, J. F, Ambrose B, Moore.
•1941. The gospel according to the Holy
169p. illus. Spirit, a serie1 of expositor y sermons I
on the Acts of the apostles. St. ecMOORE, C D
Loui s , Chr i stian board, •19l lil, b.
ccMOODY,ROBERTNEILL, 1851- 237p .
What is baptiam? Rich mond, Va., Our Savior's prayer for unity.
Missionary weekly, n.d. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior's
Eunice Loyd; or, the struggle and 4p. pra y er for unity, 1918, pp. 144-147)
triumph of an honest heart. Cincin -
nati, F, L. Rowe, 1909. Cincinnati, Sta ndard.
290p. MO
The house beautifUl. (In Moore, b.
Language of the two ord i nances. W. T., ed. The new livin g pulpit of d.
Cincinnati, Christia n leader corpora- t he Christian church, 1918, pp. 380-
tion. 400) Behind the bars; 31498, Lexing-
ton, Blue grass ptg. co., 1899.
about see 303p. front. (port.)
b. Moore, W. T. The new living pul- Dog Fennell in the Orient. Lex-
d. pit of the Christian church. ington, J.E. Hughes, ,1903,
340p. front. (port.)
about aee
MOORE,ALMAEVELYN, -1929. The rational view. Louieville,
Tiers, 14. c. The Christian por- b. Courier-journal job ptg. co,, 1890.
trait gallery. d. , 29 My 1929. 373p.

Constance Latt i mer's visit to the about see

LEONIDASAUSTIN mis1ionfield1. Indianapolis, C. W.
b. B. M. Zachary, J. W. Infidels Moore
leaflet. and Ingersoll unmasked.

History of Cotner un i ve rs i ty , in - A journey by stage• and relays to

cluding the early reli gious and educa - some of our mi11ion stations. ,Ind- cY.OORE,DANIELWEBSTER, 1833-
tional movement of the Chr i st ian i anapolio, C. w. B. M., 1910., b. Logan county, o., 16 Je 1833.
church in Nebraska . , Betha ny, Neb., , d.
1916. On Raven's mountain. ,Indiana-
290p. front., illue., ports. po l is, C, W. 3 . M., 1909, Nathan'• dagger. (In Coan, A.
5p . folder. 'If,,ed. Gospel sermons, 1881, pp.
MOON,EVERARDROY The two circles. Indianapolis,
b. C, W. B. M., 1911,
b. Floyd's Knob, Ind., 3 Ap 1872.
Pledge to all lands, Children ' • Visiting the missionary on old
day play-pageant. Ind i ana poli s, u. sl eepy. ,Indianapolis, c. W. B. M.,
c. Jf. s.,1935. 1909, My understanding of the good news.
l5p. music. cl22p. ,Denver?, Colo., •1910.
Thaddeus Bitumba; the Congo introduction 1ee
preacher who coul d not quit. In d- The New Testament message. ,st.
ianapolia and Cin cinnati, C. W. B. 11. Scott, 14. L., comp. "Come ye apa.rt '1 Louis, Mich., Author, 1938.
and F. C. M. S. 1929 . ,242,p. port.
l6p. plates. Printed by the Dean-Hicks co.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
with OTHERS. MOORE, AMBROSE B , 1861-1933.
b . Holmes county, o., 4 N 1861.
Spying out Congo l a nd , by E, R• . d. Alliance, o., 16 D 1933. .MOORE,EDGARORLO, 1880-
lloon , W, A. Fr ymir e , E. A. John son , b.
and w. R. Holder. Indi anapo l i s, c. HelpfUl Bible readings ••• Mans-
W. B. M. f iel d, 0,, Author, 1892.
l Ol p . One vacation. St. Louis, Chris-
tian pub. oo., •1906.
M'.>ON,Jf A --, 2d ed. enl. Manefield, O., _15p. plates.
b. Auth or, 1895.
Sketches of Moon and Bar cl ay families. How to use the sword. Mansfield, b. Nodaway county, llo,, 19 N 1871.
O., Author, 1899.
IIJORE, ALLENRICE, 1865-192 2. Labor--and the reaponaibility of
b. near North Midd let own, Ky. , 31 What is Baptiem? Cincinnati, Congreaa ••• 1peech in the Senate of the
Ag 1865. Standard. United States, Thursday, November 8,
d. Atlanta, Ga., 22 S 1922 . 4p. 1945. Waahington, D. C. , u. S.
Govt. ptg. office, 1945.
llll>or• - Jt>ore )I

The president's mesaage,,,apeech in JIOORE,JESSIE ELEANOR, IIOORE, 'If C

the Senate, Thursday, September 27, b, b,
1945, Waehington, D. c., U, S, d. d.
Govt, ptg, office, 1945,
8p, inc, coTera, Handwork in the beginner• depart- Ia dancing right? St. Louia,
ment. St. Louie, Christian board, Christian pub, oo.
ooMOORE,EFFIE 13p, illua,
b, IIOORE, 'If D
JIOORE,µE llcDOBALD,1894- d.
Bible primer, Austin, Firm foun- b, Pittaburg, Penn., 24 II 1894,
dation, Shall Christiana go to war? st.
Louie, John Burne.
Thine ordinances are . good, (In 24Bp.
lllORE, GEORGE VOIERS, 1897- Thornton, E. 1'., ed. · Bethany college
b, Campbelleburg, Ky,, 2 lly 1897, sermon,, 1930, PP, 82-93) debate with CARLETON,S. P,

The art of church membership, MOORE,PAUL, -1941, The deatiny . of man, a diacuesion
St, Louis, Bethany press, •1942, b, held at Union City, Indiana, on Tuea-
95p. d, Waehington, D. C,, 22 F 1941, day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
April 26, 27, 28, and 29, 1870, 2d
Impro•ing the small Sunday school, introduction eee ed. New Vienna, o., Authors, 1881,
St. Louie, Christian board, 1932. •1870,
172p, Moore, w. T. At ninety and other 384p.
Local church management.
ington, Ky,, College of the Bible,
.Lex- Moore.
other "· T.
At seventy-fiTe and
1945. b, 119.rionTille, Jlo,, 24 D 1907,
4p. (College of the Bible atudiea
of Current Disciple ieauea, no. l) lllORE, RICHARDBISHOP, 1871-1931,
Reprinted from. The College of the b, Cincinnati, O., 6 lly 1871, Christ la earth'• beet hope1 Jlatina
Bible bulletin, January _ 1945. d, Purdue, Ind., 30 Ja 1931, giTen over WOL. .Amee, Ia,.
December 22-27.
Valuea diacoTered in the auper...iaion A laboratory chemistry. Phila- lOp.
of oollege and uniTeraity leadera in delphia, Lippincott, 1904, Jlimeogr!lphed,
religioua education. Chicago, 1938, l96p.
h, l63p,
Theaie, Ph, D,, UniTeraity of Heliumi ita hietory, propertiea and MOORE,WEBSTEROLIVER, 1840-1914,
Chioago, 1934, 0011111ericaldeTelop-nt, Philadel- b, , Vt., 24 Je 1840,
phia, Lippincott, 1921, d. 3 Jl 1914.
Building the ohurch in rural Amerioa, pp. 145-197, illua,
(In International convention, 1937, pp. Reprinted from the Journal of the Brief memoir of Elder J, II, Bart-
43-60) Franklin inatitutea, February 1921, lett, (In Doctrinal and practical
tracts, 1876, wl, 2, pp. 661-664)
contributed to aee Rare gaaea of the atmosphere,
New York, Columbia uniTereity preaa,
Bawer, 1'. C. The Disciple• and 1927. lfOORE,WILLIAM THOJIAS,1832-1926,
religioua education. (Columbia uniTeraity leo- b, Henry county, Ky., 27 Ag 1832,
turea) d, Orlando, Fla,, 8 S 1926,

ccMOORE,HOMER E , 1868-1941, with KITHIL, K. L. At ninety and other poema, a birth-

b, Helder, Ill , , 10 Ap 1888, day eouTenir, Auguat 27, 1832 - Auguat
d, Wichita, Kans,, 19 D 1941, A preliminary report on uranium, 27, 1922, cintroductory by Paul lloore 0
radium, and T&nadium. Waahington, St. Louie, Christian pub, co,, 1922,
introduction aee GOTt. ptg. office, 1913, 58p,
lOlp, (Bulletin 70, llineral
Abilene Chriatian college Bible technology 2) At ae ...enty-fiTe and other poemai a
lecturee, 1936, Rerlaed eds., iaaued in 1914 and 1916 birthday eouvenir, August 27, 1832 -
Auguet 27, 1907 .introductory by Paul
with OTHERS. lloore, St, Louis, Christian pub.
ocll'.lORB, IRA C co., 1907,
b, Analytical aethoda for certain 165p. front, (port,) ports,
metal• including cerium, thori,n, molye-
denum, tungsten, radi,n, uranium, T&na- The church of the future. St,
Our Lord'• prayer for unity, (In di1a, titani,n and lirconilDII, Waah- Louie, Christian pub, co,
Rawe, P, L., ed. Our SaTior'• prayer ington, GoTt, ptg. office, 1923,
for unity, 1918, pp. 118-153) 325p. (Bulletin 212) A oomprehenaiT• hiatory of the
Diaciplea of Chriet, being an account
debate with BOBLE, J, C, of a oentury'• effort to reatore
----- (llillenial dawn) lfOORE, W A , 18 69- prilllitiTe Chriatianity in ita faith,
b, Guthrie county, Ia., 24 Jl 1889, · doctrine and life, 11- York, ReTell,
The Jloore-Boble debate, a written •1909,
diacuaaion,,. Cincinnati, F, L. xiT, 830p, front,, plate•, porta,
Rowe, 1910. A. E. Cory. (In Brokaw, 0, L., ed,
172p. · Doctrine and life by Iowa writer•, 1898, CoDTeraationa at the unity olubi
pp. 431-432) or, a popular diacuaaion of a reli-
gioua difference, with a rlew to Chria-
tian unity, by a number of earneat
thinkers, representing aceptica,
)f 11,ore • llorehead

romaniate, and the leading denomina• World'• unreat. St. Louie, KcCash, Hugh KcLellan, c. s. Ked•
tione of protestant Chriatendom, re- Chriatian pub. co. bury, A. R. 11,ore, C. E. 11,rgan, A.
ported by a member ot the club. B. Philputt, E. L. Powell, W·. F,
London, Christian oommomrealth pub. The church ot the tuture . (In Richardaon, c. R. ScoTille, H. D.
co. International c omention. Addreuea Smith, I. J. Spencer, z. T. Sweeney,
Tii, 216p. deliTered at the world'• congresa and C. J. Tanner, P.H. Welehimer, and
general miaaionary conTentiona ot the H. L. Willett.
Th• conTereion of the world. church of Christ, 1893, pp. 45-77)
London, Christian co1111110nwealth
pub. co. introduction eee
The church ot the tuture1 Faith and
The tundamental error Chriatendom. aight. (In Sweeney, z. T., ed. Campbell, Alexander. Familiar
St. Louie, Chriatian pub. co., •1902. Hew Teatament Chriatianity, Tol, 3, lecture• on the Pentateuch.
l96p. 1930, pp, 362-4011 TOl, 1, 1923, pp,
223-247) about
Heroea and heroine• ••• Cincinnati,
F. c. If. s., 1900, Faith and sight. (In his ed. Edwards, G.D. William Thoaa
53p. The liTing pulpit of the Christian 11,ore. (In Dictionary or American
church, 1867, pp. 639-658) biography, Tol, 13, 1934, pp. 145-146)
Dea hommea de foi, de besoin du
temp• present. Paris, Librairil The turbulent period, (In Garri- . w. T. !&:,ore. (In Brown, J, T.,
Fiachbacker. son, J. H., ed. The reformation of ed. Churohea of Christ, 1904, pp.
the nineteenth century, 1901, pp. 159- 467-468)
The life ot Timothy Coop,1 or the 267)
atory of a consecrated business career1 about see
with which ia connected a brief account
ot a religious reformation. London,
~- lloore, w. T.
ot the Christian
The liTing
Chriatian CODIIIODWealth pub. oo., cl889, The liTing pulpit of the Christian
xxiii, 466p. tront. (port.) plates. church; a eerie• ot diecouraea, doc•
trinal and practical, from repreaenta-
--, Cincinnati, Standard .1889, tiTe men among the Disciple• ot Christ, l.!JOREIIEAD,EVELYN(FRANK)
xxiii, 456p. front. (port.) platea. with a brief biographical sketch and b,
ateel portrait ot each contributor.
Jfan preparing tor · other world11 or, Cincinnati, R. lf. Carroll & co., 1868,
th• apiritual man's conflicts and final •1867. Frankly, Graham Frank is tops,
Tictoryi a story ot a man in the light 689p, front. (port.) porta. (In Campbell and Jfoaeley, eds, My
ot the Bible, science, and experience. Contenta, dad, 1938, pp. 63-67)
St. Louia, Christian pub. oo., 1904. Sel"IIIOnaby H. T. Anderson, William
XXT 1 482p, Baxter, A. R. Benton, o. A. Burgeaa,
D. s. Burnet, Jame• Challen, Isaac llORAH, ELDOR
The old and n- centuriea. ColU111- Errett, Tolbert Fanning, Benjamin b,
bia, Jfo,, Jliaaouri atateanan preaa, Franklin, Robert Graham, T. P. Haley, d.
1901, A. S. Hayden, W. H. Hopson, Joaeph
ling, J. S. Laar, If. E. Lard, . G. w. Key to the reporting style of short-
Our strength and our weameaa. Longan, C. L. Loo•, J, w. McGarTey, . hand... St. Louia, Christian board.
St. Louis, Christian pub, co. Robert Jlilligan, 11'. T. Jfoore, Thoaa
lllnnell, W. K. Pendleton, L. L, Pink ~ One hundred Taluable suggestions,
The plea of the Disciple• ot Chriat, erton, John Shackelford, J. S. St, Louis, Christian board,
or the prinoiplea and aims or a reli- Sweeney, DaTid Walk and L. B. Wilkea.
gious moTement n-ly stated and criti- The reporting style ot ahorthand,.,
cally examined. Chicago, Christian ---. fourth thousand, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Christian pub, co,, 1884,
century co., 1906, R. 11', Carroll & co., 1868, •1867, 184p.
ix, 130p, 689p, front. (port.) ports,
---. 10th ed. reT, St, Louia,
Preacher problems, or ~he twentieth --. St, Louis, Christian pub. Christian pub. oo., cl889,
century preacher at hie work. Cin- co., 1890, •1867, 3llp.
oinnati, Standard, •1907, 590p, front, (port,) porta.
387p. Shorthand dictionary, St. Louis,
The liTing pulpit or the Christian Christian board.
Radioaliam and c.onaer-n.tiam, their church, a aerie• ot di1courae1, doo•
influence on the deTelop1118nt ot a true trinal and practical, from repreaenta- The shorthand primer. St. Louis,
oiTilisation, Cinoinnati, Boaworth. tiTe 1118namong the Diaciplea ot Chriat, Christian pub, co.,•1889,
St. Louie, Chriatian pub. co,, •1867, 27p. illus.
Supr-oy of th• heart l1te1 a plea 690p,
tor the regnanoy et lOTe, The sign book. St. Louia, · chria-
•- York,
Rnell, •1908. Then- liTing pulpit ot the Chria- tian board.
:nap. tian church, a aerie• ot diaoouraea,
doctrinal and practical, by repreaent... Student's ahorthand manual. st.
Vi-• ot lite1 addreaa on the aooial tiTe men among the Diaciplea ot Chriat, Louie, Christian board.
and religious queationa or the age. with introduction on the hiatory ot
Cincinnati, R. w. Carroll & oo., 1869. preaching and brief biographical ake'l:oh
35lp. and halftone portrait ot eaoh oontribu- ooll)JIEHEAD,D B
tor, Jubilee ed. St. Louie, Chri•- b,
The union of Chriatendom. tian board, 1918.
400p. porta.
Woman'• work in the church. Cin- Contenta, Chriatianity can not be localized
oinnati, Boaworth, Chaae & Hall, 1870. Sermon• by, B. A. Abbott, Peter and kept at ho-. HashTille, Author,
2lp. Ainslie, lf. H. Book, F. w. Burnham, n,d.
G. A. Campbell, G. H. Combo, W. E. 18p.
St, Louia, Christian pub, Crabtree, R.H. Croaatield, F. If.
oo. Dowling, J. H. Garriaon, J. J. Haley.
B. A. Jenkins, E. D. Jone,, I. R. '

lloreheo.d - li>rrell M

Awakenin g th e chu rches, (In cc MORGAN, CLARENCE CARNES, 1886-19 45 , Church es of Christ in California
Abi lene Christian colle ge Bibl e lec- b. Gainsboro, Tenn., 21 F 1886 . (North) ( In Brown, J, T., ed,
t ures, 1937, pp , 64-67) d, Da lhart, Tex,, 19 S 1945 . Church es of Christ , 1904, pp . 20 6-2 08)
Why I left the Christian church. about see
MOREHOUSE, DANIELWALTE R, 1876- 1941 . Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, n,d.
b ,, Minn., 22 F 1876, 24p. Cason, W. s. , and ot hers, A
d, Des Moines, Io.., 21 Ja 1941 , souven ir hi story of t he Christia n
Why we sing and do not pla y ••• chur ch of Cynthiana, Kentucky.
Charles S, Medbury , t he university Aust in, Tex,, Firm f oundati on , n,d,
cha p lain, (In Mille r, R, F., , ed. 14p .
Charles S, Medbury, 1932, pp . 11-20) MO
The genuin eness and credi bil ity of b.
Chr is tian imper atives of the hou r our English Bib le; Proof t hat Jes us of
from a la yman's vi ew point, ( In Nazareth is the Chris t the Son of God.
Internati onal convention, 1935, pp . 9- (In Abi l ene Chriat ian college Bible David A. Wickizer. (In Brokaw,
21) lectures, 1936, pp. 50-5 7; 1938, pp. G, L., ed. Doctrine and life by
162-1 70) I owa writer s , 1898, pp. 319-320)
intr oduction see

International convention, 1935, MOR

b. b, Pr a irie Cree k , I nd, , 30 D 1871.

b, What is man? (In Brite Col le ge Teachers• manual for Cook and
of the Bible. Sermon s, vol. l, 1937, Cropsey advanced arithmetic •••
pp . 25-26) Terre Haute, Ind., Inland pub, ~o.,
Teachin g thro ugh worship, a book of 1902 ,
junior worship pr ograms, Cincin nati, ed. 302p.
Sto.ndard, •1 940 ,
l54p. illus. Manual for the chur ch building Tea cher'• manua l for Welsh'• N9W
committee... Ft. Wort h , Tex ,, grammar school arithmetic • • •
Texas Chriotian misoionary societ y , n.d , Torre Haut e, Ind., Inland pub. co .,
GAN, CAREYELM ORE, 1860-1925, 18p. 1904.
b. near Indi anap ol i s, In d . , 21 ·Ag 386p.
1860 . ed. oee
d . Nashville, Tenn., 10 My 1925 , Histor y of the extension movement
Brite coll eg e of -the Bi ble. Sermon• , in Ill inois; The policy of the Nation-
The Lord'• supper. St. Louis, U. al educa tion a1 so oiation towards pri -
C, M. S,, cl 928, vate f oundati ons an d other national
Sp. folder, MORGAN,DICK THOMPSON, 1854-1920 , organ izations; Teac her tra in ing for a
b, Prairie Creek, Ind., 6 D 1854 . new world; What ser vic es may be ex-
The New Testo.ment church, a pleo. for d, pected of the Ameri can aaeooiation
its restoration, t. serm on preached at of teachers co llege s a s a ratin g
·the Portland avenue church of Chriot Land credits--& plea for the Amer- agency. (In Nati onal educa tion
cMinneapolis, lfinneo.polis, Chriotian ican farmer, New York, Thos. Y, a1so oiation. Addr essee and proceed-
news. cl 898:s Crowell, •1915. ings, 1915, pp. 777- 780; 1927, pp.
C 15,p, xvi, 299p. 144- 152; 1929, pp . 42-51 ; 1932, pp.
Fellowship with Christ in victory. Morgan'• digest of Oklahoma st at ute•
(In International convention, 1913, pp. and Supreme court de ci aion s . Perry,
43-62) Okla., Author1 Kansas City, Pre ss of MORGANS,MORG A?!, 1851-1930 .
Hudaon_>Kimberly pub. co., •1897. b . Decatur count y, Ind., 18 Ja 185:
lla.n o.nd the book. (In Moore, w. 307p, d . Burne t , Tex., ~5 S 1930.
T., ed. The new liTing pulpit of the
Christian church, 1918, pp. 115-1 25) »or gan' a 111.Qnualof U, S. homestead Christ the basi1 of universal
and townsite laws. Guthrie, Okla, , brotherh ood. (I n Patters on, H. c.,
The mother and the home, Mothers' Stat e co.pital ptg. co,, 1893 . ed. Our li ving evan gelists, 1894, pp .
day eermon. (In Thornton, E. W., ed. 146p. 60-77)
Special eermona for opecial occasions,
1921! pp . 105-116) , and mining laws . Guthrie, about aee
Okla,, State capital ptg, co,, 1900 ,
Prayer, (In Meacham, E. J,, comp. 210p. Patterson, H. C, Our living
Training to teach, •1913, pp. 216-218) evangeli s ts.
Morgan'• achool land manual. 1901.
The har ve•t is white, thirteen .le•- MORGAN,FRANK A b.
aons f or senior, young people'• and b, d.
adult classes in preparation for a
r evival. Cincinnati, Standard , •1923. The tru e be li ever'• def en se.
83p, (Standard elective aerie• Finding God da ily . (In Strong, Boston, Benjami n H. Greene, 1837,
of special lesson•) S, D., ed, Bow to find God, 1931,
p. 46)
Moore, W, T. The new living pul- JIORGAII,JOHN JERRY, 1866-1934, d.
pit of ~he Christian church. b. Carlisle county, Ky., Ap 1856 ,
d. Bethany, W. Va. , 18 F 1934. Bible l amps f or l ittle feet,
Cincinnati, Standard.

23 6
If llorrell - llr>rrow

Boya brigade handbook, Cincinnati, The outlawry of war, a cons truct ive --. Grand Rapids, Kich,, Zon-
Standard, policy for world peace, wit h an after- dorvan pub. co,, 1933,
word by John Dowey, Chica go, 384p.
Willett, Clark & Colby, 1927,
ol!ORRILL, .ALVAHERJWI,1848- x, 332p. joint od. aee
b, Graf'ton, B, H., 7 Je 18'8,
d, Chicago, Willett, Clark & Willett, H, L. The daily al tar •.
Colby, 1927.
The DiTine SaTior, (In Coan, A. l<U, 300p. WILLETT, H. L.
W,, ed, Goepel aonnone, 1881, pp,
21~217) Tho social gospel and tho Christian Hymn• of .he united church. The
cultus, Now York, Harper, 1933, Disciples hymnal, Chicago, Chris-
xii, 269p, (Rauechonbusch lec- tian century preaa, 1916,
cl!ORRILL, lfILO TRUE, tures, Colgate-Rochester DiTinity · l<lCltVi, 437, 11, 64p.
b. school)
Hymn• of the united church,
What is Christianity? Tho Lyman Chicago, Christian century prose, 1921,
History ot the Christian denanina- Beecher locturee for 1939 at Yale •1919,
tion in America, 179'-1911, A. D. UDiToreity. Chicago, Willett, Clark Xl<ltVi, 437, 11, 64p.
Dayton, O., Christian pub, aaaocia- & co,, 1940,
tion, 1912. ix, 324p. --. Chicago, Will-,tt, Clark &
407p. tront. (pert.) platoa, COTor is marked, Special Christian Colby, 1931, •1919.
century edition, =1, 437, 11, 64p.

ocl!ORRIS, .ALVIBlfA.l!ION,1861-19'°, A troo church beside a tree etato

b, nnr 9ow Vienna, o., 11 D 1861. in a tree society. (In Garrison, W, li}RRJSON, HUGHTUCKER, -1911.
d, lanaaa City, lfo,, 9 Ja 1940. !,, ed. Faith of the tree, 1940, pp, b.
83-96) d, Chicago, Ill. ·, 26 llr 1911,
The prophecies UDTeiled1 or, pro-
phecy a dirlne ayat-. Winfield, Preparing the church tor tho next TwelTe reaaona why I stand identi-
hue., The courier preee, 1914. -r. (In International conTontion, fied with the people known as Diaoi-
:n1., 498p, front, (pert.) diagre. 1937, pp. 237-266) plea of Christ, .Cincinnati, Standard -
Tho recovery of religion as a
coJIORRIS, DONIIBTH, 1902- personal experience. (In Pound, J, TwelTe reason• why Diaciplea of
b. DoSota, Tex., 13 Ag 1902. P,, ed. Voicoa ot the age, 1929, pp, Chri1t are right, (In Sweeney, z.
169-188) ?., ed. Now Testament Christianity,
TOl, 2, 1926, pp, 182-190)
H01rto road and etudy the BibleJ introduction •••
Tho need for the Chriatian achool.
(In Abilene Christian college Bible Jones, E, D. When Jeaua wrote on llll!RO, WILLIA)(CHARLES,1871-1943.
lecture•, 1936, pp. 106-1131 1942, pp. the ground. b. Tipton, Ia., 11 N 1871,
1-14) Pounda, J.E. llemorial selection• d. Fort Worth, ?ex,, 24 Kr 1943.
Wieman and others. le there a
The -.alue of Christian education, GodT "Brother VcGarToy", the 1·1re of
(In The ?ulaa locturoa, 1938, pp. 19- Preaident J, W. MeGarTey ct the ·Col-
26) joint~ ••• lege of the Bible, Lexington, Kentucky,
St, Louis, Bethany pre1a, •1940,
Jordan, o. F. The training ot 266p. (A publication for tho
W church members. aeTenty-fif'th annivereary celebration
b. of the College of tho Bible, June 1°940)
with O?HBRS.
Stewardship; a 1tudy or the teach-
State Ta. Bob Mu-tin, a trial~. What ahould the churchea do in -rT ing• of the Bible on the aubject ot a
cindianapelie, Unified pro,aotion. n.d. by Ernest C. Colwell, Charle• Cleyton man'• obligation to God in financing
.16.p. Morrison, and Robert Redfield, .a the work of the Kingdom, St, Louie,
radio diacuaaion broadcaat tr0111.the Botllany prose, 1932.
UniTerai ty of Chioago OTor the red net- rl, 185p.
l!ORRIS, JAJIES JW>ISOB, 1849-1916. work ot the 'Rational broadcasting co.,
b. lnox oounty, Ill.,, 22 F 1849. Sunday, February 16, 1942.. Chicago, Howwe got our Bible . (In
d. Eugene, Ore., 11 F 1916. UniTeraity of Chioago, 1942, Bible, Front Rank Bible, Doctrinal
29p. (UniTeraity of Chicago helpa, pp. 1-7)
How to become a Chriatian. Sioux round table, no. 205)
City, Ia., Author, 1891T The spiritual signitioance ot
.u.rican pulpit1a TDlime ot aermona
•~dahip. (In Dawson, F. E,, ed.
The Christian aan at work, 1939, T. 1,
pp. 131-137)
ll)RRISOB, CHARLESCLAYTOB,187'- by 26 ot the tor•oat 11Ting :American
b. Barriaon, o., 4 D 1874. preacher• choaen by a poll ot all the .
protestant miniatera in the United >cllORROlr,WILLARD,1903-
Statea, nearly 26,000 of whom caat their b,
The Chrhtian and the war. Totea. •- York, •cmillan, 1925.
Chicago, Willett, Clerk & co,, •1942. 384p. .
146p. . Content• include, The pre1ence by Sermons preached during my twentiea.
Joaoph Fort Bowton. Auat1n, Tex., Firm foundation, 1934.
The 11eaning of bepthm, Chicago, 130p, front. (ports,)
Diaciplea publication aooiety, •1914. Chicago, Christian century
222p. preaa, 1926.

Morrow - Mosley )f

b. Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia, (Mrs. William H, Moses),
15 S 1872. Using drama in the church. St. 1863-1908.
d. Dulwic h, Adelaide, Australia, Louis, Bethany press, 1939, b, Columbus, O., 27 Ja 1853.
3 Jl 1934. . 91?, d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 11 lly 1908.

about joint~ aee C, w. B. M. membership. Indiana-

polis, c. w. B. 11., 1897?
In memoriam, William Morrow, 1872- Moseley, J, E, Keeping up with leaflet.
1934, cwith a foreword by Robert Lyall, the news.
cl!elbourne, Austral ptg. & pub. co., Helen E. lok>sesof the Christian ·
1934, woman's board of miaeions; biograph•
24p. front. (port.) MOSELEY,JOSEPH EDll'ARD,1910.. ioal sketch, memorial tribute•, mie-
b. Jackson, Tenn., 15 lly 1910. aionary addreeaes by Mrs. Moses,
aonnete and other verse• .with an
MORSE,J RUSSELL, introduction by A. l!oLean,, ed. by
b. The 1936 convention; A review of Jaaper T. Mose•. New York, Revell,
the convention, (In International •1909.
convention, 1936, pp. 9-24; 1938, pp. 192p, front, (port,) ports.
In far Yunnan. (In Wilson, J. R., 9-14)
Men and women of far h~rizons, 1935, Our t'Unda, cindianapolis, c. lf.
pp . 91-94) Superficial religion, (In The B. ll,, n,d,
minister's annual, vol, 5, 1933, pp. 6p. folder,
IIJRTON, CLEMENTMANLY,1684- Our southern neighbor. Indiana-
b. Newport, N. C., 25 F 1884. Wage cutting and business recovery. polia, c. lf, B, II.
(In University debater•' annual, 1932, leaflet.
pp. 134-138, and 142-143)
The Disciples of Christ in Puerto lira. 0, A. Burgees. (In Brown,
Rico. .Ponce, P. R., Puerto Rico with MOSELEY,F. A. J, T., ed. Churchs• of Christ, 1904,
evangelicoJI n.d. pp. 444-446)
6p. folder, illua. Keeping up with the news, a pageant
play for a world call evening. Incl- ed. aee
McLean conference grounda. "SerTing ianapoli•, World call, cl934,
the youth of Puerto Rico." c BayarnOn, 19p. Dickinson, E. J. Historical
P. R., sketch of the Christian woman's board
4p. illua. of miuions.

Paraguay--a challenge to the church. Moseley, F. A. Using drama in the about aee
Indianapolia, C. W. B. M. church,
loses, J, T. Helen E. ~oses of
Paraguay, the inland republic. joint ed. see the Christian woman's board of misdone.
Cincinnati, Powell & White, •1926.
177p. front. (map.) plates. Campbell, G. A. My dad, preacher,
pastor, person. IIJSES, JASPER TURNEY,1880..1921,
The challenge of the world situation b. , o., 1880,
to the local church. (In Interna- d, Mexico, 8 Je 1921.
tional convention, 1938, pp. 332-337) ccllOSELY, J C
b, llexico, written for young people.
Indianapolis, C, W. B. M., n.d.
KORTON,JAMESH , 1842-1928. 48p. illue.
b. Marshall county, Tenn., 10 lfr How should we pray? (In Rowe, F,
1842. L., .-.d. Our SaTior•s prayer for unity, llieaions a factor in nation making.
d. , 10 lfr 1928. 1918, pp. 154-lJ;'l') Iadianapolia, C. 'Ir, B. M., 1910.
about aee
ccllOSER, KERHEYCARL, 1893- Today in the land of tomorrow; a
Bole•, H. L. Biographical b. atudy in the deTelopment of Mexico,
aketches of goapel . preacher•. Indianapolia, C. lf. B, II,, cl907,
x, 83p. front. (port.) plates.
Six . gospel sermons. Austin, Tex.,
MORTON,STEPHENA , 1873- Firm foundation. Today in the land of tomorrow,
b. near Briatol, Tenn., 5 Ag 1873. 4lp. aketchea of life in Mexioo, caecond
ed. reT. June 1909, Indianapolia,
Studiea in Roman•. Austin, Tex., C. 'Ir. B. II,, 1909, •1907.
The final authority. (In Gray, A. Firm foundation. 114p. front. (port.) illua.
P., ed. Preaching that builds churchea, 40p.
1940, pp. ) ~- aee
The way of salTation, being an expo-
sitio n or God'• method of ju1tificatioa lloaea, H. E, T, B. Helen E. Voaea.
KOSELEY,FLORENCE LOUISE (ALEXANDER) through Christ cwith a preface by Clede
(Mr•. J.E. Moeeley), 1911- E. Wallace, RashTille, Gospel advo-
b. Darjeeling, India, 16 S 1911. cate, 1932. 1cl!OSLEY,T B
174p. b.

"Hold that man!", World call play What is a looal congregation? (Ia
in one act. Indianapolia, World Abilene Christian college Bible lecture• with OTHERS.
call, 1941. 1939, pp. 153-162)
9p. Choice goepel hymns, a collection ot
Mimeographed. over thrH hundred hymns for all oooa-
aiona of Chriatian 110rk and worship,

lfo1ley • 11,lllu

ed. br T. B. lloaley, C. M. Pullias, S. about IIUELLER,PATRICIA (RHODUS) (lira.

P. Pittru.n. Nashville, Goepel ad- Theodore Charle• llleller)
vooate, 1923. Appreciations of John W. lilunce, b. near Bloomington, Ill.,
316 songs. published by hi• friends of the First
Christian churoh, Hannibal, llo.
joint comp. aee Hannibal, Journal ptg. oo., c1914, Golden chalice of song. cTopeli:a,
.24,p. front. (port.) lane., Shawnee chief, •1921.
Jlartin, W. S. Christian hymnal. 24p.

MOUNTJOY,JOHNW , 18«.-1886 0

IS)SS, JESSE JASPER, 1806-1896. b. Anderson oounty, Ky., 7 11:y1844. IIJIR, WARNER,1901-
b. Onondaga county, 13 Jl 1806. d. Columbia, 1*>., 23 llr 1886. b. Savannah, lil., 18 Je 1901.
Church diaoiplina; Secular dili-
Criticism, exegesis and interpret- gence and spiritual fervency; Signifi- A hundred year• of religious edu-
ation of scripture and scripture refer- cance of Christ' ·• baptism; Suffering cation among the Disciples of Christ
ences. Cincinnati, Standard, 1887. and rejoicing together; skeleton aer• in Illinois. (In Dept. of religious
iv, 261p. mona. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The education. Silver anniversary of
polymathiat, 1877, pp. 331-333; 468- religious educa~ion, Illinois ed.,
460; 170-171; 399-400) 1935, pp. 4-12)
b. The living churoh--ita spiritual
MOYER,IIRS. ALICE CURTICE, re,ourcea. (In Wickizer, w. II.,
b. ed. The living church, 1942, pp. 17•
Womenleader a I whence shall they 20)
ooma1 Kanaaa City, 1*>., lliaaouri
educational oommiaaio~ of the Christian A romance of the road, -1<ing love
church, n.d. and a living. Chicago, Laird & Lee, IIOLIEY, AAROJIBAYES, 1847-1920.
8p. inc. covers. •1912. b. , Ky., 6 llr 1847.
279p. front., ports. d. Portland, Ore., 21 F 1920.

MOTLEY,DANIELESTEN The vine and the branches, skele-

b. IIJCICLEY,GEORGE WALDO,1861-1926. ton aermon. (In Cory, N. E., ed.
b. near Canton, o., 1 F 1861. The polymathiat, 1877, pp. 406-406)
d. Kansas City, 110., 20 Ja 1926.
Lite ot commissary James Blair,
founder of William and Mary college. Church extension, a history. MJLDY, JOHNBE'll"l'Oll,1806-1882.
Baltimore, Johna Hopkins preaa, 1901. 15p. port.. o t Fletcher Cowherd. b. Tompkinsville, Ky., 11 F 1806.
57p. d. , 26 S 1882.

William Stone Bullard. (In West, l5p. port. ot G. W. lfuckle7. about 1ee
J. W., ed. Sketches of our mountain
pioneer•. 1939, pp. 28-30) Influence of C. W. B. II. da7 on Bolea, H. L. Biographical
auxiliary and local m-berahip. alcetchea ot gospel ·preachers.
Indianapolis, C. W. B. II., 1897. Rogers, W. c. Recollections of
II01'LEY, Ellll'IN L , i880-1906. leaflet. -n of faith.
b. , 15 S 1880.
d. near Chatham, Va., 25 My 1905. Nuggets of truth on church exten-
don. IIJLLEN, DOYLE, 1900-
about aee p11111phlet. b. Sheridan, Ind., 19 0 1900.

Weat, J. W., ed. Sketches of The origin and aim of church exten-
our mountain pioneers. sion. What are you going to do? Ind-
plllllphlet. ianapolia, u. c. II. s., 1946?
IIOHERSBAW, S Church extension. (In Brown, J.
b. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. It the7 onl7 1cn-1 The new world.
d. 178-185) (In International convention, 1938,
pp. 176-1831 1934, pp. 2_26-231)
History of the church of Christ about aee
meeting in Long Hedge Lane, Botting-
ham... Nottingham, England, Daily Combe, G. H. G. W. lllckley. IIJLLDDORE, lt'ILLIAII, 1858-
expreu co., . 1886. b. Franklin P.O., Ind., 28 F 1858.
b. The urge of the unrational in reli-
ol!OULTOJI,T C -1871. d. gion. Beaton, Stratford, 1930.
b. 265p.

Edmunds, E.
Christian hymn book.
Reason• wh7 I am a Christian and not
a Ro111&niat.
1902 •
ll0ntgomer7 C1t7, lfo.,
cllJDGE, ELISHA, 1834-
b. Dumfriea, Canada Weat, 11 J.p 1834 The taith ot the Diaciplea, a aer-
IIOUl(CE,JOHNW , 1836-1910. d. aon delivered at Waahington, D. C.,
b. Florida, 1*>., 3111:y 1836. llaroh 6, 1881. St. Louis, John
d. Hannibal, 110., B 1910. Doctrine of grace. (In Coan, A. Burne, 1882.
W., ed. Goepel 1ermona, 1881, pp. 186- 19p.

11.lllina - ».>rch )(

My life is an open book. St. debate with SWEENEY, J, S. Your church and ita task, Tor-
Louia, John Burns, 1863. onto, Religioue education council ot
33lp. front., port. Diecuaeion, Shall Christiane go to Canada, 1944.
A biography or Berty StoTer. .1&r? Cincinnati, Bosworth, Chase &
Hall, 1872. The queat for God through grati-
~- aee 247p. ~de1 The quest for God through joy.
(In Lots, P, H. , ed, The quest tor
Caakey, T. lr, Caakey' a book.
--. St. Louie, Christian pub. God through underatanding,
54- 63 I 64- 71)
1937, pp,

llULLINS, IIIOOEBE about aee The quest for God through justice,
b, The queat tor God through our teachers;
Moore, lr, T, The living pulpit The quest for God through race appre-
or the Christian church. ciation. (In Lotz, P.H., ed. The
Dr. Heal'• Tieitors. Indiana- Tiera, ll. c. The Chrietian por- queat for God through worship, •1934,
polis, Board or Temperance & eooial trait gallery. pp. 190-1911 170-171; 98-99)
weltare, n.d.
6p, joint~ aee
Mimeographed. WNRO, DONALD, 16 66-
b. Glaegow, Scotland, 14 My 1865. Lewia, H. A, Handbook for the
week day church school.
llJllliELL, THOlilAS,1823-1696.
b, , 8 F 1823, Churches or Christ in Michigan. with OTHERS.
d. S 1898, (In Brown, J. T,, ed. Churohee of
Chriet, 1904, pp, 249-252) Religious education at state uni-
The care or all the churches, being versities, by H. C, Munroe, S. B,
a scriptural statement or the oharao- Branden and o. D, Foster, New York,
ter, qualifications, ordination, and IIJNRO, HARRYCLYDE, 1890- Christian education magazine, 1923,
relatiTe duties or the Christian min- b, Cheboygan county, llioh., 1 Ap
iatry, eT&ngeliete, bishops, and 1890.
deacons, with special directions as MUllZ, CHARLESCURTIS, 1906-
to the practical detail• or a eucceaa- b. , Mo., 2 F 1905.
ful ministerial life, both in the Agencies tor the religioue educa-
spiritual and busine11 aspect• or the tion ot adolescents. St. Louis,
work, St, Louil, Christian pub. co,, Bethany press, •1925. Land without Moses, a novel,
•1886, 176p. (Textbook in the standard New York, Harper, 1936,
292p. oourae in teacher training, third year 370p.
specialisation aerie•)
ET&ngeliate and their work. Cin-
cinnati, Bosworth, •1669. Christian education in your church. MURCH,EVERETTDeLONZO, -1936,
79p. St. Louis, Printed for the leaderahip b.
training pub, aasociation by the Beth- d, , 13 S 1936.
Evangelista and their work in the any preea, •1933.
churohea. St. Louie, Christian pub. 240p. Long suffering. (In llsaoham, !.
oo., 1867. J., oomp. Training to teach, •1913,
79p, -. leader•' ed. St. Louie, pp. 60-52)
Chriatian board, 1933.
Cincinnati, Standard.
Church u a school ••• St. Louie, IIJRCH, JAMESDeFOREST, 1892-
Heathen teetimoniee to the anti- Bethany preaa, •1929. b. Bew Vienna, o., 23 0 1892.
quity and truthfulneae ·or the Old 270p.
Teetament. Cincinnati, Boaworth.
'llhe director ot religioua education, Bible etudie• for Chrietian action
oo,, 1888.
St. Louie, Christian pub, with · an introduction
Weigle. Philadelphia,
by Luther A,
cruaadera. Cincinnati, Standard.

28p. press, 1930. The call of the church. .Cincin-

ix, 214p. nati, Standard, •1940.
Setting ohurohee in order1 how to 3lp.
do it. Cincinnati, Standard. The effective adult olass, a guide
tor improTing the work of adult clasaee Cheer along the way. .Cincinnati,
--. 2d ed. St. Louie, Chrietian in the church or Sunday sohool1 pre- Standard, •1941.
pub. 00 0 , n.d. pared in cooperation with the Committee 3lp, illua.
30p. on religioua education of adults and
the Coimllittee on leaderahip training of Christian education and the looal
Your need of aalvation. Cinoia- the International oounoil ot religioue church, history, principles, practice,
nati, Standard. education. St. Louie, Bethany preae, Cincinnati, Standard, •1943.
•1934. 416p.
Atonement. (In Ji>ore, W. T., ed. 84p.
The liTing pulpit or the Chriatian Chrhtian minister'• manual. Cin-
ohuroh, 1867, pp. 87-101) How to inoreaee your Sunday school cinnati, Standard, •1937.
• with an introduction by Abbott Book. 239p. illus •
The end of the o-ndaent1 The St. Louis, Bethany preaa, •1926.
•Jl'ooliahneaa ot God"1 ekeleton eeraona. l87p. Diaoipleehip .with bapti,_l certi•
(In Cory, K. !., ed. The pol~thiet, ricate, .Cincinnati, Standard, n.d.
1877, pp. 359-360; 313-315) Jlanual tor the vacation aohool. cl6,p. illua.
The day of -all thinga. (In Diaoipleehip, cCincinnati, Stan-
lit.thee, J. ll., ed. Th• -•tern preach- The paator and religioua education. dard,~ n.d.
er, vol. 1, 2d ed., 1871, pp, 197-213) New York, Abingdon pr•••, •1930. .16,p.

M Mu-ch - Myhr

God still lives, a testimony and a joint~- see JIIJRRAY,LEVI E , 1853?-1934,

challenge, by a latter-day Christian, b,
Butler, Ind,, ·chrhtian action, •1941, Thornton, E, W, 600 doctrinal d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 26 0 1934,
207p, illustrations.
Work of the Indiana Christian
Holy ... trimony. cCincinnati, missionary association. n,p., n.d,
Standard, •1940, !,.'URCH,OLIVE (CAMERON)(Jtrs, James 4p.
3lp, illus, DeForest l4u.rch),
The necessity for a regenerated IIURROII',CECIL RAY:WND,
church, cCincinnati, Christian b,
action, n,d. Let' a have a good time J a plan boolc
l6p. for succesaful socials by Olive Cameron
Cincinnati, Standard, •1938, Way of the burning heart. New
Our Vatican envoy must be recalled, 287p, York, The Weatminia1'ers, 1934.
cCinoinnati, United ' evangelical action, 298p.
Reprinted from United evangelical b, llJSSICK, JESSE J , 1894-
action, February l, 15, March l, 15, d. b, Russell county, Va,, 20 Ap 1894,
The law of pardon,
Pocket manual of endeavor •• , Preaching Christ in difficult days,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1917. Sermons, Nashville, Lipscomb & (In Gray, A. P., ed, Preaching that
60p. Sewall, 1880. builds churches, 1940, pp. )
Prelude to prayer, cCinoinnati, Sermons; from "The truth defender".
Standard, •1939. Indianapolis, 1884. MYERS,J C , 1842-
3lp, illus, 6lp, front. (port,) b,
--, 3d ed, Cincinnati, Stan-
dard, 1939, ocl.!URFREESBORO
ADDRESSES. Buda and flowers, poems. Cin-
3lp. oinnati, Elm Street ptg. co., 1890,
M.trfreesboro addressee, delivered •1889,
Standard mother's day book, no, 3, at M.trfreeaboro, Tenn., covering a l92p, front, (port.) illus,
Cincinnati, Standard, 1938, period of eight days from April 26 to
4Bp. May 6, 1917, cwith an introduction by
F, L, Rowe, Cincinnati, F, L, Rowe. WYERS,LEE B
Studies in Christian living, 1917. b,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1937. 216p.
ll2p, Contents,
Addresses by J. S, Batey, G, C, F. H, Lemon. (In Brokaw, G, L.,
Study manual for Christian action Brewer, H. L, Boles, T. B. Clarie, J ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa
crusaders, Cincinnati, Standard. D. Floyd, S, H. Hall, E. H, Hoover, writers, -1898, pp. 415-417)
llOp. 'If. S, ·Long, H. S, Lipscomb, H. L,
Olmstead, L, R, Patmont, s. P. Pitt-
Successful C, E. prayer-meetings, man, F. L. Rowe, J, P. Slayden, F, MYERS, SHILO SHAFER,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1930, 'If, Smith, G.D. Smith, and C, G, b.
95p, Vincent,
The Sunda~scho .ol handbook. Cin- Adventures ot Sam Ruggles, Cin-
oinnati, Standard, •1939, MURPHY,ARTHURE cinnati, Fillmore bros., •1897,
79p, b. 179p, illus.

Victorious Christian liTing.

cCincinnati, Standard, •1941. An applied philosophy ot religion. IIYERS, THOMASM , 1849-
3lp. illus, (In Garriaon, 'If. E., ed. Faith of the b, St, Clair, Tenn., 12 My 1849,
free, 1940, pp, 12-24) d,
Food for the body and for the soul,
Standard Chriaianas book no, 6. MURRAY,
ALFREDLEFURG.Y, 1900- (In Patterson, H, C,, ed. Our living
Cincinnati, Standard, 1942. (Baptiat) evangelists, 1894, pp, 342-363)
The evangelistic congregation; a about ,ee
with 1flTTY, C. F. brief for ita use and a description of
its method, foreword by A, 'If, Bevan. Patterson, H, C, Our living
A plea for unity among churches of St, Louis, Bethany preas, •1931, rn.ngeliata,
Christ, Cincinnati and D~troit, l87p,
Authors, 1937,
24p. mRS, WALTERLEE, 1889-
Content a 1 l!URRAY, IIRS. EyGBJIE b, Texa, county, 110., 5 N 1889,
M.trch, J, D. Let us practice what b.
we preach, pp, 3-12,
'lfitty, C. F. 'lfe are traveling in Buman aubstitutea for Divine decreea,
low; pp, 15-24, The worth of personality, (In
Inter~tional convention, l9S9, pp.
comp, 230-236) lfYHR,AIIDRElf IVERSON, -1933,
b, Bergn, lorway,
Living for JeausJ a compilation by d, Belleview, Tenn., 13 Ap 19S3,
more than three hundred Christian
ministers. Cincinnati, Standard,•1944,
Myhr• llydo M

about see Ou~ re1ponaibility. (In Doc- 1876, vol. 2, pp. 417-446)
trinal and practical tracts, 1876,
Gray, A. P. A. I. Myhr. vol. 2, pp. 81-84)
A review of a sermon of Rev. A. D. b.
IIYLES, J E Sear•, touching points of difference
b. between Baptista and Disciples.
d. (In Doctrinal and practical tract•, Campbelliam exposed. 1867.

II Halley - llehon


b. Custer county, Okla., 4 Ag 1901. David Nation), 1846-1911. b.
b. Garrard county, ly., 25 II 1846. d.
d. Leavenworth, Kans., 9 Je 1911.
Why we should go to church. Affection's tribute, original
Pittsburg, Kans., Laymen's league of The use and need of the life of poems. Oskaloosa, Ia., Central bk.
the First Christian church, 1940. Carry.A. Nation. Written and. published concern, 1874.
4p. port. by herself. Topeka, Kans., F. II. .88,p.
Steves~ sons, 1904.
184p. front,, plates, ports.
b. Ashland, Ky., 14 D 1900. The use and need of the life of b.
Carry A. Nation, written by herself, d.
rev. ed. twenty-five thousand.
The design• and deceptions of Topeka, Kans., F. II. Steves & sons, debate with WALLACE,F. E.
American communism. 1905.
7p. 20lp. front. (port.) illus. Neal-Wallace discussion on the
Mimeographed. thousand years reign of Christ; con-
--, rev. ed. ten thousand copies. ducted at Winchester, Kentucky,
Florida Christians, Disciples of Topeka, F. II. Steves~ sons, 1908. .January 2 to 6, 1933; stenographically
Christ. Winter Park, Fla., College 396p. front. (port.) illus. reported by Chas. A. Ford •• , Nash-
press, •1941. ville, Gospel advocate, 1933,
314, 30p. plates, ports. about 360p. front. (port.) port.

From dust to divinity. .T-pa, Gould, K. M. Carry Amelia Moore

Fla., Author, •1936. Nation. (In Dictionary of American NEAL,ROBERTB , 1847-1925.
l07p. front. biography, v. 13, 1934, pp. 394-396) b. Georgetown, Ky., 19 F 1847.
Printed by Tribune press, Tampa. d. Huntington, w. Va,, 30 S 1925.
about see
The necessity of stewardship. The church of Christ vs. the Chris-
(In 1nternational convention, 1938, Asbury, Herbert. Carry Nation. tian church. Grayson, Ky ., Author.
pp. 396-402)
Smithianity; or Mormonism refuted
.!2.· NATIONS, GILBERTOii'EII, 1866- by Jlormons, with an introduction by
b. Perry county, Ji>., 18 Ag 1866. B. B. Tyler. ,Cincinnati, Christian
Faith of our fighters. St. Louis, leader print, 1898,
Bethany press, •1944. 32p. (Anti-Mormon tracts, no. 2)
304p. front. (port.) illus. The canon law of the papal throne.
Contents include, When they come New York, Revell, •1926. Smithianity; or Mormonism refuted
home by Ewart H. Wyle, pp. 290.299. 80p. by Mormons, with an introduction by
F. L. Rowe. cCincinnati, Christian
Con&titution or Pope? Why alien leader print, 1901.
IIAIICE, GEORGEWASHIIIGTON; 18 42-191 7. Roman Catholics cannot be legally 62p. (Anti-Mor mon tracts, no. 6)
b. Floyd county, Ind., 1842. naturalized. Cincinnati, Standard,
d. Bloomington, Ill., 29 Ap 1917, •1916. The stick of Ephraim vs. the Bible
45p. of the western continent... Cin-
The !lance memorial1 a history of oinnati, Christian leader, 1899.
the Nance family in general, but more The papal empire. 1934.
particularly of Clement Nance, of Was Joe Smith a prophet? Cin-
Pittsylvania county, Virginia, and Papal guilt of the world war. cinnati, Christian leader, 1898.
descenda~ts, containing historical ll'aahington, D, C;, The Protestant, l6p.
and biographical records with family •1921.
lineage, Bloomington, Ill., J.E. 26p. about aee
Burke & co., printers, 1904.
xvi, 354p. front., illus,, ports. Papal sovereignity, the government Ogden, Mrs. R, H. R, B. lleal.
within our government. Cincinnati,
Standard, •1917.
NASH, ARTHUR,1870-1927. (Died Univer- l83p. icNELSON, JAMESBRIDGES, 1877-1940.
ealiat) b. Readyville, Tenn., 11 Ap 1877.
b, Tipton county, Ind., 26 Je 1870. The political career of Alfred E. d. Greenville, Tex., 26 Ap 1940.
d. 30 0 1927, Smith. Washington, D. c.• , The Pro-
testant, •1928. The need of knowing God; The throne
The golden rule in business. New 84p, of David; or, the reign of Christ.
York, Revell, •1923. (In Abilene Christian college Bible
160p. Rise and decline of ecclesiastioiam. lectures, 1928-1929, pp. 91-981 1920-
St. Louis, Christian board. 21, pp. 226-244)
----. enl. and corrected ed •• with
a preface by ·Phillip I. Roberta. Roman Catholic -r on publio
achoola. The care of orphans and dependents.
New York, Revell, •1930, Law and documents of the Vatican and (In The Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp. 62-
l58p. front, (port.) hostile aotion of the hierarchy in 81)
opposition to the school system of the
United States. ll'aahington, D. c.,
IIASOII, ELIAS, 1811-1887. Independent pub . oo., •1931. · NELSON,JOHii FREDERICK,1892-
124p. b. llelaonTille, o., 10 Ag 1892.
A discourse on the death of Jamee
Abram Garfield,,.delivered in Pawtucket Rome in Congress, a handbook1 the
church, Lowell, and also in the Centre record of national senators and repre- lly church, ca catalogue of the
ohurch, Dracut, Masi., September 25, sentatives on iaauea of vital intereat Central Christian churoh, Clarksburg,
1881. Boston, Ji>sea H. Sargent & to Protestant voters. Washington, 11'. Va.. Clarkaburg, W. Va., Cen-
sons, 1881. D. c., The Protestant, •1922. tr&l Christian church, 1937.
16p. 3lp. 62p. ports., illua.

Nelaon - Newton w

NELSON,RALPHWALDO,1888- Vacation Bible school handbook, a The gospel; Repentance. ( In

b, Chelsea, Kans., 1 Ja 1888. practical guide in the conduct of daily Meacham, E, J., comp, Training to
vacation church schools, Cincinnati, teach, •1913, pp. 168-170; 188-189)
Standard pub. co., •1942.
A behavioristic approach to the 128p ,
Christian idea or God, Canton, 'lot>., c!IEWHOUSE,S S , 1842-
Culver-Stockton college, 1925, The position or the Disciples of b. ColU111buacounty, O,, 15 F 1842.
pp. 39-82. (The Culver-Stockton Christ, (In Bridwell, J, T., ed. d,
quarterl y, vol, 1, no•s. 3 and 4) The Michigan pulpit, 1924, pp, 208-226)
Faith and truth. (In Coan, A.
Experimental Christian i ty and rival W., ed. Gospel aermona1 1881, pp,
reli gions, Enid, Okla., Author, NESTOR, BARBARA 230-245)
1927. b.
38-511 140-158; i-xix p.
Reprint from the January and April NEWVAN,HARRY
WRIGHT, 1894-
issues, 1927, of the Crozer quarter- illus. , see
ly, with a postscript by the author, The atones of Poynton manor, a
printed for the first time, Nestor, B. V. Nursery departme~t genealogical history of Captian Wil-
in the church school. liam Stone, gent and merchant, third
The experimental logic of Jesus, proprietary governor o.f Maryland,
New York, Revell, •1936, with aketches ot his background and a
452p . front. Jn:STOR, BESS V (lira. Robert record of some of his descendants in
Nestor) the United States, Washington, D,
How Christ would organize the world, b, C,, Author, 1937.
First prize 1916 Hattie Elizabeth vii, 47p,
Lewis memorial essays in applied Barton W. Stone material,
Christianity. cLawrence, Kans,,, The nursery department in the ohurcq
University of Kansas, cl917, school, illus. by Barbara Nestor.
32p. (The University of Kansas Indianapolis and St, Louis, U, C, 11, S. NEIITOB,JOSEPH FORT, 1878-
News-Bulletin, vol, xvii, no, 10, and Christian board, 1941 . (Now Episcopalian)
January 15, 1917) 24p, b, Decatur, Tex,, 21 Je 1878,

How do we know God? Enid, Okla,,

Phillips university, 1942, NETTING, PARK H Abraham Lincolni an address •••
llp. inc. front cover, (Phillipa b. Iowa City, State historical society
un i versity bulletin, vol, 36, 0 1942, of Iowa, 1910, ·
extra io sue) 46p,
Reprinted from Religion in life, The life of Christ, a course of
0 1942, study for young people's societies, Abraham Lincoin, an eaaay,
Lincoln, Ill,, Lincoln Bible institute, Cedar Rapids, Ia,, Torch press, 1910,
The logical method of science, Re- 1945. 66p, front, (port,)
printed from the American journal of 149p.
sociology, vol, 29, no, 6, M!t.rch, 1924. . Addreaa on Albert Pike, 33°, the
553-569p. maater ganiua of masonry,,. Cedar
tiEW, JORN BCfflVJI, 1793-1872, Rapid•, Ia,, Torch preH, · .1909,
Restoring the faith, 1937? b. Guilford county, N. C,, 7 N 8p. front. {port.)
pamphlet, 1793.
d. Altar ataira1 a little book ot
Soldier, ~ou•re it: New Yor~, prayer, Rew York, Maomillan, 1928, .
Association press, 1945, about see xi, 206p.
132p. front. (port.)
~ans, Madison, Biographical --, reiaaue. New York, Jlao-
Theaetetua Ph, D., the Doctor's sketches of the pioneer preachers of millan, 193,.
degree a aupressor of student origin- Indiana, xi, 205p,
ality. Reprinted from Journal of
higher education, vol, iv, no. 6, MM.y --, new ed. Rew York, Jlac-
TE millan, 1937.
234-240p. b, xxii, 209p.

Ten books on philosophy tor preach- New York, llaomillan, 19'1.

era named in the auggested order ot lliaa Zona Smith. Indianapolis, C. 209p, (Shield library)
reading, (In Smith, H, D. A W, B. 11,, 1910 •
.preacher' a tirat books; •1933, pp. 63- leaflet. •An ubaeeador1 City teapl• aermona.
64) New York, Revell, •1916,
IIE!fCOllER,LAWRENCE O , 1871-1929.
BELSON,WILLIAMVERNER, 1880- b, Dawson, o., 0· O 1871. The angel in the soul; with an
b, Oxtord, Ind., 26 Jl 1880, d, Burbank, Calif., 17 S 1929. introduction by Howard Chandler Rob-
bina, New York, Harper, 1932 •
The Bible student'• me.nual cwith an. • 10. 122p,
Happiness by the royal blood. introduction by Peter Ainslie. 1ft.
Vernon, o., Author, •1910. BuildereJ a story and etudy ot
Mastering your Bible, tree -•onry, Bew York, llaoey pub.
· ----. 5th ed. Lorain, 0,, Author, and maaonio aupply co,, 1930,
The poaition ot the Disciples ot •1912, xxii, 327p,
Christ. St, Louis, Christian board «p.
1920? 0.Tid Swing, poet-preacher,
23p. (Devotional and doctrinal The plea ot the Disciples of Christi Chioago, Unity pub, co,, 1909,
aeries) or, the movement for the restoration o1 273p, front. (port,) platee,
apostolic Christianity, (In Book, w.
H,, ed. The Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp.
l 76-194)
N Newton - Wiohol

The eternal Christ; atudiea in the Preaching in Hew York; diaries and What ha••the .saint• to teach us?
lite or rtaion and aerTice. New papers. Hew York, Doran, •1924. A message from the church of the past
York, Re•ell, •1912. 206p. to the church of today. New York,
199p. Re•ell, •1914.
The religion of ma1onry1 an inter- 93p.
, The future in Amerioa, an addresb pretation. Washington, D. c.,
before the Washington association or :Masonio aerTioe association or the Where are we in religion? Spirit-
Hew Jeraey... .Morristown, H.J., United States, 1927. ual studies. New York, llaomillan,
1923. xi 1, 160p. 19U.
161 . Ti, 82p.
God and the golden rule.
York, Century oo., •1927.
Umoin, 1931.
London, George Allen &

Beat sermons, 1924-1927... New
The religion of Shakespeare ••• York, Harcourt, 1924-1927.
The great light in masonry; a London, Christian 'ooJ111110nwealth
co., 4T.
little book in praiae or the Book ot 1916. 1924, xiT, 352p. Includes Knee- ·
books. Washington, D. c., lfasonic 8p. deep in June by Burri• A. Jenkins.
aer•ioe aaaooiation or the United 1926, xii, 337p. Includes Christian
States. The religious basis of a better unity by Peter Ainslie and Life'a
92p. {Little maaonic library, world order, an application or Chris- fooliah riTalries by E. D. Jonea.
no. 14) tian principles to world affairs. 1926,
New York, ReTell, •1920. 1927,
Hia cross and oura; the presiding 183p.
biahop'a hook tor Lent. Hew York, It I had only one sermon to pre-
Harper, •1941. Ri•er or yeara, an autobiography. pare. New York, Harper, 1932.
l67p. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, •1946. x, 233p.
390p. front. (port.)
Lead kindly light; an exposition. My idea or God; a aymposium of
Boston, lllrray preaa, •1914. Short talka on aaonry. Waahing- faith. Boaton, Little, 1926.
32p. ton, D, C,, lfaaonic aerTice asaooiation 286p.
of the United States, 1928.
Lincoln and Herndon. Cedar xii, 243p.
Rapids, Ia., Torch preaa, 1910. ooHICHOL,CHARLES READY,1876-
367p. front., plates, ports. so ... lirlng maatera or the pulpit; b. Ready.ills, Tenn., 1876,
atudiea in religioua personality.
Li••, lon, and learn. Hew York, New York, Doran, •1923.
Harper, 1943. 26lp. Baptist annera renewed •••
202p. Content• ino~ude: Edward L. Powell. Clifton, Tex., lira. c. R. Niohol, n,d,
Li•ing e•ery day1 a book or faith, The aturr or life; a book or rorti-
philosophy, and fun. New York, Bar- tude and fellowship. Hew York, Har- Bible note, on the Holy Land, .with
per, 1937. per, 1939. an introduotion by Albert Seitz.
XTi, 573p. xxii, 56lp. Clirton, Tex., lira. c. R. Nichol, 1927,
l86p. illus.
Li•ing up to life; a book of oour- Swedenborg'• •iaion or the future
age, ·oommonaenae and oompaaaion. life. Philadelphia, New ohuroh book God'a woman1 the plaoe or w0111enin
New York, Harper, •1941. center, 1940. the aooial and religioua life aa re-
xxi, 690p. 16p. Tealed in the Bible. Clifton, Tex,,
Jira. C.R. Hiohol, 1938.
The men'a house; maaonio paper• and The sword or the spirit, Britain l83p.
addreasea. Hew York, Doran, •1923. and America in the great war. Hew
26lp. York, Doran, •1918. Hichol'• pocket Bible encyclopedia,
2"lp. Cincinnati, Christian leader.
The mercy or hell, and other sermons.
Beaton, lllrray pr•••, 1917. Thing• I know in religion; a pret'aoe Study in the -Methodist discipline,
178p. to faith. Hew York, Harper, 1930.
ix, 188p. The thief on the croaa.
The ministry or _,onry. Cedar
Rapids, Ia., Pri.atel1 printed, 1913. The three degreea and great aymbola Why - exi•t.
16p. front. (port.) or ••onry. Waehington, D. c.,
llaaonio aerrtoe aaaooiation or the with WHITESIDE,R. L,
The miaaion or -•onry. Cedar United States, •1924.
Rapid•, Ia., Pri.atel1 printed, 1912. 112p. (Little aaonio library, Sound dootrine, a 1erie1 of atudiea
23p. front. (port.) no. 16) for Sunday aohool olaaaea, prayer
afftinga, pri-te atudy, college olaaa•
Clifton, Tex., lira. c. R,

Jlodern maaonry; a brief aketoh or The truth and the lite, and other ea, eto.
the craft aince 1717. Washington, sermon•. Hew York, Doran, •1926. Hiohol, •1920-
D. c., Masonic aerTice aaaooiation
the United Statea, •1924.
of HOp. "
92p. (Little maaonio library, Two great old hymn•. London, debate with
no. 6) Arthur H, Stockwell, 1930.
Debate on int'ant bapti•. Cin-
The new preaohing1 a littl _e book We here highly reaolTeJ three tri- oi-ti, Christian leader.
about a great art. 'laahTI.lle, butea,to Abraham Linooln. Hew Yorlc,
Cokeabury preaa, 1930. Harper, 1939. debate with BRADLEY,A, S.
187p. . Tiii, 6lp. (llaterialiat}
Preaching in London1 a diary or Wesley and Woolman1 an appraiaal The Nichol-Bradley debate1 held at
aglo-Amerioan triendahip. Hew York, and ocmpariaon. Hew York, Abingdon Rule, Texaa, April 20-22, 1906, Re-
Dol"&D, •1922. preu, •19lo&. ported byW. w. Golden. Published by
UOp. 80p.
Niche l - Noland N

Mrs. C.R. Nichol, Clifton, Texas. A journey through -the Bible. . Des
"Father, we thank thee", a Thank._
Nuhville, McQ.uiddy ptg. co., 1907. Moines, Ia., Nichols bk •. & travel co., giving service of worship, Indiarw.-
345p. •1923. polis, Unified promotion, n.d,
v. illus. 6p . folder.
debate with HENSLER,
2d ed. Des Moines, Nichols Growing in stewardship.
bk. & travel co., •1926.
NICHOLAS,A H 650p. illus. "I was hungry"---a play for chil-
b. dren's day, Indianapolis, U. C. M.
d. Lands of sacred story; sketc~o of s., n.d.
travel and personal experiences which llp,
An exposition of the plan of salva- appeared in the Christian Union during
tion, for sinners and saints, as it is 1908-09; with an introduction by C. S. J.!,; Indian picture story book,
taught in the Bible. Indianapolis, Medbury. Des Moines, Christian Union New York, Friendship ·press, 1944,
Printed for the Author, Sentinel steam press, 1910. 55p.
ptg. and b ~. binding establishment, 205p. front. {port.)
1870. Observing children's day, June 6,
280p. The new South and old Mexico1 with 1943. ,Indianapolis, Unified pro-
a chapter on Moxico--country of con- motion, 1943,
trasts by J. E, ·case. ·Des 11oines, 19p . front cover,
NICHOLS, CHARLESWILLIAM, 1865- Nichols bk. & travel co., •1927.
b. Berlin, Wis., 11 My 1866 . 12Bp. plate. A primary teacher's guide on the
American Indian; for use with I.Iv
Ra~bling through Europe. Des Indian story book, New York,'Friend-
Tips from the top: Tales of the 'M:lines, Nichols bk. & travel co., •1927 ship press, 1944.
Tibetan Bares. Cincinnati, Printed 142p. 23p.
by the Revivalist press, •1938.
204p. illus., ports., music. The wonders of South America, Des Stewardship begins in childhood,
Moines, Nichols bk. & travel oo., •1926 cindianapolis, U, C. M. S., n.d,
143p. illus. 2lp.
b. Stewardship thoughts for boys and
NICHOLS, JOHN H (Methodist) girls, Indianapolis, Unified pro-
motion, n.d.
The man of Galilee. (In Abilene Theological grub ax cdialogue be- 4p.
Christian college Bible lectures, 1924- tween a Methodist and a Campbellite,
1926, pp. 43-69) Then I think of God, illus. by
The theological pump ca reply to Carmon V. Livsey. St. Lcuis, Chris-
Kidwell, J.M. Grub ax upset, tian board, 1942.
ooNICHOLS, GUS, 1892- 120p,
b. Walker county, Ala., 12 Ja 1892.
A The way of peace and good will and
b. understanding,
debate with WEAVER,C. J.
(Church of God)
Ole days in Dixie. NISSEN, HARRY
Nichols-Weaver debate. Naahville, Sp. b.
Gospel advocate, 1944.

NICHOLSON,THOMAS, (Methodist) Science and religion. Leo Angeles,

NICHOLS, JAMESTHOMAS,1865- Christian service class, Figueroa Blvd,
b. Washington, Ia., 18 N 1866. The place of the denominational Christian church, 1942,
collegeAin our educational system, an cl2,p, '
address delivered before the Inter- Mimeographed,
Around the world on a floating national convention of the Disciples of
palace, Des Moines, Nichols bk. & Christ at Drake university, 1914,
travel co., •1923. 12p, (Drake university bulletin, NOLAND,GARNERDEALY,
239p; illus. vol, xviii, no. 1, Jan, 1914) b,

Bible lands as they are today.

Des Moines, Niohob blr.• & travel co., NIEDERMEYER, llABEL, 1899- The laymen's league manual for the
1922, b. Bloomington, Ill., 13 Mr 1899, Christian churches of Kansas, author-
208p. ized by the state laymen's league
executive committee, Topeka, Kansai,
-. 2d ed. Des Moines, Ia., Carlos makes his gift, a play for Christian missionary society, n.d,
•1924. children's day, cindianapolis, 32p.
208p, illus, Unified promotion, 1942,
First ed. has title, Lands of llp.
sacred story. NOLAND,S (Methodist)
Children's day in the church,
Birdseye views of far lands, vol. 4. cindianapolis, Unified promotion, 1944, Christians or Disciples, 1875,
Des 16:>ineo, Nicholas bk. & travel co., c20~p.
•1926, debate with ALLEN,F. G.
19lp. illus, Do everythingto build, a play of
the old and the new China, one act, two Christians or Disciples a discussion .
Bfrdoeye views of far lands. scenes, Indianapolis, U. c. M, S,,
Des Moines, Nichols bk. & travel co., n,d, about see
•1922, cl2,p.
199p. tront. (port.) Allen, F. G. "Rev." S. Noland's
pamphlet, entitled "Christians, or

N Hooe - Novotny

IOOE, ROGERGO'REN, ccNORRED,C A Where there is life, there may be

b. b. growth. (In Patteraon, H. c., ed.
Our living evangelists, 1894, pp. 275-
His theme song is love. (In The Bible teacher.
Campbell and J.!oseley, eds. My dad, Why must Christ die? (In Painter,
1938, pp. 131-135) Seeking the old paths, Austin, J. H., ed. The Iowa pulpit of the
Tex., Firm foundation, 1933. ohuroh of Christ; 1884, pp, 346-367)
, ROGERTHEOPHILUS,1881• about aee
b. ll'ilmore, Ky., 26 S 1881. The Bible school1 God hath spoken;
The perfected church--for what pur pose? Painter, J, H. Iowa pulpit or
(In Abilene Christian college Bible the church or Christ,
A Christmas devotion for 1943 • lectures, 1928-1929, pp, 127-135; 1936, · Patterson, H. C. Our living
• New York, World alliance for inter- pp. 7-10; 1937, pp. 7-8) evangelists.
national friendship ·through the
churches, 1943, Young peoples work. (In The
Sp. folder. Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp. 129-133) NORTON,FREDERICKOt'IEN,1868-1924.
b. Brudenell, Prince Edward
I believe in the church. .Ind- introduction aee Ialand, 3 F 1868,
ianapolis, Unified promotion, 1939, d. , 29 F 1924.
4p. Abilene Christian college Bible
lectures, 1936. A lexicographical and historical
The minister and stewardship. atudy or IAOHKIIfrom the earliest
times to the end of the clasaical
The minister I want to be during NORRIS, LEONARDMERLIN, 1908- period. Chicago, University of
the war, pulpit editorial delivered at b. Fort Benton, Mont., 17 :Mr 1908, Chicago press, 1908.
the Vine Street Christian church, Nash- 7lp.
ville, Tennessee, on Sunday morning, Thesis, Ph , D., Univeraity of
Dee. 14, 1941. A narriage service. Chicago.
7p, c42p.
The rise of Christianity, a his-
On having a loved one in the ser- torical study of the origin or the
vice. cl 943. NORRIS, zot (ANDERSON) (trrs. Spencer Christian religion. Chicago, Uni-
Sp. inc. front cover. Norris) -1914. versity of Chicago p~ess, •1924,
b. xxvi, 269p. front. (map)
The preacher for such a time, d.
addresa at Ministers' breakfast, Oct.
28, 1937, International convention, The color ot hie soul. New York, BORTON,LEONROBERT,
Colwnbua. Indianapolis, Pension Funk~ Wagnall, 1902. b.
fund. 220p. d.
Sp. folder.

A prophet's room in the house of 1903.

--. New York, R. F. Fenno, Boys ot the Ozarks.

our brotherhood, 220p.

"Where I met God", sermon, Sunday Twelve Kentucky colonel stories b.
morning, September 13, 1942. Nash- deacribing scenes and incidents in a
ville, Vine Street Christian church, Kentucky colonel'• life in the aouth-
1942. land. New York, J. S. Ogilvie pub. The re la tionahip of the local con-
8p. inc. covers. co., •1906. gregation to other local churches in
ll6p. full atanding. (In Abilene Christian
The heart of the church for the hurt college Bible lectures, 1939, pp. 282-
of the world; Our national city Chris- Quest of Polly Locke. New York, 290)
tian church; Strategy for Disciples of J. s. Ogilvie pub. co., 1902.
Christ. (In International convention, 268p. front; (port.)
1938, pp. 320-330 1 1936, pp. 289-2951 NOVOTNY,LOUISE IIILLER, 1889-
1939, pp. 15-30) ll'ay of the wind1 drawing• by Ober- b.
hardt. New York, Author, 1911,
The living ehur ·eh--ita vision of 19lp. front. (port.)
ultimate victory. (In Wickizer, 11'. Handy book tor church special daya1
M., ed. The living church, .1942, pp. plays and pageants for large and •-11
ANNIE (Irr•. A. Dudley groups. Franklin, O.; Denver, Colo.,
Northcutt) Eldridge entertainment houae, •1938,
Necessity for Christian unity. b. 137p.
(In Cory, A. E., ed. Voices of the
· aanotuary, 1930, pp. 180-190) Primary playleta and dramati&ationa,
about Cinoinnati, Standard, •1936.
Butteriok publiahing company. The
llooe, R. G. Hi a theme song h tree of joy, and our American memorial Special days in the church school,
love. in the Argonne, by !label Potter Daggett, Cincinnati, S·t&ndard, •1943.
New York, •1920, 282p.
IORDEEN,GEORGIA Standard father'• day book, no. 1,
b. with ateriala for tathera and aona•
NORTBCUTT, HOSEAALI.El, 1843-1906, oooaaiona. Cincinnati, Standard, 1938.
b. near Hannibal~ Mo., 13 N 18•3. 38p.
Youth in a world Christian confer• d, llexioo, Jfo., 19 D 1906.
ence. (In International convention,
1939, pp. 250-264)

IOTOtnv - lfoTotnv !I

Women and the ohurch, a manual and NOVOTNY,

S F Life and spiritual values portrayed
textbook for women's organizations, b, in baptism, Cincinnati, Author,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1940, •1940,
160p. 39p,

0 Oats - 0'Kau


b. 16.trray county, Ga,, 18 Ag 1845. Ogdon), 1872-
·JOHNBEVERLY, d, b, RoSSTille, Ill., 3 Ap 1872,
Hereey trial, (In Srygley, F. D.,
ELIZA CAROLINE(CALVERT) ed, Biographies and sermons, 1898, A keepsake from "The old house"
1856- pp. 320-337) .poems,ced, by Erma R, Bishop,
St. Louis, Bethany press, •1937,
'lfhat 1a' baptism? ( In Scott, L. 14lp. plates,
· 11',, ed, Texas pulpit, 1888, pp, 192-
Aunt Jane of Kentucky by Eliza Cal- 201)
Tert Hall, paeud,, with frontispiece . OGILVIE, JOHN STUA1!T,1843-1910,
and page decoration• by Beulah Strong, about see
Boeton, L'tttle, 1908, •1898, •1907 .' The life and death of James A.
283p , front., i l lus, Srygley, F. D. Biographiee and
Garfield, from the tow path to the
Has description of "Campbellites", aermona. Vihite house, together with a complete
pp. 162-163. account of his assassination; history
or Charles J, Guiteau, the assassin1
OGBURN,CALVIH the cOlll!lenta of the press on the
O'CONNOR,T J b. assassination, the feeling throughout
b, the country; words of sympathy from
all parts of the world;'voices frOlll
One hundred illustrated sermons, the pulpit, including sermons from the
How I became a Chrietian, (In with supplemental and other poems con- , Rev, Henry Ward Beecher, Rev, Dr.
Lord, J, A,, ed. From darkness to tributed by Tarioue authors, Chicago, Storrs, ReT, Roberts. J(oArthur, ReT,
light, 1907, pp. 79-88) Rhodes & McClure pub, co., 1900, ' Dr. J.P. 11-n, and other prominent
347p. front. (port,) plates, clergymen. NewYork, J, S, Ogilvie,
publisher, 1881,
O'COIINOR,WILLIAM F Young people's prayer-meeting, and 467p, front, {port.)
. b, • its improvement, with an introduction
by D. R, Dungan, Christian pub. co,,
1894. OGLEVEE,LOUISE (JlcAROY) (Jira, 11'11-
. Making men oonecioua or church 18lp • liam D, Oglevee), 1872-
achievements. (In International (Presbyterian)
convention, 1941, pp. 95-99)
OGDEH,AUGUSTRATIIOIID Beginners and primary plan book1
plane, stories, programs and handwork
O'DAIIIEL, WILBERTLEE, 1890- The Dies 0011111ittee1a study of the patterns, for kindergarten depart-
b. Malta, o., 11 Ur 1890, apecial House committee for the inves- ments with home made attendance cards.
tigation of un-American actiTities, Cincinnati, Standard, •1932.
1938-1943, Washington, D. C,, lOOp, .
De1110cracyin action, cll'ashington, Catholic university of America, 1943.
D: C,, Author, 1944. 296p. (Studies in politics, Bible text stories for boys and
.s.p. folder, port. government, politics and international girls, Cincinnati, Standard, •1936.
law, no. 1) 262p.

ODENWELLER,T F , 1848- The Dies committee, a study or the Cradle roll lessons ••• Cincin-
1942. special House 0011111itteetor the inves- nati, Standard, •1924.
b, Macomb, Ill., 20 Jl 1848, tigation of un-American activities, 144p. illus.
d, Enid, Okla,, 9 Je 1942, 1938-1944, Washington, D. c.,
Catholic university of America press, Finger play book, Cincinnati,
The word of faith, (In Brokaw, G. 1946. Standard, 1929,
L., ed. Doctrine and lite, 1898, pp, vi. 318p, 34p.
Junior plan book, Cincinnati,
about see OGDEJI,JA.IIESCLARDCE, -1929, Standard, •1932,
b. 78p. illus.
Brokaw, G, L, Doctrine and lite d, Loa AngelH, Cali'r,, 28 Ag 1929
by Iowa writers, Plane and atoriee for the nureery
Tibet, cCincinnati, F, C. M, S,, clas11 a book tor the teacher ct the
n.d.2 nureery class of the ohurch · eohool
ODOJI, LEM ABBOTT 12p, inc, ooTer•. and tor little children in the home1
b. Taluable material tor nery Sunday in
introduction see the year, Cincinnati, Standard,
Fifty years in rescue work, "a Shelton, F. B. Shelton of Tibet, l44p, front., illue.
book you will read the second til'le".
Cincinnati, ReviTBliat press, 1938, Seventy-eight year-round stories
360p , front, (port.) platea. OGDEN,RUBYJIILDRED(HUFFJIAII) for beginners and primary children.
b, Cincinnati, Standard, •1932 ,
205p, illue,
b, r. JI. Kibbey1 Johns. Shouse; R. ·B. Story poem.a tor children, Cinoin-
Neal, (In West, J. 11'., ed. Sketches nati, Standard, •1933,
of our mountain pioneer•, 1939, pp. 112- lllp. illua,
The death crush of Christian educa- 1.131 114-1161 107-112)
tion. . Bethany, lleb,T, Cotner col-
lege?, 1913? O'LUIE, JOH!i, 1802-1881,
b. Culpepper oounty, Va., 1802,
d, Pike county, Ii>., 6 Ja 1881,
0 1 Kane - Oliver 0

debate with HAYNES,T. W. (Bapti1t) OLD!IA,lf,

WILLIAMABNER, 1843-1910. OLIVER, ALLIE (GALLAHER) (llfrs, George
----- b, Richmond, Ky, , 12 0 1843, W. Oliver), 1867-1939.
Report of the debate on baptism, d, Carthage, :liJ,, 20 Ap 1910. b, Cottonplant, Ark., 2 0 1867,
which was held at Belleville, Hendriok• d, Lynchburg, Va,, 28 S 1939.
oounty, Indiana, from the 4th to 7th, Relation of conscience and the Bible
September, 1839, between John O'Kane, (In The Jfi1aouri Christian lectures, Mother Oliver'• scrap book. Pine
of Crawfordsville, Ia,, and T. 11'. vol, 6, 1892, pp. 54-83) Bluff, Ark., Printed by the Smith ptg.
Haynes, editor of the Regular Baptist, co •• n.d.
taken down and engrossed by A. E. l57p. front. (port.)
Draper. Indianapolis, Printed and OLIPHANT,DAVID, -1885,
published by The reporter, January, b.
1840. d, London, Ontario, 18 Mr 1886. OLIVER, HENRYWILLIAli', 1840-1904.
144p. b, Dungannon, Ireland, 25 F 1840,
Baptiste and Disciples, their d, Pittsburg, Penn., 8 F 1904.
about see agreements and differences. Brighton
Canada, 1855? about see
Evans, Madison. Biographical l6p.
sketches of the pioneer preachers of Evans, H. 0, Iron pioneer,
Indiana. The gospel of Christ. London,
Tiera, M. C. The Christian por- Canada, Author, 18747
trait gallery~ tract. OLIVER, J
Living laborer, part 3, London,
oO'KELLY, JAMES, 1734?-1826. Ontario, Canada, Author, 1884?
b, Ireland, 90p. Messiah'• great commission.
d. Chatham county, N. c., 16 0 1826. Birmingham, England, Churches of Chriat
Then- altar. London, Canada, publication col!fflittee, 1901.
Annotation of hie book of disciplin~. Author, 18747 43p.
1809. tract,

The ·author'• apology for protesting The one body of Christ, London, OLIVER, JENNIE HARRIS (Mrs.Lloyd
against the lfethodi1t Episcopal govern- Calllida, Author, 18747 Oliver), -1942.
ment. 1798? b. , lfich.,
The spirit of Gods. London, d. Oklahoma City, Okla., 3 Je 1942,
The Chri1tian churoh, 1801. Canada, Author, 1874?
It ia morning .poems. Kansas
Chriatioola, City, Burton pub. co., •1936,
ccOLIPHANT,WILLIAMLANDON, 1900- l60p, front.
Church government, b,
llokey1 illus. by James Montgomery
Co!lllllentaries on the books of the Flagg. Kansas City, Burton pub, co.,
.New Testament. ll'hat is God like? and other sermons, •1936 •
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, 1937, 177p. front., illus,
Divine oracles consulted, Hills- 76p.
boro, B. c., 1800, Red earth; complete collection of
My creed; The work of the church in poems, Kansas City, Burton pub. oo.,
Essay on Negro slavery, 1784. mini1tering to the needy, the sick, •1934.
and the unfortunate. · (In Abilene 95p.
Hymns and spiritual songs designed Christian college Bible lectures, 1928-
for the use of Christians. Raleigh, 1929, pp. 113-1231 1933, pp. 113-128)
B. C., Minerva press, 1816. OLIVER, LANCELOT,
debate with RICE, J. R. b.
Letters from . Heaven consulted, -----
1822, Oliphant-Rice debatei on l, Return
of the Jews to Jeruaalemi 2, Personal The apostles of Christ. Birming-
The prospect before ua by way of reign of Christ at Jerusalem; 3, Bap- ham, England, Churches of Chrht pub-
address to the Chriatian churoh, tism for remission of sins; 4, Apostasy~ lioation committee, 1901.
1824. conducted at Dallas, Texas, January . 39p.
15-18, 1936, and January 22-25; steno-
A tract on bapti1m 0 graphically reported by Ma.udelle Stram- Faith and practice of certain
ler and Blanche Burton, Austin, Tex., churches of Christ. Birmingham,
A vindication of an apology, Firm foundation, 1935, England, Churches of Christ publica-
Raleigh, If • .c., Joseph Galea, printer, 572p. front. (ports,) tion committee, 1900.
1801, 48p.
debate with SMITH, CHARLES
about ----- (Atheist) The fulnesa of the ble1aing of
Chri1t. England, Oliver.
Starr, H. E, Jame1 O•Kelly, A debate between 11'. L. Oliphant min- 48p.
(In Dictionary of Amerioan biography, ister, Oakcliff church of Christ, Dalla,
vol. 14, 1934, pp. 7-8) Texas, and Charles Smith; president of Ideals of life, BiMningham, Eng-
American a1eociation for the advano-nt land, Churohea of Christ publication
about see of Atheism, B- York City; held in the _comrlttee,
churoh ·of Christ, Shawnee, Oklahoma, 32p.
Burnett, J. F. Rev. Jamee O'Jrelly, August 16 and 16, 1929,.,Chairman, F.
a champion of liberty, L, Paisley; Stenographically reported bJ, Bew Testament Christianity,
llcClenny, 11'. !. Life of Jamee Jliu Blanche Burton. .Cincinnati, F. · Bin,ingham, England, Churches of Christ
O'lelly, . L, Rowe, 1929. publication committee, 1911,
Snethen, Bichola1, A reply to an 177p, front, (ports,) 212p.
Snethen, lfiohola1. An answer to
Jamee O'Jrelly'e vindication of hi•

0 011ver - Osborn

Position and plea of churches of Christianity versus morality. ORGAN,CARLLILES

Christ. Birmingham, England, (In Patterson, H. c., ed. Our living b.
Church e s of Christ publication commit- evangelists, 1894, pp. 127-147)
3lp. about see Pieces ot the old shell. n.p.,
The truth about the sabbath and the Patterson, H. C. Our living 4p.
Lord's day . England, E. Jones. evan~elista.
cORR, ll"ILLIAMH , 1844-
ccO'NEAL, JAMESALBERT, 1854- b. Clearmount county, O., 27 Ap
ccOLMSTEAD,H L b. 1844.
b. d.
The Bible in type and antitype. The fight of faith. (In Coan,
Love, the badge of discipleship; Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1913. A. W., ed. Gospel sermons, 1881, pp.
The teacher and the child. (In 82p. 247-257)
Murfreesboro addresses, 1917, pp.
117-124; 102-104)
O'NEAL, WILLIAM, 1827- ORVIS, EDWA_'lD EVERETT, 1826-1884,
.b. Woodville, Mias., 16 D 1827. · b. Sullivan, Penn., 1826,
OLSEN, DAVIDEUGENE, -1943. d. d. !ayfield, Ky.; 27 D 1884.
d. Loa Angeles, Calif., 9 Ap 1943. Lite and history ot William O'Neal; The Orvis family. cNew York, F.
or, the man who sold his wife. St. W. Orvis, printer, 1895,
"Ante-nicene doctrine departure Louis, A. R. Fleming & co., printers, 13p.
from New Testament teaching. Minn- 1896.
eapolis, 1920. 55p. front. (port.) debate with llcGRUDER,A. B.
60p. front. (port.)
Debate. On the punishment ot the ·
The great pyramid of Gizeh in the O'NEALL, ·KELLY, 1890- wicked and the kingdom of God; ita
land of mystery. 1937. b. Waynesville, O., 1890. character, locality, and the time ot
d. ita eatabliahment ••• Held in Acquinton
church, King William county, Virginia,
O'MALLEY,FREDERICKWILLIAM, 1872- Thy kingdom come. (In Beach, E. on the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th ct
b. Elgin county, Ontario, Canada, c. and others, Great Christian convic- June, 1856. P. Kean, stenographic
29 0 1872. tions, pp. 33-40) reporter. Richmond, .va •• Elliott
& Nye, book job and_ fancy printers,
Togetherness. (In International 1855.
joint~ see convention, 1936, pp. 219-222) c436,p,
Cover title, Debate.
Hall, C. D. Ordinances of the
New Testament church. ORAHOOD,ISAAC OREN, 1875-
b. Covington, Ind., 1 llr . 1875. OSBORN,G EDffIN, 1897-
b. Jackson, o., 17 Ap 1897.
Omer) The destiny of man, a brief Biblical
b. study of the final destiny ot the right- Aspects ot morality in the trage-
eou1 and the wicked. St. Louis, die1 ot Shakespeare. 1928.
Bethany presa, cl940,
The aloe plant .with an introduc- 94p. Does the church college pay? First
tion by E. L. Powell, cl924, prize sermon, awarded first place in
106p. the education day sermon contest con-
ORAM,WILLIAJ( GEORGE, ducted by the Board ot education, Dis-
A beautiful lite catory ot the lite b. ciples ot Christ, 1928.
ot Virginia Carter Farrar, West llp.
Point, Ga., Author, 19137
Just a word about something that The Lord's aupper. cindianapolia,
The educational influence ot the C. may interest you. Brooklyn, N. Y., C011111itteeon war 1ervicea, n.d.
W. B. II. on the young. Indianapoli•, 1904. c6,p. inc. covers.
C. W. B. M., 1898. 4p.
6p. The minister and hia work. 1934.

How Judith Willia 1erved at home. ORCHARD,HUGHANDERSON, Para el domingo de la oomunion mun-
Indianapolis, C. W. B. II. b. dial, tradajo Daniel Lopez de Lara.
Aguascalientes, Mexico, Secretaria de
Queens. Indianapolis, c; W. B. II., education Christina Diecipalos de
n.d. Fifty years ot Chautauqua, ita Criato, 1941,
4p. beginning, it1 development, its mesaage, 2p,
and ita life. Cedar Rapid•, Ia., · llillleographed.
What Susan Hilly learned at the Torch pre••, 1923.
worker• conterenoe. Indianapolis, 313p. Ulu1. The psychology ot Chri1tian public
C. W. B. II. worship. 1935,

ORCUTT,A L , 1852-1918, The theology or Robert Browning.

OIIER, ROBERTAYRES, 1867-1937. b. Randolph county, Ind., 18 Ja 1852 1927.
b. Camp Point, Ill., 8 S 1857. d.
d. C&111p
Point, Ill., 10 Mr 1937. Training the devotional lite,
Alonzo Jlelville Atkinaon. (In Indianapolis, u. C, II, S,, n.d.
Brown, J. T., ed. Churchea ot Chriat, 38p.
1904, pp. 441-442)

Osborn - Outlaw 0

.Indianapolis, Committee China's cross roads. Cinoinnati, Hot ahota on the war on poverty.
on war services, Disciples of Christ, Powell le White, •1922, Byron, N. Y., Educational extension
1943. 229p. front., plates. service, •1917.
38p. inc. front covers. 48p.
Shi, the story-teller; the life and
The contribution of worship to the work of Shi Kwei-piao, Chinese etory- How to gesture. cDes Moine•, Ia ••
building of the church. (In Inter- teller and pastor cwith a . for8WOrd by School of oratory, Drake university,
national convention report, 1937, pp. S. J. Corey., Cincinnati, Powell le •1892.
135-144) White, •1926. 125p.
228p. front. (port . ) plates,
Cultivating the devotional life of --, rev. and illua. ed. New
the ·church membership. (In Church with MARX, EDWIN, York, Hinde, Noble le Eldredge, •1902.
program planning committee. Worship x, 126p. front., plates.
and the devotional life, pp. 14-19) The China Christian mission, com-
pleting fifty years of service, --, 3d ed. Ithaca, N. Y.,
--. (In Church program planning Indianapolie, U. c. 14. s., 1935. Educational extenaion aervice, 1929,
committee. Worship and the devotional 35p. 123p,
life, 1943, pp. 38-51) Contents,
Part I by E. I. Oagood. Bow to use the voice in reading
The gospel of God's son. (In Part II by Edwin Marx. and speaking; a text book of elocution,
Thornton, E. w., ed. Phillips univer- . Des Moines, Ia,, Drake achool of
sity sermons, 19i9, pp. 68-80) oratory, •1893,
joint~ see Irving Osgood)
b. --. New York, Hinda, Noble and
Humbert, H.F. ll'orahip and the Eldredge, 1901.
devotional life.
Work of the Disciples or Christ for --, 3d ed. Ithaca, N. Y.,
women of China and among China'• women. Educational extension service, •1929,
OSBORN,HENRYSTAFFORD,.1823-1894. Indianapolis, C. W. B. 14• . 275p.
Psraonality develoP""'nt · and choice
Palestine, paat and present, with ccOTEY, WILLIAIA
WESLEY, of vocation, 4th ed. Ithac~ N. Y.,
Biblical, literary, and scientific b. Educational extension service, 1924,
noticea... Philadelphia, Jamee l69p.
Challen~ aon, 1869, •1858.
600p. front. (port.) plates, illus., cl6p 0 pamphlet on college•• Philip Gerard, an individual.
maps. Dea 11:>inea, Ia., Drake university,
Creation or evolution .with an intro ~ College of oratory and English, •1899,
duotion by Hall L. Calhoun and a com- 334p.
OSBOR1',RICHARD mendation by K. C. Kurfeee. Austin,
b. Tex., Firm foundation, •1930. Self manar;ement memos. Ithaca,
.149,p. N. Y., Educational extension aerTice,
Hiatory of the Stileaville, Indiana, The origin and deetiny of nan. l32p,
Christian church, 1834-1884. n.p., Grand Rapida, Mich., Eerdman'e pub, co.
n.d. 1938. Sour grapeaJ or, heredity and
27p, l79p. marriage. Dea lloinea, Ia., Drake
school of oratory, cl896 0
The right way. c68op. illua,
OSBORNE,HARRISON 11' , 18~1883. 16p,
b. Carnsville, Ga., 11 Jl 1800.
d. lAthrop, · Mo., 3 Je 1883, Science and the Bible. Austin,
Chicago, Lyceumite preaa,

Tex., Ftrm foundation. 124p, front, (port.)

about see
The ainleaaneaa of Jeaua. (In The teohnique ot ooamuni~y eventa,
Rogers, 11'. c. Recollection• of Abilene Christian college Bible leo- 1922,
men of faith, turea, 1938, pp. 104-121)
b. Carroll oounty, Va., 5 Ap 1860. Briney, J, B. otey-Briney debate.
d. Lee county, Va., 31 Ja 1937.
Sunny sentiments. Grand Rapids,
about aee OTT, EDIJAID AN.IIERST,1867- Kioh., Author, 1940?
b. Youngatown, 0,, 1867. booklet,
West, J. W. Sketchee of our
mountain pioneers.
Efficiency in the poultry buaineaa CECIL F
"The Ott way", the etory of flats and b,
OSGOOD,ELLIOTT IRVIBO, 1871-1940, fountains, by the inventor or both,
b. Trowbridge, Kioh., 11 llr 1871, Indianapolia, Inland poultry journal,
d, Hiram, o., 13 Ap 1940. •1911, Arter a century, "to whom", pre- ·
94p. pared especially tor the centennial
Breaking . down Chinese -111, from a · oelebration ot Ellenton Christian
doctor'• viewpoint cwi th an introduo- . Good recitationa. St. Louie, churoh, •Y29 - June 4, 1939,
tory not ·e by Archibald lloLean. New Chriatian pub. 00 0
cEllenton, S, C,, Author, 1939 0
York, Revell, •1908, .1oe.p.
217p, front., plates, Printed by Walton ptg, oo,,
Auguata, Ga,

0 Overby - Oxer

ooOVERBY,COLEllAN Christian s? • •• Hel d at Lin coln, Kansas, r ace. Als o Mr. Owen's memorial to
b. Januar y 8-11, 190 6, re po r t ed: by Wm. M. t he Republic of Mexico... Cincin-
Day, 2d ed. Chic ago, M, A. Donohu~ nati, For Robert Owen, 1829.
& co •• •1 906 . 827p .
Bible wanen; a book for Bible 200p.
etudy. Austin, Tex., Firm founda-
tion, •1936. cmEN, lfILLI Al! D 1846-
lllp. OVERSTREET,A ll b.
b. ·d.
Dallas, Tex., Author,
The geniu s of industr y ; or, how_
ll6p. diagr. Revelation read, or an exposition of work wins and manhood grows. Chica-
the Apocalypse of John. St. Louis, go, Northern pub. house, 1883.
A book for Dible study; scriptural John Burns, 1884. 672p. por ts.
surveys; arranged for the teachers and l73p. Content s include: Bio graphical
aimplif'ied for the young. Austin, sketch of _James A. G_arfield.
Tex., Firm foundation, •1937,
l62p. illus., ,, plans. OVERTON,GRACESLOAN, Success in life, and how to secure
(Presbyterian) it; or, eleme nts of manhood and their
Scriptural surveys. culture. Chicago, H, Watts and co.,
The church and the home. (In 1878,
Syste-tic study of the Bible, book International convention, 1937, pp. 533p. front., ports.
by . book, TOl. 1, -1943. 279-288)
The church and the masses. (In
The local congregation; how organi- International convention. Addresses
zed end the extent of organization. OffEN, JORDAN, 1793-1876, delivered at the world's congress and
(In Abilene Christian college Bible b. Amherst county, Va., 12 N 1793. general missionary conventions of the
lectures, 1939, pp. 180-191) d. Hart county, Ky., 30 Ja 1876. church of Christ, 1893, pp. 117-130)

The power of the press. (In the about see see also
Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp, 95-107)
Boles, H. L. Biographical Edwards, J. H. Orthodoxy in the
sketches of gospel preachers. civil courts.
OOEN, ROBERT, 1801-1877. (Free- OXER, ROSALEE
thinker) b,
debate with cWHITAKER,O. B.
Opening speech, and his reply to
A public discussion on the question, the Rev. Alexander Campbell, in the The woman's home at Xulpahar.
doea the church of Chrht offer a recent public discussion in Cincinnati .Indianapolis, c. W. B. x;. 1909.
scriptural basia for the union of all to prove that the principles of all 6p. folder.
religions are erronious and that their
practice is injuriou• to the huuan

Pack - Page

ccPACK, FRANK Capitalism and its, a com- Int ernational relations in the
b. parative interpretation of individual- li ght of the religion of Jesus; an
ism, new .dealism, Faciam, eonmunism, address delivered at the National
e.nd socialism. New York, Eddy and stu dent conference, Milwauke e, Wisco n-
What happened a!'ter John died. Page, . cl936 2 s in, December 30, 1926. New Yor k,
Nashvil_le, Tenn., World via ion. 94p. (Industry aeries, no. 15) Author, 1927.
(Tract no. 11) 20p. (Christianity and world
Collective bargaining, an ethical problems)
evaluation of some phases of trade
PACK, JOHN PAUL, 1904- unionism e.nd the open shop movement. Is Mahatma Gandhi the greatest man
b. Beckley, 'If. Va., 19 Je 1904. New York, Doran, •1921. of the age? a bio graphical interpret-
30p. (Christianity and industr y) ation and analysis of the political
situation in India, New York,
Newness· of life. (In Beach, E. Dollars and world peace. Author, •1930.
C. Great Christian convictions, pp. Doran, 1927. 63p.
5-12) 214p.
Jesus or Christianity; a study in

New York, R.R. Smith. contrasts.
1929 .
Garden Cit y , Doubleday,

b. vi, 326p,
Dollars and world peace; a consider-
ation of nationalism, industrialism and New York, R.R. Smith,
Prairie dogs• pranks, with an intro- imperialism. New York, Doran, •1927, 1931, •1929.
duction by Jeanette E. Perkins: illus. 94p. (Christianity and world v, 1, 32 Sp. (Anvil dollar
by Bess Bethell Crank, cover design by problems) librar y)
N. G. Wuenscher. St. Louie, Bethany
presa, •1931. France and the peaoe of Europe. Jesus or Christianity.
128p. illus. Nn York, Doran, 1923, pamphlet.
3lp. (Christianity and world Abbreviat ed fr om the book with
problems) that title.
b. How does God deal with evildoers? The light is still shining in the
d. Le.Habra, Calif., Author, cl941, darkness. La Habra, Calif., Author,
3lp. 1946.
Bapt _iats va. Campbellitea by 'If. A. 124p.
Jarrell revi-ed by eld. A. Padon. How Jesus faced totalitarianism.
Baptista vs. Christian by eld. A. Living abundantly; a study of
Padon. Center, Tex., Champion-press How to blep America out of war. creative pioneer groups throu gh
job print, 1892. Philadelphia, Pasadena, Chicago, N- twenty-seven centuries of exploration
28p. York, Portland, and Washington. Pub- of pathways to jo yous and abundant
lished cooperatively by Amorican friend• life by Kirby Page with the substan-
The elder power (in which the elders service conmittee, Fellowship of recon- tial collaboration of 'M!lry Alma Page,
of the congregation 1110eting on the r.iliation, feneral conference oommia- Mary Page Raitt, Walton A. Raitt
corner of Eighth and Mounds street, sion on world peace of the llethodist cand, IM.rie Tem~elen Pa~e. New
held up to censure) 18·6.6. Episcopal church, Keep America out of York, Farrar, •1944.
24p. war congress, National council for the xii, 513p.
prevention of wars, war resister's
league, women's international league Living courageousl y . New York,
PAGE, El!l!A for peace and freedom, 1939. Farrar, 1937,

If war ii sin?
Living creatively. ?I- York,
ccPAGE, G E Imperialism and nationalism, a study v, 305p.
b. of . conflict in the Hear and of
the territorial and economic expansion Living prayerfully, how to exper-
of the United States. New York, i ence life's deepest satisfaction•
The tFue church. Gla1gow, Ky., Doran, •1925. and serve mankind most effectively,
Author, 1938? 96p. (Christianity and world with the substantial collaboration or
22p. problems, no. 9) lfary Alma Page, Kirby Page, Jr., Ira
Miller Page, llary Page Raitt, Walton
Incentives in 110dern life1 are the A. Raitt, Perry L. Page, and Mllrie
PAGE, IRIS IIILLER, motives -of Je1u1 practicable in modern Tempelen Page. New York, Farrar
b. business and profeaaional life? New 1941. '
York, Doran, 1922, 523p.
32p. (Christianity and industry)
joint~ ••• Individualiam and aooialism1 an
Living triwnphantly,
Farrar & Rinehart, 1934.
New York,

Page, Kirby. Living prayerfully. ethical survey of economic and politi- 308p.
cal foroea. New York, Farrar and
Rinehart, 1933. llahatma Gandhi and his aignificance.
PAGE, KIRBY, 1890- ix, 367p.
b. Tyler county, Tex., 7 Ag 1890. The »onroe doctrine and world peaoe1
Industrial fact,, concrete data con- an analysis of the replies from 301
cerning induatrial problems and pro- leaders of public opinion to eight ques-
An American peace policy, with an posed 1olution1. New York, Doran, tions concerning the meaning and signi-
introduction by John H. Clar bl. ?In •1921, ficance of this famous doctrine.
York, Council of Christian aaaociation1, 32p. (Christianity and induatry) Garden Cit y, Doubleday, •1928,
•1925. 30p. (Christianity and world
94p. (Christianity and world problems)

p Page -

l,lust we go to war? A book for men, The United States stee l cor pora tion , OTHERS.
with a subtitle for women: Must Amer- an a.nal ysis of the soc ial cons equence •
ican women send their men to fight in or modern business po li cie s .. . New Christianity and economi c problem•1
Europe or Asia? New York, Farrar, York, Doran, •1 922. f acts, principles, programs, a diaous-
•1937. 32p. (Christianit y and indust ry) ai on gr oup text-book.,. New York,
xii, 278p. Aaaooiation preso, 1922,
War. its causes. consequences. and 120p, (Social problem dis oua-
National defense1 a study or the cure. New York, Doran, •1 923. aion series)
origins, results and prevention or 89p. (Christianity and world
-r. New York, Farrar, •1931. problems)
403p. PAGE, KIRBY, II,
New York, Doran, •1923. b.
-, abridged ed. New York, 21Sp.
Farrar & Rinehart, •1931.
96p. (World problem seriea) --.
New York, R.R. Smith. joint~ •••
National peace department; suggeat- Page, Kirby. Living prayerfully.
iona as to how our federal government Was Jesus a patriot?
might wisely spend 100 million dollar•
annually on peace education. New What shall we do about war? 1936. fAGE, JfARIETEIIPELER,
York, Author, pamphlet. b,
The will or God for these days,
A national peace department. in personal relations, economic life, joint~ see
Bew York, Council or Christian asaoc- political action, race relations, inter-
iations, n.d. national affairs. La Habra, Calif., Page, Kirby, Living abundantly.
23p. Author, 1945. Page, Kirby. Living prayerfully.
Now is the time to prevent a third
world war. La Habra, Calif., Author, Youth and world problems. (In PAGE, MARYALIIA (FOLSE) (Jlro. Kirby
1946. DeGroot, A. T., ed, The llemphis youth Page)
123p. convention, 1926, pp. 21-29) b.

Personality or Jesus I pathways by with EDDY, G. S.

which he climbed the heights or life. joint~ see
New York, Association press, 1932. The abolition of war; the case
xiii, l 76p. against -r, and que1tion1 and an1wer1 Page, Kirby. Living abundantly,
concerning war. New York, Doran, Page, Kirby, Living prayerfully.
Property; an exploration or the idea •1924.
that in the paradox or not enough 94p. (Christianity and world
private property because there 11 too problems) PAGE, PERRYL
muoh private property may be round the b.
key to plenty tor everyone.
York, Eddy & Page, cl9367.
New --.
New York, Doran, •1924.

62p. (Induotry aeries, no. 14) joint author •e•

Creative pioneers, building a new
Religioua resources for peroonal society through adventurous vocations Page, Kirby. Living prayerfully,
living and social action, in a day of and avocation• on the frontier• ot
personal insecurity and frustration, induotrial relations, the political
aooial oontliot and diaintegration, movement, the cooperative movement, PAINE, CLARAAUDREA(SIBLEY) (Jira.
how can I experience the deeper aatia- race relations, and socialized reli- Clarence Sumner Paine, 1875-
raotione ot life, and render maximum gion. New York, Association pre11, b. near Bonnal, Ill., 6 Ap 1876.
oervioe to aociety? New York, Far- 1937.
rar & Rinehart, 1938. 16lp.
600p. .The Viokery tam.Uy •. 1923.
Danger zone• of social order1 facts 42p,
The renunciation ot war1 an evalua- concerning economic, international,
tion or the atrength and weaknesa or racial, political, and moral probl..,,a.
the recent multilateral treaty renounc- New York, Doran, 1926. PAillTER, J H , 1841-1921,
ing war aa an instrument or national 96p. (Christianity and world b. Fleming county, !y., 1841.
policy; and a oonaideration or next problems, no. 11) d, Coffeyville, !ans., 15 Ag 1921,
1tep1 in the foreign policy or the Reprinted from llakera of freedom.
United State,. Garden City, Double- By whose authority do we exiatT
day, •1928. llakero ot freedom, biographical pamphlet.
30p. (Christianity and world aketohea in aooial progreas. New
problem.a) York, Doran, •1926. Helps for young converts. Oaka-
3llp. loosa, Ia., Tract pub. co., 1895T
Something more1 a consideration or pamphlet,
the vaat undeveloped reaources ot life. ed.
New York, Aaaociation pre11, 1920. Our state work and Christian union1
88p. (New generation aeriea) A new eoonomio order. !few York, an addreas before the Iowa Christian
Harcourt, •1933, convention, Boone, September 9, 1902.
Sword or the cr011, which ahould be 387p.
the weapon or the Chriatian militant? A new catechism.
Chicago, The Chriatian century pre••, Recent gains in American civiliza- tract.
1921. tion; by a group or diatinguished
-l07p. oritica or contemporary life. !few Reminiacenoes and notes1 personal
York, Harcourt, 1928. reoolleotione, briefs, sermon notes,
--, 2d ed. !few York, Doran, 357p. etc. cwith an introduction by A, K.
1923. Haggard. Dea Jloinea, Christian
6lp. (Christianity and industry) index, . 1900.
302p. front. (port.)
Patater - Parter p

Elements ot a auoceaat'ul ltte1 The ministry'• new day, (In PARI, J G

The true tabernaole1 skeleton eermone , l nt er nnti ona l convent i on, 1937, pp . 75- b,
(In Cory , B, E,, ed, The pol,-at hiet , Sl ) d,
1877, pp , 219-2201 447-448)
A complete and practical Engliah
Preaching, {In his The Iowa PALMER
, BERTHA(HOIIOd) (llre, Potter analysis. cAda, O, . Author, 1898,
pulpit ot the church or Christ, 1884, Pal mer), 1849-1918. (died iv, l93p, (Park'• language
pp, 141-166) lpiacopalian) course)
b, Louisville, Ky., 22 Jly 1849,
Rightly dividing the word ot trut h ; d, Osprey, Fla,, 6 Jly 1~18, A practical and complete lngliah
11'111morality eave a •nT Part III, gr-r, lew York, Aaerican bk,
(I n ll'ilson, L, C,, ad, Twentieth cen- about oo , , •1894.
tury aeM110nsand addre11e1, 1902, pp, 274p, {Park'• language course)
203-2061 221-222) Thompeon, C. K, Bertha Honore
Pal,ner , (In Dictionary of American Language leuona f including a
11', B, Crewdeon, (In Brokaw, G, biography, v. 14, 1934, pp. 178-177) composition and inductive gra-r,
L,, ed , Doctrine and lite by Iowa Cincinnati, American bk, oo,, .1898.
writers, 1898, pp, 227-229) l44p. illua, {Park'• language
"What I gave up" to come to the b,
Bew Teeta ment, (In Lord, J, A,, ed.
From darkneea to li ght, 1907, pp, 21- PARI, ROBERTEZRA, 1864-
27) Retaining the minister, (In 11'11• b , Luzerne county, Penn , , 14 F
eon, L, C,, ed, Twentieth century 1864,
introduction aee eermone and addreuee, _ 1902, pp, 239-
ll'Uaon, L, C. The history ot The 1-igrant preu and it• con-
aprinkling, trol , Bew York, Harper, 1922,
PALIIER,POTTER, 1828-1902, xix, 487p , illus , (Americanisa-
~- b , Albany county, B. Y,, 20 Jly 1826 11 tion atudies)
d, Chicago, Ill,, 4 Jly 1902,
The Iowa pulpit ot the church ot •••• und publilcum1 aine methodolo-
Chriat, its aim and work, containing a about gieohe und eo&iologieche unterauohung,
statement or the principle• or our Bern, Lach & Grunau, 1904,
_,.,.•-nt, its history in Iowa, with Thompson, C, K. Potter Pa1-r, ll2p.
aen,ons, biogr&phioal sketches and (In Dictionary ot American biography,
engravings, St, Louis, John Burne, v. 14, 1934, pp. 190-191) Outline of the principle• ot so-
1884, ciology,., Rew York, B&rnea and
469p, ports, loble, 1939,
Contents:, PALJIER,RACHEL(LYlll) 353p, (Collage outline aerie•)
Sermons by Charles Blanchard, G, b,
L, Brokaw, G, T. Carpenter, J, K, The principle• of human beharlor.
Cornell, B, U, Dale, D, R, Dungan, Chicago, Zalo& corporation, •1916,
Allen Hickey, R, H, Johnson, F, K. with ALPHIR,I, K. .M.p, . (StudiH in aooial
Kirkham, D, R, Lucas, B, A. JloConnell, acience, no, 8)
H, A. Borthcutt, J, H. Painter, E. 40,000,000 guinea pig ehildren,
L, Poston, J. B, Sift.1th, R, I, Swarts, Bew York, Vanguard pre11, •1937, with BURGESS,I . 11'.
J.B. Vawter, Fr•e•n ll'alden, J . A. 4, 249p.
ll'altere, J. K, ll'illiame, and L, C, Intrcduotion to the acience ot
ll'ihon, with GREEJIBERG,
SARAR, aociology, Chicago, Uni,reraity ot
Chicago preee, •1921,
Faota and fraud• in wo-n•a hygiene1 xxi, 1040p,
PALJIBLAD,IW!RYVICTOREIDWIUEI., 1882- a med'lcal guide against misleading
1940, claim• and dangeroua products, lew --, 2d ed, Chicago, Uni,rerdty _
b, SkiTC!a, Sweden, 27 Ap 1882, York, Vanguard, 1938, of Chioago pr•••, 1924.
d, Siloam Springs, Ark., 17 llr 1940, 3llp, xxiU, l°'Op•
A tirat chapter in French pronoun- --. Garden City, Garden City with JIILLIR, H, A,
oiation, pub, oo., 1938,
3llp. (Star dollar boot) The old world trait• tranaplanted,
Strindberg'• conception ot hiatory, •- York, Harper, 1921,
lew York, Coluabia uni,reraity preee, --. Garden City, Sun dial pr•••, 308p, (Aaricanisation atudiea)
1927, 1942, •1938,
l98p. (Col11abia university Ger- 3llp, (Center boob) wi th OTHERS.
aanie atudiH)

IJapreeaion• de wyage by Alexande r
The city,

Su"eationa tor the
atudy of hiaan nature in the urban
by R. I, Park, I, 11', Bur-
ge H and R, D. lloKen& ie , Chicago•
Dullas, Chicago, Univereity ct Chi• Univereity of Chicago pr•••, 1925,
oago pr•••, 1931, High ealling of Chriatian leadership, xii, 239p.
l97p. (University ot Chicago (In Dawaon, F. F,, ed, The Chrietian
junior college aerie•• Romane! lang- -n at wort, 1941, v. 3, pp. 6-12)
uagH) PARIXII, LIORARD, (Methodht)
The ottioiary of the ohuroh in
thought and action, (I n International An euayon the mode and design of
PALll!R, J.l.B!RT ll'llffORTH, 1879- oonventiob, 1939, pp, 266-262) Chriatian baptiam1 in whic~ the aerip.
{Congregationalht) turea are carefully examined, and · -4e
the only book ot appeal tor podtiTe
proot, lew Philadelphia, 0,, Printed

p Parker - Patteraon

&t Lutheran at&ndard otfi oe, 1844 , PARRIS, PERCYELIZA.BETH, Introduction to 1110derneooial prob-
3a.p, b, lema, Bew Tork, Knopf, 1924.
Content• include an &tt&ck upon A, XiT, 288p ,
Cu,pbell, pp , 164-304 , Later published by Crofte,
Children &t worahi p , 52 primary wor-
ship programs, Cinc in na t i, Standard, Reaponaibility for ori•, an inT••- ·
PARKER,VICTOR LEROY, •1943. t i gation of the nature and cause• ot
. b, 12lp. crime &nd a mean• of ita prenntion •
Bew York, Columbia uniTereity , 1909,
194p. (Studies in history,
Paul'• battle with incipient PARRISH, ELERY economios and public law, TOl , 34,
gnoatioiam, n,p., 1927 , b, number 3)
Wealth and poverty, a story of
The minieter and the apirit of love and the flood, written by a
P.ARIER, WILLIS ALI.EB, 1876- unity. .Portland, Ore , , Oregon student of Christian university to r
b, Vienna, Ill,, 28 Ap 1876 , Christian miaaion&ry conTention, 1946. the benefit of the flood autterers,
4p. Canton, Ii>, , Christian educator,
Reprint, Chriati&n-ETangeliat, 190-7
Reoent tendenciee in philoeophy lily 16, 1946. 20p,
th&t &re 1ignifica nt tor religion, CoTer ti t le: Weal th amid poverty-.
(In Willett, H. L. Progrea1: a.nni-
Teraary wlu- ot the Campbell inati- PARRY,WILBURC , 1900-
tute, 1917, pp, 292-308) b, DaTenport, I&., 18 0 1900, PASLEY, A WISE,
P.Al!llBSOB, W W • 1837- Basic coneider&tiona in building
1917, an &dult progr&111, produced by the B, F. Bill, (In Patterson, B,
b, near EdwardaTille, Ill , , 14 Jl DiTieion of education, United Chriatie.n c., ed. Our living eTangeliats, 1894,
1837, miaaionary society, St. Louie, Chris• pp. 18-21)
d, Ple&a&nt Gron, ltinn,, 8 B 1917, ti&n board, n , d,
47p. (Adult program of Chriatian
The abrogation ot the Jewish l&w, education, aeries 1, book 1) PAT)g)BT, LOUIS RICHARD, 1884-
tr&ot. b, Loda, Poland, 6 Jl 1884,
Planning tor adult• in the church
The action &nd design ot b&ptiam, (a b&aio procedure outline tor etteot-
Stewartrllle, llinn., Preaa ot the iTe adult work in the loc&l ohurch)1 The m:,-atery o t iniquity, an expoae
Stewartrllle Star , n,d, produced by the Dirlaion of eduo&tion, of the apirit and nature ot inter-
.Sp. tront , (port,) United Chrieti&n miaaionary society, national oommuniam. Fresno, C&lit.,
St. Louie, Chriatian board, n,d, Graeter pub, co,, •1933,
26p. (Adult program of Christian 236p,
PARKS, CLARADELL, education, aeries 1, book II)
b, Perils ot the latter daya1 & aur-
Adulta &nd Christian education in ve:,- of &pocalyptio events, Findlay,
the loe&l church, (In Church plan- 0,, Fundua ental truth publiah era,
ning program co-ittee, Christian ed~ •1936,
cation, 19~, pp, 21-28) 177p,
Wood•, Helen, Then and now.
The united Christian education The story of Bew Testament Chris-
adTanoe and its meaning tor the Diaoi- tianity- in Europe; Wh&t it the heathen
pA.R1ILEY.s w plea ot Christ. (In International &re loatt (In Jfurtreeaboro &ddreaaea,
b, oonTention, 1942, pp, 293-299) 1917, pp . 202-2161 80-86)

Bible proota, -king plain the -y

ot pardon &nd eternal lite through

Bower, W, C,
to aee

The Diaoiplea and

Boll, R, H,
Weahalb nicht nur
Jeaua Chriat, in 4 pe.rta, P&rt one, religioua education, ein Chrhtt
when &nd how we are born ot the apirit,
Bew Tork, T, Hoban, 1869,
b, b,
PARllLY, KLEAZAR, 1797-1874,
b, Braintree, Vt., 13 Jlr 1797, P&ul'1 indebtedne111 Ye shine aa The role of intia&te grou p• in the
d, light11 akeleton aen,ona, (In CorJ', peraonality development ot aeleoted
B. E., ed. The polymathiat, 1877, pp. college men, Loa Angele•, UniTeraity
Jlaoriala written on aenral occa- 362-3631 231-232} · of Southern Calitornia pr•••, 1936,
aiona during the illneaa and atter the 43p. (Univeraity of Southern
decease of three little boya, By tho•• California School ot reae&rch atudiea,
who loTed them •• , ... Tork, 1843, PARSONS,PHILIP ARCHIBALD,1879-1943, no, 6)
62p. (Died Preabyterian) -Theaia , Ph , D., University ot
b, Hamilton, Ill,, 9 Ja 1879, Southern C&litornia, 1933.
Thought• in rhyme, 1'ew Tork, d, Eugene, Ore, , 14 Jlr 1943,
Printed by T. Holman, 1867,
xiT, 600p, trout, (port,) Crime &nd the criminal, an introduc- PATTERSOB,HARRIET-LOUISEBOLLARD,
tion to criminology, Bew Tork, J.ltred 1903-
about ••• A. lnopf, 1926, b,
xrl, 387p.
Tiera, K, C, The Chriatian por-
trait gallerJ',

Patter1on - Paxton p

Around the Mediterranean with my PATTO}!,J FRANKLIN, The principles and spirit of Jesus
Bible, forsword by G. G. Atkins. b. essential to meet the 1ooial needs of
Boston, Wilde, •1941. our time. Indianapolis, C. W. B. K.,
3&6p. front., plates, ap. 1916.
The church that Jeaue Christ built,"
Enjoy the Bible's beauty; prefatory lllo.tthew 16: 18. .JefferaonTille, Somewhere in all the world, a chal-
note by c. F. Thwing. Boston, Ind., Author. 1944? lenge to Christian students, emergent
Wilde, •1938. .8.p. chart. need• of reini'orce1119nta in foreign
l66p. field• of Disciples of .Christ. Ind-
Fourteen lessons on the minion and ianapoli1, Published for F. C. M. s.
How to understand your Bible better. work of the Holy Spirit. and C. W. B. M. by the College of
Boston, Wilde, •1934. missions, 1919.
128p. 15p.
b. Somewhere in all the world1 latest
PATTERSON,HEllRT CLAY, 1856- d. St. Peter1burg, Fla., 19 Ja 1940. call to Christian students from toreign
b. Rust county, Ind., 3 Jl 1856. fields of Disciples of Christ. Ind-
d. History of the northaide Christian ianapolis, Published for F. C. M. S.
church, Cincinnati, Ohio. (In Ohio - and C. W. B. M. by the College of
!!!.· Cincinnati Horthaide Chri1tian church, mhliona, 1919.
Ooldtp jubilee, 1870-1920) 98p. front., ports., illus.
Our liTing evangeli1ta of the church
of Christ. St. Louie, Christian pub. --. India:aapoli•, Published
co., 1894. PAUL, ALEXAJID!R, 1874- for F. C. M. s. and u. C. M. S. by
428p. b. Be11brook, Ireland, 7 S 1874. the College of llliaaiona, 1920.
Contents, 82p. front., ports., illus.
Sermon• by W. H. Bo.lea, J. V. Coomba,
W. A. Foster, O. F. Hall, B. F. Hill, The indigenoua churoh. (In De- Dr. Susie c. Rijnhart. (In
Abraham llartin, s. K. Martin, llorgan Groot, A. T., ed. The Memphis youth Brown, J. T., ed. Churohe1 of Christ,
llorgana, A. B. lloore, T. M. )Iyer•, convention, 1926, pp. 58-62) 1905, pp. 462-463)
H. A. Northcutt, R. A. Oner, H. C.
Patter1on, B. B. Sander,, James Jl11W1 from the Orient. (In Intel'- Report I, unoocupied fields.
Sall, J. H. O. Smith, J. V. Updike. national convention, 1939, pp. 263-274) (In Congress on Chriatian work in
South America. Official report, 1926,
about pp. 41-142)
Henry Clay Patteraon. (In Brown, b. BowmenTille, Ontario, Canada, Trodden traila--the story of the
J. T., ed. Churches or Christ, 1904, 15 Ag 1869. past. (In International convention,
pp. 484-486) d. , 25 JI 1940. 1934, pp. 103-111)

The call of China; new miaaionariee introduction see

for then"" era in the new republic;
glimpses of life chances for American Henaey, A. F. J(y children of
students. Indianapolis, College of the forest.
ndaaiona, 1919. Lhamon, W. J. The oharaoter
What next, or The honest thief. 105p. Christ.
cLerlngton, ly., Pr•••
of TranaylTania llcCaah, J. R. Horison or
ptg. oo., 1899. Chriat•a call and the world'• need. American missions.
500p. Cincinnati, lien and millions movement, Rijnhart, S. C. With the Tibet-
n.d. an• in tent and temple.
b. Chut.llh history and missions. Cin-
oinnati, Standard. Inman, S. o. A gentleman and a
2 TOl. aoholar.
The church college. (In D.Oroot,
A. T., ed. The .._phia youth oonTen- llis1ionary mountain peak1J outline
tion, 1926, pp. 78-82) etudiea in Christian expansion. Cin- PAXTOI, J T
cinnati, Standard, 1913. b.
333p. (Training for service d.
PATTOI, HERJl)I IIILTOJI, 1906- • aerie a)
b. •- Caatle,Penn., 21 · • 1905. Satan'• loude1t laugh. St.
Kie1ionary •ountain peaka, outline Louh, 1865.
etudie1 in Christian expan1ion, part l,
Fairne11 in prejudice. (In le1eon1 I-X. Cincinnati, Standard,
Thornton, I. w., ed. Bethany college 1913. PAXTON,JOS!PH FRANCIS, 1864-
1ermon1, 1930, pp. 107-122) ix, 233p. -p•. (Standard teaohel'o b. Louiaville, llo., 14 R 1864.
training aeriu)
PATTOB,J D The present ori1i1 and the call or ed.
b. Chriat. Indianapolis, c. W. B. M.
Univeraity anthology. Horan,
Presentation of Chriatian meaaage Okla., Univeraity ot Oklaho-, 1921.
J. H. to Buddhiata. 1919. lllp.
Patton•• goapel h,-na. Dal ten, Presentation of Chri1tian me11ag• --, aeoond aerie,. Ioran,
Ga., Showalter, 1907. to Pagan Africa. 1914. Okla., University ot Oklahoma, 1924.
118p. (Univeraity atudy no. 21,
new 1erie1, no. 290)

p J'&yne - Pendleton

PAYNE,AUGUSTUS H F Inatrwnental music 11 aoriptural,,, Divine approbation, (In Bridwell,

1807-1863, .with an introduction by S, S, Lappin, J, T,, ed, The llichigan pulpit, 1924,
b. Mason oounty, !Cy,, 4 Ap 1807, Cincinnati, Standard, •1920, pp. 228-236)
d, 3 Je 1863, 362p, chart,

about see • ·ll'aa Peter a pope? Cincinnati, PECKHAII,GEORGE ALFRED, 1851-1926,

Standard, b, Akron, 0., 17 Jl 1851,
Wright, llre, Frank, Augustus H, d. Hirani, O,, · 13 Je 1926,
F, Payne, about aee
An introduction to the atudy of
lurteea, II. C, Revi- of 0, B, Obadiah, Chicago, University of
PAYNE,MRS. ELLIE IC -1929, Payne'• book on "Paallo", Chicago press, 1910,
b, 29p,
d, Omaha, Bebr,, 24 lfr 1929, Theai11 Ph, D,, University ot
VIBCENT, 1898- Chioago,
Jeaua and the children, Easter (llethodiat)
exercise, Ind1anapol1•, C, 11'. B. II,,
1914, Christian faith in a day of criaia, PEDDER,BEllRY C
(In International oonventicn, 1942, pp, b,
A life tor Tibet, the etory of Dr, 183-194) d,
Zenaa Sanf'ord Lottie, Ind1anapol1a,
C, 11'. B. II, Garfield'• place in hiatory, an
7p, ino, front cover, PEARCE,IIRS. LIDA B eaaay, H- York, Putnam, 1882,
b, 104p, front, (port,)
Gleams of light, topio program on d,
the gospel in Mexico and West Indies,
St, Louie, U, C, II, S., n,d, Enlisting tor aervioe, or, -thoda PEEBLES, IIRS, IIARYLYO!,
8p, ot approach, Indianapolis, C. W, B, b,
PATIIE,H T Wilaon G, Barker, (In Weat J
b, PEARCE,WILLIAIICLIFI', 1864-1935, W,, ed, Sketohea of our mountai~ '
b. Butaonville, Ill,, 4 lly 1864, pioneer•, 1939, pp, 2<&4-2<&7)
d. 25 0 1935,
What muat I do to be aaved? St,
Louis, Christian pub, oo, Adult Bible olaeaJ it• organisation PEl!OTSIY, BESSIE OLGA,
and work, Philadelphia, Presbyterian .
board, 1908, He ERB, BESSIE (PEIIOTSIY)
ooPAYBB,HARRY 87p. front,
--, crev, ed,o Philadelphia, PBIIB!RTOI, JfJRTOBB
Weatllinater pr.eaa, 19U, •1908, •1912, b,
Opportun1t1ea maong the other raoea 107p, front,, illus,
in the aouth and aouthweat, (In
Abilene Christian college Bible leo- introduction aee Reuben, hie book,,,.with an intro-
turea, 1941, pp, 167-169) duction by Walter Willi&111a0 I•
Thornton, E, W, C01111110n
Hnae, York, Broadway pub, oo,, 1905, •1904,
306p, front, (port,)
b, Louisville, ly,, 8 lly 1894, PDDLETOI, AL!XAJDER CASSIL, 1902-
b, lit, Vernon, O,, 7 S 1902,

The meaning of the ohuroh in the

Sla'er, W, ffle ehuroh hymnal, thought of Calvin, cChioagc, 1941, Better golf with brain•, aketohea
12p, . by Jaok Walther, cover by Larry Kelley,
Part ot thesiaa Ph, D,, Univeraity lbunt Ji>rria, Ill,, lable n-• oo,,
PATIi!, II LUCILLA, 1839-1892, ot Chioago, 1938, •19U,
b, Clay county, lb,, 28 llr 1839, "Private ed, diatributed by the ~p. illua,
d, Clinton county, Jlo,, 27 I 1892, University ot Chieago librariea,"
B1ator1cal aketoh ot the Christian A vindioation of Paul, PDDLETOI, ALEXAIIDRIA·CAIIPBELLIU.,
WOl!len'aBoard of lliaaiona, 1888, Helson, 1936, 1841-1919,
xi, 26<&p. b, Bethany, W, Va,, 2 S 18<&1,
d, 14 Ja 1919,
b, PEARCY,WILLIAIIT , 1901- ed,
b, Anderaon, Ind,, 1901,
cFrenoh text book.
Biatory of Aahland Chriatian ohuroh,
1909, so- deeper aeaninga ot ohuroh ex-
24p, tenaion, (In International oonva1>o PEIIDLETOJ,BIJITIJGTOI DIG, 1861-1939,
tion, 1942, pp, <&0-<&6) b, Bethany, W. Va., 7 Jl 1881,
d, Jl't, )Iyer•, Fla,, 10 r 1939,
PATIi!, 0 E -1926,
II , 1887- with PDDLETOI, P. Y,
d, liaberly, South Atrioa, 16 JI:, b, Delte., 0,, 13 )(y 1887,
1926, Graded atudiea in the 1 .. Teataaent,
deaigned tor Chriatian Bible aohoola,
with an introduction ·by J, W, lloOarny,
Cinoinnati, Standard, 1898,
Pendleton - Peters p

PDDL!TOR, PHILIP YANCEY,1868-1930. about aee Trail s , rails and war, the lite ·or
b. Bethany, lf. Va., 1868. Genera l G. M. Dodge. Indianapolie 0
d. Phoenix, Ariz., 1 F 1930. Jlodisett , M. K. A aeries or Bobb s-llarrill , 1929.
lett ers addr ess ed to Pre sident Pendle- xix, 37lp. fro nt., plates, port•.
College endoWlll
ent, 190-? ton .
(Centennial leaflet no. 7) Moore, W. T. The li vi ng pul pi .t
or the Chris ti an church . ccPBRRY,J A
Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln'• birthday Powe r , F. D. Li t e of Will iam b.
address. (In Thornton, B. lf., ed. Kimbrou gh Pendl eto n, LL. D.
Spec ial sermons for apeoial ocoaeione , Tiera, K. C. The Christian por-
1921, pp. :51-39) trait galle ry . Unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed .
Wood, Warre n . Repre sentative Our Savior'• prayer t or unity, 1911 1
flte baeie or Chriat•e kingdom. aut hor s or lfea t Vir gin ia . pp. 158-161)
(In Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord'•
day, •1904, pp. 134-136 )
M, DAVID, 1839- Pl!TER, ROBERT,1805-1894,
Pure in heart . (In Jleacham, E. b. Cartha ge , Ko. , 3 lfy 1839.
J. , comp. Training to teach, •1913, d. Transylvania university, ita ori•
pp. 155-156) gin , rise, decline , and fall . Lex-
The ·Bible analysed. .(In Scott, L. i ngton, ly., Filson club, 1896,
joint author aee lf. , ed . Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 23-37) 202p. front . (port . ) (Publica-
tion no. 11)
Battenfield, J . A. flte great
deonatrati on. PENTECOST,G T
McGarvey, J. W. The four f old b. PETERS, EDITH LOlfE,
goepele. d. b.
Pendleton, H.K. Graded atudiee
in the•- Testament. Witneu ot the Holy Spi rit. St.
Louis, Chri 1tian board. Bible taot1 and queetione. Ian-
joint~- see ••• City, Jib., llen•s Bible olaaa,
First Christian church, n.4.
lfoGarvey, J. lf. Theeealonian•, PEOPLES
, ROBERTHAYES, 5p. folder.
Corinthians, Galatians, and Ro11&ne. b.
1817- 1899. Historical development ot Negro b. Buffalo, R. Y., 21. Ag 1865.
b. Yanoey-rille, Louiea county, Va., work and its relations hip to org anized
8 S 1817. brotherhood lite. 1936.
d. , 3 S 1899. The Disciple• or Chriat in lliaaouri
The church and the underprivileged celebrating one hundred yaara ot
Baotiam for the remi11ion of aina, Americana. (In International conven- cooperative work , .Col-bia, Ii> ••
St. L~uie, Christian pub. co. tion, 1939, pp. 275-281) Centennial oOlllllliaeion, 1937,
The connection between baptism and
. the reaiaeion ot eina. Cincinnati, ccP!:PP!RDIR!, GEORGE,188~ Dreama co- true, a hiatory ot
R. W. Carroll & co., 1870. b. 11:)undValley, lane., 20 Je 1888. Culver-Stockton college (founded
27p. Chri,tian university 1853) Canton,
Ii> . , Board ot truateea, Culver-
An addreaa. (In Bethany college. llore than life J there 1a aoaething Stockton college, 1941,
Introductory addreaaea, 1841, pp. 42- more precioua than all our poaaesaiona ix, lHp.
80) . or life itself. What 1a it? .Loa
Ange],Je, Vermont Avenue Church ot The meaning of an annual ottering
Alexander Campbell . (In Piper, Chri1t, n.d. for education. lanaaa City, IID. ,
Ferdinand . Livea ot the leader• ot 2lp. inc. tront cover. Xiaeouri educational coaaiaaion, n,d,
our church universal, •1879, pp. 869- c4ap. ·
877) Un1aved 'Chriatiana, are you one ot
themt .Loa Angele,, Ver1110ntAvenue Xiaaouri eduoational catechi ...
'l'he doctrine concerning the holy Church ot Christ. n.d . lanaaa City, II>., lliuouri eduoational
apirit. (In Garriaon, J.B., ed. 2lp. ino. front cover. conaiaaion, n.d.
'l'he old faith reatated, 1891, pp. 276- .1s.p.
PERKIIS, JACOBRARDOLPH, 1878- Religiou, education aong the Die-
The ainiatry ot the Holy Spirit. (Row Congregationalist) ciple1 ot Chriat in lliaaouri. (In
(In Jloore, lf. T., ed. The living pul- b. Departaent ot religioue eduoation.
pit ct the Christian church, 1887, pp. Silver anniveraary ot religioua edi>-
306-324) oation, Xiaaouri edition, 193&, pp.
Antioch actreaa1 • novel ot pagan 4-10)
introduction aee against Christian. Indianapolis,
Bobba-Jlerrill, •1948, about
Green, F. X. Christian aiaaiona. 279p.
George L. Petera, candidate tor
about The n,peror'• phyaioian. Indiana- representative in Congreaa tor the
polia, Bobba-Jlerrill, •1944. fifteenth diatrict .lliaaouri, Wational
Starr., H.B . William liabrough 246p. prohibition ticket, 1908.
Pendleton. (In Dictionary ot Amer- 4p. port.
ican biography, vol. 14, 1934, pp. 422- A thin volu-. Akron, O., Saal-
423) field, •1917.
lOOp. PETERS, BARRYHOlfARD,1971-19~6.
b, Lawrence oounty, Ill,, 9 Jl 1871.
d. Blo-ington, Ill., 5 lfy 193&.

p Peters - Phillipa

Charles Reign ScoTille, the man and ccPETTY, C Far peoples. Chicago, University
hi• message. St, Louie, Bethany b, ot Chicago press, •1929,
pr•••, •1924, xxii, 274p. music. (The uniTer-
40lp. ports., folded plate. aity of Chicago publication• in reli-
The Sanor'• prayer tor union. gious education)
The eTerlaating eT&ngel and ita (In Rowe, F, L,, ed. Our SaTior'•
progru,, St. Louie, Bethany preaa, prayer tor unity, 1918, pp. 162-163) lforld-fellowahip people. Bew
•1927. York, lliaaionary education aoTenint,
192p. •1932.
1873- xxii, 106p.
The place ot the state miaaionary b, Jackson, La,, 15 D 1873,
society, an address deliTered before
the association at the International ccPHILLIPS, H ll
connntion at Memphis, Tennessee. The dead horse. U. C. ll, S. and b,
Bethany, Heb., State secretaries ·Boara of education, 1921T
association of the U.S. and Canada, 4p.
n.d~ Reprinted from The Christian Courier, Way of righteouaneaa. Printely
8p, folder, Jlt.rch 24, 1921. printed, 1943?
Teaching the essential elementa in The approach to the prospect.
religion. (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian
man at work, 1939, T, 1, p. 151) ccPHILLIPS, JAJIESDOUGLAS,1904-
The battle ot -the bottle, Christian b. Yellrllle, Ark., 31 llr 1904.
union. (In lleacham, B. J., comp.
Training to teach, •1913, pp. 34-361 PHELPS, GUYFITCH, 1872-1933. (Pree-
16-17) byterian) The ancient order of Christian
worship. Bronte, Tex., Author,
ed. see The angel o'Deacu.n. Cincinnati, .1938.
Standard, •1917. llp.
Racttord, B. J. flle place ot the 374p. front., plate•. Printed by Jlt.diaon job ptg. co.,
gospel in the dnelopment ot h1aaanity. Jlt.diaon, w. Va,
The black prophet. Cincinnati,
Standard, c1916. The cup ot the Lordi a great cloud
PITBRSOW, ORVALD , 1902- 360p. of witneuea giTing the exact aeaning
b . Spokane, lfaah., 28 llr 1902 0 ot the Hew TeatU1ent language in re-
The moan ot the Tiber. Cincinnati, ference to the 0011111union-cupquestion.
Standard, •1917. Montebello, Calif., Author, 01932.
That - might mowhba. Grand 86p, 37p.
lapid•, ZonderT&n, •1941. Laycock ptg, oo., Jackson, Tenn.,
ll7p. printers.
PHILIPS, OBADIAH H , 1849-1918 0
Washington - lorthern Idaho Diaci- b. Library, Penn., 17 Jlr 1849, The voice of one crying in the
plea ot Christ cwith an introduction d, wildernN•, being a treatise to restore
byW. F. Turner. St. Looia, Chris- the aoriptural obaerTance of the coa-
tian board, •1946. Churches ot Christ in Pittaburg and munion. Bronte, Tex., Author, cl93S.
223p. front. (port.) Ticinity, (In Brown, J, T., ed. 24p.
Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 338-341) Preea of Laycoolc ptg, 00., Jackson,
A plunging faith. (In Inter- Tenn.
national conTention, 1942, pp . 247-262) Churches of Chris~ in Western Penn-
aylnnia, (In Brown, J, T., ed.
Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 277-279) cPHILLIPS, JOl!lf T , 1840-
PETREE,DAVIDBEA.TOI,1868-1940. b. on the Ohio riTer, 3 S 1840.
b, near Ge,._ntown, B. c., 16 llr d.
1868. PHILLIPS, A B -1903.
d. Callahan, Fla., 10 Ag 1940. b, The miuion cf the church ot Chrht1
d. , 28 D 1903, Rev, Willi&111H. Orr. (In Coan, A.
What church he belonged to, a oon- w., ed, Goepel aermona, 1881, pp,
Teraation between a 00,....r9ial traTeler Buaineaa in Christianity and -Chris- 280-2831 248-247)
and a preacher OTerheard on a rail-y tianity in buaineaa1 an addreaa deli-
train, Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. Tered at the lational 0011nntion at
••• p. llinneapolia. PHILLIPS, PAULCHRISLER,1883-
l6p. b. Bloomfield, Ind., 15 I 1883,
b. PHILLIPS, CLARIIDA(IIARDJWi) (Jira, "The battle ot the Big Hole", an
Thoma• llharton Phillipa), episode in the le1 Perce -r. lli•-
1836- • aoula, State un1Terdty of lt>ntana,
"Ye shall know the truth, and the b, llinerT&, o., l S 1836. cl929.
truth shall make you frff. • Cincin- d. 20p. ·port. (Historical reprints
nati, Standard pub, oo,, 1903, ,,,sources of Bort!nreat history no, 8)
207p, front, (port.) Clarinda, poetry and prose.
·.Explorations ot the DOrth west.
b. The west in the diplomacy of the
Shall .. call th- Caapbellitea. Aaerioan re-.olution. Urbana, Ill.,
LouiaTille, Baptist bk, o~noern. Un1Terait7 of Illinois, 1914,
247p. (Studies in the aooial
sciences, vol, 2, no'• 2-3)

Phillipa - Philputt p

with LENHES,N. J, -.-. tr. into Hindu by G. W. Brown. PHILLIPS, WILLIAll B

The story of Columbus. Philadel- -. tr. into Japanese by B, B,
phis, Lippincott, 1921. Guy.
168p, Letters to a convert, a psycholog-
-. tr. into Chinese by w. E. ical interpretation of "first prin-
with DUNBAR,SEnKJUR, ed. ll&cklin, ciples" of Christianity. .valle'jo,
Calif., Vallejo Chronicle, •1919.
The Fort Owen journala, 1927. Crimes of the Standard oil trust. 50p.
n,p., 1907.
22p, A pocket DBnual of prayer. Cin-
cinnati, Standard, 1916.
Ferrie, W, A, Li"fe in the Rook:y Bow to build up the ohuroh, 90p,
..,untaina, a diary of wandering• on Cincinnati, ~owe .
the 10uroe1 of the Rivers lilaaouri,
Columbia and Colorado from February The kingdom in preparation and tul- PHILPUTT, ALLAN BEARDEN,1856-1925.
1830 to November 1836, ed, by P. C, fill-nt. Cinoinnati, Standard, b . Bedford county, Tenn., 6 My
Phillipa, Denver, Colo,, Old west •1910. 1856,
pub. oo., 1940, 13p. d, Indianapolis, Ind., 19 Ap 1925,
To the Disciples of Christ. American etiquette and rules of
Langworth, Franklin. Scenery of n.p., 1907, politeness by Rev. A.~. Philputt,
the plains, mountains, and mine•, ed, 6p. aseiated by Prof. Walter R. Houghton,
from the edition of 1865, Prince- Prof. Jamee K. Beck cetc., Ind-
ton, I. ·J,, Prinoeton university press, about ianapolis, A. E. Davia, 1882,
1932, 424p. front,, illus,
292p, (Barrativee of the tran1- Persons, C. E. Thoma• Wharton
Viaeiaaippi frontier) Phillipa. (In Dictionary of American The church and her allies. (In
biography, vol. 14, 1934, pp. 544-645) Willett, H. L,, ed. Progresa, anni-
Stuart, Granville. Forty years veraary volume of the Campbell inati-
on the frontier, aa seen in the jour- tute, 1917, pp, 146-155)
nal• and rmniniscenoea of Granville PHILLIPS, THOMAS Wl!ARTO!f,II, 1874-
Stuart, goldminer, trader, merohant, b, If- Castle, Penn., 21 l'I 1874, Organization and its adjuatment
ranoher and politioian, Cleveland, to the present needs of the church,
Arthur B. Clark, oo,, 1925, (In Garrison, ' J. H., ed. Our first
2v. (Early weatern journals, Constitutional innovation•, speech congre11, 1900, pp. 187-210)
no, 2) in the Bouse of representatives, VQll-
day, December 21, 1925. Washington, · Some of the spiritual value• of
~- with LEWIS, W. S, D. C., Govt. ptg. office, 1925, life. (In Moore, w. T., ed, The
28p, (Reprint from C45ngresaional new living pulpit of the Christian
Work, John, Journal of John Work, record, sixty ninth oongreae, first churoh, 1918, pp. 349-359)
a chief-trader of the Hudson Bay oo,, aeuion)
during hie expedition from Vancouver The written word. (In Book, W,
to the Flathead• and Blackfeet of the PenneylT&nia Sunday blue laws. H,, ed. The Indiana pulpit, 1912,
Paoific Northweat1 ed, with an acoount pamphlet, pp. 276-290)
of the tur trade in the 110rthweat and
hi• life, Cleveland, Arthur B, Thomas 11', Phillips, Jr,, former about aee
Clark, 1923, Butler, Penn,, member of congreea
209p, (Early weatern journals, compares world -r with present oon- »,ore, 11'. T. The new living
no, 1) flict, A stitoh in time eaves nine, pulpit.
7p, folder,
PHILLIPS, THOMAS WHARTOW, 1836-1912, RepJ;,1.nt, Butler Eagle, Saturday, · PHILPOTT, JAMESlfcBRIDE, 1860-1932.
b, llt. Jaokaon, Penn,, 23 F 1835. September 9, 1939, b, Bedford county, Tenn,, 17 S
d. B-caetle, Penn,, l Jl 1912, 1860,
d, Loa Angele•, Calif,, 3 F 1932,
The ohurch of Chrht, Punk and PHILLIPS, IIRS. THOMAS 1f , 1844-
Wagnalh, 1905. 1933, The higher discipleship, Inter-
336p, b, Peteraburg, O,, 3101844, national convention addre1a. 1928,
d, If-castle, Penn., 2 Mr 1933. ltlp.
-. 3d ed, rev. If- York, "1nl:,
1906, •1905, Story of the first Church, Hew "That they •Y be all one", auto-
336p, Caetle, Pa., 1926, biography and memorial of James K.
Philputt, apostle of Christian unity,
-. 4th ed. rev. •- York, ed. by Lillian Reynolds Philputt and
Funk, 1907, •1905, •1906, PHILLIPS, WILLIAJI, 1797-1836, (Methodist Herbert Lockwood Willett cwith an
342p. appreciation by Jamee HarTey Garrison,
Campbelliam exposed; or, atricturee St, Louie, Christian board, •1933,
--, ~th ed. reT. •- York, on the peouliar tenets of Alexander 314p, front, (port,) platea.
Punk, 1907, •1906, •1907. Campbell, to which ia prefixed a
342p. memoir of the author. Cincinnati, B....,r phaaea of Christian union,
Wright and Swormatedt, 1840, •1838, (In Willett, H. L,, ed. Progreaa,
---. 14th ed, reT. •- York, 267p. anniTeraary volume of the Campbell
Funk, 1909, •1906, •1906. institute, 1917, pp. 111-124)
342p. --. Cinoinnati, Poe and Bitch-
oook, for the Jfethodiat Bphoopal
--, iunr and enl. ed. cl5th ed,, church, 1861, PBILPUTT, LILLIAB (REYWOLDS)(lfra,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1915. 267p, Jaea llcBride Philputt)
496p. port. b,

p Philputt - Pillkertoa

WILLETT, H, L. PIERCE, RALPHlfILTON, A lot o'lovin' (po9111a) cLouis-

ville, Ky,, Standard ptg, co •• •1917,
see !!!_. 80p.

be one".
J. M, "That they -y Preacher• and preaching in Detroit.
N- York, Revell, 1926,
Church directory and favorite quo-
Content• include, Imitation of tation•. ,Blandinsville, Ill,,
PICKERILL, GRACEGILBERT, Christ by Edgar DeWitt Jones. Star-Gazette, lllrch 23, 1943.
b. .30.p.

llPIERCE, SILAS CASS, 1851-1933,

Youth adventures with God. Ind- b, Morgan county, o., l Ja 1861, PIGGOT, A G
ianapolia, U, c. M. s., •1929, d, North Eaton, 0,, 16 My 1933. b,
xvi, l88p. front.
Materialiam against itaelfJ or,
why I am not a materialist. Pen picture• from India, Birming-
PICKERILL, HARRYLYNN, 1891- Cincinnati, Standard, 1884. ham, England, Churchea of Christ pub-
b. Decatur, o., 7 Ap 1891. 189p. lication committee, 1928,

Vocational guidance, Indiana- A practical grammar of the Engliah

polia, U. C, M, s. language, for the uae of achools and cPIKE, DANIELP
v. p, (Courae no, O. e. b. YPC) private learners. Ringgold, O., b.
Mimeographed. Form Ypl32. Author, 1878. d.
introduction see joint comp, aee

De.raie, Charles. The Christian PIERCE, WILLIS E Edmunds, E. Christian hymn book.
family. b.
PICKERILL, J H The glorious ministry of the Holy b,
b, Spirit. (In Thornton, E. W., ed.
Lord's day worship services, •1930,
pp. 131-134) Bible storiea in poetry, Wolf
Tranaitory reminiacencea of Walnut Lake, Ind,, •1928,
Grove and Eureka, 1861-1866. (In 2p, 1, 4, c44.p,
Dickinson, E. J., ed. History of PIERSON, ARTHUR C , 1862-1900.
Eureka college, 1894, pp. 232-241) b, Keosauqua, Ia,, 20 My 1862. Bible atoriea in poetry. n.p.,
d, Hiram, O,, 16 Je 1900, n.d.
PICKETT, CYRUSL The white church, Cincinnati,
b. Standard, 1887, •1885,
iv, 252p, PINKERTON,BURNETT J , 1843-
The dividends from medical work in b. Lexington, Ky., 12 Ap 1843,
the Philippine•. Cincinnati, F. c. PIERSON, JANE SUSANA(ANDERSON),1854- d,
lf. s. b,
pamphlet. William Logan Williama, (In
Brown, J, T., ed. Churches or Christ,
The coming of the dawn, Cinoin- 1904, pp. 432-433)
WASHINGTON, nati, Standard, •1917.
b. 299p. front,, platea.
Foregleama in nature of redemption PIETSCH, CHARLESJ , 1888- d,
in Christ; or, the ap.iri tual remedial b, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jl 1888.
syatem foreahadowed in the phyaioal. Buckeye-Hawkeye achoolmaster1 or,
St, Louis, Publiahed for the author by the life of Carl Mackenzie, Dedicated
the Christian pub. co., 1900, Pearl Harbor and the Bible; Why to the school teachers of America by
l55p. front. (port.) American buainaaa ahould support the one of the teaohera, Chicago, W. W,
church, (In International convention, Knowlea & co., 1891.
1942, pp. 103-1081 1941, pp, 100-103) l 76p, front. (port,)
b, World discipleship, (In Dawaon, The hidden fortune, Dea )foinea,
F. F,, ed, The Christian man at work, Ia., Shiasler-Chaae oo., cl902.
1940, .... 2, pp. 87-92) 269p, front,, illus,
How to set the ohuroh in order1 a
handbook on ohuroh officers and organi-
sation, Cincinnati, Standard, •1914. PIETY, CHAUNCEY ROSCOE,1885- • PINKERTO!f,ELISHA YOUNG,1832-1886,
xii, 189p. (Phillipa Bible inati- b, near Walnut Prairie, Ill,, 10 b. West Liberty, Va,, 27 Ap 1832.
tute aeries or efficiency text-book• J1 1886, d, 17 D 1886,
for Bible achoola . and churches)
about aee
Joy, (In lleacham, E. J., oc.p. General Sam Houston and other po••.
Training to teach, •1913, pp. 82-83) Bmory uniTersity, Ga,, Banner presa, Caaon, W, S, A souvenir history
•1943, or the Chriatian ohuroh or Cynthiana,
60p. Ky,
Pillbrton - Plopper p


1811-1889, ccPITTKAN, S p
b. Baltimore county, Md,, 28 Ja b,
1812. !!•
d. Lexington, Ky,, 28 Ja 1875,
The life of Jesus, tr, from the My kingdom not of this world,
Bible questions designed to aid Ger ... n by William F, Clarke, St. (In llurfreesbor< f addresses, 1917, pp .
Sunday Schools and families in the Louis, Christian pub , co,, 1896. S7-99)
atudy of man's only guide to a happy 310p.
bunortality. Cincinnati, Bosworth, Soverei gnty of Christ, (In
Chase & Hall. Lives of the leaders of our church Abilene Christian ·colle ge Bible lec-
universal, from the days of the succes- tures, 1926-1927, pp. 101-108)
St. Louis, Christian pub. sors of the apostles to the present •
oo. time, The lives from the European
142p. writers from the German as ed, by Dr,
Ferdinand Piper, now tr, into Englis h, llosley, T. B. Choice gospel
A discourse concerning some effects anded,, with added lives by American hymns,
of the late Civil War on ecclesiasti- writers by Henry Kitchell llcCracken.
oal matters in Kentucky, delivered in Philadelphia, Reformed church publica-
the hall of the city library, Lexing- tion board, •1879, PITTS, FOUNTAINELLIOTT, (Methodiat)
ton, Kentucky, on Sunday, November 15, xxv, 873p,
1866. Cincinnati, A. M:,ore, book Contents include: Alexander Camp- A book on baptism, chiefly de-
& job printer, 1866. bell by W, X, Pendleton, p p. 666-677, signed as a refutation of the errora
24p. and infidelity of Campbellism, 1836.
Jesua the first and the last. PIRKEY, MARGARETTA
UVA, 1866- Tracts on Campbellism. Nashville, .
(In Moore, W. T,, ed, The living pul- b, Printed by Cameron and Fall--offioe
pit of the Christian church, 1867, pp. Tennessee agriculturist, 1844,
106-128) 75, c3_,-120p,
The uva oook book, Los Angeles,
about Gem pub, co,, •1926, about eee
Dr. L. L, Pinkerton. (In Brown, Elley, G, w. A refutation of F.
J. T,, ed, Churches of Christ, 1904, E, Pitts' book, "A book on baptism,"
pp. 423-424) PITTlfAll, G P
Starr, B. E, Lewis Letig Pink- PLATT, A L
erton. (In Dictionary of American b.
biography, vol. 14, 1934, pp.- 623-624) Life of A, B. Maston, Melbourne,
Austral pub, co,, 1909.
about see 104p, front, (port,) Bot yet, Argos, Ind,, Author,
Cason, W, S. and others, A pamphlet,
souvenir history of the church of PITTIIAW,HERBERT
Cyn~iana, Ky. b, The power of the gospel, Argos,
Jloore, 1f. T, The living pulpit Ind,, Author, 1899?
of the Christian church, pamphlet,
Shackleford, J, J,, ed. Life, Tunnelling into life, (In Brite
letter• and addresses of Dr, L. L. college of the Bible, Sermons, vol, l,
Pinkerton, pp. 27-28) PLATTENBURG, GEORGE,1826-1904,
Tiera, M, C, The Christian por- b, Wellsburg, Va,, 25 Kr 1828,
trait gallery. d, Dover, _ Ko., 19 S 1904,
b, .A Addrese at the celebration o,f the
W -1919. semi-centennial of the Chrietian
b. church at Lexington, Ki11ouri, Ai,-ril
d, Washington, Ja 1919, Bible truths illustrated; for the 17, 1886.
use of preachers, teachers, Bible-
The Lord'• supper; Peace, (In aohool, Christian endeavor, temperance llaterialistic eYolution1 Who wrote
••oham, B. J., ooap, Traininr; to and other Chriatian worker,. eincin- the Pentateuch? (In The K11aouri
--.oh, •1915, pp, 64-551 28-29) nati, Standard, •1917, Christian lectures, vol. 4, 1888, pp,
362p. 160-210; YOl, 4, 1892, pp, 84-130)

PID:ERTOI, WILLUK HOlrA!Ul, 1864- The unity of the churoh--how broken,

b. Harrison oounty, Ky., 29 Ag PITTIWI, IIALCOllSO!f, and the oreed-baaia on which it muet
1864, b, be reetorei. (In Garriaon, J. H.,
ed, The old faith restated, 1891, pp.
"I-• in the apirit on the Lord'• Revi- of a tract by Rev, V, T. ,
4ay"1 radio aermon over the Columbia Jloore, entitled "How-• Jesus bapti&ed!
broadoaating aystem, church of the air Washington, 5, C,, Watch tower print, PLOPPER, CLIFFORDHENRY, 1885-
prograa, llaroh l, 1942, n,d. b,
8p. 12p.
Wational city aermons •• , cWaah- Chin••• proverbs; the relationship
ington, D. c., Young people'• fellow- PITTIIAW,RANDALL
T of trienda as brought out by the pro-
llhip of the Wational city ohurch, 1942, b. Yerba1 economics aa aeen through the
cl6,p. proverb11 addreaeea before the convo-
Contenta, cation of the Borth China union lang-
Cruoitixion before reaurrection. "Jehovah'• witnesaea," a revift of uage aohool, Feb.-Kar. 1932, Peiping,
wuranoe againat failure. Watoh tower publicationa,,, Mel- China, College of Chineae atudies, 19~.
Taite tiae to think. bourne, Auatralia, Austral ptg, & pub. 47p,
co,, 1934.
p Plopper - Poaton

Chine•• religion seen through the POLLITT, KA.BEL

proverb, I. Shanghai, China, Shang- b, Tupelo, llies., 28 0 1878.
hai modern pub . hou se, 1935. A biography of James Kennedy Patter- · d, Cincinnati, o., 7 D 1938,
38lp. front., illus., plates. aon, president of the University of
Kentucky from 1869 to 1910... Louia- The unpardonable sin. {In
ville, Ky. , Pre••, Westerfield-Bonte Thornton, B. 'If., ed. Lord'• day wor-
oPLUIOIER,FREDERICK,1785?-1854. . 00 •• •1925. ship aervioea, •1930, pp. 251-254)
b. Haverhill, Vasa., 1785? xii, 408p. front. (port.)
d. Aasonett, Mass. , 6 My 1854. Includes an account of the merging
of Transylvania and Kentucky univer- 'ocPORTER, RUE
A defenoe of capital punishment; sity. '· b.
by Elder Frederick Plummer, in a dis-
cussion of six evenin gs with Charles
c. Burleigh, on the question "Ought POMEROY
, THOKAS,1817-1900. "lllsings", goapel sermon• that
capital punishment to be abolished," b. Cornwall, England, 17 llr 1817. reach the heart. Wichita, Kans.,
Taken down in shorthand and reported d. 17 Mr 1900. Christian worker pub, oo., 1940,
tor publication by w. E. Drake, esq. 215p. port.
Philadelphia, J . M. Clll!lpbell, 1846. ' about aee
l3lp. To whom shall we go? n.p., n.d.
Thompson, L. G. Thomaa Pomeroy. 6p.
debate with K'CALLA, W. L.
A public discua1ion of the doctrine PONTIUS, KYRONLEE, 1877-
ot the trinity held at Ridley, Dela- b. Hudson, Ind., 2 Ag 1877. The Ketcherside-Porter debate on
ware county, Pennsylvania, on the 18th, Orphan homes and college• aet up and
19th, 20th, and 21st of January, 1842. .. naged by Christiana1 held March 23-
Philadelphia, Kay and Brother, 1842. The resurrection ot the unknown 26, 1937, in community hall, Ozark,
288p. soldier . Nashville, Cokesbury press, lib. lieoaho, lfo., Rue Porter, 1937T
--. Philadelphi~, Christian 104p.
general bk. association, ·-1851. ocPORTBR,1f CURTIS,

When sorrow oomea. Nashville, b.
se e · Cokesbury press, •1934.
Clough, s. The C_hr .~stian psalmist. Divine healing. Aua~in, Tex.,
The imperatives of benevolenoe. Firm foundation, n,d.
(In International convention, 1936, pp. 29p.
b. debate with DUGGAR,A. B.
-----(Seventh day adventist)
POOL, C 1f
A Christian endeavor social at b. The Dugger-Porter debate1 a writ-
Damoh, India. ten discussion on the Sabbath and the
pamphlet. Lord'• day. Monette, Ark., Author,
Gift of the Holy Spirit. Chicago, 1943.
Oraole pub. oo., 1891.
ooPOE, JOHlf T , 1836-1917.
b. Tuacalooaa, Ala., 30 .Ag 1836. PORTERFIELD,AUSTINL
d. Longview, Tex., 23 D 1917. POOLE, G 1f b,

The glory to be revealed. {In Campbellin revealed. Chicago,

Sodr t, L. W., ed. Texa1 pulpit, 1888, 1892. Creative faotora in aoientitio
pp. •364-360) re1earoh1 a social paychology ot
aoientitio knowledge atudying the
Unity in Christ. {In Rowe, F. L., POPPLEffELL,THOMAS HA1'SFORD,1856-1939. interplay of paycholotioal and cultur-
ed. ·0ur Savior'• prayer tor unity, b. near J11111estown,Ky., 31 Jl 1856. al taotora in soience with emphasia
1918, pp. 164-168) · d. Lawrence, Kana., 16 0 1939. upon imagination. Durham, B. C.,
Duke university preas, 1941,
about see .Author ot tracts, title• unknown, xi, 282p. {Sociological aerie•
no. 3)
Boles, H. L. Biographical
1ketohe1 of gospel preachers. PORTER,D G Student•' guide to a decade ot
b. oonoepta in sociology. St. Louia,
d. Planographed by John S. S.itt oo,,
ooPOISALL, URIE T , 1894- .1941.
b. Springdale, Ark., 16 Ap 1894. · Relig i on atraight from the Bible. 62p.
St. _Louis, Christian pub. oo., 1902.
25p. _
The spiritual house •• sermons. POSTOB, I L , 1838-
b. The Union league olub1 a aequel to Peraonal reepcnaibility, (In
the . Christian league ot Conneotiout, Painter, J. H., ed. The Io- pulpit
2d ed. Ianaaa City, J. H. s-rt, ot the church ot Christ, 1884, pp. 32~
Rea10n1 for belonging to an auxil. 1886. 342)
iary. lndianapoli1, c. 'If. B. M., 2llp.
189-T . about ...
Painter, J, H. Io- pulpit of
the church of Chriat.

ocPOTTER, PERRYGREEM,1842-1924. Th, little bJ'OWDgiJ'l and I. 1rith HERBERT,J. B,

b. Delalb county, Tenn., 27 S 1842. Indianapolis, Christian wonan'• boaJ'd
d. 16 llr 1924. of missions, n,d, Prince ot Judah. Cincinnati,
8p. inc. cove!'. Fillmore,
about Sff Contents include: The little deter.
Santa Claus and llotheJ' Goose,
Boles, H. L, Biographical llnloJ'ial eelectiona cwith an app!'e- Cincinnati, Fillmore.
alr:.etchea ot gospel preachers, ciation by C, C. lt>J'J'ison and a p!'eface
by J.E. Pound•, Chicago, Di1ciplee with BEYSER,E, K,
pub. society, 1921,
POTTER, 11'ILLIA11BAILEY, SOlp. t'J'ont. (poJ't.) CaJ'penteJ' of Bazueth. Cinoin-
b. natl, Fillmore.
JIJ'a. SaliebUJ'y's coUYeJ'eion. Ind-
iam.polie, C, W, B. 11., n.d. with POUNDS,IIATTIE.
Spiritualiaa u it ia.,.2d ed. llp. •
n.p., 1866. A junior Christian endeaYOr manual,
24p. Bontan llcDom.ld. Cincinnati, with help• tor inte..-diate eocietiee
Standard, 1887, •1884. ot ChJ"ietian endeavoJ' and mission
217p. bands, rev. ed. .Indianapolis, C.
POTTS, D WALTER,1870- 11'. B. II., n.d.
b. PioneeJ' miaeionaJ"ieeJ short eketchee 112p. illus.
ot the lives ot the pioneeJ"e in
miuionary WOJ'kin any lands. Ind- BOTELER, X. If.
A tortnight in London school•. ianapoli•, C, W, B, If,, cl907,
Litchfield, Ill., Pr••• ot ptg. & 159p. t'J'ont,, plates, poJ"ts., illus. Song• ot seJ'Vice, Cincinnati,
atationery oo., •1909. Standud.
148p. port., plate•. A populaJ' idol. Cincinnati, Stan-
daJ'd, •1901.
130p. POUIIDS,JOHN!JllfARD, 1864.1925.
POTZGER,JOIIJIW b, neaJ' PJ'edeJ"icktolfn, o., 27 Ap
b. Raohel SylveetJ'e, a story ot the 1864.
pioneeJ'e. Cincinnati, Standard, d, , Fla,, 2 B 1926,
Child'• lite ot Chriat. 1936? 218p. The call of the tanple, an address
deliveJ'ed before the InteJ'n&tional
Roderic Wayne. Cincinnati, Stan- convention of the Disciple, of ChJ"ist,
POUJID,JAJIESPRESLEY, (Iow d&J'd. Kansas City, llo., October, 1917.
Episcopalian) St. Louie, u. c. If, S,, Department of
b. The J'Una-y, and other atoJ"iee. ohUJ'Ch eJ'ection.
Cincimati, Standard. 17p.

!!· Ruth WaJ'J'en'• eelt-denial. cind- Etticiency, a 1tudy ot the 1rhy and
ianapolia, C. W, B. II,, how ot adult clau lfOJ'k, St. Louis,
Voice• ot the age •••n1on1. 1 with an 6p. toldeJ', Cb.riatian boaJ'd, •1912.
introduction by Pete!' Ain1lie, •- 64p.
York, Harper, 1929. SecJ'et ot happinee,. Indiana po lie~
xiT, 222p. lleige. How to liv• long and die happy.
Content• include, The J'eoovery ot 190-?
nligion a, a peJ'lonal expeJ'ience The young an fJ'om lliddletield, (Centennial leaflet no. 9)
by Charles Clayton llorJ"hon, pp. c1rith a pl'e1'at0J'y note by W. W. Dowling.
169-188 St. Loui•, ChJ"ietian pub. co., 1901. The why, the 1rhen, the who, the 1rhat
267p. ot 1rilla, our aoet neglected duty; one
ot the notable acldJ'eaaea ot the St.
POUBDS,JESSIE HUlfrER (BROinl) (llr•. A wo.. n•e doing. Cincinm.ti, Louis oonventi011, deliveJ'ed in the
John l!dwaJ'd Pound,), 1861- Standard, 1887, •1886. ••••ion ot the BoaJ'd ot education,
1921. 198p. OotobeJ' twenty-aecond, nineteen hun-
b. HiJ'&ID,0,, 31 Ag 1861. dred twenty.
d. HiJ'am, O., S 11r-1921, A woman'• doing, and otheJ' 1toJ"ie,. Sp. toldeJ".
Cincinnati, StandaJ"d, •1886.
BiJ'thday ,tory, Indiam.polie, 279p. introduction ••e
Meig,. Contents,
A 1rOBaD'a doing. Pounds, J, B. B, lfeBIOrlal
Chrh1-e pag-.nt, Indiam.polh, Pt-aying late. aelectiona.
Meig,. FoJ' a' that.
In daJ'lmeH.
An EaateJ' tl01reJ' g&J'den (cantata) POUIIDS, IIRS, JOHN!
Indianapolis, C, w. B, II,, 1910. with FILLJIORE, J, H.
Th, KaateJ' he&J't (cantata) Ind- eve at GJ'&ndpa'••
ianapolh, C. W. B. JI., 1911. Cincinnati, FillaoJ'e.
The iJ'On-Olad ple ,dge, a ,tory ot Coluabia'• ChJ'ia1-a giveJ'a. Cin. b.
ChJ'i,tian ·endNYOJ'. Cincinnati, cinnati, Pillmon. d. Shanghai, China, 6 11y 1917.
lltandaJ'd, 1890 •
l87p. Real Santa Claua. Cincinnati, joint~ He
----. newed. Cincinnati, Stan- Pounds, J. H, B, .l junioJ' Chris-
daJ'd, Santa in Dollikin'• tlat, Cinoin- tian endea..oJ' -nual.
nat1, Pillmon,
The Ute beautitul. Indiam.polia,
C. W. B. JI., n,d. Santa's IUl'pJ'iH p&J'ty, Cincinnati
12p. PillaoJ'O.
p Pound• - Power

comp. Impresaiona or t,n,nty years . (In POWER,FREDERICK DUHGLISOH,1851-1911,

Wi llett, H. L., ed. Progress, anni- b. Yorktown, Va., 23 Ja 1851,
J unior builders' songs. Indian&- Tersary Tolwne of the Campbell institute d. lfaahington, D. c., 14 J- 1911.
pol i a, C. 11'. B. II., 1B99. 1917, pp. 6B-77)
'8p. Bible doctrine for young Diaoiplea.
The old gospel for the new age, Chicago, ReTell, •1899,
ll'orld and worker • i n the miaaion (In l!oore, 11'. T., ed. The new UTing 168p. (Bethany c. B, reading
Nelda or the C. 11'. B. 11. pulpit or the Christian church, 1918, courses)
16p. pp. 91-99)
St. Louis, Christian pub,
There h born a SaTior, Chriatma1 co., •1899.
(lf ra. aermon. (In Thornton, E. 11'., ed. 168p. (Bethany C. E, reading
E. L. Powell) Special aermona for apeoial oooaaiona, oouraea)
b. 1921, pp. 9-1B)
Christian union. Cincinnati,
introduction ••e Standard,
The Hindu wom&nin daily life. 20p , (Veit pocket aerial of
Indi&n&polia, c. 11'. B. If. Omer, Birdie. The aloe plant. traota)

Radha, a tale or Indian life. about aee Christian union, addreaa before
Indianapolis, C. 11'. B. If. ·the world'• oongreaa of the Diaoiplea
li>ore , ·w. T. The new liTing pul- of Chri1t at Chicago, Septeaber 13,
Sunderi, or the doctor ' • fee . pit or the Christian church. 1895, Chicago, s. J. Clarke, 1894,
Indiana polis, c. 11'. B. II. Newton, J. F. Some liTing -ster1 4lp. front. (port,)
of the pulpit.
The church of Chrht--ita plea,
, Ellll'ARDLINDSAY,1B60-1933. reT, by J, 11'. lfeat, .Lynchburg,
county, Va., B lfy
b. King 11'1111&111 POIIELL,WILFREDEVANS, 1893- Va •• J. w. Weat2 n.d.
1860, b. Dunedin, Hew Zealand, 6 Ag 1893. c42p.
d. LouisTille, ly., 19 Ap 1933.
College attendance. 190.T
Christian work among the negroea. The Bible in the church aohool. 4p, (Centennial leaflet no, 6)
pamphlet. Indianapolia and St. Louie, Department
·or religioua education, u. c. If. s. Concerning the Diaciplea.
Perils or the church in the world and Christian board. pu,phlet,
of today, a aeries . of four aennona (Local church aerrloe
deliTered in the Fourth and ll'alnut St. aaaooiation) The Diaoiplea of Chriat--their
Chriati&n church, LouiaTille, ly,, plea aa a religioua people, Cin-
LouiaTille, Guide ptg, & pub. oo,, Education for life with God1 a dia- cinnati, American Chriatian miaaionary
1891, cua1ion of the -ning of r1ligiou1 1ooiety, n,d,
77p, education,.. Bew York, Abingdon 16p.
preu , •19M.
--. Cincinnati, Standard. 264p . Fifty years of ohuroh life, aermon
preached in the Vermont An, Chria-
The prophet'• Tiaion and the preai- The growth of Christian peraonality1 tian church, Sunday, September 8, 1895,
dent•a dreu,, and other aennon1. Ser- a 1tudy of the pupil for teacher• of 11 a.a. by P, D, Power, on the t.en-
mon• preached in the First Christian religion in home and school; a text- tieth anniTeraary of hia pastorate,
church, Louinille, lentucky, and re- book in the Standard leadership train- cll'aahington, D, c .• published by
ported by J. P, Caaaidy, court steno- ing curriculum outline• and approTed Ladiea• aid aooiety, cl895a
grapher, c'll'ith an introduct i on by B. A. by the International oouncU of reli- 19p, front. (port,) plate,, illua,
Abbott. St, Louia, Christian board, gioua education. St, Louia, Bethany
•1919. preaa, •1929. History and doctrinea of the Dia-
142p, front, (port . ) 265p. ciplea of Christ, an addreaa deliTered
at Featinl Hall, World'• fair grounds,
SaTOnarola, or the refonation ot a Teaching lite, the church'• educa- St. Louia, on Diaciplea of Chri1t "Day"
city with other addreaaea on ciTio tional taak. Indi&n&polia and St, at the ll'orld'a fair, Oct, 20, 1904,
righteouaneaa. LouiaTille, Sheltman, Louie, Dept. of religioua education, following the great international oon-
1903. u. C. If. S. and Christian board, n,d. nntion or the Diaciplea, .st.
166p. front. (port.) 13p, (Local ohuroh aerTic• Louie, Chriatian board, 1904. ·
auooiation) lE!p.
Sennone in atone, an addreaa deli-
Tered on church extension at the The underatanding or adult waya,,, Life of William Kimbrough Pendleton,
Bational ooDTention in St. Louia, Oct- St. Louie, Bethany preaa, •1941. president or Bethany college, St,
ober, 1904. 202p, Louia, Chri1tian pub, oo,, 1902, •190ll,
llp, 494p, front. (port,) platea,
Why uae graded leaaona, St,
The Tiotory or faith, aeraona and Louie, Chriatian board, n,d, Sbtchea of our pioneer•. CleTe-
addreeaea c'll'ith an introduction by J. 16p, land, The Bethany C, B. oo., •1898,
B, Garriaona St. Louie, Christian 148p. (Bethany C, B. reading
pub. oo,, 1905. Digging again in the great oi.mia- couraea)
268p. aion, (In Thornton, E. W,, ed, Contenta,
Phillipa uniTeraity aermona, 1929, pp. Sketohea of Alexander Campbell,
Can a radical be a Chriatian? 53-67) Dioaaa C&11pbell, The Creatha, Iauc
(In The wanderer, 1920, p. 3) . Errett, J, T, Johnaon, lluiuel Roger•,
Ten booka tor miniatera in the Walter Scott, John Saith, B, •.
The Chriatian church of LouiaTille, field of religioua education, (In Stone and othera,
(In Memorial history of LouiaTille, pp. Smith, B. D. A pr1&cher•a firat boob,
226-239) •1933, pp. 62-63) The apirit of our aoTe-nt. St,
cbaae~ on Torbitt. Louie, Chriatian pub, co,, 1902,

Power - Pratt p

debate with , J. p•
The atory ot a t,renty-thrH year'•
paatorate, an addrHa deliYered be-
tore the oonterenoe on oity ...-angel- Does the Bible eanotion polygamy?
iaation, Disciple• of Christ, Pitta- a dieoueeion between Orson Pratt and
burg, Pa., April 26, 1696. Cincin- Evangelism. Dayton, O., Christian J, P. NeMnan. Salt Lake City, 1670.
nati, Standard, •1699. pub, aeeooiation, •1917. 183p.
66p. tront. (port.) 69p.
Th• study ot'our pioneers.
pamphlet. PRATT, ORSON,1811-1881. (died llormon) Young, Kimball. Orson Pratt.
b. Hartford, N, Y., 19 S 1811. (In Dictionary ot .Amerioan biography,
Thought• ot thirty years, trom the d. Salt Lake City, Utah, 3 S 1681. ..-ol. 21, 1944, pp. 607-608)
writings, addreaeea, and aennon•1 with
. introduotion by F. E. Clark. Boaton, The abeurditiea ot 1-terialini.
Published for the 00111111ittee on oompila- PRATT, PARLEYPARDR, 1807-1867. (died
tion by the United eooiety ot Chrhtian ffle Bible and _polygamy. Does the Ji>rmon)
endea..-or, 1905. Bible sanction polygalll)1 A dieouaeion b, Burlington, N. Y., 12 Ap 1807.
199p. tront, (port.) ports,, platee. between Professor Orson Pratt and Re..-. d. near Van Buren, Ark., 13 My
Dootor J.P. Newman ••• in then- Taber- 1867.
Why I .a identitied with the reli- nacle, Salt .Lake City, August 12, 13,
gioua people known ae the Dieoiplee ot and 14, 1670. To which i• added three The angel or the prairie•.
Chriat. St. Louia, Christian pub. sermon• on the eama subject by Pree.
oo., n.d. G~rge A. Smith, and elder a Oraon An appeal to the atate of N- York.
13p. Pratt and George Q. Cannon. Salt
Lake City, Utah, Da••ret n... ateam The autobiography of PILrley Parkl!lr
--. lalamatoo, llioh., The ptg. eetablialunent, 1874. Pratt, one ot the twelff apostles ot
traot oo., n.d. 99p. the churoh of Jeaue Christ ot latter
lOp. day eainte, embraoing hie life, minis-
Cubio and biquadratio equationa. try, and traffls with extraots •••
Chrhtian union. ( In Inter- London, 1666. trom hie misoellaneoue writings.
•t1onal oon..-ention. Addreaeea de- Edited by his eon, Parley P. Pratt •••
linred at the world'• congre•• and Dirln• authenticity ot the book ot New York, Published tor the editor
ceneral miuionary oon..-entiona of the Mormon. and proprietor by Rueaell Broe., 1674.
ohuroh or Chriat, 1693, pp. 29-41) 502, x p. tront., illue.
E..-angelii eanna grundaataer tram-
Churohe• ot Christ in the Diatriot atallda at Oraon Pratt ••• 3. eTimaka --, 3d ed. Salt L,ake. City,
ot Columbia. (In Brown, J. T., ed. uppl •••• Otoereatt trau engelakau. Utah, Deseret bk. co., 1938.
Churchea ot Chriet, 1904, pp. 361-352) lopenharun, A. L. Skanohy, 1903. 47lp. tront., illue., plates,
260p. ports.
Hiatory and doctrine• of the Dhoi-
plea ot Christ. (In Hodge, F. A, Fountain of knowledge,
The plea and the pioneer• in Virginia,
1906, pp. 9-26) Key to the uni..-arae. LiYerpool, History ot the peraecutione 1n
1879. Miseouri. Detroit, 1839.
Ileane ot spiritual growth. (In
· 0.rrhon, J. H., ed. 'lh• old taith ltey to the uni••r••1 or, A. n- theory Home. eoonomy, eto., 2d ed. Salt
restated, 1891, pp. 390-397) ot ite -chamiam. Founded upon a I. Lake, Utah, •1896.
oontinuoua orbital propulaion, arising 116p.
ffle .•tandard ot appeal in religioua tr,- the ..-elooity ot gra..-ity and ita
thought. (In The 111.aaouri Christian consequent aberration•, II. reaiating I111110rtality ot the body.
leoturea, ..-ol. 6, ·1692, pp. 36-&3) ethereal mediua and ..-ariable denaity.
With -the-tioal d.. onatrationa and Intelligenoe and atfeotion.
The trinitiea. (In ll'ilaon, L. tablee,_.2d ed. trom the tirat European
c., ed. Twentieth century ael'IIOna ed. Salt Lake City, Utah territory, J!:eyto the aoienoe ot theology,
and addr•••••, lll02, pp. 2-11) Author, ·• 1879 0 deeigned aa an introduction
tiret prinoiplea of apiritual
to the
introduotion ••e eophyJ religion, law and go..-el'Dlll8nt1
•- and eaay •thod ot aolution ot . ae deli..-ered by the anoiente, and ae
Brandt, J. L. Turning poillta. the oubio and biquadratio equationa, restored in thia age, for the tinal
Abbott, B. A. Lite ot Chai-ii 8. embraoing ••••ral - tuniulaa, greatly de..-elopment ot uni..-eraal peaoe, truth
Llaoaa. aiaplit'ying thh departaent ot -the- and knowledge. Li..-erpool, F •. D.
-tioal aoience. Deaigned aa a aequel Rioharda, 1666.
!!• aee to the element• ot algebra, and tor the 173p.
uae ot aohoola and aoad•i••. London,
Tyler, B. B. Concerning th• Lonpana, OrHn, Reader, and Dyer, 1668. , 3d ed. Salt Lake oity,
Dtaoiplea ot Chriat. XTi, l6lp 0
Deeeret n-• ateaa ptg. eetabliehment,
about Patriarohial order, or, plurality :n', 178p.
ot wiYea.. 1863.
P'r-ederiok D. Power. (In Brown, --. 6th ed. Li..-erpool, J. 11.
J. T., ed. Churohea ot Christ, 1904, The prophetio almanac. Smith, 1883.
1846. ZT, 182p
pp. 4e2) 0

Seriea ot pamphlet• on llormonin,

Starr, H.B. Fred1riok Dungliaon with two diaouaaiona. Li..-erpool, Voioe ot warning and inatruotion
Power. (In Dictionary ot American England, 1861. to all people, or, an introduotion to
biography, ..-ol. 16, 1936, pp. 166-16&) the faith and doctrine ot the Latter-
ll'ondera ot the uni••r••1 or, a oOllil- day eainta. Independence, lfo.,
iation ot the aatronoaioal writing• ot ' Zion'• ptg. & pub. 00., 1837.
Oraqn Pratt ••• Compiled and publiahed by
llela B. Llan.dwall, Salt Lake City, •1937.
ZT, 339p. platea, port•.

p Pratt • Prokhanoff

A voioe of -rning and instruction debate with CROSSWE

LL, FRANKLINJ Williamson Terre l l , circuit preacher
to all people, containing a declaration ----- of the Methodist Episcopal church, and
of the faith and doctrine of the church The nature of man1 t he destin y of Henry R. Pritchard, evangelist of the
of the latter day aainta, commonly th e wicked and the ki ngdom of God. Christian church . llr. Pritchard'•
called Jlormona. Hew York, Printed apeechea reported by himse l f, and Mr.
by1f. Sandford, 1837. Terr e ll'• by B. Franklin .with an
216p. PRICHETT, D W introduction by Banjamin Franklin,
b. Kilton, Ia., .Ind,, Printe d by Frank-
---, 2d ed. rev. Jfew York, J. d. lin and Smi th , 1848.
1f. Harrison, printer, 1839. 267p ,
216p. Sin against the Hol y Spirit. Cin-
cinnati , Standard. about see
---, 3d American ed. Nauvoo, pamphlet.
Ill., Printed by J. Taylor, 1844, Scofield, E. B. Henr y Russell
284p. Pritchard.
---, 8th ed. Liverpool, F. D. b. Jlarthaavill e , w. Va., 2 Ja 1860.
Richards, 1854. d . Chicago, Ill., 21 Ap 1929. PRITCHETT, C P
xvi, 199p. b.
Life a miaaion . (In Lord, J. A., d.
about ed. On the Lord's day, •1904, pp. 146-
148) Travel talks. Frankford, J!o.,
Pallller, JI. B. - Parley Parker Pratt. Author, n.d.
(In Dictionary of Amerioan biography, c 16,p. port.
vol. 16, 1936, pp. 176-176) PRITCHARD,HARRYOTIS, 1876-1936.
b. Johnson county, Ind., 10 Jl 1876.
about eee d. Indianapolis, Ind., 24 O 1936. PROCTER,ALEXAllDER,1826-1900.
b. Fayette county, 11:y., 5 Ap 1826.
Stanley, Reva . A biography of The oontributiona of Diaoiplea to d. Independence, Ko., 23 Jl 1900.
Parley P. Pratt, the archer of para- higher education. Canton, Jlo.,
diee. Culver-Stockton college, 192&. The ntneea of Jesus and other ser-
17p . (Culver-Stockton quarterly, mons1 with a biographical sketch by
wl. 4, no. 1, 1928) T. P. Haley; ed. by J. H. Garrison.
cPRESCOTT~JEDEDIAHBROWN,1784-1861 . St. Louis, Christian pub. co., 1901.
b. Raymond, N. H., 1784. Militant paoifiata, a atudy of the 404p. front. (port.)
d. 19 Je 1861. militant paoifi1ta of the Restoration
movement. Indianapolis, U. c. M. s., The oonveraion of the world to
Memoir of Jedediah B. Prescott, late n ; d. Chriat. (In Sweeney, z. T., ed.
pastor of the Christian ohurch in Sp. folder. New Testament Christianity, 1926, wl.
Jlonmouth, lie. 11:mmouth, lie., 1861. Reprinted from the World call. 2, pp. 4S.-81)
An autobiography. The necessity of mi°niaterial pen- The great truth and the great lie;
sions. Indianapoli1, Pension fund of Reaaons why the Bible will retain ita
the Diaoiplea of Christ, n.d. hold on thoughtful minds. (In The
PRESTON,PAULG , 1884- C 16op 0 lliasouri Christian lectur e•, vol . 1,
, b. Steuben county, Ind., 30 Jl 1883, pp. 110-119; vol. 3, 1886, pp.
1884. Objective, of the Board of eduoatior 339-364)
of the Di1ciplea of Christ. Indiana-
polh, n.d. about aee
The elderehip eafe guarding the llp.
flock. Cincinnati, Standard, n.d. Baley, J. J. Makers and IIKlldera
Bp. ino. cover. The present battle ground of Chri•- of the refo,._tion IIKlve•nt.
tianity. (In Cory, A. E., ed.
Voicea of the aanotuary, 1930, pp. 192-
b. 1936.
The church college. (In DeGroot, b. Ruaaia, 1869.
A. T., ed. The llamphh youth conven- d. Berlin, Germanr, 7 0 1936.
Penteooatalim. Jlelbourne, Aue- tion, 1926, pp. 83-84)
tralia, Austral ptg. & pub. oo., n.d. In the cauldron of Russia, 1869-
12p. 19331 an autobiography • •• The life of
PRITCHARD,HENRYRUSSELL, 1819-1900. an optimht in the land of peHiaiaa,
b. , 11:y
., 25 Ja 1819. together with an interesting hiatory
PRICE, EDGARD , 1887-1926. d. Chesterfield, Ind., O 1900 . of the Ruuian evangelical Chriatiall
b. Diagonal, Ia., 12 Ap -1867. union. New York, All-Ruuian evan-
d. Raber, Ia., 23 O 1926. Addreuea, with .a. biographical gelical Chrietian union, 1933.
•ketch by B. B. Tyler, and an appendix 270p. front., plate•, port•.
Perauaaion concerning Jeaua. from "Biahopa and councils" by Jamee
(In Brokaw, o. L., ed. Doctrine and Lillie. Cincinmti, Standard, •1898. A abort treatise on preaohing,
life, 1898, pp. 112-120) 390p. front. (port.) eaaaye on goapel homiletic•, help• for
the preacher. 1911.
about •ff Inno-vationa ao called ••• Indiana- lOBp.
poll•, E. B. Scofield, n.d.
Brokaw, o. L. Doctrine and life Up.
by Ia- writers. PROKHANOFF,


A debate on baptim and the ntneaa l!lxperiencea with co-..nia in

of the Holy Spirit, held in Fail"Tiew, Raada. Enid, Okla., Phillipa uni-
Ia., •oveaber 1847, between Rev. verd ty, 1928. •
82p. front. (port.) platea.

Pruden - Pyat t p

HUGHES, Wonderful aon ga ••• Nashville, The biography of elder David PurTi-
Gospel advocate, n.d. ance, with his memoires containing his
61 song•. vi.,.., on baptism, the divinity of
Christ, and the atonement, written by
Fraternal greetin gs ; A epiritual joint ed. see himself with an appendix giving bio-
technique for the time of crisis. graphical aketchea of elders John Hardy,
(In International convention, 1939, pp. Mosley, T. B., ed. Choice gospel Reuben Dooly, William Dye, Thoe. Kyle,
287-2881 282-286) hymn•. George Shidler, William Kinkade, Thomae
Sanderson, L. o. Christian hymns. Adame, Samuel Kyle, and Nathan Worley,
togeth er with a historical sketch of
PRUITT, F A the gre at Kentucky revival. Dayton,
b. PURDY, l!RS. G Publish ed tor the author by B. F. &
b. G. w. Eels, 1848,
278p. front. (port.)
llan to man for Christ. (In Inter- Thia is a reprint ed. published by
national oonvention, 1g39, pp. 289-293) joint~ see Alva Roes Brown, Johnson Bible Col-
lege, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee,
Smith, c. c. Jamaica. 1940, and contain• the following
PRUNTY R E L additional materials
1 Brown, A. R. Preface and editor-
b. Carroll county, It>. , 27 N 1863. oPURVIANCE,DAVID, 1766-1847. ial tootnotea,
b . Iredell county, N. c., 14 N l76e i Roger•, John. Reoollectione,
d, Pre b le county, o., 19 Ag 1847. Marshall, Robert and Thompson, John.
Change of heart. Historical account or the New
ObaerTationa on the constitution, light church,
Hear ye hi]!I. Brookfield, Ii>., unity, and discipline of the church of Davidson, Robert, Marshall and
Author, n.d. Christ. Cincinnati, J . W. Brown & Thompson'• return to the Presbyter-
30p. co., 1811. ian church.

Prodigal son. Brookfield, Mo., A scriptural catechism. Chilli-

Author, n.d. cothe, .0 . 1, Printed by Ja-s Barnes, cPUTJIIAll,BElfJAIIIll, 1788-
26p. 1814. b.
24p. d.
What laok I yet? Broold'ield, Mo.,
Author, n .d. Ob1erT&tion1. Constitution, unity A alcetch ct the life ot elder Benj,
18p. and discipline of the church of Christ, Putnam, embracing hie Christian e,cper-
addressed to the brethren of the _ience, call to the ministry, together
Christian church. (In Purtle.nee, with an aocount ot the religious change
ccPULLIAS, ATHENSCLAY, Levi. Biography or elder ~avid Pur- through which he has paned •• ,Written
b. viance, 1848, pp. 69-91; Brown, ed. by himself,.. lfoodatock, Vt,, ·Print-
1940, pp. 57-73) ed by D. Watson, 1821.
Hold fut to eternal thinga1 The about
ling and hia throne J The Lord ia our joint comp. aee
refuge. (In Abilene Christian col- Starr, H. E. David Purviance.
lege Bible lectures, 1942, pp. 16-261 (In Dictionary of '-rican biography, Mackenzie, John. A ohoi~e selec-
1940 , pp. 237-2491 1942, pp. 28-40) TOl, 16, 1936, pp. 271-272) tion of pealma, hymn• and spiritual
about aee
b. Trousdale count y , Tenn., 6 Ap PurTiance, Levi. Life of De.Tid b. Hersman, Ill,, 18 Ja 1866,
1872. Purviance. d. Indianapolis, Ind., 23 Ja 1940·.
B8leo, H. L • . David Purviance.
Rogers, W. I". David PurTianoe. The Illinois and Michigan canal, a
The doctrine of Christi In all Judea Roger• , William. Sketoh or David study in ecoDOmic history. Chicago,
and Samaria ; The righteousness of GodJ Purviance. University or Chicago pres,, 1918,
The ut t .ermoet part or the earth. (In 213p. (Chicago hiatorioal 10-
Abi lene Christian college Bible lectures, ciety'• collection, v. 10)
1928-1929, pp. 181-2021 206-2301 169- cPURVIABCE,LEVI, 1790-1873.
- 177; 233-267) b. Iredell county, N. c., 7 S 1790.
d. Eaton, o., 9 Ap 1873. PUTNAM,SHIRLEY
~- The biography or elder David PurTi-

Greater Chri1tian h:yaneJ a oolleo- ance, with hie -moire; contain i ng hia
tio n of 1pi ritual songs and hymn• tor Tiff• on baptisa, the divinity of Why I ehou ld contribute regularly
all 00c a1iona of Christian work and Christ, and the atone-nt, written by to my churoh. cindianapoli•, Uni-
worshi p . NaehTille, Goepel adTOcate, himaelt with an appendix giving bio- fied promotion, n.d.~
1931. graphical •ketches or Elders John c4.p.
320p. Hardy, Reuben Dooly, William Dye,
Th01M1 Kyle, George Shidler, William PIATT, CHARLESLYIIJI, 1886-
Spiritual eonga. . . NaahTille, Kinkade, Th0111&• Adams, Samuel Kyle,
Goepel adTOoate, •19 ~2. and Nathan Worley, together with a b.
136 songs. historical 1btoh of the great Kentucky
reTival by elder Levi PurTiance. The message of Bacon college,
Dayton, Publiahed tor the author by (In College association, Educational
B. r. and o. w. Blla, 1848. beginning• and present problems, 1937,
304p. tront. {port.) ~p. 11-30)

--. (In International conven-

tion, 1936, pp, 46-52)

Q Quick - Quick

US, 1831-
b. Henry county, Ind., 14 S 1831 ,

Mysticism unmaalced, St, Louie,

John Burns, 1888,

Rabaut - Raine R

~ The laymen's movement. Columbia, Tiers, II. C. The Chri stian por-
174~1793. Mo., Jfissouri laymen ' s league, n.d. trait gallery.
The old Cevenol, tr. from the !fiineogra phed.
French by Alfred E. Seddon, 2d ed. ,RAINEY, BENJAMIN,1768-1811.
Cincinnati, Standard, 1913, •1911. The Miseouri Christian laymen'• b. 8 0 1768.
lOlp. league, Disciple• of Christ, .. nual. d. , 6 lfy 1811.
Kaneaa City, !l!O., Jfiasouri Christian
laymen's league, 1942. Epiecopacy Ulllllllsked.
RADFORD,BENJAMIN J OHNSON, 1838-1933. .16,p.
b. Walnut Grove, Ill., 23 D 1838. Pamphlets.
d. Eureka, Ill., 26 Ap 1933. with HERMAN,H. A.
Autobio graphy. Eureka, Ill., Dair ying laboratory mnual and out-
1928. line, 2d ed. Columbia, Mo., Lucas Pamphlet in vindication of the
c48,p. • bros., 1937. Chrietian dootrine. 1809.
vii, 108p. illus.
The court of deotiny, and other
poems. St. Louis, Christian pub. co., --, 3d ed. Columbia, Mo., Luco . RAINS, FRANCISl!A.RION,1854-1919.
1883. bros., 1940. b. Grant count y, Ky., 7 lfy 1854.
180p. vi, ll 7p.__,
1llus. d. , 24 0 1919.

Place of the gospel in the develop- The annuity plan. F. C. If. S.,
ment of humanity with an introduction RAINES, AYLETTE, 1788-1881. pamphlet.
by H. H. Peters. Cinoinnati, Stan- b. Spotteylvania county, Va., 22
dard, •1923. Ja 1788. A dozen facts about foreign mie-
ll7p. d. , 7 S 1881. aions. F. C. If. S.
Alumni reunion .poem• (In Dick- Christ's church identified. Cin-
ineon, E. J., ed. History of Eureka ciDD&ti, Bosworth. Eaeentials to Chrietian union.
college, 1894, pp. 314-331) . Baltimore, lid., Aesociation for the
A discourse on ein and its oure. promotion of Christian unity, .1917,
Christian worship. (In Thornton, l6p. lOp. inc. front cover.
E. w., ed. Lord'• day worship eer- Raprint from The Christian union
vicee, •1930, pp. 41-44) On this rock will I build my church. quarterly, Ootober 1917.
Cinoinnati, George B. Bentley co.,
Chr~tianity the only aolution of printer, 18697 G. L. Wharton, our own miaeionary
the problem& of the age. (In Inter- hero. Cincinnati, F. c. M. s., n.d.
national oonvention. Addreeeee deli- A refutation of hereditary total l6p. port.
vered at the world'• congrese and depravity, or, the chief oorner stone
general mieeionary convention• of of Calvinistic and Arminian eectarian- s·omething• for which the Dieciplea
the church. of Christ, 1893, pp. 97-113) ism removed. Pari1, Ky., Author, of Chriat etand. Cincinnati, Amer-
1859. ioan Christian miseionary aociety, n.d.
The gospel'• place in the develop- l44p • cB~p • . inc. covers.
. ment of humanity. (In The Miuouri
Christian lecture•, wl. 4, 18B8, pp. A sermon. cCinoinnati. Benjamin The suocees of modern miaeiona--
1-37) Franklin, n.d. 1. The loweet claese, have been reached
29p. an addreaa delivered at Chatanooga, '
Three reminisoencee. (In Dickin- Tenn. .Cincinnati, F. C. II. s.,
son, E. J., ed. History of Eurebt. A sermon on the life, charaoter an, n.d.
college, 1B94, pp. 242-247) death of elder John T. Johnson. 20p. ino. oover•. (Foreign
.Paris, Ky., 1857, Christian mieeionary eooiety aerie•,
To al- .. ter. (In Dicki~eon, E, 3ep. no. 20)
J., ed. Hiatory of Eureka college,
1B94, p, 346) A viait to our foreign miaaion eta-
Sin and i ts cure. (In Mathes, J, ti'one. Cincinnati, F. c. If. s.,
If.,ed. The weetern pr~acher, vol. l,
C 1911,
William Davenport. (In Brown, J. 1865, pp. 340-363)
T,, ed. Churohee of Christ, 1904, pp. 64p. illue,, porte.
436-436) --. (In Sweeney, z. T., ed .
What haa been done. F. C. If. s.
•- Teata-nt Chrietianity, 1923, jol.
1, pp. 307-339) pamphlet.
b, Boonville, Mo., 17 Mr 1B48. with IRll'IN, J. The world'• need of the gciapel.
d. Fayetteville, Ark., 10 lfy 1933. F. C. If. s.
A reply to J. T. Hendrick'• a pamphlet.
"Dear old Goorgetown", or lfemoir• pamphlet entitled "Letters to the eelf-
or lira. lllartha Elizabeth Smith. st. 1tyled reformer•". Lexington, J. c. The gospel in Japan. (In lfilaon.
Louis, Chrietian board, 1916. Noble, 1838. L. c., ed. Twentieth century aeniona
c 136,p. poi,ts. 86p. and addreaaea, 1902, pp. 17-28)

Leaves from aisaion fields1 or, · about about aee

Jfemoirs of lira. Harriet Newell, lira • .
Ann Judson, Iii•• Hattie L. Judson, Elder Aylette Raine. (In Brown, Duncan, P.H. Francia llarion
lira. Josephine Smith, Charles!. G~r•t. J. , T., ed. Churches _of Chriet, 1904, Raina,
St. Louia, Chrietian pub. oo., 1900. pp. 431-432) Rains, P. B. Franoie llarion Rain.I,
x, 273p, ports.
about •••
RAGSDALE,ARTHURCHESTER,1B90- Bolee, H. L. Biographical b. Cinoinnati, o., 22 Ja 1896.
b, aketchea or gospel preaohera.
1!ogera, lf. C. Recollection• or
man of faith.

R Raina - Rapkin

Francia J.l.arion Raina. St. Louis, RAMBO,VICTORC debate with SLEETH, ASA (Mathodiat)
Christian board, 1922. b,
l68p. front. (port.) ports., plates. The influence of the Holy Spirit in
conversion; a debate ••• Cincinnati,
"The heart of the Sunday aohool", a Opium and babies. (In Wilson, J, Chase & Hall, 1876.
play presenting the poasibilitiea of R., comp. Men and wanen of f ar hori- 236p.
modern church school methods ••• zons, 1935, p~ . 149- 150)
Omaha, Neb., Northern district Bible St, Louie, Christian pub,
school office, •1919. co., 1892 •
• 20.p. RAMSEY,ARMSTEAD FULLER, 1856-1937. l94p.
b, Pittsylvania county, Va., 10 Ja
RAINWATER,CLARENCE ELMER, 1884-1926. d, Lynchburg, Va,, 5 My 1937. RANDALL,S LEGRAN,1851-1935,
b. near New Canton, Ill., l O 1884, b. Wayne county, Mich,, 5 Je 1851,
d. , 22 Jl 1926. about see d, Farwell, Mich., 9 Ap 1936,

Connunity organization. Loa West, J. W. Sketohes of our The uplif t ing of Jeaua, (In
Angeles, Calif., Southern California mountain pioneers. Bridwell, J, T,, ed. The Michigan
aociologioal society, University of pulpit, 1924, pp, 236-242)
Southern California, •1920.
23p. (Studies in a ociology; ocRAJISEY,EFFIE GILLENTINE,
aooiological monographs no. 15) b. RANDALL,W J
The play movement in the United d,
Statea1 a study of community recreation. Burritt, our alma mater, an attrac-
Chicago, University of Chicago presa, tive little book of faota and fiction, loliaaionary field, and force• of
1922, bringing up memories that cluster round the Disciples of Christ.
xii, 37lp. plates, Spencer'• hills, Letter• fran abroad
by the late preaident W, N. Billings-
ley, Nashville, McQuiddy ptg, co., RANDOLPH,JEREll!IAH, 1808-1894.
RAITT, MA.RY(PAGE) (Mrs, Walton 0, 1914. b, South Carolina, 12 S 1808,
Raitt) l35p. plates, ports. d. , 24 Ap 1894.
about see
aee b, Boles, H. L. Biographical
sketches of gospel preachers.
Page, Kirby, Living prayerfUlly,
Our Lord's prayer for unity, (In
Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior's prayer ocRANEY,ALVINOTTO, 1908-
A for unity, 1918, pp, 169'ol71) b, Hood county, Tex., 11 Ag 1906,

cRAND, JOHW, 178l-186b. The family as God would have it,

aee b. Lunenburg, Man,, 1781, Freer, Tex., Author,
d, Wilton, Maaa,, 31 My 1865. tract.
Page, Kirby. Living prayerfUlly,
OTHERS. Sword unsheathed, aermona, ed, by
Ira Y, Rice, Mercedes, Tex.,
RALSTON,SAMUEL, (PrHbyterian) A choice selection of psalms, hymns, Christian soldier, 1941.
and spiritual aongs compiled by John 58p, charts. .
A revi- of a debate on Christian Rand, Benjamin Putnam, Christopher Mar-
baptism between Kr, John Walker, a tin an~ Jasper Hazen, Woodstock, Vt, ~
miniater of the seceaaion, and llr •. 1819. RAliKIN, ADAM
Alexander Campbell, a Baptiat minister,
published by llr. Campbell in a aeries A revi- of the noted revival in
of letter• addreaaed to the United RAllDALL, JOHN E in the year of
Kentucky, c0111111enced
Presbyterian oongregationa of Mingo b. our Lord, 1801. Lexington, Printed
Creek and Williamsport, by their affec- ror the author by John Bradford, 1802.
tionate pastor Samuel Ralaton1 2d ed, l«p.
corrected and amended to which ia now joint~ aee
added, a reply t~ objections made by
both llr, Walker and Mr, Campbell. Smith, C. C, Jamaica. RANKIN, l!ELIWDA
Washington, Pa., Printed by John Gray-
son, 1826, Twenty yeara among the Mexioana, a
300p. RANDALL,JOHNWESLEY,1842- narrative of missionary labor, St.
b, Pulaalr:i,county, Ky,, 8 Ja 1842, Louie, Christian pub. oo., •1875,
Strictures on three letters respect- d. 214p.
ing the debate at li>unt Pleasant •••
Pittaburg, Eichbaua and Johnston, 1822. The miaaion of the Holy Spirit,
76p. Cincinnati, 0,1 Oakalooaa, Ia., Central RAPKIN, GEORGE,1862-
bk. concern, 1879. b. London, England, 8 D 1862.
63p. d.
--. St, Louia, Christian pub, Bapti11111the doctrines and prac-
tice, of the modern churchea compared
63p. with those of the early apostolic,
If Disciple• of Christ tithed.
State board of miaeiona of Colorado, Oeneai1 in harmony with itself and
1926. aoience.

R&rioh - R&y R

RARICH,W CARL, --,--. 8th ed. St. Louis, 1881. Key t o Ray' s modern arithmetioa,
b. 377p. modern i ntellec tu a l, and pr a ctic al .
New York, American bk. co., 1903 .
l63p. (Eclectic educatio nal
with MAXAll,C.R. RAY, JOSEPH, 1807-1865. aer ies )
b. , Va., 5 N 1807.
A manual for high achool Bible d. Cincinnati, o., 17 Ap 1866. Key to Ray's n.,. hig her ar ithm etic.
atudy, Old Teatament, reT. ed. J'1n- Cinc innati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. ,
oie, Ind., Author•, 1924 . Analyti c geometryi ed. by Howison. •1881.
72p. New York, American bk. co. 212p. (Eclect ic educati ona l
A manual for high achool Bible Anner• to the problem• in R&y's
atudy, New Teat&111ent, rev. ed; llln- ar i thmetical tablet•, nwnbera 4, 6, 1 New York, American bk. oo .,
oie, Ind., Author•, 1924. 7 , and 8. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, •1909.
6lp. Bragg & co., 1886. 2llp. (Eclectic edu cational
22p. (Eclectic educational aeries)
ALBERT T The little ar ithm etic . Elementary
Calumny refuted. Addreased to the lessons in inte .lla ctual arit hmetic,
TAYLOR,D. E. friends of education throu ghout the on the analyti c and inductive method
United States. .Cincinnati, 18560 of inatruction. Being an introduc-
New fountain•. .Spokane, Waah., 12p. tion to the author's Ecl ec tic a ri th-
Printed by Lighthouae ptg. oo., 1931, Caption t itle , A reply to "Th• metic. Cincinnat i, Truman, Smith
6lp. reTiewer review ed ! The two arith- & oo., 1834.
Contains poem• by Spokane univer- metical aeries, "Stoddard" and "Ray~ 67p.
aity atudenta. compared.
The metrical ayst911l of wei ght • and
The child'• arithmetic. Ray'• measure•. Designed to accompany Ray•a
RATCLIFFE, J II , 1844- arithmetic, part first, containing series. Cincinnati, Sargent, Wilaon
b. • Ky., 20 F 1844. simple lessons for little learnera; on & Hinkle; New Yo~k, Cla rk cl, Jaynard,
d. the inductive method of instruction, eto., 1886 •.
rev. ed. Cincinnati, w. B. Smith & 23p. illus. (Eolectic education-
cTraot•~ oo., •1853. al series)
48p. (Eclectic educat ion al
series) Modern elementary arithmetio, -
RATBER,PAYNEHARRY,1896- bracing mental and written exerciaea
b. Caaey, Ill., 3 0 1896. Eclectic arithme t i c, on the induc- for beginners. New York, American
tive and analytic methods of instruc- bk . oo., 1903.
tion. Deaigned for common schools and 192p. (Eolec t i c eduoational
Let'• try Chriatianity. (In academies. Cincinnati, Truman and aerie•)
Dawaon, F. F., ed. The Chriatian .. n Smith, 1837.
at work, v. 2, 1940, pp. 36-40) 239p. li:ldern intellectual arithm etic,
r~v. ed. New York, American bk. oo.,
Elementary algebra. Ray'• algebra, 1903.
RATZLAFF,RUBEN part first; on the analytic and induc- 14.p. (Eclectio eduoational
b. tive methods of inatruction; with aerie a)
numerous practical exercise• designed
for conrnon school• and acad911lies, rev. li:ldern praotioal arithmetic, reT.
Aunt Maggie1 or, a life .hidden with ed. Cincinnati, Winthrop B. Smith ed . New York, American bk. co.,
Christ. .Kimberlin Heights, Johnson &.co., •1848. 1903.
Bible college, 1937, 240p. (Eoleotio educational 320p. (Ecleotio educational
8p. aeries) aeries)

An exposure of the falsehood of New elementary algsbra... Bew

RAU11,CLARABELLE (O'llEAL) (llra. John S. "Justice . " .Cincinnati, 1866, York, American bk. co., •1894.
Ralllll), 1878:- 22p. 240p.
b. Georgetown, llich., 1878.
Key to nn algebras, elementary and New elementary arithmetio.
higher. Bn York, American bk. oo. York, Amerioan bk. co.
lliohigan aona and daughter a. ( In
Bridwell, J. T., ed. The lliohigan pul- Keyton .. arithmetics, intellectual Rew higher algebra. New York,
pit, . 1924, pp. 25-26) and practical . · New York, American bk. American bk. co.
co., 1907.
New practical arithmetic. •-
RAUll, JOHll SIDNEY, 1878- Key to Ray'• algebra, part• first York, American bk. co.
b. The Betherlanda, 1878. and aeoondi containing atatementa and
aolutions of queationa, with re .. rks Practical arithmetic. N- York,
and notes.. . Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, American bk. co.
How I became a Christian only. Bragg & oo., •1852.
(In Lord, J. A., ed. Fromdarkneaa to c344,p. (Eoleotic educational Ray'• algebra, part first, on the
light, 1907, pp. 176-180) aeriea) analytic and induotiTe -thoda or
inatruction; with numoroua praotioal
A key to Ray'• higher arithmeticJ exerciaea. Deaigned for cOllll!IOn aohoola
and academiea. Cincinnati, Van Ant-

Text.-book on Campbelliaa.
phia, 1867.
(Baptist) oontainint full and luoid aolutiona to
exlll!lples in that work. Cincinnati,
Van Antwerp, Bragg cl, oo., •1858 •
(Eolectic educational
werp, Bragg & oo., •1848.
aerie a)
(Eclectic educational

Ray•• algebra, part Ncond1 an

--, 6th ed. Cinoi!ID&ti, 1871. analytical treatiae, designed for high
achoola and ocllegea ••• atereotype ed.

R Ra;- Reagan
Ci110i1111ati, Sargent, Wil1on & Hinkle; Ray's arithmetical key, containing The rudiments of arithmetic; e•
Rew York, Clark & Maynard, •1852. solutions to the questions in Ray's bracing mental and written exercise,,
396p. (Eolectio eduoat ,ional part · third, and to acme of the more for begi1111era.. . Cinoi1111ati• Sar-
aeries) difficult questions in part second; gent, Wilson & Hinkle, ceto. , cl8S6,
alao an appendix.. . Cincinnati, w. 192p. (Eclectic educational
Cinoinnati, W. B. Smith, B. Smith & co., 1845. aeries)
1852. 336p. (Eclecti c educational
396p. aeries) --,•• New. York, American bk.
00.. •1894.
--. Cinoinnati, Van Antwerp, Ray'• elementary arithmetic, em- 208p. (Eclectic educational
Bragg & co., 1852. bracing mental and written exeroiaes, 1eriaa)
396p. For beginners. N- York, American
bk. co,, •1907. Tables and rule, in arithmetic,
Ray's algebra, second book. Ele- 192p. illus. (Eclectic education~ for children. Cincinnati ; Truman
ments of algebra, tor colleges, achoola, al aeries) & Smith.
and print• atudenta, rev. electrotype
ed. Cinoi1111ati, Wilson, Hinkle & Ray'• higher arithmetic. The prin- Teat problem• in algebra. Bff
co., ceto •• 1862. ciple• of arithmetic, analyzed and York, American bk. co.
406p. (Eclectic educational practically applied for advanced stu-
1erie1) dents, ed. by Cho.a. E. Matthews, rev. Three thousand teat example• in
stereotype ed. Cincinnati, Wileen, ~rithmetio, drill exeroiaea tor
Ray'• arithmetic, first book. Hinkle & co., •1856. review ••• eleotrotype ed. Cincinnati,
Primary lesaona and tables in arith- 370p. (Eclectic educational W. B. Smith & co., cl862.
metic, for young learners, stereotype aeries) l65p. (Eclectic educat i onal
ed. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg aerie•)
& 00., 1881. --. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp,
96p. (Eoleotio educational Bragg & co., cl881.
aeries) 370p. illue. (Eclectic education- REA, HARRELL,
al 1erie1) b.
Ray's arithmetic, part first. Con-
taining a:llaple le110na for little Ray•a modern primary arithmetic
learnera1on the inductive method of tor young learners. N- York, Cin- _The aign of the crou. (In
in1truction. Carefully rev. and cinnati, A!Mrioan bk. co., 1903. Brite collage of the Bible. Sermons,
stereotyped. Cincinnati, W. B, 96p. illua. (Eclectic educational -1. l, 1~7, pp. 2~3~
Smith, •1844. aeriu)
48p. (Eclectic educational
aeries) Ray's new higher algebra. Elements READ, RALPHHARLOII',1903-
or algebra for oollegaa, sohoola, and
Ray'• aritim.tio, part second, private students, ed. by Del Kemper. ed.
Being the author'• Little arithmetic, Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co.,
re-stereotyped, with large additions •1852, •1866. The younger churchmen look: at the
and improvements, on the inductive and 406p. (Eclectic educational church, with an introduction by Kirby
analytic methods of inatruotion. aeries) Page. Bew York, llaomillan, 1936.
Cincinnati, w. B. Smith , 1843. xvi, M5p.
l«p. (Eoleotio educational Ray's n- higher arithmetic; a
aeries) revised ed. ot Higher arithmetic.
Rew York, American bk. co., cl908 0 READER, IIAYH
Ray•a arithmetic, part aeoond. 408p. (Eclectic educational
a thorough oourae of -ntal arith- -terial) The •ry - Elizabeth Culver birthday
metic, by induction and analy1i1, rev. booklet. .st. Loui1, Author,1918.
ed. Ci110innati, w. B. Smith & co., Ray's new intellectual arithmetic. 17p.
•1849. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg~ co.,
128p. (Eclectic educational ,1877.
aeries) UOp. (Eclectic eduoatiom.l REAGAN,
aeries) b.
Ray'• arithmetic, part third.
Being the author'• loleotio arithmetic,
on the inductive and analytic method1
Rew York, American bk. co.,
Centennial anniversary or Plain-
of inatruotion ••• thoroughly rev., enl., UOp. (Eclectic educational field Christian ohuroh--Fittieth
and improved. Cincinnati, w. B, Smith, aeries) ver1ary of county meeting,
&11111 Chris-
& 00 •• 18«. tian churches in Hendrick:• oounty.
264p. (Eclectic educational Ray'• new practical arithmetic; a The Scoville oounty-wida revinl
aeries) revised edition of the Practical arith- meeting of Christian ohurohea in
metic. N- York, .Aarioan bk:. co., Hendrick• county.
Ray'• arithmetic, aeoond book. •1877. c 12.p.

Intellectual arithmetic by induction

and analy1i1, one thousandth edition,
improved. Cincinnati, Van Antwerp,
(Eclectic ect.oational
Historic 1ketohe1 of Christian
Bragg & co., •1857-1885. Ray'• n- primary arithmetic tor
164p. (Eclectic eduoatiom.l learners. New York:, American bk:. co., churches in Hendriok:1 county, Indiana,
Hriu) 1905. Plainfield, Ind., 1926.
94p. (Eclectic eduoatiom.l 70p.
Ray'• arithmetic, third book. Prac- 1erie1) Content11
tical arithmetic by induction and anal- Chaptero by J. L. Clark, •ry Cox,
y1i1, one thousandth edition, improved. Ray'a new teat exu,ples in arith- G. H. Duok:worth, Ruth Gephart, B.
Cincinnati, Willen, Hinkle & ·co., •1857 • ..,tio, by B. O. K. DeBeok:. Cincin- T. Hopkin•, lira. Willard Kellua,
336p. (Eolectic educational nati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co., •1883. 0. B. Leak:, R. L. Leak:, D. B. Long,
aeries) 219p. (Eclectic . educational J. L. 01born, Kabel Rawling•, J. s.
1erie1) Reagan, K. B. Sharp, and Frank
--. Cinoinnati, ,an Antwerp, Willa.
Bragg & cc., •1857.
Reagor - Reynolds R

REAGOR,lfILLIAJI FRAJl!LIR, 1885-1938, ll11t we hate? Shreveport, La. · Judge Riobard Reid, a biography.
b . Bedford oounty , Tenn., 29 0 printed sermon . Cincinnati, Standard, 1886.
1866. xvii, 584p. front. (port.)
d. Seattle, Wa1h,, 28 Ap 1938.
Gentleness. (In Meacham, E. J,, b. New Philadelphia, o., 17_0 1843, REID, RICHARD,1838-1 884.
comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp. d. Pueblo, Colo., 27 S 1924, b ; Montgomery county, Xy., 3 0
132-135) 1838.
Cart",Phil us1 or ~he wanderi n~ Jew1 d. Mt. Sterling, Ky., 16 My 1884.
Xindneae, or love at ite beat. a viaion _or the ages. Cincinnati,
(In Meaoham, E. J., oomp. Training to Standard, 1902. about see
teeoh, •1913, pp . 119-121) viii, 212p. rront . (port •.)
cHargia, • ed. Riobard
The aoorrer in prophecy. (In Reid, a memorial.
OR, WILLIAMPAUL, 1894- The Missouri Christian lectures, vol. cLooa, C. L. and -Loo•, Minnie. ede.
b. Winder, Ga., 13 O 1894. 3, 1886, pp . 329-338) Letters.
Reid, E. J . Jud ge Riobard Reid,
a biography.
Double dividends. (In Inter- REESE, S R
national oonvention, 1938, pp. 184-193) b.
REASONER,HORRISJACOB, 1878- What ia it to be a Christian?
b. Conoordia, Kane., 17 lfr 1878. (In The Mis1ouri Chri1tian lectures,
vol. 4, 1888, pp . 137-149) A basket or flower• _and other po••·
Boston, Stratford oo., •1934.
Be one1 a loving appeal trom one v, l43p,
who love, the Lord to every other one REEVE,BEHJAJfIRF , 1798-1884.
who love, the Lord, that denominational b. Prince William oounty, Va., 28
tiee -y be lost in the ·1arger tellow- 0 1798. REIIEAU,ISAAC TIPTOR, 1806-1886,
1hip or Chri,t only. S~lem, Ore., d. b. Clinton county, Ky., 9 D 1806,
Henote• oo., 1928, d. Albany, Xy., 9 Ag 1886.
407p , about eee
about •ee
Evans, lladiaon. Biographical
REAVIS, TOLBERTFARHIRG, ent0he1 or the pioneer preaoher• or Boles, H. L. Biographical
b. Indiana. sketches of goapel preacher,.

On to Paraguay, the new promised REEVES, FLOYDWESLEY,1890- REUBELT,JOHRADAK, 1819-1902.

land of the Di1oiple1 or Christ. b.
Indianapoli1, c. W. B. M., n.d. with RUSSELL,J. D, d.
l6p .
College organisation and adminiatra- Kurage_fautea handbuoh der natur-
tion1 a report baaed upon a eeries ot geaohiohte. Enthaltend wiaaeneohatt-
"REDACRE,STEPHENOLIVER, 1887- eurveye ot ohuroh colleges. Ind- liche und popular• beachreibungen von
b, Fremont, o., 5 S 1887, ianapoli•, Board or education, Disci- du menachen, den sangethieren, wgela,
ples or Christ, 1929. amphibian, fiaohen, weioh-und glieder-
324p. thieren. Bearbeitet naoh den be1ten
I am the way. (In Gray, A. P., ed. deutsohen und engliacben werken neuerer
Preaching that build, ohurches, 1940, zeit. Pot _taville, Pa., Der verfauer
pp. ) REEVES, GEORGEH und C. W. Gunther, 1848,
.. b. 392p . illue,

REDFORD,RAJllH R , 1901- A tract for the ti-•, or, the

b, Riohmond, Va., 31 lfr 1901. The dream or the future, California hiatory of Prof, Reubelt•a trial and
Christian univereity, an addrese expuleion from the M. E. ohuroh and
recently delivered by George W. Reevea, the Indiana university, with an anal-
Steward1hip and tither•. (In pre1ident, Chapman oollege. llhittier, ysis of the Methodist discipline and
International convention, 1942, pp. Calif. doctrines. Cincinnati, Carrol,
283-288) l3p. 187-?

C C ooR!EVBS, 'If L
The aoripture doctrine ot the per-
d. aon ot Christ, freely tr, trom the
Ge~n of 'If, P, Oea, with many addi•
The name "Chri•t1-n". Cincinnati, How to identity the true ohuroh, tions by J. A. Reubelt, Andover 0
Standard, 1899, cP.enaaoola, Fla., Authoi::., n;d., llaaa,, Warren F, Draper, 1870,
17p. (Veet pocket Hriee or 48p. - . 468p.
Our Sartor•• pra;.r tor unity.
The evolution or a Chrietian. (In (In Roww, F. L., ed. Our Savior•• RnlroLDS, !LSBERY'If , 1868-
Lord, J. A., ed. From .darlmu• to prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 172-178) b.
light, 1907, - pp. 221-227) d,

RXID, !LIZABETH( JAJIBSOII)ROGERS (Jira• Auto line o'typ•, with introduction

REED, KRIIBSTH Riobard Reid), 1840-1902. by Frank Iennioott Reilly, Chi~ago~
b. b. Jl'ulton, It>., 8 Ap 1840, Book eupply oo., 1924,
d. d. , 8 Jl 1902. 268p,

R Reynold• - Riohardaon

Harold Bell Wright, a biography Chriotian unity--ita importance, July 26, 1909. n.p., n,d.
intimate and authoritative. .Chica• nature and baaia. (In Rowe, F. L., c6op. i~o. back cover.
go, Book aupply oo., 1916, ed. Our· Savior'• prayer for unity,
17p. front. (port.) 1918, pp. 179-184) Social 1olioitude and political
reform. (In Willett, H. L., ed.
Progreaa I Anniveraary ..-olwne of the
H L RICE; DeLONG,1872- Campbell institute, 1917, pp. 156-174)
"0ld limber", or the tale of the
Taylors, Nashville, XcQuiddy ptg. RICE, RAYE , 1888-
Christian unity, Division• among co., •1921. b. • Ia., 31 Ag 1888.
thoae who believe or claim to believe 88p. porta. d.
Christ divine.

(In Abilene Christian
college Bible lectures, 1940, pp. 166-
RICE, G 1f -1889.
Damoh doing•, aketchee of orphanage
d. , 9 Je 1889. life by DUtoh worker•. Cincinnati,
REYllOLDS,JOHNCLOPTON,1826-1906. F, C. X. S., n.d.

~- ...
b. Hart county, Ky., 15 D 1826. joint ed. with R~, J. F. ol7p. plates, port,.
d. llaoomb, Ill., 15 J' 1906.
Franklin, Benjamin. Biographical
The Moberly pulpit, a 000k of aer- sketch and writing•.
mona. St, Louie, Chriotian pub. oo., Taylor, L. E. Dhoiplu of
1881. in India.
l69p. RICE, J B , 1869-
The reaurrection. St. Louie, d. RICE, 1f J
Christian pub. co., 1879. b.
43p. The new man'• Bible. d.

Hietorical sketch of Abingdon col- • Building the church. Covington,

lege. (In Dickinson, E. J., ed. RICE, NATHANLE'lfIS, 1807-1877. Ind., Goepel miuionary.
Hietory of Eureka college, 1894, pp. (Preebyterian)
222-226) A dialogue between a Dunkard and a
Baptim1 the design, mode, and sub- Christian. Cc..-ington, Ind., Goepel
Revelation a development, ita tran- ject•. St. Louia, Keith and Woods, aiuionary.
aient and penmnent phasea. (In 1866.
The lliuouri Chrhtian leoturea, vol. 312p. The religioua problem; or, errora
6, 1892, pp. 166-169) An attack upon Baptiata and Diaci- of aeot&rianiam oontraotad with God'•
ple•1 Include• 11 ltittere to A. word. Covington, Ind., Goepel
CUtpbell. miuionary.
RHODES, PETER SWOBE,1839?-1924. 40p.
b. Rockingham county, Va., 1839T CUtpbellim--ita riae, progreoe,
d. Roanoke, Va., 1924. character and influence. Presbyter- The worahip. Covington, Ind.,
ian board of publication, n.d. n.d.
Scripture doctrines of church dia- 40p. 28p.
oipline. (In Tyler, J. z., ed.
The Diaciplea of Chriet in Virginia,
1879, pp. 37-47) RICE, PERRYJAMES, 1867- RICHARD,C A
b. Lafayette, 0,, 20 S 1867. b.

b. Lucas county, Ia., 27 llr 1869, Condition• in the Congo Free State. Rural church and rural lite.
d. Cincinnati, F. c. X. s •• n.d. Kanaaa Christian aiaaionary aociety,
16p. porta.
Cleansing the aanctuary. (In
Scott, L. 11'., ed. Texaa pulpit, 1888, History of the Firat Chriatian ohurcli RICHARD,J FRAISE,
pp. 310-:522) of Whittier, Cal11'0rnia, by Dr. Perry b.
J. Rice for the fiftieth anninraary of
the ohurch, October 28-llov-ber -l, 1946
RICI!, C IWILY, 1871-1906. n.p., n.d. .blbroae B. lloore. (In Patteraon,
b. Vermillion, o., 26 lly 1871. c46.p. illua., porta. B. c., ad. Our living nangelbta,
d. , 29 Ag 1906, 1894, pp. 220-22,)
The life and labora or Henry Corne-
Book or aermona, ced. by hie wire. liua Kendrick, a ainieter of the Chrie-
cChicago, Printed and publiehed b7 the tian goapel. .Loa Angele,, Calif., RICHARDS,GEORGE ll'ARRD, 1869-
Cheltenliam pre••• 1907. 19«. (ETangelic and refo~d church)
117p. 29p. port•.
llillleographe4. The appeal of the ainiatry, the
ll'hat I gan, up to accept the plea. Title from cover. Jennie Cutler Shumate leotureahip on
(In Lord, J. A., ed. FJ'OII d&rlmeas to the Christian ainiatry, llaroh B, 19-l2,
light, 1907, pp. 1:51-136) The progreu and achiefflllltnta 01 · .Lynchburg, Va., Lynchburg college,
a hundred yMr•. All addre•• delinred 1942.
before the Centennial convention of the 14p. (Fran Lynchburg college,
ccRICI!, CHJJU.lsdRUSSELL, 1S89- Diaciplea of Chriat in Pittaburg, Pa., ..-ol. 1..-, no. 7, March 19-l2'
b. October 18, 1909. n,p,, n.d,
RICHARDSOll, ROBERT,1808--1876.
rhe apirit or Chriat, Cinoinuati, The thing• that abide. I Corinthia~ b. Pitteburg, Penn., 26 S 1808.
F. L. Rowe, 1924. z1111 1:5. A aermon preached in the d. Bethany, 11'. Va., 22 0 1878.
216 clop. front., port, Portland Annue church ' of Chriat,
Xinneapoli•, Minn., Sunday-aorning,

Richardaoo - Rigdon R

COlll!lluningein the s&nctuary. RICHARDSON,

li' P about aee
Lexington, Transyl'Vllnia ptg, & pub. b,
oo. d, Cason, W, S. and other•. A
179p. 1ouvenir hiatory of the Christian
Mabel Clement reviewed, Austin, church at Cynthiana, Ky,
St. Louie, Christian pub. Tex. Tiers, II. C. The Christian por-
co . , 1888. l38p, trait gallery.

The history of the reformation. RICHARDSON, lrILLIAll FRANKLIN, 1852-1926 RIDDELL, LOUIS DUDLEY, 1869-
b, Columbus, Ill,, 30 Je 1852. b, Walton, Ky,, 3 Je 1869,
Jlemoira of Alexander Campbell, em- d ... Hollywood, Calif,, 26 My 1926,
bracing a view of the origin, progress
and principles of the religious refor- Christian science, not Christian Faithfulness; The Lord's day,
mation which ha advocated, Phila- and not science, Kansas City, Mo,, (In lleacham, E, J., comp, Training to
delphia, Lippincott, 1868-70, Author, 1898, tea ch, •1913, pp, 117-'.l.19; 112-114)
2 vol, front, (port,) 24p,
V, 1, 1868, 560p. Printed by the Union bank note 00.,
v, 2, 1870, •1869, 688p, Kansas city, RIDDLE, ALBERTGALLATIN,1816-1902,

--, c~plete, two volumes in one, Doctrine and polity of the Disciple•, The life, character and public ser-
Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1871, St, Louis, Christian board, vices of Jas, A. Garfield, Phila-
19-537, ll-688p. front, (port.) delphia, Wm, Flint; New York, F, S,
port. "The general convention of churches Bogue; cetc., etc.::11 •1880.
of Christi its purpose and promi1e", 427p, front., illus,, plates.
Cincinnati, R, 'Ir, Carroll the president'• address delivered at
& oo., 1872. the General convention, Dea Moines, I~ --.
Cleveland, 'Ir. W, Williama,
19-537, ll-688p, front, (port,) October 9, 1916. Printed by the
port. order or the oonvention, n.d. 574p. front, (port,) port,,
--. Cincinnati, Standard, 1913.
19-637, ll-688p. Parental evangelhm, St, Louis, RIDINGS, GRACEDUPREE (Mrs. Alfred L.
U, C. II, S,, cl928, Ridings) -1941.
The principles and objects of the Sp, b,
religioua reformation urged by A, d, Sharman, Tex,, 31 Ag 1941,
Campbell and others, briefly stated Prayer and the new life. St,
and explained, 2d ed, rev, and enl, Louis, Christian board, .1920. By the light of the Lone Star
Bethany, Printed and publiahed by A, 32p , (Devotional and doctrinal .poems, Dallas, Tex,, Kaleidograph
Campbell, 1853, aeriea) preaa, •1936,
--, 3d ed, rev, and enl, Cin- The upper room,
cinnati, Chase & Hall, 1877, pamphlet, The shawl or song .poem•• Dallas,
88p, Tex,, Kaleidograph pre11, •1934.
What oonatitutea a Rew Testament 116p.
St. Louia, Christian pub, church? St, Louis, U, C, M. S,,
00, cl925,
A view ot the office ot
the .Holy Spirit. Cincinnati, Chase, Experience• of a miniaterial student,
1875, •1872, (In Diokinaon, E, J,, ed. Hiator7 or
324p. Eureka college, 1894, pp, 257-263) Das leben und wirken von James A,
Garfield, dam 20ten prasidenten der
St. Louie, Christialt pub. A loat art, (In Jloore, w. T,, ed. Verrinigtern Staaten •• , Cincinnati,
oo., •1872. The new living pulpit or the Christian Jone• Bros,, 1881.
324p, church, 1918, pp. 231-240) 668p. front. (port,) illus.

General introductory diacourae, Organisation and ita adjuatment to The life and work of Jutes A, Gar-
(In Bethany collage. Introductory the present needa ot the ohuroh--a field, twentieth president ot the
addres1es, 1841, pp. 29-42) review. (In Oarriaon, J, H. Our
United States, embracing an account ot
firat congreaa, 1900, pp. 211-219) the scenes and incidents of hie boy-
History of the Disciples or Chriat. hood1 the struggles or hh youth1 the
(In Winebrenner, John, History of all about eee might of hia early nanhood1 hi• val-
the religious denomination•, 1849, pp, our as a 1oldier1 his career as a
223-236) 11:,ore, 'If, T, The new living pulpit stateaman1 his election to the preai-
ot the Chriatian church. dency1 and · the tragic 1tory or hi•
The words or this lire, skeleton death. Cincinnati, Jone• Broe.,
aermon, (In Cory, N, E,, ed, The 1882, •1881,
polymathiat, 1877, pp, 92-96) RICHESON, FORRESTL 813p. front, (pert,) plates, illus.
about Cincinnati, Philadelphia,
Jones bros, & co,,•1881,
Garrison, 'Ir, E, Robert Richardson. Chriet, the hop. or the world, 672p. · rront,, platea, ports., illus.
(In Dictionary ot Ame~ioan biography, (In Toward Calvary with Christ, 1942,
vol, 1~ 1~5, pp. 67~67~ pp. 10-12)
RIGDON , JONATHAN,1868-1933,
about aea b, Rigdon, Ind,, 22 D 1858.
RICKETTS, RICHARDC , 1807-1892. d.
Tiera, JI, c. The Christian por- b, Kt.eon county, Ky,, 14 F 1807.
trait gallery, d, llt.yaville, Ky,, 25 Ja 1892.

Rigdon - llo&ola

Art of speaking; a textbook for about RILEY, L R (Baptist)

colleges, nonnal schools and high
schools, and handbook for individual Infinitives; their uses and abusesi le Cnrist divided?
speakers, Danville, Ind,, Indiana a reply to Prof. Rigdon's disoussion 4p.
pub, oo,, 1932, of infinitives by J. D. Brant, Rock- Attack upon the church of Christ.
320p. illus. port, Ind,, J, D. Brant, 1902,
Art of speaking; a text book for RILEY, MILLARDL
high schools and handbook for indi- b.
vidual speakers. Danville, Ind,, RIGDON,SIDNEY, 1793-1B76, (Died
Indiana pub, oo,, 1932, Church of Christ, Mormon)
256p, b, Piny Fork, Penn,, 19 F 1793, Can I be aure of eternal life?
d, Friendship, N. Y,, 14 Jl 1876, (In Humbert, H, F,, ed, Religion ia
English grammar for beginners reality, •1942, pp. 64-57)
with language, Danville, Ind,, about
Indiana pub, oo., 1B96,
xxvi, 118p, Young, Kimball, Sidney Rigdon. oRIPPEY, GEXlRGE
{In Dictionary of American biography, b,
--. Ne,rYork, Hinda, Hayden V, 15, 1935, pp, 600-601) d.
& Eldredge, 1904,
about see Rev. John T. Phillips, (In Coan,
English grammar fbr the common A. W,, ed. Gospel sermon• by Chri1-
school. Danville, Ind., Indiana Folk, E. E, Mormonmonster. tian ministers, 1881, pp. 268-259)
pub. oo., 1B96,
vii, 296p,
ocRIGGS, G w RISK, JOHNCALIEN, 1830.1893,
--. N.,,. York, Hinds, Hayden b, b, LaGrange, Ky,, 14 0 1830,
& Eldredge, 1904, d, Canton, llo,, 5 N 1893,

The English sentence, N.,,. York, Sermon outlines, Austin, Tex., The EKKLESIA,or, the church,
Noble & Noble, 1925. Firm foundation, 1942? Canton, It,., Author, 1871,
299p. 36lp. 14p,

Gra-r essentials for the high The gospel; the oonmission, and
school. N.,,. York, Hinda, Hayden & RIJNHART, SUSIE (CARSON) {Mrs. Petrus conversion. Canton, llo., Canton
Eldredge, •1912, Rijnhart), 1868-1908, press job office, 1875,
202p. (Rigdon'• grannar and b. Western Ontario, 1B68, 2Bp.
language course) d. Chatham, Ontario, Canada, 7 F
1908. The name of the church end of ita
New York, Noble & Boble, members. Neosho, Mo., Little seek-
1926. With the Tibetans in tent and temple; er pub. co,
narrative or four vears residence on 7p.
of the English sentence. the Tibetan border: and or " journey
Danville, Ind,, Indiana pub. co,, 1903, into the far interior, Chicago,
x, 286p. Revell, 1901. RISLER, SOLONJAMES,
400p, front., plates, ports., folded b.
New York, Hinds, Hayden & map,
Eldredge, 1904,
--. Edinburgh, Oliphant, Ander- Conmittee or two, a one-aot play,
Infinitive• and partioiplea, con- son Ferrier,
& 1901, cindianapoli•, U, C, V. s ••
taining also a claaeification of een- 406p. front., plates, ports., folded 18p. (Form YP-164)
tences, outlines or all the parts of ·map. Mimeographed.
apeeoh, models and sentences for
parsing, and some new and interesting --, with an introduction by Charle•
exercises for examinations and reviews, T, Paul. N- York Revell •1901 xiRITCHIE, ANDY T
DanTille, Ind., Indiana pub, co,, 1896, 406p, front., plates, ports. ' b,
, 6th ed, Cincinnati, F. C,
Language and grammar for the grades, JI, s., •1901. Travels in Bible lands, giTing a
•- York, Noble & Noble, 1926. 406p. front,, plates, ports, brief aocount ;-ar a four month• trip
24lp. through the countries of the oaet,
about dwelling eepeoially on the interest•
llethoda in arithmetic, Nn York, or Egypt and Paleatine, ••• with an
Hinda, Hayden & Eldredge, "Sir William 16.tir 'll'J'Otea p&111phlet introduotion by F, W, Smith, Naeh-
about Susie Rijnhart'a With Tibetans ville, KoQuiddy ptg. co,, 1922.
Rigdon'• normal parser, containing in tent and temple.• 335p.
complete and abridged model• for all
the parta of speech, ruled blanks for about aee
'll'ritten parsing, and n811'sentences. ROACH,ARNOL
Danville, Ind,, Indiana pub, co., •1887, McLean, Archibald, Dr, Susie b.
cB,p. Careon Ri;jnhart.
Paul, C. T. Dr. Susie C. Rijnhart,
Outline of psychology, New York, Graphio hi1tory, oorrelated and
Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, illustrated h11tory--pen alcetohes--
RILEY, EDGARCARLISLE, 1883-1945, our oountry in pioture1,.. Chioago,
Outlines, infinitives, participles, b, Boone co,, Kentucky, 3 D 18B3, Dixon-Haneon oo., •1908,
Nn York, Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, d, Frankfort, Ky., 16 Ja 1946. n, p, illus, (Home study eerie•)

Science and religion, aa they look An interY1.ew with a Kentucky moun-

to a layman. Danville, Ind., Author, tain woman... n,p ·., n,d,
1928. l3p,
Roady - Robinson R

ccROADY,J C introduction see cc ROBINS

b. b.
Abilene Christian college Bible
lectures, 1933.
Plea of the church of Christ. Effective miiaionary work. (In
Sullivan, Ind., Author, 1938. Abilene Christian college Bible lec-
ROBERTS,CARROLL C , 1896- tures, 1922-1923, pp . 84-94)
What the ohuroh of Christ believes b. Chico, Calif., 10 S 1896.
and teaches, and why'/ Sullivan, Ind.
Author, 1938? ROBINSON,DANIELS0161ER, 1888-
32p. Christ the King. (In Toward b. North Salem, Ind., 19 0 1888.
Calvary with Christ, 1942, pp. 18-21)

ROBB, WINFREDEARL, 1889- The God of the liberal Christian;

b. Franklin, Neb,, 5 Ap 1989. ROBERTS,DANIEL, a study of aocial theology and the
b. nn theiem aa conflicting schools of
d. progresaiv~ religious thought. New
The price of our heritage1 in mem- York, Appleton, 1926.
.ory of the heroic dead of the 168 about oee xiii, 239p.
infantry. Des Moines, Ia., American
lithographing and ptg. co., 1919. Jameson, H•. L. Memorial addreas Illustrations of the methods of
c423,p. front., illus. on the life and character of Elder reasoning1 a aource book in logic and
Daniel Roberta, scientific method. New York, Apple-
ton, 1927,
ROBBINS, ROYMARVIN,1904- =1, 346p.
b. ooROBERTS,LUTHERG , 1903-
b. Henderson county, Tenn., 28 F An introduction to living philoso-
1903. phy1 a general introduction to con-
A bibliography of American periodi- temporary types and problems; N-
cals found in the libraries of Cleve- York, Crowell, •1932.
land and Oberlin, Ohio, to the year Citizenship in an establiahed king- xiv, 38lp,
1900. Cleveland, o., Graduate eohool dom; The need of organization. (In
of Western Reserve university, 1935. Abilene Christian college Bible leo- Poli ti cal ethics l 'an application
iii, 58p. turea, 1941, pp. 82-101; 1939, pp. 163- of ethical principles to political
Mimeographed. 171) relations. New York, Crowell,
Our landed heritage1 the public do- xviii, 288p ,
main, 1776-1936. Princeton, Prince- ROBERTS,PRICE,
ton university press, •1942. b. The principles of reasoning, an
x, 450p. illus. introduction to logio and scientifto
method, New York, Appleton, 1924.
Preemption, a frontier triumph. Love'• triaaph1 or, a victory over xviii, 390p.
cCedar Rapids, Ia., Torch press, 1931, religioue prejudice, a doctrinal play
pp. 331-349. in four ahort ac .ta. Cincinnati, --, · 2d ed, New York, Appleton.
Thesis, Ph.D., University of Standard, •1936. 1930.
Wisconsin, 1929, 32p. xviii, 393p.
"Reprinted from the lfiasissippi
valley historical review, vol. xviii, Studies for new converts. Cin- --, 2d ed, rev. New York,
no. 3, Dee. 1931." cinnati, Standard, •1939. Appleton, •1936.
108p. xviii, 393p.


b, Roberaonville, N. c., 28 F 1879. ROBERTS°,ROBERT, ( Chri stadel-
phian) Anthology of modern philosophy1
selections for beginners from the
Studies in the Revelation, mimeo- Dr. Thomas: his life and work. writings of the greatest philoaophers
graphed by Ethelyn MeVioker. (llorn 1805-died 1871) a biogr,,.phy illus- ' from 1500 to 19001 w1 th biographical
l9lp, trative of the proceu by which the aketches, analyse•, diagrams and ques-
system of truth revealed in the Bible tions for di10u1sion. N- York,
What Jesus taught; intersperaed has been recovered in modern times, 2d Crpwell, 1931.
with a brief word study, together with ed. condenaed and revi1ed by c. C, xiii, 836p.
the customs and tradition• of Hi• time, Walker. Birmingham, cEng •• The
Auetin, Tex., F.inn foundation, 1930. Chriatadelphian, 1926, Anthology of recent philosophyJ
15, 738p, xv, 264, lllp. front. (porta.) selected for beginner• fran the writ-
ings of the greatest 20th century
Th• oanonioity of the 10ripture•1 philoeopher•1 with biographical
The organisation of.,,the ohurch; .Hiator- ROBERTS,11' G aketches, analyaea, and question• tor
io evidences of Je1"11 Chriat1 Our b. diaouasion. N- York, Croorell,
heavenly 0itizen1hip1 The reward• of d, 1929,
Christian lifei Righteousness exalteth xi, 674p.
a nation1 What the kingdom of H..aven ili1
(In Abilene Chriatian
college Bible
1938, pp. 68-_681 1933, pp,
40 reaaona why I am not a Baptiat.
Christian belief in God, a Ger-n
30-441 1938, pp, 122-1391 1941, pp. 1~ ROBERTSON,JULIUS BARBEE,1896-
181 1943, pp. 191-2061 1942, pp, 121- b, Lawrenceburg, Ind., 19 Ag 1896, critioiam of Geran -terialiatio
140; 1940, pp, 1-17) philosophy, by George 'll'obbermin, tr.
from the 3d German ed. New Haven.
joint~ •ee Christ calls to the highest, (In Yale univeraity pre1s, 1918.
To-rd Calvary with Christ, 1942, pp. 176p. (Jamea 'll'ealey Cooper
Trice, A, N. Bible vs. mode\·niem. 13-16) memorial publication fund)

R Robinson - Roe

b, b, Auburn, Ga., 2 Ja 1866, b, near PikeTille, Tenn,, 15 llr
d, Sherman, Tex,, 18 Jl 1922,
Unsearchable riches, Portland, Achieving t he restoration ideal of
Ore,, Author, 1946, our fathers, Canton, llo,, Culv er- about see
62p, Stockton college, 1926,
cl5,p, (CulTer-Stookton quarterly, , Boles, H, L, Biographical
TOl, 1, no, 1) akatchea of gospel preachers,
b, Ori gin and nature of t he Bible,
p repared for course no s 0-c-a, Young ROE, CLIFFORDGRIFFIT!l, 1875-1934.
peoples conference curriculum ••• b,
Social adventure• with Jesua in Indianapoli's, U, C, II, S,, n,d, d.
national relations, (In Anderson, C 18,p,

0, T,, ed. Social adventures with Mimeographed. Business organization , Chicago,

Jesus, 1928, pp , 97-102) LaSalle extension university, 1919,
Syntax of the participle in the 32p.
apostolic fathers in the editio mi nor
ROBINSON,WILLIA)(, of Gebhardt-Harnack-Zahn, reprinted The girl who disappeared, Chi-
b, from Histo r ical and Lingueatio studies, cago, Saul bros, , 1914,
Chicago , Univeraity or Chioa go, 1913, 352p. front , , plate,
Christianity ia pacifi em, London, Theaia: Ph. D,, UniTerait y of The great war on white alaTery,
George Allen & Umrin, 1933, Chicago.
126p, Pander• and their white alaTes.
The undergraduate curriculum of New York, Revell, 1910.
Churches of Christ; their place in Biblioal · oouraea, their integration 224p.
the Christian world, Binningham, and teaching. Canton, 110,, Culver-
England, Berean preaa, n,d, Stockton college, 1928, The prodigal daughter: the white
folder, pp. 19-31, (Cuber-Stockton slave evil and the ranedy ; including
quarterly, vol. 4, no, 2) special articlee by B. S, Steadwell
The deity of Chriat, Birmingham, and others. Chicago, L. W, Walter _
England, Churches of Chriat bk, depot, I< oo., •1911,
1924, ROBISON, JOHN P , 1811- 448p, front,, plates, ports,
16p, (Small books ~n New Testa- b, Lyons, N, Y,, 22 Ja 1811,
ment Christianity) d. with WISEMAll, CLARATEAL,

The DeTil and God, London, Lut- about see The proaeoutor1 a four-act drama,
terworth press, 1946, •1914 .
120p. Tiera, II. C. The Christian por- 64p.
trait gallery,
--. Nashville, Abingdon-Cokea- with OTHERS.
bury, 1946, •1945,
J Horrors of the white slave tradeJ
'b, the mighty crusade to protect the
Esaaya on Christian unity. Eng- purity of our homes. New Tork?,
lan~, Jae, Clarke, 1922, •1911,
287p. Christ triumphant. (In Toward 448p. front., plates, ports,
CalTary with Christ, 1942, pp, 21-22)
Everyday chemistry, London,
Methuen, 1920, ROE, J R
b, d.
Holy ord i nanoea1 a manual of devo-
tion, Birmingham, England, Churches Nehuahtan1 a romance of Rane, rule
of Chriat bk, depot, 1926, Timely thought• for church bulletir and ruin, St. Louie, Christian pub,
34p, board,. Cincinnati, Standard, •1935, co,, 1894,
63p. 385p.
New Testament Chr1atianity,
Birmingham, England, Ber .. n praaa,
Religion and life, England, b , Dalton-in-Furneaa, Lancashire, b, Henry county, Ind., 26 Ap 1830,
Elliott Stock, 1925, England, 21 llr 1880. d, Buchanan, llich,, 3 D 1919,
126p, d.
Bible va, -terialiam, in whic~
The shattered cross, Birmingham, Our Sartor'• prayer for unity. the arrora and aophiama or modern
England, Beraan preu, ·_945, (In Ro,re, F. L,, ed, Our Sanor'• materialists are detected and fully
92p, prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 186-188) exposed, and the true teaching of the
Bible exhibited, Cincinnati, H, S,
llhat churches of Christ stand for1 Bosworth, 1869,
the origin, growth, and message of a RODGERS,ELSIE, 172p .
nineteenth century religious moTement, b. 0, B. Bentley & co., printers,
Birmingham, Churches of Christ publi-
cation oc111111ittee,1926, --. new ed., rev. and enl. St.
• ns,p. Children and the alcohol problem, Louie, Christian pub , oo,, •1886 •
St. Louia, Christian board, n,d, · l97p.
16p. (Bethany ohurch achool
ROBISON, GEORGIA. guide reprint no, 14) A aketch of the lif~, work, and
kindred of Wm, II, Roe, Buchanan, Mich.,
aae BEALE, GEORGIA(ROBISOB) 1830-1914, cwith a preface by Alanson
Roe - Rohold R

The kingdom of Christ; Terms o~ about about aee

Discipleship; skeleton aeniona, (In
Cory, N. I!:., ed. The polymathist, John Rogers. (In Brown, J, T., Boles, H. L. Biographical
1877, pp. 144-147; 453-455) ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 450- sketches of gospel preachers.
461) Cason, W. S. A souvenir history
of the Christian church of Cynthiana,
ccROGERS, BENJAMINFRANKLIN,1840-1916. about see Ky.
b. near Bloolllington, Ind., 31 Mr
1640. Tiera, M. C. The Christian por-
d. Rich Pond, Ky., 3 N 1915. trait gallery. ROGERS,VERE liUDSON,1895•
b, Hudson,' Wyo., 17 D 1895.
about aee
Boles, H, L. Biographical sketches b. The Disciples of Christ, a study
of gospel preachers. d. and discussion course produced in
cooperation with ·the Division of edu-
Industry and lemocracy, an address cation, U. C. M. s. St. Louia,
ROGERS,FREDERICKMORRIS, 1872- at the forty-aeventh annual commence- Christian b011.rd, •1936.
b. Marion county, Ill., 13 D 1672. ment day at University of Oklahoma, 36p.
Norman, Oklahoma, June 5, 1939.
19p. Springe of living -ter, auggeat-
Facing then- day in benevolences. iona for morning -tch 1939 .Diaciplea
(In Internatio .nal convention, 1934, pp. Chrietian . atewardahip; Labor rela- -of Christ young peoples oonferenoea,
80-86) tions from the vi~oint of management. l8p.
(In International convention, 1936, pp.
223-2331 1938, pp. 146-166) Five year program of religious
ROGERS,G B education in Missouri. (In Depart-
b. ment of religious education, lliaeouri
d. ROGERS,JOHN IRVIN, 1619-1696. edition, 1935, pp. 11-20)
b. near N- Antioch, o., 6 Ja 1819.
Unity ot Christiana. Author, d. neer ·Hutchinson, Kans., 28 S
•1889. 1896. ROGERS,WILLIAM, 1784-1862,
~- aee d.
b. Rogers, Samuel. Autobiography. Sketch of David Purviance. (In
d. Rogers, J . R. The Cane Ridge meeting
about see house, •1910, pp. 207-237)
The Cane Ridge meeting-house; to
which 1• appended the autobiography Rogers, W. F. John I. Rogers.
of B. W. Stone, and a •ketch ot David ROGERS,WILLIAMC , 1828-
Purviance by William Rogers. Cincin- b. Clinton county, O., 10 Je 1826.
nati, Standard, •1910. ROGERS,JOSEPH KIRTLEY, 1828-1882. d.
237p, . front., illus,, ports. b. Fayette county, Ky., 19 N 1828.
d. Columbia, Ii:>., 26 Ag 1862. Recollectiona of men of faith, con-
taining conversations with pioneers of
ROGERS,JOHN, 1800-1867. about aee the current reformation, alao nUDteroua
b. Clark county, Ky., 6 D 1800. incidents and anecdotea of these heroic
.d. Do-,er, Ky., 4 Ja 1867. Carr, O. A. Kea,rial of J. K. heralds of the cross. St. Louia,
Rogera and Christian college. Christian pub. co., 1889.
The biography of .Elder J. T. Johnson, 262p.
2d ad. Cincinnati, Published tor the Contents,
author, 1861. SAMUEL, 1789-18 77 •
ROGERS,__. Sketche1 of Alexander Campbell,
408p. front. (port.) b. Charlotte county, Va., 6 N 1769. Jacob Creath, jr., B. F. Hall, John
d. Cynthiana, Ky., 23 Je 1677. T. Johnson, Jamee E. Matthew•, John
Diecourae on dancing. Cincinnati, N-ton M.tlkey, Harriaon w. Osborne,
J. A. Jame a, 18461 Autobiography, ed. by hie aon, elder Aylette Raine, John Rogers, J. J.
24p. John I. Roger•. Cincinnati, Standard, Wyatt, and Duke Young. Aleo Geniua
1680. and spirit of our plea by J.B. Jonea.
Revi.- ot the "Report of T. V, Pres- viii, 208p.
bytery on the Validity · ot the bapti11111 Cover title, Toils and struggle• The kingdom of lleaeiah. (In
adainietered in the ·reronn or ;Campbell- or the olden times. Franklin, Benjamin. Biographical
ita body". Cincinnati, Voore, Wil- aketch and writings, 1880, pp. 130-143)
ataoh, Keya & oo., 1869. --, 3d ed. Cincinnati, Standard,
66p. 1881, •1880.
viii, 208p, ROGERS,WILLIAMFICKLEN, 1848-1934.
Reoolleotiona. (In Rogera, W. c. Cover title: Toils and atrugglea ot b. , 3 Jl 1846.
Reoollectiona of 111enot faith, 1889, the olden timea, d. , 18 Ag 1934.
pp. 138-208)
---. 4th ed. .with an appendix by David Purviance. (In Brown, J. T.,
--, reprinted from W, C, Roger•' John I. Fiaher, Cincinnati, Standard, ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp.
Reoollaotiona ot man or faith, 1889. •1909. 430-431)
(In Purviance, Levi. · The biography or xiii, 208p. front. (port.)
David Purviance, Brown, ed,, 1940, pp. John I. Roger•. (In Cason and
231-241) about others. A aouTenir history or the
Chri,tian church or Cynthiana, Ky.,
~- iaa Samuel Rogers. (In Brown, J. T., 1901, pp. 67-59)
ed. Churchea of Chriet, 1904, pp. 447.
Stone, B, lr, The biography of '49)
l!:lder Barton Warren Stone. ROHOLD,SABET! B

R 11Dho14• Rou

The·war and t he Jew, a bird's-e ye Ea·ater gift• and gratitude, an Eas- dence and copy reading, New York,
view of the world'• situation and the ter exercise, St, Louis, National Henry Holt and oo,, 1911.
J_,, place in it, i ntroduction by T, benevolent association of the Christian xii, 236p.
B. Kil patrick, Cincinnati, Standard, church, 1912,
•1917. 16p, music,
98p. front, ROSS, ELIZABETHELSIE (GREEN) (lira,
The pearly gates, for the Sunday Roy George Rosa)
school, Oskaloosa, Central bk. oon- b,
oROLLIHS, E B , 1793-1876, cern, 1876,
b, Andover, N, H., 1793,
d, Eas~ Braintree, Va, , l F 1876, Standard lesson book, Cinci nnati, Pers onal religious growth, (In
Standard, 1888, International oonvention, 1939, pp.
cPubliahed book on prophesies, 1857, 294-299)
Object lesson , skeleton sermon,
(In Cory , N, E,, ed, The polymathist,
b. T. Rosa, 1862-1926.

The stage histor y of the portrayal

~- b, , 16 F 1852.
d, Edwards, M:1.1a., 12 S 1926.
The beauty.
of Shakespeare's oharacter, Hamlet. Altar aonga. Cincinnati, Powell
Nashville, George Peabody college for The Chri stian hymnist. St, Louis, & ll'hite, •1925.
teachers, 1932, .1 . e. 1938, Christian pub , co,, 1895, 108p, front, (port.)
35p, illua, (Abstract of contri -
butions to eduoation, no, 205) Chri stian work songs. Cinoinnati, The golden room1 s0111echaracteria-
Thalia I Ph, D,. Geor ge Peabody col- Filhnore, , 1891, tic letters and quotations .with a
lege for teachers, 1932, 192p. foreword by Gustine Courson Weaver,
Cincinnati, Powell & ll'hite, •1927,
The fe1tival glee book, 151p, front. (port,)
ROSBORO,0 A , 1886-
b, Lawrence county, Ill,, 1886, Glad tidings. Cincinnati, Fill- A road of remembrance .with a
more. for-ord by Walt er M, ll'hite,
Cincinnati, Pc-11 & ll'hite, •1921.
The laynan and hil minister, (In Knight's templar melodies. 148p. front. (ports,)
International conven\ion, 1941, pp. 283-
289) The lightening muaio reader, about •••

The voice of joy. Cincinnati, Weaver, G, H, C, Our gueat.

ROSE, GALENLEE, 1894- • Filhnore, 1882,
b, North Yakima, ll'uh,, 9 Mr 1894, 160p.
Wide awake glee book. Cincinnati, b, Kendallville, Ind,, 28 Jl 1887,
Can we have a -cation achool thia Filllllor9,
4p. Zion'• battle cry. Cincinnati, Fetiahiam, what i1 it. indiana-
Fillmore. polia, C, 11', B. M.
ll'hy I be line in ti thing, Ind-
ianapolis, Unified promotion, n,d. aee Impoaaible takes a little longer,
c4,p. 1943.
Daugherty, Leonard. Crown of
The faitn of the ohurch in aalT&- beauty, Out of Afrioa. Jlew York, Friend-
tion. (In International oonvention Fillmore, J, H, The children' a 1hip presa, 1936.
1937, pp. 223-235) hallelujah, 217p.
Fillmore, J, H, Gema and j.,..,la,
Fillmore, J, H, Glory and praise. A oour1e on Africa tor adulto by
ROSE, ll)RTONL , 1861-1940. Patton, J. D. Patton's gospel T. H, P. Sailer, baaed priarily on
b, , Ia,, 7 11r 1861, hymna. Out of Afrioa by &nory Rosa~ x-
d. Santa Cru&, Calif,, 5 lly 1940. York, llia1ionary education movement,
Barne at worker. Jlorth Yakillla, ROSS, A F (Presbyterian) 45p.
The importance and utility of the Africa today ; What are ·we facing?
Malioe1 Peaoe, (In Meacham, E, atudy of the ancient clasaioa, (In (In International ·convention, 1934,
J,, oomp. 1Taining to teach, •1913, Bethany oollege, Introduotory addreaa- pp . 48-651 1941, pp. 30-41)
pp. 228-230; 194-196) ••, 1841, pp. 3-27)
introduction •••

D ROSS, CHARLESGRIFFITH, 1885- Davia, Jaokaon and other1.
b. b, Afrioa adT&noing.

The privilege• of citi&en1 of the The new• in the county paper. ROSS, JAMES, 1801•1877. (Baptiat)
kingdom. (In .Abilene Christian Columbia, llo,, Univer1ity of ll111ouri,
oollege Bible lectures, 1940, pp, 135- 1913. Life ana tilllea of Elder Reuben
152) 44p. illu1, (University of Roaa, with an introduction and notea
Kia1ouri bulletin, Journalism aeries, by J.M. Pendleton, Philadelphia,
vol, 1, no. 4) Printed by Grant, Fatrea & Roger•
ROSECRAllS,JAJl!S HOLMES,1845-1926. 18827 •
b. Bew York, The writing of the new11 a handbook 426p. front, (port .') port,
d. 18 F 1926, with ohapter1 on newspaper oorre1pon- Contenta inolude : Alexander Caap-
bell, pp. 369-3681 Diaaent fr011
Alexand8r Cuipbell, pp. 369-3771
End of the Nr-tion, pp. 171-•4.
Rosa - Rotherham R

cROSS, JOHJI, 1794-1879. ROSSER, PEARL introduction see

b. , 7 0 1794. b.
d. Charleston Four Corners, N. Y., Wickizer, W. M. The derelict
29 D 1879. saint.
Your child grows toward God. St.
On expediency and advantages of a Louie, Christian bee.rd, •1945. about see
Chriotian theological school. (In 22p.
Free1e, J. R., ed. A history and ad- Ferguson, Mrs. R.R. and others.
vocacy of the Christian church, 1852- We go into a muddle oonoerning dad.
liam Frederic Rothenburger)
1984-1942. ROTHERRAJJ,JOSEPHBRYAllT,1828-1910.
MAUD(PEARSON) (Jlrs. b. Buffalo, N. Y., 27 Mr 1884. b. New Buckingham, Norfolk, Eng-
Emory Warren Rosa) d. Indianapolis, Ind., 27 llr 1942. land, 1828.
b. d. Ja 1910.
Candlelights at duak. .Indiana-
polis, Author, •1939. The authority of the Bible.
Home and church working together 63p. Author, 1908.
toward the new world order. (In
InternationaJ oonvention, 1942, pp. If I were black. Indianapolis, U. Christian ministry a-fter the prim-
109-116) C. M. S., n.d. itive ideal. Cincinnati, Standard.
6p. folder. (Social action leaf-
lets) Christian ministry, with special
ROSS, ROYGEORGE,1898- Reprinted from the hbruary World reference to the ministry of the word.
b. Forrest, Ill., 26 Je 1898. call. London, H. R. Allenson and J. George
·Rotherham, n.d.
The world in whioh we live.' 109p.
The llemphia youth convention.
(In De.Groot, A. T., ed. The lle111phia Little sticks of dynamite; ·Report ori The Disciples or Churches of Christ.
youth convention, 1926, ·pp. 13-20) · the forum on "The life and witness of England, Author.
the church". (In International con- 14p.
Religioua education. (In Garriaon, v~ntion, 1941, pp. 189-1931 1939, pp.
W. E., ed. Faith of the tree, 1940, 300-302) The Greek article, in relation to
pp. 160-163) the Holy Spirit and his permanent
presence in the Christian church.
Relig:l:ou1 education among the Dis- ROTHENBURGER, WIU.IAMFREDERIC, 1874- London, Groton, 1859.
ciples during the last eight yearai b. Ro~gate, o., 6 llr 1874. 66p.
Religious education in a time of crisis.
(In International convention, 1936, Let v ~•ep the feast, being plain
pp. 123-1261 1942, pp. 117-127) The cross in symbol, spirit, and chapter ·• on the Lord I a a upper.
wor.ship. Boston, Stratford, •1930. Cincinnati, Standard, •1917.
220p. 82p.

Bo-r, w. C. The Disciple• and The development of missionary inter, Our sacred books, being plain chap-
_religious education. eat. Indianapolia and St. Louis, ters on the inspiration, tran111Diasion
Department of religious education, u. and translation of the Bible. Lon-
introduction see C. M. s. and Christian board, 1931. don, H. R. Allenson, 1903.
25p. (Local ohuroh aervice 62p.
LeD10n, c. E. The art of church association)
-nagement. R-iniaoenoea exte _nding OYer a
Ho~aehold evangelism. Indianapol period of more than seventy yeara,
is, U. C. M. s., n.d. 1829-1910; compiled and with addition-
ROSS, WIU.IAM FRAJII[, 1866-1901. 12p..,, al notes bt · hi1 son J. George Rother-
b. , 24 Ja 1866. ham. Cincinnati, Standard, cl923a
d. Ch8""aign, Ill., 23 Ja 1901. A new era of architecture among the ll6p. front. (port,) plates.
Disciples of Christ, an addreaa deli-
Hygiene obok book. Rantoul, Ill., vered ·in behalf of the work of church Should oreeas be mended or endedT
W. F. Rosa, 1897. erection before the International con- a scriptural &rg\lD.ent for one faith,
16p. vention of Disciples of Christ in free oonfesaiona, no creed. London,
Washington, D. c., October, 1930. H. R. Allenao~, 1904.
lledioal hygiene, or, cures tor all cl7,p. plans, illua. 30p.
diseases without drugs. St. Louia,
W. F. Rosa, 1896. llhy pension the 111inhtry'I A sermon Studiea in the Epistle to the
200p. that any preaoher might preach. lebrews, new ed. Cincinnati, Stan-
Indianapolis, Pension fund, n.d. lard, 1918.
llental healing; suggestion and c7~p. l88p.
magnetic healing. Champaign, ·Ill.,
W. F. Rosa, •1900. The integrity of the Disoiples ami~ Studies in the Paalma, an- trana-
48p. new frontiers, Report of the fraternal lation and a complete oo-ntary.
delegate to Great Britain. (In Cincinnati, Standard.
International oon~ntion, 1934, pp. 11- 6llp.
ROSSELL,HENRYELLSWORTH, 1$61-1943. 211 1936, pp. 93-98)
b. Morgan county, o., 9 Ap 1861. "He 1hall 11&ve hh people fr<a
d. Orting, Waah., 21 Kr 1943. h the Almrican home safe? (In their sine" J the kingdo• of Ood1
'l'he minister'• annual, vol. 5, 1933, akeleton sermons. (In Cory, R. B.,
ChurohH of Christ in Montana. pp. 214-217) ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 4041
(In Brawn, J. T., ed. Churches of p. 256)
Christ, 1904, pp. 261-263) With Christ in our modern world.
(In DeGroot, A. T., ed. The Jlemphia
youth oonnntion, 1926, pp. 88-94)
R Rotherhal!I - Rowe

Emphasized Bible; new translation

Duties and beauties of life, a

designed to set forth the exaot mean- book tor the home; •elected proae
ing, the proper terminology, and the !!!_. see and poetry, with maey original pro-
graphic style of the •acred originals; ductions and numerous illustration•.
arranged to show at a glance, narrative, Rotherham, J.B. Reminiscence a. Cinoinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1908.
speech, parallelism, and to distinguish · xvii, 339p. front., illus.
the several divine names; and emphas-
ized throughout after the idioms of ROULHAC,JOSEPHH • 1833- comp,
the Hebr"" and Greek tongues; with ex- b. Rutherford county, Tenn., 15 0
pository introduction, select refer- 1833. Our Savior's prayer for unity, a
ences and appendices of notes... Lon- d. symposillll\ on the aeventeenth chapter
con, Allenton, 1902. of John by repreaentative writer•, 2d.
2 vol. The Lord• a plan. Union City, Tenn. ed. Cinoinnati, F. L. Ro-, 1918.
--. Washington, Woodward and Churches of Christ in Tennessee. Contenta,
Lothrop, 1902. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of Chapters by w. H. Allen, M. M. Bell,
4 vol. Christ, 1904, pp. 281-286) Joshua Brown, W. J. Brown, J.E.
Cain, S. R. Cassius, J. A. Craig-
N- York, Revell, 1902, head, J. H. Curry, W. H. Devore,
4 vol. RO'IE, EDJl'A B Tioe Elkins, B. J. Elston, H. M.
b. Evans, _E. N. Glenn, Flavil Hall, W.
Cincinnati, · Standard, •1897, H. L. Hamilton, W. II'. Harkins, c. E.
Holt, I. c. Hoskins, T. S. Hutson,
4 vol. in one. Bible stories for little folk; pic- Lee Jaokaon, D. C. Janes, L. E.
tures by otto Stemler, with oopies fr011 Johnston, E. L. Jorgenson, T. H,
The emphasized N- Testament, a new the old maatera. Cincinnati, Stan- Kirkman, G, A. Klingman, J, A,
translation designed to set forth the dard, •1926. Klingman, J.M. KoCaleb, JI', C. llo-
exaot meaning, the proper te1'!1linology, 160p. illus. Dougle, Walter l(oJllrry, C. C.
and the graphic style of the aaored Merritt, C. D. lloore, I. C. lt>ore,
original; arranged to ahow at a glanoe Standard vacation Bible achool J.C. 1',sely, J. A. Perry, C, Petty,
narrative, speech, parallelism, and couraes. Cincinnati, Standard, 1927. J, T, Poe, G. M. Ranoe, W, L,· ReeYea,
emphasized throughout after the idi0111s 3 vol. C.R. Rice, B. G. Rockliff, F. L,
of the Greek tongue, with select refer- Rowe, T. Short, H. C. Shoulder•, J.
ences and an appendix of notes; thia with POSEY, J. S, F. Tomeon, G. W. Varner, J, J. Van-
version has been adjusted to the criti- houtin, L. s. White, and C, E.
cal text ("formed exclusively on docu- Promotion day programa. Cincin- Wooldridge.
mentary evidence") of Drs. Westcott and nati, Standard.
Hort. London, H. R. Allenson, 1897. Pioneer sennona and addresaea •••
272p. oomp. by F, L. Rowe assisted by M.A.
Thia work is the 3d ed. of the New ROWE,FRANKE Cchadwiok. 3d ed, Cincinnati, F.
Testament newly translated and cri- b. L. Rowe, 1925, •1908.
tically emphasized, 1872 and 1878. 295p.
Cincinnati, Standard, 1916. Hiatory of the High street
Chriat, 1839-1942, Akron, o.
church of Sermon& by William Baxter, Alexan-
der Campbell, Thoma, Campbell,
c43sp. porta., illus. Benjamin Franklin, A. W. Hall,
--. New York, Refill. Williaa Hayden, M. E, -Lard, J. M,
lfathes, Walter Scott, John Smith,
N- York, John Wiley. ooROll"E,FREDERICKLOUIS, 1866- and B. 11'. Stone.
b. _Akron, o•• 27 D 1866.
London, Allenson and Rother-
ham, 1913.
272p. Churoh government. Cinoinnati, ILIHOIWI, J. A.
Christian leader corporation.
The emphaai&ed old Teatament ••• The Bible in queationa and ana-ra,
Cincinnati, Standard, 1916. Letter• to an orphan, from a buai- compiled from the ala•• note,, text-
847p. nesa man to his stenographer. Cin- book•, co-entariea and other work• or
cinnati, Rowe, •1911. recognized authoritiea, Cincinnati,
3 'l'Ol,
Cincinnati, Standard, 1916. 22lp. Rowe, 1916,
Waxing worae and worae. Cincin-
The New Testament; newly translated nati, Christian leader oorporation. with OTHERS,
fr011 the text of Tregellea; and criti-
cally .,.phaaized, according to the The duty of parents to their ohil- Redenption' • -y in aong. Cin-
logical idiom of the original, with dren. (In 11.Jrfreeaboro addresses, cinnati, Christian leader.
introduction and ocoaaional notes. 1917, pp. 125-13-l)
London, Samuel Bagster and sons, 1872. introduotion aee
XT, D.p. The Bible must be taught to those
in regions beyond; The personal ele- Neal, R, B. Smithianit:,.
The N- Teatament1 newly tranalated ment; The religion for today. (In
(from the Greek text of Tregellea) and Abilene Christian oollege Bible le~
critically emphasized, with an introduo- turea, 1936, pp. 94-104; 1922-1923, ROif!, JOHlf FRAIIILIH, 1827-1897.
tion and oocaaional notes, 12th ed. reY. pp. 162-1691 1919, pp. 89-98) b, Oreenaburg, Pem., 23 llr 1827.
8th thousand, New York, Reflll, 1896, d. Akron, o., 29 D 1897.
c<l93sp. "Thou in me and I in Thee". (In
hi• Our SaYior•a prayer for unity, Analogiea between the old and th•
1918, pp. 230-237) n- iaatitution, a proof of the unity
and inspiration of the Bible.
Cincinnati, G. W, Rice, 1879.

llowe - Ruuell R

The Bible, it• own interpreter. --. 8th ed. Cincinnati, Rowe. drawn from tile rountain or inapiration
Cincinnati, Central bk. concern, 1879. 6l&p. and from authentic history, scriptural,
86p. logical, and oonaiatent, a 1'Qnderf'ul
-. 10th ed. reT. and enl. Cin- book or prophecy and fllltillment.
St. Louis, Christian pub. cinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1938, •1889. Cincinnati, John F, Rowe, 1896.
oo •• n.d. xii, 516p. s, 638p. t'l-ont. (port.)
The one body. St. Louie, Chris- The wonder• or th• reTelation or
The Bible TI1rau• infidelity. tian pub. co. Jeau1 Chriat; being an _expoaitory
Cincinnati, o. w. Rice, 1880. treatment or the oloeing book or the
102p. The .unity or the holy apirit. Bible, in whioh the h11tory or the
Cincinnati; Chioago, Central bk. oon- fulfillment or its prophecie1 and won-
Church gOTer-nt, 3d ed. Cin- cern, n.d. derful symbolical 1'oreoa1ts are det-
cinnati, Christian leader, 1895. 26p. (Chriatian traots no. 6) ini'tely, logically, and ooneiatently
46p. located and explained .with an intro-
St. Louie, Christian pub, ductory by J, s. Lamr, Cincinnati,
The Disciple• or Christ, a brier oo. Standard, •1901.
hhtory or their riae and progreu. si, 265p.
Cincinnati, Cha•• & Hall, 18781 UniTersaliD.
debate with RKXFORD,E, L, RUDEEN, E F
The Diaoiplea or Chriat, brief (UniTilraalht)
hiatory or their riae and progre••1 Lincoln a Chriatian though not a
wherein 1a ahown the difference be- Ia UniTeraal18111 trueT or, Un1Teraal- "C•pbellite." Loa Angeles. ca11r ••
tween a rero,._tion ·or ••ot•
and a i11111
Teraua Christ. A public disouaaion, 1923.
complete reatoration or apoatolio prerlously publiahed in the Akron Sun-
Christianity; and aho a connected day Gazette. Akron, O,, Printed by
Tiff Of the TariOU8 refo,._tiona
the laat thrH hundred year•.
St • .
the Beacon pub, co., 1879.
.,.p. Loa Angele•, Calir •• n.d.

Louis, Christian pub. oo., 1888.

6lp. St. Louie, Christian pub
co. RUDOLPH,JOSEPH, 1841-1934.
Doubting Thomae aeeking the -y or b. O.rrett1Tille, o•• 13 S 1841.
aalT&tion, all honeat doubts reOTed. !!· with RICE, 0, 11'. see d. Shaker Heights, o., 29 Je 1934.
Cinoinnati, John F. Rowe, 1893.
62p. Franklin, Benjamin. Biographioal Early life and oiTil war remini•-
aketoh and writings, cenoea or Captain Joaeph Rudolph .with
h:podtion or the new birth. a 1'oreword by Jamee Rudolph O.rfieldo
St. Louie, Chriatian pub. co. about aee cHiram, O,,• Hiram historical aooiety.
Fundamental prinoiplea or the goa- Boie1, H, L. Biognphioal 36p. (Pickups from the ".u.rioan
pel. Cinoinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1918. •ketch•• or goapel preacher•. 11'!'-Y",aeries 11. no. 1)
160p. Green, F, K, The lite and timea
Reprinted t'l-oa the Aaerioan Chria- or John Franklin Rowe.
tian ReTiew, 1884. · RUDY,JACOBIIARVIll, 1866-1930.
b. near ll'estminister, o., 1866 •
The goapel in prophecy and tultill- ROll'ELL, J .d. Ada• O., 6 lly 1930.
Mat. b,
Our nation'• peril. Chicago. L.
The goapel
in type and antitype1 11'. Walter, 1918.
alao in propheoy and tultill•nt, 3d lly ••ories. (In Dickinaon. E. J •• 288p. ~rent •• illus •• platea, porta.
ed. . Cinobmati, 1892. ed. Hiato17 or :aireka college, 1894.
102p. , pp. j87-289) ·
"Thi~ tnot roraerly appeared under oRUSH,HENRY
the title "Analogi•• betwMn the b.
014 and the nff inatitutioa." ROWLISOR,JOIIJIPAUL, 1886-1929. d.
b. , Ind., 1888.
Hiatory Of refo.--tory a0T-nta, d. Higginarllle, 110•• 16 Ag 1929. Lite and writings or Henry Y. Ru1h
reaulting in a reatoration or the written and edited by~. P. Vaughan;
apoatolio church, with a hhtory or Biognphy or J. W. Lanham. (In with introduotiona and tributH t'l-oa
the nineteen general ohuroh oounoil•. Lanham. J . 11'. fllrilling th-•• in t'l-iends. Dayton. o•• Chriatian pub.
Cincinnati, o. W. Rio•, 1884. theology, pp. T11-m1) aeaocia~ion, 1911.
34Bp. 297p. front., plates. porta.
CoTer title, The apoatolio ohuroh
reatored. RUBELT, A
- lihtory ot retlirinatory monaeata d. b.
reaulting ia a reatontion or the d.
apoatolio church; to which · h appended D1Tea and Laaaru•. akeleton aermon.
a hiatory or the nineteen genenl (In Cory, I. E., ed. The polymathht. llaterialiam againat itselt1 or a
church coanoila, alao a hiatory or 1877. pp. 238-240) aerie• or twenty-els apeeohea in an
all innOfltiona, t'l-oa the third oea- ~ral diacu1sion with J. K. Stephenson.
tury down, . reT. and enJ. Cincinnati, held at Old Union. Jiu-ion oo., Indiana,
John,. a-, 1890, •1889. RUBLE, WILLUK between Sept•b•r 26 and October 2.
s11, 615p. front, (port.) b. A. D. 1886. "1th other eaaay,.
.d. Indianapolia, Author and A. Wallcer•
--. 2d ed. reT. and enl. C1n- 1867• •1866.
e1anat1, John r. Rowe, 1890, •1889. Letter• to the literal children or 1T. "48p.
di, &16p•. troat. (port.) Abraham, to the gen11¼1••• and to the .
apiri tual children or Abraham. with
letter• or warning to all the world.

Ruuell - Ryland

cRUSSELL,PHILEllOHR into · fifty-two lesson s . Lexington, Pushing the world along1 a eerie•
b. Preas of Truth pub . co., 1928. of aer1110na. Cincinnati, Standard ,
d. .186p. front., illua. •1916.
Letter• to a uniTeraaliat. »--
buryport, . Jiau., D. P. Pike & co., RUSSELL,ll'ILLIAll J , 1859-1907.
1848. b. CaenoTia, llich., 28 Ja 1869. ocRUTLEDGE,LORETA(CESSNA) (Vra. Lloyd
d. Frankfort, Ind., 17 Ja 1907. H. Rutledge), 1899-
The mieaion of Christ. Exeter, b.
H. H., Christian herald office, 1842. ll'hat 1• your life? or aims and a ids
to success and happlnesa. St. Louie,
The primary scriptural manual, Christian pub. co . , 1900. with OTHERS
deaigned to illustrate the character 516p.
of God and the nature or hia aoral The church; children, by Vra.
goTermnent, ae adminiatered by hi• aon ll'omen'• indebtednee• to Chriat, an Lloyd N. Rutledge, Orlena Drennan, and
Jeeua Christ. 1844. address deliTered before the c. 11'. B. Day;y Drennan. Austin, Tex., Firm
60p? v. aesaion of the State ooDTention or foundation, •1936.
ll'eatern Penneyl-n.nia, Hew Castle, May 142p. (Training for aer,rice
Scriptural manual. 1844. 3.-6, 1904. eeriea)
2 T 0 40p.
The woridera of the sky, or, God'• RYAJI,IIATTHUS BISHOP, 1866-
RUSSELL,ll'ALTERsco,.-r, glory exhibited in the h-Tene .with an b.
b. introduction by J. H. Garriaon, St. d.
d. Louie, Christian pub. co., •1898.
82p. front. (port . ) The church of Chriat. Indiana-
Two discourses on the father, eon polis, U. C. V. S., cl929,
and Holy spirit, deliTered before the The world'• wonderful book. (In 8p.
Christian congregation at JacksoDTille, Sweeney, z. T., ed. H- Testament
Ill. JacksonTille, Ill., Young Christianity, 1926. TDl. 2, pp. 340-385 ) N- Teetament name•, a study of
America book and job office print, -n.riou• acrlptural appellation• ueed
1869. to deaignate the followers of Chriet.
38p. RUTLEDGE,GEORGE PERRY, 1869- Cinoinnatl, Standard, •1917.
b. Blacksburg, Va., 16 ~ 1869. 209p.
RUSSELL,ll'ARD, 1873-
b. Bnnia, Tex., 13 Ap 1873. Center-ehota at Rome1 a aeries of RYAN,WILLIAV DUIICAJI,
lecture• on Catholici•m, atenograph- b.
ically reported. Cincinnati, Stan-
Church life in the Blue graaa, 1783- dard, •1914.
1933, a ••orial TOlume deaigned to 229p. front. (port.) Imperial aerTice. (In Meacham,
perpetuate the namea, deede, and faces E. J., comp. Training to teach, •1913, ·
or the spiritual eapire builder• of Miracle of the agea. Cincinnati, pp. 66-67)
central ~entucltyJ a special limited Standard, •1926.
edition, eeriall7 numbered and auto- 214p.
graphed. Lexington, Author, 1933. RYLARD,
224p. illua. The pledge in aermona, eix eermon• b.
on the Christian endeaTOr pledge, d.
Th• pentecoet edition of the man or preached in the Free lit.eon-Street
Galilee, or the life and teaching• of church of Christ, Borfolk, Va. Baptin for the raieeion of aine1
Jeaua arranged for ooDTenience or atudy Richmond, Va., Hill ptg. co., 1896. examined in a diacouree. 1836?
143p. front. (port.)

Sadler - Sander• s

ELLIS, 1896- • Anniatioe Sund&:,-ae .....ioe fer Bo-.-
b, , 6 ~ 1896. ber, 1939. Indianapolis, U. c. II. S.,
b. .1939.
d. Rome, lliaa., 6 Jl 1926, 3p.
Chriatian education in the looal . llimeographed.
ohuroh, part one, The -ning and ilD- Excuaea fer a.ct doing aieaicmry
portance of Chriatian education. work. Indianapolia, C. W. B. II.,
Indianapolia and St, Louia, Department n,d. SANDERS, A
of religious eduoati-on, U, C, II. S, 6p, tolder. b.
and Christian board, •1930.
59p. (Local church ee...,.ioe Indianapolis, C. W, B, II,,
auociation) n.d. Reatoration. Cincinnati, 1916,
pp. 13-16, 36p.
Christian worship. Indianapolis, Bound with, lloCord, Jira. J.B.
and St, Louie, Department of religioua llhy our miaaionar,- aooiet,- did not
education, o. C, II. s. and Christian disband, SABDERS,BLEUFORD BRADFORD, 1840-1906,
board, •1930, . b. near Carrolton, Ala,, 19 S 1840.
43p. (Local church · ee...,.ice d, 14 S 1906.
anociation) ST. CLAIR, VIRGIL II , 1841-1898,
b, Bedferd count,-, Va,, · 10 S 1841. .A miaaionary dialogue in the tol'lll
The church of tomorrow. Indiana~ d, . 9 B 1898, of a 8 page folder.
poli• and St. Louia, Department of
religioua education, U. C. II, s. and about Churohea of Christ in Texae.
Christian board, n,d. (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churchea ot
16p, (Local ohuroh ae...,.ioe Soott, P. V. Virgil II. St, Clair. Chriet, 1904, pp. 286-287)
auooiation) (In West, J. W., ed. · sketohea ot our
mountain pioneer•, 1939, p. 51) The oonTeraion of Corneliua. (In
General factora upon which effectiTe Patterson, H, c., ed; Our liTing eT&n-
Chriatian education in the local church geliats , 1894, pp. 234-249)
depend•, part two. Indianapolia and SALA, JOHBROBERT,1906- •
St. Louie, Department of religioua edu- b. Blyria, o., 30 J.p 1906. From darlmeae to light. (In
cation, . u. C, II. s. and Christian board, Lord, J. A,, ed, From darkn••• to
•1950, light, 1907, pp. 1-17)
45p. (Local church ae...,.ice Preaching in the Anglo-Saxon church
anociatioa) Chicago, Ill., 1934, about •••
80-118, 126-14.pp.
Increaaing the regular Sunday achool Part ot theaia, Ph, D., Uninrait,- Patteraon, H. c. Our liTing
attendance. .Indianapolis. 0, c. II. ot Chicago, 1934, e-,angeliata,
S., n.d. "PriT&te edition diatributed b:,- the
18p. UniTerait,- of Chicago librari••.'
llalcing the looal church effeotiTe, CARPEBTER,W.W. b,
apeoial eaphaeia of the Depar1-nt ot
religioua education for 1950-51 and Junior oollegea in lliaaouri,
1931-32. indianapolia, U. C. II. s., llimeographed; Christianity- in the ho-. (In
· .193(). Abilene Chrietian college Bible leo-
8p. folder. turea, 1942, pp. 102-120)
Standard leaderahip training manual. P. Sala)
St. Louie, Christian board, 1950, BABDERS,G P'RA!II:, 1886-1942,
Up. b, lllrrayaTille, Ill . ,- 1886,
d. Shawnee, Okla., 29 Ag 1942.
The illportanoe ot religioua educa- m~ionary education on a ohuroh-
tion in the building ot the churoh1 In wide aoale. Indianapolia and st. The garden ot prayer.
a troubled da:,-1 what ahall the minia- Louia, Departi.nt ot religioua educ,._
tera preaohT (In International coD- tion, U. C, II. a. and Christian board,
TeDtion, 1957, pp. 96-1041 1942, pp. •19l51. SAJIDERS,GRACEBOTBL!R,
178-182) 56p. (Local ohuroh H...,.ioe b,
Whoae attair 1a itT (In Dawaoa.,
r. r., ed. The Chriatian work, introduction ••• A circle girl•' ae...,.ioe. Ind-
19'1, T, 5 1 pp, 29-3') ianapolia, c. W, B, II,, 1911.
WeaTer, ·O. B. C. "Towed in." l8p.


b, Paalioo oount,-, •. c., 2 J.p 11194, SJ.LLD, JCIIII IIILTO•, 184'- .(BaptiatJooSABDERS, J p
d, Stanton, Va., 11 a 193•. b.
Mabel Cl-nt. l"ultQn, ly., Ration,
!he paaaion and ·pC'Werot Pepteooat. al Baptiat pub. houae, •1903,
lndiampolia, u. c. 11.·s., n.d. 282p ~ tront. {port.) "Searoh the aoripture••.,.tour
.1.p. Anti-C•pbellia DDTel. hundred aad titt,- queationa on the
book ot J.ota... linaton, •. c.,
!he b'uit ot the apirit.
Thornton, I. W., ed. Lord'• da:,-.wor-
(In --. BeeTille, Tex., 1926, Carolina iMtitute
and Bible aainary,

ehip •• .....i•••• •1930, pp. 14$-1.8) 16p. ·

s.u..:>•, DOIIALDK
!he •11::,-lineot hiatory. (In Cory, b. !he toimdation ot Chriatian hope.
J.. 1., ed. Voio•• ot the aanottiary, (In Abilene Chrietian oolleg• Bible
1930, pp. 212-227) leoturea, 19~, pp. 17-~•)

s Sander• - Sal"Ti•

The iaplioation• of Chrietian

What kind of Chriat h the hope
of the
~- SARVIS, A)(Y JEAN (ROBISOll) (lfr•.
Hubert C. Sarvie)
world1 llhy JHu• ie the hope of the Devotional aonge, ·a eplendid com- b.
world. (In Abilene Christian college pila tion, printed in shaped notes only.
Bible lecture•, 1943, pp. 56-75; 1-161 llashville, Gospel advocate, •1932.
35-66) 89 eonge. introduction •ee
PULLIAS, C. M. Erekine, W. H. In memoriam, Hu-
ooSAllDERS,JOEL PILANT, 1906- • bert C• Sarvh.
b. Fort Worth, Tex., 23 Jl 1906. Christian hymn• tor every purpose
in wor•hip, .with. N. B. Hardeman, E.
H. Ijama, and J.C. Cox, associate SARVIS, DAVID
with SQUIRE, R. ll. editore... Nashville, Goepel advo- b.
cate, •1935.
Church lllleio. Lo• Angele•, Calif., • 400 eongs.
Vermont avenue ohuroh of Chri•t, n.~. ~- aee
ct8.p. inc. oovera.
WALTER Barton, Luoy. Costuming the
b. Biblical play.
ooSAJIDERS,LIFF d. Barton, Luoy. Historic costume
b. ror the stage.
with OTHERS.
The tallily, etate, and ohuroh. A etatement ot fact• in oonneotion ilARVIS, GUY WALTER,
(In . Abilene Christian college Bible with the history of the church ot b.
lecture•, 1920-21, pp. 198-207) Chriet in the oity ot Detroit. 1868 0

Living religion•, a panel disoua-

SANDIFER, DURWARD sion. Indianapolis, u. C. M. S.,
.b. b. n.d.

!!• Evidence , before international tri- A perapeotive ot missions. (In

bunal•. Chicago, Foundation pr•••, Garrison, 11'. E., ed. Faith ot the
Centeimial anniver•ary, Gor.don 1939. tree, 1940, pp. 21:S-223)
atreet · church of- Christ, Kin•toil, xii, 443p.
Borth Carolina, 1843-19,~. -
29p. ports., illua. SARVIS, HUBERTC , 1883-1931.
SANSBURY, MARVIN ORVILLE,1891- b. Emington, Ill., 13 S 1883.
b. ll:lberly, ll:l., BF 1891. d. Tomio, NaraKen, Japan, 30 S
SABDERSO!I,EUGEBECLARE)l)llT,1859-1940. 1931.
b. Fayette county, o., 24 lfr 1869.
d. Loa Angelea, Calif., 1940. I believe in the church. (In about eee
Beach, E. C. Great Chrietian oonvio-
Bible and hietory •tudiH, outHnea, tiona, pp. 29-32) Erskine, W. H. In memoriam,
paper•, and leotuNaJ with an introduc- Hubert C. Sarvis.
tion . by r. · ll. MoCaah. Eugene, Ore.,
Church •ohool pub. oo., 1912. SARGElfT,LeROYF
l70p. front. (port.) b. SARVIS, MAUDETAYLOR (Mre .• Guy 11'.
Our Bllglhh Bible. Eugene, Ore., b.
Church eohool pub. oo., 1912. lew looee leaf tllneral library.
39p. front. (port.) Wellington, Kana., Author, 1939?
Chriatmaa eve and the bu• h . late;
introduction ... Soul-winning Hrmone. Wellington,
Kane., Author, 19:597 The day of March, a one-act play.
ten..,., J. R. lew Teata..nt Indianapoli•, u. c. M. s., u.d.
evangelhm. .12.p.
b. Lhten. America! A pageant on the
eoSAllDERSOll,LLOYD0 0.rotherhoOCl theme to~ ~945-~A "with
b. Chri•t we build anew.• .Indiana-
Epietlee from Reaiatencia, the poli•, u. C. M. 8., 19450
story of the opening of a new minion l4p. inc. front cover.
The lllll•io que•tione1 Reetoration etation in northern Argentina, awith a
prilloiple•. (In The Tulea lecture•, foreword by J. D• .Ji>ntgomery. .Ind- Operation at one. New York,
1938, pp. 150-1611 13~139) ianapolie, u. c. M. s., 19450 Student volunteer move•nt, 1936.
19p. inc. front cover. ~4p.
introduction , He
The word tor Chrbtmas, a Chrht-
WilliUl8, A. C. Ready aa ... re to SARTill, BASIL DUD, 1893- - .a play in one act. IndianapoU•,
religioue error•. b. Tompkineville, Ky., 16 Ap 1893.• u. C. M. s., n.d.
joint~ •ee
Pone. .Wioqita , Falle, Tex., BatH of llaillr:ing, II. Searle Bate•,
Douthitt, C. B. Topical Bible llutin ptg. and atationery co;. •1924. (In Brcm.n, II. H., ed. Annering dh-
etudie•. 90p. port. tant eall•, 1942, pp. ll:S-119)

S.uoders - Scott s
ERS, ALVIN, 1817-1899 . SCHA , J
ARD, 1834-19 23,
b . Dear Flemin gsburg, Ky ., 12 Jl b, b, near Lebanon, Tenn., 3 Ja 1834.
1817, d. , 6 Jl 1923 .
d, CMnaha,Neb,, l N 1899,
Behold, he cometh , Oakland, Calif , The church eldership.. . Nash-
about Author, 1921? ville, McQuiddy pt g . co. , 1902,
l4 7p. 6lp.
Lundee n, E.W. Alvin Saunders.
(I n Dicti onary of American biography, Wisdom, (In Srygley, F, D,
vol. 16, 1935, pp, 380-381) ooSCHUG,HOWARD
, Biographie s and sermons, 1898, pp , 226-
b, 236)

R, R H introduction aee
b, Latia sources of . Berceo's Saorificio
de la misa, Nashville, Geor~e Pea- Herndon, E. W, The foundation
body colle ge for teachers, 1936, of Chri stian hope.
Bible religion; or, the church of xi, 112p , f ront, (Contribu .tion to
the sc ri pture • .
Cincinnati , Standard, education,
no, 171)
Ph, D., George Peabody col- ~-
lllp, lege for teachers, 1933, Franklin college and ita influence.
Naahville, MoQuiddy ptg . co , , 1906,
Livery of heaven, Boaton, C. M, The religious Southeast , (In 454p, front,, ports,
Clark, 1910, Abilene Christian college Bible leo-
422p. tures, 1937, pp, 114-116) about aee

w1th :MORRIS,DONH Boles, H, L, Biographical

SAXON,EiltfARD, aketchea of gospel preachers ,
b, The harveat fieldJ an account of Srygley, F. D. Biographies and
evangelistic work of churches of sermons.
Christ throughout the world, Abilene
Seekers after truth, Tex,, 1946?
Through valley and shadow. Cyn- b, Carthage, Ill, , 26 D 1853,
thiana, Ky., Hobson press, 1943, introduction see
Abilene Christian college Bible Altar stairs .with, illus. by E,
lecturea, 1937. Bert Smith. Chicago, Christian
SAYRES,WILLIAMCHRISTOPHER,1861-1937. century co,, 1903,
b, 320p, front,, plates,
d, Cincinnati, 0,, 23 F 1937, SCHOOHIIAKER,EDil'IN DAVIES, 1873-1940,
b, Scranton, Pa., l F 1873. A subtle adveraaryJ a tale of
Practical grammar baaed upoo text d, , 4 My 1940, Callitao count y, first thousand,
of Longfellow'• Evangelioe and selec- .Carthage, Ill , , Author, 1891,
tions from Prescott'• Conquest of The Americana, New York, Mitchell 640p.
Mexico . Beaton, Lothrop, 1903. ltennerley, 1913. Printed and bound by the Standard
vii, 36lp, 304p. pub, co., Cincinnati, 0,

The temple smith; illus,

by C, L.
Cincinnat i , Seminary press,
Democracy and world dominion,
New York, R.R. Smith, 1939,
1935 . 33lp. History of Hancock county, (In
73p , front. (port,) illus. Historical enoyolopedia of Illinoia
Our genial enemy, France. New and History of Hancock county, 1921,
The writing of poetry and uleoted York,..R, R, Smith, 1932. vol. 2)
poems, Indianapolis, Indianapolia xii, 238p,
pub. co,, •1928.
43p. (Lyric threaholda, seriea l) The Saxons J a drama of Christianity SCOFIELD, EUGENEB , 1858-1932.
in the North, Chicago, Hammersmark b, Connersville, Ind,, 12 Ag 1858.
pub, co., 1906, d, 16 N 1932,
, THOMAS HENRY,1879-1944, 2l4p,
b, Newatead, Victoria, Australia, A directory of the Christian
1879. The world storm and beyood, New church e s of Indiana. 1896.
d, Glen Iris, Victoria, Australia, York, Century, 1915,
:si. 0 1944, 294p. Churches of Christ in Indiana,
(In Brown, J. T, , _ed, Churches of
The art of sermon ooostruction, Christ, 1904, pp, 217-220)
Melbouroe, Australia, Austral ptg, & SCHROLL, ELEANORALLEN,
pub , oo,, 1944, Henry Ruaaell Pritchard. (In
l42p, Why Santa Claus oomes in December, Brown, J, T,, ed. Churches or Christ,
a Christmaa play for ten girl• and five 1904, pp. 438-440)
8abbath1 or, the Lord'• day, boys, agea from 10 ·to 16 years,
llelbouroe, Auatralia, Auatral ptg, & Ciocinnati, Pillmore music house, •1909,
pub. co., n.d. l6p. SCOTT, BLAIR THAW, -1932.
40p. . b,
d, New York, N, Y,, 22 N 1932,
SCHAFER,JOSEPH, 1867-1941, b, Available truth, Baltimore,
d, _Fleet-VcGiiiley co,, 1930,
Prince Lu.oien Campbell, Eugene, 28p .
Ore., Uoiv ~rsity presa, 1926, Repentance.
216p . -front, (port,) porta., platea. 42p.

s Scott - Scott

Faith of our fathers, a reaffirma- A brief sketch of Alexander Camp- SCOTT, LOUISE ALLEN,
tion of our plea, an address, Sunrise bell with quotations from hie writings. b.
pra yer meeting, International conven- St. Louis, John Burns, n,d.
tion, Disciples of Christ, Columbu1, 66p.
Ohio, April 22, 1928. .Baltimore, Thy laws I a plea for the promotion
Md., Author, 1928, of Christian unity, San Antonio,
l5p. illus., port. SCOTT, LAWRENCEWINFIELD, 1846-1910. Tex., Naylor, 1933;
b. Morgantown, W. Va., 29 My 1846~ 24lp,
God and man, a treatise, limited ed. d. , 5 My 1910.
Baltimore, lid., Printed by Fleet-
lloGinley, •1929. The devil, hie origin and overthrow. SCOTT, MA.Yl!E
L , (JACISOR) (Mrs,
66p . llorgantown, W, v~., Acme pub, co,, 1901. Wilford Hall Scott)
--. Baltimore, Vd., Printed by --, 2d ed. Morgantown, W, Va,,
Fleet-McGinley, •1929. Acme pub, co,, 1902,
145p. comp,
The great criaia in the life of
God and mn. New York, Revell, Christi His trial• and crucifixion, "Come ye apart," a year of mi1aion-
•1930. Cincinnati, F. L, Ro"", 1909, •1908, ary devotion, for the individual .with
15lp. 236p , front, (port,) map, a foreword by Alma Evelyn lloore,
Indianapolis, U, C, M, S,, 1929,
A handbook of Christian evidence, l9lp,
SCOTT, DAVIDJ.!ITCHELL, 1866-1933. St, Louis, John Burns, 1880,
b. Washington county, Va., 2 D 314p.
1866. SCOTT, OREON EARLE, 1871-
d. 24 D 1933. Handbook of Christian evidence, or b , McClellandtown, Penn,, 11 N
facta against infidelity, rev, ed. 1871,
about see St, Louis, Burne, 1884, •1880, •1884,
35lp. ~
West, J. W. Sketches of our The National city Christian church,
mountain pioneer,. --.
Cincinnati, F, L. Rowe, an enduring witness,
crowded -y• of life",
"where c ross the
Address at
360p, the 1941 International convention, ••
SCOTT, DELAWAREWALTER,1870-1930. Washington, D, C,, ,National city
b. , Va., 1870. The mooted question, and other rhyme1 Christian church, 1941,
d. Tampa, Fla., 17 My 1930. St. Louis, John Burne, 1880. c8,p, _ illua,, port,
94p. front., illua,
Acta at the point of a que1ti0n1 a Waye of working. St, Louis,
six month•' course for adult and young The paradox and other poema, Christian pub, co,, 1898,
people'• claa1e1. Cincinnati, Stan- Chicago, Donahue, 1893. 38p,
dard, 1923. 13lp, front, (port,) illu1,
52p, ports. Living epi1tlea, (In Dawson, F,
The world to come, (In his Texas F,, ed, The Christian man at work,
Christianity and the Jn, an appeal pulpit, 1888, pp. 361-372) 1940, V, 2, pp, 21-25)
to the church of Christ to preach the
gospel to the Jew, with a foreword by
F. M. Thomas.
Cincinnati, Standard, ~-
Texas pulpit by Christian preache~a .
The man,
(In Union Avenue Chris•
Archibald McLean)

lOOp. St, Louie, Christian pub, co,, 1888, The National city Christian church,
400p, . (In International convention, 1941, pp,
Interwoven gospels; taught by quea- Contents, 168-178)
tioning... Cincinnati, Standard, Biographical sketche1 of and aermona
1930. by J, A, Abeney, A, P. Aten, W. J,
a vol. (Standard elective aeries Barbee, S, L, Barker, J, A, J, Brad- SCOTT, PAULVIRGIL, 1905-
of apeoial leaaona) ford, T, 11', Caskey, H, B, Darla, 11', b, Southwest Va,, 9 Ap 1906,
C, Dinnitt, E, L, Dohoney, A, L,
D'Spain, R. M, Gano, L, B, Grogan,
ocSCOTT, HARVEY, 11', L, Harrison, J, lr, Jaokaon, Dr, Cheater Bullard, (In West,
b. Carroll lendrick, J, J, Lockhart, J, J, lr,, ed, Sketches of our mountain
lr, Lowber, Chalmers lloPheraon, J. C, pioneers, 1939, pp, 21-28)
lit.eon, R, lr, Officer, David Penning-
Christian atewardahip, Divine owner- ton, J, T, Poet, F, G, Ribble, L. lr, Virgil M, St. Clair, (In Weat,
ahip1 The relationship or a loo&l oon- Scott, S, R, Shouse, B, A. Smith, F. J, W,, ed, Sketchea of our mountain
gregation to thoae oongregationa of D, Srygley, John Alpine Stevena, w. pioneers, 1939, p, 31)
Chriati1111a in error. (In Abilene Y, Taylor and R, B. Trimble.
Christian ooll•g• Bible lecture•, 1939,
pp. 1-121 291-302) about aee SCOTT, T C
Bolea, H, L, Biographical d,
SCOTT, IRA JAY, 1871- aketche1 of go1pel preaohera,
b. Union Township, Ia., 18 Ja 1871. Me1siah God'• witneaa to the people;
The Philippian jailer; skeleton aer1110na.
SCOTT, LOAERlfIRA, (In Cory, R, E,, ed, The p0lymathi1t,
Story county ay1tem of union aohoola. b, 1877, pp, 199- 200 l 417-418)

SCOTT, JEROMEA The life of Jeaua1 a manual for uae SCOTT, THOMAS
b. in Sunday 1chool1, teacher training
d. clas1ea, and in the home, Chicago, The book of Job in English verae,,,
The Rew Christian century 00,, •1910, carefully reviaed,,,by B, U, Watkins,
120p~ front , (map,) Cincinnati, Christian bk, concern, 1848,

Scott - Scoville s

SCOTT,WALTER,1796-1861. The union of Christian• on Christian Nineteenth hundredth anniversary

. b. Moffat, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, principles. Cincinnati, Jethro Jack- of Pentecost,
31 0 1796, son, Christian pub, rooms, 1852, lOp, folder,
d. Mayalick, Ky,, 23 Ap 1861, 128p,
The death . of Christ, Cincinnati, United States system, an address,
Bosworth, Lexington, Ky., College _of the Bible, Preachi~~ of the cross - the power
132p, 1946. of God, (In lloore, W. T,, ed. The
pp, 4-44, (The College of the ne,r living pulpit of the Christian
A diaoourae on the holy spirit, 2d Bible quarterly, vol, xxii, no, 2) church, 1916, pp. 183-191)
ed, enl, & improved, Bethany, Va,,
Printed by Alexander Campbell, 1831, Moaea and Christ (1859) (In Row~,
24p. F, L,, ed. Pioneer sermons and address-
es, •1908, pp, 163-182) Calvary .'• praises, for church,
The Goepel restored, a discourse of Sunday school and gospel meetings,,,
the true gospel of Jesus Christ, in The union of Christians, (In Chicago, Charles Reign Scoville, n,d,
which the facts, principles, duties, Welle, C, M,, comp, Memoirs of elder 266p.
and privilege• of Christianity are Kilton Wells, 1886, pp, 109-191)
'1"r&nged, defined, and diacuaeed, and Christian gospel hymns, for church,
the gospel in its varioua parts shewn Sunday school, and evangelistic meet-
to be adapted to the nature and neces- · ings, contain• the cream of all the
aities of man in hie present condition, Campbell, Alexander, Psalms, old songs, and the very beat of the
the Evangelist for the current year, hymns, and spiritual songs, original n"", ed, by E. 0, Excell, Chicago,
Cincinnati, Printed by O. H. Donogh, and selected, Charles Reign Scoville, •1909,
1836, 224p,
576p, about
Front rank songs. Chicago,
HE NEKROSIS;or,the death of Garrison, W. E. Walter Scott, Charles Reign Scoville, 1913,
Christ, written for the recovery of (In Dictionary of American biography,
the church from the sects, Cincin- vol, 16, 1935, pp, 502) King of glory, ohoice gospel hymns
nati, \'/alter Scott, publisher, 1863, for the church, Sunday school, and
132p; &bout aee evangelistic meetings, ed, ·by D. B,
Towner, Cincinnati, Standard, 1923,
The mesai&hahip; or, great demon- Baxter, William, Life of elder
stration, written for the union of Walter Scott, Songs of Beulah, Chioago,
Christians, on Christian principle• a• Boles, H, L. Biographical Charles Reign Scoville, 1920,
plead!br in the current reformation, aketohea of goapel preachers.
Cincinnati, H. S. Bosworth, 1659, Burnett, H, S, Pageant, one hun- _EXCELL,E, 0,
384p. dred year• hiatory of the Liabon, Ohio,
Table of content• not arranged by church, Crowns of rejoicing, for church,
parts and aubheads, Gra~on, T. 11', Men of yesterday, Sunday school, evangelistic and young
Poem Jacob and the angel not signed Haley, J, J, llakers and molders people's meetings, Chicago, Charles
with initials W. S, of the reformation movement, Reign Scoville, 1912.
Hayden, W, L, Centennial addreas-
--. Cincinnati, H, s. Bosworth, ea,
Kershner;. F. D. The prophet of
384p, new teatament evangeliam, Song• of the king. Chicago,
Table of content, arranged by parts Snoddy, E. E, Barton W, Stone Scoville & Smith, •1906,
and subhead,, and Walter Scott, ambaaaadora of the 247 hymn•.
Poem Jacob and the angel signed everlasting gospel,
with initials W, S, Tiera, M, C, The Christian por- with OTHERS.
trait gall<!ry,
--, Cincinnati, Boaworth, Chase YO'bng, C. A, Walter Scott, Wonder hymns of faith, an"" general
& Hall, n,li, purpoae song-book compiled by Chae, R,
364p, Scoville, W. E, M. Hackleman cand, J.
SCOVILLE,CHARLESREIGN, 1669-1937, E. Sturgis, orchestration by J.C.
--. St, Loui~, Chriatian pub, b, Butler, Ind,, 14 0 1869,
d, Garden City, Kana., 23 Ja 1937, .
Blaker, responsive readings selected
by E. E, Violette.,, Cincinnati,
Standard, n.d,
A review of Prof, Stowe'• pamphlet Acta of apostlea, 262 hymns.
against all millenial arithmetic,,,
Cinoinnati, ·R. P, Donogh, 1643, Evangelistic sermons delivered dur- joint comp, aee
24p, ing the great meetings at Pittaburg and
Dea lloinea, awith an, introduction by Gabriel, C, H. Twentieth oentury
To thmelion, the union of Chriati&ne W, J. Lhamon, Dee lloinee, Christian songs.
on Christian principles, Bethany, union pub, oo,, 1902,
Cincinnati, Lexingtof, c. A. Morgan & 298p. front, (port,)
oo,, 1662,
128p, Every Christian an evangelist, liJnaer, H. E. Croee-referenoe
190-? digeat of Bible referenoea, 1914.
The union of Christiana and the Sp. (Centennial leaflet no, 2)
death of Chriat, Bethany, W, Va,, about
1852, Goepel and reviTal sermons, with
introduction by W, J, Lh&mon, 1904? Scoville, Charle• Reign, In manor-
--. improved ed. Philadelphia, 300p. iam, October 14, 1869--January 23, 1938.
J, Challen & eons, cl657, 32p.
2v, bd, together . Inatruotiona to worker• in Goepel
meeting•. about aee
- .-, Philadelphia, Jae, Challen pamphlet,
a: aon, 1664, Peters, B. H, Charles Reign Sco-
132P: . ville, the man and hie message.

s Scoville - Sewell

16:>ore, 11'. T. The new living pul- coSEITZ, ALBERT The Sunday school and foreign
pit of th• Christian church. b, misdone; Cincinnati, F, C, 14, s.

SCROGGS,l\'ILLIAl,I OSCAR, introduction aee The vacation church school.,.for

the guidance of churches and commun-
Filibusters and financiers; the Nichol, C. R, Bible notes on ities in the organisation and adminia- ·
story of William Walker and hie aaaoo. the Holy land, tration of vacation church achoola.
iates. New York, Vaomillan, 1916. Chicago, International council of
ix, 408p. illus. religious education, 1930.
SELBY, ISAAC 55p, illus. (International
b, bulletins on religious education)
SEATON,J A , 1840-1912. d.
b, Jefferson county, Ky., 28 F 1840. The weekday church aohool,,,for
d, Santa Ana, Calif., 15 Ag 1912, From atheiem to Christianity and the guidance of churches and conm,w,.
what I learned on the way. Melbourne, ities in the organisation and adminis-
llhat 11 expected of a preacher? Australia, Austral pub. co, tration of -ekday echoola of religioua
(In Brokaw, G. L,, ed, Doctrine and education, Chicago, International
Ufe, 1898, pp, 52-84) debate with SYMES,JOSEPH council of religious education, 1930,
(Free .thinker) 56p, illus, (International
about see bulletins on religious education)
Selby and Symes debate, A full re-
Brokaw, G, L, _ Doctrine and life port of the aix nights' debate held in
b_y Iowa writer•. the Temperance hall, Melbourne, in the EDJIIA(KURZ) (lira, Charlea
1J1Qnthaof August and September, 1892, s. Settlemeyer)
Melbourne, Australia, Austral pub, oo,, b,
b, Buffalo, Ii>.• 1890. 242p.
Diaciplea of Christ in China, a
debate aee brief history of miaaionary work with
"Diaciplea of Christ in Dallas list of missionaries, St. Loui1,
county, lliasouri, Buffalo, Mo., Green, M. 11', _The Green-Selby U, C, II. S., 1924,
Buffalo reflex print, n,d. debate, . 32p.

Diaciplea of Christ in Green county, SEl,IONES,MAXINESH)OT, coSEIIELL, C 11' • 1828-

lliaaouri, Buffalo, "'·• Buffalo b, b, • 30 Je 1828,
reflex print. d•
• 16.p.
with LEWIS, H. A, The nondeaoript described, or,
Hi1torical sketch of Diaciplea of haw the Lord led a -ndering pilgria
Christ in Texas oounty, Missouri, 1846- Children in the small Sunday sohool. in a way whioh he knew not, until he
1930, Houston, Ii>,, Texas county St. Louie, Published by Christian led him out of the labyrinth •••
ptg. co,. 1929. board for U, C, M. S,, n,d. Louisville, Author, n,d.
l2p. 305p, front. (port.)

SECTOR,A, D., paeud,

aee GAR
.RISON, ARTHURORLANDO. b, (Mi's. Jeaae Parker Sewell)
SEDDON,ALFREDE • 1846-1939, The oonfeaaional box umnaaked,
b. London, England, 30 Ja 1846, pamphlet. The home aa God would have it.
d. El Paso, Tex., 15 D 1939, Austin, Tex.• Firm foundation, •1937 -,
The eye opener for Amerioana1 or, 25lp, . (Training for aervioe
Lettre a un exile Belge. questions put to women in the oonfeaa- series)
traot. ional box,
Ideal womanhood,
Rabaut, Saint-Etienne, J. P, The

The fate of Jeauitin>.

Firm foundation.
Austin, Tex., -

old Cevenol. Life of Christ in outline and que ..

Purgatory the golden hen of poptry. tion. Auatin, Tex., Firm foundatio ..
pamphlet. 98p.
d. ocSERCY, R L • 1906- • 1eSEIIELL,ELISHAGRANVILLE,1830-1924,
b, near Smithland, Tex,, 2~ 11y 1905 b. Overton oounty, Tenn., 25 0
Alexander Campbell; hie life and • 1830.
public career. St. Louia, Christian d, Nashville, Tonn,, 2 llr 1924,
pub, oo., 1887, The Christian tr1111pet. Oklahom.
50p. City, Okla., Eaat sixth street Christian · Acta of apoatlea; its importanoe
church, 1944. and proper position, llaahville,
Alexander Campbell, hie life and 47p. porta. Goepel advocate, 1886,
public oareer. (In Campbell, Alex- 64p.
ander. Fu,iliar lecture• on the penta-
teuoh, •1867, PP• 9-60) SETTLE, MYRON CURTIS, 1876- Churoh organisation, Naahville,
b. Louisville, Ky., 3 Je 1876. Goapel advocate, 1897,

Manual for vacation churoh aohool.


s.,.,ell .- Sharp s.

Gospel leaaona and lite hiatory. with KLINGl4AN,G. A. 1855; on Domestic slavery, as examined
Nashville, lfcQuiddy ptg. co., 1908. in the light of acripture, of natural
viii, 338p. front. (port.) Bible outlined in a hundred leaaona. ~ights, of civil government, and the
Cincinnati, Christian leader, •1920. constitutional power of congress, pub-
The ne,r and living -y. (In 246p. illus., map•. lished by order o f the convention.
Srygley, F. D. Biographies and St. Louis, Printed at the Republican
aermona, 1898, pp. 260-271) Class note• on the shorter epistles. bk. and job office, 1866.
Class notes on the shorter epistles,
new aeries. Inaugural address. Bacon college.
Lipscomb, David. Queries and
anawere1 ed. by M. C. Kurfeea. i"ntroduction aee Inaugural address, ~ollege of Louis-
oomp. with OTHERS. Abilene Christian college Bible lec-
tures, 1919. Inaugural address, delivered before
Christian hymns1 a collection of the curators of the University ot the
hymn• and tunes tor all occaaiona of state of lolissouri at his installation
Christian work and worship, ed. by E. SEXSON,11' MARK,1877- as president of that institution, to
G. s.,.,ell and R. M. McIntosh, assisted b. ·Arnica springs, Mo., 8 Jl 1877. which is prefixed the address delivered ·
by Leonard Daugherty. Nashville, by Rev. A. M. L""is. .Columbia,
McQuiddy ptg. oo., •1889. Printed by D. s. Burnet, 1850.
288p. Rainbow building. • MoAlester, 29p.
Okla., Author, •1944.
ll'orda of truth ••• ed. by E.G. Sew- 67p. The philosophy of slavery as iden-
ell, P. K. llointoeh, assisted by H. tified with the philosophy of human
R. Christie. Nashville, Goepel ad- happiness, an essay, c2d ed ••
vocate, •1892. SHACKELFORD,JOHN JR., 1834-1921. Frankfort, Ky., A.G. Hodges & oo.,
224p. b. Madison county, Ky., 27 0 1834. printer, 1849.
d. Tacoma, ll'ash., 9 0 1921. 32p.
joint~- aee
The priesthood of Christ. (In Sermon on the oommiaaion.
Showalter, A. J., ed. Gospel Moore, 11'. T., ed. The living pulpit
praise. of the Christian ohuroh, 1867, pp. Terms ot Christian union.
about He about aee
Boles, H. L. Biographical Tiera, M. C. The Christian por-
aketohea of gospel preachers. Life, letters and . addressee ot Dr. trait gallery.
Srygley, F. D. Biographies and L. L. Pinkerton.
about aee SHANNON,RICHARDDUDLEY,1843-1919.
b. Athene, Ga., 31 Ag 1843.
SEWELL,JESSE LONDERMAN, 1818-1890. Moore, 11'. T. The living pulpit d. Sedali .a, Mo., 17 Mr 1919.
b. Overton county, Tenn., 26 lly of the Christian church.
1818. A treatise on civil government, and
d. Viola, Tenn., 29 Je 1890. the civil system of Missouri. Designed
SHAFER,D P especially for use in the sohoola ot
about aee b. Crawford county, Penn., llisaouri. New York, D. Appleton &
00 •• 1882.
Boles, H. L. Biographical 388p. maps.
aketohea of gospel preachers. "Why I a.m what I am'. (In Lord,
-Lipaocmb, David. Life &nd aer- J. A., ed. From darlaiess to light,
mona or Jeaae L. Sewell. 1907, pit. 101-104) SHARP, CECIL JAMES, 1876-
b. Hendrioka county, Ind., 17 O
b. Viola, Tenn., 21 Ja 1876. b. Sabinal, Tex., . 18 0 1881.
The Christ of the four gospels,
(20 houra advanced credit in workers'
The ohuroh and her ideal eduoation- Everybody'• Bible guide, old and training) Cincinnati, Standard
al situation, new ed. Auatin, Tex., n"" Testaments. Enid, Okla., Author, •1942. '
Fil"lll foundation. •1939. l28p.
239p. 68p.
Christian worker'• leaflets, gospel
Undenominational Christianity.
cCincinnati, F. L. Ro-, n.d ••
c8ap. ino. OOTera.
b. Hagerstown, lid.,
. 1906-
amnunition; ten brief tr~ota or Bible
facts for ten pennies.
Standard, n.d.

A way that ia right and cannot be

wrong. Cincinnati, F. L. R01re, A layman and the iaeuea of the day.
8p. inc. covers. (In International convention, 1941, pp. · The ohuroh at Milltown. Cinoin-
316-323) nati, Standard, •1929.
Christian eduoation; Evangelista aa , 80p.
atewarda or the stewardship of aouls1
Our abiding aouroea ot strength, Our S!!ANNON,JAKES, 1799-1869. The ohuroh ot the New Testament.
plea atated1 Undenominational Chris- b. Ireland, 22 Ap 1799. Cincinnati, Standard, •1943.
tianity. · (In Abilene Christian ool- d. Canton, Mo;, 26 F 1859. 128p.
lege Bible leoturea, 1928-1929, pp.
31-481 1939, pp. 72-901 1942, pp. 41- An addreaa delivered before the pro- The communion, scriptural and his-
661 1920-21, pp. 177-1871 1922-1923. alavery convention ot the state . ot torical taota about the Lord'• supper
pp. 130-141) lliaaouri, held in -Lexington, Jul7 13, Cincinnati, Standard, •1930.

s Sharp - Shearin

The gospel plan in ten teachable SHARP.E, CHARLESMA.NFORD,1869- SHAW,HERBERTC

lessons. Cincinnati, Standard, . b. Hamilton county, Ind., 1869 b.
The nornative use of scripture by lly neighbors, and other poems.
Group evangelism. Hammond, Ind., typical theologians of protestant Philadelphia, Dorrance and oo., •1926,
Author, n.d. orthodoxy in Great Britain and America. 54p.
l2p. l!anasha, Wis., Collegiate presa, 1912.
--, book III. Hammond, Ind., Thesis: Ph, D,, University of SHAW,KNOIILES,1834-1878,
Author, n.d. Chio ago. b, Butler county, O,, 13 0 1834.
llp. d. near McKinney, Tex., 7 Je 1878.
Our duty and opportunity in relation
How to organite N- Testament to state universities, 190-? Golden gate,
churches, ten lessons for classes in 6p. (Centennial leaflet no. 19)
church extension. Cincinnati, Stan- Goepel trumpet.
dard, •1918. The idea of doctrinal progress,
6lp. (In Willett, H, L., ed, Progress: Knowles Shaw's memorial songs and
anniversary volume of the Campbell biography ed. by E, E, Hungerford.
How to plant and organi,e N- Testa- institute, 1917, pp, 78-110) Rushville, Ind., E, E, Hungerford,
ment ohurches, ten lessons for classes ~1939.
in church extension. (Revised) Cin- joint _!!. aee 32p. port., illus., music,
cinnati, Standard, ~1918, .19300
64p. Willett, H, L, Progress, The morning star, a oolleotion or
First published as How to organite new sacred songs, for the Sunday school,
N- Testament churches. prayer meeting, and the 1ocial circle.
SHARRARD, J TAYLOR,1847- Cincinnati, Central bk, concern, •1877,
New Testament evangelism, campaign b, Paris, Ky,, 8 Jl 1847. 128p.
guide and handbook. Cinoinnati, d,
Standard, •1941. Shining pearls.
l89p. illus. Barton ,W. Stone, and Cane ridge
ohuroh, (In Brown, J, T., ed. Sparkling jewels for the Sunday
N- training for . aervioe1 forty Churohea of Christ, 1904, pp, 401-408) school, a new collection of ohoioe
lessons, complete first year Standard music, Cincinnati, John Church &
teacher training text-book, following 00.. •1871.
general outlines of "Training for ser- oSHAW,ELIJAH, 1793-1851. .96.p.
vice" by Herbert Moninger, pioneer in b, Kensington, N. H., 19 D 1793, '
teacher training. Cincinnati, Stan- d, 4 lly 1861, Pardon, its meana and evidence,
dard, 1934. akeleton sermon, (In Cory, N. E. ·,
127p. Sentiments of the Christiana. ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 265-
Exeter, N, H,_ 268)
Personal evangelism; a guide and
handbook in soul-winning for Bible Origin of Christian conferences, about see
teachers and all others who would work (In Freese, J. R., ed, A history and
in the Master'• vineyard. Cinoin- advooaoy of the Christian church, 1852) Boles, H. L. Biographical
nati, Standard, •1937. sketches of gospel preachers.
128p. about Baxter, William. Life of Knowles
Shaw, the singing evangelist,
Twelve lessons in group evangeliam, Starr, H. E. Elijah Shaw. (In Hungerford, E. E. An abbrevia-
a series of practical lessons in N- Dictionary of American biography, TOl, ted biography of Knowles Shaw,
Testament evangelism. Cincinnati, 17, 1936, pp. 37-38)
Standard, •1926.
ll6p. about aee SHAW,ROUD,
Why - believe, ten practioal lea- Brown, L. F. a. Memoir of elder d,
aona in Christian evidenoea. Cin- Elijah Shaw.
cinnati, Standard, •1932. To my mother,
79p. booklet.
SHAW, HENRY JCilfG, 1904-
The birthday of a king (Christmas b. Akron, o., 22 N 1904.
sermon) (In Book, W. H., ed. The SHAlf, THOMASJ , 1826-1892.
Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 208-219) b, Lynchburg, Tellll,, 28 Ag 1826.
The amateur philosopher, containing d. Lynchburg, Tenn,, 20 Ja 1892.
Covetousneas1 Diaobedienoe. (In aennona, stories and editorial 00111111enta
Meacham, E. J., oomp. Training to for the years 1936-1940. clledina, about aee
teach, •1913, pp. 140-1421 147-149) 0,, Author, 1940,
l74p. Boles, H. L. Biographioal
joint~ see Kimeographed, abtohea of go1pel preaohera.

Harrison, Traverce. Evangelism, A brief aooount of the Diaoiplea

the man, the message, the method. in S,._it county, Ohio. (arradged ohron- SHEARIR, HUBERT GIBSOR, 1878-1919.

~- ...
Taylor, C. C, Paul, his life and
.8,p, ino. covers,
o., Author. b. Boyle county, Ky,, 6 lly 1878.
d. Eagle Rock, Calif., 11 Ag 1919.
British ballad• in the Cumberland
teaching. Saga of a village ohuroh, 1877-19371 mountains, reprinted from the Sewanee
Thornton, E. W. How to teach. the story or religion in Medina and the revi-, for July, 1911. Lexington,
founding and aco011Pliahmenta or the Ky., Author, 1911.
church of Christ, Medina, Ohio • 16p, ,
• Medina, o., Church of Christ, 1937.
l26p, plates, ports.

Shearin - Shelton s

The expreuion of purpose in Old SHELBURNE, SILAS E . , 1852-1920. Shelton. (In Dictionary of Ameri-
Englhh prose. Bew York, Holt, 1903 . .b. SnowvUle, Va., 30 Ap 1852. can biography, vol. 17, 1935, pp. 188-
149p. (Yale studies in English, d. . , 15 Mr 1920. 69)
no. 18)
about see about see
The that-olauae in the authorized
version of the Bible. Lexington, Ky., West, J. W., ed. Sketches of our Hunley, J.B. Shel ton and the
•Weimar, Printed by R. Wagner sohn, mountain pioneers. crimson trail •
1910. Shelton, F. B. Shelton in Tibet.
86p. (Transylvania university
studies in English. I) SHELBURNE,
with COMBS,JOSIAH H. d. Leroy Shel ton)
A syllabus of Kentucky folk-songs. James Shelburne. (In West, J . w.,
Lexington, Ky., Transylvania ptg. oo., ed. Sketohe s of our mountain pioneers, ·
1911. 1929, pp. 6-8) Shelton of Tibet, with an intro-
43p. (Transylvania university duction by J.C. Ogden, and the a~er-
atudiea in English. II) glow of Edgar DeWitt Jones. New
SHELNUTT,ERASTUSLAMAR,1866-1941. York, Doran, •1923,
b. near Walnut Grove, Ga., 1865. 3l9p. front. (port.) plates.
SHELBURNE,CEPHAS, 1867-1924. d. Winder, Ga. , 28 Mr 1941.
b. Montgomery oounty, Va., 0 1867. Sunshine and shadow on the ?ibetan
d. Sherman, Tex., 22 N 1924. Encountering opposition; a report border. Cincinnati, F. c. M. S.,
·of evangelistic labor under the direc- •1912.
Carr-Burdette college, (In llo- tion of the wonan'a society of Georgia 14lp. front., plates, ports.
Pherson, Chalmers. Disciples of Christ missions, in September, 1902, in Frank-
in Texas, 1920, pp. 116-123) . lin county, Tennessee. Cincinnati, !!:.•
American Christian missionary, 1902?
.· The two pence and whatsoever more 24p. Chants from Shangri-La, original
of Christianity. (In Lord, J. A., nslationa from the Tibetan bv
ed, On the Lord's day, •1904, pp. John Sima, led into the light by Flora Beal Shelton, rev. anded: by
141-145) hie friend Robert lfiller. n.p., n,d. Doria Shelton Still. cKirkaville,
32p, Mo., Doria Shelton Still, •1939.
about aee 93p. illus.

West, J. W. Sketchea of our ocSHELNUTT

, JAMESBUNKETT,1863- !!• aee
mountain pioneers. b.
Shelton, A. L., tr. Tibetan
foik tales.
SHELBURJIE,JAMES, 1819-1890. Christian living. .East Point,
b, Lunenburg oowity, Va., 24 D 1819. Ga., Printed by Milrtin-Johnaon ptg. co.,
d. 8 Ap 1890. •1935. SHELTON,ORMAN LEROY, 1896-
220p. b. Kingman county, Kana., 1 Ur
about see 1895.
The plan of salvation. Naehrllle,
. Shelburne~ 11\ J. Jamee Shelburne. 1
MoQuiddy ptg. co., 1916.
l77p. The Christian family in action.
cindianapolis, Stewardship committee,
SBELBURJIE,WCIUS CLARK,1864-1926. n,d, ·
b, Pulaski county, Va., 20 Kr 1864. SHELTON,ALBERTLEROY, 1876-1922. 6p. folder.
d. Ag 1926. b. Indianapolis, Ind., 9 Je 1875.
~ Batang, lfeat China, 17 F 1922.
I believe in giving. .Indiana-
~ aee
polis, Unified promotion, n,d.
Pioneering in Tibet; a personal 4p.
lfeat, J. W. Sketches of our record of life and experience in
mountain pioneers. mission fields. New York, Revell, On ohurch attendance. Indiana-
•1921. polis, U. C. M•. s., n.d.
214p. front. (port.) plates. llp. (An aid to better disciple-
SHELBURJiE, SAllUEL, 182 3-1884. ship)
b. , 29 N 1823. --, .4th ed.~ New York, Revell,
d. , 12 S 1984. •1921, •1925. A state-wide program of evangelha-
214p. front. (port.) plates. tion for Oklahom&, delivered at the
about see state ministers meeting, March 1938.
Oklahoma City, o. C, M, S., 1938,
lfeat, J. W. Sketohea of our
mountain pionnera. Tibetan folk tales, translated by Stewardship now. .Indianapolis,
A. L. Shelton (Shelton of Tibet), ed. Unified promotion, n.d.
with an introduction by Flora Beal l5p.
SHELBURNB,SILAS, 1790-1871. Shelton, illus. by Mildred Bryant,
b. , 4 Je 1790. New York, Doran, •1926, The imperatives of Christian living,
d. , 7 S 1871. l92p. front,, platea. Kindling the fires of evangelism in
the looal church. (In International
about aee --.
St. LQuia, U. c. M. S., convention, 1935, pp. 214-219,-
1938, pp. 38-45)
West, J. W. Skatohea of our 193p. front., plates.
mountain pionffra. Man to man evangeliam. (In D&-
about aon, F. F., ed. The Christian man at
work, 1941, v. 3, pp. si-58)
Latourette, K. ·s. Albert Leroy

s Shelton - Sherwood

Projecting a st-ardshi p program in debate with JIILLS SHEPHERD,ROBERTPERRY, 1867-

the local church. (In Church pro- b.
gram plann i ng committee. Christian On socialism. Loa Angeles, 1904.
st8Wllrdshi p, 1943, pp . 3-22) 24p.
Essentials of community efficienoy
What happens when we pray? (In Chicago, Author, •1916.
B11111bert,H.F., ed. Religion ia ocSHEPBERD,FRAJIX B xiv, 27:Sp.
reality, •1942, pp. 19-22) b. London, England,
Religious pedagogy in the modern
introduction see Sunday school. St. Louis, Christian
The fatherof succeas1 "I believe"; board, •1911,
Swearengen, T. T. Must a man The integrity of N- Testament worship; 107p. (Advanced teacher-training
live? The kingdom; its relationship to other course IV)
kingdoms J Missions J Theory in practice;
A vital factor. (In Abilene Chris- Turgot and the arx edicts, llew
J tian college Bible lectures, 1943, pp . York, Columbia university press, 1903,
b. 92:.901 76-1311 1928-1929, pp. 149-1561 213p. (Columbia university
1940, pp. 175-188 ; 1919, pp . 175-179; studies in history, economics , and pub,
1943, pp. 9l-98 i 1922- l.9.23, pp. 289-292) law, no. 47)
I am sermons. Denver. Colo.,
Published by "Chri stian",
163p. front. (port.)
--. N- York, Longman•.

b. The place of Jesus in the Bible.

(In Bible. Front rank Bible, Doctrin-
SHELTON,WILLARDELLINGTON,1905- al helps, pp. 16-22)
b. St. Louis, Mo., 2 0 1906. The church, the falling away and the
restoration. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, with STEVENSON,
introduction see 256p. The teacher training handbook,
revised c2d ed,, First standard
Baillie, A. S. The seven last Handbook on baptism, or testimonies teacher training ocurse. St. Louie,
words. of learned pedo-baptiste on the action Christian board, 1911, •1908, •1910,
and subjects of Christian baptism, and 226p.
_!!!. see of both baptists and pedobaptists on
the design thereof, with an introduc- --, c3d ed,, St. Louis, Chris-
Gerdtell, Ludwig von. Miracles tion by J. A. Harding. Nashville, tian board, 1911, •1908, ,1910,
under fire. Goapel advocate, 1894. 225p.
b. Utica, N. Y., 2 F 1801. Stevenson, Jlarion. The teacher-
d. Lip_acomb, David . A commentary on training handbook.
the N- Testament epistles,
; apostolic oommi11ion, a discourse Lipscomb, David. Queriea and
. delivered in the Diaoiples chapel, no. answers. SHEPPARD,E
70, West seventeenth street, N- York, Lipsco,nb, David. Salvation from b,
Jlarch 23, A. D. 1866. Reported and ain. d,
publi1hed by the congregation, 6th ed. Srygley, F. D. and Hall. debate.
1869. What 1a the llew Testament church? Our justification at the highest
tribUD&l, skeleton sermon. (In Co?"T,
Apostolic auooeseion. B. E., ed. The polymathiet, 1877, pp.
Thomae Hol.Jna.n,n.d. SHEPHERD
, JOHNN 164-166)
4p. b.
Duty of Chriatiane to civil gover.n- SHERK,WARRENARTHUR,
ment. St. Louis, Christian pub. oo. Why Paul was a debtor, (In Gray, b.
A. P., ed. Preaching that builds
Is a real honest mistake ju st as churches, 1940, pp. )
good as the truth. '!I- York, Thomas Wider horizons; an American st~
Holman, n.d, dent's adventure in world friendship •••
4p. SHEPHERD,ORALEIGH (DUCIIJrORTH) Wadsworth, 'II. Y., Author, 1942, -
b. McCook, Neb., 224p. illus.

Sacred poetry, selected and amended Church schools of lliseions, a pro- SHERVA'!I,
by Dr. S. E. She~ard by resolut i on of cedure for planning and conducting b.
the 11- York Sta,e rmvention of the such groups in the local church. Ind-
Disciples of Christ. 1861, ianapolis, u. C. K. s., 1938, How did our Bible 00- to be?
about see (In Humbert, H.F., ed. Religion 1•
Sharing . love's trea1ure, twelve reality, •1942, pp. 56-38)
Tiera, II . c. The Christian por- stewardship atudiea, cindianapolia,
tr&it gallery. U. C. M. S., n.d.
36p, SHERll'OOD,
C 1f
SHEPHERD, Greater thing• than these. (In d.
b. Inteniational oonv•ntion, 1934, pp.
d. 112-119) !he Dieoiplee ot Chriet, or Chris-
tiane, (In Doctrinal and
traote, 1876, vol. 2, pp. ~8}

S!:,,rwood - Shonkweiler s

Neoeasity of the death of Chriat, SHI KT.EIPIAO, 1845-1925. Our public schools; their past,
skeleton sermon. (In Cory, N. E., b. Anlnrei, China, 1846. their present, th eir future. Ada,
ed. The polymathist, 1877, pp. 102- d. Chuohow, China, 15 N 1926, o., University herald presa, 1893.
105) 20p.
about aee
Pioneers and makers of Arkansas,
HENRYNOBLE, 1882- Hunt, W. R. A ohinese story-teller .n.p •• Genealogical and historical
b. Mitchell, Ind., 8 D 1882. Osgood, E. I. Shi, the story- pub. co., •1908.
teller. 423p .
Lettered : v. 1
Citizenship. Indianapolis, Bobbs,
1936. SHIDELER, GEORGE,1776-1828.
viii, 438p. illus. b. Washington oounty, Penn., 12 My SHIPLEY, H C
1776, b.
--. Indianapolia, Bobbs, •1941. d. 27 Ag 1828.
viii, 458p. illus.
about aee Tour of the earth, a series of
Civica and oitizenship. Indiana- l etters of travel,.. St. Louis,
polis, Bobbs, 1929. Purviance, Levi, The life of Christian pub. co. , 1903.
vii, 424p. illus. David Purvianoe. 3llp.

--. Indianapolis, Bobbe, 1934.

vii, 440p. illus. ooSHILLING, BASIL D SHIRLEY, JAMES CLIFFORD, 1892-
b. b. Superior, Neb., 24 S 1892,
--. I.:dianapolis, .:.;obba, •1934.
vii, 440p., 27 p . illus.
Texas supplement has separate t-p. The conversion of nan unto Christ. Laboratory directions for general
Austin, Tex., 'Firm foundation. biology, zoology and botany . Ann
Equality of eduoational opportunity. Arbor, Mich., Edwards bros.
Indianapolis, Department of public The way of salvation. Austin,
instruction, 1926, Tex., Firm foundation, The redwood• of coast and Sierra.
lOp . (Bulletin no. 82) Berkeley, University of California
The purpose of organization of the press, 1936.
Makers of the n"" world. Indiana- local congregation. (In Abilene 74p, front., illua ,
polis, Bobbs, •1929. Christian college Bible lectures, 1939,
vi, 289p. illua, pp. 172-179) --, 2d ed. rev. Berkeley,
Calif., University of California
Makers of then"" world. Indiana- preaa, 1937 ,
polis, Bobbe, •1936, . SHINN, JOSIAH HAZE:11,1849-1917. 84p. front., illua,
vi, 30lp. illus. b. Russellville, Ark., 29 Mr 1849.
d. Washington, D, c., 1917,
Manual for medieval and modern SHONKffEILER,JAKES HARVEY,
history maps. 1919. The anoestry and descendants of b.
Gustavus Beall and Thomas Hough Beall
Movement in Ohio to deport the Washington, D. c., Genealogical
Negro.,, Cinoinnati, Preaa of Jen- and historical pub. co., 1911. Adf enturea of brownie bear, Cin-
ning• and Graham .1912, 28p, cinnati, Standard, •1922,
pp, 51-102. (Quarterly publica- 32p, illua.
tion of the Hiatorioal and p,1iloaoph- Fort Jefferaon and ite o01111l&Dder,
ical lfooiety of Ohio, vol, vii, 1912, 1861-62, Governor'• Island, N. Y. David, Cincinnati, Standard,
nos . 2 - 3) H., 1910, •1925,
26p. illua, 3lp. illus. (Bible hero stories)
Our country'• beginninga. Ind-
ianapolia, Bobbe, 1924, The hiatory of Arkansas; a textbook An house built unto David1 a oom-
337p, illua, for public schools, high echools and plete Christmas pageant, Cinoinnati,
academies, Little Rock, ·Ark,, Wilson Standard, 1942,
• rev, ed, Indianapolis, and Webb bk, and stationery oo., •1898. 16p,
Bobbe, 1931, 320p, illua,
xi, 337p. illua, Cover titles School history of Jeaus. Cincinnati, Standard,
Arkanaaa, •1926,
--, rev, ed. Indianapolis, 2 vol, illua. (Bible hero atoriea)
Bobbe, 1937, --. Richmond, Va., B, F. John-
xi, 346p.• illus, son pub. co,, 1900, •1898, Joseph. Cincinnati, Standard,
336p, illue, •1924.
Paul Cuffee , Washington, D, c., 3lp. illus. (Bible hero iltoriea)
Asaociated publishers. History of education in Arkansas,
Washington, Bureau of education, 1900. The keeper of the aheep,
The morale of modern youth, (In 12lp. front , , plates, (Contribu-
National education association. tions to American education, no. 2) lloses, Cincinnati, Standard,
Addreaae.a and proceedings, 1926, pp, 192- ?
133-134) Hietory of Ruaeia, 32p. (Bible hero stories)

SRUlll'A"Y, C. W. 1 History of the American people, Paul, Cincinnati, Standard ,

N"" York, American bk, co., •1893. 32p. (Bible hero storiea)
llllnual of character education, 464p, front. (port,) illus,
Chicago, _Auxiliary educational league, The pranised one, a oomplete Chriat-
1927, History of the ·Shinn family in mas pageant, Cincinnati, Standard,
l94p, {Young folk• library vol. Europe and ~rioa. Chioago, Geneal- •1934,
21) · ogical hiatorical pub. oo,, 1903. 16p, illus,
434p. front,, porta,
Costume, (In Heron, Henrietta,
ed. Pageant• for the year, 1928)
s Shook - Showalter

AUGUSTUS,1876-1939. SHOUSE,JOUETT, 1879- co-operation; God revealed, (In
b. b. Woodford county, Ky., 10 D 1879. Abilene Christian college Bible lec-
d. Miller, Neb., 21 F 1939. tures, 1922-1923, pp. 142-119; 1940,
pp. 189-2141 1939, pp. 303-313;° 1919,
American anthropology dioproving Congress at the cross road•. pp. 161-171)
the Book of Mormon. Cleveland, O.; Waohington, D. c., American liberty
Utah . ,:oo.P!'l minion, . 1917. league, .1935, introduction oee
20p. 8p. (Document no. 26)
Abilene Christian college Bible
Cumorah revioited, or, ·'The book Legislation, by coercion or consti- lectures, 1924-1925, 1926-1927.
of Mormon" and the claims of the tution. Washington, D, c., American
llormona re-examined f'rom the visw liberty league, .1935. with COX, F, L.
point of American archaeology and eth- llp. (Document no. 55)
nology. Cincinnati, Standard, 1910. A book of prayers; how to pray
689p. front., plates, mapa. "Progress" va. "change". speeoh that prayer may be anowered. Au•-
before the Bond club of New York, Nov- tin, Tex., Firm foundation, •1940.
The giot of the Bible; a complete ember 20, 1934. Washington, D. c., 94p.
hand-book for class and home study. American liberty league, cl934.
Cincinnati, Standard, •1916. 12p. with DAVIS, 11'. M.
Recovery, relief, and the constitu- Bible briefs and sermon outlines,
'l'he true origin of Mormon polygamy. tion, spee'ch delivered before the enl. ed. Austin, Tex., Firm founda-
Mendota, Ill., w.estern, a.dvent, Beacon aociety of Boston, Dec. 8, 1934. tion.
Cchriotian, pcub., ass•n., •1910. Washington, D. c.; American liberty 2v,
223p. league, c 1934,
l5p, Simplified Bible lesson•. Aus-
--, c2d ed., Cincinnati, Stan- tin, Tex., Firm foundation.
dard, 1914. The return to democracy, Washing-
viii, 213p. front. (port.) plate•, ton, D, c., American liberty league, with WHITE, LLOYDSMITH,
port•. cl936•
llp. (Document no, 46) The George Pepperdine college lec-
The true origin of the book of li>r- tures. Austin, Tex., Firm founda-
mon. Cincinnati, .Standard, •1914. You are the government. Boston, tion, 1945.
187p. front. (port.) plateo. Little, 1935. 123p.
viii, 122p.
b. SHOUSE,S N , 1838- Borden, E. ll. Church history.
b. Bath county, Ky,, 24 Je 1838.
d. with OmERS.
Gideon'• band1 an arg..,..nt to ahow
that division• on religion are deluoiona. 'l'he two covenant•. (In Scott, L. SalV1t.tion ••• Austin, Tex., Firm
Guilford, ~a., Author, •1914. w., ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 60-73) foundation, n.d.
106p. plates. _75p.

Unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our coSHOIJALTER,

A J The union of all Christians •••
Savior'• prayer for unity, 1918, pp. b. Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d.
189-192) d. 67p,

!!· with SE'IIELL,E. G. What muat I do to be oaved?

Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d.
b. Goopel praise.,. Naohville, Goa- 63p.
d. pel advocate, 1900 0

The great co-inion. (In llatheo,

debate with CLARK,JI, L.

J. K., ed. The western preacher, vol. The Sho-lter-Clark diacuaaion on

1, 1866, pp. 234-239) coSHOlfALTER,GEORGEHENRYPRIOR, 1870- the Lord's day Bible school, including
b. Snowville, Va., 16 0 1870. a consideration of the class system
and women teacher•. Austin, Tex.,
ocSHOULDERS,HOlfARD CASEY,1874-1946. Firm foundation, 1940.
b. Gainaboro, Tenn., 29 S 1874. Al>iding in Christ and -lking in the 126p.
d. Largo, Fla., 12 D 1946. light. Austin, Tex., Firm foundation,
1938. COBB, fflOIIASS.
Our Savior'• prayer for unity. pamphlet.
(In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our Savior'• . llew wonderful songs I for the work
prayer for unity, 1918, pp. 193-197) Is the church of Christ a denomina- and worahip. Austin, Tex., Firm
tion? foundation.

SHOUSE,JOHll S , 1841-1914. llarriage, ordained for human happi- TAYLOR,AUSTIN.

b. lfidway, Iy., 1841. ness.
d. Lexington, Iy., 14 My 1914. 8p. The new gospel song book, a rare
collection of songs deoigned for Chris-
about aee Travel talka1 introduction by Frank tian work and worship. Auatin, Tex.,
L. Cox. Austin, _ Tex., Firm foundation Firm foundation, •1914.
Ogden, Jira. R, B. John s. 1938. 220 aonga.
Biblical journaliam1 The Eible a fea- !!• •••
oible basis for unity; Danger• of church
Borden, E. K. Jacob'• ladder.

Showalter - Sinolair s

aee An unwelcome precept made welcome.

(In Cory, A. E,, ed. Voices of the
Cobb, T. S. Best or all song•. sanctuary, 1930, pp. 228-240) Fiers, A. D. The financial pro-
Cobb, T. S. The new wonderful gram of the local church.
aonga. about see
Cobb, T. s. Our leader.
Taylor, Austin. Gospel aongs Shullenburger, w. A. My minister SIMMS, HENRYH
no. 2. is also my father, b.
Taylor, Austin. Gospel aong•
no. 3.
Taylor, Austin. Gospel song• SICKLES, ROBERTARTHUR,1874- Centennial history lacedonia church,
no. 4. b. 1835-1935, (In Forrest, W. V.
Taylor, Auatin. New ideal gospel d. Centennial sermon, Macedonia church,
hymn book. 1935, pp. 9-18)
The mystery of the inmortality of
the soul. cSpringfield, Ill,,
JOSB.ll THOMAS,1838- Jeffersons ptg. co,. •1912. SIMPKINS,.FRANK ADDISON,1870-1939,
b. nes.r Snowville, Vs.., 1838. 42p. b. Wayne county, o., 8 Je 1870.
d. d. Riverside, Calif,, 4 ~.r 1939,

about aee SIDENER, MERLE All new revival hymns. Young•-

b. town, 0,, Frank A. Simpkins, 1909?
West, J. W. Sketches or our
mountain ~ioneera.
A call to Indiana men for service ••• SIMPSON,ROBERTN , 1875-
Indianapolis, Indiana Christian miasion i b, Bourbon county, Ky., 10 Ja 1876,
MILTONV ary aociety, 1929,
b, 14p.
My master's crosa and mine. (In
Interpreting the school• to the Book, W. H., ed. The Indiana pulpit,
The divine biography or Jeaua Christ. public. (In National education 1912, pp. 107-120)
association, Addreaaes and proceed-
ings, 1934, pp, 569-572)
b. b, near Fremont, Ind., 3 D 1878,
Elmer W. Siegeling), 1895-
What muat I do to be saved? b. Hartford, 0,, 30 Jl 1896, Element• of rural sociology.
Harrison, Ark., Chriatian viaitor. New York, Crowel1, •1928.
Sp. xiv, 698p, h-ont,, plates, illua,
Barabbas cplay, ••• New York, (Crowell'& aocial science aeries)
Appleton, •1926,
GRACED (TILTON) pp •• 2. 269-282 .2. ---. rev. ed. New York, Crowell,
(Mr•. William Arthur Shullen- •1934.
burger) Our heritage, the story of one hun- xv, 718p, front., illus., plates,
b. dred year•. Cleveland, o., Euclid (Crowell'• aocial aoienoe series)
avenue Christian church, .1943,
7lp. front, (port.) illua. --, 3d ed. New York, Crowell,
Her privileges. (In Bader, o. JI. 1940, •1928-1940.
E., ed. I married a minister, 1942, xiii, 690p, illus,, maps. (Crow-
pp. 36-41) SIKES, WALTER
W ell'• aocial science aerie•)
lly ohurch: a unit in the world A hoosier village1 a sociological
community. (In International con- study with apeoial reference to social
vention, 1938, pp. 344-349) Claaa notea on the New Teatament-- causation, New York, Columbia uni-
Matthew. veraity press, 1912,
WENDELLA Thesis: Ph.D., Columbia univer-
b. SIMKINS, W W sity, 1913.
The problem of eooial change, New
Jly minister i• alee my rather. York, Crowell, 1939.
(In Campbell and Moseley, eda. lly dad, Criticin• on Ingeraoll'• notions viii, 477p.
1938, pp. 141-144) or the Goda and the Bible. Pella,
Iowa, Masteller and co., 1876, The rural community ancient and
56p. modern, New York, Scribner, •1920.
b. Shippenaburg, Penn., 10 Je 1881.
SIIM>NDS, S E Society and it• aurplua, a atudy in
aooial evolution, NewYork, Appleton,
The rite or Chriatian baptiam, an d, 1924.
appreciative study. .Indianapoli•, xii, 58lp.
U, C. JI. s •• n.d, Shirting shadows, a tale ot real
llp. (An aid to better diaciple- lite. Cincinnati, Standard, •1889 _, Ulti•te democracy and it• making,
ahip) vi, 276p, Chicago, lloClure, 1917,
The Chriatian .hope and reality.
(In International convention, 1942, pp. SIJIIIONS, RUSSELLE
17-32) b. SINCLAIR, C

s Sinclair - Sly

Eternal life, skeleton sermon. SLATER, E A Membership develo pment. I ndiana-

(In Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathist, b. pol is , Church program plannin g commit-
1877, pp. 285-286) d. tee , cl943.
A treatise on the relation of Chris-
SIJIGH, GEORGEH tians to earthly government; or, the
b. Kingdom of Chriat 11D10ng the nations. ~cSLAYDEN,J OHN PAUL,
Lexington, Transylvania ptg. and pub. b.
co., 1878.
Ishwar Chintan. Jubbulpore, C. 54p.
P. India, Mission press, 1941. Advanta ges of t he class system; The
church the ligh t of t he world. (In
A protestant. ccSLATER, WILL W lllrfreesboro addresses, 1917, pp . 67-
b. 68; 57-66)


The romance of the ministry,
Lynchburg, Va., Lynchburg college, Church and revival songs. Campbellism unmasked, or, spurious
1943 • gospels exposed. Being the substance
• 12.p. (From Lynchburg college, Goepel songs and hymns, a superior of a discourse delivered ••• in Cincin-
"IOl. 5, no. 6, March, 1943) (The aelection or saored songs suitable nati, • •• July 8, 1834... Cincinnati,
Jennie Cutler Shwnate lectureship on for every phase of church work and Allen and Disney, printers, 1834.
the Christian miniatry) · worship. Fort Smith, Ark., Will W. 16p.
Slater, 0 1944.

--. Indianapolis, Pension 301 songs.

fund, .1943. SLOAN, J F , 1836-1916.
16p. Goepel tidings, a superior collec- b. Belfast, Ireland, 15 0 1836.
tion of aacred songs, both new and d. Los Angeles, Calif., 2 Ja 1916.
old, suitable for every .phase of church
ooSKAGGS,W P work and worship. Fort Smith, Ark., Apostolic preaching; Jesus t he
b. Will Slater, cl943. Christ, the central object of attrac-
189 songs. tion; Samson's riddle; or, t he hard
things of life; skeleton sermons.
Evangelistic sermons. Austin, New song• of praise, a superior (In Cory, N. E., ed. The polymathist,
Tex., Pirm foundation. collection of sacred songs, both new 1877, pp. 348-3491 201-202; 371-373)
78p. and old, auitable for every phase of
church work and worship... Fort
What ia man? (In Abilene Chris- Smith, Ark., Will W. Slater, n.d. SLOCUI!,MRS. E II
tian college Bible lectures, 1924-1925, 189 songs. b.
pp. 21-29) d.
Praise and revival songs.
The junior instructor, an aid in
_LEONARD, Revival songs. the junior work of the ¥. P. s. C. E.
b. St. Louis, Christian pub. co.
Song evangel, 36p.
Riding west on the pony expresa, Song eva11gel no. 2; a selection of
illua. by Paul Quinn. New York, Kao- ' gospel songs and hymns especially ,cSLOUGH,EMERYD , 1872-
llillan, 1939, •1937. suited for revival meetings and Lord's b.
196p. illua. day worship. Fort Smith, Ark.,
Will w. Slater, •1944.
109 songs. The indictment of eternal torment,
SLADE, GEORGEP the self-negation of a monstrous doo-
b. ·Songs we love. trine, tried, judged, and condemned
d. out of ita own mouth by the argument•
Song• of Zion. and admissions of its staunchest advo-
The 1earoh for truth oonoerning cates. Cincinnati, F. L. R01re, 1914.
inatrumental musio in the ohuroh of Triumphant songs. 396p.
Chri1t. Cincinnati, Standard, 1880.
27p. Victory aonga.
SLY, VIRGIL A , 1901-
Bating and drinking l!DlfOrthily1 OTHERS. b. Lewistown, Neb., 1901.
Power to become God's children; skele-
ton sermons. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The church hymnal, a aelection of
The polyn-.thiat, 1877, pp. 4161 92-96) aaored song• auitable for every phase Report on the Congo miasion, .with
of ohuroh work and worship, by Will W. an introduotion by c. M. Yocum.
Slater, Flarll Hall and Johnie Payne. .Indianapolis, U. c. M. s., 1946.
SLAGLE,GRANTL , 1904- Fort Smith, Ark., Will W. Slater, pub., 39p. illus.
b. Connellarllle, Penn., 26 0 1904. •1938.
241 aonga. The work is life. (In Interna-
tional convention, 1941, pp . 137-151)
with ll'ESTRUP,E. T.
SLAUGHTER,SITH WARRBN,1893- contributed to see
Reproduoir el reino. Monterrey, b. Raytown, Mo., 23 N 1893.
Mexico, n.d. Bower, W. C. The·Diaoiplea and
26p. religious eduoation.
Christian fell01rahip. Indianapol-
is, U. C. II. s•
• 20.p. (Aids to effeotive diaoi-


Sly - Smith s

ed. Ia,, Hol ly pub. co ., 1896 . Methods of work. Indianapolis,

64p. illus. C. W. B. M., n.d.
Handboo k of the United Christian 12p .
mi ssio nary socie t y . Indianapolis, U.
192p. SIIITH, BENJAMINH , 1829-1900.
The re pub lican manual, history, b. Richmond, Va., l Mr 1829.
pri nci ples, e arly leaders, achieve- d. Canton, Mo.; 11 Jl 1900.
SLY, MRS. VIRGIL A ments ••• with biographical ske tch e s of
b. J ames A. Garfiel d and Chester A. Arthur , Discourse, delivered on the occa-
New York , Ameri can bk . exchange, 1880 . aion of the dedication of the Christian
34l p. fr ont. (port.) plate (port.) church, corner of Seventeenth and Olive
Wor ld pro gram of the chu.rch. streets, St. Loui • , Mo., June 28, 1863.
Indianapolis , U. C. M. S. St. Louis, 1863.
l 7p. (Cour se no. P3b, Form YP- SMAR
T. JAMESH 24p.
Mimeographe d . The Indiana schools and the men who Address. (In Memorial services
have worked in t hem. Cin cinnat i , in hono r of James A. Garfield, 1881,
Pub li shed for the committee by Wilson, pp . 3-6)
SM.\LL, JAMES, 1860- 1936 . Hin kl e ~ co., ,1875,
b . Seaf in , Down county, Ireland, 23Sp. The co nfess io n of' faith. (In
21 D 1860 . Contents include: Reformator y and Mathes, J.M., ed. The western preach-
d. Columbus, Ind., 12 Jl 1936. benevolent institutions by O. A. er, vol. l, 1865, pp. 155-169)
Burgess, pp. 163-176.
Exercises fo r health and efficiency.
SMART, JEROMEHENRY, 1842-1913. b. , Ky.,
The lost Christ and the lost unity. b. Greene county, !lo., 15 L~ 1842. d. Glen Ridte, N. J., 13 F 1933.
1898? d. Clovis, N. M., 6 N 1913.
Alexander Campbell ,with an, intro-
The old da ys, the old ways and the Apostolic conversions. Chicago, duction by Cloyd Goodnight. St.
old frie nds, bein g a history and sou- Christian oracle, 1892. Louis, Bethany press, •1930.
venir of the Christian churches of 32p . c400,p. front., plates, ports.
Bartho l omew count y, Indiana, and the
church at Naehville, Brown county. Why not a Christian? St. Louis, Contributions of different men to
40p. Christian board. the thought of our movement.
Cont ents i nc lude: Sweeney, W. E. pamphlet.
The necessity for our plea, pp. 35- The pure in heart; Religion; skele-
40. ton sermons. ( In Cory, N. E., ed. Fields that wait.
The polymathist, 1877, pp. 313 ; 294) pamphlet.
A young Christian.
tra ct. comp. Forefather's day-~its meaning and
its sp irit.
Christian ba ptism. (In Thornton, Gems of thought. St. Louis and pamphlet.
E. W. , · ed. Lord's day worship ser- Chicago, Christian pub . co., 1883.
vices, •1930, pp. 119-122) 104p. Lectures, history and work of the
Contents include: Articles by Hiram Disci ples of Christ. Moberly, Mo.,
Looking at the unseen. (In Lord, Christopher, T. P . Haley, N. S. Author, n.d.
J. A., ed. On t he Lord's day, •1904, Haynes, J. W. J&cGarvey, J. W. Monser, c3~p.
pp . 110-114) and J. G. Waggoner.
A manual of forms for ministers •••
Man's de stin y . (In Patterson, H. for special occasions and for the work
C., ed. Our living evangelists, 1894, SllH,EY, CHURCHE and worship of the church. St.
pp. 368-393) b. Louis, Christian board, •1919.
The story of how I came to Christ.
(In Lord, J. A., ed. From darkness to The unchanging Christ and evangelism Our Kadesh--Barnea.
li ght , 1907, pp. 113-120) in India today; convention address, pamphlet.
Disciples of Christ mission, ,Damoh, C.
The unrea1ona blenes1 of infidelity. P. India, 1941. American Christian missionary so-
(In Brokaw, G. L., ed. Doctrine and 7p. ciety. (In Brown, J. T., ed.
l ife, 1898, pp. 460-476) Reprinted from the Baptist missionary Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 150-162)
The vision of the pure heart. (In Contributions of different men to
Book, W. H. The Indiana pulpit, 1912, the thought of our movement for Chris-
pp. 139-160) SMITH, A F , 1846-1922. tian union. (In Wilson,~. c., ed.
b. , 3 Ja 1846. Twentieth century sermon• and addreea-
about aee d. Kansas City, Mo., 17 Mr 1922. es, 1902, pp. 193-198)

Pattereon, H. C. Our living evan- Ernest Leighton. St. Louie, Chris- Period of' revival of home missions.
gelista. tian pub. co., 1881. (In Garrison, J. H., ed. The reforma-
Whitter, D. F. Jam-,1 s-11 336p. tion of the nineteenth century, 1901,
Sweeney, z. T. Jame• Small pp. 315-374)
The Christ. (In The M11souri
Christian lectures, vol. 4, 1888, pp. The twentieth century'• administra-
SMALL,1'1LLIAJ( S 322-339) tion of the Goapel trust. (In The
b. Mie•ouri Christian lectures, vol. 6,
1892, pp. 315-374)
Goepel sermons in diagram, intro- b.
duced by I. N. KcCaeh. Des Moines, d.


s Saith - Sldth

introd ucti on see Redemption, 1, 2, & 3, t ra cts -no . Among the negroes of the south .
14, 15 and 16. Indiana polis, Author, (In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of
Grafton, T. W. Men of yesterday. Chri st, 1904, pp . 169-177)
A s~r ie s of discourse s on var i ous
ed. subjects, embodying a brie f synopsi s The negro of the south--his con di-
of the di vine s cheme of human redemp- t ion a nd need. (In Wilson, L. C.,
The millenial har b inger abridged, t io n and rec overy fro m s i n, Indiana- ed. Twentieth century sermons and
with an introduction by Charles Louis polis, Pt g. and pub. house print, 1874. addr esse s, 1902, ~P· 177-189)
Loos. Cincinnati, Standard, •1902. vii, 320p. front. (port.)
2 vol. with OTHE
diocourse s; a book of twenty
ab out ~e rmons on vari ous subjects. St. J amaica, sketches of Jamaica and
Louis, Christian pub. co. the mission work done t here by the
Benjamin Lyon Smith. (In Brown, 324p. C. W. B. M., by C. C. Smith, Mrs. G.
J. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, Pur dy and John E. Randall. Indiana-
p. 503) True scriptural organizati on of the polis, C. w. B. M., .1907,
church. 48p.
about see
Work out your salvation, t ract no.
Abbott, B. A. A more excellent 3. Indianapolis, Autho r. ccSI.IITH, COLIN
way. b.
Redemption. (In 1/'.athes, J . M.,
ed. The western preacher, vol. 1, 2d
SMITH, BUTLER KENNEDY,1807-1876. ed., 1865, pp . 308-325) The possi bi lities of Christianity
b. Spartanburgh district, s. c., in Australia. (In Abilene Christian
16 S 1807. with HORNADY,
H college Bible lectures, 1340, pp. 273-
d. 286)
An epistolary discussion on the
Baptism, reception and the holy theory of anhilation. 1865.
sp irit, tracts no. 11, 12, and 13. SMITH, El1NARDH , 1811-1891.
Indianapolis, Author. about see b. Cumberland county, Ky., 30 II
Bor n of God, tract no. 2. Evan•, Madison. Biographical d. , 27 Mr 1891.
Indianap olis, Author. sketches of the pioneer preachers of
Indiana. about see
Calling upon the name of the Lord, Tiera, M. C. The Chriotian por-
tract no. 6. Indianapolis, Author. trait gallery. Boles, H. L. Biographical
sketchea of gospel preachers.
Church unity, traots no. 9 and 10.
Indianapolis, Author. SMITH, MRS. C L
b. cSMITH, ELIAS, 1769-1846.
Earnest inquiry into the true scrip- b. Lyme, Conn., 17 Je 1769.
tural organization of the churches of d. Lynn, Maas., 29 Je 1846.
God in Christ Jesus. Indianapolis, Whom we serve. St. Loui s , Ctris-
Indianapolis ptg. & pub. house, 1871. tian board. The age of inquir y. II . H. Exter,
104p. 1825.

Election, tract no. 7. Indiana- SMITH, CLARKBURRC7iiS,1908- The American physician, and family
polis, Author. b. Canton, Mo., Je 1906. assistant: in five parts ••• 4th ed.
Boston, B. True, printer, 1837.
The end, with title page, index and 306p;
preface for the whole series, Traot no. A study of pupils dropping out of a
20. Indianapolis, Author. midwestern high school. .1944. The clergyman'• looking glass •••
pp. ljl-156 Beaton, Printed for the Author, 1803-
Foundation, no'• land 2, and The Reprinted from The echool review, 1804.
great supper, Tracts no. 17, 18, 19. April 19H. 4 pamphlets in 1 vol.
Indianapolis, Author.
A dictionary of the New Testament.
The mystery of goodness, tract no. 4. SMITH, CLAYTONCHEYNEY,1845-1919. Philadelphia, Printed and aold by the
Indianapolis, Author, 1872. b. near Warren, o., 5 My 1845. author, 1!112.
d. , 9 Ja 19i9.
Mystery of iniquity, tract no. 5. -. rev. and enl. by Robert Fos-
Indianapolis, Author. Historical sketches. ter, with a life of Christ and the
apostles. Portsmouth, N. H., Chris-
The natural man. 1865. The life and work of Jacob Kenely. tian herald office, 1832.
24p. Cincinnati, Printed for the author by
Methodist bk. concern, •1912. A discourse, delivered at Jefferson
The natural man, tract no. 1. x, 160p. front. (ports.) plates. Hall, Thanksgiving day, November 25,
Indianapolis, Author. 1802; and redelivered (by requeat) the
Negro education and evangelization. Wednesday evening following, at the
The pieces aaved1 or, a collection .Indianapolis, C. W. B. M.• n.d. same place: the subject, Nebuchadnez-
of sermons, essays, reviews, conversa- 12p. zar's dream. Published by particular
tions, correspondence, and fragmentary request of the hearers ••• 2d ed. oor.
pieces1 most of which have been contri- Our mission in Jamaica. Indiana- and enl. Boston, Printed and sold by
buted, from time to time, to the polia, c. W. B. M., 1897? Manning & Loring, 1803.
periodicals of the current refornation. 16p. 40p.
Work among colored people. Discourse on baptism. 1802?
Predestination, tract no. 8. pamphlet.
Indianapolis, Author.

Smit h - Smith s

An ess ay on the fall of an g els Sermon on the Nebuchadnezzar's cc SMI TH, EUGENE S
and men; with remarks on ~r. Edward's dream, delivered in Boston, May 4, 182 0 b.
no t i on of th e freed om of t he will, and . Boston, 1820 .
t he sys tem of uni ve r salit y . Vlilmin g-
t or., Print e d by Br ynb erg and Andrews, A short sermon to the Calvinist The ch urch of Chri s t. Dalla s ,
1792. Bapti sts of Mass ac husetts. 18 06. Tex., Gospel broa dc a st.
76p .
si gne d E. S. Song s of the redeemed, for followers Miracles and t heir u·se . Dallas,
of the Lord. Tex., Gospel broa dcast.
Wilmi ngton, printe d , Mid-
dletown re prin t ed by Moses H. Woodward, Thank sg ivin g sermon. 3 eds. M:>dernism, its course. i ts curse.
1796 . its cur~. Del Rio, Tex., Author,
50p . Twent y-tw o sermons on the pr ophecies . 193 9 .
180 8 • . 10 6p .
Five letters, with remarks ••• also
remarks on the minutes of the Warren The whole world governed by a Jew; debate with BALLARD, L. S,
ass o ciation, held i n Boston, Sept. or, the gov ernment of the second Adam, ( Bt1ptist)
1804... Bos t on, Printed by J. Ball as kin g and p r ie st; d escribed from the
for Elias Smith, 1804. scri ptures. Delivered March 4, 1805, Smith-Ballard debate, "The p lan of
36p . t he evenin g after the election of the salvation", a di sc u s sion, held in
President and Vice president. Exeter . Dallas, Texas, Nov, 24, 25, 26, 27,
Hist or y o f t he anti-Christ. 1803? N. H., Printed by Henr :r Ranlet ... , 18 05 1942. Dallas, Tex., Gospel broad-
als o 1811. 84p . cast, 1942?
Illustration of the pr ophecies. comp .
Exeter, N. H., Printed by Norris and
Sawyer, for the author, 1808. A co lle c tion of hymns, for the use SMITH, EVERETT ST. CLAIR, 1883-
of Chri s tian s , 4th ed. Portland, b. Bour bo n count y , Ky ., 2 11'
.r 1883.
The_ life, · conversion, preaching, Published and sold at the Herald ptg.
travels, and sufferings ·of Elias office and book stores, John P, Col-
Smith, vol. 1. Por t smou th, N. H., cor d , printer, 1811. Bits of e v er gr een; fi~y select
Beck I Foster, 1816; 36p. bro,.d casts, cwi t h lte et Dr. Smith by
405p . front. (port.) Rufus St e ele~ Cincinnati. Standard.
joint~- see •1 931.
--, written by himself, v ol. 1. 240p .
Bost on , So ld by the author, 1840. Jones, Abner. Hymns, ori ginal
372p . front. (port.) and selected. Blood,

Medical pocketbo ok. Boston, 1822. about The church night service. Cin-
cinnati, Standard, •1 928.
The light not clear, nor dark. A Pers ons , F. T. Elias Smith. C 128,p,

di sc ourse delivered at Hopkinton, (N. (In Dic t i onar y of American bior,ra phy ,
H.), Thursday, Sept. 5, 1804. At a vo l. 17, 19J 5, p p . 258-2 59 ) Facts of the Bible. St. Louis,
meetin g of a Christian conference, Mo., L. B _. Price mer can ti le co.
Published by t he request of those who about see
heard it. Bost o n, Printed for the It did the trick.
public--sold by Daniel Conant •.• 1805. Andros, Thomas. The scriptures
47p . liable to be wrested to men's own Pentecost, a pa geant in f our epi-
destruction, and an in s tance of this sodes, Cincinnati, Standard, •1927.
A man i n the smoke, and a friend found in the writin g s of Elia s Smith. 16p. inc. cover.
en de avouring to hel p him out. Being Burnett, J. F. Elias Smith,
remarks on Mr. Baldwin's sern:on upon reformer, preacher, journalist, doctor.
the pur pose of God, t he foundation of Mt,Yaster, Gilbert. Essav in de- :cSl.!ITH, FLETC!IBRWALTEN, 1858-193 0 .
effectual calling. Also an ex p lana- fense of some fundamental doctrines of b. near Fayetteville, Tenn., 12
tion of the words, purpose, elect, and Chri s tianit y ; includin g a review of Mr 1858.
election. Boston, Printed for the th e 1•rritin g s of Elias S!!!ith. d. , 11 N 1930.
author, sold by Daniel Conant ••• , 1805,
36p. The operation of the Holy spirit.
nc,SMITH, EMME'.tT n. p ., n.d.
The peoples book. An address to b .• 22p.
the citizens of Boston, and the people
of the United States on poison, health, A re -view of C. M. Harless' tract,
disease, vegetable medicine, and manner debate with ""Th e one essential to salvation.ff
of curing t he s ick. Boston, B. True, ----- GARNER,ALBERT
(Baptist) McUinnvill e , Tenn., Standard ptg.
·printer, 1836. house. n.d.
72p. The Garner-Smith debate on instru- 26p.
mental music. Searcy, Ark., Author,
A reply to thia Cpngregational 1945. The financial side of missions.
Methodist question "why cannot you (In !.llrfreesboro addresses, 1917, pp.
commune with us, seeing we are willing 135-146)
to commlU].ewith you? - to which is SMITH, ENOCHCHARLES, 1890-
added a short history of infant bap- b. Zionsville, Ind., 1890. introduction see
tism." Portsmouth, N. H., Printed
for N. S. &:W. Pierce, cetc ., 1803. Kurfees, M. C. Review of o. E.
24p. A poem of the Christ. Olney, Ill., Payne's book on "Paallo."
Author, •1936. Ritchie, A. T. Travels in Bible
A reply to this question, How shall 29p. lands.
I know that I am born agaln? Or, what
are the evidences of a spiritual birth?
Boston, Printed by Manning&: Loring.,.

Smith • Smith

debate with LOFTON, .GEORGE A

----- (Baptist)
Divisi ons of the Bi b l e ; How to st udy
t he Bibl e ; My s t e ri es of the Bi b le; :Vny

stud y t he Bi b le; Who wr ot e t h e Bi b le;

Why the Baptist name, a discussi on ( In Abi lene Christian c ol l e ge Bi b l e
,with an introduction b y J. W. Shep- l ectures, _1 919 , pp . 225- 238 ; 115-12 6 ; Out line h i st o r y of th e wilde rn es s
herd, Nashville, !.lcQuidd y , 1912. 211- 221; 10 1-112 ; 183-1 95 ) of Kentucky and the reli ; ious movements
345p. of t he ea rl y settle rs of our coun try
How to teach the Bi b l e ; Liftin g up an d t he ch urch his t o r y of th e North
about see the Christ; Why have a Bible school?; Midd l etow n communit y , Cons u ltin g com-
(In J.h.trfreesboro addresses, 1917 , p p, mittee: W. S . Jones ., J. W. Young , sr .,
Boles, H. L. Bio gra phi cal 25-3 0 ; 191-2 0 1; 3-14) and F. M, Tinder, Pa ri s, Ky., Fran k
sketches of gospel preachers. Remin gton , pri nte r.
about see 9l p , f r ont . (po rt, ) ports,

ooSMITH, FOY L Boles, H. L, Bi ogra phi cal

b. sketches of gospel preach er s . SMITH, HARLIE LAWRENCE , 1900-
b , l~ ryvill e , Mo,, 23 J a 1300 ,

Lord's day even i ~g sermons, vol. one, SMITH, GEORGE RAPPEEN, 1804-18 79,
.with an introdu ct io n b y G. K, Wallace, b. Powhatan count y , Va,, 17 Ag 1804. Christian education f or l if e to day ,
.Eldorado, Ark., Author, •1944. d, Sedalia, Mo ., 11 Jl 18 79, (I n Int ernati onal con venti on, 1939 ,
85 p , port, pp. 303-313)
Sp eech, delivered in t he Missouri
state Senate, on the 10t h of Febru a ry,
SMITH, FRANCIS EDWIN, 1877- 1865, St, Louis, M'Kee, Fishback and SMITll, FL\RRY DENMAN, 18 66-1 933,
b. Linn county, Ia,, 18 S 1877, co,, printers, 18 65. b . Hamilt on, Mo., 22 Ja 1866 ,
lOp, d, Eni d, Okla., 26 J a 193 3,

The church and her ministry, address about see Han d lin e ari ght the ~o rd of truth,
at Ministers brea kfast, Kansas City, St, Louis, U . C, ll . S ., 1925,
International co nvention, October 15, Harding, S. B, Life of George R, 6p .
1936, Indiana po li s , Pension fund, Smith,
1936. St. Lou is, U, C, M, S.,
6p, folder, cl92 8 ,
SMITH, GEORGE T , 1843-1920. 6p . folder.
b, Cincinnat i , 0,, 16 0 1843,
ccSllITB, G W , 1840-1921, d, Champai gn, Ill,, 17 D 1920 . A p re a cher's f irst bo oks, Cin-
b, near Dresden, Tenn,, 2 Ja 1840. cinnati, St andard, •1933,
4. near Union City, Tenn., 23 D Critique on hi gher cri t icism. 80p ,
1921. Winfield, Kans,, Indu s trial free press, Contents i nc lude: Book l i sts
1900, s e lected by I. IV. Mccash, F, H.
about see 323p. Marshall, C, C, Tay l or, W, E, Pow-
ell, R. W. Nels on, R, J. Griffeth,
Bol e s, H. L.
sketches of gospel
--. Kansas City, Huds on S, J. Eng land with a cha pter, Ho..-
to care for books by Mary Eliza beth
--. Cleona, Pa,, Holzapfel Kitchen, all of Phillips
Enid, Okla.

ccSMITH, GEORGE DALLAS, 1970-192 0 , ,Leaflet relating to the Foreign

b, near Uni on City, Obion count y , Christian missionary society, Twelve lessons for church of ficers.
Tenn,, 17 Mr 1870, 47p.
d, Cleburne, Tex., 7 N 1920, The conflict, skeleton serm on. Mimeographed,
(In Cory, N, E,, ed, The polymathist,
Lectures on the Bible, and what is 1877, p. 401) The call of Ab raham, (In Lord,
man? ,with a sketch of the author's J. A., ed. On the Lord's da y , •19 04,
life by John R. Williams, Cincinnati, pp, 131-1 33)
F, L, Rowe, n,d, SMITH, GEORGE\V
96p, front, (port.) b, Education for t h e pulpit. (In
d, Thornton, E, W,, ed. Lord's day wor-
Outlines of Bible study for use in ship services, •193 0 , pp . 299-3 02)
Bible drills, Bible readings, Bible Incidents of travel. Beula h , Ia.,
classes, prayer meetings, and home Author, 18567 The program of Jesus, Missionary
study, rev. and enl, Murfreesboro, day sermon, (In Thornton, E. W., ed,
Tenn,, Author, 1914, Special sermons for special occasions,
,125,p. maps. SMITH, GERALDLYMANKENNETH, 1921, pp. 53-64)
Printed by McQuiddy pt g , co. b,
Re st. (In Moore, W. T,, ed. The
Outlines of Bible study, by G, Dal- new living pulpit of the Christian
las Smith; improved and enl, Evidences Dangerous enemies. 1939. church, 1918, pp , 375-386)
and methods by Isaao C, Hoskins; Sys-
tematic study by F. L. Rowe, Cincin- Too much Roosevelt. 1940, introduction see
nati, F, L, Rowe, •1914,
38, 60p, map•. cEulogy delivered about Carl H, Mote, Rains, P. B, Francis Marion Raina,
Prayer, I, Should Christians pray about see
for sinners?, II. ·Should •inners pray
for themselves? Cincinnati, Chris- SMITH, H AB, 1858• Moore, W. T. The new living pul-
tian leader corporation, n,d, b. Panola county, Miss,, 28 Ja 1858. pit,
32p, ino. covers. d,

Reconciliation. (In Scott, L, w.,

ed. Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 139-146)

Smith - Smith s

SMIT"rl,HARVEYBAKER, 1877- "lt's the way it's wr itten ." Note s Will our children forg ive us ? An
b. Sulphur , Ky., 21 A~ 1877. on the lit erar y equipment of an-•- a ppraisal of th e liquor p ro b lem in
paper man; the opportunity; the ta sk, wartime America, Evan ston, Ill.,
and "writing ver• us ever ything else", National W. C, T. U, pub, h ouse , 1944 .
At the t omb of the unknown soldier. a study of the pl a ce of wr iti ng i n the 32p.
(In Thornton, E. W., ed . Lor d's day journalis t ic s cale of va l u es, Address-
wor sh ip serv ic es, • 1930 , pp . 287-290) es delivered before the Medil l schoo l Chris t ian imperatives of tempe ra nce.
of journalism, Nort hwes tern university, {In Internati onal convention , 1935, pp ,
Chr i st 's unwr itten mira c les. (I n Chica go , cChicago , Chicago da ily 48-59)
Cory, A, E, , ed. Voices of th e sanc- news, •1923,
tuary , 1930 , pp . 242-24 9) 52p , (The Chic ago daily news introduction se e
re pri nt s , no , 7)
For th e re are set t hrone s for judg- Crai g, L. G, Preo iou s jewels.
ment. (In Intern atio na l convention, It' s the way it s written; writing
1939, pp , 314-32 1) versus everything el se ; Genius on news-
pape r ro w; be ing s ome observati ons on SMITH, J R
nffl,spaper work , with a few on lit er a- b.
SMITH, HENRY. JUSTIN, 187 5-193 6 , tu re . Ch ica go , Ste rlin g North, •1934
b . Chic ago, Ill., 19 Je 1875 . 92p .
d. 9 F 193 6. The auto- Ch; ist ( se lf-anointe d)
Josslyn; the story of an incorrigi- Cincinnati, Standard, •189 9.
Chicago, a portrait; illus. by E. ble dreamer, Chicago, Covici-McGee, C 74,p,

H, Suydam. New York, Century, •1931. 1924.

viii, 386p. front,, illus., plates. 252p.
S!,!ITH, J s , (l.!<!thodist)
Chicago'• great century, 1833-1933, Washington bk, co,
cwi th a foreword by Rufus C, !lawes, Campbellism not of God, Nash-
Chicago, Pub lished for a Century of The master · of the Mayflower cwith ville, Printed for th~ a utho r by the
prog ress cby, Consolidated publishers, a foreword by Edgar J. Goodspeed, . house of the M, E. Church, South, 1889.
1933 , Chica go , Willett, Clark & co,, •1 936 , l6p.
198p , fr ont . (por t.) p la tes , 24lp.

Deadlines ; bein g the quaint, the Other side of t he wall; illus, by SMITH, JAMES
amusing , th e tragic memoirs of an-•- Clinton Pettee. Garden City, Doubl e- b,
r oom, Chicago , Covici-A~Gee, 1923. day, 1919 , d,
•l 922 . vii, 342p . front,, plates,
249p . A dissertation on the pe rson and
Poor devil, New York, Covici, character of Jesus Christ, the begot-
--. Wa•hington bk. co, Friede,
28l p ,
1929. ten son of God, and of t he purposes
for which he came into the world,
--. New York , Harcourt. Mount Vernon, Printed by Colerick &
Senor Zero, illus, with woodcute Haines at the offi ce of the American
Extra! extra! - Deadlines and Jose- by Samuel Glanckoff. New York, standard, 1821,
lyn, with a preface by Burton Rascoe, Harcourt, •1931. 69p,
limited autographed ed, Chicago, 377p, front., illus,, plates.
Sterling North, 1934.
233, 250p . Young Phillips, reporterJ illus, by SMITH, JAMESHARDIN, (Presbyterian)
Sanford Strother. N- York, Harcourt,
Gallery of Chicago editors; lecture •1933. Taste the apples. Nashville,
delivered under the auspices of the 269p. front., illus. McQuiddy ptg, co., 1915.
University oollege, University of Chi- 128p, front, {port,) plates.
cago, cChicago,, Chicago daily n""s, with LEWIS, LLOYD,
20p . illus, {Chicago daily n""s Ci:'l.cago, the history of ita reputa- SMITH, JAMESHENRYOLIVER, 1857-1935.
reprints no. 44) tion; part I by Lloyd Lewis, introduc- b, Warren coµnty, 0,, 27 D 1857.
tion and part ' JI by H, J, Smi th, d, Oklahoma oity, Okla,, 27 D 1935.
Genius on newspaper row; addrese New York, Harcourt, •1929.
deHver-ed at the University of Chicago, 508p, Ashley S, Johnson still speaks.
under the auspices of the William cKimberlin Hei ghts, Johnson Bible
v~ughn Moody foundation, April 14, 1927. , centennial ed. rev, N"" college, 192-?
cChicago, Chica go daily n"""• •1927. York, Blue ribbon books, 1933, 12p. front, (port,) plates.
35p, ill us. ( Chicago da i _ly n""• xii, 518p,
reprint, no. 30) Organizing for the revival meeting,
Oscar Wilde discovers America, 1882. n.p., n.d.
Innocents alof't, and other souvenir• N"" York, Harcourt, 1936 . · 32p.
of days in Franoe cwith an introduction xiv, 462p. illus.
by William McFee, Chicago, Pasoal What think ye of Christ? and other
Ccvici, 1927. sermons, pentecostal ed. cwith an
235p. SMITH, HERBERT, 1880- introduction by Virgil Wilfred Wallace,
b. Cincinnati, Standard, •1927,
"It'• the wav lt•s written," Notes 298p,
on the literary· equipment of a news- Contents include: Mary, the mother
paper man: the greatest opportunity in The call of the Congo ••• with can, of the Messiah, by Mrs, J, H. o.
the profession for excellent writing-- introduction by Royal J, Dye... Cin- Smith, pp. 287-298.
a f..., suggestions, , An address delivered cinnati, Powell & White, •1924,
before the Joseph Medill school of 267p, front., plates, map. Christ's amnesty proclamation.
journalhm, Northwestern university, {In Thornton, E.W., ed. Lord's day
_Chicago, November 3, 1921, cChicago, worship services, •1930, pp, 323-326)
Chioago daily news, 1921, SMITH, IDA B (SPEAKMAN) WISE,
29p, (The Chicago daily news (Mrs, Malcom Smith, 1871-
reprints, no. 2) b, Philadelphia, Penn . , 3 Jl 1871,

Smith - Smith

Christ's method of savin g men. J. H., ed. The I owa pulpit of the SMITH, MARYELMINA (COE) (!.!rs. J. H.
(In Patterson, H. C., ed. Our livin g church of Chris t , 1884 , pp . 189- 202) O. Smith), 185 5-1 928.
evan gelis ts , 18 94, pp. 82-106) b . near Dix on , Ill., 5 Jl 1,855 .
about see d . Kansa s City, Mo., 31 Ur 1928 .
Choose you this day whom ye will
serve, Decision day sermon. (In Painter, J. H. I ov,a pu l p it of the Mary, the mothe r of the lf.essiah .
Thornt on , E. W., ed. Special sermons church of Christ, (In Smith, J . H. O. What think ye of
for special occasions, 1921, pp. 65- Chri s t?, 01927 , pp. 287 -2 98)
ccSMITH, JOllli T , 1884-
Suffering and glory. (In Lord, b. Obion county, Tenn,, 19 S 1884. icSllITH, OSCAR
J. A., ed. On the Lord's day, •1904, b.
pp. 87-32)
The !idve.ntage of the Jev,s; The
introduction see church and a clerical hierarchy; The Christianity the re ve lati on of
church in conflict with Pagan ph ilosophr Jesus Christ; The church in i ts preach-
Titus, C. B. Sam Wang's college. The resurrection of the Chr ist, (In in t; and teaching . (In Abilene Chris-
Abilene Christian college Bible lectures tian col le ge Bible lectures, 1922-1923,
about see 1922-1923, pp . 76-S3; 1934, pp . 43-53; pp. 314-324; 1935, pp . 65-72)
32-42; 1938, pp. 189-1 98)
Crumpacker, E. D. J. H. O. Smith,
Patterson, H. C. Our living evan- SMITH, ROBERT
gelists. SMITH, JOSEPH b.
b. ct.

SMITH, MRS. J. H. O. with !!.OSS, J. J.

The church. Birmingham, England,
see SMITH, MARYEL!lINA (COE) Churches of Christ book depot, 1924, The scoura ge: devoted to t he !1'.enta l
24p. (Small books on New Testa- and moral L~provement o f Rev s. John A.
ment Christianity) Gurley, E. M. Pir.g r e e and t he Connec -
SMITH, JOHN, 1784-1868. (Racoon John) tic ut convention of Universali sts,
b, Sullivan county, Tenn., 12 0 Synoptic tables shovdng the rela- pr epar ed and a ppli e d by Rober t Smith
1784. ticnship of the first three gospels. and J. J. Moss . Covi ngton, Ky .,
d. Mexico, Mo., 28 F 1868, Eirmingham, England, Berean pres s, Printed for the authors at the of fi c e
1932. of t he "ortho dox preacher", 1815.
Address to the Disciples (1832) l6p. 96p .
(In Rowe, F. L., ed. Pioneer sermons
and addresses, •1908, pp,183-192) Thessalonians. England, Kirkpat-
rick. ,cSl!ITH, ROBERTD
about see 53p. b.

Boles, H. L. lliographical
sketches of gospel preachers. SMITH, JOSEPH (Presbyterian) Christian unity; The religi on of
Dungan, D.R. John (Racoon) the man of Uz . ( In Abilene Chris-
Smith. Old Redstone, or historical tian college Bible lectures, 1940 ,
Grafton, T. W. Men of yesterday. sketches of western Presbyterianism, pp. 89-94; 1922-1 923, pp . 5-1 5)
Tiers, M. C. The Christian per- its early ministers, its perilous times,
tra i t gallery. and its first records. Philadelphia,
\Vest, J. ·.v. Sketch~• of our Lip pincott, Grambo & co., 1854. SMITH, ROMANS,
mountain pioneers. 459p. b.
V/illiams, J. A. Life of Elder John
SMITH, LESLIE R , 1904- Who is Jesus Chri st? ( I n Humbert,
b. York, Neb., 16 Jl 1904. H. F., ed. Rel-igion is reality, •1 942,
SMITH, JOHN CALVIN, 1796-1870. pp. 27-30)
b. Wilkes county, N. c., 27 My 1796,
d. 18 F 1870 , How can we believe in a loving God?
cindianapolis, Committee on war ser- cs:,!I TH, SARAH, 1845 -18 72 .
about see vices, Disciples of Christ, 1943?. b.
14p. inc. front cover. d. Grenville, Mich., 27 Ap 1872.
Boles, H. L. Biographical
sketches of gospel preachers. From sunset to dawn, a book of cVolume of sennons~
meditations to help those in grief.
New York, Nashville, Abingdon-Cokesbury Poetry and prose,
SMITH, JOHN K , 1843?-1921, press, •1944.
b, Orange county, Ind., 1843? 125p.
d, Graham, Mo., 24 Ja 1921. ,cSMITH, SIDNEY W , 188 1-
b. Comanche county, Tex., 2 Ag
about SMITH, WARTFAELIZABETH, 1830-1907. 188 1.
b. , Ky., 10 Ja 1830.
Memorial services to John K. Smith, d. Sedalia, Mo., 4 Ap 1907.
held in Christian church, Vandalia, Mo., From the cow camp to the pulpit;
March 11, 1898, n.d. Idle thoughts in idle hours, being twenty-five year•' experience of
n. p. Sedalia, Mo., 1903. a Texas evan g elist. Cincinnati , The
4l p . front. (ports.) Christian leader cdrporation, 1927.
c232.p. port., illus.
SMITH, JOHN NELSON, 1840-1923, about see
b. ¥.nox county, 0,, 2 Ap 1840,
d. Los Angeles, Calif,, 6 Ag 1923, Ragland, N. M. "Dear old George-
town", or, memoirs of Mrs. Vartha
The law of increase. (In Painter, Elizabeth Smith.

Srr.ith - Smith s

SMITH, SUE (EVANS) (Mrs, G. David --, rev. ed, Chicago, Univer- Congress--showmanship or statesman-
Smith) sity of Chica go press, •1939. ship, New York, Columbia university
b. xxxiii, c290,p. press, 193 9,
23p. (Foundations of democracy,
Discipline for democrac y , Chapel no , 3)
The C, W. B, M, in Texas, (In Hi ll, University of North Carolina
McPherson, Chalmers, Disciples of pre ss , 1942. The executive--tradition or initia- .
Christ in Texas, 1920, pp . 71-73) xiv, l37 p. (Weil lectures on tive. New York, Columbia university
American citizenshi p) press, 1939,
23p . (Foundl,tions of democracy,
SMITH, T K 18 94- The legislative way of life, being no, 4)
b, Rockdale, Tex,, 1894, the course of lecture s delivered at
Westminster college, Fulton, Missouri, The American farmer--citizen or
1940. Chicago, University of Chica go peasant ? New York, Colu mbia univer-
Catholic and apost olic baptism; The press, •1940, sity press, 1939?
gospel for today, (In International xi, lOlp. (Green foundation 23p, (Foundations of democracy,
convention, 1938, pp, 194-213; 1934, pp, lectures) no . 11)
Lincoln, living le ge nd. Chicago, Foundations of democracy; a series
University of Chicago press, cl94 0, of debates. New York, Knopf, 1939.
ORE CLARKE, 1870- viii, 83p. viii, 346, vii p.

The life and ..letters

of James Abram
New Haven, . Yale university
in hades,
of Chicago press,
press, 1925, xvii, 229p. Philosophers speak for themselves;
2 v. front. (port.) guides and readings for Greek, Roman,
The philosophic way of life. Chi- and earl y Christian philosophy •
cago, University of Chicago press, . Chicago, University of Chicago press, __
C 1934,
b, xiii, 234p. xxiv, 800p.
-, 2d ed. New York, F, s. GREEN, MARJORIE.
The unity of God, and sonship of Crofts, 1943.
Jesus Christ, an address, republished xiii, 258p. From Descartes to Kent; readin gs in
by Elias Vickers and Samuel Kyle, the philosophy of the renaissance and
elde rs in the Christian church, print- Promise of American politics, 2 d ed. ~nlightenment, Chicago, University
ed by permission of the author. Chicago, University of Chicago press, of Chicago press, cl940,
Piqua, 0,, Printed by Vfilliam Barring- •1936. viii, 899p,
ton, n. d. xxix, c308,p.
40p. CLARK, G, H,
Public and private offices as public
trusts, can abstract, Charlottes- Readings in ethics, New York, F.
cSMITH, THOMAS CORWIN, 1842- ville, Va,, Institute of publio affairs, S. Crofts, 1931,
b. near Amelia, o., 27 N 1842. University of Virginia, 1940. x, 40lp.
Conscience and politics, (In --, 2d ed, New York, F. S.
The presence and providence of God. Garrison, W. E., ed, Faith of the Crofts, 1935,
(In Coan, A. W., ed. Gospel sermons, free, 1940, pp. 96-109) x, 435p.
1881, pp. 286-300)
Truth beyond imagination. (In WHITE, L. D,
Kallen and Hook, ed. American philo-
SMITH, THOMAS VERNOR, 1890- sophy, today, and tomorrow, 1935, pp. Chicago, an experiment in social
b, Blanket, Tex., 26 Ap 1890. 465-4~) science research. Chicago, Univer-
sity of Chicago press, cl929, .
with WHITE, L. D. vii, 283p. (University of Chica-
The American philosophy of equality, go social scienoe studies, no. 17)
Chicago, University of Chicago press, Politics and public servioe; · a dis-
C 1927, cusaion of the civic art in America. WRIGHT,W. K.
xii, 339p. New York, Harper, 1939.
xi, 36lp. Es•ays in philosophy by seventeen
Beyond conscience, Ne,r York, doctors of philosophy of the University
Whittlesey house, 1934. with OTHERS. of Chicago. Chicago, Open court,
xv, 373p. 1929.
Democracy vs. dictatorship : teach- 337p.
Creative sceptics: .in defense of ing American youth to understand their
the liberal temper. Chicago, Willett, own and the enemy's way of life,
Clark & co., 1934, Washington, D. C., National council SMITH, W F
vii, 270p. for the social studies, 1942.
69p. (Problems in Amertcan life, A death shot at Campbellism.
The democratic tradition in America. no. 6) Highland, Tenn,, 1899,
New York, Farrar, 0 1941. 8lp.
xiii, l52p. (American government
in action series) -----
debate with TAFT, ROBERTA
The constitution--written and un-
The democratic -y of life, cChi- written, New York, ColU111biauniver- b.
cago,, University of Chicago press, sity press, 1939.
•1926. 2lp. (Foundations of democracy,
xi, 210p. no. 2) Lost sheep of the house of Israel
identified in the Anglo-Saxon race,
Biblically and historically... Nash-
ville, Gospel advocate co., 1899.

s S111tth- Snoddy


Ms.rtin Smith) b. Frankfort, Ky., 10 Je 1865. barefoot preacher)
b, d. Los Angeles, Calif., 24 Je 1928. b, Bourbon county, Ky., 15 Ja 1794,
d, , Ind,, l Ja 1877,
The New Testament church. (In
Report of the forum on "Christian Bible. Front ra nk Bible, Doctrins.l Autobiography of Abraham Snethen,
education", (In International cor;i- helps, pp . 23-28) the barefoot preacher collected and
vention, 1939, pp. 369-372) . compiled by Mrs. N, E. Lamb; corrected
~· with EXCELL, E. O. and revised by J. F. Burnett. Day-
ton, 0,, The Christian pub. associa-
SMITH, ZACHARIAHFREDERICK, 1827-1911. Hymns of the faith; stands.rd hymns tion, 1909.
b, near Newcastle, Ky., 27 Ja 1827. and selected gospel songs with respon- c296,p. port.
d, sive scripture readings for use in s.11
departments of - the church and Bible
Battle of NewOrleans, includin g the school and in all kinds of reli gious SNIFF, LITTLETONMOO RE, 1349-1922,
previous enga gements between the Amer- services. St. Louis, Christian b. Hocking county, o., 30 N 1849,
icans and the British, the Indians and board, n,d. d, Angelia, Ind., 13 D 1922.
the Spanish which led to the final con- 320p.
_flict on the 8th of January 1815. Analytical methods of arithmetic,
Louisville, Ky., J. P, J.!orton &. co., comprising model solutions with ex-
1904. SMITP.SON,J M F planations. Ads., o., Millar &
xv, 209p. front., ports. (Filson 1846-1892. Thompson, printers, 1879.
club papers, no. 19) b, De county, Tenn,, 23 0 1848, 50p.
d, Decherd, Tenn., 1 0 1882.
The history of Kentucky. From its Arithmetical solutions and mensur-
earliest discovery and settlem9nt to ab out see ation • .,c5th ed., .Kenton, 0,,
the present date ••• its military events Republican print, 188 7,
and achievements, and biographical Boles, H. L. Biographical 82p.
m~ntion of its historical characters. sketches of r,ospel preachers.
Louisville, Courier-journal job ptg. Finding the way out. Cincinnati,
co.. 1886. Standard, n,d.
xxvii, 824p. front., illus., plates, ccSMITHSON. JOHN T Sp,
maps. b,
J.B. Lehman. (In Brown, J. T,,
Louisville, Prentice press,
The divine nature. (In Abilene
ed. Churches of Christ,
1904, pp.

xxxi, 848p, front., illus., plates, Christian college Bible lectures,

ports. 1926-1927, P!'. 223-232)
History of Kentucky, from its ear- b, Cuba, Ill., 15 Ja 1866,
liest discovery and settlement to the SMITS, ANNAMARY(WELLS) (Mrs, T. R.
present time, its prehistoric and Smits)
aboriginal periods, its pioneer life b, The church, (In Meacham, E. J.,
ar.d experiences, etc. Louisville, comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp.
1901. 21-23)
. 963p. V.Urderer's choice, by Anna ~ary
Wells. New York, Knopf, 1943.
History of the reformation of the 248p. SNODDY,ELI.IERELLSWORTH,1863-1936,
19th century, inaugurated, advocated, b, Stilesville, Ind,, 13 My 1963.
and directed by Barton W. Stone of A talent for murder, by Anne. "'-ry d. Lexington, Ky•., 20 Ap 1936,
Kentucky, 1800-:1832, Vlells. New York, Knopf, 1942.
238p. Barton W. Stone and Walter Scott,
Memoirs of the mother of Henry Clay. ambassadors of the everlasting gospel,

School history of Kentucky ., from

a Dr, Hillis
Owen detective
York, Dell pub. co,, 1944,
(In Texas state convention addresses,
1931, pp. 5-9)
the earliest discoveries and settlements •1942.
to the end of the year 1888, Prepared 192p, Isas.c Errett, the apostle of Chris-
for use in the schools of the state. tian brotherhood, (In Texas state
Louisville, Courier-journal job ptg. My chance to get even. (In Camp- convention addresses, 1931, pp, 14-16)
co., 1889. bell and Moseley, eds. My dad, 1938,
240p. front. (map) illus., ports, pp, 168-174) A protest, a quest and a test,
(In Anderson, o. T., ed. Social
School history of Kentucky from the adventures with Jesus, 1928, pp. 123-
earliest discoveries and settlements to SMYTHE,LEWIS STRONGCASEY, 154)
the year 18911 prepared for use in the b,
schools of the state, 6th ed. Louis- Thomas and Alexander Campbell, pio-
ville, Courier-journ~l job ptg. co., neers of Christian union. (In Texas
1891. War. damage in the Nanking area, state convention addresses, 1931, pp.
288p. illus. December 1937 to Ms.rch 1938, Urban and 10.13)
rural surveys by Dr. Lewis S. C. Smythe
and assistants, on behalf of the Nanking introduction
SMITH, ZONA, 1865-1928, international relief committee, com-
b, pleted June, 1938. cShanghai, Print- Ware, c. C. Barton Warren Stone,
d. ed by the Mercury press, 1938,
31, 33p. tables, maps. about
Bosquejo Analitioo de la vid& de
Cristo: · segun los cus.tro evaneglios, Religious values in cooperation. College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky.
Buenos Aires, Liberia .la aurora, 1936, (In Garrison, \V, E., ed. Faith of the Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy, Lexington,
7lp. free, 1940, pp. 60-73) Ky., n,d,
c9,p, port,

Snoddy - So111111er s

about see Biography of Andrew Jackson Newgent. Millennia l Dawnism-- Jehovah's wit-
Dayton, O., 1911. nesses.
Fortune, A. w. Thinkin g things 230p. 23p.
through with E. E. Snoddy. Mich material against t he Disciples.
b. , Kans., 3 F 1887. (Baptist) Order of worshi p . n.p., n.d.
Is thy heart right? (In Thornton, Plain sermons, a volume of twenty
E·. w., ed. Lord's day worship ser- University of Chicago sermons by discourses offered to the reader, vol.
vices, •1930, pp. 101-104) members of the university faculties. 1. Indianapolis, Daniel Sommer,
Chicago, The University of Chicago , 1913,
press, • 1915. 403p.
b. Clarinda, Ia., 11 Je 1885. Contents include: What Jesus Plain statement of important differ-
thought of his own death by Errett ences, the Church of Christ and the
Gates, pp . 125-141; Prayer by E. s. Christian church. Indianapolis,
That for whioh we stand, the posi- Ames, pp. 165-17 8; The si gnificance Author, n.d.
tion and plea of the Disci ples of of Jesus by H. L. Willett, pp. 233- 4p.
Christ. ,Indianapolis, U. C. M. S., 252.
l5p. (Aids to effective disciple- Question s , answers and remarks on
ship) the New Testament.
ccS OMJAER,DANIEL, 1850-1940.
,Indianapolis, Committee b. near Baltimore, 11.d., 16 Ja 1850. Rachel Reasoner; or, a scriptural
on war services, Disciple• of Christ, d. Indianapolis, Ind., 20 F 1940. daughter, wife, and mother, 2d ed.
1943, Indiana po lis, Daniel Sommer, 1910.
15p. ino. front cover. An appe al for unit y . Indianapol- •19 00.
is, Apostolic review, ,1 931, 316p.
about see 82p. _
Religious sectism.
Snodgrass, R. C., jr. Yes air: Biographical sketch and writings of 60p.
He•a my dad: {In Campbell and B. Fra nk lin. Dayton, 0., 188 9.
Moseley, eds. My dad, 1938, pp. 145- 5llp. Review of o. E. Payne's Instrumen-
150) tal music is scri ptural.
Church identity. 2lp.
SNODGRASS,ROYC , II, _ Russellism ••• n.p., n.d.
b. Church government. 24p.
Sand Creek declaration and address.
Yes sir! He's lll'J' dad! (In Camp- Concerning Christian science and
bell and Moseley, eds. lly dad, 1938, faith cures. Se ctarianism, defined, analyzed,
pp. 145-150) 4p. o.nd exposed.
Concerning church government.
SNOW,D A Indianapolis, Octographic review, 1910 . Sincerity teaching the way to Heaven.
b. 22p. 23p.
d. Addition to Franklin, Benjamin.
Danger of following false teach e rs. Sincerity seekin g the way to Heaven.
The oare of their churches. (In 4p.
Tyler, J. z., ed. The Disciples of The so-called ceremonial law.
Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp. 29-36) Fifty reasons for being Christians Sp.
12p. Spiritual hydrophobia, a Bible
SNYDER,ADAA reading in a nut shell.
b, Giving the right hand of fellowship. 224p.
Sunday school considered.
comp. Hector among the doctors; or, a 27p.
search for the true church. A volume
Spiritual help for your everyday of thoughts for thinkers. Indiana- Will you read this?
problems; scriptural verses. Chicago, polis, Daniel Sommer, •1896. 4p.
Biblion publisher•, 1942. 256p.
128p. debate with ARMSTRONG,
J. N.
Hydrophobia and its cures by one who
was its victim. Indianapolis, Daniel A written discussion on the Bible
SNYDER,ARTHUR Sommer, •1895. school. ,Indian~ po lis, Octo grap hic
b. 224p. review, 1908.
Instrumental music in worship.
Christian unity. {In DeGroot, A. 2lp. debate with CO.UN, J. N.
T., ed. The Memphis youth convention,
1926, pp. 70-72) Jehenne Lefevre; or, a miner's Rebaptism, classifying for teach-
daughter. Indianapolis, Daniel ing the scriptures, and the Christian's
Sommer, 19--? attitude toward war.
SNYDER,W ED, 84p. 37Bp.
(United Brethren)
YAin line and aide tracks.

s Sommer - Speer

deba te with McGARY, Sc i enc e an d sup posit i on in evo lu- ccSOUTHF:R

ll, PAUL,
tio n, geo lo gy, a nd as tr onomy. Ind- b.
Valid immers i on. ia na po li s , Apost oli c re vi ew, n .d.
24p. 45p .
The church toda y , Na sh ville,
debat e with MI LLER, R.H . Si mplif ied New Testrune nt •• , In d- World v ision.
(Uni ted Br et hr en ) i ana pol is , Simpl i fie d Bi ble hous e, (Tr a ct no , 12)
The Miller- Sommer de bate hel d Mar ch 475p. Pers onal evan gelism. Nashville,
2ot h, 21st , 22nd , 23rd , 25t h , 26th , 4 editi ons ha ve b een printed. World vision,
27t h , and 28th , 1889 at Rockin gham,
Ray count y , Mi s sou r i , r epo r t ed by jo int~ see cl2 t racts on morrnoni sm, Nas h-
Jame s Abbott. YDunt Morr i s , I ll . , vi ll e , World vi sion .
Bre th r en' s pub . co . , 1889 . McQu i ddy, J . C. The co ll eg e ques-
533p . ti on . Loyn lty to the King and th e kin gdom;
The mind of Chr i st; They a ll with one
debate wi t h RHODES, B. F . c on s ent b egan to make excuse; The t r i-
R, FRED umph of the King. (In Abilene Chri s-
A r eport of sk ir mishes be t vreen a b. t i a n co llege Bib le lectures, 1941, pp.
reli gi ous j ourna l a nd a r e li gio - se cular 211- 232; 1938, pp . 70- 85; 1937, pp.
co ll eg e; intr odu ctory t o anothe r sk ir- 46-5 6; 1940 , pp , 259-272)
mis h ••• co ncer ni ng r eli gi o-s e cu l ar The onen e ss of beli ev ers in Chri s t
c ol leges to t ea ch pe r sons i n r eli gi on, ver su s r e l i gio us f a ct ions , divis io ns •••
an d t o fu r nis h s ecu l ar empl oyment for he re sies or pa rti es. In di an ap olis, SCl,iELL, OLLIE
ce r tai n pr eache r s ... c l ndian apol is , Oct ogr aphi c re view, n.d. b.
Octo gr a ph ic revie w, 1907? 30p ,
195p .
Tit le cov er : A r eport of s kir mishes . Some i mportant facts co nc er nin g the Law enfo rceme nt. (In DeGroot, A.
Bib l e . Indiana polis, Apos t olic re- T., ed. The Memphis youth conven t ion,
v i ew, n.d. 1926, pp . 42-46)
I EL AUSTEN, 1878- ll p .
SOREY, M LEE, 187 5- b,
Chris tian li bert y , where doe s it l i e ? b . Flora, I ll., 16 Ja 1875,
or , on t he r oad t o Chr is ti an unit y • ••
India na polis, Autho r, n.d. Youth leads , a service for Chris-
13p . Day by day,,,a handy reference book tian endeavor day. St. Louis, u. C,
f or t opical stud y and devotional M. S., •1926.
Chri s t ia n sci ence self- expla i ned. read i ngs, Salina, Kans,, The Globe 16p.
Indiana pol i s, Author, 1914? impr i nt, n.d.
55p . cll3, p .
The church of Christ. I ndiana po l- b.
i s, Octo gra ph i c r eview, <1913. SOUDER, WILMER, d. Roseville, O,, 13 lly 1943.
xii , 365p . b,
That form of doctrine. Rood-
Ind i ana po lis, Aut hor. house, Ill., Record ptg, co., 1907.
360p . Crime--The church must and can meet 88p .
it, (In International convention,
Dea th --t hen what ? India na po li s , 1939, pp. 322-341) The two covenants and t he Sabbath
Aposto l ic revi ew, n.d. embracing an exposition of the two
55p , Bi ble testaments ;" a review of the "Two
SOUTH, EUDORA ( LI NDSAY) {Mrs. James Knox cove nants" by Eld, Uriah Smith of the
The figh t of faith; an all ego r i cal Polk South), 1852?-1918, Seventh day adventists, and of the
s t ory o f th e stru gg l es of an earnest b. Gallatin county, Ky., 1852? Sevent h day adven t ist tea ching in
Chri st i a n soldier and t he company t o d. Frankfort, Ky., 8 Ap 1918. e eneral, Owosso, llic h ., Owosso
whi ch he belon ged. Indianap olis, pre ss pub , co., 189 8.
Apostoli c revi ew, •1 918 . Wayside notes and fireside chats by 224p ,
122p . Eudor a . St. Louis, J ohn Burns, 1884.
562p . The unknown J e sus Chri s t. Rose-
A gu ide throu gh the Bi ble hist or y ; ville, o., Author, 1926,
for p rivat e s tud y , Ind i anapolis, !!:_. 192p .
Apost olic review, •1915.
50p . Lut he r in Rome; or, Cor r a dina, the
la st of t he Hohenstaufen, a religio- : cSPECK, HENRYELI
Meditations in Eib le lands. hist ori c al r omanc e, tr. from the Germnn b.
Indiana po lis, Oct og ra ph ic r ev i ew, •1 910 . of Levin Schuc kin g by Mr s . Eudora Li nd-
192p . front., illus, say South. Bost on, A. !.!, Thayer &:
co., 1890 , Christian education; The preacher,
Pers onal evan geli sm. .. Indiana- 377p , fro nt. (port,) his task and opportunity; The relation-
po l i s, Apostolic re vi ew, n . d . shi p of God's natural and spiritual
33p . worl ds , (In Abilene Christian col-
SOUTHERN, L A lege Bible lectures, 1919, pp. 255-
Rome versus Ameri ca. I ndiana pol- b, 269; 25-33; 1939, pp. 91-109)
is, Octo gra ph\c review, n. d .
An open letter to a Methodist preach- SPEER, GRM'T WILLIAM,
er. .Stokesdale, N. C., Author, n,d, b, Hancock county, o.,
4p .

Speer - Springer s
The light of Easter morning. SPENCER, ISAAC J ESSE, 185 1- 1922 . SPI CER, EDV IARDVIRGIL , 1865-1945.
n. p ., 1937. b. Belmont coun t y, C., 10 N 185 1. b . Ghent, Ky., 13 Je 1865.
16p. d. Peorl.a, Ill., 2 Mr 1922 . d . Carr oll t on, Ky., l Ap 1945.

Memorial of Belle McMillan Reed. The divine p lea. Cincinn at i, Now is t he ac ce pted time . ( In
n. p ., n,d. Standard, 1901. Thornt on , E. IV., ed . Lord's day wor-
l3p. 17p. (Vest-pocket series Chris- shi p serv ices , •1 930, pp . 95-98 )
tian tracts, v. 2, no . 11, June 1901)
Thirty ba3ins of Gold. n. p .,
1937. What tho Disciples of Chr is t prac - SPIEGF:L, JAMESEDW ARD, 1871-1 940 .
24p. tice and teach. Cincinnati, A. C. b . near Falkville, Ala ,, 21 Mr 1871.
M. S., n.d. d. Woodville, Miss,, 30 Je 1940 .
Hope; Knowl odge. ( In Meacham, E. 4p .
J ., comp. Tra i nin g to teach, •1913, The gospe l of Chr is t. ( In Thor n-
p p . 166-168; 170-172) Christ and Decora tion day , a Decora- ton, E. W., ed. Lord's day worshi p
tion day serm~n. ( In Thorn ton , E. ,V. services, •19 30, pp . 77- 80)
The noble confession. ( In Thorn- ed. Special sermons for specia l occa -
ton, E.W., ed. Lord's day worship sions, 1921, pp . 1~3-1 50)
services, •1930, pp. 305-308) SPIEGEL, OSCJJl P::JlDLET ON, 1866-
The key t o spiritual knowled ge . b . neur Fal kvi ll e , Ala., 11 My
(In Moore, W. T., ed. The new living 1866 .
SPEER, JOSHUAKENNERLY,1794-1858. pulpit of the Christian church, 1918,
b. Yadkin county, N. C., 1794. pp. 167-182)
d. New Hermon, Tenn., 27 Icy' 1858. °'hhat saith the scri pture?"
about see "EO\oV
readest t hou? c ~,ontgomer~,,
The great reconstruction question Ala., 1937 ,
settled. Geneva, Ill., Gospel ban- !..'core, W. T. The ne,•: 11vin g pul- Sp ,
ner, 1868. pit.
23p. Churches of Christ in Alabama.
( In Br own, J. T,, ed. Churches of
about see SPENCER, J H , 1826- Christ, 1904, pp . 201-2 03)
Boles, H. L. Biocraphical Disobedience; The holy spirit.
sketches of gospel preachers. A histor
y of Kentucky Baptists, (In Meacham, E. J., comp . Training
fr om 1769 to 1885, including more than to teach, •1913, pp. 116-117; 128-130)
800 biographical sketch es ; t he manu-
SPEER, WILLIAMS s cript revised and correct e d by 1-lrs.
b. Bursilla B. Spencer. , Cinc innAti, SPINKA, 1/.A
TTHEW,1890- •
d. Printed for the author, 1886, •1 885 . (Congregationalist)
2 v. front, (ports.)
The mode of baptlsm. 1854? Has much material conce rning the ed.
tract. Di s ciples.
A history of Illinois congregation-
Notes on the things tr~t are wanting al and Christian churches by Matthew
in the cone;regations of the Reformation. SPENCER, JO!Il! A , 185 5-1920. Spinka in collaboration with Frederick
Springfield, Ill., Brown and Nixon, b. Henr~· county, Va., 1855. Kuhns, Mrs. Ozora S . Davis, Hermann
practical bk. and job printers, 1865. d. Sanborn, Ind., 3 S 1920 . R. Muelder ,and, Warren E. Thompson.
lOOp. Chicago, The Congre gationa l and Chris-
Man more valuable than a sheep. tian conference of Illin oi s, , 1944.
(In Book, W. H., ed. The Indiana pul - vii, 38lp.
SPEIGHT, HAROLDEDWUJBALII.E,1887- pit, 1912, pp. 161-175)
comp. see ccSPIVEY, FLOYDJ
\Veek day sermons in King's chapel; West, J. W. Sketches of our
sermons preached to weekday congrega- mountain pioneers.
tions in King's chapel, Boston ••• Sermon outlines. Fort Worth,
New York, Macmillan, 1925. Tex., Author.
184p. SPENCER, LOUISE (PENDLETON) (Mrs. Isaac ' 44p.
Contents include: The attair.Il'ent of J. Spencer), -1932.
freedom by Peter Ainslie, pp. 83-89. b.
d. Louisia count y , Va ., 15 Jl 1932. SPRING, EDW
A wish and other poems. d.
b. near Granger, Mo., 13 1.11-1898. Richmond, Va., Presbyterian committee
of publication, 1933. about see

comp. Barr, G, E. Edwin Henry Spring.

Pftriodicalo of the Disciples of (Congregationalist)
Christ and related religious groups. SPRINGER, i!RS, F:vA ALICE,
Canton, Mo., Diociples of Christ histor- Religious backgrounds and foreground• b.
ical society, 1943. (In International convention, 1939, pp.
vi, l45p. 342-360)
Mimeographed. As I saw Africa, Cincinnati,
Po«ell and Ylhite, 1936.
Thesos concerning the Disciples of SPERRY, WILLIAMHOMER,1891- 240p.
Christ, the churches of Christ, and the b. Allentown, Ill., 14 S 1891.
Christian church, Canton, M:>., Dis-
ciples of Christ historical society, ccSPRINGER, MILLAR
1941. The role of religious influence in b.
c55~p. higher education in the South. 1924.
s Springer - Stalnanr

A colle cti on of eix sermons. cc SRYGLEY, FI LO BUN YAN, 1859-1940. J.M. Barnes, J . S. Bell, w. L,
Bloomin gton, Ind., Author, 1939. b. Rock Creek, Ala., 10 S 1859, Butler, W. H, Carter, J, A. Clark,
22p . d , Nashville, Tenn., 11 F 1940, E, A. Elam, Alfred Elmore, J, H.
Halbrook, J. A. Hardin,, M. c. Kur-
Did John the Baptist sprinkle? ••• fees, T. B, Larimore, David Lips-
SPRINGER, \"IILl,IAM G Nashville, Gospel advocate, n,d. comb, J. M. !.!cCaleb, A. McGary,
b. 3l p . R. W, Officer, J.E. Scobey, E.G.
d. Sewell, F. B, Srygley, G, G.
What church to join. (In Sr yg ley, Ta:rlor, J. R. Williams.
Dialogue on conscience. Phila- F. D., ed. Bio graphies and sermons,
del phia, Howard Challen, 1866. 1898, pp . 70-78) !!!.· see
deb6.te with CAYCE, C, H. (Baptist) Larimore, T. B. Letters and ser-
The Sabbath and Lord's day (or mans.
first day of the week) Davenport, Is salvation conditional or uncondi-
Ia., Printed at the Gazette bk, and tional? A discussion ••• conducted in about see
job office, 1860: the primitive Baptist meeting house,
48p. Third ave nue, South, Nashville, Tenn,, Boles, H. L. Biographical
December 25-30, 1911,. ,reported by sketches of gospel preachers.
Necessity of Jesus• blood, skeleton Miss Grace Dawson••• ,with an introduc-
serm on . (In Cor:;, N, E., ed. The tion by James A. Allen, Nashville,
polymathist, 1877, pp, 252-254) McQuiddy ptg. co., 1912, STACEY, NORMAN
352p, b,

SPURGEON,WILLIAMALBERTUS,1852- debate with IL~Ll,, J, N,

b. Why does God permit war? (In
What is the New Testament church? Humbert, H. F,, ed. Religion is
A discussion; ed. by J, W, Shepherd. reality, •1942, pp. 10-13)
The conquering Christ; an interpret- Cincinnati, F, L. Rowe, 1914.
ation of the Revelation. Munci~, 116p.
Ind., ,Scott pt g , co., 1936. STACY, MRS. GUSSIE BRONN,
303p. !!!• see b.

Sr y gley, F. D. The New Testament

SPURLOCK,PEARL (Mrs. Lee Spurlock) church. Worship for youth; a year of wor-
b. ship programs for young people,
about see Cincinnati, . Powell & White, 1928.
248, 45p.
Over the old Ozark trails in the Sryg ley, F. D. •Biographies and
Shephard of the hills country, s e rmons. Worship for youth, volu,ne II, a
Branson, Mo., Printed by the White year of worship programs for young
riv er leader, •1936, people. Cincinnati, Powell & White,
113p, illus,, ports, SRYGLEY,FLETCHERDOUGLAS,1856-1900, •1930.
b, , Ala,, 22 D 1856. xvi, 240, 25p.
• c3d ed.~ Branson, M::>., d, Donelson, Tenn., 2 Ag 1900,
Printed by the White river leader,
•1942. The New Testament church; editorials STALEY, SUE REYN
,131,p. illus,, ports, which appeared in the Gospel advocate b.
from 1889-1900; compiled and arranged
by F. B, Srygley, ,with an introduc-
ocSQUIRE, RUSSELLN , 1908- tion by T, B. Larimore, Nashville, How to interest your Sunday school
b, Cleveland, 0,, 21 S 1908, McQuiddy ptg. co,, 1910 , in missions. Cincinnati, Standard,
319p, front, (port,) port, •1917. .
see Seventy years in _Dixie l recollections
and sayings of T. W, Caskey and others.
Sanders, J. P. Church music. Nashville, Gospel advocate, 1891, cSTALEY, WILl,IAMWESLEY, 1849-
400p. illus. b.
SQUIRES, BEULAHGERTRUDE, Smiles and tears, or, Larimore and
b, his boys, 5th ed. Nashville, 11.c
Quiddy The minister; a series of five
pt g . co., 1898, •1889. addresses delivered at "The seaside
317p. front. Chautauqua and school of methods" ,"
The frui ta of the s pirl t, a pageant Virginia Beach, Virginia, July 21, 22,
for pentecost, St. Louis, Christian A treatise on apostolic doctrine and 23, 24, 25, 1914, with introduction
board, ancient church custom. Paris, Tex., by A. W. Lightbourne. Dayton, 0,,
Author?, 1881, Christian pub. association, 1915.
The pattern bea1.l'tiful, a fantasy, 48p. 78p. front. (port.)
St. Louis, U, C, M, S,, 1933,
5p. (Conference play) The word of God. (In Soott, L. W,, Rev, D. A. Long. (In Coan, A. w.,
Mimeographed, ed, Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 230-240) ed. Gospel sermons by Christian minis-
ters, 1881, pP, 131-132)
Unlighted candles within the sanc-
tuary, a prayer-pageant for young peo- ~- STALNAKER,LUTHERWINFIELD, 1892-
ple, Biographies and sermons, a collection
,10,p. (Form Y,P. 100) of original sermon• by different men, b. Pleasant Hill, M>., 27 N 1892,
Mimeographed. with a biographioal sketch of each man
accompanying his sermon, Nashville,
,Author, 1898. Humanism and human dignity, New
424p. illus., ports. HaTen, Conn., Yale university presa,
Contents: 1945.
Sermons by and biographies about 58p ,

Stancil - Stearns s

STANCIL, ROBERTWILLIAM, 1854-1924. Loying voices for Sunday schoo l, The savior's pra yer for unit y or
b. Greenville, N. c., 5 Je 1854. churc h, and home circl es , comp. by R. personal ri ght eous ness a basi s of
d. G. Staples cwith J. H. Garrison, Simp- Christian unity . (In Abilene Chris-
son El, • and Char l es Humphrey, added tia n co ll ege Bible le ctures, 1940, pp.
Th~ first and the last church. compi lors, St. Louis, Christian pub. 79-88)
Troy, N. Y., .E. H. Lisk's ste&.Jllptg. co ., n.d.
hoi,a1t,··• 1886. 190p .
59p. :,cSTi\~NES, "MARR
I am not a shamed of the g0spe l of
The standard mothers' day book. Christ. (In Abilene Chr istian co l-
Cincinnati, Standard, •1931. Dan; an allegory in three parts in le ge Bible lect ure s , 1928-1 929, pp .
v. which the subj ects of birth, life and 21-2 8)
Contents: death are represented in the story of
v. l Dan Mannerin g . Peoria, Ill., Author,
Welshimer, Helen. A complete •1 916. STATON, WILLIS
mothers' day play let honoring mother- 59p. b.
hood, pp. 7-16. Printed by Pant ograph pt g. ~ station -
Lyons, Helen, ed. Poems, atories, ery co., Bloomington, Ill.
dialo g , scripture and pa geant, pp. A colorful career of a miraculous
17-48. STARK , J CARR OLL, 1830-1 908 . mountaineer. A glimpse in to the pr i -
b. Stow, O., 1830 . vate life of a remarkable charac te r.
d. McMinnville, Tenn., 1908. •1943.
STANFORD,BELLE 83p. illus.
b. The king and his kin gdom•••
d. ll"11liltnn, Ill., Aut hor, 1902 . Queen of the mountains.
vi, c52 9,p.
Pioneer history of the Boyd family. Tangled trails. Bost on, Meador
(In Martindale, Elijah. Autobiography The ten virgins, skeleton sermon. pub. co., 1931.
and sermons) (I n CorJ, N. E., ed. The po lymat h ist, 316p.
1877, pp. 119-121)

STANLEY,MRS. REVA debate with WA.'U.

A biography of Parley P. Pratt, the A debate between J. Carroll Stark
Archer of Paradise. Caldwell, Id&., and Joe S. Warlick con the, pr oposi-
Caxton printers, 1937. tion: The word of God authorizes the God's national oversi ght. (In
349p. front. (port.) ports. use of instruments of music for praise Thornton, E. 'N., ed. Phi llips univer-
in the church of Jesus Christ; J. sity sermons, 1929, pp . 121- 132)
Carroll St.<rk affirms, Joe S Warlick
STANLEY,WILLI.U! Y , 1832-1921. denies. llashville, McQuiddy ptg. co.,
b. Nelson county, Ky., 11 Mr 1832. 1905. STAUFFER,VER!ION,1875-1925.
d. Frankfort, Ky., 7 Ap 1921. 186p. b. New London, O., 23 N 187 5.
d. 15 Jl 1925.
about aee
STARK, JAMESHIRAM, Fellowshi p with Christ in his suf-
C.ason, 11'. S. and others. A sou- b. ferings, a great speech delivered at
venir history of the Christian church d. closing sess io n o f Foreign society,
or Cynthiana, Ky. St. Louis, October 17, 1904.
Baptism of suffering • 3l p .

STANSIFER, HARRYMATLACK, Equally yoked. Sullivan, Ind., The forgotten laborers, the annual
b. Author. Ministerial relief address delivered
60p. before the National convention of the
churches of Christ at New Orleans, La.,
Sentence sermons. Pacific coast Fair Maund. October 14, 1908. Indianapolis,
pub. co., 1924? Board of Ministerial relief of the
60p. Hugh Carlin, or Truth's triumph church · of Christ, n.d.
cwith an introduction by A. M. Haggard, 12p.
St. Louis, Christian pub. co. , 1896.
STANTON,11' A (Baptist) 185p. New England and the Bavarian illum-
inati. Mew York, Longmans, 1918.
Three important movements. Phila- l!&ry Ardmore; or a test of faith. 374p. (Columbia university
delphia, American Baptist pub. society, St. Louis, Christian pub. co., 1898. studies)
1907. 328p.

Too much; or Mrs. Casswell's sacri- STEARNS,GUYC

STAPLES, R G fice. Cincinnati ·, Standard, 1900. b.
b. 32p. (Vest-pocket series of d.
d. tracts, vol. 11, no. 8, March 1900)
Why Christians are not required to
Gospel echoes, a choice collection keep the Sabbath commandment... Los
of songs for use in the Sunday-school, ccSTARNES, TRINE, 1913- Angeles, Calif., H. ~. Clemens, print-
prayer and praise meetings, and the b. Savoy, Tex., 21 Je 1913. ing, n.d.
home ci»cle. Oskaloosa, Ia., Central 12p.
bk. concern, · •1877.
cl44,p. Moses--"and one like unto hia."
Nashville, Tenn., World vision.
{Tract no. 2}

s Stearns - Ste.venaon


C. Stearn•), -1946. b. b. Cuba, Ill., 6 lfr 1906,
d, Waahington, D, C., 5 lfr 1945,
Way• of working in the cradle roll The hietory of the Bethany ohuroh
Cultivating the spiritual life. department. St, Louie, Chriatian of Christ, eatabli1hed by Alexander
Indianapolis, C. w. B, JI., n,d. board. Campbell in the year 1829, Bethany,
16p. ino. cover•. 11'. Va., cl 940,
c20,p. illu1., port.
"Hia laat week". Indianapoli•, ocSTEPHEIISON,GEORGE
C. 11'. B. JI. b. Study manual, produced by the
Diviaion of Christian education, The
United Chri1tian miaaionar y 10ciety,
STELZLE, CHARLES,1869- -The atatu• of Bible teaching today. a board of aisaiona and education.
(In Abilene Chriatian college Bible St. Loui1, Chri1tian board, •1940,
oomp. lecturea, 1936, pp. 80-93) 64p. (The Christian youth
If I had only one aermon to preaoh,
Sermon• by twenty-one miniatera. N- STERN,LLOYD Your child and the church. .Ind-
York, Harper, 1927, b. ianapolis, U, c. JI, s .• n.d.
319p. 16p. (Aida to effective diaci-
Content• include: The aame yeaterday, pleahip)
today, and forever, by B, A. Jenlrina, Star•, roadi a novel. N- York,
pp. 164-173. Vanguard preaa, 1932, The faith of the church in Chriat.
29lp. (In International convantioa, 1937,
A story ot ·profeaaional athletic• pp. 147-166)
STEPHENS,FERRIS JAMES, 1893- and co-eda at Butler univer1ity,
b, Victory through defeat. (In .
Thornton, E. 11'., ed. Bethany col-
oSTEVE!IS,AJDS, 1806-1843, lege aermona, 1930, pp. 184-190)
Old A1ayrian lettera and buaineaa b , Strafford, Vt., 30 D 1806,
documenta. N- Haven , Conn., Yale d. , 27 D 1843, with BOOTH,OSBORNE.
univeraity, 19"°'·
12lp. illua. (Babylonian in- OmERS. The Di1oiplea firat college.
acriptiona in collectiona or Jamee B. (In College aaaociation , Educational
Iilu, v. 6) Union hymn book ed. by Amoa Stevena, beginnings and preeent problema,
J. L, Green and J. Knight. 1832? 1937, pp. S-10)
Peraonal names from Cuneiform in- 432p.
aoription1 of Cappadoaia, •- York,
Yale Wliveraity pr•••, 1928, STEVEIISO!I,!
xi, 98p. (Yale oriental aerie•) STEVENS,J !DIJARD, 1872?-1940 , b.
b. d.
Studiea of the cuneiform tablet• d. lanaas City, Mo., 29 Jl 1940,
fro• Cappadooia. Canton, llo,, Cul- The expo1er or "Sectarian atrate-
ver Stockton college, 1926, with ROSI!:,VERNOW
J. gem" expoaed. Leximgton, 1836,
pp. 11-68. (Culve:r-Stocl<toa
. quarterly, 1926) Hiatorical sketchea of Christian
churches of Kansas. Newton, Kana., STEVENSON,EVAN, (llethodht)
Votive and hiatorical terla froa Journal print, 1902.
Babylonia and Aaayria, N- Haven, 160p. Campbellint umnaalcedi or the ter-
Yale univereity preaa, 1937. giveraationa of elder D.R. Luoaa ex•
46p. (Yale oriental aerie• poaed. Latayette, Ind., Roaaer, ·
Babylonian texts, v. 9) STEVENS
, JOHNALKINE, 1857- • Spring and co., 1870,
b. Titua county, Tex,, 27 D 1867, 82p.
(PrHbyterian) Faith. (In Scott, L. 11'., ed. STEVERSON,11.t.RION,1861-1946.
Texas pulpit, 1888, pp. 160-169) b. 'll'eat Jeraey, Ill., 26 D 1861,
An eoolaaiaatioal trinity, abbre- d, St. Louie, llo., 26 F 1946.
viated froa "The n-lighta" publiahed For hia aake. (In Lord, J. A.,
in 1942. Cincinnati, 1943? ed. On the Lord's day, •1904, pp. 162- A century of pleading tor the pri-
8p. ino. cover•. 164) •oy of God'• word. 190-T
6p. (Centell!lial leaflet ao. 20)
Then- light• (The Chri1tian church) about
Cinoiaaati, · Lane aaainary building, A guide to Old Testament atudy.
1942. John A. Stevena. (In Brown, J. T., St, Louie, Bethany preaa, •1932,
28p. ed. Ch";ohea of Cbriat, 1904, p. 479) 173p. illua.
Outline of the gospel of llatth-.
STEPHDSOI, A 11' STEVENS,WALTERBARLOlr,1848-1939. St. Louie, Chriatian board, •1930,
b, (Congregationaliat) l6p.

Robert H. Stockton. St. Louie, Studiea of the boolca ot the Bible.

Pioneering tor Chriatian unity in l'ubliahed by paraonal friend• of Jlr. Advanced atandard teaoher.trailliag ·
Auatralia and x- Zealand. llalbourne, Stockton, 1923. oourae, tirat 7aar. St. Louie,
Auatral ptg. a: pub, oo~, 1940 , 66p. front, (port.) plat••. Chriatian pub. oo., 1908,
96p. cl90ap.

SteTenaon - Stock s
--• 3d ed. St. Louia, Christian .STIDHAJI,JACOBHALLER, 1884- STINNETT,. OlrEll
board, 1911, •1908. b. Harriaburg, 11:>., 1 ll 1884. b.
cl9O 0p. (Adnnced atandard teach-
er training courae TOl. 1)
The one hundred day plan at Monett, with STINNETT,RUTH.
--. 5th ed. St. Louie, Chrie- lit>. Indianapolia, Depart.nt or
tian board, 1920, •1908, •1920. church erection, n.d. A centennial hhtory of the Grape-
Ti, 2Olp. Tine Chriatian church, or Hopkin•
oounty, Ky., with a aupplement by the
The teacher training handbook, tirat STILES, JOSEPHCLAY, 1795-1875. paator, Clarence 11'. Tho-•.
atandard teacher training course. (PrHbyterian) .24.p. platea.
St. Louis, Chriatian pub. oo., 1908.
222p. A letter to Alexander Campbell, in
For reviaed edition• ot thie book reply to an article in the llillenial STillllETT, RUTH
•ee Shepherd, R. P. Harbinger... Lexington, Lexington b.
intelligenoe, ·print, 1838.
Early Sunday school daye. (In 57p.
International convention, 1936, pp. joint author aee
113-116) Reply to an artiele in the June
aumber of the llillenial Harbinger. Stinnett, Owen. Centennial
The grace ot God given in the Frankfort, A.G. Hodges, printer, 1838. history or the Graperlne Chrhtian
ohurohea or llaoedonia. (In Lord, 55p. . church.
J. A., ed. On the Lord'a day, •1904,
pp. 169-172) "Stile•" reply to Alexander Cu,pbell,
no. 2. Frankfort, Ky•• 1838. STIVERS, ELIJAH VALIIER, -1936.
Jeaue the teacher teaohiag. (In 56p. b. Decatur, Tex.,
Vieth, P. H. · The experience-centered d. Eugene, Ore., 6 D 1936.
method, pp. 10-i6)
STILES, PERCYELIIKR, "Christ a tact and not fiction".
The place ot the Holy apirit. .b. (In Cory, A. E., ed. Voicea ot the
(Ia Bible. Front rank Bible1 Doctrinal sanctuary, 1930, pp. 260-263)
helpa, pp. 38-43)
Si-&rda and aerT&nta presenting introduction aee
contributed to ... , Chriatian St~dahip aa the needed
link between peraonal religion and Childera, s. E. Bible •euagea
Bower, 11'. c. The Diaoiplee and aocial serTice. Villa Gron, Ill., tor a modern mind.
religioue education. Author, •1937 •
• 23.p.
STEVENSON,R 11' • 1849?- b,
1926. STILL, DORIS SHELTON(lire. c. E. Still)
b. b.
d. Toronto, Canada, 12 ll 1926. BraTB winge, children'• day play,
clndianapolia, U. c. M, S,, 1934.
Churches of Chriat in Cam.da, Sue in Tibet, illue. byll'illilllll 15p.
Prince Edward Ialand. (In Brown, J. Arthur Smith. •- York, John Day
T., ad. Churohea ot Christ, 1904, pp. co •• •1942. The dre&Jll aourageoua, a aonaecra-
146-149) 159p. front.• illua. tion pageant, Indianapolis, U. C.
M. s •• n,d.
.!!• ... 12p. (Form. YP-163)
b. Shelton, F. B., tr. Chant. trca
d. Shangra-la. Faces toward the aunriae, a pageant
ot religioua education, Indiana-
Some recent r•iniaeencea. (In polie, U. C, M, S,, n,d.
Diokinaon, B. J., ed. Hietory of STILL, FLORDCESHIRLEY(SWETIWI)(lfre. llp,
Jurek& college, 1894, pp. 281-286) Owen Still), 1898-
b. Splendid prirllege, a pageant dram
ct religioua eduoation • . • Indiana-
8TEIJART,11' H • 1816- polh, u. c. 11. s.,,1934.
b. near Utica,•. Y., 19 D 1816. Succeaa with interaediatea in an as.p.
d. aTerage church. Cincinm.ti, Standard,
•1938. Tho-• John'• good Friday, an Eaa-
Reainiaoeuea ot eld. 11'. H. Stewart 159p. ter drama ot religioua education.
ed. by B. F. Manire. 1893. cladianapolh, U. C. M• .S., 1936.
97p. joint author aK 16p.

Cum,inghu,, E. B. B. The flaming The white tlaae. a dr- in one act

STIDGBR,ll'ILLUll LeROY, 1885- teroh. and aix tableaux, clBdiam.polia, U,
(llethodiat) C. M. S., 19340
B<hrin llarldu1111. •- York, Abing- STIIIER, ELIZABETH(Jira. Charle• Stiner)
don pr•••• •1933. b. World-wandering feet, an Eaater
287p. front. (port.) dru., clndianapolie, U. C. M. s.,
It I had only one aermon to preach The hhtory ot the Eaat Lynn Chria-
on i-rtality. Bew York, Harper, tian ohuroh, Anderson, Indiana. with OTHERS
•1929. Alllderaon, Ind., 1941.
:di, 340p. 146p. front. (port.) illua., porta. Youta'• queat .pageant. by c. B,
Content• include, The logic or· im- Stock, M. s. Dickie, and G, S, Owerton,
mortality by Burrh Atkin• Jenkins, Cincinnati, P..,.11 & ll'hite,
pp. _131-134.
s Stookt'ord - Stone

STOCJCFORD,0 B ---, 2d ed. cor rected and eal. To the church in America (about
b. Lexin gton, Printed by I, T. Carla• & 1830) (In Rc,,;e, F. L., ed. Pio-
oo., 1821. neer eeraona and addreaaea, •1908,
102p. pp, 149-162)
Baptiam in relation to Spiritual
life, atu diea •on being oonfo1'1119dto An apology tor renounoiag the juria- joint~. aee
hia dea t h" and "walk in newneu or diotion or the Syaod of Kentucky, To
li f e", aeotion on present apirit- which i a added a compendioua rl- of Caapbell, Alexander, Paalma,
ual -rrare in the tillle or the enll. the Goopel and a r- remrlca on the hymn• 'and epiritual aoaga.
Calgar y, Canada, Author, cl932, oonfe11ion or faith. By the Presbytery
279p. or Springfield. Lexington, Printed about
by Joaeph Charl•••, Jan)lary 3lat, 1804,
Baptiam in relation to apiritual 141; .3.p . Starr, H, E. Barton Warr••
lite, 1tudiea •on being conformed to Stou. (In Dietioaary of AMrieaa
hia death" and "walk in newneaa of Atonement, The aubatanoe of two biography, wl. 18, 1936, pp. 71-72)
lite• with apecial meaoage tor the letter• written to a friend, L.x-
t illleo: apiritual warfare in the time ington, Printed by Joaeph Charle••, about He
er t he end : The preeent world rewlt atreet, 1805.
i n political af f air•, and apootacy 36p. ' Bolea, H. L. Biographioal
tree church poaiti on and truth, 2d ed. alcetohea or goapel preaohera,
reT. and enl. Calgary, Canada, The biography or elder Barton Warren Burnett, J. F, Rn. Barton
Author, • 1938, Stone, written by hiluelf, with addi- Warren Stoae,
612p, tion• and reneotiona by elder John Ceruthera, !, w. A alcetoh of
Roger•. Cincinnati, Publiahed for the lite and character or the Rn,
I nt roductory addreoa, St. John, the author cRogerao b7: J. A, and U, P, David Caldwell, D. D.
•- Bruaawiok, Canad&, Barn•• & co,, Jame•, 1847, •1846. · Grafton, T. li'. llen ot yesterday,
1914. 404p, front, \port,) Haley, J. J. llakera and 110ldera
tract . (Preaent truth traota, ot the reformation moT-nt,
no. l) ---, c2d ed., Cincinnati, Pub- Hayden, W. L. Centeanial
liahed tor the author by J. A, and u. addresaea,
A -••age tor J:he last d&ya, P. Ju.a, 1847, •i846. 18Wlll&D,H. W. The atone• ot
st . JohJ!, Jlew Brunaw1ok, Barne• & oo,, 404p, treat. tport.J Poynton -nor.
n.d. Hu footnote p. 404. Rogers, J. R. The Cane Ridp
69p, -eting houae,
--, 5th ed, Cineianati, J, A. Sharrard, J. T. Barton 11'. Stone.
and u. P. J&Jll8•, 1847, •1846, Snoddy,!, E, Barton , W. Stone
STOCKTON,ROBERTHENRY,1842-1923. 404p. and Walter Scott , &111baaaadoraot the
b. Mt. Sterling, Ky,, 6 Jl 1842, nerlaating goapel,
d. St. Louia, llo,, 27 Ap 1923, -. 6th ed, Ciaoi111111.ti,Aaer- Tiera, M. c. The Chriatian por-
ioan Chriotian pub, aooiety, 1853, trait gallery.
about He Ware, C. c. Barton Warren Stone.
Letter• to J&111e1
Blythe, D, D.,
SteTena, W. B. Robert H, Stooktoa, deaigned aa a reply to the arcu-nta ~upon &ff
or Tho-• Cleland, D, D. againat ay
addreea, 2d ed, on the doctrine or the .An answer te the apology of the
WILLIA)(OSBORI', 1836-1?25, trinity, eta, Lexingtoa, Printed by Sprin,:;field Presbytery, Lexington,
Williaa fanmr, 1824, Jeaeph Charleas, 1804,
Campbell, J, P. Strioturea on
Rutherford Birehard Hayea, J.-a A letter to llr. John R, 16:>teluid, two latter• publiahed by Barton w.
Abr&111 Garfield and ChHter Alan Ar- in reply to aia pamphlet, Lexington, Stone, entitled aton-t •••
thur, 11- York, Frederielc A, Priated at the ottioe of the public
Stokea, 1889, adTOrtiaer, 1621. Cuipbell, J.P. Vin4ex1 or the
107, 96, 72p, treat, (port,) porta, Up, dootriaea or the atrieturea rlndi-
(The liTea of the preaidenta, T, 9) oated, agaiut the reply ot llr, sto-.
A reply to John P. Campbell'•
atrioturea on atou-nt. Lexington, Cleland, Du>-•. Letter•
Barton 11'. Stone.
STOKES,GERTRUDE Printed by Joaeph Charleaa, 1806,
b. 67p,
Arian deteoted.
'lit-•. The aooiai-
Worlca ot elder B, W. Ston. to whioh
Social adTOnt.irea with Jeaua ia in- ia added a few diaoour••• and aetw01U
duatrial ·relation•. (In Anderaon, 0, (original and aelected) by Jama M, Cleland, Thomaa, Unitariani•
f,, ed. Social adTOnturea with Jeaua, llathea, Tolume I, 2d ed. Cineinnati, IUl!Daalatd,
1928, pp. 72-79) 1':>ore, Wilataclc, Key• & oo,, 1869,
408p, Rankin, Adaa, A rerl- of the
Content• inolude1 Pun.ral aemoa or noted reYiYal - in Kentucky.
sron. BARTOi(WARREii, 1772-1844. Jerniah 111.thea by Blij~ Ooodwia,
b. n•r Port Tobacco, lld., ,24 D pp, 361-3741 Diaoourae by Jacob Thomae, Darld, The obaerTer
1772, Wright, pp. 374-3901 a diaoourH oa trying the great reto,-tioa in thia
d. Hannibal, Jlo., 9 I( 1844, oonTeraion by J. M, 111.thea, pp. 391- atate,
Aa addreH te the Christian ohurohea Two lettera written by a gentl-
in Kentucky, Tenn•••••, · and Ohio, oa Lut will and teatulat or the •!• to hia friend in Kentucky, ooataia-
aeTOral important dootrinea of religion, Springfield Preabytery(l804) (In iag a fn r-lc• tending to deTelope
laahrllle, M. & J. llowll, 1814, Rowe, P'. L., ed. Pioaeer aeniou and the oauaea which g&Te riae to the late
108p. · addreaaea, •1906, .PP, 7-13) dinaion in the SJDOd of Kentuelcy,
together with•- atrioturea oa the
apology ot the Springtiel4 Preabytery,
Lexington, Printed by Char:t.H,

Stone - St ro ng s


b. 1863-1875. b. Iadepeadeace, lad., 31 Ag 1871.
b. ·Crawtord1Tille, Ind . , 26 Je 1853. d. Iadia•poli1, lad., 11 S 1921.
d. DenTer, Colo,, 2 Je 1876.
'llhat the i ndi Tidual needs to know Forbearance. (In lleaoham, B. J .,
abou t Je sus . Moberly, llo., J••• about aee comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp.
L. St one pub. co. , •1946. 89-91)
12p. lllllin1, G. G. lfy life is an open
The great American reTiT&lJ a caae
T, _A.llllE STONE, study in hiltorioal eT&ngelini, with
LiTingston aoadamy, Indianapolis, implications tor today cwith an intro-
Bit e of th e sea and sky .poems, C. W. B. K., n.d. duction by Charle• L. Goodell.
Lyuohburg, Va,, J.P. Bell pub. co., 12p. illus. Cincinnati, Standard, •19M,
•1925 . 236p,
, ROBERT G b. llahaaka county, Ia., 28 F 1884,
Chriatian unity1 Origin, history,
and position ot the churches ot Christ The go1pel11 a translation , har-
Chriatian in the pN1ent cri1i1. in the Briti1h I1le11 Unity in action. mony and annotation. Des Jloinea,
(In Dawaon, F. F., ed. The Chri1tian (In Abilene Chriatian college Bible Author, 1943.
~ at work, 1941, T. 3, pp. 36-49) lecture•, 1940, pp, 75-781 1919, pp. 276p.
137-158 I 1940, pp. 227-236)
B b . llontague, Tex., 2 H 18800
How to win boya ••• CinoiDJ1&ti, b.
Standard , •1938.
179p. A briet aoriptural study in God'•
11 one thing juat aa good aa lOTe tor and u1e ot instrW11ental
Standard temperance day books, no. another? 1111110, .Lynchburg, Va., J. w. Weit.
1. Cincinnati, Standard, 1940. n.d.
48p. Personal eT&ngel1111. c24,p.
'llhen boya aak questions... Cin- Why we belieTB in Christ, Instrumental lllllllio in public reli-
cinnat i , Standard, •1941. gious worship aoriptural. Lynchburg,
l28p, . Va., J. Weat, 1939?
1906- 24p.
, AJIDREIJP , 18.._ • Rightly diTiding the word. Ft .
b. , 11 D 1844. Thinking where Jeaua thought cwith Worth, Tex., Author, n.d .
an introduction by Edgar DeWitt Jones. 19p.
St. Louis, Bethany press, •1945,
Chronology ot Chri1t•1 lite. Ind- 264p.
ianapolis, Hiraa Hadley, 1885, •1882. STRONG,HOIIERE
414p . tront. (-p) b.
Creed outgrown; a lecture. b. near Cincinnati , 13 D 1807,
Sheridan, Illd., Author, 1902. d. debate with IIACIIILLA.ll,
E. W.
about 1ee The JloKUhn-Strong debate on in-
The Jeru1alea tragedy. BashTille, atrwnental aiaio in the wor1hip ot
~iddy , ptg. oo., 1910, •1894. Tiera, K. c. The Christian pcr- God, a written diaou11ion. Austin,
l89p. tront. (port.) phtea. trait gallery. Tex., Firm foundation, n.d,
The journ,ya and deed• ot Je1u1.
The triala and crucitbion ot Chrht. b, lfartinaburg, Pena., 12 H 1843, STRO!rO,J
CinoiBnati, Standard, 1891, •1886, d. CleTeland, 0,, 22 Jl 1926, b.
160p, illus.
The Anglo-American alliance in
propheoy1 or, the promi1e1 to the Jloney and the kingdom.
, J
STOUT B tather1, Tol. 1. "London, Werner 00.1
b, Bew Haven, Conn., Our race pub, oo.,
1900, ~TROBG,SYDNEY DIX, 1860-
666p, tront. (ohart) (Congregationaliit)
What tu,.e hne you? Cincinnati,
Standard. The hope ot I1rael, 1903, !!!•
Selections trom the Jromiaea to the How to find God, tit'ty beat replies.
tathera... London, Robert Banka & Bew York, Aaaooiation pre11, •1931,
aon1 Cincinnati, Standard, 1903, 64p.
T, p, Contents include, In an age ot
eoienne by Thoa.1 Curtis Clark1

s Strong - Sullenger

God eTerywhere by E. D. Jone•1 Find- STURGIS, JOHN E , 1871- joint~ aee

ing God daily by Frank A. Jlorgan1 b. near Grand Rapids, llioh.,
Who love muoh by AlTa W. Taylor ; 1871. Sturgis, G. K. Standard ~hildren'•
To the 100untains by D. s. Ward. day book, no, 1.

(Methodist) Faith inspiring son gs. Cinoin- (Congregationalis t)
natl, Standard, •1925.
Error• or Campbelliam, being a re- 128p. music. Autobio gra phy. 1839 .
Ti- or all the fundamental errors ot Contents include, A chapter about
the system ot faith and ohuroh polity Favorite hymna1 an all-purpose song Disciples, pp, 245-248 .
or the denomination rounded by Alexan- book. Cincinnati, Standard, •1933.
der Campbell. Cincinnati, Cranston 288p.
292p. The ldnga praise; an- general- b.
purpose song-book. Cinoinnati, Stan-
ocSTUBBLEFIELD,CHARLESM The Y. P. s. C. E. at work.
b. The kings praise; tully orchestra- St. Louis, Christian pub. oc.
ted for 15 inatrwnents. Cinoinnati, 26p.
A peouliar people. Ft. Worth,
Tex., Author, 1943. Sacred choruses and anthems. STUYVESAIIT,
16p. Cinoinnati, Standard.
The great adventure, a story ot
Plea and principle• ot Diaoiplea. Saored solos and duet•. Cinoin- the founding ot New York. Cinoin-
(In Abilene Christian oollege Bible nati, Standard, 1926. natl, Standard, •1918.
leoture•, 1926-1927, pp. ·152-166) 115p. 340p, front., platea.

Saored solo• and dueta, no. 21 121

STUCKENBRUCK, CARROLL O , 1886- songs suitable tor speoial muaio in SUDLaf• IIRS. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS,
b. Tipton, Ia., _ 30 S 1886. evangelistio meetings, ohuroh aervioe, (Preebyterian)
Bible aohool, Christian endeavor, eto.
Cinoirmati, Standard, 1929. Cradle roll queationa, plane and
The Christian an- oreature in 128p. progra-. Cinoinnati, Standard,
Christ. (In Thornton, E. W., ed. 1928.
Lord's da7 worship aerrloea, •1930, Song• tor aoul winning. Cinoin- 10.p.
pp. 35-38) nati, Standard, 1923.
Song• ot fellowship. Cinoinnati, SUGRUE,T!IOIIAS,1907•
STULTS, CLAUDEllARSHALL, 1896- Standard.
b. Lincoln, Ill., 29 My 1898. There 1• a riTer1 the atory ot
with LYOIIS, HELD. Edgar Cayo•. B- York, Holt, •1942.
x, 463p. front. (port,) '
The Diaoipl•• are ditterent. Song• tor primary ohildren.
,Gadsden, Ala., Author, 1942, Cinoinnati, Standard, 1930.
with , JW!TIM, W. S.
b. Saored quartette tor men'• voioes. Reaohing India'• ailliona. (In
Cinoinnati, Standard. International convention, 1941, pp,
joint~ •ee with TOVEY, H. G.

Leonard, Luoille. Conterenoa Saored quartets and trio• tor ladies• SULLENGER,T!IOIIASKARL, 1893-
memories. voioes. Cinoinnati, Standard, 1929. b, Critt•nden oounty, Ky., 19 B
74p. 1893.


b. An ecological study ot Omaha.
Junior hymn •torie• J taken from a ,Omaha, Jlunioipal uniTer•ity ot Omha,
junior hywmal with song atorie• and Dept. o·r •ociology, 1938,
The po,rar ot a graTe. Boston, wor•hip program•, by J.E. Sturgia, 64p.
Christopher pub. oo., 1929. W. s. Martin and L.A. Faria, Cin-
78p. oinnati, Standard. One oity'• progr .. tor lei•ure tiae.
Onaha, UniTer•ity ot Omaha, 1924,
joint oomp. aee 7p. (Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 3)
b. llt.rtin, W. S. Christian hymnal. Reading• in crainology. Omaha,
Soon lle, c. R. Wonder hymn• ot lltnioipal uniTeraity ot Omaha, 1937.
taith. 125p.
with STURGIS, K. K. lfimeographed.

Standard ohildren'• day book, no. 11 STURGII, KABELKILLIR, Social deterainate• in juTenile
a oomplate ohildren'• day aarvioe, oOD- b. delinquency. Uninr•ity ot Ooiil.ha?
po••d ot play late, dialoga, songs, and 1930?
pantomine•. Cinoinnati, -Standard, 87p.
1929. The•i• (Ph.D.) UniTer•ity ot
48p. Kiuouri, 1929.

Sullenger - Sutton s
--, a 0011111\lnity
challenge. Oma- Public activities of ReT. J. J. ~- see
ha, Neb., Douglas ptg. oo., •1930. Summerbell, comp. by hia eon... Day-
87p. illua. (11Bps.) ton, o., Christian pub. aaaooiation, Craig, Austin. Writings and
•1916. addreues.
Sooial determinants in juTitnile 169p. front. (port.)
delinquenoy. New York, Wiley, 1936.
ix, 412p. oSUMMERBELL,NICHOLAS,1816-1889.
JOSEPHJAMES, 1844-1913. b. Westchester county, N. Y., 8
Social ministry in an Amerioan oity b. Mr 1816.
(a reoreational survey or the ohurchea · d, d. Yellow Springs, o., 1889.
or Omaha) Oiaha, University of Omaha,
1923. ·eu,pbelliam ia rebellion; a hand- History of the Christian church,
14p. (Bulletin, TOl. 1, no. 1) book on Campbelliam. Dayton, o., 1862.
Christian pub. association, 1913. 384p.
Studies in urban aooiology. 272p. front. (port.)
Omaha, UniTeraity of Omaha, •1933. History of the Christian churoh
l57p. illus. (-p•) Christiana and Diaoiples. Dayton, from i ta aatabliahment by Christ to
o., Christian pub. aaaooiation, 1913. A. D. 1870. Cincinnati, Christian
Summary of a study of the juvenile pulpit, 1873.
·delinquent in Omaha. Qnaha, UniTer- llountaina of the Bible. Boston,
aity of Omaha, 1924. Sherman, French, 1912. History of the Christians. 1870.
17p. (Bulletin T. 1, no. 6) • 8s.p. 660p •

DeLAIIE An outline of ohuroh history for ·soma notes of the life and some of
the first aix centuries. Dayton, the writings of Nicholas Swrunerbell,
Children or diTorce. Omaha, Neb., O., Christian pub. aeaociation, 1910. ed. by hia aon J. J. Sul!DDerbell.
1934. 167p. port. Dayton, o., 1900.
22p. 670p. front. _(port.) platea.
Mimeographed, ~. see
The missionary and the king; Souroe
with KERNS,J. H. Lite and writings of Nicholas Sum- of unity in the mother churoh. (In
merbell. Coan, A. W., ed. Goapel sermons, 1881,
Negro in Oiaha1 a social study of pp . 323-336 l 304- 318)
Negro deTelopment. Omaha, Municipal about see
university of 0-ha, 1931. debate with FLOOD,J. II.
36p. Summerbell, Carlyle, ed. Public (llethodiat)
actiTities of Rev. J. J. Summerbell.
with ULRICH, AJIN. Discussion on the trinity, ohuroh
oonstitutions and disciplines, and
Child-placing. Omaha, M,nioipal cSUIIMERBELL,l!ARTYJi, 1847- human depravity ••• Held in Centreville,
uniTeraity of Omaha, 1937. b. Naplea, N. Y., 20 D 1847. Ohio, from August 2 to August 9, 18641
26p. d. comprising fifty-eight alternate
Mimeographed. apeechea of thirty minutes eaoh, re-
Christ in word and work. Dayton, ported by Benn Pitnan, examined and
.!!• o., Antioch press, 1920. oorrected by the parties. Yellow
23lp. Springs, o., Lawrence and Winchell,
Research atudiea in oontemporary 1854.
aooiety. Omaha, Municipal uniTer- Chriatian_home training. Dayton, 432p.
aity of Omaha. O., Chriatiad--pub. aaaociation, · 1917.
48p. 72p. --, 3d ed. C1ncinnati, Apple-
llillleographed. gate & oo., 1866,

Faith for the college man; college
Dayton, o., Christian pub.

237p. front.

Matthew. Autobiography.
Manhood in it• American type.
Sooial adTitnturea with Jeaua in Boston, R. G. Badger, 1916.
race relations. (In Anderson, o. T., l32p. (Human personality aeries) SUMMERS,THOMAS OSJ.PND,1812-1882,
ed. Social adTenturea with Jeaua, 1928, (llathodht)
pp. 63-69) Our friends in other folds; an ex-
oursion in amity. Boston, Christo- Why I am not a Campbellite.
pher pub. house, •1929. Nashville, A.H. Redford, agent II, E,
oSUIIIIERBELL,CARLYLB,1873-1936. 133p. ohurch, South, 1873.
b. Springboro, Penn., 24 I 1873.

A preachergoea to _r, the true 00 ••

The rebirth
the middle age.
of Europe, a study of
Boston, Stratford
Lee, N, H.
... Immeraioniata against
atory of a chaplain in France during 189p. the Bible.
the world~... .Norwood, Jiau,,
J.abroae pr•••• •1936. Religion in college life I oollege
xiv, l06p, front, (port.) port, sermon• and addraasea. New York, SUTTON,GEORGEKilSCH, 1898-

llodern worda of religion. Dayton,
Revell, •1913.
b, Bethany, leb., 16 lly 1898.

Bird• in the wildernesa1 adventure•

Special aervioea for ministers.
0,, Chriatian pub, aaaooiation, •1916, 1886. of an ornitqologiat1 illua. by the
262p, author, with pencil drawing• and- t'iel4
Prof. iln. H. llorrill, A. II. (In aketchea in color -de from liTing or
Coan, A. W., ad. Goepel aermons by freahly killed birds. •- York,
Christian miniatera, 1881, pp. 211-212) Macmillan, 1936.
ix, 200p. front,. platea.

s Sutton - Swet.17

The bi~ds of So_)Jth&mptonisland, Hud- SWANDER, CLARENCE F , 1874- Swann'• sermons, vol, 6. Louia-
son bay. .Ithaca, N. Y., 1932, b. Pleasanton, Ia., 15 My 1874. ville, Ky.·, Pentecostal pub. co.,
c6::ap. •1922.
Abetract or theai1: Ph. ·D., Cornell 224p.
university, 1932. God's ahare--a tithe. 1917, 1919,
1922. Swann'• aermona. Louisville, Ky.,
Eekimo year; a na turaliat' s adven- Pentecostal pub, co., 1929?
ture• in the far North... New York, How I bec&111ea tither, a reprint 208p.
Macmillan, 1934. from Making Disciples in Oregon.
vii, 32lp. illus., plates, ports. Portland, Oregon, Oregon Christian A volume or aermone. Louisville,
miaaionary convention, 1945. Ky., Author, •1942,
Exploration or Sou&. Hampton island, 6p. folder. 174p,
Hudson bay. Cover title: Sermons, v. 18.
Introduction to religious education.
An introduction to the birds of Penn- 1934.
sylvania; with ••• pen and ink text- SWARTZ,ROBERTEla!ETT, 1850-
drawinga by the author. Harrisburg, lilt.king Diaciplea in Oregon. b,
Pa., J. Horace McF..rland co., 1928. .Portland, Ore., Author, 1928. d.
ix, 169p. t"ront., illus. 248p. front. (port.)
The aeriousneaa or the Disciple•'
Juvenal plumage and postjuvenal The spiritual function of the state miaaion, (In Painter, J, H., ed,
molt in aeveral species of llichigan secretary. n.p., n.d. The Iowa pulpit of the church ·or Chriat,
sparrows. Bloolllfield Hilla, l(ich., 16p, 1884, pp. 176-184)
Cranbrook instJtute of science, 1936.
36p. about see
BETTS, 1882-
Year's program for bird protection. b, Robards, Ky., 8 S 1882, Painter, J, H, Iowa pulpit of
Harrisburg, Pa., Pennsylvania board or the church of Christ.
g&111ecomniasioners, 1926 •
.(Bulletin no. 7) Bible on vital theme1, Louisville
Ky., Author, 1936. SWEA.RINGEN,
with VAN TYNE, JOSSELYN. 13lp, (v. 13 of a aerie• of b,
Birds of Brewster county, Texas.
Ann Arbor, University of llichigan, Brotherhood of man. Activity auggeationa for leader• of
1937. l8p. youth. Indianapolia and St. Louia,
ll9p. (lllseum of aoology. Department of religious education, U,
~~acellaneoua publication, no. 37) Deep unto deep ia calling. Louis- C. 11, S, and Chriatian board,
ville, Ky., Author, 1937. (Looal church service
160p. aesociation)
b. An exposition of the book or Revela- li.11t a man live? cll'ith an intro-
tion. Louisville, Ky., Author, 1926. duction by o. L. Shelton. st.
236p. Louis, Bethany preaa, 1941,
I poe111. Siloam Spring•, Cover title, The Book of Revelation 136p.
Ark., Bar D press, 1941. •de plain.
36p. Planning for young people in the
hpoaitory Hr!llOns, Louisville, loo al ohuroh. St, Louia, Bethany
preaa, •1933,
Poems: interpretive
the International
for .the year 1940.
of each one of
Sunday school lea1011t1
.Bethany, lf. Va.,
Ky., Author,
<•- leadership training
Author, •1939. A funeral ... nual. Louisville, Iy.,
69p. Pentecoatal pub. co., •1923, Young peoples conference• (Youth
183p. leadership organisation) Indiana-
The temptation; or, the -n unpur- polis and St, Louie, Department of
ohaaable. Bethany, Neb., Presa of The parablea of Jeaua, Owensboro, religioua education, U. C, II. s. and
H. E. lfetherall oo., •1906. Ky., Progr••• ptg. co., •1918, Christian board, •1930,
6lp. 279p, (v. 2 of a aerie• of 43p. (Local church service
aermo114) aeaociation)

SUTTON,WILLIAM HOWARD, 1862-1906. Sermons. 0..naboro, Ky,, Progr••• Chriatian teacming--a spiritual
b. near Trenton, Ga., 21 Ag 1862. ptg. 00., •1916, priority; Religious e4ucation for the
d. Algood, Tenn., 9 Jl 1906. 326p, future, (In International conven-
Cover title, Swann'• sermons, v, 1, tion, 1942, pp. 300-3071 1936, pp. 127-
about .,.. 134)
Sermons, vol, 4, LouiaTille, Iy,,
Bolea, H. L. Biographical Penteooatal pub, co,, •1920. contributed to aee
abtohea of gospel preachera, 224p.
Cover titles Swana•a aermona, v, 4, Bower,· W, C. The DiaoiplH and
religioua eduoation,
SlrAIII, W D Sermons, 1932, Louiaville, Iy .,
b. Author, 1933,
B (Presbyterian)
Swann'• aermona, v, 3, Louisville,
Cain and Abel and their aacrificea, ly,, Penteooatal pub. oo,, •1919. The keeper of the door, St, Louia,
akeleton aeMDOn. (In Cory, N. B., 219p. Bethany preaa, 1946,
ed. The polymathiat, 1877, p. 284) 190p.
Swann'• aermona, vol, 6. Louis-
ville, Ky., Penteccatal pub, cc,, •1921.

Sweeney - Sweeney s
SWEENEY,JOHN STEELE, 1832-1908, debate with PRITCHETT, JOSEPHH Under ten flags, an hi storical pil-
b. Liberty, Ky., 4 s· 1832. ------ (llethodist) grimage, written with especial refer-
d, ence to the needs of young people1
A religiou1 diecuaeion •• ,held in with an introduction by J. H, Vincent,
Reaaona for the existence of the Clarksville, Mo., commencing the 28th Cincinnati, Standard, 1889 , •1888 ,
Christian church, Louiaville, Wm, S, day of October, 1868 and continued a xv, 608p, front, (port,) illua.,
Broadhurst, ."1895, period of aeven day•, reported by platea,
16p. George B, Willie, St, Louie, S. w.
bk, & pub, co,, 1869. What shall we do with our young
Sermons, with a sketch of the _ 650p. preacher•? n.p., n , d,
author'• life by an intimate friend. 4p,
Naahville, Gospel advocate, 1892, joint~ eee
304p. front. (port.) Authority. (In ltleacham, E, J , ,
lobnnel, Thomae. Shall Christiana comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp.
What must I do to be aaved? go to -r? 206-210)

Aim of the Di1ciplea1 Baptism tor about aee Divine authority, (In Booj, W,
remiaaion of aina 1• justification by H,, ed, The Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp.
faith; The church of God--ite founda- Moore, W, T, The living pulpit of 260-274)
tion; Infant baptism; The law of par- the Christian church,
don; Paul'• answer to Xing Agrippa; First principles. (In Moore, W,
A plea for the church of God; The T., ed, The new living pulpit of the
simplicity that 1• in Christ; What SWEENEY,MARY, Christian ohuroh, 1918, p p, 49-61)
I do to be saved? (In Sweeney, b.
z. T., ed. Bew Te1t&111entChristianity, 'l'he glory or the house or God,
1930, wl, 3, pp, 7-331 1923, vol , 1, (In Lord, J. A,, · ed, On the Lord I a
pp. 391-4011 1930, vol. 3, pp, 402-4231 From a long line of preacher a. · day, •1904, pp. 82-86)
1926, vol, 2, pp. 412-449; 1923, vol. 1, (In Campbell and lloaeley, eds ; My dad,
pp. 141-1671 1926, vol. 2, pp • .221-2371 1938, pp. 151-156) Have we outgrown our plea?; The
1930, vol, 3, pp. 350-3611 483-5031 new creature; Rightly dividing the
134-152) word of truth; Source or authority in
SWEENEY,WILLIAM ELZA, 1877- Christianity, (In hi• New Te1ta-
Baptiem--ita action, aubject, and b, Paris, Ky., 4 D 1877, ment Christianity, 1930, vol, 3, pp.
deaign. (In Moore, W, T., ed. The 82-1001 237-2501 461-4821 504-522)
living pulpit of the Chriatian church,
~867, pp. 256-276) The church tor today. (In Inter- Jamea Small, (In Brown, J, T,,
national convention, 1934, pp . 177-186.) ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp,
The law of pardon aa eliminated 483-484)
from the commiaaion, (In Mathea, J, The power of faith. (In Thornton,
II,, ed. The weatern preacher ·, 1866, E, W., ed, Lord'• day worship ••r- The ,ajeety of aervioe, Labor
pp. 106-118) vioea, •1950, pp. 89-92) day addreaa, (In Thornton, E. w.,
Special sermons for special ocoaaiona,
debate with CRAWFORD, JOHN about see 1921, pp. 227-249)
Sweeney, llary, From a long line The aouroe or authority in Chri•-
Debate on the pointa of difference of preacher,. tianity. (In Watchword or the
in faith and practice between the two reatoration vindicated, pp, 3-18)
religioua'bodies blown ae the Disciples
of Chriat and the regular Baptiata,
embracing the aubject or Calviniam and
b, Liberty,
Ky., 10 F 1849,
the design or baptiam, Held in the d, Indianapolis, Ind,, 4 F 1926. New Testament Christianity,
village of Springfield, in the county Columbus, Ind,, Printe _d tor the editor,
of Elgin, Ontario, from the 10th to the Ops memberahip, a sermon. .cin- •1923, •1926, •1930,
12th September, 1874... Toronto, cinnati, Standard. •1942. 3 vol.
Edmund Shepherd, 1876. 23p. ino, front oover, Contents,
296p. v. l.
Pulpit diagram•, with brier note• ot Sermona by J. A, Brooks, Iaaao
debate with LOGil, J.B. explanation tor the uae or minietere Errett, H, W, Everest, Benjamin
---""""'Ti!'UJllberland Preabyterian) and Bible student•, Cincinnati, Stan- Franklin, A, W, Gilbert, Elijah
dard, • 1897. Goodwin, II. P. Hayden, II. B. Hop-
Theological debate ••• Held at White- 96p, kins, J. s. Lamar, J, II, Mo.thee,
hall, Greene county, Illinois, on the W, T. Moore, Aylette Raines, J, S.
26, 26, 27, _28, and 29 day• ot February A peraonal vindication. n.p., n.d. Sweeney,
1862 ••• reported by John R. Howard. 4p. v, 2 publiahed by New Teatament
Wincheeter,.Ill.,. R. B. De~. Chriatianity book fund inc,
printer, 1862, Report of the Commieaioner of Fiah- Sermons by F, G, Allen, J, C, Creel,
288p. eriea and game in Indiana, Iaaao Errett, H, lf. Everest, Ben-
jamin Franklin, J. H, Garrison, J.
(Uni veraaliat)
Should ohurchea or Christ receive
uni-~raed into forlial fellowahip? A
II. Henry, Th"-• Holnan, J. S. Lamar,
H, T, :Morrison, W. D. Owen, Alalt&Dder
Proctor, W, J, Ruaaell, John S.
aermon delivered in Richmond Street
A diaouaaion on univeraal aalvation Christian church, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sweeney, J. z. Tyler, A. J. White,
and future puniahment; Chicago, Rand, Oct, 19, 1919, and Alanaon Wilcox.
lloNally & oo,, 1870. _l6p, v, 3 published by Bew Testament
4llp, Christianity book fund inc.
, The Spirit and the Word, a treatiae Sermona by A. R. Benton, Jamaa C,
--. Chicago, Manford & Sweeney, on the Holy Spirit in the light or a Creel, Iaaao Errett, Benjamin Frailk-
1871, •1870, rational interpretation or the word or lin, A. T, Hobba, li>aea E, Lard,
4llp. truth, Cincinnati, Standard, •1919, J.M. llathea, John C, lliller, W. T.
148p. li>ore, John S, Sweeney, z. T. Sweeney.

s S.reeney - Swi nney

eel. aee Now that I am a Christian. Colleg, llakera of Christiani t y, fr om John

station, Tex . , Author. Cotton to Lyman Abbott. New York,
Errett, Iaaao. The queriat I a 396p. Holt, •1937.
drawer. viii, 35lp.
The promised lancl--Joahua's and oura Contents include: Alex ande r Camp-
introcluotion aee NashTi l le , World visio n. bell, pp. 185-195.
(Tract no. 4)
Errett, Isaao. Bible reading•.
Prophecy--an assurance of inepira- SWIFT, J R
about tion. NashTille, World viaion. b.
(Tract no. 6) d.
Zachary Taylor Sweeney, appreciation
• and, regret. .Indianapolis, Ind., The church in ite care of widows Justification by faith • st. Louie,
1926, and orphans; The church in its giving Chrietian pub. co.
34p. front. (port.) or financial support1 Obligation• of
the Christian to the atate. (In
about aee Abilene Christian college Bible lec- ocSWINNEY,1f L
tures, 1935, pp. 29-44; 45-641 1941, b.
Moore, lf. T. The new liTing pp . 177-210)
pulpit of the Chriatian church.
Of all that Jesus began, both to
SWEET,WILLIAMWARREN,1881- do and teach. (In Abilene Christian
ocSWEET, R B (lfethodiat) college Bible lectures, 1922-1923, pp.
b. 263-276)
latte - Taylor T

TAFFE,JOHB TATE, CAROLINE(GORDON) (Mrs. Allen Ban the Diacip l ea of Christ a

b. Tate} 1896- rural problem? Cincinnati, A. C,
d, b, Todd county, Ky., 6 0 1895. V. S., n,d.
An address to the churchea of
Christ in Kentucky, and other loyal Aleck lfaury, aportaman, by Caroline Little chapters in labor's ·progreaaJ
atatea, in regard to the treatn,ent of Gordon, N- York, Soribner , 1934, a labor day sermon, n,p,, n,d.
church member• who have been engaged in 287p. Sp, folder,
the rebellion, Cincinnati, B. S,
Boaworth, 1866, The garden of Adonia, by Caroline Procedure• for aociali~ing adult
83p. Gordon, N- York, Scribner, 1937. Christian thinking. Indianapolis
299p, and St, Louie, Department or reli-
Poaitive .diTine inatitutiona, gious education, U, C, V. S, and
St. Louia, Chri,tian pub, co, Green centuries, by Caroline Gordon , Christian board.
New York, Scribner, 1941, (Local church service
Recolleotiona of Dr. Pinkerton, 469p, aaaooiation)
(In Shackle~rd, John. Life, letter•,
and addreaaee of Dr, L. L, Pinkerton, None ahall look baok, by Carolina Researoh information on essent~al
1876, pp. 297-324) Gordon, New York, Scribner, 1937, aspects of child labor amendmi!lnt.
378p, N- York, Federal council churohea of
TALIIAGE,FRANK, -1929, Penhally, by Caroline Gordon.
b. , Penn., New York, Scribner, 1931, The social work of Christian mis-
d, El Paao, Tex., 26 Jl 1929, 282p. sions, Cincinnati, F, C, V, s.,
Baptilm, is it illl!lleraion? Tona- The women on the porch, by Caroline 265p. plates, ports.
-nda, N, Y., Author, 1887T Gordon, N- York, Scribner, 1944,
316p. ---. 3d ptg. Cincinnati, r. c.
Churches of Chri•t in Phil.adelphia, M. S,, 1914, •1911,
(In Brown, J. T., ed. Churc.nea of 265p.
Christ, 1904, pp. 341-343) TATE, JOHNA , 1884-
b. The aocial work of Christian
miaaiona . Cincinnati, F. C, V. s.
TANNAR,CHARLES JEBIEL, 1866-1928. pamphlet,
b, Aahland county, O,, 6 D 1866, Fifty thousand new tithers, (In
d, Detroit, Vich., 4 Ap 1928. International convention, 1936, pp. The twelve hour day in . steel.
207-210) New York, Federal council ohurchea of
The unchanging goapel. (In Christ, 1920.
lloore, ff, T,, ed. Then- living pul-
pit of the Christian church, 1918, pp. TAUBMAN, GEORGEPRIMROSE,1869- Christianity and modern aooial
195-203) .b, Iale of lllln, 30 Je 1869, econanio problems, (In Hayden, A,
E., ed. llodern trends in world-
about aee re _ligions, •1934, pp. 103-111)
All who sail with thee. (In
Vocre, ff, T, The Dft living Thornton, I, ff,, ed, Lord'• day wor- The church and the industrial
pulpit • . ahip services, •1930, pp. 203-206) order, (In International conven-
tion, 1937, pp, 167-163)
introduotion aee
ooTAIIT, JEFFKRSONDAVIS, 1861-1941, Law enforcement, (In DeGroot,
b, Paulding county, Ga., 1861. Kellems, J, R. Reaurrection A. T., ed. The llaaphia youth oonven-
d, Loa Angele•, Calif., 1 Je 1941, gospel, tion, 1926, pp. 46-48)

Bible atudiea. Auatin, Tex., abou1io see Obataclea to progreaa. (In

Firm foundation. King, ff, P., ed. Social progreaa and
lUp, Taubnan, G, P., Jr, George did it. Christian ideal•, 1931, pp. 119-192)

The goapel X-ray, Auatin, Tex,, Robert Enooh Bieronymua, (In

Firm foundation, 1933, TAUBMAN.
GEORGEPRIMROSE,II, Brown, J, T., ed. Churohea of Chriat,
29lp, b, 1904, pp. 491-492)

The true -y, a book on Bible aub- Who love nioh, (In Strong, S.
jecta, Nashville, Goapel advocate George did it. (In C11111pbelland D,, .ed. Bow to find God, 1931, p, 56)
oo~, 1896T lloaeley, eda, If:>'dad, 1938, pp. 167-
215p, 162) with OTHERS

·, ff, J,
FROST Report of the steel strike of 1919,
TAYLOR,ALVAWILIIJT, 1871- • by the OOll!llliaaion or inquiry, the In-
The Tant-Froat debate on the organ b. Anamoaa, Ia., 16 N.1871. ter-church world movement, Francia J,
and aocietywork in the church . of Christ, lloConnell, ohairman ••• Alva ff, Taylor
Cincinnati, F, L. Rowe, 1904, New York, Harcourt, 1921.
104p. .An armiatice day aern,on, Indiana- viii, 277p •
polis, Board of temperance and aocial
welfare, n,d,
b. b,
Christianity and industry in Anmrica. ·
Bew York, Friendahip pr•••, •1933.
The at.ward'• accountability to God, xi, 212p. ooap,
(In Abilene Christian college Bible
lecture•, 1939, pp. 131-144) Greater goapel aonga. Auatin,
Tex,, Firm foundation.
T Taylor - Taylor

G. H.P . TAYLOR,FRANKLOUIS, Outlines of agricultural economics,
b, New York, iae.cmillan, 192B, •1 919 , •1925.
Songs gospel number two. Austin, xii, 610p. illus, (Social science
Tex., Firm foundation, n.d. te'![t books)
222 aonga. God's challenge to his people,
(In Bridwell, J. T., ed . The Michigan --, rev. ed. New York, Mac-
Gos pe l son gs number three, designed pulpit, 1924, pp . 166-169) millan, 1931,
for work in Christian work and worship, xii, 614p. illus, (Social science
n- ed. Austin, Tex., Fi rm founda- text books)
tion, 1940, •1 924. TAYLOR, GEORGEG , 1B37-
234 aongs. b. Fisherville, Ky., 17 D 1B37, The prices of farm product•.
d, lkdison, Wis., Universit y of Wiscon-
Gospel songs number four, designed ain, 1911. ·
for uae in Christian work and worshi p . Justification versus Baptism for 30p, (Agricultural experiment
Austin, Tax., Firm foundation, 1940, the remission of aina. atation, Bulletin 209, llay 1911)
193 songs. A review of w. T. Moore's tract on What'• back of marketing, lesaon A,
"Woman's place in the church" and a Chioago, American institute of a gri-
OTHERS. supplement reviewing T. A. Kerley on culture, 1922,
"Woman's place in the church," Nash-
N- ideal gospel hymn book compiled ville, Gospel advocate, 1B96, Fact.- finding ' aa a foundation for
by Austin Taylor, J. w. Acuff, W. D. 40p. state leadership - abstract. (In
En-idge, and G. H.P. Showalter ••• National education aaaociation.
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, 1938, Modern sanctification, (In Addresses and prooeedinga, 1930, pp.
•1930. Srygley, F. D. Biographies and ser- 426-430)
320 so11gs. mons, 1B98, pp. 276-2B9)
Economic groupism and the church,
aee about see (In Garrison, W. E. , ed, Faith of
the rr .. , 1940, pp. 47-59)
Showalter, G. H. P., ed. The new Srygley, F. D. Biographiea and
Gospel song book, eennons. with TAYLOR,ANNE D

World trade in agricultural pro-

oTAYLOR,BENJAMIN,1786-1848, TAYLOR,GEORGEOLIVER, 1902- , duota, New York, Macmillan, 1943.
b. BeTerly,,, 22 Jl 178&, b. Carroll county, :I&>., 24 F 1902. xviii, 3B6p. charts, maps.
d, , llioh., 24 S 18"8.
about ••• Problems of the auperintendent.
Indianapolia and St. Louia, Department Practical 1'arm economics, by H. C,
Edmunds, E. Memoir of elder of religious education, u. c. M. S. Taylor, H. R. Tolley and J. w. Tapp.
Benjamin Taylor, and Christian board, Waahington, D. c., Govt. ptg. office,
(Local church service 1924.
association) iv, lCXlp. illus., naps . (U. S.
TAYLOR,CARRIECARTER, Dept. of agriculture . Miaoellanaoua
b, The church and her youth, (In circular, no, 32)
Church program planning committee.
Christian education, 1943, pp, 13-20)
Flower thought•, everyday var••• TAYLOR,J (Baptist)
for everyday folk. joint author aee
26-43p, History of Clear Creek church, and
Bound with, Minard, H. L. Peraonnel lll&nual. Campbelliam expoaed, Frankfort, (y.,
Jladaen, Beaaie Farrar. Bloasoma •1942. Printed by A, G. Hodges, 1B30,
that bloom in India. 60p.

TAYLOR,CLAUDECARSON,1873-1946. b, Stockport, Ia., 16 Ap 1B73, TAYLOR,JOHN, 1B07-1B86.
b. Carroll county, Mo., 28 Ap 1873, b. , S. C., 20 F 1807.
d, Enid, Okla., 30 Jl 1946, d, , 19 F 1B86,
Agricultural economics. New York,
. The purpose of God (as seen in the llaomillan, 1919. about see
Old Testament) Cincinnati, Standard, x, 439p, map•. (Social science
•1926. text books) Boles, H. L, Biographioal
294p. sketches of gospel preachers.
•- York, Jlit.omillan, 1923,
Paul, hia life and teaching .a x, 439p. -P•, (Social aoieno•
revision of hi• Six months with Paul, ten book•)
ed, by C, J. Sharp. Cincinnati, o., b,
Standard, •1943, . The decline of landowning farmers in
l26p. England, Jlit.diaon, Wia., University
of Wiaocnain, 1904, Peter ba~ore and a~er Pentecost,
Six month• with Paul. Cincinnati, 66p, (Bulletin of the university (In . Abilene Christian college Bible
Standard, •1926, of Wiaoonain, no, 961 Eoonomioa and leoturea, 1924-1925, pp. 60-71)
2 v, (Standard elective aeriea of political aoience aeries, vol. 1, no. 1)
apecial leaaons) Published also aa a thesia,
Ten books in the field of theology An introduction to the study of b.
and apologetioa. (In Smith, H, D. A agricultural eoonomioa, New York,
preacher'• first books, •1933, pp. 61- Jlt.omillan, ·19015,
62) viii, 327p. (The citi&en's library The case .made out1 or, the thief
bapti&ed. Greensburg, Ind,, n,d.

Taylor - Thoma• T

TAYLOR,JOY FRASER ccTENJIY,ARTHURB --. Chicago, Albert Whitman

b, & co,, ·•1880-1927.
1ee SALA, JOY FRASER(TAYLOR) 483p, .f'ront, (port,)

Restore such a one,
Okla., Author, 1944?
Stratford, .
asaasination c!,, death,
funeral, with eulogy by James G,
b, llp. Blaine, New York, Hurst & co,,
483p, .f'ront, (port,) (Log cabin
Above the hill• of time,.,Easter THARP,WALLACE,1858-1929, to White house aeries)
week of prayer, April 3--7, 1944, b, Middletown, Ky,, 22 S 1858.
cindianapolis, U, C. M. S,, Department d, Tuscaloosa, Ala,, 24 D 1929,
of missionary education, 1944, THIBOS, R A, , 1873,-
l6p, inc, covers, music. Superabundant benefactions and sig- b, Kent county, Mich., 3 F 1873,
nificant monuments, church dedication
Disoiples of Christ in Latin America sermon, (In Thornton, E.W., ed,
St, Louis, U, C. K, S,, 1925, Special sermons for special oc casions, The fundamental Christian principle,
30p, 1921, pp. 251-268) (In Bridwell, J. T., ed. The Michigan
pulpit, 1924, pp. 244-252)
Building the church in Latin America. Love, (In Meacham, E, J., comp,
(In International convention, 1937, pp, Training to teach, •1913, pp, 143--145)
53--GO) THOMAS,ALVINZI GANO,1833-1903,
The perils of false teaching, b, Twiggs county, Ga,, 10 Je 1833,
~- (In Thornton, E. W,, ed, Lord's day
worship services, •1930, pp, 281-284)
d, Atlanta, Ga,, 14 D 1903,
Churches of Christ in Atlanta, Ga,
Diaoiples of rist in India,,,
revised by Ray E, Rice, St, Louie, (In Brown, J, T,, ed, Churches of
U, C. M, S,, 1923, THAYER, I A Chriat, 1904, p,296)
32p, b,
TAYLOR,W y , 1842- Christian union, Cincinnati, b, Mercer county, Ill,, 21 F 1863,
b, Standard, n , d d. , 30 Ja 1935,
d, 24p.
Rural arithmetic, Chio ago, AJner-
The mediator,
ed, Texas pulpit,
(In Scott, L, W, t
1888, pp, 113--123)
St, Louis, John Burns, ican bk, co,, •1916,

Leason• from the Holy 1110unt, three

TAYLOR,WILLIAMBROOKS,1866-1941, sermons, with an introduction by haac ocTHOJ!AS,C B
b, near Gel'l!W.ntown,Ky,, 28 Mr 1865, Errett, Cinoinnati, Chase & Hall, b,
d, Jackson, 0,, 21 Ag 1941, 1878,
The contribution of the Christian God'• power to aave, Corpua
college to the restoration movement, The story of salvation, n,p., n,d. Christi, Tex,, Author,
Kansas C: ,ity, Mo,, The educational day 30p. 12p,
colll!littee of the Christian college
aaaociation, cl912, Transfiguration cf Christ, St, Twenty- four fifteen minute radio
19p. Louis, John Burna, aer1110ns, Corpus Christi, Tex,,
Author, 1945,
An address before the Aaaociation of A greater work than · miracles1 Inti-
Chrhtian 001-legea, Annual col?Yention, -cy with Jesus and ita effects; skele- The -y of salvation, Austin,
Louisrllle, Kentucky, October 21, 1912, ton ae~na, (In Cory, !I, E,, ed, Tex,, Firm foundation, 1945,
The pol}""&thiat, 1877, pp, 445-446;
Studiea in the Epistle, and Revela- 203,-204)
tion, teacher'• ed, Cincinnati, ooTHOJ!AS,CHARLES
Standard, •1910, b,
192p~ THAYER,'lfILLIAll IWCEPEACE,1820-1898,
---, soholara eg, Cinoinnati, The N- Testament ohuroh.
Standard, 1910. From log cabin to the white houae,
208p. Boston, J, H. Earle, 1881,
416p, front, THOMAS,CLARENCE
Authority in the ohuroh1 Change of b,
heart1 The holy spirit, (In lleaoham, From log-oabin to the White house,
E, J., comp, Training to teach, •1913, Life ct James Garfield,,,with eulogy
pp. 230-2341 220-223; 225-228) by Hon, James G, Blaine, enl,, rev,, introduotion aee
and n-ly illus, Norwich, Conn,,
The Henry Bill pub, co,, 1882, Stinnett, Owen, A centennial ·
ocTEJIPLETON,S E 483p • .f'ront,, plates. history of the Graperlne Christian
b, ohuroh,
From log-cabin to the White house1
life or Jamea A. Garfield, boyhood,
God'a love tor the world, (In youth, -nhood, aaaaaaination, death, THOMAS,D L
Abilene Christian college Bible leo- funeral, with eulogy by James G, Blaine, b,
turea, 1924-1925, pp, 30-42) Jlew York, John B, Alden, 1886, •1882, d,
483p • .f'ront, (port,) platea,
What shall I do with Jeeua who h
oalled Chriat, skeleton 18?'111)n, (In
Cory, JI.!,, ed, The polymathist, 1877,
pp. 181-183)

T Thonas • Thomas

THOMAS,DAVID to tlie time or the end, and the age to The life, travels, and gospel
••• 3d ed . 1111:>tt
Haven, N. Y., labors or Eld. Joseph Tho-•, more
The obeerver trying the great refor- Author, 1859. widely known aa the "White Pilgrim"
m&tion in this state, and proving it xxxi, 413p. illus., tables. to which 1• added hia poems, religioua,
to h&Te been originally a work or moral and satirical. ' N- York, Pub-
divine power, with a survey or several -. 4th ed. rev. West Hoboken, lished by M. Cummings, Christian messen-
objeotiona to the oontrary, aa being H.J., Author, 1867. ger office, 1861.
chiefly oompriaed in Mr. Rankin'• re- vi, 410p. illus. c269,p. front •. (port.) illus.
v1- or the noted reviT&l... Le:dng· Cover title, White pilgrim.
ton, Printed by John Bradford, 1802. --,, 8th ed. rev. To which 1•
42p. added Chronikon hebraikon; a treatiae Pilgrim'• hymn book. 1815.
on the chronology of the Soripturea.
Birmingham, England, C. C. Walker, The pilgrim'• hymn book, offered
THOMAS,DAVIDOll'EN, 1852-1925. 1903. as a companion to all Zion tranllera.
b. Wales, 1852. xx, 438, 44p. front. (port.) illus. Winchester, Va., 1817.
d. Minneapolis, Kinn., 11 F 1925. 216p.
Eureka, an expodtion of the Apoo-
At the Lord'• table cwith editor'• alypee, in harmony with "The things A poetical descent on primeT&l and
preface by A• .J. Culler, R- York, or the kingdom or the Deity, and the present state or mankind; or the pil•
Doran, •1927. name or Jesua annointed... West grim'• muse. Winchester, Va.,
298p. Hoboken, R• .i.,- Author, 1861-69. Printed by Jonathan Foster, 1816.
3 v. .220.p.

l'llOMAS,DOROTHY Ia Christadelphiani11111 or the devil? about see

b. 1869.
Watson, J. T. Joseph Thom&a,
N- Catholic oontroveray, a mirror "The White pilgrim."
Ila Jeeter's girls. •- Tork, for iamatic religions, in a letter
Knopf, . 1933. addressed to lleasrs. Hughes and Breck•
197p. enridge, showing that neither Romani11111 ocTHOIIAS,LESLIE GRIER, 1896-
or Protestantism ia the religion of b. Gibaon county, Tenn., 6 Jl 1896.
Home place; illus. by Ruth Gannett. the Holy Catholic church or Christ, by
w- ~ork, Knopf, 1937. a Royal Priest of God's heritage.
237p. 1833? The letter• to the seven church••
22p. in Aaia, homiletioally treated.
There goea the bride, a play in Chatanooga, Tann., Author, •1944.
one act. New York, Samuel Frenoh, Phanerosia: an exposition of the 48p.
•1933. doctrine or the Old and New Testaments,
20p. concerning the manifestation or the God amid the ahadowa. Nashville,
invieible, eternal God in hu..n nature, Go,pel advocate, 1944.
being alike subversive or Jewish rabbin- 197p.
l'llOMAS,FRANK JI ical tradition, and the Theology or
b. Romish and Protestant aectariani•m. Restoration handbook; a study or
d. Birmingham, Eng • • w. H. Davia, printer, the churoh, the falling away, and the
1870. restoration. Nashville, Goepel
introduction aee 73p. advocate, •1941.
93p. plates.
Soott, D. W. Christianity and - What 1• the truthT
the J-. Womenand their veil•.
lfho are the ChriatadelphianaT lltSQ
THOMAS,JOHN, 1806-1871. (Died Chria- The wisdom or the clergy proved to
tadelphian) be folly. Ona hundred aermona1 a collection
b. London, England, 12 Ap 1805. or Bible aubjecta haniletioally
d. N- York, R. Y., 5 llr 1871.
debate with WATT,
Nashville, Goapel advocate,

46p. The apoataoy UDYailed.

Anatolia. 1864.
148p. --.
Haahville, Goepel adTOoata,

24p. about aea

The book unsealed. Roberta, Robert. Dr. Thom.a; hia
lira and work. THOMAS,PERCY,
Catecheaia. b.

Chronikon hebraikon1 or the chron- cTHOJIAS,JOSEPH, 1791-1836. (The

ology or the Scriptures: as contained ll'hi te Pilgrim) The ohuroh and the changing order.
in their historic and prophetic num- b. Orange county, R. c., 7 llr 1791. (In Thornton, E. w., ed. Bethan7
ber• and ·datea. Set forth with the d. Johnsonburg, R. J., 9 .lp 1835. college aermona, 1930, pp. 71-81}
clearneaa and aiJnplioity which belong
to the truth, and extricated from the The lira or the pilgrim, Joseph
unfathomable abyaa or learned myeti- Thoaaa, containing an aocurata account THOJIAS,PORTER
fication and "•cience f'alaely so or hia trials, travels, and. goapel b ..
oalled". N- . York, Printed by~. o. labor•, to the preHnt date. Win- d.
Jenkins ror the author, 1866. ohaater, Va., J. Feater, printer, 1817.
.43,p. 372p. . Revi- or a dhouuion by the Rev.
L&at page dated Jan. 8, 1818. Stephen Hutohina againat what he teraa
Elpia Iarael, being an . expoaition COTer title I The pilgrim•• journal. the "arg1111enta or Campballiam" rela-
.or the kingdom or God, with reference tive to baptiam and tt>rgiveneaa or Bina •
Saratoga Springe, cR. Y.? 0 G. K. Davi•
eon, printer, 1841.
Thomas - Thompaon T

THOVAS,ROBERT I'm a Bible man. Cincinnati, foroe, A thesis presented in candi-

b. Ste.nd&rd, 1910. dacy for the degree Master of arta, ·
1884, Univeraity of Michigan,
I e.m a Bible woman. Cincinnati, Bound with: Evolution of sound.
An interpretation: the United Standard, 1910.
Christian youth movement. (In Evolution of sound evolved, Cin-
International convention, 1938, pp. Samaon'• beehive. Cincinnati, cinnati, Standard, 1887.
476-479) Standard, 1918. l59p.
Evolution of sound evolved, a re-
THOIIPSON,FRAlflt, 1872-1942. view of t he article entitled "Nature
b. Harrodsburg, Ky., · 1872. THOMPS
_ON, LORINANDREW,1902- of sound" in The problem of human
d. Little Rook, Ark., 19 Je 1942. b, life. Cincinnati, Standard.
The transgreaaor. Beaton, R. G.
Badger, •1920. Measuring susceptibility to monotony
193p. cB&ltimore, 1929, THOMPSON,
R MELVYN,1892-
Fiction about Johnson Bible college, l 72-l96 p. b. , Ind,, 1892.
Thesia: Ph, D,, Ohio state univer-
sity, 1927.
THOMPSON,H H , 1858-1932. Reprinted from the Personnel jour- li>re pledges than members, how
b. Carlettaburg, Iy., 11 Jl 1858, nal, October 1929_, N~rthwood did it. Indianapolia, u.
d. 21 D 1932. C, M. S, cl933?,
Mental hygiene1 a brief guide to 7p,
about aee better selt understanding, Columbus,
0,, School and college service, 1934, Church exten1ion•1 contribution
ll'est, J, 11', Sketches of our 96p. to better church architecture, (In
aountain pioneer•. International convention, 1941, pp.
. 225-233)
eefllOll'SON, JAMESEDJroND, 1863- Interview aids and trade questions
b. for employment offioes1 for....ord by MRS. R
d. Henry M. Waite, by L. A, Thompson, b.
D, C, Lawrence and Archie Allardyce,
The hiatory of the tall and diaaol- New York, Harper , 1936,
utlon ot Christendom. liaahrllle, xrli, l73p. In a troubled u.y: ll'hat ahall -
lloQutddy ptg. co., 1917. . do to life stewardahip and sustain
383p. the miasionary 1pirit? (In Inter-
LOUISE national convention, 1942, pp. 169-
b. 172)
9'HOll'SON, JOH!( d,
d. Works, poetry and prose, ed, by her THOIIPSON,RHODES
. mother, with introductory notice by b• .
about aee J, D, Houston, Cincinnati, Standard,
Davidson, Robert. ll&rahall and x, 193p, t'!-ont. (port.) Youth, what of the future, (In
Thompaon's return to the Presbyterian DeOroot, A. T., ad, The llemphie youth
ohuroh, convention, 1926, pp. 101-113)
b, ll'aahfngton, D. C., 6 Mr 1795, b.
d. Guide to child actirlty1 for teach-
era and mother•, to be used with My
about aee first Bible lesson. Nashville, G01- Guided study and experience, Stan-
pel advocate, cl936. dard leaderahip training courae no.
!Tana, •diaon. Biographical 256p. 43, Junior department adminiatration.
aketchea ot the pioneer preacher• ot .st. Louis, Christian board,
Indiana. 22p.
LURAVIOLA, Mimeographed.
LEONARD G , 1865-1938.
b, Girard, Ill,, 30 Ap 1865. ccTHOMPSON,T B , 1882-
d. Loa Angele•, Calif,, 9 Ja 1938. What it 1a to be auxiliary to the b, near Wingo, Ky., 1882,
C, W, B, M, Indianapolis, c. 11', B·. M.
Churohea of ChriJt in Colorado; 1897?
Churohea ot Cb.iat"in DeDYer, Colo.; 4p, The reign of Christ, Auatin,
John C, Hay1 Thomae Pomeroy; William Tex., Firm foundation, 1939.
Bayard Craig. (In Brown, J, T,, ed. Having fellowship, (In Wilson, L.
Churohe1 of Chriat, 1904, pp. 209-2121 C,, ed. Twentieth century sermons and The ambaaaadora ot the kingdom1
·312-3131 471-4721 463-4641 473-474) addreasea, 1902, pp. 160-166) Unity or apirit. (In Abilene Chrie-
tian college Bible leoturea, 1940, pp.
163-1651 229-236)
LEll'IS OLSON, 1839-1887, THOMPSON,
b. b.
d. THOMPSON,WILL L , 1847-1909.
b. Beaver county, Penn,, 7 N 1847.
Bellea of the garden, Cincinnati, The affinity of certain compounds aa d.
Standard, expreased in tel'IIIII of electromotive

T Thomp11.,n- Thurman

~- How to build up your teaching

Cincinnati, Standard, 1914?
foroe. E. V. Spioer, J.E. Spiegel, c. O.
Stuckenbruck, W. E. Sweeney, G. P.
The new century hymnal, for ohuroh pamphlet. Taubman, Wallace Tharp, E, W, Thorn-
services, prayer meetings, young peo- ton, F. M. Tinder, R. s. Tuok, W.
ple's meetings, Sunday schools. How to teaoh, rev. by C. J. Sharp. R. Walker, and P.H. Welahimer.
East Liverpool, o., Will L. Thompson Cincinnati, Standard, •1943.
& oo., •1904. 128p. .Kore Christian endeavor playleta,
250 songs. A revision and condeneation of 2d ed. Cinoi1111&ti, Standard, 1930 .
Commoneense , published in 1912. 174p.
WILLIAll Superintendents reoord manual. Phillipe university sermon• by the
b. Cincinnati, Standard, 1918. younger graduate,. Cincinnati,
Standard, •1929.
Training for eervioe, amplified and 20lp.
Christian workers text-book. revieed. Cinoi1111&ti, Standard, 1933. Contents,
Centralia, Ill., Author, 1910? 2 vol. Sermons by A. W. Anderson, J. R.
Babb, W. F. Bruce, s. T. England,
Chrietian union; Conversion; Honor . o. J. Goulter, R. J. Griffeth, T.
THOMSON, ADONIRAM JUDSON, 1836-1926. (In Meaoha.m, E. J . , oomp. Training H. Johnson, C.H. Lenanex, W. H.
b. mar Burkesville, Ky., 3 S 1835. to teach, •1913, pp. 243-244; 242-2431 Matthe•, E. F. Mitchell, G. E.
d. llaoomb, Ill., 13 Ja 1926. 230) Osborn, w. E. Powell, T. s. Stauffer,
J. A. Wateon, B. M. Whitwell,
••• Education of the negro; does it Home dynamics, horne-ooming day lloCash, I. N; Phillipe univer-
pay? Cincinnati, A. c. ll. s., 1909. addreea. (In hie Special sermon• sity, hietoric •ketch.
6p • .folder. · (Series D, no. 12) for special ooeasione, 1921, pp. 321-
338) Pooket leeson 0011111entary1the giet
Our relations to the denominations, of the International Sunday eohool
this paper was written for and read Shall we ohange the pha? (In hie leeaone for busy Bible student•.
before "The Chrietian minieterial Lord'• day worship eervieee, •1930, pp. Cincinnati _, Standard.
aseooiation of the Military district 341-344) v.
of Illinoia,• at Blandinsville, llaroh,
1882. St. Louis, Christian pub. co., introduction eee Special eermone for special oooa-
1882. eion•. Cincinnati, Standard, •1921,
2lp. Welshimer, P.H. Welshi..,r'• 338p.
sermons. Contents,
Change of heart; The divinity of Sermon• by E. B. Bagby, W. H. Book,
Chrietianity1 The price of ealn.tion; joint~ eee W. N. Briney, Mark Collie, G. H.
skeleton sermon•. (In Cory, N. E., Combe, Gerald Culberson, R. E.
ed. The polymathiet, 1877, pp. 334- Morgan, Carey E. Harvest is Elmore, Arthur Holmes, Hugh llo-
Z351 224-2251 429-430) white. Lellan, G. A. Killer, c. E. lllorgan,
P. Y. Pendleton, E. L, Powell, H.
about ed. C. Smith, J. H. O. Smith, I. J,
Spencer, z. T. Sweeney, E. w.
Adoniram Judson Thomson. (In Bethany college eermons by the young- Thornton, 1tallaoe Tharp, w. R.
Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of Chriet, er graduates. Cincinnati, Standard, Walker, L. N. D. Wells, P.H. Wel-
1904, pp. 498-499) •1930. ehimer,
Contento: OTHERS.
THORNBERRY,J L Sermons by Clifford Bucy1 H. G. Car-
b. penter; Frank Donaldson; Maurice 600 doctrinal illustrations, cq,n..
Fogle; A. F. Hanes; F. G. Helene; piled by E. w. Thornton, J. V. Jacob•
J. G. Hurst; 'if. H. llcKinney, L. ll. and J, D. 16J.rch, Cincinnati, Stan-
The church of Christ: its officers llloore, H. ll. Patton, D. E. Steveneon1 dard, •1941.
and discipline. Percy Thomas, R. S. Tuck, A.H. 348p.
tract. Wilson, and A. E. Worthy.
Goodnight, Cloyd. Bethany col- ed. see
lege (historic sketch) pp. 7-8.
THORNTON,EDIJill WILLIAM,1863-1940. Brown, J. T. Who's who in ohuroh-
b. near West lliddleburg, o., 20 Ag Lord'• day worship oervices for the ea of Christ.
1863. aid of the smaller churches. Cin- Smith, H. B. Preaoher'• first
d. Canton, o., 14 ll 1940. cinnati, Standard, •1930. books.
Commoneenae, a study of mind and Content11
method, with introduction byW. c. Servioee by B. A. Abbott, R. J. Ban,. THRAPP,RUSSELLFillLEY,
Pearoe, for advanced clae1e1 in Sunday- ber, J. F. Baxter, I. M. Boswell, w. b. Tallula, Ill.,
eohool teacher-training, for eohoole ll. Briney, P.H. Canary, Jr., s. E. d.
and college•, and for parents in the Childers, J. R. Clark; E. A. Cole,
home. Cinoi1111&ti, Standard, •1912. W. E. Crabtree, Mark Collis, R. E. Baptism. (In lleaoham, E. J.,
256p. (Training for eervioe Elmore, E. R. Errett, .Iaaac Errett, comp• . Training to teaoh, •1913, pp.
eeriee) B. S. Ferrall, F. G. Gielow, J. H. 161-162)
Goldner, Cloyd Goodnight, T. w.
Commoneenae I a etudy of mind and Grafton, A. 'if. Higby, A. I. Hobbs,
Mthod, with an introduction by W. c. Arthur Holmes, o. I. Hoover, B. L. THURMAN,'if A
Pearce, for parenta in the home, for Kerehner, G. W. Knepper, s. s. Lappin , b.
teaohera in the Bible school, for D.R. Luoas, J. H. llaolleil, B. H. d.
teachers in the publio eohool, and for Melton, G. A. lliller, Harry llinnick,
mini1ter1 and auperintendenta. cHome W. E. Pieroe, R. L. Porter, B. J. The oruoifixion of Chriot took
ed., Cinoi1111&ti, Standard, •1913. Radford, S. L. Sadler, Jamee Small, place Thureday, April 6th, A. D. 30.
256p. H. D. Smith, H.B. Smith, J. H. o. Proven by the Scriptures; by the
Smith, R. E. Snodgrase, G. W. Sp~er, writers of those times; by the ouato.a ·

Thurman - Titu1 T

and u1ages of the ohuroh in the tirat TIKPERLEY,HAROLD

JOHii, 1898- TISDALL, JOSEPH JOHii, 1868-1942,
century1 by the book of llioodemua, b, London, England, 4 0 1868.
and by astronomy ••• ed. and &rranged by What war means: the Japanese terror d, Tampa, fla,, 20 Jl 1942.
Permenua Davia. Paraone, Kana., in China, a documentary record,
Printed by the Sun pub, co,, 1875. London, Victor Gollancz, 1938. The compasaionate Christ, (In
16p, 288p, Meacham, E, J,, c.omp. Training to
Contents include: Material concern- teach, •1913, pp, 91-94)
ing Searle Bates and other , Disciple
TICXLE, G y , 1819-1888, missionaries,
b, Published in U, S, under title, '.ITUS, CHARLES
BUTTZ, 1863-
d, Japanese terror in China. b. Sarepta, N, J., 5 Je 1863.

Cauee• of detection from Church•• Japanese terror in China. llew

·or Chriat, Birmingham, England, York, Modern age, •1938, Chri1t's one church forever, a
Church•• or Chriat publication commit- 220p. China-Atrioan mission story .with an
tee, 1886. Contents inolude: Material concern- appreciation by R. S, Tuok, Chero-
23p. ing Searle Bate• and other Disciple kee, Okla., Author, •1933,
miasionariea. c47•P•
Published in England under title,
TIERS, K C What war mean•. --, 2d ed. .Cherokee, Okla.,
b, Author, •1933, •1934.
d. 107p,
TJIIDER, FRAlll K , 1862-
A 00111pendor anatomy and phyllology. b, Soott oounty, ly., 28 Jl 1862. -. --, aupplement 8th ed. A ten-
Illuatrated by then- 1110delmaniken oent history of "Chriatian church,"
including a key, a gloaaary or medical cCherokee, Okla,, Author. •1937.
teriu, and inoidental note, on pathology, Prayer. (In Thornton, E, w., ed. 26p.
ed. and oomp. from atandard works. Lord'• day worahip services, •1930, pp.
11- Tork, Fowler & Well• oo., 1891. 161-164) - . -, 10th ed. .Cherokee, Okla.,
27lp. Author, •1939.
~-The Chriatian portrait gallery1
Wm. H, Cord, (In Brown, J. T.,
Churches of Christ, 1904, p, 601)
The greateat work in the world;
the ai11ion or Chri1t 1 1 diaoiplea,

oonaiating of hiatorioal and biograph- TIIIDER, FRAIIKNELSOII,1894- cHarper?, Kana., •1906.

ioal aketohee and photographio por- b, Maysville, Ky., 15 S 1894. 2 vol. in one.
traits or Chriatian praaoher• and
other•. Cinoimiati, Edited and pub- Sam Wang'• college, or, China won
liahed by K. c. Tiera, Stereotyped at lleglect not church attendance. cwith an appreoiation by J. H. 0,
the Franklin type foundry, 1864. • Indianapolia, U. C, M. S,. 51111th. Beaton, Christopher pub,
264p. ports. 6p. folder, (Aida to effective houae, •1926.
Content,, discipleship) 120p,
Biographical eketohea or T, K.
Allen1 ·H. T, Ander1on1 J. T, BarolayJ Standard• for Chriatian ,t~dship. A ten cent hiatory or "Chriatian
William Baxter1 W. A. · Belding1 T. (In International convention, 1938, pp. church" aee Christ' s one church
S, BellJ R. K, BiahopJ J, B. Bowman1 410-418) forever, auppl ... ent.
D, s. BurnetJ <>rid Butler1 Alexander
Campbell1 Georg• Campbell1 Th0111&1 A ten cent hiatory or "muaic in
C&111pbell1J&111ee Challen1 Aaron Chat- TIIISLEY, THADEUSSEffELL, 1867-1942. worship." .Cherokee, Okla., Author,
terton1 S&Dlel Churoh1 J. lr, Cox1 b. Butler's landing, Tenn., 11 S 1938.
G, W. Elley1 F. W. am.ons1 Isaac 1867. 16p.
Errett1 A. D, Fillmore: Benj&111in d. B/ooklyn, W, T,, 4 F 1942,
FranklinJ J. A. OanoJ A, B. Oreen1 --, 2d ed, .Cherokee, Okla,,
Elijah OoochrinJ Robert Grahaa; A. s. introduction ••• Author. n.d.~
Hayden1 1r1111aa Hayden1 D. P. Hen- 23p.
derson, J. K. ·HenryJ s. It. Boahour1 Carpenter, N, B. Step• unto
C, D. Hurlbutt, L. H. Jaaeaon: J, T. heaven. --, 3d ed. .Cherokee, Okla.,
JohnaonJ J, H, Jcne11 J. T, Jone11 Author, n.d.
C. L. Loo11 J, I. Lcwell1 J, x. 28p.
X..thee1 Rebert Killigan1 11', B, llook- TIPTOII, JAKES IRELAJID,1792-1861.
lar1 Thomu 16innell1 John O. lane1 b. Elizabethton, Te1111.,14 O 1792. , 4th ed. cCherokee, Okla.,
Eleasar Parmly1 11', I. Pendleton1 d. Elizabethton, Tenn., 20 Ja 1861. Author, •1940.
L, L, Pinkerton, Aylett Raine11 30p. inc. covera.
Robert Richardaon1 R. C, Riokett11 about aee
J. P. Rcbiaon1' John Roger11 Walter --, 6th ed. cCherokee, Okla.,
Soott1 Ju,e1 Shannon; S. B, ShepardJ llcCoron, lfr1. x. · B, Jamee Ireland Author. n.d.
B. I, Slllith; John Smith; B. W. Stone1 Tipton. 32p.
and W. P. Stratton,
lrho governa the ohuroh? Anawer•.
TISDALL, C A Cinoimiati, Standard, •1919.
b. d.
Who governa the church? Queationa.
with JIACIU, A. K. Cincinnati, Stand&rd, •1919.
introduction '"
Diaoiplea or Chriat. Auatralia.
Alldereoll, H. · T., tr. •- Testament. 66p. about •••
Batea, Charlea, Titua goea modern.

T Tobia• - Tranr•


LEE GLEIIN,1893- •ee
b . Lyons, Kana., Ag 1919. b.
Taneon, J. H. D., ed.
Stir the fire! (In'International Are you a Christian •cientiat? Tomson, y. H. D., ed. Gospel
convention, 1941, pp. 117-123) Cincinnati, Christian restoration melodies, no. 1.
association, n.d.
TODD,EARLE MARION,1863-1940. TORBITT, JOSEPHP , 1824-1910,
b. Vernon, Ind., 17 Q,1863. Are you a Seventh-day adventist ? b '. Woodford county, Ky., 1824.
d. Harlingen, Tex., 13 Ja 1940. Cincinnati, Christian restoration d. Louisville, Ky. , 28 Ap 1910.
aseociation, n.d.
Are you keeping step with God? an Bp. .Pamphlet giving an account of the
open letter to Christians who have starting of .the Reform movement in
fallen out of line. clfanoheater, N. Do you believe in divine healing? Louieville by Alexander Campbell.
H., 1907, Cincinnati, Chriatian restoration
4p. aeaociation, n.d.
7p. TOVELL,AMOS,1861-1939,
The Disciples of Christ in ltlanches- b. Eramoaa, Ontario, 20 Ja 1861.
ter, N. H., a statement by the resident Churches of today in the light of d. Guelph, Ontario, 9 R 1939,
minister. cl90 7, ecripture. Cincinnati, Christian
4p. leader corporation, 1927, ChurchH or Chriet in Canada1
Last page haa poem: llhat we stand 183p. Ontario. (In Brown, J. T., ed.
for by J. H. Garrison. Church•• of Christ, 1904, pp. 138-
Do you believe in Ruseellism? 143)
Cincinnati, Christian restoration
TODD,JOSEPHCLINTON , 1879- association.
b. Boone county, Mo., 28 Mr 1879. 12p. TOffARD

Toward Cahary with Chrht, eermona

Constancy. (In Book, W. H. coTOMSOR,J F that challenge. cindianapolia, u.
flle Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 2-20) b. C. II. s •• 1942. .
The universal Christian life. Contenta1
(In International oonTention, 1938, Unity of the spirit. (In Rowe, Sermons by Gerald Berneking, H. D.
pp. 448-461) F. L., ed. Our Savior'• prayer tor Dereie, H. L. Lunger, F. L. Riche-
unity, 1918, pp. 198-204) son, c. C. Roberta, J.B. Robertson,
EVANS, E. H. and N. J. Robison.

Prescribed Biblical and religious . TOJISOR,J H D

coureea in American colleges and uni- b. TCMJIER,MILTORCARSLEY,
vereitiee, a eurvey revealing the d.
advantage• and larger result• of pre- Religion in higher education, con-
scribed couraea in comparison with Ia sprinkling or pouring bapthm? taining the principal papers read at
elective coursea. cBloomington, Ind.T Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. the conference or ohuroh worker•,
1934, 8p. Chicago, Illinois, December 31, 1930
cl6 0 p. - January 2, J93l, with other oontri-

--. St. Louia, Christian pub. butione to the permanent literature
higher education. . . Chicago, Uni-

TODD,LUTHEREDWARD, 1874-1937. vereity or Chicago pr•••, 1931.

(Jlllthodiet) Tomson'• pooket chart1 illuatrating :tiii, 327p.
the tranapo•itions of the major and Content• includes A paper by 11'.
EvangelillDl exemplified. St. minor acalea1 containing rules tor c. Bower.
Louia, Christian bee.rd, 1914. getting the pitoh or the key--note1 ·
247p. embraoing also a liat or muaioal tenu ,
pronounced and defined. cLoouet TO!r!IS, KRS• . JOHN A
--. rev. ed. St. Louia, Chris- Mound?, lib., 1871. b.
tian board, 1916. 24p.
Stop the leak. st. Louia, Chris- OTHERS. .America--Brown and White. (In
tian bee.rd. International convention, 1936, pp.
126p. Gospel melodiea, no. 1, deeignad for 135-138)
the uae of all Christiane in public
and private devotion•, by J. H. D.
TOLER, THOIIASWILBERT, Tomson, W. T. Tomson and W. C. Hatley . TRAUM, SAllUELWEGRR, 1868-
b. b, )
St. Louis, Christi~n pub. oo., •1893.
Why do I need to go to ohurohT Goepel melodiee, thoroughly rev. and lfonnoniam againet itself. Cin-
(In Humbert, H.F., ed. Religion 1• enl. Deaigned tor the use or Chrietiana oinnati, Standard, 1910.
reality, •1942, pp. 23-26) in their publio and private dewtiona, 32lp. front. (port,) porta.
ed. by J. H. D. Tomson, 11'. c. Hatley,
andll'. T. Tomaon,· st. Louie, Chrh..,
TOLES, RELSOR tian pub. co., •1896, •1906. TRAVERS,LIBBIE (KILLER)
b. c261,p, b.

Social adventurH with Je1111ain TOJISOR·, 11'. T The honor ot a Lee. •- York,
race relationa. (In Andereon, o. T., b. Cochrane pub. co,, 1908,
ed . Social adventure• with Jesus, d · 383p.
1928, pp. 63-69)

Travers - Tuck T

Seotarian•shaokles. N"" York, TRIBLE, JOIDI MEREDITH,1851-1891, TROUT,JESSIE ll

Macmillan, 1926. b, Dunnaville, Va., 18 Ag 1851, b.
149p, d, Bethany, Va,, 25 S 1891. d.
Sermons, being a aeries ot practical Forward in missions and education ,
L and doctrinal diaoourses1 with a brief Disci ple s o f Christ help build a _king-
b. bio graphical sketch of the author by dom, a study course for adults and
d. A. McLean, and an introduction by J. H. young peo ple. Indianapolis, U, C.
Garrison, St , Louis, Christian pub, If. S., 1942?
History of the ohuroh of Christ at oo., 1892. 207p. illus., mspe,
Lone Jack, .M:>. 272p.
Go ye. .Indianapolis, U, C. M,
Ref.ormation in the church--some of s., 1942? a
coTRAYLOR,JOIDIVALENTINEARMSTRONG, its results. (In Garriaon, J, H., . cl6:1p.
b. ed . The old fait h restated, 1891, pp,
294-308) Jesus calls us. .Indianapolis,
u. c. If , s .• 1941?
Studies in st.,,....rdship, Woods- c4'ap.
field, o., Author. ccTRICE, ALLISON NORMAN,186~
Which way out. Woodsfield, O., TRO
1943. b.
74p. The Bible versus Romsnism, Part I. d,
Religioua authority. Part II. Primacy
of Peter. Part III. Romsnism further Trout family history. Milwaukee,
'If J H examined. Nashville, Gospel advocate, Wis,, 1917.
b. •1928. 380, .8.p.
d. l:Slp. Printed by Meyer-Rotier ptg, oo.,
llil-ultee, lrh.
introduction aee with ROBERSON,C, H.
Brandt, J. L. America or Rome. Bible vs. 1110dernism; a compendium or TRUETT,GEORGE W , 1867-
sundry critical hypotheses and their (Baptist)
refutation . Nashville, Rock City pub.
TREAT,lfILLIAll BENJAMINFRAlfltLIN, 1835- co., •1935. On preachers and preaching, addreaa
1904. 289, xxrli p. d~livered at the ministers• breakfast
b. lk>rgan county, Ind., 25 S 1836. ·of the Pension fund on Friday morning,
d. Indianapolis, Ind., 4 Ja 1904, October 18, 1934, at the International
TRIMBLE,ROBERTBAKER,1821-1896. convention of Disciples of Christ, Dea
Faith, hope, and charity, alteleton b. Darldaon county, Tenn,, 7 My 182) »ainea, I~, atenograph i cally reported.
aennon. (In Cory, Jll. E., ed. The d. , 14 Ja 1896. Indianapolis, Pension fund, n .d.
polymathist, 1877, pp. 296-299) .12.p.
Redemption in Christ. (In Scott,
about aee L, 'If,, ed. Tena pulpit, 1888, pp. The church and the ministry.
124-158) (In International coDTention, 1934,
Wagoner, J. H. '!'he tacts in the pp. 95-102)
oaae. about see

Boles, H. L. Biographioal TRUNDLE,DANIELAll)$, 1866-1930.

TREW.IllE, D C sk etches ot goapel preachers. b, Pleasant Hill, · lb,, 27 F 1866.
b. d, Loa Angeles, Calif., 30 S 1930.

TRINKLE , .A()TTOALVA, 1889- In memoriam, service• in me1110ryot

Planning tor a rn1:nl meeting. b. lfaahington county, Ind,, 11 Ap Rev. Daniel Amos Trundle, held at the
Buffalo, Jll. Y., Bureau ot church ad- 1889. Firat Christian church, Eleventh and
vertising, 1909. Hope streets, Loe Angeles, California,
20p. Thursday, October 2, 1930, at 2
Building the church through eTangel- o'clock p, m.
iem, (In International oonvention, 18p. front. (port.)
TREUDLEY,FREDERICK 'If , 18651- 1937, pp. 299-306) .
b, near Hiram, o., 1865? TUBll!AN,
EMI LY H (THOVAS), 1794?
d. , 21 F 1936. TRISTl!All, ELIZABETHLOUISE, -1885.
b. b,
A memorial sketch cot John llilton d. d. Je 1885.
Atwater. (In Atwater, J. If. Jeho-
fth'a -r againat h.lae gods, 1903, June1 a clau hhtory. St. Louis,
pp. 367-370) Christian pub. oo,, 1901.
146p. ~ont. Darsie, George. lfre . l!lnily H.
b. TROLLOPE,Fl!All'CES(lfILTOJll), 1780.1863.
b, Tonawanda, N. Y., 3 F 1898,
lfar and American women. Indh,na-
polh, C. 'If, B, If. Domestic ,nanners of the Americana.
London, Printed tor Whittaker, Treacher A aermon bouquet, picked along the
& co,, 1832. way, lfooater, o., Author, 1939·.
2 v. fronts,, plates, 92p.
Contents includes A description of
Campbell-Owen debate,

T Tuck - Tyler

Christ and youth. (In Thornton, TURNER,JOHNM Concerning the Dis cip les of Chriet,
E •. w.,ed. Lord's day worehip ser- b. ed, by F, D, Power. Cleveland -, Read-
vices, •1930, pp. 293-296) ing course oOIDlllittee, •189 7,
139p. (Beth any C. E. reading
Christ our hope. (In Thornton, Social adventures with Jes us in courses)
E. w.,
ed. Bethany college eermone, industrial relations . (In Anderson,
1930, pp . 20-30) 0 , T., ed. Social adventures wit h Concerning the Disciples of Christ,
Jesus, 1928, pp. 79-83) with an introduction by F, D, P01rer.
An una n swered p rayer. (In Inter- Clenland , 0,, Bethany C. E, co,,
tlational oonvention, 1939, pp. 361- •1S97,
368) TURNER,WIU.IAM FRABKLIB, 1869- 139p, (Bethany C, E, reading
b, Marionville, Mo., 25 S 1869. oouraes)
W. V. Bayne ptg, co,, Cleveland, 0,
b. Church debte, 190-? Concerning .the Disciples of Chriet,
4p. (Centenn i al leaflets, no. 8) rev, ed. crlth an introduction by F.
D. P01rer, St, Louis, · Chri stian pub.
Our ministers and song leaders of Giving: lle.nifestation of God's co., •1897,
the churoh of Christ. Detroit, Mich., l ove . (In Meacham, E. J., comp. 127p, (Bethany C, E. reading
compiler, 1945 . Training to teach, •191 3, pp. 43- 45; courses)
200p. 210-212)
The Disoiples of Christ, who they
Hope singing in darkness . (In are and what they are doing. DeDYer
TULLY, JOHNCAHAN; 1838-1901. Lord, J. A., ed. On the Lord's day, Colo,, Charles E, Burnett, 1902 ,
b. London, England, 12 Ag 1838. •1904, pp . 232-236) 4p.
d. Paducah, Ky., 26 Je 1901,
introduction see --, new ed. Denver, Author,
A revi"" of "s anctification" a ser- 1903?
mon delivered by U. H. Barnes, Union Peterson, O. D. Washington - 8p.
City, Ind,, 1876, Northern Idaho Disciples of Christ.
A history of the Disciple• of
Scriptural sanctification : an exam- Christ, N"" York, Christian liter-
ination of the doctrine of instantan- TUTTLE,WALLACE, ature oo , , 1894,
eous holiness in the light of the Bible, b. ..., 164p.
3d ed, rev, and enl, Cincinnati, O.; At head of title: American church
Oekalooea, Ia,, Central bk, concern, history,
1879, •1877.
.Sp. ~- Also published as a part of yol111111t
12, American church history.

American church and church school

hymnal, a P"" religious educational Peculiarities of the Disciples, a
ooTULSALECTURES. hymnal, abridged by Wallace Tuttle ••• aeries of five sermons. Cincinnati,
St. Louis, Christian board, n.d. Standard, 1890,
The Tulea lectures delivered at the c46,p, 69p.
church of Christ, Tenth and Rockford,
Tula•, Oklahoma,. January 9-16, 1938 ~- see A sermon. The Disciples of Chriet1
cwith a p;ef&oe by L, R. Wilson, their origin, aim, methods, nlDllbere,
Baehville, Goepel advocate, •1938. Hutton, s. tr. Worship and hymns. literature, educational enterprise•
16lp, and mission work, Delivered in the
Contents: joint~- eee church of the Diaoiples on W. 66th
Sermons by Robert V, Alexander, street, New Tork, Lord's day, Karch
George S, Benson, W, D, Bills, J, Hackleman, W. E. K. American 28, 1886,
Harvey Dykes, E. R, Harper, Don H, church and church sohool hymnal.
Vorrie, J, B, Belson, C, A, Borred, The -Y or salT&tion, eer1110na.
Cole-n Overby, L. 0, 3anderaon, Cincinnati, Standard, •1895,
L , R, Wilson, and c. L, :"Wilkereoi.. TWONOTABLE

1'wo notable addreues cwlth a pre- Why I am a disciple. Cinoinmti,

TUPPER, CHARLESB face by J. c. Todd, .Bloomington, Standard,
b. Ind., Indiana school of religion, 1944,
cl9,p. inc. front cover, Biography of H. R, Pritchard,
Contents, (In Pritohard, H. R, . Addresses, •1898,
A program ot life dedication, Disoi- Addreaeee by Carl Agee and F. E. pp. 1-22)
plee of Chrbt. Kinieter'• eennon Davison,
eyllabua;.,a program of e-n.ngeliem, Leuone · t'rca the life of Gideon,
194'-46. cindianapolie, U. C. K. s., (In Lord, J. A,, ed, On the Lord'•
1945. TYDINGS,J M day, •1904, pp. 58-62)
lOp. b.
d. Period of organisation, (In
Oe.rrieon, J, H., ed. The reformation
TUPPER, KERRBOYCE,185'- (Baptht?) The Messiah of the Targuma, Talmuds, of the nineteenth oentury, 1901, pp,
and Rabinical writings. Louinille, 126-168)
Seven great light•, with an intro- Author,
duction by w. F. JloDowell. Cincin- The promiae of Christian union in
nati, Craneton and Curtie, 1892. the eigna of the times. (In Inter-
188p. TYLER, BEBJAMINBUSHROD,1840-1922, national ooDYention. Addreaaee de-
Contents include, Alexander Camp- b. Decatur~ Ill,, 9 Ap 1840. liTered at the world'• oongreae and
bell, pp. 141-160, d. Tampa, Fla,, 6 F 1922; general mieaionary oonventiona of the
ohuroh of Chriat, 1893, pp. 1S7-176)
Alexander Campbell, an orthodox
Baptiat. Bew Tork,
Tyler - Tyndall T

Organization. {In Garrison, J. Visions of faith. cCleveland, O., Before and after pentecost. Kins-
H. , ed. The old faith restated, 1891, Ever ready circle 'of Kings daughters of ton, N. C., cAuthor, n.d.
pp . 350- 3.64) the Euclid avenue Christian church, 57p. front. (port.)
C 1922,

with OTHERS. 4p. inc. covers, Bible course for Southern Bible
institute. Charlotte, N. c., South-
A history of the Disciples of Churches of Christ in Cleveland, ern ptg. co., •1922.
Christ, the society of friends, the Ohio; Churches of Chriat in Richmond, 4 v.
United brethren in Christ, and The Va, (In Brown, J. T., ed.
evangelical association by B. B. Tyler, Churches of Christ, 1904, pp, 303-305; Five thousand correlated sermon
A. C. Thomas, R.H. Thomas, D. Berger, 345-346) subjects.
ands. P. Spreng, and Bibliography of
American church history by Samuel Does church extension pay? (In The gospel for three worlds.
Macauley Jackson. New York, Chris- International convention. Addresses Augusta, Ga., Commercial ptg. co.,
tian literature co., 1894, delivered at the world'• congress and printers, •191 9,
519p. (American church history general missionary conventions of the 90p. front, (port.)
series, v. 12) · church of Christ, 1893, pp, 223-235)
Contents i nclude: A history of History of the New Testament.
the Disciples of Christ, pp. 1-162. The manifestation of faith; Ordin- cCincinnati, Author, n.d.,
ancea of the Lord; The unifying power cl5,p.
introduction see of the -~rou. (In Sweeney, z. T.,
ed. 11.,.., Testament Christianity, 1926, Junior Bible course for Cincirmati
Neal, R. B. Smithianity, vol. 2, pp. 30-47; 113-124; 152-166) Bible institute, book one. cCincin-
nati, Author, •1924.
about Their attitude tOll'ards others. 33p.
(In Tyler, J. z., ed. The Disciple•
B. B. Tyler. (In Brown, J. T., ed. of Christ in Virginia, 1879, pp. 116- The model preacher; or, the success-
Churches of Christ, 1904, pp. 489-470) 130) ful pastor. St. Louis, lfich., Metro-
politan correspondence Bible college,

TYLER, JOSEPH ZACHARY,1848-1926. ~- •1928.

b. near Decatur, Ill,, 10 0 1848, Complete directory of the eighteen
d. Cleveland, o., 1 Ja 1926. churches of Christ, among the Disciple, One hundred ways to be a fool.
of Christ in Cuyahoga county, Ohio,
The distinctive peculiarities of The origin of the black man, St,
the Discipl _es. St. Louis, John Burna, ed, Louis, Jfich., Metropolitan correspon-
C 1882, 1 dence Bible college, •1927.
pp. 305-332, The Dieoiple1 of Christ in Virginia; C 115,p o

~. St. Louis, Christian pub,
a presentation
of their mission, their
the care of their churches,
things -nting in their work, their 11.
c., 1926.
revealed. Charlotte,

views of churoh diecipline and mini•- 4 vol.

Glen Ferrie, Victoria, terial qualifications, together with a
Auscralia, Christian pioneer, 1889, brief discussion of their attitude Ruseellill!ll all wrong, Cincinnati,
l6p. toward other,. Richmond, Va., Chri•- Author, 1924,
tian examiner print, 1879. 45p. ·
/Joes church extenaion pay? c4, l30p,
pamphlet. Head: lfinisterial aseociation Sermon outlines; loose leaves; 350
papers. sheets; arranged in 7 sets,
The indwelling spirit. St, Louis, Contents, 1. Evangelistic o. T,
Christian pub. co., 1887, Addreues by Peter Ainslie II, C. S, 2. Special occasions,
23p. Blaolaell, Chester Bullard, E. B, 3. Christ's sermon, and parables,
Challenner, L, A. Cutler, J. A. 4. Christ.
Kinship to Chrht, and other eermone, Dearborn, c. S. Lucas, P. S. Rhodee, 5. Revelation,
St. Louie, John Burns, •1883, D. A. Snow, J z. Tyler, J. W, Wil- 6. Holy Spirit.
332p, liams, 7. Evangelistic 11. T,

Popular. 11111u1emente, Cincinnati, The sins of others.

Standard. TYLER,RABSOKHUBERT,1816-1881,
b. Special lessons for Bible schools.
Profit of studying our pioneer,, d. Atlanta, Author, •1922,
pamphlet, 133p,
The Bible and eooial reform; or,
Recollections of 'l1lYRichmond paeto- the scripture• ae a -an• of civiliza- The three diepensationa of the
rate, ·Cleveland, O., Author, 1901. tion, Philadelphia, James Challen, Bible, Richmond, Va., Gulley & sons,
45p, 1860, 1905.
366p. 345p. front. {port.)
Riee of the reformation in Richmond
and the dietinotive peculiarities of Three hundred proof• that the Bible ·
the Disciples, sermon, etc, Rich- TYNDALL,JOHRlfIIJ..IAK, 1877-1933. i1 inepired, St. Loui1, Jfich,,
mond, Va., Dispatch ptg. house, 1882, b, Metropolitan correspondence Bible
6lp, d, near Altus, Okla,, 4 S 1933, college, •1929,
. l79p,
Talks to young people, given before All about bapthm,
the Bethany park 1u111119r auembly, ..-1th The twenty five difference, between
an introduction by Francis E. Clark. All about sprinkling. the llethodist churoh and the Christian
Cincinnati, · Standard, •1896. church. n.p., n.d,
l48p. Are the heathen lo1tT LaGrange, 12p.
11. c., Petre•'• ptg, houae, 1906.
35p, The way to heaven,
T Tyndall - Tyrrell

Why God made t he devil. Dublin, Bri mot one bar gatn s in th e marr i age introduction see
Ga. , The Trib une job dept., 1919. mar ke t; or, th e tr a f fic in sex; storiel
68p. fr ont , {port. ) and studi e s of th e exa gg eration and Kirkpatrick, W, J., ed, Christian
pe rvers ion o f se x and th e degradation melodies,
Why we have a devil. St. Louio, of woman gr owi ng out of her e conomic
Mich,, Metro po l it an corres ponden ce depen dence, an app eal for justice and with NEIL, HENRY,
Bib le colle ge , •1 930, freed om, St, Loui s , Thompson pub.
222p. c o., 1904. Shame of the hlll!l&nrace; the white
424p , front., i l lus. s l ave traffic. Chicago, Bible
ho use, 1909 .
TYRRELL,FRANKG , 1865- Political thuggery ; or, briber y a
b. national issue; Missouri's battle wi th
the boodlers, including the great figh ~
led by Hon, Joseph W. Folk and the up-
Bible st udy obligat-0ry. St. Louis, rising of the peo ple of the atate .
Christian board. St. Louis, Puritan pub. co., 1904.
22Bp. front., port,.
Underhill - Uta u


Clllllpbell refuted, being a corres pon- Univereity d·ebatera' annual, con-
dence between the Rev. A. Campbell or structive and rebuttal speeches deli- In and out. (In Lord, J. A., ed.
Virginia, and Dr. Samuel Underhill, ot vered in debate, ·or American college• From darlcneaa to light, 1907, pp. 263-
Ohio, on the subject or the debate held and universities during the college 270)
in Cincinnati, Ohio, between Robert year, 1931-1932, ed. by Edith M. Phelpe ,
Owen and Mr. Campbell, in April 1829. N.,.. York, B. W. Wilson, 1932. What and where i• heaven? (In
pamphlet. 467p. Pattereon, B. c., ed. Our living
Contents includes evangelist,, 1894, pp. 405-428)"
J. Edward Moseley, 2d speaker on
UJIDERlfOOD,CHARLESEUGENE,1876-1917. negative "wage cutting and buaines• with l!AffES, J. II:.
b. Pennville, Ind., 2 Ap 1876. recovery", debate between Spokane
d. Indianapolis, Ind., 3 Jl 1917. university and Northwest Nazarene Sermon• and eonga by ••• the Ohio
college, pp. 134-138. evangelists, with portraits and bio-
The educational function or the Second negative rebuttal, pp. 142- graphical sketches by Alanson Wilcox.
church. Indianapolis, Butler col- 143. St. Louis, John Burns, •1889.
lege bulletin, December, 1913. .200,p. port,.
C 15,p •

UPDEGRAFF,JOHNC --. St. Louis, Christian pub .

b. oo., 1892, •1889.
WILSON, c201,p. ports.
ed . about

Christianity where you live. N- A history or the Eaton church or Jacob n.n Updike. (In Brown, J.
York, Friendship press, •1946. Chriat, established October 15, 1842, T., ed. Churches of Christ, 19a., pp.
x, 182p. one hundredth anniversary celebration. 482-483)
cGrarton, o., Eaton church or Christ,
The how and why of mluicns publi- 1942, about see
city. N- York, Rome mis1ion1 coun- 15p . illus.
cil or .North America, n.d. Patterson, B. C. Our liTing
c31,p. .evangelists.
UPDIKE, JACOBVAN, 1850-1907.
Our story and how to tell it. b. Celina county, o., 23 Ja 1860.
•- York, Home miesions council, 19447 d. Bloomington, Ill., 29 llr 1907. ocUTLEY, BOMERA
30p. b.
Evlongelistic sermons.
ONIONCONFERENCE OF CONGREGATIONALISTS Updike'• sermons, a aeries or ser- The church ot Chriet. n.p., n.d.
ANDDISCIPLES, St. Louis, 1897. mon• delivered in the Chrietian taber- 6p.
nacle at Emporia, Kansas, reported
Congregationaliata · and Disciples or expressly tor this book by Emma Lane,
Chriat, coneisting or two papers read atenographer1 ed. by Geo. F. Ball. UTZ, CORA(lira. Benjamin Edward Utz)
b• .
by M. Burnham and J.B. Garrison at a Cincinnati, Standard, 1891.
union conference of Congregationalist• 288p. front. (port.) ports.
and Dieoiplea, at Central Chrietian
church, Feb. 8, 1897. St. Louis, -. 4th ed. Cincinnati, Stan- Biatory or Spokane upivers1ty1
Christian pub. co., 1897. dard, •1891. opened September 16, 1913 cand, closed
41, 33p. 288p. front. (port.) ports. June 8, 1933... Spokane, Wash.,
Content• include: A nineteenth Leo'• studio, 1941.
oentury mo,vement by J. R. Garrieon, c84,p. illua.

V Vail - Varner

cVAIL, ZERAHS , 1818-1878, VANDUSEN,HENRYPITNEY, 1897- An active vocabulary in Spanish,

b. Camillus, N. Y., 18 Ag 1618. (Preabyterian) Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards bros,, 1959.
d, 23 Ag 1878, viii, 89p, I

World Christianity confronts a

cPamphlets, titles unknown, broken world, (In International con- C0ntpendio historico de la Florida,
vention, 1941, pp. 162-167) Lakeland, Fla,, 1941,
v, 82p.
b, VANHOOK,MARY JOLLY, Studies on the Athena Partheno1 of
b. Pheidias, Iowa City, University of
Iowa, 1917,
Back to the Bible, 57p. (University of Iowa mono-
Love songs. Cincinnati, Curtis graphs)
and Jennings, 1900'? Thesis: Ph. D,, University of Iowa,
b. Wauoeon, o., 6 Ja 1909.
VANHORJI, J If -1932,
Chriotian money. d, Warren, o., 2 Ap 1932, 1945,
141meographed. b. Portage county, 0,, 18 Ag 1882.
The church of Chri1t, Cinc inna ti, d, Cumberland, Pa., l Ja 1945.
Jesus teaching on stewardohip. A. C. If. s., n.d,
Indianapolio, Unif~ed pr0111otion, 1940, 4p. Reatoring an abandoned church,
16p. Cincinnati, Standard, 1916.
Myself and my problems in Christian ccVANHOUTIR,J J
living, ouggestiono for morning watch, b.
1937, Disciple• of Christ young people'• VANVOORHIS,lfRS. MAE GRIGGS,
oonferencea. b,
c32~p. Shades of infidelity not a basil for
unity. (In Rowe, F. L., ed. Our
Savior'• prayer for unity, 1918, pp. How to conduct a junior department.
VANCE, ZONETTA, 210-216)
lfoman'i and children'• h0111eat Kul- b.
pahar. Indiam.polia, C. lf. B. If.,
1910. joint~ see
leaflet. A history or the theology or the
Di1ciplea of Christ, St, Louie, Lappin, S, s. Home and family
Christian pub, co., 1907. in the Ught of Bible teaching.
Oraybiel, Mary, India, sketches Thesia, Ph, D., University ot
ot c. lf. B. If. mi11iom.ry work in India. Chicago. VANlfINKLE, CARLS -1936,
Published also aa The rise of the b,
current retor-tion. d. _Auburn, N, Y., 10 Jlr 1935,
b. The rise ot the current reforntion Go-away-to-college service, ••
or, a study in the history of theology cindianapclia, Board of education,
of the Disciple• of Christ. st. n.d ••
"Chapter two," St, Louis, U. C, Louis, Christian pub, co., 1907. .a>P• ino. cover•.
M. S., n.d. l44p.
8p, folder, illus. Published al10 as A history of the The 'ftlue of an education, cind-
theology of the Disciples ·or Christ ianapoli1, Board or education, n,d,,
cl6,p. inc. covers,
lfRS. N M Source book tor the life of Chriat1
b. an analy1is, a synopsis, a conspectua lfhat happened at Pentecost. st.
of sources, a harmony, a collation of Louis, U. C. If, S., n.d,
reference• of the four gospels, with .0.p.
Aorou the gulf1 a story of the time• other 1ources, 5ew York, Revell,
or Chrht. St, Louis, Christian pub. •1919. .
co., 1898. x, 178p. VANlfil'llCLE, HENRYA , 1684-
268p. b. Heppner, Ore,, Jl 1884.


VARDDQLIER,J 1f , Jr., b. The other half of e'ftngelism.
, 1867- (In International convention, 1941,
b, Polk county, Ia., 2 Ap 1867, pp. 234-241)
Thirteen chapters on first day ob-
aerTanoe, Dea )t,ines, Chrbtian
Brldence of pardon. (In Brokaw, index, 1898, ,cVARIER, GEORGE
o. L., ed. Doctrine and life, 1898, 220p. b,
pp. 214-224)

about aee The Lord'• prayer, (In Rowe, F,

b. L., ed, Our Savior'• prayer for unity,
Brokaw, G, L. Doctrine and life d, 1918, pp. 206-209)
by Iowa writer•.

Varney - Violette

VARJlEY,WILLIAll IIIDiRY, 1838?-1918. J • .V. Coombe. (In Brown, J. T., Baptism and it• relation to salva-
b. ed. Churohea of Chriat, 1904, pp. 477- tion, being a review of the negotia-
d. Baltimore, lid., 16 My 1918. 478) tions between the combined Baptist
and church of Christ committees.
Ship-builder'• 11&nual1 or, )lould cl2,p,
lort guide. A practical and theoretical VAWTER,JOHii BEVERLY,1838-1897,
treatise on the varioua operations of (SERGEANTOATS, pseud.)
drafting and deaigning of ahip• and b. near lfadiaon, Ind., 19 D 1838. VIETH, PAULHERMAN,1895-
b~ta. 11- York, T. Holman, print- d. Dea )&:)ines, Ia., 28 Ja 1897. (Congregationaliat)
er, 1877.
viii, 46p. Prison life in Dixie, giving a Teaching fo;- Christian living; a
ahort hiatory of the inhuman and bar- practical diacuaaion on the principles
The witneaa of the spirit. Balti- baroua treatment of our aoldiera by and practice of making a curriculum
more, 1917. rebel authorities by Sergeant Oata •• , for the church school which shall cen-
l3p. to which 1• added the 1peeoh of General ter in life experience. St. Louie,
J. A. Garfield delivered at the Ander- Bethany preaa, •1929.
aonrllle reunion at Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 272p.
HERNY,1862- 3, 1879. Chicago, Central bk. oon-
b. oern, 1880. The work of the general auperinten-
209p. front., illua. dent... St. Louie, Christian board,
Character, a text-book on princi- Prison life in Dixie, giving a 23p. (Bethany church achool
p~ea . of moral oonduct, rev. by Henriet- short history of the inhuman and bar- guide, reprint, no. 9)
ta Heroa. Cinoinnati, Standard, baroua treatment of our soldier• by
1926. Rebel authorities by Rev. J.B. Vawte, with OTHERS.
408p. (Sergeant Oates), 3d ed ••• to which ia
added the apeeoh of Gen. J. A. Garfield The experience-centered method,
delivered at the Anderaonville reunion St. Louie, Christian board, n.d,
icVAUGHN,J ROY, at Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 3, 1879. 36p, (Bethany church school
b. Chicago, Central bk. concern, 1881, guide reprint, no. 7)
•1880. Contents include: Jesus aa a
209p. front., illus. resource for Christian living by
Why ahould we give? llaahville, 11'. C. Bower, pp. 10.16; Jesus the
World vision. A brief history of the Iowa Chriatia~ teacher teaching bv IBrion Steven-
convention. (In Painter, J. H., ed, son, pp. 17-36)
The Iowa pulpit of the church of
THOIIASI( , 1826- Christ, 1884, pp. 441-469)
(Baptist) ocVIIICENT, C G
Glory in Christ, not in parties, b,
llemoira of Rev. Wm.Vaughan, D. D. skeleton sermon. (In Cory, II. E.,
with aketohea of hi• oharaoter by Rev. ed. The polymathiat, 1877, p. 295)
J. 14. Pendleton, D. D. and other•, The teacher and the child. (In
al10 an eaaay and two aennona by Dr. about see llurfreeaboro addreaaea, 1911, pp, 100-
Vaughan. Louisville, Caperton & 101)
Catea, 1878. Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit of
556p. the ohurch of Christ.
Chapter• 9-13 contain reference• 1880-1941?
to Campbelliam. b . near Jaokaonville, Ill,, 17 F
VAWTER,KEITH. 1872-1937. 1880.
b, Indianola, Ia., Ap 1872, cl.
VAWTER,BEVERLY,1789-1872. d. llarion, Ia., 6 F 1937.
b. , Va., 28 S 1789. Baptism, 1906.
d. Char le# S, lledbury, the lecturer,
(In ltl.ller, R.H., ed. Charles s. The days with God. 1930.
about ••• lfedbury, 1932, pp. 47-61)
The evolution of peace. 1926.
!!:Tana, Jladiaon. Biographical about see
alcetohea of the pioneer preaohera of The goal of hiatory, 1926,
Indiana. Orchard, H. A. Firty year• of
Clu,utauqua. In Palestine at the empty tomb.
11- Tork, Doran, •1923.
1956. VEIUIOII, JA11B8
b. Springdale, Ky., 22 S 1879. b. In Palestine on the shore• of
d. , 4 Ja 1935. Galilee. 1924.

Ia it right to play oarda. Cin- From ritualiam to Chriat. (In In Paleatine with the Twenty-third
oinnati, Standard. Lord, J. A., ed. From.darkneaa to paalm. Cincinnati, Standard, 1918.
light, 1907, pp. 69-76) 68p,
Let ua Jcnow each other, Cincin-
nati, Standard. The peacemaker•, Power of the word, Interview• ,n~h great men and 1r0111en.
(In Meacham, B. J., comp. Training to . ;1.931.
Bible readings. (In Chrilltif>, H, teach, •1913, pp. 130-132; 198-200)
R. Worahip and aervio•) lloditationa on growing old, 1931,

VICKERY,14ILTO!I, llomorial of a divided nation.

b. Jefferaon oounty, Ind.,
d. Corydon, Ind., 9 D 1926. llemory and aelf-eduoation : 1927.

V Violette - Tolift

Myra-of-the-mountains. 192-l. Training for soul winning, a manual Tale of a pioneer ohurch. Cin-
for Christian workers. Cinoinnati, cinnati, Standard, 1887.
»ature of the content• of Bible Standard, •1915. xii, 350p. ports,
book•. 1916. 132p.
debate with WAGGONER
Night on the river Styx and other Twilight in God's aore. 1930.
poema. 192". On the Sabbath q~estion. St.
The unoanny Abner Wiael!l!.n. 1920. Louis, Christian pub. co.
~otes on Moffat'• New Testament.
1923. Vanitas vanitatis. Cincinnati, Seventh day adventism. Quinoy,
Standard, •1918. Ill., 1872.
Palestine across the ages. 1929. 77p. l47p.

Paul Temperli and other oration•. The Bible; Godliness. (In Meaoham.
1925. E. J., comp. Training to teach, •1913, VOLIVA, WILBURGLENN, 1870-1942.
pp. 29-31; 18-20) (died Christian Catholio
Pen portraits of world wonder,. Apostolic church)
1931. Responsive readings aee b. Newton, Ind., 10 Mr 1870.
Sooville, C.R. Wonder hymns of d. Chicago, Ill., 11 0 1942 .
Romano• and linea ge of the American faith.
presidenoy. 1934. Leaves of healing. 1907.
Sketches from a traveller'• diary. VOGEL, PETER, 1841-1908.
1933. b. near Butler, Penn., -l S 1841. The theocrat. 1914.
d. Somerset, Penn., 25 Jl 1908. v.

Sabbath discussion.

Wager• - Waldron w

WAGERS,MARGAR WAGNER,H H introduction aee
Herndon Wagers) b.
b. d. Green, F. M. Hiram college and
Western reserve eclectic institute.
Evangelistic arrows. n.p •• n.d.
The education of a gentleman; l6p. about aee
Jefferson Davis at Transylvania, 1821-
1824. Lexington, Ky., Buckley & Rome and ruin1 an address. Det- Dean, B. s. Edmund Burritt
Reading, 1943. roit, Christian truth soc iety, 1893 , Wakefield,
38;,. (Kentucky monographs, no. l) 3lp,

--. Cincinnati, F. L. R01'8. WALDEN,MRS. C

ONER, GEORGEC -1932. pamphlet. b.
d. Stamping ground, Ky., 25 0 1932. Stories of Mary. Cincinnati, F.
L. Rowe. The 1piritual life of the auxil-
Forbearance. (In Meacham, E. J., pamphlet. iary, Indianapolis, C. W. B. M., n,d,
comp. Training to teach, •1913, pp. Sp. folder.
WAGNER,HARRYC Why ahould your church torm a c. w.
b. B. M. auxiliary? Indianapolis, C,
JEAN BROffN, W. B. M., 1897,
b. 2p.
Parable of the vineyard, (In
Gray, A. w., ed. Preaching that builds
Louisa Alcott, girl of old Boston. churches, 1940, pp. ) WALDEN,FREEMAN, 1839-1913,
Indianapolis, Bobbs-llerrill, 1943. b, Floyd county, Ind,, 18 Mr 1839,
l85p. (Childhood of famous Amer- d, Seattle, 1fa1h,, 7 My 1913,
ican series) WAGONER,
b. The sabbath question, or, what day
d. shall Christiana kaep--tha aeventh or
WAGGONER,JOHNGARLAND,1844-1929. the first? Oskaloosa, Central bk.
b. Matoon, Ill., 22 Ap 1844. The facts in the case, 1875? concern, 1878,
d. Canton, ·111., E Mr 1929. cA tract explanatory of the author'• 50p,
failure to publish hie debate with
Beautiful sunset of life. Boston, W. B. F. Treat, Churches of Christ in 1faahington.
Stratford, •1928, (In Brown, J. T,, ed. Churohe1 or
xvii, 12lp, Christ, 1904, pp. 289-291)
J Elll!ETT,
Biography and essays of Sarah Eliz- b. The general judgment1 The aeoond
abeth Waggoner, a memorial volume by advent or Christi What 1a charity? 1
her husband. Cincinnati, Standard, skeleton aermona, (In Cory, N. E,,
1885. The great Southwest; Responsibility ed. The polymathiat, 1877, pp. 456-
l23p, of each preacher in carrying the g01pel 457 I 436-,438: 195-196)
to the whole creation, (In Abilene
The Christian ministry, a sermon Christian college Bible lectures, 1937, Statement ot the principle• and
delivered at the ordination services at pp. 111-113; 40-45) object or the religioua movement ot
the commencement season of Kurek& col- the Di1ciplea ot Christ: What savea
lege, June 13, 1926. the 1inner? (In Painter, J .• H., ed,
l6p. cWAIT, ORENJOSEPH, 1810- The Io- pulpit ot the -church ot
b. Broadalbin, N. Y,, 23 My 1810, Christ, 1884, pp, 11-461 86-103)
A plea for the aoul, St. Louis, d.
Christian pub, co. about aee
Redemption, (In Coan, A. W., ed,
A plea for the soul, (In s-rt, Gospel sermons, 1881, pp. 338-348) Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit ot
J. H,, comp. Genia of thought, 1883, the church of Chriat.
pp. 100-104)
lTAITS, Ellii'ARDMcSHANE,1871-
b. Cynthiana, Ky., 29 Ap 1871. ~ALDEN,GEORGETILFORD,

College man's religioa,
studies in religion and lite,
Worth, Stafford-Lowden,
and other

Ft, introduction

Gore, A, s.
Thomas Jetferaon Gore.
about see 418p.
Waggoner, J, G. Biography•nd Texas Christian university.
essays of Sarah Eli{abeth Waggoner, (In McPherson, Chalmers, .Diaciplea of WALDEN,JOHN COLE, 1822-1892,
Chri1t in Texas, 1920, pp, 77-89) b. Barren county, Ky., 26 F 1822,
d. Cynthiana, Ky., 16 My 1892.
b, Princeton, Ill., 15 Mr 1868, WAXEFIELD,EDKlliD BURRITT, 1846-1921, about 1ee
d. Kurek&, Ill,, 27 Ja 1944, b, Greensburg, o., 27 Ag 1846.
d, , 25 Je 1921. Caaon, lf, S, and.others, A 1011-
The mi1aionary inatitute. Eureka, venir hiatory of the Christian churoh
Ill., Author, 189-? Frances Marion Green, (In Brown, ot Cynthiana, Ky.
24p • . J. T., ed, Churches of Chriat, 1904,
pp. 459-460)

'If 'lfald!'OD - 'lfallao•

Christian adrl1er, Haahville, Goa- Moved by the one constraint, (In A tunct~oning elderahip, Cincin-
pel adTOOate, 16B9, CUtpbell and lloaeley, eds, lty dad, nati, Standard, •1942,
BOp, 193B, pp. 163-167) 96p,
The gospel proclaimer .with an in- Studies in Acta. Cincinnati,
troduction by'lf, T, Beesley. Cin- WALKER,ELI Standard, •1923, •1924.
cinnati, F, L, Rowe, 1909 , b, 2 leaaons, (Standard electiTe
2 v, aeries of apeoial lessons,
Fire eyes, or the mystery of Bob A ministering ministry, Cinoin-
FORRESTR cat canyon, nati, Standard, •1938,
. b, 219p,
WALKER,JOHii, (Preabyterian) Scriptural baaia of Christian unity,
How to become a ci then of the king- Cincinnati, New Testament tract acoie-
dom of HeaTen, (In Abilene Christian A treatiae on baptism, being a . ty, n,d,
college Bible lecture•, 1940, pp, 110- reply to a book entitled a debate on 24p, inc, covera,
134) Chri1tian baptism, between Mr, John
Walker & Alexander Campbell, held at Anger; lledi tat ion on anger. (In
Mountpleaaant on the 19th & 20th June, Veaoham, E. J., comp. Training to
WALK,DAVID, 1B33-1908, 1B20, to which ia added a letter to teach, •1913, pp, 17-18; 2-4)
b, , 9 D 1833, the Rev. Samuel . Ralston, by John 'lfalkeri
d, , 16 S 190B, ·mini1ter of the Goepel iD the asaociate The feaat of r•emberence, (In
congregation, of J,!t, Pleasant and Unity 1 Thornton, E. W., ed. Lord'• day wor-
Death and life, (In Voore, 11', Ohio, llountpleaaant, 0,, B. Wright ship services, •1930, pp. 167-170)
T,, ed, The lirlng pulpit of the & B, ·Bates, printers, 1B24,
Christian church, 1B67, pp, 413-42B) .275.p, Laymen contact• of fort,-,five
years• miniatry. (In Dawaon, ed,
about aee The Christian man at work, 1941, v,
WALKER,ll'ILLIAJI, 1B24-1860, 3, pp. 83-88)
Moore, 11', T, The liTing pulpit b, Na1hTille, Tenn., B My 1824,
of the Christian church, d, TruJ1lle, Honduraa, 12. S 1860, Preach the word, miniater•' ordin-
ation sermon. (In Thornton, E, 11',,
The war in Hicaragua, M>bile, ed, Special 1ermona for apeoial
oo'll'ALKER,A E Ala,, S, H. Goetcel, 1860, occasions, 1921, pp, 281-295)
b, 43lp, front, (port,) -p.
The univeraal confession of faith,
about (In International convention, 1938,
The great invitation, (In Abilene pp; 76-96)
. Chriltian oollege Bible leoturH, 1924- Scrogga; 'If. 0, William Walker,
1926, pp. 92-99) (In Dictionary or Alllllrioan biography, about aee
T, 19, 1936, pp, 363-366).
'lfalmr, D. E. M:,ved by the one
b, , 17 0 1826,
about ••• oonatraint,
d, Allen, V. P. William Walker.
Greene, Laurence, The filibuster. oc'll'ALLACE,CLEDEEUGEIIE,1892-
Physiology aD4 payohology; Qr, the JUliaon, J, c. With Walker in b, Greenrllle, Tex,, 9 llr 1892,
rltal and phyaioal force philoaophiea Hicaragua.
or oreation and thought~ dilouued, Sorogg1, 11'. O. Filibuster• and
0C1111pared and oontraeted, Indiana- financier•, Busineaa life of a Christian citi•
polis, Hollenbeok preaa, 1900, ' 11'•11•, w. v. Walker'• expedition aen1 The name of the church; The well•
1T, · 200p, front, (port,) to Hioaragua, armoured -n. (In Abilene Christian
oollege Bible lecture1, 1941, pp, 19- ·
341 1933, pp. 17-291 1919, pp. 77-85)
b. llaryrllle,
, 1893-
Tenn,, 9 Ja 1893,
o'll'ALDR,WILLIA)(fflOVAS, 1844-'o1896.
b, Canell oounty, H, . C,, 4 lty 1844,
d, Guilford county, B, C,, 26 lty
introduction ...
1896, lloaer, K, C. The way of salntioD,
Goepel sermons; with introduotion 1932,
by J, H. Forea-n, Joplin, Jlo,, ed,
lle11enger ptg, oo,, •1924,
238p, front, (port,) Annual of Chrhtian church for 1881, ,c'IJALLACE,FOY ESCO I,

b, ChaNlon, 0,, 18 lty 1898, (Ccngregatiom.liat) Th• churohJ The emphasis where it
belonga, (In Abilene Christian
The riH of the Chrhtian denoaina- college Bible lecture•, 1926-1927, pp,
AdTenturing for Chri1tian unity; a tion (Di1oiple1) aa an effort to •ecur• 141-1611 1920-21, pp. 109-116)
1urny of the hhtory or Churohe1 or organic union, (In Comit,ee on war
Chriat (Diaoiplea) with a fornord by and the religioaa outlook, Christian
W. Robinaon, Birmingham, England, unity, 1921, pp, ) po'll'ALLACB,
FOY ESCO II, 1896-
The Berean Rr•••, 1935, b,
Th• ohall•ng• of the rural ohurch. b, Ada•• county, Ia., 5 Jl 1889, The certified goapel, Port
Arthur, Tex,, 0, C, Laabe;r-t a: eon,
!he iaperatiTH of wor·ahip. (In •1937,
International oonvention, 1936, pp. The elderahip and Christian educa- llOp, port•.
220-228) tion, Cincinnati, Standard, 1942,
84p, ·

Wallace - Walsh w

The evils of majority rule in the Unvarnished facts about Christian The mettle of the soul. {In
church. Wichita, Kana., Christian science. Wichita, Christian worker Cory, A. E., ed. Voices in the sanc-
worker pub. co., n.d. pub. co., n.d. tuar y, 1930, pp. 264-274)
llp. 18p.

Modern millenial theories exposed. What is the church of Christ. WALLACE,THOMAS, -1933.
Houston, Tex., Roy E. Cogdill, 1945. Wichita, Christian worker pub. co., n.d J b.
16p. d.
debate with NORRIS, J. FRANK.
(Baptist) What must I do to be saved. Rambler's travels in classic and
Wichita, Christian worker pub. co., n.d . Bible lands... St. Louis, Nixon-
debate see 4p. Jones ptg. co., 1893.
816p. front. (port.) illus.
Neal, E. F. Neal-Wallace dis- The Bible must be taught. (In
ousaion. Abilene Christian colle~e Bible lec-
tures, 1936, pp. 69-79) WALLACE,VIRGIL WILFRED, 1887-
oomp. with DAVIS, MARION. b. Berwick, Penn., 6 Ja 1887.
introduction see
The complete Christian hymnal.
Fayette, Ala., lhlrion Davis co. Smith, F. L, Lord's day evening introduction see
288p. sermons.
Smith, J. H. O. What think ye
see debate with STAUFFER,E. E. of Christ?
Doran, B. c. Gospel in song.
Wallace-Stauffer debate, held Sun- WALLER,JOHN LIGHTFOOT,1809-1854.
day, Y.arch 7, 1937, Wichita, fAnsas. (Baptist)
ccWALLACE,GERVIASKNOX,1903- Propositions: Infant baptism--the
b. Colin county, Tex., 1903. Lord's supper; stenographically repor~ Letters to a reformer, alias
ed by Miss Crystal Norfleet. cWich- Campbellite. Frankfort, Ky., 1835.
ita, Kans., •1937.
Baptism. Wichita, Christian 123p.
worker pub. oo. WALSH,JOHN TOMLINE, 1816-1886.
pamphlet. b. Hanover, Va., 15 F 1816.
ccWALLACE,GLENNL d. Kinston, N. c. 1886,
The difference between the Christian b.
church and the church of Christ, a Anastasia; or, a review of a dis-
lecture... cWichita, Christian work- course on the resurrection from the
er pub. oo., 1939. The virgin birth. (I~ · Abilene dead.
c29~p. Christian college Bible lectures, 1938,
pp. 44-58) A book of sermon .a, practical and
Divine healing. Wichita, Chris- controversial. Cincinnati, R. w.
tian worker pub. oo. Carrol; New Berne, N. C., J, T. Walsh,
p&m!)hiet. WALLACE,HUGHM 1861- 1870.
b. vi, 346p.
The holy spirit in conversion. Contents include, The world's
Wichita, Christian worker pub. oo. dilemna: the Bible or atheism--
pamphlet. Seoreta of succes1 ic poultry cul- . which? by J. Randolph Tucker, pp.
ture. Cincinnati, Standard, •1918. 93-127; and A free salvation by
Human creeds. Wichita, Christian 198p. plates. George Plattenburg, pp. 327-346.
worker pub. oo., n.d.
Sp. Foot washing in patriarchal,
WALLACE,.WSEPH, 1834-1904. Jewish and Christian times. New
Justification by faith. Wichita, Berne, N. c., J. T. Walsh.
Chriatian worker pub. co. Sketch of the life and public ser-
pamphlet. vices of Edward D. Baker; United Statea --, rev. and enl. St. Louis,
senator from Oregon and formerly repre- John Burns, n.d.
The I;ord'• supper. Wichita, sentative in congress from Illinois, 27p.
Christian worker pub. co. who died in battle near Leesburg, Va.,
pamphlet. October 21, A. D. 1861. Springfield, Immortality; a review of Rev
Ill., Author, 1870. Luther Lee.
Ml.atakea of Jehovah'• witneaaea. 144p. front. (port.)
Wichita, Christian worker pub. co. Life and times with biographical and
pamphlet. historical sketches and reflections on
oclTALLACE,PAULL contemporary men and things, ed. by a
The name. Wichita, Christian b. member of his family. Cincinnati,
worker pub. oo. Standard, 1885.
pamphlet. 17lp. front. (port.)
Opportunities in the south. (In
The Sabbath. Wichita, Christian Abilene Christian college Bible lec- Looking down the ages from a pro-
worker pub. co., n.d. tures, 1941, pp. 170-176) phetic standpoint. St. Louis, John
9p. Burns, 1881.
A sermon to young people. Wichita, WALLACE,RICHARDWILLIAM, 1877-
Christian worker pub. co., n.d. b. near Columbia, Ky., 7 N 1877. Methodism aa i~ ia \n the ~~Joiplinc
Sp. Ii.,,. York, Thomas Bolaan, n.d.
Spiritual:iam. Wichita, Christian Afier Easter, poem.
worker pub. co., n.d. Killleographed aheet.

1'1 Walsh - Ware

Moody versus
Chri1t and hi• apostle•, WALTERS,JOHNWILLIAM, 1869-1935. WARD,MAE(YOHO)
a vindication of the truth of the gos- b. Elizabethtown, 0,, 12 F 1869. b,
pel, also, a chapter on modern revival- d. Des Moines, Ia,, 14 Je 1935.
iom by Joseph H, Foy, St, Louis,
John Burns, 1880, The name question. (In Brokaw, G, Thia is Christian missions. (In
106p, ., ed, Doctrine and life, 1898, pp. International convention, 1942, pp.
62-279) 140-150)
The nature ~nd duration of future
punishment, Richmond, Va., Wm, H, about see
Clemmitt, printer, 1857, WARE, MRS. CATESBY,
124p. Brokaw, G, L. Doctrine and life b.
by Iowa writers,
A review of Freemas onry; by a Chris-
tian. New-Berne, N. C,, J, T, Walsh, Charles Maddox. (In West, J. 11',,
1868? WALTERS,JOSEPH ANDREW,1837-1910, ed. Sketches of our mountain pioneer•,
48p, b. 1939, pp, 151-154)
d. Des Moir,es, Ia., 25 D 1910,
--, r e v. ed. New-Berne, N. C.,
cPr i nted at the job office of N, S, The three baptisms, Des Moines, WARE,CHARLESCROSSFIELD,1886-
Richardson, 1871. Ia., 1903. b,
32p. 102p.
Salvation from oin; or, what must I The will of God. (In Painter, J. Barton Warren Stone, pathfinder of
do to be saved? in six sermons, H., ed, The Iowa pulpit of the church Christian union, a story of hie life
Cincinnati, Bentley & co., printers, of Christ, 1884, pp, 379-392) and times, with an introduction by
1858. Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy. St, Louis,
82p, about see Bethany preos, •1932.
xiv, 357p, front. (port.) porta.
Cincinnati; Chicago, Cen- Painter, J, H, Iowa pulpit of
tral bk, concern, n,d. the church of Christ. Centennial play, Christiana'
56p. reveille, a drama of the beginnings of
North Carolina Disciples of Christ,
--, rev. and eiµ, St. Louie, WALTERS,ZELIA MARGARET
(BROWN) Wilson, N, C., North Carolina Christian
John Burns, 1880. ndsaionary convention, cl944,
69p. First leaaona in child training; 30p.
a handbook for mothers . Cincinnati,
--. St, Louie, Christian pub. Standard, •1916. North Carolina Disciples of Christ,
a history of their rise and progreaa,
oo., n.d. 156p,
56p, and of their contribution to their
The magic window1 a story for boya general brotherhood. St. Louie,
Sprinkling and pouring; legal and and girls from six to twelve. Cin- Christian board, 1927.
evangelical,,, n.p,, n.d. cinnati, Standard, •1916, 372p. front., plates, ports.
22p. 56p. front., plates.
Jlorth Carolina misaions. .Wilson,
Universalism exposed from the inner N, C., North Carolina Christian misaion-
temple, WALTHALL,P w ary society.
b. 4p.
--, rev. and enl. ed. St,
Louie, John Burno, 1880, Plain talks under the pines1 Caro-
The sacrifice of Madaline ••• lina speak• English, n.p., 1931.
A vi- of Free masonry. Newberne, Covington, Ind,, Covington friend, n.d, llp.
N, C,, Author, 48p.
32p. llhat•s the use. cWilaon, N. c.,
Author, 1921.
What must I do to be saved? Cin- WALTON,J M 4p.
cinnati, G. B. Bentley & oo., 1858. b.
82p. d. !!• •
about aee What we believe and teach. Tar heel Disciple•,
Cin- 1841-1852, pro-
cinnati, F. L. Rowe, ceeding• of the North Carolina conven-
Hamlin, G, A, The life and in- pamphlet, tion, Diaciples of Chriat, during ta
fluence of Dr. John Tomline Walah. firat twelve yeara, ed. by Charle•
Croaafield Ware, New Bern, · w, c.,
cWALWORTB, JOHN, 1804- Printed for the North Carolina Chria-
cWALTER,ISAAC N , 1805-1866, b. Big Sodus Bay, N, Y., 28 Jl 1804. tian miaaionary oonvention by Owen o.
b, Highland county, o., 27 Ja 1805, d. Dunn co., 1942.
d, Columbus, O., 9 Jl 1856·. · 104p. front. (port,)
A reminiscence of the -r. \in
about aee Coan, A. W., ed. Goepel aennona, 1881,
pp. 352-360) WARE,ELIAS BENTON,184$-1931.
McKinney, A, L. Memoir of Eld. b, Platte oounty, llo,, 3 My 1843,
Iaaac N. Walter. d. Healdsburg, Calif., 26 Ja 1931,
b. Hiatory of Diaciplea in Californja,
WALTERS,FRANKFREDERICK,1869-1941. Healdsburg, Calif., .F. W, Cooke, pul>
b, near Windsor, Ko,, 14 ·My 1869. Usher. 1916.
d, Lawrence, Kana,, 18 Ja 1941, To the mountains. (In Strong, S, c326op, plates, ports.
D,, ed, How to find God, 1931, p. 59)
Christ'• gift to mankind, Wichita.,
Falla, Tex,, 1914.

ll'arliok • Washington w

WARLICK,C w Lincoln sheet music, cheek liat. WARREN, MARY SHERBURNE,

b. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincolniana publish- b.
d. ers, 1940. ·
• 12.p.
The Christian ministry1 or, the Ways of working in the nursery
problem of the church. Reading, Pa., Lincoln'• parentage and childhood1 department. St. Louis, Bethany
I. M. Beaver, 1909. a history of the Kentucky Lincolns sup- preu, •1932.
3llp. ported by documentary svidenoe. viii, 78p.
New York, Century, •1926.
392p. front., plates.
b. near St. Louis, 110., 1 N 1866. Little known facts about the Getty•· b. Higginsville, Mo., 24 Mr 1868.
d. Dallas, Tex., 2 Ja 1941. burg addreao. .Fort Wayne, Ind., d.
Lincoln national life insurance co.,
Baptist blu~dera and J. N. Hall •1938 • Archibald McLean: .Hand set and
and hia Fridays in a muddle c2d ed •• Sp. printed by Morris Craig Sehollenber-
Dallas, Tex., Author, n.d. ger, 1936,
79p. Littie known Lincoln episodes. 2p. folder.
.Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln national
debate aee life insurance co., •1934, The centennial and benevolence.
18p. illus. 190-?
Stark, J.C. A debate. 4p. (Centennial leaflet no. 16)
--, .Fort Wayne, Ind., Lin-
coln national life insurance co., Centennial tithers. 190-?
WARREN,LOUIS AUSTIN, 1886- •1937, 4p. (Centennial leaflet no. 15)
b. Holden, Maas., 23 Ap 1886. Sp.
Christian newapapera. 190-?
Little known Lincoln humor • 4p. (Centennial leaflet no, 6)
Abraham Lincoln, a oonciae bio- • Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln national
graphy. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lincoln life insurance oo., •1937, History of the Disciples of Christ.
national life insurance oo., •1934. 8p. St. Louis, Christian board •
• 21.p. illus.
Louisville Lincoln loop1 a day•a The life and labora of Archibald
. _Abrahaa Li~ool~ imterprets the con- tour in "old Kentucky." Louisville, McLean. St, Louis, Published for
stitution. .Ft. Wayne, ind., Lin- Ky., Standard ptg. co., •1922. U, C, K, s. by the Bethany press,
coln national life insurance co,• 1940? 43p. front. (map) illus. •1923.
c8:,p. 399p, front. (port,) ports,
The romance of Thomas Lincoln and
Abraham Lincoln'• birth plaee,'rev. Nanoy Hanks. cindianapolia, 1934, --, fellowship ed. St. Louis,
ed. of Lincoln National park. Zions- p. 213-222, Published for U, C, M. S, by the
ville, Ind., Author, 1926. Reprint: Indiana magazine of Bethany press, •1923.
history, September 1934. 399p, front, (port.) ports.
Hananiah Lincoln in revolution and
pioneer history. .Bloomington, Ind., Sarah Buah Lincoln1 a msnorial. The organization and scope of the
University pre••, 1929?, . Zionsville, Ind., Author, 1922. centennial campaign. 190-?
29-39p. 4p. (Centennial leaflets, no, 13)
Reprint, Indiana magazine of his- Slavery atmosphere of Lincoln'•
tory, lfarch 1929. youth. Ft. Wayne, Ind,, Lincolniam Two lnillion dollars in 1909 for
publiahera, 1933. miasiona, benevolence and education.
The Lincoln and La Follette fami- .16.p. 4p. (Centennial · Teaflets, no. 23)
lies in pioneer drama. cManaahaT
Wia., 1929, Souveni.P of Abraham Lincoln'• birth- The Diaoiplea of Christ. (In
23p. place, Hodgenville, Ky., rev. ed. of Bible. Front rank Bible1 Doctrinal
Reprint, Wiaoondn magazine of Lincoln national park. l,brganfield, help•, pp. 67-62)
history, June 1929, Ky., 'lllnford pub. co., 1927.
.32,p. illua. .!!·
Lincoln log oabin, Hodgenville,
dntuoky. llorganM.e ld, Ky., J,tunford Souvenir of Lincoln national park, Survey of service ••• St. 'Louie,
pub. oo., •1927. Hodgenville, Kentucky. Hodgenville, Christian board, •1928.
cl2,p. 1'1-ont, Ky., Herald pub. co., •1920, · 723p. illus.
c36,p. illus,
--. rev. ed. Zionsville, Ind.,
1927. Three generations of Kentucky Lin- WASHINGTON,
16p. oolna, .Louisville, Ky,, 1938,
p. 66-78 Bohoes of Europe; or, word pioturea
Lincoln memorial building, Hodgen- Reprint, Filson club history quar- of travel, Philadelphia, Jaaea
ville, Ky. Hodgel),Ville, Ky., Herald terly, April 1938. Challen & son, 1860.
-· oo., •1921 • 697p.
• llap. front. comp.
A Lincoln memorial to Thanksgiving1 From White houae to log oabin1 WASHINGTON,
addreaa delivered at the dedication of addreu .. delivered at the birth place· b.
the Abraham Lincoln atatu., Hingham, of Lincoln, by President Roosevelt,
llaaaaohuaetta on Septeber 23, 1939, Taft and Wilson1 Hodgenville, Ky.
limited ed. Ft. Wayne, Ind., Lincoln• .Hodgenville, Ky., Herald newa oo •• Training for a negro -leadership.
iana pu~liahara, n.d, •1921. (In lnternational · oonvention, 1941, pp.
n. p. .21,p. front. 129-132)
11' Watchword - Weaver

The watchword of the restoration (COURSON)
vindicated... Cincinnati, Standard, Joseph Thoma, "The white pilgrim".
n.d, (In West, J. W., ed. Sketches of our
102p. mountain pion eers, 1939, pp, 85-93) WEAVER, GUSTINEHANCY(COURSON) (It-a.
Contents, Clifford Seldon Weaver,
Place of baptism in the kingdom by 11373-1942.
W; H. Book; What the restoration cWATSON,JOSIAH PRESCOTT,. 1838- b. near Abingdon., Ill., 15 D 1873,
movement stands for by w. N. Briney; b, Lempster, N. H., 29 Ja 1838, d. KoKinney; Tax,, 3 S 1942.
Christianity veraua rationalism by d,
R. E. Elmorai Open membership and The Boydstun family, Cincinnati, _
the restoration plea by F. D. Karsh- The law of unity and unifying forces , Powell & White, •1927.
ner; The sour ce of authority in (In Coan, A. w., ed. Gospel sermons, U5p, front, (port.) ports.
Christianity by z. T. Sweaney. 1881, pp. 365-382)
Canticles of a minieter'a wife;
from my house of life, the mnae.
WATERS,GAY, 1866- WATTERS, A C St, Louia, Bethany pre,a, •1930,
b, ' b. l53p. fr.ont,, illus,
Cotton doll farm, inc,; an operetta
Almai or, Otollkah'• daughter; a A century of ohurohao of Christ ·, in three aota,.. Cincinnati, Powell
atory of the 20,000 Sioux. Chicago, Birmingham, England, Baraan press. ~ White, 1932.
T, S, "Denison, •1888, 46p.
WATTS, WILLIAJI, 1823-1879. The Guetine compendium. Cincin-
The poetical works of Gay Waters, b, Pike county, Ky,, 12 F 1823, nati, Powell & White, •1929,
inoluding the Wicota, Cincinnati, d. , 18 lfr 1879, 339p. front., plates, porta,
Standard, •1887,
vi, l53p. about see Hop-Run, and aix other pageants.
Cincinnati, Powell & White, •1927,
The 1eorat harmony of the spheres, Wast, J. W. Sketches of our 9lp. front. (port.)
A philosophy of human nature by Gay- mountain pioneer•,
watar• cpsaud.. Boston, American House that a Jap builti pictures
ptg. ~ eng, co., •1894, a~er painting• by the Japanese artist
56p. 'llAY'?, HUGH, 1877- Hiahikawa. Chicago, Reilly and
b, Glen Easton, W. Va,, 8 Jl 1877, Britton, 1909.
32p. illus.
b, Sermon preached at dedication of Howard lineage; the anoeatory of
d, Zanesville (Ohio) church, Zanes- Ida Ann Boydatun Welch through her
ville, C. E. aooiaty, 1914, mother Eoline Frances Howard Boydstun,
The Book of Job, in English verse, Cincinnati, Powell & White, 1929.
tr. froa the original Hebrew, with The true aouroe of a happy life. 230p, front., plates, port•.
rei.rk1, historical, critical and ax- St. Louie, Chriatian pub. co., •1909,
pla!l&tory by Thomae Scott, carefully 68p. The miniatar'• wife. Cincinnati,
revised from the second London edition Powell & White, •1928.
of 1773, The notea abridged and a 13lp. front., illus.
preliminary dissertation prefixed by ocWEAR, R L
B, U. Watkins. Cincinnati, Chris- b. Our gueat, .with a foreword by
tian bk, concern, 1848, Graham Frank, St. Louie, Bethany
preas, ·1928.
Who made the world? ; or, an iDTea- Whan paatora should move and how 289p. front., plates, porta,
tigation of the Bible account of and why.
creation. St. Louis, John Burn•, Santa's cotton doll farm. St,
1880, Louia, Bethany pr•••, 1930,
W 45p, front,, illua,
d. Walch and allied familiea, Cin-
BER E cinnati, Powell & White, •1932,
b, debate with 312p. front., ple tao, ports,
----- HA11BEY

On baptism and justification by with DEllOSS, L. K,

Social adTenturea with Jeaua in race faith, Bentonville, Ark., 1892.
relations. ' (In Anderson, o. T., ed. U6p. "Towed in" a compilation of atoriaa
Social adventures with Jeaua, 1928; pp, about certain guaata in our home• for
59-63) the aged, by !Justina Courson Weaver
WEAVER,CLAUDE,1867- • (Methodist) aaaiated by Lucy King Dallosa, .with a
preface by Joy Fraser Taylor and an
WATSO!IJ,J ALLAN,1894- Church attendance, Wallington, ' introduction by F, K. Rogera. Ind-
b , Cherryvale, Kana., 14 5 1894. Kana., First Christian ohuroh, 1916, ianapolia and St. Louia, U, C, K. S.
and the Chriatian board, •1930,
Three fllndamentala of life. (In WEAVER,CLIFFORDSBLDD, 1874-
Thornton, E, W,, ed. Phillipa uniTer• b. introduction •••
aity aermona, 1929, pp. 179-188)
Roaa, E. W, The golden rocn,
lliaaiona an inwgral part of the
church'• work. '(In International
convention, 1936, pp. 266-266)
lfNflr - Welle w

WEAVER,THOMASF , 1850?-1939. How shall we eacape if we neglect HOLLAND, R. H.

b. l&i.rietta, Ill., 18507 10 great salvation. (In Abilene
d. Houston, Tex., 3 Ap 1939. Christian college Bible lectures, Life a nd labors of William Brook
1936, pp . 154--163) Wellons, D. D., who was a minister and
~bat think ye of Christ? (In member of the Eastern Virgin i a Chris-
Wilson, L. c., ed. Twentieth century tian conference for nearly thirty-
sermons and addresses, 1902, pp. 25,,.. ll'EETHEE• J p three years, editor of the Christian
259) b. sun for nearly twenty-five years, and
d. ,resident of the general convention of
the Christian church. Raleigh, N.
WEBB, K L The battle of Armegeddon or the C., Edwards, Broughton & co., · stc=
b. word of God against the world, contain- 1 printers and binders, 1881.
ing a review of the for.,ea which are 448p. front. (port.)
gathering under the banner of the
Four-minute talks for 1uperinten- llessiah and of Satan to the battle of '
dent1... Cincinnati, Standard, •1926. the great day of God almighty. cWELLONS,lflLLIAM BROCK,1821-1877.
llOp. Palmyra, Mo., Jacob Creath, 1866. b. Sussex county, Va., 9 N 1821.
56p. d. Suffolk. Va., 16 F 1877.
More four-D\inute talks with super-
intendents; a second book of 52 four- The Eastern question, in its var- The Chr istiana not Unitarians.
minute talks; appropriate for leader• ious phases, Egyptian, British, Rus- ,reply to the Rev. John Paris, 1860.
of all assemblies of the younger young sian, Ottman, Hebrew, American, and 9lp.
people. Cincinnati, Standard, •1929. Messianic. Columbus, O., G. L.
lllp. Tranger, 1887. comp.
x, 639p.
Hymn book, 1870.
b, Hinckley, o., 21 Ja 1862. WEIGLE, LUTHERALLAN, 1880- about
Starr, H. E. William Brock Wel-
Earl,¥ history of Elyria and her peo- The church. (In International lons. (In Dictionary of American
ple. Elyria, o., 1930. convention, 1941, pp. 49-67) biography, vol. 19, 1936, pp. 636-637)
about see
History of Hinckley. Kedina, o., WEIMER,
Kedina Gazette, 1933, b. Wellons, J. w. Life and labors
107p. d. of William Brock Wellons.

Life of John Baldwin, Sr., of Berea, Nature smiles in verse, a collection

Ohio, philanthropist, founder of col- of bi-illogical poems. Illus, by Bobby WELLS, ANJIAKARY
leges, towns, and the graat Berea Murray. .Bethany, W. Va., Author,
grindstone industries. Cincinnati, •1940. aee SMITS, ANNAMARY(WELLS)
0.7, Caxton press, •1925. x, 99p. illus.
279p. ·front. (port.) plates, ports. Composed and printed at the Waverly
pre1e, Baltimore. WELLS, CARLDOUGLAS,
P. ~.
General biology, a textbook for The changing city church. Loa
college students. New York, Wiley, Angeles, University of Southern Calif-
Tha miniatry. Birmingham, England, 1938. ornia press, 1934.
Churohaa of Christ book depot. 555p. 39p. (University of Southern
(Small books on New Teata- California, School of research studies,
aent Christianity) no. 2)
WELCH,JOHll CALVIJI Portions of thesis: Ph.D., Uni-
b. versity of Southern California,
b, A study of Disciples of Christ in
d. America's right to live and other Loa Angeles.
addresses. Bryan, Tex., Author, 1917?
Tha sign of the covenant, ten papers
on the Sabbath. Cincinnati, Stan- WELLS, CLIFF K
dard, •1916. WELCH,PHILIP, 1875- • b.
277p. front. (port.) b. 11.llkeytown, Ill., 5 D 1876. d.

Kemoira of elder Kilton Wells, -

WEUS, LEl'lA (PIT'l'JWI) (llrs. G. E. Peoples of Africa. bracing tha origin, progres1 and prin-
Weeks) ciples of the religious reformation,
b. Peoples of the world. aa advocated by Alexander Campbell.
Winona, lfinn., The D. Sinclair pub. co.,
God-given -••ages. Raleigh, B. oWELLONS,JAJ.IESWILLIS, 1826- l9lp. front. (port.)
c., Edwards & Broughton oo., 1930. b, Cover title, Kemoire of Elder Jtl.1-
x, 232p. d. ton Welle, Center, Wisconsin, 1887.
Contents include, Our position by
A historical sketch of the Wellons Ieaac Errett; and The uniori of
coll'EEl&S, J £DDIE, family. Richmond, Va., Central pub. Christiane byWalt•r Scott.
b. oo., 1910.
79p. front., ports.
w Wells - 'lrellh1-r

WELLS, GOLDIE RUTH WELLS, ROSE (MARTIN) One of t he busiest of men. (In
b. b. Campbell and Moseley, eds. My dad,
d. 1938, pp. 175-181)

Sila, Son of Congo cwith an intro- Fedora. Honoring motherhood; a complete

duotion by c. M. Yocum, St. Louis, mother's day playlet. (I n The
Bethany press, •1945. Stan dard mother's day book, 1931, v.
192p. WELLS, ,'HLLIAMVINCENT, 1826-1876. 1, pp . 7-16)

Walker's expedition to Nicaragua; a

WELLS, JOHN H history of the Cent ral American war; WELSHIMER,MILDRED,1902-
b. and the Sonora and Kinney expe ditions, b.
d. i ncluding all t he recent diplomatic
cor res pondence , together with a new and
Baptism. accurate map of Central America, and a The young people's Bible teacher
pamphlet. me~oir and portrait of General William and leader; a ten-hour course for
Walk er. New York, Stringer and Town- teachers and officers of the young
se nd, 1856. people's department. Cincinnati,
WELLS, L NATHANIELD 316p. front. (port.) Standard, •1939.
1876- 137p.
b. Brooke county, W. Va., 14 Je
1876. WELSH,W A
b. York, O., 6 Ap 1873.
A deacon learns to tithe. Ind-
ianapolis, u. C. M, s., n.d. New religions for old. (In Brite
c4:,p. college of the Bible. Sermons, vol. 1, A Bible school vision... Cincin-
1937, pp . 31-32) nati, Standard, •1909.
The educational program the pastor's 123p. (Training for service
opportunity. Indianapolis and St. series)
Louie, U. C. M. S. and Christian board, WELSHIMER,HELENLOUISE, 1901-
n.d. b. Millersburg, o., 17 F 1901. Concerning the disciples; a brief
Sp. (Local church service resume of the movement to restore the
aaaociation) New Testament church. Cincinnati,
Candle light and other selected Standard, •1935.
Dr. L. N. D. Wells speaks out on poems... Cleveland, O., NE A ser- '05p.
the tithe. cLincoln, Neb., Reporter vice, •1934.
pub. co., n.d. 39p. illus. The dissolution of the United
6p. folder. Christian missionary sooiety. n.p.,
Girlhood today. Cincinnati, Stan- n.d.
God's will for the minister as a dard, •1938.
missionary leader. Cincinnati, F. 200p. Facts concerning the New_ Testament
C. II. S., 1914. church. Cincinnati, Standard, n.d.
15p. Honor to motherhood, a playlet which 19p.
exhalts the high mission of the world's price omitted.
Builders of Christian personality; true mothers, Cincinnati, Standard, Large Bible on cover.
The spiritual dynamic for cooperationi •1931.
Your other family.
(In Int ernational
1936, pp. 25-44; 1935, pp .
16p. --.
Cincir.nati, Standard, n,d.

22-28; 1942, pp. 310-317) Lo·re wi tnout mus ...c. New York, price omitted,
Arcadia house, 1940. Small Bible on cover.
The home partnershi p , weddi ng anni- 256p.
versary sermon. (In Thornton, E. W., Cincinnati, Standard, n.d.
ed. Special sermons for special The questions girls ask... New 19p.
oocaaions, 1921, pp. 311-320) York, Dutton, •1939. price 5/ eaoh, 75p per hundred,
128p. pootp&id.
about see Large Bible on cover.
Shining rain. New lOrK, Vutton.
Smits, A. II. W. My chan ce to get 1943. Cincinnati, Standard, n,d.
even. 157p. price omitted.
Closed Bible on cover.
Singing drums. New York, Dutton,
WELLS, MILTON, 1829-1906. 1939, •1937. How to build up a Bible aohool.
b. Brooke county, Va., 13 Jl 1829. 159p. :inoinnati, Standard, 1916.
Society editor. Los Angeles, The Lord's supper. St. Louie, U.
Churches ot Christ in Wisconsin. Phoenix pres•, •1938. C. ll. S., n.d,
(In Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of 264p . (Gramercy publication) 6p. folder.
Christ, 1904, pp. 291-295)
Souvenirs. The New Testament church the only
J. A. Bennett. (In Brokaw, G. L., community church, address delivered at
ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa writers, Talk• to girls. Cincinnati, Stan- Winona convention, Saturday, ·september
1898, pp. 139-141) dard, •1934. 3, 1921. cCincinnati, Standard, n.d.
85p. 12p.
about see
Twins, a farce in one act. New The open ..,mberahip question, oor-
Wells, C. M. Memoirs of elder York, Samuel French, 1935. reapondence between A. R. Hamilton and
Milton Wells. 18p. P.H. Welshimer. Published in the
"Christian Standard", May 31, 1919.
Wings of youth. New York, Arcadia Cincinnati, Standard, c1919,
house, 1941.
24p. ..
lfelshimer - Weston w

A reatatement of an old question, In the land• of the Bible,., St, A totalitarian church, a menace to
c4~p. Louis, Christian board, •1944. liberty and democracy. Lynohburg,
32p , illus. Va,, J, ll', lfeet, cl944.
A sermon to quitters, • Cincin- 62p •
nati, Standard, n,d,. joint~ see l page "errata" inserted,
4p, inc, cover,
Baughmann, P, K. History of the ~- see
What church shall I join? Cin~in~ First Christian church of Pomona, Calif,
nati, Christian restoration associa- Power, F, D, The church of
tion, n.d, Christ--its plea.
'l'p, WEST, GEORGED , 1905- •
b, . Baltimore, Md,, 16 Je 1905,
"Why I did not baptize the baby," cclfBST, W B • II,
.4.p. b,
Roses in clay,
Welshimer•s sermons .with an intro- 72p.
duction by E, W, Thornton. Cincin- God's love through Jeeue Christ,
nati, Standard, •1927, Hie Son; The existence of the king-
262p, cWEST, JOHN dom of Heaven; past, pre•ent and
b. t\lture, (In Abilene Christian col-
Among the British churches; The d. lege Bible lectul-es, 1942, pp. 56-761
faith of the church in immortality. 1940, pp. 18-36)
(In International convention, 1938, A key to the mystery of iniquity,
pp. 104-110; 1937, pp. 307-315) pamphlet,
Kingdom builders, (In Dawson, F, b,
F., ed, The Christian man at work, WEST, JOHNWILLIAJI, 1871-
1940, v. 2, pp. 71-78) b, Millville, Md,, l lly 1871,
Good neighbors of Latin America.
·The remiuion of dna. (In Meaoh- N- York, Noblr & lfoble .
u,, E, J,, oomp, Training to teaoh, Conversion of Evariate Hebert,
•1913, pp. 149-161) French Acadian Roman Catholic,
Lynchburg, Va., J, lf, lfeat, 1939? WESTAPHER,CLARENCE AMENZO,1864-
The reproach r-oved. (In Thorn- ?, Clarinda, Ia., 12 Ja 1864,
ton, E. lf,, ed. Lord'• day worship Holineaa groups ; a "Bouse of Babel"
services, •1930, pp, 191-194) and unacriptural in teeohing and prac-
tice. comp.
A sermon to the moral man, (In. 3l?p.
Moore, W, T., ed, The new living pu1- Fact. oonoern .ing the church Chriat
pit of the Christian church, 1918, pp, "Once in grace, always in ·grace" built according to the N- Teatament
363-371) and other detrimental doctrines, refuted aoripturea, 4th ed. Bruerton,
.Lynchburg, Va •• Author; n,d, Wash,, Author, n,d,
Work your own garden, commencement .12.p. ino, covers. 32p.
day address, (In Thornton, E, W,,
ed. Special sermon• for apecial oooa- Seventh-day adventi11111of human ori- --, 4th ed. Nashville, Tenn.,
aion•, 1921, pp, 183-197) gin and unscriptural, cLynchburg, World vision pub, co., n,d,
Va,, J, lf. West• n.d, 32p,
with 1'fELSHYllER,MRS, C• C • c31.p,
, 6th ed, Bremerton, Waah,,
Supplemental work ueed in the jun- --, 3d ed. rev, cLynohburg, Va,, Author, n,d,
ior department of the First Christian Author, 1943, 32p.
church-school, Canton, Ohio, c36,p. inc. front oover,
23p. The glory and dignity of the ohurch
Unscriptural teaching and praotioe Chriat established according to the
joint~ see of the Holine11 group,. Lynobburg, N- Testament scriptu~es, 2d ed.
Va,, Author, n,d, Eugene, Ore,, Author, n,d,
KoFadden, llra, R, H. · Supplemental 12p. 24p, ino. covers,
lesaona, third primary department, .
Why become a Chriatian? .Lynch-
about aee burg, Va., Author, n.d. WESTON,ASA IIINOR, 1836-1902,
• 8.p. inc. cover•. b, Cleveland 0,, 24 S 1836, .
Moore, 1f, T. The n- living pul- d,
pit. The superiority of the Chriatian
1Jelehimer, Belen. One of the religion, (In Gray, A, 1J,, ed. Clipper Jap.
buaieat of men, Preaching that build• ohurohea, 1940,
pp . ) The evolution of a ahadow1 or, the
Bible doctrine of rest, from the
WELSHYllER,MRS, C C oomp, standpoint of a believer in the
b, Di..-ine authority and paramount impor-
Sketches of our mountain pioneers, tance of the religioua observance of
Lynchburg, Va,, J, W, ll'eat, 1939, the firat day of the week. Cincin-
joint~ aee 297p, illus. nati, Standard, 1886,
viii, 292p.
Weleh1-r, P, H, Supplemental --, c2d ed, rev.. Lynohburg, _
work uaed in the junior department. Va,, J, lf, lfeet, •1939, The maid of ll.ildrough'• mill,
304p. port•.
Sketches or aeventy mountain preaoh- The paadng of the vetrane,
T , 1912- era.
b, Olda, Alberta, Canada, 18 Ja 1912, Vanished,

w West on - '/!hi t e

ON, JOHN BURNS , 1821- Incienso Cristiano, no, 2, ,with a WHISTLER, MOS
b , Madison, Me, , 6 Jl 182 1, preface by E. T. Westru p ,, J.!onterrey,
d . Mexico, ,E, T, Westrup, 1941, Creed of t he Campbel li t e church,
100 hymns. pamphl et,
Is a cree d statement ne cess ar y to Bound with hi s I noienao Criatiano,
church success ? (In Coan, A, W,, ae gunda edioion.
ed, Gospel sermons, 1881, pp, 402-422) cWHITAKE R, OLIVER BARR, 1869- 1942,
b , Weaub lea u , M>., 20 J l 1869 ,
join t comp, se e ',"/ETZEL,LUCY, ·d. Weauble au , Mo., 4 My 1942,
Carter, B. F, Christian harp, Dick Haley; a thrilling sto r y of
pove rt y, her oism and suff er ing ,
Any youth, dea lin g with r ea l lif e and a vit al
WESTRUP,E T 7p, (Conference play s) pr oble m of our public schoo ls, Day-
b, Mimeographed, +.on , O., Christian pub , associati on,
1910 ,
230p, front ,, plates,
Bantismo pr ec epto de Cristo? WHAR
cMonterre y , Mexic o~ n.d. (Mr•. G. L, Wharton) -1 92? Evenin gs with Uncle Bijah; or
12p. b, Christian fel l owship,. , under t he con-
d, Hol lywood, Calif,, 10 F 1922. vsnient title of the Rev. Ri chard
Beginnin gs; a saga of Protestantism Gr ote , A. M. , D. D. Dayton , 0, ,
in Mexico. J 94-2. Life of G, L, Wharton; with a fore- Christian pub , associ atio n, •1 915,
34p. illus. word by Archibald McLean, New York, 106p, front.
Revell, •1913,
History of the Mexican mission. 25lp. front, (port,) plates. Herbert Brown; a t hri llin g rel i -
1941. gious and moral stor y, 4th e d ., l oth
lOp. illus. thousand, Chicago , M.A . Donohue,
WHARTON,GREENE LAWRENCE,1847-19 06, •1906.
Las iglesias de Cristo. Monter- b, Monroe count y , Ind., 17 Jl 1847 . 314p . pla tes,
rey, Mexico, n.d. d, Calcutta, India, 4 N 1906,
,22,p, Teacher's and stu dent's manual of
The Chriatian use of t he tithe ays - el ocution and ca l isthenics , Wea u-
La palabra de dios, la bi b l io teca tem, ,Pittsbur g, Centennial of the ble au, Mo,, Butle r &: Whitaker, •189 3,
masgrande del mundo. Gran cuadro Disci ples of Christ, n,d, ,58,p.
sinoptico del desarrollo del concepto 16p. (Centennial l eaf let no , 10)
religioac en ' la historia. Monterrey, debate see
Mexico, 1943. The Christian uae of the tithe sys-
14-p. tem, with a prefatory note by J, H, Overman, Neal, A public di scu s-
Garrison, St, Louis, Christian pub, sion on the questio n: Does the church
Restaurar no reformar, Monterrey, co., n.d. of Christ offe r a s criptu ral basi s
Mexico, Mission Cristiana, n,d. 24p. for the union of all Chri stians ?

Unidad en Cristo, Monterrey, n,d,

--. St, Louis, Christian board,
Mexico, n,d. 24p. b, , Ky., 19 S 1852,
26p. d , Chic ago , Ill ., 6 Mr 1920 ,
Based on W. R, Walker's Facts con- The tenth legion manual.
cerning Indianola church of Christ. Why I am not a Campbellit e , St .
The tenth legion; or, God's portion. Louis, Chr istia n board,
Ea usted Cristiano? folleto descrip-
tive de esta religion, Monterrey, about Why I am a Christia n . ( I n Sweeney ,
Mexico, n.d. Z. T., ed. New Test ament Christianity,
13p. Archer, J. C, Greene Laurence 192 6, vol, 2, pp. 450..460)
Wharton, (In Dictionary of American
Your Samaritans; two brief sketches, biography, vol, 20, 1936, pp, 28--29)
geographical and historical, of 'Mexico WHITE, AMB
IE (Bapti st)
and the needs of her people at the about see
present time, with an announcement of Leander Hall, Louisville, Ky.,
the work being done in behalf of her Wharton, E. V. R. Life of G. L. 1865,
people by the Mexican mission of the c. Wharton, Novel attackin g Disc ip les,
R, A, in Monterrey, Mexico, 1935,
, 18,p.
joiat~ see b, , Ind,, 14 My 1873, b, Waterford, N. Y;, 1804,
d. Hebron, N, Y., 24 Ap 1869 ,
Slagle, G. L. Reproducir el
reino. Cactus rose; or, streamlined sonnets. about see
St, Louis, Christian board, •1 941,
64p, Hayden, W, L. 14,moir of Dr, C,
WESTRUP,THOMAS M , 1837-1909. J, White,
b. London, England, 1837. Sermon on po aition of the Disciples,
d. Monterrey, Mexico, 15 N 1909. Roodh ouse, Ill.
Incienso Cristiano, himnoa de Toma• White)
V, Westrup, aegunda edioion con musica. b,
Monterrey, Mexico, ,E.T. Westrup, n.d. b,
Bound with hie Incienso Cristiano about see
no. 2. Can our home be what it ought to be?
(I n Humbert, H, F,, ed. Religion ia Cochran, B. R, W. Portrait of a .
reality, •1942, pp, 51-53) minister'• wife.

White - Whiteside w

, 1638-1906. and L, S. White (Christian) of Dallas, Gourd s and brains , a short cure
b. Tex,, ·hel d at Music Hall, Cinci nnati, 'or t h e b l ues , Meridian , !liss.,
d. o ., six nights, beginning Feb ruary 23 ,uthor, •1919. ·
and closing February 28, 1908, 6th ed. 42p, fro nt. (port,)
about Cincinnati , F, L. Rowe, 1925, •1908,
196p. front, {port.) How ~o marry and stay so, Det-
In memory of Henry Cl ay White, 1636- roit, Ml.oh,, Author, 193 1.
1905. Proba t e judg e, Cuyahoga county,
Ohio, 1887-1905 . n.p., n.d. WHITE LOIS AUITRA, Instrumental music in the New
sop. front. (port.) Testament church, Maryville, Tenn,,

1'HITE, HUGHVERNON,168S- (Now Is capital punishm ent sanctioned

Congregationalist) WHITE, M by the Bible, Detroit, Mich,,
b . Kern oounty, Calif., 24 Ja 1869, b. Author, 1926.

Lights along the white way , St,

Christianity confronting war, Pe op le. St, Louis, Christian Louis, Presa of the Christian board,
board, 1921 , •1912,
Christian soc i al action, 139p, 336p, front. (po rt.) plates,

One gospel for mankind, New York, Revelation made easy, cDetroit,
Friendshi p press, •1939, WHITE, MARY A Author, •1924,
72p. (Study and action serie s , b, 74p.
no, 3)
Roman Catholocismc!, its doctrine
A theology for Christian missions. The nursery depart ment of the church and origin, .Detroit, Mich,,
Chica go, Willett, Clark & co,, 1937, school, St. Louis, Christian board, Author, •1926,
ix, 220p, U. C. M. S., •1932, 64p,
A working faith for the world. Roses of hope. cDetroit, Author,
New York, Harpe r, 1938, 0 1922,
x, 213p, WHITE, MURIEL, 22lp,

see DENNIS, MRS. MURIE;..('I/HITE) The way into the church and steps
WHITE, J C into the church, Clared on, Tex, ,
b. Author, 1922,
b. Kirksville, O., 10 Ag 1867,
Office of the Holy Spirit, . skeleton WHITE, WALTERl!ADISON, 1668-
ae-rmon, (In Cory, N. E,, ed , The b. lolirtreeaboro, Tenn,, 29 0 1666,
polyme.thist, 1877, p, 260) Ministering the word of God; a study-
of the . ministries of the church,
St. Louis, Christian board, 1916, introduction see
ocWHITE, LLOYDSMI'l:rl, 1667- 170p ,
b, Grant, E. D. The Bel1110nt plan
works wonders in church finance,
coWHITE, R C Roas, E, W. A road of remembrance,
Church finanoe, Cincinnati, b,
Christian leader corporation, n.d, about see
20p. ino, covers,
Sermon outlines, Murfreesboro, Cochran, B, w. Wings for heaven,
Radio aer'IIIOnscon the book of Tenn,, Christian press, 1945, but not for a saint,
1111.tthew, Austin, Tex,, Finn founda-
tion, cl930,
b, near Tompkinsville, Ky, , 22 Ja b.
Sermons on revelation. Cincin- 1671,
nati, F, L. Rowe, 1917,
256p, The ohurch of tomorrow, (In
Vapors r,·om the fields cpoems, Abilene Christian college Bible lec-
Union of God's people, (In Rowe, cFort Worth, Author, •1943. tures, 1924-1925, pp, 12!.-136)
F, L,, ed , Our Savior's prayer for l25p, illus,
unity, 1916, .pp, 217-222)
Church finance; Jehovah God reign- 1'HITE, SAMJORDAN, 1677- b,
eth; The pulpit of power is the pulpit b, Tompkinsville, Ky., 11 Ap 1877,
of the gospel; The right of the church
to live; The word of God ia quick and Annual lesson commentary, !lash-
powerful, (In Abilene Christian col- American ideals and the origin of ville, Gospel advocate,
lege Bible lect',ll'es, 1920-21, _pp. 116- the races, 2d ed . Detroit, Author,
1601 1942, pp, 76-91; 1926-1927, pp, 1924, Collll!lentary on Romana, Clifton,
161-1921 1933, pp. 129-143; 1936, pp. 39p, Tex,, Jlrs. C, R, lliohol, 1946,
The Bible self-explanatory, How to get into the churoh1 hearing,
debate with RUSSELL, C. T, cDetroit, Author, •1923. (In Abilene Christian college Bible
{llillenial dawn) 17l p , lectures, 1933, pp, 67-63)

Ruaaell-White debate, a public dis- joint~ aee

~uaaion between pastor Charles T, Rus-
·~11 (Jlillenial dawn) of Allegheny, Pa,, !Hohol, C, R, Sound doctrine,

W' llhittield - W'iolcie•

C Relation and attitude of the chureh
h- . b. of Christ to denominationaliam.
Des Moines, Christian index, 1896.
Brief history or th e Negro Disciple•
or Christ i n eastern No, th CarolinaL Practical Christianity, (In
cKinaton?, Whitfield printers, 1922. Yosemite reflectiona, Berkeley, Brokaw, G. L., ed. Doctrine and life,
19p. Calif., Author, 1942? 1898, pp. 31S-334)
The coat or Diaoipleship. about aee

Whitfield ' s little handbook for WHITTIER, ARTHURGERALD,1902- Morgan, o. T. David A. Wickizer.
young disci pl es. b. Boise, Idaho, l Jl 1902.


WHITFIELD, EDGAR LAPIDOTH, Doctrines or the New Teatament b, Dea Moinea, Ia., 2 Je 1899,
b. church, 1937.

The derelict saint and other aer-

A message to the Negro Disci ples WHITWELL,ELBERTIf mons, with introduction by W. F.
of Christ or eastern North Carolina, b. Rothenburger. St. Louis, Bethany
cwith a sket ch of the author's life d. preas, •1936.
by o. J. Allen, cl51, p .
15p. por ts. Baptism into Christ. ( In Thorn-
ton, E.W., ed. Phillipa university Evangelism. .Indianapolis, Church
sermons, 1929, pp. 81-93) program planning committee, n.d.
Filled with messages from theei WHITWELL,NEVADAMILLER, --. Indianapolis, Church pro-
vital t opics briefly treated, b. gram planning committee, cl943,
Richmond, Va., Whitley & Shepperson, 36p.
l58p. Intermediate expressional aervicea, Eva.ngeliam and the devotional life.
a year of program mteriala for inter- Indiana polia, U. C. II. S., cl938,
What Jesua said about Heaven; a mediates in church schools and young .8,p.
study of the four gospels. Nash- people'• societies. Cincinnati,
ville, Tenn., Cokesbury press, 1925. Standard, •1938. Fiahera or men, cindianapolia,
104p. (Coke1bury devotional 33lp. U. C. II. s .• n.d.
series) 16p. (Aida to effective disci-
Intermediate worship services; a pleship)
year or worship for intermediates in
WHITSITT, WILLIAMHETH, 1841-1911. Bible schools or Christian endeavor Four-fold life oonferenoe program.
(Baptist) societies. Cincinnati, Standard, Produced by The Spokane oonferenoe
•1937. club, 1925.
Origin or the Diaoiples or Christ 180p. c6:1p-.
(Campbellites) a contribution to the llimeographed.
centennial anniveraary or the birth
or Alexander Campbell. New York, A. li'ICJCES,ARTHURFRANK, 1880. • Guidance in personal eva.ll'geliam, a
C. Armstrong & eon, 1888. b. Elwood, Ill., 11 Jl 1880. manual for laymen. cindianapolia,
112p. U. C, M. s •• 1942?
--, 3d ed. Louisville, Baptiat Enlarging the one room building.
bk. concern, 1891, •1888. Indianapolia, U. c. M. s., n.d. How the department of religious
112p. llp. education aervea the local ohuroh.
For a review see Longan, G. W. St. Louie, U, C. If. S,, n.d.
c,-igin or the Disciples or Christ. The ohurch--ita physical and apirit- 8p.
ual expreasion. (In International
convention, 1934, pp. 75-79) Making public worahip meaningful.
WHITT, J P Indianapolia, U, C. II, s., n.d.
b. c24,p.
b. llemberahip cultivation. cindiana-
George W. Abell. (In w... t, J. w., polia, Church program planning commit-
ed. Sketchea of our mountain pioneera, tee., n.d.
1939, pp. 131-136)
debate with ROBBINS 19p.

lliniater'• aermon ayllabua,

ocWHITTEN,D J WICKIZER, ALICE (JtORGAII) (Jira. David A. 8p. (Opening doora for God)
b. Wickizer), 1866-1917.
b, South English, Ia . , 23 D 1866. A program for evangelization in
d. , 14 Je 1917. the local church.
Teaohing the word. Austin, Tex., C 12,p,

Firm foundation, 1946. The life-saving aervice. (In

Wilson, L. C., ed. Twentieth century Home mhaiona today, and tomorrow.
debate with LANIER, R.H. sermons and addresses, 1902, pp. 139-147 (In International convention, 1936,
pp. 65-72)
The class system of teaching, and
women teachers. Tyler, Te:..., R. H. WICKIZER, DAVIDANDREWS,1861-1943.
Lanier, 1941. b, Earlville, Ill., 12 My 1861.
6lp. d, Springfield, llo,, 23 0 1943,

Wickizer - Wilkes
comp. Revelation--Chriet•s return. Health reader, physiology-hygiene--
Harrisburg, Pa., Evangelical press, nutrition; illus. by B. F. Williamson
The living church, a sermon sylla- •1931. and Ned Hadley. Chicago, Rand-
bu1. cindianapolis, U. C. Ill. S., 2llp. llloNally, •1916.
1942. viii, 472p. illus.
26p. The time of the end, •1941.
Contents, 67p. Should we have birth control?
Sermon outlines by G. R. Davis, (In The wanderer, 1920, pp. 167-168)
Cleveland Kleihauer, A. E. Cory,
S. J. Corey, Warner Muir, P. E. WILCOX,ALANSON,1832-1924.
Gresham, and R. T. Nooe. b. Hinckley, O., 23 F 1832. WILEY, THO:ll!AS
d. Cleveland, o., 15 Je 1924." b.
CHARLES, -1941. Autobio graphy. Cleveland, Judson
b. ptg. co., 1912. introduction see
d. lllerohantville, . N. J., 1941. 128p. front., port.
Butler, Ovid and Smith, Jeremiah.
Vital letters, foreword by C. C. A history of the Disciples of Is alavery sinful?
Kindred. lllerohantville, N. J., Christ in Ohio . Cincinnati, Stan-
~hristian witness to Israel, Inc., dard, •1918.
1943. 362p. front., ports , WILKE, HAROLD
Christ's transforming influence~ • •• Welcoming the wounded. Ind-
(In Sweeney, z. T., ed. New Testament ianapo.lis, Committee on war services,
WIGHT, FRANCISASA, 1854-1942. Christianity, 1926, vol. 2, pp. 286- •1944.
b. Andover, o., 16 F 1854. 298) . 20p. (The church and returning
d. St. Louis,»>., 15 D 1942. service personnel no. 4)
Evangelist Updike; The singing
Alnerica--Ood's prepared place. evangelist. (In Updike and .Hawes,
n.p •• n.d. Sermons and songs, pp, 13-161 189-191) cciYILKERSON
, C L
16p. b.
God's will, skeleton sermon. (In
Babylon the harlot. Author, 1924 0 Cory, N. E. , ed . The polymathiat,
60p. 1877, pp. 208-209) N- Testament evangelism. (In
The Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp. 82-94)
The beast, the fl.lee prophet, and
b. oo'll'ILKES, J C
The beast, modernism and the evan- b.
gelical faith. Boston, Stratford,
1926. The junior high school. Boston,
3llp. Heath. Church societies aa God sees them.
24p. 24p. inc. covers.
. Bleaainr;a of a blackout. Hart-
well, Ga., Author, 19427 with MURRAY,A. L. God's teaching and the church of
7p. folder. Christ, by Aquila, cpaeud.. Cincin-
First book in English for high nati, F. L. Rowe, n.d.
The catching _up of Christ's true schools. Boston, Heath, 1922. 12p. i nc . covers.
church (The rapture) Grand Rapids, x, 478p. illus.
llioh . , Zondervan, •1939. Spirit and water baptism, by
30p. rev. ed. Boston, Heath, 192S Aquila, cpseud.. cCincinnati, F. L.
Communismand fascism destroyed at c32:ap. inc. covers.
Christ's second coming. Harrodsburg, 'll'ILES, p B
Pa., En.ngelioal presa, •1937. b.
72p, d. lfILKES, LANCEFORD BRA1'BLET,1824-1901.
b. , Tenn., 24 lllr 1824.
Feet -•bing. Power of the Holy spirit in oonver- . d. Stockton, Calif., l My 1901.
aion; Cincinnati, Franklin & Rice,
The gi1't of the Holy Spirit. 1869. Designs of Christian baptism.
Grand Rapids, l!ioh., Zondervan, •1940. 68p. Louisville, Guide ptg. & pub. co .• , 1896,
47p. 282p.

God's great gi1't, the holy apirit. 'll'ILEY, HARVEYWASHINGTON, 1844-1930. Ia baptism neoesaary? Cinoin-
Harriaburg, Pa., En.ngelical preaa, b. Kent, Ind., 18 0 1844. nati, F. L. Rowe, n.d.
•1929. d. Washington, D. C., 30 Je 1930. 12p.
An autobiography . Indianapolia, 16Jral evil, its nature and origin,
Heaven'• kingdom on earth. cJohn- Bobbs, 1930. with an introduction by J. H. Oarriaon.
eon City, Tenn., Author. 1935. 339p. f'ront., plates _, ports, St. Louie, Christian pub. co., 1892.
203p. .
Fooda and their adulteration1 ori-
Kingdom of God; or, the reign of gin, manufacture, and oompoaition of Religious decepti9n unveiled.
heaven among men. N- York, Revell, food produot11 int'anta' and invalid•' n.p., n.d.
•1923. foods; detection of 00111110n adulteration• 28p.
266p. and food standards, 2d ed. rev. ·and enl.
Philadelphia, Blakiaton'a,1912, •1911. Tract on prayer J r eapeotul .ly decu.:
The rapture, or, the tranalation of xii, 641p. plates, illu ·,. oated to thoae who b'elieve that Go'd 1a
the Sainte. Harrisburg, Pa., En.n- a person of "thinking and
gelioal press, •1929. loving", and that he hears and answers
93p. prayers of faith. St. Louis, John
Burns , 1879.
w Wilkes - Willett

Christ's precious invitation. WILLETT, HERBERTLOCKWOOD, 1864-1944. The mo~al leaders of Israel.
(In Moore, W. T., ed. The living pul- b. Ionia, Mich., 5 My 1864. Chicago, The new Christian century
pit or the Christian church, 1867, · d. Winter Park, Fla ., 28 .Mr 1944. co., 1911.
pp. 147:.164) 4 vol.
Basic truths or the Christian faith. v. 1, 1911, 9lp.
debate with DITZLER, JACOB. Chicago, Christian century co., 1903.
(Methodist) 127p. front., plates. The moral leaders of Israel;
studies in the development or Hebr.,,,.
The Louisville debate; a discussion Beginnings or Christianity. religion apd ethics, vol. 1.
or the question, what is Christian bap- Chicag~, University or Chicago. Chicago, Disciples publication so-
tism? including its proper subjects ciety, 1916.
and design; held in "Weisiger hall", Bible briefs. Chicago, Christian 266p.
Louisville, Ky., beginning on the 13th century co., 1902.
and closing on the 23rd or December, lBp. The opening of the books. Chi-
1870. .. Lexington, J. D. Trapp, cago, Christian century, 1909.
1871. The Bible through the centuries.
708p. Chicago, Willett, Clark & Colby, •1929. Our Bible, its origin, character,
337p. and value. Chicago, Christian cen-
---, 2d ed. Lexington, Trans yl- tury press, 1917.
vania pub. co., 1872, •1871. The call or the Christ, a study or 278p.
708p. the challenge or Jesus to the present
century. New York, Revell, •1912. Our plea for union and the present
about see 212p. crisis. Chicago, Christian century
co., •1901.
Moore, w. T. The living pulpit The church or the future. Chicago, , 139p.
or the Christian church. Christian century, 1909.
Palestine. Chicago, Willett,
Church union. Clark & co., .1932,
WILKIN, LORA(McKEEVER),1830..1916. 13p. 46p.
b. Reprinted from Christendom, Winter, First chapter of the Jew through
d. 18 N 1916. 1937. the 0enturie1.
The all-important name. The development ot the doctrine ot The prophets ct Israel. Chicago,
immortality among the Hebrews. 1896. Revell, e.1899.
A rew thoughts on the threes or the Thesis: Ph.D., University of 156p. (Bethany c. E. reading
Bible. 1899. Chicago. courses)
The Disciples of Chri'st, a brief --. St. Louis ·, Christian pub.
Moses and Christ. statement or their position. 00 •• •1899.
Sp. l56p. (Bethany C. E. reading
WILKINSON,JESSE LOGAN,1880.. Israel and the earlier prophets.
b. Delphi, Ind., 3 Ja 1880. Chicago, University of Chicago. --. St. Louis, Christian board,
•1899 •
The Jew through the centuries. • 156,p. (Bethany c. E. reading
Baptism. Crawfordsville, Ind., Chicago, Willett, Clark & co., •1932. courses)
Crawfordsville review press, 1923. 422p.
traot. Resignation. Chicago, Christian
, Knowing in part. Chicago, Chris- century, 1909,
The genius or the Christian church tian century, 1909.
or · the history and teachings or the The ruling quality; a study of
Christian church. Crawfordsville, Life and teachings of Jesus. faith aa a means of victory in lite.
Ind., Author, n.d. Cleveland, Bethany C. E. oo., •1898. Chicago, Revell, 1902.
29p. cl64,p. (Bethany C. E. reading 62p.
Studies in the first book of S1111111el,
B --.
Chicago, Revell, •1898.
(Bethany c. E. readir.g
for the use of claaaea in secondary
schools and in the secondary division
course•) of the Sunday school. Chicago,
University of Chicago prea1, 1909.
Civil government, the ll'llr, and -the St. Louie, Christian pub. xxxviii, 306p. plates. (Construc-
Christian. Portland, Ore., North- co., •1898. tive Bible studies)
western pub. co., 1946. cl64,p. (Bethany c. E. reading
course a) Studies in the history of prophecy.
Chicago, Univereity of Chicago.
WILKINSON,ll'ENONA, The losing and gaining of life.
b. Chicago, Christian century, 1909. Studies in the life of Christ.
Chicago, _University of Chicago.
Vaster writers ot the Bible.
Lights and shadows in Chim,. (In Chicago, University ot Chicago. The uplifted oroaa. Chicago,
Internatioml convention, 1941, pp. Christian century, 1909.
194-201) The message of the prophet, of Ia- .
rael to the twentieth century. Value or discontent. Chicago,
Chicago, Univeraity of.Chicago press, Christian century, 1909,
WILLARD,JIRS. CALLASCOTT, 18497-1939. cl916,
b. 98p. (Outline Bible study course The word of God. Chicago, The
d. , Calif., 4 Jl 1939. or the American institute ct sacred American institute of sacred litera-
literature) ture. n.d.
Light- 11 re- love. 1901. 4p. (Five minute leaflet•)

Willett - lfilliBllla w

Young men tor the ministry. Cin- Bowen. G. W. Buol(ner _. Jr .• • F; lf. The church a body; Positive and
oinnati, Standard. Burnh&m, S. c. Kincheloe, and H. L. 110ral commands; skeleton sermons,
8p. Willett. (In Cory, N. B., ed, The polymathist,
1877, pp. 3981 194)
Ann Arbor, Mich., 1893. OTHERS.
The Disciples ot Christ by H. L, ccWILLIAMS,ALONZO,1899-
The church univeraal--its faith and Willett, O. F. Jordan, and C. M. b. near Mayfield, Ky.; 2 0 1899,
order; The Disciples or Christ and Sharpe.
Christian unity. (In International Reprinted from Willett and othera,
convention, 1937, pp. 367-368; 1942, ed. Progress, anniversary volume Education in a church. {In Abi-
pp. 160.163) or the Campbell institute. lene Christian college Bible lectures,
1939, pp. 266-281)
The Diaciplea and Christian unity. Progreu, anni-verse.ry volume or
(In Willett and Buckner, eds. Inter- the Campbell institute on the comple-
preting Oxrord, 1937, p. 3) tion or twenty years ot history, ed. WILLIAMS,ALVIN PETER, 1813-1868.
by H. L. Willett, O. F. Jordan and c·. (Baptist)
The ecumenical ideal. (In Garri- M. Sharpe. Chicago, Christian cen-
son, w. B., ed. Faith or the t'ree, tury press, 1917. CampbelliBllt .expoaed, in an examina-
1940, pp. 240. 251) 329p. tion or Lard's Review or Jeter, ••
Contents, introduction by J. B, Jeter. Nash-
The significance or Jeaua. (In ville, Tenn., Southwestern pub, houae1
Soares, T. G., ed. University or Papers by E. S. Amea, J. R. _Bwera, New York, Sheldon & co., 1860.
Chicago aermona, •1916, pp. 233-252-) Ellsworth Faria, Errett Gate•, 352p,
Arthur Holmes, B. A. Jenkins, 0,
Undenominational movements in the F. Jordan, F. E. Lumley, H. D. C, --.1886, Nashville, Baptist pub,
United States. (Th Committee on the Maclachlan, 'If. D. MaoClintock ·, 'If. 00.,
war and religious outlook, Christian A. Parker, · A. B. Philputt, J. M, 352p,
unity, 1921, pp. ) Philputt, E, L. Powell, P. J. Rise
and C. M. Sharpe, No oomnrunion with Campbellitea,
What does God do? (In Moore, 'If. Philadelphia, Amer. Baptist pub. co.
T., ed. The n- · living pulpit or the Popular and critical Bible encyclo-
Christian church -, 1918, pp. 66-76) paedia and scriptural dictionary,
Chicago, Howard-Severance co,, 1904, l'l'ILLIAMS,BLANCHE
cSeveral items. in Leitter, M. 3 vol.
H. In that case, 1938. Harold Bell Wright, the inspired
joint ed. . aee novelist, elf, Y., Appleton. n,d,
introduction 20p. port,, illus,
lt>rriaon, C, c. Hymns or the
Gratton, T. 1f. Alexander Campbell, united church.
leader or the great
nineteenth century.
reformation or the
joint ~- with PHILPUTT, L. R.
with CAMPBELL,JAllES lWl!I aee Philputt, J.M. "That the
may all be one.• Converaion; Longsurtering, (In
_ The teaching or the books I or, the Joleaoham,E. J., comp, Training to
literary structure and spiritual inter- about aee, •1913,- pp. 145-1471 45-47)
pretation or the books or the •-
Chicago, -Revell, 1899.
Moore, W. T. Then-
or the Christian church,
living pul-
Willett, H_, L., Jr, A living b.
·--, 2d ed. Chicago, Revell, benediction,
c346,p. The way or salvation, being a
WILLETT, HERBERTLOCKJJOOD aeries ot short article• on subjeots
--, 3d ed. New York, Revell, b. pertaining to salvation aa revealed -in
1912. the word or God, Nashville, Goepel
(International leaders lib.) advocate, 1892,
A living ~enediotion. (In Camp- 262p,
with IIORRISOJJ, C. C. bell and Moseley, eds. 11,y dad, 1938,
pp. 188-193)
The daily altar, an aid to private lfILLIAIIS, EDll'ARD THOMAS,1854-1944,
devotion and family worship. Chica- (died Unitarian)
go, Christian century preaa, 1919, •1918,ccWILLIAJIS, A C b. Columbus, 0,, 17 0 1854,
387p. b. d.

--. Chicago, Willett, Clark & China yesterday and today, New
Colby, 1931, •1918, with DYKES,J. H, York, Crowell, •1923.
387p, xvii, 613p, t'ront. (port.) plates.
Ready an.,..ra to religious errors, Rand Mclfally standard map ct China
BUCDBR, G. W., II .with an introduction by L, o. Sander- and Japan in pocket on cover,
son. Nashville, Goepel advocate,
Interpreting Oxf'ord, -a diaouaaion or •1942, --, rev. ed. New Tork, Crowell,
the world conference on church, comnun- 169p, •1923, •1927.
ity and 1tate held at Oztord, England, xviii, 664p. t'ront. (port,) plates,
Jul7 12-28, 1937, Indianapolis, Folded-pin pocket in cover,
Aaaociation tor the promotion ot Ch.-t .. WILLIAMS,ABRAM,
tian unity and world call, 1937, b. --, rev. ed, Bew York, cro-11,
14p. - d, •1928.
Contelita, xviii, 708p, t'ront,, ports., plate•,
Chapters by Bu,pton Adam•, JC, B. folded-pin pocket,
w Williama - Williama

--, 4th ed. rev. New York, WILLlAMS,HERMAN PORTER, 1872- The Christian church in county,
Crowell, •1928. b, Iowa City, Ia., 16 F 1872, Missouri, previous to 1882. .Chica-
xxiv, ~43p. tront., ports., plates, go, Author, 1936,
folded map. 14p.
The church in our village, an ad- Mimeographed,
--, 5th ed. rev. New York, venture in Christian unity, Etna,
Crowell, 1932. N. Y., Author, 1939.
xxiv, 743p. front., plates, ports., 103p. WILLIAMS,JOHN
folded map. b.
The social theory of Jeaua_.
A short history of China. New
York, Harper, 1928.
xviii, 670p. tront., plates, ports.,
~- The world nearing its
trophe. Whiting, Ia.,
final catas-
F, M. Thorp,
maps. (Harper's historical series) English-Ilocano manual and diction- 1901,
ary, rev, and enl, by w. H, Hanna &
The state religion of China under H, W. Widdoes, Manila, Mission
the Manchus. press, 1922, ~ILLIAMS, JOHNAUGUSTUS,1824-1903.
267, 241p. b, Bourbon county, Ky,, 25 S 1824,
Tibet and her neighbors. Berkeley, d.
Calif., University of California press,
1937. WILLIAMS,J D , 1862-1933. Church and school, St. Louil,
pp. 99-139. (Bureau of inter- ' b. Winston, W, Va., 24 D 1862, Christian pub, 00,
national relations. Publications, v. d, Tampico, Ill,, 5 Jl 1933.
~. no. 2) In memoriam, remarks on the life
The two covenants, and ohara.cter of General Samuel A,
!!:_. Williams, by his nephew John August
Williama ••• Delivered before the church
Recent Chinese legislation relating WILLIAMS,J F , 1871- of Christ at Somerset, Montgomery co,,
to commercial, rail-y, and mining b, ·Moundsville, W. Va., 22 F 1871, Ky,, on the 28th of October, 1872,
enterprises, with regulations for regis- and published by the request of many
tration of trade marks, and for the brethren. Cincinnati, R, Clarke &
registration of companies. Shanghai, Trust, (In Bridwell, J, T,, ed, 00 •• 1872.
Printed at the Shanghai Mercury, 1904. The Miohigan pulpit, 1924, pp. 254-267) 23p.
Inaugural address of Jno. Aug,
WILLIAMS,J W Williama, A. M., president of Chris-
WILLIAMS,HARRYLEE, 1881- b. tian Female college, delivered before
b. d. the board of trustee• at hi• install-
ation, in the town of Columbia, Boone
Scripture doctrine of church disci- county, Missouri, April 7, 1851,
The challenge, a romance baaed on pline, (In Tyler, J. Z,, ed, The Columbia, Board of trustees, 1861,
Jesus miuion. Philadelphia, Dorrance, Disciple• of Christ in Virginia, 1879, 26p.
1940. pp, 48-64)
12lp. Life of elder John Smith, with some
account of the rise and progress of
History of Craighead county, Arkan- WILLIAMS,JAMESMADISON,1840..1932, the current reformation. Cinoinnati,
sas. L~ttle Rock, Ark., Parke- b, Washington county, Ia,, 15 Mr R. W, Carroll & co,, 1870,
Harper co., 1930. 1840, 578p, front. (port.)
648p. illus., ports., maps. d, Des Moines, Ia., 28 Ap 1932,.
--. Cincinnati, Oskaloosa,
Power tru .at versua municipal owner- Godless and helpleaa, Ia,, Central bk, concern, 1879, •1870,
ahip. Jonesboro, Ark., Author, 1928. 678p, tront, (port,)
206p, Our earnest · contention. Des

--. Chicago, Public ownership

Moines, Ia., The Christian
union, ·1907. --.•1870.
St, Louie, Christian pub,

league of America, 1929. 678p, front, (port,)

206p. The blessedness of faith, (In
Painter, J. H., ed. The Iowa pulpit Cincinnati, Standard, •1904,
of the church of Christ, 1884, pp, 416- 476p,
lfILLIAMS, HENRYCLAY, 1871- • 436)
b. Andrew county, lb,, 18 Jl 1871,
The changeleaa Christ. (In
Cinoinnati, Chriatian

Wilson, L, C., ed, Twentieth century

The revelation of Jeaua Christ; a
atudy of the apocalypae,
sermons and addressee, 1902, pp, 53-69 --. Nashville, Gospel advocate.
Standard, •1917. The faith that overoomeaJ The pre- Priscilla, or a Chrtatian wife'•
370p. cious promises; almleton aermona. method with a akeptical huaband,
(In Cory, Ii. E., ed, The polymathiat,
1877, pp, 210..2111 412-413) Reminiacencea, Cincinnati, F. L.
FR.Uln.Ili, 1854-1901, Rowe, 1898,
b. Rally Hill, Tenn,, 19 F 1854, about aee 248p.
d, Naahville, Tenn ·., 16 F 1901, Content• include, Anderaon•a trans-
Painter, J, H. Iowa pulpit of the lation,
about ... ohuroh of Christ.
Roaa Emerson; or a young l1'0111an'•
Bolea, H. L. Biographical influence, a story of the lodge, the
aketohea of goapel preachers, WILLIAllS, JESSE C.MNVIL, church and the school. St, Louie,
b, Christian pub. co., 1897,
375p, front,- (port,)

,filliams - Williamson w

Churches of Christ in Burgin, Mercer Find living bread, (In The minis- ,Letter to. Mr. J, C, Williams,
county, Kentucky, and the churoh at ter's annual, vol, 5, 1933, .PP, 464- Ft, Stockton, Tex,, Author, n,d,
Harrodsburg, Kentucky, (In Brown, 466) ,4.p.
J, T,, ed. Churches of Christ, 1904,
pp. 234-238) Money and your life, (In The ,Letter to, Mr, J, C, Williams,
minister's annual, vol, 5, 1933, pp, Ft, Stockton, Tex,, Author, n,d,
about 154-155) cB:.p.

John Augustus Williams, (In ,Letter to, Mr. J, . C. Williams,,,

Brown, J, T., ed. Churches or Christ, WILLIAMS, 0 H from 0, W. Willia111S, Fort Stockton,
1904, pp. 446-447) b, Tex., June 3, 1925,
about see
Sermon on Christian union, St, ,Letter to, Mrs. Fernando Sanford,
Bourne, 0, S, History or Daughters Louis, Christia~ board. ,Ft. Stockton, Tex,, Author. n,d,
college, 3p.
WILLIAMS, OSCARWALDO,1853- Letter to Mrs, John T, Muir, Ft.
WILLIAMS, JOHNDAVID, b, Mt, Vernon, Ky., 17 Mr 1853. Stockton, Tex,, Author, n,d,
b, 4p.

By the c&111~fire in the Southwest, Mendosa--1684 in Pecos county,

A new philosophy of money spending ,Ft. Stockton, Tex,, Author, 1934. Texas, Ft, Stockton, Tex., Author,
Indianapolis, Unified promotion, 26p. n,d.
n,d, Printed by Martin stationery co,, 24p.
6p, folder, Dallas.
"J.tiddy" Wilson and the buffalo
Crusoe or Jack, a story for our stampede, Ft, Stockton, Tex.,
ooWILLIAMS, JOHN R , . 1851-1927, boya, ,Ft, Stockton, Tex,, Author, Author, 1938,
b, Marshall county, Tenn,, 30 D 1851, n,d, c7,p.
4p. Printed by Martin at~tionery co,,
De.llaa, Tex,
Conversion of Saul of Tarsus, An early college year in the hills,
(In Srygley, F, D., ed. Biographies ,Bethany college life, 1870-71, An old Carthage home, Carthage,
and sermons, 1898, pp, 118-.128) c12>P• Ill,, Davidson ptg, •house, 1937,
about see A city of refuge, Ft. Stockton, Reprinted from The Carthage Repub-
Tex,, Author, n,d. lican, Dec. 6, 1922,
Boles,H, L, Biographical 7p.
sketches of gospel preachers, To the boys and girls of the Fort
Srygley, F. D, Biographies and Historic review of animal life in Stockton school•. ,Ft, Stockton,
aermona. Peco county, Texas, ,Ft. Stockton, Tex,. 1930,
Tex., Author, n,d. 7p.
WILLIAMS, K A , 1875- Printed by Martin stationery co,,
b, Pope county, Ill,, 1875. Dallas, Texas, WILLIAJIS, W
Reprint Ft, Stockton pioneer, 1908, b,

llhat I saw in Cuba, (In Wilson, In old New Mexico, 1879-1880, re-
L, C,, ed ., Twentieth century sermons miniscences or Judge o. w. Williama, debate with QUERRY,B,
and addresses, 1902, pp, 246-248) ,Ft. Stockton, Tex,, Author, n,d,
48p, On predestination and baptism,
Indianapolis, 1892,
WILLIAJIS, KATHERINE(MILLER), 1871- Letters from 0, W. ll'illiama to his 233p,
b, children, Terlingua, Texas, March 7-,
1902, ,Ft. Stockton, Tex,, 1941,
Cradle roll manual; a complete b. Hustonville, Ky,, 23 Ja 1823,
hand-book for cradle roll worker•. Letter from 0, W. Williams to his d, Hustonville, Ky,, 19 N 1896,
Cincinnati, Standard, •1914, son, Mr. J. C, Williams, November 21,
35p, front., illua, 1926, ,Ft, Stockton, Tex,, Author, about see
. n,d,
6p. Pinkerton, B, J, Wm, Logan
WILLIAMS, MARK WAYIB, 1875- Williams,
(now Baptist) ,Letter to. Captain Jesse C, Wil-
b, Beatrice, Neb,, 13 Mr 1875, liams, February 13, 1933, ,Ft,
Stockton, Tex,, Author. n,d, lfILLIAMSON,ALBERT
4p. b,
Babble .o' green fields , and other
poems, Boston, Sherman, French & ,Letter to, Captain Jesse C. Wil-
co,, 1915, liams. Ft. Stockton, Tex,, Author, see
85p, n,d,
c6:rp. Colver, J, L, Training tor
Curfew and caravel, church membership,
House of Field, •1941, ,Letter to, Mr, G, F, Grant, 1212
72p, front, Forest avenue, Po~tland, lf&ine,
Fort Stockton, Tex,, Author, 1930, WILLIAMSON,GUY B , 1872-
The master song and other addresaea, ,8,p, b, Flora, Ill,, 27 Je 1872,
Garden City, Doubleday, 1928,


w WiUiamson - Wilson

Suggeations in soul winning. St. The populous Northeaat1 The steward- Stewardship and gospel preaching.
Louis, Author, 1900? ship of our material possessions. Cinoinnati, Standard pub. co., n.d.
24p. (In Abilene Christian college Bible c4.p.
lectures, 1937, pp. 106-107; 1939, pp.
146-152) Social security for ministers.
WILLIS, SQUIRE TURNER,1864-1931. (In International convention, 1936,
b. Anderson county, Ky., Jl 1864. pp. 189-197)
d. Columbia, s. C., 18 0 1931. WILSON, ALBERTH , 1896-
b. Shade, O., 3 S 1896. Streamlining the money problem.
Churches of Christ in New York. (In Dawson, F. F., ed. The Christian
(In .Brown, J. T., ed. Churches of mnn at work, 1939, v. l, pp. 61-67)
Christ, 1904, pp. 343-344) Zac.chaeus. (In Thornton, E. w.,
ed. Bethany college sermons, 1930,
pp. 9-19) WILSON, F B
W b.
b. d.
b. near &nporia, Kans., 8 S 1869. Up hi'll.
debate with LASLIE, T. A, H.
----- d.
The Laslie-Willia debate, proceed~ about see
inga of joint debate held at Cherry b.
Grove, Muhlenberg county, Kentucky, Harvnot, A. M. Allen Wilson.
September 13, 14, 16, 16, 1921, between
Rev. T. A, Laalie ••• of the General Bap- Service and aooial action manual •••
tiat church and Rev. T. D. Willia, of WILSON, BERT, 1877-1943. produced by the Division of Christian
the churoh of Christ. .Central city, b. Wick, W. Va., 31 Mr 1877. education, The United Christian mis-
Ky., Muhlenberg press co.• •1922. d. Washington, D. c., 14 Mr 1943. sionary society... St. Louis,
l83p. Christian board, •1941.
The Christian and hia money prob- 64p. (Christian youth fellowship)
lems. New York, Doran, •1923.
coWILLis, · WILLIAMs 236p.
b. WILSON, H C VERE, 1879-
Dad's letters on a world journey. 1911.
Cincinnati, Powell and White, •1921. b. Union county, Ind., 29 S 1879,
The origin of oil. 257p. front., plates. · d. Peru, Ind., 10 Mr 1911.

Why I left the Ch~istian church. The first 10 % and the second Some facts concerning the teachings
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation. 10 o/ 0 • .Indianapolis, Pension fllnd. of the South side church of Christ,
n.d. Lima, ·ohio. n.p., n.d.
Strife in the church. (In Abilene Sp. folder. 4p.
Christian college Bible lectures, 1940, Reprinted from The Pension t'llnd
pp. 96-103) bulletin.
How to inaugurate the tithing aye- b.
ALBERT, 1821- tem in the local church. Cincinnati,
Men & millions movement, n.d.
The wondroud work• of Christ, a 56p. Io church attendance important?
graphic preeentation of the matchleaa n.p., n.d.
deeds of the world'• mightiest worker. st. Louis, u. c. M. s., 1;1.d, Up.
St. Louis, Christian pub. co., n.d. 56p.
226p. illua.
In the land of the salaam. Cin- VIILSON, HOMER0
cinnati, Powell & White, •1921. b.
WILLS, FRANK 328p. front., plates.
Know your local church. about aee
natl, Standard, •1933.
Pittsboro, February 26, 1854. (In 262p. Wilson, II. E. With a purpose for
Reagan, J. S. Historic sketches of being.
Christian ohurches in Hendricks county, Our aocount with God. Should the
Indiana, pp. 61-52) principle of tithing be advocated by
the Disciples of Christ. Kansas City, lfILSON, HOMERT -1915.
Mo•• The Missouri movement. n.d.
HASTINGS, Sp. folder. d. San Antonio, Tex., F 1915.
b ·.
Sparks from the anvil. 1915?
d. -. St. Louis, U. C. M. S:, n.d.
The divine creedi or the only ground
of union. Murphysboro, Ill., Stephens lfILSON, J
Progressive stewardship. Indiana- b.
& Bedaine, printera,'1899. · polis, Unified promotion, n.d.
lOlp. front. (port.) illus. d.
Cincinnati, Standard. The precious invitation, skeleton
Reaaona for tithing, condensed ed. sermon. (In Cory, N. E., ed. The
Chicago, Layman co., n.d. polymathist, 1877, pp. 276-276)
PERRYD , 1907-
b. Fort Sumner, B. Mex., 17 ll;y' 1907. Social security for ministersi add-
reaa at Kansas city convention, October
15, 1936. Indianapolis, Pension fund,
.!!.p. folder.

Wilaon - Wihon w

Sermons, l ectures, and articles.

WILSON, JAMESU G , 1866- Why I go to chu rch. San Antonio , given by the e dit or at different
b. near Peru, Ill., 14 N 1866. Tex. , Denver heights church of Christ, places, some of the m by request.
C 19·44, (In Wilson, L. c., ed. Twentieth
~8,p. century sermons and addresses, 1902,
The faith of our fathers. (In pp. 261-429)
Bridwell, J. T., ed. The Michigan pul - Chr ist's cha llen ge to his Disciples.
p it, 1924, pp . 268-278) (In The Tulsa lectures, 1938, pp . 9-18) Testim ony enough, skeleton sermo n.
(In Cory, N. E., ed. 'l'he polymsthist,
The cit izens of the kingaom organ~ 1877 , pp . 191-1 93)
WILSON, JESSE RODMAN,1892- ized for wor k ; The influence of the
Bible in world ci vilizati on. (In What think vou of Chr ist ? Whose
comp. Abi lene Chris tian colle ge Bib le lec- son is He? vi~wed from a s ec u lar
tures, 1941, pp. 102-122; 1936, pp. standpoint. (In Painter, J. H. ,ed.
lion and women of far ho rizons. 114-124) The Iowa pulpit of the church of
New York, Friendship press, •1935. Christ, 1884 , pp. 297-326)
x, 214p. introduction see
Contents include: In far Yunnan Will morality save a man? Part
by J.B. Mone; Opium and babies Tulsa lectures, 1938. IV. (In Wilson, L. C., ed. Twen-
by Victor Rambo; El ch risto invin- tieth century sermons and addre sses ,
cible by S. G. Inman; "A real job 1902, . pp. 223-226)
over there" by M. H. Bro. WILSON, LOUIS CHARLES, 1837-
b. Fayette county, Ind., 20 0 1837. !2.·
WILSON, JOSEPH, 1796- Twentieth century sermons and
b. Camden county, N. C., 3 0 1796. Are the Gospels genuine. Cincin- addresses; being a series of practical
d. nati, Standard. and doctrinal disco u rses by some of
our representative men a ild women, with
about see Bible baptism. an introduction by J. A. Lord. Cin-
tract. cinnati, Standard, 1902.
Evans, Madison. Biographical xii, 434p. front. (port· s.)
sketches of pioneer preachers of A great cloud of wi tnes ses; being a Contents:
Indiana. brief treati se in which it is proven Sermon s by A. N. Atwater, J.B.
by the most eminent theologians of Briney, J. c. Cree l, A. B. Cunning-
various schools ••• that the apostles ham, A. M. Haggard, F. M. Haggard,
cc\VILSON, LAWRENCE RAY, 1896- of Jesus Christ, and the primitive z. D. Huffman, M. S. Johnson, J. H.
b. Cord, Ark., 23 D 1896. church, by her ministers, taught the Painter, C. L. Palmer, F. D. Power,
identical doctrine that is taught by F, M. Rains, B. L. Smith, C. C.
the Church of Christ of today; viz, th, Smith, L. V. Thompson, T. F.
Aerial bombardments, a series of immersion in water of penitent believ- Weaver, A. M. Wickizer, J . M.
sermons delivered over station KTUL. ers is for the remission of sins. Williams, K. A. Williams, and L.
Austin, Tex., Firm foundation, ,1937, Cincinnati, Standard, 1901. c. Wilson.
79p. v, 65p. port.
about see
Congregational development. Aus- The history of sp_rinkling, . beini a
tin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d. compilation of the best thoughts of Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit of
67p. standard authors, historians, and lexi- the church of Christ.
cographers, of ancient and modern times,
High light• in church history ••• together with reflections by the author,
Austi -n, Tex., Firm foundation, n. d. designed to prove that "sprinkling for WILSON, lo! C , 1848-
6lp. baptism" is not authoriz .ed by the b. near Blue Licks, Ky., 25 S
Bible, making a valuable read y refer- 1848.
The influence of the Bible. San ence booJs. for the young preacher, with d.
Antonio, Tex., Denver heights church of an introduction by J. H. Painter, first
Christ, , 1944, ed. Oskaloosa, Ia., Tract pub. co., Church discipline. (In Brokaw,
,8,p. 1895. G. L., ed. Doctrine and life by
xiv, ,157,p. f'ront. (port,) Iowa writers, 1898, pp. 123-125)
The New Testament church, a div~ne
institution. Austin, Tex., Firm --, 2d ed. Oskaloosa, Ia.,
foundation, •1944. Tract pub. co., 1895. WILSON, MARYELLEN,
90p. xiv, ,157,p. front. (port.) b.

New Testament conversion... Aus- --, 3d ed. Cincinnati, Stan-

tin, Tex., Firm foundation, n.d. dard, •1895. With a purpose for being. (In
69p. xiv, cl57,p. front. (port.) Campbell and Moseley, eds. My dad,
. l 1938, pp. 194-197)
Rightly dividing the word of truth. --, 5th . ed. Cincinnati, Stan-
San Antonio, Tex., Denver heights church dard, •1895.
of Christ, n.d. xiv, , 157,p. front. (port.) boWILSON, MINOR
36p. b.
The ship of Zion ·.in perilous waters. d.
Which church is right? Is it possi- Elwood, Ind., Author, . 1903?
ble for all to see the Bible alike? c73,p. Life and sermons, compiled by Myra
San Antonio, Tex., Denver height• ~ilaon McCarty and Jfrs. Minor Wilson,
church of Christ, ,1944, What think ye of Christ? Whose son Floydada, Tex., Author, 1941.
12p. is He? Brighton, Ia., Author, 1892.
Why I am a Christian. San Antonio, cWILSON, R L
Tex., Denver heights church of Christ,
• 1944.
-- . St. Louis, Christian board, b.


w Wilson - Withers

Nev, Testament conversion, Austin, Hi lls of home, Memphis, Te nn . , ccWINKLER,HERBERTE

Tex., Firm foundation. A, R, Tay lor co,, •1938, b,
69p . llOp, d,

A history of Caroline co,, Virginia, Eldership,

WILSON, RACHAELE from its formation in 1727 to 192'4,
b. comp, from original records and author-
i~ativo sources and profusely illus,, WINTE
to which is appe nded "A discourse of b,
Guiding beginner children in learn- Virginia" by Edward Maria Wingf ield. d.
ing. Indiana polis and St, Louis, cNewport .News, Va., Author, 1924,
U, C, M, S, and Christilin board, n,d, xv, 528p. fr ont. (port.) illus. Historical sketches of the Disci-
39p, (Loca l church service Contents include: Dr. H, T, ple churches in Lickin g c ounty, Ohio,
association) Anderson.- being Pioneer paper no. 53, of the
Licking county pioneer association.
Literary Mem phis, a survey of its Newark, o., Clark & King, printers,
WILSON, WILLIAM, 1808- writers and writings, Memphis, Tenn. American office, 1869,
b, Fleming county, Ky,, 23 S 1808, West Tennessee historical soci ety , 7p, (Pioneer pamph lets no. 4)
d, •1942,
about see ccWINTERROWD,
The magic sea son , •1939, b.
Evans, Madison, Biographical broadside,
sketches of the pion ee r pr eachers of
Indiana, Marriage bonds of Franklin county, Our measure of responsibilities,
Virginia, 1786-1858,.. Memphis, (In Abilene Christian college Bible
West Tennessee historical society, lectures, 1922-1923, pp. 105-119)
R, FRANCISJ OSEPH, 1907- C 1939,

b, Portland, Ore., 10 Mr 1907, 256p.

Nostalgia and other poems, Amory, b.
"That they may be won", cwith an l!ias,, Advertiser pub, co,, 1937,
introduction by A, B, McReynolds, 104p ,
Portland, Ore,, Willamette ptg. co., Art and religion, (In Garrison,
•1936, Notes of a pilgrim under summer W. E., ed, Faith of the free, 1940,
l59p, front, skies. cAmory, Miss,, •1935, pp. 123-130)
clO,p, inc, front cover,
"100 copies privately printe4."
,, INDERS, CHARLESH , 1866-194.6.
b, Henderson county, Ill., 23 Ag A Piedmont chronicle, J, B. Lunger, Irvin E. Communion ser-
1866, Bell, press, 1937, vioee,
Christ the way, (In Book, ff, H,, pp. 98-110, WISE, MRS, BASIL FRED,
ed. The Indiana pulpit, 1912, pp. 21- Note: "These pages intended for the b.
33) closing chapter in a volume of
address e s, and numbered accordingly,
~re presented in this form in re- A Christmas pageant based on the
WINFIELD, WILLIAMS , 1813-1889. sponse to numerous requests from prophecies and Jay Stocking'• story
b, Nottingham, England, 5 Jo. 1813, railroad men, M, w.11 The shepherd who did not go,
d, Kokomo, Ind,, 22 My 1889, 6p.
Robert E, Lee, A:n o.ddress delivered Mimeographed.
Social hymns for Christian worship, at the annual Robert E. Lee birthday
18717 banquet in St, Louis, loo,, in 1944.
Sp. WISE, JOHN SERGEANT,1846-1913.

WINFREE, Z T Translating Christmas and other Recollections or thirteen presi-

b, poems. Cincinnati, Gregsonia press, dents, New York, Doubleday, Page,
•1933. 1906, •1905, •1906.
16p. 284p, front, (port.)
Out of darkness into light,,. Contents include: James A, Garfield,
Nashville, Gospel advocate, 1891, Wingfield'• history or Franklin pp. 146-164.
28p. county, Virginia, Roanoke, Va.,
Stone ptg, oo., 1935.
WINGFIELD, MARSHALL,1893- (Now introduction see
b, Franklin county, Va., 19 F 1893. Adams, ff, E, Pegasus & company. "Christ, the fulfillment of pro-
phecy"; Has their plan failed?;
The deathless preacher. Memphis, WINGO, J H Rightly dividing the word of truth.
Tenn., Trustees, First congregational b. (In Abilene Christian college Bible
ohurch, 1942. d. lectures, 1938, pp. 29-431 1940, pp.
112p. 313-3271 1936, pp. 11-19)
about aee
Forces of destiny and other address-
es, New York, Revell, •1932, WITHERS, WILLIAMTEMPLE, 1825-1889,
McPherson, J , L, J. H. Wingo.
220p. b.

Withers - Wood w

about see S. and Christian board, n.d. J.!er cy, (In Meacham, E. J., comp .
34p. (Local church service Training to teach, •1 913, pp. 101-1 03)
Harrison, Mrs. I. W. Memoirs of association)
Willia m Temple Withers.
WOOD,J OHN HEPLER, 1869-1938,
WOLF, IDA LEE, b, Monroe county, Mo., 8 D 1869,
ociHTT, PAULC b, d. Canton, Mo,, 25 S 1938,
The church's place in higher edu-
The magic ring and other stories, cation, Canton, Uo., Culver-
Benevolence in a church; The selec- Cincinnati, Standard, •1941, Stookton college, 1930,
tion and appointment of elders. (In 196p. pp, 75-85, (Culver-Stockton
Abilene Christian colle ge Bible lee- • quarterly, 1930)
tures, 1939, pp. 251-264; 1940, pp .
306-312) ccWOLFE, JOHN
b. Ripened field•. (In Abilene
d. Christian college Bible lec ·tures, 1937, Let my pe ople go.
pp. 24-32) 132p,
James Small. (In Brokaw, G. L., Printed by A, M. E, book concern,
ed, Dootrine and life by Iowa writers, Philadel phia, Pa,
. 1898, p. 461) WOLFE, JOSEPHW , 1810-1886,
b. Frederick county, Va. , 19 Ap
ocWITTY, CLAUDFRANCIS, 1877- d. b,
b. Pleasant Hill, Ill,, 1 Mr 1877,
about see
A going religion, (In Inter-
Babylon is falling, an inquiry into Evans, l&,dison. Biographical national convention, 1941, pp. 112-
the question: What part has God and sketches of the pioneer preachers of 116)
Christ in the affairs of men, nations, Indiana,
and religions? .Detroit, Author,
1940, \TOOD,WIRYE , 1854-1937,
158p, front, (port.) WOLFE, LESLIE, 1876-1945. b, , 30 My 1854,
b. Hardin count y , o., 2 My 1876. d , Oelwin, Ia,, 26 N 1937,
Denominationalism personified, d. Philippine Islands, 26 ~ 1945.
Detroit, Mich,, Author, n,d. 'H. M~ Hollett. (In . Brokaw, G,
c4::1p. Pearl of the orient, , . Cincin- L,, ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa
nati, Christian restoration aasocia- writers, 1898, p, Bl)
Denominationalism's greatest mis- tion, n.d.
take, or where does an alien penitent 15p.
sinner make a connection with God and WOOD,MERRITTB
reoeive the forgiveness of sins? b,
' Detroit, Author, n,d. WOLFF, FREDWALTON,
folder, b.
Pro gress and needs of Porto Rico,
100 years of service by the church Indianapolis, C, W, B, M.
of Christ at Vartingsburg, Pike county, How shall a Christian regard the
Illinois, 1844-1944. -r7 A sermon preached at the Central
cl6,p, Christian church, Lebanon, Indiana, WOOD,ROSS
Sunday, January 7, 1945, .Lebanon, b,
What Jeaua means to me. Detroit; Ind., Printed by the official board of
West aide Central church of Chriat, n.d. the church, cl945a
folder. .s.p. tolder, The present in the light of . pro-
Reprint from Christian leader, phecy; a study of some outstanding
The triumph of lovei a pageant of modern world event• and conditions
joint ~ see the death and resurrection nf our Lord. in the light of old and new testament
Indianapolis, Meig• pub, co , , •1923. prophecy, Cincinnati, Author, •1933
Murch, J. D, A plea for unity 20p. i.Uua, (music) diagr. 20Bp.
among the churches of Christ.

d. Representative authors of West
Christian belief in God. A German Virginia, with a f~reword by Tucker
eri tic ism of Gernan '"8.t,:,-iit.liatic ctraota::11 Brooke, Ravenswood, W, Va., The
philosophy, tr, from the third .German worthwhile bk. co,, 1926,
ed. by Daniel Sommer Robinson. New 322p. front,, ports,, plates,
Haven, Yale university press : 1918, WOOD,EDWARD
V Contento include, The sage of
176p. (James We.aley Cooper b, Bethany--Alexander Ce.Mpbell, pp.
memorial publication fund) 81-102; and A disci ple of Elia- ~
ff, K, Pendleton, pp, 235-247,
A brief history of premillenialim,,,
ELI ZABE'rH(WOOD)18~5- n,p,, n,d,
b. 27p, \YOOD,VIRGINIA MAE, 1897-

Guiding junior children in learning, WOOD, JOHN HENRY,1866-1939,

cindianapolia and St. Louis, U, -C, M. b, Covington, Ga., 23 S 1865.
d. Rome, Ga,, 19 Mr 1939,

w Wood - Wright

New Year, a New year'• candle light- WOOLERY,FRANCES,1902- about see

in g servi ce. Indiana polis, Meigs pub. b. Fort Worth, Tex., 6 u~ 1902.
co., 1942. Purviance, Levi. The life of
27p. David Purviance.
Singers of an"" song... St.
Louis, Christian board, •1944 •
b. b. Ozark, Ark., 13 S 1892.


Causes of di gression. Dallas, b. Pendleton county, Ky., Ap The spirit filled life. (In
Tex., Gospel broadcast, n.d. 1858. Thornton, E. w., ed. Bethany college
16p. d. Morgantown, Va., 28 Je 1900. sermons, 1930, pp. 57-70)

Is it wrong to debate ? Life and addresses of W. H. Woolery,

third president of Bethany college. \'/RATHER, EVA JEAN
The menace' of the movies. Cincinnati, Standard, 1893. b.
cxii, 426p. front. (port.)
Sermons on sin. Vernon, Tex.,
Author, .1942, Alexander Campbell. (In Lotz, P.
29p. WOOLERY,WILLIAMHENRY, 1850-1889. H., ed. Founders of Christian movo-
b. , Ky., 26 0 1850 • . ments, 1941, pp. 103-122)
Where are the dead? Vernon, Tex., d. Bethany, W. Va., 30 Jl 1389.
Author, cl942,
30p. about see WRIGHT,MRS. FRANK,
Why churches of Christ do not use Woolery, L. C. Life and addresses
instrumental music in Christian wor- of W. H. Woolery.
shi p . Vernon, Tex., Author. Augustus H.F. Payne written for
20p. the centennial program of the Liberty
WOOLERY,WILLIAMKIRK, 1388-1946. Christian ohurch by a great grandaugh-
Christianity in a changing world. b. Bethany, W. Va., 20 Jl 188B. ter, 1937.
(In Abilene Christian college Bible d. Bethany, W. Va., 20 My 1946. Sp.
lectures, 1939, pp. 42-71)
Bethany years, the story of old
Bethany from her founding years WRIGHT,GUYJOHN, 1B96-
WOODS,HELEN through a century of trial and triumph, b. near Scottville, l!ich., 2 Je
b. Huntington, w. Va., Standard ptg. co., 1896.
290p. front. (port.) plates, ports.,
with PARKS, CLA!lADELL. map . The bearing of secular knowledge
on religious thinking in anoient
Then and now, a sketch
contrasting The relation of Thomas Jefferson to Israel. Chicago, University of
Chicago, · 1939?
the "old fashioned girl" and the "mod- American foreign relations, 17B3-1793 ,
ern girl", presented at the 1921 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins press, 1927.
mothers and daughters' banquet, Union ix, 12Bp. (Johns Hopkins univer-
avenue Christian churoh, St. Louis, Mo. sity studies in historioal and politi- WRIGHT,HAROLD BELL, 1B72-1944.
4p. cal soience) b. Rome, N. Y., 4 My 1872.
d. La Jolla, Calif., 25 My 1944.
14imeographed. Thesis: Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
university, 1926.
The calling of Dan Matthews, w 1th
F H illus. by Arthur I. Keller. Chicago,
HERBERT, Book supply oo., 1909.
c36l,p. front., plates.
Seeing truthi a book of objeot
on the kingdom question.
Studies lessons with magical and mechanical N"" York, Appleton
Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, n.d. effects. St. Louis, Christian board.
2lp. inc. front cover. --. N"" York, A. L. Burt & 00.,
cl9ll, •1909.
WORD,ARCHIE c364,p. front., plates.
R G b.
b. Exit. N"" York, Appleton, 1930.
Eight reasons why I believe the
Discussion of the Lord's day vs. the Bible is the inspired word of God, N"" York, A. L. Burt i 00.,
Sabbath. n.p., n.d. C 1932,
7p. Ten rules for the Christian.
Eyes of the world, a novel, with
illus. by F. G. Cootea. Chicago,
b. CHRIST, Chicago, 1893. 464p. front., plates.

Christian unity. (In Rowe, F. L.,

CONVENTION. --. New York, Appleton.

ed. Our Savior's prayer for unity, New York, A. L. Burt & 00.,
1919, pp. 223-229) WORLEY,NATHAN,1773-1S47. 1916.
b, Botetourt county, Va., 7 Ja 1773. 464p. front., plates.
d. 29 Ap 1847.
God and the groceryman:
Appleton, 1927,

Wrii:;ht - Wrii:;ht w

--. London, Hodder, cl930, ----. New York, Appleton. WRIGHT

, J I

New York, A. L. Burt & co., --. New York, A. L. Burt & co.
.1929, 3llp. front., plates.
A r omance of love. London,
--. Garden City, Blue ribbon To my sons. New York, Harper, _ Stockwell.
books, cl942, •1927. 1934. 3lp.
359p. (Triangle books) 26lp.

Helen of the old house. New York, Uncrowned king, illus, by J. R. Neill V/RIGHT,JACOB, 1809-
Appleton, 1921. Chicago, Book supply co., •1910. b. near Chareaton, Ind., 9 0 1809.
372p_. ll8 p . front., illus. d,

New York, A. L. Burt & co., --. New York, Appleton.
Discourse. (In Stone, B. W.
rks, vol. l, pp. 374-391)
372p. When a man's a man; a novel. illus.
and decorations by the author. Chi- debate with TERRELL,WILLIAMSON
Ma Cinderella. N.,.,, York, Harper, ca go , Book supply co., •1916. (Methodist)
1932. 348p. fr ?nt., illus.
29lp. front. A correspondence between Jacob

New York, A. L. Burt & co.,

--. New York, Appleton. Wright and Mr. w. Terrell, a Methodist
preacher; together ·with the causes
1934. New York, A. L, Burt & co. , which led to said correspondence.
29lp. 1919. Greensburg, Ind., Printed "Christian
348p, front., illus. record" office, Bloomington, Ind,,
The ..,_n who went away. New York, 1847.
Harper, •1942. The winning of Barbara Worth with 66p.
309p. illus. by F. Graham Cootes. Chicago,
Book sup ply co., •1 911. about see
1line with the iron door; a romance. 5llp. front,, plates.
New York, Appleton, 1923. Evans, Madison. Biographical
cX3 c3393p. front. --. New York, Appleton. sketches of the p ioneer preachers

--. New York, A. L. Burt

•1923, C 1925,
& co., --.
New York, A. L. Burt & oo.,
c339,p. front., plates. WRIGHT,JAMESLEROY, 1888-1928.
with WRIGHT, G. M. b. Lapeer, Mich., 11 Ja 1888.
Re-creation of Brian Kent; a novel d. Centerville, Ia., 4 Ag 1928 •
• with illus. by J. Allen St. John, Devil's highway, by H.B. Wri ght and
Chicago, Book supply oo., 1919. John Lebar cpseud., New York, Apple- Constructive criticism New Testament.
352p. front., plates. ton, •1932.
335p. Constructive criticism Old Testament.
--. New York, Appleton
New York, A. L. Burt & co., Systematic persona l work; a system-
New York, A.~. Burt & co., •1932. atic presentation of New Testament
C 1921, c336,p. Christianity,.. Cincinnati, Stan-
~52p. dard, 1922.
oomp. l 77p.
The shepherd of the hills, a novel,
with illus . by John H. Weddell. Long ago told (huh-kew ah-kah) debate with SOW!ER, D. A.
Chicago, Book supply oo., 1907. legends of the Papago indians, illus.
•-352,p. front., plates. by Mrs. Katherine F. Kitt. New York, Wright-Sommer debate, between J •
D. Appleton,- 1929. Roy Wright, of Unionville, Missouri
New York, Appleton. xviii, .290,p, front., illus. and D. Austen Sonnner, of Indianapolis,
Indiana; questions discussed - Instru-
--, with illus. by F. G. Cootea. about mental music and the societies; held
Bew York, A. L. Burt & oo., •1907. at Livezey hall, Unionville, Missouri,
c348,p. front., plate,. .Book supply oo., Chicago, With March 7-10, 1916, 2d ed. Unionville,
compliments of the publishers to the Mo., J. L. Wright, 1916,
Son of his father. New York, readers of The shepherd of the hills; 142p.
Appleton, 1926. .biographical by R. P. s.. Chicago,
355p. Book supply co., 1907.
Sp. folder, · port. WRIGHT, JOHN, 1786-1851. ,
--. New York, A. L. Burt & co.,
about see
b. Rowan county, N.
c., 12 D 1786.
2 .My 1861.
That printer of Udell'•, a story of
the Middle west, illus. by John Clither - Reynolds, E. W. Harold Bell Wright about
oe Gilbert. Chicago, Book supply co., Williams, B. c. Harold Bell Wright
•1902, •1903. Spurlock, Mrs, Pearl. Over the Evans, Madison. Biographical
c468,p. front., plates. old Ozark trail•. sketches of the pioneer preachers of
Bew York, Appleton.
New York, A. L. Burt & co. b. WRIGHT,JOHN, 1790-1876.
b. , Tenn., 3 Ja 1790.
Their ye1terd&y1, with illu1. by F. d. , 22 Je 1876 0
Graham Cootes. Chioago, Book 1upply William B. Clenrner. (In Brokaw, G.
oo., •1912. L., ed. Doctrine and life by Iowa about see
c3llop. front,, plate,. writers, 1898, pp. 445-446)
MoCown, Mrs. L. w. Elder John
Wright ;

w Wright - lfyle


b, Ia,, 24 My 1862, b. Ilubbard, o., 1865. b,
d, Des Moines, Ia., 30 Ag 1942. d, f!ouston , Tex,, 31 Ja 1938.

Beacon lights of the reformation. Baptism in plain Engli sh , St. Social and world horitons. (In
Louis, U. C, )!.. s,; 1925 . International convention, 1939, pp.
Eighteen sermons on great themes, 12p . 373-379)
a strong concise presentation of the
great fundament&l trut hs of the gos- St, Louis, U, C. II., S,
pel and of Christian livin g , Des cl927, WYLIE, ED'lfIN, 1877-
Moines, Christian union press, 1909, 12p. b , London, England, 24 Ag 1877.
274p, front. (port.)
--, tr. int o the Spanish by Marior
Is the church of Christ a den omina- Browning, 1924. The Christian church, Disci ples of
tion? Christ, Decatur, Ala., First Chris-
Baptism in plain English, a Bible tian church, n.d.
Uncle Sam; or, blood will tell. readin g. Cincinnati, A, C. M. S., Sp,
Regeneration. (In Brokaw, G. l4p. folder. A house of prayer. Decatur, Ala.,
ed, Doctrine and life, 1898, op. l . First Christian church, cl942,
211) The Christian church, Disci p les of Card.
Christ, Cincinnati, A. C, II., s., n,d,
about see 12p. inc. coverb. Hymns for war time, a prayer for
the times. c 1942,
Dungan, D, R, Lawrence Wright. Christians or Disci ples of Christ. broadside.
Cin c innati, A, C. II., S,, n,d.
Sp. inc, covers. Poems of purpose and selected
c?/RIGHT, 0 0 prose,
b, Cincinnati, A, C, V., s., n,d, 24p. port,
d, 4p.
A Pennsylvanian in .Europe.
with HOi/ELL, SELAH. The doctrine and progress of the cPlymouth, Pa,, Author, 1935,
Christian church, Cincinnati, A, C, c28,n, illus.
A memorial of the Rev. Austin Craig, M. S,, n,d,
D. D, 1885.
Miss io ns the heart of church life, WYLE, EWARTHERBERT,1904-
pamph let. b, London, England, 12 S 1904.
b. Philadelphia, Penn,, 17 Ja 1824. Should the church recognize Christiac
d. science? Cincinnati, Standard, A handbook for the laymen of the
(Vest pocket series of tracts; church, cFort Worth, Tex,, Laymen's
_Pr i ncipia; or basis of social science . league of Texas Christian churches,n.d.
--. Cincinnati, A. C. ll, S,, c19,p.
Harmony of St. Jwnes and Saint Paul. •1 899. llimeographed.
(In Coan, A. 'If., ed. Gospel sermons, 16p, inc, covers.
1881, pp. 387-389) Church-new and church-youth. (In
The unity of all Christians, a ser- Dawson, F. F,, ed, The Christian man
mon, Cincinnati, A. C. V.. S., n.d. at work, 1939, v. l, pp. 25-31)
WRIGHT, ROSE l6p, inc. covers,
b. The compulsion of advance, (In
International convention, 1938, pp.
·V.'YATT,J J 440-446)
Fun and festival from India. New b,
York, Friendshi p press, 1938. d. Do you care to live? (In Beach,
4Bp. E. C. and others, Great Christian
about see convictions, pp, 46-49)
Fun and festival from the other
Americas, New York, Friendship press, Rogers, w. C. Recollections of When they come home. (In Nance,
1942. men of faith, E, C,, ed, Faith of our fighters,
48p, illus, 1944, pp. 290-299)

Yancey - Young y

YANCEY,GEORGE WORTH,1847-1896. YEUELL,CLARIS, 1867-1930. The world war.

b. Hew Liberty, Ky., 3 Mr 1847, b. Cheltenham, England, 1867.
d, Williamst01Jn, Ky., 7 S 1896. d, Ft, Payne, Ala., 22 Je 1930. Christianity every day, (In
Dawson, F. F., ed, The Chriatian man
about see The evolution of a Disciple. (In at work, 1939, v. 1, pp. 117-120)
Lord, J. A,, ed, From darkness to
Cason, W, S, and others. A so~ light, 1907, pp. 91-97) ed.
venir history of the Christian church
of Cynthiana, Ky. Worth, Patience .imputed author,.
Yancey, Mrs, S, K, George ~orth YOCUM,CYRUSM , 1883- Hope Trueblood; communicated through
Yancey, b, Steubenville, O,, 10 Mr 1883. l~s. John H. Curran, ed, by C. s.
Yost. New York, Holt, 1918.
YANCEY,MRS. S K The Disciples of Christ Congo mis-
b, sion in Africa, .Indianapolis, U, c. Worth, Patience .imputed author,,
ll. s ••• n.d, Pot upon the wheel; dictated through
Mrs, John H, Curran; ed, by C, S,
George Worth Yancey. (In Brown, Transforming lives in many lands. Yost, St, Louis, Dorset press, 1921.
/. T., ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, Indianapolis, U. C, M, S,, _1928, 14lp.
pp. 437-438) .8,p.
Worth, Patience .imputed author,
Our missionary work in Af'rica. Sorry tale; a story of the time of
JOSEPHW (In International convention, 1938, Christ; communicated through Mrs. John
b. pp. 214-225) H. Cur-ran; ed. with a brief intro. by
c. S, Y~st. New York, Holt, 1917.
Our world opportunities, (In 644p.
Our educational program. (In DeGroot, A. T., ed. The Memphis youth
Abilene Christian college Bible leo- convention, 1926, pp. 96-96)
tures, 1919, pp. 65-74) . YOUNT,ANNIE lie KNIGHT
., .
introduction aee - b.

YARD,c· w Sly, V, A. Report on the Congo

b, miaaion. Eurydice and other poems. Cin-
cinnati, F. L. Rowe.
The Lord'• supper; a atudy. n.p., YOST, CASPERSALATHIEL,1864-1941. The quest of a pearl, .with pub-
n,d. b, Sedalia, Ii>,, l Jl 1864. lisher's foreword by F. L. Rowe,
3p. d, st. Louis, lfo,, 30 My 1941. Cincinnati, F. L. Rowe, 1925.
305p. .
The American way, a aeries of eight
YARRELL,MRS. THOJ.!AS,SR., -1926, editorials published by the St. Louis
b. Globe-Democrat, June 27-July 4, 1938. YOUNG,CHARLES
d, Temple, Tex., 16 F 1925. • 11.p. b•
d, Berkeley, Calif., 6 S 1927.
Poems. Belton, Tex., Author, 1913. The carpenter of Nazareth, a study
86p. of Jesus in the light of his environ- The origin of the Bible chair idea.
ment· and background, St. Louis, Indianapolia, C, W, B. M., 1897?
Bethany pres,, •1938. leaflet.
YBLDERlfAll,ROBERTR , 1892- 356p.
b. Washington county, Tex., 30 Ag lfal ter Scott. (.In Brown, J. T .,
1892. llaking a successful huaband. New ed. Churches of Christ, 1904, pp.
York, Dillingham, 1907, 408-410)

.How to budge the budget.

nati, Standard, •1932.
. Cincin- lli.king a ~successful
York, Dillingham, 1907,
wife, New ~-
20p. inc. cover. Hiatorical documents advocating
Reprinted from the Christian Stan- The motive power of life, commence- Christian union, epoch-making state-
dard. ment addreas, University of Miasouri, ments by leaders among the Diaciplea of
June 6, 1934, Columbia, University Chriat for the restoration of the
How to fire your preacher. Cin- of Misaouri, 1934. · Christianity of the New Testament--
cinnati, Standard, •1931. 13p. front. (port,) (University it, doctrinea, ita ordinances, and its
16p. of Missouri bulletin, vol. 35, no. 19, fruits .with, historical introductions
Reprinted from the Christian Stan- general aerie• 1934, no, 16) by Charles Alexander You,;,;, Chicago,
dard. The Christian century co., 1904.
Patience Worth, a paychic myatery. 365p. front, (port.)
New York, Holt, 1916. Contentss
YERSIN, CHARLES ALFF,, 1848-1936, iv, 290p. The last will and teatament of the
b, Switzerland, l Je 1848. Springfield presbytery; The declar-
d, Burlington, Colo., S· 1935. --, with an introduction by Herman ation and addreu by Thomas Camp-
·Behr. New York, Patience lforth pub. bell; The aermon on the law by
The Jesua story, a poetical exegesis co., 1925, •1916, •1926. Alexander Campbell; Our poaition by
of the New Testament. BIJl"lington, .ix, 29lp. front. Iaaac Errett; and The world'• .need
Cole., Author, •1930. of our plea by J. H, Garriaon.
8p. Principle• of journalism, New Printed by R. R, Donnelley and aona
York, Appleton, 1924, co., at the Lakeaide presa, Chicago,
The lively oracle,, intereating 170p. Ill.
Bible fact, and statistic,. Burling-
ton, Colo,, Author, n.d. The queat of God, a journali1t•1
l9p. view of the bases .of religious faith,
Hew York, Revell, •1929.

y Young - Youtz

YOUNG,DUKE, 1793- YOUNG,JOHN Teachers serving children through

b. · , N. C., 16 N 1793. b. parent oo-operation and training.
d. d. Indianapolis and St. Louis, Dept. of
religioua education, U. C. ». s. and
about see A discourse on the pri.Mitive consti-" Christian board, •1930.
tution of Christian churches. Tren- l5p. (Looal church service
Rogers, w. C. Recollections of ton, N. J. association)
men of faith.
The pulpit and platform, being dis-
courses. arguments and orations. YOONG,RUT!{(CLIFFORD) (Mrs. Walter
ccYCUNG, F L Lexington, A. w. Elder, printer, 1864. David Young)
b. 233p. b.

with GRUNDY,B. C.
Exalting the church; Some present;. The pioneer, or "my sorapbook for
day problems and perils. (In Abilene A discussion on mode and subject of 1937". Boston, Bruce Humphries,
Christian oollege Bible lectures, 1928- Christian baptism, a series of letters • · inc., •1939.
. 1929, pp. 101-110; 1919, pp. 129-134) Maysville, Ky., John Young, 1851. 418p. plates.

YOUNG,JACOB, 1776- (llethodist) see ocYOUNG,NORA

Autobiography _of a pioneer; or, Leonard, S, 'Ir. National temper-
the nativity, experience, travels, and ance songster.
ministerial labors of Rev. Jacob Young joint~ · see
with incidents, observations, and re-
flections. Cincinnati, Published by YOUNG,RUTHANN, Dorris, C. E. 'If. Interesting
L. Swormstadt & A. Poe for the Metho- b. correspondence.
dist episcopal church, 1857.
528p. front. (port.)
Contents include: Observations about Pictures, poems and music in the YOUTZ, B!RON ELWOOD,1860-
Campbellites and A. Campbell, p. Junior deparU11ent. Indianapolis and b. Polk county, _Ia., 13 Ja 1860.
411 ff. St. Louis, Department of religious edu-
cation, U. c. M. s. and Christian board,
(Local church service The holy spirit, an attempt to set
association) forth concisely and clearly the Bible
teachings concerning the Holy Spirit,
Canton, Mo., Weidner ptg, co., 1913,

Zachary - Zumwalt z

ZACHARY,JAMESWILLIAM, 1866- Ch ristian church manual. Topek a, The King of kings. Cinc innati, .
b, Liberty, Ky. , 7 N 1866. Kans ., cKansas Christian missionary Stan dard, 1911.
d. Lawton, Okla ., society, 1939? xx, 272p .
Christian and Baptist questions. Lec tures prepared fo r the Betha ny
Christian life an d doctr i ne. a ss embly ••• to be delivered from
Christian endeavor questions. Topeka, Kans., Author, cl 936~ August 7 t o 12, 1892 , cHiram, 0,?,
32p. Author?, 1893?,
Infidels Moore and Ingersoll ur.- 50p .
masked. .Nashville, Gospel advocate, The way of life ••• Topeka, Kans., Cover title: Syll abi of lectures.
1898. Author, n.d.
lO;sp. c4,p. Outlines of Bible lectures deli-
vered to the students of Hi ram co llege,
--, 2d ed. Lexington, Richard - second course. Garrettsville, Warrer
son & co., printers, 1903. ZIMMERMAN,
LESLIE, Peirce , printer, 1893.
104p. b. 60p.

Old Kentucky whiskey. Lexington, Sin against the Holy spirit,

Quarterly Christian. Golden annivers ary of 1st Christian Cincinnati, St andard.
60p. church. Dayton, Washington.
The word of truth, volume 1.
Ori gin of Bapt ists and Christians. The Pentateuch. Cincinnati, Stan-
ZOLLARS, ELY VAUGHAN,1847-1916. dard, •1910.
Popular fashions. n.p., n.d. b, Lower Salem, o., 19 S 1847, x, 338p.
24p. d, , 10 F 1916.
A creed that needs no revision .
Why I am not a Campbellite. The Abrahamic prophecies fulfilled; (In International convention. Addre ss-
a series of preliminary lessons intend- · es deltvered at the world's congress
The witness of the spirits, •• ed as a preparation for general Bible an d g~neral missionary conventions of
Nashville, Gospel advocate ptg. co., study . Cincinnati, Standard, 1913. the church of Christ, 1893, pp. 133-
1893. xiii, 185p . lM) . .
2 v.

--, c2d ed., Nashvi lle, Gospel

mon~. Designed
and convocation
for . ministe rs ' of the
ser- ~-
advocate, 1893. go spel, graduates , under-grad ·uates, Bible geography, a series of les-
c6, 7-257, 4p. front. (port.) and Bible students general ly. Cincin- sons on the old and new Testament
nati, Standard, 1912, •1913. worlds, The primary volume in a ,
--, 11th thousand (revised ed.) x, 32lp. graded seri e s of normal Bible studiea,
c3d. ed., Lexington,
ptg. co., 1901, •1893.
Ky., Blue grass Cinci nnati, Standard, •1895.
v i ii, ,3, 115p . maps.
College endowment among the Disci-
xvii, ll-263p. port, ples, its supreme importance. 1900.
15p. introduction see
Sll.ITH, W. H.
The commission executed; or, a Moff ett, Robert .. Seeking the
Zachary-Smith debate. study of the New Testament conversions · old paths.
and othe r evan gelistic topics. De-
introduction see signed for the classroom, the study about
and advanced Bible classes. Cincin-
Braden, Clark. Ingersoll unmasked. nati, Standard, 1912. Ely Vaughan Zollars. (In brown ,
xi, 307p. J, T., ed. Churches o f Christ, 1904,
pp. 494-496)
ZARING, C W A creed that needs no revision.
b. Cincinnati, s1andard, •1900. Starr, H. E. Ely Vaughan ·zol-
32p. (Vest -poc ket series of lars. , (In Dictionar y of American
Christia" tract s ) biography, vol. 20, 1936, p. 659)
Churches of Christ in Florida.
(In Brown, J, T., ed. Churches of The great salvat i on. Cincinnati,
Christ, 1904 , pp . 212-213) Standard, •1895. ZUWiALT, IMRI, -1921.
viii, 272p . b.
d. Bonner Springs, Kans., 9 My
ccZERR, E M l!ebrew pr ophecy . c'Naco, Tex.?, 1$21.
b. Author?, 190-?,
. 2llp. Among the Argonne hills.

New Testament questions, Univer- --. Cinc i nnati, Standard, •1907, The call of the open fields and
sity city, Mo., Missouri mission messen- c6,, 213 p , other poems. Bonner Springs, Kans,,
ger, 1945? Author, 1916.
434p. The Holy book und the sacred day, a 24p.
series of lectur es on old and new Testa-
me~t analysis, the Jewish Sabbath and
JOHN D , 1884-- the Lord's day. Cincillilliti, Stan-
b, Topeka, Kans., 30 S 1884. dard, n.d.

GORDON,ADA (MCNEIL) (Mrs. W. E. Gordon)

d. Bangalore, South, India, 1 My

The Hindu woman in daily life.

Indianapolis, c. w. B. M.
Radha, a tale of Indian life.
Indiana polis, c. W. B. M.

Sunderi, or the doctor's fee,

Indianapolis, C. W. B. M.


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