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Prelims 2016–17
Paper 2 (Practical)
Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 30

This Question Paper has two printed pages.

Question No 1 [5]

(a) Examine the given specimen D41 carefully. Describe its floral characters in semi-
technical terms.

(b) Cut a longitudinal section of D41 with a sharp razor blade.

Draw a neat labelled diagram of the cut surface.

(c) Cut the ovary transversely and observe it.

(i) Draw a labelled sketch of the section.

(ii) Name the type of placentation.

(iii) Mention one special feature of the placenta.

(d) Draw the floral diagram of D41.

(e) Name the family to which D41 belongs and give one reason to support your answer.

Question No 2 [2]

Set up an experiment, using one twig of the given specimen D42 and tap water, to
demonstrate the evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis.

(a) Draw a labelled diagram of the experimental set-up.

(b) When gas bubbles start emerging from the cut-end of the twig, count the number of
bubbles evolved in one minute. Repeat your observation for two more readings.
Tabulate the three readings. Calculate the average number of bubbles evolved in
one minute.

(c) Name the plant D42.

(d) State any one precaution you have taken while setting up the experiment.

Question No 3 [5]

Identify the given specimens A to D. Give two reasons to support your answer in each
case. Draw a neat labelled diagram of each specimen.

Question No 4 [3]

Measure and pour 20 ml of solutions S1, S2 and S3, into three separate petridishes
labelled A, B and C respectively. Cover the three petridishes.

You are provided with a potato. Peel the potato. With the help of a knife, cut three
rectangular pieces, each measuring 4 cm × 0·5 cm × 0·5 cm in length, width and
thickness respectively.

Immerse one piece in solution S1 in A. Similarly immerse the second piece in solution S2
in B and the third piece in solution S3 in C.

Leave them for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes remove the potato piece from dish A. Dry it on a filter paper and
measure it.

Record the length of each piece in a tabulated form:

(a) Observation:

Initial length of the potato piece After 30 minutes Inference

In A — 4 cm __________ __________

In B — 4 cm __________ __________

In C — 4 cm __________ __________

(b) Name and define the process that led to the changes in the potato pieces in
A and C.

(c) What do you think would happen if a red blood corpuscle is placed in A?

(d) Draw a well labelled diagram of the cells of the potato pieces in A and C.

Laboratory Notebook [5]

Project File [10]

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